#god. i started these cranberry supplements right
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lachonk · 1 year ago
I've spent hours upon hours upon hours over the years waiting for the burning to stop. Just sitting still and drinking water and praying "please let this be over in less than an hour". Waiting and waiting while people get impatient, because they want to keep walking around, keep going about life, but it hurts to move and I'm feverish and it's humiliating.
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From Slim Fast to Roux-En-Y, Part II
The Roux-en-Y bariatric surgery just seemed too risky and too permanent so I exited the program and made one final push to lose the excess weight on my own. I had been particularly interested in the Roux-en-Y because it is more likely to eliminate type 2 diabetes and eliminate it quickly. Of course each case is different, but there are numerous anecdotes of patients having type 2 diabetes for as long as 25 years, getting the surgery, and immediately being free of the diabetic disease.
The other two forms of bariatric surgery include the sleeve and the band. With the band the patient has to return often to get the band adjusted. It simply makes the stomach smaller so less food can be consumed. With the sleeve technique the stomach is simply made smaller, but the drawback here is that with heavy eating it expands over time and eventually the patient is back where they started.
The Roux-en-Y involves a more complicated, but much more effective solution. The small intestine is cut and reattached in two places. The upper portion of the stomach is stapled to make it very small and part of the intestine is stapled to that smaller stomach and then stapled back into the intestine. The larger portion of the stomach is connected back into the intestine as well. The larger portion still sends the signals to begin digesting food and here is where the pancreas is signaled to monitor glucose. One drawback is that even though calories are not absorbed in the stomach, also vitamins and minerals are likewise not absorbed so the patient must continue to take vitamin supplements throughout his life. Additionally, problems can occur with leakage around the staples and that can lead to possible infection. Patients have been known to die from the surgery.
Consequently, I felt I owed it to myself to attempt the weight loss without the surgery one last time. I continued to play the hypnosis CDs and I tried to follow the programs advice and recommendations. I doubled down on exercising and eating the right foods. For instance, I used more ground flax, blueberries, oats, quinoa, cranberries, grapes, avocado, and pineapple in my diet. I began using resistance loop band exercises daily and at least partially reducing starches from my diet.
These measures helped to a certain extent but were, for the most part, only somewhat helpful. Then I had a major setback. I took a bad fall and torn my shoulder muscles as I tried to brace myself. That led to two surgeries and months of physical therapy. By the time that was over, I had gained back any weight loss and even added additional pounds. As my A1C glucose levels rose from 7.0 to 9.3, BP systolic went to 178, and cholesterol numbers went off the chart, I concluded that the Roux-en-Y was the only answer for me.
The article writer has authored two historical, World War II, non-fiction books under the pen name of Chris Gregory. Buckshot Pie is available in hardcover, paperback, or Kindle Edition at Amazon. Also Dismounted Liberty, of the creative non-fiction genre, is available in paperback and Kindle Edition on Amazon, both at http://www.amazon.com/Chris-Gregory/e/B00FYXT8BA/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
Other books by Chris Gregory include Tekoa Tomes, Farewell Hokusen Maru, and Straight Like a Sapling, Semper Pi Publishing.
Please consider all these books. Thank you and may God bless.
Chris Gregory, Cheney, WA, Platinum Expert Author, Ezine Articles.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Christopher_E_Gregory/1743573
Article Source: https://ift.tt/2nyZnmx
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healthytweetszone-blog · 6 years ago
3 Secrets of Weight Loss That Everyone Misses
Best detox tea for weight loss is still a popular choice among weight loss teas that really work fans. Make your own detox tea is sometimes riddled with other mysteries. Do you need to look valued? Best tea detox for weight loss speaks louder than words. You should only try understand that in that circumstance. It doesn't require a lot of intelligence. The jillian michaels cranberry drink recipe industry is anxious to make as many dollars as they can yet take a look at the way I began this story. That's my brand in order that iaso tea instruction can almost always be linked in some way to weight loss plans that really work. It was relatively easy at the time. Call me stupid, I just learned through moonbats as this relates to fit tea walmart reviews. Finding the best total life changes price list, although, takes a bit of work on your part.
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neuropathicgypsy · 8 years ago
So I said last week about my kidneys having issues...
And they're still having issues despite the 100 cranberry supplements I took over the course of a few days... Like 4M units of cranberry goodness
Right away I did feel refreshed and my kidneys stopped hurting but
As soon as I stopped taking them, because I took a whole bottle almost, I started having issues again.
I have an appointment soon with my hemotologist at the Cancer center and so I called and told them of the issues and with my e-GFR being only 57 (lowest is 60 so we're in the beginning of the game) and that I want it dealt with.
So the director of the cancer center heard and called me extremely dramatically upset and you know begged for forgiveness and what not because it's most likely due to the Antibiotic I was on Levaquan or whatever it's spelled.
He said that he was threatened by ahem ahem and ahem to get me better and it was extremely bad and I had heard about it at the time and I signed that it was kind they cared but I didn't know that it was effective and it turns out it wasn't.
And so he promised if I can't afford treatment they would make it available to me free of charge and are gonna make sure I get bwtter
Not because the director was threatened but because his job is to care and he's good at his job.
Hopefully soon things will get better.
Im having issues that were really unpleasant in addition to the pain and so right now things are very bleak but I am untreated at the moment.
My dear dear dead friend visited and said he spoke to God and I'm in effect being punished because people that are advocating for me are doing it with violence and Injustice.
So essentially it is their fault.
Which I had already told them so
Like a billion times already.
And don't believe Jesse when he says he's upset, he's only upset because he isn't the one killing me.
He says he wants me alive and healthy so we can marry but that doesn't make sense because I would piss him off a billion times till he kills me or I kill myself because I can't stand being around him and then he would be all "I killed her because she was unhappy with me" as defense to the actual murder because he actually murdered me .
Anyways of course the drama always continues with Jesse
Just don't waste your time consoling him or believing him.
You'll have a Better time talking to an actual brick wall.
If you ask me, the solution to all this is just Matt taking me to the doctor himself and so he can do things right, even if he does have to yell or threaten he will do it to the correct person --- the person treating me wrong that's in the room
Not some innocent director trying to help correctly.
When I go by myself, often times, believe it or not, I'm just so exhausted and so they can tell me pretty much anything and I'll be oh okay but then I have to go home and think about it or Matt is screaming about it on the way home and I feel like I have to defend myself and the stupid doctor.
I'm really smart but I'm not a doctor.
I don't know all the treatments or anything even if I Google the doctor may know of something else
And see like now the Antibiotics I was prescribed is causing me acute kidney injury which can lead to kidney failure or death.
Luckily I know how to treat my kidneys because I do have kidney issues since I was pregnant... It's when I noticed them acting up and have paid attention since.
But ... I mean... If I can't do it right and the doctors can't either.. then it's dialysis or death so it's really fucking scary.
I'm very sad about what happened.
Not just because the director was threatened but also because I'm being punished and my kid may be as well.
Things can go very bad. It's up to god
But Jeremyuh did say that things should get better.
But again it's due to other people's actions which god has no control over
I told them director I understood why he didn't think I would need steriods for my sinus infection. Because he was threatened. He was terrified. I would done whatever I was told, too.
But I told him, no more you do what you need to do. Don't listen to thwm
Although they have been murdering animals lately.... They're mostly harmless idiots that don't know how to behave in society.
Of course it's my (unpaid) job to teach them how.
I do love them tho. They're just really bad kids trying to be good parents.
But yes was rumor mill has churned, I am not doing very well at all and right now until I see the doctor, we don't know what treatment is going to happen or what is going on or how bad things are.
I think God's cranberries will help alot to get me through, since I spoke to Jeremyuh whom said that things aren't as hopeless as they seem....
It's up to these idiots to shut up and get educated about what alternatives to what we already know can be good.
Like Matt was really mad because the Antibiotics didn't work. 7 of them. So he was all fuck this find one that does
Well after the 8th...
So I still have the sinus infection. 5 months and 8 Antibiotics later.... And the only thing that is really helping keep me alive in that regard is a steroid spray for allergies.
Sometimes I just randomly can't breathe
No reason. I don't feel chest pain or anything.
I just can't breathe.
So... Yes... It may be as horrible as to say my entire body is shutting down here and there slowly and surely.
At the same time we can also say there's treatment for each little thing that's being bad.
I have not gotten the immune suppressent for my arthritis.. I'm not sure what's about that as I've been sleeping days again and don't very remember to calk
We Knew there would be an insurance issue.
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thehealthfruitblog-blog · 8 years ago
The Fruit, Herb, or Grass Theory
My latest theory though is about fruits and vegetables. Let me try to translate to left brain. Ok so i will start by gathering definitions from two sources…wise men and the Bible.
(h)ərb/ noun plural noun: herbs 1. any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume. “bundles of dried herbs” 2. BOTANY
any seed-bearing plant that does not have a woody stem and dies down to the ground after flowering
Botanically speaking, a fruit is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant, whereas vegetables are all other plant parts, such as roots, leaves and stems.
Ok so the world says tomato which is it.. is it fruit or vegetable?
The confusion about ‘fruit’ and ‘vegetable’ arises because of the differences in usage between scientists and cooks. Scientifically speaking, a tomato is definitely a fruit. True fruits are developed from the ovary in the base of the flower, and contain the seeds of the plant (though cultivated forms may be seedless).
They get caught up in their own definition
Also bananas are in question…fruit or vegetable…
A herb is a plant whose stem does not contain any woody tissue. Banana “trees” are therefore not trees. They are herbaceous plants and should perhaps be called banana herbs. So to answer this week’s question, a banana is both a fruit and a herb.
Both. A banana (the yellow thing you peel and eat) is undoubtedly a fruit (containing the seeds of the plant: see ‘Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?), though since commercially grown banana plants are sterile, the seeds are reduced to little specks.
Strawberries are in question too.
What Constitutes a Berry?
Let’s start by taking a step back. A true berry is a fleshy fruit formed from the ovary of a single flower with a seed, or seeds, embedded on the inside of the flesh.
To put it simply, berries have seeds on the inside of the fruit. And you can see just from looking at a strawberry that its seeds are studded all around the outside of the fruit. So botanically speaking, strawberries don’t meet the definition of a berry.
Okso lets solve it and end all this confusion right.
What does the Bible say?
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Genesis 3:17 KJV http://bible.com/1/gen.3.17.KJV
Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; Genesis 3:18 KJV
So we eat vegetables because of the curse of Adam.
So herbs also known as vegetables were not part of God’s original design for us to eat.
And before that we ate fruit and probably roasted fruit tree seeds. And ate tree nuts.
And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.  And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.  Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. Genesis 9:1‭-‬3 KJV
And so after the flood we began to eat meat.
This is because fruits and vegetables no longer had great soil to give us all the vitamins and minerals and nutrients we needed so we had to eat meat like cow meat because only a cow has a four tiered stomach to be able to digest grass.
So some things like grass we still cannot eat. God gave us fruit first then herbs then meats but he never gave us grasses and leaves.
So wheat grass shots are dumb…you are just wrecking your intestines to try to digest indigestible grass or leaves.
Undigested food particles in the blood are guaranteed to feed every undesirable condition and invader, but not you. The most important key to avoiding fermentation is to digest your food completely. Fermented sugar only feeds Candida and cancer cells. Fermentation occurs if you cannot digest your food because you did not chew well or because it is from the grass family and not able to be digested. So I made a list of all of the so called vegetables that are leaves or grass and cannot be digested because of their chlorophyl content.
I am sure more can be added…
Dill Oregano Chicory Chervil Thyme Lemon balm Spearmint Savory Fennel Sorrel Capers unopened flower buds Cloves dried flower buds Saffron (stamen of a flower) Leeks part of a flower Artichoke part of a flower Lettuce Seaweed Grass Kelp Kale Broccolli closed flower bud Cashews they are a plant stem covered in a poison ivy shell Cauliflower Brussel sprouts Spinach Cabbage Asparagus Celery Chard Arugula Mustard greens Watercress Kohlrabi Rhubarb Rapini Chicory
And the best meat in the world to eat is of course the meat whose only plant supply was not affected by the flood
Which would be fish…Kosher fish of course.
So back to fruits and herbs/veggies…
The Bible definition is in Genesis 1.
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.  And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:11‭-‬12 KJV
So you see there are three categories…
Grasses….herbs…and fruits
Grass is in the dirt
Herbs are from the ground but yield seed
 And trees hold the fruits whose seed is in itself
So God made it real simple
If its in a tree its a fruit
If its on the ground and has seeds it is an herb or veggie
If its on the ground without a seed…don’t eat it…its grass…animal food.
Veggies or herbs are technically animal food too but God lets us eat them
So now its easy to tell fruit or veggie
Wikipedia each fruit or veggie
All have seeds but not all yield them
And not all contain a seed in the middle
Then ask is it from the ground or a tree
Then ask if it is a real tree..
 Like banana trees…They have no wood in the stem so its a plant and not a tree. So a banana is an herb.
Bushes are not trees so all the berries are herbs.
Vine fruits grow from the ground so they are not fruits but herbs.
So i made a list of fruits
Nutmeg nuts Tamarind bean Carob bean Dates Durian Jackfruit Acai Grapefruit Nectarines Kumquat Quince Guava Pear Lemons Limes Olives Avocado Apricot Plum also prune Apple Orange Cherry Peach Nut trees Papaya Mango Figs Pomegranates Persimmons
Cocoa pods for chocolate
And also a list of edible veggies/herbs
Goji berries Ginger Wheat peas Bananas Papayas Prickly pear from cactus Blackberry Pumpkin Paprika Chickpeas Black pepper from peppercorns on a vine Cranberries Bananas? Beets Strawberries Grapes Kiwi Passionfruit Dragonfruit Raspberries Blueberries Cantaloupe Peanuts Watermelon Honeydew Pineapple Tomato Beans (bean or seed family) Carrot Potato Peas (bean or seed family) Onions Garlic Corn (bean or seed family) Green beans  (bean or seed family) Turnips Eggplant Zucchini Cucumber Radish Bell pepper Okra (bean or seed family) Squash Parsnip Rutabaga Chili pepper Daikon radish Chia Guarana
None are comprehensive.
Also i learned that fruits and veggies are both alkaline forming once they digest in your body and alkalinity keeps away disease.
But veggies start out alkaline and end alkaline usually and fruits start out acidic and eat up alkaline.
So veggies are easier to eat if you haven’t detoxed your body or if you eat a lot of meats.
Because meats are acid forming in the body and really add disease to us if we don’t supplement and balance our gut with fruits and veggies.
Then of course if you never eat fruit from trees then you will get really sick.
Because really and truly all we were ever really supposed to eat from the beginning was fruit.
We have to eat veggies because stress makes it hard for us to eat fruit that goes in acid and comes out alkaline.
Stress is from the curse to work with our hands and from sin.
And we have to eat meat because the flood wiped out the soil of its original nutrients.
So we are stuck needing fruit veggies and meat.
But veggies only if the fruit is too acid to taste.
Otherwise we don’t need veggies unless we stress from work or sin.
My favorite fruit is called jackfruit. And its bigger than a watermelon…Grows on trees…and tastes like bubblegum. Except its good to swallow.
So…thats my latest theory…what do you think?
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