craigmaherart · 2 years
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Thank you to Bill Cox and the jury at Infected By Art for including Argent Knight in Volume 11! It is genuinely an honor to be included among so many inspiring and talented artists, and friends!
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wizzlizard · 1 year
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oop some wizord art, ehe
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 8 months
To the one (1) other person out there who knows who Finnall Goldensword is, if you've been reading my fic: I finally realized there's a second L in her name, your soul can rest easy now
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opal-inna · 5 years
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Oh. look, it’s the rat man holding his low-stamina wife.
They remind me of my OCs so I can’t help but ship them. Btw, their shipname is officially ramsival.
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goldensword330 · 4 years
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“Star Lite Mountains”  I’ve really been enjoying doing this scaled pieces. The Huge Mountains in the back with the dust and ever brightening star is great. Took me around 3 hours to draw and just had a blast doing it the whole time!  No water this time cause like screw drawing water ~ Also added a logo!!~
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strange-things-art · 5 years
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辛い後悔 . . . . #skull #ramen #japan #parody #cyclops #fire #eye #sword #goldensword #fire #jewel #chaosemeralds #japaneseart #lowbrowart #graphicdesign #artistsoninstagram #strangethingsart https://www.instagram.com/p/B46VG55j2I0/?igshid=twydgjhm7pck
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owlquoise-blog · 7 years
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Fanart Niche's Sister - Tegami Bachi All rights reserved to their respectful owners. Art © owlquoise ✧・゚: *✧・゚: *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・
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nerima-division · 2 years
“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”
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Age 0:
Is born to Kazuya Kenzaki and Mikoto Kenzaki 5 years after her older brother Touma Kenzaki 
Age 6:
Begins Fencing 
Discovered to be a natural 
Parents start putting pressure on Katsumi to be the best 
Age 14: 
Starts self-harming to cope with the pressure 
Age 15:
Participates in her first Olympics 
Wins gold 3 times 
Age 16:
Unable to handle her parents' expectations Katsumi tries committing s*icide but survives
Her older brother Touma sues their parents for custody of Katsumi and wins 
Gets counseling 
Age 19:
Participates in her 2nd Olympics 
Wins gold 3 more times 
Moves out 
Meets and befriends Aira Otonashi and Mitsuru Tenjo 
Becomes roommates with Aira and Mitsuru
Age 22:
Joins the Nerima Division rap battle team, Vivid Angels, alongside Aira Otonashi and Mitsuru Tenjo
12:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.: Asleep
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Awakens and gets ready for the day
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.: Makes and eats breakfast with Aira and Mitsuru 
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Training
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Eats a snack at the local cafe 
4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.: Returns home
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: Free time 
6:00 p.m.  - 7:00 p.m.: Makes and eats dinner with Aira and Mitsuru 
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Watches TV 
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.: Talks to her brother over the phone 
10:00 p.m. - 11:00p.m.: Showers and gets ready for bed
11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.: Asleep
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Fierce Lioness 
#Fencing Ace  
#6x gold medalist 
Trauma Hashtags
#Forced to be perfect 
#Couldn't handle the pressure 
#Blade to the wrist
Other Info
Hobby: Playing video games 
Weakness: Laziness 
Trauma: "I was forced to be perfect." 
Twitter: @GoldenSword 
Drinks: Yes 
Smokes: No 
Special Skill: "I'll eat anything you put in front of me." 
Intro Quote: "I'm the number one fencer in the world. Wanna try your luck against me?" 
Trauma Quote: "I can't take it anymore! Am I finally perfect enough for you now?"
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cloakoflame · 3 years
"Kael'thas," The voice of Finnall carried flatly within the stone halls. "Is this what awaits me, old friend?" Dimly lit sapphire eyes took in his condition, of the chains and bindings. The familiar weight of Scourgebane on her back made her feel just a shred of comfort. “Good,” Words falling like a hammer on an anvil. There was no fear, no hatred, only the contentedness. Knowing of the possible redemption that awaited in death. “Reap what we have sown. I would not have it any other way.” (BOO)
The blood elf stood motionless as if taking on the likeness of the two stoneborne enforcers surrounding him. Only the hovering spheres of anima gave away the life of the statuesque figure before her. Back turned to gaze at the sinstone erected on the pillar, surrounded by several overburdened souls hovering like lost wisps in a white forest. Their whispers, faint only to the ears of mortals, called out to him in screams and wails some days. Other days, they lay in serene stillness. This was one of those days, blessing him with the visitor, whose breath drew cold with the words she spoke--the cold verity--of her silent acceptance for the things that be.
Who could so readily accept such a gruesome fate?
So quickly did he recognize the voice of Finnall Goldensword. Old friend, indeed, and only one of many he had shamed. Between the denizens at Castle Nathria and the Accuser, Kael’thas Sunstrider had endured torture long enough to confess. Flogged to surrender. Only did he overhear the latter compliment him in his path to recovery. He certainly showed promise, but... If exhaustion existed for the dead, he would swear he had slumbered for eternities untold.
Hair, no longer spun like gold, but white as the earliest falls of snow, fell around his chest, a single strand windswept into a face as pale as moonlight. From ice blue eyes emitted black veins like streams of tears. Steel cold chains dangled over his plated shoulders and from his waist like weights of the world pressed against him. The weight of sins pressed against his soul. They rattled ominously as he turned around to her.
A frown first formed in a crease between his eyebrows and then in tense, tight lips that refused to open. He only looked at the half-elven warrior. Since last they met, she seemed to have grown out her black hair, which framed a face of bereavement and acceptance. Last they met, Goldensword had spirit and determination, not the air of resignation that could blow out candles.
How could he blame her, though?
He said nothing in the moment that he turned to her, and then a deep sigh. “Pride that comes before a fall,” came a strained voice to that once smooth tenor as he added in subtlety to her philosophical musing. “Now, Finnall, tell me who’s fallen the furthest of them all.”
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ddagent · 5 years
For a prompt, would you consider writing another installment of your Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU, where they're each fighting each other at tourneys and don't know it?
I most surely can! I hope you enjoy, Anon. Just an FYI, this does become NSFW.
Lady Lannister, the former Maid of Tarth, entered the small inn she and her husband were residing in while he conducted some business at Silverhill. The innkeeper simply nodded at her arrival: he did not stare, or laugh, or make some comment as to the nature of her height or the failings of her face. She was a lioness, now, and lions bit back. It was one of the few joys of her current situation. 
“Lady Lannister,” he greeted. “Pleasant business?”
“Very.” The tournament at Silverhill was small, but she’d earned every single one of those five hundred gold dragons. “Would it be possible to have a bath brought to my room?”
“Of course, my Lady.” 
Brienne pressed five gold dragons into his hand in thanks, and another to the servant who brought the tub. She undressed quickly and sunk into the steaming water. Her muscles ached; a fresh bruise blooming across her shoulder. But it had been worth it, for the thrill of victory if not the winnings themselves. She had no need for money, of course; the House she had married into was the wealthiest in the kingdoms. But it wasn’t her money. Nothing about her new life was hers: not her dresses, not her books, not even her husband.
Just her armour and the sword she kept hidden in her trunk. 
She had just begun to scrub herself with a cloth and a bar of lye soap when the doors to her room opened. Her husband entered with no invitation; a scowl etched into the thin line of his mouth. He faltered, briefly, when he saw her in the tub. Brienne sunk beneath the waterline, as if he had not seen her breasts and more besides. 
Her husband, the Kingslayer, laughed. “My Lady. Did you enjoy your visit with Lady—”
“—Stafford, my Lord, and yes, I did.” There was no House Stafford, but she had guessed correctly that the Lannisters did not concern themselves with minor houses from the Stormlands. It was a simple enough deception to allow her to compete. “And you, my Lord? Was your business successful?”
“No,” he huffed, reaching for the decanter of wine and pouring himself a goblet. “No, it was not.” 
Ser Jaime was an inexperienced Lord; he knew little of how to run a household, let alone a kingdom. Brienne helped where she could, as she had been trained to run Tarth since the day she could walk. But she feared providing unsolicited advice. Although both their fathers had been desperate for a match, Brienne was under no illusions she would be set aside if Tywin Lannister believed her to be an unworthy wife. Brienne knew her place. So Ser Jaime would struggle, and she would take advantage of his distraction to do something for her. 
While her husband ruminated in the corner, Brienne continued scrubbing herself clean of the mud and grime from the melee field. She only stopped when she felt her husband’s fingertips brush her shoulder; his calloused palm pressing against the length of her neck. 
“There are worse things to return to than my wife all wet.” 
Brienne shivered; a flash of arousal running through. “Are there, my Lord?”
“Come to bed, wife.” 
She felt the absence of Jaime’s touch immediately. Brienne cast a glance over her shoulder to see her husband stripping himself of coat and tunic. After the awkwardness of their wedding night, they had become quite adept at this act. In fact, it was the only aspect of their marriage where they seemed in sync. Brienne rose to her feet, towelled herself dry, and joined her husband by the bed. Cock straining the front of his breeches, his hand clasped the back of her neck and reeled her in for a bruising kiss. 
Brienne had heard the maids whisper about Ser Jaime’s business; his trips outside Casterly Rock and away from his wife. They whispered about the brothels he visited, the whores he fucked. The highborn maidens he seduced. Brienne would have thought them all true had Jaime, more often than not, returned from his business with a hunger only fucking his wife could satisfy. She understood that need: after a victory – especially after a defeat – the adrenalin still pulsed through her system needing a release. 
“Brienne.” Jaime gasped against her mouth; the only time he would ever say her name was when they were in bed. He whined as she palmed his cock through the material of his breeches. “I want—”
“—I know.” It was satisfaction her husband craved rather than her, but for being an oathbreaker, Brienne could not claim he had broken the vows he’d made to her on their wedding day. “I want, too.” 
He grinned; teeth toying with his bottom lip. “Lie on the bed.” 
He raised a single eyebrow. “No?”
Emboldened by her win on the tourney field, Brienne shook her head. Just for tonight, she would have more than what she was given. She would take what she wanted. “No.” Her palms pressed against her husband’s chest and pushed him against the mattress. “You lie on the bed.” 
Jaime swallowed but did as he was bid. Grinning, Brienne unlaced his breeches and eased the material from his long, muscular legs. Tossing the breeches aside, she crawled over her husband until she was straddling his thighs. Her hands brushed his arms, a tender bruise on his bicep, before encircling his wrists. Brienne pinned them above his head, like she had to Goldensword, another mystery knight, only hours before. She held her husband in place while she lowered herself onto his cock.
Her husband swore, and moaned her name as she rocked against him; occasionally lifting herself up only to bring herself down even harder. Jaime remained pinned in place so Brienne could take her pleasure from him; her husband’s eyes wide and hazy, his mouth open and a litany of groans falling from his lips. He tried to match her stroke for stroke; thrusting his hips upward as she rode him. Eventually, pleasure overwhelmed Brienne; her husband spilling inside her soon after. 
Releasing her grip on Jaime’s wrists, Brienne collapsed to the sheets beside her husband. Silence quickly resumed. It was to be expected. After all, other than the act of fucking, what exactly did they share? 
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scourgebane · 4 years
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Finnall Goldensword’s theme(s) - HERE & HERE
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tragedycraft · 4 years
I have added Finnall Goldensword to my roster. She was once a canon character now considered non-canon by blizz. I am not finished with her profile but most of it is viewable at the moment. If you have any questions please feel free to IM me. I do have the news that @lady-proudmoore will be my exclusive jaina for Finnall
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Aurelia Goldensword, 2nd in line for the throne of the kingdom of Gardenia, 16th generation witch
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cosplayfame · 6 years
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What time is it? #Marshalllee #marshallleethevampireking #whattimeisit #adventuretime #fionna #finn #thevampireking #finnthehuman #cartoonnetwork #jakethedog #selfiesword #adventuretimewithfinnandjake #adventuretimewithfionnaandcake #theislandsong #cartoonnetwork #goldensword #finncosplay #adventuretimecosplay #marshallleecosplay #cartooncosplay #cosplay #cosplayfame #floridacosplay #cosplayflorida #megacon #megacon2018 #megacontampa #megacontampabay #megacontampabay2018 #celebratefandom #Photo taken @officialmegacon Photography by @cosplayfame If anyone knows these adventurers, send their link our way! Contact us at [email protected] (at MegaCon Tampa Bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoMmCv0AxwM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ccupjgo1boqd
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We are Makai Senki: GARO and ZERO!! @official_jinkoscosplay4ever as Kouga Saejima. @mark.forges as Rei. Photographer: @cosplayhubofficial Edit: @official_jinkoscosplay4ever #JINKOSCOSPLAY4EVER #JINKO91 #JINKOSCOSPLAY #COSPLAYMILANO #GARO #MAKAI #GOLDENKNIGHT #KOUGASAEJIMA #ZARUBA #MYSTICKNIGHT #telefilm #zero #Japanesetokusatsutelevision #goldsymbol #whitecoat #KaoruMitsuki #swordman #larp #sword #goldensword #chinesesword #garomakaisenki #RyoseiKonishi #GaroRedRequiem #GaroSoukokunoMaryu #GaroSpecialByakuyanoMaju #tvtokyo #KeitaAmemiya #Supersentai #MTVItalia
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masitadibujante · 6 years
What else do you like besides bakumomo and koga x kagome?
Oh boy where do I start… ok I’ll classify them in series and then crossovers
Shingeki no Kyojin: I like all of them but my top are Rivamika (Levi x Mikasa), Erehisu (Eren x Historia), YumiKuri (Ymir x Christa/Historia) and Reiner x Christa/Historia
Inuyasha: I LOVE THEM ALL! but my personal faves (not including KogKag) are Sesskik (Sesshomaru x Kikyo), InuKik (Inuyasha x Kikyo), KagKik (Kagome x Kikyo), InuSan (Inuyasha x Sango), BanKag (Bankotsu x Kagome), BanKik (Bankotsu x Kikyo), SuiKik (Suikotsu x Kikyo), MirSan (Miroku x Sango) and SessKagu (Sesshomaru x Kagura)
Boku No Hero Academia: Girl same thing, I’m okay with all of them but student x teacher ships :) just not my thing lol ok so not including bakumomo which is the OTP, Todochako (Todoroki x Ochako) is a close second, IidaCamie (Iida x Camie guess you didn’t expect that lol), IzuOcha, BakuCamie and Momo x everyone (she’s my queen ok? girl deserves the world)Danganronpa: Togiri all the way (Togami x Kirigiri) and Ibuki x the entire sdr2 cast
Durarara!!: It pains me to say this but Shizelty (Shizuo x Celty) they are meant to be together!, IzaNamie (Izaya x Namie) and ShizuOna (Shizuo x Vorona)
Fate/ Stay Night: GoldenSword/Gilber (Gilgamesh x Saber), LanceRin (Lancer x Rin), ArcheRin (Archer x Rin), Lancer x Rider and Shirou x Sakura
Crossovers! The characters in there are mostly ships I’ve been thinking as a potential fic or something in no particular order
- Kagome (Inuyasha) x Josuke Higashikata (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)- Kikyo (Inuyasha) x Jotaro Kujo (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)- Sango (Inuyasha) x Diego Brando (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)- Kagome (Inuyasha) x Rohan Kishibe (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)- Kikyo (Inuyasha) x Dio Brando (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) - Kagome (Inuyasha) x Archer (Fate/Stay Night)- Kikyo (Inuyasha) x Lancer (Fate/Stay Night)- Sango (Inuyasha) x Achilles (Fate/Apocrypha)- Kagome (Inuyasha) x Karna (Fate/Apocrypha)- Kikyo (Inuyasha) x Gilgamesh (Fate Zero)- Sango (Inuyasha) x Ozymandias (Fate Grand Order)
- Sango (Inuyasha) x Kuroo Tetsuro (Haikyuu!!)- Kagome (Inuyasha) x Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu!!)- Kikyo (Inuyasha) x Ushijima Wakatoshi (Haikyuu!!)- Sango (Inuyasha) x Nishinoya Yuu (Haikyuu!!)- Kikyo (Inuyasha) x Bokuto Koutaro (Haikyuu!!)- Kagome (Inuyasha) x Sawamura Daichi (Haikyuu!!)
- Kagome (Inuyasha) x Ichigo (Bleach)- Sango (Inuyasha) x Renji (Bleach)- Kikyo (Inuyasha) x Aizen (Bleach)
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