#gonna go brag to all my friends about my new keychain
chocoloverforlife · 1 year
Got the world's cutest shaker charm from @uwibbit today for all my Moshang feels.
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devilsskettle · 2 years
today was so good honestly. 1) orientation for my bitchin new job that i’m getting paid for, 2) hair and eyeliner looked great all day, 3) getting my mom to drink with me and making her listen to lady gaga and my lit theory rant and collaging with her, 4) basically finished 3 collages i just have to glue everything down and put the finishing touches on but i think they’ll be really good!! 5) writing class tomorrow and collage group (with my mom) the next day, 6) the promise of going to target which means i’m getting some swim trunks and perhaps some free shit with my five finger discount, 7) the promise of seeing my sister and going to the beach soon, 8) i remembered to take my meds, 9) i don’t have covid anymore, 10) i’ll probably actually get to go to therapy for the first time in a month on monday which tbh isn’t that helpful but i have a captive audience at least and i love to complain. things feel not bad!! and 11) it rained last night and it was so nice today it wasn’t hot at all but it was so sunny. and 12) my friend finally found the records that i left at his house on accident. and 13) i’m fucking beautiful. like i feel like i suddenly became beautiful this summer. my face looks good. my body looks good. my hair looks good. my clothes look good. i look good. it’s crazy do hot bitches just feel like this all the time 14) driving lessons! with any luck i’ll have my license by the end of september. 15) i’ve decided to get myself a tamagotchi as a treat for myself when i get my license (and have more money) so i can put it on my keychain. 16) i tracked down the cake that we got for our 10th birthday party and my mom said we could get it sometime soon just because! because it’s beautiful and it’s cake and i remember it being so good and we finally found it and it’s the end of the summer. 17) i am getting back into writing and i have some nice clear ideas to pursue i just have to fucking sit down and write. 18) i’m also helping my dad with this book by transcribing these interviews he’s conducting and i need to get on that but it will be so fun to hear all the stories and it’s so cool to get to be a part of this project so i’m gonna start working on that tomorrow afternoon when i have real time and energy. anyway! not to brag but i’m basically on top of my shit except for some other things that I won’t mention because i want to get to brag about things being good for once instead of just being apathetic and depressed and bored. also 19) my grandpa is letting me borrow his car which is so fucking rad. i’m going to have so much freedom so soon. omg i will be able to give my friends rides. i’ll be able to go on road trips. i’ll be able to go to the grocery store and liquor store and any other store without having to go on a major hike. i’m gonna have a motherfucking cd collection maybe i’ll get those like dice or whatever to hang from the rear view mirror i’m so excited. 20) gonna refresh my latin so i can tutor if anyone wants a fucking latin tutor i guess and i’m so ready to reconnect with her (latin. the love of my life that’s why it’s the original romance language). 21) i am determined to go to the knotts berry farm boysenberry festival. it will happen. and if anywhere in the realm of possibility, i’m trying to get myself to halloween horror nights. i’m optimistic i’m really trying to make it happen. one or both will happen this year. it will happen 22) i’m gonna say listening to lady gaga again. love her
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bigcat-hanson · 4 years
Long Way From Home [Part One] | Arin Hanson X Reader
You and your best (and only) high school friend, Arin, spend a day together at the new mall in your hometown. Your parents give you earth shattering news that turns your world upside down
Word count: 1670
     The tires of your bike propelled you forward, the occasional rock crunching below its weight. Your legs pedaled as fast as they could, fueled by your determination to beat him to your destination. There was no way he could catch up to you in time.
     “Slow down! You’re already winning!”
     “No chance, Hanson!”
     Two sets of tires skidded to a stop in front of the mall in your hometown of Wellington, Florida. It hadn’t even been a year since the mall was built, and it was already riddled with tourist trap crap. There were machines at every turn for little trinkets and souvenirs. Pressed pennies, cheesy keychains, and dad hats. You thought it was a bit cringy, but for whatever reason, Arin loved it.
     “Alright, (Y/N), lunch or Pokemon card hunt first?” Arin looked at you as he asked the question, waiting for your answer before entering the building. You adjusted the strap of your backpack to prevent it from further slipping off of your shoulder.
     “Cards. That way you can open them and brag about it while we eat. You did remember to bring your sleeves, right?”
     “In my pocket. I didn’t bring that many, though. I probably won’t get any rares.”
     “Fingers crossed. Alright, let’s go.”
     The mall was busy, as it was practically every weekend since it opened. The two of you swerved through crowds, around slow walkers and even managed to dodge the few seemingly unattended children that ran a million miles an hour in your direction. As you approached the game store, you crossed your fingers, hoping you could find what you were looking for. 
     Arin bolted directly inside and to the card display before you even had a chance to set foot inside. It wasn’t hard to find him when you finally did. The large sign advertising the new Pokemon: Neo Destiny release was practically a beacon for finding your friend. He already had at least seven packs in his hands by the time you found him.
     “Dear christ, Arin. You know you can’t buy out the whole store, right?” you laughed, gesturing to the packs of cards in his hands. 
     “It’s only ten packs!” he said defensively, grabbing one last pack. You shook your head, unable to help the smile that crept onto your face. 
     With pockets full of new Pokemon cards, Arin followed you to the food court. Both of you had agreed that it would be best if you took your food to one of the tables outside, and after receiving your orders, did just that. As Arin placed the food onto the table, you removed a small box from your backpack and slid it across the table to him, the Pokeball design slightly scratched from it. 
     “Ok, fingers crossed. Crack ‘em open, Hanson,” you prompted, taking the hot fries out of their container and cautiously biting into them. The look of excitement on his face was one that you wouldn’t trade for the world. 
     The first half was nothing to brag about. Almost every card was a common, with some neat looking holofoils mixed in. The next four packs after that revealed a number of low-level rares, all of which ended up getting sleeved just in case. Then there was the last pack. 
     “Holy shit! Oh my god, are you fucking kidding me?! Yo!!” Arin practically screamed, a look of amazement plastered on his face as he stared at the card in his hand. His free hand ran through his hair as he let out an excited laugh.
     “Wanna share with the class there, bud?” Your voice held a tinge of amusement. Seeing him that excited never ceased to be one of your favorite things in the world. 
     “I got a foil Dark fucking Espeon! Holy fucking Christ!” He scrambled wildly to find a sleeve to put the card in, his frantic movements turning into careful, precise ones as he slipped the card into one. 
     “Good pull, Hanson! God damn, nice work.”
     “That’s fucking awesome. Oh my god, I can’t believe I pulled that. That’s amazing.” You did have to admit, the shine of the foil did make it look super cool.
     “Alright, mission accomplished, fantastic pull made. You gonna eat or what?” you asked, placing the now full box of Pokemon cards back in the backpack. You gathered up the empty card packs and threw them away as Arin finally started eating his lunch. 
     You were finally about to head out after he had finished eating, but before you could even see your bikes, Arin grabbed your arm to prevent you from walking any further.
     “Look! They have one of those machines where you can make your own dog tags!” You looked in the direction that he was now pointing and, sure enough, he was right. You sighed, knowing exactly where this was going.
     “Arin, no. It’s cheesy tourist crap. I’m not doing that.” You tried to take a step forward, but he just pulled you back. 
     “Come on, please? Perfect ending to a perfect day. Think of how cool it would be to have dog tags with our names on them! Please, (Y/N), I promise I’ll never ask for anything like this again. Just this once, I promise,” he pleaded. You so desperately wanted to say no, that it was most likely cheap metal that would rust or break within a week, but as he always did in moments like these, he was boring a hole into your soul with those damn eyes of his, and you couldn’t resist.
     “Damn it. Fine, but just this once, and only because of the Espeon,” you relented, still trying to hold even a shred of sternness. Still keeping a hold on your arm, he bolted over to the machine and began digging around for coins in his pockets. You took the handful of quarters you always kept in a small pocket of your backpack and handed them to him.
     “Ok, uh, what should I put on it?”
     “Didn’t you just say you wanted your name on it like, three seconds ago?”
     “I mean, yea, but I want this to be perfect. I don’t know if just my name and a little picture of a palm tree would be cool enough.”
     “Here, let me do mine first,” you offered, moving in front of the machine. The quarters clinked as they disappeared inside, and the machine whirred to life. You typed out what you wanted to be on the tag, making sure to hide the display from Arin until you were finished. The machine went to work carving the letters and image into the metal, and dropping it into the dispenser once it was done.
     Arin got to it before you did, reaching into the slot and bringing it closer to himself to read it.
     He laughed as he read it, rubbing his thumb over the little carved palm tree under the lettering.
     “Well?” you asked, smiling at his apparent amusement with your inscription choice. He nodded and handed the small piece of metal to you.
     “That’s perfect. I’m doing that, too.” Taking a step back, you dramatically gestured to the machine, allowing him to make his own. Once the tag clattered out of the machine, he picked it up and inspected it before proudly turning it towards you, revealing an exact replica of the design you had used. “Now we match.”
     “Yes we do. Alright, I really need to head home. Let’s go.”
     The front door to your house closed quietly behind you. Something was up. Usually, your parents would still be at work at this point in the day, but for whatever reason, both of them were home. You walked into the kitchen to get yourself some water, when your mom called you into her bedroom.
     “Hi,” you said cautiously, not sure what to expect. The two of them both sitting on the edge of the bed, seemingly waiting for you set your nerves on edge.
     “Come sit down. We have something to tell you.” Your dad gestured to a chair sitting across from them as he spoke. You sat down, expecting the worst. 
     “What’s going on?”
     “I know this is going to be hard for you, but your mother and I agree that it would be the best thing for you.”
     “What? What are you talking about?”
     “You’re going to move to Arizona with your au-”
     “Arizona?! What? Mom, what is he talking about?”
     “Your aunt has an extra room in her house, and there’s a really good high school there for you. I promise you’ll like it there.”
     “I don’t know anyone there! It’s hard enough for me to make friends here, let alone in a completely new place!”
     “We understand that, but a good education is worth it.”
     “But Arin-”
     “Arin will be fine without you. Now, we need this to happen as soon as possible, so you’ll fly out first thing tomorrow with your essentials, and we’ll send the rest of your things as soon as…”
     Your mom’s words suddenly sounded like you were hearing them from the inside of a glass jar as you tried to process this. You knew things were bad for the three of you, but not bad enough to send you across the country. How the hell could they afford to move you away like this when they could hardly put food on the table on a consistent basis? How could they send you away from the only friend you had without giving you a chance to say goodbye?
     “You’ll tell him, right? That I say goodbye, and I’ll miss him, and that I’m sorry. You’ll tell him?” Your words were strained, every ounce of energy being spent on trying not to break down then and there. Your parents exchanged a look, but through your foggy eyes, you couldn’t tell what it was about.
     “We will. If I were you, I’d pack for tomorrow so you don’t have to worry about it when you wake up.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers II (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: Loving this thing already, seriously hoping to keep the constant of posting two chapters every week lmao
Words: 2,766
Warnings: Swearing ig
Previous Chapter // Next chapter
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Of course. Of course, it was this guy.
Eli fucking Cardashyan, or as I liked to call him, the goblin under the bridge that always copied my answers on every test since we were thirteen. Just like Josh, Angelica and Wesley, I knew Eli from a while back. He wasn’t exactly popular but everyone knew him as the school’s “wanna-be”, I thought he would be dead by now, I’m glad to see I was wrong.
But I can’t believe he’s got the mall for himself. Even worse, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. The mall was neutral territory, everyone could go and hang out with their friends, so the most logical thing is to say everyone had the same right over it. And is Eli Cardashyan the one who gets to have it all for himself? I call bullshit. This kind of situation is what leads me to believe that there is really no god.
“This is who we’ve been scared of?” Angelica complains, “A light breeze could kick his ass!”
“I thought it was gonna be Hoyles,” Wesley adds in a mix of disbelief and disappointment, “this is... Who is this again?”
“It’s Eli,” sighs Josh, he walks towards the bike and examines it, then lets out a childish laugh, “it’s fine, He’s a knock-off Baron Triumph”
And yes, obviously he was. Eli could be an idiot sometimes but he wasn’t a murderer. He went off on his (honestly weird as hell) speech until Josh cut him off.
“Who else is with you? Where is Sam Dean?” Eli scoffs.
“Do I look like her publicist?”
“Sam’s not here?” 
“I’m sorry, it’s just me and my girlf, Mavis” He answers with a smirk.
Josh and I share a look, I shrug and mouth a ‘sorry’, Josh shakes his head, telling me not to worry about it.
“You have the entire mall? You?” asks Angelica.
“Right?! How did that even happen?” I ask in frustration. Wesley mumbles a ‘chill, girl’ that I decide to ignore.
Eli went on and on, and to be honest I think I only understood like fifty percent of what he was saying, part because I wasn’t listening, and part ‘cause the boy has a wild vocabulary. Josh and I looked at each other in annoyance and I knew he was feeling as done as me with the conversation. When I was starting to think this day couldn’t get any crazier, the real Baron Triumph made his entrance.
We all hurl up at the doors and Eli pulls out a set of keys from his pocket, desperately trying to open them.
“Faster, he’s almost here!” says Josh.
“Get your own mall, this one’s mine” Eli grumbles.
“Are you twelve?” I reply, “We’re on the same side here!”
“We’re finna get eaten out here...”
“Not helping, Wesley.” 
“Got it!” Says Eli. The other boys pull him aside and practically rip the chains from the handles, “Hey!”
Josh pushes me inside hurriedly before entering himself. The others soon following after. I hear the door slamming shut and I look over my shoulder to see Eli running behind us; we’re all safe.
We reach one of the halls and Josh stops in awe, it takes me an extra second to stop completely cause I’m still wearing my skates, but when I do I’m just as amazed as him. Behind me, I hear Angelica talk.
“There’s power and air conditioning...”
“Everything is so... clean”
“Still smells like cinnabon”
“Am I still alive?” I look over at Josh, “You sure I didn’t die when you hit me this afternoon?”
“I didn’t hit you that hard,” He replies, still looking around like it was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.
“Solar panels on the roof!” Eli sings, “This is an island of paradise in an ocean of poop.”
“What a fancy allegory,” I snicker.
I’ll allow myself to remember, I don’t do it as often as I’d like...
-Flashback time-
What? You thought I wasn’t going to do this? C’mon, I’m a lonely child. All I have are my memories of the good ol’ times, so you’ll be forced to relive them with me. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. (I do, but I don’t wanna brag about it).
“We should go to my place, there’s nothing to do here...”
“Maya, for the last time,” I look at the girl standing next to me, “we told Alex we would meet here.”
“I know,” She whines, “but Hoyles is here and that guy gives me the creeps. I heard he tried to have sex with Ashley Miller while she was completely wasted”
“Sounds like Hoyles,” I nod in agreement, “but we can’t scatter everytime we run into them. We’re not little kids anymore, he can’t hurt us”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” She points to the opposite corner, Hoyles and his gang are terrorizing a freshman and the people around does nothing but move away.
“Can you belive that?” I start to walk towards them but Maya grabs my arm tightly, “What?”
“Don’t be stupid,” She rolls her eyes, “don’t even try to stop them, seriously, they won’t stop and you’ll get harassed.”
“It’s a freshman!” I insist, “Hoyles is like three times his size! You can’t expect me to do nothing”
“Listen,” my friend raises an eyebrow, “Y/N, those guys are crazy, please...”
I look back at the boys and realize they’re no longer there, I turn to her in defeat.
“I just really hate bullies, okay?”
“Let’s face it, we don’t have the ability to stop them all.”
“To stop what?” 
I quickly turn around and see the person I’ve been waiting for: Alex, my best friend since childhood. My mood switches instantly and I shrugg it off, already starting to forget.
“Just the usual dumbassery,” I reply with a chuckle.
“Hey loser,” Maya adds, “you’re late.”
“Yeah, I know” Alex nods awkwardly, “lost track of time again, sorry.”
“What was it this time?” I ask, “youtube or the comic?”
“Youtube,” He smirks, “vine is honestly a national treasure.”
“Sure,” I snort, “too bad is dead now.”
“Those who are great live the shortest lives,” He replies with his ‘wise old man’ voice.
“So,” Maya hops between us and puts her arms around our shoulders, “you want to look around?”
“I wanna go see the skates,” Alex adds, basically vibrating, “they have a new model and I wanna try them on.”
“The skates place, then,” My friend nods and pulls us with her.
A loud bang brings me back to the present and I remember why were we hiding here in the first place.
“This way, quick!” Eli tells us before he starts running. I move fast since I’m the only one with wheels on her feet. And soon most of them are behind me. Eli presses a button on the keychain he has, and the metal curtain lifts up enough for us to get in. “Go under, we’ll be safe in here...”
As soon as Josh, Angelica and I get in, the curtain comes back down.
“What the hell?” asks Josh.
“I’m not sharing my kingdom with you, sheep. No one busts into Eli’s mall. And don’t even try to escape.”
“We weren’t trying to escape, you brainless leprechaun!” This is unbelievable, I swear, I just want out of this day, “We’re running away from the monster that's on your side! You won’t make it on your own against Triumph, he’ll find a way to get in and eat you”
“Every door is locked or booby-trapped.” A laugh distracts us from the discussion and I see Wesley next to Eli... on the other side.
“Booby,” He chuckles. He’s been smoking, so you can’t expect him to behave.
Eli groans. Josh steps closer and smirks.
“Wesley Fists lead the state in sacks last season. Take him out, Samurai.”
“To fight someone so obviously inferior would be dishonorable.” He raises a brow. Eli shows us both of his middle fingers.
“Great,” I throw my backpack on the floor and walk away from the curtain, “this is only getting better and better...” 
“One punch, Wesley, come on,” Josh insists, “one punch.”
I let out a sharp breath and sit on the bench a few feet away from them to take off my skates. As useful as they are, I’m starting to feel sore and they’re not the most comfortable thing to wear after a few hours of running. While I’m doing so, another memory comes to mind and I’m unable to stop it.
Where was I? Oh, right...
“I think these are more you’re style,” I grab the bright, lime-green pair from the right shelf and hand them to Alex, he laughs and examines them for a moment like he’s actually considering the idea.
“I mean, they wouldn’t match any of my outfits but they’d totally be catching everyone’s eye.”
“Isn’t that the point, though?”
“Obviously,” He shakes his head pretending to be offended by the question, “though I think I’ll have to pass this time. I already made my choice.”
He shows me a pair of white-colored ones.
“Dude, are you serious?” I grab the skates and raise them to his eye level, “These are the most boring pair of skates ever”
“Now they are,” Alex moves my hand slightly so he can see my face, “but I bet that you can turn them into a masterpiece”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Please, Y/N don’t play dumb, you know I love your drawings”
I blush at his reply. Sure, I like drawing but I’m no Van Gogh at it. The best thing I ever drew was probably a worm.
“You’re telling me you’d spend your money on the newest model of skates just to ruin them with your best friend’s nonexistent skills?”
“To me, their value would go up by a thousand if they had your drawings in them.”
“Jesus, get a room!” Maya exclaims beside us, she’s sitting on a small chair, trying random pairs of skates out of pure boredom.
“Shut up!” We both respond quickly. 
He looks at me and I’m pretty sure he’s blushin but I can’t really look at his face cause I’m too embarrassed to do so.
Oh, right. I forgot to mention that I had a crush on my best friend, didn’t I? No, I wasn’t avoiding this topic. I thought it wasn’t important anymore. And it isn’t! I promise it isn’t. Alex is gone, and with him so are my feelings.
Yes, you can laugh all you want cause I was one of those basic idiots who fell in love with their best friend just cause he treats me like any decent human being should. Can you blame me, though? Compared to Hoyles and his team of dickheads, Alex was a fucking teddy bear. 
And the worst part? I’m pretty sure he liked me back. 
We never made a move.
A loud scream makes me drop my broken skates and I run back to were Angelica and Josh are.
“What the fuck...” I whisper, clinging to the curtain.
“What the fuck is here with us?” Angelica is the first to ask what Josh and I were wondering as well.
“Ooh, a ghoulie witch,” Eli steps closer, lowering his voice, “once upon a time, she was a normal girl who liked hanging out at the mall. But now she’s got mad powers, and she will fuck your shit up. She is unkillable and she is hangry.”
“There is no such thing as witches.”
“Well, a few months ago there weren’t mutant squirrels or ghoulies either.” Adds Angelica.
“That’s right. And when the witch eats your intestines like spaghetti, you’ll think: I never should’ve dissed king Eli...” He walks backwards and leaves us here with fuck knows what.
“I swear every time he opens his mouth I feel like I’m having a stroke,” Now that I don’t have my skates on, I realize Josh’s taller than me. I barely reach the tip of his nose.
“Don’t worry, I’ll convince him to let you out.” Wesley says, “I’mma go full Gandhi on his ass. Hunger strike.”
“Easy there, we don’t want to traumatize him for life” I reply dryly.
Angelica and Josh step back from the curtain and I follow them. We sit on the bench and I look at my skates, cursing under my breath. Josh notices and gently nudges my side with his arm.
“Sorry about that. We can find a new pair somewhere around here if you want.”
“I hope so,” I kick them and they slide miserably on the floor, the wheels almost fully worn out, “I really liked them.”
“You used to skate a lot? Before the nuke,” He asks in curiosity.
“Not at all. I didn’t even know how to use them,” I laugh lightly, “my best friend used to, though. He promised he would teach me one day but... things didn’t go as planned.”
“Is he..?” He leaves the question open but I understand perfectly what he’s trying to say.
“Fuck, no,” I feel a shiver going down my spine just by thinking about it, “we wanted different things, that’s all. He had a plan and I had another. Alex wanted to leave town and travel around the country now that we’re free to do whatever we please. I just wanted to find my sister.”
“And where is she?”
“She turned into a ghoulie, so I... I took care of it.”
“Shit,” He whispers, passing a hand through his hair and looking a little pale, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Again, I’m not gonna talk about this stuff with someone I just met.
“Did I ever meet your friend?” Maybe Josh can tell I don’t want to keep going with the hard topics, and I appreciate his effort to respect that.
“Dunno,” I shrug, softly massaging my feet, “He’s Alex Murphy. Bit taller than me, cool guy...”
“Oh, him,” He nods, then adds, “I have no clue of who that is.”
I laugh louder this time, giving him a gentle push.
“Dumbass,” I shake my head, “anyway, after Alex and I went our separate ways I decided to learn on my own and I think I did pretty well, they’re quieter than cars and definitely easier to control than skateboards.”
“Oh, so you’re still not over that?” He raises a brow, a smirk growing on his face.
“Well, I’m not the one running over innocent people on the street.”
“It was an accident! I wasn’t watching where I was going. I was too busy trying not to get killed by the jocks”
“You sure? Cause so far all I’ve seen you do is nothing but the opposite. If I may give my humble opinion, it's not something very smart considering you’re alone.”
“I was doing well until today,” He sighs.
“I believe you, Wheeler,” I eye him up, “you're not like I'd pictured.”
“Really?” He smiles, “What did you imagine?”
“Kinda like those boys who pretend to be all grown up,” I reply, scrunching up my nose, “the ones that can’t be caught having fun or they’d lose their cool, like some sort of bitter old man in the body of a seventeen-year-old boy...”
“Okay, okay! I get it,” Josh laughs, raising his hands in defeat, “jeez, thanks for the compliments”
“I am complimenting you!” I exclaim, “I’m saying I was wrong and you’re not what I thought you were”
“You did think I was, though”
“Well, at least I had an opinion on you,” I scoff, “I’m sure you didn’t even think of that after we did our school project, I probably just stopped existing in your world or something...”
“Of course not,” It was his time to act offended, “every time I saw you on the hall after our project I made sure to wave at you, remember?”
“How kind of you”
“What can I say? I’m a real-life gentleman.”
I laugh again and pull my shoes out of my bag to put them on.
“Is that the reason why Sam Dean fell head over heels for you?”
The effect was immediate. Josh’s shoulders tense and his smile disappears, he clears his throat and looks anywhere but me.
“Uhm, I don’t really know if she...”
“It’s alright,” I add promptly, “sorry, I didn’t mean to make you sad”
“I’m not sad,” He shakes his head, “it’s just that I keep thinking... maybe things could’ve been different if I had said something sooner, you know?”
Trust me, Josh. I know.
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