#gonna bave anotber one
tony-andonuts ยท 1 year
Chicken sandwiches my beloved
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the-fire-bubble ยท 4 years
Cantsleepcantsleepcantsleeeeeep cantsleepcantsleepcantsleeeeep cantsleepcantsleepcantsleeeeep cant sleeeep caaant sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Met ny grandmother from cuba ror the first time in 23 years and I couldn't hold a full conversation with her because she only speaks spanish and i mostly speak english but holy shit i was ecstatic to see her and talk what little i could with her. She still wants to talk to me too! But im sad because my spanish is so poor and I wonder if my white grandmother hadnt pretty nuch forbid me from using 'beaner talk' at home if i would have been able to keep more spanish in my head or like if she intentionally wanted all the grandma love to herself.... idk. I'm like Will Jay in the sense I'm ashamed I can only do or say so much but like..... I was bullied for years and trying to blend in meant trying to seem white even when I'm not. Idfk. This is probably shit for my counselong session. I was gonna sleep but my brain wont stop thinking about things like the placement test and maybe i could get my high school algebra 2 teacher to help me prep or something idk im terrified ill have to take extra math if i dont place well and I just dont want extra classes becauae that's extra money i do not presently have a gurantee on. Im very grateful to talk to my grandma in cuba though. So grateful. So grateful. I didn't know if I would ever see her let alome be able to talk to her and through technology, I finally did! After 23 years of living, I met my own grandmother! Am I exhausted from all the childhood trauma of being called shit like a beaner and wetback flashing.back? Yeah. Am I also fucking excited? YES. ITS A BONUS GRANDMA TO LOVE AND SUPPORT ME. ONE THAT MIGHT NOT BE TOXIC AT ALL?!?!? EVEN IF I HAVE TO LEARN ANOTBER LANGUAGE AGAIN. YOU BET YOUR ASS, IMMA PUT ALL MY FEET FORWARD IN THIS. also, kudos to me. I actually sent a message to that one person, and didn't seem like a total creep. AND I SAVED MS GLORIA OVER 140 DOLLARS TODAY. Even though I may bave missed like 2 things of plates (1 intentionally because I thought it double scanned) (it didn't but whatever. It was 1.29 no biggie.) And like WILD DAY. ALL THE FEELS. I WILL PROBABLY BE DRINKING MUCH APPLE JUICE IN THE DAYS TO COME. BUT HOLY SHIT. STILL. SOME GOOD NEWS AND IM LIKE.... REELING. IDK. Still fucjing nervous about college but like FUCJ THAT I JUST GOT TO MEET MY GRANDMOTHER TODAY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. INCLUDING MY BIRTH. SHE WAS STUCK. IN CUBA FOR THAT.
Fuck dat embargo and fuxk america. Yo sou cubano y estoy muy ... proud. Idk. I'll fucking get thwre one of these days. Stella outtieeeee
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