#golden makane
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park-bonsai · 1 month ago
What has this fandom done
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I'm going to fucking cry
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indihome-suck · 8 months ago
seeing you in my dashboard at these hours makes it feel like we're doing Sahur Bersama
(gives you pudding)(gives you pudding)(gives you pudding) my aunt made too much pudding
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ajahbesti · 1 year ago
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BISA COD, (0896.1282.1257) Sentra Produksi Cabe Bubuk GAFI
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starwarsanthropology · 4 months ago
Can I ask for OrdoMaze with 43? :3
The stark, neon lighting of the Coursucant night-cycle is an abrupt shift from the muted golden lights in the bar as Ordo slips out to follow after Maze, a few minutes after he leaves. Just enough lag between exits to keep Kal’buir and the RCs off of them. 
He tracks Maze via his comm’s location tag a few blocks over to a quiet, back alley speeder platform about ten feet above street level. Maze is sitting on the edge of it, leaning on crossed arms against the low bumper rail. 
“Null.” He says, looking over Ordo appraisingly.
“Alpha,” Ordo replies, and then clambers up a drainage pipe to join him.
Maze snorts gently when a screw pings out of the wall, too much weight put on the bracket holding the pipe secure, and Ordo glares at him as he grabs the edge of the balcony to haul himself up and over. The duracrete has a slightly tacky, powdery feel, a decade’s worth of emissions building up into sediment that feels somehow grimier than actual dirt on Ordo’s bare palms. He tries to wipe them off on his kama once he’s seated next to Maze, and then scowls and pulls out a wipe when that doesn’t work.
Maze just watches him, quiet, and then once he stuffs the wipe back into a belt pouch to throw out later, he leans his warm bulk against Ordo’s side. Coruscant doesn’t have much in the way of natural weather patterns, as climate-controlled as it is, but this close to a major skyroad, the vehicles send strong, cutting winds whistling through the buildings. In his armor, Maze feels like a bulwark. Stable, safe. Somewhere nice to hunker down until he has to move on to the next objective.
“So, Besany?” Maze asks, and Ordo checks him lightly with his shoulder. “She’s a good one.”
“Mm. Kal’buir is very eager about us.” Ordo says. “He doesn’t realize that she’s not romantically interested in men.”
Maze laughs, startled. “He’s not very good with people, is he?”
“He’s great with them when it matters.”
“He thinks Besany is flirting with you instead of trying to adopt you like you’re a feral tooka she found dropping presents on her doorstep.” 
Ordo doesn’t have anything else to say, and appearantly neither does Maze, so they spend a long while simply leaning against each other and watching the debris of a city of trillions get buffeted around in the breeze.
“Maze?” Ordo says, eventually. “How good are you for getting read into something confidential? Off the record.”
Maze looks him over, considering. “Is breaking opsec going to compromise anything?”
“No. Only reputations.”
Maze perks up at that. He’s such a gossip, really. All the Alphas are; nosy bastards to their cores, trained to keep track of all their subordinates like mother hens. 
“Read me in, Ord’ika.” He says, and Ordo is almost ashamed when he opens his mouth and the words spill out.
“General Tur-makan got herself pregnant.”
“No.” Maze gasps, scandalized. 
“Mmhm. Kal’buir is furious about it. Maybe would have killed her if it wasn’t for the fact she’s carrying.” 
“Who’s the father?”
Ordo closes his eyes and takes a deep, centering breath. “Darman.”
“Does he know?”
“Don’t think so.”
“That’s karked.” Maze says, awed. 
“Yeah. Kal’buir is shipping her off to Quiilura to wait it out.” Ordo shuffles closer to Maze, who rocks just enough to bump their shoulders before leaning back into him.
“You should tell Dar. Not when it could compromise him, but it’s his to know.”
“Kal’buir is handling it.”
“Skirata is a poor judge of when to share intel. There’s a reason he’s only a sergeant.”
Ordo, suddenly furious, both at Maze for throwing that in his face, and himself, for taking foolish initiative to confide in him, snarls and snaps his fist into Maze’s face. “That’s my father.”
Maze groans from his position knocked flat on his back on the speeder platform, and then snaps upright to slam his forehead right into Ordo’s nose.
Ordo makes a furious, inarticulate noise, hand flying to his face, and Maze just looks him in the eye, steady and calm and ready to drop everything for a fight.
“I’m right. I’m smarter than him. You’re smarter than him. We’re bred to be.”
The bridge of Ordo’s nose aches fiercely, and his nose is gushing after so many strikes to the face in short succession. He pinches it to slow the flow and leans forwards, breathing through his mouth and watching Maze out the corner of his eye. Maze’s nose is bleeding, too, but it’s just a single fat drop slowly traveling down his lip. It shimmers in the light as his breath makes it quiver; Maze’s nose wrinkles up at the ticklish sensation and he wipes it with a knuckle. Ordo is caught by the sight of blood smeared on his lover’s hands and face, almost invisible in the lighting except for how it leaves a damp, shiny smear over his skin. He wants to lick it off. He wants there to be more. He wants, he wants. He doesn’t know what he wants, but it sharpens his teeth and sends off a round of howling hunger in his gut.
He tamps down the feeling.
“I’ll tell Dar, if Kal’buir takes too long.” He concedes, slightly nasal through his bloody nose, and Maze smiles at him, irritated expression melting into something warm and fond. Ordo wants to choke him.
“Good boy, Ord’ika,” Maze says, and instead of choking him, it’s Ordo who chokes on his outrage as Maze tilts up his chin and kisses him, ignoring the blood dripping down his face and into their mouths. He bites him in retaliation, hard enough to split his lip and add Maze’s blood to his between them, and Maze’s hand grips his face and squeezes until he opens his mouth and keeps it open, maintaining a careful threat of pressure at the hinge of his jaw as Maze kisses him stupid.
Ordo is gasping and wheezing by the time Maze pulls away, his nose whistling from where it's clogged with blood. He can taste it down to his lungs, the thick, metallic coating over his airways and mouth and throat. He hopes Maze can taste him in the same way, vindictive or victorious, as he catches his breath, reeling back from the intensity of it.
Mazes laughs, breathless, and Ordo snaps a sharp look to him. It just makes Maze laugh harder, and he leans forwards to cup Ordo’s face in his hands and press a kiss against his forehead. 
“You’ve got— a little—” Maze chuckles, and gestures over the lower half of his face. In the dim lighting, he can’t see color very well, but he abruptly registers the slightly darker shades and wet shine over Maze’s mouth, chin, cheeks. He’s covered in blood from their kiss.
“You, too.” Ordo tells him, and dabs lightly at his face to map the limits of the tacky smear over his lips, chin, neck. There’s a spot at his forehead, too,  where Maze had pressed another bloody kiss to his skin.
“Damn. Let’s clean up, and then I’ll take you back to bed?”
“Only if I get to bloody you up again.” Ordo says, and holds his hand out for a wipe.
“Yeah. It looks good on you.”
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year ago
Train.. Cho.. Cho..!
Ngayogyakarta Day 1, Part 1
Trip kali ini kita pake KA lodaya ekonomi premium 1, nyaman sekali. AC nya kenceng mesti pake sweater atau jaket. Selama perjalanan nyaman bgt, kitapun selalu bolak balik ke restorasi ya laper ya pgn aja melepas kebosanan wkwk. Kasian anakku ngga menikmati perjalanan yg dia tunggu2 bgt sebetulnya, Ya Allah nak.. Knp ya feeling ibu selalu benar kalo kamu terlalu kecapean asmanya kambuh. H-1 udah batuk2 semakin deg2an dan resah tp mau gmn lg pasrah aja udah semuanya di booking. Bismillah ya Allah jaga kami, sehatkan anak kami. Aamiin
Kereta brangkat jam 6.55, kita udah prepare jam 6 lebih udah di stasiun bdg, satset udah masuk lg ke dalem kereta. Mayanlah hampir 15 menitan kami nunggu sampe kereta bener2 melaju.
Nemo lemes bgt :(. Msh sepi penumpang
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Kereta melaju, sepanjang perjalanan mendung, kalo ngga salah pas nyampe Tasik hujan terussss sampe Jateng sebelum Jogja akulupa nama daerahnya pokonyamah merata, deras pula. Semakin dingin kan ya AC kenceng ya hujan. Tp tiap liat ke jendela syahdu bingits yaa view nya suka pgn ngehultar. Mood aku lg pengen dengerin lagu2nya Coldplay di album Parachutes. Inget dulu ngetrip sama geng SMA soalnya huhu.
Melepas kebosanan kami coba ke restorasi yg gapernah sepi, mas mbak petugasnya selalu wanti2 kalo gaboleh terlalu lama di tmpt restorasi hanya boleh selama makan krn harus gantian sm yg lain, kalo kelamaan nnti di tegur wkwk.
Nemo sm kakek nenek msh ngga semangat dia.. Suasana restorasi yg super dingin kalo kata adik aku sengaja AC nya dibikin dingin bgt supaya ngga ada yg betah jd ngga nongki lama wkwk. Masookk akal pak eko~
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Selfie sama suamiku yg sibuk zoom dari jam 9 pagi, semangat ya pak liburan jg tetep kerja kerja kerja.. Bismillah kaya raya! Wkwk. Oohh ya tentu order kopi, tp sayang ngga ada cafe latte, yodah cappuccino aja sama americano buat suami. Ini memang jam2 brunch sih.. Belom masuk jam maksi, sambil bawa cemilan jg dari rumah.
Oiya posisi duduk di kereta kita deketan ibu bapak, adik dan suami, aku dan nemo sementara suamiku sama org lain.. Kebetulan cewe itu sebelah suamiku, jutek bgt kata bapakku sinis liat adikku hahaha merhatiin aja. Memang kaya cewe2 anak muda yg gapeduli sekitar dan sopan santun. Ngambil makanan yg di order aja ngga ada basa basi tangannya melewati muka suami dgn dinginnya. Wkwk rupa2 memang nemuin org selama trip tuh, cukup disenyumin aja wlpn pas liat mah ngedumel juga. Pas turun bareng di Jogja dia kesulitan nurunin koper yg super gede itu, suamiku gercep bantuin. Nah kan u jgn so jutek gt, terbukti u makhluk sosial dan butuh bantuan org lain, be nice to others dong! Oiya kami berdua gantian duduknya sih kdg suami sama anak pas nyuapin makan ayahnya bisaan ngolo sambil nonton youtube. Kdg neneknya sama nemo buat ngemanjain krn lg sakit.
Masuk jam maksi, menunya agak pricey memang 35k up. Kalo yg instan kaya cuanki, baso instan, mie cup itu 25k. Nah pas saatnya maksi kami pgn yg instan krn cuaca semakin dingin pgn kuah2 panas. Eeh abis airnya katanya hiks.. Jadi order seadanya aja huhu
Ini nasgor kureng ena huft. Teh premium enak bgt!!
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Btw itu teh premium enak bgt, pake gula batu 2 guruntul pas manisnya haaa sempe berebutan sama suami ordernya cuma 1, mau beli lg kagok trus lagian udah mau sampe jg. Rencananya plg nanti mau beli lg aah~
Alhamdulillah sampe Jogja yeaaaay, i'm back with my whole fam! Yg tadinya kesini msh bocil umur 13 thn wkwk.
Stasiun Yogyakarta. Menunggu grab car
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Di day 1 ini kami pake kendaraan umum dulu. Day 2 dan baru sewa mobil. Let's goooow ke hotel dulu eh lebih ke guesthouse sih yaa. Omah bumi di jln. Golo dr stasiun sekitar 4-5km sebetulnya lebih dkt dr stasiun lempuyangan tp kretanya ngga berhenti disana. Next omah bumi, tempo gelato, golden geisha! Yeaaayy super excited!
Btw ini day 3, nulis di hotel the folk, kaliurang, Jogja. Sambil enjoy dkt jendela ada sofa kecil plus bantal2. Saat suami setelah solat subuh tidur lg dan anak msh nyenyak hihi
Tag @sagarmatha13
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goresancakrawala · 4 months ago
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The Golden of The Next 10 Years
Kala itu, pertemuan kita akan diawali dengan senyummu yang lebih ikhlas, hatimu yang lebih luas serta sikapmu yang semakin tegas.
Aku akan melihat sosokmu dalam kondisi terbaik; selesai dengan banyak hal, berdamai dengan banyak keadaan dan menghilangkan kebiasaan menghambur-hamburkan tangisan.
Kala itu, mungkin jarak dan frekuensi temu tak lagi menentu. Mungkin juga kita tak ada lagi waktu untuk sekedar bertanya "Adakah yang bisa dibantu?" atau sekedar mengingatkan untuk tidak telat makan dan tidur tidak lebih dari jam satu :v
Namun pintaku, mari tetap untuk saling ingat serta saling butuh.
Di masa itu, kamu telah menemukan sosok yang akan selalu mengisi hari-harimu yang dulu pernah sendu.
Ia akan percis sepertimu, lalu kalian akan menjadi dua tokoh utama yang saling memenangkan dalam cerita panjang yang menyenangkan.
Tak ada lagi pesimisme dan kekhawatiran abstrak di sela-sela malam yang dulu pernah menikam; yang hadir hanyalah tenang, senang dan menang.
Kabar gembiranya lagi, kau tak akan selamanya ada, namun keberhargaanmu akan selamanya dipinta.
Maka saat itu, hadirlah sosok kecil yang dulu sering kita khayalkan. Sosok yang telah mengenal tuhannya dengan baik sedari ia di ruang kecil terkuat milik ibunya yang istimewa.
Saat itu, ia mulai bertumbuh menjadi malaikat kecil yang mencintai pedoman hidupnya, bertutur dengan selembut-lembutnya, dan berfisik yang meneduhkan hingga semua dapat mencintainya.
Ps. This post is for punishment :v
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sfatmh · 7 months ago
Ternyata dewasa setidak sadar ini.
Sebelumnya, pas masih sekolah lebih tepatnya, ujian puasa lebih ke menahan haus & lapar, semenjak kerja - kuliah - kerja karena banyak kegiatan ga sadar setiap ramadhan tiba-tiba lewat begitu cepetnya, haus & lapar tidak seberat jaman sekolah tapi tarawih salah satu ibadah sunah yang rasanya wajib dilaksanakan karena cuma ada bulan Ramadhan jadi bisa dihitung jari ikut tarawih. Astagfirullah.
Tahun ini Alhamdulillah minggu pertama puasa lancar puasa lancar tarawih, minggu kedua sakit perut asam lambung naik ga enak makan yang kayanya gegara buka makan gorengan trus makan golden lamian yg pedes banget 😢tapi alhamdulillah bisa di bawa puasa minggu ketiga dateng haid sekaligus pilek meriang radang 😢 bismillah sehat biar lanjut puasa yang lancar aamiin.
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lebensmoode · 8 months ago
Gw masih ingat betapa down dan habis-habisan menyalah-nyalahi diri sendiri saat ngajar online di bulan-bulan pertama ketikaaaa para membernya itu gak ada respon, atau bahkan partisipannya berkurang setiap harinya, dari yg tadinya belasan menjadi 5 bahkan 1 (kayak barusan). Gw akan mengecap diri gw gak kompeten, lack of fun, gak berbakat ngajar, gak becus jadi tutor, dll.
But now, look at me flip my hair, put on black glasses, and walk away 😎
I realize that those things are out of my control; their presence, their study excitement, their willingness to improve by asking and speaking. Itu semua bukan tanggung jawab gw dan gw gak perlu merasa bersalah banget. Sebagai orang dewasa yg memilih untuk belajar sesuatu, dalam kasus ini belajar bahasa asing, adalah tanggung jawab masing-masing perihal menjaga konsistensi, niat, semangat, dan keselesaian kelas. Mungkin kontribusi gw untuk menjaga hal-hal tsb harus ada, dengan kasih motivasi, pujian, kata-kata semangat, kelas yg tidak membosankan. Tetapi ada masanya juga ketika gw berpikir gw udah melakukan segalanya yg terbaik yg bisa gw kasih tetapi keadaan juga tidak menjadi lebih baik, dan mereka juga tidak merasa tersemangati, well... haruskah hamba mengubah kelasnya menjadi seminar motivasi golden way?
Ada batas-batas yg gak bisa gw lampaui, atau mungkin memang tidak seharusnya gw lampaui, karena sesimpel itu bukan tanggung jawab gw.
Jujurly si tante ini mah udah capek aja harus "menyuapi" orang-orang dewasa yang pengennya disuap padahal makan aja males. Jadi gw akan memberikan energi lebih banyak ke mereka yang aktif dan niat belajarnya keliatan. Bagi yg males, malu, mager, perlu ditanya bahkan disebutin namanya dulu baru mau ngomong, monmaap. My energy is too precious to be wasted. Sekali dua kali masih oke, kalo terus-terusan ya bayar lebih dong. Double job saya jadinya 😎
I might sound not professional, but you can say that again. Gw malah tidak relate dengan para tutor lain yg extra menjaga kelasnya agar tetap fun supaya membernya milih dia lagi dan dia dapat cuan lebih. Gak, gw gak pernah ngarep sampe sana. Makanya pasrahin aja udah. Membernya balik syukuur, kalo gak yaa syukurin lu hw 😂Bukan tutor teladan memang, jangan dicontoh eaa
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mysmorgasbordoffantabulosa · 9 months ago
If we call Jungkook 'golden Makane' then Tae should be given with title like person with 'platinum' personality . I mean he can also do everything. He can sing, compose & mostly importantly he has a very good business mind & he can ACT & he is so good at that . He is gaining even more GP recognition day by day.
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smolwritingchick · 11 months ago
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 5- Rookie King Episode 3
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Chapter Summary: Determined to finally get the Queen of the end plate spot, Jen tries her hardest to achieve that goal. During one of the exams, she reveals her admiration for Suga.
Words: 3,000+
'Chuseok Special'
'Bangtan State Merit Exams'
All 8 members of BTS wore Hanboks, while Jennie wore a light pink Hanbok. She was reluctant at first to even put it on since she wasn't even from South Korea, and didn't want to disrespect anyone. But after some reassurance from everyone, she finally decided to put it on. 
A bell is rung by Eunuch who hosted the exams for BTS. "Gather bachelors and bachelorette!"
Once they all gathered around, Eunuch sighed at their goofiness. "Everyone who has come to Bangtan State Merit Exams, welcome."
'3 Liberal arts exams and 3 military service exams to distinguish BTS' true merit scholar! During each exam, first place will get three points. And last place will get 1 point. The bachelor or bachelorette with the most points will receive a department store gift card and a king/queen's rights during End-plate king/queen'
Once inside, everyone is seated, sitting pretzel style, applauding for what's to come in excitement. Jennie had to admit she was nervous. She wasn't used to this yet and had no idea what to expect. She might as well forfeit right here. But she really wanted that Queen's right for the End-Plate King/Queen.
"Chuseok special Bangtan State Merit Exam please meet our seven bachelors and our bachelorette who are here for the liberal arts exam." Eunuch read from a card, while Bangtan greeted him. "I'll tell you about the first subject coming up!" He revealed a scroll, that opens down to say, 'Write lyrics bragging about yourself'
Jennie 'Hopeless Bangtan Girl' (GAH! I have A LOT to work on with myself. I can't write lyrics in like ten minutes!)
"We'll start now!" Eunuch banged on the bell as everyone started to write.
Jennie sat there, looking at the blank paper in front of her. "This is not going to end well." She chuckled nervously to the camera in front of her.
'Exam time end'
"And now we'll go into time for publication!" Eunuch announced
Once all the guys had gone, singing their goofy lyrics, it was finally Jen's turn as she nervously stood before everyone.
"Oh boy." She cleared her throat. "Who is that girl over there? Oh, it must be BTS' adorable female maknae. With nice smelling hair and the prettiest smile, no one can compare to me~" She sang in a cute voice.
"Whoa~" The guys look on in wonder as she feels her face heat up.
Jennie 'Embarrassed Bangtan Girl' (That was so embarrassing! I promise I won't make corny lyrics like that for our songs! J-just bear with me here! Ahh I hope my sisters aren't watching this! *Covers face in shame*)
After the judges judge their performances, they go to the results. 
"Bangtan state merit exam, liberal arts first exam, second class....Jimin! In this exam, there are two people awarded second class. Another second class is Bachelor Jin. The owner of honor of first class? Golden Makane Jungkook!"
"Hah hah hah!" Jennie laughed with the guys as Jungkook started doing his victory dance, standing on top of his head, and doing a pose.
"What are you doing?" Jin questioned.
"Bangtan state merit exam, liberal arts second exam!" Eunuch revealed the next scroll.
'BTS 5 Elements'
'Complete your 5 elements with BangTanSoNyeonDan. Time limit of three minutes'
While the guys were writing, Jennie sat there, staring at her blank paper yet again. 
"I am seriously having a brain fart." She murmured, shaking her head as the time ran out.
"Jennie, why is your paper blank?" Jungkook pointed out.
"I didn't write anything~" She admitted and put her head down while the guys laughed.
"She's disqualified!" Jimin yelled while the guys agreed.
"Looks like Smartie isn't so smart today, huh?" Suga teased.
"Yah! Give me a break!" She waved them away.
Jennie 'Failing all exams' (Eh heh heh...I am not off to a good start, huh? I dunno what's wrong. Why I am not writing and trying to win this? My brain just wouldn't come up with anything. I ate breakfast...I had some smarties...I wonder what's the problem. But I will be coming back with a vengeance. Just a matter of when. I'm staying optimistic. Don't give up on me, just yet!)
Once Eunuch announces Jin as the second class winner and J-Hope as the first class winner, they transition to the next exam. "Bangtan State Merit Exam, before we start with the 3rd liberal arts exam, I'll let you know of the mid-way results."
So far, Jungkook and J-Hope have three points, Jin has two, and Jimin has one. Jennie, Suga, Rap Monster and V have zero points.
Jennie 'Triggered Bangtan Girl' (ZERO! Zero POINTS!! ZERO! This is UN-Acceptable! I need to get my act together.)
"Liberal art's 3rd exam." He reveals the next scroll.
'Draw the member's faces'
'Get to know the seven bachelors and bachelorette's drawing skills! Liberal arts 3rd exam! Draw the member's faces!'
'Time limit of 10 minutes. Draw the face of the member you love the most'
'Expressing of the key point details in the face and creating a masterpiece to be awarded first class!'
'Judging criteria 1. Grasp the member's specialties with sharp eyes'
'2. Quality more than quantity a masterpiece!'
Jennie 'Optimistic Bangtan Girl' (Let's see what I remember in art class!)
Suga and V drew J-Hope, Rap Monster and J-Hope drew Jimin, while Jin chose Rap Monster, Jimin chose Suga and Jungkook chose Rap Monster's loss of color face.
"Who did Miss Bangtan draw?" J-Hope looked on in anticipation.
"I...drew Suga." She revealed her drawing with a smile. The drawing she drew was of Suga rapping in his No More Dream outfit. She put a lot of detail into his face, showing his gummy smile, which really caught everyone's eye.
Suga looked on in surprise. "M-me?" He looked at her drawing in awe. She really nailed his gummy smile. He had to stand up and take a good look.
Suga 'Shocked' (I wasn't expecting her to pick me. I'm really surprised and touched that she really likes me the most. I wonder why.)
Jennie 'Inspired by Suga' (Why did I choose Suga? I really admire him. I love his passion for music and his rapping. Even though we do bicker and I'm still not over him drawing on my face, I still think he's awesome and a great person. I hope to rap like him, one day. He has inspired me to learn about rapping. I...wanted to ask him if maybe he could teach me, but I'm so nervous, I decided that I'm not ready to ask him for that request yet. I hope he doesn't see this confession. Soon I'll tell him how much I admire him, face to face! Don't show it!)
"Can you imitate him?" Rap Monster requested
"Yeah, I can imitate him." She cleared her throat, changing her demeanor to look more serious. "I wanna big house, big cars & big rings. But sasireun I dun have any big dreams. Haha nan cham pyeonhage sareo. ggum ddawi an ggwodo amudo mwora an hajanheo!" She rapped successfully, moving just like Suga on stage with attitude as everyone applauded.
"That was pretty good." Suga nodded in approval.
"The second class goes to Jungkook and Suga." Eunuch announced. 
Suga was shocked and didn't hold back on the complaints. "Shouldn't I get first class? This is a fraud! It's the writer's conspiracy! What else have you to say? It's a fraud by the writers!"
"The highly anticipated first class goes to...Bachelorette Jennie!" Eunuch points to her as she looks up in shock.
"That doesn't make senseeee~" Jimin whined in a loud voice as she started to jump around, cheering.
"Yeah! I'm back with a vengeance! Let's go!" She cheered
Jennie 'Making a comeback' (Perseverance! I hope I'll able to be the Queen of the plate this time. Watch out boys! This Bangtan Girl is about to claim that throne! Woo hoo!)
After the liberal arts exams, have been finalized, it was now time for the military service exams. Results so far are Jungkook with 4 points, J-Hope and Jennie with Three points, Jin with 2 points, Rap Monster and V with no points, Jimin and Suga with 1 point.
Standing outside, the group changed their clothes as they prepared for their next exam which was archery. Suga vs J-Hope was first. J-Hope kept missing the target and ended up getting beaten by Suga.
With V vs Jimin, V hit the bullseye but it fell off, not sticking enough. V ended up winning the battle anyway. Once it was time for Jin vs Rap Monster, they both kept missing the target, making everyone laugh. It took forever and they had to change the rules. Whoever hit inside the red circle would win. Finally, Rap Monster prevailed.
'Jennie vs Jungkook.'
'Battle between the Maknaes. Who will triumph?'
"This is going to be good." Jimin looked on.
"The battle between our two babies! I wonder who will win." Jin wondered, proud of his children.
Jungkook faced off with Jennie, as they stared each other down. He crossed his arms while she put her hands on her hips.
"Jennie, I hope you know what your fate is. You're going down." He teased.
"All I gotta say is that you're going down and I am not backing down. So be prepared."
"I'm the golden Maknae for a reason."
"Not for long." She smiled
"Jungkook is good at everything but not archery." Rap Monster mentioned.
Jungkook draws his arrow back first and releases it quickly. However, the arrow ends up hitting the floor as the guys laugh hysterically.
"That was...pretty golden Kookie." V teased as the Golden Maknae looked on in disbelief.
Meanwhile, Jennie got her bow and arrow ready, slowly drawing the arrow back. Taking a deep breath, she focused on the target. 
'One...two...release!' She released the arrow hitting it close to the bullseye.
"Yes!" She shouted with excitement
"Oh~" The guys yell, getting hyped.
Jungkook just stares at her arrow and back to her. She sticks her tongue out at him, making him glare playfully. This was the start of a competitive friendship. He attempts to hit the target again but fails as Jimin laughs at him. "Shut up, hyung!"
Back to the female member of BTS, she managed to hit the target in the bullseye but it fell off.
"YO! Unbelievable!" She shouted over the hollering guys who were saying how close it was.
Jungkook failed yet again to hit the target and once Jennie hit her arrow near the bullseye, it became clear that she was the winner as he accepted his defeat.
"WOO!" She started jumping up and down, spinning around. "That was pure luck!"
'Semi Finals'
'Suga vs V.'
Suga's bow and arrow skills were impressive as he kept hitting the same place while V couldn't hit the spot. When it was Jennie's turn against her leader, Rap Monster, she won quickly thanks to him missing each time.
Jennie 'Elated Competitor' (I'm finally getting the hang of this!)
"Wha~ why am I defeated!?" Rap Monster squinted his eyes shut, clenching his fists in despair.
'Jennie vs Suga'
This was an intense battle as both continued to hit the target near the bullseye. But it wasn't until Suga finally hit the bullseye, that he was declared the winner. The members playfully question why he chose rapping when he's so good at archery.
"The winner of the first Military Service exam goes to...Suga!" Eunuch announced as everyone enthusiastically applauded his win.
Jennie obtains 1 point so now she has 4 while Suga and Jungkook also have 4 points.
Jennie 'Cool and Calm' (I'm tied for first place with two other guys. As long as I keep trying to at least get a second place spot to gain more points, I should be A-OK.)
'Together with the flying tinker bells. Second exam, horse-riding! Two bachelors will ride their own ponies. First person to go one round and return back, wins!'
Jennie 'Determined' (I really want to be the Queen this time. I NEED to win this. Do you know how cool that'll be? No more punishments like drinking that disgusting beet juice!? I need a break!)
"That's easy!" Jimin pointed out.
The first battle consisted of Jimin and J-Hope. The intense bout was close but then Jimin decided to stand up and run the horse to the finish line after J-Hope created a big gap, taking the lead. Nonetheless, J-hope was declared the winner.
Next was Suga vs Jin. Jin started with a fast start but Suga quickly caught up and took the lead. The oldest member decided to stop while Suga took the finish line, and a roar of laughter escaped the members' mouths.
'Jennie vs Jungkook'
Jennie adjusted herself on the white plastic toy horse. "This is too goofy." She admitted while Jungkook sat on his horse next to her.
As soon as they get the OK to go, adrenaline goes around Jen's body as both she and Jungkook quickly move their feet to accelerate. Both equally take a fast pace, neck and neck.
"I don't even know who's winning!" J-Hope said with excitement in his voice.
Rap Monster (I definitely see a fire in Jennifer's eyes. She really wants that Queen of the End-Plate privilege.)
Once Jennie and Jungkook circle around the post, Jennie's heart starts to race as Jungkook gets a little bit ahead of her. The atmosphere was loud with the members watching, cheering and yelling out goofy commentary.
"Who shall win this battle?" J-Hope spoke in a dramatic tone
"Will it be the beautiful Miss Bangtan? Or will it be our handsome Golden Maknae!?" Jimin added to the fun.
Their goofy banter almost got her distracted because she was close to laughing. But getting back on track and focused, she increases her speed despite the pain on her behind from the tiny horse. Her efforts are rewarded when she ends up going ahead, with Jungkook high on her tail.
The loud, goofy voices of the members stand up, jumping up and down.
Jennie let out a sigh of relief when she made it to the finish line a second before Jungkook.
"BOOYAH!" She celebrated, throwing her arms up in the air.
"Again?" Jungkook groaned, throwing his head back.
Jungkook 'Mindboggled' (How? She was behind me!)
"Sorry Kookie. I just really want to win that end-plate position." She grinned sheepishly. "No hard feelings?"
"Don't talk to me." He playfully brushed her off while she chuckled lightly at him.
Jennie 'Behind really hurts' (Y'know those tiny horses really take a number on your butt. My butt hurts.)
When V goes up against Rap Monster, V wins by a landslide, making the leader throw his horse.
"Ahhh! He threw the horse!" Jennie laughed out loud.
Jennie (RIP Horse 2013-2013!)
"If I wore better pants, I'll win!" Rap Monster blames.
'J-Hope vs Suga'
"J-Horse and rapid speed' vs 'Getting merit 2 times consecutive'
When they both were on their horses, Eunuch requested that they say something to each other.
"Honestly, since he's J-Horse and he even looks like it too, I feel burdened, I'll try my best." Suga said.
"I'll win this coolly," J-Hope responded with a bright smile.
When it was time to go, J-Hope quickly dashes away, leaving Suga in the dust while everyone whoops and cheers. Suga laughed it off, taken aback by his speed.
'V vs Jennie'
"Do you have anything to say to each other?" Eunuch asked
"Let's have a good match, best friend!" V happily smiled at her as she gave him a big high five.
"You bet! Let's do this!" She responded ecstatically.
Once they were ready, V continued to waddle and gain speed on his horse, with Jennie right behind him. But as soon as they circle the post, Jennie gains her speed and dashes forward. 
"Ah! She caught up!" Jimin acknowledged, clapping his hands.
"No~ Jennie!" V laughed as he tried to catch up with her and ended up losing.
'Bachelorette Jennie enters finals!'
'J-Hope vs Jennie'
"Right now, my legs are hurting so much. I don't know what to do about it." J-Hope admited.
"Hey, my butt hurts." She replied, making him giggle.
Once the sound of the gong is heard, both parties dash forward but J-Hope quickly leaves her in the dust. 
"Bro!" She exclaimed with a laugh as she circled the post, with J-Hope way ahead. He wins after going through the finish line.
"How can he be so fast!?" She laughed, arriving at the finish line.
"That was not even humanely possible." Jungkook addressed.
At the end of the exam, J-Hope obtains three points while Jennie obtains 1. So now Jennie has five points.
BTS and Jennie stand in between Eunuch and his gong as they applaud. 
"Finally it's the last!" Suga looked relieved.
"Last exam! A traditional game played by all ethnics. Chicken fight!" Eunuch announced.
'Bangtan State Merit exam Military Service last exam!'
'Traditional game played by all ethnics chicken fight!'
'All eight bachelors and bachelorette will start together in a single match'
'The last bachelor or bachelorette standing wins'
"Our seven bachelors and bachelorette please step forward and get prepared." Eunuch announced as they get into the chicken fight ring
Jennie 'Asking for Strength' (My tiny behind is in a chicken fight ring with seven guys. SEVEN. I need ALL the strength I can get for this. I WANT that Queen of the End-Plate position!)
The guys stretch and Jennie follows suit by stretching out her arms and then her legs. Once Eunuch says go, Jennie tries to keep her distance from everyone as she holds her crossed leg by the ankle, standing on one leg.
Jungkook and Jin meet in the middle, while Jennie stands in a corner, watching the show.
Jennie 'Keeping Distance' (I think I know how to win this. Let me let the guys fight, and then I can think of a plan from there. I just need to keep my distance and wait it out. My strategy is patience and defense. I'm more of a defensive person when it comes to competitions like this. Offense, not so much.)
Hopping forward, Jungkook attempts to attack Jin with his strength but Jin maintains his balance. All of a sudden, Jungkook does an aerial flying attack with his knee, surprising Jin.
"Rapmon! I choose you!" Jin pointed as Rap Monster and Jimin began to battle it out. It was hilarious watching everyone hop and jump all over the place.
Jennie watched as Rap Monster bumped into Jungkook and Jimin while Jin hopped right over to V. She quickly hopped away since she was right near V. Out of nowhere, she shrieked when Suga roughly bumped into her on purpose.
"Cut it out!" She swiftly hopped away from him as he laughed. He almost knocked the wind out of her. Any harder, she would've been eliminated.
V bumps Jin, resulting in the oldest member putting his leg down, eliminating him. Suga tries to bump everyone since he was alone and it ends up backfiring when he gets bumped three times. For his fate, he's bumped by V and falls out of the ring, making everyone laugh.
"Jennie! Whose team are you on? Join me and Jungkook! We'll protect you!" Jimin called out.
"I'm Switzerland!" She called out, trying to escape the drama.
Jungkook ended up slipping and falling down when he tried to hit J-Hope when he countered it.
"How could you do that to our Jungkookie!" Jimin yelled and tried to attack him but got hit and fell down.
'Jungkook's Pokemon Bachelor Jimin eliminated!'
After managing to hide for so long, Jennie goes full defense mode as J-Hope starts to go after her.
"Oh come on! I was doing so good!" She started hopping all over the ring, with him following her.
"Nope!" She evaded his bump and lightly bumped him back.
"I got your back!" V comes to her rescue, bumping into J-Hope, but ends up falling on his butt in the process.
"Awe man, V!" She laughed.
Staying away from Rap Monster and J-Hope's battle, Jennie watches as Rapmon's powerful hit, causes J-Hope to twirl around and falls down.
"HIII-YA!" She yelled, bumping Rap Monster with all her might, making him stumble from behind, once he recovered, he remained unfazed. "Are you-are you serious!? That didn't work!?"
Jennie 'Shocked' (HOW!? *Throws her arms up in the air*)
"Any last words, Jennie?" He teased, hopping up to her.
Hopping back for her life, she shakes her head. "Wait! Wait! I want a redo! AH!" Swiftly moving to the side, she escapes Rapmon's strike. "Let's talk about this!"
No matter how many times Rapmon would strike her, she would manage to avoid any type of contact.
Rap Monster 'In Charge of Destroying' (Jennie is small and quick. But soon I'll catch her. She can't avoid my attacks forever.)
"Wow~ she's really good at her defense!" Jimin praises with a big smile. "Go Jennie~"
Jennie 'Defensive Bangtan Member' (Obviously Rap Monster is stronger than me, so I had no choice but to go on a defensive route until I could find a way to make him lose his balance. I can smell the Queen of the end-plate prize already. I won't back down now! I have to win this!)
Noticing Rapmon getting a bit tired from putting all his strength into attempting to bump her, she finally takes advantage. When he attempts to strike her again, she finally counters, making him lose his balance.
"WHAAAAA~" The boys yell, getting hyped up.
While he was wobbling to stay on his foot, she bumped him on the shoulder and he fell on the ground.
"AHHHHHHH~" The guys start cheering.
"YES! YES! YES! YES!" She jumped up and down after putting her leg down.
"Aish...so close." Rap Monster sighed. 
He takes Jennie's hand and gets helped up by her. After receiving three more points, she had 8 points in total, declaring her the winner.
'Miss Bangtan has come back with a vengeance and won the battle!'
'Welcome the Queen of the end-plate!'
At the end of the exams, she gets carried easily by V and Jimin as she wears a hat with Sakura flowers on top. While being carried, Jungkook and Jin toss sakura blossoms at her while J-Hope, Suga and Rapmon dance and sing around.
"Y'know I can really get used to this. I feel like a princess." She laughed, goofing off with the guys.
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Jennie 'Queen of the end-plate' (Girl power! Don't ever give up! You can always bounce back and come back to win! I am so anticipating the end-plate. No punishments for me!)
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zafaworld · 2 years ago
3/365 : 24yang❣
Gimana-gimana setelah lihat cuplikan video diatas? terlihat sangat kalem bukan wkwk… Seingatku ini video lama, diambil lebih dari dua bulan lalu di Jakarta dan video ini sudah entah berapa puluh kali kuputar, tapi tawaku tetap saja pecah dan senyumku masih saja lepas.
Mari aku kenalkan pada mereka, 24yangku (re: sayangku), sedikit alay memang namanya. Tapi 24 itu diambil sesuai angkatan kami bergabung di forum ini. Ya tentu saja angkatan kali ini tak hanya berisi kami bertujuh, tapi ada banyak orang lainnya. Tapi kali ini aku akan bercerita tentang mereka dulu ya.
Iyaa mereka, aku selalu menyebutnya angkatan ternano-nano se-Sumut. karena tujuh orang ini tuh kepribadiannya emang gaada yang sejalan wkwk.. Ada si intovert garis keras, ada juga yang ekstovert parah. Ada si sat set sat set, ada yang sansss every moment. Ada si paling on time, ada juga yang ngaretnya warbiyasahh. Ada yang berisik, ada yang menganut silence is golden. Ada si paling orang tua, ada juga sipaling adek yang menye-menye. dan masih banyak ada-ada yang lainnya. jadi bagaimana bisa PDKT ke mereka?
Cara pendekatan manusia yang paling mudah itu ya makan bareng, tidur bareng, dan melakukan perjalanan jauh bareng-bareng
Ungkapan itu bener banget, valid no debat, dan perjalanan menuju Pelatnas dan setelahnya ternyata mengajarkan banyak hal. Untukku sendiri, diawal-awal kenal mereka tuh banyak banget dramanya, banyak yang harus disesuaikan dan ditahan-tahan tapi makin kesini kok makin banyak sayangnya, cielahhh, wkwk.. jan baper kelen kalau baca ini ya wee
Meskipun perbedaaan-perbedaan kami itu cukup terlihat, tapi semua menyikapi dan menerima dengan utuh. Hingga penerimaan itu menghasilkan cinta yang cukup, dan tak berkurang meski dibagi berapakalipun.
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officialhanayuri · 4 days ago
Haya, Jalan Berbatu Istanbul & Kucing Jalanan - Golden Horn & Aqtab
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Setiap orang dewasa pernah meninggalkan angan-angan demi kehidupan. Memalapkan mimpi yang saban hari menjadi motivasi untuk maju ke hadapan kerana kehidupan. Kenapa adanya angan-angan jika akhirnya semua perlu dileburkan atas nama kehidupan?
“Next station, Haliç” 
Pengumuman diulang siar dalam bahasa inggeris daripada petak suara metro yang meluncur laju membelah Tanduk Emas memecahkan lamunan Haya. Dia membuang pandangan ke luar, melihat dari jauh lampu-lampu yang melimpahi kota Istanbul, sama ada di bahagian eropah atau di asia, masing-masing tidak kalah dengan cahaya. Haya berdiri lalu memencilkan diri berhampiran pintu. Tidak sukar menyelit pada waktu begini kerana sudah melepasi waktu bersesak-sesak. Tidak jauh bezanya di tanah air. Gerabak waktu pulang bekerja adalah gerabak yang dihurungi bau kepam keringat warga kota setelah seharian mencari penghidupan. Bezanya, jika di Malaysia awal dinihari akan dipenuhi dengan wangi-wangian dan pulang dengan bau masam. Di sini, pagi atau petang baunya sama. Sesekali sahaja dia akan terhidu bau kuat oud yang kadang kala melekat pada baju atau kerudung apabila bersentuhan secara tidak sengaja. Teori ‘orang Malaysia je mandi dua kali, biarpun di tengah salji’ adalah teori yang hampir benar. Kerana itu, Haya akan pulang hanya selepas dia yakin sudah melewati waktu puncak. 
“Haliç. Haliç. Exit through your left door,” Sebaik sahaja pintu dibuka, angin daripada selat bosphorus menerpa, menampar lembut pipinya yang kemerahan. 
Haya melangkah keluar sambil menarik cardigan nipis yang membaluti badan. Musim luruh bakal tiba. Tanda berakhirnya musim panas yang menyenakkan Istanbul dengan manusia daripada pelbagai pelosok dunia. Daripada stesen metro Haliç ditengah-tengah Tanduk Emas, Haya berjalan secara sederhana, tidak terlalu laju seperti kebanyakkan warga Istanbul tidak pula terlalu perlahan seperti kumpulan nasyid tanah air yang seringkali dirakamkan dalam mode ‘slow-mo’. Haya melintasi stesen bas Eminonu melalui pejalan kaki, menyelusuri Tanduk Emas menghala ke muara. Separuh daripada deretan kapal-kapal yang berpengkalan di deck dipenuhi cahaya dan riuh rendah dengan manusia. Teluk ini dihiasi kedai-kedai makan di atas kapal atau bot nelayan yang diubah usai menjadi restoran. Niat Haya, hendak berhenti di salah satu kapal. 
Lebih tepat lagi, kapal sederhana usang yang berasap di pangkal dengan bau ikan mackerel yang dipanggang. Sebelum melintasi papan kayu yang menjadi jambatan antara daratan dan kaki lima bot, Haya sempat mengusap kepala seekor kucing tabby gebu yang kekenyangan. 
“Selamat petang,” Haya terlebih dahulu menyapa pakcik berjambang putih yang sedang memanggang ikan.
“Selamat petang. Seorang?” 
Haya mengangguk. 
“Durum,” ujar Haya sepatah. 
“Tamam. Çhai?” Teh pekat simbolik negara dua benua dipelawa.
Sekali lagi Haya mengangguk lalu masuk ke perut bot. Dia tidak perlu bercakap panjang. Pakcik tua yang bekerja seorang diri itu sudah mengenalinya. Di kedai ini Haya akan memesan dua benda. Roti ikan dan teh pekat Turkiye. Balık ekmek yang diterjemah dalam bahasa melayu secara bulat-bulat bermaksud roti ikan. Roti baguette  yang dibelah kemudian diletakkan seekor atau separuh ekor ikan mackerel biru dihiasi salad, potongan bawang dan sedikit sumac menjadikan balık ekmek salah satu makanan jalanan atau street food yang popular. Durum pula sedikit berbeza. Roti yang digunakan seperti capati atau wrap jenama Mission yang boleh dijumpai di pasaraya Malaysia. 
Haya duduk berhampiran tingkap. Dia tidak bersendirian dalam bot nelayan yang sedikit teroleng dihayun arus. Sekurang-kurangnya tiga meja kecil bersaiz dua kaki dipenuhi beberapa pelanggan. Selang tiga saat, Haya dapat rasa dirinya diperhatikan. Kepalanya di toleh kiri dan kanan sebelum terhenti pada sepasang mata yang merenungnya tanpa bicara.
Iya, dia tidak bersendirian. 
Atau sebenarnya dia tidak pernah ditinggalkan bersendirian.
Haya mengangkat tangan.
“Nak join saya? Nampak macam ada benda yang nak cakap,”
Sosok yang memerhatikannya bangun, mengucapkan kata-kata ringkas pada rakan semeja sebelum serentak memandang Haya. Haya sekadar menghiasi bibirnya dengan senyuman, cara menyapa paling mudah dan ringkas. 
“Haya tak kisah?” Biarpun kerusi bertentangan Haya ditarik dan dihenyak, soalan-soalan berbaur Asian masih menebal dalam kalangan mereka. 
Haya menggeleng. Dia letih untuk kisah perkara picisan sebegitu. 
“Bila sampai sini?” Haya membuka gelanggang pertanyaan. 
“Kelmarin. Haya?” 
“Awak bertanya sebab awak tak tahu atau berpura-pura tak tahu,Aqtab?” soalan dikembalikan dengan soalan serentak dengan balık durum dan çhai tiba di meja. Haya tidak menunggu, balutan kertas roti gulung ikan dibuka. Perutnya lapar. Lapar akan menyebabkan mood seseorang lari dan tidak berfikir dengan waras. Dia sama seperti manusia kebanyakkan, otaknya tidak mahu berjalan selagi perut berbentuk kacang merah yang mengembang dan menguncup itu tidak diisi. 
“Jawapan mana yang Haya nak dengar?” 
Aqtab memasuki gelanggang tinju yang dibuka Haya.
“Mungkin jawapan yang tak ada nama Umi dibelakang,” walaupun kedengaran bersahaja, ada perubahan pada raut wajah Aqtab. 
“Bukan Umi yang suruh datang sini,” rendah Aqtab membalas.
“Saya ada kata ke?” Haya berhenti mengunyah. Çhai tanpa gula dalam cawan tirus di tengah diteguk sekali lalu. 
“Saya datang sini bukan sebab Haya. Bukan sebab Umi atau sesiapa pun. Saya datang sini sebab- ,”
“Sebab Haya’?” Balık durum ditangannya berbaki separuh. entah mengapa dia rasa kenyang, rasa sebu dan rasa seperti ada pengisar dalam perutnya. Hydrochloric acid yang terhasil daripada campuran hydrogen ion dan chloride ion seperti yang diluah keluar oleh parietal cell ke dalam perut berkeladak dan membuak-buak, menolak esophageal sphincter untuk membebaskan angin yang terhasil. Haya rasa ingin muntah, namun di tahan-tahan.  
Aqtab yang tidak menghabiskan ayatnya apabila dipotong sedemikian rupa beristighfar panjang. Dia tahu dia tidak akan menang dalam gelanggang yang dicipta Haya. Haya akan sentiasa mencari peluang untuk menumbuknya dengan fakta, kadang kala menghulurkan sepak terajang yang sarat dengan ugutan.
“Mana pulak datangnya Haya’ dalam perbincangan kita ni. Haya, boleh tak Haya rational sekali sekala. Sampai bila semua orang kena dengar cakap Haya sahaja?” Aqtab cuba mengawal suaranya agar tidak meninggi. 
“Awak tahu Aqtab, kali terakhir saya bertindak secara rational, saya digelar ‘anak tidak tahu untung’ atau ‘adik yang tidak waras’ atau sekadar ‘perempuan tak kenang jasa’. Kali terakhir saya berfikir secara rational, saya gagal ijazah sarjana secara sengaja. Kali terakhir saya rasa saya rational, saya hilang semua yang saya sayang. Sekarang, apa lagi yang ada pada saya yang perlu saya korbankan untuk ikut rational yang awak maksudkan?” Biarpun kata-kata itu meluncur keluar daripada lidahnya tanpa paksaan, Haya memaksa kilang air matanya dikatup rapat. Dia sudah puas menangis, sama ada dibelakang seorang Aqtab, atau di hadapan Aqtab, dia sudah lama tawar hati untuk menangis. Hatinya kering, barangkali sekering sungai furat yang ditakdirkan kontang menjelang akhir zaman.
“Jadi, Haya salahkan takdir?” Aqtab melarikan tajuk, tidak mahu bergusti atas topik yang akhirnya tidak menguntungkan sesiapa. 
“Takdir?” Haya menggulung balık durum dalam kertasnya semula lalu dimasukan ke dalam beg.
“Ya takdir. Manusia yang tidak mahu bertanggungjawab atas pilihan yang dia lakukan hanya tahu menyalahkan takdir. Dia rasa dia tak ada jalan keluar selain daripada memilih dan kemudian apabila natijah tidak memihak kepada pilihan yang dia buat, dia kata ‘ini semua salah takdir’. Sedangkan setiap jalan hidup ini penuh dengan pilihan. Kenapa hanya pilihan yang salah sahaja disalahkan takdir. Ini tak adil,”
Haya diam sejenak, cuba memproses kata-kata Aqtab. Atau sebenarnya menapis dan menepis bait bicara Aqtab yang kedengaran tuntas.
“Adil itu meletakan sesuatu pada tempatnya. Jadi, awak dekat sini atas pilihan atau sekadar takdir yang adil?” Duit keping lira berwajah Ataturk dikeluarkan siap-siap daripada beg duit. 
“Jawapan mana yang Haya nak dengar?” Aqtab mengulangi soalannya diawal-awal,sengaja. 
Haya bangun, mengibas baju diikuti Aqtab. Masing-masing membetulkan kuda-kuda apabila bot nelayan itu teroleng kuat. 
“Mungkin jawapan yang sama Haya’ pernah dengar,” Haya berlalu tanpa menunggu balasan Aqtab dan lelaki itu tidak pula menahannya. Seperti biasa, Haya meletakkan kepingan duit lira di atas meja berhampiran tempat memanggang sambil mengangkat tangan pada pakcik tua yang sekadar mengangguk daripada kerusinya. 
“Jumpa lagi,”
Sebaik sahaja turun daripada bot, kucing gemuk yang disapa awal tadi sudah tidur beralaskan kotak dan kain tebal. Sekali lagi Haya menyentuh kepala haiwan itu sebelum menapak pergi meninggalkan Tanduk Emas dibelakangnya. Juga meninggalkan Aqtab dalam gelanggang gusti yang berakhir tanpa pemenang. 
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Jungkook BTS Disebut Jadi Koki di Unit Militernya, Ini Resep-Resep Masakan Golden Maknae
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Jungkook, salah satu anggota dari boy band fenomenal BTS, memang dikenal memiliki banyak bakat selain bernyanyi dan menari. Selain dikenal dengan kemampuan vokalnya yang luar biasa, Jungkook juga mulai dikenal sebagai seorang koki di unit militer tempatnya menjalani wajib militer. Menurut laporan yang beredar, Jungkook sering membantu menyiapkan makanan bagi rekan-rekannya selama dinas di militer, dan ternyata ia sangat berbakat di dapur! Ini semakin menambah daftar keterampilannya yang mengesankan, terutama bagi para penggemar yang sudah lama mengenal dirinya sebagai "Golden Maknae" BTS.
Keterampilan memasak Jungkook ini membuatnya mendapat julukan koki di unit militer, dan banyak fans yang penasaran tentang jenis masakan yang ia masak. Melalui beberapa momen yang dibagikan di media sosial dan wawancara, Jungkook mengungkapkan bahwa ia senang memasak masakan rumahan yang sederhana, namun tetap lezat dan bergizi. Berikut adalah beberapa resep masakan yang disebut-sebut menjadi favorit Jungkook dan dapat dicoba di rumah!
1. Kimchi Jjigae (Sup Kimchi)
Kimchi jjigae adalah salah satu masakan Korea yang sangat populer, dan merupakan hidangan rumahan yang sederhana namun menghangatkan. Berdasarkan pengakuan Jungkook, sup kimchi ini adalah salah satu hidangan yang sering ia buat, baik di rumah maupun di unit militer. Masakan ini menggunakan kimchi sebagai bahan utama dan sering dipadukan dengan daging atau tahu untuk menambah rasa.
200 gram kimchi (lebih tua lebih baik)
200 gram daging babi (biasanya menggunakan perut babi, bisa diganti dengan daging sapi atau ayam)
1 buah tahu (potong kotak kecil)
1 buah bawang bombay (iris tipis)
2 siung bawang putih (cincang halus)
1 sendok makan pasta gochujang (pasta cabai)
1 sendok teh gochugaru (serbuk cabai Korea)
1 sendok makan kecap asin
2 gelas kaldu daging (bisa diganti dengan kaldu ayam atau air)
1 sendok teh minyak wijen
Garam dan lada secukupnya
Cara membuat:
Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay dengan sedikit minyak wijen hingga harum.
Masukkan daging babi dan masak hingga berubah warna.
Tambahkan kimchi dan tumis sebentar hingga keluar aroma kimchi yang matang.
Masukkan pasta gochujang dan gochugaru, aduk rata.
Tuang kaldu daging dan biarkan mendidih.
Setelah itu, tambahkan tahu dan masak selama 10-15 menit hingga bahan-bahan matang dan rasa meresap.
Bumbui dengan kecap asin, garam, dan lada sesuai selera.
Sajikan kimchi jjigae panas-panas dengan nasi putih.
Sup kimchi ini cocok disajikan saat cuaca dingin, dengan rasa pedas dan asam yang menyegarkan. Jungkook tampaknya menyukai masakan ini karena sederhana dan mengenyangkan.
2. Bulgogi (Daging Panggang Korea)
Bulgogi adalah salah satu masakan Korea yang paling terkenal, terbuat dari daging sapi yang dimarinasi dengan saus khas Korea yang manis dan gurih, kemudian dipanggang atau ditumis. Jungkook juga diketahui pernah memasak bulgogi di unit militer untuk teman-temannya, dan masakan ini cukup disukai banyak orang karena rasanya yang lezat dan mudah disiapkan.
300 gram daging sapi (sirloin atau tenderloin, iris tipis)
3 sendok makan kecap asin
1 sendok makan minyak wijen
2 sendok makan gula pasir
1 sendok makan air perasan jahe
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
1 sendok makan gochujang (pasta cabai Korea) - opsional
1 sendok teh gochugaru (serbuk cabai Korea) - opsional
1 sendok makan perasan lemon (atau air jeruk nipis)
1 batang daun bawang (iris tipis)
Cara membuat:
Campurkan kecap asin, minyak wijen, gula, jahe, bawang putih, gochujang, gochugaru, dan perasan lemon dalam mangkuk.
Masukkan daging sapi ke dalam marinasi dan aduk rata. Diamkan selama minimal 30 menit hingga bumbu meresap.
Panaskan sedikit minyak dalam wajan dan masak daging yang sudah dimarinasi hingga matang dan berwarna kecoklatan.
Taburkan daun bawang cincang di atasnya sebagai garnish.
Sajikan dengan nasi putih dan banchan (hidangan pendamping khas Korea) seperti kimchi.
Bulgogi adalah salah satu hidangan favorit di Korea karena rasa manis, gurih, dan sedikit pedas yang pas. Jungkook mengaku sangat suka memasak bulgogi karena rasanya yang lezat dan dapat dinikmati bersama teman-teman.
3. Kimbap (Nasi Gulung Korea)
Kimbap, atau sushi versi Korea, adalah hidangan nasi gulung yang diisi dengan berbagai bahan, seperti daging, sayuran, dan telur. Masakan ini sering dijadikan bekal di Korea dan sangat praktis untuk dibawa. Jungkook sering membuat kimbap, terutama saat berada di militer karena mudah dibuat dan mengenyangkan.
2 gelas nasi putih
1 sendok makan cuka beras
1 sendok teh gula pasir
1 sendok teh garam
5 lembar rumput laut (nori)
1 buah wortel (iris panjang tipis)
1 batang timun (iris panjang tipis)
2 butir telur (buat dadar tipis)
100 gram daging sapi atau tuna (iris tipis, bisa diganti dengan bahan lain sesuai selera)
1 sendok makan minyak wijen
Cara membuat:
Masak nasi putih dan campurkan dengan cuka beras, gula, dan garam. Aduk rata dan biarkan sedikit dingin.
Tumis wortel dan timun dengan sedikit minyak wijen hingga sedikit layu.
Buat telur dadar tipis dan potong memanjang.
Letakkan selembar rumput laut di atas alas bambu atau kain, lalu ratakan nasi di atasnya.
Tambahkan wortel, timun, telur dadar, dan daging di atas nasi.
Gulung rapat menggunakan alat penggulung atau tangan hingga kimbap padat dan tidak mudah terbuka.
Potong kimbap menjadi beberapa bagian dan sajikan.
Kimbap adalah hidangan praktis yang bisa dimakan kapan saja, cocok untuk bekal atau makan siang ringan. Jungkook mungkin suka membuatnya karena selain mudah, kimbap juga dapat disesuaikan dengan selera.
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ajahbesti · 1 year ago
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Foto Cabe Bubuk GAFI PROMO, (0896-1282-1257)
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apotekadamevasrimartani · 6 days ago
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Distributor Madu Angkak Untuk Lambung, Madu Kurma Angkak Jambu Biji Sdn Petir 2, Madu Angkak Apa Boleh Untuk Anak 1 Tahun Piyungan Srimartani, Khasiat Madu Angkak Habbasyifa Senggotan Ngorooro, Madu Angkak Al Baik Sepat Ngorooro, Madu Angkak Gamat Gold Senggotan Ngorooro
Aroma dan rasanya lebih mantap dan lezat. Propolis trigona dari jenis lebah apis trigona yang dikenal sebagai lebah spesialis penghasil propolis. Madu angkak diklaim memiliki berbagai manfaat, di antaranya: Meningkatkan trombosit, Membantu menurunkan kolesterol, Menambah nafsu makan, Mengatasi demam berdarah (DBD), Mengatasi gejala typus, Mengatasi maag, dan Mengatasi radang usus. Sari jambu biji merah yang secara empiris terbukti berkhasiat untuk membantu meingkatkan trombosit terutama pada pasien Demam berdarah. Terdapat 2 varian yaitu Isi 470 gram dan 280 gram. Propolis trigona dari jenis lebah apis trigona yang dikenal sebagai lebah spesialis penghasil propolis.
Berizin resmi BPOM RI: POM TR 246 005 351. Aroma dan rasanya lebih mantap dan lezat.KHASIAT Sari Kurma Madu Angkak Golden Khallazz yaitu Membantu meningkatkan HB (hemoglobin) dan trombosit dalam darah, Membantu mengatasi DBD (Demam Berdarah) dan Thypus, Meningkatkan energi dan mengatasi anemia, Nutrisi bagi Ibu Hamil, Melahirkan dan Menyusui. PIRT : KURMA MADU ANGKAK GOLDEN KHALLAZZ adalah Sarikurma yang diformulasikan dengan berbagai macam herbal pilihan sehingga bermanfaat untuk memelihara kesehatan, meningkatkan imunitas ,suplemen menambah darah, Hb dan trombosit.
Apotek Adameva Srimartani Jl. Munggur- Petir - Ngorooro Daraman Srimartani Piyungan Bantul WA 0821 3617 7962
maduangkakplusjambubijiperumgts1, #sarikurmamaduangkakgoldenkhallazzsdnterbahiipatuk, #maduangkakdbdsdnsokasaripatuk, #maduangkakbuattipesngentakmedjingjogotirto, #khasiatmaduangkaksmkmuhammadiyahpiyungan, #maduangkakcinagunungbutaknglanggeran, #maduangkakkapsulsumbertetespatuk, #sarikurmamaduangkakgoldenkhallazzsmpnegeri1patuk, #maduangkakpropoliskaliwinihjogotirto, #maduangkakmenaikkantrombositsmkmaarifpiyungan
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lamyaasfaraini · 9 months ago
Day 13 - Yourself with 13 things
30 days photography challenge
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13? Banyak amaaaaddd.. Let's try dah dikolase jg wkwk
Run! Ofc sedang rajin2nya.. Alhamdulillah. Salam olahraga!
Sport outfit, skrg di syopi keranjangnya jd sporty people
Netflix and chill! With hubby ofc, almost everynite~
Masakan suami. Mood bgt ini apalagi kalo enak. Wuhh~
Macan ternak. Everyday's routine (ko potonya miring?)
Cuddling. Pasutri siapa yg tydac suka uwel2an.. We love it!
Bfast hunter. Paling suka hunting tmpt sarapan hehe
Skincare. Ofc! Mid 30's feels old.. Retinol mana retinol!
Makmur jaya. Da best coffee in town, our fav no debat!
Nail Polish. I loveee kutekan, krn merasa jemariku cantiq😌
Smells good. Currently so in love with my parfum~
Matching outift. Ngga harus sama pek ketiplek yg penting senada atau 1 gradasian. With suami atau anak hihi
Good food good mood. Aduh terlalu banyak good food di galeri jadi mari pilih saja ramen terenak yg pernah aku makan tapi nun jauh di Jogja sana yg gatau kpn bakalan balik kesana lagi. Saikoro beef ramen, Golden Geisha~ mengingatnya aja sampe ngiler lg haaa kzl
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