#god why must asriel be such a shit dad
spaceytrash · 2 years
Now that I've read the books I'm starting the His Dark Materials show and boy it's bad enough I love the chaotic ass of a man that is Asriel in the books and it was bad enough with Daniel Craig as him but he never got much screentime unlike here so James McAvoy as Asriel will truly be my downfall
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His Dark Materials S2 Ep 6 - Rambling/Thoughts
I really cannot believe that we’re at the penultimate episode already, oh my gosh. It’s gone by so fast??
Again, because I’ve reread TSK in the last couple of weeks, the book is fresh in my mind but I’ve probably still missed stuff
Also last week was so intense and seeing the “previously on” section made me remember just how intense that was, so it’s a hard job to top that!
“The last time they were seen was to make war” - IT’S HAPPENING ASDFGHJKL
Ruta going off to see Asriel and me just remembering what exactly went down between them while she was there with him... heh
So Will’s hand looks AWFUL oh my god poor Will 😭
Pan is REALLY into his Red PAN-da form oh my goodness
So the other kids out for revenge terrified the living SHIT out of me, dear god I don’t think it could be any creepier than dozens of them appearing out of the shadows like that, like it’s genuinely terrifying
Serafina just dropped right in to rescue them and I was both relieved and a little disappointed? Because in the book the whole chase sequence is so much longer and more important, like it takes up most of an entire chapter I think, and here it’s like two minutes?
Serafina: What does this edge cut? // Lyra: Everything (Will at the same time: Nothing.) - 😂
I missed Lee and Jopari tbh so yay to seeing them once more! And they’ve crossed into the next world!
Oh hi again Mary!
^ I wasn’t expecting to see Mary again this series because in TSK book, her last appearance is going through the window (which was last episode), so I’m a little curious as to whether we’re going to get a TINY little peek into The Amber Spyglass here (it’s been years since I reread it, I apologize). Because last series they did a bit of TSK (namely introducing Will + him crossing into Cittagazze), so it would be interesting!
“Good, something I can understand for a change” - LOL Same
Serafina wants to take Lyra back to her world?? Really??
Not gonna lie, the two girls spying on Mary was kind of low-key creepy
Lyra mentioning that she crossed worlds to find out about Dust and mentioning Roger 😭
Also I’m so emotional over just how much she wants Will to be safe, like she would really do anything to keep him safe and I love it
Lyra asking the Alethiometer where Will’s dad is and “he’s in this world” - ahhh it’s going to happen!
Also I really hope that the BBC/whoever decides to sell replica Alethiometers because the design is so beautiful?! I would fork out serious dough for one, and it would go nicely with the one I have from the film
No but seriously, words don’t describe just how badly I want a replica
“I wanted to fly so I summoned you here, now I’m flying” - LOL OKAY THEN JOHN
Ooh damn, that outfit Marisa is wearing is FINE. I’m slightly gayer than I was before, ngl
I was like “nooo Mary don’t be nice to these kids, they’re awful”
But it’s very sweet that she offers them food?? Like she pulls a chocolate bar out and is like “it’s no good for you, it’s full of sugar”... I love her
The way that Mary was so happy and excited when they mentioned Lyra, only to tell the girls off for trying to kill her - more of a mum than Mrs Coulter tbh
“Miss, can I have a hug?” - AWWW OMG WHY AM I SAD
They asked Mary to stay and look after them omg 😭😭😭
“Come with me, I’ll bring you to your adults” - ooh okay this could go any number of ways... Either she actually reunites them with their families and all’s well, or she takes them up there and their parents/adults are all dead (for lack of a better word)? Or the Spectres attack after Mary leaves them with the adults??
Jopari talking about meeting his dæmon and also a little bit about trying to get back to his family :(
“Can you magic us up a fire?” “One moment” *presents a box of matches” - LMFAO
Wait did Serafina seriously just imply that she thought Will might hurt Lyra?!?
Serafina saying that if protecting Lyra means protecting Will as well... Yes, protect Will please! Protect BOTH of these children, I literally BEG you, they’ve gone through far too much
Ooh okay so the witch ritual/spell was kind of cool to see!
Lyra saying “please tell me he’ll be alright” 😭♥️
The fact that Lyra curled up close to Will and then Pan (in ermine form) curled up CLOSER to Will is so cute, they both love Will so much
Pan: “We feel safe her... don’t we?” / OOF OKAY THIS IS F I N E
I already know what Lyra’s “other name” is because I read the book but the hints are anything BUT subtle tbh. “Mother of us all, cause of all sin, tempted by the serpent”... I’m not even that religious but I think it’s pretty obvious.
Also, if Mary is playing the part of the “serpent” within Lyra’s destiny, does that mean that Mary has tempted Lyra? Or that she will?
Boreal being nervous about being in the city and Marisa is just so unimpressed by him... Mood
That smirk she had when going up to that Spectre victim was so chilling, we have to stan Ruth Wilson and her incredible acting
Also, fun fact, Ruth Wilson went to my sixth form college and is from Surrey (like me), and she grew up in Shepperton, which is where my Nan used to live when she was alive (my uncle and aunt live there still), so that’s super exciting!
“We could learn from this” - PLEASE DO NOT MA’AM
God I hate the Magisterium so fucking much, the patriarchy is so strong with them
Oh great, now they’re gunning to kill Lyra :/
Also, off topic, I’ve only just connected that Will Keen, who plays Father MacPhail, is Dafne Keen’s dad?!?
“She must be protected” - AGAIN, they BOTH need protecting PLEASE
The Spectre noises reminded me of the noises of the Smoke Monster from LOST, so that’s definitely trippy for me
Thanks, I hate it
I nearly shouted “WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING” out loud in front of both my parents, I seriously thought she had a damn death wish
I have never been so damn tense in my entire life as I am watching this show - and I KNOW what happens
Lee’s so worried about Lyra - 11/10, Father of the Year
I deadass thought Marisa and Carlo were about to kiss when he ran up to her and I actually said out loud “NO please don’t”
Look I must just be so dirty minded but when she said “let’s celebrate���, my immediate reaction was “NO NO NO NO EW EW EW NO” and “I hope she just means having a drink and not doing the frickety-frack”
I was so close to tearing up as Will was talking about his mum, her illness, and the boys who were mean to her because of it. His love for his mum is so beautifully written and the way Amir Wilson is playing Will is so wonderful
I was also close to tears when he was talking about his dad and how he used to imagine about his dad, so maybe I’m just emotional anyway
“Could go to school... have friends” - okay yeah no I’m definitely crying 😭
“I couldn’t trust anyone.” “Until you met me.” “Yeah.” - EXCUSE ME ♥️😭 my HEART
I love one (1) soft boy, and one (1) feral girl and her dæmon
The relief I felt when I saw Marisa and Carlo were literally just having drinks 😅
“They consume what makes us human, so I just suppressed that and hid it” + *cut to the monkey looking kinda sad/uncomfortable* - Umm fUCK OKAY THEN
Why am I feeling sorry for the monkey?!?
“You think we’re equal?” - LMFAO RIGHT
EWW THEY KISSED. No, just... nO
When I saw his snake dæmon moving towards her monkey, I thought one of two things was about to happen: 1) the monkey was going to pet and paw and the snake as Marisa seduced Boreal, or 3) the monkey was going to strange the snake and kill Boreal
“You’ve NEVER been my equal.” “You’d only hold me back.” - OH MY GOD YES THE SHADE
She’s not wrong though let’s be honest here
So she poisoned him I’m assuming? She poisoned his drink because the monkey didn’t actually touch the snake... damn.
Her just sitting there and continuing to drink with his dead body there is... damn.
“Into that valley” NO NO, please no
Jopari really just summoned a whole damn storm huh
Also the fact he fully trusts in Lee’s abilities to land them safely :3
Lee: “Can we trust him?” // Hester: “Do we have another choice?!!” - LMFAO I love them so much
Okay but did Marisa REALLY sit there for HOURS with Boreal’s corpse sitting opposite her?!?
Her burning her hand on the flame in front of the monkey, and the monkey clearly whimpering and in pain was so agonizing to watch, I can’t take this show
Also, you have to wonder just how many times she’s harmed herself (and him) for her to keep doing it with next to no problems (like separating from each other all the time)
I was so excited to see the birds attacking the zeppelins, like it was one of my favourite details in the book, and I worried that they wouldn’t have the budget for it but yay!
I do kind of wish that we’d had Sayan Kötor as the “eagle Queen” leading them though - she probably was but I wish we’d actually seen it or heard Jopari say it or whatever
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The last episode is next week and on an hour earlier, so that’s exciting! I have no idea what I’ll do once this series ends, or when we’ll even get the third and final series because of COVID and filming delays, but I’m excited for it nonetheless and hoping it’s next November/December or something!
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asktemmie-frisk · 7 years
The Mobius Mauler (ゴッドモードアーク(Goddomodoaku)) (God-mode Arc)
After a couple of hours of driving, they finally made it. Edwin's Escapades. It was a welcoming beacon for all kinds of people. Monsters, humans, everyone, everything. Monsters flooded this place with business, and the amusement park was able to be bigger, better, and even monster accommodating. "Dude." Undyne started. "It's even cooler than I thought! Come on! I got roller coasters to ride!" "Race you there!" Chara challenged, feeling unusually determined. "Hey, Alphys, ya coming, babe?" "Oh! Uhh, n-no th-no thank you. I think I'm f-f-fine on the ground." Stuttered Alphys. "Cool with me. Hey Papyrus, come with us! This is gonna be awesome!" "Really?" Said Papyrus. Then he craned his head to look at the attraction, and squealed with glee. "That's what the humans call a 'roller coaster'? Well then, I, the great Papyrus, shall see for myself why they like this roller coaster!" Papyrus sped off to join Chara and Undyne. After that initial glamour showed itself, everyone else calmly headed toward the ticket booth. "Come on, mom and dad! Hurry up!" Chara begged. "Chara, there's no need to rush, sweetie. Now here's yo-" "Thanks, daddy!" Chara cut in, swiping her and Undyne's ticket before Asgore could even hand them to her. They all got to the ticket booth after that. "Okay, so 10 people, a-wait a minute. Little buddy? Is that you?" Asked a familiar voice. "Hold on. What do you mean 'little buddy'?" Replied Frisk, clearly self-conscious about his height. "I don't think I-" Then he stopped and got a good look at the figure. "Burgerpants?" "Huh! So it really is you!" Burgerpants warmly greeted. "Hey little buddy, what's up? Haven't seen you since you were just a kid. Guess you did a little growing." "Yeah, I did. I'm fine. How has the surface been treating you though?" "Honesty, not crazy different from being in the underground. In fact, I just got this new gig last month. At least they pay better and give me benefits. And they treat me better, too." "Right, okay, you're happier now. Good for you. Now can we finally go inside please?!" Chara rushed, eager to ride to her heart's content. "Yeesh! Okay. Fine. Give me your ticket, and y-" "Thank you!" Chara slapped the ticket into Burgerpants' hands, and peeled out. Undyne and Papyrus gave him their tickets more calmly, and ran after Chara. All 3 of them raced to get to the roller coaster first. The rest followed suit, and walked inside the park. It's true, the park was big, filled with games and attractions as far as the eye could see. It was also packed with people roaming about, taking in the sights, gasping in awe for the park's greatest attraction of all made even greater thanks to the help of monsters: the Mobius Mauler. This is what Chara wanted to be on, Frisk thought to himself. The ride itself towered over the rest of the park, scaling no less than 200 feet into the air, stood proud by the conglomeration of magic and concrete, a near-perfect unity of both monster and human ingenuity. All Frisk could do was gaze in complete shock and awe, mouthing to himself 'wow'. " Hey, Frisk! Stop staring, and watch where you're going!" Asriel blared, snapping Frisk out of his stupor. He was just in time; he almost waltzed right into one of the support beams. "Frisk, you wanna ride too, don't cha?" Said Sans. Frisk only nodded in excitement with a wide smile on his face. "Cool. If you or Paps need me, I'll MOBEIN (mobian) the arcade." "Wow. Just wow, Sans." Frisk wasn't caring for Sans' puns at the moment. He simply turned around, and then smacked into a line for the very same attraction he was gawking at. "Hmm? Oh, it's just you, Frisk." Asgore calmly reacted. "Must be exciting to try it out, eh?" "Uhh...yes! Yes, it's uhh...really something, huh?" After darting his eyes around, he tried to shrug off the awkwardness by breaking the silence between him and the king. "So...how long is this line really? Bet you can probably see up to the front, huh?" "Well now, I wouldn't say that." Asgore started to boast. "But it is true. I can see up to the front. Must be a very popular ride to have this many people clamoring for a spot. You might actually not be able to get on at all." "Yes, it would be a shame if you didn't get to ride." Toriel cut in. "But if you do manage to get on the ride, then I guess it would be a good thing you did not eat anything before we left. Because if I made you something, it would probably be a SHORT STACK." Frisk just glared at the terrible joke that was just made after having to endure one of Sans' puns while Toriel utters a quiet chuckle. "It is okay, my child. Even if they do not let you on, we shall return back to you." "Yeah. I guess you will." Frisk decided to wait out the line. For 40 minutes, his excruciating wait-time was rewarded. "Alright, finally! I get to see why Chara like this thing!" Frisk exclaimed, being able to ride the attraction after all. "Yep! You get a first-class seat to the ride of a lifetime!" Chara placcidly said while sitting down next to him. "Really, Chara? You're riding this thing again?" "Yeah! This ride is the fucking bomb!" "Oh God. Please Chara. Don't puke on me." As the ride lifted itself up to the peak, Frisk started sweating in anxiety, and Chara quietly squealed "This is gonna be the shit" in anticipation. Then came the trip back down. The roller coaster screamed back down the tracks, sailing through loops, peeling out of the curves, rocketing to the edge, and barreling back to the heart, where it took another ascent, up to a dizzying 275 feet in height! After reaching its highest crescendo, it dive-bombed back down to the world below, but not before revealing its truth to its name. It crashed through 3 Mobius strips, and then it smashed back down to the surface, slowing down bit by bit in the meantime. Finally, the Mobius Mauler stopped and sat at the apex of its center, resting until more come to beseech its presence. "Wow! That...was...AMAZING!! I've never felt so alive! I don't even care how high up we were! You and Undyne feel like this all the time?!" "Pretty much. Well, for Undyne, I'm sure. Me? Not so much." Chara said, fully satisfied from the adrenaline that coursed through her veins. "Then why did you go on the first time?" "I wanted to see if I liked it. AND I DO!" For the rest of the day, the group went on the enjoy the park's many festivities and "cuisine", and they even acquired some souvenirs to remember the park by. Later, they all got to the car. It was 5:52pm. A day well spent. They were all satisfied from the great day they had. As they all drove back home, they all reminisced on the park in its entirety, none of them more so than Chara Dreemurr herself. She spoke about the food, the rides, everything. She felt like a child. Eventually, they all finally got back to their homes. Asriel had his arms filled, almost overflowing, with souvenirs, trinkets and prizes. Chara had at least 15 chocolate bars on her person. They wouldn't last the night. Frisk, however, carried nothing. Absolutely nothing. Why would I need to? It was my birthday, right? That's what his mind was saying to him. After they all bid each other a good night's sleep, Frisk got upstairs and got ready for bed. For the first time ever, he felt a small surge of pain in his head for only a few seconds. He thought it was weird at first, but he dismissed it as simply a coincidence. It proved nothing, or at least that's what he thought. He felt a sharper pain in his head again, for only an instant, as he lied down in bed. That twinge doesn't matter right now. That's the lie his mind bought. Eventually, after getting more and more ready to enter a dream-time state, he got comfortable and closed his eyes. Hush. All nature sleeps.
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nycto-draggo · 7 years
Flow Trek 2: The Wrath of Goat (Part 3)
tfw words escape you, ehs
This is a conversation between Outertale!Asriel Dreemurr [Greatest Of All Time and Space] and yourself, ❤❤❤Sigma Flowey❤❤❤ [The Stellar StarShip Sociopathy (in Space)].
Outertale!Asriel Dreemurr [Greatest Of All Time and Space]: “BOTH of you do!” He ducked under the kick and caught it, springing back up to seriously throw Undyne off balance. “He doesn’t feel anything. He’s manipulating you, you both know it, WHY are you going along with it?!”
❤❤❤Sigma Flowey❤❤❤ [The Stellar StarShip Sociopathy (in Space)]: Undyne gritted her teeth, stumbling back before throwing her pike at him as she struggled to catch her balance. "NGAHH! YES HE DOES!" she shouted, summoning another pike and swiping a hand to make spears fly at him from various directions. "He has a soul! I've seen it myself! It's in PAIN from all the shit he's had to bear through!" she seethed, charging forward to jab at him with the pike, with intent to impale his head on it. The human, meanwhile, just slowly backed away, disappearing behind an oversized knife.
Outertale!Asriel Dreemurr [Greatest Of All Time and Space]: He caught the first pike, then twirled it around, using it as a shield to block the incoming spears. This was familiar, but he'd never been a part of it - no, Frisk had. As for the second pike, she'd charged, allowing him to sidestep and parry the blow. "No, he doesn't! I know, because I WAS him! Alphys is a brilliant engineer but she is NOT a necromancer." The human... well, he couldn't really track her until he was safe. Changing specific targets mid-combat was nigh impossible.
❤❤❤Sigma Flowey❤❤❤ [The Stellar StarShip Sociopathy (in Space)]: Undyne raised her spear at Asriel's move to parry, an the two clashed together. "You're LYING!" she spat, glaring at him with her lack of eyes. There was a bit of blood trickling from where her right eye was- from a 'fresh' wound. "You talk about Alphys- she's exactly who I saw in how he acts..." she hissed. "Life constantly tormenting both of them- it's not their fault! But right now it's YOURS!"
Outertale!Asriel Dreemurr [Greatest Of All Time and Space]: "I don't lie, Undyne. Especially not to my hero." After a split-second decision, he dropped the pike and dodged back, letting her overcompensate for the clash, then rushed back forward with a low jab and an uppercut. Where'd you learn to fight, goat boy? "We've suffered, but Alphys has TRIED to make things better for everyone! Flowey, he doesn't care! You're expendable."
❤❤❤Sigma Flowey❤❤❤ [The Stellar StarShip Sociopathy (in Space)]: She stumbled for a moment, but she was relying on the sound of his movement, not thee sight of him. As he darted back at her, she quickly swung her pike down, knocking him dead center on top of his skull with the notch in the middle of its shaft... Owch.... "Yes he is." she hissed. "He's collecting soul power so he can annihilate the scum that stranded us out here in the first place. "All the 'killing' he'd done was because he was a CHILD that didn't KNOW any better. And clearly that's what you STILL are!"
Outertale!Asriel Dreemurr [Greatest Of All Time and Space]: He stumbled back, shaking his head. "And what happens after? Do you really expect him to give you your bodies back? Your lives? He has the power of a literal GOD, Undyne. Absolute power corrupts absolutely..." He holds his arms out wide, almost as if he was surrendering. "Captain. Please... revenge for a war you didn't even FIGHT in won't bring you back to life."
❤❤❤Sigma Flowey❤❤❤ [The Stellar StarShip Sociopathy (in Space)]: She scoffed, stalking towards him slowly. "He's said it himself. The world is miserably empty to someone with nobody else around them. He fully intends to bring us back to life- after he uses our souls to help him do what he must." As Undyne talked, the human was moving around, unseen by Asriel. After she finished, Asriel would feel a chilling sensation as her saber went right through his torso, to the hilt. It didn't damage him, but he couldn't move if he valued his life.
Outertale!Asriel Dreemurr [Greatest Of All Time and Space]: He froze up, then slowly looks down at it. "He 'must'. He /'must'/. Because there's no reasoning with them... just like there's no reasoning with you." He looked back up at her, trying to shake his head without getting himself murdered. "You haven't tried peace yet. You don't know if it's an option. And Flowey could resurrect you if it doesn't work. All I ask is that you try."
❤❤❤Sigma Flowey❤❤❤ [The Stellar StarShip Sociopathy (in Space)]: Undyne rolled her head on her shoulders to pop her joints. "Why do you think dad is helping him out.... We DID try that. Toriel and Asgore found out themselves that it is NOT an option." she said. The human swung her saber up through Asriel's torso and head, causing a stinging sensation in his head as it burned through.... Not lethal, but REALLY painful. As she stepped back, Asriel would realize through his disorientation they were on either side of him, with their weapons at the ready.
Outertale!Asriel Dreemurr [Greatest Of All Time and Space]: "At Earth itself? Then WHY are you back here?" He took a sharp breath-- he hadn't moved, and the EPSM had only suffered minor damage because of that. "Real space, I mean. Real space, we're not near Sol." If he stayed still, he'd get spiked by the Captain. If he tried to dodge, he'd get burnt by the human. What to do...
❤❤❤Sigma Flowey❤❤❤ [The Stellar StarShip Sociopathy (in Space)]: Undyne smirked. "Flowey's been on the move since he sent out Mettaton to fight you. We'll be there within a couple weeks at most, with how he's picking up speed." she said. "And once he has all those human souls, he can basically just TELEPORT back to the monsters' planet." the human mused. They both circled around him slowly. While Undyne moved out of the way, Asriel would see the ship flying in again..... Just as it passed through him, he'd realize- There was a 'hood ornament' right on the front of it. An [❤ACT] button.
Outertale!Asriel Dreemurr [Greatest Of All Time and Space]: "You're still trusting him." He tried to keep his vision on the both of them, AND on the little overlay on his goggles that showed the sensor module's readings. Track the ship, track his two assailants, kick Flowey's metaphorical ass... and THEN find a way to get home. "He's not Asriel. He has the memories, but none of the personality. He insulted Chara, for cryin' out loud!"
❤❤❤Sigma Flowey❤❤❤ [The Stellar StarShip Sociopathy (in Space)]: "Because Chara's the one that got him KILLED!" Undyne spat, thrusting her spear forward without actually moving herself closer to him. As she did, the human tensed up, and swung her lightsaber at his chest. Both aiming at the same place, but one was attacking in an arc, the other straight on. "You think he wouldn't have TOLD US something like that?!"
Outertale!Asriel Dreemurr [Greatest Of All Time and Space]: "We knew what we were doing. I backed out after the point of no return. I got us killed and like hell would I admit that as Flowey." He hopped backwards, picking up his Sabre again and giving it a quick swing to readjust himself to the weight of it. It had weight... just... not very much. "Chara wasn't entirely at fault, we BOTH were."
❤❤❤Sigma Flowey❤❤❤ [The Stellar StarShip Sociopathy (in Space)]: "Not according to what Alphys found that you left behind." the human spat. "Flowey was BULLIED into helping that little shit. He didn't understand what was going on until he was about to be dragged into mass murder. He would've told his parents soon if he'd have known." she said flatly, glaring. As she talked, she hopped forward and swung her saber at him again, and again, and again... She kept moving closer as she did, and his sword wouldn't clash with the plasma, so he HAD to dodge it.
Outertale!Asriel Dreemurr [Greatest Of All Time and Space]: "No, he wouldn't have. I wouldn't have." He stepped back, keeping his guard focused on Undyne. Just keep swinging, Curiosity, but you can't hit a moving target with a melee weapon. "Not back then, not when it actually mattered."
❤❤❤Sigma Flowey❤❤❤ [The Stellar StarShip Sociopathy (in Space)]: The human narrowed her eyes, suddenly lunging forward to slash diagonally across his torso. "Yes they would've! I know because I've BEEN THERE!" she spat.
Outertale!Asriel Dreemurr [Greatest Of All Time and Space]: "SO have I!" He went to deflect the blow, but that didn't work out. Thankfully, he remained still enough to avoid most of the plasma burn, and after grabbing the Dagger from his hip, struck back. It hurt, but he wasn't down yet.
❤❤❤Sigma Flowey❤❤❤ [The Stellar StarShip Sociopathy (in Space)]: She ducked out of the way, easily avoiding the short dagger. She promptly went back to slashsing at him afterwards, as Undyne charged at him from one side. They were backing up amidst all the spinning weapons...
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asktemmie-frisk · 6 years
Back from the Abyss (Lost and Found Arc)
All of the parents in the room, alongside Asriel, thought about what Frisk said. Of course. They just wanted some family time with their real parents, Asriel thought. After hearing Frisk out, Erica snapped out of it and talked to him.
"You wanted to come home? You were home." She said.
"No. We mean actual home." Frisk said shyly and softly.
"You guys are our home. Home is where the heart is, right? Our hearts are with you, mom and dad. You're our homes. And that's where we wanna go. To you guys."
Everyone finally understood what Frisk was saying.
"Oh. Chara, did you want to come home too, sweetie?" Asked Laura.
Chara looked up at her mother while her tears started to dry.
"Yes. Absolutely." She said.
"Can I please come home now? Please don't be mad either?"
"Oh. Chara. Chara, of course, you can come home. We're not mad." Charon replied, proud of his daughter.
"You know, we missed home, too. We missed you. Now your mother and I are home again. We never want to leave you ever again."
"Really? You don't wanna go away? What does that mean?"
"It means you can come back home, but you need to get your act together. You've grown into a beautiful young woman, and I'm very proud of you. I love you and your mother more than life itself. Now that I'm not held down by a body anymore, we can always be with forever."
"Really? But how?"
"Hold out your hands. Let us in."
Chara was surprised. Her father was asking her to absorb them. She couldn't believe it.
"But...dad...would I even be able to talk to you or mom?"
"Sweetie, of course you'd be able to talk to us." Laura assured.
"We wouldn't be dead anymore. We would be a part of you. We would hear everything that you say. See everything that you see. Experience everything as you do now. Chara, we would never be apart ever again. And it's all because of your heritage. You would be with us forever, and vice versa. We would be a family, now and always. You just have to let us in, and you will always be home, no matter where you are."
Erica and Soichiro were worried about what Charon and Laura were proposing. They went to them, bringing Frisk over as well.
"Wait. Just a moment." Said Erica.
"Charon, this is the first time I've ever seen you. And I want you to know...Soichiro and I...we think you and Laura are the best siblings-in-law ever. I know it's not official yet, but if Frisk and Chara end up getting married, I'll be happy to call you my in-laws."
"Likewise." Laura said, flattered by Erica.
"Also, your son is our son too now, as far as we're concerned. We love him, too."
"You're warming up to Frisk that fast, eh?"
"He gave us a fighting chance to be with our little girl. That's all we really wanted. Now if he wants to be with her, he has our blessing."
"Likewise. But about your daughter."
Frisk's and Chara parents shared warm smiles with each other, feeling a special connection, thanks to their children. Feeling renewed, Laura turned her attention to Frisk.
"Frisk, sweetie."
"Yes, Laura?" Frisk responded.
"You can call me mom. And thanks for giving us a second chance. We love you."
"Thanks...mom and dad."
Charon and Laura nodded respectfully to Frisk. Then they turned back to Chara.
Chara took a deep breath.
"Okay. I'm ready now. Everybody, get ready to see how a natural-born vessel absorbs souls."
Chara's soul left her body and placed itself on her chest. Then, it illuminated her entire body, giving her an aura. Her parents touched her hands, and they were absorbed into her soul. Chara could feel her mother and father's power entering her entire being. When she finished absorbing them completely, she returned to normal. Then she shook and moaned in pleasure. She collasped on the bed, somewhat spent from the whole experience. Asgore and Soichiro gained surprised and embarrassed expressions and leaned back slightly. Frisk and Erica snickered.
"Chara, did you just..." Frisk and Erica laughed uncontrollably, unable to finish asking their question.
"Yes. That felt so good. And...mom and dad...they taste...delicious." Chara said, licking her lips and caressing her own body.
"How good did we taste?" Laura asked in a teasing manner to her daughter.
Chara got embarrassed by what her mother said. Well, I certainly wasn't expecting mom to say that, she thought to herself.
"I know you weren't, young lady."
"Holy shit. My mom can hear my thoughts." Chara said aloud.
She covered her mouth, not expecting to blurt such a thing out.
"Did I just say 'my mom can hear my thoughts'? Why did I say that?"
Frisk just laughed at Chara's new situation.
"Yeah, you said it, babe." He said.
"Must be something else someone's soul can do if they've been absorbed. Your parents can hear your thoughts now. Speaking of which, see any juicy ones, Laura or Charon?"
Chara started blushing wildly as her parents looked deep within. They were surprised to see her thoughts about Toriel, Undyne and Alphys.
"Chara, perhaps the royal family would like to leave right now." Charon suggested using his daughter's body.
"Oh, no. We're fine where we are." Asgore affirmed.
"Not me. This is getting mushy. Flowey and I are leaving. We'll be in the lobby if you need us." Asriel said, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
"Anyway, what did you see, Laura or Charon?"
"Chara, I'm surprised, young lady." Laura said, using her daughters body.
"What are you talking about, mom?" Asked a nervous Chara.
"You never told us you were into men AND women."
The boss monsters and magician gained a more inquisitive expression. Alphys, Undyne and Frisk had a more mischievous look on their faces.
"Really? My girlfriend likes women, too?" He said with his eye glowing orange.
"Yes. My daughter likes them both. Erica, did you know about this? Or maybe Frisk is similar?"
"Actually, my son is also bisexual." Erica said with a big smile on her face.
Frisk blushed a little, looking straight at Chara.
"Yep. I know my son liked them both from the start. As for Chara, I had my random guess that she may have been curious."
Undyne and Alphys decided to tease her a little.
"Well, well. Didn't know you liked ladies, too." Undyne said, getting closer to Chara with her chest near her face.
Chara started blushing and panting.
"You look pretty hot and bothered. I know how to blow off some steam. You just gotta admit it." Alphys said, trolling the hybrid girl.
Chara breathed more heavily. She forgot her filter and blurted out what came to her mind.
"Toriel, I wanna tongue-fuck you until you squeeze my head between your thighs in orgasmic bliss! There, I fucking said it!"
Chara quickly covered her mouth while her face turned red. Toriel let out a shocked yelp and turned away from Chara thoroughly embarrassed. She sat down as if it would help to contain her reaction.
"Well...Chara, I...never knew you felt that way about me." Toriel said, visibly embarrassed.
Chara was shocked she would randomly blurt out what she was thinking. She couldn't take it anymore. She went up to Toriel and grabbed her face.
"What? Chara, what are you-"
Chara interrupted Toriel with a passionate kiss. She laid Toriel down on the bed, who was still in shock, as she laid on top of the boss monster, thoroughly enjoying herself. She let herself drown in ecstasy, not caring whether it was Toriel she was kissing or not. She eventually let go of Toriel and got off her, breathing heavily.
"That...that felt good. Still want more, though." Chara said, looking at Alphys and Undyne.
She approached them both.
"Yeesh. Calm down, will you?" Undyne said before Chara attack her with her lips.
Chara then pulled Alphys in, and kissed her as well. She then went back to Undyne, who got more into it. Chara fell onto the ground, and Undyne went on top of her. They seemed to be unable to get enough of each other. I'm enjoying this way more than I should, Chara thought. Still, being with a woman and with a man is amazing. I love this feeling. More. I want more. Chara got ready to take off her clothes, but she quickly realized what she was doing and stopped.
"Oh, my God. Frisk, Alphys, mom, dad, I'm so sorry. I couldn't control myself that time. I just...I didn't me-"
"Ok, shut up for a moment." Alphys said, signaling Undyne to get off of Chara.
Alphys then planted her lips on Chara, who blushed even more. She showed that young lady she was okay with it this time, as she was becoming a woman in her own way. She took back he lips and left Chara alone.
"Okay, Undyne. Let's go home. I think those two will be just fine."
"Sure, babe." Undyne said, following Alphys out of the hospital.
Chara's nose bled a little, clearly satisfied from the moment she had with two older women. Frisk and Erica looked down at her, licking their lips.
"Well, well. Looks like someone bit off a little more than she could chew." Frisk said, high-fiving his mother.
"Yeah. She enjoyed herself quite a bit. Didn't she, Laura?" Asked Erica.
Suddenly, Laura took over Chara.
"She enjoyed it, alright. It's official. My little girl is bisexual!" She said through her daughter before giving her back control.
Chara got her bearings back.
"So Chara, did you like that lesbian experience?"
Chara blushed at the way Erica was looking at her.
"Do you like what you're seeing right now?"
"Get lower. Your boobs are nice."
Erica guffawed at Chara's flattering statement.
"Okay, that's enough. Time for you two to get out of this place."
"Really? We can leave?"
"Of course. But you'll need to get some therapy. They didn't tell you to because we said you injured yourself by accident, but right now, you need to get some help for your problems. You need someone you can tell your problems or secrets to that won't judge you."
"What? Are you serious?" Frisk groaned.
"Yes, young man. You tried to kill yourself in front of us all. You're not in trouble with us, but you do need to go to therapy. I'm only saying this because I love you both very much. You need to get some help, okay?"
Frisk and Chara sighed. They didn't want to go, but they realized they no longer had a choice in that matter. Either they did it and left, or they didn't and stayed.
"Fine. We'll go to therapy. It's the very least we can do for you guys for putting up with us."
Frisk and Chara relented to their parents wishes. Then, Chara felt somethiung warm on her soul.
"Thank you, sweetie." Said Laura.
"We know how hard it is for you to make that choice, to turn your back on everything you've worked on up to now. But we swear to you, you will NOT regret it. We love you."
"I love you too, mom. Okay, Frisk. Let's get some help."
With those words said by Chara, everyone was on their way out of the hospital. Erica and Toriel checked them both out to be released into their custody.
"Asriel, it's time. We're all going home." Asgore said, getting his son's attention.
"Finally! How are they? No more mushy stuff, right? Flowey and I aren't in the mood to see that."
"Well, you tell Flowey he still gets to have his best friend. However, she needs to do some things that require the help of a professional. Is that alright?"
Asriel closed his eyes, talking to his soulless counterpart. He had his eyes closed for only about 15 seconds. He abruptly opened them back up, ready to say his verdict.
"Flowey's cool with it. He wanted me to say 'just make sure Chara and Frisk get the help they need.' He doesn't want Chara to die again."
"Good. I am glad he sees things our way this time."
And then they were all homebound. That day was somewhat life-changing for Frisk and Chara. With the help of their friends and family, they cheated Death itself, only to escape with a mere fainting spell. The road to recovery at this point was simple, for they had hit Rock Bottom, but this time, they had a rope thrown down to them to get back up, for they were finally going back to the place they belonged: home.
0 notes
asktemmie-frisk · 6 years
T & A (Temmies and Aarons) (ゴッドモードアーク (Goddomodoaku)) (God-mode Arc)
That day, none of the school or its inhabitants were physically damaged. However, they all took a sizable psychological hit. Most of the students, both monsters and humans, were scared for their lives. Some of the staff were just as bad. Frisk's friends could only look at them with pity in their eyes. Chara didn't bother looking at anyone but Frisk. She was so worried about him, nobody else mattered to her for a moment. They all took a seat in the cafeteria, waiting for the police to arrive. It took them a while to settle down, but when they finally got a hold of their nerves, Asriel spoke. "Chara?" He tried to gently nudge her. "Chara, can you hear us?" "What is it, Asriel?" Chara responded in a saddened tone. "I...I'm so sorry. Truly I am." Asriel held her shoulder. Sans broke his silence. "Hey. Dreemurr. Can we see your face?" He asked. Chara tilted her head up, and showed what her face looked like. They were surprised. Chara's face was that of an astigmatism, only she had two sets of horns, both longer than a normal one, and she could form a mouth where a monster of her type normally wouldn't have unless they closed their eye. "Does it hurt still?" Asked Undyne. "Well, that's kinda rude to ask, but no. No, it doesn't hurt anymore." Replied Chara. "I just...can't put my finger on it." Said Alphys. "There's no way Frisk should be able to absorb monster and human souls, unlesss...his hybrid status makes it so he's neither monster nor human. And if that's the case for Frisk, then the same must be true for you, Chara." "I guess so." "So sweetie, how does it feel knowing what you are now?" Mettaton said, earnest and humbled thoroughly. "It's...bittersweet. Now I know why everyone in my village hated me, but I never thought it was because I-" Chara felt herself get a mild headache. Toriel tried to run off. "Chara! It is okay, my child; mommy will-" "No, mom. It's fine. It's just a memory came back to me." Toriel sat back down. "A memory? What memory does this one show to you?" She asked. "My mother and father. I was born in Hotland. She gave birth to me in a secluded spot. They knew dad wasn't looking for human souls, but they decided to get me out of the underground. My mom gave my dad her soul, and he used it to cross the barrier with both of us in his arms. But you know what the weird part is? I didn't get left behind. Why is that?" "When the barrier was still around, in order to cross it, you would have needed a powerful soul, and it had to be the equivalency of a monster soul and a human soul." Answered Alphys. "Because of your hybrid status, it's possible that's the reason you didn't get left behind. Therefore that means...that means if the barrier wasn't destroyed, you and Frisk were free to come and go as you pleased, and no one could stop you! Not even...us." "Not even mom and dad?" "Especially not us." Admitted Asgore. "A monster that acquires a human soul becomes a being with unfathomable power, and right now, that's what you are: a soul fusion. A being with power we can only guess at for now. And it seems that one of your special abilities is being able to heal at an incredibly rapid pace. Those blows Talrok did unto you are almost nonexistent now. Are they not?" "Yeah. Now that you mention-" Chara felt her chest, and looked at it. She was shocked. "Mom, dad, you're gonna need to look at this." Chara exposed herself just enough to reveal where Talrok took her soul out. She had a scar, but it was disappearing quickly. It faded from existence only a second after her parents saw it. "Chara. You are all better now." Toriel said, finding it difficult to describe what she saw. "That scar should have stayed for much longer, but your healing process...it is...inhumanely fast. No normal human can heal that quickly from a strike like that." "Wait. Hold on." Sans said, trying to process everything. "How would she be able to? Wouldn't she have to kill a boss monster, then absorb their soul in order for her soul to be so powerful?" "No, Sans. It's like Talrok said: I was born this powerful. Which only makes what I said to Frisk true. He's an excellent fighter. He's more powerful than all of us, except for Asriel and I. Asriel's only more powerful because of those 6 human souls he has inside him. But me? I was born this way." "But it doesn't make sense." Said Undyne. "Why would Frisk be so violent with Asriel if he's half temmie? I thought those little things were stupid and harmless." "Ah, I see." Asgore said, ready to clarify. "So you do NOT know of what happened, Undyne." "What? What happened?" "A while back after I made that little policy against humans, temmies and aarons started getting at each other's throats. Temmies blamed aarons for what happened to Chara and Asriel, and aarons retaliated exactly the same. Tensions rose and tempers thinned until one day the temmies and aarons engaged in a civil war against each other. It is truly a shame. They were such good friends with each other before Chara and Asriel's death. But right then and there, they cast aside their past relationships with each other and fought. No one could stop the temmies, especially since they were too scared to do so. I even tried to get involved, but a energy shot zoomed to me until a temmie used their ear to block it. They told me 'your majesty, LEAVE NOW!' I stood my ground and tried to reason with them, but they just used their ear to grab me and take me to a safer spot. They apologized for getting me involved, but on that day, I remembered what temmies were really like, and the memory stuck with me ever since." "What happened after that, dad?" Asked Chara. "From what I remember hearing, the relationship between the two was broken, and the temmies won the civil war they were involved in. As such, the land they fought in and for was dubbed 'Temmie Village'. As for what has happened after that, even I don't know." "Would you like to, your majesty?" Everyone tried find where the voice was coming from. They looked around frantically until they saw a temmie walking toward them and bowing to Asgore. "Hey. I thought you guys couldn't speak like we do. You always do some broken English, or some shit like that." Said Sans. "That's just an act we put on so you people won't be scared of us." "What are you doing here?" A litter of temmies came out from the hallway. "We came because of Frisk. One of our own was in danger." "One of your own?! What does that mean?!" "We've always known what Frisk was. Some of us were there to see Frisk when he was born. He was so adorable back then. But he had to go away." "Go away? Why?" "Why don't you ask the king? He's the reason, after all." "Do you mean to say Asgore's why Frisk had to leave the underground?" Some of the temmies glared at Asgore with a disappointed look. "So what you're saying is I started TWO wars?" Chara said sadly. "No, Chara. Your death was just saddening to us. We thought the aarons were to blame for your death, and they thought we temmies were to blame. That little disagreement was on us. All you did was suffer unnecessarily. That's not your fault, is it?" "Actually, it IS my fault. I'd rather not say why right now." "With all due respect Princess Dreemurr, stop blaming yourself, and stop feeling sorry already. Whatever happened, it's in the past now. We can't dwell on it, or more people are gonna die wrongfully." "Wait. Hold on." Toriel said, starting to grasp the situation being explained. "If what you are saying is correct, then that means Chara and Frisk were both born in Mount Ebott, Frisk is one of your kind, and because of Asgore declaring war, Frisk had to sneak out or he would be killed? How would he even sneak out?" "Isn't it obvious, Queen Toriel? One of us snuck him out while Asgore wasn't looking. As for the king, thanks to that 'death to humans' policy, Frisk's parents had to sneak him out of his homeland. His dad gave his soul to Erica, and-" "Wait! YOU KNOW FRISK'S MOTHER?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ANYONE IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE?!" Toriel got profane, and the temmie feigned offense. "My, my, your majesty! Such language!" "OH, DON'T FUCK WITH ME NOW, YOU LITTLE CATDOG!" The temmie was actually offended this time, so she slammed her teeth on Toriel's hand, and smacked her in the face with one of her ears. Then she pulled Toriel close to her own face. "Don't ever fucking say that again, 'your majesty', or I'm gonna TEAR your intestines out and choke you with them to death. The word 'catdog' is considered a racial slur between us temmies." Toriel was actually scared. Okay, so I did cross the line this time, she thought. "I-I'm sorry. I did not know that was not okay to say to you. I shall do my best to filter that word from my vocabulary." "Thank you. If that's the truth, then that'll be the last time you have to worry about that. We'll let you off just this once." "So it's kinda like a certain bad word? We can say it, or we can't say it?" Chara said, confused. "You can say it if we let you say it. You can also say it if Frisk lets you say it." The temmie clarified. "Welp, that's another one to chalk up. A murderer, an abusive wife, and a racist. Three strikes, Tori! You know what that means?" Asked a smug Sans. "What does it mean?" Toriel asked nervously. Sans wasted no time shooting a Gaster blaster at Toriel. "AAH! Sans, that fucking HURTS!" Toriel said, doubling over in pain. "Serves you right, you racist, obscene murderer." Sans shot back. Toriel didn't bother staying angry at Sans. She knew she kinda deserved it. "Now if you're just about done, I can tell you what happened. Come with us." The temmie said, thoroughly annoyed by the situation. Frisk's friends and family followed the temmies out of the school with Frisk in Chara's hands after the police interviewed all of them, and they went back to Toriel's house. When they got inside, Chara sat Frisk on the couch sitting up, she sat next to him. "See, Frisk? I think this is much better than being near where Talrok tried to kill us. Only thing left is for you to wake up now. I'd really like it if you did." Chara said, trying to keep her emotions under control. "Chara..." "No, Asriel! I'm not leaving him alone! He's my partner, and I won't just abandon him like the humans did!" Chara held Frisk tightly to her chest, and fought back tears. "Don't worry, Frisk. We don't need humans; we have each other and the monsters. That's close enough." Chara smiled warmly while she held temmie-Frisk, who was still unconscious. "Okay, everyone. Now we can tell you." One temmie said, taking charge. "Let's start at the beginning. Long ago, even before the war between monsters and humans, temmies and aarons have always acted kind toward each other. We relied on each other for survival. We needed them, and they needed us. We provided protection to them against a lot of things like the elements and predators. When the war started, our instincts immediately took over, and we shielded the aarons as much as we could. Whoever we couldn't shield, we protected by attacking their aggressors. The humans were scared. However, we temmies knew we couldn't keep it up forever because stretching that much for that long would take more magic than we had, so we retreated alongside the rest of the monsters. When we got to the marshland, the aarons and us temmies acted the same as we did on the surface. Only this time, after Chara died, we started blaming each other for her death because we thought the humans had taken her away from us. We thought someone gave Chara the idea to go to the surface. But we were wrong. After us temmies won our little civil war, we named our village after us. We lived peacefully...for a while. Unfortunately, that wasn't to last. At some point, some parasites that feed off magic invaded our village. We called them 'dust mights'. You know, like dust mites? Anyway, initially we kept on the lookout for them, but they found out an extremely detrimental evolutionary weakness us temmies have: we can't resist anything cute. Those dust mights weren't big, but they were smart enough to find out that if they leeched a little magic from one monster and used it to make themselves cute, we would willingly let them into our village and our hearts. We thought it was perfect until a temmie lost all their magic and died. We started getting scared. Then they started using some of the magic to control our minds. This caused us to shrug off the imminent threat to our species. More temmies started dying until some of the aarons stepped in and saved us. They flexed, and flexed, and flexed some more until we snapped out of it just enough to realize what happened. After that, the dust mights died out completely without any magic. We had no choice but to thank the aarons. As a show of gratitude, they demanded we hand our village to them. We gave it up because we knew if this happened again, we might have gone extinct. For a while, the aarons lived the same as we did: peacefully. Until that changed as well. You know that picture of a dragon in the village? Well, it depicts what we did for the aarons. There was a monster that terrorized the aarons, and even went so far as to eat them. Aarons started disappearing in the same fashion as temmies until one day, it cornered every last one. It tried to eat them all in one shot, when suddenly, before it could get its mouth near the first aaron, a lone temmie slang-shot themselves at the monster. It tried to throw it off, but the temmie didn't go anywhere. Then more of us came to help the aarons by getting them away. That dragon tried to eat that temmie, but they fended it off of themselves. However, the dragon tried to go after the aarons again, but the temmie stood in the way, roaring loudly. It was our way of saying 'back the fuck off my people, or I'll kill your ass!' The Temmie roared so loudly to protect the aarons that the dragon got too scared to go after them anymore. It ran away because it didn't want to die. It submitted to our will. The aarons couldn't thank us enough. At that moment, we all realized that we temmies and aarons need each other to survive. In fact, that stupid civil war only proved that much because it was stupid to even start it! So we came to a truce. We temmies got to have our village back, but in exchange, from then on, aarons of all types were free to come and go as they pleased. We still disagree on things, and we don't treat each other like we should. In fact, sometimes we even say things to each other that we don't mean. But at the end of the day, we don't want to lose one another. We don't act like that because we hate each other. We don't treat each other badly because we don't like the flexing. We do it because we want to keep each other going. To protect each other. Because we know we can't live without one another." "What are you saying?" "I'm saying temmies and aarons are essentially family. They help us, and we help them. Now it's similar to old times, except there's still a little bad blood. But that doesn't matter right now. What does matter is one of our own. That being said, we're working together, but we don't have to like it." Everyone was surprised. The only monster in the underground that looked cute, innocent and naive, and it turns out they're really vicious predators? Well, it was certainly beyond unprecedented. Undyne was especially impressed. "We've been staying away from your village for all the wrong reasons." She said. "No, we act like that involuntarily sometimes. The bad speech, the temmie flakes, which are actually pretty good, that one chick that's allergic to us, and the occasional lack of common sense. They're all just moments of weakness." "But what about muscles? Do you actually like when aarons flex?" "MUSCLES R NOT CUTE!!" The temmie bared her teeth. "Whoa, calm down, lady. So pretty much everything we knew about you was nothing but the surface of what you really are? Kinda reminds me of our wimpy loser right now." "Your 'wimpy loser' is currently the strongest temmie across the land, and he hasn't woken up yet. And when he does, he's gonna be real dangerous, and not just because of what's happening." "Seriously? Is there something else we never knew about temmies?" Asked Sans. "There's a lot about us that you don't know. All I'm doing is telling you what you need to hear if you're gonna stay around Frisk. For one thing, there comes a time in a temmie's, or aaron's, life when they become hostile towards everyone. To help them calm down, we have a little ceremony that welcomes them out of their adolescence and into adulthood. We do this for both temmies AND aarons. When the ceremony is done, they usually acquire better control over their emotions. Also..." "What?" "During the ceremony, we have a lot of butterscotch, and we eat it. It's an aphrodisiac for us temmies and aarons, and we end up...having lots of sex. I mean, seriously, it is the fucking best! I remember last time I was at one. I rode that aaron like my life depended on it! It was great." "Hold up. I thought you said muscles weren't cute." "That's right. Muscles aren't cute. Muscles...are hot!" "So you DO like it when aarons flex! You sicko! And you're a hypocrite!" "Now don't get me wrong. We do like it when they flex; it's just that they do it all the time. If you only flex on occasion, that's one thing, but they do it all day, every day, and it gets annoying." "Oh. Well, when you put it like that, I take back what I said about you being a hypocrite. You're still a sicko, though." "That's fine. A temmie liking sex is fine. Letting them have sex with whoever they want or whenever they want is encouraged actually." "Why would you say that?" "There's no right way to say this without sounding gross, so I'll have to do it the wrong way: by nature, temmies...are total horndogs. We have a hyperactive libido. We can't control ourselves very well at all. In fact, we even have a mating season: the summertime. Temmies love warm climates, so when it gets hot enough, we get hot and bothered. And the worst part is we can't even control it." "Yikes. So what you're saying is my lil' bro's gonna start acting like his natural self, which happens to be a violent sex-addict?" "To an extent, yes, but because he's only half-temmie, he can resist his nature." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They couldn't imagine Frisk being affectionate with everything in sight. "Our little shining star's growing up, and we can't stop what he'll become." Said Mettaton sadly. "Yes. My little brother won't be so little anymore. But he'll still be him, even if it's another part of him! And I'll still love him just the same! Isn't that right, Sans?" Papyrus proclaimed proudly. "Yeah, bro. You got that right." Sans agreed, placing his hand on Frisk. Chara was unsure of how to feel about this. Frisk is gonna be violent and horny pretty much all the time? Might need some help controlling himself, she thought. Then she realized that because he was half-temmie, that could be good for what she had in mind. She made her signature creepy face, only this time, it was coupled with an unusually perverse smile, indicating some less than wholesome ideas. "Chara, stop with the creepy face." Asriel said, trying to get her attention. She didn't respond. Sans smacked her with a bone. "Snap out of it! My little bro ain't your sex toy!" He said. "Hey! Fuck you, comedian! And what's a sex toy?" She replied. Sans refused to say anything else. Some of the temmies groaned at what Chara just said. "She doesn't know what a sex toy is." One of them said. "How old are you, princess?" "I'm 17, you perv. Why?" "So that's why. Nevermind." "Right. Well, what do you propose we do with Frisk?" "Me? What you're doing right now is fine. Just watch over him for a while. Hopefully until he wakes up will be enough." "We do not know when Frisk will wake up, or if he'll even wake up at all. Why are you so confident he will?" Asked Toriel. "He'll wake up. As powerful as he is, he'll wake up. Might take a while, but it'll happen sooner or later. You just gotta be patient." "So we just gotta wait it out for him, and hope for the best, huh?" Sans asked, taking what was said to heart. "Fine. Nothing a little cyan can't handle. Let's give my bro as much time as he needs. Alphys, let's go back to your place. We'll need to make those upgrades Frisk suggested." "Okay, sure." Said Alphys. "Hey, babe, can we help?" Undyne said, pointing at Papyrus and Mettaton. "Sure, you can. I'll definitely need yours, Undyne. In more ways than one." They both made the same perverse smile Chara made with Frisk. "Okay, ladies, that's enough. Let's go." Sans said as he, Papyrus, Alphys, Undyne and Mettaton left Toriel's house and made a beeline straight for Alphys' home. It was time for Gaster's work to be tested out en masse, and the worst was coming. This was going to be a grueling test for monsters and humans alike. At this point, survival without relying on each other would be nothing short of a miracle as Chara and everyone else kept a watchful eye over their unconscious hope for the future.
0 notes
asktemmie-frisk · 6 years
Sadistic Urges (ゴッドモードアーク (Goddomodoaku) (God-mode Arc)
When Frisk woke up the next day, he felt very tired. He was ready to go back to sleep, regardless of the dream he had. When suddenly, he was forced awake by Sans, who, oddly enough, made breakfast alongside Papyrus. "Bro, come on. You gotta get up. Now." Beckoned Sans. "Sans, come on. I'm still pre-" "I know you're tired, but you need something to eat now." Frisk groaned as he followed Sans into the kitchen. He took a seat at the table, rubbing his head. "So, what was so important that-" "Undyne attacked you in your dream, remember?" "Yeah." "She didn't do any permanent damage, but she did do enough for you to feel it in the real world. Feel your chest." Frisk obeyed, but he felt a sharp pain in doing so. He took his hand off upon fully remembering the circumstances. "Man, that was painful. How many hitpoints do I have?" "10. It's half your normal amount, but we can fix that with a meal cooked by us monsters." "Okay. Thanks." "You're welcome. Why don't you talk to some of your cronies while you're waiting?" "Sure. Whatever." He turned his attention to Chara, who nodded back off (which was feeling like a very good idea right then and there), and Asriel, who had some coffee in one hand, and a scowl on his face. "What's eating you, 'your majesty'? Don't have anyone to share your 'friendliness pellets' with?" "Fuck off." Asriel croaked, unable to forget what he saw in Frisk's dream. "Do you really think I'm in the mood right now?" "Come on, Asriel. I thought you would like watching people get hurt." "Dude. Shut up. I'm tired." "Well, so am I. I only got up because Sans made me get up. Who woke your crabby ass up?" "I did." Said Toriel, trying to stay awake. "Okay, this is getting weird. What time is it, and when did you guys wake up?" "7 in the morning." Answered Asriel. "We were woken up at 7 in the fucking morning. You, however, got 3 more hours of sleep, so you do the math. Look around or something, dumbass." Looking for something that kept time, he noticed the clock on the stovetop that said 10:09 am. "You couldn't just tell me it was 10-something in the morning?" "Someone who beats up 3 grown men, and enjoys it, can certainly look for something to keep time with on his own." "You know what? Enough of the high road routine, 'Rei'! We all know if you were still Flowey, you would berate me for not finishing them off!" Frisk smacked the table, and woke Chara up. "Huh? What? 5 more minutes, mom. Please." Mumbled Chara. "Well, well, look who decided to join us. It's the same woman who tried to choke me to death in my dream. How is she doing today? Is she well?" Chara rubbed her eyes, trying to process Frisk's sarcasm. "Frisk, I'm sorry. It was a dream." Chara apologized, still somewhat sleep-drunk. "I thought it wouldn't matter if you died in a dream." "What? Oh. No, as far as I heard, if you die in a dream, you die in real life." "Yikes. Guess Undyne and I crossed some lines. I'm sorry." "It's alright. I probably would've done the same." "You essentially did do the same." Retorted Asriel. "So did you, and you made many people experience it multiple times, in countless ways, until you got bored." "Don't make this about me, 'Frisky Dingo'. You're the issue right now." "Oh yeah?! So what if I am the issue right now?! Of all the people who are hypocritical when it comes to judgment, you are the most prominent! So back the fuck off because now, thanks to you pissing me off, I'm fully awake!" "And so is everyone else, thanks to you." "Guys, that's enough. No one needs to hear you screaming your heads off." Chara glared angrily at both of them. "Besides, I'm pretty sure the skeletons that aren't in our closets are almost done making breakfast." Chara was right. Sans got a plate ready for Frisk and Toriel. Papyrus got one ready for Asriel and Chara. "All right guys, dig in. Hope you enjoy, little bro." Said Sans warmly. "Thanks, Sans." Frisk said as he took a bite. His food was surprisingly good, especially since it was cooked by Papyrus. "Wow. This is...amazing! I'm feeling better already!" "See, Pap? Told ya the cooking classes did some good." Sans complimented. "I guess it did just need some seasoning. Still though, the instructor did say to not overwhelm the food with spices." Papyrus agreed. "Exactly. Takes away its natural flavor." They both got themselves a plate, and ate with the others. They both enjoyed their cooking thoroughly. Maybe Papyrus was a good fit for the royal guard, but even if he wasn't, cooking would be a good back-up. Frisk finished his plate, and got up. "Hey, Sans, Papyrus, thanks for co-" "Not so fast. We need to talk about last night." Said the judge. "What we saw in that dream of yours may have been just a memory, but because it's a memory, that means you have a side to yourself that you have no access to." "I didn't even know about that side of me." Frisk said, sitting back down. "Come on, guys. Can't we just drop what we saw, please?" "First of all, you- mmm, that sausage was good-first of all, you beat up 3 grown men and made them scared of you for the rest of their lives. Second of-" Undyne kicked the front door open before Chara could say anything else. "NGAHH!" Undyne exclaimed. "YOU!" Frisk was scared, and started rambling to try and save his life. "Undyne, I'm sorry you saw me beat-" "Nah, nah, I just came to say sorry. We're supposed to be helping your ass, but I tried to kill you last night. I'm sorry." "Oh." Frisk wasn't expecting to be forgiven for what he let Undyne see last night, especially since she looked liked she was ready to kill him. "That doesn't mean you're getting off, though. You beat up 3 grown men, and you enjoyed it while you were making them suffer. I ain't letting that slide unless we talk about it first." Frisk finally gave up and yielded to her demands as everyone else who witnessed his dream entered. "Yeah, Frisk." Agreed Chara. "You need to tell us. All of us." Everyone poured into the kitchen where Frisk was. "All right, fine. You guys want to talk? Let's talk." "Good. Now, about that dream you had, darling." Said Mettaton as he grabbed Frisk by his shoulders. "Why did we have to see it like that?! You couldn't just listen to your parents?! They wouldn't tell you to calm down if it wasn't for a good reason! Why did you go after those men?! Tell me, NOW!" "Mettaton, calm down, hun. Let my little brother tell you; don't just pry it out of him like we did yesterday." Said Papyrus. "Fine." Mettaton let go of Frisk. "Why did you go after those men? You must have had some reason to do it. If you don't know, perhaps you can guess why you did? It may be your memory, but that doesn't mean you know fully why what happened turned out the way it did, so why do you think you did it?" "I don't know. I guess I was just a violent, sadistic kid back then. Maybe me falling into the mountain did me some good. Helped me learn how to be more peaceful or something. Or maybe I just didn't like what they did to my dad." "So what you're saying is we had a serial killer fall into the underground, and they were just a kid?" Asriel asked, trying to comprehend what he saw. "Asriel, I don't know why I really did it. All I know is wha-" A sharp pain flooded Frisk's head, and he screamed in pain as he fell to the floor. He also felt a sharp pain in his chest, causing him to hyperventilate. "Frisk! Little bro!" Sans got scared again for Frisk. "No! No! Not again! This isn't happening! Not again!" Chara remembered the last time it happened, and got Frisk back on the table. "Frisk! Snap out of it!" Chara frantically begged. After a couple more seconds, Frisk came to, gasping for air. "Oh, man. Oh, man. I...okay, I...I...I'm back. I'm fine." Frisk gasped, catching his breath. "There you go again, lying to me!" Said Chara. "TELL US WHAT YOU SAW, NOW!!" "GIVE ME SOME FUCKING TIME!" Frisk roared with the last of his breath before panting heavily. He couldn't get a break. After a minute, Frisk managed to speak. "Okay, I'm back. Damn, is that painful!" "Stop it! Tell us already!" "Okay, fine. Memory played in my head again. The one you saw last night. House was relatively far from where the alley was. 10 minutes if you were driving. I ran as fast as I could. Men were talking shit about my dad after they beat him up. I got angry. Very angry. Beat them up in retaliation. Meanwhile, people learned what I did. What I could do. Kids at school started treating me different. Called me a freak. Mom and dad kept my spirits up until I turned 10. Couldn't take it anymore. Went to Mt. Ebott." "Wait. What was that last part?" Asked Asriel. He didn't like what he just heard. "I went to Mt. Ebott?" "Yeah! That's the one! Remember that question I asked you? Why you went to the mountain in the first place? Was it...because you were...trying to kill yourself?" Everyone went silent, and Frisk gained a sullen expression on his face while shedding tears. "Frisk?" Asriel still didn't receive an answer. "Answer me, Frisk. Now." Frisk was at a loss of what to say. He just couldn't tell them. He couldn't. "Frisk, tell me! Why did you go to the mountain?! Did you try to kill yourself?" Frisk's tears filled his face, as he refused to say another word. "All right. You wanna be like that? Fine. Since you refuse to say even a single word at this point, I'm gonna assume the worst: you went to Mt. Ebott to kill yourself. I'm right, aren't I?" No one said a word to Frisk or Asriel. The room had an uncomfortable silence, almost as if Death had entered the room. Frisk could only weep, confirming that Asriel was right. Then, Frisk made his voice just barely loud enough to be heard. "Yes." He said. "What?! I can't hear you! What did you say? What?" Asriel blared obnoxiously. "I SAID...I said 'yes', Asriel. Yes, I did try to kill myself." Frisk finally admitting the truth shut Asriel up in point-blank earshot. He knew it was the truth; he just couldn't believe it. "Then, you...we all..." Toriel mumbled in horror. "We were all just helping you die? You tried to kill yourself, and...all we did was give you a reason?" Frisk got the courage to speak properly. "No. You guys never gave me a reason. I am the reason. I tried to kill myself because they all said I was a freak of nature. And they're right." "No, they are not." "They're wrong, you say? No normal human child should ever have enough strength to hold their own against 3 grown men in a fight and get away virtually unscathed. They're right. They had to be, I thought." "What were you thinking when you got to the mountain?" "The only thing I could with the mindset I had. My heart was on my sleeve for so long, and it took so much damage, I thought it would never repair. So one day, I ran away from home. I'm pretty sure my parents think I'm dead." Frisk started losing control of his emotions again. "Never before had I felt so desolate. I was broken. I remember what I was thinking when I found the cave that led to the hole where I fell in." "Fell or jumped?" "...jumped. I said to myself 'no one understands what this is like. The only ones that can are either dead or nonexistent. Why? Why am I still alive if I don't even belong here? Why did I end up like this?' I didn't want to be in this world anymore, not in a world where I'm not welcome. I couldn't feel like I belonged anywhere, or with anyone. So when I got to the hole, I noticed a stick on the ground. I figured it was trash, so I decided to pick it up in a futile attempt to make myself useful. Finally, I lined myself up to the hole, and I said 'this was all just a bad dream, and now I can wake up.' After that, I jumped. I felt more and more free as I made my lethal descent. The memory gets fuzzy after that until I met Asriel as Flowey." The uncomfortable silence filled the room again. It was so intense, it became deafening. Frisk was left to sit there, tears running down his face, with nothing to help him. Suddenly, Chara grabbed him, and gave him a hug. She even started crying alongside him. "Frisk." She started. "Thank you. Thank you for telling me." Chara couldn't help but let him know he wasn't alone. "You know, humans and I never really got along either." "What do you mean?" "I don't remember a lot from my childhood, but I know for a fact that humans abused me, too. Both physically and verbally. Except my parents. They were saints compared to those animals. Loved me to death...which was actually accurate, since they died trying to keep me safe from my village. The people from my village treated me like shit. One guy tried to do something to me. Killed him, and ran away to the mountain. Lived up there for a while. Ended up exploring a bit, and fell completely by accident. The rest Asriel knows." "Wow. Sorry it went that way, Chara." "I manage." Frisk and Chara hugged each other. They both had parents that loved them more than life itself. They silently cried to each other, feeling a bond that wasn't noticeable before that moment. It was like they finally found a soulmate within each other. With that feeling, Chara smiled warmly at Frisk, and wiped his tears away. "Well? Feel better now?" She said wiping her own tears away. "Kinda." Frisk returned the smile to her. "Thanks, Chara. I guess you and I aren't so different." "No. I guess we aren't." They stared into each other's eyes, and they were entranced. It felt like Frisk became Chara, and vice versa. "Wow. Chara...I...I get it now. You and I are practically the same person. You're like me, but...as a girl." Both of them blushed at what they were doing. Frisk completely forgot what he was crying about, and Chara followed suit. Neither one of them felt so bad anymore. "Frisk...you...I just...I..." Chara lost her ability to speak. "Chara...your...your eyes...they're so beautiful." "Th-thanks?" Chara managed to ebb. They stared into each other's eyes a little longer until they both moved toward each other. Then, they closed their eyes, and they kissed. It was a magical moment for them both. The traumas of their pasts felt far away. They forgot everybody else that was in the room. After a minute, they released each other's facial restraint. "Wow. That was amazing, Chara." "I...I never felt the way I just did with you for another human before. Maybe you really are better than the rest of them, Frisk." "I don't know about that, but you're making me feel the same way." They both looked away from each other, sharing an embarrassed smile. "Well, well, my little bro's in love." Sans snickered. "What?! What are you talking about, Sans?! I never said that! I just...feel a very special way about her, okay?!" Sans was having trouble holding back his laughter, with Asriel having trouble holding back his anger. "Hey. Hey! Stop looking at me with that stupid expression of yours." Sans broke out in a fit of laughter. "You love her, and you know it!" "Shut up, Sans!" "You asshole." Asriel seethed. "Bro, what's wrong with you?" Asked Chara. "It was just a kiss. It means nothing." "It means nothing, huh? THEN WHY DID YOU AND FRISK LIKE IT?!" Toriel and Asgore started laughing at the current situation. "Mom! Dad! Aren't you gonna tell Chara she can't be with Frisk?!" "I am sorry, my child. It is just so funny!" Toriel said between her laughs. "You're not jealous, are you, kiddo?" Inquired Asgore, who was trying to hold back his laughter. "What?! I'm not jealous, dad!" Said an embarrassed Asriel. "I'm just...worried that Frisk might take my sister away from me, that's all!" "Bro, come on." Chara started to assure. "Frisk isn't gonna take me away from you. We're family. He knows we love each other. He isn't gonna make me kick you out of my life." "Fine. Whatever. Do whatever you want, sickos." Everyone else snickered at the prince, knowing full well he didn't approve much of Chara and Frisk's budding relationship. After the moment of comedy subsided, they got back to what they were talking about previously. Chara led them again. "Okay, so now that we got the sadness out of the way (alongside me locking lips with Frisk, which was fucking awesome), we can get back to the dream. Let's forget the strength Frisk displayed in both of the memories he explained. Did anyone notice anything strange about the memories? Any inconsistencies that would be prominent enough to be brought to proper attention?" "Now that you mention it, sis, there is another glaring thing that I can't take my mind off of. Frisk?" Asriel asked with a piqued curiousity. "Yeah, Asriel?" Replied Frisk. "Do you remember what your mom looks like?" "No, actually. No, I don't. I have no idea what she looks like. I can't even remember what I looked like back then." "Ah-ha! That explains what I saw! Not only did your mother looked blurry, but you looked glitched out in that memory, too." "What do you mean?" "Think about it. The dream you had the night before last night. Did you see what you looked like back then, or did you see a kid that looked glitched out? Because if you saw that the memory looked somewhat unstable, that's how we know even you don't remember what you looked like." Frisk thought about it for a few seconds, but realized something. "Uh oh. Asriel, you're right. I did see a kid that looked glitched out. It had to be me, but I couldn't make out what I really looked like. Which could only mean that maybe Alphys is right. Maybe I'm not just a normal human." "Well, let's slow down for a second. We can't confirm or deny anything, especially since we don't have enough proof to do anything with." Said Sans. "Sans is right." Agreed Alphys. "If we're going to say that Frisk isn't a normal human, let's make sure the memories aren't fabricated first. Then we can see the truth for ourselves." "Yeah, well if it is the truth...then I guess I need to remember how to fight back." Responded a newly determined Frisk. "Oh, but that's not true, is it?" Asked Chara. "Remember the previous timeline? It proves you're an excellent fighter, Frisk. Even right now, you're more powerful than everybody in this room, with the exception of Asriel and I. But even then, you could still kill everyone in this room if you wanted to. Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton, Sans, you name the person in this room, you could take away their living privileges if you really wanted. Even Asriel and I are at risk. However, what you don't lack in strength, you're missing in conviction and drive. In essence, what you lack in motivation, you overcompensate for in raw power." "So how do you propose I get control of it if you know what I can do?" "Me? Find some way to fine-tune it to your style. Mold that raw power you have into a form that you specifically feel comfortable in using."  "That sounds like a good idea, Chara, but how would I learn how to do that?" "That's where we come in. We have to let you tap back into that side you didn't know about until now. And to do that, you need something to vent on that won't result in permanent injury or death. And I think I just remembered the perfect punching bag." Chara turned to Asriel with her creepy face. "Chara, why are you looking at me like that?" Asked a nervous Asriel. "Do you still have those 6 human souls, Asriel?" "Yeah. So what?" Sans emptied eyesockets, and threw a sickening grin to Asriel. Both of Papyrus' eyesockets glowed orange and yellow again upon realizing what Chara meant. Asriel finally caught on. "Oh no. Hey, I just realized I have a room to clean, so-" Sans was having none of Asriel's excuses, so he held him in place with Papyrus' help. "Guys, please don't let him do this. I was just kidding with the things I said in the past." "Aww, Rei." Frisk started with a sadistic grin. "It's okay. You're gonna be just fine. And even if you're not, don't you remember? In this world, it's kill or be killed." Asriel had never felt the combination of fear and anger at the same time before now. "Hey, no...no hard feelings about back then, right, Frisk?" Frisk moved closer to Asriel as the skeletons let go of the fearful prince. "Hey! What are you doing?! BACK OFF!" Frisk didn't yield in even the slightest. Instead, he moved even closer. "I changed my mind about this. Killing isn't a good idea anymore." "Oh, really? When you found out what I did, you were actually proud of what I did. Isn't that right?" Asriel didn't answer the question. "If you were still Flowey, and you saw all that, what would you say?" "Yes, Asriel. What would you say if you knew what you did now if you were Flowey?" Asked Toriel. "I would probably say..." Asriel hesitated as his Flowey side reared its ugly head. "I would say 'I knew you had it in you! All I had to do was bring it out! I'm so proud of you.' I would probably say 'I didn't even have to bring it out' instead of 'all I had to do was bring it out' if that were the case." Frisk smiled creepily at Asriel as he got ready to hurt him. "Frisk, listen. I was wrong. This world isn't world isn't 'kill or be killed'. It's 'live and let live'. I get it now. You should go back to being peaceful. You were fine the way you were before all this!" Asriel was even more scared. He backed into a wall before Chara and Frisk smiled creepily. "STOP MAKING THOSE CREEPY FACES!" He shouted, trying to scare them both. "THIS ISN'T FUNNY! YOU GOT A SICK SENSE OF HUMOR!" Upon finishing his sentence, Frisk violently grabbed him and threw him into the living room. "I have a sick sense of humor?" Frisk lashed again. "Whose sense of humor do you think is worse when I only like hurting people? You killed innocent people, Asriel. Not even for a proper reason, but because you thought you could. And because you thought you could, you thought you had to. WELL, YOU DIDN'T! Normally, if someone were to kill someone, they would have a motive. Self defense, temporary lapse of judgment, war. But you? You were just bored. I normally don't care what happens to people if they mess with me, but BOY, DID YOU FUCK UP! You are beyond repulsive!" "I'M REPULSIVE?!" "YES! YOU'RE REPULSIVE! You let your people live, and you even helped them out, and then you decided that wasn't good enough for you, so you ruin, and end, their lives just to see what would happen. You killed your parents...out of boredom. You are beyond disgusting." Asriel's rage showed up, and his Flowey side showed co-dominance with his current self. His sclera turned black, and his horns grew slightly. "That's it. I've had enough. You wanna fight me? Come and get some, you little bitch." Frisk acquiesced and lunged toward Asriel. They both wrestled with each other on the ground. Asriel landed some blows to Frisk, but he got thrown onto the wall. Then Frisk ran to him, and socked him in the face multiple times before violently throwing him to the ground. Undyne, Papyrus, Sans, and Chara cheered while watching the fight. "Dammit, fucking..." Asriel muttered under a pained breath. Frisk checked his hitpoints, and saw he barely took away 100 of them. "I can't believe you really are this weak. Such a big ego. Such a tiny bitch!" Frisk threw his foot into Asriel's stomach, who screamed in pain. Then Frisk stomped on Asriel, and forced all of his weight onto his foot. Asriel teared up as he tried to get Frisk off of him. "Get off of me. I can still keep going! I'll show you-" Asriel got interrupted by a fist to his face. Frisk then continued to beat Asriel in front of everyone else, smiling the entire time. "See this, Flowey? This is what happens when someone follows your STUPID 'kill or be killed' policy. They can turn on you, and then you yourself will be killed because you don't know you're not above it because you think you're invincible! WELL, GUESS WHAT? YOU AREN'T!" Frisk kicked him into the wall as hard as he could. Asriel tried to catch his breath while Frisk moved toward him. "Aww, what's the matter, Rei? Can't fight back? You know why you can't? It's because you're too scared to do it!" Frisk picked Asriel up, and smashed his head on the wall. Asriel started crying. "Yeah, that's right. Cry for me. It's so much fun for me to beat you. Do it some more. Beg me to stop! DO IT!" "Mama! Tell him to stop! Please!" Asriel begged, crying harder. "Come on! COME ON! LOUDER! SAY IT LOUDER!" "MAMA, PLEASE TELL HIM TO STOP!" Asriel was genuinely scared. He thought Frisk was going to kill him. Frisk panted heavily. "You know, you're pretty cute when you're hurting. Suffer more for me. It's so much fun when I hurt you." Frisk turned Asriel to his face, and kissed him while displaying dominance over him. "Get it now? From now on, you don't get to treat me like your punching bag anymore. You're my punching bag. Got it?" Everyone got disturbed when Frisk let himself be sadistic, even noticing Asriel crying when Frisk kissed him. Chara decided to step in. "Uhh, Frisk, you can stop now." "Stop what? I'm just playing with my toy, Chara. Did you want to play with him, too? I'm more than happy to share. All you have to do is ask." "As much as I'd love to see you abusing him repeatedly to make up for all the people he killed, I think we made you go too far. You need to reel it in." "But it's so much fun to hurt him. I think I wanna do it to other people too. Like Undyne for instance. What I wouldn't do to smack her in the face so many times right now. It's making me excited just thinking about it." "Reel it in, or I'm gonna make you." "Please, you really think I'm just g-" Chara punched him in the face, and he fell to the ground. She got on top of him, and started yelling "snap out of it" while slapping him in the face repeatedly. Eventually, after 20 seconds, Frisk came back to his senses. "Hey! Stop! Ow! What happening? Why are you smacking me? Why are you on top of me?" Frisk said as he got his clarity back. "Finally." Chara said, catching her breath and relieved what she did worked. Frisk then noticed the injuries Asriel had. "Asriel? Oh my God. Asriel, I'm so sorry! I didn't know I actually hurt you. Are you okay?" "NO, I AM NOT OKAY! WHY DID YOU KISS ME, MAN?! I'M NOT INTO DUDES!" Asriel screamed, recoiling from his miserable loss from the fight. "I kissed you?! Fucking grody. Why would I do that?" "THAT'S WHAT I SAID! MADE ME FEEL LIKE YOU WERE GONNA KILL ME OR WORSE! Fucking asshole." "Asriel, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done it. I guess I just crossed the line, and didn't know until it was too late." Frisk felt a lot of remorse quickly over what he did, but it turned into embarrassment when Chara locked lips with him again. He tried to get away, but she stayed right on top of him, and held his head in place. "I got a line in my pants I want you to cross, over, and over, and over..." Chara was ready to lose control of her body, when Sans lifted her up and off of Frisk. "Nope." He said. "You're not old enough for that." "AWW, COME ON!" Chara lamented the interference, but she gave up anyway. "Fine. Not yet." She went to Asriel to try to comfort him. "Rei, you gonna be okay?" "Chara, relax. I'll be fine. I already forgave Frisk the second he kicked me into the wall." "So you knew he lost control?" "No rational person would do what Frisk just did unless they had a reason. Seems like Frisk is a sadist. If he hurts someone and enjoys it, he won't be able to control that. Must be genetics or something." Frisk went to Asriel, apologies flooding out of his mouth. "Frisk, stop! You don't have to apologize. I already forgave you." Frisk have Asriel a hug, crying on his chest. "Undyne was right. You really are a wimpy loser with a big heart. But at least you know how to fight." Frisk took himself off of Asriel. Starting today, things would be weird between the three teenagers, especially for Frisk and Chara. The fact that more of the truth was coming out made matters worse. Proof of that was certain.
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