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bring back cross-fandom shipping. like goldenglock
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Look at this silly boy experiencing deep emotional distress / Смотрите на этого забавного мальчика, испытывающего глубокий эмоциональный стресс.
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Guys...new blog is up @goldenglock-preacher
I might have a problem 😭😭😭
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@babayagaiscomingforya goldenglock
TikTokers are such pussies when it comes to ships. “B-but they’re not canon 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😖😖” honey back in my day we shipped characters from entirely different medias uphill both ways in the snow
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“Yeah, y’know... Walt? I’m his first Toon star. Mickey’s my little brother. I was... taken away and forgotten, for a long time.” He gave a sigh. “It’s a long story, but I’m here now.” He glanced up at the clock and smirked. “Y’know, I made a pretty good replica of you back in Wasteland. I’d say I didn’t do half-bad either, considerin’ I never saw the real thing ‘til now.”
“Your.. father..?” The being was confused yet again. Was.. there another character he didn’t know about? Perhaps, or maybe he’d forgotten it. He was quite forgetful. “Well I suppose that it does but.. I’ve never seen you before. I’ve only seen Mickey.”
He didn’t know about the other version of the park, he didn’t know about his counterpart. It seemed as though he was terribly underinformed.
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The fact that he was hiding it under a jacket did some shit to my brain.
Grisha stole John's shirt when they separated but, even though, nobody knows where it actually came from, he feels so embarrassed about it he wears more layers on top as to not make it that obvious. As if someone can judge him for wearing a shirt of a man they don't even know exists.
Тот факт, что он прятал ее под курткой, немного свел меня с ума.
Гриша украл рубашку Джона, когда они расстались, но, хотя никто не знает, откуда она на самом деле взялась, он так стыдится из-за этого, что надевает еще что ни будь поверх, чтобы её скрыть. Как будто кто-то может осудить его за то, что он носит рубашку человека, о существовании которого они даже не знает.
#calling every dark blue shirt John's shirt will always be funny to me#gg: gif#гриша измайлов#goldenglock#john wick#полицейский с рублёвки#пср#александр петров
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I HAD to fill this out for them like
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Since you were looking for short goldenglock ideas...
Grisha notices that John is like...severely depressed today. More than usual. He starts trying anything to cheer him up, just throwing himself at John in every way possible, cuddling with him, babbling on and on about nothing to keep him entertained, etc. Until eventually he resorts to telling John outright how much he cares about him, and that's the one thing that seems to get through.
(No pressure, idk if you take writing prompts!)
Omg thank you and yes please send me all the prompts you can come up with I will take every opportunity to write about these fuckers and not worry about the main fics plot progression. That post was basically asking for prompts.
Things take place after the 4th movie so John cuts ties with everyone and is in Grisha’s circle “full-time”, living with him. Decided to make it take place in a longer span than a day because Grisha is way too dumb to find a solution that quickly.
Idk how we got here but now there’s also insomnia??
“I worry about you.”
John is hands down the calmest person in Grisha’s circle. Nobody has the same amount of emotional control, which often made him the supportive rock involuntarily. This group full of relationship drama and misunderstandings would just gravitate towards him, like a voice of reason, even though he wasn’t the best at giving advice.
Being able to make him smile was Grisha’s biggest accomplishment but recently…he just couldn’t manage to do it. Everything that worked before just suddenly stopped and he would see John get lost in his own mind more than usual.
- John, listen, something bit Volodya in the ass and now he’s throwing an absolute shitstorm my way, so we have to leave in like-
- I’ll stay.
Grisha’s thoughts break off, as he tries to put on his leather jacket in a haste.
- Are you…sure?
It might sound silly but this was somehow the thing that triggered Grisha’s alarm. Nearly every time Grisha tells John about his plans, the man is already at the door. He doesn’t always end up being useful but he still finds these little adventures entertaining enough to join in even on the most mundane tasks. They were basically inseparable.
- Yeah…
Grisha would have stayed, if the phone wasn’t aggressively vibrating in his pocket right now.
- Okay then…see you for dinner?
John nods.
God, it felt weird saying that.
He felt bad being out of the house for so long and when he came back, he expected to see John asleep at this point…but he wasn’t. He was laying on the couch, staring at the blank TV screen. There was an empty take-out bag in the kitchen. To Grisha’s surprise, John seemed to have ordered delivery while he was home.
Grisha completely stopped using delivery once he moved in, because John would rather cook himself. So all of this was really uncharacteristic for him.
- I’m home.
He finally spoke up, watching John slowly sit up.
- What, not even a bark?
Grisha lets out a laugh, hoping that he will break John with just the stupidity of that sentence but it’s like he didn’t even register the words.
- What are you doing up so late anyways? It’s…
Grisha checked his watch
- 3 AM.
- Just…didn’t feel like sleeping.
John answered in a mellow voice.
- C’mon John, I was gone for just a day, no way you started missing me this much already!
He was sure that this would at least pull a protest out of John but, once again, it’s like he didn’t have any energy for Grisha’s antics, which made the conversation awkward, to say the least. His joking was completely cut short and now he didn’t have any ideas.
He took a whole day off, just to stay with John and convince him to go outside. They were side by side the whole day, just one on one, with nothing to do but bast in each other’s company…but it didn’t help. John still seemed to not be entirely here, instead drowning in his thoughts that Grisha, sadly, couldn't read. He was desperately showing John love at this point, not letting the man’s skin breath without him for too long. Shoulder grabs, holding hands, hugs, as if his touch could send a message. John didn’t push him away but wouldn’t respond much either, like a stone statue.
Is insomnia contagious? It started to feel like it is. Grisha was laying on the bed for what feels like an eternity but the inner turmoil of knowing that John is not happy right now, makes his eyes stay open. He couldn't just leave him like this...so he got up.
Grisha walks into the living room and leans on the wall, crossing his arms, watching John mindlessly sitting on the floor and staring at the screen. He wasn’t actually watching it, none of the channels registered in his brain. He just pressed the remote button over and over again, in a rhythm, even. He wasn’t really asleep but also not awake. It was hard, seeing him like this. Despite his talents and strengths, lack of sleep can take anyone out.
Grisha sighs, with a bit of hesitation, but finally gets enough courage to step towards him.
- Sorry, did I wake you up?
John addressed him first but didn’t look away. At least he’s aware that Grisha is standing there, next to him…which is something.
- I worry about you.
He delivers it to him straight, which seemed to have grabbed his attention. John’s finger stopped clicking the button, now looking at nothing but static. He was still silent so Grisha didn’t have much choice other than just continue.
- I’m watching you get tortured by things outside of my understanding and there’s nothing I can do.
John gently places the remote on the floor, as if to make sure the sound doesn’t interrupt him.
- I want to give you everything. I want to make it better but I’m just…too stupid to figure out how.
He couldn’t be sentimental without at least an awkward joke for too long. John lowers his head, looking at the floor. He’s trying to hide his face with his hair.
- You deserve happiness…or sleep, at least.
Grisha gestures to the TV.
- I’m so lucky to have a chance to be the one to give you that happiness…but I don’t know how to help a man who’s stronger than I could ever be.
After a beat, John picks up the remote once again but only to turn the TV off. He leaves the remote on the floor and finally gets up on his feet. His eyes, slightly watery.
- Let’s go to bed.
#well I tried lmao#hopefully it's at least a bit of what you asked for#goldenglock#gg: writing#гриша измайлов#полицейский с рублёвки#пср#john wick
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Fansubs are fun I swear 😭😭😭
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Grisha in this scene is so important to me / Гриша в этой сцене так важен для меня
#this is the way he would look at John I swear#gg: gif#гриша измайлов#goldenglock#полицейский с рублёвки#пср
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The fact that he's in "John's shirt" in these is killing me / Тот факт что он в "рубашке Джона" меня убивает
#goldenglock#gg: gif#гриша измайлов#полицейский с рублёвки#пср#found these while making gifs for the girls
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Can I ask who Grisha is? :)
Hiiii haven’t seen you in a while!
This turned out to be a complex question. I wasn’t sure if you meant in general or as in who he is as a person so I kinda wrote…both?
In general: He’s the main character in a russian comedy-drama TV show that’s about the day to day of policemen in a rich district in Moscow. Absolutely has nothing to do with John Wick but I just kinda happened to start shipping them back when I was…maybe 16? So these two fandoms kinda melted together in my mind.
In depth: He’s an operative in the Russian police force (Basically a field investigator I’m just still not sure about the proper translation) in the “Barviha-Severnaya” department to be specific. Their department is known for being kinda incompetent and mostly servicing rich people due to the area they’re working at.
He’s played by Aleksandr Petrov and is around 26 years old in the show. Was born into a wealthy family but became an orphan with his younger sister that he has started to look after. His parent’s death became the main reason he went into the police force in the first place, to punish people like those that killed his parents. Grisha is charismatic and is considered the best in the department but he solves cases mostly because he’s really good at building connections and is kinda stuck in an indebted loop where he’s asking for favors because they owe him but then ends up owing the person in question. He’s an absolute clown that has a hard time taking things seriously or hurting someone because he spoke before thinking.
Is a fuckboy despite being kinda misogynistic actually. Goes to clubs, uses sex worker’s services, drives expensive cars, makes his boss's life hell, Rolexes, Armani, all the parts of that good life (not really). Basically an absolute loser that will not survive without John
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Это до сех пор моя любимая шутка в сериале / This is still my favorite joke from the show
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"I will never be her" (Grisha looking at photos of Helen) / «Я никогда не стану ею» (Гриша смотря на фотографии Хелен)
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The gif of Grisha running straight at some guy and hugging him full force... We finally found a man with enough energy to give John Wick the hug he needs <3
If John leaves him alone for a whole day Grisha will absolutely throw himself at him once he comes back. Full on climb him like a tree 😭😭😭😭
Funniest part about that scene is that the guy he hugged is a suspect they were trying to catch the whole episode 😭😭
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