#gong taesung
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lockheedly · 11 months ago
you really have no choice but to admire how pathetic taesung is with trying to tell hanbyul he likes her but at every step there's an immediate black hole. side sideok having his whole little drunk moment and having to write an apology and taesung writing her a note and hearing that there's nothing she hates more than hand written letters and immediately tearing it up.??? flawless
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myfavouriteformofblurting · 2 years ago
There is something about kdramas that will make you CRAVE romance and affection, regardless if you've been happily dating for 4 years or single
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jchny · 2 years ago
━ aí para com isso! ━ praticamente resmungou quando escutou o pedido com todo aquele tom de insegurança porque como o kim poderia negar algo ao amigo? ━ é claro que você pode ficar, não vai me incomodar não. ━ john realmente entendia @hipnotizeivoce​ não querer ficar sozinho porque ele mesmo também não queria, ainda que a ideia de não ser o único incomodado desde a grande chuva o fizesse ficar ainda mais preocupado e todo seu ceticismo parecia escorrer por água a baixo. ━ mas me diz, como você tá?
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hyuneskkami · 3 months ago
UPDATE im on episode 13 and safe to say, im still as invested as I was during ep 1 THIS SHIT IS GOOD
i’m only on episode 1 of shooting stars but im already so invested wtf
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kwonhozhi · 2 years ago
new pathetic male lead dropped
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filmbyjy · 2 years ago
OMG for your sh**ting stars inspired smau's main lead should be hands down hoon bec omg i saw the drama thrice and i remember thinking omg i need actor sunghoon on a role like this!!! Btw how are you??? <333
i’m doing great! just a little dead on the inside because I am currently fasting and so like i’m hungry and thirsty😀👍🏻 other than that, i’m good.
+ lord, i’m really about to make another hoon inspired kdrama smau😪 IM KIDDING!! honestly, it is true. sunghoon does fit that role with him being himself. really, set myself up with that poll knowing that sunghoon fits it best🙃
not to forget, sunghoon does act like the way gong taesung does act in the kdrama.
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hipnotizeivoce · 2 years ago
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ele é apenas GONG TAESUNG, um DANÇARINO de ZAKYNTHOS, GRÉCIA. chegou a zakynthos faz DOIS ANOS e aparentemente está amando a estadia. SUNG tem 24 anos e desde sempre dizem que ele é AUTODIDATA, RESERVADO, SONOLENTO e SARCÁSTICO.
aesthetic: astronomia, preguiça, travesseiros macios, ambientes escuros, silêncio, flauta, violão, sofá, banho de banheira, luz de velas, dorme em qualquer lugar, odeia acordar cedo, só acorda depois de meio dia, sono excessivo, pijamas macios, hábitos noturnos, voz de anjo, dança, pole dance, chá, energético, milk-shake, patins. 
resumo: nasceu em Zante e voltou para a Coréia aos seis anos junto com o irmão gêmeo após os pais morrerem. sofre de Narcolepsia, um distúrbio do sono caracterizado por sonolência excessiva durante o dia, mesmo quando a pessoa dormiu bem à noite. voltou para a ilha fazem dois anos para reformar a casa dos pais, que estava sob risco de ser demolida de tão velha, Sung e o irmão estão fazendo a reforma aos poucos e conforme ganham dinheiro. trabalha em uma boate (talvez a Fire) como dançarino na parte da noite em alguns dias específicos da semana, Gong apenas dança sensualmente e pode até fazer strip-tease, porém, ele não vende seu corpo ou dorme com pessoas por dinheiro. nas noites livres costuma cantar em restaurantes e bares locais, também é possível encontrá-lo cantando em algum casamento ou festas particulares por aí. ele não faz shows eróticos para despedidas de solteiro particulares, não insista. não suporta qualquer outra atividade física que se não seja dança.
Taesung é reservado e tímido, acostumado a viver dentro da própria bolha costuma agir de duas formas com outras pessoas: provocativo ou educado. depende do que se desperta nele. orgulhoso que só, não costuma dar o braço a torcer facilmente, por ser acostumado a ser sozinho, acredita que consegue se virar sozinho sempre e odeia que apontem que esteja fazendo algo errado. quando está no palco adota outra personalidade, é como se não fosse o Taesung ali, ele é sexy e hipnótico, mas se você o encontrar na rua e falar alguma coisa ele vai corar feito um tomate maduro.
bio completa
nasceu na ilha com seu irmão, seus pais migraram da Coréia do Sul para Grécia cinco anos antes e ali se estabeleceram, infelizmente um terrível acidente os levou a óbito e aos seis anos os gêmeos retornaram para a Coréia para serem criados pelos avós. devido a divergência de personalidade e por brigarem constantemente foi acordado que cada um seria criado por um casal de avós, Taesung ficou então com os avós paternos.
sempre dormiu demais, com receio de que o menino tivesse algum problema de saúde, seus pais o levaram a alguns médicos na infância até que se chegou ao diagnóstico de Narcolepsia, um distúrbio do sono caracterizado por sonolência excessiva durante o dia, mesmo quando a pessoa dormiu bem à noite. os ataques de sono podem ocorrer a qualquer momento e em situações inusitadas: em pé dentro de um ônibus, durante a consulta médica, dirigindo o automóvel, ou operando máquinas, por exemplo. o problema é que isso afetava Taesung na escola, visto que o pequeno vivia dormindo nas aulas, mesmo que estivesse no período da tarde. sem outra alternativa, os avós o tiraram da escola e mais tarde ele completou os estudos através de supletivos.
não ir à escola lhe trouxe coisas boas e ruins, a começar por sua habilidade em aprender sozinho instrumentos musicais e dança, o primeiro que aprendeu sozinho foi flauta, passando logo depois para violino, violão e guitarra. não demorou muito para que seus avós o estimulasse e o colocasse em aulas (tanto de instrumentos quanto de dança), por mais que aprendesse bem sozinho, era solitário demais fazer tudo sozinho sempre e é aqui chegamos no ponto negativo dele não ir à escola, cresceu sozinho e com pouquíssimos amigos. foi na adolescência que começou a se aproximar mais de seu irmão gêmeo, estabelecendo um vínculo meio esquisito, onde o amava profundamente, mas o repudiava na mesma medida.
foi em uma dessas aulas que uma grande empresa de entretenimento o descobriu, Sung até tentou se tornar um idol, talento ele tinha de sobra, o problema era seu sono completamente desregulado. acordar cedo era impossível para ele, seu sono era tão pesado que por vezes acharam que estava morto. sempre que fica exausto acabava apagando, o que o faz dormir em qualquer canto, ainda que prefira uma cama confortável.
tirando a dança, repudia qualquer outra atividade física e foi por isso que começou a trabalhar como dançarino em boates após completar a maioridade, já que não conseguir ser um idol, então que utilizasse seus talentos para ganhar dinheiro de alguma forma, sem contar que um emprego normal e em horário comercial estava totalmente fora de cogitação. outra coisa que começou a fazer foi cantar em bares e restaurantes na parte da noite, ás vezes até mesmo em casamentos, a única coisa que nunca fez foi fazer apresentações em despedidas de solteiro, aí já era demais para sua timidez.
sua volta para Zakynthos se deu por causa da casa de seus pais, a habitação estava caindo aos pedaços e corria o risco de ser demolida se não fosse reformada, foi assim que os gêmeos se viram unidos de verdade pela primeira vez e retornaram para a cidade natal. os dois vivem sob o mesmo tento atualmente e juntos tentam reformar a casa conforme vão ganhando dinheiro.
Taesung é reservado e tímido, acostumado a viver dentro da própria bolha costuma agir de duas formas com as outras pessoas: provocativo ou educado. depende do que se desperta nele. orgulhoso que só, não costuma dar o braço a torcer facilmente, por ser acostumado a ser sozinho, acredita que consegue se virar sozinho sempre e odeia que apontem que esteja fazendo algo errado. quando está no palco adota outra personalidade, é como se não fosse o Taesung ali, ele é sexy e hipnótico, mas se você o encontrar na rua e falar alguma coisa ele vai corar feito um tomate maduro. 
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hieulam-drama-notes · 3 months ago
📺Tổng hợp một số cảnh still-cut trong bộ drama Sh⭐️⭐️ting Stars - 별똥별 (2022) - xem full vietsub trên app iQiYi.
🎬 GongTaeSung’s mood 🎬
Lỡ sa vào đôi mắt ấy nên muốn ch���p lại một số phân cảnh ấn tượng.
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Khúc này trong phần kết epilogue cuối tập nào quên rồi hix hix trong 3 tập đầu thôi, vì đây là cảnh đêm lúc đang làm tình nguyện viên ở Châu Phi nè.
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Đoạn này hình như tập 4, GongTaeSung đã thay đổi cách nhìn đối với cậu quản lí trẻ và mời cậu 1 viên kẹo ngọt - đây là kiểu thể hiện với người mà cậu quý mến nè - ngoài lạnh trong nóng 🥰 về sau cuối phim nói chuyện với luật sư Do cũng kiểu vậy.
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Khúc này hình như tập 2 - trước khi hoành tráng tuyên bố sẽ đi Africa trước đông đảo báo giới. Về sau đến tận mấy tập 13, 14 gì đó Gong mới nói lí do thực sự vì sao lại muốn đi tình nguyện 1 năm ở Châu Phi.
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Khúc này tập 5 - sau khi được OhHanByoel giải toả nỗi niềm bị mang tiếng đầu hôi 🤣 ảnh ngây ngơ nhìn theo 🤭
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Đoạn này cuối tập 5, GongTaeSung đang mơ màng ngủ gật và thầm thì nói mớ rằng trong những khoảng khắc đặc biệt của cuộc đời cậu đều có sự hiện diện của OhHanByoel bên cạnh.
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Đây là nhân vật ShinHa - vai diễn của GongTaeSung - đoạn này tạo hình đẹp trai quá 🥰 lời thoại lúc này kiểu như “diễn viên cũng có cảm xúc của một người bình thường…”
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Cảnh này là lần đầu GongTaeSung gặp OhHanByul 오한별 trong rạp phim- đang chiếu 1 bộ phim của mẹ TaeSung. Mắt còn đỏ hoe vì mới khóc 🥹
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Cảnh này đang ngồi xem gì trên laptop ấy quên rồi.
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Đây là cảnh trong phần kết của tập 13 khi GongTaeSung đang nói chuyện với bác sĩ tâm lí. Mình rất ấn tượng với nét diễn đôi mắt chất chứa đau đớn của YoungDae, đặc biệt càng ấn tượng về diễn xuất khi đem so sánh đôi mắt buồn của GongTaeSung lại khác hoàn toàn với ánh mắt đau khổ mà cứng rắn của DoHa trong ngoại hình của HanJunOh (Moon In The Day) 🥹🥹🥹 hay cũng rất khác đôi mắt đau lòng điên dại của vua LeeHeon khi nhung nhớ Thế Tử Tần đã qua đời của mình.
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Cuối cùng là tấm này - chụp lại cũng vì tạo hình ShinHa đẹp trai 🤣 - Gong mới quay xong phân cảnh kiss và đang hơi tâm trạng, đang đuổi theo OhHanByul thì vô tình gặp bạn diễn cũ - người từng được Gong xác nhận hẹn hò chỉ vì đang ghét 1 tên diễn viên khác mà tên đó lại theo đuổi cô này 🤣 làm HanByul ngày đó đau khổ vì thất tình nè.
💫Xem full vietsub trên app iQiYi 🥝👍🏻
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keii-starz · 8 months ago
well, dang, sorry, guys...but none of those two will get the role, hahaha!!! and its alllll cuz of gong taesung...lol.
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gaenarirp · 1 year ago
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[ 777 ] hwang yeji, itzy
[ 332 ] --- // chiffon
[ 072 ] shin sungrok, actor
[ 847 ] kaan canbulat, model // spruce
[ 818 ] go minsi, actress
[ 134 ] jo serim (onda), everglow
[ 000 ] kim yooyeon, triple s
[ 171 ] lee chaeryeong, itzy
[ 777 ] choi beomgyu, txt * ext
[ 420 ] --- // sandcastle
[ 017 ] kim seonwoo (sunoo), enhypen
[ 729 ] jung soojung (krystal), actress * ext
[ 325 ] bang chan, stray kids // shamrock
[ 265 ] kim taeyeon as jung heejin, accepted
[ 186 ] jang wonyoung as jin aera, walnut, ghoulies and ghosts, accepted
[ 088 ] kim jongin as emery jang, mocha, accepted
[ ---- ] yang jungwon as ryu jinwoo, train crew, accepted
[ 143 ] han jisung as baek siwoo, watermelon, accepted
[ 222 ] jung wooyoung as moon saein, sable, accepted
[ 000 ] kim minji as yoon sohee, merigold, accepted
[ ---- ] shin ryujin as kang jiyeon, accepted
[ ---- ] byun baekhyun as dali east, accepted
[ 626 ] park wonbin as park jaeshin, chartreuse, accepted
[ 111 ] gong yoo as lee sangwook, accepted
[ 000 ] roh yoonseo as oh haeyang, aegean, accepted
[ 824 ] choi yeonjun as kang taesung, porpoise, accepted
[ ---- ] yu jimin as lee minsi, pewter, accepted
[ 112 ] yeh shuhua as liu qiangxi, accepted
[ 004 ] choi san as seo haedam, currant, accepted
[ 610 ] wen junhui as mo ran, accepted
[ 171 ] lee chaeryeong as jeon nabi, accepted
[ 341 ] lee minho as sun minseok, accepted
[ ---- ] fukutomi tsuki as kasai momona, applause, under review
[ 122 ] shin dohyun as shin sungkyung, under review
[ 963 ] choi soobin as lee hyun, dandelion, train crew, under review
[ ---- ] choi yunjin as nam suji, blush, under review
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namchyoon · 3 years ago
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There's national boyfriend, Gong Taesung too. Hey! He's a celebrity. Aren't celebrities people too? Be honest with me. Everyone in this country loves him. If you're human, you had to have been attracted to him at least once. Absolutely no way. Not even once. A strong denial is an affirmation. A strong denial is just denial. If you fall for a celebrity, you can't work in this industry.
SH**TING STARS (2022) dir. Lee Soo-hyun
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prbni · 3 years ago
Gong Taesung and Oh Han Byeol as the type of married couple:
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Gong Taesung is the type of husband who never forgets to wear his wedding ring. The only time he probably takes off his ring is when he's doing a scene for his role. He'd even look at his ring and smile all by himself.
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Oh Hanbyeol is the type of wife who'd be so preoccupied and exhausted with her work and daily activities that she'd sometimes forget to wear her ring.
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And when Taesung will notice she's not wearing the ring,he will sulk and pout the entire day and refuse to talk to her properly.
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grrrlsoverdramas · 3 years ago
Also like I am NOT watching Sh**ting Stars (whoever made the English translation of the title is a GENIUS) expecting even a MODICUM of moral depth. In a lot of ways it reminds me of earlier Hong Sister dramas (think “The Greatest Love”) in that it is Satire but it is way more interested in exaggerating tropes than it is in interrogating them. Which means that while it is funny and a wild ride, it constantly veers left and right into offensiveness or toxicity. And there is this little alarm in my brain whenever Gong Tae Sung like manipulates/controls Hanbyul with money or or her job but also like in many ways that is as much an affectation from overconsumption of The Discourse and less a genuine reaction because I would absolutely be lying if I said I don’t think it’s a fun time.  It’s just millenial brain rot or something and I don’t have a gen z capacity hate narratives without moral integrity, or something. That’s also not it, but who knows.
What I DO know, is that this was all to say that despite all that, I like that they’ve now established that Hanbyeol and Taesung were definitely friends around the time she accidently called him impotent in a press release, because it definitely softens him flipping out at her... Like, acting that way with someone you’re close with feels much more flippant and jokey and way less aggressive.  It also explains why he immediately asked for her to keep her job. Like we’ve been watching this assuming they’ve always been frenemies, but they were indeed friends. And honestly I think a lot of their dynamic comes from the fact that Tae Sung kind of just assumed they were still bickering buddies but Hanbyul drew this big line between them when he broke her heart.  But he doesn’t know about that?? (At least as far as we know) So, that’s why he gets annoyed when she says they aren’t close, etc.  Of course also he likes her and doesn’t know it, but all I’m saying is that it kind of makes sense that they’re both so confused.
ANyway, as I said I appreciate when the internal logic of a show makes sense!
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that-queer-fanboy · 2 years ago
Aroace headcanon's for bl characters
Be Loved In House: I Do:
Yu Zhen - Sex and romance indifferent or favourable grey aroace or allo
Shi Lei - Sex and romance indifferent or favourable grey aroace or allo
Cherry Blossoms After Winter:
Taesung - Sex and romance favourable grey aroace
Haebom - Sex and romance indifferent or favourable grey or demiromantic grey or asexual
Color Rush:
Yeonwoo - Sex and romance indifferent grey or demiromantic asexual
Yoohan - Sex indifferent and romance favourable greyromantic allosexual
Don't Say No:
Leo - Sex indifferent or favourable and romance favourable grey aroace
Fiat - Sex and romance favourable greyromantic asexual spectrum or allo
Leon - Sex indifferent and romance favourable greyromantic pansexual
Pob - Sex and romance indifferent demi aroace.
Light On Me:
Shinwoo - Sex indifferent and romance indifferent or favourable grey homoromantic asexual.
Taekyung - Sex indifferent and romance favourable grey or allo (potentially homoromantic) asexual or greysexual.
Lovely Writer:
Gene - Sex adverse and romance indifferent or favourable grey or demiromantic demisexual.
Mr Heart:
Jinwon - Sex indifferent and romance adverse or indifferent grey or demiromantic grey or allosexual
Sangha - Sex indifferent and romance favourable grey aroace or allo
Mr Unlucky Has No Choice But To Kiss:
Kouta - Sex adverse and romance indifferent grey or demiromantic allosexual
Shinomiya - Sex and romance indifferent grey or demiromantic greysexual or allosexual.
My Engineer:
Bohn - Sex indifferent and romance favourable greyromantic or alloromantic bisexual or pansexual.
Duen - Sex adverse and romance indifferent demiromantic grey or demisexual
Ram - Sex and romance indifferent grey aroace
King - Sex and romance indifferent allo
Thara - Sex and romance indifferent grey or demi aroace (demiromantic demisexual)
Frong - Sex and romance indifferent allo.
My Love Mix-Up!:
Ida - Sex and romance indifferent greyromantic asexual.
Aoki - Sex adverse or indifferent and romance favourable demiromantic bisexual
Oh! My Assistant:
Joonseok - Sex and romance indifferent or favourable aromantic bisexual
Old Fashioned Cupcake:
Nozue - Sex indifferent and romance adverse grey or demiromantic greysexual
Togawa - Sex indifferent and romance favourable grey aroace
Semantic Error:
Jaeyoung - sex favourable and romance indifferent or favourable grey or demiromantic bi or pansexual.
Sangwoo - Sex and romance adverse or indifferent grey or demiromantic asexual.
Senpai This Can't Be Love:
Yanase - Sex and romance indifferent grey aroace or allo
Kaneda - Sex and romance indifferent grey or demi aroace
Takara-Kun and Amagi-Kun:
Takara - Sex indifferent or favourable and romance adverse or indifferent grey aroace (greyromantic greysexual)
Amagi - Sex adverse and romance favourable greyromantic allosexual potentially ace spec. (I genuinely don't know enough to label him besides allo broadly)
Tinted With You:
Heon - Sex and romance indifferent grey aroace.
Eunho - Also sex and romance indifferent grey aroace.
*Will probably be edited as I watch more
Plus and Minus:
Zheng Ze Shou - Sex and romance favourable grey aroace.
Fu Li Gong - Sex indifferent/favourable and romance favourable grey aroace.
Kato Yuki - Romance and sex indifferent/favourable demi aroace (I also think he has ADHD).
Jian Ying Ze - Romance and sex indifferent grey aroace (I also think he has ASD).
A Shoulder To Cry On:
Dayeol - Sex indifferent and romance adverse or indifferent grey or demi aroace.
Taehyun - Sex adverse and romance adverse or indifferent grey or demi aroace.
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filmbyjy · 2 years ago
NOTE: the banners and synopsis may or may not change if the SMAU is confirmed. this is also just to compile possible SMAUs that I will be doing. there will also be a voting for the SMAU that may come out do look out for that! its usually like before the current SMAU is about to end.
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PAIRING: heli/heeseung x selen! reader
i won’t lie sooha actually made up in the end for actually ending Dardan (spoilers)
but yeah, you are a girl boss in here so it’s going to be different here. instead of following our sooha as a high school student, you are selen!
you will be fighting off dardan and his little goons with your powers that you are still learning to use.
and yes, this means ENHYPEN in their knight suits bc i know how hot they look in it
also this doesn't exactly fully follow the actual WEBTOON. more of a modern medieval times smau + the fact that they are vampires and you have some very big powers.
medieval times do not have social media so it's modernised 👍🏼
synopsis: Back then, there were many fights involved between werewolves and vampires and even up till now. It was hard but for now, that was the least of your worries. Protecting your kingdom from the evil hands of Dardan was more important.
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PAIRING: manager!jay x fem! reader
anyways, this is a time travelling sort of kdrama so yes, you go back in time
it ain’t lovely runner but this has a cat inside. how ironic when jay is deathly allergic to cats
ehem, let’s pretend he’s not bc in this drama jihyeok really loves his dear pang (the cat)
so to give context, to make things right the way it should go and everyone being happy and stuff, the main character travels back in time to twist their story
waking up after suffering from a trauma to the head, you found yourself alive and well but what’s weird is…why were you not in a hospital gown? why weren’t you sick?
you turned to look at the clock, it’s 2013…uh oh you’ve traveled back in time without realising it
how would things plan out and how would you make a difference in your ‘new’ life
synopsis: given the chance to have a second chance, you decided to change your fate. however, it comes with a setback, you have to hand over your fate to someone else and how would you do it? you knew you couldn’t do it alone so, who to better help other than your manager(?)
(coming soon...)
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PAIRING: idol! sunghoon x PR Manager! reader
everyone calm down, I can hear you guys screaming. yes, filmbyjy is back with another kdrama inspired smau! and yes, it is sunghoon again bc he just fits both kang taemoo and gong taesung
but anyways, idk if you’ve seen the plot of sh**ting stars but if you haven’t…the summary is that the main leads are enemies. so…enemies to lovers arc once again😍
so gong taesung is an idol while oh hanbyeol is a PR manager. they’ve known each other back in college and had a mutual friend.
said mutual friend in the actual story unfortunately isn’t alive anymore but in my version, he will still be alive and he will be played by…you guessed it! sim jaeyun
okay I know…secretary jake became best friend jake in this story😔 too predictable but like jake fits the mutual friend’s bubbly personality a lot. also note, nothing will happen to jake, I plan on keeping him alive tyvm🫶🏻 either ways enjoy the sypnosis
sypnosis: Sending park sunghoon to Australia along with his best friend, jake, was the biggest move you’ve made. you were thankful to not hear his annoying voice for years but it also came with a small itch at the back of your mind. you missed him and his stupid handsome face. maybe, you’d soon realise that there was a reason why you missed his stupid handsome face.
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this is just an excuse for me to rewatch this drama (nearly was very close to rewatching it 3 times but I decided against it)
if you haven’t watched this cdrama (Chinese drama) GO WATCH IT🫵🏻
the short version and synopsis I will give you is this is a older brother’s best friend trope
you got to first know sunghoon when you were just 14, thinking your brother, jay, got plastic surgery or something
but no, it’s not your brother. it was his very good looking friend, sunghoon. Sunghoon was a sweetheart though
as years passed by, you developed feelings for him. after him coming over and celebrating things with your family. you were so in love with him to the point that you planned to get into the same university as him.
however, before you could even see him to tell him about your feelings as a 16 year old. you were heartbroken to hear that he had gotten a girlfriend. eventually, you decided to stop loving him and focused on yourself instead.
synopsis: park sunghoon was the most good looking and respectful man you’ve ever met. ignoring the fact that you had a loud and obnoxious older brother, park jongseong, as his best friend. with things going by in your life and a heartbreak, what happens when you meet up with the same man who you vowed to stop loving.
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PAIRING: high school senior!sunoo x fem!reader
you had a huge crush on a boy named sunoo
however, he was a year older
how did you fall for him? simple, he was friends with your best friend, jungwon.
you just thought sunoo was adorable and really sweet so you fell for him. you wrote love letters for sunoo anonymously but never got the guts to place it in his locker.
however, one day…one of your latest letter disappeared and guess what? sunoo found it. now he wants to know who wrote him the letter.
will you be able to tell him?
synopsis: Sunoo was apple of your eye. you admired him. he was perfect, totally your type. however, you could never confess. instead, you wrote love letters to him everyday without writing your real name. only thing…you never gave the letters. what happens if the boy finds a letter randomly on the ground?
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PAIRING: babysitter/classmate! jungwon x fem reader
you had a little sister and well your parents were busy
as you grew older they asked you to take care of your little sister as your grandmother was not strong enough to run around for her
but overtime, you start to grow busy with school
with that your parents thought to hire a babysitter
only thing was…the babysitter was your crush and classmate, yang jungwon
synopsis: Due to the growing amounts of school activities you had, your parents decided to hire a babysitter. everything was fine but until you came home early and someone knocks on the door. when you open the door, you were faced with jungwon, your classmate and…CRUSH!! how will it go?
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PAIRING: childhood best friend! jungwon x fem!reader
holy shit ladies and gentlemen, we have another kdrama inspired smau
BUT this time it’s jungwon!!!
if you haven’t watched love next door, I do recommend so as it has quite slowburn that people may or may not love
kinda frustrating honestly but I’ll try to make it less frustrating in this smau
so for synopsis
synopsis: after years of staying in the US and almost getting married, you had finally come back to Seoul to see your family and your old neighbourhood friends. however, your life was already perfect. why did you have to comeback to seoul? why did jungwon suddenly look so grown since the last you saw of him? would you be able to continue your old life back in the seoul or would the reason you came back come biting back at you?
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PAIRING: soccer player!riki x new manager! fem reader
hmm soccer player + smau, a cool concept I guess
now how did you end up being the new manager? well through your father of course
your dad had unfortunately some business to attend to overseas and would not be able to come home for a year or so
as such, he left you to be in charge of the whole soccer team
but you didn’t know anything about soccer!
how are you going to face all the boys and tell them that you have no clue how soccer works?
synopsis: Oh why did your dad have to leave you in charge of the soccer team? you had zero knowledge about the damn sport. oh and team’s striker, ni-ki, had also found out about it. he now hates you for it and was blaming your dad. how will this go?
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possible ideas (no specific member unless specified)
– secret relationship with brother’s best friend but brother cant know! + can tie with the Hidden Love cdrama — possible main person can be sunghoon
– teacher + teacher?? idk man
– we got married but 4th gen version!!
– tellonym inspired smau (I think it’s the same as CuriousCat? idk I never had it and I only had tellonym bc that’s what us singaporeans used to do)
– ex-friends to lovers type of smau
– some wrong number type of idk plot?
– lovely runner inspired smau
more to come!
© markxdino/filmbyjy 2022
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vyinter · 3 years ago
speaking of good actors the guy who played the dad in penthouse his reactions are the BEST. also i didn't expect main guy's acting to be this good??? he was kinda stilted in penthouse and it pissed me off cuz seokkyung's actress was performing for the oscars but seokhoon was just okay. but playing gong taesung he suddenly has the best comedic timing in the world?? amazing
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