#gods i wish these tartarus nightmares were talked about more in the books
demigods-posts · 3 days
headcanon that percy's most reoccurring nightmare about tartarus is the one where he loses annabeth to the pit. the one where he trips over the rogue lace of his left shoe and misses her fingers by centimeters. the one where his hands get clammy due to nerves and she slips out of his grasp. the one where they descend over the cliff together but he isn't strong enough to hold the weight of arachne. the one where she uses her knife to slice his palm and catch him off-guard so she can wiggle free. and the one where she's bleeding from the wound on her head. begging him not to tamper with fate. to let the prophecy play out. and a silent conversation passes between them. an 'i love you' and 'goodbye' in the same breath. and he stares into her eyes for what he knows is the last time and lets go. the one where he has to watch annabeth sacrifice herself to save the world.
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wolfpawzjakey · 2 months
Drabble about Percy’s most definite trauma
Percy’s not normal childhood began to haunt him more and more as he got older and older. Childhood ability to disassociate from the problems lessened the more real people he killed. His distrust in himself drowned him when he and Annabeth had landed in Tartarus. Her fear of him drew him to the darkest moments of his life. Externally, people could just barely detect the hint of the storm of emotion in his chest. The rage, the fear, the sadness.
He’d had nightmares for much too long, but post wars, post Tartarus, they’d become practically unmanageable. He had already struggled with insomnia, but now it ate him alive. He slept random hours of the night if he could even sleep, waking up in panic every hour.
Some days he could barely make it out of the cabin. Having to be pulled out by someone on most days. He appreciated it mostly, but some days he wished he could just hide away. Hide his emotions and the shame that came with them. They’d become more easy to read the less he slept.
He felt dangerous too. Like he’d cause harm to the ones he loved and cared for. Like he would hurt the young campers too. The fear grew more and more, and so did his irritation. That was when he’d been warned that, yes, he would be a danger to others if he’d continue on like this, his heath dangerously out of his control.
He tried to pick himself up again after that. He wanted to become what he’d been before despite his struggles. He needed to be that. But than, his girlfriend left him. Her fear of him. That took him down to the very bottom. Her almost empty face covered the fright in her eyes as much as they could, but he knew. Tartarus had scarred her as much as it did him, but he’d taken all of the losses.
There were days the lake was unsafe to be in, days he threw off all camp schedules because of it. He wanted to run and leave, find cover elsewhere but he was never allowed to go. Couldn’t escape because hands were gluing him to camp, they knew he was a danger just as much as he did and he wouldn’t be able to leave because of that now.
He wanted to hide, he wanted to see his mom, he wanted to disappear, he wanted to be seen. He’s so clustered at all points, he’s losing track of himself. The only time he can make these thoughts disappear is when he finally manages to sleep or when danger is too present to think about anything else. But he also thinks more in danger sometimes, his mind more clustered, because if he could just get it over with, he’d have nothing to worry about anymore, no one else would either. He had the option to never be a problem anymore, but that was a most unspoken thought. It remains as such.
This is staggered and mostly an unfinished thought, but I kind of wish we were able to see more of Percy’s internal thoughts, more of his struggles. He must have so many. There’s not a chance in hell he doesn’t have one of gods most complex PTSD cases in the world.
As a person who also struggles with it, Percy has been one of my biggest comforts. The books in a whole have been such a large comfort with coping, but Percy is special to me in this reason. I wish we could get a better expressed version of what he’s gone through. A character study which ends in him getting relief from finally talking about all of the horrors he’s seen. That’s a dream of mine.
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dionysus in tsats
contains slight spoilers for tsats!
ok i mentioned in a previous post how i love dionysus and his story had so much potential to be included in tsats, so here's just some stuff i wish happened/were mentioned.
(preface to say that i did love all the interactions with him, i just wish we had... more)
if you're going to add ANY queer characters, the first one mentioned should literally be the god of homosexuality, cross dressing, and effeminacy
like all the minor characters were wonderful, but cmon! ancient greece wasn't exactly as open to equal/consenting gay relationships as people think, and strict gender stereotypes were really degrading to trans people (especially for "feminine men")
so if you consider dionysus's whole life basically, he would have had it really rough!!! like nico!!!
i think that if anyone could have helped nico/other campers come to term with their identities, it should've been mr. d, and it would have been such a different side of his we wouldn't have seen before
like a scene with him talking to nico about his relationship with will or talking about nico's whole catholic guilt sexuality crisis — that's the kind of dionysus content I NEEDED
i feel like the whole amphithemis storyline wasn't as well-explained/in depth as i wanted it to be
i was SO EXCITED to hear about this bc dionysus's childhood is super interesting and i wanted to see which interpretation of the myths rick/mark went with
it would have been so cool to maybe hear snippets about ancient greece, what happened to the other lamian centaurs, how this singular one ended in tartarus
or even maybe someone, i don't know, REASSURING AMPHITHEMIS THAT "THE CHILD" IS A GROWN-ASS GOD
when will and nico were recounting their journey to chiron and mr. d, i would have also loved to see some reaction from dionysus about his former caretaker being a mania in tartarus
also some acknowledgement of dionysus's madness! in a lot of versions of the myths, hera actually drove dionysus mad for a year (don't quote me on that timeline), so i think he could have had an interesting aside, if not full convo, about sympathizing with amphithemis being driven mad
there's a quote that's something like "dionysus stared dreamily at will as he described the underworld" or something like that — i wish we got a comment from mr d on what the underworld used to look like when he went down there (to save his mother semele who he brought to immortality)
according to riordan wiki (but very conflicting in greek mythos), dionysus was a demigod during the (original) gigantomachy, so i wish wish wish we got a comment on maybe what that was like or talking to the most recent batch of demigods about how to recover from it
a therapy session/talk between nico and mr d would have been really cool to read, or even a post-nightmare talk after mr d finished eating his popcorn
more dionysus/chiron interactions? some myths say that after he was raised by the nymphs, dionysus was sent over to train under chiron for a bit to gain wisdom and stuff, so i would die for some more of their relationship
also i've been wanting this for years now, but a dionysus reveal where he actually looks like his true form (aka literally stunning) would've solved my life problems. especially in such a gay book.
this is all i can think of for now but i'm literally planning on writing a bunch of chb and dionysus stuff soon because i'm in my "hyperfixate on a singular greek god's conflicting life story and deciding what i most agree with instead of studying for midterms" era :)
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
373 of 2022
GODS: Life Zeus: What’s your name or nickname? Joeri. Hera: Where are you from? West Flanders, Belgium. Athena: How old are you? I'm 32. Hephaestus: When is your birthday? Every year. Aphrodite: What’s your relationship status? Married. Poseidon: What are your pronouns? I'm male, so he/him by default. Dionysus: Are you and extrovert or an introvert? Ambivert for sure. Demeter: Do you have any pets? Two cats. Apollo: What kind of music are you into? Metal (particularly djent and sludge etc.) and hip hop. Artemis: What do you first notice about new people? Eyes. Hades: What’s a big fear of yours? Failure and losing. Ares: What’s a big pet peeve of yours? People who interrupt others. Hestia: Where do you consider home? My hometown. CREATURES: Lasts Pegasus: Last movie you watched? I don't watch movies. Mermaid: Last tv show you finished? Inside the World's Toughest Prisons. Centaur: Last book you read? The Legend of Ice People. Siren: Last song you listened to? Juli - Warum. Gorgon: Last thing you ate? Croque-monsieur. Too high in calories lol. Cyclops: Last time you cried? 30 years ago or something? I don't cry. Minotaur: Last time you were truly happy? 21 September. Meet up with my friends. Sphynx: Last text you sent? I don't remember. Chimera: Last call you made? Probably the disability service. Griffin: Last thing you did before going to sleep last night? Snuggled with my husband. Nymph: Last dream you remember? A nightmare I'd rather forget. Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing? Probably today. HEROES: Experiences Heracles: Have you ever had a dream come true? Yeah, more than one. Theseus: What is your worst regret? I don't have regrets. It's pointless. Perseus: Have you ever been arrested? No, never. Cadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken? Yeah, once. Achilles: Have you ever had to be hospitalized? Yes, I had a brain surgery. Actaeon: Tell about a memory you wish to forget. Health-related things and sexual abuse. Bellerophon: Have you ever passed out? More than once. Agamemnon: What is an achievement you’re proud of? I started walking again after being paralysed. Oedipus: Have you ever been in love? Twice. I loved, but was it being in love? I don't know. Jason: Have you ever travelled abroad? Where? Yes. Wallonia in Belgium (it's like a whole different country to me XD), France, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Poland. Atlanta: Have you ever stood up for someone else? More than once. I'm quite known for it. Hippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget. Summers at the beach where I was raised. MAGICAL ITEMS: Favorites Trident: Who are your favorite people? My husband, my friends, my parents, my sister. Lightning Bolt: What are your top three favorite movies? I don't like movies. Sun Chariot: What is your favorite mythological creature? Mermaid, I think. Lyre: What are your top three favorite songs? This question appears everywhere. Caduceus: What is your favorite color? Black and green. Aegis: What is your favorite book or series? I don't really have favourites, I just like books. Scythe: What is your favorite tv show? I don't have favourites. Bident: What is your favorite way to spend free time? Travelling. Harpe: What are your top 3 favorite places? Middelkerke, Bruges and Ghent. Cornucopia: What is your favorite place to eat? Bavet. Winged Sandals: What is your favorite thing to do when you hangout with your friends? Talking a lot and drinking beer. We depend on good communication. Golden Fleece: What is your favorite animal? Cat. PLACES: Goals and Wishes Olympus: Describe your dream job. The same job I've had for the last 9 years. Tartarus: What’s a short term goal you hope to achieve? To overcome my anxiety because it starts manifesting as PTSD symptoms. Underworld: Describe your dream vacation. Road trips, visiting the big cities, staying in hotels. Styx: How would you like your life to look like in 10 years? Happy and stable, with my husband next to me. Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be? I'd like to stay where I live. Sparta: Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it? I do, mostly about visiting various places in the world. Elysium: If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Teleportation. Ogygia: Describe your dream husband/wife/life partner? The one I'm married to already. Troja: What is the craziest thing you wanna do before you die? Travel around the world. The Labyrinth: Have you ever died and came back to life as a vampire? LMAO.
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yellowbeamss · 4 years
its 1.30 am i kinda miss u
disclaimer: there’s gonna be a lot of grammatical errors or whatever, i’m just writing this as i’m having one of my mental breakdowns. if u know me and ure reading this, dont worry im gonna be alright !! and if u dont,, hey stranger i hope u pray for my happiness and healing :)
- shit okay, i guess ill start by saying i miss u. i miss the way u would send me to sleep at night, the way ull beam at the sound of my voice on the other side of the line, the way ud be head over heels over me, the way ud react to the stories i tell u, the way u keep up with me talking about books when its way past our bedtime. i miss it all, ur warmth, the way u used to hold me close, the feeling of my hands inside urs, ur scent, ur smile and everything about u. its been hard for me, so hard. i can’t get past even scrolling through old pictures, how am i ever gonna build the strength to delete them? sometimes my memory willl just rewind the times u held me close, the times when ull end each and every of ur sentence with I LOVE YOU, yes with enthusiasm and all. and whenever my mind does that, i get dragged into this pit full of darkness. reminds me of tartarus; and just like tartarus no one ever survives from it- so i dont. i struggle to fight each day, counting days since u left me to hold my own hands and to stand by my own. i think what hurts me the most is when i remember the promises we made to each other. god the lump in my throat is swelling right now, i wish ud feel it too. 
remember how u promised me forever, how everytime i wake up from a bad dream ull be there, telling me it’s alright and telling me that no matter what happens, ure gonna stick by my side NO MATTER WHAT!! remember how for now was our anthem and 17?? remember our promise to not give up on each other? remember all of that? i guess u dont remember all of that since it seemed so easy when u let me go. no heaviness, no regrets. u were just determined to get rid of me.
i wish u knew how hard u broke me that night. all our dreams, crushed. hopes, shattered. there was no light. yet there were more promises. “ sayang, i just want you to know that at the end of the day. i’ll find u” words i held on for days not knowing if u actually mean it. dont know how much thats worth to u now. another bullcrap?? not surprised!! promises are meant to be broken right?? u said ull come back then a few weeks later “dont hope for much”. shit fucking hurts dude. and how u just forgot i existed, just like that. like how can u not miss it at all. were u just pretending all this while? was it all for show, was it superficial?
THE AMOUNT OF QUESTIONS I HAVE FOR YOU.. dont even get me started. when did u fall out of love? what was i lacking? was it me? was i suddenly not worth anything anymore? was it easy for u? do u think about me often?  do u find it hard to sleep? how often do u cry to sleep? do u even grieve over me? do u wake up in the middle of the night crying over the same voice and face visiting? because i did. i lay awake, wondering where was my fault and flaw in what we had. was i too hard to love? am i just not worthy enough? did i ask for much? AM I NOT FUCKING WORTH IT??? where do is stand in ur ife? why didnt i love u harder? if only i understood u better. if only i didn’t want to call u ever night. if only i didnt love u too much. so many ifs. these were what was spiralling inside me for weeks. still is if ure wondering though i doubt u do. u dont give a shit.
do u wanna know about my nightmares, the bad dreams i woke up to about u? the voices in my head? how i break down in the middle of nowhere as my head replays the exact words u said when u dumped me?? how i wake up crying from the same dream about u leaving?? i hate that i let u in so deep. i hate that i keep reminiscing all our better days when u clearly left me alone when i needed u the most. i hate that i let u break me this bad. i hate that despite all that i have said, despite all the rage and hate, i hate that i understand. i understand how hard this is all to u. i understand how bad ud feel knowing u break someone this bad. i hate that despite everythig uve done, i still cant unsee the good in ur heart. i hate that despite ur absence i still cant find ways to unlove u. 
i pray to god everyday to heal me, to fix each and every of my broken parts inside me. 
i also pray to god for ur contentment and happiness, for the burdens u carry to feel lighter without me around. i also pray that He eases ur journey in whatever ure going through. i pray that He’ll take care of u now that i am not allowed to do that anymore. and i hope He granted all of it. i hope He hears me. especially because i want u to feel better, i know how dark it must’ve been for u. i never thought it would come to this. we were so happy. no red flags whatsoever. 
of course i also hope ure suffering. i hope guilt drains ur life out of u everyday. i hope it hurts u as much as it hurts me.  in spite of everything, of course i also wish u well. 
i don’t know if there will ever be days when i can unfeel ur absence again, when the sudden pain doesnt come anymore. i dont know if im ever gonna be okay but heres to everything ive been keeping inside of me. now out at last.
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jflashandclash · 7 years
Attrition of Peace
WARNINGS: This novel will contain Swearing, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Death of a Main Character,  Vulgar and Dark Humor, Adorable Weasels, and a healthy dose of Random Shirtless People.
Jack’s Note: Looky at who gets an early release on tumblr? ;P
 One: Percy
The Triumvirate of Awesome is Back in Action… to Climb Some Stairs
 After climbing the 360th step of a Mesoamerican temple, Percy decided something: if the Mayans were so smart, they should have invented the elevator. He may have been a demigod with super strength and endurance, but he figured he deserved a lift after saving the world a couple dozen times.
At least it was a beautiful day to die from exhaustion. There was a warm breeze drifting in from the San Francisco Bay, keeping the December air comfortable… unlike the freezing chill they left in his hometown, Manhattan. He had half a mind to travel to Canada to punch Boreas in the face and demand summer back. But the God of Winter probably wouldn’t take kindly to some surprise sock ‘em bop ‘em from a rogue demigod.
As they approached the boxlike top of the temple, Percy was impressed Annabeth wasn’t winded, especially since she hadn’t stopped talking since they got to Berkeley Hills. She was too giddy about the architecture.
The mortals walking by on their lunch breaks must have thought she was crazy, gesturing towards a supposed warehouse and talking about Mayan stelea. However, it was California. They might have just thought she was an art student.  
Mortals had a hard time seeing through the Mist, a magical camouflage that kept them from panicking every time a wild minotaur grazed through their backyard. While those mortals might have thought his blonde, grey-eyed girlfriend was crazy, he thought she was wonderful.
Annabeth kept a few paces ahead of him the whole time, going on about the nine tiers in the temple, the jaws of Xibalba, and something about corn. He wasn’t sure he’d heard that last one right.
As much as Percy hated climbing this temple, he had to give it a fair chance. Anything that made Annabeth smile like that and made the sunlight sparkle along the curls of her ponytail was worth giving a fair chance. Except homework. Especially when she tricked him into thinking they were doing something fun outside and “fun” really meant “study session.”
At the last tier of the temple, they were greeted with a familiar face.
“You two are so slow,” Grover said. He had his hands on his hips. He tried to smile about getting to the top first, but his lips twitched with worry. His horns—oh yea, Grover was a satyr and had horns—peeked out of his curly brown hair, casting shadows on his goatee. He wore a Rastafarian hat and a shirt that said Pick Flowers, Not Fights, though Percy was pretty sure the nymphs said that was the same thing.
Annabeth gave Grover a half-grin. “We’re not exactly built for climbing mountains like you are.”
“Not without proper snacks,” Percy agreed. “Do you think you can magic us up some blueberries and a coke with your reed pipes?”
Grover sighed and touched the instrument in his pocket. “I wish. A tin can does sound delicious right now. But we shouldn’t relax here. That new grove is under our feet and Rosen was right—it feels weird.”
Some of the nature spirits in the area—or traveling to the area in Rosen’s case—had reported sensing a new grove. Normally, Percy might shrug it off, but he’d seen how dangerous trees could be. Both in the Battle of Manhattan and one of the times he ticked off a Camp Half-Blood nymph named Olive. She could throw a platter of brisket with precision.
Along with his dislike of getting whacked in the head with dinner trays, the nature spirits said there was another reason to investigate this grove. They sensed it sprouted up overnight about three weeks ago. Around the same time the seven new members from Camp Half-Blood had gone missing.
Chiron, their camp counselor, thought it must be connected. Plus, a friend of one of the missing campers, a child of Hephaestus named Mathias, put a tracker in their Donkeymobile—yea, Percy didn’t ask about that part of the story—and the last coordinates before it broke were located here.
Percy took a deep breath. He was going to have nightmares of climbing stairs for weeks. “Lead on Goat Boy.” He motioned Grover towards a rectangular window in this tier. It must have been some kind of dome that dropped into the room below.
“Ba!” Grover bleated. “I’m not going down first. What if there’s another jaguar? That girl bullied me!”
For being a Lord of the Wild, Grover was surprisingly startled by the animal they met by the caved-in front entrance. Percy thought he might have been acting overdramatic. Juana—the jaguar’s name according to Grover—had only tried to rip out Percy’s throat once before Grover gave her the satyrs sanctuary blessing and released her into Berkeley Hills.
Don’t worry. It wasn’t the first time they’d released a wild animal into the city. Last time it was a lion in Las Vegas and that seemed to work out okay for the locals.
Annabeth strode past Grover. She took off her backpack and fished a grappling hook out. After testing one of the rocks on the edge of the window, she hooked it on and tossed a rope into the opening.  
“Are you two coming along or are you going to have a picnic up here?”
If Percy ever forgot he loved Annabeth—which he couldn’t, even with godly intervention—he’d remember after seconds of watching her. She looked awesome while disappearing into the void.
But after his moment of awe, he had a moment of panic. He scrambled to the edge to make sure her descent was steady, controlled, and had an end to it.
Annabeth gripped the rope to pause, glanced up, and gave him a gentle smile. “It’s okay, Seaweed Brain,” she said shakily.
He tapped his pen and nodded for her to continue. “Be safe, Wise Girl.”
They both hated falling now. Even the rock and lava wall at Camp Half-Blood sometimes made him hesitate, and he could forget any of Jason’s “free fall” tricks that the son of Zeus occasionally did if the younger campers begged him long enough.
That past summer, Percy and Annabeth had an unfortunate vacation to Tartarus, complete with complimentary monsters, a continental breakfast composed of fire river, and angry gods. The whole thing had started with a fall into darkness.
Let’s just say Percy was happy when he heard Annabeth’s feet hit the floor below and he calculated it to be the specific distance of not-very-far.
Percy slid down seconds after.
Weird is the word all the nature spirits used. Creepy is what Percy would call this place. But at least it was no Tartarus.
There wasn’t any light in the room, only the dim rays that crept down from the rectangular ceiling dome. The temperature dropped at least twenty degrees, way colder than it should have been, even with those openings. Other than his feet brushing against the stone floor, the room was unearthly silent, like the descent had shifted them out of a busy metropolitan town and into the middle of the woods. As a New Yorker, he found it a crime against nature if he couldn’t hear at least one car horn every ten minutes.
They’d landed on a fallen tree. Percy had always found the California decoration style a little hippie, but he’d have to ask the Romans about fallen foliage decor. Annabeth had already stepped off the tree, narrowly avoiding some kind of pit buried underneath the rotting branches.
There were a lot of other trees. Again with the new age décor. A dozen of them were clustered against the far wall, around a long oak table and a smaller one beside it. Those and the upturned chairs around them looked like they’d been abandoned for years, not weeks. The branches of the trees smashed up to the lower portion of the ceiling, seeming to support it more than the walls themselves.
On the other side of the room, there was a throne made from bones. Percy wanted to groan. He hated thrones made from bones. They usually entailed some jerk who thought those kind of thrones were the best way to pick up ladies and henchmen. Percy really needed to ask his friend Piper, a daughter of Aphrodite, to give seminars on The Myths of Being a Villain to dispel such nonsense.
Dust trickled through the little light they had. The corners were completely dark. He’d have to warn Grover that mean jaguars could be lurking anywhere.
As Percy went to check out the throne and Annabeth went to investigate the tables, Grover crashed from the roof opening into the fallen tree. Hooves: great for climbing temples, not for scaling ropes.
There was a single portrait on the wall to the side of the throne, in between some extinguished torches. Percy went to take a closer look as Grover clopped up behind him.
“Oooh! Percy! This isn’t good. These trees don’t feel natural,” he said.
Percy had been trying to calculate exactly how long it took Grover to eat furniture when he got nervous. Now would be a good time to start counting.
“Aren’t all trees natural?” Annabeth mused.
Grover whined, “You know what I mean!”
Percy wanted to tease him, but he knew what Grover meant. Maybe it was their empathy link, but Percy could tell these trees were more the Die Intruder! type.
Once Percy got close enough, he realized the picture on the wall was a family portrait: a father and five children. Percy couldn’t imagine that big a family. He only had one infant sister and he was still trying to figure out the big brother thing. Although anyone forced into a photography studio had a right to look unhappy, these smiles looked particularly fake. There was something else a little weird about the photo. All the children seemed to be different ethnicities from the Hispanic father, except one: Ajax Pax. One of the campers who went missing.
Percy had only seen the unclaimed kid a few times—mostly while Ajax… or did he go by Pax? But mostly while Pax was helping the Stoll brothers terrorize the Ares cabin. That earned him a gold star in Percy’s book.
Another missing camper was in the photo beside the Stoll minion: Axel Pax, Ajax’s older half-brother. Annabeth and he suspected they were ex-members of Kronos’s army. But their group had convened and decided: just because the Pax brothers tried to destroy all of Western culture, didn’t mean they didn’t deserve a second chance.
Percy didn’t recognize the other children or the father, but something felt off about the photo.
“I found something!” Annabeth called.
He and Grover stepped, and clopped (respectively,) back towards the oak table and whatever Annabeth had there.
As they passed the fallen tree, Percy felt something crunch under his shoe.
He withdrew his foot to find a human jaw bone. Great. Exactly what he needed. More bones. He’d stepped on bones before, but that didn’t mean he was excited about it.  
“Di Immortalis!” Grover cried. “That looks like a satyr’s jawbone!”
Percy wanted to argue, but realized he didn’t actually know the difference between satyr and human dentistry and didn’t care to learn. After a quick scan of the room, he could tell there were bones littered around the grove, like the world’s most unnerving fallen leaves.
“Let’s stay away from the man eating trees?” Percy suggested, giving this one a wide birth the rest of the way to Annabeth. Yea, they’d landed on it, but maybe that meant it would have a taste for some demigod milkshake and a satyr salad, since satyrs were probably on the healthier side of things for monsters trying to watch their figure.
When Percy got to Annabeth’s side, she was flipping through a notebook with one hand and holding her iPhone up with the other. There was another smartphone on the table, though that one was an older model. The screen was locked, presenting a number pad for password entry.
“Did you find out this grove was into ancient technology?” Percy asked. “What model is this? The Clunky Brick 9,000? I’ll bet it can’t Snapchat.”
“I don’t think the trees are interested in Snapchatting, Percy,” Annabeth said as she flipped to the front of the notebook.
Percy gave Grover a grin. “I don’t know. I think some nymphs are pretty into it.”
Grover’s face went bright red. “Percy! You promised never to talk about that!”
And the Stoll brothers had promised never to steal anyone’s phone again, print out conversations and embarrassing images, and hang them all over the forest, but Percy could guarantee they would repeat the actions faster than you could cry, “For Hermes!”
Percy grinned and wrapped an arm around Annabeth’s shoulder. “So, what did you find?”
The journal in her hands was covered with vertical columns depicting birds, odd half-circles, and tiny people. With Percy’s dyslexia, he was lucky if he could read English, let alone other languages. He wasn’t well versed in Avian Script, but he recognized it from one of their friends.
“It’s a journal in Egyptian. I think this first page has the number code for this phone. I recognize them as numbers, but I can’t remember what they mean.” Her brow furrowed. She sighed and shrugged. “I sent a picture over to Sadie to see if she can give us a general idea what this is.”
“Is Sadie someone who works at your dad’s university?” Grover asked.
Both Annabeth and Percy bit back smiles. They’d promised to keep the Greeks half-bloods and Egyptian magicians separate, but they’d have to let Grover in on it at some point.
“No,” Annabeth said calmly. “She’s a friend.”
“Who… reads Egyptian?” Grover asked skeptically.
“Let’s just say she was born with it,” Annabeth said.
“If we’re going to be waiting for a translation, I guess that means we’ll be missing that tour group. Darn,” Percy said.
That was the real reason they went to Cali. Yea, Chiron needed someone to look into the missing campers, but—as soon as the child of Hephaestus pinpointed it to Berkeley—Annabeth and Percy were the natural pick.
They were supposed to be doing a tour of the University of New Rome. But you know how it is when you’re a demigod, Percy thought. One minute you’re on a bus to try some cafeteria cheese and wieners and the next minute you’re looking at an Egyptian journal in a Mayan temple, searching for Greek half-bloods. He was just shocked he hadn’t almost died yet. The jaguar didn’t count.
Normally, Percy would have been excited to visit his friends in New Rome. But Reyna had assured Annabeth that the University wouldn’t take Percy unless he actually passed his exams. No slack for saving the world or anything like that.
Fortunately, Rome did their test in Latin, to decrease dyslexia problems, but it didn’t come as naturally to him as Ancient Greek did. Strangely, a lot of Romans didn’t want their entrance exam translated into Camp Half-Blood’s home tongue. Something about not wanting “that Greek life” on their campus.
He wanted to study and do well. It made Annabeth and his mom happy. But it could also make a guy wanna scream when the excuse, “but monsters ate my homework” didn’t work.
Annabeth scowled at him. “Percy,” she snapped in a voice that said she wouldn’t bring him a surprise blue Slurpee after his next swim meet. She knew how to wait for it to hurt the most.
Fortunately, that’s when Annabeth’s phone pinged back.
In proper Sadie fashion, the girl had attached a picture of her brother, Carter Kane, with a shabti attacking his hair. Shabti were little people made out of clay… yea, Percy thought they were weird too. But Percy could totally see her using clay people for sibling warfare. If they ever found Leo, one of Percy’s good friends, he’d have to introduce the two. Leo would fall head over heels.
Percy tried not to frown at the thought of Leo as Annabeth punched in the number code. Leo had gone missing after the war against Gaea. Gone missing, Percy thought. Not dead.
“Sadie says it’s some kind of tracking journal on two people named Wheel and Peace,” Annabeth reported, a slight grin forming at the edge of her lips. The picture must have distracted her from her prior irritation. Percy would owe Sadie a stick of gum.
Annabeth punched in the numbers for the phone.
“Axel and Pax,” Percy said. He might not have been as smart as Annabeth, but he could figure out the basics.
“So, this grove does have to do with the missing campers,” Grover said. He nibbled nervously at the ends of his shirt. His eyes darted around the ominous trees. “That’s great, but can we learn more about them outside? These trees make me anxious.”
Normally, Percy might point out that everything made Grover anxious, but he did have a particular dislike for places that felt underground. And apparently for unfriendly foliage.
“Oh my gods! Percy!” Annabeth shouted and grabbed his arm.
Percy gripped the fountain pen in his pocket, scanning the room for what Annabeth saw. “What?!”
“The video—there’s two of them—this can’t be a fake—it looks like it’s—”
Percy glanced down at the old phone’s screen. His eyes widened. “That’s Leo! He’s alive!”
Sure enough, on the tiny, unlocked phone screen, Percy could make out the unmistakable elfish features of their Latino friend. As per usual, the son of Hephaestus was dusted with soot and in workman’s clothing. Unlike usual, his face was twisted in a grimace. He looked exhausted and worried in the freeze frame. There was some kind of sword half-slipping out of a beach towel in his hands.
“Where is he? Do you think—”
“Let’s see,” she cut him off.
Annabeth pressed play eagerly.
Leo took several steps diagonally away from the camera, towards a forge in the distance. He looked like he was shouting angrily over his shoulder, but there was no sound from the video. A person clad head to toe in a silver mesh suit rapidly approached him from behind. The scene felt bizarre and made Percy want to shout out, “Look out, Leo! You’re about to be attacked by the Tin Man!”
But the next part wasn’t funny. The silver figure wrapped an arm around Leo’s neck, picking him up in a chokehold. Although Percy wasn’t sure from the awkward angle, the figure seemed to break the hand Leo had on the sword.
The image went white as Leo erupted into flames. That part wasn’t the scary part. Leo had a tendency to explode into hot stuff.  Really, Percy figured that would be the end of the video, with a so long to that sucker to the man in silver.
But as the flames died down, Leo wasn’t the one left standing.
The camera trembled and blurred. When it came back into focus, some other girl knelt beside Leo. The silvery figure appeared unmarred beside her and Leo. He’d taken off his jump suit, revealing the stoic face of Axel Pax.
Rage boiled inside Percy. He’d trusted that ex-Kronos jerk and his slimy little brother. He and Annabeth had defended their right to Camp Half-Blood. Hades, he’d even told Connor to sneak in some proper Coca-Cola for them and you never scorned fresh, outside Coca-Cola.
By this point, Grover had nibbled off the bottom corner of his shirt.
Annabeth’s lips were pressed in a firm line as the image froze on the three.
Over his time as hero, Percy had heard some pretty creative cusswords from Coach Hedge, various gods, and unsettled guidance counselors. He was about to combine them all. “That—”
“There’s another one,” Annabeth cut him off. She flicked the image away to pull up another video.
Leo wasn’t in this one. Neither was Axel, or if he was, he was intermixed with a party of people. At first glance, Percy thought it was some kind of celebration at a banquet hall. When Percy noticed the particular bone throne, he realized this was security surveillance footage from the room they were standing in, pre-killer grove. The camera must have been somewhere above the bone throne.
In the video, there was a fire pit—where the fallen tree was now—roaring with turquoise flames. Since that was the only lighting and the angle was awkward, Percy couldn’t make out much more than the dim figures of party guests at the tables, where he, Annabeth, and Grover were standing now.
Facing away from the camera, there was a man in a suit standing by the fire pit, leaning heavily on a cane. Before him were three figures. Without any motion from Annabeth, the image zoomed. Despite the pixilation, Percy could make out the faces of three of their missing campers: Kalypso Cassand, daughter of Apollo, Euna Song, daughter of Demeter, and the slimy dirt bag, Ajax Pax, who had yet to be claimed.
They were all armed, looking ready to attack the seemingly feeble man; though, Percy had learned that seemingly feeble men could be shockingly spry. Then he noticed the weapon in the daughter of Demeter’s hands. One of Percy’s old scars burned.
“That’s Backbiter!” he cried.
“They must have tricked Leo into reforging it,” Annabeth said.
“Oh! I don’t like this,” Grover moaned, halfway through eating his shirt now.
The image zoomed back out. As it did, the daughter of Demeter raised Kronos’s scythe and the room devolved into chaos. Sound kicked in, startling all three of them.
Screams. They were quiet in the recording, but at least a dozen people wailed in agony. Percy felt his mouth drop as tree saplings burst through the guests’ chests, shoulders, and heads.
The man with the cane was the worst. The others were out of focus and darkened in the background. The man was closer, in fancy HD that Percy didn’t want, so he could see the man tear leaves from his face.
When Euna Song slammed the scythe into the ground, a walnut tree exploded into existence, growing out from inside him and literally tearing the man limb from limb.
Once done, the video stopped and the smartphone shut down.
Annabeth, Percy, and Grover stared at the blank screen.
Annabeth tried to restart the phone. “I’ve never seen a child of Demeter do something like that before,” she whispered. Her voice shook.
The smartphone wouldn’t turn back on. Percy had a feeling it never would. He hoped not. Regardless of why Annabeth would want to rewatch that, he never wanted to see that extended version of Planet Earth again.
“They—they can’t,” Grover stuttered. “That was some expert level nature magic. She shouldn’t have been able to do that.”
Percy had to admit, he’d seen Grover do some amazing things, but he’d never seen him grow so many trees at once, out of people no less.
“They tricked Leo into reforging Kronos’s scythe, and attacked him,” Annabeth muttered to herself. She tapped her finger against the Egyptian notebook, probably mad each tap didn’t give her another clue.
Percy stared at the trees. They were once people. Not monsters. Probably not even demigods. “And recycled a bunch of people into compost for trees,” he finished summarizing.
“But why?” Annabeth said. She stood up and shook her head. “This doesn’t add up.”
He, Grover, and Annabeth exchanged a glance. Percy gripped his fountain pen. “I don’t know what they’re up to,” he said. “But we need to find the new Seven and stop them before they hurt anyone else.”
Thanks for reading the first chapter of Attrition of Peace, the third volume in the Traitors of Olympus series! For those of you who are new readers, welcome! To those of you that are my veterans and put up with all of my nonsense, welcome back! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will continue the adventure with me, the Heroes of Olympus, and the "traitorous" seven!
I normally only update once a week but there's going to be a double release this weekend with Leo's Chapter: Movie Night is On Me. I hope you stay tuned!
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