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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
SWEET TEE Why did it gave to be me?.. .... ...One of the best bands...💝 Legacy of great music that will never die. #80s #90s .#thisisflashbackmusic . . #rnbonly #forever #slowjams #goddessslowjams #waybackthursday #throwbackthursday #mintcondition #goodolddays #backintheday #oldschoolrnb #classicrnb #realrnb #rnblove #oldschoolflavor #bestinrnb #grownfolksmusic #goddessω #romanticmusic #flashbackmusic https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv-joq3BAaS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o94oykjelkqv
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
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Tune inn every sunday. Down load the WRF APP ON GOOGLE PLAY
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
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Good Morning Love & Romance🌹🌷🌹🌷🌹 #goddessω It is natural to pursue true love....We all do. . . The problem with this pursuit arises due to the difference between our definition of true love and what it actually is to avoid a disaster...or emotional train wreck ....(lol) . . What we believe to be true love is actually a false love gift wrapped in our imagination. . . Media and pop culture far too many times are the influence. (Sad) . . Falling prey to the cultural manifestations of love the Romeo- Juliet Effect I call it lol, The Cosbys= Fake love, and out of sheer ignorance, we often get frustrated as to why GOD does not want us to express one of the strongest emotions he has blessed human beings with. Such a #beloved emotion . He or She must love themself first. Be true to yourself. Understand yourself so much.that....You can explain to your love interest what you like dislike can do_cant do_..will do_won't do. . . . #goodmorning #goddess #goddessω #goddessmemes #goddessmotivation #goddesslife #goddesstribe #goddessathena #ameen #allah #ukhti #akhi https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv1W00WB4w3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12llczs1t12rq
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
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Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. . . . . . #goodmorning #goddess #goddessω #goddessmemes #goddessmotivation https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvn8MGKB524/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u07fmdamctdh
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
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The tendency to overgeneralize—to turn a molehill of a setback into a mountain—also underlies the thinking patterns of a lot of people who have pervasive negative views of the world around them. Sometimes this type of thinking can even look like paranoia: "Give anyone an inch, and they will take a mile" or "Just about everyone will take advantage of you if you let them. " It's true that not every person is a paragon of virtue, but it's also true that there is a lot of goodness out there if you just let yourself look for it. And just because there are scammers doesn't mean that you should stop helping those who aren't. After all, helping others gives us a mood boost. So examine your beliefs to see if you are—against all available evidence—overgeneralizing the world into a dangerous or hostile place, which may show hostility coming from within. . #honormycurves #dailydoseofmemes #comfortableinmyskin #inspiringquotes #beyourownkindofbeautiful #beautyiswithin #embraceyourself #flawsandall #womanofinstagram #lovethyself #relationshipgoals #goddessω https://www.instagram.com/p/BuHI2SjBKR-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j4aacrm3k23y
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
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#goddessfinesse #goddessbrands #goddessfinessebrands #goddessω #goddessfinessenetworks #goddesssoundcloud #goddessfinesseslowjams #slowjamgoddess #slowjamgoddessteam #amtdincyorkpa https://www.instagram.com/p/BtIlvKZh3EY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v4398u0yeepq
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
Slow Jams Goddess© on Google: https://posts.gle/NJzNw
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
Domestic violence . Domestic violence against women or men isn't always easy to identify, but it can be a serious threat. Know how to recognize if you're being abused — and how to get help. It is important to know and understand the signs of domestic violence. . Domestic violence — also known as intimate partner violence — occurs between people in an intimate relationship. Domestic violence against men can take many forms, including emotional, sexual and physical abuse and threats of abuse. It can happen in heterosexual or same-sex relationships. . Abusive relationships always involve an imbalance of power and control. An abuser uses intimidating, hurtful words and behaviors to control his or her partner. Initially, the abuse might appear as isolated incidents. Your partner might apologize and promise not to abuse you again. . You might be experiencing domestic violence if your partner: Calls you names, insults you or puts you down Prevents you from going to work or school Stops you from seeing family members or friends Tries to control how you spend money, where you go or what you wear Acts jealous or possessive or constantly accuses you of being unfaithful Gets angry when drinking alcohol or using drugs Threatens you with violence or a weapon Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes or otherwise hurts you, your children or your pets Forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your will Blames you for his or her violent behavior or tells you that you deserve it. . Love yourself enough to seek out help for yourself. No one should ever subject themselves to abuse. . If you're having trouble identifying what's happening, take a step back and look at larger patterns in your relationship. Then, review the signs of domestic violence. . In an abusive relationship, the person who routinely uses these behaviors is the abuser. The person on the receiving end is being abused. #GODDESSΩ #domesticviolenceawareness #domesticviolence #domesticabuse #loveyourself #Goddessconversations #againstdomesticviolence #stopdomesticviolence #domesticviolencesurvivor #teachmetolove #iamwholeagain #rebuildingsanity #lovelost #love #goddessω https://www.instagram.com/p/BuZnmMShfW4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m514x32gf8yk
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
Domestic violence . Domestic violence against women or men isn't always easy to identify, but it can be a serious threat. Know how to recognize if you're being abused — and how to get help. It is important to know and understand the signs of domestic violence. . Domestic violence — also known as intimate partner violence — occurs between people in an intimate relationship. Domestic violence against men can take many forms, including emotional, sexual and physical abuse and threats of abuse. It can happen in heterosexual or same-sex relationships. . Abusive relationships always involve an imbalance of power and control. An abuser uses intimidating, hurtful words and behaviors to control his or her partner. Initially, the abuse might appear as isolated incidents. Your partner might apologize and promise not to abuse you again. . You might be experiencing domestic violence if your partner: Calls you names, insults you or puts you down Prevents you from going to work or school Stops you from seeing family members or friends Tries to control how you spend money, where you go or what you wear Acts jealous or possessive or constantly accuses you of being unfaithful Gets angry when drinking alcohol or using drugs Threatens you with violence or a weapon Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes or otherwise hurts you, your children or your pets Forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your will Blames you for his or her violent behavior or tells you that you deserve it. . Love yourself enough to seek out help for yourself. No one should ever subject themselves to abuse. . If you're having trouble identifying what's happening, take a step back and look at larger patterns in your relationship. Then, review the signs of domestic violence. . In an abusive relationship, the person who routinely uses these behaviors is the abuser. The person on the receiving end is being abused. #GODDESSΩ #domesticviolenceawareness #domesticviolence #domesticabuse #loveyourself #Goddessconversations #againstdomesticviolence #stopdomesticviolence #domesticviolencesurvivor #teachmetolove #iamwholeagain #rebuildingsanity #lovelost #love https://www.instagram.com/p/BuZmtFSBYfR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vx2m2gwksff7
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
Let us celebrate the 21st anniversay of "BEEP ME 911". SOME of yawl wont get it..lol Still rings bells with me thou💨 _ @missymisdemeanorelliott☝☝☝ . . creative genius . Shes #superduperfly in this video. .@timbaland & _MrMagoo .#barbie & #ken Dynamic classic orginal barbie 🌷with charismatic robotic moves to make anybodys bump wonna call 911..#robot . . . .#90sfashion #90srnb #rnbjunkie #classicrnb #luthervandross #rnblovers #slowjams #grownfolksmusic #realrnb #soulmusic #goddessslowjams #goddessslowjamradio #goodmorning #goddessslowjamnetwork #iminthemood #SlowjamGoddess #goodmorningpost #goodvibes #strictlyslowjams #ilove. #livestream #goddessω #goddessslowjams https://www.instagram.com/p/BvarDaTBbUk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3j8wo9k8qxrm
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
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Play list #Podcast #rnbjunkie #classicrnb #luthervandross #rnblovers #slowjams #grownfolksmusic #realrnb #soulmusic #goddessslowjams #goddessslowjamradio #goodmorning #goddessslowjamnetwork #iminthemood #SlowjamGoddess #goodmorningpost #goodvibes #strictlyslowjams #ilove. #livestream #goddessω #goddessslowjams (at York, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvXMQwIBxRt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uji9urgmulow
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rytr-i-radio · 6 years ago
Maurice White broke down barriers with a simple note. Discoveries of new artist like the emotions. Powerful lyrics that empower our minds to this very day. He was such a wonderful artist. We were all brought to our feet in remembrance of the artist music this evening while listening to the #slowjammixtape with DJ TONY NEAL @iamtonyneal . . This Monday the slow jam mix was charged as you can see with music from EARTH WIND AND FIRE &SOO Much HEARTS.....&🎶love for the music and the lasting memory of a great talent apart of one the greatest bands I can remember. #earthwindandfire .🌎 🌠🔥 . TONY did a tribute with all the classics from EWF. I enjoyed the show and look forward to next #mondaynight for slow jam mix #75 . . .. . .. . #pharoahemonch #mixtape #steviewonder #classicalbums #vibemusic #chakakhan #rnbclassic #waxpoetics #soulsofmischief #70srnb #goodmusic #soulmusic #blackhistorymonth2019 🔖📚 #rnb #rnbmusic #melody #theemotions #herbiehancock #music #listentothis #songs #song #70sbands #70sfunk #genre #instagood #periscope #phillipbaileyewf #phillipbailey #brassbands #70 #goddessω #soul #soultrain #japandjs #ukdjs #soulful_moments https://www.instagram.com/p/Btfj80WBg7M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=igl21dzya3mu
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