#golden heart anon
myshredda · 2 years
Oh heavens, I'm going to have to remember that your Red now, my brain this /lh nm
But on the bright side, I can't confuse you with sillysadduck anymore
Oh yeah the new icon + layout! I think it looks a lot better than the old one tbh, sorry duck!
Also it's was an honor to be confused with my favorite artist in this fandom ✌️😊
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
it’s heart anon again ♡ may i request risotto accidentally receiving the reader’s love confession instead of the paperwork for a mission or assignment they were going to give him? (it can be headcanons or a full-blown fic, that’s entirely up to you !)
maybe the reader writes a secret love letter out of boredom but accidentally mixes it up with some documents for a mission, so i can only imagine risotto’s reaction when he reads about how handsome he is instead of orders from the boss for a hit job 😭
oh my love!!! hello heart anon! thank you so so so so so so much for this amazing request! i had such a killer time writing it, you dont even understand omg. thank you again and i really hope you enjoy because this is 10x hotter than i thought it would turn out.
Risotto Reacting to a Love Letter
Pairing - Risotto x reader
Warnings - none, just risotto being too hot for this world
Word Count - 493
Notes - sorry this took a while, but thank you again! i loved writing this and omg thank you again! i hope you have a wonderful day and stay hydrated heart anon!! <333
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“Good morning Risotto!” You beamed at the man you looked up to as he walked through the door holding piles of paperwork.
“Good morning, y/n. Where’s everyone else?”
You stood up and walked over to your desk, filing through your own paperwork as Risotto did the same. “They all went out. Shopping I think.”
“Those idiots.” Risotto muttered under his breath, trying to find that day’s assignment in all of his paperwork. “Do you have the day’s assignment over there, y/n?”
You dug through your own paperwork, but all you could find were angry notes from Ghiaccio and love letters from Melone along with organized old assignments from the boss. “Nope. Are you sure it's not in the giant pile in your hand?”
“Oh wait, here it is.” Risotto pulled out a packet, but it definitely wasn't their assignment for the day. It was a long handwritten letter, completely in cursive. He skimmed it at first, reading words like, “handsome” or “in love with you”, but what caught his eye was the sign off at the end. “Love, y/n.”
He quickly looked up at you and then back down at the letter. You didn't notice though, as you were trying to put the day together.
Risotto then read everything from that note. How much you cared about him, how you would take a bullet for him, how you loved working with him. He couldn't stop rereading it over and over again.
“Uh… y/n?” Risotto knew he was blushing, but there was really nothing he could do about that.
“Yeah?” You turned to find Risotto with a bright red face, holding a piece of paper up to you. “Oh, did you find it?” You stood up and grabbed the paper from him, immediately feeling all of the color leave from your face. “Oh my god, Risotto, I am so so so so sorry, I don't know how that ended up with all of your work! I'm sorry, just pretend like nothing happened! I'll go shred it. And oh! Would you look at that! Here’s the assignment for the day sitting right on top of your des-”
Risotto stopped you mid-sentence by pulling you by the wrist, your lips only inches apart. “You have such a way with words, y/n. Has anyone ever told you that before?”
Before you could answer, Risotto’s lips were already on yours, pulling you into his lap with a smile. He tucked your hair behind your ear and you realized how warm he was. So comfortable. You could fall asleep like this if you weren't careful.
He pulled away slowly, your lips sticking together for a moment before parting. You looked into his dark eyes that were looking at you with such love and care. He pulled you in again for a shorter kiss and took the note from your hand. “I'll be keeping this, thank you. Now let's get ready for the day, yes?”
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 2 months
is there anything golden girls you have Lots of Thoughts on that you haven't got to talk about fully or been asked about yet? consider this a free space to share those thoughts.
Anon, this question is essentially a declaration of love to me. You couldn't have made me happier. I am kissing you on the lips (or going to buy the best cheesecake in the world for you, your pick).
After some deliberation, I ended up choosing a subject I've been thinking about (and mentioning on here) ever since my first watch-through of the series, i.e. why a queer reading of Dorothy, Blanche and Rose doesn't only make sense because of their interactions with each other, but is actually in line with their journey as characters, the challenges they face, and the overall tune of the show. It seems like I ended up writing a short essay about it, so I'm putting it all under a cut. Hope you enjoy!
Ok, so, I'd like to make a little premise first. I love the platonic view of the show. I'm always always fond of stories that celebrate the importance of platonic bonds. If anything I'm sort of annoyed that they sometimes use familial language (they're ‘sisters’, Sophia loves them 'as her own') to symbolize their love for one another, but I understand why they chose to use it -- it's a quick way to communicate profound affection to the audience, and especially to the audience at the time.
That being said, I feel like a queer romantic view of the bond between Dorothy, Rose, and Blanche is equally poignant -- and of course it's especially dear to me, as a queer woman. For one thing, it’s still in tune with the core message of the show: whatever kind of affection they feel for one another, they’re still an unusual unit by societal standards, and yet there's no doubt that they’re the most important people in each other’s life (in fact, one could argue that they are, in canon, what today we'd call a QPR, but I digress). They love each other, they're committed to each other, they share their lives, in a way that doesn't conform to societal standards.
Dorothy sums it up very well in her speech in S7E4 That’s For Me To Know: they’re not a conventional family, but theirs is a real, honest love. This is a message that feels very in tune with the queer experience: how many of us have been told that our loves, our identities, our relationships and our (chosen) families aren’t real? Not to mention some of the problems they face: how many queer people have been kept apart from their loved ones in the hospital because they weren't related? How many have gone through the anxiety of an HIV test? I'm not surprised the show resonated so much with queer people in the 80s/90s, and I'm not surprised it still does.
What about the characters themselves? Let's start with Dorothy, since I've already spoken a bit about her in the past. Dorothy's character journey is, in essence, a journey towards self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-love. She begins the show as a recently divorced woman who has been with the same horrid man for her entire adult life, a man she married in a hurry because he got her pregnant at 17; her self-esteem is on the floor. She doesn't know what being loved in a romantic sense means. Through living with the Girls she learns how to take back what she's lost; how to feel secure in her sexuality and attractiveness, how to love herself more, and (as a consequence of this self-love) how to open herself up to the world and other people. She even states so in the series finale:
We've all learned a lot from each other. I mean, Ma taught me life does not end because you've reached a certain age. And I've become much more comfortable with my sexuality because of Blanche. And Rose has taught me… Rose has taught me... [...] Anyway, because of them I feel that I'm ready to love you. (S7E25 One Flew Out Of The Cuckoo's Nest)
This is a queer-aligned narrative already!! Years and years of sacrifice and repression followed by a journey towards self-discovery thanks to love, support, and a sense of community? That's queer, baby! I particularly like the interpretation of Dorothy as a repressed lesbian because I feel like it fits very well with her character traits, but honestly, any queer reading of her fits as well. Having her realize that she is queer and eventually choose to act on it would have been a great way to reinforce her character journey.
It also would have added some amazing layers to her whole backstory, both as pertains to her marriage (doesn't it all feel more tragic, if you think of her as a repressed lesbian?) and, for example, to her friendship with Jean (how would she have felt seeing her friend be openly gay while she denied the same truth about herself?). I just think there's lots and lots that could be explored when we consider Dorothy in this lens.
On to Blanche. A lot of Blanche's character traits (her vanity, her self-centeredness, her need to be the center of attention in a positive way) stem, I feel, from the way she was treated in her childhood and from two pivotal episodes in her life: the 'disappearance' of her Mammy and George's death. Her stories about her childhood (especially the ones she tells when her sisters are involved in an episode) make it seem as if her parents, while affectionate (Big Daddy especially), weren't exactly involved; she had to fight for their attention in constant competition with her siblings, particularly her sisters. There were only two people in her life whose love didn't feel dependent on her performance, her Mammy and George, and they both disappeared from her life abruptly and without any warning.
What does this teach a person? That they have to be the most attractive version of themselves at all times; that they need to be very careful with how they present themselves in society, so that they may always appear as the best within the bunch; that even the people who seem to love them unconditionally can leave them at any minute. The end result is Blanche, the woman in the mask. She seems very open in her attitude, especially towards the sexual sphere of life, but she's open in the same way the titular character of Fleabag is open:
Yeah, I think she’s using a certain type of honesty as a weapon of distraction. She talks very openly and honestly about sex so you feel like she’s being open with you when, actually, she’s completely hiding by doing that. She’s distracting you from a completely different side of her, which is the side that’s traumatized and in pain. (from this interview to Phoebe Waller-Bridge)
In truth, she's always very attentive to the way she presents herself to others, because she's afraid that people will turn away from her if she steps out of her persona. Look at what she says to her Mammy in S6E5 Wham, Bam, Thank You, Mammy:
You didn't even say goodbye. I woke up one morning, and you were gone. I loved you. I spent the next few years wondering what I'd done, what I'd said to make you leave me.
She's convinced (until this episode, at least) that she was abandoned by someone she loved so dearly because of something she'd done. And, well, George's death is a bit of a different thing, but also... do you think she hasn't spent long, sleepless nights wondering what would have happened if she'd convinced him not to go wherever he was going? If she'd gone with him? If she'd made different choices, if she'd said different things, if she'd been better?
What does all this have to do with queerness? Well... we know that some of Blanche's issues manifest in her constant concern with how society perceives her. This ranges from her search for rich and sophisticated men to parade around to her struggle to accept Rebecca's decision to undergo artificial insemination -- not to mention how she reacts to Clayton's coming out and especially to his decision to marry Doug. If that was how she reacted to a member of her family proudly coming out as gay, how would she react to the realization that she might also be queer in some way?
I figure the steps would be her usual ones -- denial denial denial, fear of judgement, bargaining with herself, eventual acceptance and even pride -- but with the added complexity of having to deal with something that concerns her and her desires. Not her daughter, not her brother, her. If she comes out and/or acts on her attraction, any eventual consequence from a societal standpoint would be due to her actions, not a reflection of someone close to her, and I feel like that would be interesting to explore. We already know she can get over her fear and prejudices when it comes to the people she loves; can she do the same for herself? I like to think she would, eventually, overcome her need for societal approval, just like she (sort of) does in the show, and the journey there would be fascinating from a character standpoint.
What about Rose? There's a minor thread in her character journey that's about fear of intimacy due to Charlie's death, but it gets resolved pretty early on (apart from an episode in S7, but I feel like that's more of a momentary setback than anything major). Apart from this, I think her character growth is about becoming bolder: more sure of herself, better at advocating for herself and her loved ones, better at asking people to respect her needs and wants.
This is a very minor spoiler for The Golden Palace, so thread with a pinch of caution, but -- in it, Dorothy is shocked that Rose became strong, and while I understand her surprise, I don't think that's necessarily the right word to use. Rose is meek, and gentle, and she certainly wasn't at her best at the beginning of the show (S1E9 Break In and S1E22 Job Hunting are proof enough), but I think we forget that she's overcome a lot throughout her life. It takes a strong person to recognize that her home is too filled with grief to keep living there, and uproot her whole life (leaving behind her whole community and support system) to begin to heal:
The winters are rough, here in Minnesota, and this place is too filled with memories to let me get on with my life. I need to start over without you, Charlie, and I think this is the best way. (from S2E25 A Piece Of Cake)
I think she's always been a tough cookie, and remarkably in touch with her emotions, even if her grief for Charlie momentarily weakened her. Living with the Girls helps her get her conviction back and gain the newfound boldness she needs to know she has a spine of steel and use it when the moment calls for it.
Realizing that she might be queer would encourage her in this journey towards boldness, I feel. I don't think she'd have any internal hang-ups like Dorothy and Blanche would (her sort of reticence towards homosexuality in the show seems like it comes from a place of ignorance, rather than repression), but we know she can be sensitive to societal perception, even if not at Blanche's level (see S1E13 A Little Romance), and a queer relationship is the sort of thing that, unfortunately, invites a lot of societal scrutiny. The need to be there and ensure the safety and happiness of her partner(s) would embolden her to show her strength and aid her journey as a character.
As an addendum: what would a coming out from any of her three Girls (Dorothy especially) mean for Sophia? In the show she's always supportive of homosexuality:
Jean is a nice person; she just likes girls instead of guys. Some people like cats instead of dogs. Frankly, I'd rather live with a lesbian than a cat. Unless a lesbian sheds, that I don't know. I'll tell you the truth, Dorothy. If one of my kids was gay, I wouldn't love him one bit less. I would wish him all the happiness in the world. (S2E5 Isn't It Romantic?)
That's what Doug and Clayton want, too. Everyone wants someone to grow old with. And shouldn't everyone have that chance? (S6E14 Sisters Of The Bride)
However, she's also shown to have some hang-ups when it comes to this sort of thing. Her issues with Phil's cross-dressing are the best example, but I'd count her attitude towards Rose while they're waiting for her AIDS test results in the mix, too. I wonder if a coming out from (one of) her Girls would prove more difficult to handle? I have no doubts that she'd come around in the end, of course -- I just wonder if she might have to work at it a bit first (and if her reaction to Dorothy coming out would be any different from her reaction to Blanche and/or Rose coming out).
Sophia's journey in the show is subtle, and the one I find harder to pinpoint. My personal opinion is that she gradually becomes softer around the edges, more open and openly vulnerable with the Girls; she gets more playful, more relaxed, more in her element as the show progresses. I think it's possible that a coming out from (one of) her Girls would encourage this progression towards openness; having her loved ones confide in her about something so personal would invite more confidence from her part too.
Whew, that was a long answer! It's a mess and I'm sure there's lots more that could be explored -- these are just some of my thoughts finally put on paper. If anyone has anything to add (or any contrasting opinion too!!) I'd love to read what you think!! In the meantime, anon, thank you so much for this ask. You seriously made my week!
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invisiblegarabgetruck · 8 months
May we have no good Jerry???? I'm secretly so into this guy but there's NOTHING ABOUT HIM I don't know if he's from the Hqs or something but this guy seems to just exist and nobody is talking about him
Omg if he's related to that golden little heart necklace Rick I'm totally satisfied with existence and all my pain instantly stops existing
ah, YESSSSSSSSSSS NO GOOD JERRY!!!! I don't know what Hqs mean, but I can't believe he's from the Pocket mortys (like he's from game tournament)
and like look at his design!!!! they are literally so sick.(the hair, the injured eyes, the big ass scar, the clothes??? muah muah) he deserve more than just one being a npc in the game 😭😭😭
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also i think his dialogues in the game is interesting...
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(he be aggressive)
as for his necklace. personally, I don't think he has anything to do with that rick, cuz he was made way before s7. (I thought it was that blue titanic necklace LMAO) but hey, don't let that stop you :p
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Can i ask for the ROs reaction when MC hold their faces and say "i can hold the whole world in my hands"? -sarah
oh boy, this one's gonna be fun :D
The Rival - If you're at the point where she allows you to just casually touch her, then this would be the icing on the cake. She's a sucker for physical touch and honeyed words so expect a lot of blushing The Boss - They would try their best to hide their reaction, but once again, if you are at the point where they just let you do stuff like that then they've already fallen off the deep end for you. Expect them to get very clingy The Coworker - Genuinely, he might cry. Not in a sad way, in a very, very happy kind of way. Expect not to move for a while as he will be hugging you until he either calms down or passes out The Baron - They will scoff, probably roll their eyes, and walk away. The moment they're behind closed doors though? They start acting like a kid who just asked out their crush. Jumping around, generally can't stop smiling, the whole works
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ask-sweetie-and-pip · 4 months
Introduce yourself, Ruby!
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"Dear Anon,
I'm many things, but I can't explain it right now. I have a little filly that is interested in my trinkets! This one is a magical music device I created which can play anything as long you have magic and a little imagination! Till next time!"- Ruby Heart
Hey you! Go away! *Golden Key slams the door shut*
"Don't be like that, Key... always show some kindness..." - Ruby Heart
//Yes, that is Diamond Tiara X Silver Spoon's daughter. Now back to designing the arc..
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mitamicah · 8 months
If you receive this you make someone happy. Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or some you think need cheering up. If you get some back, even better. 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you so much, anon :'D <3
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dylanconrique · 2 years
tim's scared little 'call my sister' when he was paralyzed killed me too!!
this face? absolutely broke. me. shattered my heart like glass into a billion crystalized little snowflakes. the fear in his eyes was so palpable, he only thought there was a 50/50 chance he wasn't going to walk again, and then he loses all feeling from what? the neck down? the waist down? and then in that moment he officially solidifies it in his mind that when he comes out of surgery he's going to be permanitly confide to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. and the one person he wanted at his side more than anyone was his baby sister, genny? christ i'm still bawling over here.
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iravaid · 2 years
Less of an ask more of a thought but I wonder if Gary buys Lunchbox clip on earrings. While it's really common now for women to pierce their ears, during the 1930 and 40's when Gary was at the peak of his acting life, actually having pierced ears was sometime looked down on as sign you were poor or working class. I can't imagine that it is that hard to get an earring meant for pierced ears converted to a clip on, so Lunchbox could get to wear some of the earring she "finds". And she even could wear multiple on the lower half of her ears and there are pads that Gary could buy that would stop the clip ons from pinching her ears too hard.
Oh my god what a lovely thought that is 😭
Had to draw it, of course!
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Bonus: Gary getting his own clip-on (LB is so generous)
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seiwas · 1 year
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𝐓𝐎: @crysugu
𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌: @soumies @shotorus
𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐗 (𝟏): 𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲, 𝐰𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐬! 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝, 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲. ఌ
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myshredda · 2 years
If/when computer day comes around again, what would Green and Pink want to do? I feel like Pink would definitely want to look at really cool architecture (like fr, some are so impressive) and maybe Green would want to look at the periodic table and try to learn every element on it (listen idk, the clump's interests are weird and broad/pos)
-💛🫀(suprise! I'm back)
I think that computer day is a very hectic day for them and I'd love to think it would end up being the kids wanting to play club penguin and poptropica and wizards 101 and fighting about who gets to read what on like idk the fucking scp archives and Red and Duck wanting to do boring things like checking emails (and/or looking up a skeleton on the dark web) so it would probably devolve into another fight hopefully with less bottles and chainsaws this time
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eeblouissant · 2 months
Catching up on new fics and need to say that I love how you used consent as this unspoken theme. I don't have a problem with other fics in the fandom, it's so cool that there's any fics at all still being made for a 40 year old show and I love what people are doing, so hopefully it doesn't come across that way but I feel like your Dorothy is truest to the show. And I really like how you explore her vulnerabilities but, if this makes any sense which it probably doesn't, in a loving way? Both in the tone of your writing, you can tell you care about the characters and their backgrounds, but also how she's always got a safety net with the others overall, so even if she breaks or falls she won't be left to hit rock bottom, but how that also means you can dig into those more traumatic themes and hints from canon and let her be less than angel or someone who needs those reassurances etc. Your fic that centers around Dorothy's smoking habit is one a constantly thing about that encapsulates all this, it's probably my fave fic for the whole fandom. not even 2000 words but there are so many layers and it's all so Dorothy and bittersweet and feels so true and it never feels rushed or forced or superficial.
anon 🥹🥹🥹 anon !!!!!! I’ve been smiling so much my face hurts !!!!!! Oh my god, you have absolutely no idea how much this all means to me, i don’t even know where to begin!!!!!! Thank you for the (very) happy cry :’) very very happy & very appreciative. I really can’t express just how much this means !!!
I can’t believe people have really seen beyond the surface of what I write (i thought I was insane, adding in so many layers but sorta kinda failing to articulate them properly, or so I thought? I was sure that I was kind of just living in my own head here 😅), but wow, it means the world to hear.
One of the shows biggest themes, and one of its most important imo, shows that women “of a certain age” can and do have healthy & active sex lives/a healthy relationship with sex. And while I’ve seen a good few (incredible 👀 by the way) fics talking about or portraying this between the girls, whether you seen them being platonic or romantic - i had yet to see fics touching on the topic while also displaying Dorothy’s trauma/how she would respond. The body always remembers, the mind may heal, and heal Dorothy has - but there will always be a sort of response, memories hidden just beneath the surface. I like to imagine it like crumpling up a piece of paper - you can unfold it and lay it flat, press it flat with a book if you like, but the wrinkles, those memories, will always be there. That piece of paper isn’t ruined, just wrinkled. A little more delicate. Dorothy’s just a little more delicate than the others. And that part of her is so so soooooo criminally underrepresented and glossed over imo. (Since we’re on the topic of vulnerability, everyone go read @/hecatesbroom’s essay on vulnerability in tgg RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!! you will not be disappointed!!!!!! someone teach me how to link things neatly please 😭)
I don’t know if it means anything (or if this is too personal) but I write and speak about Dorothy as a survivor of very similar trauma, so I tend to project a little onto her (while also trying my best to stay true to her character, i have this thing about sticking to canon very strictly haha. But while I was working out my portrayal i definitely pulled from bits and pieces of my own healing journey). I like to take my negative experiences and use them in my art as a sort of coping mechanism, so at least I can make something good of them? Does that make sense?
Anyway - I’m really really glad that the consent theme has seemed to get through (to more than one person, too! ahh :’) ), and that it was clear there’re many more layers there. Dorothy is gentle, she really is so gentle. I think lots of us can be blinded by the facade she puts up, and I truly believe it is a facade - one very well perfected after years of putting up - but behind closed doors she really isn’t that. She presents herself as the “fixer”, “the great balloon pricker”, but she needs to have that safety net ready & known more than the others I think. Purely because of her experiences leading up to (now, canon, etc)
ahh & i had completely forgotten about that fic, oh my :’))) i really don’t have the words - you’re just too sweet 😭🤍🤍🤍🤍 i wish I had added more to that one, but I’ve never really enjoyed writing looooonnggg pieces like that. About 2000 words is all I’ll ever manage, if that 😂. It’s been a good few months since I’ve read that one over, i never read my work over after it’s published, so I can’t comment on it the same way I just did the last.
thank you thank you thank you for this you have no idea how much it means :’) i will be thinking about this for the rest of ever,,, truest to the show??!!! Watch me sob right now
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
Lynnie Green was and still is a fan of Bea- she refers to herself as an 'acolyte' in an interview I listened to. She was a fan even before getting on the show, she followed Bea's theater career closely. She's also talked about how (I can't remember which appearance) at the end of filming Bea said she was going for a drink (I think they shared a dressing room) and how she regrets that Bea was obviously offering to take her out on the town and she was so, like, in awe that she fumbled it and she regrets it to this day because she wanted to cross that bridge from acolyte to confidant and thinks they could've been great friends. She's also said Bea kept in touch with her after filming and would always greet her warmly when they ran into each other or offer her tickets to some shows a few times over the years. OH and she's a lesbian, happily married to her wife (just found this out at the last Golden Con). she rocks, basically.
Anon, oh my god. The amount of incredible information you have given me.
First of all -- Lynnie referring to herself as an acolyte of Bea is incredible. Honestly wish I'd been able to follow Bea's career as closely as Lynnie did, if only for the chance to call myself her acolyte.
The story about Bea inviting her out for a drink and her fumbling the invitation is so relatable, oh my god. Can you imagine, getting to work with someone you admire so much? No -- getting to impersonate her?? And then she invites you out for a drink??? I would have died on the spot. Holy shit. Absolutely incredible. I'm so sorry for her that she didn't get to become Bea's friend but honestly I completely get her panic!
And Bea -- I know by now that she was a complete sweetheart, but this information just melts my heart!!! She kept in touch with her? She was warm to her and sent her tickets to her shows??? Oh ;-; what a sweet lovely person she was!!! I'm forever mad I didn't get the chance to see her in person! What a blessing upon this world!!
And on top of all this, on the first day of pride month, you come and tell me Lynnie is a happily married lesbian?? Anon you have made me so happy. So so so happy. Thank you so much!!! You're absolutely right, she rocks!
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Golden Oreos > than traditional Oreos
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ROs heights?
I'm still iffy on the heights for most of them, so I'll just give vague ranges :D The Rival: 6'0"-6'6" The Boss: 5'5"-5'9" The Coworker: 5'10"-6'1" The Baron: 5'1"-5'6" These are all still subject to change, but the Rival is highly likely to stay the tallest, and the Baron is likely to stay the shortest.
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resident-cake-anon · 11 months
hiii i wrote their share-a-meal interactions and have to physically restrain myself from posting them immediately
i’ll post them all in one the moment i finish writing the rest
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