#goliath x wolf
sydscripts · 4 months
"Wolf, could I see your phone real quick?"
"Errr... Hmmmph... Gimme a sec....."
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laurasanchez36 · 1 month
Sammy the Kind Sun and Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon My NEW MSA X Dark Deception OCS
1.- Sammy the Kind Sun/Harrison ___
Full Name: Sammy the Kind Sun, Harrison ___ (in the past)
First Name: Harrison
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 6 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives: Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon/Willie ___ (his brother)
Species: Human, later Animatronic Sun
Friends: Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self), Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Maisy Pepper and her friends,
Enemies: Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers, Mr. Giggles, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___
Alignment: Good
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Sammy the Kind Sun's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeasT3qcqVc
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Sundrop (from FNAF SB) and Mickey Mouse (from Epic Mickey)
2.- Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon/Willie ___
Full Name: Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Willie ___ (in the past)
First Name: Willie
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 7 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives: Sammy the Kind Sun/Harrison ___ (his brother)
Species: Human, later Animatronic Moon
Friends: Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self), Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Maisy Pepper and her friends,
Enemies: Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers, Mr. Giggles, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___
Alignment: Good
Weapons: Magic Staff
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgLlSQoDjw8
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Moondrop (from FNAF SB) and Oswald (from Epic Mickey)
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Name Meanings/Etymologies of Devil May Cry Characters
Classic Devil May Cry Canon A: Agnus - lamb Alice - noble, of nobility Alex Lowell - to defend, to protect | young wolf Alyssa Martin - rational, noble | warlike, of Mars, warrior Amanda - worthy to be loved Angelina Hagel - messenger of god | farm Arius - warlike, devoted to Ares Arkham - happy
B: Beryl - colour of the sea Bobby - bright fame, shining glory Butler - servant in charge of the wine cellar
C: Carlo - man, free man Cindy - light Chen the Cannibal - dawn, morning, great, tremendous Christopher Lowell - bearer of Christ | young wolf Claude - lame, disabled Credo - I believe
D: Dante - enduring, steadfast, lasting Ducas - leader, to guide, general
E: Elena Huston - bright, shining light | hugh's town, settlement on the hill Elise - oath of God, God is satisfaction Ernest - serious, determined Enzo Ferino - home ruler | iron Eva - life, living one
F: Fredi - peaceful ruler
G: Gloria - glory Grue - shiver, shudder
I: Isaac - he will laugh
J: J.D. Morrison - son of the dark-skinned Jeffrey Turner - pledge of peace, district, traveler | lathe worker Jessica - to see before, god beholds, to behold Joe - he will add Julio - youthful, youth, downy bearded
K: Kalina Ann - viburnum tree, to make red-hot | grace, mercy, favour Kerry Marcus - dark, dark-haired | warlike, dedicated to Mars Kyle - narrow, strait, channel Kyrie - lord
L: Lady - noble, bread kneader Lucia - light Lynn Marcus - lake | warlike, dedicated to Mars
M: "Mad Dog" Denvers - crazy, insane | canine | green valley Margaret - pearl Mary - bitter, beloved, drop of the sea Matier - friend, friendly Michel - who is like God Mike Hagel - who is like God | farm
N: Nell Goldstein - bright, shining light, weaver, merciful, god is my light | gold stone, touchstone Nero - black, strong, powerful Nesty - place to sit down, pure, chaste Nicoletta “Nico” Goldstein - victory of the people | gold stone, touchstone Nina Lowell - little girl | young wolf
P: Patty Lowell - noble, patrician | young wolf Patty Lowell (heiress) - noble, patrician | young wolf Paul - small, little, humble
R: Rock Goldstein - crag | gold stone, touchstone Roy Martin - king, red, redhead | warlike, of Mars, warrior
S: Sally - princess, noblewoman Santa Claus - saint, holy | victory of the people Sanctus - holy Simon - he has heard, flat-nosed Soldier “Crew Cut” - mercenary | short-length haircut Solemnis - annual, ceremonial, religiously fixed Sparda - sword, simple, frugal
T: Tiki - hope, waterfall, image Tim - to honour
V: V “Vitale” - Roman numeral for five | life giving, lively Vergil - flourishing Vincent - to conquer
X: χ (Chi) - christ, Greek numeral for six hundred
A: Abigail - father's joy Argosax - bright, shining Agni - fire, flame Artemis - butcher, safe
B: Bael - lord, master Balrog - demon of might Baul - snail, slow like a snail Beastheads - wild animal | top of body, leader, ruler Belphagor - lord of the gap, lord of the opening Beowulf - bee wolf, war wolf, bear Berial - worthless Bolverk - evildoer, worker of evil Bradley - broad meadow Brian Lowell - noble, high, hill, strong | young wolf
C: Cavaliere Angelo - knight, horseman, rider | messenger of god Cerberus - hound of the earth, black wolfhound, death-darkness
D: Dagon - grain, fish Demon of Capulet City - spirit | hat | citizen Demon of Morris Island - spirit | dark-skinned | watery land Director - to guide Doppelganger - double-goer, double-walker
E: Echidna - snake, viper Elder Geryon Knight - old | earth | boy, youth, servant
F: Freki - greedy, ravenous Frost - to freeze Furiataurus - fury of the bull, furious bull
G: Geri - rules with a spear, greedy Geryon - earth Gigapede - giant foot Gilgamesh - the ancestor is a hero Gilver - [ERROR 404: meaning of word not found]
Gilbert - bright pledge
Goliath - to uncover, reveal, running, destroyer Griffon - curved, bent
H: Hell Vanguard - to cover, conceal | before guard
I: Infested Chopper - to attack, hostile | helicopter Infested Tank - to attack, hostile | reservoir of water
J: Jester - reciter of romances, minstrel Jokatgulm - [ERROR 404: meaning of word not found]
K: King Cerberus - ruler | hound of the earth, black wolfhound, death-darkness
L: Leviathan - to twist, coiled
M: Machiavelli - bad little nail Mad Hatter - crazy, insane | maker of hoods, maker of cowls Malphas - mischief Modeus [Asmodeus] - wrathful spirit, demon of wrath Mundus - world
N: Nefascapitis - head of sin, head of violation of divine law Nefasturris - tower of sin, tower of violation of divine law Nefasvermis - worm of sin, worm of violation of divine law Nelo Angelo - black, strong, powerful | messenger of god Nevan - little saint, little holy one Nidhogg - malice striker Nightmare - a female demon suffocates sleepers Nina Lowell (demon) - little girl | young wolf Noctpteran - night wing
O: Orangguerra - war orangutan
P: Phantom - an apparition, specter Plesio - near, close Plutonian - relating to wealth, relating to riches Pride - brave, pomp, valiant Priest - one who leads cattle
Q: Qliphoth - husks, empty shells
R: Red Eye - airplane flight that deprives travelers of sleep, raw and inferior whiskey Rudra - howler, roarer, to cry
S: Sara - princess, noblewoman Secretary - one entrusted with secrets Sid - wide Sloth - indolence, slowness, laziness
T: Tartarussian - relating to a deep pit Tateobesu - vertical, length, height | fat, stout, plump The Savior - the one who saves others Trismagia - three magicians
U: Urizen - your reason, to limit
W: White Rabbit - bright, shine | young rabbit
Ninja Theory's DmC: Devil May Cry Canon
A:  Assiel - created by god
B: Bob Barbas - bright fame, shining glory | beard, uncle, stammering
D: Dante (DmC) - enduring, steadfast, lasting
E: Eva (DmC) - life, living one
H: Hollow Dante - empty place | enduring, steadfast, lasting Hollow Kat - empty place | pure, clear Hollow Vergil - empty place | flourishing Hunter - one who chases wild animals
K: Kat - pure, clear
L: Lilith - spirit of the night
M: Mundus (DmC) - world Mundus's Spawn - world | to spread out, expand
P: Phineas - mouth of brass, dark skinned, serpent's mouth
S: Sparda (DmC) - sword, simple, frugal Succubus - to lie beneath
V: Vergil (DmC) - flourishing
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jplupine · 1 year
In the Wolf's Den: Chapter 6
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Pairing: The Weeping Monk x Devin [Nonbinary Fey OC] Word Count: ~3.7k WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Exophilia, Feral Behavior, Angst, Religious Trauma, Little Spot of Fluff, Brief Nudity
Summary: A trip to the Wolf Folk village before a hawk brings a letter.
You can also read it on AO3!
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Masterlist | Chapter 6:
  After Squirrel had returned with his new stick, Lancelot went straight to brushing down Goliath. He didn't look at anyone but at least acknowledged the boy and told him they would resume training once Goliath had been seen to. Squirrel didn't seem to pick up on the shift of Lancelot's behavior at all.
  When the man had finally stopped crying, he seemed to snap out of whatever state he was in and couldn't look me in the eye anymore. If I could guess at anything, I would assume Lancelot was embarrassed by his actions.
  Squirrel, on the other hand, was excited to hear I would be taking him to the Wolf village tomorrow. He would have to bathe and put on a clean set of clothes first, of course. If anyone caught my scent on him, it would give me away no matter how I disguised myself.
  Once I'd told him some more about the village, he'd run off back outside since Lancelot had finished brushing Goliath. I listened from inside the cave as the man instructed the boy while my mind wandered.
  All he had ended up confessing to me wasn't something I could easily brush off. He had laid bare his truth and his confliction. I didn't even know how to feel about being told I, in many ways, showed more of his God's grace than his own Father Carden.
  Of course, I wasn't showing his God's grace- I did not believe nor ascribe to that religion. However, Lancelot still did, and that was what he felt to be true. And there was some humor to be found in it all as well. I'd been concerned I was too harsh on him, that my crueler choice words would drive him right back to the church, only to learn the opposite to be true.
  That I was leading him out of the darkness.
  I also now understood his reactions to the story of the first Wolf Folk. The she-wolf of that story had her prayers answered and found a new home while Lancelot's prayers were met with silence and his own fear of damnation.
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  Rising from the water, I took a breath while pushing my hair out of my face. Birds flew by overhead as there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Hearing the woods and the running water of the river was rather calming.
  Standing there in the river that came up to my hips, I lazily ran my fingers through the cool water. The sun felt wonderful on my skin since it wasn't too hot out. The chill of winter would be coming around the corner, so it was best to relish in this weather while it still lasted.
  My ears flicked back, catching the sound of foliage rustling. The movement was quiet, so I doubted it was a human with how loud they could be in the woods. Looking over my shoulder to check, I stretched out my claws just in case.
  "I brought the change of clothes you asked for. I cannot fathom how you plan to make them fit...." Lancelot trailed off as he stopped in his tracks. He carried a pile of folded clothes with him that he was now gripping so tightly that his knuckles turned white.
  I rose a brow since he'd gone silent, and Lancelot quickly turned his face toward the sky as his face bloomed bright red.
  "I didn't know you were already in the river, I swear." He said rather quickly before spinning on his heel to turn his back on me.
  "You have seen me naked before, Lancelot. There is no need to be bashful now." I chuckled while seeing how red his ears were getting.
  "As I have told you many times, I was not myself then. I-It is sinful to-"
  "Not a woman, remember?"
  "It doesn't matter. One is not supposed to look upon the nude form of another."
  "Unless they are married."
  "Yes. Wait, how do you know that?" His head slightly turned, but he kept facing the woods.
  "Wisdom of the Ravens, remember?"
  "I remember."
  "So you seriously cannot look at me?" I crossed my arms while tilting my head. "Even though you have been balls deep inside of me many times before?"
  "Y-Yes." Lancelot dropped his gaze to the ground as he shifted his weight on his feet. "That is also....very sinful." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Even more sinful, actually." He added, speaking barely over a whisper.
  With his head tilted down, I could see how the back of his neck flushed. The man's face had to be as red as a ripe tomato by now. This was so different from before, and I couldn't help but find it amusing.
  "Then how do you expect to give me those clothes if you cannot even look at me?"
  "Turn around."
  "Turn around?"
  "With your back to me. I will set them down near yours."
  "All right, then." I said but didn't move an inch. I wanted to see how he was going to do this without looking at me since my clothes were piled on the edge of the river right in front of me.
  "Have you turned?"
  "Yeah, yeah. Just set the clothes down." Lancelot hesitated even after I gave him the go-ahead. When he turned, his eyes landed right on me- my chest specifically.
  "Jesus Christ-!" He hissed as he jerked his head back in the direction of the woods. I burst into laughter, finding his reaction utterly ridiculous. I understood my heat made him throw away chastity and modesty, but I didn't have anything he hadn't already seen. "This is not funny."
  "Oh, but it is. You have seen my body both in bed and in your head, but now you avert your gaze like a blushing maiden?"
  "I was raised devout Christian. Nudity is not....commonplace. I also see you lack modesty whether in heat or not."
  "Oh, you see, huh?" I laughed, watching his shoulders rise.
  "You know what I mean, Devin." My ears twitched as my smile fell. Even after calling him Lancelot for this long, he had never said my name in turn.
  Until now.
  A tingle went up my spine as I found myself quite liking how his voice said my name. Swallowing, I briefly glanced away before regaining my composure.
  "Fine. I won't do it again." I said before lowering myself into the water up to my chin. "Okay, I promise you can turn around now without seeing me naked." Lancelot was even more reluctant to turn now, but he eventually did, and my mouth went under the water.
  He really was as red as a tomato. He was also quick to set the clothes down before rushing off back into the woods. Standing back up once he was no longer in view, I grabbed the soap among my belongings.
  Once I was done bathing in the river, I wrung out as much water as possible from my hair and fur. Picking up Lancelot's shirt first, I sniffed at it to make sure my own scent wasn't on it. However, his strongly was. How was it he could smell like this?
  Bringing the garment closer to my face, I deeply inhaled through my nose. I was picking up so many things on the shirt, most of which were just him. It was such a nice scent, though, and my tail began to wag.
  I didn't care this time- It wasn't as if anyone could see it.
  My ears twitched again before swiveling, hearing incoherent whispers in the woods around me. Lowering the shirt, I quickly looked around as I was on high alert. However, when I saw nothing, I realized the whispers came from the Hidden.
  It wasn't often that I heard them. But when I did, it seemed to be at the most random of times. Now included.
  Sighing through my nose, I pulled the shirt over my head before grabbing the trousers. Lancelot had thankfully brought a belt as well that I used to keep the pants on my hips. The clothes were indeed too big for me, but simply rolling up the pant legs fixed the length issue.
  Draping the cloak over my shoulders, I made sure to tie it on tight. I didn't want it to fall off at the worst possible moment. I left my hair down to air dry as I carefully gathered up my things and carried them at arm's length back to the cave.
  Lancelot wasn't there when I returned, and I didn't pay it much mind given what happened earlier. After dropping my clothes on my bed, Squirrel and I left to have time to get to the village and back before nightfall.
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  "Do we really have to leave after we get the sword?" Squirrel asked as we were riding together on Goliath.
  "I do plan to get some supplies and food. There's a vendor here that sells the best roasted elk I have ever had." I replied while seeing the village up ahead.
  "How do you even have money if you don't work?"
  "I work." My brows furrowed as I looked at Squirrel. "I've been working this entire time."
  "How? You go nowhere, and no one comes to your cave."
  "Well, my pelts sell mainly in the fall and winter. I provide my own food most of the year to save money, and in the summer and spring, I sell herbs from the woods. Those bundles you saw me prepping to dry- did you think I was keeping all of them?"
  "You have a lot of bottles with dried plants in them. How was I supposed to know?" Squirrel's response made me chuckle. Dismounting from Goliath, I then held up my hand to help the boy down.
  He took my hand before hopping off of the large horse to the ground. Grabbing Goliath's reins, we then walked into the village together. My hood was low to cover my face, and being covered in Lancelot's scent seemed to be working so far.
  The village was alive with chatter and laughter. Children ran around, chasing each other or their toys. Squirrel was lit up with interest as his eyes took in everything around him.
  The last time he had been anywhere full of people like this was Gramaire. However, Gramaire was very different from a Wolf Folk village.
  "Stay out of trouble, and you can explore." I turned Squirrel around to make him face me as I leaned down. Pulling a few coins from my pocket, I held them out for him to take. "No mischief, you hear?"
  "I hear." He grinned while taking the coins.
  "Either wait here when you are done, or I will find you when I am."
  "Okay." Squirrel nodded, and I ruffled his hair before he ran off. I didn't have to worry about his safety- he was a Sky Folk boy, and this was a village of wolves. He stuck out in the crowd, and children here were raised with the aid of the community, meaning no matter where he went in the village, someone would have an eye or ear out for him.
  Not to mention if he got into trouble, he was scrappy and loud. It would be impossible for no one to notice.
  Leading Goliath further into the village, I noticed there were a handful of other Fey present as well. From where I stood, I could see a few Snake Clan and a couple of Tusks. Had some refugees found their way here?
  Walking on, I soon found myself standing outside a familiar home. Taking in a deep breath, I pondered a little longer on whether or not I should turn back now. I already came this far, though.
  Tying Goliath's reins to a post, I pat the horse's neck.
  "Wish me luck, would ya?" I whispered. As if understanding, he nickered. "Thanks." I chuckled before nervously straightening out the oversized shirt as I walked toward the front door.
  Knocking, I waited for the door to open. I could hear my heart beating in my ears. I hadn't seen my family in a few years and wasn't sure how much had changed or if anything had at all.
  "Hello?" My mother's face was the first one I saw. She glanced at the horse from over my shoulder before looking at me with confusion. "Can I help you?"
  "Can I come in first?" I asked in a soft tone while raising my hood to where only she could see my face. She took in a sharp breath before grabbing me by the shirt and yanking me inside. The door slammed shut, and I had to catch my balance to keep from falling on my face. "Wanna yank a little harder next time, Ma?"
  "What in the world are you doing here, Devin? You know you-"
  "Relax. Not even you recognized me."
  "Because you smell like a-" This time she cut herself off as her burnt orange eyes narrowed at me. She stepped closer, sniffing at me while I pushed the hood off of my head. "You smell like a man and definitely not even a wolf." Her tone sharpened. "Who is it this time, huh?"
  "You make it sound like I'm promiscuous. And it is not what you think. This is just a disguise."
  "A friend." I replied while glancing around. There were some new things like a replaced table and blooming herbs hanging from the ceiling. "Oh, you managed to find some of these this late in the season? And this big?" Delicately touching the pale blue flowers surrounded by greenery, I could feel my mother's gaze cutting through me. "What?"
  "Devin, I have missed you so, but you know it is not safe for you to come here."
  "My family is worth the risk. Where's Pa?"
  "He should be back any minute."
  "Okay, I get your concern, but why am I getting such attitude?" I gestured at my mother while looking at her expression and body language.
  "Because you never wrote."
  "I wasn't sure any of you would want me to." I admitted. "After everything happened, I had no clue where I stood."
  "Oh, Devin." Ma heavily sighed before she pulled me into a warm hug. "You are still a part of this family."
  "Even after the shame I brought? I remember how Pa nearly burst a vein."
  "Yes, even after." Ma pulled away and held me at arm's length. "Your sister is pregnant, by the way."
  "Cara? Pregnant? Shit, since when?" I asked as my eyebrows rose high on my forehead.
  "We found out last month. She'll be due next summer." Ma chuckled.
  "Is she joined too?"
  "Two years ago."
  "Two years?" I had to sit down as I rubbed my forehead. "Fuck. What about Darragh? Ciaran?"
  "Darragh is to be joined this winter, and Ciaran is....Ciaran." Ma softly laughed while taking a seat next to me at the table. "That boy may never settle down."
  "It has only been a few years." I mumbled.
  "A lot can happen in that time, Devin. What of you? Joined? Expecting? Planning?"
  "Nothing of the sort." I waved my hand as my brows furrowed.
  "Still courting, then?" Ma quirked up a brow at me as she glanced down at my clothes again.
  "I told you, these are just from a friend for a disguise. I swear I am not with anyone."
  "At least half my children are growing to be fine adults. I would have preferred better odds."
  "Oh, come off it. I fare well for myself."
  "You smell like a man you swear is not your partner, who is clearly Fey, but I cannot even tell what kind, and you even have the scent of a Sky Folk on you."
  "The two are temporarily in my care. The Sky Folk is a boy with the foulest mouth I have encountered a child having."
  "Fouler than you?" Ma joked, and we both laughed. "So what is it you do now? Are you a healer?"
  "Not really. I have had to use your teachings, though. I still deal in pelts and sell herbs."
  "Then why are the two you insist on being vague about in your care?"
  "I agreed to provide them shelter until they can regroup with their people."
  "The paladins?" Ma gave a knowing look, and I nodded. She clicked her tongue disapprovingly. "Horrid, those men are. We have been lucky thus far."
  "Do you not worry how long that will last?"
  "It is ever-present in our minds. Nearly everyone in the village has made plans for a quick escape shall the need ever arise." Ma reached across the table to take my hand in hers. "I know you want to ask."
  "....What of Odhran and Liam?"
  "Odhran is still alone." Ma's tone was somber. "His broken heart has taken some time in healing."
  "I did not intend to hurt him so."
  "I know." Ma nodded while rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. "Liam.... Well," She sighed. "he is joined and has a litter." I ran a hand through my hair while sighing.
  "I really was a fool."
  "You cannot blame yourself, child. You do not choose who you love."
  "Yeah, but clearly Odhran would have been the wiser choice. At least he loved me so deeply to still be heartbroken after all this time. And I would still be with my family."
  "The past has happened. You were young and following your heart."
  "Of which I will never do again."
  "Try not to speak too soon." Ma gently squeezed my hand. "The heart can lead to wonderful things."
  "Aileen? Whose horse is that?" Pa's voice called out as the front door opened. He was still looking at Goliath as he stepped inside. When he turned, I saw the confused look on his face before it quickly turned to shock at seeing me.
  "Hi, Pa." And the door slammed shut.
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  Storing the bought supplies into Goliath's saddlebags, I made sure nothing was going to fall out. I was glad to have gotten time with my parents even if I missed seeing my siblings. However, Ma and Pa had told me stories well enough about them to help me catch up on what I had missed.
  And now that I had finished getting what I needed, I had to go find Squirrel. Calmly walking with the horse, I didn't want to draw attention to myself nor come off as suspicious. Acting as if I were simply passing through as some others were was enough to keep my identity hidden.
  Lancelot's scent threw other people off so much that they would never guess it was me under the hood. I had known these vendors, grown up with them and around them, but no one could tell who I was. I wasn't too surprised by that since not even my own mother had been able to recognize me.
  I eventually found Squirrel sword fighting with another boy around his age. He looked as if he was having fun and winning while the Wolf Boy was asking where he learned to fight as he did.
  "Squirrel!" I called out to get his attention. "It's time to go." He nodded to me before turning back to the kids he was with to say his goodbyes. They were all waving and bidding him farewell as he ran my way. "Have fun?"
  "Yeah." He had such a bright smile. Storing his wooden sword away in his belt, Squirrel then looked up at me with his hands on his hips. "Now, where is this roasted elk you mentioned before?"
  "Work up an appetite training?" I softly laughed while leading the way to where I remember the vendor being.
  "Wolf kids are a lot faster than I thought they would be."
  "Make any friends?"
  "Maybe is not a no."
  "We are getting some for Lancelot, too, right?"
  "Of course. Don't want him to get moody as he does for being left out." I joked.
  "....Either you are really good at hiding how you feel, or you really don't want to stab him anymore." Squirrel's words made me look at him with a twisted expression.
  "Lancelot. You haven't glared at him in a while now. Also, you care about how he feels."
  "I do not-"
  "'Don't want him to get moody as he does'." Squirrel mocked me while waving his hand. Rolling my eyes, I looked ahead of us as I could smell cooking meat.
  "Why do you want me to like him so much?"
  "So that I'm not the only one who does. He could use more people that like him." He answered. "Nimue said that even if you are lost, so long as you have people that care about you, you will find your way home."
  "Those are some wise words."
  "Mm-hm." Squirrel hummed. Reaching the roasted elk vendor, I bought three portions before leaving the village and heading back home.
  Riding in quiet, I contemplated what Squirrel had said. He'd clearly grown more attached to Lancelot. However, I could understand why. Beneath the Weeping Monk was a man worth redeeming. It was a source of my own confliction how Lancelot could be so kind and concerned and yet have the blood of only gods know how many Fey on his hands.
  My ears twitched when I heard the call of a hawk. Looking toward the sky, I had to quickly raise my arm when a bird flew down right at us. The hawk landed on my arm as Squirrel twisted in his seat to look.
  "There's something tied to its leg." He stated before reaching up to untie what was no doubt a letter from the bird's leg. As soon as he had it in his hands, the bird flew off. "It's from Arthur."
  "And?" I rose a brow to encourage him to say more about what he was reading.
  "And I hope you have money for a horse."
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radioeuroextasis · 2 years
John Carpenter - The End (Tom Pulse x Weichei Rework)
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¡Legendaria película de culto de los años 70! El tema musical original de 76 fue genial. Lo que pasó en 1983 fue increíble. Ahora la pista ha recibido un aspecto contemporáneo de nuevo en el estilo Tech House. Weichei y Tom Pulse están siempre al día con sus sonidos y producciones. Mientras tanto, están sacudiendo las listas de baile en toda Europa. BUBBLE MUSIC MEDIA PROMO WEICHEI @ Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/3zkjkwWg4LlCt6wVv2AakW?si=U3jnfRoLRuWRc9bRb7YKAw @ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DJWeichei WEICHEI Algunos eventos importantes y raves que tocó ... por nombrar algunos ULTRA Music Festival 4 Miami Love Parade Nature One Energy Street Parade Goliath Syndicate Festival Fusion Timeless Sea You Freiburg Hardstylistix White Wolf Bass and Melody Street Move AUT Parade Goliath vs Evolution Lake Parade Festival de la Montaña Dulce Riddim en la autopista del Rin NIEVE RAVE Warcraft Tektra Festival Relevatez Mixery Final Beats Watergate Union Move Techno Gate Read the full article
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duftvonregen · 3 years
Meine Vergangenheit nimmt zu und meine Zukunft ab
Filme und Serien, die ich wieder schauen würde:
2 Broke Girls, American Horror Story, Atypical, Better call Saul, Breaking Bad, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Californication, Chernobyl, Dahmer, Die Sopranos, Euphoria, Family Guy, Fargo, Game of Thrones, Goliath, King of Queens, Little Britain, Lucifer, Modern Family, New Girl, Scrubs, Sex Education, Sex & the City, Shameless, Suits, Supernatural, The Americans, The Big Bang Theory, The Boys, The good doctor, The house of the dragon, The rookie, The Umbrella Academy, This is us, Two & a half Men, What we do in the shadows
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21 Gramm, 21+22 Jump Street, 5 Zimmer Küche Sarg, Alice im Wunderland + hinter den Spiegeln, American animals, American History X, Beim Leben meiner Schwester, Blow, Captain Fantastic, Charlie & die Schokoladenfabrik, Clockwork Orange, Das geheime Fenster, Das Schicksal ist ein mieser Verräter, Das wandelnde Schloss, Deadpool, Der Grinch, Die Addams Familie, Die Eiskönigin, Die letzten Glühwürmchen, Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht, Drecksau, Durchgeknallt, Edward mit den Scherenhänden, Fargo, Feuer im Kopf, Fight Club, Fluch der Karibik, From Hell, Gone Girl, Hachiko, Hangover, Hard Candy, Her, Hotel Transsilvanien, Ich einfach Unverbesserlich, Idiocracy, Im Auftrag des Teufels, Im Himmel trägt man hohe Schuhe, In China essen sie Hunde, Inception, Inglourious Basterds, Interstellar, Into the wild, Joker, Labor day, Léon, Little Miss Sunshine, Lucy, Mad Max Fury Road, Meine Braut ihr Vater und Ich-Reihe, Monster AG + Uni, Nightmare before Christmas, Nur ein kleiner Gefallen, Only Lovers Left Alive, Passengers, Prinzessin Mononoke, Red Dog, Reine Nervensache, Rendezvous mit dem Leben, Schloss aus Glas, Shutter Island, Sinister, Sleepy Hollow, Spotlight, Split, Stichtag, The Big Lebowksi, The Big Short, The Crow, The Equalizer, The lost boys, The peanut butter flacon, The Place Beyond the Pines, The Wolf of Wall Street, The Zero Theorem, Titanic, Trainspotting, True Grit, Umweg nach Hause, V wie Vendetta, Vergiss mein nicht, Voyagers, Wie ein einziger Tag, Wild Tales
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1-800-clownstreet · 3 years
legends never die.
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summary: when ragnar and his sons are captured and thrown into a fighting ring, he unexpectedly reunites with and old friend.
warnings: fem!reader??, mentions of reader’s death, blood, fighting, platonic! ragnar x reader, slight ivar x reader?
word count: around 1k (kinda short?? I didn’t really know what else to add.)
based on this song (highly recommend listening whilst reading) and loosely inspired by the assassin’s creed valhalla trailer.
He was sure he’d seen it; your death. You’d been shot, he was positive the arrow had hit your heart. There was no way you should be alive.
Yet, there you were, in all your glory. The crowd was singing for you, legends never die, a phrase he had heard multiple times from you in the past. 
Blood dripped down your face as you circled your opponent, sword in hand. Your eyes dead set on the man opposite you, as he stumbled onto his feet. 
Ragnar smirked, his sons looking at him, and then each other in confusion. However, one son couldn’t take his eyes off of you, the blue of his irises piercing into your body.
Ivar watched as your opponent swung at you, missing as you ducked underneath his arm, stabbing him in the back with your sword.
Your moves became more unpredictable as he observed, the fight was almost like a dance. Every kick and punch to the man's torso was quick and precise. 
You were so graceful, yet ruthless; Ivar loved it. 
Your opponent hulked over you in every way, his height and weight far more than yours. Maybe that was what gave him the advantage, maybe that was what led him to his death. Maybe to yours...
No, it was a mistake on your part. Distracted by seeing your old friend in an unexpected place, giving your attacker the perfect advantage. 
Your eyes locked on to Ragnar’s, you’d recognise those crystal blues anywhere. 
Who you didn’t recognise, was the young man next to him on the floor. Almost a mirror of the man you used to know, eyes the same blinding blue.
The bear across from you had gained his strength back, snapping you out of your staring. His giant hand encased the span of your neck, attempting to crush your windpipe.
Your hands gripped and scratched at his forearm as he lifted you in the air by your neck. You gasped and clawed at him, kicking at his abdomen to somehow hurt him. It didn’t work.
The man’s dark eyes bore into those across the arena, the king’s; waiting for the signal to kill you. The royal man stood, his shirt riding up and revealing a scar you gave him, as he lifted his thumb and turned it upside down. Kill.
The old royal’s eyes bore into yours, having the last laugh before he turned his back to you. The wolf of a man grinned and his fingers duck into your neck, attempting to crush the bone.
Ivar stood up and hobbled forward in concern, a hand hit his chest, holding him back. As he looked up, he found it belonged to his father, “Wh-”
Ragnar grinned knowing what would happen next, “Just watch.” 
His sons gathered behind him, each one standing tense as you tried to fight the man’s grip. The crowd loudened in their cheering and singing, catching sight of the Lothbrok clan.
Crows began to circle the arena, their caws and screeches adding to the noise. However, one was completely still. It sat on a wooden pillar supporting the structure, looking down at you.
“Come on!”
“Beat the bastard!”
The Vikings watched in awe as the crowd started singing in unison, their voices echoing around the arena as they showed you support. “Legends never die!”
Your arm swung around to the man's neck repeatedly, his grip on your neck loosening as he stumbled back. The goliath slowly dropped to his knees, dropping you with him.
You landed in a crouch, the weapon still stuck in the man’s artery. As you stood, staring at his face, you caught each other's eyes. His scowling smirk still sat on his face as he opened his mouth to talk, “You bit-”
With a pull of your wrist, he shut up. A gush of blood spattering against your face, as you remove your weapon.
A metal plate around your wrist and a blade in the place of where a middle finger should be. The eternal fuck you. 
The man’s corpse fell backwards, further impaling himself on the sword you had previously lost to him. 
Ragnar and his sons blinked in amazement and disbelief, shaking their heads with a smile.
The smug king’s face dropped as his confidant whispered in his ear, informing him of the loss. He turned around and marched toward the edge of his box as you limped around the arena, looking at the crowd. 
 They smiled at you, a way of saying thank you, and letting you know fighting for this, for them, was still worth it. You could’ve given up a long time ago, however, you’re still a royal, in their kingdom and the next. They sing your song and support you. 
Small tears bundled up in the corner of your eyes as you turned around to face the king’s box. He looked down upon you, finally quivering in fear. Oh, how the tables have turned.
You smirked, the tears and blood running down your face. The crowd screamed with you, “Legends never die!” 
The king and his men fled the box as crowd members tried to break in, making you sigh in satisfaction. 
You closed your eyes, tilting your head to the sky. A droplet of rain splattered against your face, washing the blood and tears away.
The sound of flapping wings hit your ears as a weight appeared on your shoulder. You looked to your left, a crow.
You laughed in disbelief and madness.
Ragnar, his sons, and the crowd went silent in amazement. The crow dropped a wooden carving in your hand, before flying off. 
It was a carving of an eye. An ancient language lined the ‘eyelids’ and a piercing blue jewel sat in the middle. 
The tap of a staff and shuffling of feet echoed around the arena, accompanying a clash of lightning and thunder.
You all glanced up in the stands, an elderly man in a cloak watched from the highest seats. The old man turned to look at you with a smile, before disappearing behind a tapestry.
A message from Odin, that you’ll have a place in Valhalla when the time comes.
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ltwilliammowett · 3 years
David vs. Goliath
At dawn on 1 Oktober 1807 off Guadaloupe in the Caribbean, the lookout in Windsor Castle saw enemy sail rapidly overhauling them and the ship prepared to defend itself. With no prospect of escape the 28- men crew rigged the anti-boarding nets and went to quarters. The French privateer Jeune Richard, , her crew of 92 outnumbering that of the Windsor Castle by more than three to one and with close to double their weight of metal, quickly closed in, but the nets prevented them from boarding.
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Windsor Castle engaging a French Privateer by Robert Dodd (x)
Acting- Captain (Lieutenant) William Rogers prepared Windsor Castle for action and stood by to sink the ship should it be necessary to keep her out of enemy hands. After a fierce close-in fight over several hours in which Jeune Richard was severely damaged. Rogers and just five men then stormed aboard the French vessel, killing the captain and tearing down their colours. Losses on the British side were 3 killed, 10 wounded; the French suffered 21 dead and 33 wounded.
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Captain William Rogers capturing the Jeune Richard, 1 October 1807, by Samuel Drummond 1808 (x)
Given the odds, this was a remarkable victory in itself, but Windsor Castle was no warship, she was a civillian vessel, a lightly armed (just 6. 4pdrs. and two 9pdr. carronades) Falmouth packet ship, run by the Post Office to carry mail, freight and passengers from Falmouth–Halifax–New York–Halifax–Falmouth.
With the Jeune Richard secured, Rogers took her and the Windsor Castle to the nearest British port. He then made his report to the officer commanding the Leeward Islands Station, Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane ( he was the uncle of the later famous Admiral Thomas Cochrane- the sea wolf). Cochrane forwarded his report to the Admiralty, adding an accompanying note:
  Sir, The enclosed letter which I have just received from Mr. Rogers, the master of the Windsor Castle packet, gives an account of the capture of a French privateer. It is an instance of bravery and persevering courage, combined with great presence of mind, as was scarcely ever exceeded. He has shewn such ability defending one of His Majesty's packets, that I hope it will secure him the command of the first which is vacant.    — I have the honour to be, &c, Alexander Cochrane (x)
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Portrait of Captain William Rogers by Samuel Drummond 1808 (x)
And indeed, the news of how Rogers had turned upon his pursuer and taken her as a prize caused a sensation in England.
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Presentation sword owned by Captain William Rogers 1783-1825 (x)
Among two swords, a piece of plate worth 100 guineas, and a vase worth £60, Rogers received the full captaincy of another packet ship.
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bloodthirstychaos · 3 years
f!Eivor X f!Reader
In which a raid goes wrong, but leads to confessions.
CW: Injury
The cool breeze on my face is something that would always calm me before a raid. The longship sailing through the waters is what made the subtle breeze. We were on our way to raid a monastery as we were in need of supplies to build up Ravensthorpe.
"We're almost there. Be prepared." Eivor stated looking at each of us. We held eye contact for a little longer than the rest of the crew. Both of us assuring one another that we were ready.
Since we were little, Eivor and I have been friends. When her parents were slayed by Kjotve, I was there for her. Her, Sigurd, and I were able to make our escape, even though it didn't turn out quite ideal in the end. She was there for me when my parents threw me out for not being the daughter that they wanted. They wanted someone weak, someone that they could shape into who they wanted, but I didn't allow that. I wanted to be a warrior, a drengr. They were harsher people, harsher than most that we knew, and she ended up taking me in.
Later on my parents had passed, and as I had imagined, they died cowards. I was left to build my own honor and that's what I did, Eivor at my side the whole time. When she came to me about traveling to England, it was an offer I couldn't refuse. Her, Sigurd, and I formed our own little trio over the span of growing up, and as they traveled, I traveled with them. We had a bond, an oath, to each other. Over that time, I found myself falling for a certain blonde, and that led to me following her everywhere she went. Where one of us went, the other followed. No one questioned it, not even her as it wasn't out of the ordinary.
I was a love-stricken puppy following Eivor Wolf-Kissed.
The sound of the horn was the first thing to break me out of my thoughts, followed by Eivor saying, "Let's go!"
We ran into the monastery, axes drawn and ready to fight. Eivor took the lead with me right beside her, fighting our way to the church. We slayed the Saxon's in our path, covering each others back. Once she reached the door, she braced against it. "Give me a hand with this!" I ran over and helped her force the door open. "Let's go." She said looking at me. "No, you go. I'll look for more supplies." I pushed. She gave me a look of reluctance and something else. Some other emotion I couldn't quite put my finger on. We both nodded at each other and went to go our separate ways.
Before I could run off, an hand on my arm stopped me. "Be careful."
Nodding, I ran off, in search of the extra raw materials. Men were everywhere, but so were we. Blocking my path happened to be five Saxon's, among the five was a Goliath and Standard Bearer. I fought off the three defenders quickly and with ease, but it was these two I was mainly worried about. I dodged and parried their attacks, finally getting the best of the both of them. As the last one fell, I heard a voice yell.
White hot pain was the only thing that registered. Everything was drowned out as my senses went into overdrive from the pain. Pain blistered all the way down my back, from my right shoulder blade to my left hip.
The rest of my senses kicked in and I turned around, striking down the Saxon who had slashed at me. As he fell, my eyes went straight to person who had called my name. My green eyes met icy blue ones. Ones that were filled with horror and worry. The horn called in the distance signaling that we had won. We had successfully raided the monastery, but the eyes that were staring into mine held everything but happiness.
Adrenaline wearing down caused my knees to hit the ground and I used my hands to stop me from falling forward. Footsteps could be heard heading to me, a hand pulled my face up so I could look at them. "Eivor." I whispered followed by groaning from the pain.
"Hang in there, I'm going to get you to Valka. She can help you." Eivor said with worry. Worry. So unlike her as she is always calm and collected. Happy and strong.
She slipped her cloak over my shoulders, the back being used to stop the bleeding. "Come, let's get you up." She whispered with care and a hint of fear. Even with her helping me stand, I was not able to hold myself up. She slipped her arm carefully behind my back, and her other under my knees. My eyes grew heavy and I knew that I wouldn't be able to stay awake for much longer. "Stay with me, my love. Stay awake." I barely heard her say, sounding as though I was underwater. Before I knew it, the darkness had took me.
The crackling of fire was the first thing I heard as I awoke. The second was hushed voices. I opened my eyes to see that I was in Valka's hut, obviously here because of my wound. I was laying on my stomach and could feel the cool air on my back, the only clothing on my torso was the wrap I have to cover my breasts. I slowly try to push myself up, letting out a groan as I feel the stitches Valka put in pull.
I've never been one to lay and wait to recover, although any previous wound was not as bad as this. Finally being able to pull myself up in a sitting position, I braced myself and then stood up as I used a table to help me. I walked towards the door of the hut, desperate to find someone.
"You must share your thoughts. Fate has said for it to be so, but someone must also take initiative. You wait around and the Nornir may weave another path." I heard Valka say.
"I-I know." Eivor said in response. What could they be talking about? WHO could they be talking about?
I walk to the door way, almost missing a step and almost falling. This made me stumble and jostled the wound on my back. Grunting, I gripped the doorway tight, holding my breath trying to relieve the wave of pain.
"Why are you up?" I heard Eivor ask me with worry in her voice. I snapped my head up to see both her and Valka looking at me.
"And just lay there and do nothing? You know I'm not one to lay around and wait." I said chuckling. She seemingly relaxed with my upbeat mood, realizing I'm more okay than what she thought.
"Take her back in to rest while I collect some more herbs for salve. There is only a little left. She mustn't tear those stitches." Valka said to Eivor. She had a look in her eye that told more than that. Almost like she was urging her to do something else.
"Yes Valka. Come, you need to rest." Eivor said walking up to me, putting a hand on my back to guide me to my makeshift bed. Her touch making my skin ignite in flames. A good feeling.
She easily sat me down and planted herself beside of me, "How do you feel?" "Sore." I hummed. She nodded at my answer and grabbed the remaining salve and looking at my face.
"You have a cut on your face." She said before dipping her finger into the mixture and rubbing it on my forehead above my eyebrow. As she seemed so concentrated, I observed her. Her face from the furrowing of her brows to her icy blue eyes to the scar on her cheek. She was absolutely beautiful, and anyone would be a fool to think otherwise.
Her fingers lingered on my face for a few moments, her just looking at me. "What is it?" I asked, curious as to why she was just staring at me.
"I-" She went to say, but cut herself off. "Eivor?" I asked.
"I have never been so scared in my life. Not when my parents died, and not when I almost died. When I saw you sink to your knees, my heart just dropped. I felt a fear that I have never felt before." She said. Before I could reply, her lips had met mine. When I registered what she had done, I leant into it, pulling away when we both needed air.
"I love you. I love you and I always have. Seeing you hurt and on the verge of death made me realize that none of us may have long, and I can't lose you without you knowing. Without you being mine." She confessed staring into my eyes. Words I have longed to hear come out of her mouth.
"Eivor. I love you too. You don't know how long I have waited for this. For you. I am sorry to have scared you." I whispered, resting my hand on her cheek.
"It is okay, just know you're never leaving my sight again. You pull a stunt like this again and I'll kick your ass." She said chuckling which resulted in me laughing as well.
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sydscripts · 4 months
Fang: "Hey babe check it out, I'm wearing this loincloth I got from the Halloween store! Pretty cool, right? I look just like one of them Gar—"
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Wilbert the psycho Wolf My NEW MSA X Dark Deception Enemy OC
Full Name: Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Varian ___ (in the past)
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 28 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Animatronic Wolf Hybrid
Friends: Mr. Giggles the Jester-Collector, Beverly the Bee, Dennis the Gopher and Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind control), Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers
Enemies: The unknown investigators (killed and deceased), Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Sammy the Kind Sun, Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self)
Alignment: Evil/Bad
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Wilbert the psycho Wolf's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRSYoIjMGm0
Wilbert the psycho Wolf's Chase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNpqH0yiNto
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds likes Death (from Puss In Boots) and Salem the Skunk (from Indigo Park)
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typingtess · 3 years
Tiptoeing through the “Fukushu″ guest cast
Christopher Sean as LAPD RHD Detective Jack Tanaka Was Paul Narita on Days of Our Lives, Gabriel Waincroft in Hawaii Five-0 and Bing Lee in The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.  Had guest roles in You, The Bay, The Mindy Project, Hollywood Heights and The Bold and the Beautiful.  
On the set.
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as Craig Tanaka| A longtime working actor who played Lt. AJ Shimamura in Nash Bridges, Capt. Terry Harada in Hawaii, Satoshi Takeda in Revenge, Hiroki Watanabe in Lost in Space (2018) and Nobusuke Tagomi as The Man in the High Castle.
Guest roles include The Wizard, MacGyver (1987), The Colbys, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Hotel, Miami Vice, Superboy, Moonlighting, Alien Nation, Mission Impossible (1989), Hardball, Baywatch, Raven, Renegade, Space Rangers, Thunder in Paradise, Babylon 5, Cybill, Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996), Stargate SG-1, Poltergeist: The Legacy, Vengeance Unlimited, Seven Days, Walker Texas Ranger (2000), Heroes, Beyond the Break, Hawaii Five-0 (2011), Teen Wolf and The Librarians.
Sebastian Sozzi as LAPD Detective Matt Guerrero Was The Falcon in My Generation, Vinny Cruz in Blue Bloods, Diego Carranza in The Red Line and Cole from Fear the Walking Dead.  Played Kevin Deacon in the terrific “The Arizona” episode, the season 17 accidental finale, of the mothership.
Guest appearances include Third Watch, Six Degrees, The Black Donnellys, Law & Order:  Criminal Intent, Law & Order, House, Ironside (2013), Castle, Dynasty (2017), Criminal Minds and All Rise.
Jose Yenque as Navy Captain Carlos Fuentes Played Darrell Ray in Days of Our Lives and Gabe Herrera in The Division.  Was Officer John Alcala on JAG.
Appeared in episodes of The X-Files, Chicago Hope, Nash Bridges, Providence, City of Angels, ER, NYPD Blue, Angel, Presidio Med, The Agency, Without a Trace, CSI: Miami, Lincoln Heights, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Nip/Tuck, Law & Order: SVU, Lost, 1600 Penn, Lucifer and The Last Ship.
Selfie on the Paramount lot. Trailer selfie.
Obi Ndefo as Joyner Played Bodie Wells on Dawson’s Creek and Rak’nor in Stargate SG-1.
Guest starred in episodes of Star Trek:  Deep Space Nine, The Wayans Bros., The Jamie Foxx Show, 3rd Rock from the Sun, Angel, Star Trek: Voyager Columbo (2000), The District, Crossing Jordan, NYPD Blue, Half & Half, The West Wing and Beauty and The Baller.
In August of 2019, Ndefo, as a pedestrian, was hit by a drunk driver.  He lost both of his legs around the knee.  Video about his recovery here.  
Dashiell Connery as Jason Quinn Appeared in an episode of The Rookie and Animal Kingdom.  Connery is the son of actors Jason Connery and Mia Sara (“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”) and grandson of Sean Connery.
Peter Holden as Benjamin Strauss Was Don Yolk in Brainstorm.  Played a Vector Control Worker in the season eight “Royals and Loyals” NCIS episode.
Was a guest star in The Wonder Years (1993), The Pretender, Frasier, Charmed (2000), Philly, CSI (2002), The Division, Miss Match, 10-8: Officers on Duty, The District, 24, Scrubs, Cold Case, Bones, Desperate Housewives, Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior, Ghost Whisperer, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Scandal, Castle, Matador, Masters of Sex, Ray Donovan, Lethal Weapon, Chances, SEAL Team, Lethal Weapon, Good Girls and Goliath.
Michael Fitzgerald as Billy Strauss British actor with many BBC credits including Doctor Who and Midsomer Murders.  Played Oliviero Carafa in Borgia.
Tyler Capri Clark as Molly Had guest roles in episodes of Modern Family The Catch, Timeless, I’m Dying Up Here, SWAT, Station 19, Good Trouble, The Affair, Why Women Kill and The Haves and Have Nots.
Duncan Campbell as NCIS Special Agent Castor Last seen learning sign language in “Signs of Change” in season 12.
Written by:  Kyle Harimoto wrote “Omni”, “Merry Evasion”, “Chernoff, K”, “Command and Control” as episode 150, “Granger, O.”, “Ghost Gun”, “Kulinda”, “767”, “Se Murio El Payaso”, “Assets”/“Liabilities”, “Venganza”, “Superhuman”, “One of Us", “Let Fate Decide” (season 11 premiere), “Decoy”, “Answers” , “Watch Over Me” and “Cash Flow”.   He co-wrote “Three Hearts”, “Leipei”, “Humbug”, both ends of the “Matryoshka” two-parter, “Smokescreen” part two, “Searching”, “A Fait Acompli” and “A Tale of Two Igors”.
Directed by:  Dennis Smith directed “Fame”, “Standoff”, “Rocket Man”, “Cyberthreat”, “Exit Strategy”, “Patriot Acts”, “Out of the Past” part one, “The Livelong Day”, Between the Lines”, “Deep Trouble” part two, “Black Budget", “Black Wind”, “Blame it On Rio”, “Defectors”, “Matryoshka” part one, “Granger, O”, “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Hot Water”, “From Havana With Love”, “Plain Sight”, the lighthearted “Monster”, “Superhuman”, “One of Us”, “Smokescreen” part one, “Decoy”, “Mother” (episode 250), “Alsiyadun”, “The Bear”, “Angry Karen” and “Signs of Change”.
I remembered to post it when I usually do this week - yay me!
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jplupine · 1 year
In the Wolf's Den: Chapter 7
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Pairing: The Weeping Monk x Devin [Nonbinary Fey OC] Word Count: ~5.4k WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Exophilia, Feral Behavior, Discussions of Sex/Pregnancy Risk, Mention of Herbal Birth Control
Summary: Devin discovers that it's quite fun to tease the monk.
You can also read it on AO3!
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Masterlist | Chapter 7:
  Counting my coins, I was trying to plan for the trip ahead. Arthur's letter had expressed his gratitude for me taking care of Squirrel but also stated how they were no longer anywhere near here nor Gramaire. They had found allies in the Red Spear, a leader to a group of northern raiders, and were willing to send a small party to retrieve Squirrel if I could get him near Hopden.
  There was a forest for cover there where we would meet and discuss what would happen next concerning Lancelot. Would they take him? Leave him? Kill him? None of it was certain yet.
  What was certain was that this would not be a fast journey, and we'd need supplies. Most of which I could provide already such as pelts for when it got colder, however, Squirrel had been right in me needing to get at least another horse or two. Goliath was a large beast, but there was no way he could carry us all to Hopden, and walking was out of the question.
  Thinking about the weight of riders, tack, and supplies, I would indeed have to buy two horses. Since Squirrel was maybe 90 pounds soaking wet, his horse could carry most of the supplies. But where was I going to get these horses?
  Humming, I tapped a claw against the table. There was a human village a good few miles away that might have someone willing to sell a couple of good horses.
  "Do you....need help?" My ear twitched when a voice broke the silence.
  "No. Why do you ask?" I replied while going back to counting coins while sliding them into piles so that if I lost track, I could easily get back to where I was.
  "You reek of frustration." Lancelot muttered.
  "Can smell that, too, can ya?"
  "I'm only figuring out the best course of action to get us to Hopden in one piece. Since we can hunt, and I have quite a bit of dried goods, food won't really be an issue. So the main thing to figure out is the horses, tack, and routes."
  "And weapons." Lancelot stated. "It would be foolish to travel without you and Percival armed."
  "Do you think he can handle a real sword?"
  "It would be better than if he had nothing."
  "Fine. But he still trains with the wooden one until it's certain he won't lop his own hand off."
  "I can agree to that." There was a soft chuckle. "And what of you?"
  "....I don't know how to use a sword." I admitted, and I could feel Lancelot staring at me. "I was raised by a healer and a woodworker, where do you think I would have learned such a skill?"
  "Then get an ax. You will need more than your claws and fangs if we come across Red Paladins."
  "That I can use." I waved a finger over my shoulder while keeping my gaze on the table in front of me. "I should probably go ahead and grab some more arrows while I'm at it."
  "What about clothes for the winter?"
  "I have stored furs in the back. I can sell a few to make sure we have some extra money."
  "....Let me help."
  "With what? I've already shown to have most of it figured out and taken care of."
  "With the horses and weapons. I'll know what to look for." It was then that I finally turned to look at Lancelot. "A horse going lame or a brittle weapon could mean death." He was looking down at his hands as he fiddled. Staring at him, I looked at him from head to toe.
  Without his telltale cloak and dark clothing, there was no way to tell he was the Weeping Monk. And with his hair covering the cross brand, his connection to the Red Paladins was hidden as well. He looked like any other Fey, and to an untrained eye, he could pass as human.
  "Okay." Lancelot looked at me, seeming surprised that I had agreed rather easily. "But we go together. You can do the talking, but I will hold onto the money. This is a bit much for me to blindly trust you with."
  "I understand." He nodded.
  "Good. We go tomorrow. Squirrel can pack while we're gone."
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  "Remember, pack the essentials first." I said while hoisting myself into Goliath's saddle.
  "And don't overstuff it. I've got it." Squirrel heavily sighed as he stood nearby with his hands on his hips.
  "Don't wander. I know."
  "Good." I smiled, finding amusement in his reactions. Tucking my tail close to my leg, I made sure it wouldn't get sat on when Lancelot mounted. "We should be back by tomorrow morning." I added while Lancelot was getting comfortable in the saddle.
  "Finally, some peace and quiet." Squirrel joked, and I scoffed.
  "Don't use this time to lay about, Percival. Do as you're told."
  "I'm a knight. I will do my job." The boy looked offended.
  "We'll see." Lancelot had a challenging but playful tone before leading Goliath away from the cave.
  "Damn right, you'll see!" Squirrel hollered after us.
  "You and he seem to get along rather well." I muttered while trying to ignore how close Lancelot was to me. His thighs were right against mine, and there was barely any space between his chest and my back. I could feel he was tense while holding Goliath's reins, more than likely also not comfortable sharing the saddle with me.
  "He's a good kid. Albeit, easily getting into mischief."
  "You mean his thievery?" I smirked, remembering how I'd found stolen fruit and a wineskin on Squirrel's person after we'd returned from the Wolf village.
  "Among other things." He muttered without elaborating. Glancing around the forest, I honestly tried to occupy my senses with something else, but his voice right behind me while being surrounded by his scent wasn't helping. I had worn his grey cloak while he had my dark green one just to be sure no one would recognize him, and it was only making things worse.
  His scent, his body heat, his voice, his strong thighs slotted behind mine- It was turning out to be more of a bother than I expected. And with his hands right over my thighs to hold the reins, I had to make myself not look down because I knew seeing his big hands that close would only remind me of-
  "Is....Is that your tail....wagging?" Lancelot questioned with a baffled tone, and my ears turned back with embarrassment while feeling my tail bouncing under my cloak. It was hitting against both my leg and his.
  "It's a pretty day today. Am I not allowed to find joy in the scenery?" I was lying through my teeth and praying Lancelot couldn't tell.
  "It won't do that in the village, will it? That would be impossible to hide."
  "I'm not a dog excited by every little thing." I snapped.
  "But the scenery is enough to make your tail wag?"
  "Tell me you don't prefer the woods to a human village." If he had caught on to my lying, he didn't show it.
  "I've made you uncomfortable." Lancelot stated.
  "I'm....not exactly proud to show such behavior in front of you." At least that was the truth.
  "Why not? It's not much different than when your hackles rise."
  "You've noticed that?" My brows knit together as my ears swiveled forward.
  "You can hide how you feel on your face quite well when you want to, but you cannot hide how the fur on the back of your neck stands on end."
  "Let me guess, you've been reading my body language when you cannot read my face." I said, and Lancelot paused.
  "Yes." He answered after a second of silence as if uncertain how I'd react to the truth.
  "You must be a quick learner to already be able to understand my body language."
  "I'm observant."
  "I don't doubt that." It then went quiet since the man didn't respond, and I had nothing else to say. Listening to the woods, I could hear bird calls and other wildlife. With it getting colder, many of these sounds would go dormant, but until then, it was pleasant to hear them.
  Goliath's hooves softly trodded over the dead leaves littering the ground as he shook out his mane. Everything seemed rather calm, however, there was tension in the air. And it was agitating me.
  "You needn't lean so far back, Lancelot. You're more likely to fall right out of the saddle."
  "You are uncomfortable with my closeness."
  "And you are uncomfortable with mine. However, I'd rather not have this entire trip be filled with tense silence and you being twitchy and stiff."
  "I'm not stiff." He said rather quickly, and my ear turned at his tone. Turning my head to look at him from over my shoulder, I rose a brow.
  "I meant your spine, Lancelot." His entire face flushed as he averted his gaze. Heavily sighing as I looked back ahead of us, I ran a hand through my hair. "It's not just you, you know?" I muttered. "I'm not uncomfortable because of your reputation."
  Was I honestly about to tell him the truth? Was I really going to admit out loud what had been plaguing me?
  "My people- We're not reserved. Affection and physical contact are commonplace in my culture, so touching isn't my problem. You see, Lancelot, I am also haunted. And I am telling you this in the hopes you relax once you find out you're not the only one."
  "Please don't make me spell it out." I sighed again. "I've been trying to hide it because I'm ashamed- not because I view it as sinful, I'm no Christian. I'm ashamed because the Weeping Monk, of all fucking people, touched me in ways that are unforgettable. Even if clumsy at first." I added the last part under my breath.
  "Oh." He said after a long pause of silence.
  "And that is why I'm uncomfortable."
  "So...." Lancelot cleared his throat. "your mind goes back to then whenever I am close to you?"
  "So it really is....natural?" His voice was quieter than before, barely over a whisper. I felt myself relax at his response. I had been right. Lancelot thinking he was alone in those thoughts and feelings had made him feel worse. Given how the church viewed intimacy and sex, I couldn't help but think they told him what he was experiencing was abnormal. Perhaps even the work of a demon.
  It made sense in a terrible way.
  He was parroting what he'd been taught, and having been taught nothing else, it was all he had to go on.
  "Yes, in a manner of speaking."
  "What do you mean, in a manner of speaking?"
  "Wha-" I sighed with a slight growl. "I mean, it's natural to seek out or want things that make you feel good. However, and I hate to say this, you're bloody handsome, and because I know what your body can do, it makes it harder to put it out of my mind."
  "Oh, my gods. What are you not understanding?"
  "You just said.... You think me handsome?" Lancelot's tone made me nearly twist in the saddle to look at him.
  "Have you seen yourself?!" He looked shocked with his eyes wide. "Had that bleeding Father Carden not gotten his hands on you, you would've had a pick of suitors in your home village." I waved a finger. "You think I would lust for you so if you were a hideous leper?"
  Lancelot seemed speechless as his cheeks were still a deep shade of red. He truly didn't realize how gorgeous he was. What, was that considered a sin as well?
  "Yeah, I said it. You're pretty, and it pisses me off." Turning back in the saddle, I was finding it both relieving and amusing to say it all out loud. It felt good to get it off my chest, but at the same time, making Lancelot blush was certainly entertaining. "So, Ash Man, because you've been blessed with such beauty, and because I know you can fuck like a-" I was cut off when his hand covered my mouth.
  "Stop....please." His voice was low, but he wasn't sitting so stiff in the saddle anymore.
  "Fine." I said while being muffled by his palm. However, he still understood what I'd said and hesitantly lowered his hand. "Let me ask you this, then. If sex is such a sin, and discussions of it are frowned upon, how is it you knew to use your fingers first?" Lancelot abruptly dismounted while holding Goliath's reins and walking faster than the horse.
  Even with his back to me, I could tell he was more embarrassed now than before. He was literally putting distance between us while trying to ignore me.
  "Oh, come now, Lancelot." I laughed. "It's a perfectly reasonable question. It's obvious I was your first, so how did you know?"
  "....I didn't." His response was quiet, and my ears perked to attention.
  "It was...." Lancelot cleared his throat as his grip on Goliath's reins tightened. "It was an urge. A voice telling me to touch. I told myself at the time that, surely, if it's just my hand, it's not....sex. I didn't know." If he got any quieter, my ears just might start straining to hear him.
  "So no one told you about it before? Not even heard in passing?"
  "Then how do you explain using my slick to lubricate your cock?"
  "Could you please stop being so crass?"
  "Answer the question. Also, I do believe this topic would bother you less if you become more comfortable discussing it." I said, and I saw his head bow further down. And since I was riding behind him, I could smell his frustration and arousal. I was asking both because I was curious and because making him squirm brought me delight.
  When the monk finally responded, he still didn't look at me.
  "I had the inexplicable desire to see it on me. That....That isn't normal, is it?"
  "It's not abnormal. But I'm beginning to think I might know what your true self is like, Lancelot."
  "What do you mean?"
  "Listen to your instincts more, and you might find out. So, are there any particular questions you wish to ask me?"
  "Are you sure? There's something you haven't asked me at all that I'd think to be important to know." I watched him to see how he'd react, but all he did was pause before looking at me with confusion. "My gods, they really did teach you nothing. Lancelot, you filled me with sperm. Repeatedly."
  "I'm well aware." He quickly turned away and continued walking. "I don't see why you must continue to bring it up."
  "Yes, but you did so while I was in heat. You know, during my peak of fertility?" It then clicked with the man what I was hinting at as he completely froze. It seemingly never even crossed his mind that he could've gotten me pregnant.
  When he looked at me again, his eyes were wide as he stared at me. Lancelot said nothing as his gaze dropped from my face to my stomach. He stared a little longer as if he were struggling to wrap his head around the possibility.
  "Are you....?"
  "No. I made a tea that prevents it. Which you should be thankful for as well because Wolf Folk have litters between one to four pups. Up to six is also not unheard of." I explained, and he looked relieved. Then horrified. "That's right, Lancelot. You could've had four bastards running around by this time next year. And you didn't even ask." I clicked my tongue at him while shaking my head.
  It was just too much fun to tease him. He was known to be so terrifying, a thing of nightmares, yet could blush so easily and have such reactions as he was having now.
  "I didn't think Wolf Folk had actual litters. I thought it was simply what they called their children as a group."
  "The fuck did you think my extra nipples were for? Decoration?" I popped off, and his face flushed again as he looked away and returned to leading Goliath through the woods.
  "Well, excuse me for not being an expert in Fey biology. I didn't even know one's heat could affect me as it did." He had a bite to his tone, making my ears perk up.
  "You recognized the scent of heat but didn't know it'd make you go into a rut? How is that?"
  "Obviously, the other Fey heats did not elicit the same reaction." His words made my brows furrow.
  "How is that possible? What were the other Fey?"
  "Tusks. Fauns." Lancelot replied, and I mulled it over for a moment.
  "That must be it, then. Those Fey share their natures with prey animals, and you, Ash Man, are a predator. As am I."
  "I'm not an animal."
  "No, but I've seen you hunt. You don't hunt like a man-blood or Faun or any other prey-natured Fey. It's also the only thing I can think of being the reason why you went into rut because you most certainly are not Wolf Folk. Being a predator, your own physiology would be more likely to react to the pheromones of another predator."
  "If that is so, would humans not classify as predator-natured?"
  "No. They fall in the grey. They are both predator and prey, however, as you know, they don't exactly experience a heat. They're similar to Sky Folk in that regard."
  "But I look more like Sky Folk than I do you."
  "On the outside. Sky Folk cannot smell nor hear the way you do." It didn't go unnoticed how Lancelot was now relaxing and becoming more curious. So long as I didn't outright mention sex, he seemed fine with the conversation. "You're also much stronger than most Sky Folk I've encountered."
  "One would think I'd be more like them than you."
  "You also pass for a man-blood, yet we both know your nature is incomparable to theirs. I don't know much about the Ash Folk, so I can't say anything with certainty. I only speak from observation." He was quiet, and I tapped my finger on the saddle before speaking again. "I'm demystifying the Fey to you, aren't I? You can't explain trickery of the church's devil through logic and science."
  "You can't explain your magick through that either."
  "Not entirely, no. Much of it comes from the Hidden."
  "They're elusive to many of the Fey, but to those that can hear them, they can accomplish many great feats."
  "Hear them?"
  "They speak. They whisper with many voices at once, so loud yet so quiet at the same time, and it's unclear what they're saying. And even though you can't make out their words, they can still be understood." I explained, and Lancelot slowed down his walking. Was he going to stop again?
  "Those aren't demons?" He muttered.
  "You can hear the Hidden?" My expression twisted, baffled by why the Hidden would possibly reach out to the Weeping Monk.
  "Can you?" Those blue eyes of his looked right at me.
  "Sometimes. But you didn't answer me."
  "I....I think I might."
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  Walking into the village, the long cloak hid my inhumanly bent legs while the hood was draped low over my head. We were heading toward the market to sell the pelts strapped to Goliath's back. The rest of the trip here was surprisingly filled with conversation and very brief moments of quiet.
  Lancelot's curiosity had been sparked, and without Squirrel around to ask the questions, he was asking them himself. He doubted some of the things I had said, but he never argued or tried to push his church's views. He was speaking for himself more and parroting less.
  He'd even gotten back on the horse at one point.
  I was honestly rather glad to have told Lancelot the truth about how I was haunted by his touch as he was mine. It broke down a rather tense barrier while also letting the Ash Man realize he truly wasn't the only one with thoughts, feelings, or urges as he had. It also made me better understand why he broke down into tears around me.
  He wouldn't tell my secrets, so talking to him about things I normally would never speak of was relieving. We'd somehow become confidants for one another, and that seemed to be rather beneficial for the both of us. As he put it, I was being his shepherd, and he was being.... What was he being? I couldn't quite call him a friend.
  Could I?
  No, most certainly not. He was the Weeping Monk. But....he was changing. This was too confusing.
  "How much are these pelts worth?" Lancelot whispered his question to me.
  "I'll go as low as two silver. They're worth more, but they'll certainly sell at that rate." I said while looking around at the villagers. "Are you sure you can do this? You don't exactly exude people skills."
  "I can do it fine-"
  "Excuse me." Lancelot and I both turned to look at a young woman carrying a basket full of bought vegetables. As soon as Lancelot looked at her, however, her cheeks tinted pink as she bashfully covered her mouth with her hand in such a delicate way. "Are you intending to sell those furs? They're quite....nice."
  I nudged Lancelot in the ribs with my elbow to get him to talk. It seemed his pretty face just might sell the pelts for him even if he was bad at talking to people.
  "Yes, we are." I nudged him a little harder. "Would you like to have a look?"
  "Yes, I most certainly would." Her eyes never left him as she neared Goliath's side. "If I may ask, why have you marked your face in such a way?" She finally looked at the pelts, running her hand over the soft animal fur to get a feel for the quality.
  "It's a custom of my clan."
  "Oh? How curious. And where might you be from?"
  "Nowhere near here." Lancelot was tense, but the woman didn't seem to notice nor care.
  "And the smaller one? Your little brother, perhaps?" She smiled while lifting the top pelt to have a look at the ones underneath.
  "Little brother?" Lancelot sounded confused, and I hit him with my elbow once more. "Will you quit that?!" He hissed at me, and I looked him dead in the eye from under my hood. It then seemed to dawn on him. "Oh! Yes, my little brother. He's a mute."
  "Poor thing. How much would you be willing to take for this one?" The woman gestured to a beaver pelt. Oh, how it pained me to sell that one so cheap. The thick, glossy fur- so warm and beautiful.
  "Two silver."
  "Two silver? What's wrong with it?"
  "We're simply getting rid of our surplus before the winter. To lighten our carts before the snowfall, you see."
  "My lucky day, then." She smiled flirtatiously at Lancelot, but he didn't seem to catch on as his face remained utterly stoic. The woman produced the coins for the pelt, gave a lingering look at Lancelot, then walked away.
  "She was staring." Lancelot muttered, looking on edge.
  "Did you not smell her arousal?" I rolled my eyes. "As I told you, you are handsome." His cheeks tinted pink. "Oh, so that gets a blush, but her undressing you with her eyes does not?"
  "I....I didn't know that's what she was doing." His blush darkened. "You're blunter and more straightforward."
  "She was being coy. Let's just say, there are subtler ways of showing interest."
  "I know that."
  "Yet you didn't recognize it."
  "Sorry, the concern of recognition took prominence in my mind." Lancelot had a sarcastic tone, and I felt a smirk pull at the corner of my mouth. I think I much preferred when he was willing to bite back rather than just be a timid thing biting his own tongue. It was certainly interesting.
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  Riding on my own horse now, Squirrel's was following close behind with her reins tied to my saddle. Lancelot rode in front as if a habit to be first, and I simply followed. He'd managed to get a rather good price haggled for the two mares in good health, so we even had some coin left over after.
  My horse was a deep brown with a white snip while Squirrel's was tan with socks. They rode well so far, making me doubt we'd have to worry about bucking or someone getting hurt. They were also a bit dirty, but nothing a good wash wouldn't fix.
  "We should make camp here." Lancelot spoke up while bringing Goliath to a halt.
  "We've still got at least an hour's worth of light left."
  "I don't want to risk spooking the mares. Not until we know for certain what they can handle." He dismounted before leading Goliath through the trees toward a small clearing. He'd made his decision, and there was no arguing it, though, not that I would. He had a point.
  I dismounted and followed Lancelot to where he was tying Goliath's reins to a low branch. He was already pulling a feedbag out of his horse's saddlebag, which didn't surprise me given how well he looked after the beast. I could only think he was also the reason Goliath was like a stone wall compared to most horses.
  "Lead the mares over there." Lancelot gestured with his head to another tree. He then drew his swords, and I knew exactly what he was about to do.
  "If they get loose, you can fetch them." I stated while digging out some water from my saddlebag after tying the horses to the tree. Stepping away, I took a drink and began to clear a spot on the ground to build a fire.
  Lancelot didn't respond as he neared the mares. He was a good few yards away when he began to lightly tap his swords together. The mares' ears flicked with the new sound, but they didn't move otherwise.
  I dug into the dirt to form a shallow pit, then looked around for kindling as it went quiet. Lancelot had gotten closer to the horses by the time he tapped his swords together again, louder than the previous time. The mares shifted on their hooves, eyes locked on the man.
  He got even closer, shifting his hold on his swords to loudly clang them together to match the sound of battle. The mares tried to step away with their ears turned back, raising heads and huffing. But that was all they did.
  "I told you I could pick good horses." Lancelot stated, and I scoffed.
  "Good job, Lancelot." I was mostly sincere with a hint of sarcasm, but the man looked at me and smiled at the praise. Dear gods, his smile.
  "So you admit I've done well?"
  "For the most part. You certainly knew how to talk to that bladesmith better than the ladies in the market." I popped off.
  "I sold the pelts, did I not?"
  "Technically." I chuckled while piling sticks into the pit and circling it with rocks. "I will say, you surprised me today. In a good way." Lancelot seemed to perk up as he sheathed his swords. "Honestly, I partly expected you to turn me in to the Red Paladins or run with the money."
  "I wouldn't-"
  "I know. Now for certain." Tossing some dead leaves into the kindling, it was now ready to be lit when it started to get darker.
  However, our moods shifted when we heard hooves and chatter. Looking through the trees, we spotted a group of men on horseback traveling past. They had no cart for goods, so clearly not traders, but they were also thankfully not Red Paladins either. Being quiet, I hoped they'd continue on and not notice us and our horses.
  But one in front turned to talk to the one laughing next to him, and his eyes landed on us. His gaze drifted over the clearing, spotting me, Lancelot, the horses, and the pit.
  "You two heading to the village as well?" He called out, bringing his comrades' attention to us.
  "Leaving, actually." Lancelot replied.
  "Would you mind sharing your campsite with us, then? There's plenty of space, and the horses are quite tired." He asked but was already dismounted and getting closer. His friendliness was a pretense. There was just something too fake about it.
  "I'd rather not." Lancelot had a firm tone while his expression was cold. The man, however, laughed as the others were also dismounting and coming up behind him.
  "If it's your wife you worry for, you needn't fret, good sir." The man said while looking at me, and I didn't know if I should feel insulted by him assuming I was Lancelot's wife or not.
  "We're not married." His answer was short and simple.
  "Really? Have you just bought her, then? Such a pretty thing, she is. Why don't we have a better look at ya, dear?" The man reached for my hood, and I was leaning away to avoid him. I had claws, so I couldn't just grab his arm to stop him without exposing I was Fey.
  However, Lancelot's hand closed around the man's wrist firmly. His eyes were fierce as he looked down at man-blood, his expression making it very clear that I was not to be touched.
  "Relax, I mean no harm. Just wish to admire the lady's beauty." The man laughed. "Must have cost quite the coin for you to be this prickly." His laughter faded as Lancelot's grip on him tightened. I could tell the Ash Man's hold was becoming painful from the man's expression before he snatched his hand away.
  "Keep moving, and there will be no trouble." Lancelot had a warning tone as he stood in front of me, resting a hand on the hilt of his sword. The movement was a silent threat but clearly understood.
  "No need to be so upset if she's not even your wife. Would you change your attitude if we offered to pay? You see, me and my men have been traveling quite a while and haven't felt the warmth of a woman in a long time." The man said, and I had to fight the growl threatening to rumble in my chest.
  "I will not tell you again."
  "My, must be a real treasure for you to get so protective." The man-blood wasn't backing down, and I feared bloodshed if things didn't de-escalate. The other men were slowly circling, and I sighed through my nose.
  "No," I spoke up. "I am cursed. I angered the Wolf-Blood Witch, so she made me look like this." Reaching up, I lowered the hood off of my head. Their eyes shot to my wolf ears, and I opened the front of the cloak to let them see my paws and digitigrade legs.
  "The fuck-"
  "My curse is also contagious. Do you wish to see?" I reached out my hand as if to touch the man, and he quickly stepped back.
  "No, no. Uh, we'll just be on our way, then. Let's go, lads." The man backed away, his eyes going between Lancelot and I. They all mounted and quickly rode off, leaving us in silence until they disappeared among the trees.
  "Cursed by the Wolf-Blood Witch?" Lancelot looked at me with a raised brow, his shoulders relaxing now that the threat was gone.
  "I didn't see you coming up with anything else. You were going straight for your sword, and I don't feel like sleeping in a camp with corpses."
  "We both know Nimue can't do such magick."
  "They don't know that, though." I replied while waving my hand and walking toward the horses. The man scoffed, sounding amused. "Hungry?" I asked as I pulled some food out from the saddlebag.
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0 notes
radioeuroextasis · 2 years
John Carpenter - The End (Tom Pulse x Weichei Rework)
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¡Legendaria película de culto de los años 70! El tema musical original de 76 fue genial. Lo que pasó en 1983 fue increíble. Ahora la pista ha recibido un aspecto contemporáneo de nuevo en el estilo Tech House. Weichei y Tom Pulse están siempre al día con sus sonidos y producciones. Mientras tanto, están sacudiendo las listas de baile en toda Europa. BUBBLE MUSIC MEDIA PROMO WEICHEI @ Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/3zkjkwWg4LlCt6wVv2AakW?si=U3jnfRoLRuWRc9bRb7YKAw @ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DJWeichei WEICHEI Algunos eventos importantes y raves que tocó ... por nombrar algunos ULTRA Music Festival 4 Miami Love Parade Nature One Energy Street Parade Goliath Syndicate Festival Fusion Timeless Sea You Freiburg Hardstylistix White Wolf Bass and Melody Street Move AUT Parade Goliath vs Evolution Lake Parade Festival de la Montaña Dulce Riddim en la autopista del Rin NIEVE RAVE Warcraft Tektra Festival Relevatez Mixery Final Beats Watergate Union Move Techno Gate Read the full article
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
Loudly In Love
Hello my friends! After Purgatory we have a cute and dummy sweet Dean-bean in love with Castiel. As we'll see int this meta summary.
You can find the links to my metas from these episodes following this links: X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, and X.
There's something in my throat
At the beginning of episode 15x10 we can read a shop's named BERENS' KWICK TRAP.
This takes another symbology now, with the horrible ending of the show. In which we could say Berens settle a trap to the C*W and he gave us 15x18 Castiel's love confession anyway.
Before talking about Dean's mating tap dance, let's talk about Dean vomiting again. Because it's relevant again, due to the shitty ending and how C*W silenced him.
Throughout the whole season 15, we had vomits, gagging situations. And in this episode we had two important scenes related to this symbolism:
One was Dean literally vomiting, and the second was Dean datin: "I HAVE SOMETHING IN MY THROAT"
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What had Dean stuck in his throat? Maybe the ILY TOO to Castiel that never happened. But writers gave it it's relevance by writing it like this.
Maybe they were trying to day we will never have it.
They silenced him, for real.
Baby Castiel and Color Symbolism
I wrote this in one of my metas...
Baby Sam was dressed with a yellow ascot. Accurate. And Baby Castiel was dressed in blue. Accurate too.
Bess was dressed, and pay attention to this..., She was in pink (happiness) green (Dean) and light blue (purity)... She said to Dean that Cas was looking at him with love. Right? The happiness and purity in Dean was telling him Castiel looks at him with love in his eyes! Now... Dean said Cas baby kept looking at him weird. And Sam (who knows) said JUST LIKE CAS DOES.
And then Castiel's eyes glowed and Dean said... I think he has something for you to Bess (symbolically representing Dean's happiness and purity) GOSH IT WAS PERFECT!
This is something too cute, because finally, they talked about the Destiel eye-love-making and the fan-service with some SAMMY KNOWS.
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Another important reference was Garth. When he went to rescue the boys, Garth was playing Castiel's mirror. And when Garth breaks that lock (Just like Castiel will do in the incoming episode) But mostly because Dean's reaction to it was priceless!
DEAN: You're so strong! He's so strong!
This is, literally, what Dean thinks about Castiel everytime he's in BAMF mode.
Just a brief travel through the repeated numbers in the narrative in this episode (you can find the extended version of this in the links I put in the top of this meta)
Basically, we had number 7, 5, 17 and 40 repeating in the dialogues and the visual narrative. Some examples of that are the following scenes...
The Beren' kwick trap had a poster naming "7 days per week", then this one...
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Dean eating 7 pieces of cheese.
Biblically talking, number 7 is the perfect number, represents God and knowledge. And it talks about Chuck then, knowing Chuck is writing this. But it also is what it means KNOWLEDGE.
Now, number 5...
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Also at Garth's house, the address said 75
In numerology talks about socialize, and self-knowledge in masculinity and sexuality... Hello Dean!
But number 5 also represents in Bible the grace God concedes to David to defeat Goliath, the giant, written on the first book of SAMUEL (yes, Samuel) chapter 17.
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17 means HOPES,it's what TFW keeps alive go defeat Chuck.
Now, number 40...
GARTH: Yeah, better than I ever thought I’d get. I mean, hunting – I figured I’d be dead before I’m 40. You know, go out young and pretty. But now I’ve got a great wife, great kids. I guess...sometimes things work out.
Putting to a side these had been also Dean's old thoughts... writers really got me here...
40 years old, but 40 is a common biblical number that talks about self-knowledge and growth. It talks about CHANGES. So so accurate with Dean and that caterpillar/butterfly wall in episode 15x04.
I really thought back then we will have the huge change in Dean through his love confession to Castiel. I mean, we had a change in his own way to see himself, thanks to Castiel. Let's keep that as a consolation prize.
An ABO fic plus Mating Dance
This episode had an ABO fic hudden as it also had the learning lesson about MATING FOR LIFE.
The visual narrative and the dialogues pointed at it.
Garth hugging g Dean as he said: YOU SMELL GOOD, remember Garth is a werewolf, and he was smelling Dean's pheromones because this episode happened after Purgatory, Dean is facing the knowledge about his romantic love for the angel, and it shows.
The swan's statues in one of the rooms in Garth house. Swans are birds that mate for life, and males swans can mate with another males for life. Hello Destiel. (Also, the room where these statues were placed was color BLUE)
The tap dancing and the suggestive lyrics of 'Let's Misbehave' was perfectly settled as a mating dancing I'm which Dean invited Castiel (the lamp) to Misbehave with him. Showing us that there's not just sweet and innocent love in Dean's heart but also a passionate fire and a desire to make love with him. That's what the song says, and that's why Garth mentioned colonoscopy, as a medical tool to health control, because cavities are related to Colon Cancer.
The wolf puppy is back
And following the same topic about ABO, the scene in which Jack is back with his family was similar (if not the same) as a wolf pack behavior documental.
Dean checks on Jack's eyes and immediately after that he checks on his pack mate, Castiel, to see if Jack is Jack. Beautiful
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Bi!Dean and Tolstoy
There's more info in my links at the top, but let's see why Dean called himself "Tolstoy" in that bar in front of that greek goddess in episode 14x11.
Okay, we had the singer from 'Let's Misbehave' (Cole Porter) a queer man, and now we have Tolstoy, a bisexual man...
DEAN: I'm Tolstoy
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So much love
I will only speak about this scene:
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There's more analysis about the dialogue here related to the storyline about Chuck, Jack and TFW. But because these are the Destiel Chronicles, I know I have to talk about this particularly Destiel heart eyes scene.
Because Dean is loud, his eyes and his face, he is yelling how proud he feels about Castiel, but it also, the ways his eyes just lingered to him, full of love, it's perfect, and no one can tell me these are not two men in love.
Look at how Csstiel turns his face to him, with a small smile, trying to hide his joy for being praised by the man he loves and also for share this moment with him. And the feels are of an old married couple that still love each other so much.
I just wanted to finish this meta with this "Good Omens" like scene.
To Conclude:
Dean reaffirmed he is in love with Castiel, and he wants to spend his life with him, as a couple. He loves the angel romantically, and he also desires Castiel with passion.
We also had several confirmations of Bi!Dean and some fan service with Sammy knows.
Hope you like this meta, see you in the next one.
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @dizzypinwheel @horsez2002 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @belacoded @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @deancasgirl777
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from this season, here you have the links:
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elgaberino-mcoc · 4 years
MCOC Wishlist Poll Snapshot: Entire Rankings
001 Mystique 002 Quicksilver 003 Beta Ray Bill 004 Sandman 005 Adam Warlock 006 Kitty Pryde 007 Lizard 008 Morbius the Living Vampire 009 Kraven the Hunter 010 Cloak & Dagger 011 Spider-Man 2099 012 Black Cat 013 Bullseye 014 Jessica Jones 015 Ares 016 Shang-Chi 017 Gladiator (Kallark) 018 Baron Zemo 019 Lady Deathstrike 020 Enchantress 021 Valkyrie MCU 022 Knull 023 Morgan le Fay 024 Scorpion 025 Captain Britain 026 Galactus 027 Dazzler 028 Silver Samurai 029 Black Knight 030 Dracula 031 Hobgoblin 032 Pyro 033 Fantomex 034 Spider-Woman 035 Jean Grey 90s 036 Silk 037 Polaris 038 Silver Sable 039 Sif 040 Anti-Venom 041 Mister Negative 042 Crystal 043 Legion 044 Shocker 045 Malekith the Accursed 046 Destroyer Armor 047 M'baku the Man-Ape 048 The Mandarin 049 Emplate 050 Multiple-Man 051 Shuri 052 Banshee 053 Onslaught 054 Warpath 055 Sunfire 056 Cannonball 057 Dark Phoenix 058 Blue Marvel 059 Prowler (Aaron Davis) 060 Okoye 061 Mockingbird 062 Spiral 063 Madame Hydra / Viper 064 Hydro-Man 065 Red She-Hulk 066 Agent Anti-Venom 067 Blackheart 068 Gorr the God-Butcher 069 Songbird 070 Quasar 071 Absorbing Man 072 Whiplash 073 Armor 074 Daimon Hellstrom 075 Wendigo 076 Nimrod 077 Graviton 078 Gwenom 079 Deathlok 080 Firestar 081 Vulcan 082 Wonder Man 083 Selene 084 Blob 085 Klaw 086 Rachel Summers 087 Thor (MCU Stormbreaker) 088 Shadow King 089 White Tiger 090 Tombstone 091 Jack O'Lantern 092 Valkyrie Classic 093 Toad 094 Moonstone 095 Weapon H 096 Jocasta 097 Dani Moonstar 098 Monica Rambeau 099 Wolfsbane 100 Franklin Richards 101 Ancient One 102 Arnim Zola 103 Exodus 104 Forge 105 Supergiant 106 Madelyne Pryor 107 Hank Pym 108 Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) 109 Negasonic Teenage Warhead 110 Spider-Man Noir 111 Phantom Rider 112 Blink 113 Sebastian Shaw 114 Clea 115 Black Tom Cassidy 116 Kurse 117 Danger 118 Daken 119 Omega Sentinel 120 Grim Reaper 121 Radioactive Man 122 Shatterstar 123 Darkstar 124 Werewolf by Night 125 Hope Summers 126 The Magus 127 Union Jack 128 Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) 129 Crimson Dynamo 130 Pixie 131 Conan 132 Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) 133 Azazel 134 Jigsaw 135 Boom-Boom 136 Swarm 137 Xorn 138 Machine Man 139 Black Widow (Yelena Belova) 140 Madame Masque 141 Misty Knight 142 Chamber 143 Mistress Death 144 Skaar 145 Morlun 146 Thanos (Endgame) 147 Leader 148 Sleepwalker 149 Deacon Frost 150 Black Swan 151 Agent 13 (Sharon Carter) 152 Fin Fang Foom 153 Ka-Zar 154 Arcade 155 Iron Spider 156 Dust 157 Gorgon 158 Lash 159 Namora 160 A-Bomb (Rick Jones) 161 Ikaris 162 Nick Fury (Classic) 163 Rescue 164 Nico Minoru 165 Volstagg 166 Weapon Hex 167 Stingray 168 Maximus the Mad 169 Cyttorak 170 Skurge the Executioner 171 Doc Samson 172 Maverick / Agent Zero 173 Sauron 174 Baron Blood 175 Captain America Falcon 176 Wong 177 Mantis 178 Whirlwind 179 Firelord 180 Magma 181 Molecule Man 182 White Fox 183 Nova (Sam Alexander) 184 Satana 185 Dum Dum Dugan (LMD) 186 Holocaust 187 Shiklah 188 Valkyrie Moonstar 189 High Evolutionary 190 Bloodaxe 191 Magus (Technarch) 192 Nighthawk 193 Punisher: War Machine 194 Goliath (Bill Foster) 195 Nova (Frankie Raye) 196 Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch) 197 Dr. Cecilia Reyes 198 Sentinel X (Shogo Lee) 199 Thena 200 Hellcat 201 Cosmic Spider-Man 202 Attuma 203 Shroud 204 Doctor Nemesis 205 Siryn 206 Nate Grey 207 Iron Monger 208 Black Mamba 209 Agent Carter 210 Kluh 211 Tiger Shark 212 Purple Man 213 Snowbird 214 Ice-Thing 215 Lilandra 216 Superior Spider-Man 217 Thane 218 Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur 219 Jackal 220 Jean Grey (X-Men Red) 221 Punisher: Frankencastle 222 Puck 223 Rockslide 224 Red Ghost and his Super-Apes 225 Deathbird 226 Hydra Supreme 227 Strong Guy 228 Zarda the Power Princess 229 Sage 230 Quentin Quire (aka Kid Omega) 231 Prowler (Hobie Brown) 232 Slapstick 233 Stardust (Lambda Zero) 234 Titanium Man 235 D'spayre 236 Colleen Wing 237 Thunderbird (John Proudstar) 238 Iron Maiden 239 Gorilla-Man (Kenneth Hale) 240 Jack of Hearts 241 Titania 242 Avalanche 243 Toxic Doxie 244 Death’s Head 245 Impossible Man 246 Worthy Captain America (Mjölnir/Endgame) 247 Outlaw (Higgins) 248 Scarlet Spider II (Kaine Parker) 249 Beetle 250 Typhoid Mary 251 Bloodscream 252 Serpent (Cul Borson) 253 Ms. America Chavez 254 Ghost Rider (Reyes) 255 Hummingbird 256 Mercury 257 M (Monet St. Croix) 258 Black Tarantula 259 Spitfire 260 Wizard 261 Superior Octopus 262 Maria Hill 263 Minotaur (Dario Agger) 264 Echo 265 Morph 266 Karolina Dean 267 Zarathos 268 Thundra 269 Smasher (Kane) 270 Hyperstorm 271 Boomerang 272 Stature (Cassie Lang, AKA Stinger) 273 Meggan 274 Caliban 275 Hollow 276 Abyss (Styger) 277 Silverclaw 278 Red King 279 Doctor Druid 280 U.S. Agent 281 Sersi 282 Molten Man 283 Zzzax 284 Singularity 285 Agatha Harkness 286 Blastaar 287 Korvac 288 Citizen V 289 Carter Slade the Satan-Stomper 290 Post 291 Shuma-Gorath 292 Sin 293 Triton 294 Quasar (Kincaid) 295 Martinex 296 Iron Man (Mark I) 297 Wiccan 298 Speedball 299 Paladin 300 Amanda Sefton 301 Overmind 302 Diamondback (Rachel Leighton) 303 Feral 304 Charlie-27 305 Rom: Spaceknight 306 Juggerduck 307 The Uranian 308 Blazing Skull 309 Starfox 310 Living Laser 311 Hiro-Kala 312 Namorita 313 Jack Flag 314 Stormborn 315 Doctor Bong 316 Crescent & Io 317 Gamora mcu 318 Wave 319 Ironheart 320 Venom Rocket 321 Doctor Spectrum 322 Davos the Steel Serpent 323 Lady Hellbender 324 Falcon classic 325 Bloodstorm 326 Tempus (Eva Bell) 327 Voyager 328 No-Name the Brood 329 Demon Bear 330 Moondragon 331 Arachne 332 Aero 333 Andromeda 334 Speed Demon 335 Phyla-Vell 336 Xemnu the Living Hulk 337 Aleta 338 Araña 339 Human Torch (Jim Hammond) 340 Constrictor 341 Iso 342 Arkon 343 Genis-Vell 344 Shanna the She-Devil 345 Volcana 346 Batroc the Leaper 347 Arclight 348 Scientist Supreme 349 Yukio 350 N'kantu the Living Mummy 351 Gentle 352 Caiera the Oldstrong 353 Beetle (Janice Lincoln) 354 Penance (Baldwin) 355 Super-Adaptoid 356 Ajak 357 Future Colossus 358 Moses Magnum 359 Vampire by Night 360 Superia 361 Puppet Master 362 Chimera 363 Count Nefaria 364 Stick 365 Hellion 366 Agent May 367 Mister Hyde 368 Spot 369 Cobra 370 Doop 371 Lyja 372 Wrecker 373 Stargod/Man-Wolf 374 Stilt-Man 375 Machinesmith 376 Spider-Bitch 377 Madame Web 378 Corsair & Sikorsky 379 Thor (Groot) 380 Balder 381 Random 382 Power Man (Alvarez) 383 Starhawk 384 Sun-Girl (Selah Burke) 385 Arcanna 386 Scream 387 Kree Sentry 388 Agent Phil Coulson 389 Thunderstrike (Kevin) 390 Talos 391 Carmilla Black 392 Uatu 393 Jennifer Kale 394 Warwolf 395 Enigma (Aikku Jokinen, AKA Pod) 396 Belasco 397 Swordsman 398 Trevor Fitzroy 399 Dazzler Thor 400 Hepzibah 401 Atlas 402 Ogun 403 Yellowjacket (DeMara) 404 Hala the Accuser 405 Entropy 406 War Machine (Infinity War) 407 Animax 408 Captain Universe 409 Whizzer 410 Hogun the Grim 411 Cottonmouth (Clemens) 412 Blizzard 413 Storm (Queen of Wakanda) 414 Silhouette 415 Immortus 416 Beast (Hex-Men) 417 Solo 418 White Rabbit 419 Aurora 420 Equinox 421 Hellcow 422 Owl 423 Arsenic & Old Lace 424 Beetle mk iii 425 Valeria (Age of Conan) 426 Trapster 427 Throg 428 Mimic 429 Hulkling 430 Iron Lad 431 Angel (Black Vortex) 432 Marionette 433 Phastos 434 Hobgoblin 2099 435 Razor Fist 436 Asp 437 Baymax 438 Captain America (Peggy Carter) 439 Sp//dr 440 Tarantula (Kaine) 441 Silver Scorpion (Barstow) 442 Midnight Angels of Wakanda 443 Demolition Man 444 White Wolf (Hunter) 445 Synapse 446 Kingo 447 Grey Gargoyle 448 Gilgamesh the Forgotten One 449 Justice 450 Atlas Bear 451 Iron Fist (Orson Randall) 452 Victorious 453 Lincoln Campbell 454 Luna Snow 455 Zadkiel 456 Crystar 457 Husk 458 Gravity 459 Kaecilius 460 Marrina 461 Ghost Rider (Circle of Four) 462 Nighthawk Supremeverse 463 Fixer 464 Cardiac 465 Capwolf 466 Kull the Conqueror of Atlantis 467 Noh-Varr 468 Korath the Pursuer 469 Miss America (Joyce) 470 Blackjack O'Hare 471 Bi-Beast 472 Vance Astro 473 Bushmaster (Quincy) 474 Krugarr 475 Poundcakes 476 Yo-Yo 477 American Son 478 Mister M 479 Cottonmouth (Stokes) 480 Manphibian 481 Infamous Iron Man 482 Paibok the Power-Skrull 483 Shatter 484 Daredevil Shadowland 485 Nakia 486 Garrison Kane 487 Makkari 488 Elloe 489 Northstar 490 Spiderling 491 She-Hulk (Lyra) 492 Proteus 493 Grey Hulk 494 Doorman 495 Toro 496 Nuke 497 Acroyear 498 Blonde Phantom 499 Drax MCU 500 Orrgo 501 Marvel Girl NPC 502 Fandral the Dashing 503 Spider-Girl 504 Ms. Thing 505 Captain America 2099 506 Veranke 507 Haechi 508 Mulholland Black 509 Mighty Destroyer 510 Eclipse 511 Powell McTeague 512 Druig 513 Copycat 514 Terror 515 Ahab 516 God-Emperor Doom 517 Doombot (V Series) 518 Sword Master 519 Cyclone 520 Black Mariah 521 Zenzi 522 Thor: Herald of Thunder 523 3-D Man 524 Hulk Endgame 525 Tetu 526 Doctor Octopus (Liv Octavius) 527 Margali 528 Molly Hayes 529 Sinara 530 Aldrich Killian 531 Goldballs 532 Mindless Ones 533 Nikki Gold 534 Foolkiller 535 Darkwing Duck 536 Thunderstrike (Eric) 537 She-Thing (Ventura) 538 Killmonger (Emperor Symbiote) 539 Iron Duck 540 Ms. Marvel II (Ventura) 541 Spymaster 542 Scalphunter 543 Spider-Man (Miles Morales Movie) 544 Karn 545 Gun-R 546 Terminus 547 Achebe 548 Llyra 549 Bushmaster (John) 550 Sugar Man 551 Great Lakes Avengers 552 Xarggu 553 Human Fly (Deacon) 554 Shogun 555 Plantman 556 Brawn 557 Elixir 558 Litterbug 559 Smasher (Rokk) 560 Bug 561 Mammomax 562 Synch 563 Anaconda 564 Wolvie 565 Dirk Anger 566 Captain [****] 567 Ezekiel 568 Diamondback (Stryker) 569 Unworthy Thor 570 Master Mold 571 Masked Marauder 572 M.O.D.A.M. 573 Hellsgaard 574 Hulkbuster 2.0 575 Forgetmenot 576 Ghaur 577 Arcturus Rann 578 Ultimate Green Goblin (Movie) 579 Dragoness 580 Porcupine 581 M-11 582 Taskmaster MCU 583 Dansen Macabre 584 Lady Bullseye 585 Harpoon 586 Unicorn 587 Bushwacker 588 Loki variant 589 Night Nurse 590 Psyklop 591 Mack 592 Eel 593 Water Snake 594 Chaos King 595 Red Hulk (Maverick) 596 Kaluu 597 The Russian 598 Geena Drake 599 Jimmy Hudson 600 Slayback 601 Mentallo 602 Skull the Slayer 603 Karkas 604 Dominic Fortune 605 The Buzz 606 Doctor Crocodile 607 Ox 608 Dorrek VII 609 Needle 610 Krang 611 Dino-Thor 612 Stegron 613 Zeitgeist 614 [VACANT] 615 [VACANT] 616 [VACANT]
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