#gonna be honest it's surprisingly easy. only took me a week or so. separate into decades and then winner streaks its fun
jam-packed · 15 days
call me sebastian vettel the way i can list every motogp champion by year
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lovely-ateez · 4 years
For The First Time Pt.2~
ꕥPosted: 7/25/20
ꕥGenre: College!au, Fluff
ꕥPairing: Fem!reader x Jongho
ꕥWord Count: ~1k
ꕥWarnings: None
ꕥA/N: I know this isn’t a popular series which makes me a little sad but I wanted to finish it anyway. If people end up liking it and it actually gets attention I might(?) make a part 3. It’s most likely gonna end here tho. Read part 1 also if you wouldn’t mind! Things will make a lot more sense if you do. You can do that here
ꕥA/N Cont: So even though I provided translations for some words, there is a phrase that I clarified in the middle of the writing bc I didn’t want to spoil anything
ꕥPhrase Guide:
你= You
加油 = You can do it (encouragement)
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Jongho was surprisingly easy to talk to and we got along better than I thought we would. Not that I thought we wouldn’t get along, but I was still surprised.
After we had lunch together we exchanged numbers and began to hang out more, usually every couple days given our busy schedules.
He was so talkative that I found out almost everything about him in no time. He just turned 20, was a music major, and took Chinese because he wanted a challenge. He loved snow but hated the cold. Soccer was his favorite sport but he didn’t play often since he was always either studying or working as a tutor for underclassmen. He was born in Korea but grew up in America. Fluent in Korean but insecure enough about his American accent that he only spoke it with close friends and family. He met Mingi during a soccer camp he went to in middle school and his best friend - the guy with the mullet - was named Hongjoong and apparently much friendlier than he looked.
The more I spent time with Jongho, the more I realized I had feelings for him and the stronger they became. When Marina and I were alone in our dorm, I told her everything I was feeling and the response was exactly what I suspected.
“HA! KNEW IT!” Marina yelled, “I just won myself ten bucks.”
“I’m sorry, YOU WHAT?”
“I may or may not have made a bet with Mingi that you would catch feelings within three months of meeting Jongho. And you’re two days away from three months, girly.” She shrugged but kept the smile on her face.
“Oh my god you did not. Actually speaking of...what’s up with you two? Are you official yet?”
Marina went quiet for a moment then bit her lip, finally speaking up, “Well...not yet, technically, but we’ve seriously considered it. We have another date this weekend. Now all you have to do is get with Jongho and we can go on a double date.”
“Yeah I don’t know about that, M.”
“Y/n he totally likes you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“No I know. He’s got a few tells so I know he feels at least a little something. I’m just not sure if I should commit to anything, you know?”
Marina let out a loud laugh before speaking again.
“Pfft no. I dated all throughout high school. If I’m being honest, though, I really think you should give it a chance. People always freak out about possibly ruining a friendship by confessing but honestly if a friendship can’t withstand a little crush then you probably weren’t solid friends in the first place.”
“You know what? You’re right. I’ll tell him tomorrow.”
“Hell yeah girl! Go get him!”
The next day arrived way too quickly. Although I told myself I would confess, I was getting anxious. I walked into Chinese class holding hands with Marina for emotional support. We were the first ones there, as always, so I had a bit of time to rant.
“I’ll be honest, M. I’ve never felt butterflies like this before. I’m actually shaking.” I lifted up my hand to show her my slight tremor.
“Oh sweetheart! It’ll be all good! Promise. Just take a few deep breaths.”
I slowly breathed in and out for the next several seconds.
“You’re right. I can do this.”
The trio walked into class several minutes later. Mingi gave a quick kiss to Marina and Jongho gave me a friendly smile. Hongjoong rolled his eyes at the four of us and walked to his usual seat, propping his feet up on the seat in front of him.
The rest of the class filled in and soon our professor arrived.
The professor loudly clapped her hands, speaking up, “Alright class. Today I’m going to have you pair up in groups of two and work together. I don’t care who it’s with, as long as it’s with somebody. We’ve got an even number of students so we should be fine. I’ve got some games for you to play today.”
I turned to Marina but she was already halfway up the stairs to sit next to Mingi. I looked at Jongho but he motioned at Hongjoong, mouthing that he was sorry.
Okay. That’s fine. I thought. I’ll find someone else. Looking up I saw the unfamiliar young man standing in front of me. He blanked for a moment when I looked up at him.
“Hey! Uh...would you maybe want to be partners?”
“Are you sure? With the both of us together we’ll probably beat the whole class by a landslide.”
He laughed and sat down next to me, visibly more confident.
“I’m sure they can manage. I’m Tommy, by the way. You’re y/n, right?”
I nodded and smiled at him as we shook hands. I looked Tommy in the eyes and saw a slight blush on his cheeks. What I didn’t see; however, was the death stare Jongho was giving him.
The professor looked up and let out a laugh, pointing at Tommy and I.
“Yeah no way in hell am I letting that happen. You two are my best students and - no offense everyone - but no one would stand a chance against you two.”
“Ouch.” I heard Mingi say.
Jongho quickly stood up and raised his hand, “I’ll partner up with her!”
“Very good. Get on with it then.”
Tommy looked upset, making me feel bad for leaving him.
“Hey that’s okay, Tommy. Maybe next time?” I gave him a smile that he soon returned.
I walked up to Jongho, sitting next to him as Hongjoong sat down next to Tommy.
Jongho leaned in and whispered, “I’ll be honest, y/n. I’m really glad the teacher separated you two.”
“Yeah, I bet everyone is. We are the best in the class, no offense,” I laughed.
“Actually no I meant-“
“Alright class. I have talked in English for an unusually long time but in my defense, I was up basically all night grading essays so I’m running on two hours of sleep and a cappuccino. Nevertheless, I’ll now switch to Chinese. 加油.”
The first game was simple enough. The teacher wrote beginner to intermediate level phrases for us to translate. If we got it right, we got a point.
My team eventually won, beating Tommy and Hongjoong by a single point. Jongho really surprised me, getting almost as many questions right as I did.
Mingi and Marina ended up last because neither of them were paying attention, instead flirting with each other.
The second and final game was a little more complicated. We had to translate the sentence, as well as pronounce all the characters correctly. Tommy’s team was tied with mine until Jongho answered the last question correctly. I smiled at him and bounced in my seat.
“We won, Jongho!” I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. He froze at first, but then put his arms around me and pulled me closer.
The professor spoke up once more, “We’re out of time for class today but remember you have a test next week. I expect you all to be studying!”
Our classmates soon left the room along with our teacher. Hongjoong quickly ran out to meet his new boyfriend - Seonghwa I think he said? - and Mingi and Marina were already gone. I assumed they left class sometime during the second game.
“Hey,” Jongho said to me as I was slipping on my backpack, “I was wondering if you could help me out with my writing in Chinese? Sometimes I mess up the stroke order and I could use the practice.”
“Sure! When do you want to study?”
“How about now?”
Jongho grabbed my arm and led me down to the whiteboard at the front of the class. I looked around at the empty classroom and nodded. I didn’t want to disturb anyone. He picked up a marker and began to write.
“I’ll write and you tell me if I make a mistake, okay?”
I laughed, “Sure, Jongho.”
As he started writing I didn’t see any mistakes. When he finished writing, I gasped.
[I like you. Who you you like?]
I smiled and took the marker from his hands, placing it back on the podium. I looked him in the eyes and cupped his face. “你” I said as I kissed him. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. He smiled and kissed me again, this time wrapping his arms around my waist.
We pulled back for air and I whispered, “You know, I was actually planning on telling you today, too. Marina encouraged me to tell you, but I guess I didn’t have to after all.”
“I mean you can still tell me, if you want.”
I gently kissed his cheek, “You already know how I feel.”
“Hmm. Actually I’m not quite sure. Could you clarify for me?” Jongho laughed when I playfully hit his arm.
“You know,” he continued, “when I said I was glad the teacher separated you earlier, I meant that I was glad you were away from Tommy. I’ve seen the way he looks at you and I really didn’t like it. I got so nervous because even though I tease, this is the first time I’ve felt like this. So I guess the question is...will you let me take you on a date?”
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Meeting the Bakusquad [Eijiro/OC Commission]
I got another commission! :) This time from the super sweet @asrasdarling​. They are a pleasure to work with, and this prompt is a fun one. 
Now, their OC is something of a self-insert, which is kinda what mine are lol. 
Anyway, Asra asked for a Kirishima X OC piece where the OC isn’t from UA, but is Kirishima’s girlfriend, and how he introduces her to the Bakusquad. I thought that was a super cute, fun prompt and eagerly accepted! 
Only thing is I’m not terribly dirty-minded, so I might not have been able to fully capture your OC, Asra, but I hope you like how I portrayed Jenna!
Sorry it took so long!
As always, if you want your own Commission, please look over This Post Here about pricing and how I do my commissions. 
One last thing; word count, as usual. This piece sits at 3026 words. 
Anyway, let’s get started, shall we? 
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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(Thought this GiF was super cute! (: )
Jenna ran along the hall, eager to get to class before the bell rang, before she crashed into someone, leaving them both on their butts on the ground, whatever had been in their arms spilled out between them. 
Jenna looks up and sees a boy with black hair and red eyes, blushing in embarrassment as he offers her a hand up. 
“S-sorry!” He murmurs. Jenna is tugged to her feet quickly and she dusts herself off.
“Hey, no big deal. Take a breath.” She advises, picking up her stuff as quick as she could. It’s then she takes another look at him and realizes she may know him. “Hey, you’re Eijiro, right?” She asks. He nods, seeming to recognize her, too. 
“Yeah, that’s me. We have English and Science together, right?” Jenna nods. 
“Yup!” They finish grabbing their things and face each other. “Speaking of, we should go.” 
Eijiro nods. “Yeah, or we’ll be late.” They walk together, neither speaking. 
The classes went by quickly and soon enough it was lunchtime. All day, Jenna had struggled to focus on classwork, but her mind seemed drawn to Eijiro. He seemed like a nice kid, but she didn’t know much about him. 
Jenna liked mysteries. And so, she sought him out for lunch. 
“Hey, this seat taken, hot stuff?” She asks, winking for good measure. 
Eijiro spits out a bit of his drink. “I-I’m sorry?” He asks, blushing a little. Jenna laughs. He was cute when he blushed. She bet he was easy to tease.
“I asked if this seat was taken.” She decides against continuing to flirt with him...for now.
“Oh, uh, it isn’t. Feel free to sit.” Eijiro replies politely. 
The pair share a decent lunch, and that seems to be that. 
 Since that first encounter and lunch, Jenna had decided she was going to pursue Eijiro.
Thus began a series of flirtatious remarks and awkward, unsure responses from Eijiro. 
Jenna liked seeing him blush. She knew it was childish and that she should simply make her intentions known, but they were still in middle school. It’d be a bit weird to start dating right now, even if they were nearly graduated.
Or so Jenna told herself. “Hey, Eiji! Wait up!” She calls, shaking herself out of her thoughts and running after Eijiro.
He turns. “Oh, hey, Jenna. What’s up?” 
“Which high school are you going to?” She asks. Eijiro suddenly seems incredibly nervous, paling and scratching at the back of his neck. 
“We-well, I, uh, haven’t decided.” He explains. 
“Didn’t you say you wanted to try for UA?” 
“I did, but, you know, it’s a really big school, and super hard to get into, so I guess I’m just keeping my options open.” Jenna nods. 
“Makes sense. Race you to the bus stop!” She cries, running after him. He laughs, forgetting his previous insecurity for a moment, and chases her, easily winning. Jenna was a little surprised. 
“You been working out or something?” She asks. 
“Yeah. I do want to- -I am still tossing around the idea of being a hero, so…” Jenna frowns. He seems off somehow. Unsteady and unsure, which was so unlike him. 
Normally, Eijiro was the kinda guy that knew what he wanted and would do what it takes to get there. 
Now, it was like he was afraid to say he changed his mind, but still having second thoughts. 
“...You okay, Eiji?” Jenna asks. “You don’t seem your usual self today.” Normally, she’d have made some flirty remark, but this seemed serious, so she knew better. 
“Y-yeah, never better.” He mumbles. Jenna huffs. 
“And I’m All Might.” 
“I’m serious, Jenna. Leave it alone.” There was no fight in his words. There wasn’t much emotion, either. There was just...nothing. 
“Ei, I’m serious.” Jenna murmurs, hands on her crush’s shoulders. “You can talk to me.” 
“I’m fine, Jen, just please go!” There were tears in his eyes. Jenna decides to take a different approach. 
“Alright, alright. Text me later?” Eijiro nods mutely and walks away as soon as Jenna’s hands let go. 
As soon as Eijiro was gone, Jenna pulled out her phone, typing up a search for the latest local news. Scrolling down just a little, she saw that there had been a villain incident just last night. On a street Eijiro would have been walking home on since the buses needed maintenance. 
Suddenly, the pieces fell into place. Eijiro had seen a villain situation and had been scared out of his mind. He was still dealing with that fear now. 
Jenna had an idea. Waiting til after she’d gone home and ran, she texted Eijiro and asked if they wanted to meet for sparring, something they sometimes did after school. 
Surprisingly, Eijiro said no. He said he had already run himself and that he was working out at home. Something told Jenna that was a lie, but she didn’t have it in her to press him. 
Jenna accepted it and wished him luck in his workout before going at the punching bag. 
Her Quirk, Archer, let her sharp shoot anything with a bow with pin-point accuracy, so she needed to get good at hand-to-hand combat if she was ever going to make a real difference. 
Unlike most people, Jenna didn’t want to be a Hero. No, she wanted to be a police officer, using her Quirk to protect as many average citizens as she could. 
As her knuckles slammed into the bag, Jenna considered how best to break down Eijiro’s walls and get him to tell her what was going on in that amazing mind of his. 
There was something eating him from the inside out, Jenna could easily tell, but how could she press him into talking to her without jeopardizing the friendship between them? 
Turns out, the answer was nothing. 
He voluntarily told her after basically avoiding her all day with that awful, defeated look on his face. 
Then, once they’d done their runs, he randomly called Jenna and she instantly picked up. 
“Hey. I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you all day.” He begins.
“Did you miss me?” Jenna asks, winking at him through the video chat. She feels a little better when he manages a small smile.
“Very funny. I guess I did a little. Anyway, that’s not why I called. I called to say I’m ready to tell you what happened, why I’ve been off lately. It’s true. There is something wrong.” Jenna doesn’t dare interrupt, nodding to show she was still paying attention. “The other day, there was this villain...and I saw some of the girls from school being questioned by the villain to find some agency. I wanted to help, but...but my body wouldn’t move. My spirit was too weak to do anything. I realized I didn’t have what it takes to risk it all to save people. At least, that was how I felt after what happened, but then...let’s just say I’ve found my spirit again! I’m not gonna regret anything anymore!” Jenna grins, excited to see the flame in Eijiro’s heart ignite again, burning brighter than before. 
“Hell yeah! Let’s do this, Eijiro!” She calls, pumping her free fist excitedly. 
And so, the pair began sparring more and more, getting better and better. Jenna also helped Eijiro increase his Hardening’s strength by firing at him while he stood there, unafraid, his arms and face Hardened and determination blazing in his eyes. 
Weeks went by quickly and Jenna was the happiest she’d even been, Eijiro by her side and with a fiery determination to match his renewed spirit. Jenna could tell Eijiro had truly gotten over his slump and was back on track, chugging along and making up for lost time like he’d never faltered. 
And Jenna was right there, chugging along beside him on her path to being a cop. 
Jenna noticed that Eijiro spent an increasing amount of time with her these days, a fact which she was quick to use in her flirtatious remarks, and a fact that made her heart quicken a little. 
Even after weeks had gone by, Jenna still found herself crushing on Eijiro and wishing she had the guts to tell him, but every time she opened her mouth to confess her honest feelings, it came out as just another flirty joke, another poorly veiled attempt to get him to see her the way she saw him. 
Eijiro never saw through the flirting to the genuine feelings Jenna held for him.
That is, til one day. 
It was shortly before the entrance test for UA, and the pair were hanging out after a rough sparring session. 
“Hey, Eijiro?” Jenna asks, squirming a little, but determined not to back out this time. 
“Yeah?” Eijiro asks. 
“You’re going to UA, right?”
“Yeah, I’ve told you. Why?” 
“It’s just...we’re not going to the same high school, and there’s some- -well, I’ve been meaning to tell you something before we separate.” Eijiro laughs, turning to look at Jenna, who was focused on her fiddling fingers.
“Jenna, c’mon, lighten up! We’ll still be best friends, right? What’s the big deal?” 
“The big deal is I like you, dummy!” Jenna blurts. “And now you’re going away and I won’t see you that often, and- -”
“Wait, what? You...you like me? As in...like like?”
“Yes, you baka!” Jenna barks. “Geez, you’re oblivious!” Eijiro hugs her so he could get a word in edgewise. 
“Jenna, look. I...I like you, too. I just figured you didn’t feel the same way. And besides, we’re not going to stop talking to each other and sparring and stuff, plus, um...maybe dating stuff, too, like hiking and picnics, and- -wait do you like picnics? Or hiking?” 
Jenna playfully smacks his shoulder. “You dork! I was so worried you didn’t feel the same way I felt! You mean to tell me you like me, too?!” 
He pulls you into a kiss in the heat of the moment and Jenna can’t find it in herself to complain at all as her body lit up at the feeling inside her, knowing Eijiro liked her back and they were finally kissing. Her hands wound themselves into his hair and she pressed herself against him as the kiss lengthened. 
Eventually, Eijiro leans back and stares at the girl in his arms. 
“That was...amazing.” He murmurs. 
“You’re telling me.” Jenna replies breathlessly. 
“What was that about being worried about separating?” Eijiro teases. 
Jenna laughs. “I don’t remember.” 
Eijiro nuzzles into Jenna’s neck, laughing. “You’re a dork.” 
“And yet...you kissed me.” 
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” He retorts. 
“Oh you like me, huh?” Jenna couldn’t resist teasing him. 
“Did I not make it obvious?” 
“No! No you did not! As far as I knew, you only thought of me as a best friend! I had to sit there, crushing over you and burying my feelings cus I didn’t think you felt the same!” 
“Sorry!” Eijiro squeaks, suddenly slammed with guilt as accidentally upsetting the girl he’d slowly come to like...a lot. “I’m not great at this romance thing! I thought you were flirting for fun!” 
Jenna groans, running a hand down her face. “Good Lord we’re morons.” 
“Don’t apologize, Ei. Kiss me again and I might forget all the waiting.” 
Eijiro instantly obliged. 
“How much further to the top?” Jenna asks, huffing a little as you continue trekking up the mountain. 
“Not too far, you baby.” Eijiro calls back teasingly.
“This was your idea, idiot! I wanted to watch Netflix!” 
“And I said this was a better idea!” 
Jenna huffs. “Yeah, yeah.” 
“Listen, when we get to the top, the view will be worth it.” Eijiro promises, dropping back a little to walk beside his girlfriend.
“It better be, Ei.” She grumbles.
Eijiro kisses Jenna’s temple. “C’mon, sourpuss. Once we’re done, we’ll shower at my dorm and by then my friends should be done shopping.” 
Jenna could never stay mad at him for long, so she grabs his hand and continues walking, determined to get to the top. 
Once there, Jenna could begrudgingly admit that Eijiro was right; the view was amazing. She could see the buildings that made up UA in the distance, proud and tall among the other buildings in the city. 
“There it is.” Eijiro muses as if reading her thoughts. “UA High.” 
“It’s so amazing you got in.” Jenna asks. Eijiro nods, smiling eagerly. He always loved talking about UA. 
“Yeah, I can’t believe it, either! It’s so incredible there!” 
“I’m sure it is.” Jenna replies, genuinely happy for him as she leans her head against Eijiro’s shoulder. 
“I’m really proud of you, too.” Eijiro says as he wraps his arm around her shoulder. “You’re on your way to your dream, too.”
“Thanks, babe.” Jenna grins and leans up a little to kiss her boyfriend. As always, she let it continue for a while. 
Once it ended, the pair stayed and enjoyed the view for a while as the city bustled beneath them. 
“Speaking of schools, how are things in your high school?” Eijiro asks, feeling bad he couldn’t remember the school’s name off the top of his head. 
Jenna nods. “They’re going great! I’m loving it!” Eijiro squeezes Jenna to him proudly. 
“That’s my girl. I’m happy for you.” He kisses her temple and they return to admiring the view. “Hey, we should probably head back down.” Eijiro notes after a few minutes. “Your mom might start worrying.” 
Jenna nods. “Knowing her, she’s worrying already.” She chuckles. “C’mon, loverboy.” 
The pair half-run, half-walk down the mountain and then walk to the subway station nearby. 
“Ah. You must be Jenna.” Iida calls once he spots the pair entering the dorm building. “My name is Tenya Iida.” Jenna extends a hand and Iida shakes it firmly. 
“Pleasure.” Jenna intones politely. 
“Ashido, Sero, Kaminari, and Bakugo are not back yet.” Iida reports and Eijiro nods. 
“Yeah we’re gonna shower real quick before they get back, then we’ll have lunch and hang out.” 
Iida nods. “Alright then.” He motions them on. The couple leave and Jenna has to school her thoughts carefully as she walks toward the dorm her boyfriend stays in. 
Her mind kept wandering, however, and she couldn’t fight a blush. 
She walks in, and...her jaw drops. “Dang, babe, this is...impressive.” She says, trying not to succumb to her knee-jerk reaction of ‘what is this?’. All around her were ‘manly’ things and workout equipment, including a punching bag. 
“I call my ‘cave of manliness’.” Eijiro explains proudly. Jenna laughs. 
“It’s great, honey.” She replies, kissing his temple. 
“Really? Hagakure said if she had a boyfriend with a room like this, she’d dump him.” Eijiro murmurs, scratching the back of his neck nervously. 
“Well, she’s a bit petty, then. This room is great! Perfect for you!” Jenna replies, waving aside any thought that she’d dump Eijiro on such minor grounds.
“Thanks, Jenna.” Eijiro breaths out, smiling a little shakily.
“Eijiro, don’t listen to anyone who judges you based on such petty things like room decorations. They’re being a little shallow.��� Eijiro nods.
“I’ll try not to.” He then takes a breath. “Now, we need to shower. Mina texted me that they’re heading back and they didn’t go that far.” Jenna nods, smirking a little. 
“Want me to join you, save time?” She teases, unable to resist.
On cue, Eijiro’s cheeks turn as red as his hair, and he backs up a few steps. “J-Jenna!” He squeaks, putting his hands over his face. “C’mon! Don’t do that!” Jenna laughs, unable to help it. 
“Ei, I was teasing. It’s adorable when you blush.” Eijiro pouts, cheeks still red. 
“Jen…” He whines. 
“Look, I’ll take the first shower real quick, and then you can shower.” Eijiro nods mutely in embarrassment. 
Soon enough, the showers were done and Eijiro and Jenna were back in the main living area of the building. 
As it they’d timed it, the doors open and the quarter of students enter, Katsuki yelling at Kaminari as usual. Eijiro walks over. 
“Hey, guys!” He greets. Katsuki turns to him once he was through with what he was saying. 
“Hey, Shitty Hair.” Katsuki retorts. “Where’s this girl we’re supposed to meet?” Eijiro turns and motions Jenna over. 
“H-hi.” Jenna says, trying not to stutter, but feeling a little nervous now that the moment had come. 
These were Eijiro’s friends. What if they didn’t like her? 
“...Not bad, I guess.” Katsuki sniffs, walking away to head into the kitchen, grumbling at whoever was in there to get out so he could cook.
“Yeah, she’s a cutie!” Kaminari chirps, walking over. “Good to finally meet you!” He says, almost in a flirty way. Jenna chuckles as she shakes his hand. 
“You’re not bad yourself. What’s your name?” 
“Oh! Sorry! Denki Kaminari.” 
“Good to meet- -”
“Hi there! I’m Mina Ashido, but you can call me Mina!” Ashido interrupts, shaking Jenna’s hand eagerly. “It’s so awesome to meet you!” 
“Awesome to meet you too!” Jenna replies, easily feeding off Mina’s energy, which seemed to ease Jenna’s nerves. Mina then finally lets go of Jenna’s hand as Sero walks over. 
“I’m Hanta Sero. Good to finally meet yah, Jenna.” He says, bring a bit more calm into the meeting. 
“It’s great to finally meet everyone.” Jenna says, meaning it. 
And, it seems, they liked her already, so she had nothing to be nervous about. 
“Who’s hungry?” Eijiro asks. “I think I saw Katsuki walking into the kitchen, so we should follow and get lunch.” 
Jenna clutches her stomach, not realizing how hungry she was till someone mentioned food. “Yes, please! Good God, I’m hungry.” Eijiro takes her hand as they walk, unashamed. 
Katsuki took convincing to let them help, but eventually they were settled at the table, food and drinks aplenty, banter and stories flying back and forth as the group enjoyed lunch. 
Jenna quite liked Eijiro’s friend group, she decided. They were all so unique and boisterous in their own ways, and she could easily find her place among them, even if she didn’t go to UA.
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years
RotTMNT/Baron Jitsu fanfiction: Dating… With Children - Chapter Four
(Also on AO3 if you want to leave a comment or kudos)
Plot:  Benjamin Draxum hardly considered himself a man of high social standing. Not because he was uncouth or unworthy of it, mind you, but simply because he didn’t have much of a social life. Hard to have one when he usually spent his days at work, cooped up in a lab for so long that he often had his lunches in there, and his nights at home reading or doing research for more personal projects. But perhaps meeting handsome semi-retired movie star - as well as his four young sons - could change all that…
First off: Thank you all so much for the kudos and comments, it's just so SO encouraging that people are supporting this AU ^v^ Your kind words and feedback mean the world to me!
Secondly: That hiatus I was gonna go on to work on original stuff? Yeahhhh, didn't really pan out... BUT, i'm still gonna try to work on original stuff the best I can, I'm just gonna also work on fanfics when I'm in the mood. I figured trying to limit myself and divide my focus is better than going cold turkey on fanfics and not having anything to work on when I hit writer's block on my original stuff. So yeah, expect semi-frequent updates, and I hope you all enjoy this chapter! ^v^ Quick note: It takes place directly after Lou and Draxum's date in the last chapter (but before the little bit at the end of ch. 3 with Draxum going into work and Huginn and Muninn noticing his good mood, heh). Okay, here we go!
“...So, how come we’re meeting Dr. Draxum for breakfast?” Raph asked, glancing away from his window and the passing New York architecture.
“Actually it's brunch, but yeah, why?” Donnie said from the back-left seat, though he didn't bother to look up from his book, “Didn't you guys JUST see each other yesterday night?”
“I bet you guys are really good friends now!” Mikey grinned, “Just like us an’ April!”
Looking up from the road for just a moment, Lou smiled at his youngest son using the rear view mirror. “Yes, we are… But, Dr. Draxum wanted to see you all again too.” He left it at that for now, wanting him and his new boyfriend to explain the situation to his children together, as well as answer any questions they may have had.
Thankfully, three of his four kids were satisfied with this answer and went back to either looking out the window or, in Donnie’s case, reading. Leo however couldn't help but stare at his father. Something was up… He knew something was up! Maybe he wasn't as smart as his twin, but Leo still liked to think that he was a bit more observant than the average six year old, at least.
He saw the extra smiles his dad would make whenever Draxum was mentioned, and how excited he was to see him again. And his face would sometimes get sorta red too… While yeah, Leo would've been happy with his dad just making a new friend, there was something about how he hung out with the long-haired doctor that made him seem like way more than a friend. How happy his dad was to see or hear from him, how long they'd talk over the phone, how close they'd sit or stand near each other…
Oh yeah, Leo could see it clearly. The boy tipped his blue cap low over his face, trying to hide his smirk. He'd seen enough Disney movies to know EXACTLY where this was going - and maybe he hadn't shared his theory with his brothers yet, but he was still gonna rub it in their faces that he knew all along.
Soon enough, the family of five arrived at one of the big city’s cozy local diners. Before moving to help his kids out of the car, Lou made sure to swap out his normal yellow tinted glasses with his darker sunglasses - or his ‘sneaking around so no one knows I'm a movie star’ glasses, as dubbed by his kids. (Not that they even really minded whenever their dad was ambushed by fans, usually making a game out of who could sneak into the most photos or who could get the most compliments.)
Thankfully, the glasses did their job, and the hostess greeted them like she would any family. “Table for six, please,” Lou told her, “we’re still waiting for one other person.” The hostess nodded and led them to a large, round table near the back of the restaurant.
It was only a few minutes later, after they were given coffee, milk and free crayons to draw on the kids menus with, that Draxum arrived looking the most casual that Lou had ever seen him. The scientist was wearing a dark green polo with brown jeans, and his long hair was actually loose rather than in a ponytail or braid, instead simply resting over his broad shoulders. Lou quickly waved him over, flashing his boyfriend a grin that in turn made him smile softly.
“‘Morning, Dr. Draxum!” Raph greeted while Mikey waved and the twins nodded.
“Good morning to you as well, boys,” he nodded back, sitting down, “And to you, Lou.”
“Yes, a very good morning.” Lowering his voice a bit, Lou added, “For the record, you should definitely wear your hair down more often.”
Draxum rolled his eyes, though let himself smile back at the man just a little. “I’ll consider it. So, what's everyone get-?”
“Waffles!” “Pancakes!” “French toast!” “Breakfast burritooooo!”
“Boys, inside voices, remember?” Lou lightly scolded. His boys mumbled an apology before eagerly making additions to their breakfast requests, now at a much quieter volume. Draxum smiled, a bit amused by the wholesome scene. How Lou could manage to keep a level head while raising four slightly rowdy boys on his own, Draxum didn't know, but it was certainly impressive. Maybe fatherhood was just easier after dealing with the stresses of Hollywood, Draxum supposed.
“I’ll probably just get one of these bacon and cheese omelets,” Lou told him, “and what are you getting?”
His date hummed. “I think I may get a couple pieces of French toast, as well. Though just so you know, we’re getting separate checks-”
“Ah-ah, no way,” Lou told him, insistent, “You made dinner last night, I can buy breakfast today.”
“Technically it's brunch, and honestly Lou, this was my idea and I'm perfectly capable of buying my own breakfast-”
“Didn't say you weren't, Ben.” The ex-star then angled his face down a bit so Draxum could see his eyes over his glasses. “I'm just saying that I'm the type who likes to treat a guy right.”
Draxum huffed. “How annoyingly chivalrous of you,” he retorted, even if his expression was anything but annoyed. Lou just flashed him a grin.
While his brothers continued to draw and talk, no longer interested in the strange conversation, Leo just made a face at the two adults across from him. What was that thing grown ups called it? Flirting? Was this flirting? Groooooss - even if it was another bit of proof that he was right in his deduction.
Eventually, the waitress returned and took their orders. Having more than a few minutes until their food would be brought back, Lou decided that there was no better time than now. “So, my sons,” he began, getting his kids’ attention. Draxum also made sure to sit up a bit straighter, suddenly feeling a bit nervous.
...Hoping for approval from kids under ten years old. Huh… What a strange turn his life had taken in just a few weeks.
Lou seemed to feel the same, fidgeting his hands slightly as he made sure his tone stayed calm. “There was a reason why we - er, Dr. Draxum and I - wanted us all to have brunch together, because there is something we wanted to tell you all. Ah, don't worry, it's nothing bad, though it's also okay if you aren't too sure about it or have questions, okay? We just want to be honest with you all.”
“Well, what is it?” Raph asked, voicing what he as well as Donnie and Mikey were thinking.
“Well… Dr. Draxum and I have decided to officially start dating.” Lou felt himself grin, still feeling the leftover excitement and happiness from the night before. “As of last night, he is my new boyfriend.”
“Yes,” Draxum stiffly nodded, figuring he should participate in this too, “We are dating and, and we hope that you are all alright with that.”
Raph began to speak when Leo let out a cheer. “YES! I knew it! I knew you guys were gonna say that!” The boy in blue exclaimed.
“What?! Nuh uh!” Donnie argued, “you couldn't have known!” At the same time, Mikey asked in awe, “How'd you know?”
“Cause I saw how Dad would give Dr. Draxum weird smiles, and he'd do the same to Dad,” Leo told them, “And I saw how they'd get all lovey dovey and do the weird-gross flirty thing too! So I just knew they were in love!”
Draxum held back a chuckle. As embarrassing as it was to have it all laid out in the open like that - and by a child, no less - there really was no denying it at this point. He had fallen in love, and had done it more quickly than he ever would he thought. Perhaps Lou just had that special something, or maybe it was just easy for him to drag people up to his speed. Either way, Draxum couldn't say he wasn't grateful for it. Not when the results were this surprisingly satisfying.
“...Hey, Dr. Draxum.” Brought out of his thoughts, Draxum directed his attention squarely on the boy in red. “How come you think we wouldn't be alright with you dating our dad?”
“Er, well-”
“Cause you're really cool-”
“And nice!” Mikey chimed in.
“And super smart,” Donnie smiled.
“And really tall with pretty hair,” Leo added.
“Yeah! So you seem like a good boyfriend to us!” Raph finished, nodding at the doctor in approval, “Just as long as you keep bein’ nice to our dad and don't make hurt his feelings or cheat or anything!” At this, all four boys put on a bit of a scowl, a silent (and unfortunately for them, sort of adorable) warning.
Still, even while being a bit shocked that kids so young apparently knew what cheating was, Draxum made sure to look serious as possible as he nodded back at them. “I promise to try and be the best boyfriend I can be to your father.” After he said this, he felt a hand grip his from under the table. Looking back at his date, he saw a much softer smile now.
“And I will promise the same thing,” Lou said simply. And that was all Draxum needed.
“...So, what made you wanna start dating Pop anyway?” Donnie asked, raising an eyebrow, “Wouldn't you wanna date someone as smart as you?”
Draxum quickly brought his other hand up to his mouth, trying to cover up his muffled laughter while Lou gave his middle child a bit of a look. “Geez, Donnie, you should be a bit nicer to your old man, don't you think?”
“I'm not trying to be mean!” Donnie argued, “I just thought it was kinda weird. Don't scientists date each other?”
“Maybe in the movies and comics,” Draxum told him, “Not so much in real life. But as for why I wanted to start dating your father, well… It's the same reason why I chose to keep in contact with him after meeting him at the museum: I enjoy his company, and I feel comfortable with him.”
“And I'm ‘less annoying than other people’, you can't forget that,” Lou quoted with a grin. Draxum nudged him with his elbow, and Lou nudged him right back.
“So, wait,” Leo said, grimacing as he began to realize the downside to being right, “if you're boyfriends, does that mean you guys gonna start making out all the time now?”
Draxum immediately blushed, which in turn caused Lou to laugh, too amused to be embarrassed. “No, we are not going to be making out all the time. We are however still going to kiss and hug sometimes, but we’ll try to do it when you kids aren't watching, okay?”
Leo still stuck out his tongue, “Grossss.” Lou just chuckled again, leaning over and ruffling the boy’s hair.
“How do they know what ‘making out’ and ‘cheating’ are?” Draxum whispered.
His boyfriend sighed slightly. “Let’s just say that Donatello is way too good at hacking the parental locks on the tv.”
Draxum shook his head, an amused smile returning to his face. Unbelievable… Yet completely fitting. As he spotted the waitress returning with their food, he felt himself relax. That had gone over pretty well, actually. The kids were okay with it, they answered all their questions, and there had only been maybe one or two awkward moments, and they were going to have a decent, hot meal to finish off the occasion. All in all, not bad.
His French toast was looking really good as well, topped with powdered sugar and brought with hot syrup. Everyone else quickly dug into their meals - with the exception of Mikey and Lou, with the latter helping the former cut his breakfast burrito up into a more manageable size for such tiny hands - so Draxum didn't hesitate to do the same. He cut off a piece, brought it to his mouth, and-
“Are you two gonna get married?”
Draxum sputtered, nearly choking on his bite but forcing himself to swallow. “W-Wha-?”
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Lou sitting up a bit straighter, forcing a sheepish smile. “Ah, heh, Mikey, that's-”
“Oh yeah!” Raph said, nodding at his youngest brother, “Grown ups who date always get married.”
“Not always,” Donnie lightly argued as he poured syrup on his pancakes, “They also breakup sometimes.”
“But that counts as being mean, right?” Leo asked, “So if Dr, Draxum breaks up with Dad, are we allowed to beat ‘im up?”
“You boys will not be beating anyone up,” Lou said sternly, “And, ah, marriage is, well, i-it's a long way off. Very long way. We just want to enjoy dating each other for right now, understand?” The boys all sort of shrugged and nodded, accepting it more than understanding.
“Though, I will probably be around a bit more often to visit you all as well as, well, taking your father out on dates,” Draxum added, “Which means you all don't have to be so formal with me. I won't mind if you don't use my title or call me Benjamin or Ben instead.”
Mikey hummed, scooping up a forkful of burrito. “Nah, I'm gonna keep calling you Draxum.”
“It does sound cooler,” Leo commented, “Way cooler than just Ben.”
“Well, fair enough, I suppose,” Draxum told them, not minding the technical insult.
Thankfully there were no more surprise questions for the rest of their meal, even if the conversation itself was still primarily controlled by the children at the table. Donnie and Leo happily shared the books and comics they would be hoping to find at the library later that day, sparking a discussion for all three of them about their favorite books and stories. Granted most of Draxum’s favorites were a bit too high-concept for children, but he was happy to break them down for them, endeared by their comments and observations.
On the other side, Lou listened to his oldest and youngest sons tell him about the puppet show that would also be happening that day - both the good and bad things about it. (“Raphael, baby, I promise you that the puppets are not actually alive, nor are they evil, no matter what the older kids say.”) When Mikey decided to invite Draxum to come along with them to watch, Lou had to hold back a laugh when he saw the taller man’s face twist into a forced smile.
“As… fun as that sounds, Michael, I have a few errands I need to run before the day is over, so I don't think I’ll have the time.” He may have liked Lou’s kids, but he had his limits. “But I hope you and your brothers enjoy yourselves.”
“We will!” Mikey grinned, while Raph just slouched in his seat, looking much more unsure. Lou gave him another pat on the back.
Once the dishes were cleared away and Lou paid the bill, the six of them headed out to Lou’s car, with Draxum once again taking the extra step to walk him to it.
“Well, that went over pretty well, don't you think?” Lou asked, leaning on his gold painted vehicle, his kids already inside.
Draxum nodded. “Yes, I'd say it was the best reaction we could've hoped for.” He chuckled lightly before adding, “Though, I’ll have to keep your sons’ warning in mind.”
“Oh, I'm not worried.” Maybe they would last and maybe they wouldn't, but Lou had a feeling he didn't have to be concerned about his new lover cheating on him or doing anything else extremely hurtful. Although, there was one other thought in his mind… “But, ah, I'm sorry if any of the boys’ questions caught you off guard.” He rubbed the back of his neck, his smile a bit more sheepish. “Like… The whole marriage thing?”
Draxum stared at him for a moment, taking him in as he tried to wrap his head around the image of such a normally open and bold person actually looking somewhat bashful. He felt his own smile soften a bit. “While it may have surprised me a bit, yes, I supposed we should have expected it. It's only natural for a child to jump to things like that, after all. ...But, I think that you were more flustered by the idea than I was.”
Despite the heat returning to his face ever so slightly, the ex-star scoffed. “What, me? Nahhh, never!” Lou insisted. He might have gone on, if he hadn't noticed Draxum’s flat stare. “...Well, I mean, maybe a little. But, but not because the idea is unappealing or anything! I've got nothing against commitment, I can assure you I have been in exclusive relationships before-”
Lou cringed. Yeah, tell him about your past loves, that's JUST what your new love wants to hear! “I just, ah- we don't want to take things TOO fast, you know? We just started dating, for goodness sake! I may enjoy life in the fast lane sometimes but- Er, but like I said, I wouldn't mind getting married either. Totally cool with marriage! Definitely wouldn't mind if it was with you! That is, as long as you wanted to-” Wait, you guys literally got together YESTERDAY, are you seriously-? “N-Not that you have to decide that this very moment, that would be ridiculous! Heh…”
Lou held back a groan, feeling like he could slap himself as Draxum continued to stare at him, eyebrows raised. When it came to things like flirting and getting people on his good side, it felt like he could do know wrong, words and smiles flowing through him like air. But sometimes, when it was time for much more emotional and personal things - the more awkward things - it was like being shoved into a soundstage without a script! “Look, what I'm trying to say is-!”
Both men flinched at the loud horn, with Lou nearly crashing right into Draxum’s chest. “Daaaaad, are we gonna go yet?” a muffled voice from the car asked.
“I will be there in a moment, Leo, now please get back in your seat!” Sighing, he turned back to Draxum.
“So,” Draxum began, his gaze still soft and free of judgement despite everything, “what were you trying to say, Lou?”
“...I think, what I am trying to say… Is that I do not want to pressure you into anything, or push you into anything because… I don't want that either.” Even if Draxum was the first person he felt fairly serious about. Feeling a smile come onto his face, if only a little, made his thoughts come to him a bit more easily.
“You… You are a good man. Smart and interesting, fun and kind and-” And hot, so VERY handsome- “and, I want to just enjoy being in these moments with you, without really thinking of- without worrying about the future, because… Well, you're the first person that I've wanted to do that with in a long time. Not in a ‘this is a fling’ sort of way but, just in an ‘I enjoy being around you, and this feels good so let's just roll with it, a-and I also really don't want to lose this feeling or scare you off’ way, you know?”
“...Well, maybe not the fling thing but, yes, I do understand,” Draxum told him, taking a step as he kept the space between them close, “and, considering that you've kept me for this long… I think you and your kids would have to try a lot harder if you ever did want to scare me off.”
Lou grinned, taking his boyfriend’s hand. “Heh, I will keep that in mind…” Speaking of his kids, even without any more blasts from a car horn, he could hear them start to complain. Draxum could hear it too, and gave Lou a quick peck on the cheek before he needed to leave.
“Until our next appointment, doc?” Lou said, stepping back and putting his hand on the driver’s door handle.
“Are you going to keep using that line?”
“Sure am!” Draxum sighed, briefly wondering why he was agreeing to all of this again, and remembering only a second later as he watched Lou smile and cheer along with his kids as they finally left the parking lot…
He was nearly in bed when he heard from Lou again, only it wasn't a phone call but a text. Specifically, a text and a photo of a simple, fairly messy drawing of the two of them, holding hands and surrounded by a giant pink, glittery heart (as well as small, multi-colored hearts).
“Look what Mikey drew at the library arts and crafts table. I think he supports us - and he captured your likeness pretty well!”
Draxum scoffed despite his smirk as he texted back, “That boy of yours is too adorable for his own good.”
Lou’s reply came in only a couple seconds later. “I’ll let him know you liked it. ;)”
Draxum nodded at the screen. He expected to be bombarded with numerous similar looking drawings the next time he visited the Jitsu home, but it was just as well.
Taking a moment to save the picture to his phone, Draxum then set his alarm before getting into bed, a fairly relaxed and content expression on his face as he slipped into sleep.
((Splinter's awkward dad apology/speech at the end of 'Evil League of Mutants' is so sweet, he's trying his best, ya'll... Such a good rat dad... But yeah, that's pretty much where I got my inspiration for quite a bit of Lou's dialogue in this chapter, lol. Just another side of him I wanted to show. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed! ^v^))
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atopearth · 6 years
Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Part 8 - Someday the Dream will End
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(Thought it’d be a great title since the above is my favourite soundtrack and this is my last post on FFX! XD)
Yay! I got Lulu’s Venus sigil! I was hesitant to start the dodging lightning thing since you have to dodge 200 in a row, but omg, after going on YouTube and knowing that there’s a ditch where you can easily gather the rhythm to do it 200 times, it only surprisingly took me like an hour and a half after getting distracted a few times and failing lmao. Gotta say though, much easier than the stupid Chocobo race for Tidus!🙄 Next thing you know, I try the butterfly catching game for the Saturn sigil and start to contemplate whether I really want to be a perfectionist lmao. I totally forgot that I hate the butterfly game the most, like THE MOST. It’s literally frustrating me more than the Chocobo and lightning combined, I don’t know why everyone on the internet says it’s the easiest of the mini games😣😣 Okay, fine, after another half an hour with trial and error, I finally got the Saturn sigil too, not that bad I guess….
Finally got all the celestial weapons too yeee~ I’ve never gotten everything before so I’m pretty happy right now hahaha! So Yu Yevon is the one that’s been constantly causing this all for a thousand years, hiding within Sin using him as an armour, and then when people defeat Sin with the powers Yunalesca tells them about, he merges with the Final Aeon to continue this cycle of life and death. I guess when everything works out, it’ll be good, but once they defeat Sin, the Fayth will stop dreaming and Tidus will disappear… It’s kinda funny how you used to be all concerned about Yuna dying and now near the end of the game, you instead have to be concerned over Tidus disappearing instead. Why can’t they just be happy together sigh..
Well! I legit spent a day farming sphere levels for Rikku and Tidus to finish off the sphere grid getting all the strength and agility nodes but omggg, can I just say that having triple AP instead of double AP is like the biggest difference ever? LOL. And omg overdrive -> AP is like the best thing ever. So easy to level lol. Funniest thing was when Don Tonberry did 83k damage on my Tidus though hahahaah, did I really kill that many monsters with him🤣 But yeah, it’s cool that I’m progressing with my sphere grid but I’m kinda sad that I’m one hit KOing everything lol. I mean, this is the first time I’ve ever gotten so far in FFX so I feel like I’m killing my experience haha! But I really want to fight nemesis and penance and all the dark aeons so oh well. Btw, it’s because I OHKO Seymour in Sin and didn’t get to see him do anything with his cool music hahaha. At least Yuna finally sent him to the farplane lol. Anyway, back to farming monsters, just need to finish Sin and Omega Ruins and I’m doneeee!
GG though, Omega Ruins took sooo long (I guess Sin did too) but dang was it annoying lol. So anyway, after much leveling with Don Tonberry again, and getting all the strength, defence, magic, magic defence, agility, luck and fortune spheres, I am legit done with the whole sphere grid! I’m honestly not dedicated enough to do 255 everything, so since 255 luck = 255 accuracy and evasion, I am not going to bother lolll. Agility maxes out at 170 as well so yayyy, don’t need to farm moreeee. I’ve legit been spending my week doing all this lmao, watching TVB and farming, that’s been my life hahaha. It’s kinda crazy seeing myself finish all this though. It was super time consuming but it’s nice to see my characters deal 99,999 damage haha. Coolest thing was defeating all the creations by the Monster Arena guy and then beating up Nemesis! Yesssss! It could have been easier if I set my overdrive mode to Comrade (charges overdrive when allies are hit) since he dealt so much damage lol, but silly me left it on Warrior (charges overdrive every time I attack), so yeaaaah, that took longer than I wanted hahaha. Btw, Nemesis is ugly but yay! I’ve completed another goal of mine! Oh yeah, I also beat Omega Weapon, of which, he was so underwhelming, especially with the random monsters you have to fight along the way, FFVIII was so much more annoying and challenging imo with the Ultima Weapon and other guys. I guess we’ll see how I feel once I defeat all the Dark Aeons and fight Penance hahaha.
The Dark Aeons were relatively easy! Especially if you have ribbon/stoneproof, not being petrified and shattered is like the most important thing imo lol. Dark Bahamut kept killing me and pissing me off because he kept petrifying my guys and killing them lol, I had to put stoneproof on my armour to survive, worked out well since I needed it for the Magus Sisters too haha. And yes, I was lazy to fight them altogether so I separated them and fought the sisters one by one to save myself from the agony lol. And what do you know? Dark Yojimbo was actually the one to bring the most trouble! It’s not even because he was hard, it was because I had to fight him 5 times to defeat him and initially, I didn’t know and just defeated him four times and was like wth, why isn’t Penance appearing?! So then, I googled and realised that I had kept missing the true third battle in the green room, so yeah, that frustrated the hell out of me because I legit defeated him 10+ times because I went to the wrong place, didn’t understand etc, yeaaah I was raging lol. I really wanted to finish the game and defeat Penance in the same day with the Dark Aeons so yeah, I was annoyed that I was not on schedule lolol. Oh well, more time to prepare for Penance I guess.
So…. I tried Penance and I died hahahah. Gotta revise my armour lolol. I think ribbon, auto-potion (with only x-potion), auto-haste and auto-protect might be the best combo. I’ll try that and see. Or not lolll! My biggest problem with Penance was not surviving his immolation attack that does a lot of HP damage and sucks all your MP too. Well, anyway, after much googling etc, I revised my armour again, luckily I had 6 million to spend bribing monsters for stuff lmao. I used auto-potion, auto-haste, auto-protect and defence +20%. This accompanied with Rikku’s Ultra NullAll mix (lasts the whole battle as long as you don’t die!) gave me enough defence to survive the whole battle (yay!). After that, it was really rinse and repeat of destroying the arms and then hitting the main body whenever I could. It probably legit took 20-30 minutes. Crazy for sure. Not sure whether it’s really worth it since I didn’t feel very accomplished LOL, I just felt like a robot constantly using quick hit (throwing a three stars so it doesn’t cost MP), dispelling after every immolation attack and thankfully, I had auto-potion because it would have killed me if I had to heal myself every turn. So yeah, after that, it was really just a waiting game where I just kept doing the same thing for 30 minutes, yeah it was pretty boring. I liked the optional bosses from previous games more.
And now I can finally fight Sin! Honestly, seeing Tidus finally open up to Jecht a bit more and be a bit more honest, I felt happy for Jecht. He’s always loved Tidus. Too bad it wasn’t meant to be for them to ever be able to hang out together like buddies. Since I maxed out my stats, last boss was so easy, I barely did anything. Kinda feel like I should have let him do something so I could see it lol, but I was too fast hahaha. Pretty devastating to see Yuna summoning every single summon for Yu Yevon to take over and then we kill it to stop Yu Yevon from having anything to take over anymore. It was heartbreaking to see all the Fayth go like that. But at least, as they said, they can now stop dreaming… Auron always has to be cool doesn’t he lolll, even when Yuna sends him to the Farplane. It hurt when he told Yuna that it was okay to send him. I really liked Auron. It was also saddening when Tidus was like, this is his last battle with them because he’s going to disappear, I guess at least he told them. Slack to Yuna when she wanted to hug him but he was disappearing. Especially when at the end, she kept whistling, waiting for him to come back.
Never even know the Eternal Calm video or whatever existed. Kinda feels weird though because it’s set two years later where all Yuna has been doing is being something like a counsellor to people until a sphere of someone who looks like Tidus (Shuyin~) is found by Kimahri, given to Rikku and then shown to Yuna and then she decides to go look for other spheres like it and soon becomes a sphere hunter. Considering that FFX-2 is set two years later which I assume is not long after this, her personality sure changed quite a bit after getting some freedom haha. I guess it’s true that Yuna has never truly lived for herself until now so it is nice that she can do that now, but how did she learn to use a gun so fast? Lol.
Overall, I enjoyed FFX, but honestly, it’s not one of my favourites haha. It’s one of the first I played as an adult probably but yeah, if I had to really choose, I prefer the previous much more. But I do like FFX because of how much more, simple it is? It’s simple, straightforward and emotional. Rikku and Yuna will always be my favourites. Wakka being silly is also a highlight. Cool Auron will always be the dream guy though hahaha. Happy that I can finally say I’ve finished it completely! Now on to getting 100% completion for FFX-2! I got like 98 or 99 on my first playthrough with the help of a guide every now and then but now I’m gonna use a guide for the whole thing and hope I get the 100% this time around hahaha, wish me luck~
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harleenquinzelgal · 7 years
I Will Come (Joker x Reader x Avengers)
Summary: You worked with the avengers on a mission to put Joker in Belle Reve Prison. During the mission, you pretended to be Jokers girlfriend in order to get to some personal information. During that period of time, you actually fell in love with the Joker but never told anyone. Once the avengers heard you got everything you needed, they captured joker and took him to Belle Reve Prison. The rest is to be read…!
Warnings: A lot of swearing, violence, bit of abuse
“Oh thank god this mission is FINALLY done!” You said at the meeting. Everyone was exhausted, nobody got a good sleep for a week cause of Joker. “Don’t think the mission is done yet people!” Fury said. All the avengers looked at each other and then looked towards Fury waiting for him to continue. Unlike you who started whining like a baby and hit your head on the desk!
“What do you mean?” Tony questioned. “We put him in Belle Reve and added some of our best S.H.E.I.L.D fighters! What can go wrong?” Bruce exclaimed. “That’s what you think but Joker can escape anything before you know it!” You knew he can. “God dammit! WHYYYY?” You cried out loud. “And guess who he would want to get to first?” The whole room vibrated with your name! “ME? Why me?” You questioned.
“You were the one who was assigned to be his other side in the mission. You pretended to be his girlfriend and the one thing Joker hates is…” “Liars” Tony whisper yelled. “Okay but I told him there actually wasn’t anything between me and him! That everything I ever told him or did towards him was just for this mission!” You replied.
“Why would you say that?” Natasha asked. “I don’t know! I thought it was a good idea at the moment.” You mumbled the last part under your breath. “What else did you say?” Bucky asked. “I maybe told him Iworkforsheild!” You said the last part fast. “What did you say?” Wanda asked again. “OKAY FINE! I TOLD HIM I WORK FOR SHEILD!” You yelled and got out of your chair. Everyone was surprised that you, Y/n, would make such a stupid move! You were kind of panicking now. “What did he say for those things?” Clint questioned. “Okay so this is what happened…” You were gonna only tell them half of it.
You kept a distance from his prison cell just for safety reasons because you regret everything you did! Even though he’s a cruel, cold, heartless monster, he did have a good side to him that people rarely see! You and the other Avengers were waiting for his arrival at his new home and then you saw him. You had a gun just in case he were to do something stupid!
As soon as he saw Tony,Natasha,Steve and Bucky, he knew all this is happening cause of the Avengers. “Hahaha it was you guys! How did this even happen?” He still didn’t see you yet since you left the place. You wanted to come in after he was locked or when he was going to get locked. All though you were further away from the cell, you did hear everything clearly.
You soon walked in and Joker started laughing! “There she is! My doll is here to kill all of you! She’s the strongest girl I’ve ever seen! She’s my girl, my angel, my sweetheart! I knew she would come to save me!” He retorted happily. You felt really guilty inside, you felt dead inside cause of what you’re doing to the Joker! “What are you waiting for? KILL THEM!” He demanded but you couldn’t.
“Agent Red Fury (That’s your superhero name), it is nice to see you again!” Nick greeted you with a smile. You didn’t want to look at Joker since you don’t like his face when he’s angry. “Agent Red Fury? Who the FUCK IS AGENT RED FURY?“ He yelled for an answer. You had to finish what you started so you forgot everything you’ve done with him and went calmly towards him.
“Hello Joker! It’s nice to see puddin in jail isn’t it?” You said with a smirk. Joker had anger in his eyes, you’ve never seen his face with this much anger and knowing you caused it! BOI that’s bad. “YOU! I…YOU FUCKING CUNT! HOW DARE YOU PLAY WITH THE JOKER!” All the avengers were scared for the first time except you. To be honest you’re shit scared too! But you’re gonna go with the flow! “It’s funny how you actually thought a girl like me would fall in love with you!” You said walking towards him with your arms crossed.
You told the guards to stay near the doors and to release his hand cuff. After they did that they raced towards the entrance to make sure he had no way of escaping. Joker played with his hands for awhile. “Doll! That was a horrible move! You know never to play with the Joker right? Didn’t I teach you that?” He was walking towards you. “Yes! You also taught me your ways and secrets of fighting! That would be really useful right now!” You looked at Joker in the eye and then before you can act, he slapped you really hard on the side of your face. You felt the sting on the cheek for a good 10 to 20 seconds and then grabbed your gun!
You looked around and saw Clint, Steve and Natasha holding a gun. You got up and pointed the gun straight towards Jokers forehead. “You’re gonna shoot me? DO IT!” Obviously he saw which gun you were holding and it was his favourite gun! “I’m not gonna shoot you with your own gun! I’m not that mean! I’d rather just kick you in the nuts and leave!” You told the others to leave and it was just you, Joker and 2 other guards.
Joker was put in his cell and you were standing right in front of it. Joker was sitting on the floor. “Mister J?” You whispered. He looked up and stayed there staring. “I’m sorry Mister J! I don’t know what happened to me!” He stood up and walked towards the bars. “Baby girl just get me out of here and then you can join me for real!” He said. His hands were now holding on the bar and you were close to it as well. “I thought you can’t trick the Joker but I just did!” You said laughing.
He got really angry and grabbed your neck. “You think you’re real funny don’t you? Let me show you what’s funny once I escape this prison! You can’t hide Sweetheart! Never from the Joker!” He threatened while having you in hold. Struggling to breathe you asked, “Did…you.act.ually….love..m..me?” At this point you were crying so he let go of you.
With teary eyes you turned towards the guards and demanded them to leave! After they left you turned towards Joker and saw that his eyes were red! You stole the keys to his cell. You used your power to bust the cameras. You opened the gate and walked in locking the door behind you. You were standing there, you wiped your tears and looked up. “You still didn’t answer my question?”
You had a fake smile on your face and he noticed that. He moved closer and slapped you once again. You yelped, you felt the stinging sensation and then he had you in a choke hold AGAIN. “This is why I love you! You can take all the pain, the abuse! You could’ve left but you didn’t. Even though your mission was to catch me or kill me, you saved me multiple times. That’s exactly why I love you Y/n!”
With that said you hugged him tightly. Surprisingly he hugged you back! You both started hearing things from the loud speaker. “ GUARDS PLEASE GO TO JOKERS CELL! I REPEAT, GO TO JOKERS CELL RIGHT NOW!” He pulled away from the hug and kissed you passionately! You returned the kiss and this went on for 2 minutes probably. You pulled away and said, “I’m sorry J but everything has to end here, right now! I don’t wanna leave you but this has to happen! You have to hate me! Whatever you do, only know me as the girl who put you in Belle Reve prison.” Joker looked mad and yelled, “SO YOU’RE GONNA FUCKING LEAVE ME? ARE YOU INSANE? I CAN’T FORGET YOU!”
You pushed him away and locked the gates. You stood right in front of him, only the bars separating you. “If I had to choose you or the avengers, I’ll choose them over anyone! KNOW THAT! Why do you think I said I’ll take the mission? Because I have a dark side and a bright side. And you’re feelings are easy to play with and here I am, standing in front of you as your ex-girlfriend.” “EX? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN EX? YOU FUCKING BITCH! I FUCKING HATE YOU!”
You looked at him and said, “I’m an Avenger, a hero, not a villain!” “Don’t fucking think this is the end Red Fury! I will come and find you, and make you pay for what you’ve said and done to me! I’ll still love you no matter what!” He repeated. “I DON’T FUCKING LOVE YOU JOKER! I DON’T WANT TO BE KNOWN AS A VILLAIN JUST CAUSE I WAS IN LOVE WITH ONE! IF YOU ESCAPE, I’LL STILL BE THE REASON WHY YOU’RE IN PRISON AGAIN. I DON’T FUCKING CARE IF YOU DIE IN HERE, JUST DON’T COME LOOKING FOR ME! I don’t love you anymore!” You said leaving the place with tears. “Y/N! Y/N! DON’T YOU WALK AWAY FROM THIS CONVERSATION! THIS ISN’T OVER BABY GIRL!” You heard Joker scream and bang on the bars! “LEAVE ME ALONE FOR FUCK SAKES!” You yelled back.
“Keep an eye on him guys! He’s not the one to last in a prison for a week! He’ll find out a way to contact Frost! Oh and sorry about the cameras, the reason why they weren’t working was my fault! I’m not fixing it though!” You said not taking charge. “If he does escape, I’ll kill all of you guys!” You threatened the guards and left.
“I’ll come baby girl! Just for you I will return! HA HA HA HA HA!”
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isolavirtuosa · 5 years
Starting Over (For Real?) 17-18
[fanfiction] NaruSasu
Read the previous parts here.
- 17 -
  “You seem really cheerful,” Sai commented as we moved through the desert.
“Do I?” Naruto asked cheerfully.
“Well, of course, that’s the reason I said it,” Sai said.  “You seem like a man who is getting laid.”
I dug my fingers into Naruto’s shoulder.
He grimaced.  “Uh, well, uh.  What?”
Sai just smiled.
“Be less happy,” I growled into Naruto’s ear.
He turned back to give me an incredulous look.  “You are like the most horrible person I have ever met.”
My smile got nasty.  “You want to see horrible?”
“No!” he said, facing forward again, not that it mattered.  There was nothing in front of us for miles, just endless expanses of sand.
We’d left Iwa behind without much to show for it.  Now we were almost to Suna, running low on food and motivation, and for some inexplicable reason still travelling with my would-be-assassin.
Apparently no ninjas seemed to see the value in trying to take over the desert in the middle of a famine, leaving the Land of Wind fairly intact compared to Iwa.
When we reached Suna, we were greeted by two of the three Sand siblings at the gate.
“Wouldn’t believe it if I wasn’t seeing it with my own eyes,” Temari commented, looking the three of us up and down.
“What’s not to believe?” Naruto asked cheerfully.
“Well, we can start with the Uchiha attached to your back like a koala,” Kankurou said, pointing at me.
I raised my chin a little higher and exuded haughtiness.
“I’m his horse,” Naruto explained.
Temari half-smiled.  “I can see that.  We weren’t really expecting a diplomatic party so soon, especially not one consisting of a missing nin, a spy, and… you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Naruto asked, scratching his nose.
Temari rolled her eyes.  “Gaara will be thrilled to see you.”  She motioned for the guards to open the gates.
“He’s doing okay?” Naruto asked.
“He’s doing great,” Kankurou lied.
We started to enter the village, and I felt my body twitching to call up Susanoo.  I hated presenting myself as so vulnerable and helpless.  I wasn’t either of those things.
“Neigh,” Naruto said.
I pinched his cheek and he laughed.  I thumbed over the red skin before letting my hand drop to his shoulder, holding on.
“You can park in the kage residence for the night,” Kankurou said, leading us there.
Suna seemed to be thriving.  There was some damage from the God Tree, but teams of ninjas were working on repairing them.  The shops on the main street were all open, and though I had very little interest in food beyond its necessity to keep my body functioning, the aromas wafting out of the stalls were surprisingly tantalizing.
“Sasuke, ohmigod, buy me ramen,” Naruto panted, standing in front of the stand and salivating.
“Later,” I said.
He looked at me over his shoulder, and it was so pathetic that we somehow found ourselves sitting down and eating ramen.
“Why do you have so much food?” I asked Temari as we waited for our order.
“This is the desert,” she said, like it was obvious.
I stared at her.
She stared back.
“Shouldn’t that mean you have less food than the rest of us?” Naruto asked helpfully.
“No, it means that we’re smarter and better at farming than the rest of you,” she replied, accepting her bowl from the chef.
“But who was doing the farming for the last two years?” Naruto asked, which was probably his last participation in the conversation as he broke apart his chopsticks and immediately started slurping up his noodles.
“Our smarter and better-trained villagers who weren’t taken into the tree,” she said.
“I’m sure a lot of other villages would be very interested in your smarter and better farming techniques,” Sai observed before loading his mouth with ramen.
Temari sniffed.  “I’m sure they’d be more interested in stealing our surplus, which is why we have Suna on lockdown.”
“You let us in,” I commented.
“You’re with Naruto,” she said, like that was the only explanation that was needed.
Being with Naruto wasn’t enough to get an audience with the kazekage, though.
“I think the kazekage hasn’t recovered from being in the tree, yet,” Sai whispered to me as we were settling into our room.
“What do you mean?” I asked in a normal tone of voice because we were alone.
“I mean,” he said, still whispering, “that he was taken to Konoha to recover, kept under lock and key, and moved to Suna a week later in the dead of night.”
“Why wouldn’t they keep a kage separated from the rest of the rabble?” I asked with a shrug.
Sai smiled at me.
“Don’t do that,” I said.
He stopped.
“Just say it clearly.”
“The ANBU think that the kazekage started to turn into a white zetsu.”
Sai shrugged.  “It’s only a rumor.”
“Why would the kazekage be the only ninja to be turned into a white zetsu?”
“Who says he’s the only one?”
“I don’t know, maybe you could just straightforwardly share all of your information.”
“I could.”
I looked at him.
“Oh, by the way,” he said suddenly.  “All of the high-ranking officials in Iwa have seen your missing arm, and Temari and Kankurou have seen it, so people will probably start putting two and two together.”
“Now Hyuuga and his merry band of followers are going to want me even more dead?”
“Are you being sarcastic?” Sai asked.
“Ah.  So it is not great.”
“Honestly, I don’t give a fuck.  It’s nothing new.”
“It’s a little new, and I think you give a few fucks.”
I looked at him.
He looked back at me.
I ‘accidentally’ ran over his foot as I rolled past him.
“That’s fine,” he said.  “I understand.”
My head whipped around to face him.  “What do you understand?”
“You,” he said.
I was back to seeing why Sai was so irritating.  “What are you still doing here, anyway?  If you’re not going to kill me, then go crawling back to Konoha.”
Sai faltered at that.  “Yes, that’s probably the best course of action.”
We stared at each other before I pushed my chair to the windowsill and used it to help me stand, feeling my legs wobble underneath me.  I struggled through a few steps.  “This is probably your only chance to kill me.”
“I wouldn’t do that to Naruto,” he said with an easy shrug.
“Even to save him from me?”
“He’s so in love he can’t see straight.  If you were dead, he would be even more consumed by you.”
I almost fell on my face, forcing as much chakra into my legs as I could spare to keep me upright.
Sai noticed.  “You love him, too, you know.”
I rolled my eyes.
“And that’s why the world is in the mess that it’s in.”
“...how so?”
“You know exactly how so.  If Naruto had been able to kill you, we wouldn’t have lost the last year and a half to an illusion.”
“I think that’s more on Naruto than it is on me.”
“And if you had been able to kill him, I don’t think we would have lost that time, either.”
“I would have killed the kages.”
Sai shrugged.
“I’m starting to suspect that you’re not the good little Konoha ninja that you purport yourself to be,” I said, lowering myself back into my chair.  My attempts at standing were making me look stupider than the chair did.
“I don’t know what I am,” he said, and it was completely straightforward and honest.
The room fell quiet and we both regarded one another seriously.
Then Naruto came bursting into the room.  “You know, they’ve got like every kind of ramen, they’ve got miso and shouyu and shio and tonko-” he paused, looking between us.  “Were you two… talking?”
“No,” we both said.
“Oh, uh, well, anyway, let’s stay here forever,” he said, flopping down on one of the futons that Sai had just carefully laid out.
“I tried to kill the kazekage,” I pointed out.
“More than once,” Sai added.
“More than once.”
“Gaara doesn’t care about that,” Naruto said, waving it off.  Then his face went serious.
“How is the kazekage?” Sai asked.
Naruto was silent.
We both looked at him.
“I can’t talk about it,” he finally said, getting up.
Sai and I exchanged a look.
Naruto caught us and frowned.
When we were all lying in our futons, ready to sleep, he finally brought it up again.  “Gaara’s still… recovering from everything.”
“I think there will be an attempted coup soon,” Sai commented.
“What?” Naruto said.
“It’s the same in Konoha and Iwa,” I agreed.  “The entire ninja power structure is under attack.  Suna will probably get a brief respite internally because the people are fed, but they’ll face external threats coming for their surplus.”
“That’s… dumb,” Naruto said.
“Insightful,” I murmured.
He growled and flopped his arm at me, smacking me in the chest.
I guffawed.
“Jerk,” he muttered, leaving his arm there for some reason.  “Man, what are we gonna do?”
“Move on?” I suggested.
He smacked me again.
“Sasuke has a point,” Sai put in.
“What happened to the ninja alliance?” Naruto growled.  “We all need to be helping each other out.”
“Oh, yeah, I should be helping out all these people who want me dead,” I said.
“The only one who wants you dead is Hyuuga,” Naruto protested.
“Whaddya mean, ‘ha’?!”
“I think it was an ironic laugh,” Sai said.  “To show his contempt for what you said.”
Naruto’s fingers tightened on my shirt.
I sighed, resting my hand over his briefly before removing it from my proximity.  “We need to look out for ourselves, Naruto.”
“Do you even know me at all?” he muttered.
“Yes, which is why I’m telling you this.”
He wasn’t convinced, but we headed out east the next day.
 - 18 -
  When Naruto came back from his watch, I could feel him looming outside of my tent.
“Idiot,” I grumbled, which he took as permission to come in.  “It’s Sai’s watch, isn’t it?”
He nodded, his blue eyes all wide and puppy-like.
I stared at him.
“I just…”
I stared harder.
“I wanna talk,” he said, and it wasn’t believable at all, but I beckoned him over.
“What do you want to talk about?” was about all I could say before his lips were pressed very insistently to mine.
“Hi,” he said, sliding into my sleeping bag and zipping it back up.
“Hi,” I replied, unzipping the bag.  “It’s hot,” I added, nudging him away.
Naruto whined, keeping one leg intertwined with mine while the other flopped out of the sleeping bag.  “I missed you.”
“We’re together almost every minute of every day.”
“Yeah, but we’re not like… together.”
I sighed, trying not to drown in his eyes.  “If you want to make out, then just say so.”
“I want to make out,” he said sincerely.  “But I was serious before, I want to talk to you.”
He kissed me and it was an automatic reaction to kiss him back.  He pulled back and I found myself pulling him back in.  This went on for some time before he pulled enough away to rest his chin on my chest.  “Um, so,” he started, “I’m gonna stop in Konoha before we go to Water.”
“No you’re not,” I said, frowning.
“I want to see Baa-chan,” he said, letting his finger run along my cheek.  “I need to… have some closure.”
“Closure to what?” I asked.  He wasn’t going to say what I thought he was going to say.
He knew I knew.  “Sasuke.  It’ll be the last time.”
“Don’t start with that.”
“I’m leaving the village.  With you.  Permanently.”
“That’s stupid.”
“Probably, but it’s what’s happening,” he said, his voice taking on a more authoritative tone that simultaneously annoyed and turned me on.
“Okay, ruin your life,” I said, trying to sound as disinterested as possible.
“Good, I will,” he agreed.
Our lips gravitated together.  A few times.
“Are you leaving Sai there?” I asked, mouth still close enough to touch.
Naruto eliminated the distance for a moment.  “Mm, no, he’s gonna stay with you.”
“Why would he do that?  If he doesn’t assassinate me, then the ANBU will know he’s a traitor…”  Then I knew.  “He’s not going back to Konoha, either, is he?”
“I can’t ask him to play the spy anymore,” Naruto said seriously.  “That’s not who he is now, ya know?”
“You don’t get to decide that.”
“No, I don’t, but I can tell he doesn’t want to go back to Konoha, so I’m going to talk to him after I finish arguing with you about going back by myself.”
“Oh, were we arguing?”
“Well, you’re about to go off on how I can’t travel by myself because I can’t do jutsu, blah blah blah.”
“If you already know why you can’t, then why are you bothering to bring it up?”
“Because I’m going to Konoha alone.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Rude,” he said, pinching my cheek.
“What if you’re attacked?” I growled, swatting him away.
“Who’s going to attack me in Konoha?”
“Rogue ninjas.  Bandits.  People who blame you for the Infinite Tsukuyomi.  Ninjas who want to make a name for themselves.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine, whatever.  I’m not completely defenseless.”
“You are absolutely, positively, completely defenseless.”
“I can do Sage Mode.  I can… run away…”
He leaned up and kissed my forehead.  “Don’t make that face.  It’s adorable how much you worry about me, but it’s really not necessary.”
My eyes narrowed.
“Sasuke.  Love.  Come on.”
“That’s a new one,” I complained.
“Huh?” Naruto said, then smiled slowly.  “Yeah, I’m testing it out.  It’s how I feel about you, so it’s the perfect nickname.”
“No,” he said firmly.  “You don’t get to call me that anymore.”
“Then what should I call you?” I asked, genuinely perplexed.
“Just call me by my name, jeez,” he complained.
I looked him straight in his eyes.  “Naruto.”
His smile was easy.  “See?  Was that so hard?”
“It’s a stupid name.”
“Ughhhh,” he groaned.  “Enough, already.  We all get it.”
I didn’t dare say ‘get what?’ because I knew he’d have an answer that would see right through me.  So I tried not to hide behind the insults for a moment, settling my hand on the back of his neck and pulling him closer again.  “Naruto,” I repeated.
“Sasuke,” he agreed as we gravitated together again.
It was definitely too hot in this damn sleeping bag.
Naruto laughed when I threw it off of us.
“We’re supposed to be sleeping, you know,” I informed him as his lips chased after mine.
“I know, love,” he hummed apologetically against my mouth.  “I just wanted to… talk.”
“Mm,” he hummed, shifting to kiss along my jaw.  “You want me to let you sleep?”
“Well, you seem kind of up,” I said, dragging my hand up his thigh and brushing lightly over the bulge there.
Naruto gasped and turned red.
I liked that.  “Sit up.”
He obediently scampered into a sitting position.
I liked that more.  “Good boy,” I said, pushing myself up to meet him.
If he had a tail, it would have been wagging.  He buried his face in my neck, nuzzling and rubbing.
It was adorable, and I momentarily lost focus.  I took a breath and nudged him back into an upright position.  I held him there with a hand in his hair, looking into his eyes.  “I’m going to touch you,” I informed him.
“I am going to be touched,” he agreed.
I looked at him.  He definitely did not get it.  “I’m going to touch you,” I repeated, letting go of his hair and letting my hand drop to his lap.
Naruto’s eyes suddenly went full-bedroom.
I felt the heat creep up my neck as he covered my hand with his, rubbing it up and down.  My lips parted involuntarily.
He leaned in, breathing into me more than kissing, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
I pulled out his waistband and slid my hand inside, gripping loosely.
His head dropped back and I almost thought he was going to fall over.  His arm scrambled around my waist, holding me for dear life.  “Sasuke,” he groaned.
I answered him by focusing on the task at hand, tightening my grip and flicking my wrist.
Naruto clearly had no shame, moaning and rocking his hips.
I tried not to get distracted.  He was very responsive, and it was easy to figure out what he liked, so I focused on his reactions.
“Sas’... Sas’... Sasuke, I’m gonna…” he whimpered, seeming helpless.
“It’s okay, Naruto,” I soothed him.  “I want you to.”
“Sasuke… Sasuke… I love you, Sasuke.”
I rolled my eyes.  Of course Uzumaki Naruto had to try and make a handjob romantic.  “Just shut up and come already.”
His dick twitched in my hand, because of course insults turned him on no matter how much he tried to tell me they didn’t.
“Naruto,” I said, soothing him with kisses until he’d made a mess of my hand.
His body leaned heavily against mine as he finally fell quiet and just tried to catch his breath.
I kissed the top of his head.  “This is disgusting,” I informed him.
“Huh…?” he said, sluggish and dream-like.
I pulled my hand out of his pants and waved it in his face.
His smile got very goofy.
“That took forever,” I complained.  “Get me a towel or something,” I added, shoving at his shoulder to get him to sit up.
“Can’t I bask for a minute?”
He kissed my collarbone, humming into my skin.
I felt warm and contented, too.  But the dry semen on my hand needed to be removed.  “Move,” I ordered, and he did.
He came back a moment later with some water and his dick still hanging out of his pants.
I shook my head.
He looked down, confused, then let out an embarrassed laugh and put himself away.
“You need to change,” I informed him.
“Later,” he said, taking my hand like it was the most precious thing in the world and cleaning his nasty jizz off of it.  He proceeded to kiss my palm, staring into my eyes adoringly.
“Go to hell,” I mumbled, shoving him away and getting back into my sleeping bag.
“If you keep pushing me away, I might disappear,” he said, laughing like it was a joke.
It wasn’t a joke, and I let him put his sleeping bag next to mine while we slept.
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