#gold Tasciovanus Warrior Stater coin
blueiscoool · 3 years
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Rare Historic Coins Found in England During Excavation Work
Excavation work has uncovered evidence of 'limited medieval activity' within the area of the new Spelthorne Leisure Centre
A selection of coins has been found as part of excavation work for the new Spelthorne Leisure Centre. The excavation work took place between October and December of 2021, and some discoveries were from as far back as the BC era.
And it wasn't just coins. The total number of metal finds recovered by Foundations Archaeology during the excavation include a selection of rarities - 60 Roman bronze coins, a gold Tasciovanus Warrior Stater coin of the Iron Age (20BC to AD10), silver 8th century Saxon Sceat coin, a Henry III silver short-cross penny and a 16th century silver finger ring.
A statement from Foundations Archaeology reads: "The excavation followed an earlier phase of investigation which suggested the presence of limited Medieval activity within the area of the proposed new leisure centre. Excavation of the area revealed the earliest archaeology on the site to date from the Neolithic period (4000– 2500BC). Three Neolithic pits containing large amounts [of] charcoal and worked flint were located. One of the Neolithic pits contained a broken polished stone axe whilst the other two pits contained the fire shattered remains of polished stone knives."
"Adjacent to the Neolithic pits were two well preserved Bronze Age round barrow ring-ditches; one with a largely intact central cremated burial contained within an inverted pot, located along the edge of a former waterway. These barrows were funerary monuments used between approximately 2500 and 700BC which may also have had an important function in relation to legitimising landholding and the construction of social hierarchies. In addition to the Prehistoric features, a series of Roman rubbish pits and a single Medieval cess pit, were found across the investigated area."
These are not the first unusual historic finds in the area from recent years - 2016 work on the town centre uncovered a mysterious mummified cat body at the site of an old shoe shop.
Spelthorne Museum, curated by Nick Pollard, looks forward to displaying some of the latest finds in future, but it will be a while before he is able to do so. A more detailed report on the discovery is expected to uncover more findings.
Mr Pollard says: "We are very excited about these important finds which will be coming to the museum, not just for their own sake but what they tell us about the story of Staines in the past. It's a reminder that people have been living here for thousands of years. I would like to emphasise that it may be some time before the museum receives them, as the excavators will need them while writing their report. We will let the public know when they are on display."
By Alec Evans.
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mostly-history · 5 years
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Catuvellauni “Hidden Faces” gold stater (Iron Age Britain).  On the obverse are stylized crescents and wreaths with hidden faces; on the reverse is a Celtic warrior on horseback, carrying a carnyx.
This coin was minted during the reign of Tasciovanus, who became king around 20 BC.  He ruled from Verlamion, which is the site of modern-day St. Albans.
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