#god of hyper dark chocolate
zwhoreo · 6 months
Luffy accidentally eating/taking aphrodisiac and reader has to deal with the results.
HAPPY 2024!!! :D here’s my longest fic ever as a celebration
can’t come down - aphrodisiac luffy x f!reader
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smut with some angst
summary: thinking it was regular chocolate, you accidentally give luffy several doses of a potent aphrodisiac. now he needs you to take care of him
contains: accidental intoxication, luffy in discomfort/distress, tears, some uncomfortable sex, overstimulation, luffy and zoro in a brief sexual situation
words: 4.8k
It’s all your fault. You’ve hurt him, the little angel. A pleasant but burning pain, he’s attached to you, drooling on your neck and he’s been going for hours and he’s rubbing inside you ceaselessly, you’re dripping with him. He’s whimpering, this sweet boy. His eyes are blown out and hazy and he won’t stop just gazing at you, open-mouthed whimpers while he rubs inside you so deep and rough that god, you can feel it blooming and aching in your stomach, squeezed as you breathe so with every breath he moans in frustration and desire. Luffy just wanted chocolate, it’s all your fault.
This town is seedy and dark. You like it because you can’t find these sorts of shops in regular port towns, places selling hallucinogens and fake medicine and alcohol for 100 berries a bottle. The sex shops don’t even board up their windows, that’s why you and Nami thought why not, let’s explore.
It’s not a serious shopping trip, more of a chance to laugh, tease each other, indulge in curiosity. This store’s set into the ground, beneath a metal stairway, it’s starting to rain so you two run for cover in the most interesting place.
The sex shop, which is very dim, all lantern light, is filled with things neither of you had ever seen before or thought to consider. The salesman is pushy, coming from behind the counter to try to sell you things you certainly hadn’t come there for. You laugh and walk around and whisper to each other. And even though you’re in a loving relationship these aren’t things you’ve thought to consider. Luffy wouldn’t like any of this. You would never do something to hurt or confuse him, not when you’re both vulnerable like that. But these low prices intrigue Nami who tells you that hey, why not get some cute lingerie?
“They’ve got a whole wall of it!” She points to the colorful selection of lace and silk and you do admit, it’s beautiful. It’s not something Luffy would care about really but you’d feel pretty in it, maybe. They’ve even got these cute little translucent night dresses that look so comfortable.
So you approach the salesman with your arms full of lingerie and he looks eager to be selling to two beautiful women. He keeps talking about deals and discounts, and with a little wink he throws in a special offer, with those two night dresses you’re buying you get free aphrodisiacs. Chocolate aphrodisiacs in a little white box and he keeps telling you these things are powerful. It’s a special deal, just for you. And with laughter and encouragement from Nami you say why not. You take them, even though you don’t think you’ll ever use them.
Weeks go by. That little box, it rests forgotten in some dresser drawer. You tend to forget things at sea.
And there’s this island, more of an ocean mountain really, with jagged cliffs for beaches but there’s a small jungle on top, there might be food or resources up there. So Sanji and Zoro are going to go, and Luffy absolutely insists on coming with them. He’s all excited about it, hyper, rolling on his feet because he’s been kept away too long on the ship and he wants to explore.
But he’s not feeling quite himself. You’ve been short on food and Luffy’s had it bad, never satisfied after meals for the last couple days. That’s why this ocean mountain is the center of your universe with only the promise of a grove of mango trees, a flock of quail. So he’s begging you, pawing at your knees as you sit in bed and begging to get something to eat before he goes exploring. You try to help, maybe there’s something in a drawer, you get to your knees and dig through your dresser while Luffy crouches behind you, leaning on your back, you feel his warmth through your shirt. He’s impatient so he bites the back of your neck, tender but sharp.
You find the little box. You have no memory, in that moment, of where you got it. There’s no label, and you later think to yourself why the hell was there no label? but of course it doesn’t cross your mind right here. It’s a little box of chocolates and before you even have a chance to remember, Luffy snatches them out of your hand and says thank you and kisses you quickly on the cheek, cupping your face, his lips wet from hunger. And he sprints away, leaving you blushing, sitting there on your floor with a little smile.
He’s beginning to feel very warm but it’s just the sun, probably. He takes off his cardigan, carrying it on his arm. His skin glistens golden in the light, a perfectly burnt brown, but now he’s going red with flush creeping from his face to his shoulders. Luffy’s breathing is irregular now, shuddering. He looks around, the trees wavering just a bit in a cloudy haze through his eyes.
“Sanji?” And he reaches for Sanji’s hand because for some reason he craves contact right now. But Sanji pulls away, feeling the layer of sweat coating Luffy’s palm. “I feel weird.”
Sanji’s eyes wander him. He can sense there’s something not right in Luffy’s stare, something dulled and far away. Something’s wrong, what’s wrong?
“Luffy?” Sanji doesn’t know what to do in these kinds of situations. “You should go see Chopper,” he says finally with his hand on Luffy’s shoulder, gingerly.
“Don’t wanna go back yet.” Luffy’s complaining despite the discomfort. And when he sees that Sanji won’t tell him anything he wants to hear, he turns and disappears into the underbrush, maybe water will help, something cold.
So he comes to this little pond, crystal clear and dappled by sunlight, there’s frogs on the lilly pads. If he wades to his thighs he won’t pass out, probably. There isn’t much care for himself in this moment, just a need to get rid of this burning. So he strips off his jeans which helps, strangely. A breeze hits his now bare body. He feels raw in a way he never has before.
That’s a yearning need to touch himself, but no, Luffy doesn’t think about that. He’s hot so he needs to get in the water. He stumbles on the rocks because his vision isn’t quite right. He shouldn’t go to his waist but that’s where the burning is. Ankles then knees then thighs, ripples lap between his legs, he’s left panting and tingling, that water is hitting nerve endings and with every wave comes friction that makes his body twitch. He wants more.
His hand flies to his cock as if by impulse, all of a sudden. There’s no thoughts now, just need, his hand rubs himself messily even though Luffy has no control, no concept of what he’s doing or why.
God, please.
He bends over a little, head down. Beads of sweat from his brow speckling the water as his whole body shakes back and forth and his muscles spasm. Frustration fogs his mind, with every pump it only stretches his skin, not enough friction, his hand is clamped down so tight that it’s doing nothing for him. He feels like crying. He hates that he wants to go home.
But this isn’t home. And as Luffy moans unabashedly this sounds like cries from pain, which they are, a bit. So it’s Zoro who hears him and without a second thought he’s tearing through the underbrush, tripping over his own feet, led blindly by his worst sound in the world — Luffy crying.
He shouts his name and crashes through the trees, he’s in the clearing and looking around desperately but what he sees makes him yell again. There’s Luffy, the love of Zoro’s life, completely naked and wading in the water of that crystal clear pond and moving sporadically as he rubs his cock, so painfully rock hard, over and over in this animalistic desperation as he cries and whimpers. He doesn’t know where he is or who’s around him and he doesn’t see Zoro.
Until he’s shoved from the side, a powerful push that sends him tumbling into the water, cruel cold water that sucks him in and starts a familiar panic within his heart that makes him forget for a moment about that burning inside him.
“WHAT THE FUCK, LUFFY?!” Zoro pulls him by his hair, shaking him, throwing him on the rocks and looking at Luffy with these stricken eyes, unable to comprehend what he’s seeing. His composure in that moment is shattered, his fists are clenched.
They’ve seen each other naked so many times. They’ve bathed and held and carried each other with nothing between their skin, it’s just how it happens sometimes when you’re that close. But this intimacy, this state Luffy’s in, it’s like nothing Zoro was prepared to see or could even really imagine out of Luffy. Something is horribly wrong.
“Zoro…” and Luffy’s taken up in his arms because no disgust or awkwardness comes before helping a friend who’s hurting. “I feel… I dunno… what’s- …”
Luffy’s voice is so slurred, his body is tense and so solid but yet somehow he’s still melting. Zoro’s finding it hard to look at him, do anything other than just sit there and hold him, uncomfortable at how he can feel that heat from between Luffy’s legs radiating and blooming condensation on Zoro’s skin. He has absolutely no idea how to even begin to approach this situation. So he’s rough and sloppy as he dresses his friend, his cardigan’s on and his sandals are on and his hat has been slammed over his eyes. But Zoro, teeth gritted, has to shove Luffy’s cock in his jeans himself because this boy is useless like this. He’s silently vowing to never talk or think about this moment again, how sticky his hands now feel, how Luffy moans as he’s touched and leans into Zoro and how his cock twitches with an overpowering need to fuck anything that’s close.
Zoro won’t think about this again. He just picks Luffy up and carries him away without saying a word.
You’re just looking out the window. Unmoving sun, unmoving sea. You want to eat or go somewhere and maybe you should’ve begged and made them take you on the island.
Is it the island, or do you just miss Luffy?
But it’s not long before your door is kicked open, you jump, eyes wide, whipping around to find Zoro cradling your boyfriend, who looks sick. Fear shoots through you and closes your throat especially when you see Zoro’s eyes, vacant and upset and he looks dissociated, blank.
“Oh god, Luffy.” You run to him and your hands go to his face and just stroke his cheeks, he’s sweaty and burning up like he’s caught in a deep fever. “What happened?” Your eyes are wild and scared as you turn to Zoro.
“I don’t know what you gave him. Just… deal with it.” Zoro dumps Luffy into your arms and you stumble as he curls up into you, drooling all over your neck. And Zoro gives his shoulder one last squeeze and turns away, closing the door behind him, running off down the hall, somewhere where he can’t hear that crying anymore.
And yes, Luffy’s crying. You set him down on your bed, rubbing the back of his head and holding his hand. “Hey, hey, talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“Dunno what’s happening…” Luffy’s eyes are pleading and endlessly deep right now. His legs are kicking against the air and he keeps shifting around, he can’t sit still.
With his free hand he’s rubbing between his legs like he’s scratching an itch, but he doesn’t stop, your gaze follows him and oh, oh fuck. He’s got this tight, obvious hardness in his jeans. Straining so hard the zipper is shaking with tension. You’ve never seen anything like this.
Your mind is racing, this isn’t just horniness, Luffy has never been sexsick like this before.
You trace it all back and nothing was wrong when he left. Just bright eyed innocence, affection, nothing strange. And suddenly it hits you, that box, those chocolates.
Oh god. Oh my god.
You fed him an aphrodisiac. An aphrodisiac from a sketchy shop in an old-town basement, a powerful drug, just one would keep you up a whole night.
And you let Luffy eat them all.
“Lu… god, I’m sorry,” is all you can say as he crawls into your lap and breathes on your face. You take off his hat and ruffle his hair. How can you even explain this to him? He’s not going to understand. “I’m so sorry. This is my fault, I gave you an aphrodisiac by mistake.” You’re choked up. You hurt him.
“…” Luffy’s mouth is hanging open, drool coating his chin, dazed, so confused. “Hm?” His voice is even gravelier than normal.
“Those weren’t normal chocolates. They make your body… ready for sex? It’s supposed to be a fun thing. B- but I forgot they weren’t just normal chocolates! God, I’m so sorry.” You’re breaking down, you’re cuddling with him now, head on his shoulder.
“Oh.” You can’t really tell how much he understands. And his voice is quiet when he asks, “when’s it gonna go ‘way?”
“…I don’t know. I’m gonna try to help, ok? Let’s fuck for a few hours and get it out. It’s gonna be ok, Lu.”
His pupils expand when you say this, his eyes going from brown to deep black. He wants that so, so bad. He’s just sort of figuring that out now. “Heh, yeah.” He squirms in your lap, cock so hard you can feel his zipper sliding down on its own, as his breath gets heavier, this desperate ball of energy spasming in your arms.
Then he smiles. And he attacks.
He flips you onto your back and groans, hips thrusting into yours as his lips find your mouth, saliva leaking past your lips, you swallow as they part. You’re wearing these soft cotton shorts and you feel his aching cock smacking the fabric as it pushes and strains to break free from his pants with every motion. He moans so loud you know everyone can hear. Now he’s drooling again, spitting on your face because he’s lost control of his jaw, you’re winded but you grab his face and kiss him, he didn’t even know he needed this.
He falls on you now. He’s all splayed out and whining and just kissing you as if he’s been challenged, teeth and tongue working through every part of your mouth. He’s loud when he kisses, and now every breath is a groan of want.
“Undress me…” you whisper to him, grabbing the back of his neck, he seems like he’ll explode if he keeps on like this without being deep inside you.
With a strangled “Mh,” Luffy’s fingernails scrape your skin in a desperate attempt to pull off your dress. He’s ripping cloth, damn, you can hear him ripping cloth. Nothing you can do now.
But you can tell as your skin shines bare and he tears his own clothes from his body, as his sweat drenches you and that heat like a tropical hurricane all over but especially where it pools between his legs and oh you’d be scared if you looked there now, you can tell he’s about to just go in you with no thought or reason and harder than he’s ever gone before. So — and you hate to do this — you grab his shoulders. You stare him in the eyes.
“Luffy. Listen to me.”
your eyes reach his soul, he tries to look at you with anything close to coherence, he wants to follow your lead, he doesn’t understand anything right now. But there’s a hailstorm inside his mind. But he tries to listen.
“Don’t be too rough, please, can you promise?” Your voice is shaky because you’re not sure what he’s about to do. Luffy would never intentionally hurt you but he’s powerful, his body is strange, he works in ways neither of you understand. He has the power to really, really damage you and the carelessness to not see it happening. So you beg him with your eyes.
“I promise,” he gasps softly, one hand curling behind your neck, and he presses his face against your cheek, trying to harden his eyes in the gentle seriousness of the moment. Luffy is incapable of feeling sadism towards you of any kind and he’s at war with his body and the energy bursting within him right now. But he promises.
You smile and your feet rest on his hips and thighs, you feel him sizzling beneath your touch. The surface of his skin wavers before your eyes from the heat, you understand now the idea of mirages, he looks covered in amber rain even as his skin burns beneath your hands.
“Slow,” you ask softly in his ear, making Luffy whine in hunger.
There it is. What you don’t dare look at you can feel. Swollen and throbbing it feels like a whole other animal is just clawing there beneath that rice paper skin. You can feel his heartbeat in the tip of his cock as he touches you and it speeds up thousands of times in an instant. His thighs clamp around yours and his nails are sharp and Luffy groans in your ear. He’s made of nerve endings that send him twitching writhing with every tiny movement. He needs you now.
He pushes himself in and every bit of friction sends him convulsing against you, squeezing you tighter. You can feel the struggle in his muscles to hold back but that deep, tangible yearning for relief. He’s in and you’re both gasping for air. You’re not used to the size or the heat or that artificially induced power that’s overcome his body. But you’re proud of him and you tug his hair to tell him a quiet thank you, you’re ok, he’s keeping you safe.
All your touches are too much. His hips move messily against you like he doesn’t have the capacity to understand what to do right now. But he’s just going to follow that deep primal craving so he rocks into you with all his weight, crushing you again and again, eyes closed, mouth trying to find yours.
It’s the movement but also the way you’re being held. It’s a scary heaven. He’s going deep and he’s not pulling out just throwing himself against you over and over as if there’s any more he has to go. He’s whimpering and his body is shaking in need.
But he goes faster and now this is what you’re scared of, weighted rubber moves and stretches with momentum, he’s squeezing you tighter and tighter and with each slam against your body his cock buries into you so impossibly deep as his skin stretches and snaps within you. You whine and try to steady him but Luffy’s in this cloud right now. His teeth are digging deep into your neck and he’s drooling all over you, saliva dripping down your shoulder and chest.
When he cums it’s so hot it feels like lava. There’s so much of it. That relief at the slowness, liquid soothing beaten flesh, that’s heaven as you lay beneath him, wrapped in his arms. Is it over? No, no it isn’t.
But first, while he’s stunned and unable to move, you squish his face in your hands. “Luffy,” you breathe heavily into his mouth, “be more gentle. Please. You’re gonna hurt me.”
His eyes are wide and concerned. “I hurt you?” he whimpers from his swollen, shiny lips.
“I’m ok, don’t worry, just please be more gentle.” And you smile at him. That sets something off in his heart and you feel him harden again inside you.
He grins, lifting you back so you’re pressed against his chest, on his lap. And he shoves you down against him as you squirm in his arms, he rolls your hips on his as his strong hands take total control of your body, hungry eyes gazing at you with deep, immeasurable lust. From this new position he has so much control, he’s using your body for his release in as loving a way as possible, biting at your skin. You’re left to twitch in his grasp and hug him, letting yourself bask in this incredible tsunami.
The bouncing and stretching of his cock isn’t as bad in this position although you’re still impossibly full, limp in the overwhelming motion. But that heat is becoming uncomfortable, your cheek from its rest on his shoulder is covered in layers of sweat and you feel it pooling around every point of contact. He smells like burning rubber and thick, palpable sweat. His skin begins to sear your hands and you only realize what’s happening when he starts to steam. Billowing steam clouding your room and soaking you in hot, wet air like you’re in an erupting volcano. You’re not sure which gear he’s changing to and you don’t want to find out.
“LUFFY!” You yell through your haze and hit his back and it’s so hard to talk to him like this, his moans are drowning out your cries, he’s moving faster and faster and his hair and mouth and the area between your legs is already lost in clouds of white steam. “STOP!”
He yelps and rolls off of you. Your words cut his heart. You’re both drenched and your bed is soaking, your hair in your eyes dripping down your face mixed with tears you didn’t even know were there. Luffy looks confused, disoriented, he’s still steaming but it’s slowing now, his skin is dulling to its usual hue, his hair falls back over his face. He doesn’t know what to say.
“You were changing gears,” you murmur under your breath. “Luffy, that could’ve been bad.”
“I’m- I’m sorry…” he whimpers and looks down at himself. There’s still a cloud of blinding steam circling up the shaft of his cock, blooming from his tip and shimmering in droplets rolling down the red, tight skin. He looks at you with puppy eyes, needing your arms again.
You let him crawl to you. You let him place his head under your hand to be pet and comforted. He feels terrible but he feels sick, too, a sickness only cured by the deepest and most indescribable pleasure. He’s melting in your arms, as needy as when he was given to you, eyes blurry. You let him rest his head in your lap and drink in your scent, blankets tucked between his legs for the slightest friction.
“It’ll feel better if you don’t go so fast,” you say softly, stroking his wet hair. And he nods.
“Can I have more now? I’ll be better to ya. I really promise.”
His hands feel gentler now. You let him climb your body and capture you in another deep kiss. And with your legs crossed behind his back you let him fuck you again and chase his second orgasm and he’s right, he’s better now. He’s fighting with his body but he’s better.
When he cums again it feels boiling hot. It’s shot after shot deep inside you and he tugs your hair, bites your shoulder, strokes your lower stomach before moving down to rub at your clit which is incredible because he never thinks of that. This drug is making him different, his mind is overwhelmed by sex in a way it never is. Part of you likes it a lot. It’s new. It’s fun.
It doesn’t take him long before he’s hard again and dragging his cock through your walls in deep, deliberate strokes with his tongue in your mouth. Luffy is a million miles above the earth. With every orgasm his world shakes and crumbles for an instant before it’s rebuilt again in waves of desire that send him higher, higher. He’s a million miles above the earth and even as hours slip by and his body is drained again and again, he can’t come down.
At some point the ship has set sail again. Clouds crawl by the porthole and the ocean rocks you both but you and Luffy stay in that soaked bed and get lost in each other for so long that you don’t even know what’s real anymore. You can’t tell sensation from sensation. Neither can he but he can’t come down.
There was that perfect sweet spot where you had just swam in each other in bliss and peace. You didn’t have to stop his gear changes anymore because his body had adjusted to this new universe. And you were in tune with each other. But now, now it’s bad again.
But in a different way.
Luffy is exhausted but so desperate still. His tears have started again and he doesn’t know what to do and he can’t even move and every part of his body aches. You’ve never seen him like this during sex, he’s never weak or tired. But his body is drained.
But that drug won’t let go.
“You ok?” you’re whispering, hand on his face. You lift Luffy in your arms and place him on his back. His eyes won’t leave yours, he’s starry eyed and love struck through his tears.
“Mh…” is all you can make out. He looks down at himself, his body is dripping wet and his cock is hard again, throbbing hard in overstimulation.
Every touch seems like it’s painful to him now. But he wants more so, so bad. So you place a pillow under his head, you curl up against his body, and you rub him with your hand. Your arm gets tired but you keep going for as long as you possibly can. And sometimes Luffy will open his mouth in a silent, breathless moan, sometimes his body will convulse and his cock will twitch. But his orgasms are dry now. There’s nothing left in him.
The last one, that’s when he grabs your face. With his last bit of strength he rolls onto you and clutches your cheeks in his hands and just stares at you, not letting you move, his thighs squeezing your leg. He rubs himself off on you one last time and with a final shudder he’s done. It’s all gone. It’s over.
He collapses into your arms, too tired to breathe anymore. You expect him to just sleep right there but instead he twists onto his back, batting at your face with his palm lazily, playfully. He giggles. He looks dreamy and dazed. But happy, actually. Really happy.
“Feeling alright?” You’re worried. You’re guilty, still. You’re praying nothing hurt him or made him sick.
“Mhm. Feel good!” Luffy’s beaming as if he already forgot everything that happened. He’s glowing, chest rising and falling heavily. But he tilts his head questioningly, “you?”
“Yeah. Just sore.” To which he rolls onto his elbows, kicking his legs in the air, he holds your body, he gives your hips a soft kiss. He’s appreciative, he’s so soft now, honey skin glowing in the sleepy sunshine.
But everything is wet. Your clothes on the bed next to you, the sheets, your bodies and hair. So with your arms around his shoulders, because it will be hard to walk for a while, the two of you throw on robes and step outside. You forgot the smell of fresh sea air after that mist of sex and sweat. Luffy’s heart beats against yours, calm and healthy, steady.
He sets you down and you take him in your arms, now, laying him against the mast. You take a towel to his hair, drying him, the sun on the wind sending the dewdrops you’re made of falling away from your shoulders in rainbows. You’re glittering, you and Luffy.
You should get you both some food soon, you should give yourselves a real bath, you should go and comfort Zoro and assure him that you’re both ok. But not yet. You don’t want that yet.
You avoid the eyes of the others as they pass below. You don’t want to talk about this with anyone but Luffy right now, the boy who looks like an angel resting below you, chiseled glistening body, sunlight divinity. He opens his mouth, he kisses your fingertips as you brush hair from his cheeks.
He wants to talk to you at first but he finds that his eyes are too heavy. He just yawns instead, and bares his teeth in a smile. And he holds your hand tightly with this deep, profound gratitude. You hear him whisper, beneath his breath, that he loves you.
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funkylittlebidiot · 2 months
leap of faith
It's happened again - sleeping in the afternoon means i get creative in the evening. Here's a thing.
The Bats wouldn’t make it in time, Tim knew as he scrambled through the door leading onto the roof of Wayne Enterprises. He’d known it the second he’d hit the panic button right before his doors burst open, spilling tactical gear-clad goons into his office.
He’d also known instantly this wasn’t a situation worth the risk of playing Timothy Drake-Wayne, so he’d chucked the Manila folder he’d been holding out like a batarang.
It wasn’t particularly effective, but it was instinct, as much as ducking for cover behind his mahogany desk in the same move. Thank god Bruce had made it bullet resistant - there’s no feature more practical in a desk. Especially in Gotham.
Of course, that’s when a bullet pierced through the wood anyway and almost knicked his shoulder. It only took a moment to take in the projectile, a bullet shaped like an arrowhead the size of a thumb, lodged into the wood with the tip coated in a green crystalline sheen.
It’s only then that Tim had begun to panic.
There were many reasons why criminals might attack Timothy Drake-Wayne - money, leverage, petty grudge, a slip in his identity or a social faux-pass were all possibilities that easily swam to his mind. There wasn’t a single reason he could think of that they would attack Timothy Drake-Wayne with kryptonite.
And Tim was an inventive guy, if he did say so himself.
Breathing going slightly funny, but forcing that to the side, he took stock of his options. The bats wouldn’t make it in time, he didn’t have his own suit and weapons, and there was no way in hell he was going to call to Kon for help. Not with kryptonite in play.
If he could he’d text Kon he was craving Belgian chocolate so he’d get as far away from WE as possible.
Anyway, think.
Tim waited for the first goon to round the desk and point his gun at his head, and purposefully fumbled a bit as he grabbed the gun and twisted in a move he’d mastered at twelve years old. He might not be able to afford playing civilian, but he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity of being underestimated.
They took it as a lucky shot - a rich boy taking a defense class is only common sense in a city like Gotham - but it still left one out of six attackers on the floor with a dislocated shoulder. The gun he’d twisted out of his arm was used to knock aside another, before breaking the nose of the assailant.
There were still four guns on him - five if the guy got over his broken nose - and the space was too cramped a battle ground. Tim was used to fighting the open space of city streets, or the occasional indoors he’d been able to case beforehand, swooping in with full control of the situation. Situations where he’d had his suit.
His dark slacks and white button down wouldn’t hold back as much as an open-palmed slap, and with his missing spleen he was too high-maintenance to be a kidnappee.
He had to get out of the office.
Tim jumped over his desk, clearly surprising his assailants as he used the same move to kick out with his feet. They dodged, but their movement had cleared out a path to the roof access stairs hidden behind a set of doors resembling a build-in closet.
It was a useful feature - both for the CEO with the private helipad on the roof and the vigilante needing to sneak out of the office during city emergencies.
Tim ran up the stairs now, grateful they hadn’t managed to get a hit in yet, but hyper-aware he wasn’t actually running towards something, and burst out into the April chill. The helipad was empty because he hadn’t thought to schedule an emergency evacuation today, but the feel of cold air against his skin was soothing. It made him feel more like Robin - Red Robin, whatever - standing high on a roof, in control of his surroundings once more.
They would have to follow him up. They would need to come through the door one by one. And Tim still had the gun.
Of course he couldn’t actually use it. He didn’t know how lethal the unfamiliar weapon would be.
Besides, the thought of shooting rounds of kryptonite made him ill.
The door bust open, followed by two guns with men attached stepping out onto the concrete. They moved quickly, swarming out like a trained SWAT team, which made his stomach flutter nervously. He’d only seen the six, five now were left.
But he didn’t know how high up they went. How many had been needed to get the six of them up to the top floor of Wayne Enterprises in the first place? How many more were downstairs?
Tim fought the urge to take his eyes off the men in front of him to sweep the surrounding roofs for snipers.
The previous comfort had left him, feeling exposed with his back turned to the skyline, his button-down catching the wind like a white flag.
“You’re trapped,” one of the men called, voice amplified to be heard over the roar of the wind. “Surrender and we’ll take you quietly.”
Tim frowned.
“What do you want?” He yelled back, playing along as his thoughts ran ahead, calculating his options. “Money?”
“Leverage.” The second guy on the left called out. “You’ll be fine as long as you play along.”
“What do I have to do?” His heart was racing in his chest, fearing the answer but also determined it wouldn’t be a problem. If they ask him for Superboy it’s an easy response.
“Just get back down, open your computer, and set up a -“
Tim already wasn’t listening anymore, ears rushing with relief as he threw down the gun and started running.
It was a stupid coincidence - the kryptonite just an extra precaution or a new trend on the streets of Gotham or whatever. They didn’t want Conner. Which meant there probably wasn’t a sophisticated contingency set up for if he were to show up - no hidden snipers in the surrounding buildings (at least none expecting Superboy), no Cadmus technology, nothing.
Still, he made sure to wait until he’d dropped at least 30 stories to finally yell out a slightly strangled - Superboy!
The following few seconds, as he continued to fall, his heart sinking into his stomach, he was forced to question the decision of leaping before making sure Kon was actually paying attention.
Then, only fifteen stories below that, he collided with a familiar body, strong arms wrapping around him as his momentum careened to a halt. Tim clung on instinctively, air leaving his lungs with a sigh as his arms came up around Kon’s neck in a tight hug, the tiptoes of his leather shoes awkwardly fitting their usual holds on Kon’s feet. This sure was easier in his Robin suit, but that thought quickly left his head as he was surrounded by the warmth of Conner. His thin white shirt had been terrible at keeping out the chill of the drop, the wind tugging at it incessantly, but against Conner it allowed him to actually feel the arms wrapped around his back, the hands pressed against his side like pools of heat.
Tim smiled into the crook of Kon’s neck, before forcing his brain to focus back on the situation as he could feel Superboy tense with anger, shifting to fly back up to take in the scene. He pressed a quick kiss into the soft skin under his jaw, hoping to soothe.
“Do not engage,” he spoke into Kon’s ear, though he knew he’d be able to hear perfectly even if Tim couldn’t catch his own voice over the sound of the wind. “They have kryptonite weapons.”
Kon tightened his grip and shifted like he wanted to take his chances, but Tim tugged at his hair until he looked down and Tim was finally able to meet his eyes.
The sight was heaven-send, but the slow curls of panic were still swirling in his gut, telling him to get those eyes as far away as possible.
“Let’s go home. Please.”
Kon swallowed but nodded, tightening his grip before they were swept away by the wind.
As soon as they came to a halt and Tim couldn’t see the city gray of Gotham anymore, his heart finally un-clenched. He went boneless as their feet touched the ground, and Kon’s grip on him softened into a proper hug.
“Thank god you’re okay.” Tim breathed into Kon’s hair, causing Kon to pull back and meet his eyes with a furious gaze.
“Me?” He ground out, hands tightening on Tim’s hips. “I’m not the one pushed off the top of a building!”
“I’m fine! I wasn’t even pushed - I jumped!”
“You- jumped.” He looked like he was short-circuiting, which might have been funny if Tim hadn’t cared that he was clearly upset. “Tim!”
“Why would you do that?!”
“Because I needed to call for help but I wasn’t going to do that anywhere near where they could get a good shot at you!”
“So you jumped?! From a skyscraper!”
“No, I jumped into your arms!”
“What if I hadn’t heard you!”
“Then I would have been upset.”
“You would have -“
Tim kissed him before he could short-circuit some more, which luckily did help him reboot and focus on what’s important - wrapping his arms around Tim’s hips again and pulling him closer, pressing their chests together as Tim moaned against Kon’s mouth.
He wanted to walk Kon back, push him against a wall before dragging him into his bedroom to thank him properly for being his knight in leather jacket - which is when he realized they were no where near his apartment OR the tower.
They were on a forest-lined stretch of road, a familiar iron gate to Tim’s back.
He pulled back, accusatory, mentally rearranging his gratitude into punishment instead, as he glared at Kon. “I told you to take me home!”
“I did!” Kon sounded way too smug, clearly pleased Tim was suffering in his own right. “They were almost at the tower when I got there. Cass told me to get you home or else - and I’m more scared of her then I am of you.”
“If I get murdered by the Spawn you’re going to feel so guilty.” Tim murmured, crossing his arms against the hollow feeling of dread in his stomach as he stared up at the manor. Cass was there. Bruce was alive.
He could deal for half an hour.
That would have to be enough.
Kon’s arm fell like a comforting weight around his waist as he came to stand beside him, squeezing softly. “I’m just a shout away.”
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spaceratprodigy · 7 months
OCs as Obscure References
Thank you for the tags @darkfire1177 @bokatan @hibernationsuit 💖💕
👇❤💜 Faith, Iris, Maril, AND Poppy 💙🖤👇
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Captain Faith Hawthorne
Rat / Bunny / Sprat
Pressure – Billy Joel
Chop Suey! – System of a Down
Autoclave – The Mountain Goats
Angel with a Shotgun – The Cab
I Think We're Alone Now (Cover) – Billie Joe Armstrong
In Your Eyes – Peter Gabriel
God Only Knows – The Beach Boys
The Longest Time – Billy Joel
Peony / Spider Lily
vanilla and sweet bakery smells, old books and paper smells, a nice cologne, the smell of the forest when she would go hiking on Earth, gasoline (x)
Villiaumite / Peridot
Time of Day:
Sunrise / Middle of the Night
Spring / Autumn
Fallbrook, Devil's Peak Station, Botanical Lab, Edgewater, Grand Colonial Hotel Penthouse Suite, Purpleberry Orchards
Empanadas, Rice, Sofrito, Sweets and Pastries, Cheese, Potatoes
Water, Tea, Orange Juice, Milk, Rum
Astrological Sign:
Adobo, Sazón
Full of Stars
Warm Spring Day
The Vermin II
Hunting Rifle Hyper
Phin's Phorce (sentimental)
Social Media:
Makeup Product:
Black Nail Polish
Dark Chocolate
Method of Long Distance Travel:
Spaceship (via The Unreliable)
Art Style:
Art Nouveau / Baroque
loneliness, alcoholism, addiction, abuse, not being good enough, the drastic consequences of failing or not making the "right" choice, how many people she's hurt, never being safe, never being happy, whether or not she's capable of love or being loved back, never finding comfort, her numbness and anger consuming her
Mythological Creature:
Piece of Stationary:
An old, worn, well loved paper. The edges have started turning brown, on it is written all sorts of calculations and schematics that probably only make sense to her, some doodles in the margins where she was lost in thought.
Three Emojis:
Celestial Body:
Cone Nebula / Carina Nebula / Eye of God
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Miss Iris
Deer / Bear / Radstag / Yao Guai
Invisible Touch – Genesis
Everybody Wants You – Billy Squier
Black Sheep – Metric
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For – U2
I Want You to Want Me – Cheap Trick
Babe – Styx
All Night Forever – TWRP
Iris / Forget Me Not / Hyacinth / Lily of the Valley
gentle floral scents, wood and sawdust, the smells of spices and nice hearty soups cooking, petrichor (x)
Rhodolite Garnet / Scorodite
Time of Day:
Red Rocket Truck Stop, Sanctuary, Valentine Detective Agency, The Third Rail, Diamond City Radio, Atom Cats Garage
Soups, Fruits, Veggies, Breads, Breakfast Foods
Coffee, Milkshake, Fruit Juice, Whiskey
Earth / Water
Astrological Sign:
Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Rosemary, Parsley, Coriander
Warm Sunset Colors
Chilly Jacket Weather
Agamemnon the Fuck Upper (10mm pistol)
Amadeus (rifle)
Le Boom Stick Terribles (combat shotgun)
Social Media:
Makeup Product:
Dark Eyeshadow
Chocolate with Caramel / Toffee
Method of Long Distance Travel:
Art Style:
Rococo / Art Deco / Impressionism
losing everything and everyone she loves all over again, not being good enough, not being able to help or save people, causing harm or pain to others, being a burden, never being loved, never being wanted, never being able to free herself, never being able to rebuild a new life with people to love and be loved back by, failing her son, becoming a mother again, failing as a mother again
Mythological Creature:
Siren / Fairy
Piece of Stationary:
A love letter handled with the utmost care. She poured her heart into her elegantly written words. The precision is not lost on you, she wants it known you were worth the time. She signs her name with a lipstick kiss that makes your heart flutter. The parchment smells slightly like her gentle perfume.
Three Emojis:
Celestial Body:
Fireworks Galaxy / Pandora's Cluster
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Maril Highwind
Shipmeisters' Shanty – Yoko Shimomura
Traverse Town – Yoko Shimomura
The Afternoon Streets – Yoko Shimomura
A Twinkle in the Sky – Yoko Shimomura
Asteroid Attack – Yoko Shimomura
Hydrangea / Morning Glory / Sunflower
oil, grime, workshop smells, ink, parchment, wood, paint, dusty old books, the smell of food cooking in the Twilight Town Bistro (x)
Azurite / Malachite
Time of Day:
Early Afternoon
Traverse Town, Hollow Bastion, The Grid, 100 Acre Wood, Twilight Town
Sea Salt Ice Cream, Sugary Skies Ice Cream, Royalberry Ice Cream, Carrot Potage, Beef Sauté, Tarte aux Fruits
Lemonade, Limeade, Orange Juice, Apple Cider, Hot Chocolate
Lightning / Air
Astrological Sign:
Basil, Oregano, Cumin
Clear Blue
Perfect Summer Day
Custom Twin Shooters / Rifle
Social Media:
Makeup Product:
Sparkly Cosmetic Stars
Sour Gummy Worms / Cotton Candy
Method of Long Distance Travel:
Gummi Ship
Art Style:
Futurism / Neon Art
abandonment, something bad happing to her family and friends, not being able to protect the people she cares about, the darkness, her world disappearing while she's away
Mythological Creature:
Wyvern / Harpy
Piece of Stationary:
A stack of worn, rolled up scrolls. The dustier ones are filled with spells and runes you're not quite sure how to read. The ones that smell of inks and paints are beautiful illustrations of various gummi ship designs. The newest scrolls are countless blueprints, they are quite fascinating! Many are for building gummi ships, some are for custom weapons and defense systems.
Three Emojis:
Celestial Body:
Cosmos Redshift 7 / Saturn
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Snake / Deathclaw
Foreign Object – The Mountain Goats
Choked Out – The Mountain Goats
Raining Blood – Slayer
Light Up the Night – The Protomen
I Am... All Of Me – Crush 40
Want You Gone – Jonathan Coulton
Poppy / Bleeding Heart
Blood, Filth, Campfire, Mildew, Foul Stench of Death
Cuprite / Amber
Time of Day:
Summer / Autumn
Nuka-World, Grandchester Mystery Mansion, Pickman Gallery, The Combat Zone, Goodneighbor
Candies, Jerky, Noodles
Nuka-Cherry, Smoothie, Slushie
Astrological Sign:
Paprika, Cinnamon, Crushed Red Pepper
Dark and Cloudy
Stormy and Slightly Windy
Disciples Blade (from Nisha)
Pickman's Blade
Chain-Wrapped Aluminum Baseball Bat
Triple-Hooked Meat Hook
Social Media:
Makeup Product:
Red Lipstick
Cherry Flavored Candies
Method of Long Distance Travel:
Walking / Train
Art Style:
Expressionism / Surrealism
weakness, not being able to defend herself, being captured or imprisoned in any way, loss of autonomy in any way
Mythological Creature:
Piece of Stationary:
An old, torn, crumpled up piece of paper. It's covered in dirt, or maybe that's soot. Did someone try to burn this? The handwriting is sloppy, but the words tell a story. Perhaps a diary entry. It's hard to read, but it's heartbreaking, desperate. This is something someone had to tell, to get it out of their system. It looks as if they tried to destroy it when they were done but swiftly changed their mind. Maybe, in the end, they hoped someone would find it, someone would know their story, maybe even find comfort in it that they're not alone if they've been forced to endure the same pain.
Three Emojis:
Celestial Body:
Sun / Engraved Hourglass Nebula
open tag to anyone who wants to jump in!
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zeawoo · 11 months
[20:34] ! park jongseong
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GENRE ▸ established relationship, fluff
DISCLAIMERS ▸ mentions of food, not really good tbh 💀
TAGS ▸ @soobin-chois @enhacolor @yyunari @ethereal-engene
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“God I’m so tired.” You make your presence known as soon as you enter the small apartment as if the beeping from the door and the rustling aren’t a clear enough sign.
“Y/n?” Jay’s head pops out from behind the wall that separates the entrance from the other parts of the house. He sees you struggling with your gym bag thanks to your shaking arms. Out of reflex, he grabs it and waits for you to kick off your shoes.
Jay goes to put the duffle bag away and comes back to find you collapsed not on the couch, or the floor. It’s somewhat a combination of both; your arms dangling off the leather material and your legs sprawled on the ceramic floor. He almost laughs at how ridiculous you look, but he reminds himself that he isn’t any better post-workout, either. So instead, your boyfriend picks your body off the floor up onto the couch and takes a seat on the edge. He takes it upon himself to place your sore legs on his lap. And without even being asked, Jay starts massaging the pain away just like magic.
You’re lucky to have a boyfriend like him. And even though the man is quite literally head over heels for you and folds the moment your eyes meet, you love it when he puts his knowledge to use not necessarily to impress you. Just genuinely out of the kindness of his heart.
“Leg day?” Jay’s voice disrupts the silence in the living room. Your arm that's covering the upper half of your face moves away for you to slightly lift your head to meet his gaze.
“Dude you don’t know how much pain I was in when I was on the stair master.” An exhausted breath overtakes the last part of your sentence, but you’re confident Jay can decipher what you said considering how much you talk about the gym.
At first, you weren’t the type to care about doing exercise or anything of that sort. It only started once your close friend made you take advantage of Jongseong’s premium gym pass when he was off on a schedule. You didn’t necessarily enjoy it, but when you found yourself yearning for that last rep, you knew you were starting to get hooked on this new hyper fixation.
It was almost like a blessing in disguise because, before that, you had lost all your motivation and had hit a point in your life where everything seemed to be boring. Your attention span was horrible, the mood swings were pretty bad and your sleep schedule was even worse.
After going to the gym a couple of times and developing some sort of love for it, though, it seemed like your life was slowly getting more colorful day by day. Of course, you still had bad days but exercising was like a soft cushion that was there to catch you whenever you had a setback.
Your boyfriend caught on quite easily. It was pretty obvious seeing as you suddenly started talking about working out so much. And so like the star boyfriend he is, Jay started looking into workout routines you said you wanted to try and personally trained you. 
Jay won’t say it, but he’s glad that you’ve found something you’re so passionate about.
And so he looks at you endearingly, admiring every part of your face with nothing but love in his dark eyes. “Go shower, I’ll make you something to eat in the meantime.”
“A yogurt parfait?” You suddenly spring up, big eyes blazing with a sudden craving for something sweet.
“With granola, honey, and semi-sweet chocolate chips. The minis 'cause I know you don’t like the original ones.” A smile picks at your boyfriend's lips seeing you lick your lips just thinking about your post-workout meal.
“And then-“
“Yes, we can watch King the Land with your Doraemon plush.”
Your face can’t be any brighter at this point. “And-“
“Yes, I’ll give you a full body massage afterward.”
“Park Jongseong, I love you a ton.” You lean in to kiss his lips, giggling when he mumbles something along the lines of L/n Y/n, I love you 3000.
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Okay, so I went ahead and did the Gholdengo Experiment, and here are the results from the experiment. The Gimmighoul were not harmed except one, and it was completely by accident, and the only one that expressed distress was one in test B. They will all (EXCEPT 2) will be put up for adoption. Before the test, I housetrained them, so they're good. Do not use some of the Test A's for battling, they may be illegal.
One control is used for both tests. Control is a mostly average Gholdengo, slightly shorter than average
Test A- will different valuables/coin types affect evolution?
Pennies/other non-Gimmighoul coins- almost exactly the same, but half the size of control, copper colored, and reeks of spare change. Still a Gholdengo Keeping this one, as it's my favorite.
Gemstones- more ridged and sports some kind of crown made from what I can only assume to be topaz. Ditches Steel type to become first Rock/ghost type. Deemed 'Glitzigho'. Adoptable. Good for people who pamper their pokemon
Chocolate coins - appears to be more of a fluid than a solid but will quickly solidify when in danger. Hair is springy pigtails. Has no arms due to its fluid state,but can form appendages simmilar to arms at will. Now Ghost/Fairy. Very cheery. Still a Gholdengo. Adoptable. Good for people who love hyper pokemon and the constant smell of chocolate.
China- Was a failure by Technicality, as the Gimmeghoul appeared to transfer all of its current hoard into the rather expensive pitcher, before breaking it in a way to create a scary face as a form of mimicry. Note that the Pitcher has a pumpkaboo paint scheme, and the holes the Gimmighoul created were in the same spot as one of the eye spots and mouth designs. (See bonus test for more details)
Spices - Catastrophic failure. Never use spices. I have accidentally created an incredibly hostile, possibly invasive monster that got out of my house. Possible Typing is Fire/Dark, which is a huge, drastic change. If you see what looks like a tarnished Gholdengo in what looks like old paldeanian Conquistador attire, RUN and keep anything valuable away. Deemed 'Ghoulquistador.' Have to contact pokemon Control to help me. Note, I think it may be in extreme pain. Gods, I've made a mistake.
Test B- Will different containers influence evolution?
Note: all Gimmghoul were transferred to the new containers with all their valuables safely.
Cardboard Box- no evolution occurs, because as soon as I sat the Gimmighoul down in it, it got distressed slightly and hopped out. Failure. I put the Gimmighoul back into its original chest before it evolved. Adoptable. Not recommend for battling, as I noticed that this Gholdengo seems to be very skittish, even before testing
Clothing Trunk- no noticeable change in , though attack seems higher than normal. Carries trunk on their back like a backpack. Personality wise, it seems to be a bit slow with comprehension but highly intelligent, have a perfect photographic memory, and is unmoving when it makes a decision leading theory is that the container may influence personality and intelligence. Adoptable. Have toys or puzzles for enrichment for this one, as I gave him some puzzles, and in just an hour, he solved all of them....with the pictures of the puzzles facing the table. Mind you, I only had puzzles that were like 14000 pieces.
Lunchbox - only visible changes is that the hair was formed into a neat ponytail and is a bit shorter. Carries lunchbox like a normal Gholdengo does. Personality wise, it's very gruff and hardworking, and it seems to seek out any kind of work and is purely pacifistic. Adoptable. Not for battling. Note- Somehow, it always has a sandwich within the lunchbox at all times
Medkit-no physical changes, but it evolved with a hospital nurses outfit. Tests show that it's medical knowledge is unmatched, though it's a bit of a germaphobe, and won't do full blown surgeries. Adoptable. For the accident prone.
Jewelry box - failure by technicality and by human error. I didn't fully clean out the jewelry box for loose jewelry, so it appears to either incorporate what I left inside or form its own jewlery. Very sassy. Adoptable. Gets along with Glitzigho very well.
Bonus test- evolving the Gimmighoul that was given China.
Results- evolved into a perfectly healthy Gholdengo with unique differences, still choosing to use its old chest as a fanny pack. However, its China Pitcher is now integrated into its body and has also changed to resemble a Gourgeist's head, with holes appearing on the side to have now pink gold hair to Mimic the Gourgeist's hair. It's normally the same shape as a Gholdengo, but when threatened or frightened, it will round out and widen its body to reveal a stomach pattern similar to a Gourgeist's stomach. Still a Gholdengo, but I'll classify it as a new variant, which I deem 'Mimic Form'
The ones that can be adopted will get information logs soon with photos (something is wrong with my camera picking up colors, so they'll be in black and white), and then will be able to be adopted. As for A-5 (I will not give it an actual name), I hope you'll stay safe. If you decide to fight it, don't catch it. Just defeat it. My prevailing theory is that the body of the Ghoulquistador is very unstable, so defeat may change it back to a Gimmighoul. If this theory is true, take the Gimmighoul to a clinic to see the condition of the Gimmighoul. I'll pay for any expenses. If that isn't the case, then if you come across it again, catch it and take it to pokemon control.
Zakuyamo, signing off
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marichild · 2 years
you're my star; sunsun.
—"What are stars to you, then?" "You."
—inspired by the time sunoo asked sunghoon why he teases him so much.
—fluff, canon compliant, my love for riki shows | word count: 804
"Sunghoon hyung, what are stars to you?"
The innocent question put forth by the oh-so-innocent Sunoo, in the sense that he's rather optimistic and cheery in his view of the world, makes Sunghoon's heart nearly, a little too slow, skip a beat, as soon as he processes the question. It's because he'd just, a little less than a minute ago, been thinking about how Sunoo is like a star in the center of his universe.
Then again, it's sensible that they were having similar trains of thought. It's one of the nights after a music show appearance and they're too tired to do anything but too wired to sleep. At least, in the case of Sunoo, Ni-ki and Sunghoon. Ni-ki was playing his games for maybe half an hour, while Sunoo and Sunghoon watched, but then he conked out in the middle of a game and in his sleep, he looked so cute, curled up on the couch with a content expression, that they didn't have the heart to ask him to get up and go to bed.
So now it's just the two of them sitting by the window in the room they share with both Ni-ki and Jungwon. Their young leader's off visiting his parents for two days, without any show of it, and the sight of his clean, perfectly tidy bed makes Sunghoon miss the kid too much. He's really grown so attached to these idiots since debuting. Then again, he's always been fond of honest, blunt, down-to-earth, shy Jungwon. Him joining Big Hit Entertainment was a refreshing change from hyper-to-shy Heeseung and bold Jay.
And then there's Sunoo, the one who was different from everyone else right off the bat. Even as they sit here under the window, looking up at the extraordinarily clear, starlight-bright night sky, he thinks about how Sunoo would fit right up there with them. He's refreshing, in a way. Sunoo's bright and hyper in a different way from most others.
Sunoo talks a lot, and though Sunghoon acts annoyed by it, secretly, he can listen to the adorable boy talk on and on forever. Sunoo gets excited by the things he loves, even if it happens to be monstrosities like mint chocolate, and that's adorable. Most of all, he's unfailingly loyal and unswervingly sincere. Not to mention admirably brave, too.
Kim Sunoo is different from them; Kim Sunoo is beautiful in a different way. And for Sunghoon, a quiet, not so talkative boy, that's all it took for him to fall hard and fast—giving him new energy and happiness with every smile and laugh.
"I don't know," Sunghoon responds. "What are they to you, Sunoo-yah?"
"You do know," Sunoo accuses. His raven-dark hair seems to shine in combination of starlight, moonlight, and streetlight. It is, of course—but in a different way. Kim Sunoo does everything in his own way if he can help it, even if he's not exactly aware of what he's doing.
"Maybe I do," Sunghoon laughs. "Maybe I just want to hear what you think first."
"Fine," Sunoo grumps. That's another adorable thing about him—most of the time, if he's upset, he kind of pouts and sulks instead of getting angry. Of course, pissing him off is never a good idea. But he's adorable all the same. "Stars make me think of a very, how should I say...cliché sort of thing. Soulmates."
Sunghoon snorts. "Do you actually believe in all that crap?"
"No, but I like the idea of it!" Sunoo defends himself. "I mean...it's cute."
"Huh, you seem to think a lot of things are cute."
"Stop that!" he whines. "Why do you tease me so much?!"
"Sunoo-yah," Sunghoon says seriously, "teasing you is my joy."
"God, you're awful," Sunoo pouts. "So, what are stars to you, then?"
"W-what?" Sunoo blinks, a light color dusting his cheeks. "Stop messing around, really, hyung. It's not funny."
"I'm not messing around, I mean it," Sunghoon says, leaning his head against Sunoo's. They're sitting shoulder to shoulder on the floor, so it's easy. "To me, stars are symbolic of people we see as stars in real life. You're my star, because you shine so bright and, in a way that makes you seem like your fire will never burn out. And, well, it also gives me the energy and happiness I need."
He slides his hand across Sunoo's thighs to lace his fingers with the younger's, his open palm's fingers tucked between Sunoo's own from above. "Honestly, most of the time, a smile from you is all I need to start my day."
Sunoo laughs. "Sunghoon hyung, you're so cheesy," he says, placing his other hand on top of their intertwined ones. "I like this side of you."
"For you, it's going to stay right here. When we're alone, anyway."
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h33seungs-babe · 2 years
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Genre: Vv fluffy
Pairing: gn/reader x bf/changbin
Warnings: Cursing, lighter for candles, kissing
Happy birthday to our lovely, Seo Changbin!!
You ran into the room almost falling over from running so fast. Looking around the room, you see Minho already in there.
"Where is he?" You ask curiously.
"Who the fuck are you talking about??"
"You know who!! Bitch we planned this!!"
"Um.... oh.... OH YEA! He left to go shopping with Han awhile ago."
You, Minho, and Felix were planning on surprising your boyfriend, Changbin, with a birthday cake that would have his name printed on it in beautiful letters. Your plan was to make Changbin leave the dorm room with Felix, but instead he had went out with Han.
"Wait... he was supposed to go out with Han not Felix- never mind, at least he left." You sigh "When is he coming back?"
"Idk" Minho says while shrugging. "He didn't tell when he was coming back."
"Lets just get started then!" You and Minho walk to the kitchen and get the stuff you'll need to bake a cake.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After gathering everything you'll need for baking a cake you both got started.
Settling on making a red velvet cake instead of making a chocolate one. While baking you both listened to numerous songs and danced to most of them.
Finally when you both had finished baking the cake, you looked around the kitchen and saw flour, cracked egg shells, milk, etc, everywhere.
"Well, I think we should start cleaning up now" Minho said. You nodded your head in agreement.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After finishing cleaning up and decorating the cake you decided to wait for Changbin and Han to come home. You put the cake into the fridge and walked to the living room to see Minho seated on the couch on the tv. Minho suggested to watch a movie, so you both settled on watching Spider Man Far from Home because why not.
After a solid 40 mins into the movie you heard the door being opened. You stood up and went over to the door to see a tired looking Changbin and a very hyper looking Han.
"Han for fucks sake leave me- oh hi y/n!!" Changbin beams a huge smile when he saw you. "Hi y/n! Did you make the-" you slapped your hand over Hans mouth to shut him up. "Hey babe! How was your day?" You ask Changbin and led him over to the living room so he could sit on the couch.
"Pretty- I mean vvv tiring. This bitchass was following me around. He even dragged me to a wedding, I don't even know who's fucking wedding it was. And then we almost got run over by a bus, and he kept asking me if he could buy my chest and sell it on the black web, dark web, satan web, whatever it's called." Han looks over at the both of you. "Ay!! Its not my fault!! I should've been invited to the wedding, I'm stunning!! And us being almost ran over by a bus is your fault! Stop running from my kisses!!" Han yells back a dramatic expression. (Yknow that one face he made when, I think hyunjin said he wanted watermelon or sum. Yea that face.)
"For God's fucking sake, shut up!!" Changbin lets out a long sigh. "What about you?" Changbin replies with a smile on his face. "Oh my day was great. I'm sorry you had to deal with the "bitchass", but he's not gonna bother you anymore" you grin at him. "Why that look?" Changbin asks "you look suspicious, did you sell one of my plushies?" Changbin goes wide eyed, like so ○_○.
"No!! I would never do that! Your plushies are used for both of us! I sleep with them while your gone!" Changbin gasps "Excuse me?!? You use my adorable, fluffy, cute, beautiful, gorgeous, plushies?" Changbin says in a dramatic yet playful tone"Yes, now go get cleaned up!" You shooed him off. "Fine fine" he leaves the room and walks into your shared bedroom. You look over at the door again and see Minho and Han putting their shoes one.
"You're planning on leaving without telling me??" You ask fake offended
Minho let's out a cute little laugh "What if we were?" He asks jokingly. "Then I'll expose all your secrets" you laugh back. "Ok ok we weren't planning on leaving without telling you" Minho says. Han just standing there watching you both like 🧍‍♂️.
"Okay well, take care!!" You say with a soft smile. "Yes yes, we will. And make sure to.." Minho moves closer to you as if Changbin was going to hear 🕺. "Give him the surprise" He gives you a "wink" that's really just him closing both eyes. You laugh and nod your head. "Yes of course, now shoo shoo. Go home!" You say in a playful manner. "Okayyy, rude" Minho says while Han laughs at both of you. Han grabs Minho's hand and shoves him out the door. "Bye bye y/nnie!!" Han says in an adorable way as if he didn't just chuck Minho out the door.
You let out a small laugh at how cute they are. "Don't get run over by a bus!!" You choke out thru laughs.
"Shut up!!" Han yells and runs out the door.
You smile at how adorably he runs to catch up to Minho. You close and lock the door after seeing them away.
"Y/n!!!!!!" Changbin cries out adorably. You chuckle at the thought of what he could need. "Yes?!?!" You yell back. "I'm scared!! Come upstairs to the bathroom!!" He yells in a whiney voice. "Okayyy!!"
After walking up the stairs and going into your shared bedroom, you walk towards the bathroom and knock. "Hey, binnie." You hear some shuffling in the room and a little grunt. "Help me" he whines in that cute little voice he does.
"Why did something happen?" You ask. "Yes! I can't put the shirt onnn" a small stomp is heard from inside the bathroom along with a huff. You open the door and see changbin in a pair of shorts that look hot look really hot on him, hugging his thighs deliciously 😋. (I'll leave that to your 💕imagination💕)
You start laughing at the way his shirt is stuck at his shoulders and is refusing to go any lower. "Honey, this shirt is to small for you!!" You say while still laughing. Changbin let's out a cute whine "But I love this shirt" he says with a pout. "But binnie! It doesn't fit on you" he stops struggling with trying to put the shirt on and drops his arms down to either side of his body. "Okay fine" he says while pouting harder "I'll take it off." With one swift motion his shirt is off. "Aww binnie" you say while wrapping your arms around him "I'll get you a new. Now binnie go pick another shirt." He nods his head and leaves the bathroom to get another shirt. You giggle and follow him out. "Babe I'm going downstairs now." He nods his head.
You get downstairs and run to the kitchen. You almost fall over while running over to the fridge. "I need to check on the cake, I need to check on the cake" you chant out in a whisper. You look at the came and inspect it throu the fridge. "Eh... it looks fine." You say while closing the fridge.
"What looks fine?" Changbin asks in a cute way. You flinch as soon as you hear his voice. You look behind yourself and see changbin standing beside you in a oversized hoodie. "Binnie!!" You slay his arm "Don't scare me like that!!" He just laughs and pulls you in for a hug. "It's binie cuddle o'clock >-<" he chirps in a cute tone while snuggles his head in the crock of your neck. You smile at how cute he is. "Binnie I have a surprise for you." Stroking his head softly you lead him to the living room, making him sit on the couch.
You wiggle out of his grasp and stand up. He gives you a pout while staring up at you. You kiss his little pout making him smile a little. "Okay wait right here binnie." You say and run off to the kitchen,
You grab the candles, and the lighter. Opening the fridge and getting the cake out. You look at the stove and see a note on a pot. You take a closer look at the note says
"hiii it's me lee know..... again.
I made some pasta for you cuz I know your busy. SHARE WITH CHANGBIN BITCH"
You smile reading it and put it aside. You turn around and put candles in the cake and light them with the lighter.
You turn back around and walk over to the stove and put the pasta into two bowls.
"Babeee!!" Chanbin whines from the living room "I want my cuddles!" You laugh at his cuteness. "Okay binnie I'm coming in a sec!!" You hear him let put a little huff. You shake your head thinking about what he's looking like right now. You look back at what you're doing.
You finished doing all that and grabbed the cake slowly walking into the living room. You start singing happy birthday and changbin looks back at you. You giggle and put the cake down on the table that's infront of changbin. He laughs and pulls you in for a hug.
"Babeeee!! Thank you soo soo sooooo so much!!!" He yells while kissing all over your face. "Anything for my binnie!" You say while kissing the top of his nose.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Ayooo, wilbur choco late~ au!
Saw in the tiny workers au the idea of eating tinies with food! Does Wilbur eventually try it out or is it too ptsd inducing with the bad memories?
Alsoooooo, does he ever start getting along with Sbi?
I feel like Tommy would spoil Wilbur, since borrowing sounds like surviving and not thriving, and love to hear your ideas of whatever Tiny furniture he would have to like commission or make himself😁
However im sure Wilbur would start to both feel very touched and also guilty, since he can't buy stuff for himself🥺 maaybbee he starts streaming to try and cover his own expenses? Or any other possible job for a tiny🤔
Im trying to get my thinking brain started, ideas are haaaarrrdd, and i don't even write anything 😂 kudos to you and other writers everywhere, i think i started a story in 2015 and never looked at it again. You guys are epic🙌
beloved !!!!!!1!!!!1!1
oh gosh yes i absolutely love that idea for tiny workers >:D
but jeeeez for wilbur chocolate?? wilbur definitely stays away from food for as long as he can, and he dreads conversations about eating. tommy still forces wilbur to eat, because this man has been living off of chocolate for god knows how long, he needs something else. wilbur gets off fine hydrating because he really missed that, but food he struggles with, because when he chews on something that doesn't have the consistency and subtle taste of cocoa beans, it's hard to convince himself it's not just a fantasy.
tommy also avoids eating around wilbur. he takes meals to his room or wherever he knows wil wouldn't often go and makes it obvious he's about to start eating if he doesn't directly warn wilbur.
wow i totally did not answer the question there lmfao
the answer is no, wilbur would not try it. tommy would also never put wilbur in a situation even if wilbur insisted that he was ready,,,
mm things with emduo are a little bit slow, mainly because wilbur is hesitant to approach them. techno's definitely the most standoffish and doesn't want anything to do with wilbur, while phil just occasionally side-eyes wilbur at times.
phil, after realizing on his own that tommy probably won't be letting wil go any time soon, tries his hardest to overcome his prejudice against wilbur. he forces himself to find a time where wilbur is alone to try and talk to wilbur. i'm probably gonna write this so i'll keep some stuff private :)
aand for techno they don't ever really interact with each other, but in the rare occasion that they do, they click even faster than wilbur did with tommy--it's like instantly. (twinsduo my lovely beloved duo <3)
oh yes tommy would absolutely do that, especially after what wil's been through. wilbur is very hesitant with dark spaces so tommy buys a nightlight for his room and wilbur sleeps near there, and tommy spends hours looking for tiny furniture before he just ends up going to a craft store to find miniatures
and yes wilbur would feel absolutely terrible because tommy does this with his own money and never asks his family for help with it (tommy doubts they'd ever do that) so he does eventually ask tommy to like...take it down a notch
ohhhhh that streaming idea is adorableee but for this au tiny technology is more expensive than human technology, so before wilbur can even consider doing that he'd need a normal job first. which honestly is an unreasonably hard thing to find because c'mon who's going to employ a tiny if not another tiny who can't start a business if they have no money and they won't get money without finding a job but jobs won't hire tinies so they need to get hired by a tiny but there are no businesses by tinies because the cycle keeps on repeating and repeating (pff idk why i typed that there's water coursing through my veins for the first time in days so i'm hyper on water rn)
and plus wilbur is very unsure about the humans he lets employ him. some of them give off "sketchy vibes" and some of them just look off. but eventually wilbur does find a job (don't make me say bc i cannot think rn just shhhhh it'll come to me someday)
oh i totally get that
fic ideas come to me like that but worldbuilding stuff is hardd sometimes
no judgement, i've given up on so many fics. but i also have reopened a lot of those! it's never too late to start :D
and don't even worry whenever you do send in an ask you give the most godly, perfect ideas so it's definitely worth the wait C:<
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anaalnathrakhs · 2 years
13, 18, 41, 71, 97 for the unusual asks? :3
thank you beloved <3
13. any siblings?
nope! only child, to my equal dismay and relief
18. favorite tv show?
technically it's mlp:fim, for the sheer amount of time in my life that has been in some way related to it, because it's a damn good show and my first taste of fandom and yadda yadda yadda
but i feel like this is cheating since i've almost never watched an episode on actual tv
so if we're going by that metric and bypassing every tv show i have watched on my puter on a on-demand basis, my favorite tv show is law&order: svu. when my internet used to cut out around 11pm/midnight, i'd have nothing to do at night but watch tv so i had my path fucking memorized, and it always started by more or less three episodes of law&order that i'd catch in the middle and follow until they changed programs around 2 or 3 am. my favorite part of the evening because i love me a good copaganda crime drama. my favorite main character is the blonde lady with a gambling problem in the mid-to-late seasons i think.
off-topic but yeah, i liked this one
41. top 10 favorite songs
i'm going to forget too many of them oh god
in no particular order
Come on Eileen - cover by Save Ferris cause i decided a few years ago that instead of hesitating when someone asks me my favorite songs i'd just say this one, because even if it might not be my forever number one favorite i still really love it (yes it's because of captain hoers
How We Kill Starts - by Shaka Ponk upbeat
Candy - by Robbie Williams also upbeat
Forward! - by Anaal Nathrakh listen despite it being my url i have to admit i don't listen to that much anaal nathrakh. but. this song. this song is so good.
Demon Speeding - by Rob Zombie because of course
Rattlesnake Shake - by Motley Crue because it's basically horny circus music and that's right up my alley
Six Shooter - by Coyote Kisses yeehaw
The Devil You Know - by Blues Saraceno yeehawx2 (honestly i really like most of the Blues Saraceno songs I've heard so this counts as a double entry for Devils Got You Beat, Skin 'Em Up, Kicking and Screaming, etc)
Legendary Enchanted Jetpack - specifically the Sozos version listen. i am boycotting their new releases, i stand by that. but that specific cover of this specific song............ speaks to my soul. with all the respect i have for winkler's vocals, legendary enchanted jetpack specifically was fucking made for sozos it's unreal.
Armata Strigoi - by Powerwolf but it's so difficult to pick, they have so many insane songs that i listen to all the time, i almost picked The Evil Made Me Do It, i almost picked We Drink Your Blood, i almost picked Incense and Iron, i almost picked Venom of Venus, i almost picked Mother Mary is a Bird of Prey, i almost picked Nighttime Rebel, i'm totally cheating the "10 songs" rule...
special mentions to La Danse de l'Ankou, Monster, Mr. Torture, Hypa Hypa, All Dolled Up, Disease, Metal Health (Bang Your Head), and i'll stop there before i reach ten as well
i eat through a lot of music every day even though i tend to replay the same songs so...
71. tea or coffee?
so this is embarrassing but i've never really drank coffee
i've been theoretically meaning to try but if it does make me hyper god knows i don't need to be hyper, and i'm a bit afraid of whatever it might say about my hypothetical adhd so.
but so far, i've hated every actual tea i've tasted (which isn't a lot, i'm sure if i tried some real, proper arabic mint tea it'd be a lot better, but kitchen tisanes are a no for me), and i like coffee-flavored and other caffeinated things, so i know which i'm betting on.
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?
milk chocolate, obviously
i don't mind dark tbh, even the high percentage bitter ones i've tasted for the sake of the experience, but i'll pick milk over it any day, and i'll pick no chocolate at all over white chocolate any day as well
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askcharaandfriends · 4 years
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You’ve met the Absolute God of Hyper White Chocolate.
Meet the Absolute God of Hyper DARK Chocolate:
Charanos, wielder of the power of the Infinity Chocolates.
Chara: “Chocolate is… inevitable!! Mwa ha ha ha ha!!”
Asriel: “you’re enjoying this waaay too much, Chara”
Chara: “there is no Chara, only Charanos, Absolute god of Hyper dark chocolate!
Asriel: ok, now you’re just making fun of my oc, Dracos, the god of hyper death! Not cool.
Chara: whoops, sorry Asriel. I didn’t mean to make fun of your very cool oc.
*** Funny, that name is kinda like Chronos, who controls Time, and I believe the determination aspect helps with time manipulation.
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novamirmirsblog · 3 years
Chocolate Sauce
prompt: 'You're already hyper as it is, I don't need you to be sugar high while fucking me.'
Request: no
Word count: 854 (ish. I wrote some more on my phone and I forgot the word count. I’ll edit it in a bit <3)
Warnings: Suggestive content, Swearing
Tag list: @d14n4ol
"I have an idea to sweeten things up in the bedroom" you saunter into the lounge and flop by Natasha's feet
"But you haven't even heard the idea yet-"
"No y/n."
Natasha loved you and everything that came with you. Including your hyper-ness. You were always told that there's no such thing as 'being hyper' and therefore, you were led to believe that there was no such thing as a sugar rush.
You were wrong.
You had quite possibly the worst reaction to sugar Natasha had ever seen. Your natural state was already quite high energy but add sugar to the mix and it was borderline dangerous.
The rest of the team adored how hyper you would get from the simplest things and regularly exploited it, much to Natasha's dismay. One particularly dark day, Natasha had thrown out all sugary snacks. She had failed to remember the cans of coffee Bucky kept in the fridge and you had been dared to try one. Coffee was even worse than sugar.
There was one thing worse than all the sugar in the world combined.
Chocolate sauce.
Natasha wasn't sure what they put in the sauce that was different to normal chocolate but whatever it was, sent you doolally.
The two of you had been on a date when the ice cream sundae with chocolate sauce came out. The two of you had agreed to share and that was something Natasha was eternally grateful for because she hated to imagine what would have happened if you had eaten the whole thing yourself. Safe to say, it was eventful bringing you back to your shared room. You had wanted to say hello to everyone and look at absolutely everything.
When Natasha had successfully gotten you home, your attention turned on her. The sex that night was wild. Like completely mind bending. It's not that sex was boring before - far from it. But that night was one she wouldn't forget any time soon. That being said, she didn't enjoy dealing with the fallout of a cranky y/n coming down from their sugar high.
God you were miserable after.
It's why Natasha dismissed your idea of 'sweetening' things up in the bedroom. She knew exactly what that meant - you wanted to bring chocolate sauce into the very healthy sex life you guys already had.
"Tasha I really think chocolate sauce could be a good idea. I could make you feel so good baby. Why don't you want my tongue licking sauce from you?"
You shuffled up and began to lick her neck and collar bone, nipping along her shoulders. Natasha let out a groan and gave you more access. You bought your face up to hers and left your lips a fraction away from hers.
"This way, you can stop imagining what I would do and actually experience it. You think I don't hear you in the shower sometimes?"
Natasha stilled. She had no clue how you had heard her. She had made so sure to be quiet. So sure that you had been out of the room.
"A little birdie told me that you often dream of that night..." Natasha let out a little moan as you whispered those words into her ear, kissing and sucking just below the earlobe. Wanda had told you once when she was extremely drunk. Words had just kept pouring from her mouth and who were you to stop her when she told you how much Natasha thought about your sugary filled sex escapade. Unfortunately for Wanda, Natasha’s thoughts were sometimes extremely loud, especially when she had to watch you lick whatever utensil you had been using to eat, her mind flashing back to how it was her body your tongue should have been on.
In truth, you wanted chocolate sauce introduced to the bedroom because you just loved it so much and you thought that if you made it worth Natasha's while, then she would be down for you eating it. Unfortunately, things had not been going to plan.
"I really don't think it's a good idea... You're already hyper as it is, I don't need you to be sugar high while fucking me." Natasha let out a shaky breath and gently ran her hands through your hair, trying to pull you closer.
"Thing is detka, I really think it is." You knew that Natasha loved it when you spoke Russian. Her pupils would always expand and she would breathe a little heavier.
"Promise you won't get cranky the next day?"
"Darling, I would never be cranky with you." You hooked your thumbs into her waistband and kissed her bottom lip briefly.
"That's not what I meant. I know you'd never be cranky with me but you locked Clint in the washing machine last time because he was 'looking at you the wrong way'..."
"Detka, I promise not to lock Clint in the washing machine."
"Then you have a deal Y/L/N. Don't make me regret this..."
"Never sweetheart." You kissed her properly this time, finally allowing her what she wanted. Her hips bucked up towards yours.
Clint walked into the lounge, a plate of waffles carefully balanced as he poured chocolate sauce over them.
"Ew, guys, what the fuck! Get a room. I don't need this while I'm eating my breakfast!"
You looked devilishly at Natasha. "What a great idea Clinty Winty." You grabbed Natasha with one hand, sauntered over to Clint and grabbed the chocolate sauce by making him think you were going for the waffles.
"Toodles Clint!" you shouted out as Natasha followed quickly behind you, back to your shared room.
“My chocolate sauce...”
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sagemusesoutloud · 3 years
Anti-Romantic, Part 2
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(credit to the original owner of the image)
Character | Jaehyun x reader
Genre | nonidol!au, Mutual Pining, Slowburn, Fluff
WordCount | 2 K (bitesized for your convenience lol)
Author'sNote | I know this is kinda short, but I've decided not to rush the ending. I'm for sure not drag it out too much, but the slowburn reaaaally got to me and I ended up liking more than I orginially thought, so! I'll be back to post Part 3 tomorrow!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
I know that you love me, It makes me deeply drunk
You’re like champagne, I shouldn’t do this
You’re at the base of the stairs to your apartment complex when he pulls up. The window on the passenger side rolls down.
“Hurry! I think they’re about to wash the machines at the ice cream shop!” he reaches over and opens your door while you grab your two bags and your pillow. You loved him, you really did, but he had the flattest, most uncomfortable pillows in the world in his guestroom.
“What? Why didn’t you stop there before picking me up? It’s not like you don’t know what I like.” You’re trying to move all your stuff to the backseat as he pulls away.
He sighs, “Thank you Jae, you’re so nice to pick me up,” he mutters. You’d be a bit apologetic if it wasn’t for the grin he was trying to hide. “I’ve already spent most of my ‘special’ day alone, thanks to someone who had to bail on me. I wanna spend the rest with you.”
“I knew it, it bothered you didn’t it?” You accused while fastening your seatbelt. “Next time, just tell me, I know it seems as if I know everything but I actually can’t read minds.” You knew he was just messing with you but for some reason his words cut at the guilty feeling you were trying to push away. “I actually got you something this time around, it’s why I wanted to see you before the day ended.”
Jae parks the car outside the shop before turning to you, “wait, did you really get me something?” You sigh, offended, “well, if you don’t want it or don’t like the idea of it, then I can still return it.”
“I just thought of you when I saw it…” crap, it’s too soon for you to go anywhere near that subject.
“That’s not what I meant,” he shakes his head, “It’s just been a while since we shared birthday gifts.” You look away from him. If he kept this up, you’ll start to regret calling him. Your hands were slightly shaking with the effort of not reaching over and pouring all your feelings into him. Unlike what you’re used to, he was dressed down with a simple t-shirt and grey sweats. He looked so soft, and domestic. You hated how much you loved it. At least for work, you had both always been professionally dressed, which was a nice barrier for your thoughts. If you dressed professional, you felt professional. This helped control your thoughts. But now that you were here with him, it was definitely harder to keep track of your thoughts.
Today was a day for him, not for you. You took in a deep breath as you turn to look at the shop. It looked like they were getting ready to start closing duties. Even if you weren’t looking at him, you could feel your heart race with acute awareness to his proximity in the small car. He was waiting for a response.
You open your door, “yeah well…if we don’t hurry, we won’t get those diabetes-inducing bombs you’re so fond of. And this all would have been for naught.” You needed to get a grip, fast.
I can clearly see the end, Worse than a hangover
It will be hard, Now, Just end it somewhere here
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“I can’t believe you told them it was my birthday,” he groaned, pushing off his shoes at the door. You followed suit.
“Of course I did, it meant free goodies!” You raise the plastic bag with macarons. “It just sucks that they’re all valentine’s themed.” You make your way to the kitchen to put away the snacks you brought, dumping your overnight bag at the door of the guestroom. Maybe if you kept the heart-shaped gift out of sight, it won’t make you as nervous with him.
“I brought your fave by the way, chocolate covered almonds and gummy bears,” you call out. He appears in the kitchen, hair out of his way with a headband. Be still my heart, you thought. You decide to hyper-focus on placing some snacks on a plate to bring to the living room.
“So, what’s the plan?” He reaches over you to grab a water bottle from the fridge, brushing your hip with his front. No no no no no no no!
Was he teasing you? You knew that your face would give you away, you could feel how warm your ears and cheeks were. You hated how honest your face was, and it didn’t help that Jae knew you like the back of his hand. Maybe this is how he is nowadays? Flirty and confident? You’d be lying if you didn’t find it attractive, but not when his attention was only directed at you. You felt like you were slowly suffocating but even that wouldn’t stop the warm light that seemed to burst from your chest.
It seemed so easy to pretend you were closer to him, to pretend this happened all the time. That you were close enough to reciprocate his flirty actions.
“uh, em,” you clear your throat, “actually, I remembered you wanting to see that movie last time we hung out. I have it ready in my apple tv account.” You back away with the tray, “can you also grab me a water?” your throat was suddenly parched.
You settle in the couch, grabbing the throw blanket behind you. Any physical barrier you could place between you, you’d take it gratefully. “You remembered? That was almost three months ago, when the trailer came out.” He handed you your water and grabbed at the corner of the blanket nearest to him, covering himself with it and moving closer to you so that you both could fit under it.
“Jae, there’s another blanket on your side of the couch,” you wanted to feel embarrassed but you just felt an unexpected giddy feeling at him wanting to be near you. “Yeah but it’s my birthday and this blanket is my favorite,” he says as he pulls you closer and wraps his arm behind you on the couch.
“here, put in your credentials so we can start the movie,” he hands you the remote.
You suddenly thank your lucky stars that the movie was an action packed one and not a romantic one. You couldn’t help but sink further into his side, wanting to be comfortable. As the movie starts, he takes the remote from your hand and wraps your arm around him. “I’m cold, keep me warm,” he mutters. Oh sweet Jesus.
Back in the day, this wouldn’t have been something new. Your friends knew you were very heavy with the affectionate touches. A hug, sharing seats, even holding hands. You never shied away from it because it was part of how you showed your friends that you loved them. Some of your friends were also this way, so it was never weird. But now that you’re older, and now that it’s been a long long time since you’ve been close to someone else, the once innocent touches Jae was giving you felt like hot brands across your shoulders and under your arm. If you focused enough, you could feel his hard work at the gym in the way your softness gave way to the hard contours of his leg that pressed against yours and how your shoulder leaned against his chest.
This was going to be a long movie.
You prayed that Jae wouldn’t ask you what the movie was about, you only had enough sanity to pay attention to the first fifteen minutes. It was all a blur after Jae pulled you half over on his lap, “you’re hogging the blanket, move over,” was the only excuse he gave.
Now, your legs were tangled with his and you sat almost on his lap, his arms encircling you from behind. He felt so soft and every little movement made your skin break out in goosebumps. You felt like a live wire about to explode.
“D-did you like it?” you started shifting to the side so you could face him but he held you tighter in place, resting his chin on your shoulder. “yeah, it was pretty good, we have to wait for the end credits though. I heard that they’re starting to give hints about The Eternals.”
“Did you like it?” he squeezes your middle.
Did you? You’re not sure, but you sure as hell loved the attention you were getting for the past two and half hours. “Yeah, all Marvel movies are great,” you finally concede.
“Wanna watch another one? You can pick this time,” his hand started tracing through your arm as you waited for the stupid end scene that was taking too long to start. Is it getting hot in here?
“Sure, whatever you want,” you mutter. He could have asked you for the most ridiculous thing and you would have still agreed to it.
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Jae wakes with a start, the room was dark, the only light came from the still on TV. A show was playing softly, the clock under the tv read 3:45 am. He felt pretty hot, was the A/C not working?
He begins to shift when he realizes the position you both are in. Your legs were still tangled together, as if unconsciously refusing to let go of the proximity. You gripped his shoulder, your breath hitting his neck as you slept soundly on top of him. God, if this is a dream, let me never wake up, he thinks.
He usually hates being too close to someone, any sort of intimacy was bad news to Jaehyun. Either emotionally or physically, he kept everyone at a distance because he had seen it too often. How people settled for something they weren’t sure of and hurting those involved. He was aware he was too logical sometimes, but it’s what he knew to protect himself. Moments like these, they only lead to expectations and empty feelings, leaving behind only pain that even time couldn’t heal sometimes.
But why was he finding it so hard to untangle himself from your embrace? He should go to his bed and sleep comfortably, but at the same time, having you in his arms felt just right. Like two pieces of a puzzle finally coming together.
He could smell the light scent that was you and it almost made him squeeze you closer, as if it was possible. You smelled of spring, a light floral scent that reminded him of better days.
He was glad he woke up, he was going to enjoy every second of peace this brought him. He would store it in a little box and hold on tightly when the cold reality came back. As he fought with his drowsiness, he felt you nestle closer. He kissed the crown of your head as he finally gave in to sleep. I hope I dream of you… If this was love, he finally understood why sometimes the pain was worth a shot.
So stupid, sweet love song, extravagant rom-com
As much as I was happy, on the receipt there’s a red line
EndNote | I know this chapter was pretty short. In all honesty, I had written something else before deleting it entirely and starting again, but I really like the direction the story is going now. Hopefully I can update Part 3 tomorrow, but I'm really excited about it!
Previous: Part 1 | Next: Part 3
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kur0m1bab3 · 3 years
A Bittersweet Miracle
3rd person POV
Cw:Angst fluff, slightly mature, mentions of pregnancy, college!Au
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"Well what does it say?" Akaashi asked curiously craning his neck a bit to try to glance at the plastic stick set in y/n's hand.
Y/n looked away biting her lip as she blindly handed him the pregnancy test.
"Two lines means positive right?" The older male asked as y/n stayed silent nodding her head as she kept her gaze fixated on the brown wooden floors of her kitchen.
A soft smile graced Akaashis face as he walked over to y/n leaning down a bit.he poked her cheek lightly as she puffed her cheeks out, desperately trying To keep her gaze on the ground only for her to crack a small smile at Akaashi's constant poking.
"There she is" Akaashi smiled pulling y/n into a warm embrace. Y/n sighed into the hug as Akaashi pulled away.
"I'm gonna be a god father" Akaashi said happily as y/n laughed.
"Mhmn you are" she smiled.
Akaashi pulled away from y/n as he looked at her for a while as he lifted an eyebrow.
"You don't seem too happy?" Akaashi said as y/n shook her head.
"I am...m'not sure how I'm really supposed to react though..I mean I cried when I found out I was so happy.......but my kid is going to grow up fatherless so I'm kinda ya know...out of it" y/n spoke truthfully as Akaashi nodded.
"You going to tell him?" Akaashi asked as he began to grab pot and pans from the cabinets, probably about to make a celebratory meal for the mother to be and the others planning to come over.
"Don't know. Part of me wants to the other part of me doesn't" y/n said sitting on the island stool as Akaashi hummed looking at her.
"Y/n you guys were together for more than a year and a half...not to mention you guys lived together for most of your college career.....He deserves to know" Akaashi spoke out as y/n bit her lip looking down.
"I know...but,we broke up for a reason" y/n said as Akaashi clicked his tongue looking at the younger girl.
"You mean you broke up with him" Akaashi said putting an emphasis on you as y/n waved Akaashi off.
"It was mutual" y/n said rubbing her stomach softly smiling. Akaashi put down the wooden spoon he had been holding as he walked over to the island y/n was sitting at.
He leaned on the island as he looked at y/n intently.
"Bokuto never wanted to break up it wasn't mutual" Akaashi said sternly as y/n bit her lip looking away.
Kotaro Bokuto. The love of y/n's life that just so happened to be her ex. The pair had know each other for years, their history together going back all the way to middle school. They had always been attracted to each other, no doubt about it.
The cute smiles they gave each other during gym, or the extra chocolates teddy bears they'd give one another on Valentine's Day, the way y/n would wear his jersey to games, it was honestly all too obvious.
Once their 3rd year hit, their attraction to each other grew almost unbearable leading to the faithful Halloween night the two hooked up in the closet of their friends kuroos house.
Wasn't the ideal place considering the two teens got caught by a group of 5 pestering boys from differing schools, they just So happen to call friends, just as they reached their climaxes. The two never being able to live down the embarrassing ordeal and a rule set in place by the one and only tetsuro kuroo,stating that the pair had to be no closer than 8 feet away from each other in his house.
Clearly that rule was broken a few times, but what doesn't kill kuroo will only make him..make him...who knows honestly.Besides the point by some miraculous twisted miracle the close knit friend group ended up going to the same college together.
Their living arrangements was an interesting one. Of course all of the boys wanted y/n to live with them, they were all like a horde of bodyguards, it could be quite annoying at times having a group of guys tell an adult woman to go put on sweats in 100 degree heat instead of wearing shorts,but that's what you get when you surround yourself with a bunch of guys who were like brothers.
None of the boys wanted y/n to live alone, especially with a roommate. They hated the idea of her spending all of her time with someone she barley knew(mainly oikawa). Which is how they came up with the idea of pairing Bokuto and y/n to live together.
Was it the best idea to pair up two people who had clear sexual history and extreme feelings for each other? Maybe not. Did it happen? Of course it did considering who the boys were and how they wanted to play match maker.
The living arrangement lead to some interesting encounters. Eventually the two finally got together. It wasn't easy considering y/n was very stubborn and Bokuto was just too shy(ironic right?) to admit his feelings towards the younger girl.
Their personalities were an interesting pair.
Y/n was more on the introverted side, never really showed her emotions and kept to herself for the most part. Sarcasm was a second language to her, there was never a moment she didn't have someone rolling in laughter due to her quick wittedness or outright weird behavior.
Bokuto on the other hand was quite different. A clear extrovert who never failed to brighten up the room. His bright character was always a joy to be around, never quite knowing what he'd say or do leaving a kind of mysterious and almost mischievous aura about himself.Much like y/n he kept his emotions to himself and hid how he really felt, which proved catastrophic or their relationship.
The two loved each other so much it was kind of sickening to be around. The constant loving stares of sneaky kisses caused the other to normally cringe or throw pillows at the pair telling them to get a room. But much like the great sonatas of masterminds like Beethoven or Mozart, the beautiful pairs relationship,had a grand crescendo and a beautifully haunting decrescendo.
They were just bad at relationships. Mainly due to the lack of emotions between the two, and by that I mean the hiding of emotions. Their communication skills were way off, neither one of them knowing how to confront the other when they seemed to be at rock bottom which caused a huge rift in their relationship.
"Bokuto we need to stop seeing each other....we b-broke up a month a-ago"y/n whimper out softly as Bokuto continued to place light kisses along her neck.
Bokuto squeezed her waist tightly pushing her deeper into the wall as he pulled away from her neck meeting her eyes.
His eyes were glossed over, lust and sadness swimming through the cesspools of his golden irises as he breathed heavily.
A frown sat on his face as he shook his head, his slightly fallen hair tickling y/n's forehead. Y/n always thought his hair suited him so well. He looked so wild and young it made her knees buckle a bit.
".....just...let me have this..." Bokuto whispered against y/n's lips. That's all it took for y/n to attack Bokutos lips earning a small moan of admiration from him as he swiftly picked her up bringing her into their once shared bedroom.
The room was dark causing y/n's vision to completely cancel out making her hyper aware of her surroundings. Bokuto gently placed her on the bed kissing her cheek softly.
Y/n scrunched her eyes in confusion as she felt tiny droplets of water hit her face. She gently wiped her face as she tried to figure out the source of the water.
The moonlight from the night sky shined brightly into the room, as y/n fixated her eyes on the male hovering above her.
Bokuto had his eyes closed tightly as tears ran down his face continuously. He held a pained expression on his face as he visibly began to shake, his breathing speeding up as he sobbed quietly causing y/n to freeze all her actions.
Bokuto opened his eyes looking down at the girl beneath him. She looked at bit concerned mouth slightly agape,but more so shocked as tears hit her face from above. The pained look on Bokutos face caused y/n to well up with tears as well as the pair stared at eachother tears rolling down their faces.
They couldn't tell you what it was that caused them to do this, but their lips collided once again as their tears and lips synched together in perfect harmony as clothes began to be discarded at an unholy speed.
Bokuto leaned up as he caresses y/n's face softly, tears rolling down both of their faces as he smiled weakly, knowing this would be the last time the two ever got to experience the touch of each other in such an intimate and close way.with that Bokuto began to cry harder as he looked down at the love of his life.
"I love you" he whispered as he silenced both his and y/n's sobs with a kiss that set the mood for the entirety of the night. Slow, passionate and heartbreaking.
That's faithful night was two months ago. Y/n only finding out about her sudden pregnancy a month after their encounter.
"....we needed to break up..what happened happened" y/n said shrugging as Akaashi sighed running a hand down his face.
"What happened is that you broke up with him because for whatever reason the two of you couldn't talk your feelings out like adults. And like a love sick little puppy Bokuto agreed because he'd do anything to make you happy.you guys broke up but continued to sleep around to try to fulfill the heavy feelings you two still obviously have for each other and now you're pregnant with your ex's kid" Akaashi said truthfully as y/n frowned.
"Jesus next time sugar coat it a bit will ya?"
Y/n said standing up going over to the pot that was currently on the stove boiling noodles.
Akaashi swiftly pushed y/n away as he looked at her.
"How long have you known ?" Akaashi asked as y/n leaned back onto the kitchen counter.
"A month..I didn't show symptoms right away, that is until I missed my period and started throwing up in the middle of the night." Y/n said as Akaashi looked at her then her stomach before placing a hand on her stomach gently.
"Are you now just starting to show?" Akaashi asked as y/n nodded lifting up her shirt a bit.
"You can barley tell it just looks like I'm bloated" y/n said making a face as the sound her front door suddenly opening caught the twos attention.
"Akaashi? Y/n?" A voice said as y/n peeked her head around the coroner. She smiled bright seeing kuroo and konoha at the door taking their shoes off.
"I'm the kitchen" y/n said as she hopped on the counter. Footsteps were heard as the two men appeared in the kitchen.
"I can never understand how your kitchen looks so clean all the time. It's like you never cook in here" konoha said as he made a face lifting up the top of the pot that the noodles were boiling in, only for him to get slapped in the head by Akaashi, earning a loud ouch from the younger male.
"It's called cleaning aki" y/n hummed as kuroo walked over to the group of adults.
"Akaashis cooking....so whats the occasion?" kuroo said propping an elbow up on the island looking at y/n as konoha nodded.
"Yeah last time Akaashi cooked was when he bought those ugly ass sugar gliders home from the pet store" konoha said making a face as Akaashi turned around kicking konoha in the shin causing y/n and kuroo to laugh.
"You not bout to sit here and disrespect them in my face. You better be glad we in y/n's house or else I would've kick yo ugly ass" Akaashi sneered as konoha flicked him off.
Y/n grabbed the pregnancy test from off the the counter as she held it up.
"I'm pregnant" y/n said smiling handing kuroo the test as both boys stared at the test wide eyed.
"Seriously?!" konoha shouted as y/n nodded. He quickly picked her up squeezing her tight as he hugged her.
"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" kuroo yelled grabbing y/n from konoha as he hugged her tight.
Y/n laughed as konoha hid his face in his hands as he began to cry.He tetsuro, atsumu and oikawa were all such cry babies . Y/n laughed a bit already knowing how overdramatic atsumu and oikawa would be once they found out about the pregnancy.
"I can't believe this" konoha said smiling widely as y/n laughed.
"Y'all are both so overdramatic" y/n laughed as kuroo began dancing around the apartment.
"Overdramatic?! That's my god child you're talking about!" kuroo scolded as he walked up to y/n hugging her once again.
konoha sniffed a bit as he looked at
y/n,realization hitting him like a truck as he stopped crying looking At y/n intently, before sighing a bit laying his head on y/n's shoulder.
"Y/n....it's Bokutos isn't it?" He asked wiping his tears as y/n sighed. A small smile on her face as she looked at the boys sadly.
"Yeah..it is.."
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A/N: I hope y’all like this🧍🏾‍♀️FIRST TIME KINDA NERVOUS🤪
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afandomroom · 2 years
Dark Void/Abyss Headcanons (Cryptor x B!Cole)
- Neither usually gets much sleep so they'll often end up curled up on the couch together or sitting outside.
- Hyper vigilant because of villain past + running from the authorities/ninja
- They both have rings that've been looped onto thin necklace chains.
- They're simple in design and mean a lot to the both of them.
- Hot chocolate while sitting on the couch? Hot chocolate while sitting on the couch.
- The amount of times they've been caught smiling at each other my god-
- Name-based nicknames. "Dae" and "Cry". Nothing fancy :)
- Bonded over issues with being an ex-villain. Lots of late nights spent talking and finally feeling like someone understood before they eventually decided to try dating.
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simpsamaa · 4 years
Haikyuu Captains Dating HC’s
Have some dating headcanons with some of the captains in Haikyuu because i’m not a total simp for captains. 
I also kinda got carried away with Kuroo’s- I just love him so much-
Also Bokuto’s is kinda suggestive- so- warning?
also my requests are open
so you can request characters from BNHA or Haikyuu for headcanons or scenarios 
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Daichi Sawamura
When you start dating this man, you automatically become the mom for the team
Well second mom cause Suga’s the first mom.
You guys meet because you become a manager with Kiyoko and thus start a friendship with Daichi
and it leads on to more-
Will use stupid dad jokes on you when you feel down
Is the type of bf who would send you good night and good morning texts
He acts like an alarm clock for you
He will send you the good morning text at a certain time just to wake you up
Also so you have time to get ready in the morning, cause he’s a loving boyfriend
I expect this guy to be into PDA
But like
it’s just hand holding when you guys are in public
When you guys are alone, 
cuddles, hugs, kisses, etc.
but every time you guys do something affectionate the team makes fun of you.
You guys act like an old married couple
Will take you out on the cutest dates
Wear his jersey to one of his games and his receives will be spot on
same with his spikes and serves
Honest to the team you’re a lucky charm so-
“Dai-kun, how are the first years?” You asked your boyfriend as the two of you entered the gym. Only the third and second years were in there, the first years were still taking an exam. 
“Hmm, Tsukishima and Kageyama need to work on their interaction with the team, Hinata has been hyper as always, and Yamaguchi has some good progress on his jump serves.” Your black haired lover explained, making you smile at how he talked about his teammates.
“How have Tsukki and Tobio been working together? I think they’re the only ones who can’t sync properly” You said, crossing your arms while watching Nishinoya receive another spike from Tanaka.
“Well,” Daichi started with a deadpan look on his face, “Kageyama and Tsukishima can sync, they just argue over it half of the time.” He finished, making you laugh at the thought of them arguing.
“Mmh, maybe a training exercise for the both of them?” You asked, grabbing one of Daichi’s hands into your own, playing with his fingers.
“That might work, but-” “OI DAI-SAN STOP MAKING US FEEL LONELY” Tanaka cut off Daichi as he saw that you were playing around with the captains fingers. 
“YEAH DAICHI-SAN, NOT ALL OF US HAVE AN ADORABLE SHORT GIRLFRIEND” Nishinoya joined in, making you glare at Nishinoya.
“I’M NOT THAT SHORT” You yelled back to the male with spiked hair. “YOU’RE SHORTER THEN ME” Noya yelled back.
Daichi let out a sigh, watching his girlfriend bicker with his teammates with a small chuckle. 
“God, I love her so much”
We stan Daichi
Will cook you lunch
In the end
100% husband material 
Also call him daddy
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Oikawa Tooru
Now let’s talk about this flat ass man
He loves PDA
Will tell you he loves you
Will grab your hand, pull you onto his lap, kiss you in front of his fangirls-
He means the best-
Loves it when you wear his clothes-
Wear his jersey, his hoodies, his track jacket 
He loves it
Cause it shows that you’re his
He’s lowkey possessive 
Hates it when you and Iwaizumi team up on him
“Flatass oikawa“ Is your nickname for him
It’s Tooru
Yes you call him by his first name cause we’re basic bitches here okay
You’re basically the unofficial manager of the team cause you care about them too much
They all love you
Sends you good morning and good night texts with his face
cause he’s like that
And Oiks gets jealous
Will wake you up at three am to take you out to see the stars
and look for aliens 
“TOORU OIKAWA DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?“ You exclaimed to your boyfriend as he dragged you out of the window, sitting on the roof at three fourteen in the morning.
“I know it’s late, but Y/n-chan,” The brown haired male started, “there’s a meteor shower and there could be aliens. So we have to watch tonight,” he explained making you sigh. 
You knew you weren’t getting out of this. 
“Don’t you have morning practice?“ You asked, locking your hues with his chocolate coloured ones. He gave you a smile before turning his head up to look at the stars, “Maybe, but that doesn’t concern you,” 
You scrunched your eyebrows before hitting Tooru’s shoulder with your own, “It does concern me,” you started, glaring at the male. You were looking at his side profile. “You’re my boyfriend, and I love your team, of course i’m concerned,” you finished making his eyes widen.
Giving you a small smile, he pulled you in to a side hug, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“Let’s just watch the stars tonight and not care about what happens later”
You and Oikawa miss the next day of school cause the both of you are tired from staying up all night-
I don’t think Oikawa can cook
The meals his fan girls give to him-
eat them sis
He’ll never know anyway
His fangirls learn to like you too, because Oikawa likes you
and they like everything Oikawa likes-
though there are some of the delusional fans who think Oiks is just using you
Which he’s not btw
but take care of this baby-
he needs some love
In the end
100% Tooru material 
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Kuroo Tetsurou
Can we talk about this gif for a second-
Like the fourth season did him so good
lowkey daddy material-
He adores you 
If you try a different style or change your hair style, he thinks it’s adorable
He’s highkey a simp for you
Loves PDA
He loves to grab your thigh when he sits next to you
he’s a thigh guys alright-
Loves kissing you in front of people
etc the whole team-
in front of Daishou-
Does get jealous sometimes, but only if he doesn’t know the person
You and Yaku are mom friends
After all, you do have to take care of a 187cm child
Kuroo lowkey think’s it hot how much you care about people and take care of people-
Study dates are a yes with him
You’ll go to little cafes with him-
Sends you good morning texts at five am
and good night texts at four am
cause ISTG this man does not sleep-
Loves to tease you
If you’re shorter then him-
You’ll be called chibi-chan
Cough Yagami Yato Vibes COUGH
Loves it when you hug him
It makes him feel like a giant 
which he is but- ight
You’ll be doing homework in his room and he’ll pull you into a breathless kiss and leave you wanting more-
You twirled your mechanical pencil in your fingers, you eyes glanced down at your homework, science. 
You weren’t the best at it, nor were you the worst but you still had trouble with it. Taking off your glasses, you rubbed at your temples before trying to solve the equation once more. 
Tetsurou glanced into his room, his gold hues stopping at your figure hunched over his desk, homework in front of you. Turning around he got a glass of water and walked into his room once more.
“You’re going to get wrinkles early if you keep doing that face,” The black haired male teased, making you groan and press your forehead against the dark wood of his desk. 
“i don’t get how you like science? It’s so boooring,” you groaned, the pencil rolling out of your hand onto the desk.
You heard your boyfriend chuckle before hearing him walk over to you. You raised your head, watching as his golden hues skimmed over the paper before he let out a small ‘pfft’. 
“This is easy,” he said before explaining it.
You gasp as you finally get it, pushing Tetsurou’s hands away and grabbing your pencil, you began to scribble  the answer down, only to be pulled into a heated kiss. 
Kuroo’s tongue pushing past your lips to meet yours. Your eyes were wide, face slightly pink and hands curled up into loose fists gripping his shirt. You were about to close your eyes before he pulled away, a large smirk formed on his face as he saw you. 
“You need to get back to your paper, I guess i’ll leave you alone”
Let’s just say- you did not get the paper finished, but it was a good outcome-
I’m like thirsting Kuroo-
So this is long as fuck-
Kuroo can cook basic things
Will cook for you only if you ask
But if oyu cook for him-
He’s whipped
100% Daddy Boyfriend material
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Bokuto Koutarou
Season four bokuto got me feeling some way-
they did my baBY SO GOOD
Hyper boy loves PDA
Will hold you when he has the time to-
Loves to kiss you
Even when Akaashi tells him that it’s going against the school rules-
Loves the difference between your hand and his
The way your hand is so small compared to his
and soft
his hands are huge btw-
Loves to call you pet names 
Birdy, Baby bird, dove etc..
Lots of bird related ones-
Loves it when you go to practice and his games
His spikes will be on p o i n t 
You and Akaashi are buddies
You both have to deal with this hyper male-
Like Kuroo he loves your thighs
if the two of you are cuddling-
hands on thighs
and ass-
He loves to hold you-
Sends you good morning texts at six in the morning
and good night texts at nine pm
This man actually sleeps i think-
The team loves you
You raise bokuto from his lowest on the court.
Will state how much he loves you everyday
Will get very whiny when you try to do something other then love him
Becomes depressed bokuto until you give him the love and affection he deserves.
Bokuto wasn’t at his best today at all. His spikes were off, his serves either hit the net or went out of bounce. Why, you might ask. well today you decided to get up early without waking up your boyfriend and go to school without waking him up. 
You walked into practice, scrolling threw something on your phone. Quickly looking up you gave the team a small smile before going to sit on the benches, your eyes going back to your phone. 
Bokuto let out another groan as you did’t give him a hug or a kiss or any type of affection. Akaashi soon caught on to what you were doing and marched over to where you were on the bench.
“Y/n-san stop ignoring bokuto-san,” the dark haired male said making you look up at his tall figure before giving him a small laugh. “how did you figure me out?” you asked while standing up and brushing your skirt. 
“Bokuto gets in his depressed mode when you ignore him,” The younger male stated before turning his body so you could see the spiked haired male whining.
You gave the second year a smile before walking over to your whining boyfriend. 
“kou are you alright?” you asked pressing a kiss to his cheek as he was hunched over. Golden hues locked into yours before Bokuto pulled you into his muscular chest.
“Are you done ignoring me?” his whispered as he nipped your ear.
“Yes sir“ you quietly responded, eyes darting around, making sure no one was looking at the two of you.
“that’s a good girl, now go over there and wait for me. You’ll get what you deserve after practice”
Okay well we’re done for now with these headcanons- i started this in july and only finished it now-
anygays- I hope you enjoyed these and if you have characters you want me to write a scenario or headcanons. just ask!!
BTW DID YOU KNOW: Oikawa is taller then bokuto, but Bokuto weighs more. That ass got weight that Oikawa’s non-existent ass doesn’t have-
i love you guys💗
✨thank you for reading!!✨
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how about a thing where beej goes camping with Lydia or also with adam and Barbara and they all try to tell the scariest stories they can? guess who.
this one got away from me but it was super fun. thanks........ blake? guessing is harder than i thought
"And they were never, ever, seen again," Adam finishes, the flashlight under his chin casting his features in a harsh, strange light.
"Thank god," BJ says, with a snort. "I know, right? Couldn't have chosen a better group of assholes to go missing," Lydia grins.
The late night summer air is keeping them relatively cool, and the fire Adam, the literal boy scout, built for them isn't too high. It's got just enough life in it to heat up a few s'mores. BJ sticks his impaled marshmallow into the flame, and watches as it sets on fire, going from gently roasted to disgustingly burnt in a moment. He lifts it, blows it off, and then, ignoring the pain of touching the molten black sugar, peels the burnt skin off, and eats it, before putting the skinned and oozing marshmallow back in the fire, to repeat the process.
Barbara, who has been watching the process, giggles at him.
"Come on, you guys," Adam frowns. "That's my best one. It got me my storytelling badge!"
"You can't get them, Adam," Barbara says, simply, and when BJ lifts his charred marshmallow and peels the skin off, this time, she plucks it from his fingers, and eats it instead. She grimaces at the taste of burnt sugar. "Nothing scares the horror twins," she finishes, giving BJ an apologetic peck on the cheek for stealing his snack, and he puts an arm around her, and then presses his mouth to her ear.
"That's right," he growls, right into her ear, and she squeals, and pushes him away, laughing. "Me an' Lyds are old pros at scary stories. You guys don't stand a chance."
"So why don't you tell one?" Adam huffs, a little irritated, and normally, he'd feel bad for being the cause of it... But all's fair in love, war, and campfire tales.
He looks down to Lydia, and she stares up at him, chocolate and graham cracker smeared at the corners of her mouth. "What do you think? The Cannibal one?"
"M'tryna scare them, not make em vomit up their marshmallows," BJ laughs. "Maybe th' shoppin' mall one? Ya know, with th'-"
"The corpse fountain, yeah. I dunno.. that one's a little long."
The siblings are stuck considering, for a moment, as Barbara and Adam seem to grow more weary and agitated.
"Oh," BJ snaps his fingers, suddenly, startling his paramores, who both jump, just a little. "I got it. The Shambler."
"Ooooh," Lydia breaths. "The Shambler. Is that one.. safe, to tell?" she drops her voice, into a whisper.
"Why wouldn't it be?" Adam asks, and BJ hides his smile. The story's already begun.
"Well, because of what happened," Lydia says, like it's obvious.
"What happened?" Barbara's hooked, now, leaning forward, to look at the little girl from across the fire.
"Are you serious?" he plays into it, looking from Adam and Barbara like he can't believe they haven't heard. "Jesus, you guys, it was a real life horror show. Okay.. Around 1970 somethin', all these campers start to go missin'. Th' cops go to investigate, an' from th' woods, they keep hearin' this awful moanin' noise. They get to th' campground, an' all th' tents are just... empty. Like all these people just stood up in th' middle of th' night an' walked away, an' just never came back."
"They only found noses," Lydia says, which is a new detail, and he rolls with it. "Th' cops figured th' person-"
"Or thing," Lydia says, voice low.
"Musta been eatin' th' bodies, an' couldn't figure out how to cook up noses."
"I had hoped this wasn't a cannibal story," Barbara says, glumly, and Adam's brow furrows. "There's no way this happened."
"An' why's that?"
"Because I would have heard of it. This is classic campfire story hyperbole."
"I'll hyper your bole, Sexy."
"Anyways," Lydia drags them back on track. "It's probably a good thing you're not buying it. We can just stop telling you about the whole thing. That's safer, for everyone."
"Oh, and why's that?" Adam smiles, amused. "Because talking about it makes the Shambler come?"
He's skipped a few narrative beats, but that's the basic gist, yes.
"Don't say that name so loudly," BJ admonishes him.
"Oh, come on! I thought you guys were horror masters, this is just a retelling of a retelling of a copy!"
"Adam, seriously-" Lydia sells it, looking agitated.
"Shambler, Shambler, Shambler!" Adam challenges.
The bushes behind them rustle. Barbara jumps, and Adam turns, and squints into the darkness. "Probably just a squirrel."
"Sounded bigger than that," Barbara says, softly, almost like she's in on it. God, what a perfect audience member she makes.
Adam stands, and Barbara and BJ follow, only pausing when the bushes rustle again, and a guttural, low groan echoes around them. Whether he knows he's done it or not, Adam takes a step closer to the two of them, and a slight step away from the bushes. "... Okay, that.. That, uh.."
The rustling is on the other side of them, now, and they all three whip their heads around, as the moaning noises grow louder, and louder, closer and closer.
"Adam," Lydia whispers in horror, from the campfire, blood oozing from her mouth. "What.. what did you do?"
She drops, and Barbara lets out a scream, horrified, and both teens go rushing to Lydia's side-
And that's when BJ grabs them both around the shoulders, and gives them a shake. "BOO~!"
The two of them jump a mile high, and turn to look at him, glares on both their faces, as he doubles over, laughing. Lydia, from the dirt, rolls over, laughing too, fake blood still oozing down her mouth and down her chin.
"You guys, come on, that was too easy!" BJ barely manages. "Fake blood capsules," Lydia grins up at their confused faces.
The horror twins are pelted with marshmallows.
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