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goldinvestl · 2 years ago
Warum Investoren immer wieder Gold als Anlageoption wählen
In einer Welt, die von ständigen Veränderungen und wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit geprägt ist, suchen Investoren nach stabilen und zuverlässigen Anlageformen, um ihr Vermögen zu schützen und zu vermehren. Gold hat sich im Laufe der Geschichte als eine der bevorzugten Anlageoptionen etabliert, und Investoren wenden sich immer wieder diesem edlen Metall zu. In diesem Artikel werden wir untersuchen, warum Investoren weiterhin Gold als Anlageoption wählen und warum das Unternehmen "Gold Invest" eine vertrauenswürdige Wahl für Anleger ist.
Historische Werthaltigkeit:
Gold hat eine lange Geschichte als Wertspeicher und Tauschmittel. Seit Jahrtausenden wird Gold als stabiler Wert betrachtet und hat sich als krisensicher erwiesen. Investoren schätzen diese historische Werthaltigkeit und vertrauen darauf, dass Gold auch in Zukunft seinen Wert behält.
Schutz vor Inflation:
Inflation kann die Kaufkraft von Papierwährungen erheblich verringern. Gold hingegen hat sich als effektiver Schutz vor Inflation erwiesen. Da die Menge an Gold begrenzt ist und seine Förderung relativ konstant bleibt, behält Gold im Allgemeinen seinen Wert über die Zeit hinweg.
Sichere Hafen:
In Zeiten geopolitischer Unsicherheit, wirtschaftlicher Turbulenzen oder Finanzkrisen wird Gold oft als sicherer Hafen angesehen. Investoren fliehen in solchen Zeiten häufig in den Goldmarkt, da es als stabiler und verlässlicher Vermögenswert gilt, der unabhängig von politischen und wirtschaftlichen Ereignissen bestehen bleibt.
Eine ausgewogene Anlagestrategie erfordert Diversifikation. Gold bietet eine effektive Möglichkeit, ein Anlageportfolio zu diversifizieren und das Risiko zu streuen. Durch die Beimischung von Gold zu einem Portfolio können Investoren das Verlustrisiko verringern und potenzielle Renditen steigern.
Weltweite Akzeptanz:
Gold ist ein globales Gut und wird weltweit akzeptiert. Es kann leicht gekauft, verkauft und gehandelt werden. Diese Liquidität macht Gold attraktiv für Investoren, da es einfach ist, in und aus diesem Markt einzusteigen.
Das Unternehmen "Gold Invest" versteht die Attraktivität von Gold als Anlageoption und bietet Investoren eine vertrauenswürdige Plattform, um in dieses Edelmetall zu investieren. Mit einem umfangreichen Fachwissen und einer langjährigen Erfahrung im Goldhandel bietet "Gold Invest" Anlegern die Möglichkeit, in physisches Gold oder Gold-Finanzinstrumente zu investieren.
Die Experten von "Gold Invest" unterstützen Investoren bei der Entwicklung individueller Anlagestrategien, die auf ihren Zielen und Bedürfnissen basieren. Sie bieten auch umfassende Beratungsdienstleistungen und halten ihre Kunden über aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem Goldmarkt auf dem Laufenden.
Investoren wählen "Gold Invest", um von den Vorteilen des Goldmarktes zu profitieren und ihr Portfolio zu diversifizieren. Die langfristige Stabilität, der Inflationsschutz, die Funktion als sicherer Hafen und die weltweite Akzeptanz machen Gold zu einer attraktiven Anlageoption für Investoren weltweit.
Abschließend lässt sich sagen, dass Gold Investoren weiterhin anzieht, da es eine bewährte Anlageoption ist, die Stabilität und Werthaltigkeit bietet. Das Unternehmen "Gold Invest" ist eine vertrauenswürdige Wahl für Investoren, die von den Vorteilen des Goldmarktes profitieren möchten. Unabhängig von den Schwankungen auf den Finanzmärkten bleibt Gold ein zuverlässiger Vermögenswert, der sein Gewicht behält und sich als sinnvolle Ergänzung eines diversifizierten Portfolios erweist.
Wenn Sie in Wien in Goldbarren oder Münzen investieren möchten, ist Gold Invest das Unternehmen Ihres Vertrauens.
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goldinvest-edelmetalle · 1 year ago
Was Sie beim Online-Kauf von Silberbarren wissen sollten
Die Investition in Edelmetalle wie Silber gilt seit langem als kluge Finanzentscheidung. Da Online-Shopping immer beliebter wird, wenden sich viele Anleger für den Kauf von Silberbarren an Online-Plattformen. Allerdings ist es wichtig, vor dem Kauf Vorsicht walten zu lassen und mehrere Faktoren zu berücksichtigen. In diesem Blogbeitrag werden wir die wichtigsten Faktoren untersuchen, die vor dem Online-Kauf von Silberbarren zu berücksichtigen sind, mit besonderem Fokus auf Gold Invest Germany, ein renommiertes Unternehmen in der Edelmetallbranche.
Ruf und Vertrauenswürdigkeit
Beim Online-Kauf von Silberbarren sind der Ruf und die Vertrauenswürdigkeit des Verkäufers von größter Bedeutung. Gold Invest Germany hat sich als renommiertes Unternehmen etabliert, das für sein Engagement für Kundenzufriedenheit und qualitativ hochwertige Produkte bekannt ist. Bevor Sie einen Kauf bei einem Online-Verkäufer tätigen, ist es wichtig, sich über dessen Ruf zu informieren, Kundenbewertungen zu lesen und sicherzustellen, dass er über eine sichere und zuverlässige Website verfügt.
Produktauthentizität und -reinheit
Silberbarren gibt es in verschiedenen Größen und Gewichten. Es ist wichtig, vor dem Kauf auf Echtheit und Reinheit zu achten. Seriöse Verkäufer wie Gold Invest Germany bieten detaillierte Informationen zu den von ihnen angebotenen Silberbarren, einschließlich Reinheitsgrad, Gewicht und Zertifizierung. Suchen Sie nach Silberbarren, die mit Gewichts- und Reinheitsangaben versehen sind, z. B. „999“ oder „99,9 % reines Silber“. Darüber hinaus sollte der Verkäufer ein Echtheitszertifikat anbieten, um die Echtheit des Produkts zu gewährleisten.
Preise und wettbewerbsfähige Tarife
Beim Online-Kauf von Silberbarren ist der Preisvergleich von entscheidender Bedeutung. Es ist ratsam, sich bei mehreren Verkäufern zu informieren und deren Preise zu vergleichen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie ein faires Angebot erhalten. Gold Invest Germany ist bestrebt, wettbewerbsfähige Konditionen anzubieten und gleichzeitig die Qualität seiner Silberbarren beizubehalten. Seien Sie jedoch vorsichtig, wenn Verkäufer deutlich niedrigere Preise anbieten, da dies auf einen Kompromiss bei der Produktqualität oder Authentizität hinweisen kann.
Sichere Verpackung und Versand
Die Sicherheit Ihrer Silberbarren während des Transports ist für den Schutz Ihrer Investition von entscheidender Bedeutung. Beim Kauf bei Gold Invest Germany können Sie eine sichere Verpackung und zuverlässige Versandmethoden erwarten, damit Ihre Silberbarren in ausgezeichnetem Zustand bei Ihnen ankommen. Es ist wichtig, einen Verkäufer zu wählen, der geeignete Verpackungsmaterialien wie Schutzhüllen oder Kapseln verwendet und einen zuverlässigen Versandservice mit Versicherungsschutz bietet.
Kundendienst und Support
Zuverlässiger Kundenservice und Support sind beim Online-Kauf von Silberbarren unerlässlich. Gold Invest Germany ist stolz darauf, während des gesamten Kaufprozesses einen hervorragenden Kundenservice und Support zu bieten. Sie verfügen über sachkundige Vertreter, die Ihre Fragen beantworten, Sie bei fundierten Entscheidungen unterstützen und auf eventuelle Bedenken eingehen können. Berücksichtigen Sie die Verfügbarkeit des Kundensupports und dessen Reaktionsfähigkeit, bevor Sie Ihren Kauf abschließen.
Richtlinien für den Anzeigenrückgabeaustausch
Bevor Sie Silberbarren online kaufen, machen Sie sich mit den Rückgabe- und Umtauschrichtlinien des Verkäufers vertraut. Während seriöse Verkäufer wie Gold Invest Germany bestrebt sind, die Zufriedenheit ihrer Kunden sicherzustellen, ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, ihre Richtlinien in Bezug auf Rückgabe, Umtausch und Rückerstattungen zu verstehen. Suchen Sie nach einem Verkäufer, der eine angemessene Rückgabefrist bietet und die Bedingungen für die Rückgabe oder den Umtausch von Silberbarren klar darlegt.
Die Investition in Silberbarren kann ein profitables Unterfangen sein, und der Online-Kauf bietet Komfort und Zugänglichkeit. Allerdings ist es wichtig, vor dem Kauf mehrere Faktoren zu berücksichtigen. Gold Invest Germany zeichnet sich als zuverlässiges und seriöses Unternehmen in der Edelmetallbranche aus und legt Wert auf Produktqualität, Authentizität und Kundenzufriedenheit. Durch die Berücksichtigung von Faktoren wie Ruf, Produktechtheit, Preisgestaltung, Verpackung, Kundenservice und Rückgaberichtlinien können Sie beim Online-Kauf von Silberbarren eine fundierte Entscheidung treffen. Denken Sie daran, dass Investitionen in Edelmetalle immer mit sorgfältiger Überlegung und Recherche angegangen werden sollten.
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goldinvest14 · 4 years ago
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Gold ist das grundsolideste, vorausschauenste Investment für Menschen, die über den Tag hinaus denken. Ob in Form von Barren oder Münzen – mit den Gold Produkten von GOLDINVEST Edelmetalle entscheiden Sie sich für die optimale Versicherung gegen die Panik der Papier Märkte.
Gold In Wien Kufen
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architectnews · 3 years ago
Hotel Property Award 2021 winners news
Hotel Property Awards 2021, International Accommodation Competition News, Buildings Designs
Hotel Property Award 2021
2 September 2021
Hotel Property Award 2021 Winners
196+ hotelforum Munich jury nominates ten hotels for “Hotel Property Award 2021”
• More and more individual hotel concepts, including two holiday hotels
• Hotels from Austria, Denmark, Germany, Italy and Switzerland have been nominated
• Majority of buildings nominated are new, only three conversions
Munich, 2 September 2021 – The interdisciplinary jury of experts has nominated ten hotels from among 28 applications received from 12 European countries for the “Hotel Property Award 2021”, which will be presented on Wednesday, 13 October as part of the hybrid 196+ hotelforum conference.
The ten nominees include six hotels from Germany and one each from Denmark, Italy, Austria and Switzerland. Seven of the hotels are new constructions, three are the result of the conversion of a former administrative building, a bank office building and an old postal building, respectively; two of the nominated hotels belong to the category of holiday hotels.
Andreas Martin, Chairman of the jury: “We have once again seen more newly-built hotels than conversions among the nominated hotels this year as a proportion of the 28 total applications, but also in contrast to previous years, even though ten of the applications were for re-developments and repositioning of existing properties. What is particularly clear this year is that more and more special concepts are coming onto the market, both in the budget segment and in the segment focussing on long-term stays, and that these are characterised by a high degree of individuality, with a strong focus on the respective target group.”
Moreover, the development of the neighbourhood and the embedding of the new hotel in existing or newly-developed surroundings still play a central role in all the nominated hotels.
The expert jury with a total of 18 members is made up of experts from the fields of architecture, operation, development, finance, technical building installations and design of hotel properties, as well as of representatives from the media and academia.
“The discussion among the jury regarding the nomination for the ‘Hotel Property Award 2021’ was very intensive and lively, as always. The strong individuality requires an enhanced examination of the respective product. We were particularly concerned with the issues related to sustainability and integration into the surroundings,” said jury spokesperson and architect Oliver Collignon. “I found the overall conceptual and typological diversity of the 28 hotels submitted remarkable.”
196+ hotelforum considers interaction between the following categories to be decisive in selecting the nominees:
– architectural design quality (innovation) – integration into the project’s surroundings (destination) – sustainability and technical innovation (the future) – the originality of the concept (creativity) – economic efficiency (investment)
The ten nominees in alphabetical order:
– AMERON Munich Motorworld (Munich, Germany) – CAB20 (Hamburg, Germany) – Das Schlafwerk (Korntal-Münchingen, Stuttgart-Nord, Germany) – Falkensteiner Hotel Kronplatz (Bruneck/Reischach, South Tyrol, Italy) – KONCEPT HOTEL International (Cologne, Germany) – PAPA RHEIN ∙ Hotel & Spa (Bingen, Germany) – Ruby Luna (Düsseldorf, Germany) – Stay KooooK Bern (Berne, Schweiz) – Superbude Wien Prater (Vienna, Austria) – Villa Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Images for the ten Hotel Property Award 2021 nominees:
– AMERON Munich Motorworld, Munich, Germany
photos courtesy of AMERON Munich Motorworld
– CAB20, Hamburg, Germany photo © Niklas Heinecke
photo © Jakob Boerner
– Das Schlafwerk, Korntal-Münchingen, Stuttgart-Nord, Germany
images courtesy of Das Schlafwerk
– Falkensteiner Hotel Kronplatz, Bruneck/Reischach, South Tyrol, Italy
photos courtesy of Falkensteiner Hotel Kronplatz
– KONCEPT HOTEL International, Cologne, Germany
photos © Koncept Hotels
– PAPA RHEIN ∙ Hotel & Spa, Bingen, Germany
photos courtesy of Papa Rhein Hotel & Spa Bingen, Germany
– Ruby Luna, Düsseldorf, Germany
photos : Gregor Hofbauer
– Stay KooooK Berne, Switzerland
photos : CHK
– Superbude Wien Prater, Vienna, Austria photos courtesy of Superbude Wien Prater, Vienna, Austria
– Villa Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
photos courtesy of Villa Copenhagen, Denmark
Hotel Property Award Previous Winners
Grand Park Hotel Rovinj, Croatia (2020), Schgaguler Hotel Castelrotto/Kastelruth (2019), QO Amsterdam (2018), Bretterbude Heiligenhafen (2017), Reichshof Hamburg CURIO Collection by Hilton (2016), Hotel Zoo Berlin (2015), Holzhotel Forsthofalm Leogang, Salzburger Land (2014), Radisson Blu Hotel Nantes (2013), Hotel TOPAZZ Wien (2012), 25hours HafenCity Hamburg (2011), Roomers Frankfurt (2010), Lindner Park-Hotel Hagenbeck (2009), 25hours Frankfurt (2008), Schloss Elmau Luxury Spa & Cultural Hideaway (2007), Hotel Daniel Graz (2006), Colosseo Erlebnishotel Rust (2004), Rocco Forte Hotel Amigo Brussels and Accor Suite Hotel Hamburg (2003), Hilton Cologne (2002).
196+ hotelforum Munich
196+ hotelforum Munich is the European Hotel Development Conference, which has been a regular annual feature accommodating networking and exchanges between experts when it comes to hotel properties since 2002. Even as a hybrid conference, 196+ hotelforum Munich will offer a highly-qualified communication platform for the hospitality industry, with a varied stage programme and various networking formats. It will culminate in the presentation of the “Hotel Property Award”. 2021’s 196+ hotelforum Munich will be held on Wednesday, 13 October at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof. You will find more information at https://196plus.com
Hotel Property Awards 2021 images / information received 020921
Previously on e-architect:
Hotel Property Award 2020
Hotel Property Award 2020 Winner
Grand Park Hotel Rovinj, Croatia: picture courtesy of hotelforum The Grand Park Hotel Rovinj wins Hotel Property Award 2020
Links to Hotel Property Award 2020 Selected Nominees
Andaz Munich Schwabinger Tor, Munich, Germany photo © Andaz Munich Schwabinger Hotel Andaz in Munich
Grand Park Hotel Rovinj, Croatia photo courtesy of hotelforum Grand Park Hotel Rovinj
Hotel Bergamo, Ludwigsburg, Germany photo : Brigida González
Hotel Ottilia, Copenhagen, Denmark: photo courtesy of hotelforum
Lighthouse Hotel & Spa, Büsum, Germany: photo : Andrea Flak
Nhow RAI Hotel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Architects: OMA / Reinier de Graaf photo courtesy of hotelforum nhow Amsterdam RAI
Pierdrei Hotel HafenCity Hamburg, Germany photograph : designhotelfotografie
San Canzian Village & Hotel, Buje, Croatia: photo courtesy of hotelforum
The Slaak Rotterdam, Netherlands: photo courtesy of hotelforum
Yotel Amsterdam, Netherlands: photo courtesy of hotelforum
Hotel Buildings
Architecture Awards 2020
Architecture Awards added in 2020 on e-architect – recent selection:
RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship 2020 image courtesy of RIBA
Praemium Imperiale Architecture Laureate
Rethinking The Future Awards
SBID International Design Awards 2020 News
Asia Pacific Property Awards 2020: 10 DESIGN
Architecture Awards
Stirling Prize
RIBA Gold Medal Award
Rethink Hotels Competition
Hotel Architecture
Contemporary Interiors
Comments / photos for the Hotel Property Award 2021 page welcome
The post Hotel Property Award 2021 winners news appeared first on e-architect.
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cryptoveins · 5 years ago
Bitcoin Outperforms Gold, US Stocks, and Bonds in 2019; Will 2020 be Same?
Most of the commodities, stocks, and bonds staged an outstanding run in 2019. But the traditional asset classes still fell short before a stronger and a more offbeat contender: Bitcoin.
The benchmark cryptocurrency, which more or less functions as a “decentralized” payment startup, underwent a dreamy bull run during 2019’s first and the second fiscal quarter. At its highest, it was trading up to 280 percent higher on a year-to-date scale, with its market cap equivalenting four AirBNBs and five Ubers.
Bitcoin established a YTD high of $13,868 in June 2019 | Source: TradingView.com, Coinbase
The Fundamentals That Were
Media reports mentioned a string of factors behind the bitcoin’s exponential price gains. The escalation in the U.S.-China trade war, for instance, led Beijing to devalue its offshore currency – renminbi (RMB) – below $7 per piece. It led the South China Morning Post in May to credit the gloomy macroeconomic situation as one of the main reasons behind bitcoin’s gains.
The paper quoted Garrick Hileman, head of research at Blockchain.com, saying that his team observed “a strong inverse correlation between the RMB’s value and bitcoin.” That said, the more RMB declined over trade tensions, the higher the bitcoin price surged.
The Sino-U.S. trade situation left a dent on global markets. The fallout between the two leading economies crippled trades among industrial giants while hitting export-oriented manufacturers in Europe. Germany, for instance, reported contractions in its Manufacturers Purchasing Manager’s Index, a benchmark to gauge factory activity.
Source: WSJ
Japan and South Korea, too, reported similar declines, stating that their export of high-tech and automobile parts suffered due to the U.S.-China trade war.
The downside sentiment left investors looking for umbrellas in haven markets. As a result, money started flowing from stock markets into hedging assets, such as Gold and bonds, during the Q2. Bitcoin, too, benefitted from the rise in investors’ risk-off mood, registering surplus gains.
By June 30, Gold was up 11.11 percent and the yield on the 10-Year US Treasury noted was down 24.36 percent. At the same time, bitcoin had risen by 221.27 percent.
The Second Half of 2019
Despite weak fundamentals, the US stock market continued to resist bears throughout 2019. Investors remained exposed to risk-on assets as they anticipated the Federal Reserve to announce cuts in benchmark lending rates.
As it turned out, the US central bank introduced three 25 bps rate cuts between July 31 and October 30. Its expansionary policy somewhat refrained the equity markets from pursuing a bearish move.
The lending rate cut from 2.25 percent to 1.75 percent made havens a less attractive asset for investors. During Q3 and Q4, the S&P 500’s YTD gains surged by as much as 28.54 percent.
At the same time, the Nasdaq Composite Index and the Dow Jones Industrial Average too rallied by up to 33.33 percent and 24.07 percent, respectively.
Investors’ remained bullish on US stock market in 2019 | Source: TradingView.com, TVC
Bitcoin fell sharply following the formation of its YTD high in late June. The current and the last quarter saw the cryptocurrency plunging by more than 50 percent. Nevertheless, its yearly gains remained far better than what the traditional markest delivered.
Bitcoin has still outperformed all other majors asset classes this year at 114.75% YTD. Sorry to all the haters, but we doubled our money in 2019. https://t.co/2AF9QMZGdH
— Christopher Greene (@amtvmedia) December 21, 2019
The 2020 Sentiment for Bitcoin
Market analysts think the stock market bull run would continue in 2020. Barron’s reported earlier this week that the Dow Jones could rise further as the U.S.-China trade talks take manufacturing growth in the right direction.
BTIG’s Chief Equity and Derivatives Strategist Julian Emanuel gave a similar outlook for the S&P 500. Speaking to CNBC, the analyst said the index could register a 22 percent surge in 2020.
“We think confidence will ultimately translate into the public getting this enthusiasm for stocks which could cause prices to move as high as 3,950,” he said.
Investors are also treating 2020 as a bullish year for Gold. Wall Street veteran Byron Wien called the yellow metal an “interesting investment.” Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital, too, noted that the Fed’s injection of hundreds of billions of dollars into the economy would make Gold an attractive hedge against the greenback.
Bitcoin bulls also made similar calls in favor of the cryptocurrency. They believe demand for bitcoin would go higher against the global central banks’ dovish policies.
Moreover, with bitcoin’s supply rate going down by half this May 2020, many believe the cryptocurrency is going to break above its all-time high of $20,000.
The search volume for “Bitcoin Halving” is steadily increasing, according to Google Trends.
The #Bitcoin halving is only 147 days away! Prepare yourself!
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— The Moon (@themooncarl) December 18, 2019
Bitcoin Outperforms Gold, US Stocks, and Bonds in 2019; Will 2020 be Same? was last modified: December 26th, 2019 by Yashu Gola
The post Bitcoin Outperforms Gold, US Stocks, and Bonds in 2019; Will 2020 be Same? appeared first on NewsBTC.
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bessmatthew70-blog · 7 years ago
What Induces Liver Areas On My Upper arms?
Thanks for visiting My Red Cape. English Oil, Eni Investing & Shipping, as well as Wien Energie were individuals in an effective 12 week pilot of a power trading verification app improved BTL's Interbit system. What distinction is life 3,000 kilometers throughout an ocean of water (Natives in the New World) vs 3,000 light years around an ocean from space? Although the world requires his charming creative imagination merely also seriously, there comes an opportunity when the Pisces male needs to go about business of making his potatoes. Research studies on this vitamin series that it prevents skin water loss and also enhances skin layer obstacle functioning. Sunlight Lifestyle Investment Control is actually also delivering strong investment profits for customers, and also is actually driving tough net influxes, $1.5 billion for the one-fourth. We will certainly continuously stabilize operating scope Tabletkinazdrowko.info with the appropriate level from assets on behalf of center development campaigns as well as innovation to make sure the lasting results from Edgewell Personal Treatment. Our investor yield for the very first six months of the year of 16.3% continues our trend of exceeding most primary marks over the final 3, 5, 10 and Twenty Years and for all the factors you simply heard me share concerning the possibilities throughout each of our services, our team are well-positioned to increase our development by means of the end of 2017 and past. The new - our experts discussed the repricing from the private life insurance policy organisation and the prices increases appearing of there, however actually, purchases were actually standard year-over-year. Hocus-pocus possesses no folklore or early history but has nonetheless, reanimated a lot of archetypes, fallacies and heathen divine beings - most notably the Great Deity. The indian sage Ramakrishna (thought about a manifestation from God) points out that real devotion (passion for God) only arises when someone has the capacity to overcome the longing for kamini-kanchana" (affection and gold), that definitely is actually maya's power to handle guy as well as avoid him off being actually free. Just look at the mess on Earth; day-to-day enormous folks experiences pains due to the fact that God prefers our company to. The Mars person exerts a powerful will as well as might inadvertently leave behind the Sunshine sensation employed or even pushed around.
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Plus a hat on unclouded sunny days. Liver places are in some cases gotten in touch with grow older spots considering that they have the tendency to show up in folks over 40 and since they normally enhance in number along with grow older. In some cases the goddess or number is actually seated which might be suggest a recognized or accepted sex-related department or even possess a spiritual implication. While the mountains, holy places, and also incomparable markets of the mainland should not be actually missed, no excursion to Thailand will be actually comprehensive without spending a couple of sunny days in the Thai isles drinking coconut dairy in the sand and also strapping on the snorkel equipment.
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Our incomes release and also the slides for today's telephone call are readily available on the Financier Relations part of our web site at We will definitely begin today's presentation with an outline of our 3rd quarter end results by Dean Connor, Head Of State as well as Chief Executive Officer from Sun Lifestyle Financial.
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silverbible · 5 years ago
Where Could Gold Prices Head in 2020?
Gold futures breached the $1,500 per ounce level on Tuesday after sluggish trading sessions for the last few weeks. Spot gold prices also reached close to the $1,500 per ounce level on Wednesday. So far, gold has risen almost 17% this year—the best year since 2010. Investors generally switch to safe-haven investments like gold amid broader market uncertainties.
Gold could be the focus amid geopolitical tensions
Although China and the US look well placed based on phase one of the trade deal, the deal hasn’t been signed yet. Investors might be looking for more clarity about a partial trade truce. Notably, the US and China needed several rounds of negotiations to reach a partial trade deal. They will need more phases to reach a concrete resolution to end the US-China trade war. Broad market indices rallied due to favorable developments related to the interim trade deal. However, considering all of the uncertainties involved, investors might turn to defensive investments amid market volatility. The trade truce between the US and China will likely be a trigger for gold prices going into 2020.
Apart from the trade war, lower interest rates could also push investors towards gold. Globally, interest rates have been lower, which will continue to support gold. Also, geopolitical tensions like Brexit might fuel uncertainty amid global equity markets.
Gold prices in 2020
Some market veterans also look positive on gold for the next year. According to CNBC, Byron Wien, the vice chairman of private wealth solutions, stated that gold might be an interesting investment in 2020. Goldman Sachs expects gold to rise to $1,600 per ounce by March.
Gold and equities
Equities and gold usually have a low correlation. As a result, gold (GLD) acts as an effective hedge when stock markets are turbulent. In the last ten years, the S&P 500 (SPY) and gold had a correlation coefficient of 0.07. A correlation coefficient of 1 represents a strong positive correlation while -1 indicates a strong negative correlation.
Recently, investors seemed to be turning positive on equities. According to the Bank of America Global Research Fund Managers survey last week, professional investors are shifting their focus to equities from bonds. Many investors think that a recession isn’t likely next year. Notably, the change in the market sentiment came at a critical time when equity indexes are trading at all-time highs. The Dow Jones Index (DIA) and the S&P 500 Index have risen almost 25% and 31%, respectively, YTD (year-to-date).
Gold miner stocks also had a strong run this year. Barrick Gold is the world’s second-biggest gold miner. The stock has risen almost 30% YTD. Meanwhile, Newmont Goldcorp (NEM) has risen 24% YTD. Higher realized gold prices had a positive impact on these companies in 2019. The positive outlook on gold could increase their earnings next year.
from Where Could Gold Prices Head in 2020?
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airoasis · 6 years ago
The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC opts you out of the surveillance state! Bears value wealth in fiat?
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-1-bitcoin-show-btc-opts-you-out-of-the-surveillance-state-bears-value-wealth-in-fiat/
The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC opts you out of the surveillance state! Bears value wealth in fiat?
Hi there each person that is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin exhibit at present is may the twelfth 2019 struck adequate offended by promoting be a distinct beast alright now your wealth in Bitcoin i’m now not going wherever people individual accountability is a brand new counterculture one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin this sport just isn’t rigged for all you men and women who preserve on coming up with these excuses why you’re now not getting Bitcoin it can be no longer rigged o.K. Examine out Saturday’s show assess out Friday’s show this weekend Bitcoin with Simon Dixon used to be remarkable the day past show used to be also disrupt meister calm tech ball calm follow me on twitter assault vault-tec h be alt this exhibit if you’re looking at it reside questions and solutions i will do them so if you want to have a query type it in the chat and kind bitcoinmeister earlier than at fingers so i can see it right here if you happen to don’t I prefer my straw I can not see your question I maybe talking in lengthy beach quickly like a few ten days I don’t know we’re working on whatever who is aware of there will be something in los angeles finally with a bit of luck I was once desirous about real property actual estate is all about vicinity location region bitcoins the opposite of that it doesn’t matter where you might be or your Bitcoin any person can get Bitcoin that you may beef up your wealth when you invest in Bitcoin would not matter where you might be and you could go anywhere that’s the article with actual property because it can be all about vicinity you get tied down to that location and that to me is i don’t like that it can be it’s not freedom I have no idea I was once fascinated about that previous and i used to be additionally desirous about school they must have classes where they be taught and so they coach long run thinking and deferral of gratification and might be that is some thing you must simply be trained on your possess and no longer even go to tuition given that these advantage I mean if you wish to achieve wealth in lifestyles that is what you acquired a master defer defer gratification a long run considering and that’s why bitcoin is a so lovely in view that that’s if you could grasp that then you could grasp Bitcoin and speakme to a couple men and women at present Bitcoin and Finance it’s so abstract to persons it quite it relatively is unlucky and we have acquired to take it down many notches many levels to make it just a real comprehensible factor for individuals to get into considering the fact that they only they may be just became off through whatever has to do with cash and so they simply come to be stuck of their lifestyles making all of these horrible economic choices simply to slot in after which once they hear about some thing new they are like was that like the stock market yeah am i able to handiest buy one in every of them and alternatively I carry it down to that degree I quite do try to make persons as cozy as feasible however even as i am invariably encountering persons that have some very basic misunderstandings about money and what bitcoin is so do your fine individuals to to when you are explaining it to any one simply take quite a lot of time and say you realize savings you know try to speak about what the savings that kept me is not me some individuals don’t some individuals don’t get that anymore and and i consider numerous persons out there simply feel the entire wealthy persons of the world obtained wealthy magically and it can be whatever they cannot do nevertheless it’s something any one can try this there are bitcoin does no longer discriminate any individual can get into it and you realize someone can get into a variety of distinctive things however persons are intimidated by means of humans’s degrees and via one of the most the numbers which might be out there once more we got to deliver we gotta convey finance and cash down to an extraordinarily explainable level how Matt like button and i am making an attempt to try this once I speak to people and just have an understanding of that if you realise when you recognize Bitcoin and budget you are so manner forward of the game you are so you are such first-rate form so do not like alternate all of it away and do not gamble it all away please be very careful in case you are in case you received that the figuring out oh my that you would be able to be so positive in terms of saving your wealth because most humans don’t get it in any respect I need to thank Wien low TM for the contribution he sent at the finish of the show just lately I forgot to say thanks to the guy was it used to be right after the exhibit ended some thing that I realized on this weekend Bitcoin was Simon Dixon he says when the hard stroll wallet begins selling out once more like traceur ledger we’re gonna be in a boom market that with a purpose to be anything to appear for given that throughout 2017 late 2017 you could not even get a hint or they had been like backordered all over now that is not the case it sounds as if so seem look for that as a good signal and of path yeah we’re gonna speak about we’re gonna talk about what occurred you fiat freaks I mentioned it a little bit on the Saturday exhibit but earlier than we get into that something that I didn’t get to speak about for the reason that it occurred on Friday I feel is that guy representative Sherman from California not a long way he represents the valley which is not a ways from where i am correct now I imply i’m in l. A. Proper this 2nd for those of you who don’t know and it can be previous right here than again in Baltimore pound that like button you gotta like it that it is not 204 a.M. Here it can be eleven:04 p.M.Well anyway there’s Brad this represented Sherman my god he laid it all out there he desires to make it was a invoice to ban crypto currencies however and he says it can be for tax reasons to maintain price so people cannot cover their taxes or cannot cover how much money they’re making it can be simply to to hold the control grid that the buck enables the us to to have in phrases of sanctions in phrases of control over its possess men and women and the funny thing is is Sherman is clearly announcing with cryptocurrencies you could eat which you can decide out of it so you realize united states of america is gonna do what its gonna do you could complain about it which you can make out conspiracies about it or that you could simply opt out of it he is they are no longer gonna make it illegal k this man has like bank’s public servants they serve all types of pursuits that pay them and and and that that is the way in which politics works he has a financial curiosity who do not like Bitcoin and they will prosper underneath the present weight they will prosper the brand new way additionally they may prosper beneath the brand new manner however then it would be easier in the event that they made Bitcoin unlawful for some of these uh associations and groups that he represents so howdy I viewed it a just right signal for Bitcoin that this relatively lowly representative I mean he will get no chat actual challengers in his district persons blindly vote for him yr after yr I would like if there used to be a real challenger to this man i might have him on the show however the man would have to be professional Bitcoin I feel that would be outstanding that may be top notch that may scare this definite however this Sherman he might say anything the heck he wishes due to the fact that there’s no one there’s there’s no flip side of the coin in his district there isn’t a one that is gonna disgrace him embarrass the rightfully embarrass him about him being a a shill a whole shill of the mainstream and there there would be nice if there’d be a large point alternative about candidate so yeah if you’re over in the valley and you want to run in contrast man i’m going to have you on my exhibit if you’re a large factor fan however guys don’t worry about what the dude said this these this is politics okay it’s dirty and it is mindless and it is virtue signaling and also you do favors for people who give you cash so he can not not one character cannot discontinue Bitcoin one country can not discontinue Bitcoin and it’s it’s interesting that he admits why why they might no longer like that the Bitcoin for the reason that you could choose out of the dollar process proper now so try this how Matt like fun and on that observe for the entire people who simply cannot determine it out that you could that and if they consider we’re going toward a surveillance state they usually’re already there’s already a surveillance state in China and humans are involved about it for all used to surveillance state freaks if you consider it exists or it is about to exist then get into Bitcoin and so we have now a man like fiscal and incapacity he has a video in the market i hyperlink to it beneath and i also link to the tweet about consultant Sherman beneath however fiscal invisibility has a video to call what occurs if you happen to get deleted clearly which occurred what occurs should you get kicked off of your entire platforms and what happens if banks won’t do trade with you should you if your financially deleted so he gets a step closer and even in his video he says well which you could get within the Bitcoin but then he says well how about if the internet is down you already know he concept he does not utterly clutch but he made self excuses however he does say he does say that Bitcoin he also says gold coins maybe a solution again your gold coins can get confiscated Bitcoin is wonderful skateable so i’m very optimistic in regards to the surveillance state on the grounds that I’ve already opted out it of it and so many persons are do MERS and gloom errs that they just throw up their hands within the air and say we can’t opt out of it woe is me they do not give you options in any respect they love to yell and whinge and bitch and bitch and you can read it within the remark part underneath the monetary invincibility ‘s video they are like oh I knew nowadays was coming I knew this day with the financial institution’s wouldn’t want to do industry with with my type of folks oh I knew oh the elite I particularly elite were planning this for so long good pleasant dude you knew it for goodbye they possibly buy Bitcoin in 2013 like I did given that you just complain all day you do and this is the object individuals so you can be obsessed concerning the elite and their grasp plans or you can just choose out of it given that the elite are nothing but a bunch of sociopathic dorks that get elected to uh to Congress that guy is a sociopathic dork that kind of like is that birthday are you gonna worry that man is that why you bitch on YouTube movies all day alternatively of purchasing a Bitcoin but the option is yours be in motion or let sociopathic dorks scare you o.K. And and just within the feedback part he’s being tough you gigantic hard guys in the comments part beneath these movies of fiscal and disability all these people these are so sensible we knew about the elite and you do nothing you’re tough you’re you’re so rough you are petrified of your but essentially you you bow right down to that guy bred in Congress who’s a dork I mean it is incredible you you guys talk this sort of big game and also you do nothing seeing that you just reside in the doom world you get off on doom and probably it’s simply an excuse to give you these tremendous horrifying characters who aren’t frightening at all and in you recognize you don’t feel you could do an actual easy factor via gigantic however you do not do it be in motion be in movement i really like the people who watch these movies who are in movement ok so on the same note there may be a man named Gladstein who simply made a presentation michael Gladstein is his title on the convention in new york that took place this weekend something it’s known as MCC magical crypto convention anything they name it he stated it was once a presentation on utilising Bitcoin as a way of curtailing the manifestation of the surveillance state it’s intricate to make massive Brother work without fee surveillance you’re spend says more about you than your words k and so as it’s a just right it can be a just right presentation he said he shows what is going on on in China right now and he says how would Bitcoin which you could get out of this obstacle and he also says you don’t must go to Harvard to play a role in the economic revolution and this that is so real and i was saying it is the opening for the entire folks who consider that this is so elaborate it is now not that problematic you do not have to have a Harvard measure or Stanford measure you simply purchase and hold and also you get a lesson in long term thinking and defer of gratification that’s what you have to know about in this sport so anyway go American completely happy Singh’s presentation there I mean I obsess before when the Fed coin comes so many folks be a comfort thing they usually do not want to slot in and also you Bitcoin provides the persons who wish to get out a solution to get out and there will probably be individuals who want to get out and it could now not be that unhealthy in the USA however the nation is exporting it is it can be surveillance science there may be so many unique countries so it possibly romantic in designated nations together with China and Bitcoin a real approach to no longer be surveilled and take to when you’ve got it you’ll be able to be equipped to purchase your approach out of the country maybe – if it gets unhealthy so watch that video it’s a it’s an exciting one and maybe a few of you do MERS will probably be is not going to be so doom and gloom anymore however yeah there are frightening predictions for the arena but there may be a lot optimistic going on in Bitcoin and it gets you out of that frightening style of stuff it quite does seeing that yeah that attitude of those so speaking of of new York conferences there may be a enormous one developing this week and i appear forward to listening to if that Andrew yang candidate rather uh if he talks an actual excellent recreation about Bitcoin might be that’ll support his candidacy or it perhaps it’ll help Bitcoin that is what that is what i would like but so I welcome consensus 2019 it will be ICO persons it can be ridiculous stuff but some are saying that men and women acquired fascinated with it and that is probably the Fiat rate pumped I have no idea that is an intriguing thought I welcome to cut consensus if humans wish to pay countless numbers of bucks i’m going to that event and pay attention I see Oh men and women it will get Bitcoin within the news and average individuals will find out about it and possibly some individuals will eventually get their hands on some Bitcoin before it and no you realize some will be trained the tough manner that this shouldn’t received into these i ciose and AIEE iOS and 50 are all cash and whatnot but yeah i am not gonna i’m now not gonna curse consensus 2019 or anything like that now in these days today the rate of Bitcoin well it felt like five hundred greenbacks oh my god no see it can be no longer oh my god so the day gone by again I was once in the airport for lots of day yesterday and it used to be adore it was like after I used to be in the airport coming back from Korea in December of 2017 I imply at any time when I seemed on the computer the price to Bitcoin used to be going up it wasn’t to the identical extreme as when it used to be going from 12,000 the 13,000 to 14,000 however it used to be a it was a enjoyable reminder and that i mentioned this on the previous day’s show I need to mention it once more just for many who failed to watch the day past’s show on account that it was the beyond Bitcoin exhibit however examine modern correction to the way you felt when Bitcoin dropped down with $three,100 in December so I mean it is a we’re coming out of in your Fiat freaks it does appear that the we’re no longer gonna go back off to three,one hundred you just isn’t a Fiat freak anyway you should be getting you must be price off the Bitcoin and getting extra Bitcoin and when when everyone was down and gloomy and and weren’t even doing suggests and tweets anymore I was once and i was announcing you know get it you are aware of it’s lumpy a long-time period thinker you already know that parabolic transguy I imply i like that he pumps Bitcoin and the whole lot that is incredible but I imply it’s it is shit it can be it is truely embarrassing if you happen to look at his Twitter feed it is entirely dark throughout the down market and then he returns when the fee comes I imply that’s his prerogative and everything but uh yeah it’s an additional cause you are not able to get too excited regularly people just don’t get a excellent maintain a degree head about everything after which you’ll be able to stick round you can stick round you will not disappear and once more he most often simply disappeared from social media that’s his industry but some persons disappeared for Bitcoin absolutely they offered all their Bitcoin and then now they can not get back in however they concept it was going to bucks because of all these bears in the market now you bears and ta humans do they only worth their wealth in and fiat thoroughly I imply it appears like it it appears that is that’s their approach they that you recognize in the event that they value their wealth in Bitcoin they would not in no way be bears they’d consistently be bullish and completely happy and could be willing to stick round and say yeah I wish to get extra Bitcoin the price is down pleasant it is a time to get extra bitcoins i am bullish on Bitcoin since it’s the longer term I lived by way of these cycles it goes down in phrases of bi it wildly fluctuates in terms of fiat but in the lengthy work to run every two hundred ten thousand blocks it is valued at extra in phrases of fiat than it used to be previously two hundred ten thousand blocks previously and it is like each single such a individuals that tries to provide you with their own little charts charts and theories and examining each minute they don’t like they don’t know what the having is there is not any having in some other monetary instrument available in the market k except for different cryptocurrencies ok so all these individuals that talk about all their experiences in the monetary markets for years and years and years and basing their prediction units on the inventory market and on gold and on bonds do recognize do they’ve having’s there do they do they are these deflationary assets are they okay it can be like you guys do individuals who get these hits to get like this adrenaline rush out of watching persons predict Bitcoin go to a thousand or gazing some sizzling lady predict the bitcoin go to two thousand or some thing it is that you simply get off on it’s like your waist it is a soap opera to you and you are a soap opera fan and you are wasting your time it’s crypto noise simply be trained about with a freaking Bitcoin having is and with deflation and what inflation is ok I mean geez then it’s it is all these items is pathetic and that i i am up you understand i’m like i don’t adore it it’s suitable in a technique that some of these individuals are becoming burnt significant-time because they valued their wealth and Fiat and now they are stuck in it seeing that they can’t get it back for what they tell there’s gonna be $1,200 or something their magical little chart proposal it was once going to be anything the climate lady anticipated I do not know so these any one you understand and a further thing you might have bought all these humans predicting up to $100,000 for a Bitcoin due to the fact that they’re magical chart and and in something fifty five,000 soon internet internet net snot will likely be back making his predictions that Martians are gonna land in Israel and that bitcoin is gonna be 77077 for the reason that his magical pc stated so guys guys it’s it is I know it’s enjoyable it can be fun to believe you bought to give you your own tactics here or you are gonna get wrecked those you’re gonna panic sooner or later you are considering the fact that they’re predicting eighty-eight thousand eight million or some thing come up think say you already know what i am getting this so much Bitcoin for the reason that i noticed the future it is a fiscal revolution I failed to need to go to Harvard to participate in this fiscal revolution i don’t have got to have a magical crypto laptop i don’t need to have a magical chart to do it i will get into this I need to get this nut many by way of this having and then after this having i will purchase a new house with this Bitcoin or i will do that with this enormous you understand come up with a real procedure and a plan here so that you just won’t go off off the course and be distracted by using all of the crypto noise out there but as there’s a darn lot of it out there a darn lot of it and some of them are watching like complete doofus is correct now as good they will have to be for the reason that this isn’t its I find it i don’t suppose it’s helped i do not appreciate why men and women can get so completely happy about predicting a mother but it surely’s gonna go down to twelve hundred and you are scaring humans these scare screens I i do not i don’t get it since in the event you value in the event you truly worth your wealth and bitcoin if the future is so darn brilliant I mean watch that guy’s video it’ll get humans out of those surveillance systems it is it’s extremely good it can be it can be now not about your expertise in what you recognize what the stock market did in 1987 basing your method off of that I imply our invention sent two dollars love doom I can’t say that different word in view that of YouTube like lets you monetize this extra do madam more doom no they’ll under no circumstances be extra do invention and you’re an extraordinarily constructive man i will speak about your trendy video on the end of here i am amazed nobody has questions right here within the chat there may be a variety of people recall for those who do have a question you bought kind bitcoinmeister first or do the tremendous chatter I will not see it what is this jeet Sergey stated assume spending all your time watching at charts drawing strains jogging regressions waiting for $one thousand looking to tie in the market after which getting your face ripped off with the aid of a bull run to twenty,000 yeah now i am no longer saying this right one other 20,000 but yeah i’m suppose that assume anyone getting their face ripped off waiting for a thousand greenbacks to happen well simply me you don’t ought to assume anymore you will see I mean it sounds as if that any one anyway okay yet another thing I want to say is that so many folks are stuck in these uh historical common fiscal paradigms including you understand I ought to buy a apartment I need to be in debt mortgage debt is it but all of the answers are out there however they may be simply stuck in there caught in that realm in eighty percent of circular the place you must get a condominium the place you have to buy a automobile the place you have to go into debt I imply the answers are so easy I’ve protected them all on this video Bitcoin okay so i spotted Bitcoin dominance used to be growing and i did not seen that for a whilst and so some persons are pronouncing well it is all gonna float back in the altcoins again and you know what in most cases some will glide again into all cash you do not know which ones them you have no idea now mostly surely aetherium will pump finally however I gotta say these this final few days the the whole thing’s rate was once going up after which the whole lot’s cost wasn’t going up however in terms of Bitcoin their prices were not going up in any respect I imply bsv is an instance bsv his price went up but I imply it went from being worth 1% of a Bitcoin to not up to zero.9% of the Bitcoin and speakme of you already know the exceptional psv the quality bsp seeing that what occurred what happened dude you already know why is that a satisfactory memory so quick on this area bsv stated they have been going to wreck me money what happened why does everybody disregard that why does any person suppose a word out of the people’s mouths that were claiming this exceptional war that was once about to occur where’s your conflict dude where you are worth point eight percent of a Bitcoin ok be cash seems to be doing significantly better than you I imply what you imply how can any one believe even need to do any have something to do with those dudes I don’t have any notion I haven’t any and that i I consider dangerous there are a couple of excellent persons there who I have no idea what they are considering what happened to your war what happened to destroying be money where’s the destruction you realize most effective thing that seems adore it’s being destroyed is being a candy and 20.8 bitcoin yeah that’s uh it’s using point 0.8 percentage of a bitcoin 0.Eight percent of bitcoin it is went from 1% I it was once 2 percentage of a Bitcoin it is zero.8 percent of the pig no no no o.K. So listed below are some questions what do you feel about tone Vaes and Tyler Jenks predicting predictions of Bitcoin going to 1k are you continue to pals with them I certainly not ever ever was once acquaintances with Tyler Jenks I had i’m buddies with tone BAE’s though the whole thing that I mentioned earlier than I mean you didn’t i assume you didn’t precisely read between the lines who I was once speakme about earlier than I wasn’t speakme about tone days I was once talking about a climate lady and some guy from some freak man from from the historic college or anything you understand and i have no idea ample about these people because i ended gazing tone when he had the woman on since he I mean it was once a transparent it used to be a ridiculous gimmick and then so i assume but each of them thought they were gonna get a section of her i assume that is why this Tyler guys our friend if he introduced she introduced this freak alongside for the experience and i mean again I don’t know the entire story and that i preferred him I do like how many he doesn’t i do not consider him bringing on bringing on any person like that to a exhibit and valuing his wealth and females than men and uh but the guy at Tyler I certainly have not ever heard his voice earlier than so I just recognize that he has nice he had a chance and he bought really obtained destroyed and that i just don’t fully grasp and i and folks would inform me this man’s predicting $1,000 i’m like who the heck is that this man I was telling letting him on this exhibit I expect it is when you consider that he desires to get they both want to get the girl visiting they usually did and whenever the lady introduced the fellow this guy on my own it is a disgrace it’s a shame that he is he let this lady onto the exhibit and she brings a section of trash like that on to the show too and all these humans misplaced some huge cash taking note of this historic dude and it’s nothing unsuitable being historic or something like that I shoulda mentioned that however um you realize i do not exactly be aware of what that dude is all about however he has some magical formula or whatever and certainly he’s a no pointer it does not maintain any Bitcoin now proper I mean what commonly what’s up with men and women they do not need Bitcoin telling me what people must do with their large tell me what I should do with my bitcoins is ridiculous so once more I maybe somewhat ignorant on the dude so i am sorry if I mischaracterized something about the guys I certainly not simply heard him cuz i finished observing tone show when he he had the lady on was it both ridiculous to put the lady on my publish most likely ridiculous certainly and she and i hear she’s she maybe a intelligent character too however that’s no longer why she was placed on the show um I mean it used to be shit she maybe intelligent now quite a lot of exceptional matters but and then instantly she should be telling folks about Bitcoin I mean this is this the best way the sector works yeah that is that that’s the way in which the 80% world works you get unqualified quiet you folks probably qualifying in particular fields to speak about targeted matters then you simply let them uh I imply you you do you let the finest quantum you the grace quantum mechanics man or woman come to your plumbing exhibit to talk about plumbing plumbing this is a expense with like quantum mechanics a to maintain the bathroom plumbing no no you do not you get that you get over a plumber or anybody with years of plumbing experience now in the event that they quantum mechanics man or woman how does the hot girl then you already know why they let the quantum mechanics girl on the the bathroom show all proper so one other query reasonable equal mentioned do you consider bitcoin will but I do like tongue tones a just right man do you do you I and i don’t anyway do you suppose bitcoin will ever tough fork so as to add privateness like manera be aware of there’s just a few matters that tough Forks would improve BTC but no i do not think that I imply the question persons have been asking me these days is do you feel they’ll include member wendel into it and so that that no i don’t believe i know they they need they need either build construct whatever on high of it some thing might be developed developed on high or they wouldn’t desire a tough fork to add on the privateness i know i do not see that happening i do not think individuals would I feel that would purpose some if it was once if it was once tough for it it wouldn’t be a excellent it wouldn’t be the pleasant transfer because I believe a lot of people would get freaked out by means of it various plenty of mainstream and he could break yeah there may be there may be approaches to make it nameless by building stuff on prime of it ok a rough fork is just like the last final ditch option there so I i do not i don’t think it is going to hard fork to add privateness like like Minero or like member wendel and so I I believe it is intriguing yeah you understand we carry up member Wimble we will get for those who maintain Bitcoin and you are not at some freakish trader that thing’s bitcoins got a thousand greenbacks considering that of some thing that happened in 1987 when you preserve your Bitcoin on your traceur and you could signal it you know have a signal you’ll get this airdrop descriptive dividend member wendel coin and we’ll see how just right this member Wimble technological know-how is we will be capable to experimented is we’re gonna get on it we’re gonna get it free of charge and i should be reminding men and women about that seeing that i’m all about getting things at no cost turning them into bitcoin and in order that member whim Wu’s T dot MW is coming soon which you can already register for the airdrop there and July what July 19th is the July 19th is the photograph date so this is yet another query reasonable equal aka member wynnmalone BIA ok so I did reply that bug reside says when do you feel Lightning network will go live or be done now not in beta phase i do know I have no idea quickly as you it do not rush it though hiya do not rush it I imply in the event that they seem to be making growth then they there’s exclusive constructing matters on prime of it i would not i wouldn’t rush it i would not rush it I need to fear about it I wish to worry about it so I I said it’s too quickly as a relative term it is extra so don’t do not do not fear about it Chris okay says have you learnt if Andy hoffen purchased his Bitcoin again now that no he hasn’t no he hasn’t and you understand i like Andy quite a bit i I simply i do not believe he I suppose I think he must have bought his Bitcoin back I believe I rather do I suppose he however he did not he failed to we’re past the Hoffman line now and that i do not know that is undoubtedly now not what I did you all you all recognize what I mean he’s in one other economic hindrance however he might purchase some of the again i know but no i don’t think about any Bitcoin so and you ask him however from recognize i know so I never would have sold my Bitcoin when it went below fifty eight fifty 700 bucks I mean there may be so many tax implications is his a stain however seem it took six months and it’s as if it never occurred so why even promote it in the first place except you were trying to you recognize why sell it unless you had been trying to buy it back for low cost and get extra of it you recognize he does not price his wealth in Bitcoin he does no longer price as good but I be trained when he is on the show and stuff he is doing them he’s promoting them that he’s gone in a utterly one-of-a-kind path than he was going earlier than him indisputably about it he doesn’t suck he doesn’t conceal it or something like that k when do you feel you like k yeah yes I said one I consider like noon i am hoping I didn’t pass anyone’s query right here all proper Mia Hoffman is stacking his biro diems up it appears that is wit that is where he is doing and daddy’s no it can be now not what I do I value my wealth and Bitcoin I value my wealth and Bitcoin I imply he maybe one of the simplest dudes out there that that values is love in all coins i’m rather down the avenue doesn’t particularly says the greenback is king he batters in wealth in yeah he values Islam VI is concerned reven values Walton all cash he uses all coins to get more Fiat at this point at this point at the least bitcoinmeister the colossal line is own one BTC what ok so I did not precisely you break that once more what do you suppose about Charles Hawkins’s and the IOH ok stuff you know I stick faraway from that drama it does it there may be constantly been drama round that stuff let him develop whatever he desires to improve and have his own clique and the whole lot over there that debt that’s finite there been humans that relatively rather disliked IOH okay that one again sorry i am nothing to do with that stuff men and women they’re gonna do what they’re gonna do I imply is this is the place the giant boys play let individuals create whatever they want him within the crypt new space very well I do consider that did I say before that I consider aetherium will I believe I consider aetherium will pump once more I suppose that is one all coin that you recognize is gonna pump once more however good day dude i do not do not buy it I just i’m simply thinking your prediction I just get more Bitcoin but why did I say this in regards to the ethereal oh we’re speaking about the Bitcoin dominance increasing and there’s these there’s every person normally take their colossal earnings and throw it back in to all coins they shouldn’t but they do one day that cycle will end though but no longer now not anytime soon no longer now not quickly you know we stated that the 6,200 the $6,200 mark and the way that used to be double $3,100 and people have been pronouncing well with $31 was once the low for this cycle then if it will get to 6200 then it can be now not gonna return to 3,one hundred and that i mentioned that after in opposition to the 6200 it would quite surge and it did whilst you obtained up to 7500 the day before today now not that that concerns what matters extra is that the sentiment now I consider a number of folks they saw that the 6200 thing happened they saw a surge they acquired to feel that hit again they obtained to see for themselves you know what these persons speak about 1100 and scorching women and whatever they’re speakme about is ridiculous and that you recognize what let’s now not keep on this terrible pattern and make bets about what’s gonna be it was gonna be a thousand silliness that I I consider this weekend was once a good cheer concerned with some men and women who are due MERS and in caught in caught on this negativity of just what abounding their wealth and Fiat so and being happy with themselves that if a giant coin were to head to a thousand bucks would you wrote for and ran for president if he continues to preach the Bitcoin adoption that is a nice question considering the fact that as a number of of you might be aware of I registered as a Democrat as a younger was once very young man or woman once I registered is when is 20 I believe as soon as 20 simply and simply on the grounds that but i’m now not i am now not a Democrat in my practices so I to this very day I vote within the Democratic principal so i am gonna need to if I if i am round if i am in Baltimore at the moment at this factor i would vote for him right now’s simply restrained due to the fact that it’s just a strategic move simply in hopes of rocking the establishment and possibly possibly there will be some some massive coin he’s naturally the smartest some of the democrat democrats and he would not pander that so much as the opposite ones do however so yeah i get it but he want to make a difference my vote doesn’t make change but uh yeah that that is what at this factor that’s who i’d vote for the Democratic main and i’m just a little recognized fact Adam he’s a Rhett i am a registered Democrat of all however i don’t think any nonsense anymore nor nor did I really consider in it once I was twenty years historical who is aware of then suppose in it when you are twenty years ancient you’re valuing your wealth and winning and you just you register as a Democrat considering the fact that all people else round makes use of that price fully horrible reasoning and and that i was going to Washington university in st.Louis and that was my uh and that used to be my good judgment so uh so which you could imagine that these children going to these excellent schools they do not feel they do not care they just do what other persons are doing and it could be high-quality if we kids would get out of this college paradigm and relatively start pondering for themselves early cuz I wasn’t there wasn’t that much of a free thinker if I used to be just doing matters like that I imply how so much beer can you drink how much uh III I look back on my university days i’m gonna wash you and the whole lot there was a lot opportunity there so much learning I would have performed and that i used to be simply you understand taking my my industry classes and just looking to memorize the whole lot I wasn’t trying to quite gain knowledge of I simply trying to have a fun time so yeah larger schooling is undoubtedly as a minimum it was a little bit bit cheaper again then and that i I got all I paid off all those loans that I had very well so fair equals is bitcoinmeister have you ever heard about the HCC full node phones sure i have what are some exciting dat’s that would utilize such science I don’t have any inspiration however it’s problems but I i will inform you this that if which you can run a full node on the mobile now or if you are going to be that there is like much less of an excuse for folks like me to claim I can not run a full note however I don’t know mobilephone these Bitcoin would not care if you are socialists that’s genuine there is a web site that I linked to below the tie I oh it is sort of a competitor with we market cap and so verify that out they have got a everyday sentiment column I concept that used to be intriguing all proper I suppose speak about gab i’m going to simply save that for next time ok 9 point out that permit’s erase that now i’m going to store that subsequent i will save that for subsequent time ok I mentioned that all right here right here here here’s anything good now i’m going to keep that for subsequent time – oh god this exhibit went too long any one mentioned have you ever heard about the likelihood of eBay accepting Bitcoin as payment no but eventually everyone will seem permitted this payment I do not know why you would wish to purchase some thing on Bitcoin with you why would you quit your beneficial Bitcoin for for some thing on eBay for some use things for eBay oh here any person had a query last time what is your process for the following bull run would you do in a different way what we do another way from the last one dude i’d do definitely nothing extraordinary my technique is the equal it never changes buy and keep powerful hand that individual might not be acquainted with this channel wow i haven’t converted something I keep yeah I get Bitcoin I certainly not sell it however that is that is my technique and switch this crypto dividends within the Bitcoin and oh yeah so we wait extra questions are coming in so I assume when are you coming down the Florida once more don’t know when that is gonna occur it depends upon if there may be a band and stuff after which someone says there may be a crypto cafe in West Palm beach fairly that’s fascinating I used to be I used to be up there I was once up in that subject i might not ever wager that a crypto cafe can be kinda the little towns along there they all form of seem the same and have these colossal huge roads and people live in gated communities and it will get rather hot for the period of the summer and plenty of historical humans reside down there they go down there to die then there may be young men and women i might be so i like information younger people down there and i love these humans they’re excellent individuals i do not are aware of it’s now not my it without doubt is not my type down there at all let’s it’s the dress you need a automobile down there you bought to drive round that’s that I acknowledged that the previous day show is speaking about staying healthy but by means of walking around and i am so glad i don’t have to draw in Baltimore I needed to drive daily the synagogue and now in LA I simply stroll around the nook to synagogue which is fine I i don’t power at all and that is a different intent why well it is gonna be tough to coordinate this viable lengthy seaside occasion that’s coming up possibly so in the end we will conclude with vention and so although i might hyperlink to a video before from mention and i link to it under and he talks about how he and you guys be aware of he’s a enormous Bitcoin fan he’s been talking about Bitcoin for a very long time he’s a man going his own way and he lately found out that he is received melanoma and he’s gonna he’s taken some non non ordinary procedures at first he’s no longer going to get a poison with the radiation and the chemo he is hanging it off for just a little bit and so that you may watch this video however one thing I want to convey up in terms of Bitcoin because he has he has plenty of tremendous he is a good amount of Bitcoin he does not ought to fear about like was my insurance gonna pay for this and i am definite it is gonna pay for that am I gonna or what what can i do or my my govt health care provider says I ought to do this he is acquired the entire choices on the earth Bitcoin I imply so for a man like you understand I say do not promote your Bitcoin unless after the 12 months 2020 now for mention is in a lifestyles-and-loss of life drawback here so if he needed to get into his bitcoins – i would say dude go forward and do it pay pay some thing you must when you are in a life-and-demise drawback you’re gonna spend as a lot to be uncomfortable as feasible to get by means of the main issue so that is it is a benefit of Bitcoin for all you people out there he is in a predicament now the place he can do what he wants to do he manage trolls his wellbeing his destiny utterly some surgeon that he gets assigned by way of his insurance corporation says some thing that he’s totally against he can simply say i am out of here general practitioner i can pay for my own general practitioner with my own Bitcoin with my possess money with and again he has saved cash he customarily have to get into his when you consider that – considering that he puts on he puts some huge cash away but again i have pointed out how bitcoin is coverage how it’s an insurance plan and he’s dwelling at proper now he’s a first-rate instance of like that so if things begin – if he starts – rather he can not pay with cash anymore if he blows his entire lot of savings on ridiculous doctors and he or she was once going to extraordinary I reckon him getting his bitcoins – and begin deciding to buy it he in phrases of funds youngsters have to worry about it all and that’s satisfactory if you have melanoma when you are in the obstacle the place you in the event you don’t deal with it you’ll die it can be good you don’t ought to worry about funds and that is a part of the UH the Bitcoin world and being a saver and being a protracted-time period thinker in order that that’s how i am tying in the vention drawback to Bitcoin at present and he says thanks brother yeah i am beautiful set on now not getting chemo good and we confirmed follow-up mention every body I link to his video beneath if you are very and he’s documenting his whole his whole well being or deal proper now o.K. Dude that was a protracted exhibit i’m adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister thanks in your questions that i quite enjoyed them keep in mind to subscribe this channel like this video share this video pound that like button bang that bell button click on these squares and was the shirt say purchase-and-hold yeah that’s my procedure it hasn’t changed i will see you dudes within the chat proper now bye bye
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goldinvestl · 2 years ago
Warum es besser ist, in Edelmetalle zu investieren als alle Sparpläne
In der heutigen unsicheren wirtschaftlichen Situation suchen immer mehr Menschen nach Möglichkeiten, ihr Vermögen zu schützen und es vor Inflation und Marktschwankungen abzusichern. Während herkömmliche Sparpläne ihre Vorteile haben, bietet die Investition in Edelmetalle wie Gold einzigartige Vorteile und Chancen für langfristiges finanzielles Wachstum. In diesem Blog-Beitrag werden wir untersuchen, warum die Investition in Edelmetalle, insbesondere über Plattformen wie Gold Invest (https://www.goldinvest.at/), im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Sparplänen eine überlegene Strategie sein kann.
Schutz vor Inflation:
Einer der Hauptgründe, warum Anleger auf Edelmetalle setzen, ist ihre Fähigkeit, als Absicherung gegen Inflation zu dienen. Im Gegensatz zu Papierwährungen hat der Wert von Gold und anderen Edelmetallen im Laufe der Zeit kontinuierlich zugenommen. Da Zentralbanken mehr Geld drucken und die Inflation die Kaufkraft traditioneller Währungen erodiert, steigt in der Regel der Wert von Edelmetallen. Durch Investitionen in Gold über Gold Invest können Sie Ihr Vermögen erhalten und es vor den erodierenden Auswirkungen der Inflation schützen.
Diversifikation und Risikominderung:
Die Investition ausschließlich in Sparpläne setzt Sie Risiken aus, die mit der Performance des Finanzmarkts verbunden sind. Edelmetalle bieten dagegen eine einzigartige Möglichkeit zur Diversifikation. Gold und andere Edelmetalle weisen eine geringe Korrelation mit traditionellen Anlageklassen wie Aktien und Anleihen auf. Das bedeutet, dass Edelmetalle oft glänzen, wenn andere Investitionen unterperformen. Durch die Zuweisung eines Teils Ihres Anlageportfolios in Edelmetalle über Gold Invest können Sie das Gesamtrisiko effektiv reduzieren und die Stabilität Ihres Anlageportfolios erhöhen.
Gold war im Laufe der Geschichte ein Symbol für Reichtum und Wohlstand. Im Gegensatz zu Papierwährungen oder digitalen Vermögenswerten hat Gold einen intrinsischen Wert, der der Zeit standhält. In Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit, in denen herkömmliche Investitionen erhebliche Verluste verzeichnen können, steigt der Goldpreis oft an. Die Investition in Gold über Gold Invest ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihr Vermögen zu erhalten und Ihre Kaufkraft auch in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Turbulenzen zu schützen.
Liquidität und Flexibilität:
Ein weiterer Vorteil der Investition in Edelmetalle ist ihre hohe Liquidität. Gold, Silber und andere Edelmetalle können leicht in Bargeld umgewandelt werden und bieten Ihnen sofortigen Zugriff auf Mittel bei Bedarf. Gold Invest bietet eine benutzerfreundliche Plattform, auf der Sie Edelmetalle zu wettbewerbsfähigen Marktpreisen kaufen und verkaufen können. Dadurch können Sie Ihre Investition schnell und effizient in Bargeld umwandeln.
Globale Akzeptanz und Nachfrage:
Gold ist eine weltweit anerkannte und akzeptierte Form von Währung. Es behält seinen Wert in verschiedenen Kulturen, Ländern und Wirtschaftssystemen bei. Dadurch besteht weltweit eine konstante Nachfrage nach Gold. Diese globale Akzeptanz und Nachfrage machen Gold zu einer hochliquiden und stabilen Anlageoption. Durch Investitionen in Gold über Gold Invest können Sie von diesem globalen Markt profitieren und sein langfristiges Wachstumspotenzial nutzen.
Während herkömmliche Sparpläne ihre Berechtigung haben, bieten Investitionen in Edelmetalle eine überzeugende Alternative für langfristigen Vermögenserhalt und -wachstum. Gold Invest bietet eine zuverlässige Plattform für Personen, die ihr Anlageportfolio diversifizieren, sich gegen Inflation absichern und von der globalen Nachfrage nach Edelmetallen profitieren möchten. Indem Sie die einzigartigen Vorteile der Investition in Edelmetalle verstehen, können Sie fundierte Entscheidungen über Ihre finanzielle Zukunft treffen und die potenziellen Vorteile nutzen, die sie bieten.
Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Blog-Beitrag dient nur zu Informationszwecken und sollte nicht als Finanzberatung ausgelegt werden. Bevor Sie Anlageentscheidungen treffen, ist es ratsam, sich mit einem professionellen Finanzberater zu beraten.
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batterymonster2021 · 6 years ago
The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC opts you out of the surveillance state! Bears value wealth in fiat?
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-1-bitcoin-show-btc-opts-you-out-of-the-surveillance-state-bears-value-wealth-in-fiat/
The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC opts you out of the surveillance state! Bears value wealth in fiat?
Hi there each person that is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin exhibit at present is may the twelfth 2019 struck adequate offended by promoting be a distinct beast alright now your wealth in Bitcoin i’m now not going wherever people individual accountability is a brand new counterculture one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin this sport just isn’t rigged for all you men and women who preserve on coming up with these excuses why you’re now not getting Bitcoin it can be no longer rigged o.K. Examine out Saturday’s show assess out Friday’s show this weekend Bitcoin with Simon Dixon used to be remarkable the day past show used to be also disrupt meister calm tech ball calm follow me on twitter assault vault-tec h be alt this exhibit if you’re looking at it reside questions and solutions i will do them so if you want to have a query type it in the chat and kind bitcoinmeister earlier than at fingers so i can see it right here if you happen to don’t I prefer my straw I can not see your question I maybe talking in lengthy beach quickly like a few ten days I don’t know we’re working on whatever who is aware of there will be something in los angeles finally with a bit of luck I was once desirous about real property actual estate is all about vicinity location region bitcoins the opposite of that it doesn’t matter where you might be or your Bitcoin any person can get Bitcoin that you may beef up your wealth when you invest in Bitcoin would not matter where you might be and you could go anywhere that’s the article with actual property because it can be all about vicinity you get tied down to that location and that to me is i don’t like that it can be it’s not freedom I have no idea I was once fascinated about that previous and i used to be additionally desirous about school they must have classes where they be taught and so they coach long run thinking and deferral of gratification and might be that is some thing you must simply be trained on your possess and no longer even go to tuition given that these advantage I mean if you wish to achieve wealth in lifestyles that is what you acquired a master defer defer gratification a long run considering and that’s why bitcoin is a so lovely in view that that’s if you could grasp that then you could grasp Bitcoin and speakme to a couple men and women at present Bitcoin and Finance it’s so abstract to persons it quite it relatively is unlucky and we have acquired to take it down many notches many levels to make it just a real comprehensible factor for individuals to get into considering the fact that they only they may be just became off through whatever has to do with cash and so they simply come to be stuck of their lifestyles making all of these horrible economic choices simply to slot in after which once they hear about some thing new they are like was that like the stock market yeah am i able to handiest buy one in every of them and alternatively I carry it down to that degree I quite do try to make persons as cozy as feasible however even as i am invariably encountering persons that have some very basic misunderstandings about money and what bitcoin is so do your fine individuals to to when you are explaining it to any one simply take quite a lot of time and say you realize savings you know try to speak about what the savings that kept me is not me some individuals don’t some individuals don’t get that anymore and and i consider numerous persons out there simply feel the entire wealthy persons of the world obtained wealthy magically and it can be whatever they cannot do nevertheless it’s something any one can try this there are bitcoin does no longer discriminate any individual can get into it and you realize someone can get into a variety of distinctive things however persons are intimidated by means of humans’s degrees and via one of the most the numbers which might be out there once more we got to deliver we gotta convey finance and cash down to an extraordinarily explainable level how Matt like button and i am making an attempt to try this once I speak to people and just have an understanding of that if you realise when you recognize Bitcoin and budget you are so manner forward of the game you are so you are such first-rate form so do not like alternate all of it away and do not gamble it all away please be very careful in case you are in case you received that the figuring out oh my that you would be able to be so positive in terms of saving your wealth because most humans don’t get it in any respect I need to thank Wien low TM for the contribution he sent at the finish of the show just lately I forgot to say thanks to the guy was it used to be right after the exhibit ended some thing that I realized on this weekend Bitcoin was Simon Dixon he says when the hard stroll wallet begins selling out once more like traceur ledger we’re gonna be in a boom market that with a purpose to be anything to appear for given that throughout 2017 late 2017 you could not even get a hint or they had been like backordered all over now that is not the case it sounds as if so seem look for that as a good signal and of path yeah we’re gonna speak about we’re gonna talk about what occurred you fiat freaks I mentioned it a little bit on the Saturday exhibit but earlier than we get into that something that I didn’t get to speak about for the reason that it occurred on Friday I feel is that guy representative Sherman from California not a long way he represents the valley which is not a ways from where i am correct now I imply i’m in l. A. Proper this 2nd for those of you who don’t know and it can be previous right here than again in Baltimore pound that like button you gotta like it that it is not 204 a.M. Here it can be eleven:04 p.M.Well anyway there’s Brad this represented Sherman my god he laid it all out there he desires to make it was a invoice to ban crypto currencies however and he says it can be for tax reasons to maintain price so people cannot cover their taxes or cannot cover how much money they’re making it can be simply to to hold the control grid that the buck enables the us to to have in phrases of sanctions in phrases of control over its possess men and women and the funny thing is is Sherman is clearly announcing with cryptocurrencies you could eat which you can decide out of it so you realize united states of america is gonna do what its gonna do you could complain about it which you can make out conspiracies about it or that you could simply opt out of it he is they are no longer gonna make it illegal k this man has like bank’s public servants they serve all types of pursuits that pay them and and and that that is the way in which politics works he has a financial curiosity who do not like Bitcoin and they will prosper underneath the present weight they will prosper the brand new way additionally they may prosper beneath the brand new manner however then it would be easier in the event that they made Bitcoin unlawful for some of these uh associations and groups that he represents so howdy I viewed it a just right signal for Bitcoin that this relatively lowly representative I mean he will get no chat actual challengers in his district persons blindly vote for him yr after yr I would like if there used to be a real challenger to this man i might have him on the show however the man would have to be professional Bitcoin I feel that would be outstanding that may be top notch that may scare this definite however this Sherman he might say anything the heck he wishes due to the fact that there’s no one there’s there’s no flip side of the coin in his district there isn’t a one that is gonna disgrace him embarrass the rightfully embarrass him about him being a a shill a whole shill of the mainstream and there there would be nice if there’d be a large point alternative about candidate so yeah if you’re over in the valley and you want to run in contrast man i’m going to have you on my exhibit if you’re a large factor fan however guys don’t worry about what the dude said this these this is politics okay it’s dirty and it is mindless and it is virtue signaling and also you do favors for people who give you cash so he can not not one character cannot discontinue Bitcoin one country can not discontinue Bitcoin and it’s it’s interesting that he admits why why they might no longer like that the Bitcoin for the reason that you could choose out of the dollar process proper now so try this how Matt like fun and on that observe for the entire people who simply cannot determine it out that you could that and if they consider we’re going toward a surveillance state they usually’re already there’s already a surveillance state in China and humans are involved about it for all used to surveillance state freaks if you consider it exists or it is about to exist then get into Bitcoin and so we have now a man like fiscal and incapacity he has a video in the market i hyperlink to it beneath and i also link to the tweet about consultant Sherman beneath however fiscal invisibility has a video to call what occurs if you happen to get deleted clearly which occurred what occurs should you get kicked off of your entire platforms and what happens if banks won’t do trade with you should you if your financially deleted so he gets a step closer and even in his video he says well which you could get within the Bitcoin but then he says well how about if the internet is down you already know he concept he does not utterly clutch but he made self excuses however he does say he does say that Bitcoin he also says gold coins maybe a solution again your gold coins can get confiscated Bitcoin is wonderful skateable so i’m very optimistic in regards to the surveillance state on the grounds that I’ve already opted out it of it and so many persons are do MERS and gloom errs that they just throw up their hands within the air and say we can’t opt out of it woe is me they do not give you options in any respect they love to yell and whinge and bitch and bitch and you can read it within the remark part underneath the monetary invincibility ‘s video they are like oh I knew nowadays was coming I knew this day with the financial institution’s wouldn’t want to do industry with with my type of folks oh I knew oh the elite I particularly elite were planning this for so long good pleasant dude you knew it for goodbye they possibly buy Bitcoin in 2013 like I did given that you just complain all day you do and this is the object individuals so you can be obsessed concerning the elite and their grasp plans or you can just choose out of it given that the elite are nothing but a bunch of sociopathic dorks that get elected to uh to Congress that guy is a sociopathic dork that kind of like is that birthday are you gonna worry that man is that why you bitch on YouTube movies all day alternatively of purchasing a Bitcoin but the option is yours be in motion or let sociopathic dorks scare you o.K. And and just within the feedback part he’s being tough you gigantic hard guys in the comments part beneath these movies of fiscal and disability all these people these are so sensible we knew about the elite and you do nothing you’re tough you’re you’re so rough you are petrified of your but essentially you you bow right down to that guy bred in Congress who’s a dork I mean it is incredible you you guys talk this sort of big game and also you do nothing seeing that you just reside in the doom world you get off on doom and probably it’s simply an excuse to give you these tremendous horrifying characters who aren’t frightening at all and in you recognize you don’t feel you could do an actual easy factor via gigantic however you do not do it be in motion be in movement i really like the people who watch these movies who are in movement ok so on the same note there may be a man named Gladstein who simply made a presentation michael Gladstein is his title on the convention in new york that took place this weekend something it’s known as MCC magical crypto convention anything they name it he stated it was once a presentation on utilising Bitcoin as a way of curtailing the manifestation of the surveillance state it’s intricate to make massive Brother work without fee surveillance you’re spend says more about you than your words k and so as it’s a just right it can be a just right presentation he said he shows what is going on on in China right now and he says how would Bitcoin which you could get out of this obstacle and he also says you don’t must go to Harvard to play a role in the economic revolution and this that is so real and i was saying it is the opening for the entire folks who consider that this is so elaborate it is now not that problematic you do not have to have a Harvard measure or Stanford measure you simply purchase and hold and also you get a lesson in long term thinking and defer of gratification that’s what you have to know about in this sport so anyway go American completely happy Singh’s presentation there I mean I obsess before when the Fed coin comes so many folks be a comfort thing they usually do not want to slot in and also you Bitcoin provides the persons who wish to get out a solution to get out and there will probably be individuals who want to get out and it could now not be that unhealthy in the USA however the nation is exporting it is it can be surveillance science there may be so many unique countries so it possibly romantic in designated nations together with China and Bitcoin a real approach to no longer be surveilled and take to when you’ve got it you’ll be able to be equipped to purchase your approach out of the country maybe – if it gets unhealthy so watch that video it’s a it’s an exciting one and maybe a few of you do MERS will probably be is not going to be so doom and gloom anymore however yeah there are frightening predictions for the arena but there may be a lot optimistic going on in Bitcoin and it gets you out of that frightening style of stuff it quite does seeing that yeah that attitude of those so speaking of of new York conferences there may be a enormous one developing this week and i appear forward to listening to if that Andrew yang candidate rather uh if he talks an actual excellent recreation about Bitcoin might be that’ll support his candidacy or it perhaps it’ll help Bitcoin that is what that is what i would like but so I welcome consensus 2019 it will be ICO persons it can be ridiculous stuff but some are saying that men and women acquired fascinated with it and that is probably the Fiat rate pumped I have no idea that is an intriguing thought I welcome to cut consensus if humans wish to pay countless numbers of bucks i’m going to that event and pay attention I see Oh men and women it will get Bitcoin within the news and average individuals will find out about it and possibly some individuals will eventually get their hands on some Bitcoin before it and no you realize some will be trained the tough manner that this shouldn’t received into these i ciose and AIEE iOS and 50 are all cash and whatnot but yeah i am not gonna i’m now not gonna curse consensus 2019 or anything like that now in these days today the rate of Bitcoin well it felt like five hundred greenbacks oh my god no see it can be no longer oh my god so the day gone by again I was once in the airport for lots of day yesterday and it used to be adore it was like after I used to be in the airport coming back from Korea in December of 2017 I imply at any time when I seemed on the computer the price to Bitcoin used to be going up it wasn’t to the identical extreme as when it used to be going from 12,000 the 13,000 to 14,000 however it used to be a it was a enjoyable reminder and that i mentioned this on the previous day’s show I need to mention it once more just for many who failed to watch the day past’s show on account that it was the beyond Bitcoin exhibit however examine modern correction to the way you felt when Bitcoin dropped down with $three,100 in December so I mean it is a we’re coming out of in your Fiat freaks it does appear that the we’re no longer gonna go back off to three,one hundred you just isn’t a Fiat freak anyway you should be getting you must be price off the Bitcoin and getting extra Bitcoin and when when everyone was down and gloomy and and weren’t even doing suggests and tweets anymore I was once and i was announcing you know get it you are aware of it’s lumpy a long-time period thinker you already know that parabolic transguy I imply i like that he pumps Bitcoin and the whole lot that is incredible but I imply it’s it is shit it can be it is truely embarrassing if you happen to look at his Twitter feed it is entirely dark throughout the down market and then he returns when the fee comes I imply that’s his prerogative and everything but uh yeah it’s an additional cause you are not able to get too excited regularly people just don’t get a excellent maintain a degree head about everything after which you’ll be able to stick round you can stick round you will not disappear and once more he most often simply disappeared from social media that’s his industry but some persons disappeared for Bitcoin absolutely they offered all their Bitcoin and then now they can not get back in however they concept it was going to bucks because of all these bears in the market now you bears and ta humans do they only worth their wealth in and fiat thoroughly I imply it appears like it it appears that is that’s their approach they that you recognize in the event that they value their wealth in Bitcoin they would not in no way be bears they’d consistently be bullish and completely happy and could be willing to stick round and say yeah I wish to get extra Bitcoin the price is down pleasant it is a time to get extra bitcoins i am bullish on Bitcoin since it’s the longer term I lived by way of these cycles it goes down in phrases of bi it wildly fluctuates in terms of fiat but in the lengthy work to run every two hundred ten thousand blocks it is valued at extra in phrases of fiat than it used to be previously two hundred ten thousand blocks previously and it is like each single such a individuals that tries to provide you with their own little charts charts and theories and examining each minute they don’t like they don’t know what the having is there is not any having in some other monetary instrument available in the market k except for different cryptocurrencies ok so all these individuals that talk about all their experiences in the monetary markets for years and years and years and basing their prediction units on the inventory market and on gold and on bonds do recognize do they’ve having’s there do they do they are these deflationary assets are they okay it can be like you guys do individuals who get these hits to get like this adrenaline rush out of watching persons predict Bitcoin go to a thousand or gazing some sizzling lady predict the bitcoin go to two thousand or some thing it is that you simply get off on it’s like your waist it is a soap opera to you and you are a soap opera fan and you are wasting your time it’s crypto noise simply be trained about with a freaking Bitcoin having is and with deflation and what inflation is ok I mean geez then it’s it is all these items is pathetic and that i i am up you understand i’m like i don’t adore it it’s suitable in a technique that some of these individuals are becoming burnt significant-time because they valued their wealth and Fiat and now they are stuck in it seeing that they can’t get it back for what they tell there’s gonna be $1,200 or something their magical little chart proposal it was once going to be anything the climate lady anticipated I do not know so these any one you understand and a further thing you might have bought all these humans predicting up to $100,000 for a Bitcoin due to the fact that they’re magical chart and and in something fifty five,000 soon internet internet net snot will likely be back making his predictions that Martians are gonna land in Israel and that bitcoin is gonna be 77077 for the reason that his magical pc stated so guys guys it’s it is I know it’s enjoyable it can be fun to believe you bought to give you your own tactics here or you are gonna get wrecked those you’re gonna panic sooner or later you are considering the fact that they’re predicting eighty-eight thousand eight million or some thing come up think say you already know what i am getting this so much Bitcoin for the reason that i noticed the future it is a fiscal revolution I failed to need to go to Harvard to participate in this fiscal revolution i don’t have got to have a magical crypto laptop i don’t need to have a magical chart to do it i will get into this I need to get this nut many by way of this having and then after this having i will purchase a new house with this Bitcoin or i will do that with this enormous you understand come up with a real procedure and a plan here so that you just won’t go off off the course and be distracted by using all of the crypto noise out there but as there’s a darn lot of it out there a darn lot of it and some of them are watching like complete doofus is correct now as good they will have to be for the reason that this isn’t its I find it i don’t suppose it’s helped i do not appreciate why men and women can get so completely happy about predicting a mother but it surely’s gonna go down to twelve hundred and you are scaring humans these scare screens I i do not i don’t get it since in the event you value in the event you truly worth your wealth and bitcoin if the future is so darn brilliant I mean watch that guy’s video it’ll get humans out of those surveillance systems it is it’s extremely good it can be it can be now not about your expertise in what you recognize what the stock market did in 1987 basing your method off of that I imply our invention sent two dollars love doom I can’t say that different word in view that of YouTube like lets you monetize this extra do madam more doom no they’ll under no circumstances be extra do invention and you’re an extraordinarily constructive man i will speak about your trendy video on the end of here i am amazed nobody has questions right here within the chat there may be a variety of people recall for those who do have a question you bought kind bitcoinmeister first or do the tremendous chatter I will not see it what is this jeet Sergey stated assume spending all your time watching at charts drawing strains jogging regressions waiting for $one thousand looking to tie in the market after which getting your face ripped off with the aid of a bull run to twenty,000 yeah now i am no longer saying this right one other 20,000 but yeah i’m suppose that assume anyone getting their face ripped off waiting for a thousand greenbacks to happen well simply me you don’t ought to assume anymore you will see I mean it sounds as if that any one anyway okay yet another thing I want to say is that so many folks are stuck in these uh historical common fiscal paradigms including you understand I ought to buy a apartment I need to be in debt mortgage debt is it but all of the answers are out there however they may be simply stuck in there caught in that realm in eighty percent of circular the place you must get a condominium the place you have to buy a automobile the place you have to go into debt I imply the answers are so easy I’ve protected them all on this video Bitcoin okay so i spotted Bitcoin dominance used to be growing and i did not seen that for a whilst and so some persons are pronouncing well it is all gonna float back in the altcoins again and you know what in most cases some will glide again into all cash you do not know which ones them you have no idea now mostly surely aetherium will pump finally however I gotta say these this final few days the the whole thing’s rate was once going up after which the whole lot’s cost wasn’t going up however in terms of Bitcoin their prices were not going up in any respect I imply bsv is an instance bsv his price went up but I imply it went from being worth 1% of a Bitcoin to not up to zero.9% of the Bitcoin and speakme of you already know the exceptional psv the quality bsp seeing that what occurred what happened dude you already know why is that a satisfactory memory so quick on this area bsv stated they have been going to wreck me money what happened why does everybody disregard that why does any person suppose a word out of the people’s mouths that were claiming this exceptional war that was once about to occur where’s your conflict dude where you are worth point eight percent of a Bitcoin ok be cash seems to be doing significantly better than you I imply what you imply how can any one believe even need to do any have something to do with those dudes I don’t have any notion I haven’t any and that i I consider dangerous there are a couple of excellent persons there who I have no idea what they are considering what happened to your war what happened to destroying be money where’s the destruction you realize most effective thing that seems adore it’s being destroyed is being a candy and 20.8 bitcoin yeah that’s uh it’s using point 0.8 percentage of a bitcoin 0.Eight percent of bitcoin it is went from 1% I it was once 2 percentage of a Bitcoin it is zero.8 percent of the pig no no no o.K. So listed below are some questions what do you feel about tone Vaes and Tyler Jenks predicting predictions of Bitcoin going to 1k are you continue to pals with them I certainly not ever ever was once acquaintances with Tyler Jenks I had i’m buddies with tone BAE’s though the whole thing that I mentioned earlier than I mean you didn’t i assume you didn’t precisely read between the lines who I was once speakme about earlier than I wasn’t speakme about tone days I was once talking about a climate lady and some guy from some freak man from from the historic college or anything you understand and i have no idea ample about these people because i ended gazing tone when he had the woman on since he I mean it was once a transparent it used to be a ridiculous gimmick and then so i assume but each of them thought they were gonna get a section of her i assume that is why this Tyler guys our friend if he introduced she introduced this freak alongside for the experience and i mean again I don’t know the entire story and that i preferred him I do like how many he doesn’t i do not consider him bringing on bringing on any person like that to a exhibit and valuing his wealth and females than men and uh but the guy at Tyler I certainly have not ever heard his voice earlier than so I just recognize that he has nice he had a chance and he bought really obtained destroyed and that i just don’t fully grasp and i and folks would inform me this man’s predicting $1,000 i’m like who the heck is that this man I was telling letting him on this exhibit I expect it is when you consider that he desires to get they both want to get the girl visiting they usually did and whenever the lady introduced the fellow this guy on my own it is a disgrace it’s a shame that he is he let this lady onto the exhibit and she brings a section of trash like that on to the show too and all these humans misplaced some huge cash taking note of this historic dude and it’s nothing unsuitable being historic or something like that I shoulda mentioned that however um you realize i do not exactly be aware of what that dude is all about however he has some magical formula or whatever and certainly he’s a no pointer it does not maintain any Bitcoin now proper I mean what commonly what’s up with men and women they do not need Bitcoin telling me what people must do with their large tell me what I should do with my bitcoins is ridiculous so once more I maybe somewhat ignorant on the dude so i am sorry if I mischaracterized something about the guys I certainly not simply heard him cuz i finished observing tone show when he he had the lady on was it both ridiculous to put the lady on my publish most likely ridiculous certainly and she and i hear she’s she maybe a intelligent character too however that’s no longer why she was placed on the show um I mean it used to be shit she maybe intelligent now quite a lot of exceptional matters but and then instantly she should be telling folks about Bitcoin I mean this is this the best way the sector works yeah that is that that’s the way in which the 80% world works you get unqualified quiet you folks probably qualifying in particular fields to speak about targeted matters then you simply let them uh I imply you you do you let the finest quantum you the grace quantum mechanics man or woman come to your plumbing exhibit to talk about plumbing plumbing this is a expense with like quantum mechanics a to maintain the bathroom plumbing no no you do not you get that you get over a plumber or anybody with years of plumbing experience now in the event that they quantum mechanics man or woman how does the hot girl then you already know why they let the quantum mechanics girl on the the bathroom show all proper so one other query reasonable equal mentioned do you consider bitcoin will but I do like tongue tones a just right man do you do you I and i don’t anyway do you suppose bitcoin will ever tough fork so as to add privateness like manera be aware of there’s just a few matters that tough Forks would improve BTC but no i do not think that I imply the question persons have been asking me these days is do you feel they’ll include member wendel into it and so that that no i don’t believe i know they they need they need either build construct whatever on high of it some thing might be developed developed on high or they wouldn’t desire a tough fork to add on the privateness i know i do not see that happening i do not think individuals would I feel that would purpose some if it was once if it was once tough for it it wouldn’t be a excellent it wouldn’t be the pleasant transfer because I believe a lot of people would get freaked out by means of it various plenty of mainstream and he could break yeah there may be there may be approaches to make it nameless by building stuff on prime of it ok a rough fork is just like the last final ditch option there so I i do not i don’t think it is going to hard fork to add privateness like like Minero or like member wendel and so I I believe it is intriguing yeah you understand we carry up member Wimble we will get for those who maintain Bitcoin and you are not at some freakish trader that thing’s bitcoins got a thousand greenbacks considering that of some thing that happened in 1987 when you preserve your Bitcoin on your traceur and you could signal it you know have a signal you’ll get this airdrop descriptive dividend member wendel coin and we’ll see how just right this member Wimble technological know-how is we will be capable to experimented is we’re gonna get on it we’re gonna get it free of charge and i should be reminding men and women about that seeing that i’m all about getting things at no cost turning them into bitcoin and in order that member whim Wu’s T dot MW is coming soon which you can already register for the airdrop there and July what July 19th is the July 19th is the photograph date so this is yet another query reasonable equal aka member wynnmalone BIA ok so I did reply that bug reside says when do you feel Lightning network will go live or be done now not in beta phase i do know I have no idea quickly as you it do not rush it though hiya do not rush it I imply in the event that they seem to be making growth then they there’s exclusive constructing matters on prime of it i would not i wouldn’t rush it i would not rush it I need to fear about it I wish to worry about it so I I said it’s too quickly as a relative term it is extra so don’t do not do not fear about it Chris okay says have you learnt if Andy hoffen purchased his Bitcoin again now that no he hasn’t no he hasn’t and you understand i like Andy quite a bit i I simply i do not believe he I suppose I think he must have bought his Bitcoin back I believe I rather do I suppose he however he did not he failed to we’re past the Hoffman line now and that i do not know that is undoubtedly now not what I did you all you all recognize what I mean he’s in one other economic hindrance however he might purchase some of the again i know but no i don’t think about any Bitcoin so and you ask him however from recognize i know so I never would have sold my Bitcoin when it went below fifty eight fifty 700 bucks I mean there may be so many tax implications is his a stain however seem it took six months and it’s as if it never occurred so why even promote it in the first place except you were trying to you recognize why sell it unless you had been trying to buy it back for low cost and get extra of it you recognize he does not price his wealth in Bitcoin he does no longer price as good but I be trained when he is on the show and stuff he is doing them he’s promoting them that he’s gone in a utterly one-of-a-kind path than he was going earlier than him indisputably about it he doesn’t suck he doesn’t conceal it or something like that k when do you feel you like k yeah yes I said one I consider like noon i am hoping I didn’t pass anyone’s query right here all proper Mia Hoffman is stacking his biro diems up it appears that is wit that is where he is doing and daddy’s no it can be now not what I do I value my wealth and Bitcoin I value my wealth and Bitcoin I imply he maybe one of the simplest dudes out there that that values is love in all coins i’m rather down the avenue doesn’t particularly says the greenback is king he batters in wealth in yeah he values Islam VI is concerned reven values Walton all cash he uses all coins to get more Fiat at this point at this point at the least bitcoinmeister the colossal line is own one BTC what ok so I did not precisely you break that once more what do you suppose about Charles Hawkins’s and the IOH ok stuff you know I stick faraway from that drama it does it there may be constantly been drama round that stuff let him develop whatever he desires to improve and have his own clique and the whole lot over there that debt that’s finite there been humans that relatively rather disliked IOH okay that one again sorry i am nothing to do with that stuff men and women they’re gonna do what they’re gonna do I imply is this is the place the giant boys play let individuals create whatever they want him within the crypt new space very well I do consider that did I say before that I consider aetherium will I believe I consider aetherium will pump once more I suppose that is one all coin that you recognize is gonna pump once more however good day dude i do not do not buy it I just i’m simply thinking your prediction I just get more Bitcoin but why did I say this in regards to the ethereal oh we’re speaking about the Bitcoin dominance increasing and there’s these there’s every person normally take their colossal earnings and throw it back in to all coins they shouldn’t but they do one day that cycle will end though but no longer now not anytime soon no longer now not quickly you know we stated that the 6,200 the $6,200 mark and the way that used to be double $3,100 and people have been pronouncing well with $31 was once the low for this cycle then if it will get to 6200 then it can be now not gonna return to 3,one hundred and that i mentioned that after in opposition to the 6200 it would quite surge and it did whilst you obtained up to 7500 the day before today now not that that concerns what matters extra is that the sentiment now I consider a number of folks they saw that the 6200 thing happened they saw a surge they acquired to feel that hit again they obtained to see for themselves you know what these persons speak about 1100 and scorching women and whatever they’re speakme about is ridiculous and that you recognize what let’s now not keep on this terrible pattern and make bets about what’s gonna be it was gonna be a thousand silliness that I I consider this weekend was once a good cheer concerned with some men and women who are due MERS and in caught in caught on this negativity of just what abounding their wealth and Fiat so and being happy with themselves that if a giant coin were to head to a thousand bucks would you wrote for and ran for president if he continues to preach the Bitcoin adoption that is a nice question considering the fact that as a number of of you might be aware of I registered as a Democrat as a younger was once very young man or woman once I registered is when is 20 I believe as soon as 20 simply and simply on the grounds that but i’m now not i am now not a Democrat in my practices so I to this very day I vote within the Democratic principal so i am gonna need to if I if i am round if i am in Baltimore at the moment at this factor i would vote for him right now’s simply restrained due to the fact that it’s just a strategic move simply in hopes of rocking the establishment and possibly possibly there will be some some massive coin he’s naturally the smartest some of the democrat democrats and he would not pander that so much as the opposite ones do however so yeah i get it but he want to make a difference my vote doesn’t make change but uh yeah that that is what at this factor that’s who i’d vote for the Democratic main and i’m just a little recognized fact Adam he’s a Rhett i am a registered Democrat of all however i don’t think any nonsense anymore nor nor did I really consider in it once I was twenty years historical who is aware of then suppose in it when you are twenty years ancient you’re valuing your wealth and winning and you just you register as a Democrat considering the fact that all people else round makes use of that price fully horrible reasoning and and that i was going to Washington university in st.Louis and that was my uh and that used to be my good judgment so uh so which you could imagine that these children going to these excellent schools they do not feel they do not care they just do what other persons are doing and it could be high-quality if we kids would get out of this college paradigm and relatively start pondering for themselves early cuz I wasn’t there wasn’t that much of a free thinker if I used to be just doing matters like that I imply how so much beer can you drink how much uh III I look back on my university days i’m gonna wash you and the whole lot there was a lot opportunity there so much learning I would have performed and that i used to be simply you understand taking my my industry classes and just looking to memorize the whole lot I wasn’t trying to quite gain knowledge of I simply trying to have a fun time so yeah larger schooling is undoubtedly as a minimum it was a little bit bit cheaper again then and that i I got all I paid off all those loans that I had very well so fair equals is bitcoinmeister have you ever heard about the HCC full node phones sure i have what are some exciting dat’s that would utilize such science I don’t have any inspiration however it’s problems but I i will inform you this that if which you can run a full node on the mobile now or if you are going to be that there is like much less of an excuse for folks like me to claim I can not run a full note however I don’t know mobilephone these Bitcoin would not care if you are socialists that’s genuine there is a web site that I linked to below the tie I oh it is sort of a competitor with we market cap and so verify that out they have got a everyday sentiment column I concept that used to be intriguing all proper I suppose speak about gab i’m going to simply save that for next time ok 9 point out that permit’s erase that now i’m going to store that subsequent i will save that for subsequent time ok I mentioned that all right here right here here here’s anything good now i’m going to keep that for subsequent time – oh god this exhibit went too long any one mentioned have you ever heard about the likelihood of eBay accepting Bitcoin as payment no but eventually everyone will seem permitted this payment I do not know why you would wish to purchase some thing on Bitcoin with you why would you quit your beneficial Bitcoin for for some thing on eBay for some use things for eBay oh here any person had a query last time what is your process for the following bull run would you do in a different way what we do another way from the last one dude i’d do definitely nothing extraordinary my technique is the equal it never changes buy and keep powerful hand that individual might not be acquainted with this channel wow i haven’t converted something I keep yeah I get Bitcoin I certainly not sell it however that is that is my technique and switch this crypto dividends within the Bitcoin and oh yeah so we wait extra questions are coming in so I assume when are you coming down the Florida once more don’t know when that is gonna occur it depends upon if there may be a band and stuff after which someone says there may be a crypto cafe in West Palm beach fairly that’s fascinating I used to be I used to be up there I was once up in that subject i might not ever wager that a crypto cafe can be kinda the little towns along there they all form of seem the same and have these colossal huge roads and people live in gated communities and it will get rather hot for the period of the summer and plenty of historical humans reside down there they go down there to die then there may be young men and women i might be so i like information younger people down there and i love these humans they’re excellent individuals i do not are aware of it’s now not my it without doubt is not my type down there at all let’s it’s the dress you need a automobile down there you bought to drive round that’s that I acknowledged that the previous day show is speaking about staying healthy but by means of walking around and i am so glad i don’t have to draw in Baltimore I needed to drive daily the synagogue and now in LA I simply stroll around the nook to synagogue which is fine I i don’t power at all and that is a different intent why well it is gonna be tough to coordinate this viable lengthy seaside occasion that’s coming up possibly so in the end we will conclude with vention and so although i might hyperlink to a video before from mention and i link to it under and he talks about how he and you guys be aware of he’s a enormous Bitcoin fan he’s been talking about Bitcoin for a very long time he’s a man going his own way and he lately found out that he is received melanoma and he’s gonna he’s taken some non non ordinary procedures at first he’s no longer going to get a poison with the radiation and the chemo he is hanging it off for just a little bit and so that you may watch this video however one thing I want to convey up in terms of Bitcoin because he has he has plenty of tremendous he is a good amount of Bitcoin he does not ought to fear about like was my insurance gonna pay for this and i am definite it is gonna pay for that am I gonna or what what can i do or my my govt health care provider says I ought to do this he is acquired the entire choices on the earth Bitcoin I imply so for a man like you understand I say do not promote your Bitcoin unless after the 12 months 2020 now for mention is in a lifestyles-and-loss of life drawback here so if he needed to get into his bitcoins – i would say dude go forward and do it pay pay some thing you must when you are in a life-and-demise drawback you’re gonna spend as a lot to be uncomfortable as feasible to get by means of the main issue so that is it is a benefit of Bitcoin for all you people out there he is in a predicament now the place he can do what he wants to do he manage trolls his wellbeing his destiny utterly some surgeon that he gets assigned by way of his insurance corporation says some thing that he’s totally against he can simply say i am out of here general practitioner i can pay for my own general practitioner with my own Bitcoin with my possess money with and again he has saved cash he customarily have to get into his when you consider that – considering that he puts on he puts some huge cash away but again i have pointed out how bitcoin is coverage how it’s an insurance plan and he’s dwelling at proper now he’s a first-rate instance of like that so if things begin – if he starts – rather he can not pay with cash anymore if he blows his entire lot of savings on ridiculous doctors and he or she was once going to extraordinary I reckon him getting his bitcoins – and begin deciding to buy it he in phrases of funds youngsters have to worry about it all and that’s satisfactory if you have melanoma when you are in the obstacle the place you in the event you don’t deal with it you’ll die it can be good you don’t ought to worry about funds and that is a part of the UH the Bitcoin world and being a saver and being a protracted-time period thinker in order that that’s how i am tying in the vention drawback to Bitcoin at present and he says thanks brother yeah i am beautiful set on now not getting chemo good and we confirmed follow-up mention every body I link to his video beneath if you are very and he’s documenting his whole his whole well being or deal proper now o.K. Dude that was a protracted exhibit i’m adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister thanks in your questions that i quite enjoyed them keep in mind to subscribe this channel like this video share this video pound that like button bang that bell button click on these squares and was the shirt say purchase-and-hold yeah that’s my procedure it hasn’t changed i will see you dudes within the chat proper now bye bye
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charlesccastill · 6 years ago
Blackstone’s Byron Wien Announces Ten Surprises for 2019
NEW YORK��Byron R. Wien, Vice Chairman in the Private Wealth Solutions group at Blackstone, has issued his list of Ten Surprises for 2019. This is the 34th year Byron has given his views on a number of economic, financial market and political surprises for the coming year. Byron defines a “surprise” as an event that the average investor would only assign a one out of three chance of taking place but which Byron believes is “probable,” having a better than 50% likelihood of happening.
Byron started the tradition in 1986 when he was the Chief U.S. Investment Strategist at Morgan Stanley. Byron joined Blackstone in September 2009 as a senior advisor to both the firm and its clients in analyzing economic, political, market and social trends.
Byron’s Ten Surprises for 2019 are as follows:
The weakening world economy encourages the Federal Reserve to stop raising the federal funds rate during the year. Inflation remains subdued and the 10-year Treasury yield stays below 3.5%. The yield curve remains positive.
Partly because of no further rate increases by the Federal Reserve and more attractive valuations as a result of the market decline at the end of 2018, the S&P 500 gains 15% for the year. Rallies and corrections occur but improved earnings enable equities to move higher in a reasonably benign interest rate environment.
Traditional drivers of GDP growth, capital spending and housing, make only modest gains in 2019. The expansion continues, however, because of consumer and government spending. A recession before 2021 seems unlikely.
The better tone in the financial markets discourages precious metal investors. Gold drops to $1,000 as the equity markets in the United States and elsewhere improve.
The profit outlook for emerging markets brightens and investor interest intensifies because the price earnings ratio is attractive compared to developed markets and historical levels. Continuous expansion of the middle class in the emerging markets provides the consumer buying thrust for earnings growth. China leads and the Shanghai composite rises 25%. The Brazil equity market also comes to life under the country’s new conservative leadership.
March 29 comes and goes and there is no Brexit deal. Parliament fails to approve one and Theresa May, arguing that a change in leadership won’t help the situation, remains in office. A second referendum is held and the U.K. votes to remain.
The dollar stabilizes at year-end 2018 levels and stays there throughout the year. Because of concern about the economy, the Federal Reserve stops shrinking its balance sheet, which is interpreted negatively by currency traders. The flow of foreign capital into United States assets slows because of a softer monetary policy and a lack of need for new capital for business expansion.
The Mueller investigation results in indictments against members of the Trump Organization closest to the president but the evidence doesn’t support any direct action against Trump himself. Nevertheless, an exodus of Trump’s most trusted advisors results in a crisis in confidence that the administration has the people and the process to accomplish important goals.
Congress, however, with a Democratic majority, gets more done than expected, particularly on trade policy. Progress is made in preserving important parts of the Affordable Care Act and immigration policy. A federal infrastructure program to be implemented in 2020 is announced.
Growth stocks continue to provide leadership in the U.S. equity market. Technology and biotech do well as a result of continued strong earnings. Value stocks other than energy-related businesses disappoint because of the slowing economy.
Every year there are always a few Surprises that do not make the Ten because either I do not think they are as relevant as those on the basic list or I am not comfortable with the idea that they are “probable.”
Geopolitical tensions increase. Iran continues to destabilize the Middle East and Kim Jong Un fails to live up to his North Korea denuclearization promises. Secretary of State Pompeo and National Security Advisor Bolton make statements indicating the United States may take pre-emptive action in both places, thereby causing one of several sharp market sell-offs. But in spite of hostile rhetoric, the United States does not go to war with anyone as we approach the 2020 election. Trump’s tough talk on some issues like trade works, however, and leads to successful diplomatic negotiations on national security.
In desperation China engages in ambitious infrastructure programs to bolster its economy. China grows at 6.5% real, but the increased debt causes concern around the world and has a negative impact on the renminbi.
China announces, “We want to be the world leaders in free trade.” It sends envoys around the globe to negotiate better bilateral trade terms in order to offset the losses from the ongoing U.S. disagreements. Joint ventures in which foreign companies control the majority share are initiated in all sectors, from industrials and autos to raw materials. As China’s influence around the world becomes greater, the U.S. further isolates itself.
The European Central Bank is forced to restart quantitative easing in response to a defiant Italy, a weakening Germany and Brexit. Thwarting expectations that Brexit would bring the rest of Europe closer together, Italy realizes that it can break all fiscal rules without any fear of punishment from the E.U. As a result, the Italian economy falls into recession, debt spreads surge and the ECB is forced to liquefy the system again.
Blackstone is one of the world’s leading investment firms. The firm’s asset management businesses, with $457 billion in assets under management, include investment vehicles focused on private equity, real estate, public debt and equity, non-investment grade credit, real assets and secondary funds, all on a global basis.
from boston condos ford realtor https://bostonrealestatetimes.com/blackstones-byron-wien-announces-ten-surprises-for-2019/
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lopehernanchacon · 7 years ago
Lope Hernan Chacón: THE VISIT (Der Besuch der alten Dame )
The opera is based on Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s stage play Der Besuch der alten Dame, an international success, filmed (1963) with Ingrid Bergman in the title role. The Visit of the Old Lady is a modern morality tale of small-town greed and hypocrisy- that resonates as well today. The teenage Claire Z, made pregnant by a small businessman, is abandoned and driven out as a whore in Güllen, a town without pity. She returns 50 years later- immensely rich through various marriages. She’s back for revenge, blood money; and meanwhile Gullen has fallen on hard times. Gottfried von Einem’s opera, with Dürrenmatt’s own libretto, premiered in 1971 at Vienna State Opera, with Christa Ludwig, to triumphant acclaim. Einem’s music is ‘eclectic, varied, rhythmic’ – pushes ‘tonality’ to its limits- but it’s still accessible. I’ve seen the play, heard the ‘soundtrack’, a radio broadcast, and now eagerly anticipated the opera, Theater an der Wien’s new production- celebrating von Einem’s centenary. Well, even though Dürrenmatt collaborated on the libretto, it’s hard to imagine he’d approve of this (Keith Warner) production. The opening set- monotone greys- consists of cut-out facades of civic buildings, decrepit, faded grandeur. Lined up are the very respectable inhabitants, all dressed in grey- hateful, smug and self-important. Then we see a poster (cleverly) advertising a puppet show: ‘Der Besuch der alten Dame’. Posters and placards are used for scene changes: next at a railway station, (expecting a train from Stockholm), they’re all waiting feverishly for a VIP. So far, musically it’s impressive. RSO Wien under Michael Boder, points up the brass section, the shrill wind instruments, and the very prominent drums. It is very well sung, Arnold Schoenberg Choir providing the chorus. One of the problems is with Warner’s conception. Dürrenmatt’s text is implicitly social critique, but Warner sees it as rabid satire, the Old Lady as a caricature figure. He describes Claire Zachanassian as ‘creepier than the witch in Hansel and Gretel; the embodiment of crass materialism. But this is a misreading. Katarina Karneus’s Claire is not a sympathetic figure. Yet but the Lady is the victim of an amoral, and patriarchal, society. In Dürrenmatt’s parable, she returns to put these censorious bigots to the test; they’ll do anything for money. Karneus’s character forfeits our sympathy. She’s so loud; gross like a Dame Edna Everage uber creation, a larger than life drag queen (no disrespect!) Karneus’s magnificent mezzo copes nevertheless with the extreme vocal demands. She staggers on in a garish leopard- print coat, brilliant red hair. From baby-blue girls dresses, tied with pink ribbons, her wardrobe goes to new extremes with every scene. And the entourage. Is the black panther, on a leash, for real? And wearing a diamonte necklace. Koby (Antonio Gonzalez) and Loby (Alexander Linner)- both bald with glasses- are said to have been castrated (Claire’s ‘false witnesses’, now her eunuchs.) Roby and Toby carry her sedan chair. And she has ‘a coffin which might come in handy.’
The billboard advertises KONRADSWEIL, the date 1955 – 55 years ago when she met Albert III (Canadian tenor Russell Braun), powerfully sung, and sympathetically enacted, Braun’s a dignified, heartfelt performance. He’s married a shop owner called Mathilde (Cornelia Horak) has a son and daughter by her; now he’s trying to charm Claire into investing her money. So he turns on the charm, recalling their romantic times together. Karneus and Braun’s scenes – especially their duet in Act III – are outstanding, von Einem’s score sounding lyrical, the lush strings recalling Richard Strauss. Braun’s Alfred gets physical, but the Lady – so it seems – isn’t all flesh: has too many other parts. In Güllen she’s staying in the Golden Apostle Hotel, where there’s a reception of the town’s bigwigs. As the Burgermeister, Raymond Very’s tenor is richly melodious in his welcome. Now, in a dazzling silver outfit, Karneus’s aria reminds her audience of how she was bullied and humiliated at school; of the paternity suit filed against her; of the witnesses bribed to free Alfred to marry Mathilde. Now she will donate a million to Güllen: but subject to one condition. Justice for what she suffered; one of them must kill Alfred. In Warner’s version, it’s all about consumerism. But Dürrenmatt’s plays, like The Physicists, are about moral dilemmas; here the conflict is in the sacrifice of human decency for the ‘Golden Calf’. A million to buy justice. Strident clarinets, fierce trombones: hers is the devil’s pact. They must pay their debt. Act II opens with a mart (Braun’s) offering expensive items on a one-day-only offer. They’re buying the expensive stuff, and buying it on credit: they’ll bankrupt him. The Priest Alfred goes to (Markus Butter’s tremendous bass baritone) advises him to flee. Braun’s Alfred, grey-suited, carrying a suitcase, is intercepted at the station, trying to catch a train. The staging in Act III is really all too much unless it’s farce you’re into. Except for Karneus in her contemplative moments. She sings poignantly, it was winter when she left ; she’s come back for just one more time. Against a Year 2000, Super-Saving-Event poster (price-tags in Swiss francs?), Braun and Karneus’s scene is affectingly warm – the scoring, gushing strings, and Straussian. Braun sings, he and Mathilde have a child now. After the gaudy, trashy sets, the finale ‘Goldene Dusche‘- a festival of bling – is appropriately effective. The neon sign suggests the apocryphal gold raining from heaven: also a golden shower (in S and M terms). Here are plush velvet armchairs , braided in gold. Everyone’s wearing brilliantly coloured designer clothing. ‘Wealth is only justified when it’s foundations are just’… but these upright citizens are deciding whether to accept the golden pay-out. Braun, dressed in a modest suit, ‘will end a senseless life’. Karneus sings of a sweeping blue panorama. Your love has been dead for years; her love -she’s just married another husband – is constantly being renewed. Nothing more remains of him than a dead lover- a ghost in a destroyed home. Adieu Alfred. Braun is escorted from his armchair by a spookily Nazified head of police to a room at the back of the stage. We can barely glimpse the the physical beating. He’s carried out: a heart attack, overdosed on pleasure. Now, finally, finally, the silver coffin at the front of the stage is opened up to take in three black body bags. Adieu Alfred. She, Karneus, is dressed in black- in a Versace take on a Salvation Army uniform- like an avenging angel. This Warner production doesn’t help us, give us any insight into the moral compass of the opera. It’s more like a show, a ‘Mormon’ entertainment. His production- Warner explains in the programme interview- is his instant reaction to the contemporary world in moral crisis- the world of Trump Towers, Brexit, Merkel-land. No wonder my Viennese neighbour, a subscriber- an opera lover who really knows about opera – admitted she didn’t really understand the opera. PR.18.03.2018 Photos: Katarina Karneus (Claire Zachanassian), Ernest Allan Hausman (Moby), Mark Milhofer (Boby Butler); Adrian Eröd (Teacher), Markus Butter (Priest), Raymond Very (Bürgermeister), Katerina Karneus (Claire Z); Russell Braun (Alfred III; Carolina Lippo (c) Werner Kmetitsch
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bestofthenets · 7 years ago
Best Wooden Wine Rack
Visit: http://WineRack.Ninja
Wine Rack Ninja is A Place for Wine beverage Lovers
Unique, stylish cool wines racks. Wooden, metallic, wire, standing wine beverage furniture.All kind of wine beverage racks, holders, container furniture ? Storewide Sale 20% OFF!
Even dedicated connoisseurs with fully equipped wine beverages cellars or fridges still need a good way to keep a few choice containers within reach. This post makes it easy to find the perfect wine beverages rack to suit any style and budget - we've put together 40 of our favorite designs to match interiors ranging from professional to rustic, artsy to minimalistic. Once you have picked out your chosen rack, make sure you find an area away from sunlight and heat options to keep your containers as well conditioned as is feasible. Then, see our compilation of attractive cutting boards for your cheese and hors d'oeuvres pairings.Circulation Wall Mounted Wine Rack: Curvaceous, fun, and attractive - this modern wines rack balances your preferred containers on either area.
Minimalist Wall membrane Mounted Vertical Wine beverage Rack: Kitchen areas decked out with considerable stainless or industrial decor could definitely benefit from a handsome wines rack such as this one. It offers a more solid look than most decorative options available.
Stainless Steel Wall structure Wines Rack: This rack is suitable for any kind of bottle up to 3.5? in size. This model is available in 3- and 5-container sizes for individuals who need to save space in your kitchen or dining area.
Wrought Iron BOTTLE OF WINE Rack: Traditional wrought flat iron always looks fantastic within rustic and classic interiors. These wines racks are modular, linking collectively to flawlessly fit that clear space on your wall structure. Each rack comes separately which means you can truly add as you go.
Elle Wall Mounted BOTTLE OF WINE Rack: If you want to make a long lasting impression with your wine display, this uniquely shaped rack will accomplish just that. The tongue and groove dangling system ensures a snug fit and a clean look.
Contemporary Wall membrane Mounted Wine Rack: With angled wire holders, this rack is one of hardly any models that allow a selection between vertical or horizontal placement. The backing table is constructed of weathered oak for a good organic aesthetic suitable for a number of interiors.
Small Wine Bottle & Goblet Rack: Two in one! Continue to 18 wine eyeglasses and 6 standard wine bottles all at your fingertips of your offering area with this attractive design. The level shelf bottom level is simply perfect for displaying collectibles if you are down a few bottles.
Hexagonal Wine beverage Rack: Attractive weathered gold carry out provides this geometric wine rack elegant charm. The distinctive shape holds wine bottles of any size firmly and fashionably.
Contemporary BOTTLE OF WINE and Glass Holder: Combine fine art and function with this geometric wines rack with space for just two of your most flexible spectacles. The overlapping rounded frames have a subtly vintage flavor suitable for designers who love a strong aesthetic.
6 Bottle Stand Top Wine beverages Rack: Supplement your industrial or geometric design with this interesting part. At three pounds, this silver-finished wines rack is sturdy enough to hold your containers without worry.
Rooster Steel Wine beverage Holder: Every country kitchen needs at least one little bit of rooster interior decoration! Get that charming farmhouse look with this folksy hand crafted wine holder, built from recycled scrap steel to fulfill your eco-friendly area.
Dinosaur Wines Racks: Your guests will never be in a position to stop talking about these quirky dinosaur wines holders - the perfect focal point for your kitchen countertop or dining area. The artist also offers unfinished Wine-O-Saurs and that means you can color your own.
Horse Wine beverages Holder: With or without a delicious wine, this stunning equine sculpture stands as a masterpiece of design you can admire every day. Consider this part as a housewarming present for equine aficionado.
Lion Wine Holder: Accessorize your African style design with this handmade metallic lion finished to look like carved wood. The head and mane fit over the cover of the bottle, attached to your body by a string so you won't lose it. There's a windows in the lion's back again so you can still read the label with ease.
Deer Wine beverage Rack: Wouldn't this look lovely in a Scandinavian motivated interior? Each one arrives in flat pack and assembles like a puzzle - this piece could provide as a great DIY job with your wine beverage friends or even the complete family.
Antler Wines Rack: Think about this wines holder in your lodge-themed den, or consider buying a supplementary as a housewarming or wedding gift idea for one or two who relishes hunting or deer observing. Each one is hand-painted and crafted from durable resin.
Knight's Armour Wine Holder: Folks of Medieval times were no strangers to wine beverages. This single-bottle holder would make a good addition to a themed home club, or would make a pleasant gift for a friend who loves to sip while reading traditional fantasy novels.
Medieval Dragon Wine beverages Holder: Serve beverages for your next Game of Thrones party or simply communicate your love for dragons with this exceptionally detailed dragon-shaped wine bottle holder. It's manufactured from cast resin however the incredible car paint job helps it be look like pewter. If dragons are your thing, don't forget to check out our post on dragon interior decor.
Mythical Dragon Claw Container Holder: Are you buying wine beverage holder for your big Halloween party? This dragon claw is spooky and stylish, and hardcore Halloween followers might find it cool enough to display throughout the complete season.
Gothic Skeleton Wine beverages Holder: Perfect for Halloween or your preferred metalhead friend, this skeleton are certain to get your next party started right.
Skull Bike Container Holder: It's difficult to find a wine bottle holder just for bikers, but this part could suit you perfectly. It would make a fairly sweet adornment for Halloween too!
Antique Plane Wine beverages Holder: Aviation lovers are sure to love these next few wine holders! That one takes the shape of an antique biplane, a cool metal sculpture that could look just like lovely with no bottle.
Airplane Twin BOTTLE OF WINE Holder: Here's another vintage aircraft style, this time capable of holding two bottles of wine on either side. The nostril swings up to show you an area to tuck away another bottle, perhaps a cheap wine you do not want your oenophile friends to see or an expensive vintage that you don't want to share with just anybody.
Jet Airplane Wien Holder: This aircraft plane is constructed of recycled scrap metallic and crafted yourself in Germany.
Antique Tricycle Wine Holder Elegant and elegant, this bronze-tinted container holder comes to life with sensitive flourishes and interesting details. We can just imagine how lovely this would look as a centerpiece at a wedding reception or on the shelf of the classically embellished home.
Architect Wine beverages Holder: It's difficult to find a fitting gift idea for the architect who have everything. This wine holder (more of a wine cover, actually) would certainly lighten up your chosen architect's mood after a long day at the drafting desk.
Heel Wines Holder: Bachelorette get together goals, right? This bottle holder would add attitude and style to any sort of gathering of wine-lovers. Other appropriate party designs include Wizard of Oz, Halloween, or as an over-all present for a boot collector.
Chain Wine beverage Holder: Optical illusions are a quick way to create a focal point in virtually any room. After all, you can't really ignore something so unforeseen.
Lasso Wine Holder: Perhaps even more surprising is to see a piece of "common" string aiding a cantilever wine bottle with little work. This optical illusion is so sensible, it's bound to become a conversation starter.
Ribbon Wine beverage Holder: And here's yet another optical illusion bottle holder for many who want to include color to their wine and parmesan cheese propagate in addition to turning mind. This one is available in every color of the rainbow.
Balancing Wine beverage Holder: No, this one isn't an optical illusion. It's about balance. Getting the bottle and holder to keep up equilibrium requires a steady hand, but physics geeks will definitely enjoy the novelty.
Arc Balancing Wines Holder: Smooth lacquered lumber and careful development make this one of the sleekest wines holders around. This part is simply perfect for a minimalist interior. It will come in three colors, and look great prearranged in a row in the event you will need to keep multiple containers handy.
Literal Wine beverage Rack: You can find wine beverage likers, and there are wine beverages lovers. This combination wines rack and wine glass hanger is for folks who make a lifestyle of the oenophile tendencies.
Baroque Style Wine beverage Holder: Without investing in precious antiques, it could be hard to accessorize a baroque interior. This part would make a nice addition to Skill Deco themed homes as well.
Swirl 6 Bottle Wine beverages Rack: Modern, minimalist, and all-white interiors will surely benefit from a sleek wine rack such as this one. It supports six containers (with one on top) but looks neat no subject how many you have.
Curved STAINLESS Wines Rack: This stainless steel wine rack is sure to stand up to the age ranges. It holds no more than five containers but an especially enthusiastic connoisseur could probably fit more on the factors or in the middle.
Deco 79 Solid wood Wine Rack: Not merely will this rack produce a wonderfully rustic and traditional vibe, but it can store an incredible number of bottles of wine on the long-term - horizontal storage area ensures the corks won't dry and ruin your selected selections.
76 Bottle Curved Corner Wines Rack: If you are looking to fill a hard-to-fit spot in your wine beverage cellar, or have to work around a tiny wine cellar, this effective rack might just do the job. It's constructed from quality redwood and methods up at 25? of width and depth, standing 72? tall.
Vino Styx 1 Container Wall Mount: Turn your favorite wine into design with these stylish wall-mounted racks. Suspend one in a helpful place, like next to your comfy reading nook, or make a modular display by grouping several in any arrangement you'd like.
Wall membrane Mounted Wooden Wine Rack: Having a strip of metal against a durable pine shelf, this wine shelf and a glass rack combo would suit any style of interior. It is the ideal go-to solution for quality that can adjust to a changing 
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jeniferfrench-blog · 7 years ago
New Moon In Leo And Also Total Eclipse August 2017 Mother Earth Father Sunlight.
Welcome to My Red Peninsula. British Petrol, Eni Trading & Freight, and also Wien Energie were actually participants in a successful 12 week fly from an energy investing verification function built on BTL's Interbit system. What difference is actually lifestyle 3,000 kilometers throughout an ocean from water (Citizens in the New World) vs 3,000 lightweight years across an ocean from room? It has confirmed hard for academics to determine exactly when guide was actually created, yet they all place its beginning sometime between 60 and also 160 A.D. This suggests that it was composed a minimum of 30 years after Jesus' crucifixion is strongly believed to have actually happened when he was 33. Assuming his devotees were somewhere around his own age and taking into consideration ordinary longevity from then and also, according to church custom, the apostles were all eliminated, none of them will have likely been alive in 60 A.D. (the earliest date historians point out guide would have been actually written). And so the business development was actually stronger than that plus 5%. Here I will likewise interject that First Solar, which is actually likewise on my Incredibly Short List, is a great companion purchase as that performs surge SunPower on a lot of vital metrics and also is actually the opposite side of this business action. Off a volume standpoint, our team are actually lapping solid development in the 4th quarter of in 2015 along with 1.5% and also we in fact increased an amount 0.5%. The more impressively I assume for our company, back to Damian's factor, our income per case is actually up 3% in the one-fourth, lasting 1.5% growth also. In our French organisation, income was actually up 0.5% for the full-year, once again driven through earnings each case growth, with the help of a tough stations mix and also powerful field sales completion. If utilized efficiently this positioning could incorporate a considerable amount of enthusiasm, and the Pluto person could assist our home individual become extra assertive in their needs. As we ride right into the Western Cape over the upcoming couple of times, our experts will definitely view the sea for the very first time considering that Egypt. The ultraviolet, or even UV, radiation coming from sunlight promotes skin tissues to create vitamin D prototypes. The indian sage Ramakrishna (thought about an incarnation from God) points out that real dedication (affection for God) only develops when somebody manages to beat the craving for kamini-kanchana" (love and also gold), that actually is maya's electrical power to control man and stop him off being actually free of cost. Broad-shouldered and toned, with sun-bleached hair, he will completed in Junior Lifeguards, played water polo and also dated gals. Holy bible Account: The lord put the sunshine overhead to light the day, and the moon and also celebrities overhead to light the evening.http://healthy-diet-web.info https://img00.deviantart.net/05b5/i/2017/242/7/2/my_sun_and_moon__by_mere771-dblunrp.jpg" width="355px" alt="sun histamine"/> 5 And also The lord called the lightweight Day, and also the darkness he contacted Night. Personal insurance, I'll let Kevin talk a little bit a lot more regarding that too, yet the specific insurance policy organisation reflected changes our team've helped make on mix and rates and growth there. It was mentioned that the early heathen globe usually cared about a triumverate from 3 divine girls named at times the Fates, often the Style, along with the original single planet siren honored in three duties of maiden, crone, as well as mama (Harrison, 1903).
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maisiegoad70929-blog · 7 years ago
I am presently a retired Aerospace Developer. If you come across a smooth-talking pre-owned car salesman that was actually born in June, as well as he tells you heaven Studebaker had merely one past owner-a little bit of old lady which steered that only to church every Sunday morning-you will be important to ask the name from the church and examine with the little bit of old lady (unless she is actually a Gemini, as well). As well as the positive expertise this quarter, you mentioned a little bit abnormal, but you assume good knowledge, generally, to continue. Parabolic dish reflector which transfers to constantly face the sunshine, thereby generating a high temperature (~ 1452oF) in the fluid receiving the concentrated solar energy. This was actually known to have actually been actually utilized through Neanderthals around 40,000 BC. The zig-zag has been actually taken symbolising water along with which the Goddess has been actually very closely identified and also with birth. 9 ¶ As well as The lord claimed, Permit the waters under the heaven be actually onlinesupplement2018.info gathered together unto one location, as well as permit the appear: and this was actually therefore. 10 And also God called the dry land The planet; and also the gathering with each other from the waters contacted he Oceans: as well as God observed that it was good.
Each leading product line and bottom line are increasing rapidly in a market that gain from triple leverage and that is actually sturdy economical growth, a swiftly expanding center training class and a switch off golden real property as the major storage valuable to monetary resources like mutual funds. The Durga was actually likewise a siren from fertility worshipped in many flora cults and also a giver of life to the fruit products of the planet (James, 1959), yet she was also in her chthonic element a principal godhood of death in addition to identified with Kali as well as the malignant gama-devata. Great deals of Taurus men and women are worthy of gold awards for tenacity under strikes of fate that would possess long ago broken the rear of those born under various other Sun signs. Oat meal exfoliates the skin, reducing darker spots gradually. At 10:30 in the early morning on Sunday, August 28, 1994 eleven year old Robert Sandifer, nicknamed Yummy" for his love from cookies, left his house at 219 West 107th Location in the Roseland community in the South Edge of Chicago. Second our experts will remain to invest in our service to record the growth chances ahead of our team. Our company possess a strong past typically a devotion to handling the forerunners from our service to supply market value. British Oil, Eni Trading & Freight, as well as Wien Energie were actually individuals in a productive 12 full week aviator from an electricity trading verification function improved BTL's Interbit platform. What variation is actually lifestyle 3,000 kilometers throughout a sea of water (Locals in the New Globe) vs 3,000 light years throughout an ocean from area? Accordinged to this amount, I feel the market place is actually discounting NEP's potential to proceed growing with accretive purchases and organic development. The principal theory of Marija Gimbutas was actually that a goddess centred society existed one of pre-Indo-European folks olden Europe between 6500 and 3500 BC (Gimbutas, 1974; 1999). Nonetheless, the representation of the Goddess accompanied by bulls, horns of rams, and cougars, shows a sturdy alikeness with contemporary cultures in Old Europe and also Minoan as well as Mycenean civilisations. A lot of the moment (when the state of mind gets on the up-swing), she'll sparkle along with a lively character, amuse you along with her brilliant, witty opinions, and reverse smartly regarding nearly any type of subject imaginable. The supreme Minoan goddess was Rhea that during the Center Minoan, circa 2100 to 1700 BC that ... herself emerged as an indivualised shape under Eastern influences standing for procreative life like Anat, Astarte and Asherah in Syria as well as the Babylonian Ishtar." (James, 1959).
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goldinvestl · 2 years ago
Wie verkauft man Gold in Deutschland? Ein Leitfaden von Gold Invest
In der heutigen unsicheren Weltlage ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass viele Menschen nach sicheren Anlageoptionen suchen. Gold hat sich im Laufe der Geschichte als wertvolle und stabile Investition erwiesen. Deutschland hat eine reiche Geschichte im Goldhandel und verfügt über zahlreiche etablierte Unternehmen, die den Verkauf von Gold erleichtern. In diesem Blog werden wir uns speziell mit dem Verkauf von Gold in Deutschland befassen und einen Blick auf das Unternehmen "Gold Invest" werfen, das Ihnen dabei hilft, Ihre Goldverkäufe sicher und effizient abzuwickeln.
Warum Gold verkaufen?
Bevor wir uns darauf konzentrieren, wie man Gold in Deutschland verkauft, ist es wichtig zu verstehen, warum Menschen überhaupt Gold verkaufen. Es gibt verschiedene Gründe, darunter finanzielle Notwendigkeiten, Gewinnmitnahmen oder die Umschichtung von Anlageportfolios. Gold kann einen beträchtlichen Wert darstellen, und der Verkauf kann eine Gelegenheit bieten, davon zu profitieren.
Gold Invest: Ein vertrauenswürdiges Unternehmen
Gold Invest ist ein angesehenes Unternehmen, das sich auf den Handel mit Gold spezialisiert hat. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung und einem tadellosen Ruf bietet das Unternehmen seinen Kunden eine zuverlässige Plattform für den Verkauf von Gold. Gold Invest hat eine große Auswahl an Produkten und Dienstleistungen, um den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen seiner Kunden gerecht zu werden.
Die Schritte zum Verkauf von Gold
a) Bewertung des Goldes: Wenn Sie Gold verkaufen möchten, ist es wichtig, den aktuellen Marktwert zu kennen. Gold Invest bietet eine professionelle Bewertung, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie den besten Preis für Ihr Gold erhalten.
b) Angebot und Preis: Sobald Ihr Gold bewertet wurde, wird Ihnen ein Angebot unterbreitet. Gold Invest ist bekannt für seine fairen und transparenten Preise, die auf dem aktuellen Markt basieren. Sie können das Angebot akzeptieren oder ablehnen, je nachdem, ob es Ihren Erwartungen entspricht.
c) Sicherer Versand: Sobald Sie das Angebot akzeptiert haben, stellt Gold Invest einen sicheren Versand für Ihr Gold zur Verfügung. Das Unternehmen legt großen Wert auf die Sicherheit und verwendet zuverlässige Versandmethoden, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Gold geschützt ist.
d) Zahlung: Nachdem Ihr Gold eingegangen und überprüft wurde, erhalten Sie die vereinbarte Zahlung. Gold Invest ist bekannt für seine schnellen und zuverlässigen Zahlungen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie Ihr Geld zeitnah erhalten.
Kundenservice und Zuverlässigkeit
Gold Invest legt großen Wert auf Kundenservice und Zuverlässigkeit. Das Unternehmen hat einen hervorragenden Ruf für seine professionelle und transparente Vorgehensweise. Das freundliche und sachkundige Team von Gold Invest steht Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung, um Ihre Fragen zu beantworten und Sie durch den Verkaufsprozess zu führen.
Sicherheit und Vertraulichkeit
Ein wichtiger Aspekt beim Verkauf von Gold ist die Sicherheit Ihrer Transaktionen und persönlichen Informationen. Gold Invest stellt sicher, dass Ihre Daten geschützt sind und verwendet sichere Zahlungsmethoden, um Ihnen ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit zu bieten.
Der Verkauf von Gold in Deutschland kann mit Hilfe eines vertrauenswürdigen Unternehmens wie Gold Invest einfach und sicher sein. Mit ihrem Fachwissen, ihrer Professionalität und ihrem exzellenten Kundenservice bieten sie die ideale Plattform, um Ihr Gold effizient und zu einem fairen Preis zu verkaufen. Wenn Sie über den Verkauf von Gold nachdenken, sollten Sie Gold Invest in Betracht ziehen und sich von ihrem Engagement für Exzellenz und Vertrauenswürdigkeit überzeugen lassen.
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