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futurride · 2 years ago
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Géopolitique, XXIème. Les Ambitions inavouées, ce que préparent les grandes puissances Thomas Gomart le décris dans le livre
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Que savons-nous des plans échafaudés par nos partenaires et adversaires ? La guerre en Ukraine nous a brutalement rappelé qu’une décision prise par un chef d’État a un impact sur le sort de millions de personnes. Pour rompre avec une vision du monde souvent nombriliste, et mieux comprendre les ambitions des autres grandes puissances. C’est l’objectif de cet essai inédit et stimulant. Quelle importance accorder à la foi religieuse dans les stratégies conduites par la Turquie d’Erdogan, l’Iran de Khamenei et l’Arabie saoudite de MBS ? De quelle manière les orientations prises par l’Allemagne de Scholz, la Russie de Poutine et la Chine de Xi Jinping reconfigurent-elles l’Eurasie ? Le Royaume-Uni et les États-Unis se définissent désormais comme des «démocraties maritimes ». Qu’en est-il de l’Inde? Combinant temps long et ruptures récentes, Thomas Gomart nous invite à regarder «d’en haut» neuf grandes stratégies. Pour concevoir sa propre vision, Paris doit intégrer celle des pays avec lesquels elle entretient des relations cruciales tout en considérant le contexte global : réchauffement climatique, crise énergétique, conflits, innovations technologiques ou encore flux économiques et numériques. Au regard des transformations à l’oeuvre, il y a urgence à repenser la stratégie pour les décennies à venir si elle veut encore compter dans le monde
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itsketush-voyaging · 7 months ago
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francaistoutsimplement · 23 days ago
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Ils ont voté pour que Hyène Boche sacrifie les intérêts français :
Bellamy, Castillo Gomart, Imart, Le Callenec et l'impayable Nadine Morano!!
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foundlings-novel · 10 months ago
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the GoMart
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harriswalz4usabybr · 5 months ago
Monday, August 12, 2024 - Tim Walz
This is the ‘official’ schedule of Tim Walz s today on the campaign trail. With some added detail for press purposes. Additionally, the Governor is traveling with Maryland's Governor, Wes Moore on this trip to gain some valuable insight into the region while traveling and meeting with voters. 
Governor Walz will be taking part in three events across the state of West Virginia. The Harris-Walz campaign is highly invested in the region, as we know that there are many policies of the democratic platform—especially those dealing with climate change and labor—fragrantly disregard the region or cause harm. We want to make sure the region is continually invested in and that our policies are better explained or changed if they are causing harm.
Event #1 (Morgantown, WV) Event Location: West Virginia University Event Type: Get Out the Vote Event Event Time: 9:00-11:30 ET
Event #2 (Morgantown, WV) Event Location: The Art Museum at WVU Event Type: Educator's Dinner with Discussion Event Time: 12:00-3:00 ET *Note this event has a target audience of 150 attendees who are school district superintendents and principals as well as teachers who have completed 20 years of service. These educators will come from across the state!
Event #3 (Charleston, WV) Event Location: GoMart Ballpark Event Type: Community Event Event Time: 6:00-10:00 ET
Morgantown, WV Event #1 - This event is focused on voter registration and voter turnout. Speech will be posted shortly. Event#2 - This event is similar to the events hosted in Montana and Idaho over the weekend. As an educator, Governor Walz is passionate about hearing from educators and how the Harris-Walz can implement changes to aide them in their daily ventures.
Charleston, WV These event is focused on interacting with the community, food trucks will be present as will other carnival-esque type activities. This event will allow for Governor Walz to directly interact with voters and have personalized conversations with them and document their concerns. This will also be an opportunity for Governor Moore to gain valuable stories to better serve the region.
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ballparksaroundtheworld · 1 year ago
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GoMart Ballpark, Charleston, West Virginia, USA
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backfromtwitterforw · 8 months ago
The Team du Lundi is trying LOL for the first time, Etoiles coaching Antoine, Gomart, LittleBigWhale and MoMan.
Gomart (paraphrased) : Can I just say something Etoiles? You're an awesome leader, the micromanagement is perfect, you(re really helping!
Antoine : If you were a better lover that'd be top...
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oanthore · 1 year ago
la technologie ne pense pas ; elle façonne.
Eugène Berg - Guerres invisibles. Nos prochains défis géopolitiques de Thomas Gomart
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septic-selfships · 2 days ago
(guess where I just was :D)
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suddenlymicah · 2 months ago
gomart is the place where my dad used to get me poweraids and istg gomart had the BEST crushed ice like people think that the type of ice doesnt matter but it DOES and gomart crushed ice is the ONLY good crushed ice
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qsmptwitchupdates · 2 months ago
AntoineDaniel is live in the category Just Chatting!
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yespat49 · 4 months ago
Les nœuds géostratégiques maritimes : l’Europe face à des enjeux vitaux
Frédéric Eparvier évoque dans ce nouveau texte L’accélération de l’histoire – Les nœuds géostratégiques d’un monde hors de contrôle, ouvrage de Thomas Gomart paru aux éditions Tallandier. Polémia Un véritable essai de géopolitique Pour une fois qu’un essai de géopolitique est véritablement un essai de géopolitique, et non un livre d’histoire ou de relations internationales, je ne vais pas bouder…
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sports-teller · 6 months ago
New Post has been published on Sports-Teller.com!
New Post has been published on https://sports-teller.com/list-charleston-dirty-birds-2024-fireworks/
List of Charleston Dirty Birds 2024 Fireworks
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What Days Will the Dirty Birds Show Fireworks for 2024? Charleston Dirty Birds 2024 Firework Displays at GoMart Ballpark (Charleston, WV)! Hello Everyone! Welcome to Sports Teller! Today, we will be going over the List of Charleston Dirty Birds 2024 Fireworks Shows! Without further adieu, let’s begin! List of Charleston Dirty Birds 2024 Fireworks Shows Going to the Dirty Birds Baseball Game This Season? Looking to Catch the Fireworks at GoMart Ballpark in 2024? Now that the upcoming season is upon us, you might be thinking “Will they show fireworks this year?” Well, you’re in luck! In 2024, the Charleston … Read more
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ardent-nephophilia · 6 months ago
Heart is full Part 4
This one is about my father. Ceritanya bapakku itu sakit gula. 2 tahun lalu, satu kakinya mesti diamputasi smpai lutut jd skrg beliau di kursi roda aja, dan ya ga bsa kerja apa apa juga, tambah matanya itu glaukoma jd ya ga bsa lihat jelas juga. Bapak ni pinter jaga makan sbnernya dan jaga luka di tubuhnya kalau ada tu pasti cepet diobatin. Sakit gula ni krn keturunan keluarga ajaa. Kecolongan 2 taun lalu itu krn beliau banyak pikiran dan lukanya tu di tapak kaki jd ga keliatan, dan ketauan pas udah parah. Udah dcoba diobatin, tp beliau ga tahan sakitnya waktu itu akhirnya ambil keputusan utk amputasi aja. Tp satu yg beliau ga pernah stop, yaitu ngerokok. Dulu pas aku masih kecil, bapak pernah masuk rumah sakit krn lambungnya bolong, udah dilarang ngerokok sama dokter, malah tetep aja merokok bahkan di rumah sakit pas opname :'). Jd skrg juga ya krn bingung mau ngapain, kesehariannya yaa ngerokok ajaa. 
Nah pas aku keterima kerja baru ini, as I said before, aku dtempatin di kantor client yg jaraknya jauh dr kos. Jd aku brangkat dr kos itu jam 5.30. Biasa pas nelpon bapak, aku bilangnya brangkat jam 6 an biar dia ga terlalu khawatir gitu. Tp ketauan gegara, tradisi di rumah itu stiap ada yg ultah, kita tu bangun pagi" hrus ucapin slamat. Awal juni kmarin adikku ultah, trus bapak nelpon ucapin slamat. Trus bapak nanya, kakak mana, adekku bilang dah brangkat, padahal masi belum jam 6. Akhirnya pas telponan, aku jujur aku brngkat jam sntgh 6, terus pas cerita" bapak jd tau aku jg pulang kantor lama bisa jam 9 bru sampe kos. Jd bapak kepikiran tu. Tp aku gatau beliau se kepikiran apa, sampe adekku yg masi tinggal sama beliau bilang, "bapak lu nyoba berenti ngerokok tu". Lah aku tanya kenapaa. Adekku bilang, dia beberapa hari udah ga dsuruh bapak beli rokok. Pas dia nanya bapak knapa tumben ga beli rokok, jawabannya "gamau ah, sayang uang anakku utk beli rokok, kesian dia udh kerja setengah mati, trus malah uangnya bapak beli rokok" 🥹🥹 emang slama ini krn aku anak pertama, stiap bulan aku yg kasih uang bulanan utk bapak. Aku ga sangka dia bisa kepikiran segitunya dan ini utk pertama kalinya aku denger dia nyoba berhenti ngerokok hanya krn aku 🥹🥹 Doain yaa semoga bisa beneran berhenti ngerokok.. 
Terus cerita lainnya, di minggu depannya, ga soal ngerokok sih, cuma ini juga sweet bgt. Jd aku nelpon bapak sore" pas adekku lg keluar sama temennya. Itu posisinya libur tgl merah krn Idul Adha. Cerita" sama bapak, bapak bilang tukang air minum gada lewat krn lebaran, jd bapak ga punya air minum. Trus aku pesenin gomart tu aqua. Bapak juga nanya aku dah makan blum, nnti makan apa, krn kan susah ada orang jualan kalo lebaran. Krn aku cerita pas siang mau gofood tu susah dpt driver. Tp aku dah bilang mau ke family mart aja mau beli ayam sama nasi. Nah tu abis aqua nya sampe, aku telpon bapak utk make sure dia udh terima aqua nya baru deh aku brngkat ke fammart. Aku ga sangka, pas aku dsana bapak nelpon lg. Cuma utk mastiin aku jd beli makan apa ga, trus aku lg dimana, aku beli makan apa. So sweet bgt 🥹🥹 Dia mastiin klo aku ga skip makan padahal td udah selesai telponan juga. Emang sih bener klo kata org, a girl's first love and the only man who loves her unconditionally is her father 🤍🤍 I love you bapak.
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toutmontbeliard-com · 8 months ago
Elections européennes 2024 : Les Républicains en meeting à Besançon
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Dans le cadre des Elections européennes 2024 du dimanche 9 juin 2024, Les Républicains organisent un meeting ce lundi 29 avril 2024 à Besançon, en Mairie Salle Courbet rue Mégevand, à 20h00. Christophe Gomart (Général de corps d’armée, ancien Directeur des Renseignements militaires, anciens Chef des Forces spéciales), candidat aux Elections européennes 2024. La tête de liste Les Républicains aux Elections Européennes 2024 du dimanche 9 juin 2024 étant François-Xavier Bellamy. Read the full article
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