#golden myna
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na-bird-of-the-day · 1 year ago
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As promised, here are some photos from the national aviary in Pittsburgh! Saw lots of wonderful birds there.
I also took a boat tour up in Maine and saw lots of Atlantic puffins! I also saw some razorbills, common eiders, common loons, Wilson's storm-petrels, an Arctic tern, and a black guillemot. And plenty of gulls of course!
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awkwardbirdsdreaming · 2 months ago
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You thought the starlings were done? NO! Here's the starling rainbow finally put together :D
And if you want to know the species, here is each bird linking to their eBird page: the Bali myna (CR), the rosy starling, the golden myna, the emerald starling, the greater blue-eared starling, the violet-backed starling and the common/European starling.
I guess this replaces the bird-of-the-day for today?
Because starlings are amazing and incredibly diverse as a family, here's some more cool looking ones that couldn't fit into the rainbow:
Superb starling (LC) image source
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Golden-breasted starling (LC) image source
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Wattled starling (LC) image source
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Long-crested myna (LC) image source
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Indian pied starling (LC) image source
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 9 months ago
Thoughts on what kind of bird gabird would be/look like/based off?
My personal pick just for the theme of it would be a Luzon bleeding-heart
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But for something more visually on brand there are a lot of options! I tried to pick ones that people probably haven't seen before :]
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From the top left to right -
Egyptian vulture
Yellow-winged cacique or Mexican cacique
Golden myna
Black-and-gold tanager
Black-faced dacnis (they can have white or yellow bellies)
Hooded mountain tanager
Silvery tanager or Silver-backed tanager
Common sunbird-asity
Black-throated magpie jay
Blue-bellied roller
Beach kingfisher
Great hornbill
White-bellied sea eagle
Madagascar blue vanga
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neopronouns · 7 months ago
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flag id: two flags with 6 stripes. the left flag's stripes are brown, caramel brown, light golden brown, golden yellow, dull brown, and near-black. the right flag's stripes are soft brown, warm grey, tan, silver, dull purple, and dull medium dark cyan. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
mynavenus | plutogeon
mynavenus: a gender related to mynas and the planet venus
plutogeon: a gender related to pigeons and the planet pluto
[pt: mynavenus: a gender related to mynas and the planet venus
plutogeon: a gender related to pigeons and the planet pluto. end pt]
more terms in the avialestial system for anon! both flags' top three stripes represent the celestial thing they're related to and bottom three stripes represent the bird they're related to. the terms are 'myna' + 'venus' and 'pluto' + 'geon' from 'pigeon'!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai, @freezingnarc | dni link
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o-craven-canto · 1 year ago
All animal species (and a couple algae) that have kept the same scientific name since Linnaeus
The first work of taxonomy that is considered as having any scientific authority for animal species was the 10th edition of Linnaeus' Systema Naturae, published in 1758. (Also a book on spiders called Aranei Suecici, published one year before.) That's the foundational text of the binominal system of nomenclature of species still in use today. Since then most of Linnaeus' original species (4379 species, of which 185 mammals, 554 birds, 217 "amphibians" (including reptiles and cartilaginous fish), 379 fishes, 2104 "insects" (including various arthropods, of which 664 are beetles and 543 are moths & butterflies crammed into only 3 genera), and 940 "worms" (including basically all other invertebrates, and even some protists and algae)) have been dismembered, renamed, or at least moved to different genera (e.g. the house sparrow went from Fringilla domestica to Passer domesticus).
Here is a list of all of Linnaeus' original species from 1758 that still retain their original name. I believe they are 484 in total.
Homo sapiens (human)
Lemur catta (ring-tailed lemur)
Vespertilio murinus (rearmouse bat)
Elephas maximus (Asian elephant)
Trichechus manatus (West Indian manatee)
Bradypus tridactylus (three-toed sloth)
Myrmecophaga tridactyla (giant anteater)
Manis pentadactylus (Chinese pangolin)
Phoca vitulina (harbor seal)
Canis familiaris (dog)
Canis lupus (grey wolf)
Felis catus (house cat)
Viverra zibetha (Indian civet)
Mustela erminea (stoat)
Mustela furo (ferret)
Mustela lutreola (European mink)
Mustela putorius (wild ferret)
Ursus arctos (brown bear)
Sus scrofa (wild boar/pig)
Dasypus septemcinctus (seven-banded armadillo)
Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo)
Erinaceus europaeus (European hedgehog)
Talpa europaea (European mole)
Sorex araneus (common shrew)
Didelphis marsupialis (common opossum)
Rhinoceros unicornis (Indian rhinoceros)
Hystrix brachyura (Malayan porcupine)
Hystrix cristata (crested porcupine)
Lepus timidus (common hare)
Castor fiber (European beaver)
Mus musculus (house mouse)
Sciurus vulgaris (red squirrel)
Camelus dromedarius (dromedary camel)
Camelus bactrianus (Asian camel)
Moschus moschiferus (musk deer)
Cervus elaphus (red deer)
Capra hircus (goat)
Capra ibex (Alpine ibex)
Ovis aries (sheep)
Bos taurus (cow)
Bos indicus (zebu)
Equus caballus (horse)
Equus asinus (donkey)
Equus zebra (mountain zebra)
Hippopotamus amphibius (hippopotamus)
Monodon monoceros (narwhal)
Balaena mysticetus (bowhead whale)
Physeter macrocephalus (sperm whale)
Delphinus delphis (common dolphin)
Vultur gryphus (Andean condor)
Falco tinnunculus (common kenstrel)
Falco sparverius (sparrowhawk)
Falco columbarius (pigeonhawk)
Falco subbuteo (Eurasian hobby)
Falco rusticolus (gyrfalcon)
Strix aluco (tawny owl)
Lanius excubitor (great grey shrike)
Lanius collurio (red-backed shrike)
Lanius schach (long-tailed shrike)
Psittacus erithacus (grey parrot)
Ramphastos tucanus (white-throated toucan)
Buceros bicornis (great hornbill)
Buceros rhinoceros (rhinoceros hornbill)
Crotophaga ani (smooth-billed ani)
Corvus corax (raven)
Corvus corone (carrion crow)
Corvus frugilegus (rook)
Corvus cornix (hooded crow)
Coracias oriolus (golden oriole)
Coracias garrulus (European roller)
Gracula religiosa (hill myna)
Paradisaea apoda (greater bird-of-paradise)
Cuculus canorus (common cuckoo)
Jynx torquilla (wryneck)
Picus viridis (green woodpecker)
Sitta europaea (Eurasian nuthatch)
Merops apiaster (European bee-eater)
Merops viridis (blue-throated bee-eater)
Upupa epops (Eurasian hoopoe)
Certhia familiaris (Eurasian treecreeper)
Trochilus polytmus (red-billed streamertail hummingbird)
Anas platyrhynchos (mallard duck)
Anas crecca (teal duck)
Mergus merganser (common merganser)
Mergus serrator (red-breasted merganser)
Alca torda (razorbill auk)
Procellaria aequinoctialis (white-chinned petrel)
Diomedea exulans (wandering albatross)
Pelecanus onocrotalus (great white pelican)
Phaeton aethereus (red-billed tropicbird)
Larus canus (common gull)
Larus marinus (great black-backed gull)
Larus fuscus (lesser black-backed gull)
Sterna hirundo (common tern)
Rhynchops niger (black skimmer)
Phoenicopterus ruber (American flamingo)
Platalea leucorodia (Eurasian spoonbill)
Platalea ajaia (roseate spoonbill)
Mycteria americana (wood stork)
Ardea cinerea (grey heron)
Ardea herodias (blue heron)
Ardea alba (great egret)
Scolopax rusticola (Eurasian woodcock)
Charadrius hiaticula (ringed plover)
Charadrius alexandrinus (Kentish plover)
Charadrius vociferus (killdeer plover)
Charadrius morinellus (Eurasian dotterel)
Recurvirostra avosetta (pied avocet)
Haematopus ostralegus (Eurasian oystercatcher)
Fulica atra (Eurasian coot)
Rallus aquaticus (water rail)
Psophia crepitans (grey-winged trumpeter)
Otis tarda (great bustard)
Struthio camelus (ostrich)
Pavo cristatus (Indian peafowl)
Meleagris gallopavo (wild turkey)
Crax rubra (great curassow)
Phasianus colchicus (common pheasant)
Tetrao urogallus (western capercaillie)
Columba oenas (stock dove)
Columba palumbus (wood pigeon)
Alauda arvensis (Eurasian skylark)
Sturnus vulgaris (European starling)
Turdus viscivorus (mistle thrush)
Turdus pilaris (fieldfare thrush)
Turdus iliacus (redwing thrush)
Turdus plumbeus (red-legged thrush)
Turdus torquatus (ring ouzel)
Turdus merula (blackbird)
Loxia curvirostra (crossbill)
Emberiza hortulana (ortolan bunting)
Emberiza citrinella (yellowhammer)
Emberiza calandra (corn bunting)
Fringilla coelebs (common chaffinch)
Motacilla alba (white wagtail)
Motacilla lava (yellow wagtail)
Parus major (great tit)
Hirundo rustica (barn swallow)
Caprimulgus europaeus (European nightjar)
Testudo graeca (Greek tortoise)
Draco volans (flying dragon)
Lacerta agilis (sand lizard)
Rana temporaria (common frog)
Crotalus horridus (timber rattlesnake)
Crotalus durissus (tropical rattlesnake)
Boa constrictor (common boa)
Coluber constrictor (eastern racer)
Anguis fragilis (slowworm)
Amphisbaena alba (red worm lizard)
Caecilia tentaculata (white-bellied caecilian)
Petromyzon marinus (sea lamprey)
Raja clavata (thornback ray)
Raja miraletus (brown ray)
Squalus acanthias (spiny dogfish)
Chimaera monstrosa (rabbitfish)
Lophius piscatorius (anglerfish)
Acipenser sturio (sea sturgeon)
Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet sturgeon)
Muraena helena (Mediterranean moray)
Gymnotus carapo (banded knifefish)
Trichiurus lepturus (cutlassfish)
Anarhichas lupus (Atlantic wolffish)
Ammodytes tobianus (lesser sandeel)
Xiphias gladius (swordfish)
Stromateus fiatola (blue butterfish)
Callionymus lyra (common dragonet)
Uranoscopus scaber (stargazer)
Trachinus draco (greater weever)
Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)
Blennius ocellaris (butterfly blenny)
Ophidion barbatum (snake cusk-eel)
Cyclopterus lumpus (lumpsucker)
Echeneis naucrates (sharksucker)
Coryphaena equiselis (pompano)
Coryphaena hippurus (dorado)
Gobius niger (black goby)
Govius paganellus (rock goby)
Cottus gobio (European bullhead)
Scorpaena porcus (black scorpionfish)
Scorpaena scrofa (red scorpionfish)
Zeus faber (John Dory)
Pleuronectes platessa (European plaice)
Chaetodon striatus (banded butterflyfish)
Chaetodon capistratus (foureye butterflyfish)
Sparus aurata (gilt-head bream)
Labrus merula (brown wrasse)
Labrus mixtus (cuckoo wrasse)
Labrus viridis (green wrasse)
Sciaena umbra (brown meagre)
Perca fluviatilis (European perch)
Gasterosteus aculeatus (three-spined stickleback)
Scomber scombrus (Atlanti mackerel)
Mullus barbatus (red mullet)
Mullus surmuletus (surmullet)
Trigla lyra (piper gurnard)
Cobitis taenia (spined loach)
Silurus asotus (Amur catfish)
Silurus glanis (Wels catfish)
Loricaria cataphracta (suckermouth catfish)
Salmo carpio (Garda trout)
Salmo trutta (brown trout)
Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
Fistularia tabacaria (bluespotted cornetfish)
Esox lucius (northern pike)
Argentina sphyraena (European argentine)
Atherina hepsetus (Mediterranean sand smelt)
Mugil cephalus (flathead mullet)
Exocoetus volitans (tropical flying fish)
Polynemus paradiseus (Paradise threadfin)
Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring)
Cyprinus carpio (common carp)
Mormyrus caschive (bottlenose elephantfish)
Balistes vetula (queen triggerfish)
Ostracion cornutus (longhorn cowfish)
Ostracion cubicus (yellow boxfish)
Tetraodon lineatus (Fahaka pufferfish)
Diodon hystrix (spot-fin porcupinefish)
Diodon holocanthus (long-spine porcupinefish)
Centriscus scutatus (grooved shrimpfish)
Syngnathus acus (common pipefish)
Syngnathus pelagicus (pelagic pipefish)
Syngnathus typhle (broad-nosed pipefish)
Pegasus volitans (longtail seamoth)
Scarabaeus sacer (sacred scarab)
Dermestes lardarius (larder beetle)
Dermestes murinus (larder beetle)
Hister unicolor (clown beetle)
Hister quadrimaculatus (clown beetle)
Silpha obscura (carrion beetle)
Cassida viridis (tortoise beetle)
Cassida nebulosa (tortoise beetle)
Cassida nobilis (tortoise beetle)
Coccinella trifasciata (ladybug)
Coccinella hieroglyphica (ladybug) [Coccinella 5-punctata, 7-punctata, 11-punctata, and 24-punctata survive as quinquepunctata, septempunctata, undecimpunctata, and vigintiquatorpunctata]
Chrysomela populi (leaf beetle)
Chrysomela lapponica (leaf beetle)
Chrysomela collaris (leaf beetle)
Chrysomela erythrocephala (leaf beetle)
Curculio nucum (nut weevil)
Attelabus surinamensis (leaf-rolling weevil)
Cerambyx cerdo (capricorn beetle)
Leptura quadrifasciata (longhorn beetle)
Cantharis fusca (soldier beetle)
Cantharis livida (soldier beetle)
Cantharis oscura (soldier beetle)
Cantharis rufa (soldier beetle)
Cantharis lateralis (soldier beetle)
Elater ferrugineus (rusty click beetle)
Cicindela campestris (green tiger beetle)
Cicindela sylvatica (wood tiger beetle)
Buprestis rustica (jewel beetle) [Buprestis 8-guttata survives as octoguttata]
Dytiscus latissimus (diving beetle)
Carabus coriaceus (ground beetle)
Carabus granulatus (ground beetle)
Carabus nitens (ground beetle)
Carabus hortensis (ground beetle)
Carabus violaceus (ground beetle)
Tenebrio molitor (mealworm)
Meloe algiricus (blister beetle)
Meloe proscarabaeus (blister beetle)
Meloe spec (blister beetle)
Mordela aculeata (tumbling glower beetle)
Necydalis major (longhorn beetle)
Staphylinus erythropterus (rove beetle)
Forficula auricularia (common earwig)
Blatta orientalis (Oriental cockroach)
Gryllus campestris (field cricket)
Cicada orni (cicada)
Notonecta glauca (backswimmer)
Nepa cinerea (water scorpion)
Cimex lectularius (bedbug)
Aphis rumici (black aphid)
Aphis craccae (vetch aphid)
Coccus hesperidum (brown scale insect)
Thrips physapus (thrips)
Thrips minutissimum (thrips)
Thrips juniperinus (thrips)
Papilio paris (Paris peacock butterfly)
Papilio helenus (red Helen butterfly)
Papilio troilus (spicebush swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio deiphobus (Deiphobus swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio polytes (common Mormon butterfly)
Papilio glaucus (eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio memnon (great Mormon butterfly)
Papilio ulysses (Ulysses butterfly)
Papilio machaon (Old World swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio demoleus (lime swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio nireus (blue-banded swallowtail butterfly)
Papilio clytia (common mime butterfly)
Sphinx ligustri (privet hawk-moth)
Sphinx pinastri (pine hawk-moth) [genus Phalaena was suppressed, but seven subgenera created by Linnaeus are now valid as genera]
Libellula depressa (chaser dragonfly)
Libellula quadrimaculata (four-spotted skimmer dragonfly)
Ephemera vulgata (mayfly)
Phryganea grandis (caddisfly)
Hemerobius humulinus (lacewing)
Panorpa communis (scorpionfly)
Panorpa germanica (scorpionfly)
Raphidia ophiopsis (snakefly)
Cynips quercusfolii (oak gall wasp)
Tenthredo atra (sawfly)
Tenthredo campestris (sawfly)
Tenthredo livida (sawfly)
Tenthredo mesomela (sawfly)
Tenthredo scrophulariae (sawfly)
Ichneumon extensorius (parasitoid wasp)
Ichneumon sarcitorius (parasitoid wasp)
Sphex ichneumoneus (digger wasp)
Vespa crabro (European hornet)
Apis mellifera (honey bee)
Formica fusca (silky ant)
Mutilla europaea (large velvet ant)
Oestrus ovis (sheep botfly)
Tipula oleracea (marsh cranefly)
Tipula hortorum (cranefly)
Tipula lunata (cranefly)
Musca domestica (housefly)
Tabanus bovinus (pale horsefly)
Tabanus calens (horsefly)
Tabanus bromius (brown horsefly)
Tabanus occidentalis (horsefly)
Tabanus antarcticus (horsefly)
Culex pipiens (house mosquito)
Empis borealis (dance fly)
Empis pennipes (dance fly)
Empis livida (dance fly)
Conops flavipes (thick-headed fly)
Asilus barbarus (robberfly)
Asilus crabroniformis (hornet robberfly)
Bombylius major (bee fly)
Bombylius medius (bee fly)
Bombylius minor (bee fly)
Hippobosca equina (forest fly)
Lepisma saccharina (silverfish)
Podura aquatica (water springtail)
Termes fatale (termite)
Pediculus humanus (human louse)
Pulex irritans (human flea)
Acarus siro (flour mite)
Phalangium opilio (harvestman)
Araneus angulatus (orb-weaving spider)
Araneus diadematus (European garden spider)
Araneus marmoreus (marbled orbweaver)
Araneus quadratus (four-spotted orbweaver -- last four are by Clerck 1757, some of the very few surviving pre-Linnean names!)
Scorpio maurus (large-clawed scorpion)
Cancer pagurus (brown crab)
Oniscus asellus (common woodlouse)
Scolopendra gigantea (giant centipede)
Scolopendra morsitans (red-headed centipede)
Julus fuscus (millipede)
Julus terrestris (millipede)
Gordius aquaticus (horsehair worm)
Lumbricus terrestris (common earthworm)
Ascaris lumbricoides (giant roundworm)
Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke)
Hirudo medicinalis (medicinal leech)
Myxine glutinosa (Atlantic hagfish)
Teredo navalis (shipworm)
[shout out to Furia infernalis, a terrifying carnivorous jumping worm that Linnaeus described, but which doesn't seem to actually exist]
Limax maximus (leopard slug)
Doris verrucosa (warty nudibranch)
Nereis caerulea (ragworm)
Nereis pelagica (ragworm)
Aphrodita aculeata (sea mouse)
Lernaea cyprinacea (anchor worm)
Scyllaea pelagica (Sargassum nudibranch)
Sepia officinalis (common cuttlefish)
Asterias rubens (common starfish)
Echinus esculentus (edible sea urchin)
Chiton tuberculatus (West Indian green chiton)
Lepas anatifera (goose barnacle)
Pholas dactylus (common piddock)
Mya arenaria (softshell clam)
Mya truncata (truncate softshell)
Solen vagina (razor clam)
Tellina laevigata (smooth tellin)
Tellina linguafelis (cat-tongue tellin)
Tellina radiata (sunrise tellin)
Tellina scobinata (tellin)
Cardium costatum (ribbed cockle)
Donax cuneatus (wedge clam)
Donas denticulatus (wedge clam)
Donax trunculus (wedge clam)
Venus casina (Venus clam)
Venus verrucosa (warty venus)
Spondylus gaederopus (thorny oyster)
Spondylus regius (thorny oyster)
Chama lazarus (jewel box shell)
Chama gryphoides (jewel box shell)
Arca noae (Noah's ark shell)
Ostrea edulis (edible oyster)
Anomia aurita (saddle oyster)
Anomia ephippium (saddle oyster)
Anomia hysterita (saddle oyster)
Anomia lacunosa (saddle oyster)
Anomia spec (saddle oyster)
Anomia striatula (saddle oyster)
Mytilus edulis (blue mussel)
Pinna muricata (pen shell)
Pinna nobilis (fan mussel)
Pinna rudis (rough pen shell)
Argonauta argo (argonaut)
Nautilus pompilius (chambered nautilus)
Conus ammiralis (admiral cone snail)
Conus aulicus (princely cone snail)
Conus aurisiacus (cone snail)
Conus betulinus (betuline cone snail)
Conus bullatus (bubble cone snail)
Conus capitaneus (captain cone snail)
Conus cedonulli (cone snail)
Conus ebraeus (black-and-white cone snail)
Conus figulinus (fig cone snail)
Conus genuanus (garter cone snail)
Conus geographus (geographer cone snail)
Conus glaucus (glaucous cone snail)
Conus granulatus (cone snail)
Conus imperialis (imperial cone snail)
Conus litteratus (lettered cone snail)
Conus magus (magical cone snail)
Conus marmoreus (marbled cone snail)
Conus mercator (trader cone snail)
Conus miles (soldier cone snail)
Conus monachus (monastic cone snail)
Conus nobilis (noble cone snail)
Conus nussatella (cone snail)
Conus princeps (prince cone snail)
Conus spectrum (spectrecone snail)
Conus stercusmuscarum (fly-specked cone snail)
Conus striatus (striated cone snail)
Conus textile (cloth-of-gold cone snail)
Conus tulipa (tulip cone snail)
Conus varius (freckled cone snail)
Conus virgo (cone snail)
Cypraea tigris (tiger cowry shell)
Bulla ampulla (Pacific bubble shell)
Voluta ebraea (Hebrew volute)
Voluta musica (music volute)
Buccinum undatum (common whelk)
Strombus pugilis (fighting conch)
Murex tribulus (caltrop murex)
Trochus maculatus (maculated top shell)
Turbo acutangulus (turban shell)
Turbo argyrostomus (silver-mouth turban shell)
Turbo chrystostomus (gold-mouth turban shell)
Turbo marmoratus (green turban shell)
Turbo petholatus (turban shell)
Turbo sarmaticus (giant turban shell)
Helix lucorum (Mediterranean snail)
Helix pomatia (Roman snail)
Nerita albicilla (blotched nerite)
Nerita chamaeleon (nerite)
Nerita exuvia (snakeskin nerite)
Nerita grossa (nerite)
Nerita histrio (nerite)
Nerita peloronta (bleeding tooth)
Nerita plicata (nerite)
Nerita polita (nerite)
Nerita undata (nerite)
Haliotis asinina (ass-ear abalone)
Haliotis marmorata (marbled abalone)
Haliotis midae (South African abalone)
Haliotis parva (canaliculate abalone)
Haliotis tuberculata (green ormer)
Haliotis varia (common abalone)
Patella caerulea (Mediterranean limpet)
Patella pellucida (blue-rayed limpet)
Patella vulgata (European limpet)
Dentalium elephantinum (elephant tusk)
Dentalium entale (tusk shell)
[genus Serpula is still in use with none of its original species]
Tubipora musica (organ pipe coral)
Millepora alcicornis (sea ginger fire coral)
Madrepora oculata (zigzag stone coral)
Isis hippuris (sea bamboo)
Isis ochracea (sea bamboo)
Gorgonia flabellum (Venus fan)
Gorgonia ventalina (purple sea fan)
Alcyonium bursa (soft coral)
Alcyonium digitatum (dead man's fingers)
Tubularia indivisa (oaten ipes hydroid)
Corallina officinalis (coralline red alga)
Sertularia argentea (sea fern)
Sertularia cupressoides (hydroid)
Pennatula phosphorea (sea pen)
Taenia solium (pork tapeworm)
Volvox globator (colonial alga)
[genus Hydra is still in use with none of its original species]
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sosadraws · 7 days ago
from the ask game... 2, 5, 20, and 24 forrrrr falke perhaps? or beo.....it is your choice :]
Why choose one when I could do both? 😎
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Does her whole aesthetic count? I mean, look at her beautiful long hair, her long legs, her golden accents with the triangles, laurel crown and THE THREE HALOS!. AND SHE HAS A GOLDEN SWORD!!!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
(the video has english captions)
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I know this will be such a cliché anwer, but the Kolibris. Like, I feel that they share the same wavelenght, and not necessarily beacuse of the bioresonance thing. Another pick would be Sieben, they could talk about strategic stuff while drinking tea together or something.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Makima from Chainsaw Man. Not the manipulative aspect of her I must clarify, but her overall vibe of charming, influential woman that even when she's nice still has that menacing vibe to her, and it's more powerful than what it might look like.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
She's the only NPCs that offer to help us, in the sense that even in her current predicament, she still wishes to help. Also, the fact that she's a Mynah... called Myna (when translated).
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Hello World by Louie Zong! In fact, in my to-do list I want to make a PMV about her with this song
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Ara! I feel that Aras and Mynahs vibes match, generally speaking. I think it would be those kind of dynamic were they don't need to interact 24/7 to keep their friendship alive, which I think works well for an old unit like Beo and the introverted Aras
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Yellow Diamond from Land of The Lustrous! To me they're the same type of character, but one is in italic and the other in bold.
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...idk how to put it into words, but they both REALLY need a hug.
Also both make Me go "NOOOOOOO!!!!", but that's entering into spoiler territory for LoTL
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ravensong-mogai · 1 year ago
a gender related to mynas!
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[Image ID: A flag with two sets of five triangles layered on top of each other- pointing towards the center from along the left and right edges, all on a deep brown background. From outermost to innermost, the colors of both sets are black, deep red-orange, medium yellow-brown, golden, and yellow-green. There is a dusty brown flying bird shape symbol in the center of the flag. End ID.]
term and flag by me, requested by anon! tagging @radiomogai​ and @faunagender​ 
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kandidandi · 2 years ago
Kandi!!! Would you be willing to tell us about what kinda insects/arachnids you've seen that you think are cool? Snakes? Fuzzy Critters?? Venomous or Non-Venomous doesn't matter, you said you like to be out and about in the green parts of Australia, and while I am concerned for your safety I'm even more curious about the Cool Beasts you've seen on your travels!! Have you seen any bright yellow or golden creatures? Green ones? What about the birds that don't swoop? Just!! Tell us about the Cool Animals!! Or cool plants, if you have more about those than Beasties? (Sorry to Explode in ur inbox, I always hear about the Dangerous Animals in Australia because Scary but never hear anyone talk about the Beauties you can go see. And I wanna hear about these walks you seem to enjoy taking!!)
omg omg omg doof im so glad u asked >:D
(i dont take pictures when im out so i'll just use google hahgashg)
i see lots of birds like -cockatoos -kookaburras -galahs -magpies -magpie-larks (also called the peewee lmfao) -crows -butcher birds -noisy miners (native to australia) -indian mynas (not native to australia) -honey eaters (these guys have long tongues) -ibis -rainbow lorikeet -bush turkeys and alot more im probably forgetting about
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for marsupials i see -kangaroos -koalas -wallabies -and possums!
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now for insects, snakes, etc etc... *cracks knuckles* theres no way i can list them ALL but i'll list most
-LOTS OF ANTS (obviously) -huntsman -red backs -wasps -bees -grasshoppers -cicadas -WORMS -crickets -dragon flies -moths -butterflies -ladybugs -leafhoppers -praying mantis -RHINO BEETLES!!! (I LOVE THESE ONES) -millipedes -slaters -scarabs -snails -cross spiders -stag beetles -stick insects -blue tongued lizards -lots of lizards -termites -cane toads -green tree snake (friend) -brown snake (NOT FRIEND) -geckos
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alot of this wildlife looks dangerous (they are but) just leave them alone and you'll be fine (still be cautious but be kind aswell) even snakes, they only bite out of fear or for food, so dont startle them or look yummy hahaffagah
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archive-of-artprompts · 1 year ago
🦚Send in a number + Character and I'll draw them in an outfit based on that bird🦚
Allen's Hummingbird
African Crowned Crane
African Emerald Cuckoo
American Goldfinch
Anna's Hummingbird
Asian Emerald Cuckoo
Asian Koel
Atlantic Puffin
Azure Kingfisher
Bald Eagle
Barn Owl
Barn Swallow
Barred Owl
Bat Falcon
Bearded Vulture
Bee Hummingbird
Black Swan
Blue-And-Yellow Macaw
Blue Crowned Pigeon
Blue-Footed Booby
Blue Jay
Bohemian Waxwing
Brahma Chicken
Broad-Billed Hummingbird
Bronze Fallow Cockatie
Canadian Goose
Common Raven
Dusky Lory
Diederik Cuckoo
Eastern Brown Pelican
Emerald Starling
Emperor Penguin
Eurasian Hoopoe
Eurasian Magpie
European Starling
European Turtle Dove
Fruit Dove
Gambel's Quail
Golden-Breasted Starling
Golden Pheasant
Gouldian Finch
Great Hornbill
Great Horned Owl
Greater Blue-Eared Starling
Green-Legged Partridge
Gurney’s Pitta
Hawaiian Honeycreepers
Hooded Crow
Horned Sungem
Hyacinth Macaw
Keel-Billed Toucan
Lilac-Breasted Roller
Long Tailed Tit
Luzon Bleeding-Heart Dove
Mandarin Duck
Mountain Bluebird
Montezuma quail
Mute Swan
Nicobar Pigeon
Northern Oriole
Painted Bunting
Paradise Tanager
Peafowl (peacock/peahen)
Peregrine Falcon
Pileated Woodpecker
Pink Cockatoo
Rainbow Lorikeet
Red Crested Turaco
Red-Necked Tanager
Resplendent Quetzal
Ribbon-Tailed Astrapia
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Scarlet Macaw
Secretary Bird
Snowy Owl
Stork-Billed Kingfisher
Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
Superb Bird-Of-Paradise
Superb Starling
Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Violet-Backed Starling
Violet-Green Swallow
Wood Duck
Wilson's Bird-Of-Paradise
Yellow-Crowned Woodpecker
Yellow-Faced Myna
Zanzibar Red Bishop
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cuckoo-among-beasts · 7 months ago
Huaisang's Aviary
Some of these birds are tame and kept more or less as pets. Others are wild ones that either permanently or seasonally lives in one of the garden's Huaisang has re-made to be good habitats for birds. Common birds for the region will (for now) not be on this list (although most birds found in the Unclean Realm are of this variety), unless it has become a tame pet.
Asian Green Bee-eater (gift)
Baikal Teal (caught)
Black Stork (seasonal)
Common Hill Myna (spiritual birds, he has two, a male and female)
Fairy Pitta (gift)
Golden Pheasant (caught)
Green Peafowl (gift from a-yao, unfortunately only owns a male, it's a surly one that he named Wanyin and affectionately calls A-Yin, he's looking for a female companion for the bird)
Long-tailed Rosefinch (wild, but very tame and eats from your hand)
Mandarin Duck (gift)
Red-billed Blue Magpie (caught)
Saker Falcon (gift)
White-naped Crane (seasonal)
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uraharafiles · 4 months ago
file : interesting creatures #2 : endangered birds (list)
abbot's booby abbot's starling aberdare cistocola abyssinian longclaw aceh pheasant african white-backed vulture african black oystercatcher african gray parrot african green broadbill african penguin african skimmer agulhas long-billed lark akekee akepa akiapola'au akikiki ala shan redstart alagoas antwren alagoas curassow alagoas foliage-gleaner alagoas tyrannulet alatroa grebe albert's lyrebird albertine owlet aldabra brush warbler aldabra drongo algerian nuthatch allpahuayo antbird altamira yellowthroat amami jay amani sunbird amazonian parrotlet amber mountain rock thrush ambon yellow white-eye amsterdam albatross anambra waxbill ancient antwren andaman crake andaman cuckoo-dove andaman drongo andaman hawk-owl andaman scops-owl andaman serpent eagle andaman treepie andaman wood pigeon andaman woodpecker andean condor andean flamingo angolan cave-chat anianiau anjouan island sparrowhawk anjoan scops-owl ankober serin annobon white-eye antioquia bristle-tyrant antipodean albatross antipodes green parakeet apo myna apo sunbird apolinar's marsh wren appert's tetraka apurimac spinetail aquatic warbler arabian grosbeak arabian woodpecker araripe manakin araucaria tit-spinetail archbold's bowerbird archer's lark ascension frigatebird ash's lark ash-breasted tit-tyrant ash-throated antwren ashy antwren ashy storm-petrel ashy thrush ashy-breasted flycatcher ashy-headed laughingthrush asian dowitcher asian golden weaver (why does it sound like a spider) asian green broadbill atitlan grebe atiu swiftlet atlantic petrel atlantic royal flycatcher atlantic yellow-nosed albatross atoll fruit-dove atoll starling auckland islands rail auckland islands shag auckland islands teal auduoin's gull austen's brown hornbill austral rail australasian bittern australian bustard azores bullfinch azores wood pigeon azure jay azure-breasted pitta azure-rumped tanager azure-shouldered tanager
sources earthsendangered.com [link]
send an ask if you want more info, or if you've got more to share! please use this post as a source if you post or use information you found on it!
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nishaandvasu · 5 months ago
Exploring the Rich Wilderness of Kanha Tiger Reserve
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Nestled in the heart of India's central state of Madhya Pradesh, Kanha National Park stands as a testament to the country's commitment to wildlife conservation. Established as one of India's oldest and most cherished national parks, Kanha is renowned as a premier tiger reserve and a haven for biodiversity enthusiasts.
A Sanctuary of Natural Beauty
Spanning across dense dry deciduous forests, lush green grasslands, and meandering streams, Kanha Tiger Reserve is a picturesque landscape teeming with life. Towering sal trees dominate the lowland forest canopies, providing shelter to a diverse array of wildlife, most notably the majestic Bengal tiger. As part of Project Tiger, Kanha plays a pivotal role in the conservation efforts aimed at reviving dwindling tiger populations across India.
A Wildlife Enthusiast's Paradise
Despite its designation as a tiger reserve, Kanha is not solely about tigers. Wildlife enthusiasts will delight in spotting a plethora of species, including swamp deer, leopards, chital, sloth bears, wild dogs, and jackals, freely roaming the park grounds. Rudyard Kipling's timeless tales come to life in this jungle habitat, making it a must-visit destination for fans of "The Jungle Book."
A Bird-Watcher's Haven
For bird watchers, Kanha is a paradise of avian diversity. Wake up to the melodious dawn chorus of a multitude of bird species, including the purple heron, golden oriole, racket-tailed drongo, mynas, black ibis, and red wattled lapwing. The park's shady canopy provides a sanctuary for these exotic birds, making it a delight for birding enthusiasts.
An Immersive Nature Experience
A visit to Kanha Tiger Reserve is not just a journey into the wild; it's an immersion into the delicate balance of nature and the tireless efforts made to preserve it. Every traveler's India itinerary should include a stop at Kanha to witness firsthand the incredible biodiversity that the Indian subcontinent has to offer.
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awkwardbirdsdreaming · 4 months ago
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Bird #31 - the golden myna
You can find this bird in the tropical forests of New Guinea. This is the 'central' adult plumage; northwestern birds have a black head.
But what actually is a myna vs a starling? Mynas, or mynahs, are just large starlings found in south/southeast Asia. There is no real taxonomic definition for what a myna is - like pigeons vs doves! There are multiple genera that are referred to as mynas, but there is even one genus made up of both 'mynas' and 'starlings'. Birds often show that nature defies categorisation, and I love it.
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votestaynight2 · 1 year ago
10th Day - darkwood,sleepingbeauty(Scene 4)
"It's Tohsaka. I don't even have to think about it." "W-Why? Rin's oppressive, greedy, and loud like a myna bird. But you still like her more? Are you a pervert?"
"No. This isn't like that. This is about whether I'm going to obey Tohsaka, right? Then I'm going to obey her. I can't stop Zouken by myself, and Archer saved my life."
"That's… because Archer is your…"
"I'll give her the right to command me. See, that's just like being a Servant. Tohsaka, if that's what you want, it won't bother me at all." I confirm with Tohsaka.
"…………" "Tohsaka? Hey, don't ask someone a question and then ignore the answer."
"Oh―――y-yeah, I'm glad you understand. My Archer put his trust in you, so we're working together now. He gave everything for you, so work hard and return the favor." "Of course. I have to return what I borrowed."
…That's right. No matter how things ended up this way, my left arm has been replaced by Archer's. But Archer disappeared without fulfilling his contract with Tohsaka. It's only right that I succeed the promises he's made.
"Then let's part here for now. I'm going back to my house to pack, so you go on ahead." "……? Pack? Are you going to come to my house?"
"Of course. We're cooperating now, so we have to be together. Ilya doesn't want to be at my house, and Sakura's living at your place. Your house has to be the main base, no matter how we look at it."
"Oh, yeah. When you put it that way, it makes sense." "…Geez. I thought you were firm, but you're pretty loose too. Maybe I made the wrong choice." Tohsaka sighs and starts walking in the opposite direction.
"…? My house is this way, Ilya. Why are you following Tohsaka?" "It's just for a bit. Rin wants my help, so I'm going to go with her. I'll head over there as soon as we're done, so you go ahead." "…?" Ilya's going to help Tohsaka…?
"Really, Tohsaka?" "Yeah. This is a serious matter, so we need one or two secret weapons. A secret I can't unlock myself might open to an Einzbern magus. ……But I really don't want to find one. If Tohsaka's inheritance, Kishua's keepsake, is just as I imagine, it's not something I can handle myself."
"Then I'm going as well. I'm not interested in Kishua's keepsake, but Zel Schweinorg's treasure chest sounds pretty." Ilya's skirt flutters as she runs off.
"……Kishua? Zel? Schweinorg?" I tilt my head in wonder. I've never heard those names before. Are they famous among legitimate magi?
Interlude 10-4
The guests have left. The chapel regains its silence and the priest looks up at the statue. "――――Was it fine to let the Holy Grail go?" The voice comes from behind. Where was he hiding? The golden-haired man asks the priest cheerfully.
"I do not mind. I never had any attachment to it. I will not stop the Holy Grail from siding with them." "You're right. You had no wish from the start――――if your words are true, it would not make sense to stop the Holy Grail." The man laughs. The priest's words… As if to make fun of the fact that he has no wish.
"――――――――" He does indeed speak the truth. It is just that the golden-haired man cannot comprehend the fact, but the priest has no wish. Kotomine Kirei does not need the power of the Holy Grail. All he has is a thorough inquiry.
The Holy Grail merely answers one's wish. It is a machine to create the desired outcome for one's own question. Is there a meaning in obtaining the answer that one wishes for?
"Kotomine. Let me ask again. You really have no interest in the Holy Grail?" "I have no interest in a machine that grants wishes. The same should go for you, Gilgamesh. Our goals are not our wishes. We are merely seeking pleasure because it is more fun that way. It is like eating food. A wish is something that is answered. But humans will not be saved if a wish grants itself."
The priest keeps staring up at the statue. ――――And beyond it. To ten years in the past, when he still had a wish.
The man is a child his father was gifted with on a pilgrimage in 1967. The name Kirei is supposedly a word of a prayer. The father named his son in the hope he would be pure and beautiful. The boy grew up according to his expectations. Even as a young child, he had morals and good sense, showing such great insight that people thought he was precocious. The father was delighted to be blessed with a great successor, and the son knew of his father's delight. It is a great pleasure for a parent to know his child is gifted. That must have been why the man considered him valuable. ―――Understanding this, the boy grew just as his father expected.
There was no doubt. His inability to love his father was unrelated to meeting the man's expectations. The boy named Kirei grew up healthy. ……But there was one point. He could not understand the "beauty" of which his father spoke.
―――One morning, he realized the inconsistency. He woke up, raised his head, and knew. He was not sure why he understood at that moment. No, he wondered why it took him so long to realize.
In either case, he knew what he had forgotten. His father prayed for him to be beautiful and named him Kirei. That had always been his question. The things his father considered beautiful… The boy had never considered beautiful.
It was as simple as that. He considered moths beautiful instead of butterflies. He considered poisonous plants beautiful instead of roses. He considered the evil beautiful instead of the good. He had a common man's sense of morality, recognizing that it is correct to be good. But by his nature, the boy was only interested in the exact opposite.
Nobody can understand the agony he felt. Even Kotomine himself was never certain whether it was agony or not.
But he worked hard. He tried to be pure and beautiful, and pursued something he did not have from the start. Shaving away the skin, ripping off the flesh, and dislocating the bones. He even tried looking within his body for what he could not find in his mind.
His father spent over ten years on his pilgrimage wearing thorned shoes. The distance he walked could stretch to the moon. It was not for physical pain. For missionaries, the mental pain is far more significant. The boy abstained from eating during their pious act. If he was a sinner by nature, then according to the morals he believed in, he needed to punish himself to maintain balance in the world.
Ten years passed. Unable to reach the epiphany he sought, he arrived at a single conclusion in its place. It was simple. In short, he did not have the sense to feel normal happiness. Good matters that people consider right and find happiness in. Philanthropy, trust, glory, safety. Such matters did not delight him, and it's just that he was born with the deficiency.
All he took pleasure in was the suffering of others. Murder by others, love and hatred of others, degradation of others. Such negative concepts were the only things that made him feel happiness. …His misfortune was carrying a sense of morality, even when he had such a mind.
The child understood at a young age that he was not in accord with the world, and he tried his best to overcome it. He did not surrender to his condition by indulging in twisted pleasure. He tried to save himself, one who could not find happiness in any normal way, by turning himself into a normal person.
And the path was his creed; to become a priest and preach life like his father. ――――It is said that God forgives everything. So he thought God would even save someone "who is not born with it" like himself.
But the result was tragic. He abode by the rules of God, followed the law, and lived modestly, but he could not find any pleasure greater than the pain of others. He believed in the church's teaching that forbade immorality, yet immorality was all he had.
But there was no anguish there. From the beginning, he sought after something that did not exist. He did not lose something he had, so there was no reason for him to grieve. The only thing that concerned the priest as he matured was the question "why?"
Yes―――at every crossroads of his life. The pleasure of committing crimes. One could understand if he reveled in his own corruption, satisfying his urges by committing crimes himself. Wealth gained from evil deeds. It would make sense if he entrapped others out of greed and obtained wealth.
But. What was wrong with him to not even have the option of turning from good to evil? Who could possibly be born a defective being and end his life still detached from the world? Do they not come into this world with the premise that they harm the world?
Call of good sense. Acknowledgment of morals. Trial of justice. Every one of these conclude that evil should not exist. ――――But what about it? If it should not exist, why are such things created?
―――That is right. If one has a deficiency, one should not be born. The world hates evil and removes the faults. But something that was never wanted was given life. There are beings that exist to be hated and die.
――――The man inquired where the crime was.
His reward for years of anguish and blind devotion was not salvation. Just… "why?" It is a pure question, and also anger towards something unknown.
"Then why did you become a Master? You do not need the Holy Grail if you have no wish." "――――――――" The inquiring words bring him back to the present. The priest―――Kotomine Kirei nods in self-derision.
"I did not need the Holy Grail. I was just interested in what was inside it. I sought the Holy Grail ten years ago because it tried to exist. No matter what it may be, I bless anything that tries to come into existence. That is my job."
"Hah. Is that the case even if you have no interest in what is born?" "…Of course. Even in the last Holy Grail War, I was not interested in the Holy Grail or its contents. All I had back then was hatred towards a person who was the exact opposite of me."
But the priest ponders. He can only find pleasure in others' suffering, but he is interested in the end of this Holy Grail War. Zouken's actions behind the scenes. Another Holy Grail that is about to be born. Someone called "all evils of this world" was brought into existence by the people, but not wanted by the people. If it would conceive such a thing, maybe that is――――
"――――The whereabouts of good and evil. Something that was stuffed in the shell, but never hatched." The Holy Grail cannot give answers. The wish-granting machine fulfills its owner's desire. So no revelation can be obtained even if someone without a wish obtains it. But――――
"What if I do not ask for answers, but instead create something from the Holy Grail that can give the answer?" "What…?" The man narrows his eyes. The priest is smiling in front of the statue. "――――――Kotomine." That smile is that of a dying woman. That expression is worn by a man with no interest or desire.
"…The answer should come soon. If this question is a blasphemy to God…" His eyes aren't showing joy. The priest, like an angel that fell to the ground… "―――I shall pledge before God. With all my might, I shall question the Lord even unto death――――" …Looks up at the distant sky with cursing eyes.
End of Interlude
I trudge up the hill. The town is unlively. It's still eight or nine o'clock, but the town is desolate and devoid of any human presence.
"――――, ――――!" Before I know it, I'm stopping and leaning against a wall. My left arm is burning. Maybe my tension went away by being alone, but my left arm started to hurt ever since I got to this hill.
"――――Well, of course. Someone else's arm is attached to me, so no wonder it hurts." …I can't get my breathing together. My arm gets hotter with every step. When it gets hotter than my normal temperature, pain attacks my chest from my arm.
"Oh… So that's where it hurts instead of the arm, huh?" I lean on a fence and take a deep breath. …I think I understand where the pain is coming from. Basically, it's trying to cool off. I don't know how, but my left arm gets hotter every time it moves. When it overheats, the arm sends the excess to the rest of my body.
"――――!" That heat is enough to burn me, causing the pain. The heat enters my body with a sharp pain, and it's more like a cut than a burn. Every time I feel the red dizziness, I feel like I'm getting a long knife inserted from my shoulders and churned inside of me.
"Guh――――haa, ha――――…!" …It's not something I can bear many times. I've had my stomach torn by Berserker and my ribs crushed by Rider. Even with such experiences in mind, the prospect of getting stabbed by my own body sends a chill through me.
"It's fine, calm down――――it'll calm down if I don't let it get hotter――――" I try to relax while looking up at the sky. It's been twenty minutes since I parted with Tohsaka and Ilya. I should've been home by now, but I can't let Sakura see me like this. …I have to keep the abnormality of my left arm to myself.
"―――Damn Kotomine. What did he mean, it wouldn't interfere with my ordinary life? This can't be handled easily―――" I place my hand on my left shoulder and press against the arm covered in red cloth. Hard and rigid as steel, it doesn't even budge.
…Well. I've stopped sweating, and my breathing is back to normal. It's getting late, so I should quickly go home and see Sakura while I still look well――――
"I'm home!" After taking a deep breath, I holler out and enter my house. "…Oh… Welcome home, Senpai." Maybe Sakura's been waiting all this time, because she's already at the entrance.
"…? You don't look lively. I'm glad you're welcoming me home, but I can't be happy when you're making a face like that."
I take off my shoes and go up into my house. I want to rest for today. I'll fill her in on what's happened today after I drink a cup of tea in the living room.
"…Wait, I can't do that. I have to tell her what's going on first." Tohsaka will be coming soon. I have to tell her about what's going on beforehand, or she'll be on guard against Tohsaka.
"Sakura, it's about what happened today." "…Senpai. Aren't you going to say anything about that?" …Then. Sakura says something with difficulty.
"What do you mean?" "…………" She keeps silent. She's looking at my left arm.
"Oh, you mean this? Yeah, I'm sure you're surprised if it looks like this." It's covered with cloth that doesn't look anything like bandages. Even if she doesn't know what went on, she would assume something happened to my arm.
"Yeah, I injured it a bit. But it moves fine, and it's all right now. This cloth is just a bother, but Kotomine told me not to take it off. Well, he's the one who treated me, so I'm going to obey him."
I pat my left arm to show her it's all right. …But Sakura is even more silent now.
"Sakura…? It's really fine. It looks worse than it is. It's just a scratch. It'll heal right away, so you don't need to worry――――"
"I-It can't be just a scratch…! Your arm's gone now! So how can you tell me that…!? I won't fall for such an obvious lie! Or are you not telling me because it's meaningless…!?"
"――――――――" Her reply is like fire. …My insensitivity leaves me speechless. I haven't even considered how Sakura felt all day today, waiting for me here.
"―――――Sakura." "Oh…… I'm sorry, Senpai. I-I didn't mean to blame you. …You were so reckless and didn't care about yourself, so I…"
"―――No. Well, you're right, but you're wrong. I'm not mad because you yelled at me. …Um, this is the first time I've seen you seriously mad, so I was surprised and was contemplating my actions."
"Eh… Contemplating…?" "Yeah. It's certainly not good to bluff. All the more if it's to you. …I probably didn't want to look bad in front of you. That's why I bluffed and tried to act normal. But now that I think about it, that looks worse. It's natural for you to get mad."
"Oh… No, you never look bad." I do look bad. …Man, don't tell Sakura about it so she doesn't get worried? No, I was just putting on a show to look tough.
"―――Yeah, I'm sorry, Sakura. I lost. My arm turned out fine, but I couldn't be of use to you."
"Oh―――that's not true…! You were splendid! I-I didn't see it, but you looked really good!"
"Ugh… No, I really was pathetic, so it hurts me if you say that. I couldn't save Ilya like I'd planned, and all I could do was come running home."
"…No. But you still came home. I'm really happy because you kept your promise."
"Oh――――yeah. That's good." I scratch my head. …But, well… I'm embarrassed, but happy at the same time.
"…You're right. I guess being alive is good enough." "――――Yes. You're good-looking. I fell in love with you all over again."
"――――――――!" Sakura must have cheered up if she can say something like that with a big smile.
"Uh…… um." I don't know how to reply to something like that, so… "Um, what should I say, Tohsaka?" "Who knows? If you want my opinion, I just don't want you two flirting too much at the door." …I ask Tohsaka, who is standing behind me.
""――――Huh?"" Our voices overlap. Sakura and I both jump back at the same time. "S-Since when were you there, Tohsaka――――!?" "Why are you here, Tohsaka-Senpai?" And we give the same reaction again.
"'Since when?' I thought you'd be done filling her in already, but instead I find the two of you having a lovers' quarrel. Geez, do you even understand our situation, Shirou?"
Tohsaka sets down a large bag next to the door. Behind her is…
Ilya, silently radiating a strange pressure.
"I-I don't mind if you want to continue where we left off yesterday, Tohsaka-Senpai. I'll fight you as Matou's magus as long as Senpai's protecting me."
Sakura clenches her fists and glares at Tohsaka. …Well, it's more like a frog desperately opposing a glaring snake.
"……Geez. So you haven't heard anything about it? Look, Sakura. I'm going to put on hold what to do with you. My first priority is to defeat Zouken. We can settle our match after that. …Well, we won't need to fight after Zouken's defeated, so everything should be fine as long as we can defeat him."
"Eh――――then you're…"
"I'm going to ally with you―――no, with Shirou ―――to defeat Zouken. So it'd be a waste to live separately, right? So I'm going to stay over here and train Shirou. It'll be hard work if I want him to become strong in a short time."
"So I'm going to borrow Shirou for a while. It's going to be rough, but you two don't mind, right?" ""Wha――――"" Tohsaka Rin sets a schedule even I haven't heard about.
"H-Hold on, Tohsaka. That's too sudden――――"
"Y-You can't do that…! Nee… no, Tohsaka-Senpai. What right do you have to say that!?" "………I have to be mentally prepared first, you know?"
I stutter off. Of course, my opinion is dismissed by Sakura's voice and Tohsaka's glance.
"Oh, so it's fine as long as I have the right? Then it's even less of a problem. It's because of me that he's alive. Shirou has to do what I say until he repays the favor. You'll give me a place to live if I ask, and you'll make meals for me if I ask, right?" "――――――――" Tohsaka. Those lines could bring on a big misunderstanding.
"No way… I-Is that true, Senpai…?" "―――Yeah. I want to object, but what she's saying is true."
"――――" "And it's better to have more allies, right? We know Zouken is after you. With Tohsaka's help, we can definitely protect you." …And Tohsaka is Sakura's older sister. If possible, I want them to be together, not fighting.
"……All right. I understand if you say so." Sakura averts her gaze.
"Then it's decided. I'm coming in. Come on, Shirou, show me the guest room. I had my eyes on the guest room in the outbuilding last time I was here. Oh, where do you want, Ilya?" "――――――――"
"Ilya? Why are you spaced out? You were so happy we were going to stay at Shirou's house." "…That's not true. I was never happy."
A weak voice. Ilya hangs her head and stares at the floor. …As if saying the small step up is a towering wall.
"――――Shirou. Let me ask. Where is that woman sleeping?" Then. What happened to her depressed attitude? Ilya's now glaring at Sakura.
"…? Um, Sakura's sleeping in the guest room in the outbuilding." "I see. Then you can go to the outbuilding by yourself, Rin. I don't care where I am, as long as it's not in the outbuilding." "Is that so? Then I guess you can have the Japanese-style room." They're carrying on a relaxed conversation, and it sounds like they're close enough now to call each other by name.
"Oh yeah. Sakura, this is Ilya. Berserker's defeated, but we managed to save Ilya. We're going to have her stay here like Tohsaka, but please give her your best regards." I introduce Ilya to Sakura, and Sakura to Ilya.
"Hello, Sakura. I hear you're the daughter of Makiri, but I won't look down on you. It seems you're Shirou's acquaintance, so I'll specially treat you like a human being." "…You're right. Then I'll act like you do."
"…?" That's the entirety of their introduction. Ilya follows after Tohsaka to the living room. And…
"――――――――" Sakura watches her go with cold eyes.
Dinner commenced like a storm. …No, it's misleading to use the word storm. That was more like a calm wind. Since there was no wind, I didn't feel the passage of time, and dinner ended like that. The atmosphere was painfully tense.
"I'll cook dinner. It's like having soba to celebrate a move." Tohsaka made dinner by herself after that. I hate to say it, but it tasted better than mine. Sakura might just be even with her in Western food, her specialty.
"――――Y-You're good at cooking, Tohsaka-Senpai." Sakura was torn apart in shock, and she started eating silently. I couldn't do anything extra because I was worried about things like Tohsaka's food, the fact that I'm eating Tohsaka's hand-made meal, Sakura's dejection, Ilya's tension, and Sakura's tension.
As a result, I couldn't taste how good Tohsaka's meal was. I was just made to realize how perfect Tohsaka is throughout the hour.
――――So. "I need to prepare my room, so I'm heading off. I'll give you the details tomorrow morning, so you should rest for tonight." Tohsaka even washes the dishes perfectly, then heads out.
"I'm going to my room too. Everyone who went to the forest is tired, so your body won't last unless you get some sleep." …It must be an insinuating remark to Sakura, who stayed at this house today. Ilya speaks without looking at Sakura and gets up.
"…Man, what's up with her?" Tohsaka is just as expected, but Ilya's acting strange. She's acting as cold towards Sakura as she did towards me the first time we met.
"Why is Ilya so aggressive towards Sakura? Do the Einzbern and Makiri families not get along?"
According to Kotomine, Einzbern, Makiri, and Tohsaka are noble families of magi who started the Holy Grail War. It seems the Einzberns were the highest ranked, so from her point of view, Tohsaka and Sakura must be below her.
"…Man. Don't misunderstand, okay? Ilya's saying that because she's moody, but you'll get along with her if you start talking to her. She's just really shy… Sakura?" Sakura doesn't reply. She shakes her head back and forth, and gradually starts falling back――――
"Sakura…!" I grab her shoulders to stop the fall.
"…Huh, Senpai? Why the scary face?" …Sakura hasn't noticed. She looks at me like nothing happened, completely oblivious to her near-collapse.
"No, it's nothing much." I let go of her. "Oh…" That must be why she noticed.
"…I'm sorry. I fell asleep because I'm a bit tired." She apologizes for something she doesn't know about.
"…Well, it's only been a day. You should rest too. Let's listen to Tohsaka and sleep for today. We don't have to push ourselves to stay up."
"Y-You're right, I'll gladly go with that idea. I'll be up and well tomorrow if I get a good night's sleep. I'll cook breakfast tomorrow since Tohsaka-Senpai treated us tonight. I'm going to get back at her by cooking breakfast you've trained me in."
Sakura smiles jokingly and gets up. …She looks to be standing steadily. It won't change anything to follow her to the guest room. Sakura seems well, so I have to believe in her.
"Yeah. Take Tohsaka down a peg. You're our last hope. We're cornered unless we can strike back here." "Please leave it to me. I'll make sure to give her a punch."
"I'm glad I can count on you. …I'll give you what little help I can. We'll sleep early today and meet at the kitchen at six o'clock tomorrow. Is that fine?" "Yes. I'll be waiting, Senpai."
Sakura bows and heads to the porch. ……Then. "―――Um, Senpai. Please don't tell Nee-san about what happened earlier." Sakura speaks in a tense voice without turning around.
"I know. You just fell asleep, so it's nothing to tell Tohsaka." "――――Okay. Good night, Senpai." …She closes the shouji. Sakura leaves without turning around.
"――――――――" She must have been talking about the fact that she almost collapsed. Sakura hasn't recovered as much as she thinks. Kotomine said she won't last more than a few days. Even ignoring what Zouken will do to her, she is unstable.
That's why Sakura's trying to act fine. As if telling us… That she's all right, and that we don't need to worry about her.
"…Nee-san, huh?" Sakura says that word only when she's alone with me. And only when she's feeling faint-hearted. …Sakura calls Tohsaka "Nee-san" when she can't suppress her cries for help. Their complicated upbringing created a wall between them.
They may be able to return to being normal sisters if that wall is destroyed. That might be the best thing I can do for Sakura right now.
"…Yeah. They're acting awkward, but they show some hope." This situation was dumped in our laps, but it may be a good opportunity after all.
"――――――――, So hot." I wake up. My pajamas are drenched in sweat, and my futon is kicked away. I wipe my forehead and feel that it's wet with sweat.
"――――――――" …I can't think straight. My brain might be fried from the midsummer-like heat. I can't figure out what time it is or where I am, no matter how hard I think.
"――――――――" I go out into the yard. I want to cool off my body more than anything. …I don't know if the heat is coming from the room or my body. I'm too lazy to think, so I'll sleep in the shed tonight. It's cold there, at the very least. It doesn't matter if it's hot or…
"Guh――――, ah――――!" A sudden, sharp pain brings me to my knees. "――――. Ow――――" I stay crouched, breathing heavily.
…I wake up. I squeeze my left arm, the cause of the heat and the pain. The Shroud is still wrapped around it. The red cloth is restraining my arm. I can move it, but it's wrapped so tight that the circulation is restricted. Maybe this cloth is the cause of the pain.
"Maybe my arm's just as it was if I take it off." The wild idea sounds very attractive. First of all, I never saw my arm destroyed or transplanted. It's not that I don't trust that priest, but I'm sure he makes mistakes too.
Maybe nothing is wrong with my arm, and my real arm will be there if I take off this cloth. My arm isn't steel. The cloth is just making my arm stiff, so if I remove it――――
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travelnew · 2 years ago
HSBC Mumbai Bird Race on 5 February 2023, Sunday
Race route: 8 am Behind Inorbit mall, Malad West > 1 pm to 3 pm New Zealand Hostel at Aarey Milk Colony, Goregaon East > 4 to 6 pm Bhandup Pumping station > 6:45 pm IIT campus for get together.
53 bird species seen:
Ashy Drongo (Dicrurus leucophaeus) Ashy Prinia (Prinia socialis) Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus) Asian Palm Swift (Cypsiurus balasiensis) Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica) Baya Weaver (Ploceus philippinus) bee-eater sp. (Merops sp.) Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus) Black Kite (Milvus migrans) Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus) Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) Brahminy Starling (Sturnia pagodarum) Brown-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus) Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) Common Redshank (Tringa totanus) Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius) Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) Coppersmith Barbet (Psilopogon haemacephalus) Crimson-backed Sunbird (Leptocoma minima) Great Egret (Ardea alba) Greater Coucal (Centropus sinensis) Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus) House Crow (Corvus splendens) House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) Indian Golden Oriole (Oriolus kundoo) Indian Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi) Indian Pond-Heron (Ardeola grayii) Intermediate Egret (Ardea intermedia) Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) Laughing Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis) Lesser Flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) Little Cormorant (Microcarbo niger) Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach) Oriental Magpie-Robin (Copsychus saularis) Puff-throated Babbler (Pellorneum ruficeps) Purple Sunbird (Cinnyris asiaticus) Purple-rumped Sunbird (Leptocoma zeylonica) Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) Red-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus) Red-whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus) Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) Rosy Starling (Pastor roseus) Ruff (Calidris pugnax) Species Spotted Dove (Spilopelia chinensis) White-throated Fantail (Rhipidura albicollis) White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis) Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola)
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Check our previous Mumbai Bird Races here: 2015 , 2019 , 2022 & 2024.
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proton-wobbler · 1 year ago
Pinyon Jay, Bridled Titmouse, Kirtland's Warbler, Dusky Seaside Sparrow, Gray Catbird, Gray Vireo, Rook, Smooth-billed Ani, Toulouse Goose, Pygmy Nuthatch, Blue Nuthatch, Rufous-collared Sparrow, Prothonotary Warbler, Channel-billed Cuckoo, Short-eared Owl, Whiskered Treeswift, Green Catbird, American Dipper, Common Ground Dove, Oilbird, Yellow-billed Magpie, Ferruginous Hawk, Grey warbler [Riroriro], African Penguin, Blakiston’s Fish Owl, Lesser Roadrunner, Great Bustard, European Pied Flycatcher, Bonin Petrel, Band-tailed Manakin, Pallas Sandgrouse, White-throated Magpie-Jay
Regent Honeyeater, Invisible Rail, Palawan Peacock-pheasant, Bald Parrot, Kagu, Azores Bullfinch, Capuchinbird, Zigzag Heron, Writhe-billed Hornbill, Blue-Capped Ifrita, Delalande's coua, Madagascar Ibis, Blue-headed Racquet-tail, Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker, Glaucous Macaw, Goldie's Bird-of-Paradise, Red-Crested Turaco, Palau Kingfisher, Ribbon-tailed Astrapia, Great Argus, Kaua'i Mole Duck, Whiskered Auklet, Dulit Frogmouth, Naked-faced Barbet, Pink-throated Twinspot, Water Thick-Knee, Cabot's Tragopan, White-tailed Ptarmigan, Collared Nightjar, Sickle-winged Nightjar, Emerald Starling, Starry Owlet-nightjar
Gouldian Finch, Violet Turaco, Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, Pompadour Cotinga, Pheasant-tailed Jacana, Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise, Purple-crowned Fairy, Painted Redstart, Western Bluebird, Golden Pheasant, Beautiful Nuthatch, Ochre-backed Woodpecker, Chucao Tapaculo, Bohemian Waxwing, Plumed Whistling-Duck, Lady Amherst's Pheasant, Bluethroat, Southern Emuwren, Shaft-tailed Whydah, Green Wood-Hoopoe, Plumbeous Redstart, Long-tailed Minivet, Japanese Paradise flycatcher, Purple Glossy Starling, Willie-Wagtail, Pink-necked Green Pigeon, Purple Honeycreeper, Red-cheeked Cordonbleu, Varied Bunting, Bearded Mountaineer, Scaled Fruiteater, Pink Robin
Hamerkop, Malayan Night-heron, Common Nighthawk, Powerful Owl, Short-tailed Pygmy-tyrant, Black-necked Grebe, Javan Myna, Dickcissel, Silver Teal, Streaked Weaver, Speckled Mousebird, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Jackal Buzzard, Bat Hawk, White-bellied Chachalaca, Bell Miner, Oriental Bay-Owl, European Shag, White-winged Tern, Ancient Murrelet, Helmeted Hornbill, Arabian Babbler, Oriental Stork, Bearded Bellbird, Seaside Cinclodes, Groove-billed Ani, Marvelous Spatuletail, Yellow-collared Macaw, Spotted Forktail, Hairy Hermit Hummingbird, White-tailed Trogon, Fiery-billed Aracari
Main Brackets!
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There are four brackets [Fave, Pretty, True, Four] comprising of 32 birds, for a total of 128 birds in this poll! I will reblog a version of this post with every bird listed via text within their bracket, so it is easier to find for those with image issues. It's gonna take a while to actually put the posts together for the first round, seeing as there are 64 battles happening, so expect the polls to go up around July 12th.
Below is a link for submitting any cool facts or info about the birds you want to win. It's not necessary to send info here, but I like to give the option to infodump about birds, and it helps with keeping things organized. As a heads up, the submission box is capped at one response only (with up to three birds in said response) just to keep things from getting cluttered.
As per tumblr etiquette, you are totally free to reblog the polls themselves with as much propoganda as you want. These submissions are just to help me fill the poll post with some cool facts.
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