quotent-potables · 9 months
When you do things right, people won't be sure that you have done anything at all…
— God, Futurama, 4x20: "Godfellas"
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raurquiz · 5 months
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#remembering #paulsorvino #actor #nicolairoshenko #startrek #thenextgeneration #godfellas #therocketeer #nixon #repothegeneticopera #Detours #TheRedMapleLeaf #PriceforFreedom #BadBlood #BeneaththeLeaves #TheBirthdayCake #GodfatherofHarlem #startrek57 @TrekCore @StarTrek
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mannytoodope · 2 years
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therandosfandos · 9 months
I watch these Futurama Bender episodes religiously
31st Century Fox
The Thief Of Baghead
Forty Percent Leadbelly
The Honking
I Know What You Did Last Xmas
All The Way Down
A Tale Of Two Santas
The Bird Bot Of Ice-Catraz
Free Will Hunting
Hell Is Other Robots
Probably more
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warduke · 2 months
the idea of being flung out into space in only a space suit, spinning, unable to right yourself, knowing that there is nothing and nothing at all to catch yourself on for all functional eternity is pretty scary (2001: A Space Odyssey, Kars from Jojo, the characters from Gravity i guess, Bender in the episode Godfellas).
But what keeps the idea from being truly terrifying in my mind (although this is honestly silly because it would be bound to be one of the most horrific ways to die that I can imagine, spinning and panicking until you pass out, hopefully asphyxiating before you regain consciousness) is the fact that you don't accelerate.
You hold your inertia, unable to change course and unable to slow in the frictionless vacuum, and ultimately only going as fast as you originally were pushed.
What I fear about falling, what triggers my vertigo, is the sense of accelerating into an abyss. The higher the fall, the longer you have to understand how much you're speeding up before you hit bottom.
What is truly gut wrenching to me is the idea of an infinite, pitch black expanse beneath and in front of you, one with gravity, so you truly feel like you are falling and there is nothing, nothing waiting to catch you
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glados-is-beloved · 1 year
I need to consider putting together a top 10 frender episodes list sometime because mannnnnnnn Godfellas is up there.
When bender got hurled into space, fry was SO ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISHED.
He tried absolutely everything he could think of to get bender back. At the very first sign of hope, with no solid evidence the telescope even existed at all, he went and climbed the Himalayas on foot in a heartbeat. He searched the skies desperately for 3 DAYS. When bender returned he instantly went to hug him even though he had JUST reentered and was still very visibly glowing BRIGHT ORANGE HOT.
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partygetsmewetttttter · 11 months
Just wanna cuddle and watch godfellas 😔
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zappsbrannigan · 3 months
There's no reason for you to feel guilty! I know that not everyone is a fan of Frapp, but Zapp as a character is pretty divisive in the fandom for some reason in comparison to other problematic/morally grey characters like Bender or Mom for instance, but please don't feel bad about talking about Frapp or your love for Zapp, and don't let anyone make you feel bad for it either!
We all have our OTPs and NOTPs as well as our fav characters, and so long as we are respectful of one another, it's not a problem imo - however, now that you're getting back into the fandom, I 100% recommend going through different blogs and tags to block or blacklist what you need to to curate your space to see what you want and to hide what makes you upset or uncomfortable
Anon, you're so sweet for your kind words! Anyway, yeah I've noticed that kind...idk if call it "double moral" between Bender and Zapp, I blame the fact Bender appears more in the show so the writers and we as viewers can see different layers of him and idk have some empathy. Even if Bender is my least favorite, i get some of the appeal...man, Godfellas is on my top 10 probably because makes a good "deep" episode with Bender, i like the message of the episode...what bothers about the character is how, his actions nowdays doesnt have consequences...isnt that interesing to see imo. About my notp...I'm not comfy disclosin the reasons because I dont wanna hurt feelings. Anyway, people tend to "crucify" Zapp a lot...I really want to write about him in depth soon, probably cus I've been seein the show since the first run my feelings are completely different about the characters and the show as whole. Anyway, Zapp is a dumb (or pretends to be dumb or basically brainwashed by politics) and morally gray character, I love to explore that... I'm a sucker for rivals to lovers ship and he has stuff in common with Fry as parallelisms, I would like people might get a try. Also that doesnt mean I hate Leela or anything either, just I'm fan of either hilarious situations of "YOU'RE A STUPID GORILLA!" til "who needs a girl who we have each other??" angst spectrum. Anyway yeah, gotta do what you suggest (I often do that) in general today it wasnt a good day (due...irl stuff) but at least i got some tasty ice cream! , i hope you also ate something delicious today! Hugs anon xoxo
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omgitzlongdennis · 11 months
godfellas taught me yaoi can reach god
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hippiesolitude · 2 years
Not that anyone asked, but I wanted to compile a list of my top 5 favorite episodes of Futurama and see if anyone else had a similar list :D
5. Godfellas - I mean, who doesn’t love this episode. Bender floating alone in space playing God is just way too good of a plot line. I especially love it bc of how dedicated Fry is to find him. Something about that is just way too wholesome.
4. The Late Philip. J Fry - This episode is just absolutely fantastic the entire way around. I think it is one of the coolest interpretations of time travel the show has done. I love the song, I love the way Leela thinks Fry stood her up and then died, and I love that they crack a 6 pack open to watch the world end. It’s just one of the best.
3. I Second That Emotion - This one I feel like is not on many people’s list, but something about it is just so great. Bender feeling actual human emotion really got me in this one. This was probably the episode where I decided Bender was my favorite character. Not only is it hilarious, but seeing Bender be vulnerable is really cool, and there’s a ton of funny jokes in it too. Fry screaming and then going “I burned my finger” is probably one of my favorite jokes ever.
2. The Honking - This was actually the first episode of Futurama I had ever seen. So, it instantly earns a place on this list. The insane amount of jokes in this episode earn it a high spot. The Shining references, Fry getting emo bc Bender picked Leela over him, Leela’s frozen meals joke, Bender being covered in transmission fluid instead of blood… the list goes on! It really holds a close place to my heart.
1. Hell is Other Robots - This episode I whole heartedly believe is the best Futurama has ever done. We are introduced to the Robot Devil, who is an incredible character, and see so much of the Beastie Boys; who I love. Not only that, but I think electricity addicted Bender is one of the funniest interpretations of his character ever. And then religious Bender… “who wants to come to my exceedingly long, un-airconditioned baptism ceremony” has to be one of the funniest jokes in the show. And to top it all off, the SONG!!!! I literally have the entire thing memorized because of just how much I’ve watched this episode. The way Fry and Leela work together to save Bender too is just too good. Overall, this episode is just incredible.
Some other runner ups include Silence of the Clamps, Lethal Inspection, and Ghost in the Machines.
I’d love to hear everyone else’s top 5!! :)))
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fagsex · 1 year
some of the really good futurama episodes are the ones that dont try to be sad or aren't really til it gets u. ie luck of the fryrish genuinely is just kinda going along til the last five minutes where you are so knocked back you just might kill yourself. godfellas should be banned for 9yos who grew up in atheist houses.
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niceinchnails · 2 years
whats your fav ep of futurama. mine is godfellas
AMAZIHG CHOICE mine is. *Thinks back beautifully* I really like viva mars vegas from the comedy central era AND ALSO LOVE AND ROCKET and meanwhile made me cry so theres that. and of course theres the sting i cant choose i cant theyre all sooo good
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superfuji · 1 year
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Come raccontato anche dalla recente serie Netflix Il principe, diretta da Beatrice Borromeo Casiraghi, la mezzanotte è passata ormai da ore quando il sonno della compagnia, accampatasi sulle barche perché incapace di ritornare a Porto Rotondo a causa dell’alta marea, viene bruscamente interrotto da tre colpi. I primi due sono chiaramente spari, il terzo è invece un razzo lanciato da una delle imbarcazioni vicine, nel tentativo di illuminare la scena per capire cosa stia accadendo. Nicky Pende, uscito dalla cabina di prua, sta litigando con una figura a bordo di un gommone, che impugna una carabina. Temendo che spari di nuovo, si abbassa d’istinto per schivare un eventuale proiettile, che arriva soltanto pochi istanti dopo, passandogli qualche centimetro sopra la testa. Sul momento non è chiaro chi sia stato a sparare, ma proprio mentre tutta l’isola accorre verso le barche, l’uomo sul gommone sta tornando a riva, come in un frame alla Godfellas. A scendere da esso, però, non è uno dei gangster di Scorsese, ma il principe Vittorio Emanuele in persona ancora in stato di shock, con un’arma nella mano destra. Chi è rimasto sul ponte dell’imbarcazione insieme a Nicky Pende, nello stesso esatto momento, sta invece cercando di soccorrere Dirk Hamer, rimasto ferito alla gamba da uno dei proiettili.
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therandosfandos · 11 months
Bender Angst episodes you can focus on for edits, fics, or just wanna cry watching your favorite character get mentally tortured
- the inhuman torch
- I, roomate
- a tale of two Santa's
- the honking
- space Pilot 3000 (some scenes)
- 31st century fox
- related to items you've viewed (some scenes)
- all the way down
- lethal inspection
- T:. The terrestrial
- 40 percent leadbelly
- Free will hunting
- ghost in the machines (THE WAY THEY TREATED HIS BODY MADE ME SO MAD)
- the silence of the clamps
- the mutants are revolting
- Crimes of the hot
- godfellas
- a pharaoh to remember (try not to focus on Bender being an absolute jerk though)
- bendin' in the wind
- I second that emotion
- The birdbot of ice-catraz (eh, a little)
- mothers day kindaaaa (shows benders attention issues for a scene)
- Bender gets made
- raging bender
- how Hermes requisitioned his groove back
- a flight to remember
- hell is other robots
...I'm now realizing almost all of these are all of Benders episodes focused on him in some way...DOES FUTURAMA JUST TORTURE HIM!?
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I think you may have answered this before, but what's your favorite sad episode?
oooo that's such a toss-up for me! let me try to order my top four bc they swap around a lot.
"leela's homeworld" is the one i enjoy watching the most cuz it has some obviously great leela lore, some iconic lines (that whole conversation b/w leela and fry early in the episode especially), and of course that tender ending. so that's #4
#3 for "the late philip j fry." god, there's some beauty in this episode. and it's sad that technically the original universe dies out and the characters from now on are new versions of themselves but i try not to overthink that. i rlly want a whole fic about the alternate leela and how she rose to the top of the company while grieving her best friend and ended up in a toxic dead-end marriage to try and cope with it. it's so fascinating to see where she and the others would be without fry, bender, and farnsworth.
#2 is "the sting," and the only reason it's not higher is because i've seen it so much and it's kind of in its own camp entirely, but it's also so fantastic and artistic and one of the few episodes to really shine a light on leela's view of fry. and that ending is of course very tender.
#1 is actually "luck of the fryrish"! it's one of the first episodes i ever saw so it holds a special place in my heart. i really like the flashback/modern day structure in this one and seeing young fry always makes me go crazy go maternal. i think a lot about yancy jr too and how he really felt about his brother despite his efforts to fit in better than fry did. the ending always hits me, and when i showed this episode to my mom she loved it and laughed a lot and cried at the ending and that makes it special to me too.
okay aaaand as for the unlisted others... i don't really watch "jurassic bark" much cuz it's kind of over-discussed and i don't like how sad the ending is (though i might give it another chance someday), and "game of tones" is a bit too real for me near the ending. i do really like "lethal inspection" a lot though, that's an underrated one. does "cold warriors" count as a sad episode? bc that's one i like but can't watch cuz the A-plot triggers my pandemic anxiety haha. "the bots and the bees" is pretty bittersweet and it's one of my favorite bender episodes so that's up there too. "godfellas" is just beautiful but idk if it's sad. uhhh if bender's big score counts that probably tops the list overall LOL.
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short-wooloo · 1 year
Futurama - Godfellas
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