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Parce que le Seigneur n'existe pas que le Dimanche... @abdelcastrothefunkydictateur @divinestylemusic #GodisGreat #GodLoveYouBack #GodForgiveUs (à Marseille, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkntmKGsNhk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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離了上帝,別無良善 有些人認定上帝經常發怒,祂的恩惠只不過持續一段時間而已,然而這與聖經所告訴我們的恰恰相反!你是上帝眼中的瞳仁,就連你覺得自己一無是處時也是如此。 上帝沒有停留在你所犯的錯誤或你說錯的話上止步不前。祂或許在當時是很生氣或很失望,不過祂並沒有停留在那一刻。你呢?你不需要為了一次的失敗而擔心會失去上帝的恩惠。 上帝的良善不但未曾間斷,而且還源源不絕。祂的恩惠時刻環繞我們,這恩惠不僅臨到我們,也與我們相伴;上帝的恩惠永存! 事實上,離了上帝,別無良善;良善本來就不是自發性的——若離了上帝,那就更不用提了。人的本性裡沒有一絲良善(想想看,你的孩子學好或學壞,哪一樣是需要你訓練的呢?) 上帝本是一切良善與美好事物的源頭。有些人卻硬是認為上帝與良善毫不相干,致使人不再覺得需要感謝、尊榮和敬拜祂。 禱告:上帝啊,謝謝祢在我的生活裡與我同在。幫助我打開雙眼,看清楚祢不僅是一切美事的源頭,而且還天天將恩惠帶入我的生活裡。奉耶穌的名,阿們。 #godisgood #godforgiveus #godwithus #godislove https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0Xx8Jn0yhd2zjRUs_ZipnmNJBkhN0h13tUHk0/?igshid=1p6n7mtpjok7
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#yomkippur2019 #dayofatonement #forgiveothers #godforgiveus https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XYWGegaR1/?igshid=1vnbh65zbiedq
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So many beautiful things we love, we miss. Is it because we stretch our arms wide to our Savior, but neglect our homeless neighbor? We deny provisions for those in need, yet indulge ourselves in meaningless greed. God, please forgive us.
j. grey
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We have a madman in the Whitehouse, a good old boy as the AG,while brothers and sisters are dying from law enforcement and hurricains But we have folks creating "For That D🍆💪K" Challenges. SMH Then we wonder why we get no help or support. #godforgiveus (at Delaware)
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#veteran #warriors #brotherhood #usarmy #usmc #usaf #usnavy #uscoastguard #strong #neversurrender #neverquit #neverbackdown #godcountryfamily #usa #america #american #potus #evildoersbeware #evil #good #godforgivesveteransdonot #godforgiveus #jesus #secondcomingisuponus #repentbeforeitstolate
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By choice a flow follows
Spirit to spirit and truth to truth
Each to the way in their heart
And the Who eventually shows
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Parce que le Seigneur n'existe pas que le Dimanche... @abdelcastrothefunkydictateur @divinestylemusic #GodisGreat #GodLoveYouBack #GodForgiveUs (à Marseille, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkntmMCslct/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Parce que le Seigneur n'existe pas que le Dimanche... @abdelcastrothefunkydictateur @divinestylemusic #GodisGreat #GodLoveYouBack #GodForgiveUs (à Marseille, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkntlK0MIn4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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