delightintheway · 2 years
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*NEW Video!* Section 2 of 2: "LOOK UPON YOUR WICKEDNESS!" (From: The Glory of Men Must Die) -> -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa480abVJZk&list=PL6D1BC949E9840878&index=7 <- <- "Therefore, O peoples of the earth, because you have slaughtered the innocent and murdered your neighbor, lo, you have even made for yourselves laws that all may do their pleasure in unrighteousness and perform evil at their leisure, so then shall I also declare MY Law, and it shall fall hard upon the backs of all nations! Yea, I have put forth the decree and hasten to carry out your sentences, O peoples of the earth! And what is the sentence, you ask?… Look upon the slaughtered innocent! Look upon their torn and broken bodies; behold how they are torn in pieces! See how their blood pours down and their limbs are strewn about! LOOK! Look how they are scraped out of their mother’s womb! Look upon the works of your hands, you evil and most wicked generation! LOOK UPON YOUR WICKEDNESS! LOOK UPON ALL YOU HAVE DONE!
Thus says The Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth: Because of this blood which remains on your hands, because of all the multitudes of slain you have piled up in heaps, because of the evil works of your hands in where you have agreed together, to both do and allow them, to make them law, THUS SHALL I IN LIKE MANNER DO UNTO YOU! IN LIKE MANNER SHALL YOU RECEIVE AT MY HAND!"
~ Says The Lord
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Glory_of_Men_Must_Die
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on-going · 2 years
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From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️
Section 2 of 2: "LOOK UPON YOUR WICKEDNESS!" (From: The Glory of Men Must Die)
“...Therefore, O peoples of the earth, because you have slaughtered the innocent and murdered your neighbor, lo, you have even made for yourselves laws that all may do their pleasure in unrighteousness and perform evil at their leisure, so then shall I also declare MY Law, and it shall fall hard upon the backs of all nations! Yea, I have put forth the decree and hasten to carry out your sentences, O peoples of the earth! And what is the sentence, you ask?... Look upon the slaughtered innocent! Look upon their torn and broken bodies; behold how they are torn in pieces! See how their blood pours down and their limbs are strewn about! LOOK! Look how they are scraped out of their mother’s womb! Look upon the works of your hands, you evil and most wicked generation! LOOK UPON YOUR WICKEDNESS! LOOK UPON ALL YOU HAVE DONE!
Thus says The Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth: Because of this blood which remains on your hands, because of all the multitudes of slain you have piled up in heaps, because of the evil works of your hands in where you have agreed together, to both do and allow them, to make them law, THUS SHALL I IN LIKE MANNER DO UNTO YOU! IN LIKE MANNER SHALL YOU RECEIVE AT MY HAND!...”
A Testament Against The World: THE LORD'S REBUKE
*ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQUHWgyx-Ro&list=PL6D1BC949E9840878&index=6
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makeastraightpath · 2 years
Section 10 of 10: "COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM" (From: I Am Calling You Out! Part 2) *Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Am_Calling_You_Out!_(Part_2)..._Come_Out_of_the_Churches_of_Men_and_I_Will_Receive_You!_Says_The_Lord
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thevolumesoftruth · 2 years
2/22/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear 📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Glory_of_Men_Must_Die
▶️ ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQUHWgyx-Ro
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lettersfromgod · 5 months
Newly Uploaded - The Dust Has Been Shaken Off the Feet of God’s Messengers as a Testament Against You, O Churches of Men
"O arrogant generation, how shall I humble you that you may be saved?! For I tell you the truth, only those who are truly converted in their hearts shall be delivered;[14] only those who have the Testimony of The Messiah AND keep The Commandments[15] shall escape[16]. Thus I have shaken the dust off the feet of My messengers as a testament against you.[17] I have set apart My elect. And of your houses, see, I have left them to you desolate[18]. Says The Lord."
(*Please click the video to see the WHOLE Letter)
[14]^ Psalm 51:6 [15]^ 1 John 2:4, Revelation 14:12, Revelation 22:14 [16]^ Luke 21:36 [17]^ Mark 6:11 [18]^ Matthew 23:37-38
▶️ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ3jCOba98Q&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkNatomGOvPp_p6H6M1__E1A&index=1
📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Dust_Has_Been_Shaken_Off_the_Feet_of_God%E2%80%99s_Messengers_as_a_Testament_Against_You,_O_Churches_of_Men
lettertothechurches #churches #tencommandments #godsrebuke #christians #christianity #catholicchurch #churchesofmen #falsedoctrines #rebuke #thevolumesoftruth #newscriptures #god #wisdom #lettersfromgod #thussaysthelord #God #GodsWord #YAHUWAH #Messiah #christianity
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delightintheway · 2 years
^^^ Video - Hear The Word of The Lord! Section 7 of 10: "YOU HAVE FORSAKEN ME!" (From: I Am Calling You Out! Part 2) "Behold, I had caused My name to resound amongst  The Gentiles, and among those in far nations  The Holy One has had renown, yet what is this  I see gathering strength throughout this generation?!...
Perversions of every kind celebrated openly in the streets!  Multitudes who dwell gladly in the midst of Sodom  And walk at ease amongst the people of Gomorrah!  Behold, wayward nations cover the earth,  And every church goes its own way!...
Therefore do you stand in judgment,  O most perverse and deceitful generation!  Therefore do I leave you to walk through  The valley, O churches of men!...
FOR YOU HAVE ALL FORSAKEN ME!" ~ Says The Lord Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Am_Calling_You_Out!_Part_2_Come_Out_of_the_Churches_of_Men_and_I_Will_Receive_You!_Says_The_Lord *Please click the video above to read the whole section!
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delightintheway · 2 years
*NEW Video* Hear The Word of The Lord! Section 9 of 10: "I SHALL ESTABLISH THE LINE" (From: I Am Calling You Out! Part 2) -> -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzV3Dc_PHWE&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE&index=84 <- <-
"Thus says The Lord: Behold, I shall surely establish the line. And all on this side of the line shall be taken. And all on that side shall by no means escape, except through fire and tumult, until pure testimony flows from their lips and death comes to set them free; even as those who at present hold fast to the Testimony of YahuShua HaMashiach, and also keep The Commandments of God, have given up their lives for My sake..."
(*Please click the video above to see the WHOLE Section) Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Am_Calling_You_Out!_Part_2_Come_Out_of_the_Churches_of_Men_and_I_Will_Receive_You!_Says_The_Lord
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delightintheway · 2 years
*New Video!* - Section 2 of 2: "LOOK UPON YOUR WICKEDNESS!" (From: The Glory of Men Must Die)
"...Therefore, O peoples of the earth, because you have slaughtered the innocent and murdered your neighbor, lo, you have even made for yourselves laws that all may do their pleasure in unrighteousness and perform evil at their leisure, so then shall I also declare MY Law, and it shall fall hard upon the backs of all nations! Yea, I have put forth the decree and hasten to carry out your sentences, O peoples of the earth!" Says The Lord God
(*Please click the video above to see the WHOLE Section) Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Glory_of_Men_Must_Die
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delightintheway · 2 years
*NEW Video!* - Section 1 of 2: "THE TERROR OF THE LORD IS AT HAND!" (From: The Glory of Men Must Die)
"Thus says The Lord: Did you think My wrath would tarry forever? Did you think My judgment sleeps? Are My eyes closed to all these atrocities committed upon the earth, day and night without ceasing?! Are My ears also stopped from hearing? Lo, I have seen and I have heard!... My face draws near to this earth, My eyes are filled with fire and fury! My forehead wrinkles and is set hard against you, O inhabitants of the earth, for it is time!..."
(*Please click the video above to see the WHOLE Section) Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Glory_of_Men_Must_Die
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delightintheway · 2 years
*NEW Video!* Hear The Word of The Lord - Section 10 of 10: "COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM" (From: I Am Calling You Out! Part 2) "I have indeed drawn the line and set the standard; I have indeed placed it in the midst of all people, says The Lord. And no one shall by any means pass over after the number has been fulfilled, when the first election is established..."
(*Please click the video above to see the WHOLE Section) Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Am_Calling_You_Out!_Part_2_Come_Out_of_the_Churches_of_Men_and_I_Will_Receive_You!_Says_The_Lord
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on-going · 2 years
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From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️  
Section 9 of 10: “I SHALL ESTABLISH THE LINE” (From: I Am Calling You Out! Part 2)  
“…Thus says The Lord: Behold, I shall surely establish the line. And all on this side of the line shall be taken. And all on that side shall by no means escape, except through fire and tumult, until pure testimony flows from their lips and death comes to set them free; even as those who at present hold fast to the Testimony of YahuShua HaMashiach, and also keep The Commandments of God, have given up their lives for My sake. Thus all those who repent shall set themselves apart in that day, and they will keep that which they had forsaken. Yes, they shall honor The Law of The Father, which they had forsaken in My name. Yes, in that day they shall come to testify of Me as I really am! NO MORE shall they pollute My name or the glory of My majesty, in their own names! NO MORE shall they judge their neighbor harshly, with impudent hearts! NO MORE shall they mar My image among the people, by all these detestable doctrines and traditions! Yes, My beloved, you shall be made new, and all that you were shall pass away in that day. Your vain worship shall cease, and all wickedness shall be purged from the midst of you. And you shall be for Me a testimony and a witness, a great remnant who shall be given a new voice. For I shall put a new song in your mouths and cause your lips to burst forth with praise, even unto pure testimony in My name. And you shall lift up your voices boldly, causing the song to be heard throughout the city, until you fall asleep. Fear not, for though you die, you shall not sleep at all. For you shall be with Me in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, in the day you give up your life… Having ceased from loving your life in this world, as one who in vain grasps at the wind, keeping it rather unto eternal life, the day your love is made perfect in The Beloved, the day you find solace upon the bosom of your Savior, The One who consoles your heart and wipes away all your tears. Therefore, I am sending out this last Trumpet before the time, increasing its sound, a final trumpet blast to warn the people, echoing in all the earth until the consummation. For behold, the Day of The Lord is about to overtake you, and the Great and Terrible Day is very near and shall overcome you, says The Lord. Behold, the judgments of God shall rain down from Heaven upon all who offend! For the wine of God’s fury is poured out, full strength, into the chalice of His reckoning, and in His fierce anger He shall surely cause all in the earth to drink from it!…”
▶ ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAKon-fj-Tc&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE&index=76
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delightintheway · 2 years
*NEW Video* Hear The Word of The Lord! Section 8 of 10: THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN (From: I Am Calling You Out! Part 2) Excerpt: "Beloved, you have forgotten your God, and The Holy One, your Redeemer, has become unrecognizable to you! How then shall you escape?! How then shall you be delivered from all this death, which encompasses you round about? How then shall you hide from the destruction which comes quickly from on high, drawing ever closer to take away your life?" Says The Lord
(*Please click the video above to see the WHOLE Section) Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Am_Calling_You_Out!_Part_2_Come_Out_of_the_Churches_of_Men_and_I_Will_Receive_You!_Says_The_Lord
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makeastraightpath · 2 years
Section 8 of 10: THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN (From: I Am Calling You Out! Part 2) *Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Am_Calling_You_Out!_(Part_2)..._Come_Out_of_the_Churches_of_Men_and_I_Will_Receive_You!_Says_The_Lord
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delightintheway · 2 years
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*NEW Video!* - Section 7 of 10: "YOU HAVE FORSAKEN ME!" (From: I Am Calling You Out! Part 2) -> -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=difUmm-KgYA&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkP4Ljrix_obl1uYSx1VNyqE&index=84 <- <- "Thus says The Lord: Behold, I have judged already, and am come to pass judgment. For I had called to you, O churches of men, saying, “Come out and be separate,” yet you refused Me. As an obstinate child flailing in the midst of a tantrum, so have you refused to obey My voice, neither will you listen. Indeed, you are altogether unable to receive correction. Even as a stubborn ox which sits upon the ground and can not be moved, so are you amongst the churches of men, bullheaded and unmoving. Therefore, I will release you into the open field, and break up your fallow ground. And of all your finely crafted houses, they shall have no place, for only waste places shall be found… Where there was once laughter, behold, only wailing shall be heard; where there was once great riches, behold, only destitution shall remain; and where great teachers once stood, preaching loudly in My name, polluting it, behold, the sound of a great crash! ABASEMENT! Then silent lamentation, as all your works are burned up in the fire, declares The Lord."
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Am_Calling_You_Out!_Part_2_Come_Out_of_the_Churches_of_Men_and_I_Will_Receive_You!_Says_The_Lord
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delightintheway · 5 months
*Newly Uploaded* - The Dust Has Been Shaken Off the Feet of God’s Messengers as a Testament Against You, O Churches of Men
"O arrogant generation, how shall I humble you that you may be saved?! For I tell you the truth, only those who are truly converted in their hearts shall be delivered;[14] only those who have the Testimony of The Messiah AND keep The Commandments[15] shall escape[16]. Thus I have shaken the dust off the feet of My messengers as a testament against you.[17] I have set apart My elect. And of your houses, see, I have left them to you desolate[18]. Says The Lord."
(*Please click the video above to see the WHOLE Letter)
[14]^ Psalm 51:6 [15]^ 1 John 2:4, Revelation 14:12, Revelation 22:14 [16]^ Luke 21:36 [17]^ Mark 6:11 [18]^ Matthew 23:37-38 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Dust_Has_Been_Shaken_Off_the_Feet_of_God’s_Messengers_as_a_Testament_Against_You,_O_Churches_of_Men
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delightintheway · 5 months
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"Churches of men, shall you continue to dishonor your father and mother, by all you say and do?! UNGRATEFUL HYPOCRITES! Shall you continue to commit murder?! For you hate the one who rebukes at the gate, and despise the one who speaks a message from God.[9] Thus in the hating of your brother, you are all guilty of murder in your hearts![10] Behold, even some of you, who call of yourselves Christian, are in favor of capital punishment. Yet again I say to you, even to murder the murderer is murder![11] Worse still there are some among you, who are in favor of this so-called right to choose! THEY HAVE CHOSEN DEATH! THEY HAVE SURELY CONDEMNED THEMSELVES! And all who cast their lot with those who murder the innocent shall be left outside The City![12] I AM THE LORD."
~ Says The Lord
[9]: Amos 5:10 [10]: 1 John 3:15 [11]: See: "The Judgment of God Is True…": http://marker.to/yDuTwP [12]: Revelation 22:14-15
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Dust_Has_Been_Shaken_Off_the_Feet_of_God’s_Messengers_as_a_Testament_Against_You,_O_Churches_of_Men
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