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madamemerola · 3 years ago
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✨GOODNESS OVERLOAD. 📌Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Psalm 34:8. 💎I have come to testify that my God is truly a good God. If it had not been for the Lord on my side, I don’t know where I will be right now or the quality of life I will be living. 💜My God had been so so so so good to me. Help me to thank Him on my behalf. 🎉Chapter 4.4 loading… XoXo from #madamemerola #thebangcreator #gratefulandthankful #foreverblessed #birthdayweek #celebratingmylife #chapter44loading #birthdayjournal #godmadewoman #jesusgirl #june19baby #bornin1978 (at Goodness and Mercy of God) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce6eXfBDBky/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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madamemerola · 3 years ago
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✨ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. 📌On your quest to becoming the best version of yourself, always be grateful for the journey itself and those who helped you. I am embarking on a journey that requires a lot more than I can do on my own and I am so thankful for the people that are already showing up to be my destiny helpers and tour guides. Wishing you a blessed day full of joy and inner peace. 📌What are you grateful for today? 👉🏽My name is Madame Merola, The B.A.N.G Creator. XoXo from #madamemerola #thebangcreator #gratitudedaily #attitudeofgratitude #blessedlife #godmadewoman #gratefulheart #lifecoachforwomen #womensupportingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #womenwholead #femalepreneur #balancedlifestyle #phenomenalwoman #womenwhowantitall #billionairewomensclub #abundancementality #feelgoodlivegood #womenwhothrive (at Attitude of Gratitude) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTH67oYjHjB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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madamemerola · 4 years ago
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✨What lies ahead... Too many times we see something amazing and so great in the visions we have for our future and then doubt starts to creep in. We begin to ask ourselves, “How will this ever come to pass?” 👉🏽Today, let me encourage you to take a deep breath and relax when you start to doubt your magnificent future. If you still find yourself struggling, call a friend, mentor and family member that you know believes in you and your greatness 1000% and let them lift you up by speaking life to you. ✅ I play uplifting music (mostly gospel) and speak affirmations till I am feeling more positive. Try whatever works for you but make sure you do something to starve the fear and increase your faith barometer. My faith is firmly anchored in God and His promises yet I still doubt sometimes. So don’t beat yourself up for not trusting in what you see spiritually or in your mind. Just find a way to course correct and believe again. You are destined and designed for greatness. Believe it and walk in it. Stay encouraged to keep soaring higher in life. March into your miracles. XoXo from #madamemerola #thebangcreator #igniter #marchintomiracles #faithoverfear #keepbelieving #ignitedtogreatness #truatingod #positivityandhopequeen #graceunlimited #endlesspossibilities #godmadewoman #godfidence #igniter #inspiredliving #ruleyourmind (at Greatness Is in Process) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL7vjDVlCy4/?igshid=y351xjgncz15
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madamemerola · 4 years ago
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The beautiful smile that is from deep within. Nobody can love me the way Jesus does. I had a very interesting conversation with one of my Big Sisters in the Lord in church today. She was full of praise and encouragement for my Monday weekly show, Live A Phenomenal Life Show with Madame Merola. She commented on my hair and youthful look and I told her that the peace of mind plus joy I have deep within has been my secret to looking good and maintaining my weight for the past few years. Stress and depression makes me put on weight and ruins my skin too. Don’t allow the cares of the world to weigh you down. Roll them over to Jesus and let Him fill you with the kind of love, joy and peace that no one else can duplicate. Jesus is the reason I smile and look fabulous. He is available to you too and it costs you nothing. Just accept Him as your Lord and Saviour and He will take care of the rest. XoXo from #madamemerola #thebangcreator #jesusbaby #daughteroftheking #igniter #preacher #ministerofthegospel #christianliving #spiritualmatters #beautysecrets #goddidit #godfidence #godmadewoman 👗 by @o.c.h.u.k.o (at Beauty Secrets) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIeE-rtnxLu/?igshid=n1e0zn0blt3l
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madamemerola · 4 years ago
I see God’s hand in everything related to my life and all that concerns me. I take zero credit for any accomplishment in my life because I have been helped by God all the way. It is impossible to live a phenomenal life without the grace and mercy of God. My name, Merola, means “the mercy of God has given me honour”. I am living up to the name He gave me by His divine help. Don’t try and live a life outside of God. It is much easier to surrender your will to His and let Him perfect His will and purpose for you in Him. I am blessed and happy because I am loved and cared for by God. I want you to enjoy the same too. I recommend my God to you. Taste of Him for yourself. Jesus is Lord. XoXo from #madamemerola #thebangcreator #quoteoftheday✏️ #quotebymerola #godmadewoman #blessedlife #goddidit #faithingod #blessedbygod #favourofgod #sundaythoughts #spirituality #gratefulheart (at Thank you God!) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNQD9BJVCV/?igshid=whfp6he4z5ss
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madamemerola · 4 years ago
A life that is God-less is a life operating way below the phenomenal level that is possible. I don’t even want to imagine what my life will be like without God front and centre helping me. Embrace the God factor in you and live a SUPER SPECIAL backed by the greatest supernatural being. XoXo from #madamemerola #thebangcreator #quoteoftheday #thoughtleader #spirituality #acknowledginggodinerything #godfidence #sovereigngod #godfilledlife #sundaythoughts #godmadewoman (at GodSpiration) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF699ECphMy/?igshid=7blkv3u1b5t6
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madamemerola · 5 years ago
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I am a recovering perfectionist. I am an over-planner and I look at every detail and check that everything is as perfect as it possibly can. This attitude comes with its pros and cons and one of the negative that comes with it is the inability to relax and actually enjoy all the hard work you have put into creating. As I learn to lean on Jesus and in His strength and calm, I am getting better at letting go of the reins and handing them over to God to take over and do what only He can do; PERFECT IT. I can only do my best and I have to trust God with the rest always because He is the Master Creator. Stop being a control freak that obsesses over everything from start to finish and just learn to breathe and release what you have done over to God. I am enjoying the peace that comes when you rest in Him. I know that He has me covered and that is truly a great feeling to have. That is also where ABUNDANT GRACE comes in. A new week is coming. Do your best and truly let God do the rest. XoXo from #madamemerola #bangcreator #jesusgirl #godmadewoman #restingingod #faithandtrust #godperfects #doingmybest #igniter #leaningonjesus #assuranceinchrist #christianliving #graceoverall #abundantgrace (at Somewhere Peaceful) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC1zYzQF_-V/?igshid=1ec9te9mv0als
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madamemerola · 5 years ago
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I start the day with positivity and end it with the Word of God because that is my source of strength and inspiration. Psalm 27:4 says: “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.” I want to experience God here on earth and also in heaven. Let my life show that I carry His presence in me. Amen. XoXo from #madamemerola #bangcreator #godmadewoman #goddesslife #christianliving #scriptureoftheday #wordofgodfortoday #ilovejesuschrist #igniter #preacherofthegospel #electlady (at Abuja, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCjighYFRWl/?igshid=12syzh6e8m0eq
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madamemerola · 5 years ago
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It has taken me many years to get to this point and I am definitely not going back. If honouring who God created me to be annoys or disappoints some people, I AM OKAY WITH IT. Some people are never going to be happy with you being true to who you really are, and you have to learn to be okay with it. I struggled with this for a long time because I am a natural people pleaser who likes to make people feel happy. So being disapproved of didn’t sit well with me. I love to be liked and complimented so I don’t do very well with criticisms or negative comments. Thankfully, I have built enough shock absorber and thick skin to ignore what I know not to be true and forge ahead on the path that God has ordained for me. Some people will not be happy for you on your journey to success. Don’t be mad, bitter or sad about it. Just accept it for what it is and do your best to be kind and good to others. Why? Because we are all products of God’s mercy and grace. Keep doing you 100% unapologetically and let your light so shine because that is the only way you can glorify God, not by dimming your brilliance. Shine on, G.O.L.D Digger. You were created for more. Embrace it. XoXo from #madamemerola #bangcreator #personalmastery #selflove #godmadewoman #authenticliving #iamaphenomenalwoman #livinglifetothefullest #chiefgolddigger (at Abuja, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBHC_e7FQ7A/?igshid=imf09c3ftzd0
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madamemerola · 5 years ago
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I am a Christian who chooses to live by the Spirit instead of being carried away with religion. It makes perfect sense to me to be more spiritually minded than being a secular or religious person because I am a Spirit who lives in a body and exists in God. In God, I live, move, think and have my being. I know my Source so my default setting is to want to be more like Him and receive instructions, upgrades and guidance from Him. Galatians 5:25 says “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit”. Verse 26 says let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. My greatest desire is to please God and fulfill His purpose for me in my lifetime and beyond. I am all about being in tune with my Father’s will so I don’t have time to follow man’s rules that are self-serving and restricting. It was a great day today being back in my home church and fellowshipping with other believers. Going to church is a good thing and the best thing we can do is show that Christ is in us always not just on Sunday. Photo credit: Kemisola Olumodeji and @tobstar_david 👗 by @o.c.h.u.k.o Bag from @cosposh XoXo from #madamemerola #bangcreator #sundayvibes #spirituality #authenticliving #christianliving #coaching #preacherlife #blessed #godmadewoman #godfidence (at Abuja, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OykTUlgMi/?igshid=119xy6e9ue9wo
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