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harrie-fic-center · 1 year ago
harry styles [3]
raise your glass by meet-me-in-the-kitchen
request by iconicharry
reunion by bfharry
rose tinted by kiss-inthekitchen
routine by bfharry
she likes girls by heyyyharry
since forever by satanhalsey
skinny jeans by satanhalsey
sleepy angel by harryforvogue
snl by pasiveagressive
social media masterlist by harrysfolklore
social media masterlist by lovecanyon
songwriting by avengingfandoms
sparkles by watchmegetobsessed
spill your guts by pasiveagressive
stay still by all-things-fic
such beautiful things by oh-styles
sweet valentine by parkersroses
swimming lessons by justauthoring
te espere by gucciwins
thank u, next by crowdedimagines
the best gifts by harrysgoldenline
the nearness of you by beautifulletdownfics
the professor by avatar-anna
three birthdays by watchmegetobsessed
'til death by heyyyharry
'til the ends of the earth by justauthoring
to be so lonely by goldenncherrybombb
toast by bfharry
trouaville by g0ldenkiwi
two am by articharrys
two for the show by nationalharryleague
under the canyon moon by havethetimeofyourstyles
voicemail by chemiste
waiting for you by watchmegetobsessed
wake up, sunshine by harryforvogue
wasted time by watchmegetobsessed
watermelon sugar by mosh-4
watermelon sugar by crowded imagines
weeping willow by gucciwins
well kept secret by gucciwins
we're really funny by mosh-4
when i look at you by stylesharrys
where the world takes you by havethetimeofyourstyles
you get what you give by punani
your camera roll dating harry by bfharry
your lips, my lips ... apocalypse by meetmymouth
you're great and you know it by mosh-4
you're someone i just want around by sunflowervolvimp3
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goldenncherrybombb · 5 years ago
To Be So Lonely
The one where Harry gets lonely in Japan.
Need to catch up?
Warning: The tiniest amount of smut, and cursing 
Word count: 4.5k 
This isn’t edited so im sorry for any mistakes :p
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Harry has been in Japan for two weeks now. He didn’t intend to stay for two weeks, and more. But he doesn’t plan on leaving japan anytime soon. He decided that halfway through the first week. 
Everyday he gets up around eight, goes to the cafe down the street and gets his usual, looking at the vinyls while waiting for his order. Once done he sits in his usual spot, pulling out a book and reading while eating, or writing in his journal. Then he walks around, going to different markets. 
He’s found himself in the studio a few times as well, and he hangs out with friends as much as possible, creating new ones on the way. 
But he still feels lonely. 
He’s around his friends majority of the afternoon and into the night, then he comes back to his temporary residence and goes to bed lonely. No one to talk to about his day out, the things he saw, the new ideas for songs, and no one for him to experience his trip with him c
He often finds himself daydreaming about y/n. When he goes out and finds romantic spots he wonders if she would like it, or when he tries anything new he wonders if she would try it. He’ll find jewelry he thinks would look amazing for her. He even picked up a little ring for her. 
 He just misses her. 
But he’s been ignoring her. He didn’t tell her he had left the country. He only told his mum and Jeff. He’s not sure why he didn’t tell her. It’s supposed to go back to how it was right? 
The feelings are still there, hell, Harry even thinks they are deeper now. He still loves her with all his heart. He has no resentment for her because she was the one who broke it off. He knows why she did it. For him, and for her. 
He may have been gone from the house more often that not, but he saw the sadness in her face. She didn’t sleep with a calm face anymore, with her mouth slightly open, and no creases in her forehead. Now she slept with a frown on her face and her forehead creased, looking upset in her sleep even. 
He was hurting her and it hurt him even more to know that. 
She’s his everything. Yet he was the one person dragging her down. Making her sad, and making her question her worth. 
He couldn’t do it anymore. He doesn’t want to ignore her anymore to try and get rid of his feelings for her, he can’t. He physically can’t. He will always love her. No matter what. He’s not whole without her. 
He just hopes she feels the same. 
“Harry?” She questions, her voice sounding croaky. 
“‘Lo love.” He’s scared of what she might say. Is she mad at him for not answering her messages and calls? Should he tell her why he did that? She he just tell her how he feels? It would be easier on the phone, but he feels like it’s not the right way to go about things. 
“I thought you fell off the face of the earth you dickhead!” She exclaims loudly with a small laugh coming from her.  He feels better at the sounds of her laugh, his worries lessened as he smiles and almost laughs with her. 
“Sorry, I just-“ he pauses, the playful mood gone by the low adverb of his voice. “I just thought it was better fo’yeh, t’give ya space. I know yeh said you needed to break it off because I needed to get better first, but I know I hurt you too. An’ ‘m so fuckin’ sorry.” His voice becomes brittle as he lets his emotions loose. 
“Harry,” she cuts in when she notices the sound of his voice. She knows his eyes are watery, his head is tossed back, staring up, trying not to cry. “There is no need to apologize. I get it. But yes, you did hurt me. But it wasn’t because of that. It’s not that you hurt me, it just hurt watching you change into someone I didn’t know, someone I didn’t want to be around because it resulted in arguing. You were-are my everything, H.” It goes silent between the two for a moment, Harry thinking about her words and letting them soak in. “Listen H, I know I also hurt you by leaving you and I need to apologize for that. I just-“ she gets cut off by a voice Harry can’t make out in the background. He faintly hears other people in the background and he wonders where she is. “I gotta go, but I’ll call you later. Hope your having fun in Japan, bub. Always knew you wanted to visit there again.” He smiles and stands from his bed, but is still wondering what else she wanted to say. 
“I’ll see you when I get back, i miss yeh and our movie nights.” She smiles as he speaks, and reminisces on some of their movie nights. “Wish yeh were here with me. I know you would love it.” He looks out the window and looks down at the bustling streets of Japan. 
“I miss you too. But I’m sure I would. Make sure to send me some photos you have took so far.” Her words send Harry into a realization. 
He hasn’t taken any photos 
“I would send yeh some, if I took any.” He heard her gasp on the other line. Already knowing she is gonna scold him for not taking photos. She took photos anywhere they went. She didn’t take an overload, just enough to capture their favorite moments for them to look back on. 
“Harry! How have you not taken any? Oh wait, I’m sorry H, I really have to go now. Bye, love you!” The line goes dead and he ponders over her last sentence for a minute before blinking out of his trance. Did she mean it in a friendly way? Or did she mean it in the way he dreams about? 
He shakes the thoughts away and sets his phone on his bed. When he stands back up to full height he stretches and yawns before crawling back into bed. 
Harry was writing on his bed with his guitar in his lap when he heard three delicate knocks on his door. His head raised in curiosity when the first knock sounded, his pen stopping on the paper. His hair was tied with a scrunchie in his hair. A black cardigan covering his white shirt, grey sweatpants on his lower half. 
He shuffled to the door before he unlocked it and opened it a sliver since his door didn’t have a peep hole. His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped in surprise. 
“Hi.” He opens the door all the way and lets the surprise guest in. “Ok so before you start asking me questions or potentially yelling at me for ruining a solo trip. I have to explain. I found out where you were from Jeff because I went to your house and you weren’t there and I was worried because all your cars were in the garage,” she takes a breath, her words coming out fast and jumbled, “but anyways, then he started telling me some things that you had been saying I just knew I had to come see you because I felt the same way and I just, I felt like I needed to see you, and now that I’m here I feel whole again and-and I love you.” Her eyes go wide and her hand covers her mouth. “Oh my god, I wasn’t supposed to say all of that. I was supposed to tell you later and now I probably-“ Harry walks up to her quickly and stops her rambling by kissing her. Both of them melt into the kiss, and his hand rest are on her back as she arches into him. 
Their lips melt into each other’s with no movements. Just letting the feeling of their lips meeting again being enough for them. Reluctantly, Harry pulls back slowly but remains close to her. His forehead rests on hers lightly, their noses bump, and their lips brush lightly. 
“I love you too.” He pulls his head back and moves his hands down further and grab under her thighs, hoisting her up so her legs wrap around her waist and her arms go around his neck as she giggles. “An’ I’ve missed yeh so damn much and love you too damn much to ever be mad at yeh fo’crashing m’trip. ‘M actually happy yer here. Could never be mad at ya, unless ya leave yeh shoes in front of the door for me to trip on.” She throws her head back with a groan and rolls her eyes before looking back at him. 
“It was one,” he narrows his eyes at her and she bites back a smile. “Ok three times! But to be fair I had just come back from the studio and was too tired to go upstairs so I kicked off my shoes and crashed on the couch. You know how exhausting the studio is!” 
“I could’ve tripped and hit m’head on the table!” His dramatics make her laugh, throwing her head back at the memory of the third time it happened. 
Her and Harry had just come back home from the bar. Their hands were all over each other as soon as they got in the car. Once they got home Harry made sure to tip the Uber driver before rushing into the house with a giggling y/n holding his hand, laughing at how eager he was. 
They both had a good amount to drink, but they weren’t drunk. Harry had a little more than y/n so he stumbled a bit more in his steps, and his words were a tad bit more slurred than hers.
“Bloody key! Can’t get it in the fuckin’ hole!” He grumbles as he shoves the key in the key hole. Y/n giggles beside him and she seems a smile twitching on his lips before they both break out laughing when she says ‘that’s what she said.’ 
Once the key is finally in and the door is unlocked her laughter stops when his arm goes around her waist to pull her in as his lips crash against hers. 
Harry’s downfall is that he is walking backwards and he is as clumsy as a one year old, and he is a little drunk. So when he barley trips over one of y/n’s vans it sends him falling to the ground, a squeal being let out of her mouth as he crashes on the entryway floor. Luckily y/n acted fast enough and moved her hands from his hair to the back of his head to soften the blow. 
“Fuck.” They both say at the same time, making them chuckle. She feels around his head to make sure he didn’t hit it on anything and is bleeding. 
“You ok, H?” She questions softly, he smiles as he scans over her, making sure she didn’t somehow get hurt. 
“‘M ok, how bout you, pet?” She shrugs her shoulders and presses a kiss to his jaw. 
“I’m ok, a little hungry though.” He chuckles before rolling her over so she is underneath him. 
“Who needs a bed anyways?” He questions while slipping her pants off. She rolls her eyes playfully and pulls his head down so their lips crash back together. 
Once Harry got y/n’s bag in the room after letting her down, he found her looking at the view from his window. 
“Pretty, innit?” He questions, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her stomach, his chin resting on her shoulder. She hums as he lays a kiss on her neck. He leaves a trail of open mouthed kisses up to her jaw before sucking on her smooth skin to leave a mark. Her hand goes to his hair and she moves her neck to give him more access. “Let me show you how much I missed you.” She nods her head and his hand trails down to her pants, unbuckling the few buttons. His fingers trace above her underwear before he goes lower and feels the patch of arousal on her underwear. 
“S’ this all fo’ me, hmm princess?” She whimpers at his words and tugs on his hair more when he leaves another mark on her. 
“Missed you so much.” She breathes out when he finally gives her what she wants. She moans when his fingers hit her spot. 
“Missed you too,” he pulls his fingers out and spins her around with his arm that was still on her waist. “S’much.” 
The rest of the night is spent underneath the sheets. They talk about everything, from how writing is going for both of them, what Harry has done in Japan, etc.  She laid on his chest and traced his butterfly tattoo, listening to the calming beats of his heart and the lull of his voice. He was tracing up and down her bare spine, finding it calming as she spoke. 
They both missed moments like this so much. Moments of pure bliss. Where it feels like it’s just the two of them in the world and time has frozen. The sound of the busy Tokyo streets below disappear as they listen to each other talk and his heartbeat rings in her ear. She swears she’s never felt so content and happy, and she swears her heart is so full it could burst. 
He feels the same way as he ponders when it goes quiet and her breathing evens out, the jet lag getting to her. He thinks about words that could describe how he feels, or just love in general. But he realizes love is indescribable. 
No matter how hard you try, how many words there are in the dictionary, none of them seem to do how it feels to be in love justice. 
So when Harry feels his eyes start to droop he carefully lays down more, kissing the top of her head that’s in the crook of his neck. He studies her face and he falls in love with her more just looking at her. The way her eyelashes are rested delicately on her cheeks. The freckles that are scattered across the bridge of her nose and the top of her cheeks. If someone would let him he would talk for hours about every little thing he loves about her. 
“I couldn't love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.” He whispers against her hair, leaving one final kiss before shutting off the lamp and closing his eyes. 
Harry wakes the next morning to kisses being peppered all over his face. His eyes blink open slowly and y/n smiles at the adorable pout his laps have formed into. 
“Good morning sleepy head.” She smiles at him, straddling his hips. He notices she has clothes on now, underwear and one of his tee shirts. 
“Morning.” He replies, his voice lower and raspier from sleeping. He yawns while rubbing his eyes and y/n smiles at him. She runs her fingers through his growing and messy hair. “What do ya want t’do today, love?” He questions, his arms wrapping around her back when she lays on his chest, and his chin resting on top of her head. 
“Whatever you want. I don’t really know my way around her so maybe you can show me some cool spots?” Her voice is soft when she speaks as she looks out the window to the bustling city below. “I have to shower first though. Don’t want to smell.” 
“You already do, petal.” He tries to hold back his laughs but he snickers when she tells him to fuck off. His hands travel lower to her bottom and he gropes her bum a few times. “We could always take a shower together? Save water an’ allat.” 
“Mmhmm, gotta help the planet right.” He smirks and slaps her bum before moving to get up. 
After they both got ready for the day, Harry putting on a white shirt and white trousers with a green cardigan, they left the hotel and started exploring. Harry took her to his usual places, her favorite being the cafe. She fell in love with the walls filled with vinyls and she loved the food and drinks there more. Her and Harry ended up writing for an hour or two in the small cafe before leaving. 
After they left Harry took her to the place he had been recording music. He was booked in for a few hours and she didn’t mind sitting and watching. She loved going to the studios and he loved when she came with him. She gave him good input and helped him figure out lyrics and runs. 
But how is he supposed to tell her his whole album is about her? 
It’s about 75% done, once he gets back to LA he should almost be done before he goes back to London. 
She made sure to take some pictures of him for memories. Her mom always made her take many photos as a kid that she hated taking, but she loves looking back on them. She has about four photo books filled with pictures from her whole life. Harry often likes to whip out the baby book when his friends come over so he can show him. Saying ‘look how she cute is,’ and before they go to bed he tells her his dreams of having a few kids with her and getting married. She often daydreams of those days. 
Daydreams about how it would feel walking down the aisle and seeing Harry at the end, watching and waiting for her before they finally tie the knot. She wonders what their kids would look like, probably getting Harry’s eyes with a hint of hers in them, hoping they get his curly brown hair. Would they want to sing too? Or would they rather play a sport, paint, or even be the next president? 
“Love?” She snaps out of her trance and looks up from her phone to see Harry smiling down at her. “Watcha thinkin’ about?” He questions, squatting down and resting his arms on her legs. 
“You.” She smiles as a light blush forms on her face and Harry chuckles at her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Did you finish?” She questions, and Harry nods.
“Yeah actually, just had to do some background vocals.” She smiles brightly at him and clasps her hands in front of her chest in excitement. 
“I’m so excited to hear it! I already know it’s gonna be great! But I think I might wait to hear it, so don’t show me it yet!” He chuckles at her and shakes his head, helping her stand.
“Whatever yeh say doll.” He takes her around a few more places. She meets his friends and they all quickly get to know each other, y/n getting on with them well. They make dinner plans and Harry takes y/n to a bike rental shop so he can show her more before they have dinner. 
They ride bikes around, the cool breeze cools them off as they go down a hill and y/n sticks her feet out, laughing at how fast she is going.
“Look H,” she cheers, getting closer to him. He turns his head and smiles as he shakes her head at her. “slow poke.” She sticks her tongue out at him playfully and he scoffs, speeding up some before sticking his legs out. But he wobbles a little bit so he quickly sticks his feet back on the petal and she laughs at him making him shake his head.
“”S not funny.” He tells her while laughing at himself because of her.
“It’s so funny H, that’s why you are laughing too!” He rolls his eyes and walks up to her after they put their bikes on the rack. His arms wrap around her and she moves hers to go around his neck and she messes with his curls. He pouts at her and she tries to stop her laughs, shaking her head. “You’re right, “s not funny. But it is funny that you have the balance and are as clumsy as a one year old.”
The evening finishes and they say their goodbyes to the group before walking back to the hotel. Their hands are intertwined and they sway them back and forth as they walk. She points out some things here and there, and she tells Harry about some new music when he asks. 
When they get back to the hotel y/n crashes on the bed as soon as she gets in, letting out a groan. 
“H,” Harry hums and looks up at her for a second as he takes his shoes off. “I love you.” He smiles to himself and walks over to her, taking her shoes off for her. 
“I love you too, s’much.” He massages her feet making her groan in satisfaction. “Are you too tired for a bath?” He questions making her head pop up. 
“‘M never too tired for a bath! That sounds so nice right now, this jet lag is still kicking my butt.” She sits up and presses a kiss to his lips when she sees him pucker them. 
“I’ll go start it, I even have bubble bath soap that smells like vanilla, isn’t that cool?!” He gets excited when he tells her about the soap, and she smiles at his excitement. 
Once the bath is done and the bottle of wine is open they get into the tub. She gets in in front of him so her back is resting against her chest. The bubbles are almost spilling out but when she looks at Harry she seems him smiling against his wine glass as he picks up some bubbles. 
“Harry?” She questions after a few minutes of silence, the only thing being heard is music coming from Harry’s phone. “I wasn’t dating anyone when we were on a break. I didn’t do anything with anyone. And I-I know your thought I was dating Austin. But he’s just my producer. I couldn’t do that to you, and plus, he’s not into girls anyways.” Harry feels better at her words, but he is still confused why she brought it up. She nervously fiddles with his fingers since his rings aren’t on. “I also couldn’t to myself, because the only person I want is you. It's always been you, H. And I know that we weren’t together for a few months, but my feelings never changed, and I still love you as much and more as I did the first time I met you.” She turns around after putting her wine glass down on the side of the tub, his hands go to her hips as she moves to straddle him. She messes with his necklace before he puts his thumb under her chin to make her look at him. 
“‘M sorry I was such a dick to yeh about him. I let my jealousy get to me. So ‘m sorry for being a prick. But my feelings never changed either love. You’re it for me, y/n. You’re m’ best friend, m’lover, and you are insanely talented,” He presses a kiss to her lips, “an’ smart,” another kiss, “an beautiful,” another one, “you are compassionate, you are witty, and sarcastic, and so much more to me. You are my world, pet.” She blinks her tears away and awwes.
“That was incredibly cheesy but so sweet, H.” She chuckles, Harry wiping a stray tear from her cheek. He moves his arms around her back to pull her in closer, but before he kisses her they both whisper “I love you” at the same time making them breathlessly laugh. “We always do that.” He hums in agreement before finally pressing his lips to hers. When he pulls back he looks at her with a nervous gaze.
“Do you still think about our future a lot?” He questions quietly while scanning her face.
“All the time, why?” He smiles at her answer and shrugs.
“Cuz I do the same. Can’t wait to put a ring on your pretty finger, then see you walk down the aisle, then call you Mrs.Styles,if that’s what you want, and our honeymoon will be wherever you want. Then maybe a year later we can start trying for kids so I can have mini you’s running around the house.” He has a smile on his lips when he talks, envisioning his future with his love.
“We have to get a dog too, and maybe even a cat. I would take your last name, it is quite a cool name.” Harry chuckles and kisses her cheek before saying her name and his last one, saying it has quite a ring to it.’ She agrees then continues their conversation. 
“We could move to Manchester or London even, I think I would like to settle down there. Be closer to your mom, and I’ve always loved London ever since I was little I wanted to live there.” Harry is surprised by her words. 
“You would really want to settle down in London?” He questions, just to make sure, and she nods. “What about your parents? Or your friends in California?” He knows how hard it is to move away from all of his family and friends, and he knows she had to move away from her parents for her music career, but they only lived a few states away. Not on a whole other continent. 
“My mom has been talking bout moving to London actually. She’s always wanted to live there . It’s one of the main reasons I started to love London. Plus, it’s not like we won’t be there often or I don’t have a house in Malibu, and you have yours. I could sell mine and that’d be the end of that. I’ll still see my friends there. But I also have friends in London.” She's confident in her words, sounding like she has thought about it a few times and that makes Harry smile. 
“It’s up to you, love. I’ll be happy wherever.” She smiles at him and then she suddenly remembers something.
“Let me show you the pictures!” She says excitedly,reaching for her phone. She unlocks it and they look through the photos picking their favorite ones and Harry is happy she captured these moments and now he wants to take more photos, but he would never tell her that.
Once the water went cold and they had gone to bed they repeated what they did the next day, and both of them decided to stay for two more weeks, not wanting to leave what bubble they are in. 
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sunflowervolvimp3 · 5 years ago
goldenncherrybombb replied to your post “Anymore previews of mob Harry ? ❤️?”
when is this coming out I need to read it ASAP ����
mob!harry is on pause for a bit!! i started writing it but kind of lost inspiration because of the current political climate?? a few days after i started writing was when george floyd was murdered and blm protests started happening across the world, and writing a story about how a dangerous and white crime family escapes police persecution multiple times and gets away with drug smuggling and literal murder just didn’t sit well with me???? i still like criminal aus and whatever and may come back to it at some point!! but right now i’ve just lost inspiration for it <3
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harry-stylesarchives · 5 years ago
Have you read any of @/goldenncherrybombb ‘s work?
I don’t think I have but I definitely will soon 💛 @goldenncherrybombb 💛
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goldenncherrybombb · 5 years ago
Series Masterlist 
Word count: 863
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It was a normal night. Me and Harry both are on break for awhile. We are at his place in Malibu. Both of us needing a break from London. Our skin tan from days in the sun.
We spend our days out in the sun at the beach or poolside. We go find small cafes to try out, our favorite being Beachwood cafe. Harry loves their coffee. We hide from paparazzi and go thrift shopping to look for vintage items. We spend our nights on Harry’s couch watching his plasma tv mounted on the wall next to all his awards from one direction and some solo. We watch a movie or a show. But we mainly talk. We usually end up falling asleep on the couch, his chest pressed against mine as I lay on him. Both of our mouths open letting out quite snores here and there. Then at some point he carries me to his bed and we fall back asleep after he kisses my forehead so delicately, thinking I’m asleep. It’s a dream really.
Currently we are at the Beachwood cafe. The bright yellow and dark wood blending perfectly throughout with the white furniture complimenting it. The floor being a vintage blue and yellow pattern. The sun is coming up casting a golden glow on the quaint cafe.
I’m currently blowing off the steam from my tea, Harry sipping his coffee and burning a hole in my forehead as he stares at me, so deep in thought. I finally look up at him and look him straight in the eyes, his gaze not moving.
“What’s on your mind, H?” I question quietly. He slowly looks up at me before smiling softly.
“I love you, y/n.” He says quietly. Before I get a chance to reply he is speaking up again. “More than a best friend should actually. I want more than small cuddles on the couch an’ teasing looks. I want kisses while we ‘re in the kitchen dancing to whatever song you have playing as you bake something you saw on Pinterest. I want the hand holding. I want the kissing. I want the sex. I want the good, the bad. Everything. I want you yelling in my face when we argue because you know ‘m an asshole. Y/n, I want it all. And I know being in a relationship with me ‘s hard. My schedule gets hectic, I get cranky when ‘m tired, I have promo often. But I’m willing to say fuck it because I love you so much it- it hurts me, y/n. I know we could make it work.”He talks slow, sometimes fast when he gets passionate. He is calm as he speaks. I sit there and stare at him, processing what he just said.
“An-and I know your scared that our friendship will perish ‘f something was to happen, but I promise it won’t. I have faith ‘n us, y/n. I believe in us. And I’m putting myself out here for you. Because I love you damnit. I will do my best to never, ever hurt you. To take care of you always. Always make sure to be there for you.” He chuckles with a smile, sniffling a little.
We have been friends since 2014, was he willing to risk it all? Was I willing to risk it all? Of course I love Harry. It’s hard not to love him. He has the biggest heart, he gets along with everyone, he is respectful, he is funny (even though I will never tell him that), he is everything a man or women should be. But he is my best friend. There has been so many times where I stay up at night after we have almost kissed, or he was more touchy and flirty. It’s always hard when he gets in a relationship and I have to pretend like I don’t love him. I thought he would never like me back. Figured it was something I would have to squash till it’s perished. It all started towards the end of his tour, my feelings grew stronger. He became more flirty. More cheeky. More touchy and needy. If I wasn’t around him he would be looking for me. Always using his excuse of “I will lose my head if I don’t have yeh by my side.” He was always sleeping in my room, never in his one that was even grander if possible. I felt like I was in a fever dream.
“I love you so much it hurts me too Harry.” He smiles and stands, sliding into my side of the booth. “Why did you never tell me before?” I question, putting my hand on his cheek so he looks into my eyes. His cheeks still a little rosy from making his confession.
“Jus’ didn’t want to lose yeh. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. God thats cheesy, but ‘s true. As soon as yeh came into my life it’s all been better, pet.” A tear rolls down my cheek and Harry is quick to swipe it away, smiling at me.
“‘M gonna kiss you now.” He murmurs, I nod my head and soon his heavenly lips are on mine. They are so soft, and plump, and everything I could ever dream of. Harry Styles is the perfect human alive and you can not change my mind.
The kiss is light at first. His hand under my jaw, my hand still on his cheek. Purple rain by Prince plays lightly in the background. I breathe in through my nose, my oxygen running out.
Harry pulls back then quickly plants one more on my lips, a smile on our faces for the third peck. I giggle when he kisses my nose. Then my forehead. Then both of my cheeks.
“Harry,” I try to scold when he kisses my neck lightly, but we both know my scolding has no threat behind it.
“‘M gonna kiss you forever.” He murmurs against my neck before teasingly nipping at it making me laugh.
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goldenncherrybombb · 5 years ago
Hello, this is kinda short but something about this chapter was hard to write and idk why. But I hope you enjoy! I am working on the other ones, I have been writing them out of order so some are halfway done, some have only the idea.
Masterlist for series 
The one where Harry reminisces too much needs to get away
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Harry woke up to an empty bed and a broken heart. He wasn’t sure what the time was, he knew it was pretty late. He got back from the recording studio mid morning, beyond exhausted. It was late when sudden inspiration stuck. He went to go find the voice recording of a song idea, but found something else instead.
“Baby I’m home!” Harry yells into his house, expecting his girlfriend to come running into his arms, excited to see him and show him her new stuff. Was waiting for the feeling of her legs wrapping around his waist, her arms going around his neck and she started to say how much she missed him while peppering his face in kisses as he smiles and waits for her to press one on his lips, the kiss that will have them both inhaling through there noses harshly and her fingers finding his hair till he shows her just how much he missed her.
He walks upstairs after checking the whole main floor. His eyebrows are furrowed as his worrying rises. He checks all the rooms upstairs, still no sign of her. But then he hears it. He hears a quiet strum of the guitar, the person playing it sounding insecure till she gains the confidence and plays it louder, more confident, more articulation. It sounds amazing and Harry wants to play whatever it is.
He walks into their shared bedroom and sees his beautiful and talented girlfriend sitting in a chair, a guitar in her arms as she plays the song, her foot tapping and head nodding to the beat. Harry walks over to where she is quietly. He sits in the chair opposite of her and watches as she plays with her eyes closed, a pick in her mouth as she plays with her fingers. She’s lost in the music, focusing on how it sounds, perfecting it with every strum. When she’s finished she grabs her pencil, too focused to notice her boyfriend looking at her with so much love, adornment, and amazement as she hurriedly writes the notes down. When she looks up slowly, she jumps when she realizes she wasn’t crazy and someone really is there. She jumps and grabs her guitar, ready to swing. Then she realizes who it is and sets the guitar down on the coffee table gently, this was her D'Angelico New Yorker Teardrop, aka her pride and joy.
“Jesus Harry! Yeh nearly killed me.” He looks at her amused, a hint of sorry in his eyes. All the sudden she jumps up and on to his lap. He chuckles and thanks up above he finally got his welcome home. When there kiss is done it doesn’t lead to steamy sex, instead it something that ends up meaning much more to Harry.
After y/n tells him all about her day, he looks at her notes and strums on the guitar, slyly recording y/n talking as he learns her song because, even though he will never tell a soul, he likes listening to there conversations when he’s gone, makes him feel like she’s there. She talks passionately about the sudden inspiration and how she just had to figure out what song she was hearing in her head until she realized it wasn’t a song, yet.
Harry strums on the guitar as she talks, but not before slyly pressing record on his voice memos app. He tends to listen back on there conversations when they are apart. They talk for an hour or two, both of them feeling like they could talk about music for days and never get tired of it.
She notices him stop playing, turning her gaze from the window to look at him again, noticing him staring at her with so much love in his eyes she could burst. Suddenly he gets up and sets the guitar down, walking over to her in a hurry before quickly getting to her and laying her down, peppering kisses all over her skin. She giggles, her chest rising and falling quickly as her laugh fills the room. Once he gets to her lips he kisses her quickly before pulling back.
“I love you s’much, darling.” She smiles before pulling him in, her hand on the back of his neck.
Before their lips meet she whispers ‘’I love you too, H. S’much.’’ Their lips meet and all the stress of the day disappears from Harry’s body, he only has one thing on his mind and it’s her. She has him wrapped around her finger and she isn’t even aware.
He knuckles three beers, carrying them back to his living room with his Chinese takeout in the other hand. He plops on the couch with a sigh after setting down his beer and takeout. He turns the TV on and finds a random movie. Knowing he wasn’t really going to pay attention.
He looks around his house, ghosts of him and his lover play in his mind like a movie. He blinks when he realizes he zoned out, the sound of knocking on his door breaking him from his thoughts. He gets up quickly, hoping it’s the one he wants. But he is disappointed when he sees his friend and manager at his door.
“Well don’t look so happy.” Jeff says sarcastically. Harry huffs and gives him a crack of a smile.
“What are yeh doing here, Jeffrey?” Harry questions, sitting back down on his couch and muting his tv.
“Came here to bother you. I know how much you like my company.” He smiles cheekily and Harry rolls his eyes and chuckles quietly. He stares off when his laughter dies, grabbing a beer for Jeff and handing it to him.
“I booked a flight to Tokyo.” Harry says, surprising Jeff. Harry usually didn’t travel by himself, so it came as a shock that he was. “I should only be there for a week. Hoping it could give me some inspiration, and also I just need to get out of here for a bit.” Jeff nods in understanding. Not exactly knowing the whole situation with him and y/n, but knowing enough to understand he needs a break from his Malibu home.
“Well, if you want to record anything, let me know and I will set up something for you.” Hardy nods, thanking him. Jeff stays for a little while longer before going home. Harry goes to bed shortly after, waking up the next morning and packing for his flight later that day.
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goldenncherrybombb · 5 years ago
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Summary: Harry and Y/n have been best friends since 2014, they are inseparable. Both have fallen for each other but both are too scared to say anything until one day. This is their story. (ongoing) 
Warning ⚠️ this story does have mature content!
1.  PROLOUGE :)    A little backstory on Harry and y/n.
2. Golden :) Where things are confessed and feelings grow deeper
3. Watermelon Sugar :) Where Harry reminisces 
4. Adore you :) The one where Harry’s lost and Y/n tries to help
5. Lights up :) The one where they run into each other
6. Cherry :) The one where Harry reminisces 
7. Falling :) The one where Harry and Y/n are falling
8. To Be So Lonely :) The one where Harry is lonely in Japan
9. She :) The one where they spend the day in between the sheets
10. Sunflower Vol. 6
11. Canyon Moon
12. Treat People With Kindness
13. Fine line 
 ( I will be posting extras after I finish the series  :p )
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goldenncherrybombb · 5 years ago
Lights up
Helloooooo I’m sorry I haven’t wrote in awhile but I’m back :)
Masterlist for series
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“Harry, mate, that was incredible. Can we do the ‘do you know you ares, again’?” Harpoon questions, holding one earphone on his ear as the other one rests on his shoulder. Harry stares off in nowhere particular, just zoned out as a specific moment keep replaying in his head.
“One more, then ‘m done.” Harry slurred, swaying his fingers drunkenly in y/n’s face. Her just a drunk. It was coincidence that they ran into each other. Y/n was at a bar with some of her producers, her manager, and a few others. Harry found her first. She was sitting a booth across his. He heard her laugh, thinking he was crazy. Until he saw her. Laughing, leaning into a man he didn’t know.
His friends noticed his sudden change in mood. Jeff going to ask him about it but he stood up and walked to the bar, ordering his third drink of the night. He wasn’t going to drink a lot, but now he’s conflicted, sad, angry.
He ordered a whiskey and coke, then he started to mess with the straw when he isn’t drinking it. He heard her voice and had to turn his head slyly to look at her. She had her elbows resting on the bar as her hands propped up her face. She orders her favorite drink, Harry smiling to himself as he remembered that and how he loves drunk y/n and all the sides she had. From bubbly, funny, to flirty, needy.
“Harry?” She questioned, Harry turning to fully look at her and not at his drink he turned back to as he reminisced there time spent together.
“Hi.” He simply replied, amazed she was talking to him. He thought he lost her forever. Harry thought she was the one for him, and so did she. But then she left him and he wasn’t so sure she felt the same. They had talked about their future, fantasized about having kids and growing old. It took him awhile to get over his anger from her just leaving him thinking it was for the better, and he was hurting her and that was the one thing he promised he wouldn’t do. But he realized it did help because know he feels like his old self again, but there’s still a piece of his heart missing.
“Hello,” she giggled. The bartender gave her her drink and she thanked him. “W-what are you doing here?” She was drunk. Having almost as many drinks as Harry, but she didn’t drink alcohol often and was lightweight, so it didn’t take much for her to get piss drunk.
“Jeff suggested a night out after our session ‘n the studio today, how about you?”
“Well, same actually.” They continued talking, then Harry suggested they go somewhere else to catch up. Y/n agreed, her heart speaking before her brain that was telling her she needed to give him space. But it had been three months, Harry just came back from a month in Japan and god did she miss him. But she couldn’t be selfish. It was all to confusing and was giving her a headache.
“Can we just go back to my place, H?” He froze for a second when she called him by his favorite nickname of hers. But she didn’t notice, she didn’t even notice she said it, she was too concentrated on trying to get rid of the headache she was starting to get. “My head is starting to hurt and I can’t listen to this music anymore.” He nods and they get a cab back to Y/n’s house a few miles away.
First they sat far away from each other, but then each of them shifted closer, and closer and closer until there thighs were touching and Harry has his hand cupping her face, looking into her eyes asking for permission. She nodded and there lips were together before she could blink. It was passionate, lust filled, and loving. Both of them inhaled when there lips crashed together, both of them missing that feeling.
Thank up above that they had arrived at y/n’s house soon, neither of them couldn’t take just kissing anymore. Harry quickly paid the cab driver as they made there way to y/n’s door, her hand in his. Once it was unlocked Harry picked her up and pushed her back against the wall, her legs wrapping around his waist. She whimpered into the kiss and he moved them to one of her guests bedrooms downstairs.
He gently lays her down, peppering kisses on her neck, leaving a few marks here and there. He pulls away when her hands start trailing down his back then to his front as she fumbles with his belt. He stops her movements and moves his gaze back up to her.
“Are you sure?” He questions slowly, quietly. He doesn’t want her to regret this. It would crush him. He has longed to be in her hold for what feels like eternity to him. He missed her beautiful smile. Her gorgeous eyes. He missed everything about her. But he doesn’t know she feels the same way about him, and vice versa. But she doesn’t regret her decision, he truly did need it. And at times he found himself silently thanking her as he does something for him and takes care of himself. He wishes she could see those moments.
They slowly undress each other, both of them soaking up the moment, not knowing when something like this could happen again. Harry’s pace is slow, the room filling with quiet moans of pleasure. Once they were done the room was quiet besides there deep breathes, Harry crashing next to her. It was quiet for a bit till Harry spoke up but stopped himself, y/n turning to look at him as she props her head up her elbow, the sheets fitting her curves. Harry scoots closer to her and brings his index finger over to her curves and traces up and down her body.
“You used to do that all the time.” She said quietly, a sad smile on her face as she watches his movements.
“Thought you didn’ love me anymo’ ?” Harry whispers dryly, his index finger running up and down her from her shoulder to her curves, to her hip dip and back up, the white sheet tucked under her arm. Harry said it so quietly he was sure she didn’t hear him.
“I never said that, Harry. I said I need to let you go for your benefit. Don’t you feel better?” She questions back quietly. Harry adjusts his head that’s laying on his hand.
“Well, yes and no. Yes because I have begun to change so much, your words affecting me a lot and now I know what you meant. I was falling down a black hole and didn’t want to admit it. But you helped me find myself, lovie, and realize I do need help. But also, no because I miss you, and you aren’t here to see me change.” He takes a pause to continue and finally tell her how he feels before she speaks up.
“Well, maybe we can be friends like before. We can forget about tonight and be friends again.” She smiles at him when she’s done talking, her fingers pushing a piece of hair back off of his forehead. He was so entranced that his brain spoke before his heart did.
“Yeah, we can do that.” He doesn’t know why he said it. Maybe because this way he can still be close and maybe try confessing his feelings another time when things get better. She smiles at him and her gaze goes to her lap before she look back up at him slowly. “After tonight we can forget about this, right?” She him and nods. He kisses her passionately, knowing after tonight hes not gonna have her like this again. “After tonight.” He whispers against her lips. She nods hastily and reattached their lips sloppily.
“After tonight.” She whispers against his lips. Once the sun rose Harry was up, putting on his clothes quietly as she slept still. He didn’t want to feel hurt in the morning when they start pretending last night didn’t happen.
Y/n woke up and was a little disappointed she woke up to an empty bed, but she knew why he did it and knew it was for the best.
It was all going fine for awhile. They grew closer as they talked more again. But Harry’s hopes were crushed when an article popped up on his twitter about y/n.
He didn’t want to read it, but his finger pressed it before his brain caught up with his action. He read the whole thing. Looking at the photos of her laughing with a handsome lad. Harry knew he shouldn’t feel jealous. He agreed to only being friends. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt and he doesn’t still love her.
So he called Mitch and asked him to meet him at a bar close to his Malibu house. Mitch arrived a few minutes after Harry, concerned about his friend. He sounded defeated over the phone, not like his normal cheery self he has been recently.
Harry explained what was happening over a few drinks. Mitch listened, nodding his head to let him know he was still listening.
“Harry,” Mitch started as Harry grabbed his drink. “I know it sucks man, but it’s just an article. You don’t even know if it’s true. Don’t give up. I see the way she looks at you and it hasn’t changed from when you guys first got together. She still loves you, man. Both of you just aren’t sure how to deal with something like this because you haven’t had to do so before.” Harry nods and sets his drink back down, thinking about Mitches words.
Once they were done Harry thanked him again and drove back home. He decided that he was going to call her, but he needed a few drinks before he could do so. So now Harry is on his couch, five scotches in, and a little tipsy. His phone is in his hand, her contact on the screen. He was nervous, and each time his glass emptied he poured more, needing a confidence booster. Now he finally had it so he closed his eyes and quickly pressed the call button. He heard the dial tone quietly before he pressed the speaker button. It felt like eternity before she answered, her voice making him perk up.
“Hello H, what’s up?” She questioned. Hardy froze for a second, trying to remember his speech me made up in his head. But as he goes to speak he hears a male voice.
“W-who’s that?” He questions hesitantly, already knowing the answer.
“Oh that’s my, my uh, friend, Austin.” Her words were a little rushed, nervous. It was the same guy she was seen with yesterday, and the days before that. According to the article they have been spotted quite a bit the past month. It goes silent for a minute before she speaks up again. “Did you need anything?” She questions quietly. The phone call a little awkward now.
“Um, no, no. Don’t mean to bother yeh. I’ll tell you later.” He tells her after a few more beats of silence.
“You sure?” She questions, wanting to make sure he isn’t just saying that if he really does need to talk about something important.
“‘M sure, talk to you later, bye.”
“See you later, H.” He smiles at her words, knowing she doesn’t say goodbyes, only see you laters.
“One more thing,” Harry gets his confidence back, now not caring as much what he says. “Don’t call him baby.” And with that, he hangs up.
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goldenncherrybombb · 5 years ago
This is gonna be a double update!! TBSL should be posted soon so keep any eye out ;) This chapter is different kinda. But you’ll see what I mean maybe. Anyways, you get to know more about y/n in this because I wanted to add more about her so sorry if it doesn’t fit you at times. Anywayssss, enjoy :)
need to catch up?
WARNINGS: none ;)
Word count: 3k
this isn’t edited so if there is any mistakes, my bad
The one where Harry is falling again 
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The London air whips around Harry harshly, the cold bitter wind nipping at his skin. He picks up his pace when rain starts to fall, getting into his mum’s house just in time.
 “Harry!” She cheers, coming out from the kitchen with a cuppa in her hand. She sets it down on the coffee table before hugging him. As soon as her scent engulfs him Harry feels his eyes tear up. He sniffles and his mum hugs him tighter, not saying anything and letting him get it out first.
 “Who am I, mum? I feel so lost, an’ empty an’ I don’t want to feel that way. I just-I just don’t know wha’ t’do anymo’.” Her hand rubs up and down his back and she coos at him. 
“‘S alright, love. Sometimes you gotta get worse before you get better. ‘S just a hurdle you can get over. Ya are my baby boy. Yeh can do anything you put yeh mind too. Look at what yeh’ve accomplished. I know it sucks now, but trust me H, she isn’t doing much better either. You just needed a break. That’s all this is.” He listens to his mum and takes in her advice.“I know this feeling won’t last forever, but it hurts.” He whispers and Anne puts her hands on his cheek to make him look at her. “I know it hurts love, but pain is temporary.” She smiles at him and he cracks a smile at the saying. She always told him and Gemma that. “Now, I just made some biscuits so let’s go stuff our faces.” He chuckles at her and follows her into the kitchen.
 They have tea as well and he catches her up on everything that’s been going on. She listens and gives motherly advice here and there. “How do you know she isn’t doing that well?” Harry questions, not being able to forget what she said earlier. 
“She’s called me a few times, asking if I’ve heard anything about you, how your doing, and asking for some advice. It wasn’t easy for her to make that decision, H. She still loves you, and I know it’s hard to hear right now and maybe hard to believe. But it’s the truth. And I know you still love her. Just give it time, love. I know she is end game for you.” He cracks a smile at her words and nods. 
This is exactly why he came to London before he went to Japan. His mum always makes him feel better. When he comes back home it’s like all worries are washed away from him. 
Gemma joined them for dinner. Her and Harry joked around with each other as they helped Anne make dinner. After dinner they played a few rounds of scrabble before Harry went back to his house, tired from his long flight.
 He hadn’t been back to his London house in almost six months. It felt weird walking in and seeing all the photos of him and y/n, but he did his best to ignore them, not having the heart to take them down. It felt wrong.
 He took a shower and got ready for bed, finding a bag full of y/n’s stuff in the closet that he shoved in the back. But as he was trying to sleep he couldn’t stay still and kept tossing and turning. He had a melody in his hand and he couldn’t rest till he figured out what it was. So he got up and walked downstairs to his grand piano. He sat down then pulled his phone out and went to voice memos before he started trying different keys. Once he found the one’s he was looking for he tried new things and added on to it. Lyrics starting popping up in his head and he started to sing softly, stopping sometimes and trying new keys or a different lyric. His journal was open so he started to write what he doing down before playing again. 
I’m in my bed
And your not here
And there’s no one to blame but the drinks and my wondering hands 
Forget what I said
It’s not what I meant
 And I can’t take it back-
“Fuck. Now ‘m stuck.” He train of thought disappeared and he started to look around. 
His eyes were glued to a certain photo of his ex-lover smiling widely with  flowers in her hair as she puts some in Harry’s and he looks up at her curiously. It was one of his favorites from the Jamaica trip for his first album. It was before they got together but to everyone besides them it was so obvious they liked each other and Mitch always made sure to let Harry know.
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She swims up next to Harry who is swimming in his underwear and has his arms on his surfboard. He smiles widely at something Mitch is saying, laying a kiss on her temple before laughing at him. Mitches words replay in Harry’s head.
“You guys just need to get together already. It’s obvious how much you guys like each other, H.” And all Harry did was bashfully smile and tell him she doesn’t feel the same as he watches her swim around them, her snorkeling goggles on.
It goes quiet and the only thing heard is the waves crashing on shore and the birds above. She climbs onto Harry’s board with his help and lays back, stretching her arms above her head. 
“It’s pretty here innit?” He questions, turning his head to look at her and watch as she looks around with curious eyes.
 “It’s beautiful. Feel like I could stay here forever.” She replies with a dreamy sigh. Mitch and Harry chuckle and Mitch agrees. 
When they get back to shore and have showered and redressed they all meet in the back patio. Harry and Mitch have a guitar, Jeff is on his laptop next to Mitch, and the rest or Harry’s crew sit around on the patio furniture. Harry is sitting under a Ixora Ixora Coccinea. A tree that has beautiful red/orange flowers. 
When the wind blows the flowers fall and y/n has been sticking them in her braid she has. Then when she was happy with her hair she started putting them in Harry’s. Hélène laughed when she noticed and snuck a photo.
 A wide smile is on her face as she is happy with her work so far, and Harry is looking up at her curiously and lovingly. Both of their eyes shine and the colors of y/n’s dress stick out with the colorful tree in the background. 
The sessions finishes before dinner time, everyone content with their progress. Y/n helped and gave her pointers, Mitch showing Harry new ideas he came up with, and Harry giving his input and showing everyone what he has so far.
 After dinner Harry and y/n went to Harry’s room to watch a rom-com. Harry had a matching red button up and shorts on, and y/n couldn’t wait to steal the shirt one day. When they shut the lamps off Harry pulled y/n into his front so he could spoon her.  He pressed a soothing kiss to her head and her eyes fluttered shut. 
“Goodnight.” They both whispered at the same time making them laugh lightly. Their legs were tangled together and his arm was firmly wrapped around her as they slept, a content smile on his face. 
I can’t run pack the bag that you left 
The conversation he had with his mom earlier in the night replays in his head as he thinks of new lyrics. 
What am I now
What am I now
What if I’m I don’t want around
What if I’m down 
What if I’m out 
What if I’m someone you won’t talk about
His eyes travel back to the picture as the words flow out of his mouth easily.
I’m falling again
 I’m falling again
 I’m falling 
When he finishes and is happy abotut his prgress he sends the file to Mitch and Harpoon, wanting to know what they think. He fills a glass of water and replies to some emails before heading back up the stairs and going to bed.
The next morning when he wakes up and looks at his phone seeing he sees he has a text from Gemma asking him to go out to breakfast with her. He replies and gets up to get ready for the day. 
He meets Gemma at a newer restaurant with modern decor. Gemma is at a booth in the back scrolling on her phone when he sees her. She looks up and smiles at him, waving him over. 
Once Harry sits she puts her phone down reaches over to mess up his hair, knowing it would make him mad. “Gem, stop it.” He chuckles, fixing his hair as she laughed lightly.
 “Sooo, we didn’t get to catch up much yesterday. What have yeh been up too?” She questions, sipping on her water.
 “The usual, writing, and recording, then more writing, and maybe an event here and there.” He shrugs and grabs the black coffee she got him. 
“How about you, how have you and Michael been?” She perks up at the mention of Michael, her boyfriend of a few years. 
“Good. Really good actually. He accompanied me to an event a few days ago actually, it was really fun, and also insightful.” The waitress sets their food down in front for them, pancakes for Harry and french toast for Gemma. “Knew yeh would want some pancakes .” 
“‘S my favorite breakfast food as you know. You and I used to make a mess trying to make pancakes cuz we ended up throwing the batter at each other.”  They both laugh at the memory. 
“Mum was so mad at us.” Harry nods in his head in agreement as she reminsces on another memory.
“The rest of the breakfast they catch up more and enjoy their food. “I heard about what happened, h.” She talks quietly, and with a small frown on her face. “‘M sorry that happened, thought she was the one for ya.” Harry wipes his mouth with his napkin and clears his throat at the painful reminder because he thought she was too. “Probably shouldn’t of said that.” She mumbles to herself, the mask Harry’s putting on not fooling her. 
“How about I pay for this and then we go shopping?” Harry shakes his head at her. 
“Yer not paying, I am.” She shakes her head and they both go for the checkbook at the same time, Gemma winning. “Gem, I can pay for it myself, ‘s no big deal.” Gemma pays no mind to him as she counts her money out. 
“‘S like you said, no big deal.” She smiles at him and sets the check down. “Now let’s go shopping.” She cheers, sliding out of the booth.
 Back in the states Y/N went back to her hometown and is staying there for a few days before she has to go to New York and do interviews. She missed her parents and needed the comfort and distraction they give her. 
When she arrived home her mom opened the door with open arms, seeing how tired and sound her daughter looked. She pulled her into her arms and hugged her tightly as she sniffled into her shoulder.
“Oh honey,” Her mom, Angela, cooes, rocking her back and forth slowly to calm her down. Her dad, Ben, comes to the front door thinking his wife was calling for him but when he sees y/n he joins the hug.
 “It’ll be ok baby bop. It takes time, and in the mean your mom made our favorite cookies and I got some Malibu and pineapple juice calling our name.” Y/n chuckles at her dad while wiping her tears.
Her dad carries her luggage into the house as her mom pulls her to the kitchen. When her dad joins he starts making their drinks and y/n munches on a cookie.
 “Benjamin! That’s a lot of Malibu.” Her mom laughs and shakes her head. “‘S like he’s trying to give us alcohol poisoning!” Y/n laughs and shakes her head. 
Her mom and dad were the main reason she is a hopeless romantic. After thirty two years together there is still so much love. If you were to meet them for the first time you would think they had just got married with how much love the show and how they are constantly joking around and messing with each other. Her mom was the one who got her into music. There was always music playing when she was growing up, her mom always singing around the house off key as Ben looked at her like she was the biggest pop star and had the loveliest voice. So when y/n started to sing and didn’t get her mom genes with the singing abilities they were all blown away because neither of her parents could sing.
They were all sat in the living room watching old home videos. Their cups in hand as they laugh at the videos and share stories. The video playing was one of y/n when she was around two. She had only a diaper on and some boots, she was playing the piano and singing to her mom. Obviously it wasn’t good and she laughs at her horrible rendition of ‘Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds” by The Beatles. Her mom laughs when she sings “wucy” instead of “Lucy.” 
The next video is one of her around eight years old. She got her second guitar and wrote a song for her parents. She was in their living room singing shyly for them and at the end her mom claps loudly, saying “My babies gonna be a rock star someday.’ As she cheers for her.
“Who would've guessed that would come true?”  Her dad questions, his eyes glossy. She looks at her mom and sees tears trailing down her cheek.
“No don’t cry!” Y/n says, getting up to squish in between them.“Their happy tears, baby bop.” Her mom says, messing her hair up making her laugh. “We’re just so proud of you. You worked so hard and now look at you! Touring all over the world and you have two number ones with only one album out!”
 “It is crazy. But you both know I wouldn’t be here without my fans and I want to thank you guys for being my first and helping me get to where I am today.” She smiles at her parents and her mom yells ‘group hug’ making y/n laugh as her parents crush her into a hug.She wakes up at around three am in need of a drink. 
When she walks into the kitchen she sees her dad and she accidentally scares him. He drops the doughnuts he was eating on the floor, thankfully none of them fall out of the box.
“Jesus you scared me!” He tells her and she apologizes before opening the fridge. “What’s on your mind, y/n?” He questions, not missing his daughters sadness in her eyes.
“Just miss him is all.” She replies, laying her head on her dad's shoulder. “I just feel terrible because I left him and I still love him so I feel guilty because I want to be with him more than anything right now but how can you love someone that doesn’t love them self? But I feel guilty because what if I finally tell him how I feel and he doesn’t feel the same anymore or he hates me now? I just lost a best friend and the person I thought was my forever.” Her dad takes a minute to reply, letting her words sink in and thinking of the best advice he could give her.
“Love takes time, y/n. You think me and your mom never had our rough patches? We took a break once too, for a similar reason. We both needed to work on ourselves before we could be together, we wanted to be the best person we could be for each other because we know both of us don't deserve any less. He still loves you y/n, trust me. I know you guys aren’t talking but you know how much your mom adores him so when he called her she talked to him for hours about you. That was only a few days ago actually.” She smiles because she did the same thing with Anne. Since her and Harry were friends for so long both of our families are close and he is as close to my parents as I am his, especially Anne.
“I don’t even know where he is right now. I know he left Malibu but he never told me where he was going. I just miss how it was. Wish I could go back and relive it. Or I at least wish I could tell him how I feel.” 
“You gotta shoot your shot before you miss it, kid.” She huffs and sets her mug in the sink next to his
.“If it was only that easy.” She whispers before saying goodnight to her dad.
She thinks it’s safe to say she’s fallen again
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goldenncherrybombb · 5 years ago
Hello I am gonna be writing a little series on best friend Harry and Y/n based off of fine line and the story it tells. So yeah! Hope you enjoy. I’m still trying to find my style with writing on tumblr as I am new. And I’m still trying to figure out how to use the dang app. Ok anyways thank you!
Series Masterlist
Word count: 742
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Y/n and Harry had been friends for awhile. Since 2014 to be exact. They met at a writing session. Harry walked up to her and introduced himself. She was scribbling lyrics down in her worn out journal, humming the tune in her head. Her hair up in a messy ponytail. She was wearing flare jeans and a vintage Woodstock shirt. Her glasses slipping off her nose slowly until she pushes them up every few minutes.
Harry clears his throat, nervous around this girl who seems nice. “Hello,” this gains her attention. “‘M sorry to bother you, just wanted t’ introduce myself.” He holds out his hand and she shakes it. Her hands are soft. They are not clammy. Or sweaty. Or to dry.
“Y/n, i’m y/n.” She gives him a beautiful smile. He smiles back at her, dimples and all. He looks down at her notepad after her hand slips from his.
“May I get a sneak peek of what you are working on?” He questions, raising a brow at her and locking his hands together behind his back, leaning forward a tad on his toes before rocking backwards.
“‘Course! Have a seat.” She showed him what she was working on, leading to him telling her what he was working on. They talked for hours, the sun now gone. They got to know each other. Y/n got to know all about Harry’s family, his current music taste, how his favorite boots finally bit the dust, and how much he loves to cook and bake.
They exchanged numbers and have been best friends ever since. Y/n basically living with Harry. She travels with him, getting inspiration to write all she sees. She loves to people watch when Harry is in rehearsals, making up stories of those she sees and writing it down. She’s lost count of how many notebooks she has, countless ideas, lyrics, doodles filling them. When Harry’s on break they hangout for a few days before y/n goes to visit other friends. Harry dreads those days. Wanting to spend every minute with her. But he often scolds himself for being so clingy.
That leads them to where they are now. At Harry’s show in Paris. Y/n is in the back of the pit with Anne. Sometimes they dance, the always sing along. Y/n giggles at something Anne says and looks back at Harry. He’s dancing around the stage, singing what makes you beautiful. Y/n always loved when he went all out for that song.
After the show they go back to the hotel. Harry still on his after show adrenaline rush. He came bouncing off the stage, y/n being in his dressing room. He rushed to his dressing room, throwing open the door and telling y/n all his favorite moments of the concert. She smiles at him and adds in her thoughts here and there, but mainly letting him talk because she knows how excited he gets.
Harry follows y/n in her hotel room. Telling her “I don’t want to sleep alone tonight pet. Let’s order room service and watch a movie.” He makes sure to add in his best pouty lips making her grin and give in. He smiles brightly at her and flops on her freshly made bed with a groan. She joins him and they end up doing just what he said.
There routine goes on for the rest of the tour. Y/n and Harry growing impossibly closer. Now it’s Harry’s last show. All of Harry’s closets friends are her and, of course, his family. Everyone is buzzing with excitement. The crowd is loud, singing along to the music that plays before the show. Kacey just finished and Harry is on in 15. Currently he sits in his dressing room, staring at his lap having a battle in his head. He’s nervous because it’s his last show. He’s scared that maybe his next album won’t do that great and he wont get to feel like this again. That’s when y/n walks in. Giving him the best pep talk he has ever heard. He goes on stage with so much energy he could almost burst.
After that Harry and y/n stayed in Harry’s beach house for his break. Their relationship titles changing along the way. From friends to lovers they feel as nothing could go wrong as they risk there friendship.
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goldenncherrybombb · 5 years ago
My current masterlist :) request something!
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1. Fine Line  Harry and Y/n have been best friends since 2014, they are inseparable. Both have fallen for each other but both are too scared to say anything until one day. (ongoing)
1. Back rubs and late night confessions 
2. Dance with me?
1. Hollywood 
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goldenncherrybombb · 5 years ago
Watermelon Sugar
 hello, I haven’t spelled or grammar check so I’m sorry if there is an error. But there shouldn’t be! Anyways, enjoy :)
Series Masterlist
Warning: mature content :p
Word count: 3,319
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They were currently at Jeff’s house. Jeff thought it would be a good idea to throw a party since it had now officially been a month since tour ended.
But now the party is over and they are all in Jeff’s living room, watching a tour documentary Harry’s team made for him to reminisce on. Who knows, maybe someday he will let the world see? The crew, and band are here. Adam is on the couch next to Charlotte, discussing of the beer he is sipping on is better than the wine Clare nurses. Mitch is next to Sarah, his arm around her as she laughs at something Jeff and him are talking about. And Harry, well Harry has his arms wrapped around his girl who is asleep, her head on his shoulder. It’s around one am. Harry’s getting tired as well, about to head home.
He clears his throat to gain everyone’s attention.
“I’m gonna head out, I got a bit of a drive and this one is knocked out.” They all nod understandingly and say there goodbyes. Harry carries y/n bridal style out the door and to his car. He gets in and turns on the heat, knowing she gets cold when she sleeps. On the drive home he has his hand on her thigh, reminiscing his favorite past events of his missus.
She looked so good sitting on the kitchen counter early in the morning. Harry was cooking for them, making pancakes. When he does a cool trick she claps for him happily, a strawberry in her mouth. She wore only a white shirt. Her black glasses were on her face because she hated not being able to see Harry clearly in the morning. He would lean over and give her a few pecks on the lips. Y/n’s music played in the background at a good level to where it’s loud enough but quiet enough. Then when the pancakes were done she insisted she fed him. So there he stood with his hands on both sides of her thighs, his mouth open as she fed him a bite of the delicious pancakes he made. He hums in delight and she giggles.
“‘S good, yeah?” She nods her head and feds herself a bite, licking her lips to get the maple syrup off of them. He stares up at her with lust in his eyes, her not being clueless and noticing. She leans downs and wraps her arms around his neck, her face going close to his, so close that there lips brush, but not close enough to where the touch all the way. She turns her head and lets her nose nudge his. Harry already getting turned on from the simple action simply because it was here teasing him, leaving him on edge of what she is gonna do next. Finally she presses her lips to his, his hands going to her bum and pulling her closer to the edge of the counter.
“‘S this okay?” He questions breathlessly. She nods hastily. There lips go back together like magnets again. He begins to kiss her neck, sucking on some spots to leave marks. She bites back a moan. Her lips bruised and sore already from how rough there kiss is. He finds her sweet spot and she lets the first moan slip making him groan. Her hands in his hair, pulling lightly.
“Taste so sweet pet.” He whispers when his lips find hers again.
“Take me to bed, h.” She whispers breathlessly. He immediately picks her up from the counter, her legs going around his waist as she squeals lightly making her giggle and Harry smile at her brightly. Harry goes to his bedroom and lays her down on his bed lightly. Her hair is fanned out like a halo, the lightning making her skin glow. Harry stares at her and looks her up and down a few times making y/n squirm under his gaze.
“So, so, so beautiful.” He mumbles against her skin as he pulls her shirt down to access her cleveage are. Her fingers pull at the hem of her shirt, him helping her by taking it off for her. Her lace baby blue bra comes into view and Harry immediately attaches his lips to the new unmarked area. The sensations his giving her are like no other. He kisses down her stomach, making sure to ask her if it’s ok and to tell her how beautiful she is. He pulls down her shorts and underwear slowly, kissing from the middle of her thigh to her ankle before making his way back up. He kisses her hip bone before leading down to where she most desired him. She moans loudly, all the anticipation making her more than ready. Her hand finds his hair, pulling gently as he moves his tougne expertly, going over all the right places. His index finger teases her entrance before he enters it. She moans his name and arches her back. He finds his way back up to her, his lips attaching to her neck as he goes slow and slowly adds another one. Her hands move to push off his sweatpants but he stops her making her whine.
“I want you, please.” She pouts before moaning loudly when he finds her spot. He kisses her neck more before moving his lips to her ear.
“I know lovie. Your gonna have me. No need to rush.” She looks him in the eyes as he speaks. Her hands go to his face and she smiles.
“God I love you so much.” She laughs quietly before gasping making Harry chuckle. He pulls his fingers out and pulls his sweatpants off. “‘M on the pill by the way.” Y/n says, knowing he is wondering where a condom is. He hums and parts her legs wider.
“Are you sure about this?” He questions again. Fearing she will not want him after this. Or that he will hurt her.
“Yes, I am sure. I love you.” She whispers before kissing his lips softly.
“I love you so much.” He mumbles against her lips before entering her. She gasps at the pressure and arches her back against him. She’s not gonna lie, it did hurt. He is bigger than she imagined, and that is saying something. “Are you ok?” He questions, she bits her lip and nods before replying to him with a breathless yes, telling him to move. He obliges and does so slowly. Y/n’s music plays softly in the background due to his surround sound system he has all the way around his house. Harry begins to speed up pace as moans flow out of her mouth and his. Her ankles are hugging his back as her nails leave scratch marks down it. Her name leaves his lips as he moves his head to the crook of her neck, leaving sloppy kisses there.
The room feels hot. Like the temperature has rose thirty degrees. But they know it hasn’t and it’s just them. Sweat has formed in Harry’s hair line, his hair a little damp. Both of there skins coated with a thin layer of sweat. Y/n skin tingles wherever Harry’s touch lays. She feels like she is on cloud 9 with the way he is whispering such dirty things to her and the feelings he is making her feel.
“Feel s’good. Taking me so well pet.” He grunts in her ear making her moan and clench around him, he has to hold back from cumming then and there. She feels so good and perfect. Harry swears he has never felt more love than what he does now. He feels like nothing else matters. Everything outside the four walls of his room matter. It’s just them.
“‘M close.” Y/n whimpers against his lips, the heel of her foot digging into Harry’s back deeper and her nails clawing just a little Harry, it’s all enough to make Harry moan. With a few more thrusts y/n hits her climax with Harry following. The rest of the night is spent with wondering hands under the sheets. Both of them never able to get enough of each other.
He puts his hand on her thigh, smiling at her with loving eyes before looking back on the road. He begins to think of how far they have come in almost a year. He begins reminiscing on there past, smiling to himself.
“Hot! ‘S hot.” Harry playful winces when he touched y/n’s bare shoulder. She scoffs and swats his hand away before looking in the mirror. Her favorite dress she always desired to wear, but never had the confidence to or excuse to wear, was on her body.
“Do you think I look ago? Not to tight? Not to loose? Not-“ she gets cut off by Harry kissing her lips, a cue for her to stop talking and kiss the man she loves. Her eyes flutter closed, her neck turning some since Harry is to the side of her, his arm wrapped around her waist.
“‘S perfect, just like the one who wears it.” He pulls back, whispering in her ear. He kisses her cheek and slaps her butt, she squeals before giggling. “Go get em baby! You got this!” Harry cheers, walking out of the closet. Y/n smiles, Harry not knowing how much that went. She’s freaking out, was just pacing before Harry came in, trying to put in the lucky earrings Harry got her a few years ago. Surprisingly she hasn’t lost them, she looses any pair of earrings she has. But these weren’t just any earrings.
She has a meeting, a very important meeting. She could be getting a record label, it isn’t just any meeting. But she chased her dream and finally caught it.
She thought she had it, but then she wanted to be in the booth, headphones on as she serenaded the room with her words and voice, not only writing.
Harry was not nervous at all, knowing his girl had it. He was confident, relaxed. While y/n was tense, anxious, scared. He came back in the room with a glass of water and her anxiety medicine.
“Here you go, love. This will make you feel better, yeah?” After he set the glass down he grabbed her shoulders lights, leaning down slightly to look her in the eyes. “Cinderella, you got this. I believe in you, everyone does. You are so talented, look how many hits you already got for others. Now it’s your turn.” And that’s all it took to calm her nerves. Well the first word was. Cinderella
When y/n and Harry first met and were getting to know each other y/n wanted to have a movie marathon, specifically disney. Harry agreed, obviously, he was already falling for the girl. He would buy her all the stars and bottle them up just for her if she wanted.
The first movie y/n picked was Cinderella. It was her favorite princess movie. She doesn’t exactly know why, but it has a deep connection to her, and it’s made her love it forever. She still wants a dress just like Cinderella’s.
Harry asked if she choose the movie for a specific reason and that led her to going on about how much she loves it, and how my she hopes she gets a happy ending, but he’s not allowed to tell anyone that. And after that Harry gave her what she wanted and tried to have the most romantic “friend date” ever. He had cleaned bought black out curtains, made a hole in the ceiling trying to get the projector in the movie room, and had to run out to buy extension cords, white Christmas lights, and some ice cream, because he knew how much y/n loved ice cream. Even though it was snowing out and he felt a little odd buying ice cream he still walked out of the store with a slight skip in his step. Excited for the nights activities.
He set everything up as soon as he got home. He put the blackout curtains up first, then put the sheets up so it looked like a massive fort in his room. He tackied them to the wall, the gum like stuff sticking to him a few times. He set up the projector so they had a perfect view of the movie. Lastly he plugged in the lights, making sure they could touch fabric and not catch on fire, being throwing delicately putting them on the sheets above so it casted a pink glow under the Pantone pink sheets. It was an accident on how he got so many bedsheets. He was scrolling through amazon while he was a wee bit drunk and kept clicking ‘add to cart’, thinking it wasn’t working. He loved the color, thought they were cute so he ordered them. He was very surprised to open his door a few days later and see a large amazon package, not remembering ordering anything. Then he remembered as he started pulling out 40 sets of bed sheets. It inspired his first album cover actually.
But hey, it came in handy!
“Harry! I’m here you knob!” Y/n’s voice rang through his house and he chuckles, shaking his head. Replying to her before moving to stand in the middle of his sheet tent, waiting for her.
“Alright, I brought some face masks- oh my gosh.” She looks up and stops looking at the label on the masks, trying to read them. “Harry!” She cheers before running into his arms, her legs circling around his waist. She had never done that, too caught up in the moment to realize what she did. But Harry was well aware, and he wanted her to do this to him everyday. “This- this is beautiful. Oh my gosh. Is that the projector from the movie room? Oh my gosh this is beautiful. I can not believe it.” She intertwined her hands together and raises them to her chest as she looks around, her eyes finally landing on Harry’s. Harry’s breath is taking away as he looks at her, she looks like an angel. The way the dull light is making her skin almost glow, her smile as she rests her chin on her intertwined hands.
Once they got settled on the makeshift bed Harry made on the floor out of all of his blankets and comforters he has. Then he put pillows where there backs would be resting. They both were propped up by the pillows as Harry skips the credits. Y/n closing her eyes and smiling before putting her head on Harry’s chest, he smiles down at her and presses play, the movie finally starting. His fingers comb through her hair as Disney’s iconic intro play. It’s not till the first beat of the main title begins to play that her head pops up and her eyes open. She gasps and sits up hurriedly.
“OH MY GOSH! HARRY!” She turns around and throws herself on him with an oof, her arms going around his neck. “Could you be anymore perfect? This is crazy” she whispers silently, almost as though if she raised her voice another decibel it would shatter the invisible bubble they have built. The music from the movie playing quietly in the background, making the moment even more perfect, if possible. Harry’s hands rub and down her back, his head tilting so he could whisper in her ear.
“‘Course pet. ‘D do anything for yeh.” She smiles into his shoulder, a silent tear running down her cheek. No one has done anything like this. No one has put the time and the effort to do anything more magical than this. Y/n thought the first time her song she wrote went number was the most magical, but man was she wrong. She just wished he loved her back.
As they watched the movie y/n had her head on his chest, her arm around his waist as she watches the movie with a smile on her face. Her pointing out her favorite parts to Harry, like he doesn’t already know them. Then the ballroom part came up. Cinderella and Prince Charming just met and are about to dance. All the sudden she stands up, holding out a hand to Harry.
(I recommend play “so this is love” its magical with this part. Promise me;) it’s on Apple Music btw! )
“Dance with me, please. I know every move to this part embarrassingly.” Harry doesn’t fail to notice as she admits a little talent of hers.
“Alright. But you have to help me out.” She smiles shyly at him and nod. The music starts and she starts to move, Harry following, looking down and watching his feet.
“‘M a bit clumsy, I tend to trip a lot. You remember that, right, pet?” Harry questions, a sly smile on his face. She giggles and nods, relaxing almost completely. She ends up laying her head on his chest as they sway in a small circle to the music. His head lays on top of hers shortly after, both of them humming and harmonizing to the song.
So this is love
“Yes, h, I do remember.” There laughs die down and they go back to paying attention to dancing.
So this is what makes life Devine
I’m all aglow
And now I know
And I know I know
Y/n sings quietly with the music, amazing Harry. He’s only ever heard her sing jokingly, never seriously. And to say he is amazed would be an understatement. There’s salting about how sultry her voice sounds that pulls him in so quickly. How she hits every now. How her voice sounds dreamy, heavenly.
The key to heaven is mine
Harry joins her, making her look up and smile at him as she sings.
My heart has wings
They look straight into each other’s eyes. Singing and swaying through the love filled atmosphere.
And I can fly
Harry listens as she sings, smiling before joining her again.
I’ll touch every star in the sky
So this is a miracle
That I’ve been dreaming of
So this is love
The music comes to an end, but they still dance anyways. Her head goes back to his chest. He kisses the top of it as she speaks quietly.
“Yes my Cinderella.” He questions just as quietly as she did. But her head pops up at the new nickname he called her, a confused look on her face before asking him what he said. “Cinderella.” He repeats
“Then that makes you my Prince Charming.” He smiles, and nods his head.
“I’m ok with that.” He says slowly, so slow and quiet she could barley hear him.
“Love, we’re home.” He lightly whispers in her ear while unbuckling her seat belt. She groans and sleepily opens her eyes.
“‘M too tired. Carry me price charming?” So that’s what Harry does. He carries her inside, unzips her dress and puts his shirt over her before she gets in bed. He even wipes the little bit of makeup she had on off of her. When he’s done she puckers her lips and he chuckles before kissing her.
“Tastes like strawberries.” Y/n hums. Harry chuckles and kisses her lips quickly before standing so he can undress. “Ugh, I want more watermelon vodkas. Now those, were good.” She flops back in her pillow as she talks, groaning.
“Mm, when I can taste it on ya tongue is when I know y’ve had enough, Cinderella.” She giggles at the nickname and sits up, laying her arms around his neck.
“I love you.” She kisses his lips and lays him back down. His hands roam her body before staying put on her bum as she straddles him.
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