#gonna be honest i never finished ofmd
izel-scribbles · 2 months
i think izzy hands ofmd would look really cool in your style (but i'm not sure if you haven't already done that)
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never drawn him before but he has such a cool face. gotta do this more often
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peanutbutterex · 2 years
tag 9 people you want to know better!
I didn't realize tumbr did this kind of thing too! I haven't done one of these since I was more active on DeviantArt!
Thanks to @givefangapuppy for the tag!
3 ships of all time:
I have so many ships, but I guess the ones that have been most significant and long lasting to me have been...
Zuko/Katara: I remember when Zuko became my favorite character alongside Katara, and I found fan art of them paired together. I thought it was such a great ship that I started liking it more than Kataang, and now that I am older and understand the nuances of it more, I am even more of a fan of them
Usagi/Rei (Sailor Moon/Sailor Mars): Now I have on occasion found the two of them to be pretty annoying, and my first actual ship in Sailor Moon was Makoto/Ami, or Sailor Jupiter/Sailor Mercury. However, after a while there was just something very compelling about Usagi/Rei and the drama of it, how they are at each other's throats like a married couple but still deeply care about each other. Also, Tuxedo Mask never did anything for me as a character, and while I like Seiya, I will always think the true one for Usagi is Rei.
Ed/Stede: My god this one was pretty groundbreaking. My one friend asked our friend group one day in the middle of finals week to watch ofmd with her, calling it the gay pirate show. I thought that she called it that because pirates are often pretty fruity, and I thought it was just going to have a gay aesthetic. Like many others, I thought once Lucius got his kiss from Black Pete and Jim was out as nonbinary that would be it. I had never seen some of the famous queerbait media, but I had been friends with people who had, so I was not expecting Ed/Stede to become canon even though I shipped it. When they kissed I screamed and after I finished the show I went straight to reading fanfiction. Never has a ship caused my mind to be as overtaken as it was from Ed/Stede becoming canon. So yeah, probably one of the most significant ships I've ever shipped
First Ever Ship:
Gonna be honest, it is probably Zutara. My first ships were either Zutara or Torklenz (Peter Tork/Micky Dolenz of the Monkees), but given that I was into ATLA before The Monkees it is probably Zutara.
Last Song:
Given that it was the last song I played in Project Sekai, probably Becoming Potatoes by Neru (the vocaloid version, of course. I am a vocaloid fan first and a project sekai fan second)
Last Film:
I can't remember, but it might have been Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter? I did not finish it because it was a family event to watch this so bad it's good movie, and we have to all finish it together.
Currently Reading:
here is the thing, I don't read books for fun much anymore, especially since I am a college student, but I started reading a witchy book that I am not sure where I put it rn.
Currently Watching:
well, if by watching you mean a list of the shows I want to finish but have not had the energy to, I will give a short but incomplete list:
Harley Quinn
Reservation Dogs
Tokyo Mew Mew
Revolutionary Girl Utena (though that is because I want to finish the manga before I finish the anime).
Currently Consuming:
Water. Hydrate don't diedrate
Currently Craving:
Sleep, which I will get after posting this, and for my major to not require a thesis, which will not happen.
only if you all want to! @midnightwings-pirates @marquise-de-clarabas @blakbonnet @dolenz-harrison-girl @plaudiusplants @bisghetti-o @missbananarose (yes you are like one of my closest friends but I am curious about your answers) @d0-n0t-p3rc3iv3-m3 @gaypir8bois69 @mycroftpedvia
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theeladyking · 2 years
Actually I've changed my mind.
I want Ed and Stede to feel like stiff coworkers when they reunite. I want them to fight, and I want Stede to win on a Muppetsy technicality, and I want him to demand his place back as Ed's co-captain.
But that's all.
I want the crew to sort themselves into those who consider themselves more Blackbeard's employees, and those who consider themselves Stede's, and I want Stede to slowly win over the former group and integrate them into the latter.
I want story time to come back. I want Roach to chase out Ed's cook with threats and knives. I want Fang to let Lucius out of the walls of the ship so Lucius can spend the night cuddling between him and Pete. I want Jim to stick around out of curiosity, and also because no way is Oluwande leaving Stede, and besides, Jim has just started teaching the New Crew™ how to properly use knives. It would be rude for them to just dip out.
I want Ed to press his ear against the inside of the cabin door one night as Stede re(re-re-re)tells the story of the fuckery that "killed Stede Bonnet". I want Ed to pretend he still has no idea, even though he always listens when Stede tells that story and laughs at all the same bits.
I want Stede to sleep on the couch.
I want them to argue over Ed getting rid of Stede's books because, damnit, it's not alright. I want them to fight over strategic decisions, and for Stede to start shouting when Izzy sides with Ed. I want Stede to be right, just one time, and for Ed to apologize.
I want Stede and Ed to commit one more fuckery. One more hoax, where they infiltrate a ship full of high society dickheads, and for Ed to be the belle of the ball again, but this time, for him to notice that Stede isn't. Deciding to leave these things behind doesn't mean you automatically become decent at them. But when someone talks a little too loudly over Stede, or says something a little too passive aggressive - when Stede looks down or winces - I want Ed to break and defend him because, damn it, nobody talks about the man he loves (he loves, God she still loves so fucking much he can't stand it) like he's not better than all these rich fucks. Like he's not good, or kind, or deserving, or wonderful, or bright as the fucking sun.
And when they get back to the Revenge - back home - I want Ed to start telling Stede that. To start telling Stede that he didn't deserve to be laughed at, or insulted, or that Ed understands perfectly now why he left all that behind and he's sorry he didn't understand before how much of a wound that leaves after so long, and that he's sorry about the books and the crew and the frilly shirts-
I want Stede to kiss him.
In a broken little voice, I want Ed to say "You came back."
And I want Stede to take Ed's red silk out of his pocket where he's been keeping it close, saving it all these weeks, and press it into Ed's hand and say "Never left."
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