#gods i love her so frickin much
sleepingmire · 1 year
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A cheeky little outfit/ref sheet I was working on for jules because :')) i love her so <33 uncensored is on my twitter !!
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idiotvision · 3 months
what the fuck
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dazzlerazz · 5 months
Congrats on finishing Thunderbolt Fantasy S1!!! Isn’t Shang just the coolest??? He is such the guy ever…
Are you planning to watch S2 next? Or one of the movies? Or nothing at all?
SOMEONE LET SHANG HAVE A BREAK HE JUST NEEDS TO CATCH HIS BREATH!!!!!!!!! Also yeah I do intend to continue on with this series, I just stopped after the final episode so I could soak it all in before continuing on
ALSO THERE ARE MOVIES? MULTIPLE? I had intended to start s2 later but should I watch one of the movies before I do so?
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samandcolbyownme · 7 months
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Summary: Colby is readers fake date to a wedding
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, friends to lovers, alcohol consumption, reader has a bridezilla for a sister, fake dating, hair pulling, fingering, cute pet names, unprotected slightly drunken sex, filthy
Word count: 5.6k | not edited
Not a request
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"You'll be at the rehearsal dinner on Friday night, right?" Your mother asks, causing your, bride to be, sister's head to perk up.
"Yes, mom. I'll be there." You close your laptop, leaning back against the couch, "What time again?"
"How do you-"
Your mom cuts your sister off, "It's at six, but try to be there no later than five thirty."
"Do you have a date?" Your sister asks turning towards you, "Because I want it to be an even number, you know." You take a slow, almost silent breath.
You didn't want to lie, but you also didn't want to sit and be ridiculed by your bridezilla sister, so you did what you had to.
You lied.
"Yes, Clara. I have a frickin date, now would you just-"
"You do?" Your mother and sister both say at the same time, both slightly shocked.
"Yeah." You stand up, tucking your laptop between your arm and side, "I haven't said anything because it's new and I don't want you guys scaring him off."
"We won't." Clara says getting up, "Who is it?"
"You'll know when we come to the rehearsal dinner." You look at her, and she smirks, "Is this guy even real? You've been know for making up fake boyfriends before."
"I was seven, Clara. Would you let that go!?" You walk away from her, "Please.." you stop, turning around, "Just please.. don't ruin this for me."
"Why would I ruin it for you? It's my day. If anything shouldn't ruin anything it's you for me." Her words instantly piss you off, "Alright. I'm going to leave now before I-"
"We'll see you Friday, honey." Your mom cuts in, walking over. She lowers her voice as you make it to the front door, "You know how she is, y/n. You grew up with her for heavens sake."
You roll your eyes, "Yeah I was kind of hoping she'd grow out of her bratty personality but I guess we all don't get what we wish for."
Your mom kisses your head, "I know. But you'll understand one day." She smiles slightly, "I'm excited to meet this mystery man."
Yeah, me too, you think, "I'm sure he'll be excited to meet you guys." You smile, "Alright, I'll see you Friday. Love you."
"Love you. Drive careful." Your mom says before watching you walk down to your car. You get in, turning the car on and your mind instantly starts to race.
Who is going to be your secret mystery man?
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The next day, after an hour of scouring Tinder for someone who could potentially want to platonically join you for a wedding, there's a knock on your door.
You toss your phone down as you stand up, walking over to open your door.
In your mind, you thought it was probably just your sister coming over with another rule or more questions, but to your surprise, it's Colby.
"Oh my god." You gasp, practically jumping into his arms, "When did you get back?!" He walks into your apartment, arms still around your waist, "This morning."
"How was your trip?" You put your hands on his shoulders, leaning back to look up at him, "I didn't think you'd be back for another week or so."
He turns to shut your door, "Yeah, so did we. Our plans got cut short and honestly Sam and I both agreed that we didn't want to get arrested again so we skipped out on the abandoned school."
You laugh, shaking your head, "I wouldn't have liked that phone call, but I mean, at the same time it might have gotten me out of going to my sister's stupid wedding."
Colby raises his brows, "Oh yeah." He frowns slightly, "That is this weekend isn't it."
You lean on the counter, nodding your head slowly, "Yep, and I am absolutely dreading it."
"Why? Isn't everything pretty much done?" He leans against the counter across from you and you laugh, "Everything on their end, yes. My end, not so much."
"What do you mean?" Colby asks and you can feel your face heating up from embarrassment, "Well.. um." Colby laughs slightly, "Come on, y/n. Tell me."
"Clara wants all the guests to bring a plus one." You start out and Colby nods, "okay?" You sigh, "And me.. being the loner that I am, don't have one and to make a long story short-"
"You told them you did when you really didn't just go get them off your back?" Colby finishes your sentence and you look at him kind of shocked, "Y-yeah. That."
He chuckles slightly and shakes his head before looking at you, "Do I know you? Or do I know you?"
"You know me." You smile, "So I've been on Tinder scouring the options for someone who would remotely se-"
"No." Colby cuts you off again, "You don't need to use that. You can't trust anyone on there." He shakes his head, "I'm back early. I'll go with you."
"What?" You laugh slightly, "Really?"
He nods, "Well yeah, you can trust me and you need a date, and I'm available, so." He smiles up at you, "What do you say? Can I be your date to this wedding?"
You smile, tilting your head, "I would love for you to be my date to this wedding."
Colby stays for a little bit longer, you fill him in on the dress code, what the menu is, and everything else involving Clara's strict rules.
"Are you okay with staying in a hotel Friday into Saturday, possibly Saturday into Sunday? Depending on how the night goes and how drunk I get to avoid my snobby family."
He laughs, "You had me at open bar, so I figured we'd be staying somewhere."
"Glad you picked up on that already." You laugh, letting out a sigh, "I have to go pick up my dress. Clara insists that guests wear Navy blue or black and her bridesmaids are in a pale, dusty pink color." You roll your eyes and Colby tilts his head, "I don't know, I think navy blue will look good on you."
You shrug, "We'll see."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
It honestly wasn't weird that you and Colby were going to a wedding together. You and him have been good friends for so long, and honestly, it feels right.
You can trust him. He won't push anything on you that you don't want. He knows enough about your family because he's who you constantly bitch to.
He's your best friend, as you are his.
It was totally platonic.
Or so you both thought.
Colby was going to be there any minute and you can feel your heart gradually thumping harder the closer the time got to his arrival.
"Shit." You huff, looking at your back in the mirror at the bow that is lopsided and definitely not up to par for tonight's event.
There's a knock on the door and you hurry out, heels clicking against the hardwood floor until you stop at the door, "Hey."
"Wow." Colby nods as he walks in, "I was right."
"Right about what?" You say as you turn to face him from closing the door. He motions to your dress, "Navy blue looks good on you."
You smile, "Thank you. Can you tie this for me?" You turn around and Colby steps towards you, "Let me guess, it has to be perfect?"
You laugh, "Yes sir, it does."
You feel the strings pull against your skin, "Alright. Let me know how I did." You nod and walk back into your room, turning to look at the bow in the mirror, "Better than I could have done."
You grab your suitcase, containing your other dress for the actual wedding and comfy clothes for after, "Alright." You sigh looking up at him, "Let's do this."
"You have an hour and a half to collect yourself, y/n." He chuckles as he takes your bag, "I think everything will be fine."
You raise your brows, making sure you have everything before you walk out, "that's not enough, Colby. You know that. There's a reason you've never met them."
"Do you think they'll like me?" He presses the elevator button before looking at you. You smirk slightly, "You're a successful YouTuber with awards, I don't think you have any worry."
He nods, laughing as you both step onto the elevator, "If that's all it'll take."
"Trust me, once I tell them who you are, they're going to try and steal you every chance they get." You look over at him, "My mom will want to know all about the ghostly other side."
"I'll be happy to inform them." He smiles and you shake your head, "You don't have to. I know you do that stuff on the daily, so it's totally okay for you to say no."
He chuckles, "Well just take it one step at a time."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The car ride consisted of you and Colby giving your do's and don't's, and to be honest.. There isn't much either of you listed in the don't category.
Colby pulls into the parking spot outside of the restaurant, "You got this." He looks over at you, "If it gets, too bad, but focus on me. I got you."
You smile, "Thank you for doing this."
"You don't have to thank me. I'm just glad you didn't have to come with a random asshole." He laughs, "You ready?"
You look forward, taking a deep breath as you see your mom and dad walk in, "I don't have a choice.. so.." you look back over at him, "Let's go."
He gets out, walking over to your door and opening it up, "You'll be fine." He closes your door, turning to wrap his arm around your waist, "I promise."
You smile, wrapping your arm around his waist, "I owe you, big time for this."
"I'm sure we can come up with something." He smiles as he opens the door, allowing you to walk in first, "Where do we go?"
You nod towards the side, "I think there in a priva-"
"Hello, are you here for the y/l/n-Marris rehearsal dinner?" The host asks and you nod, "Yes, we are." He nods, "Follow me this way."
He leads you to the side and your hand searches for Colby's, squeezing nervously as you grow closer to facing your family, "Right in here."
The host motions in and you nod. Colby gives him a quick 'thank you' before walking in.
"There she is!" Your mom says standing up, walking over to be the first one to greet you, "How was the drive?"
You hug her, "It was good. Mom." You motion to Colby, "This is Colby. Colby, this is my mom, Heather."
"It's so nice to finally meet you." Your mom says laying a hand on his shoulder. Clara walks up, "So he isn't a made up boyfriend like before. I honestly can say that I'm surprised, y/n."
Clara smirks at you before reaching her hand out to take Colby's, "I'm Clara. The bride to be. Thank you so much for coming."
Colby glances at you and you raise your brows. He looks back to her, "Yes, congratulations. I'm Colby."
She squints, "Wait. Is your last name Brock?"
"Clara." You sigh, "Let's not make it-"
"No, babe. It's okay." Colby winks, "Yes, my last name is brock." Clara's mouth drops, "No frickin way, mom." She looks to Heather and points to Colby, "This is Colby, from Sam and Colby. The ones that Cash watch on YouTube."
"The ghost hunters?" Your mom raises her brows, "Oh he's going to have a cow."
You laugh, moving to Colby's side, "He just got back from two week trip over seas, can we please just treat him like a regular person please."
"Fine, for now. But I have a few questions." Your mom laughs as she points to Colby and you whisper, "Told ya."
He chuckles and nods, "Yes. Find me later. I'll be happy to talk to you." You smile, staring at Clara, "Come on, honey. Let's go find our seats."
Colby walks with you to the table, and holds your chair as you sit down. You look over at him as he sits down, giving him a smile, "So far so good."
He smiles and nods, "Agreed."
You look up, "Hi dad." You smile, "This is Colby."
Colby stands up, reaching to shake his hand, "Hello, Mr. Y/l/n. How are you?" Your dad raises the glass in his hand, "Good now that I got one of these. Would you like one?"
Colby shakes his head, "No sir, I'm fine. Thank you."
Your dad nods, "So I hear your this Colby Brock? What's all the fuss about?"
Colby chuckles, "Oh. That." He nods, "I do a YouTube channel with my best friend from back home and we do paranormal investigations."
"Is that right?" Your dad tilts his head, "Do you make a living off of it?"
You stand up, "Dad."
"It's okay." Colby looks at you, "Um yeah. We're pretty successful with it. We have over eleven million followers on YouTube alone and we've won a teen choice award."
"Well I'll be damned." Your dad chuckles, "That's more than asshat McGee over there can say."
You laugh slightly, "Dad, be nice."
Your dad chuckles, "Sorry. I just.." he leans in to Colby, "I cannot stand Daniel. He's all looks, no brain. But you.." he lays a hand on Colby's shoulder, "I like you. You got your head on straight and you've amazed me in less than five minutes. I hope you stick around."
You can feel your cheeks warming up, "Okay dad. I think they're getting ready to start." Your dad smiles, "I'll be back don't you worry."
Colby nods, "I'll be here, sir." Your dad nods and turns to walk over to your mom before you and Colby sit back down, "Well." You lean in, "You got the approval from both of my parents in a matter of minutes, so that's a good thing."
"We got this in the bag, baby." Colby laughs and you smile, gaze still lurking on him after he looks away.
The clinking of forks on glass snap you out of your stare and you look away from Colby, picking up your slim Champagne glass.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"I can't believe how well that worked out." You say as you walk into the hotel room. Colby follows behind you, closing the door, "I told you everything would be okay."
"You know, my dad probably wasn't kidding when he said he liked you more than my sisters fiancé." You sit on the bed, slipping off your heels.
"Really? I guess he never really did elaborate on that." Colby chuckles as he loosens his tie, "Is he an asshole or something?"
You shrug, "I mean, yes and no. He is great to my sister, but at the same time, just the way he is and shit. He owns a company so his head swells, I guess."
"Mm. Yeah I've met people like that." Colby sits next to you, "Do you want the shower first?" You let out a sigh, "Yeah, I guess I can go first." You stand up, "Can you untie me."
Colby smirks as he reaches up, pulling the skinny string to loses your dress, "There ya be."
"Thank you." You smile at him before you walk towards the bathroom.
After your shower, you throw on one of the robes they have hanging on the wall and walk out, "All yours, Colbs."
He gets up. Unbuttoning his shirt as he walks towards the bathroom. You sit down on the bed, pulling your suitcase over. You rummage through, pulling out a pair of pajama shorts and a t-shirt.
Once you heard the water run, you stand up to shrugging off the top of your robe. You slip your shirt on before slipping on your shorts. You lay the robe down, sitting back down on the bed and switching the tv on.
A little while later, Colby walks out, "They really went all out with the hotel choice, didn't they?" He runs the towel over his hair and you look over at him, "Oh yeah. Everything has to be perfect for little Miss Priss."
Colby laughs, sitting down on the bed, "Why is she like that?"
"She's the baby of the family. Always got what she wanted growing up. She wasn't pushed to be perfect. She was born perfect." You laugh slightly, "I love her to death, but she is so annoying at times."
"I only have a brother, so I don't know what it's like to have sisters, so. I can't really offer any advice on that."
You scoff, "Lucky you."
"Alright. So enough yapping about that. Let's talk about tomorrow." Colby moves up next to you, laying on his side to face you, "I know we talked in the car a bit, but that was mainly for tonight."
"Tomorrow is going to be filled with a bunch of rich bitch snobs. So we have to be on our a game, they'll pick up apart if they get even the slightest whiff of us pretending to be together." You look at him, "It's going to be a lot, on us."
He shrugs, "I have no issue going all out."
You smile, shaking your head, "Neither do I."
"Well that was easy." He chuckles moving up to get under the covers, "I'm glad we're on that level to where nothing really can bother us."
You lay back, facing him, "I know. I honestly feel bad that I didn't think of you first."
"No one knew we'd be back a week early, so don't beat yourself up over that." He reaches over, brushing hair in your face.
You and Colby have had rumors started that you were dating, more than once, but you guys always shot them down because it's was just strictly platonic between the two or you.
Key word, was.
"Yeah, kinda wish you guys got arrested so I didn't have to go to this. I could be on a beach somewhere, but instead-"
"You're stuck here with me. I know. It's awful." Colby smirks and you roll your eyes, "Oh yeah. The worst." You laugh, "Alright. We better get some sleep because if I show up with bags under my eyes tomorrow, it won't be good."
He nods, "Alright." He pauses, looking down at the blanket for a few seconds before rolling over to switch off the light, "Goodnight."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You feel a hand gently shaking you and hear a quiet, "Y/n. Hey."
"Hmm." You go to roll over but Colby's hand stops you, "We never set an alarm." Your eyes go wide, "Fuck." You sit up, looking directly at him, "What time is it?"
"Almost nine thirty."
You kick the blankets off, "Shit. We have to be at the place by ten." You pull your dress from your suitcase, you forgot to get it out and hang it up so it's slightly wrinkled.
You start to laugh as you toss your dress on the bed, "I totally forgot to set an alarm." Colby laughs, "Yeah, that was the last thing on my mind."
You nod mumbles a quiet, "Yeah, I know what you mean."
"Alright, so if you want you can have the bathroom, I'll get dressed out here." Colby pulls his suit off the hanger and you grab your makeup bag, "Okay. We got this."
Colby can tell your frantic about this, he knew you didn't want to get yelled at. He walks over, placing his hands on your cheeks, "Breath, y/n. Don't rush. Just take your time, we'll figure something out."
You nod, "Okay." You take a deep breath, "I'm going to go do my makeup, my hair will just have to get brushed."
"You'll look beautiful either way." He smiles and turns you towards the bathroom, "Now go. Get ready."
About ten minutes later, you walk out, "Okay. Dress." You point to the spaghetti strap midi dress on the bed. Colby nods as you pick it up, "I'll just-"
"You don't have to leave the room, Colby. It's fine." You slip your shirt off over your head and Colby tilts his head slightly before his eyes meet yours, "Nice - I-i mean, yeah. Okay."
You laugh as you slip the dress over your head, pulling down your pajama shorts as the dress falls over your thighs.
You kick your shorts away from your feet and sigh as you smooth out the dress, "Do I look okay?"
"More than okay." He nods, "How do I look?" He poses and you laugh, "You look.." you swallow the words you really want to say, "Very handsome, Colbs."
He smiles, "Thanks." He checks his phone, "Alright, we have ten minutes to be there." He snaps his fingers, "Shoes."
"Fuck. Yes." You grab your heels, hopping towards the door as you slip them on, "Okay. Let's go."
You quickly make your way down the hall to the elevator, cursing it quietly as it feels like it's taking forever, "Oh my god."
Colby chuckles quietly, "I know."
The door dings and opens and you get on, pushing the lobby button repeatedly until the door closes. Colby wraps his arm around your waist, "Deep breathes, babe. You'll be fine."
You nod, what he called you not registering, "Well make it. It'll be fine."
As soon as the doors open, you're quickly making your way out to the car and getting in. Colby starts to drive as you bring up the address for the venue.
"Okay, next street you're going to turn right. Arrival time is nine fifty eight so we're just going to barely make it." You look over at him and back down at your phone.
Colby nods, "They can deal. It's not like we're showing up after the ceremony."
You laugh, "If she would have just made me a bridesmaid this wouldn't have happened."
"Yeah why aren't you?" Colby glances over at you and you sigh, "I'm not as rich as her friends so.”
"That's not a good reason." Colby shakes his head and you nod, "I know. But it's whatever, she just won't be one of mine, if I ever get married."
Colby smirks, "You will."
"How do you know?" You look over at him, wanting him to keep going. He shrugs, "I just know." He winks at you, smiling as he comes to a stop, "Do I turn here?"
You look down, "Um, no. Not this one but the next, turn left and it's straight ahead."
He nods, "Who ever you end up with will be one lucky son of a bitch."
You smile, your cheeks turning a darker pink, "I don't know about all that."
Colby sighs, "I know I'm one lucky son of a bitch, even if I'm just your fake date." He glances over at you and you smile, "Yeah, me too."
He smiles and lifts his finger off the wheel, "We made it."
"Oh good." You let out a sigh of relief, unbuckling as he comes to a stop. You pull out your lipstick from your purse, applying it to your lips as Colby walks around to open your door.
He waits until you're done, taking your hand as you climb out, "Let's go have some fun."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Throughout the ceremony, Colby's hand would be one of two places.
Holding your hand, or resting on your thigh.
You felt giddy and happy.
You haven't ever felt these kind of feelings for Colby before, so you were also really excited that you were this close to him.
You rested your head on his shoulder as you watched the ending of the ceremony. You caught yourself a few times, daydreaming about what your wedding would be like, and you always imagined it to be Colby.
"You may now kiss the bride."
Everyone starts to stand up and cheer, clapping for the newlyweds. You got up with Colby, clapping and wiping away your tears from your eyes as quick as you can before they strolled down your keys.
"Are you okay?" Colby asks quietly. You nod, "Just because I think my sister's a bitch doesn't mean I'm not happy for her." You laugh slightly and Colby wraps his arm around you, pulling you into him as you sniffle.
You wait to be dismissed before making your way up to the where they have all the tables.
"We are table number nine." You hold up the name card that has Colby's name above yours, "These are so cute."
Colby nods, "They really are."
"Y/n. Colby."
You turn around to see your mom and dad, "Hey, guys." You hug your mom, "Did you make it through without crying?"
She laughs, "Are you kidding me?"
You nod, "Yeah me either."
Your mom looks to Colby, "Don't you look handsome." She leans in, hugging him before your dad shakes his hand, "Good to see you again, son."
Colby smiles, "Great to see you guys. You both look great."
"He's so sweet. I like him a lot." Your mom nudges you and you nod, "Trust me. I do, too." You smile as you look over at Colby and he stares at you, nothing but love in his eyes.
"We're going to go find our seats before they do the entrances." Your mom smiles, "I'll find you later." You nod, "Yes. Please."
Your dad smiles at you and Colby before walking after your mom.
"So. You like me a lot, huh?" Colby teases as he nudges you with his elbow. You roll your eyes, smiling as you nod while looking at the floor, "Can we not talk about this now?"
He laughs, taking your hand in his, "Fine by me." He leads you to the table, sitting down with you. You guys make small talk, mainly about the venue and how the ceremony was beautiful.
"Y/n. Hey." Your older sister, Teresa, comes up. You look up at her, "Hey, T." You look at the boy next to her, "Hey Cash."
"Hi aunt y/n." He smiles and points to Colby, his voice going quiet, "Is that Colby?"
Colby smiles as he looks between you and him, "You must be Cash."
Cash's eyes go wide and he tugs on Teresa's hand, "Mom. He knows my name." She laughs, "Honey, he's saying your aunt, of course he knows your name."
Colby moves his chair out, pulling the other one out, "Do you want to sit down? I have a friend who would like to say hi to you."
He's going to call Sam.
Cash looks at Teresa and she nods. He runs around sitting down in the chair next to Colby, "I watch your show all the time."
Colby chuckles, "Isn't it scary for you?"
Cash shakes his head, "No, well. Sometimes I have to cover my eyes but you guys make me laugh, too."
You look at Teresa and smile as you look back at Colby. He pulls his phone out, "Let me see if I can get-" he pauses as the phone rings and Sam answers on the other end, "Ayo. Whats up, Colby?"
Colby smiles as he sees cash lean over, "I have someone here who would like to say hi." He turns the phone towards Cash and he has a huge smile on his face, "Hi Sam. I'm Cash. Y/n is my auntie."
You laugh slightly as you listen to Sam, "What's up, Cash? Is Colby being nice to you?"
"Dude." Colby says with a laugh, "Of course I am, right buddy?" Cash nods and laughs, "He's so cool."
"Cooler than me right?" Sam asks and Cash looks between everyone and hides his face. Sam laughs, "You can say yes. I definitely think he's cooler than me."
Cash unhides his face, giggling as he nods.
"Alright." Colby cheers, "Fist bump." He holds his fist out and Cash knocks his small fist against Colby's as he continues to giggle.
"Alright, honey. We can come back later. We have to go find our seats, aunt Clara is coming in soon." Teresa says and cash sighs, "Okay, mom."
"Good to meet you, Cash. Thanks for watching our videos." Sam says and Cash nods, waving as he climbs down from the chair.
"Thank you, Colby." Teresa smiles and Colby nods, "No problem at all. We can get some pictures together after everything settles again."
She nods and takes the boys hand, "Say thank you." Cash smiles and gives a small, "Thank you" before walking away with Teresa.
"Have fun you two." Sam laughs and you lean over, flicking him off. He does it back and Colby laughs, "Alright. I think they're coming in. I'll talk to you later."
"Later losers." Sam says with laugh before he hands up. You shake your head, "He so funny." Colby laughs, nodding as he sets his phone down, "He sure is."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You walk back from the open bar, two drinks in hand, "another one for you." You set a drink in front of Colby and he leans in, "Thank you, baby."
You smile, biting your lip as your eyes move from his lips to his eyes, "You're welcome, baby."
He smirks, pulling his lip between his teeth. He rests his arm on the back of your chair as he leans in closer, "You know.. I kinda don't want to be here anymore."
"Is it that bad?" You giggle slightly and Colby shrugs, "I mean, everything is fine. Prefect even." His hand brushes against your arm, "I don't want to be here anymore because I think we need to talk about what we put off earlier."
He tilts his head as he waits for what he's saying to click in your inebriated mind, "Oh." You raise your brows, "I see."
He drinks the last of the liquid in his glass and stands up, holding his hand out. You copy what he did and lay your hand in his, following him out of the venue.
"We can't drive." You giggle as you jog up to get close to him. You stop at his car and your back is pressed against it, "Who said anything about driving anywhere?"
You smirk, moving slightly so he can open the back door. You sit down, moving backwards as he climbs in after you. He closes the door behind him and you lay your hands on his cheeks, "You and me?"
He nods, "You and me."
His lips meet yours and it's like fireworks go off all around you.
You moan against his lips and he slides a hand up your leg, pushing your dress up. His fingers slip into the thin layer of your panties before dragging them up and down your slit.
"I thought.. we could just be friends.." Colby whispers against your lips before he leans back, "But we can't."
"You're right." You lean forward, kissing him as his fingers slip inside of you. You moan, working to undo his suit jacket before sliding your hands down to undo his belt.
His fingers curl inside of you, and he groans lowly as you palm him through his pants, "Fuck."
He slips his fingers out, moving to push his pants down and you try your best to get your panties off.
He lifts up, pulling them over your one foot before moving to hover his body over yours. He pins his arm under your knee before the tip of his cock rubs against your soaked cunt.
You let out a whimper, grabbing the collar of his shirt to pull him closer to you. You gasp, eyes rolling back as his cock slides into you.
Your leg tightens around his arm, "F-fuck."
"You feel so fucking good." Colby groans lowly before crashing his lips into yours. His hand slides up, sliding around to tangle his fingers into your hair, "So fucking good."
You moan as he tilts your head back, kissing down your neck. Your hand slides around, gently pulling his hair as his thrusts grow harder.
His hand loosens the grip on your hair, "Fuck, you're going to make me cum."
"O-okay." You nod and he kisses you, "with me, cum with me."
You slide your hand down, applying pressure to your clit as he focuses on his thrusts, "So fucking beautiful." His voice is low, "Can't believe you're mine for real."
You both laugh slightly, which turns to moans as you feel closer than you did a second ago. You add more pressure, whimpering as you throw your head back.
Colby’s hand slides to the back of your head, moving it forward to rest against his forehead, “I fucking love you.”
You whimper, “I love you. I love you.”
The knot in your stomach snaps and you let out a long and slightly loud moan, clenching around him as you feel his cock twitch inside of you.
Both of you take a second, getting your breaths back to normal.
“You think anyone saw?” You ask with a slight laugh.
Colby shakes his head, “I have tinted windows, not a sound proof car, so the real question is, did anyone hear?”
Your mouth drops slightly as he laughs and you roll your eyes, “Well, I mean. You’re not wrong.” He smirks, reaching down to grab something to clean up with.
You sit up after wiping off, fixing your panties before pulling down your dress, “So now what?” You look up at Colby and he smiles, “First, I get to do this.”
He grabs your chin, leaning in to kiss you. You smile within the kiss and nod, “I could keep doing that.”
“Second.” He leans back, “We go eat some more food so one of us is sober enough to drive back to the hotel because we definitely aren’t done yet.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Sorry I’ve been MIA, I hope this wasn’t too shitty.
Let me know how you liked it! Love you all 🖤 thanks for reading!
Likes and reblogs are much appreciated!
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mrs-dr-reid · 1 month
A Wolverine Fic
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Pairing: Logan Howlett x Mutant!Fem!Reader
Summary: Logan's late-night crisis of worth leads to a loving reassurance/lecture from the reader
Genre: Super frickin fluffy, but a teensy bit suggestive at the end because why not?
Warnings: Swearing, allusions to Logan's past, suggestive language, tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: The voices got me. I'm writing for Wolverine now
Word Count: 1668 (just a baby)
As time went on, Y/N began to appreciate the quieter moments she shared with Logan. Sure, she enjoyed the banter with the other X-Men and watching Scott get humbled, and of course, she adored seeing him interact with the kids. But her favorite time to spend with the man she loves was when it was just the two of them in their shared room talking about nothing and everything all at once, wrapped up in each other like they were the only two people in the universe.
On one of these nights, Y/N was snuggled against Logan’s chest as he traced random shapes on her back, and she was almost asleep when she heard him heave a sigh and whisper, “Shit,” so she opened her eyes and mumbled, “Logan? Is everything okay?”, making him run a hand over her arm and say, “Ah, it’s nothing, Baby. I didn’t mean to wake you, go back to sleep,” while shaking his head.
Y/N craned her neck to look up at him and said, “Lo, we’ve talked about this. When you start getting into your head too much, you need to talk to me,” while bringing a hand up to cup his face, a look of concern taking over her features. Logan grabbed her hand and kissed it before saying, “Yeah, okay. I was just… and this is gonna sound stupid, but I was just thinking about how you could do so much better than me,” which made Y/N fully sit up with an aghast look on her face.
She said, “Please tell me you’re joking, because if you aren’t, you’re in for one hell of a lecture, Bubba,” and when Logan just looked at her with a somber expression on his face, a crease formed between her eyebrows before she cupped his face in both hands and said, “I love you, Logan Howlett. Every scar, every bruise, every freckle and line is perfect to me. There’s nobody else I’d rather be with than you, and I need you to believe me when I say that because it is God’s honest truth, okay?”, her thumbs lovingly stroking his cheeks.
Logan looked at her mournfully and murmured, “Why me?”, so Y/N repositioned herself so their shoulders were pressed together, and she grabbed one of his wrists before saying, “First of all, I love your hands, because they’re warm and rough, and you have to admit mine fit in them pretty good,” and lacing her fingers with his, which made him chuckle despite himself and say, “Yeah, they do fit together quite nicely,” squeezing Y/N’s hand for emphasis.
Y/N turned his hand over in her grasp, then double-tapped one of his knuckles and said, “I love your claws, because they’re a part of you whether you want them to be or not, and because they help you protect yourself and other people, but mostly me,” earning her a soft snort from Logan as he rested his head on hers. Y/N continued by running her free hand up and down his arm and saying, “I love your arms, because they’re strong and sturdy, and because I never have to worry about anything when you’re holding me,” which made Logan playfully flex his arm and joke, “You sure you don’t just love them because they’re big?”, earning a loving swat to the chest from Y/N.
She brought a hand up to trace his mouth and said, “I love your mouth. Not just because you can do some… very enjoyable things with it, but also because you have a wonderful smile, and the corner of your mouth quirks up when you know I’m right but you don’t want to admit it,” and Logan was barely able to stop himself from doing that exact thing before saying, “Are we just gonna brush past that first part?”, which made Y/N shoot him a look that clearly said she wasn’t done yet, so he raised a hand in surrender and let her continue.
Y/N’s fingers wandered up to the creases by Logan’s eye, then she said, “I love your eyes, because even though they’ve seen some of the most awful things you could imagine, there’s still a tenderness to them, especially when you’re looking at me,” and he couldn’t help the lovestruck look in his eyes as he smiled at her. Y/N added, “I also love the little glint in your eye when you’re knocking Scott down a couple of pegs, or when the kids are getting up to some mischief that you helped them orchestrate,” and tapped his nose, which made him chuckle and tap her nose back.
Her hand migrated back to his chest as she said, “I love your chest. Not only because it’s a really nice pillow…,” and Logan flexed the peck her hand was resting on playfully at that sentiment, which made her shoot him a lovingly exasperated look before she continued, “But also because it’s where your heart is, and I love your heart most of all because even though you’ve lived through some truly horrible things, you never let them harden your heart. You love so fully and so fiercely, you put the most famous lovers in history to shame,” her thumb stroking the skin where his heart was. Logan put a hand over hers and whispered, “Thank you,” so Y/N smiled and whispered back, “Of course,” with a loving wrinkle of her nose before leaning in to press a loving kiss to his lips.
After she pulled away, a wicked grin spread across her face, and she slid her hand down to the waistband of Logan’s sweatpants while saying, “I also really love your co-...,” but she didn’t get to finish her sentence because Logan cut her off with a hand over her mouth and said, “Okay, Darlin, you’ve made your point,” trying to fight back a blush at her salaciousness. Y/N said, “Are you sure? You don’t need a demonstration?”, while toying with one of the drawstrings, so Logan said, “Can we raincheck that? I just want to hold you right now,” which made Y/N make a playful thinking face before saying, “I can work with that,” and snuggling against his chest once again.
Logan rolled his eyes, but he still pressed a kiss to the top of her head and said, “I love you, too, Y/N. You have no idea just how much,” making Y/N say, “I think I get the gist of it. Sweet dreams, Big Guy,” and tighten her grip on him. Logan murmured, “All my dreams are sweet because you’re in them,” earning a playful nudge to the ribs and a grumble of, “Sap,” from her. After a few moments of silence, Y/N said quietly, “Did I forget to mention how much I love your butt?”
The belly laugh she received was all she needed to know that Logan wouldn’t be having any crises of worth anytime soon.
MCU Taglist: @libraryofloveletters
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added
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daisyblog · 10 months
Jungle Love
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN is on I’m A Celeb, and Harry is her special visitor.
Based on this request
YN had been in the jungle for almost three weeks. Although she had made it to the end, she was more than ready to go home. 
She took the opportunity to challenge herself and to try something new. She wanted to show the world that she was more than just Louis Tomlinsons sister, or Harry Styles’ girlfriend. 
As they were nearing the finale and very close to announcing the jungle winner, they decided to send in loved ones into the jungle to surprise the contestants. Harry jumped at the chance to wrap his arms around his girlfriend and to be able to speak to her after almost a month of not being able to.
Harry walked between the jungle trees, as he took one step closer to seeing YN again. He looked around at the campsite, not believing he was actually there. 
“I’m so excited to see YN now…but also nervous.” Harry spoke. “I feel like I’m going on our first date again.”.
“I’m so proud of her and everything she’s done so far…she’s really challenged herself.” The sound of leaves crunching brought Harry back to reality. When YN came around the corner, Harry’s smile only got bigger and wider.
YN gasped when she saw Harry sitting on one of the campsite chairs. “Oh my god!”. YN’s legs ran towards Harry who scooped her up and held her tight. 
“I’ve missed you so much!”. Harry spoke into her neck. “I’m so proud of you!”. 
Tears poured down both their cheeks as they continued to hold onto eachother tight. Scared that if they let go, they’d wake up and it would be a dream.
“I can’t believe you’re here!” YN took her head from Harry’s neck. She took this opportunity to press her lips to his multiple times, missing the feeling of them on hers.
“I’m ready for you to come home.” Harry mumbled in between kisses. 
Harry had his arm wrapped around YN’s shoulder keeping her close whilst she spoke to the camera. “I was so surprised…I didn’t expect to walk around the corner and see Harry sitting there…it was the best surprise.”. 
YN and Harry are sat as one on her hammock, making the most of the time they have together before Harry has to leave. “Everyone back home is so proud of you.” 
“I can’t wait to see everyone!” YN looked up as she spoke to him. “That’s the only thing that’s been hard is not seeing you and my family!.”
Talking to the camera again, YN explained how seeing Harry has given her the motivation and the last bit of strength she needs for the final few days in the jungle. 
Before Harry had to leave, they enjoy being in each others arms for a little longer. “I’m so grateful for everything in my life.” YN explained. “Including you, I definitely took for granted having you by my side everyday.”. 
“Aww baby!” He cuddled her tighter. “I love you.” Harry pecked YN’s lips. 
“I love you bubs!”.
“Get yourselves someone who looks at you like Harry Styles looks at YN!” Ant and Dec joked, after the clip of them reunited played. 
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour @bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl @buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream @treehouse-mouse
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intheshadowsbehindyou · 10 months
Okay, got a weird one for ya~ So I have ASD, meaning I can sometimes react oddly to social things, or actions. One of these is that whenever I see seggs scenes in movies, I start laughing. Like seggs in movies, even if it’s not meant to be funny, is just HILARIOUS to me. Sometimes I even explain between laughter why it’s so hilarious, like “Oh my gods WHAT IS THAT NOISE??? MY GUY, you a tractor or some sh!t??? HA!”. Would you be willing to take a request for mercs having movie night, only for their crush to start wheezing and laughing so hard they can barely speak at the seggs scene in the movie?
The TF2 Mercs with somebody who thinks actors acting sex in movies is understandably hilarious
WARNING: sex!!!! (Funny)
- Confused at first. Jeremy’s the type of person to taunt the characters and make clever quips during the whole movie to make you laugh. Nothing comes close to your laughter at this sex scene though. Suddenly he picks up on it and begins laughing too. Your reaction is kind of understandable. It seems to be a very forced and over the top performance.
- “Holyyy shit, I wanted to be an actor as a kid, but i’m not one for those frickin theater kid losers. Kinda glad I didn’t go through with it, now.” Typical scout acting like a highschool bully. You can tell he was the type of sportsy jock to shove nerds into lockers. He takes great pleasure in roasting the people on screen with you.
- Overall a solid 9/10 experience. One point taken away because he’s a massive prick and goes way too over the top with his cruel jokes sometimes. You have to lightly slap the side of his arm at one point because he’s somehow coming up with new slurs for hollywood goers that don’t even exist in the english dictionary to begin with.
- Ayo?
- Lifts his helmet up and looks at you for a second. “What’s so funny, private?” He asks, and but of course you’re laughing so hard you fall onto his chest and cling to him. Your laughter is very much appreciated nonetheless. Seeing somebody he loves so happy is causing butterflies in his stomach. Even if he doesn’t quite understand it. Laughter is a beautiful and positive thing.
- He’s a very aged man, and surviving WW2 gave him a lot of life experience. Essentially convinced that sex jokes are somehow crude. But let’s be honest, this is soldier we’re talking about here. He never keeps his word and although he tries to keep a straight face, his younger self comes through and he has to let out an unholy burst of laughter in response to hearing the girl’s performance upon getting her titties gripped. Congrats on cracking his US Army General persona.
- Too drunk to even process why you’re laughing for a spilt second but then it suddenly dawns on him you might be reacting this way because your brain chemistry is different than his. Demoman is more of an explosives chemist guy, but he’s somewhat taught that people act differently due to neurological function. Chemicals, brain shit, and whatever the hell else. He’s too tired to remember. He begins wondering what would happen if brain chemicals were flammable. That would be quite unfortunate. Fortunate for him though.
- You fall onto his lap laughing and that’s what knocks him out of his incoherent descent down the stupid idiot rabbit hole. He puts his hand in your hair and smiles warmly. Dazed, and barely even awake. He even chuckles a little with you despite his exhaustion. Movie nights always seem to get him tired because it’s usually at the end of a hard work day.
- “I can show you a time more embarrassin, tho. In the morning.” He flirts. Knowing full well he’ll have such a bad hang over, he won’t even consider getting his ass up to kiss you. You glare at him, and you wonder just how the hell a sex scene in a movie out of all things can get him horny. The look in his eye doesn’t lie though. Wow, he sets some pretty low standards for porn. Also, you’re really scared what he means by more embarrassing.
- He looks away during the entire sex scene and that’s essentially what makes you laugh even harder. His southern upbringing is honestly borderline sad. The idea that he can be “impure” for witnessing such “sacred” acts. Even when somebody’s pretending for a movie. You make fun of him and he’s just sitting there grumpily shielding his eyes with his gloved hand. It’s not even an explicit scene.
- Suppressing something doesn’t help, and everybody knows that quite well. He looks between his fingers to see if the scene has ended yet. Maybe just a peak wouldn’t hurt? He’s an adult after all! ARGH! NO! He covers his eyes again… Okay maybe just another peak. He thinks your humor is just juvenile and there’s nothing wrong with that in his opinion. it’s always admirable when somebody decides to maintain their innocence. There is absolutely no judgment from him.
- Over time he gets more used to watching stuff like this with you, but he never laughs. He acts like a deer in headlights the entire time. Overall, if you act like the quote on quote “way you shouldn’t” then I assure you he’ll be understanding and keep an open mind.
- Laughing at a sex scene? Eh. He doesn’t care what you laugh at or why. He finds plenty of stuff like that funny but ceases to laugh sometimes. He can laugh for certain, but for some reason there are moments where he doesn’t act accordingly and laugh at a joke. Perhaps you two are the same in that regard?
- Stares blankly at the screen the entire time despite finding hilarity in your response to the poor performance. He’s internally laughing on the inside but it just won’t come out of his mouth. As a result he’s kind of offended at his brain for failing him once again. You stop for a second and wonder if he’s annoyed, but then he turns and says “Sometimes Heavy laughs on the inside and he doesn’t know why.” His expression lacks emotion as always. “That’s fine.” You say, shrugging. This finally gets a response out of him and he looks to the ground and frowns.
- He feels frustrated and kind of guilty he can’t emote like he used to as a kid. This type of deadpan behavior moreso comes from his traumatic life. He’s unconsciously taught himself to stay stoic. Even when he’s supposed to be having fun with you. You lean on his arm to rest assure him you struggle with it differently. In verbose, he’s not mad at you. He becomes angry at himself.
- You’re laughing so hard that they find your behavior adorable. They find you quite stunning in this moment and immediately hug you to fulfill that random need for physical contact. He can’t help it! You’re just so cute when you laugh! You’re like a small kitten to them. Fuck the stupid movie. Both their eyes are on you right now and they don’t want them to be anywhere else.
- They are baby talking you, and calling you petnames. This sudden shift in Pyro’s behavior makes you laugh more due to the absurdity of their cute aggression. Who the hell finds their crush laughing at a sex scene to be attractive? Apparently Pyro. Pyro’s not really one to pay attention during scenes like this anyway so they find it quite easy to do so. It’s always just pointless filler to appease the horny people. Not to mention sort of setting unrealistic expectations. (Yes, Pyro is smart enough to know this. They are smart enough to run a company, therefore smart enough to harshly critique the movie industry.)
- It is absolutely nothing but sunshine and rainbows to them when you’re happy. It’s lighting up the fiery flame in their heart to see you so satisfied. The scenes are absolutely embarrassing as shit and Pyro hates them, but they’d be glad to show you more bad movies and eat candy while basking in their favorite sound: your happiness. Everything is better with someone you love.
- Um.. Is this guy even alive right now? Hellooooo? Sniper? He isn’t reacting to anything at all and you have no clue what’s happening behind those sunglasses of his. Why’s he wearing them inside, anyway? He claims it’s because the TV hurts his eyes but he’s so timid that, that has to be a lie. You’re laughing your ass off, meanwhile this guy’s brain is in outer space or some shit.
- In fact you get kind of concerned and stop laughing. “Mundy?” You ask. Your concern grows when he doesn’t move. Then his head sloooowly cocks to the side to look at you. There are some big exasperated/disappointed dad vibes coming from this man. “You can’t be serious, you actually find this funny?” He asks. He’s just messing with you of course and it’s obvious his behavior isn’t meant to be taken seriously.
- “Yeah!” You respond, laughing even more as he rubs his own temples and leans his face on his own hand. The way he’s responding like he’s in love with an idiot is kind of funny. Behind that rough exterior of his is somebody whose actually quite relieved you’re enjoying this in the first place. He often thinks his own company is quite boring.
- Actually immediately starts laughing too. He’s had sexual encounters before and knows how procreation works. (Not to mention the behavior of women.) Girls in movies like this are depicted as so two dimensional he knows full well the people who made this movie must’ve never spoken to an actual woman before. Reminder TF2 takes place in the late 60s so these are some very stupid ass corny romance films.
- He laughs so hard he actually starts coughing. Holy shit. How is this man not dying at this point? He’s screaming something you’re certain is insults in german at the TV. But even if you speak the language it’s not like you can understand between his fits of chaotic laughter. He’s so queer that romance movies make him short circuit.
- “Well actually you see; realistically she has a very high chance of getting pregnant now because he didn’t use a condom. Even know they said they don’t want a kid. Not to mention!; He didn’t use any lube which can be quite painful. Surprised there wasn’t a doctor’s visit after this.” He goes on and on about how stupid and corny this shit is and you can’t really blame him. Although now you have to sit there for hours and listen to him ramble.
- Visibly offended you’d laugh at such a beautiful display. Sex to him is like an art piece. Intertwining bodies and becoming one with your other half/halves. Puts his hand to his chest and glares at you with disgust. You don’t care of course, Spy is a drama queen and always has been. His judgmental expression wasn’t because of your strange behavior, in fact. In any other situation he just wouldn’t care if you acted differently than most people. But he draws the line when you laugh at GORGEOUS SEX. How dare you!!!?? For shame! FOR SHAME!
- “Rest assured, Intimacy can be more than this. I can make you feel pleasure that these two on screen could only dream about if you keep an open mind.” Of course Spy turns this into something horny. He looks rather serious about this and points his cigarette to the closet. Unbeknownst to anybody but you, Spy has a museum’s worth of sex toys in that thing. The offer immediately made you stop laughing. “Oh.” You say.
- Spy is satisfied with your red face and timid attitude towards the question. He watches you and takes a huge drag of his cigarette. “Hmm?” He raises both eyebrows and pouts, mockingly. Like a wolf who cornered a lamb.
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smokerswifey · 5 months
Guys I had a dream last night where adult Nasiens and Percival leave Brittania after the war against Arthur to settle in a little territory/land like God's Finger .
They get married and have a little girl with dark green hair, the prettiest golden/brown eyes you've ever seen and a smile so bright she could light up the entire room .
She's the absolute love of their life . Percival is ( obviously) a girl dad and let's her messily braid his long hair or paint his face atrociously with makeup . Despite the sparkly mess on his face he'll always gasp in delight when she proudly holds up her rhinestone orned mirror to his face and hug her tightly saying " Thanks kiddo I look beautiful 😊😊 "
He's very obviously lying but the toothy grin abd the hug that he gets from his little girl is worth it .
She's basically a mini Percy but with darker hair and brown eyes .
And Nasiens gosh Nasiens loves their little girl ( I'm using they cause I don't know if in the future he's going to remain a he or a she, so I'm keeping the pronouns neutral for know ) who runs on her wee little legs to hug his knees tightly and say the most adorable things ever like " You're so prettyy Mama/Papa" or " I love you so so much more than the whooooole world " .
And Nasiens eats it allll up, plucking the little girl from the floor to tuck her into their arms and to kiss her fluffy hair adoringly .
She's a very energetic little bean, running and bouncing around at every second . A very curious and sharp kid tooo always asking questions. Like... always 💀.
She's also very good at hand to hand combat, her and Percy roughouse all the time much to Nasiens dismay .
For her magic tho I haven't really figured put what it is and I would really appreciate some ideas :))
As for her race she technically has human/life spirit ??/ giant and fairy blood running through her veins so there are a lot of options for her magic lmao .
Zeldris and Gelda are crazy about her .
Zel actually burst into tears when they announced that they were expecting.
He burst into tears when he heard that she was born .
And he burst into tears when he saw her for the first time .
( he was very embarrassed and forbids everyone from speaking about it but Meliodas heard and calls him crybaby now 💀 )
Anywas he's always asking Persiens to babysit her, like all the fucking time .
P : Dad its been three times in a row, we can find another sitter if ya want ?
Z : Nonsense son * plucks the baby out of Percy's arms and pulls her gently into his * You and Nasiens need some alone time hmm ?
N : Alone time can wait, Zeldris-San we really don't want to bother you-
Z : Bother me ??? * dramatically puts a hand over the baby's ears as is he wanted to shield her from what Nasiens said even tho she can't understand *Bothering me with this angel ?
* gazes into her big eyes adoringly.*
Never .
*looks to the couple*
To be honest I'm doing this more for myself than for you guys lmao, I just want to spend time with my beautiful grandaughter, isn't that right my little monster?
B : *coos happily *
Z : * strokes her cheek softly * You two can go now have fun *he says dismissively and turns around * You want grandpa to read you a story about how he killed a thousand godesses in one day ??
P : Please don't Dad .
Z : *pretends he can't hear* oh son you're too far, love you, have fun, byeee.
He would be the silliest grandpa .
And Gelda, Diane and King would have an amazing relationship with her naturally .
My imaginative juice has ran out for today but please expect ro hear more about Persiens daughter 🥰🥰.
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goosefruit · 10 months
vanessa shelly x reader
tw: none really, slight mention of william afton killing kids
a/n: this is really random but i love the way vanessa says "frickin'" in the movie so i included it in this fic
You scanned the room around you one last time, checking that everything was in place as planned. 
Gold and white balloons adorned every corner, streamers hung off the ceiling, and a romantic candle-lit dinner was prepared on the dining table. The only thing missing was the subject of celebration, who you suspected should be arriving any moment now. 
"Happy birthday!" You cried out as Vanessa finally stepped through the front door. She was immediately taken aback; however, her expression quickly became one of joy.
"What is all this, Y/N? You didn't have to!" 
You knew that Vanessa didn't like to make a big deal out of her birthday. Hell, you weren't even sure if she remembered that today was her special day, with the way she never mentioned it (in fact, the only reason you knew her birthday was because of that singular time it slipped into the conversation when you were just a month into dating). 
"Nessa, babe. I know you have a hard time celebrating yourself, but today is your day, so let me help you feel special, m'kay?" You helped her out of her work gear and guided her to the dining table. Arranged was a variety of all her favourite dishes, alongside a vase of roses. You gave a shy laugh; the food had taken you several attempts before it was satisfactory. "I'm not the best cook, but I tried my best."
"God, I don't even know what to say," Vanessa couldn't suppress the grin that stretched across her face. "Thank you so much, my love. You are the sweetest frickin' angel ever."
One hand cupped your cheek and the other found its home on your waist as she pulled you in for a kiss, her cherry flavoured-lips fitting perfectly against your own. She smelled amazing, like an elixir of vanilla and jasmine that you had now associated with warmth and comfort.
"How about we eat before the food gets cold, and continue this later?" You whispered when you finally pulled apart for air, your face a centimetre away from hers. 
"You're right. I gotta see if I should make you do all the cooking from now on."
Dinner was filled with laughter, flirty exchanges, and your girlfriend complimenting your culinary skills. You swore that your face was bright red by the end of it, with her praises and the way she made you giggle till you couldn't breathe. 
"Alright, alright, if you thought the steak was good, just wait till you see the cake," you got up and proudly made your way to the fridge.
"There's cake too? You're going to put me into a food coma!"
"Wouldn't be a birthday without a cake. Made it myself too," the excitement in your voice was evident as you set down a colourful cake on the table. Vanessa gasped as she took a closer look. 
On the cake was your best attempt at drawing you, Vanessa, and the four animatronics in icing. You were definitely not a professional artist, but your years of art lessons as a kid paid off, if you said so yourself. It was a depiction of your girlfriend's favourite picture: one taken at the pizzeria while the six of you danced to music, Vanessa in your arms as the animatronics looked on with joy (as best as they could, in their robotic ways).
You looked to her for approval, but were alarmed when you were met with her tear-streaked face instead.
She caught you staring in concern and buried her face in her hands, shoulders trembling as she sobbed. You had rarely seen Vanessa cry like this, not even after almost getting murdered by her own father. 
"Vanessa? What's wrong, sweetheart?" You wrapped an arm around her, thumb rubbing her shoulder comfortingly.
"I'm sorry," she lifted her head to look up at you with teary eyes. It was astounding how beautiful she looked, despite her smudged mascara and red puffy eyes. "I'm not sad, I promise. It's just, as cheesy as this sounds, no one has ever made me feel this important before. I think you're the first person in this world that has ever loved me like this."
"Baby," you kissed her forehead, on the verge of crying yourself.
"And I can see that you put in so much effort to learn all these little details about me, not to mention the time you must have spent putting this whole thing together. Y/N- fuck, I feel like I don't deserve you."
You rested your head on the nape of her neck, your hand finding hers to interlace your fingers together, 
"The last time I had a birthday party, I was eight," she continued with a sniffle. "And," 
A sigh interrupted her sentence, and you could guess that this next part was hard for her to say: 
"You know, when there’s a bunch of unsuspecting, innocent children around, my father...h-he takes advantage of that. I begged him to never have a birthday party again after that, because though I might not have been able to stop him, I couldn't bear to be an accomplice to his crimes."
Vanessa's father really messed her up----that much you knew----but it still broke your heart every time you heard her speak about it.
"What he did will never be your fault, Nessa. I love you more than you know, and I need you to know that you deserve nothing but the best." 
She cracked a weak smile. "Okay, okay, enough sob stories. I want to be in a good mood when we cut this gorgeous cake of yours."
"You know what, I have something else that may be able to cheer you up." You shook your head in amusement. "Don't you wanna see the presents I got you?"
From behind the living room couch, you grabbed a large gift bag and presented it to her. 
And oh did she love it. She couldn’t stop squealing in excitement as she opened your present: a book that was on her reading list, a candle with her favourite scent, a gold necklace that you caught her eyeing at the jewelry store, and a photo album filled with pictures of the two of you. 
The cherry on top was a heartfelt card that brought tears to her eyes, once again.
“And also,” you began to unbutton the top of your blouse, allowing her to catch a glimpse of the hot pink lingerie underneath. “A bonus gift.”
“Holy shit, I really am spoiled!”
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formulaa-1 · 2 years
So can you please use Yasmin Brunet as a claim? charles x reader
Instagram au 🌴
influencer!reader x Charles leclerc
face claim: yasmin brunet
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y/nusername: vacay✈️🌴
tagged: charles_leclerc
Liked by charles_leclerc and 208,599 others
view all 17,455 comments
pierregasly: enjoy ;)
charles_leclerc: oh we will ;)
y/nusername: charles!!!
user3748: OH MY GOD
cl16biggestfan: poor Charlotte
user3639: it’s been over a month since they broke up and it was obviously a long time coming, just leave them alone they’re all happy so leave it be.
fannofcl16: PREACH GIRL🙌🏼🙌🏼
y/nnstanaccount: okay but y/n is looking STUNNING
y/nusername: tysm my love 🫶🏻🫶🏻
y/nstanaccount: oh.my.god. I LOVE U SO MUCH !!!!!!!!🫶🏻😍
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f1waggupdatess: new wag on the gird ? y/nusername posted this picture and a picture of her and Charles on her Instagram … pierre gasly and Charles leclerc commented.
Liked by obsessedwcl16 and 27,289 others
view all 8,567 comments
fanofnumber16_: she’s so pretty !
obsessedwcl16: I’m so happy for both of them <3
ferrarifannn1655: I can’t wait to see her round the paddock 😍😍😍
smootheoperator16: GUYS LOOK AT CHARLES INSTA RN!!!!!!
user3638: *runs to his insta*
pg10fancl16: kika and y/n follow eachother and she’s on kikas highlights so I think they’re friends and that’s probably how y/n and Charles met!
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charles_leclerc: life recently ❤️
tagged: y/nusername
Liked by lorenzotl and 861,378 others
view all 38,516 comments
y/nusername: 🫶🏻🫶🏻
lorenzotl: pure happiness ❤️
leclerc_pascale: vous me manquez tous les deux🤍🤍
Charles_biggestfan16: oh my frickin god🥺
fan1: this is just an overload of cuteness
fan379: her smile is so beautiful💞
smootheoperator16: this is completely irrelevant but does anyone know where her bikini is from😅
user77:okay but the way he is posting her is just so 😍😍 can I be her ?
y/nusername’s story
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charles_leclerc’s story
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(Authors note - I hope you like it <3 ! I’m still trying to work through all the requests )
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 3 months
Oh these two idiots are both so gone.
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Ooh, "creating art is about exploring what you like" is a nice line. So often we put too much into feeling like creativity has to end up with a good product, and less about what it can teach us about ourselves.
I like how this show talks about art. And New is making it so clear here that he does put a part of himself in all of his shows, whatever people might think. Respect.
And we're normalizing taking breaks and that you can't be productive and creative all the time! Fabulous.
We love a queen who makes the most of her background time.
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I mean, valid question Peem, but also - pot, kettle, etc, etc.
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Oh god, their actual boyfriend era is going to end me.
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You know what I really love about this Phum/Peem scene? They're making it clear that mutual attraction is just one piece of the relationship puzzle. But the friendship still needs to be there, the caring when someone is having a bad day, and being there to pick them up. So many BLs gloss over the mutual support part of romantic relationships in favor of the swoony bits, but this is the kind of thing that makes a couple seem likely to actually last.
Also what does it say about BLs that I was so relieved they actually rolled up their pant legs at the pool? (Of course they still end up wet in the end, but it's the principle of the thing!)
Phum is just 100% always thirsty for Peem and I respect it.
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Haha, love Q being all "hands off my baby, stat".
And they're communicating so openly! My sweeties.
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Omg, omg, Fang trying to teach himself to express tenderness to Tan, I cannot.
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Just go slow Fang, or you may kill this man with happiness!
Aaaaaah, not Pun finding a little bird and wanting to help it, going to Chain (of course), AND naming it Penguin.
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I am already at lethal levels of cuteness overload, and we haven't even gotten to the FangTan scene yet.
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Lolol, of course he got sick, he got wet for 30 seconds. But again we get the subversion, we're paying tribute to the sick trope, but not fully engaging! Heh, this show is so fun.
Has anyone else noticed the slight tone shift for Phum when he's talking to Peem? There's a new softness to it and it's adorable.
Toey, no, no crying wolf to your boyfriend!
But the pencil case thing is adorable.
I think the Peem and Q friendship chemistry might be my favorite in the whole show.
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Lol, not Peem letting slip he slept with Phum last night!
Beer, you are such a champion. Good wingmanning, while also not excusing Phum's bad behaviors.
Oh, baby Phum being sent away, that's heart-breaking. No wonder he has walls like that.
I am loving these reveals with Fang. He's such an internal character, so we are unpeeling the layers slowly. But seeing how annoyed he is to not be able to reach Tan, and how fast Tan is able to make him smile again, makes it so clear how much he really needs him.
And the way he smiles so big when he thinks no one can see, but goes right back to pouty face with Tan because it gets him the attention he craves...
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Whoever dressed Q for this series, I love you.
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Phum going from self-doubt to full steam ahead the moment he gets reassurance his feelings are returned is delightful to see.
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Omg, domestic Fang and Tan. But also Fang, you can learn to cook other things, y'know?
Lolol, Fang absolutely loves Tan's antics, it's so freaking adorable.
Aou and Boom always frickin bring it, we thank you for your service boys.
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Also more trope play! Tan holding Fang down in the cliche way, but Fang still showing agency and not playing the blushing maiden. Perfect.
Ok, I liked the Kluen scene. He's being shown as a real person with a life of his own, he's not just the "rival". And Peem is being more straightforward with him.
Hahaha, Chain short-circuiting more and more as Pun gets closer.
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MATT, WHAT THE HELL?! You do not interfere with my crumbs, dammit!!
Omg, not Chain just blurting out that he likes being shipped with Pun.
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I love that everyone is shocked by Phum except for Beer, who is just like "yup".
I do typically hate public declarations, but I will let it go here, because the friend group is the key to the whole series.
Also, Pun is drunk again, so Chain better be ready for some biting! Chomp, chomp.
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Chapter 10 of Sofie Plays "Slay the Princess": The Prisoner (Part 2) + The End
[ Beginning ] - [ Previous Part ]
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Hey Narrator? Narrator, remember when you said I'm finite and mortal? Narrator, why am I apparently very similar to the Princess in my inability to starve to death? Narrator? Huh? Narrator?
Not gonna lie, before the confirmation that we aren't any closer to death after being here for decades uncounted, I thought that the player character was going to eat the Princess. Glad that's not how things turned out!
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It's time for the (presumably) last mirror selfie! Let's see how horrific we look after spending seeming eons locked away!
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*Kingdom Hearts Character Voice* "No, I'm me."
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wait wh
Playing 20 Questions with the world's most cringefail loserman and then this absolute bombshell gets dropped
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I asked the Narrator why Death took the form of a Princess and he said "buddy I'm not going to psychoanalyze why you've got a thing for princesses with what little time I have left."
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Okay so. Big ol' conflict with the Shifting Mound. I didn't answer to her during any of it, and now I'm back at the start with the Hero offering to narrate my surroundings for me. What a chad. Love that guy.
We enter the basement with no knife in hand.
I apologized for the time I hurt the Princess, and she pretty much gave me a Look and said "I ATE YOU THE FIRST TIME WE MET. DON'T APOLOGIZE. GOOD GLORY."
"After everything that has happened with this, will you tell me your name?" "I'm fine being called Princess. You never told me your name either, you know." "I don't think I have one." "Then I guess I'll just have to call you Quiet :)" CHOMPING THROUGH A STEEL BEAM THEY'RE ADORABLE
"I don't think I want to be a god." "Me neither. At the end of the day, it just feels like waking up in another basement." OUAGAHAHGAGHHHHH
Told her I wanted to leave with her, but not as gods. To leave the cabin as "just you and me." The Hero was like "Gonna hang back and find the other Voices. This next bit is just for you two. Go get 'em, lovebirds." BEST WING MAN
She hesitated at the cabin door and I asked her if she was ready. We opened it together. And Sofie bursts into tears IRL.
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I know there's so much more to this game but I feel like I got the ultimate ending with this. Two offshoots sprouting from unknowable beings and playing at mortality together, forgetting that they know everything for a while so that they can learn each other for the first time again. It's so delightful and I need to let it sink in for a while.
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avengersfantasies · 1 year
Anymore - Chapter 4
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Summary: You and Bucky go to dinner. Steve and you come to an understanding.
What to expect: angst, fluff?
✩ Read the series here ✩
taglist: @kandis-mom @missvelvetsstuff @mavrellover91 @natashasilverfox @vicmc624 @blackhawkfanatic @haruvalentine4321 @felicitylemon @vonalyn @aboobie @stinkerbelle007 @crist1216 @je-suis-prest-rachel @buckysforeverprincess @bathwater101 @frickin-bats @lovely-geek @winterslove1917
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Steve stood outside his girlfriend’s apartment – exhaling and eventually knocking on the door. He was not looking forward to this conversation one bit. The door opened within seconds of him knocking – she had been waiting.
            “Hi,” Steve greeted his girlfriend – walking into the apartment when she stepped aside. “We uh, we need to talk.”
            She crossed her arms and sat on the sofa. “Obviously.”
Steve sat down next to the blonde bombshell. “So…she’s uh…pregnant.”
Her face dropped, and she went from angry to furious. “So, you’ve been fucking her behind my back?!” She stood up and slapped him in the chest.
She scoffed. “Should’ve known better…once a cheater always a cheater.” She went to hit him again, but he managed to catch her hand this time.
“Will you stop it?!” Steve yelled back. “I didn’t sleep with her behind your back!”
“Then how is she pregnant?!”
Steve stood up. “She got pregnant while we were together! God, do you not know how reproduction works?!”
The girl crossed her arms and shook her head in disbelief. “I don’t believe you.”
“Then don’t,” Steve scoffed. “I came here to tell you and hoped you’d be by my side with this.”
“That’d never happen,” she spat. “The only way we’re gonna be together is if the only kid there is belongs to us.”
Steve shook his head. “Then we’re done.”
Before he had time to react, his now ex-girlfriend managed to connect a left-hook to his eye – shocking him but not really hurting him. Without a further word, Steve left the small apartment, not even bothering to grab the couple of outfits he’d left there.
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Bucky had you giggling almost nonstop during dinner. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think the two of you weren’t currently trying to figure out what to do with Steve.
            “I do want him involved,” you sighed – using your fork to play with the noodles in your bowl. “It’s hard not to.”
            Bucky nodded. “Baby deserves a father.”
“Or two,” you quietly added on.
Bucky smiled softly. “Or two.”
You exhaled. “If we do this…you and me…and he wants to be involved…you know that he’ll have the final say for things as the dad.”
He nodded. “I do. And I won’t try to argue or interfere unless you ask.”
You smiled at him softly. “Before we decide to start something serious…I need to have a sit down with Steve…make him understand that he and I are over for good.”
“Probably a good idea,” Bucky agreed – sipping his beer. “He’s an asshole, but he’s still my best friend. Last thing I want is him thinking we’re going behind his back.”
You scoffed. “Oh no, how horrible,” you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes. “He’d deserve it.”
“He would,” Bucky nodded, “but I know it’s not like you to want to hurt him.”
You smiled softly. “I’m gonna come back to the tower with you tonight…sit down and talk to him.” You exhaled. “I’m just…scared.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Of what? Steve?”
You shrugged. “Myself,” you answered, “scared I might fall back into his spell…end up in bed with him or something.”
“Do you think that’s something you’d want?”
“I don’t know, Buck,” you admitted. “I don’t think I could be with him like before, but there’s a part of me that’s still just…”
“Attracted to him?” You looked down – feeling embarrassed that he knew how you still felt about the super soldier. No matter how much he broke your heart, there was always a part of you that would nonetheless be attracted to Steve Rogers. Bucky chuckled and reached his hand across the table – holding yours gently. “Sweetheart,” he spoke softly, “whatever you need so that you can be happy, I’ll support it.”
“I don’t want to fall back into bed or love with him,” you told him quietly, “but I’m scared that there’s that part of me that’ll never let go.”
“Do you want me there?” Bucky asked – stroking the back of your palm with his metal thumb.
You nodded tearfully. “Please.���
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            Bucky drove the two of you back to the tower after dinner – holding your hand as you walked inside, but he made sure to keep a short distance and let go once inside. The last thing you needed was gossip about you and Bucky being together. You followed him up to Steve’s room, and he gently knocked on the door.
            “Steve,” Bucky called out, “can we talk?” A few seconds passed before Steve opened the door – an ice pack held up to his black eye. “What happened to you?” Bucky asked.
            “Nadia hits harder than I thought,” Steve informed him.
            “Are you okay?” you asked – your voice was meek and quiet.
Steve gave you a soft smile. “I will be.” He put the ice pack down on his nightstand and sat on the foot of his bed. “So, what’s up?”
“We need to talk,” you told him – sitting on the edge of the bed while Bucky sat on the chair across the way from you. “We need to…be clear about things.” Steve nodded and signaled for you to continue. “You and me…we’re—”
“I know I fucked up,” Steve began to interrupt. “Whatever I can do to fix it…just tell –”
“No, Steve,” you cut him off with tears in your eyes. “You did more than fuck up…Do you remember what you told me? I’ll remind you in case you forgot…you told me you didn’t love me anymore.”
Steve looked down to the floor – clearly ashamed at what he had done and said to you. “I know I can’t take that back…but believe me I didn’t mean it.”
You looked over at Bucky for some backup. You could feel yourself falling for him again, and you wanted so badly to throw yourself into his arms and tell him you forgave him. Bucky’s soft and caring expression gave you strength, however, and he was a very strong reminder that there were other men out there. You didn’t need to settle for someone who had so badly shattered your heart and soul.
“Steve,” you exhaled, “we’re done…you cheated…said horrible things to me…I can forgive you, but I can’t trust you....Not with my heart, anyways.”
He nodded. “I get it.”
“I’m more worried about how we’re going to do this whole parenting thing,” you continued. “If you say you want to be there but then end up leaving—”
“That won’t happen,” Steve insisted. “I do want to be there.”
You began to feel a sigh of relief. Maybe things would work out in the end. Maybe the two of you would never be together again, but at least, maybe, your baby would have their biological father in their life in some way. At least, that’s what you had hoped, but you had always found out that life had other plans.
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skz-haneul · 5 months
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A is for : *talking to stay on bubble* and i can’t believe i forgot i live with 3 smelly ratty gym bros, oh yeah and hyune (context because she can say the most wildest things sometimes: she came home to rest and saw the mess 3racha made with their shoes)
B is for : *pointing at bang chan* beep beep beep person who needs sleep detected beep beep tackle him with pillows (real)
C is for : *comparing butts with han* can’t relate, my bum is the size of jupiter (she got rich problems)
D is for : *on live cooking with lee know* did you just say 127, puku puku pow po- … i couldn’t help myself im sorry (same tbf)
E is for : *trying to convince felix to play games together after sneaking into the cuties dorm at 12* esteemed companion shall we partake in a rendezvous of ludic engagement within the realm of digital entertainment (why is she fancy all of a sudden)
F is for : *dancing to whip nae nae* forget break your legs, i just broke my back (sometimes she acts like she fought in ww1)
G is for : *telling a joke* guys, what did the chicken say when it saw something amazing, daebak-bak-bak (i laughed more at the silence than the joke)
H is for : *playing games with seungmin* hey there buster, no more mr nice guy (and now she’s an american bully???)
I is for : * listening to asap by stayc with her headphones on but everyone else can hear it* i will ‘asap 내 반쪽 아니 완전 copy’ till the day i die (i think she likes asap)
J is for : *caught by talker insulting changbin after he died in a 2 player obby on roblox* just kidding. i would never call anyone a worthless flop of a human, im too hot for that (dayum girl (you are hot tho))
K is for : *greeting staff as she walks in the room* konichiwa my despacito burrito (miss worldwide fr)
L is for : *during an interview talking about her biggest pet peeves* losing should have never been invented because i do not take it very well (i sadly relate to this a lil too much)
M is for : *in an interview* my whole life has felt like a fever dream tbh (icl I burst out laughing)
N is for : *after getting a really packed schedule* news flash: im bombing the jyp building (not without me)
O is for : *game of hide and seek* opps at the end of my block (yungneulta back at it again)
P is for : *during a game of dodgeball* please stop throwing the balls at my beautiful face (the way felix tried to aim harder)
Q is for : *out with hyunjin* questionable face you got on there but ok (context again: she went to the bathroom in a restaurant and then half her burger was gone)
R is for : *english school with skz* right, 77+33=100, stay with me now, because the government- (i don’t think they’re passing)
S is for : *trying on corsets* snyatched qween *throwing poses faster than lightning* (nothing but facts)
T is for : *seungmin launching a pillow at her head* that is not very slay queen, period bestie of you seungmin (what is up with her dictionary)
U is for : *boiling eggs…* umm, minho, yknow when you told me to boil eggs, i may have burnt the water… again (the only thing i have to say is how?)
V is for : *a seagull stole her chips she was eating* vile, disgusting, yucky seagulls are the disgrace of all birds that can fly, them absolute fatties (she was buggin for the rest of that skz-codeq)
W is for : *randomly, out of the blue*why is life not getting funky anymore? (my exact question)
X is for : *on live* x-(7+95)=y“ please, abeg, go find changbin (she loves maths)
Y is for : *english school with skz pt.2* yes so the climax of the quintessential elements of the rainbow create the lyrical description of the factitous colours (like i said before, they’re all failing)
Z is for : *on skz-talker* zero amount of people called me sexy today… im sooo frickin pissed (not the white chicks reference)
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𓍼 ⊹ ˚. ᝢ TAGLIST
@mynameisnotlaura ⤼ @alixnsuperstxr ⤼ @shaylaxo ⤼ @ziipzeepzop-eez
𓍼 ⊹ ˚. ᝢ NOTES
went to sleep at 4am
𓍼 ⊹ ˚. ᝢ GOD LOVES YOU 💕
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rosewaterandivy · 1 year
fightin' to get better
modern!eddie x f!reader
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summary: eddie does his damndest to get us out of the study to take a frickin' break.
a/n: My blog is 18 +, minors DNI; purely self-indulgent smut and prosaic idolatry here, my usual brand of filth.
🎶 ooh, let you slide up your hand, uh oh, let go all of my plans 🎶
Grad school could suck a dick. A whole bag of ‘em as far as you were concerned. The entirety of your summer had been taken up by this final class— a subject you loved, but far too much reading and work assigned for the condensed semester.
Eddie thought so too.
The man was quick to chime in when you’d had a glass of wine or two and finally extricated yourself from the front room you’d claimed as an office. Couldn’t understand how you would be complaining one minute and then the second he adds his two cents, you’re defending the professor in question.
But then again, you’d always been tender-hearted.
Which more than explained your penchant for collecting strays, present company excluded, naturally.
“That’s it,” he says, fingers working to peel the damp label from the beer bottle. “First thing tomorrow, I’m gettin’ on the horn with this so-called professor.”
“Eddieeee,” you whine, lips falling into a pout. “Don’t do that.”
He leans into it really playing it up, an eye roll and scoff combo, head inclining to rest on your shoulder as he falls on you dramatically.
“Can’t have my best girl pulling all-nighters every other week.”
His voice was softer, not laced with his typical jocular tone. The bright images of the screen dance across your faces in the cool room. Eddie settles against you, warm breath fanning across your chest and neck.
He can see the subtle dark hues beneath your eyes, hates the evidence of your sleepless nights spent in front of the computer, nose buried in a book.
“I know,” you rasp after a beat or two. “I’ll get better baby, I promise. S’just a few more weeks and then I’m army-crawling to the finish line.”
He cracks a smile, unable to hide his elation at your accomplishment— at you.
Eddie Munson and his genius girlfriend, who would’ve thought?
So it really shouldn’t be a surprise a week or two later when Eddie wanders into the study to find you up at all hours of the night. Again.
“Jesus Christ!” You jolt in your chair, startled by the sound, and slowly swivel toward him. A deep breath once you realize who it is, eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room.
And, sure enough, your boyfriend is standing there wiping the sleep from his eyes, sporting his Suspiria sweats and looking entirely displeased.
“God Eds, make a noise! You’re like Ruth Gordon just standing there with a tannis root.”
He crosses his arms with a sign, ignoring your barb. Ruth Gordon, with her blue eye shadow and head scarf? Puh-leeze.
“You said you’d be ten minutes.”
You shudder at the timbre of his voice— raspy and low, hitting the sweet spot that sends heat rushing to your core.
“Shit, I’m sorry, babe.”
Glasses discarded and hair askew, you sigh catching the time and start to pack it in for the night.
Eddie is surprisingly quick for someone snatched from sleep and dreaming, he turns your chair away from the desk and fixes you with a look.
The penetrating kind, where he squints and tilts his head like he just can’t figure you out. And yeah, he’s never really understood academia or why the books you’ve had to buy are always so damn expensive. But he does his best to support you, reminds you to eat and sleep more than he’d like because you have the tendency of getting too caught up and distracted.
His gaze softens, “C’mere pretty girl.”
Eddie picks you up and throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, despite your protests. Smacks your ass for good measure.
“M’gonna fall!”
“No, you aren’t,” he tuts, “Such a drama queen.”
He barrels through the dark house only to deposit you in the dimly lit bathroom. A shaft of light eeks in from a partially opened closet door, candles flickering on countertops catching their reflections in the mirror.
Right side up again, you pause and take a look around. The bathtub is filling up, bubbles growing in soft peaks of foam, and a bath bomb fizzles away, painting the water in candy-colored hues.
There’s a glass of wine and another of ice water, sweating against the ledge of the tub. An iPad propped up in the corner, your favorite show cued up and ready to go.
“Baby,” you say, turning back to him, voice barely above a whisper. “What is all this?”
He takes a step toward you, the slightest inclination of his chin prompting your hands to rise above your head. Eddie’s nimble fingers find the hem of your shirt and tug it upwards, soft fabric brushing against your skin only to be kissed with damp heat.
“Jus’ wanna take care of you,” he says simply, quietly. As if he’d rather do nothing else.
His fingers alight on the waist of your shorts, thumbs hooking in and pulling down.
“Hmm.” He says, kneeling in front of you, brow quirked and eyes seeking yours. “Feelin’ lucky today or—"
The heat rises in your chest and neck, hands flying to cover your face while he lazily peruses your bare form.
Not so much luck as it was sheer exhaustion that informed your sartorial choices and distinct lack of underwear today, but you’ll take what you can get.
His breath ghosts along your thighs, muscles tightening inadvertently, the coil in your stomach winding taut.
As you step out of the shorts, Eddie turns off the faucet and herds you back against the sink. A brief lift and you're sitting on the countertop, legs splayed, head falling against the cool mirror behind you.
Eddie buries his head between your legs, and smothers praises between your thighs.
Eddie's pretty sentimental with oral— kissing, kissing, kissing— can't stop his lips from meandering, can't stop his mouth from savoring. He noses against your slit, tongue darting out to taste. A low rumble ripped from his chest as the slick muscle works against your petaled heat, savoring the arousal gathered there.
He gets dizzy off it. Selfish for it. It all goes to his head— whimpers and moans falling from your candy-pink mouth, a prolonged whine of his name.
Left, then right, back over again. Drowsy roaming paths, curving and bending, pleased when you arch into his mouth, forever wanting more. Licks you for hours like you’re the last bit of sweetness in the world, savors it long and lazy and delicate.
"Sweetheart," he sighs, pulling away briefly. Lips ruddy and wet with your slick, smiling slow and dangerous, “You’re fucking delicious, baby.”
You moan on his clever tongue and the sloppy sounds he makes. He's always stunning— eager and devoted to the singular task of lapping at you like a starved man.
Two fingers twist inside before he turns them back and shoves them in his own mouth. He repeats this again and again, like pulling a secret from your body that only he’s allowed to enjoy.
“Yes,” he sighs, “Fuck yes. Fuck—mmm—"
It's as if you're on the precipice of a coming storm, pressure building, and rising, too, in your belly, as he works into your body, heavy-lidded and transfixed on your beautiful face. Deeper until you’re shaking, pulling your legs up over his shoulders, getting him closer, closer, closer.
Your toes curl.
You shatter like a splinter of lightning. It bursts across your skin—a bright, brief halo—before it’s gone, chased by the explosion of swollen clouds. He muffles a loud fuck! into the meat of your ass, while his fingers continue to corkscrew inside of you.
He's wet down to his wrist, coaxing vestiges of arousal from you, and rises to kiss your open, panting mouth, your exposed throat. Eddie's lips turned wicked and desperate when he asks, "Think you can gimme another one?"
Nodding dumbly, bath and freshly laundered sheets completely forgotten, you watch as he all but yanks you down further, ass now hanging off the countertop. Swings your legs over his shoulders and dives back in, your cunt now positively flooded due to his velvet tongue.
On the bright side, this all-nighter was exceedingly better than the one you had planned; you wouldn't have it any other way. Well played Eddie Munson.
Well played.
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moony-2001 · 10 months
Lore Olympus ch. 253 critique
I think this time I'll start out with the major critiques and then move to the minor ones.
The Cause of Winter
So. Persephone is the cause of winter.
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Can't wait to see where Rachel tries to take this one /s.
But for real though, I can't possibly imagine how this is going to work in this "modern feminist" retelling. In the original Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Demeter causes an eternal-like winter/famine in order to get her daughter back from Hades since he refused to return her, and since Zeus' solution to the situation was basically "tough tits". It was this huge feminist act to show that Demeter not only loved her daughter but was willing to burn the world to the ground in order to see her return.
And that's what galls me about Lore Olympus. The Homeric Hymn to Demeter was already considered to be pretty feminist for the time it was written. Demeter was able to subvert the traditional idea that once a daughter was married, she could never return home. She challenged this idea, challenged Zeus, something others wouldn't have gotten away with unpunished. This was something mothers in Ancient Greece could not achieve since they had no power or say in their daughter's marriage. Even though Demeter did not fully win in the end, with Persephone being bound to Hades for 6 months out of the year, etc., it gave ancient women hope that they, too, could one day see their daughters again.
In my opinion, there is no way that the action of Persephone causing winter can be more feminist than what Demeter did in the original story.
The Payphone
This one is a tiny one. Pretty much insignificant. But it just annoyed the shit out of me.
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Really? A payphone? In the mortal realm? In a time where the modern technology we have today does not exist?
Additionally, there is no way Eros and Psyche could've gotten back to Olympus that fast because if they had, they might as well have warned Zeus in person. Why couldn't they have contacted Zeus through Iris? She is a messenger of the gods after all. Besides the very stupid plot that Apollo, of all people, would want to try and overthrow Zeus, this whole arc feels super rushed so much in fact that they have a frickin payphone where it should not exist.
Welp. See y'all in my next post. Hope everyone had a happy turkey day
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