#god ik people r gonna flip out for this one but like.
antlerdeer · 2 years
i hate flag discourse bro your family is dying and suffering every day and you're arguing over fucking color palettes? get a life and do something that will actually help the queer community i'm begging you
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frogsandbeesyay · 3 years
Sbi oneshots:
lol hi ig here are some sbi oneshots
Things I will do:
Mild gore
Potentially triggering subjects
Anything that isn’t on the won’t list
Things I won’t do:
Shipping of any sort (they’re family fuck off)
Heavy gore
R@pe/sexu@l assault
Also most of these are set in a Kindof half Minecraft half real world type of thing. Like it’s their Minecraft personas but mostly un lore related.
I do accept requests but I’ll finish most of my ideas first probably unless I see one I really like :D
K let’s get started
Oneshot #1: accident
No trigger warning for this one, but there is mild crying involved and mention of a bruise, so I just thought I should mention that but I don’t think it’s considered a tw.
I’m a sucker for techno and Tommy fluff :p
Techno- 17
Wilbur- 17
Phil is old
Techno and Tommy were really close, everyone in sbi knew that techno had a soft spot for Tommy and Tommy opened up easily to techno. Who knew that a monotone pig hybrid and a slightly annoying angst child would get along so well? Techno never admitted to having a soft spot for Tommy, but everyone could tell. It was the little things, like overprotective stances and putting extra marshmallows in Tommy’s chocolate milk. They probably bonded because of their equally traumatic pasts that no one liked to mention. But still, techno was Tommy’s big brother which meant he had to tease Tommy and annoy Tommy and vise versa. He was always careful not to overstep though.
One day, Wilbur and Phil headed off to the village for a few hours to trade with the villagers, so it was just techno and Tommy. Tommy was being extra annoying and stole the t.v remote while techno was flipping through channels.
“Hey give that back nerd” techno said trying to grab the remote out of Tommy’s grip.
“Make me pigman” Tommy giggles.
They began playfully wrestling for the remote. Techno easily pinned Tommy down onto the couch, being much stronger than him. Tommy wriggled out of techno’s grasp and held the remote higher in the air. Tommy giggled and playfully held it higher. Techno jabbed his fingers into Tommy ribs, which distracted Tommy enough to be pinned down again by his brother. Techno held him down roughly, and then for a second something flashed in Tommy’s eyes. Techno, surprised, let go quickly, and Tommy wriggled onto the other side of the couch.
“Hey nerd you good?” Techno said concerned he actually hurt his little brother.
“Yeah I’m Fine, Heres your remote,” he handed techno the remote, “bye” and rushed up to his room.
That was weird, thought techno. His brow furrowed. What if he messed something up? Did he do something wrong? He quickly walked over to Tommy’s room and stood by the door. He stopped dead when he heard tiny sniffles coming from inside the room.
“Hey Tommy, can I come in?” He asked through the door.
Tommy cleared his throat and wiped his face. “Y-yeah sure come on in!” He tried to make his voice sound normal, but winced at his stutter.
Techno walked in and saw Tommy sitting by his bed, tear lines on his face. He immediately rushed over and wrapped Tommy into a hug.
“Toms? What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”
He felt Tommy shaking in his hug.
“I-I..” Tommy began
“Hey, hey it’s ok.” Techno tried to be comforting, he really wasn’t good at making people feel better.
“I’m sorry I’m being such a crybaby. It didn’t even hurt that bad, I-I was just so scared that you w-were gonna-” Tommy mumbled into techno’s chest.
“No! Toms it’s fine to cry, it’s my fault I wasn’t being careful. Please never be afraid to tell me I’ve crossed the line, ok?”
“Mmk” Tommy whispered. Techno slowly unraveled from the embrace and looked at Tommy.
“Hey toms can I see your side?” Tommy nodded. Techno lifted up his shirt (PLEASE DONT MAKE THIS WEIRDDDD) and looked at his ribs. There was a small bruise from where techno had jabbed.
“Oh my god Tommy, I’m so truly sorry I didn’t mean to. And I didn’t mean to scare you either..” Techno said, guilt washing over him.
“It’s ok techie I know you didn’t.” Tommy replied, smiling.
Time skippppppppp
Phil and Wilbur came home that evening to see techno and Tommy cuddling on the couch. Techno’s arms wrapped protectively around Tommy’s small frame.
“Awww” phil cooed. Wilbur snapped a photo on his phone. Phil raised an eyebrow and Wilbur mouthed blackmail, to which Phil nodded knowingly. He loved his sons and he was glad they got along so well.
A/n: I actually kinda liked this :) it’s really cute lol k bai
Oneshot #2: Claustrophobia
A/n: so Ik this has been done a few times but I really like this idea so here’s my take. Also this is more lore-based. like it isn’t actual lore but it happened on the dsmp so there’s that. Also Wilbur is Tommy’s only brother in this story, techno and tubbo aren’t related to them.
Tw ⚠️ : Claustrophobia, panic attack, Hyperventilating, crying, scratching, mention of blood
I think that’s it lmk if you find anymore
Techno- 21
Phil isn’t in this one bc I’m lazy
Tommy POV:
I had been working on decorating my room in Pogtopia. I was decorating it with red stone blocks and pistons because I think they look cool together. I felt safe and content knowing that my friends were right out there and would protect me. I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic, but I was fine since there was still a space open for me to see.
Suddenly the red stone block sets off the pistons witch pin me up against the wall, making me immobile. I start to panic but remain calm when I remember there are people here to help me.
“Hey Wilbur?” I call out, my voice trying to maintain its signature annoying tommyinnit tone even though I’m scared out of my mind.
Wilbur POV:
I hear my name being called from the other side of the cave. Oh my god it’s Tommy again what does he want? He’s been so annoying all day. He’s my brother and I care about him a lot but he can be a little much sometimes.
“WILBURRRR” I hear again. I try to ignore him but I hear footsteps behind me.
“Can you deal with him I’m trying to farm potatoes here.” A monotone voice says.
“Yeah, fine” I say annoyed. I walk over to Tommy’s room and all I can see is one side of a piston sticking out from behind the door.
“Wil? I’m stuck can you help me please?” He says. I let out a hearty laugh. What a Tommy thing to do.
Tommy POV:
I was expecting Wilbur to help me out, not to laugh. Surely he’d let me out soon, right?
“Hey techno, tubbo look at this, Tommy got himself stuck between pistons,” he says giggling. My heart sunk. I could feel myself getting more and more panicked, help help help.
I hear footsteps signifying that the other people had arrived.
“H-hey guys can you please help me, I have really bad claustrophobia” I say, trying to keep my voice strong. I’m met with laughter. I can barely see through my door, it’s my only source of light and I’m grateful.
“Tommy, you’re such an idiot.” A monotone voice said. My eyes start to sting let me out let me out let me out.
“What if we blocked off the door that would be funny” I hear tubbo say. No, tubbo knows about my claustrophobia, he wouldn’t, no.
“Good idea haha” I hear Wilbur say, still laughing. My stomach sinks to the ground as my only light source is cut off.
I feel myself slipping, beginning to panic but trying to muffle my sobs.
Technoblade POV:
I’m laughing along with the others at Tommy’s stupidity when I hear a sniffle come from inside the room.
“Is he crying?” I ask quietly. I’d never seen Tommy cry before. Wilburs eyes widen.
“Oh shit. I thought it was a bit.” Tubbo says his voice cracking. “He really is claustrophobic.” Wilbur hurries to open the blockade. It opens and we see Tommy curled up onto himself between the pistons, sobbing quietly and covered in blood. Wait- blood? No one moves a muscle out of shock. I break out of it and swiftly pick up the sobbing boy my arms and hold him close. I’m horrible and physical contact but he really needs help.
Tubbo and Wilbur follow me out of the room, both of their eyes already shining with unshed tears. I gently set Tommy down on the ground and he immediately curls up on himself in a protective position.
“L-let me out” he mutters. My heart breaks. Tommy and I weren’t close but he was just a kid and I did care about him. Tubbo starts to cry. Wilbur rubs tubbo’s back while I clean Tommy’s wounds. He has gashes on his arms and hands that looked like they were scratched in. I realize he must have scratched himself during his panic attack. A silent tear flows down wil’s face. I can see the guilt in his eyes. I clean his wounds and bandage them up. Then he sits up, having calmed down.
“Hey toms, you good?” I ask quietly. He slowly nods. Then he looks around the room and his eyes widen when he sees Wilbur and tubbo crying.
“G-guys it’s fine I-I’m ok!” He tells them.
“No, it’s not fine,” Wilbur says, “we should have listened to you and realized you needed our help. I’m a horrible big brother.” Tommy leans in a hugs Wilbur and tubbo.
“It’s ok, I forgive you guys, just- never again, ok?” We all nod quickly.
“I’m sorry too.” I add in. “For laughing at you when you needed us.” I finish, my cheeks red, I didn’t like apologizing, but I knew I need to. Tommy nods in forgiveness. He’s truly like a brother to me.
A/n: I don’t like this one as much and i kinda lost motivation towards the end but I think it turned out fine :p this one took really long lol
Oneshot #3: Family movie night
A/n: Ik this has also been done before buts it’s adorable so I’m doing it
Techno- 18
Phil is old
No trigger warnings, just fluff :D lots of platonic cuddling though so beware
Techno, Wilbur and Tommy all got home from school at the same time. They all immediately dumped their bags down by the door. Techno and Tommy stomped up the stairs to their rooms and Wilbur slumped down onto the couch.
“Jeez what’s with you guys today” phil said confused at his children’s behavior. Usually they come in and greet him at least.
“I’ve had a really long day, techno too, I don’t know what’s wrong with Tommy though, he was like this on the bus, too.” Wilbur says from the couch. Phil nods his head and goes upstairs to check on his Children and make sure they’re ok.
He knocks quietly on Techno’s door. He hears a grunt of approval so he opens the door. The pinkette is sitting on his bed with a math book on his lap.
“Hey Phil” he says looking up.
“Hey Techno, what’s up?” He asks, taking a seat by the pig hybrid.
“Nothing much, Im a little stressed out about schoolwork though.” He says, eyes returning to the book. Phil nods in understanding. He was in high school once, he remembers how stressful it can be.
“Maybe we could have a movie night tonight, once everyone finishes. You guys have been working really hard, you deserve some time off.” Phil says.
“That sounds nice.”
Phil nods and leaves techno to study, going left to Tommy’s room. He knocks on Tommy’s door.
“Come in.” Tommy says, in a rather weak tone. I walk in, slightly concerned. I see Tommy sitting on the floor, his arms wrapped around his knees, staring angrily at the wall.
“Toms? What’s wrong?” I ask, kneeling down to look at him. His brow furrowes.
“Am I a bad friend?” He asks, still not making eye contact.
“No toms, of course not. What make you think that?” I ask.
“Then why does tubbo like ranboo so much more than me?” He says, “I thought I was supposed to be his best friend”, he finishes, his voice cracking.
“Toms look at me,” I say and he turns to face me. “If tubbo is making you feel left out then tubbo is the one not being a good friend. Just because he’s excited about his new mate, doesn’t mean it’s gonna be this way forever, ok?” Tommy thinks for a second then nods.
“We were think about having a movie night tonight just like we used to.” I say. Tommy’s eyes light up in excitement.
~time skip lmao~
“Will can you pass the ketchup?” Tommy asks. Ever since he was little he liked to dip his popcorn in ketchup. Will also liked this, but techno and Phil found it absolutely disgusting. They were all sitting together on the couch, Tommy resting in wills arms and Phil’s wings wrapped around everyone lovingly.
“So what movie are we watching?”
A/n: super lame ending Ik but I liked the rest ig. Stay safe stay hydrated Luv u
Oneshot #4: My son
A/n: Here’s some actual Angst. This is very lore based. I know that there’s one of these in literally every oneshot book but here’s my take bc I want to.
Wilbur- 19
Phil is old
Tw⚠️: insanity, death, sword
Phil’s POV:
I look into the pleasing eyes of my son, begging me to end his misery. I think about not doing it, I really do, but I can’t look past the begging in his eyes.
My hands tighten around the grip of my sword. I watch as my son’s eyes change from begging to excitement for blissful relief. The fresh smell of gunpowder lingers in the air as I raise my sword in preparation.
A small part of me says that I won’t actually go through with it, but I will. I raise my sword higher and get it positioned to kill.
“Dad?” He says. Just that word, that heart wrenching word makes me hesitate. Is this really what he wants? To be mercy killed by his own father?
“I’m sorry.” He finishes. Every fragment in my body tells me not to kill him, but his eyes are so compelling. I have to. The message is sent, he’s ready.
My sword plunges through my son’s heart.
A/n: Woahhhhh ok so that was intense. But anyway I hope you enjoyed :))) I promise I will make up with it with some tommy/techno fluff in the next chapter. Stay safe and drink water <3
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conchstellations · 5 years
watching the 1990 LOTF movie!! my reactions:
hello all!!!! i was bored at midnight again so here it is: me watchin the 1990 movie, for the first time, hell yeah!!!!! here we go!!! its got the other movie to live up to, so im excited for a comedy lmao!! tl;dr at end if u want!!! its kinda long btw lmao
- castle rock entertainment??? piggy u better watch out bro
- fuck is that the pilot???
- k this isnt a big thing but why are they in water? the plane left a scar in the earth, they were on land.
- okay, again, me nitpicking. but idk, to me, they dont look 12?? maybe its just cause theyre all dressed up n that but they dont look like 12 yr olds to me like the last movie
- why tf does ralph (?) have a glowstick lmaooooo
- why are they all together. where is my conch. wher are my stupid ass choir outfits. maybe im not there yet and they have them, but i want my stupid cloaks!!! jack would not stand for this!!!
- why TF is the pilot alive???
- am i supposed to know whos who by now?? did i just miss that?? which ones ralph? which ones jack?? wheres simon???
- conch??? the conchs main job is to bring them together, and here theyre already together so???
- piggy already makin me love him gosh piggy is child
- okay so im guessing brown hair kid is ralph
- piggy protecting conch rights
- i do like piggys sass... very iconic
- okay whAT??? is that blonde kid supposed to be jack?? first off, jack has red hair. second off, there is no way in hELL THAT MY basTARD child jack merridew would let ralph win the election just like that??? wheres my choir??? wheres my c sharp???
- okay jack would for sure call piggy shitbrain nvm
- wheres simon????
- r they fuckin cookin lizards??? nvm look away simon pls dont be in this
- is thAT BITCH supposed to be Simon?? hes got a lot to look up to. also why the FUCK is the adult alive. taht ruins the whole purpose of the entire book
- was that a dream??? sorry im dumb af lmao
- alrght simon is kind of an adorable hild and he likes lizard maybe hes valid?
- idk.. for some reason this ralph isnt like, giving me ralph vibes?? hes just not bring like ralphish u know??
- now im getting a little bit more of our beloved lil bitch ralph..
- okay wtf is going on lmao
- “SHOVE THEIR DICK IN THE CONCH” had me laughing for a solid fucking 30 minutes. william golding who??? whoever wrote that line is the new icon
- ‘EAT SHIT AND DIE”  okay wtffff im so confused but also vv entertained
- for some reason jack’s character is like 100% off, but also somehow 100% on point “thats exactly what i meant” like holy shit. like idk hes not jack but just sometimes he radiates “jack if he was allowed to swear and was less of a lil bitch” energy
- ok simon and lizard?? valid
- i swear to FUCKING GOD i will kill that child!!!
- im gonna cry. wtf. why would you kill his lizard. even this movie’s jack seems like he thinks thats fucked up and hes a psychopath. also, lemme say, at this point, i think most of the book characters would beat the shit out of someone if they were mean to simon like that, bc the choir were his friends, and ralphs tribe respected him, sooooo
- why tf is it simons job to take care of the adult that shouldnt even be there? liek wtf hes grieving asshole
- no fucking duh hes scared of everyone but simon i would be too 
- honestly kinda glad they let ralph say fuck he deserved it
- “back off man im sick of ur shit and sos my gang” fuckin got em
- let me guess pilot dude is the new beast???
- honestly wtf is goin on lmao
- okay piggys actor actually made me sd when he was crying about his glasses so good job
- simon comin through with the glowstick. also, good job simon
- well at least the lord of the flies looks terrifying as always
- are samneric putting on warpaint this early?? bc i WILL NOT stand for that shit. i am a samneric STAN Ok??? they were two of the tHREE left when simon died who didnt become cowards and go savage. they wree LOYAL to ralph until they were LITERALLY tied up and FORCED to join jack, and even then they helped ralph!!!! so fuck u. samneric are better than that.
- oh simon :(
- im glad they actually kind of (?) shwed simon like with the pig head bc last movei it was just ike them flipping the camera from pig to si so idkk
- ok that was a pretty ralph move to bring up the fire 24/7 lmao
- piggytits?? tf
- simon with hus fuckin glowstick lmao
- awe, simon
- okay HOLY SHIT. the sounds of what i assume to be them fucking stabbing simon are horrific. and then that cut to simon’s fucking mutiliated corpse?? holy SHIT. like as much as im complaining, thats the gruesome shit i expect from this book. i was expecting them to shy away from it bc its so awful, but im SO glad they didnt, bc that gave me fuckin chills. finally, something i can praise them on. thats the lord of the flies i expect. 
- i feel bad for ralph.. good job
- ok good. samneric came back. good job again.
- ok. nvm. the disrespect to my loyal children. alright.
- okay that child screaming as hes being whipped?? wtf.
- ok that line of piggy being scared that the russians will take them nad make them go into the olympics? gold. 
- piggys laugh is so pure
- why the fuCK are they finding instruments lmao
- poor piggy
- did roger just wolf whistle at ralph what the fuck is going on
- holy SHIt this movie does not hold back on the blood. but, wheres my conch explosion?? if ur gonna show him getting hit u gotta show the conch exploding. although, the conch means like nothing in this movie lmao
- okay wow piggys dead body cool cool cool
- ralph fucking YEETED that kid to the ground lmao
- okay, ralph crying?? good acting
tl;dr/conclusion/my thoughts: hooooo boy so i see why everyone likes 1960 one better. 
first, lets start with the obvious: why this isnt lord of the flies. because its not. if this wasnt telling me that its lord of the flies, i would think of it as that, really. first off, the conch. the conch represents civility, it brings them together. its important. when piggy dies, it dies, representing how all civility is now gone. i maybe saw the conch three times this movie. didnt do anything.
second, the pilot, captain whatever. the point of the beast to me is that they made it up. sure, the corpse was real, but it didnt pose a threat, it was simply a corpse. they made it into what it was, therefore proving that they are the beast. sure, the pilot here was harmless, but he grbbed a boy’s foot and was therefore making himself a possible threat. maybe its not a big deal i guess.
third, the characters. the point of lord of the flies is that they are rich kids who havent gone through anything. theyre the perfect, spoiled kids who havent done anything wrong. half of them are in choir. chOIR. in this movie, lets take jack for example. they said he stole  a car and got sent to military school. no. the point of jack is that he was a perfect kid. leader of choir. he was manipulitive and got even ADULTS to trust him. its part of hs character, showing that this perfect choir leader kid went fucking insane to prove how literally everyone can be evil. also samneric???? the direspect!! they were loyal to ralph until they were tied up and FORCED to join jack, and even then, after roger like beat the shit out of them, they were STILL loyal. fuck you.
so those are the MAIN reasons why it wasnt lotf. 
now, what i liked i guess.
the swearing was NOT lotf, and it didnt fit with the story, but ill admit that i laughed, so i guess thats a plus.
second, i liked how they showed the gore, i guess? sounds weird, hear me out. lord of the flies is a gruesome, violent, awful book. theres descriptions of death in detail, and im so glad they showed it. when simon’s body was there, literally torn to shreds? the shock of it, the true savagery you see that these boys murdered him SO violently, is amazing, because thats the essence of lotf. simons death shows how theyve lost all their civility, and showing such a gruesome corpse really brings that through. so good job.
and now, of course, the obvious: thats not the characters i pictured when i read the story. simon doesnt look like that, ralph doesnt look like that, jack doesnt look like that.
 where did the choir go, too? forgot to mention that, and i think that also adds into the whole, theyre supposed to be perfect kids and then become savage thing. also, the choir was a group. they voted for jack and went with him for a reason. 
so yea, thats that. dont know why people would read this lmao but thats my thoughts!!!! i just need to keep myself busy when i watch movies and to make sure i focused, i figured id just write down my thoughts as i went. if u wanna watch for free, look up lord of the flies 1990 google drive. 
;)))) and yea im posting this at 230 am lmao why not
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kittywolves · 5 years
1-200 if you want lmao If not then just your favourites
200: My crush’s name is: don’t have one tbh, not romantically anyway
199: I was born in: west virginia, 2000
198: I am really: dumb
197: My cellphone company is: idk man
196: My eye color is: blue w/yellow bursts but they just appear green if you’re not super close
195: My shoe size is: 7+1/2-8
194: My ring size is: 7+1/2-8
193: My height is: 5′5″
192: I am allergic to: sesame :T
191: My 1st car was: N/A
190: My 1st job was: N/A
189: Last book you read: uh, Percy Jackson? i think
188: My bed is: warm, cozy, full of plushies & cat fur
187: My pet: CALCIFER!!! 
186: My best friend: uh,, i don’t have one?
185: My favorite shampoo is: idk fruity scents that aren’t watermelon
184: Xbox or ps3: PS3
183: Piggy banks are: cute or terrifying, no in-between
182: In my pockets: my phone
181: On my calendar: birthdays
180: Marriage is: cute 
178: My mom: can go die 
177: The last three songs I bought were? uhh, i haven’t bought any songs,,
176: Last YouTube video watched: DrawingWiffWaffles newest video
175: How many cousins do you have? 1
174: Do you have any siblings? yes, 2 alive 1 dead
173: Are your parents divorced? no,,
172: Are you taller than your mom? around the same height
171: Do you play an instrument? no, but i wish i could play the harp tbh
170: What did you do yesterday? uh, i went shopping with my mother and then watched Futurama 
[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: ? i dunno anymore
168: Luck: i guess so, yea
167: Fate: yea
166: Yourself: no
165: Aliens: YES
164: Heaven: yea
163: Hell: yea
162: God: ? yea?
161: Horoscopes: not really
160: Soul mates: YESSSSS
159: Ghosts: yep!!
158: Gay Marriage: %100
157: War: no >:(
156: Orbs: what
155: Magic: yep!!
[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs pls
153: Drunk or High: never been either, both sound fun
152: Phone or Online: usually use my phone tbh
151: Red heads or Black haired: all are adorable!!
150: Blondes or Brunettes:  a d o r a b l e ! !
149: Hot or cold: uhm, comfortable warm,,
148: Summer or winter: SUMMER
147: Autumn or Spring: HALLOWEEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
146: Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE 
145: Night or Day: NIGHTTIME
144: Oranges or Apples: apples 
143: Curly or Straight hair: both are great!! i have slightly wavy hair uwu
142: McDonalds or Burger King: neither >:(
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: MILK PLS
140: Mac or PC: um, idc
139: Flip flops or high heels:  F L I P F L O P S
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: SWEET AND POOR PLS GIVE ME A KIND BAB TO LOVE @ UNIVERSE
137: Coke or Pepsi: coke !!
136: Hillary or Obama: obama!!
135: Buried or cremated: cremated so i can’t come back :’)
134: Singing or Dancing: i can’t do either :(
133: Coach or Chanel: ugh, coach ig
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who or who
131: Small town or Big city: i live in a city, but a town sounds nice tbh
130: Wal-Mart or Target: TARGET
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: what
128: Manicure or Pedicure: PEDICURE PEDICURE PEDICURE
127: East Coast or West Coast: i live on the west, so west
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: MY BIRTHDAY BC I GET TO PICK THE THEME !!!
125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers die and give off the aesthetic but chocolates are delicious so both
124: Disney or Six Flags: i love disneyland it’s just SO EXPENSIVE and six flags is gr8 for the thrills, plus i currently have a pass so
123: Yankees or Red Sox: who? which sport is this[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: blehhhh no
121: George Bush: idk american presidents lmao
120: Gay Marriage: YES YES YES YES YES YES
119: The presidential election: ew
118: Abortion: i’ll allow it lmao, i don’t think it’s great, but ik people will still get it whether it’s legal or not so might as well legalize it. also some cases actually need it so like,, yea!! let it happen!! pro-choice!!
117: MySpace: never used it lmao
116: Reality TV: ew ew ew ew EXCEPT FOR COOKING SHOWS
115: Parents: mine or just in general? bc eh
114: Back stabbers: M U R D E R  T H E M 113: Ebay: lmao shipping expenses 
112: Facebook: haven’t used it in years, do use messenger tho
111: Work: i like wedding coordinating with my aunt!! that’s about all the work i’ve done, oh and i’ve babysat
110: My Neighbors: don’t know em, they probably think we’re crazy tho, always yelling
109: Gas Prices: too!! high!!
108: Designer Clothes: eh, clothes are clothes, and some clothes are ugly (a lot of times it’s designer clothes blehh)
107: College: i mean i guess
106: Sports: go team! hit the ball! score the points! woo
105: My family: dysfunctional,,
104: The future: nooooooooooooooooooo
[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: uhhhhh....
102: Last time you ate: uhm, around 4?? maybe?? it’s 7 now
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: uh?? i never see anyone OH i guess on wednesday last week,,
100: Cried in front of someone: ???? idk??? i cry while everyone’s asleep usually
99: Went to a movie theater: last week !! um, thursday?
98: Took a vacation: uhh, february, early march? i went to ohio
97: Swam in a pool: uh, last monday 
96: Changed a diaper: um, not this year lmao, maybe last year tho idk
95: Got my nails done: ???? i dunno
94: Went to a wedding: last november?? or wait no,, uhm i dunno sometime recently lmao
93: Broke a bone: never! did drop one in water tho :/
92: Got a piercing: december!
91: Broke the law: ?? i don’t wear seatbelts when i sit in the back seat lmao
90: Texted: around two hours ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: um,, my friends
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: MY KITTY BABY
87: The last movie I saw: missing link! the stop motion- i’m a wh*re for animation lmao
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: changing my name, moving out, getting married & having a stable life :’)
85: The thing im not looking forward to: being stuck here forever and eventually kmsing due to stress and depression :’)
84: People call me: Kitty!! Kiki!! (birth name) karebear!! 
83: The most difficult thing to do is: exist within the same room as my mother without bursting into tears or storming off 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
81: My zodiac sign is: Virgo! Viriborn for all you homestucks! and dragon in the animal one!
80: The first person i talked to today was: my dad :’) and then i messaged @deanilise even tho she was asleep 
79: First time you had a crush: uh, as far back as i can remember i had a “crush” on Daphne Blake :D but i was like a small child and didn’t know what love was so anytime i saw anyone who i thought was cool or pretty or i wanted to befriend i had a supposed “crush” on them :/
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: i try to be pretty open, but sometimes i just wanna close off 
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yikes idk
76: Right now I am talking to: like talking to or talking to? for the first, just some group chats for the second, no one
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: i wanna be an artist! i would love to be a youtube artist, but i fear i’m not creative enough for such things.. i would also like to be able to tell my stories!
74: I have/will get a job: i dunno,,
73: Tomorrow: church
72: Today: overslept, did some chores, been online
71: Next Summer: hopefully i can go back to colorado to visit my brother !
70: Next Weekend: ugh, church activities & then actual church, as well as other easter festivities
69: I have these pets: baby kitty, and some dogs.... 
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: my mother, she’s like the only person that makes me cry unless someone says they’re attempting and i can’t get through to them
66: People that make you happy: @onedirtysock @aliaitee @deku-is-tired @deanilise @awkward-scarfy-boi @fourth-best-jeanist @bnhaworld @bnhya @helloiliketits @trashyfxndoms
65: Last time I cried: last night oops
64: My friends are: (see 66) they’re all very nice & supportive which is amazing & i love them all dearly
63: My computer is: a MacBook air with a galaxy cover
62: My School: not in one but the one i’m gonna go to in the fall is just a community college
61: My Car: N/A
60: I lose all respect for people who: hate on anyone, racists, homophobes, transphobes, pedos, terfs, ableists, etc
59: The movie I cried at was: uh, i dunno, but i was crying abt futurama the other night
58: Your hair color is: orange-y with dark brown roots, supposed to be dyeing it soon :)
57: TV shows you watch: BNHA, HIMYM, Bob’s Burgers, TUA w/ @deanilise Futurama, The Simpsons, Fairytail, Runaway’s, Adventure Time, SVTFOE, etc
56: Favorite web site: Tumblr!
55: Your dream vacation: Ireland,, ofc i always dreamed of going to paris when i was younger, and Britain sounds cool too, & i’ve heard belgium is pretty && japan sounds fun && new york city sounds super cool as well so idk any of those places ig
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: uh, probably when i broke my arm, although i can’t remember it, i did used to get growing pains in my legs when i was younger & could hardly sleep so there’s that option as well
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium or medium-well
52: My room is: messy, but it’s home & also warm
51: My favorite celebrity is: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dunno
50: Where would you like to be: idk, in my bed ig
49: Do you want children: yea! i wanna adopt!
48: Ever been in love: uh, i thought i was, but it was just an intense crush on this girl lmao
47: Who’s your best friend: already answered this lmao
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girls,,
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: laughing, music, & seeing my friends
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: any of y’all would be great tbh
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: survive 
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: lmao no, 
41: Have you pre-named your children: uh, i have names picked out that i like, but idk depends how young my kid is when i adopt them, and even then idk if i could bring myself to change their name uwu
40: Last person I got mad at: my mother,,
38: I wish I was a professional: artist!! youtube maybe!![ My Favorites ]37: Candy: hmm, i like smarties, m&ms, gummy bears, & sweetarts
36: Vehicle: uhh, vw beetles? WAIT NO JEEP WRANGLERS I THINK
35: President: uh idk
34: State visited: the one i live in lmao, California :)
33: Cellphone provider: idk a lot about them
32: Athlete: N/A
31: Actor: eeeeeeee
30: Actress: eeeeeeee
29: Singer: Case! Patrick Stump!
27: Clothing store: Hottopic
26: Grocery store: N/A
25: TV show: Arrow! Adventure Time! (ripip) i haven’t seen Arrow in a long time tho so idk if it’s still any good...
24: Movie: Heathers!!
23: Website: Tumblr,,
22: Animal: CATS
21: Theme park: DisneyLand! it’s just sooooooooo expensive ;-;
20: Holiday: HALLOWEEN
19: Sport to watch: Soccer!!
18: Sport to play: none
17: Magazine: i don’t read them
16: Book: The Hunger Games 
15: Day of the week: probably friday or saturday
14: Beach: uh, maybe seal? or hermosa?
13: Concert attended: i’ve been to exactly one (1) and i didn’t enjoy it bc it was for Ariana Grande
12: Thing to cook: well you don’t cook them but, COOKIES!!
11: Food: Ice Cream!! Burgers!! Mashed Potatoes !!
10: Restaurant: In-N-Out probably
9: Radio station: 98.7 alt radio 
8: Yankee candle scent: uh i dunno
7: Perfume: Vanilla Bean Noelle from bbw
6: Flower: daffodils 
5: Color: pink! purple! green!
4: Talk show host: no
3: Comedian: Bo Burnham or John Mulaney
2: Dog breed: Retrievers !
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? yes!
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here’s my baby for reference & for putting up with all that
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shoushatohaisha · 6 years
report: haikyuu!! summer week day 3 (karasuno, fukkatsu!!)
previously: day 1 (shoen) day 2 (itadaki no keshiki)
guests: shouri, naoki, shou, acchan
it's been really interesting to see how each screening has a different flavor depending on the show and the guests. for example, the first two shows were very much influenced by the interaction between the audience and the screened content, while the first act of this event was not so much a screening of "karasuno, fukkatsu!" as it was a live-action show of "kondou shouri, fukkatsu!" like. oh my god. I THOUGHT KENTA WAS BAD ABOUT REENACTING CHOREO at least he stayed seated half the time, shouri was straight up diving and rolling across the stage for every single one of nekoma's matches plus some of his white coat scenes as well. because if you put him in front of an audience this is just what happens.
BUT I DIGRESS. let us begin at the beginning.
first let me apologize for the fact that the first act will be light on shou and acchan because i was way up front, meaning i could only watch one half of the stage at a time, and it was real hard to watch anything other than The Kondou Shouri Hour. but more about them in the second act and aftertalk!!! ...also, i'm not gonna lie, i did not absorb a lot of the first five minutes or so because i was like, entranced by naoki's face. good lord that man has cheekbones. ANYWAY.
shouri: tbh this is the first time i've had a script to MC an event… honestly, who needs it. (tosses the clipboard over his shoulder)
he also mentioned he was at the screening the night before to figure out how this whole cheering thing worked, WHICH WOULD EXPLAIN THE PART WHERE RYOUTAROU AND JUSTIN WERE CLEARLY LAUGHING AT SOMEONE IN THE WINGS fldajfkldjf i thought at the time it was juudai and sonde, or maybe that kenta was there again (…i mean, he was, lol), but i bet it was shouri.
so then it was time for cheering practice. nice kill, nice receive, jump serve… shouri: oh and then when someone gets a point, cheer for them. you know like, I-I ZO, KU-RO-O, O-TO-KO-MA-E (roughly "NICE, KUROO, YOU'RE THE MAN") naoki: LOL WASN'T THAT YOUR CHEER IN HIGH SCHOOL shouri: yes :D shouri: ii zo, shouri, otokomae!! naoki: oh my god shouri: …let's do it now :D naoki: WE REALLY DON'T HAVE TO shouri: (already backing up for a run up) naoki: ok. cheer for kuroo, ok. shouri: no, for shouri :D naoki: ……………. shouri: (runs up and does a massive jump spike) audience: I-I ZO, SHO-U-RI, O-TO-KO-MA-E!! sound tech: (WHISTLE BLOWS)
to explain the whistle thing – so each night when the cast got too far off track or were going too long, a ref's whistle would sound. the previous two nights, it happened once or twice. how many times did shouri get whistled off? A LOT.
of course we practiced the datekou cheers as well! shouri: datekou, please show them how to do it acchan: but i mean, in the actual show, nekoma-san did this part, right shouri: right!! we did!! in the white coats acchan: so we'd like to leave it to you now ok thank you :) shouri: ...wait
(in the end they both did it.)
they then cued up the next screen… which was the entire datekou vs karasuno rap. XD shou: look. the rap is long and complicated, it's tiring, i'm sure it would be tough to do the whole thing. but even if you can't. everyone just please be sure to do sakunami's line. "funk it block." naoki: and yamaguchi's. shoubu no wakareMEEEE.
then shouri started explaining the special cheers/moves he thought up that he wanted us to do flfjaf;djkfdf. when nekoma sway back back and forth to their theme he wanted us to wave our thundersticks in time. "I THOUGHT THIS UP A MONTH AGO," he said proudly. "I WAS REALLY EXCITED FOR THIS EVENT!!!"
shouri: and here's another one i thought up a month ago shouri: in the manga there's a cheer that goes ike ike nekoma, right. so this is what i want us to do -- shouri: ike ike nekoma, nyan nyanya nyanyanyan! (waves cat paws) sound tech: (WHISTLE)
as before we ended by chanting ose ose nekoma / go go datekou except this time after about two seconds shouri and shou were like, yelling out at the top of their lungs running around the stage while naoki maded increasingly desperate whistling motions toward the sound booth. shouri: let's do it again! naoki: ISN'T THIS ENOUGH shouri: IM THE MC I MAKE THE RULES naoki: kansai people are terrifying. shouri: (super thick kansaiben) I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR A LAUGH
(and that, incidentally, is the difference between what shouri and kenta were doing w/r/t choreo -- you get the impression that this is probably how kenta watches these shows at home whereas put shouri in front of an audience, even if that audience is two people, and he can't help but perform. his and takato's consistently over the top ad libs suddenly make so much sense…)
all this, and the actual screening hadn't even started. deep breaths.
tonight the audience started calling out "furudate haruichi!" "worry-san!" "nakayashiki-kun!" when their names appeared on screen just like they were some of the players, it was cute. XD also even though kiyoko wasn't yet physically present, every time she "appeared" off stage the audience swooned "KIYOKO-SAAAAN".
so for the opening, of course they came out and did their own parts (props to acchan and shou for how well synced they were with the screen, their timing was super impressive) but then they all took turns doing not just a little bit of the rest but EVERYONE else's. iirc shouri was oikawa, naoki was iwa-chan, shouri was daichi, naoki was suga, shou was asahi, acchan was tanaka and ennoshita (the timing broke down a little bit here XD), naoki was takechan, shouri was ukai, naoki was kageyama, and shouri was hinata.
it was funny because like, when they first start doing other characters naoki was like, laughing at himself, still a little self-conscious but by the time he ran out to do kageyama's jump he was super into it and getting huge amounts of air lol. that was sort of the pattern of the night, naoki was clearly enjoying himself and excited in a normal person way but then kept getting dragged into increasingly weird shit by shouri and by the end would be like FINE LET'S GO LET'S DO IT.
as previously mentioned this resulted in them reenacting the vast majority of nekoma's choreo in full, in the center of the stage. flips and rolls and dives and all. shouri also kept forgetting this was not, like, a concert or something and would literally be bouncing up and down waving his thundersticks when he wasn't actively dancing. but then he got all embarrassed during kuroo's "that sparkling stage…!" speech and walked off stage... but BARELY, he was hovering so close in the wings that i could still see him ahaha. the closest he could physically force himself to actually leaving the spotlight. XD in contrast, naoki was so embarrassed during his first couple lines/closeup that he tied his nekoma towel around his face, walked off stage, and didn't come back for a full minute. hee.
shouri also made naoki leave the stage with him so that they could walk back on for nekoma's pre-match entrance, this time with shouri wearing his jacket specifically so he could reenact the dramatic toss and catch, which he then intentionally dropped a la the DVD blooper roll, as naoki took hinata's role of pointing at it in shock.
naoki was also apparently the "voice" of kiyoko behind the "tobe!" flag, shouri was very excited to make sure we knew that. OH for the first scene between kuroo and kenma, SHOU came out as kenma with shouri trailing after him measuring the height difference between the two of them and making exaggerated confused faces. and after nekoma waved goodbye and left the stage after the practice match was over, naoki also waved goodbye and walked off but shouri was so caught up in watching that he didn't notice naoki was gone for at least a minute and then did a huge doubletake at the empty chair. XD
last but not least, for the kurotsukki fans out there, i know you're reading this, during the practice montage at the end of act 1 shouri acted out tsukki's bit standing there tossing a volleyball with one hand like :|, and his attempt at a bored tsukki expression was hilarious, shouri's face just doesn't do that naturally. XD
so while the first act was like a show on stage we were watching, the second act was, of all the screenings so far, the most like an actual proper call-and-response cheering event. first was the tokonami match, of course, and honestly the biggest compliment to how well and effectively this match was staged is that there was zero snark – instead, i heard several people sniffling -- and the applause after ikejiri walked off stage went on for a long, long time.
but then the datekou match had so much for the audience to do! there was a LOT of cheering and chanting to take part in, and of course acchan and shou acted out big scenes like aone and futakuchi's "lock ON", the big blocks, "TEPPEKI DA" etc. by the end acchan was just on his feet making frustrated faces when he got blocked out ahaha. but this is the part that felt closest to actually being part of the student cheering squad at a volleyball game… if part of the cheers were a rap.
(at some point shouri and naoki came back on stage as well, and to be fair to them, for a split second when they came out again i was like OH NO LET THE DATEKOU KIDS HAVE THEIR CHANCE TO SHINE but while shouri did get very into reenacting their choreo he stayed off to the side and didn't distract from the main characters. thanks kondou-kun. XD
daichi: like [iwaizumi] said, datekou are really strong acchan: ^__^ (nod) suga: three months ago their iron wall totally destroyed us acchan: ^____^ (nodnod) suga: to be honest, we still haven't wiped out the fear from that time acchan: ^________^ (nodnodnod)
my favorite part about datekou, though, was at the end, when we got our first real emotional casualties of summer week. so first, aone's handshake with hinata also got a really, really long ovation, and shou started to look super emotional. then the datekou third years' retirement scene happened. because i know kimura atsushi, i was locked on (heh) to him from the moment it began, and was therefore able to watch in real time as his mouth slowly turned down and his face crumpled and his eyes glinted with tears. then when moniwa started talking about how next year's iron wall would be even stronger, he suddenly stood up and just nodded emphatically at every line but couldn't even smile. acchan i love u.
another sweet thing was that during that scene, the final "we played… we played volleyball!" scene with the losers, shou just took a long, slow look around the audience with this really gentle expression and later in the aftertalk he said he could see people crying and that he was really touched and grateful.
so, speaking of the aftertalk!
shouri and naoki also talked about aiia closing and how it felt kind of destined that it was where they had both their haikyuu debut and now their last haikyuu event. naoki: appearing as members of the cheering squad. shouri: as the ensemble cast. naoki: shouri, you were definitely the loudest person here. shouri: because i'm the MC!
they dragged-slash-complimented shou for his scary aone face. "yeah, i'm kind of scared by myself when i see the recording tbh because it's not like i could SEE myself when i was made up on stage." acchan: but off stage he's really nice!! naoki: yeah, you always gave off this kind of sweet idiotic air in the dressing room. shou: …actually… something like that happened today…
and then he explained how during the scene when aone is blocked out by hinata and lands with a thump back on stage, he reenacted it today… and when he landed in a crouch, his pants tore. XDD CUE EVERYONE DUCKING BEHIND HIM AND LIFTING UP THE SHIRT TIED AROUND HIS WAIST TO CHECK OUT THE TEAR AND FALL AROUND LAUGHING like literally naoki was lying on the stage paralyzed with laughter. shouri kindly demonstrated to us exactly where and how large the tear was, thanks shouri. "lucky i wore a shirt around my waist today!" shou said.
acchan also explained how he and shou did different variations on the "lock ON" on asahi, so of course shouri made them demonstrate – and they did one in which futakuchi tries to push aone's arm down, it pops back up, and futakuchi then walks his fingers cutesily up aone's arm as he says "yamenasai!"
then naoki told us about how during the scene when hinata spikes with his eyes open, one day takeru came up to him and said super seriously, "what's the deal with hinata closing his eyes? don't you normally spike with your eyes open?" naoki explained there was a line about how he hits with his eyes closed earlier, to which takeru replied, "i didn't hear anything about that, idk what you're talking about" and that was when naoki realized he was speaking as yaku. "i get staying in character but he WENT OUT OF HIS WAY TO ASK ME ABOUT IT."
speaking of, shouri also said that the show was just around the time the volume with the nekoma third years' backstory came out so that if you watch the full stage recording you'll see kuroo and yaku squabbling and kai trying to break them up in the background and such.
then, another takeru story, for one particular scene when the nekoma cast was holding up the iron wall it was always incredibly hot, because they'd already worked themselves into a sweat during their actual match as nekoma, then they'd have to put on these long white coats, so it was unbearable… and then on top of that, takeru would come over and like. squish up next to him. and it would be even MORE hot. so naoki would be like, "pssst get away from me" and takeru would just sit crouch there dead still staring straight ahead. "i got SO MAD AT HIM."
so that’s why today takeru was tweeting "…what did shouri and naoki say about me." XD
finally, their final messages! that's when shou said the bit i mentioned earlier about how moving it was to see the fans' reaction, and added "I'M DEFINITELY COMING BACK i mean i don't know if that's actually possible BUT I DEFINITELY WELL." acchan fell all over his own words and then was like I CAN'T PUT HOW GRATEFUL I AM INTO WORDS i love haikyuu bye. naoki said how how grateful he is that his first and last experiences at aiia were both, specifically, "karasuno, fukkatsu." and shouri just talked about how WOW HAIKYUU'S AMAZING WORRY KINOSHITA IS AMAZING. (naoki: just pretend he's an alien or something, ok guys?) and then, also, that he owes his career to the show basically and is super grateful and proud to have been involved.
OH, AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST -- the sound tech got the last laugh on shouri. they thanked us for coming and bowed... and then the credits music didn't start like it did for everyone else, they had to start singing it themselves – "da da DAH da da da DAH da da da DAH da da da dah" while shouri yelled at the sound booth "HEY, DON'T PUNISH ME" until the tech took pity on them and cued up the music. then shouri purposely "tripped" and fell going off stage, naoki held back shou and acchan from going back to help him, and they got whistled off one last time. XD
…the end. jesus that was a lot, how the hell are we going to get through shinka no natsu as led by shouri, we're all gonna die.
tonight: shousha to haisha………………. pray 4 me. see you tomorrow!!
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 8: “#StayLowAndGoGoGo” - Tom
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okay and thoughts. so evan went byebye, which was what needed to happen, super sweet, but him leaking stuff was really a mess. Merge is so exciting, I already love Caeleb, Jones & Mo, three legends already yay!
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I am sorry Evan, we did 100% throw this challenge but hey ajdjdjf even tho we threw this challenge it was a freaking 5-4 points LOL thank god I didn’t do more than just put Marcus Lehman.
Let’s go merge, thank god I didn’t turned into pre merge flop!!
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IM REUNITED WITH ALI!!!!!!!! KING!!!!!!!!! im so excited omg so we had a HUGE catch up told each other all the tea of each others tribes
He suspected I was the flipper but doesn't care LOL so yay!!! Ugh I have missed him its so great to have him back as someone I can fully trust and rant to about everything! I also had Jones queen to help get me thru the tribe, just wish she replied more lol! ily guacamole . mitch also great, so glad he survived the budva decimation that I caused oops
I don't think anyone suspects me n ali are close, and everyone thinks Julia/ian/Jason are a trio and either ian or Jason have the idol LMAO this is so funny. I was even on call w the tribe and we were discussing it im thinking lolllll ik ali has it and no one else rlly does wowow
we think alex has durmitor idol bc . apparently it was not found pre swap, caeleb claims he made the end but it was gone, jones and mo don't seem active enough to guess
reunited w ian king aswell hes great, gonna meet some new ones like jules aka almia queen and tom the Australian he was cool on the call so its good ik everyone so far on this tribe except 2 ppl really, while 8 people on the tribe have not meet 4 others so I hope im connected well?
I honestly don't know what will happen from here . like is it og vs og tribe? swapped tribes? something new? IDK! All ik is my top 3 allies are ali jones mitch and I want to try get us far !! but idk how to do that so...… stay tuned
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Still can’t get over that I made merge AHHHH
But wait...
Anyway I got in touch with Mitch and Benj. I talked with Mitch first then I learned it was Benj who flipped during the Noah vote. I mean I honestly thought it was Mitch ahsjdjd but I guess the talk I had with Benj about rocks/ties back then was an omen. Anyway Mitch tells me he forgives Benj so I guess that’s something? Julia confirms to me that Mitch is saying the same thing to her so ok. I then chatted with Benj and he did tell me he was the one who flipped because he was not close enough with Noah to go to rocks for him which is understandable but I’m still weary on Benj.
Tom then tells me Mo and Caeleb are grilling him for JJ and Evan’s demise. Right now Tom feels that Mo/Caeleb/Alex/Jones are a thing and that they’re just using Benj. That’s kinda a good info to use to get benj on our side??
Anyways I don’t know if this is alarming or what but on the tribe call Tom told Mitch and Benj he knew about the Budva idol being found because Julia told JJ and then told everybody. I think Mitch and Benj were shocked that Tom knows? Idk I maybe paranoid but let’s see
Right now me, Julia, Jason and Ali are trying to hide the fact from Benj and Mitch that we made sort of a pact with Tom and Jules to vote together come merge. I trust Tom to know that I think he will vote with us but idk about Jules. Tho Julia and Jason seem to trust her so I hope she sticks with us!!
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Last minute additions -
I got a vote cover from the choosing thing!! Drew didn’t really tell me what it did but if I had to guess what it was I’d say it’d be like,, a dark week thing where votes won’t be revealed? Who knows tbfh
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SO I KNOW I'M TERRIBLE WITH WRITING CONFESSIONALS, but this is my first Survivor game, I'm not used to using Skype and it's weird having to type it to a whole other window just to get a confessional but WHATEVER ILL TRY TO DO AT LEAST ONE A DAY. Even if it's just like about random shit! Even it's just an astrology lesson! Anyways JJ, I mean, Alex is coming at me saying he thinks it's 6v6 now and i'm like......who's gonna tell him. BECAUSE EVEN IF IT'S ME NOT DOWN FOR OG DURMITOR ( i love them but game wise idk if i can hang with them ) I DAMN WELL KNOW other people might not be down for that. I'm just tired of the assumptions though I know Alex means well I'm just TIRED ugh he's a pisces moon too so he'll sense it from me so I better act NOT ANNOYED but I can't help it UGH. Did I miss the people from OG Durmitor? YES! Did I miss the gameplay and none of them calling out JJ on his shit and being surprised that JJ got out for being a crackhead? NO. NOT AT ALL.
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okay so merge and I have lots of thoughts, i am gonna do it person by person so i cover it all ahh.
Alex C: Okay he lowkey terrifies me ahh. Like he is quite gamey, and both Mitch & Jules have said he is kinda leadery and potentially a bit pushy? I see him as an early merge boot (ideally), because I think he'll get a lot of attention on himself? He is fun though, and I like talking to him - we will see, maybe if idk Jones/Mo/Caeleb goes he will be a more workable ally from an underdog spot?
Ali: trash, disgusting, send him home, I never want to see that mess...
Benj: a KING, I have missed Benj so MUCH. He is such a, SUCH A KING, i love him, I'm so happy we are back together. I think he could be a great duo for me, since us two being close can be kept quite lowkey ha! We will figure it out, but he is going NOWHERE on my watch
Caeleb: Okay he is like... one of the only other newbies left in the game, and is potentially quite lowkey, so I'd like him to stick around for a while I think ahh! He seems super sweet, and could be someone to go to the end with if my faves go bye bye.
Ian: I've said it since round two, and I will continue to say it. Ian is the biggest threat in the game, I've been knew and I'm not dropping it. I will not allow him to go far, like he is super nice, but also... we are not allowing a threat like Ian to walk to the end.
Jason: Similar to Ian, I'm really feeling duo vibes with him and Ian, maybe even a trio with Julia I'm not sure? He scares me less than Ian, and I'd probs want Ian out first versus Ian? He still is also a king tho, even though I always get vibes that he doesn't like me eeeek
Jones: A legend! I can tell already, I fully get legendary vibes from her. But like... it makes me upsetti spaghetti that I really don't think I can let her get too far, like she... is someone I could see as a season winner, so she might need to go sooner rather than later, although getting her out might be easier said than done tbh
Jules: Okay an icon. Jules we LOVE in this house. I literally stan Jules with my 100% full heart, they know ALL and on my watch? they go NOWHERE. my clout is being used to keep an eye on Jules, even tho they are a much better player than me, and they will be able to watch their own back and go super far
Julia: Witch queen. I want her to go really far too tbh, like I love her and am so happy we have actually been able to work together this season. She told me about her self-vote thing she got from the merge feast, which is a big trust display. I think if I can get her woke about Ian/Jason, she could be a big ally and super important about my game long term. I think if we can get Alex C out particularly (since apparently they have history), then maybe she will be more willing to FINALLY make a move on them.
Mitch: I'm always sketched out by him KASDFA. Like I think he would work with me for sure, but I also like... don't know sometimes, like... he knows I was gonna vote him out premerge, can that go away? I think he could be a good ally moving forwards though , we will have to see.
Mo: MY SON. I MISS HIM. I'M SO HAPPY HE DOESN'T HATE, I THOUGHT HE DID. Its super exciting and like I said before, he is doing super good this season and I'm super proud of him. I wanna go far with him, but I think not being on a tribe with him till merge could be an obstacle to that ahh :(
Tom: Tom is a mega-cracked king. Like he is SO entertaining, and on a personal level I really vibe with him. I will not do him dirty, and I wanna go to the end of this game with him. We will see what happens, would love to be a juror voting for him at the end.
So overall final thoughts. I have a dream F4 alliance of 'The Flippers and the Flop' aka me, Tom, Jules & Benj, since those three flipped on their original tribe and I'm a flop. So I want that as F4, Julia at F5 (but maybe further, I love her too), and then for the rest:
6th: Mo 7th: Caeleb 8th: Mitch 9th: Jones 10th: Jason 11th: Ian 12th: Alex C.
We will see and figure it out and be flexible. Its gonna be a mess, but we will see. I just wanna make confirmed jury, then I just wanna play a bomb game, like finalist-schminalist, i just wanna end the season and my game not being an actual joke KASDFLAS.
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hi i just wanted an idol
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Okay so i dont know like when the last time i did one of these was but lets just start at last tribal council; I am lowkey so glad that evan is gone and we didnt try anything too fancy he really would've made merge that bit messier. But uhm also why the heck did he have to vote me grrr i wanted to try to not get any votes for a really long time but oh well cant have everything good happen in life.
M E R G E!!!!!!!! Yesssss finally merge has happened the playing field is even and i am ready to rumble. Bit nervous to see where abouts i stand in the tribe because i didnt feel very included in the original durmitor tribe and there are two people i havent met in benj and mitch.
Okay so like wtf is going on right now, sure say hello and all that shit but why is Mo, Alex and Caeleb like proper interviewing me, who do you think you are ELLEN? No youre not please stop investigating on what happened between jj and evan vote offs like i do not owe y'all anything..... i was probably going next if we didnt have that first swap! I am more than happy to tell them like what happened just it will be altered in favour of myself and they wont get the full indepth explanation.
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Sorry I don’t have a vid confessional today laid ease
But um ya I think I’m getting TARGETTEEEEEEEEED or at least someone within the durmitor dominators group is. WHich is SKETCHY!! Idk it just feels really obvious since that core group of 4 literally,,, tag teamed all 4 of us first ,,, hello??? Mam?? I get we just met like 2 days ago but you could be a lil more discreet ab everything 😤
But ik we can’t just assume based on that,, If we’re just going by that logic then their hitlist is Alex, Caeleb, myself, then Mo. but idt it could be that,,, concrete?? They could just be playing us like Noah/Michael/Mitch TRIED to do before,, but we got them so ya 🥰 anyways,,
If we can somehow get a plan out of them or at least a name then we’ll be ok,,, that way we’ll at least know what’s going on for SOME PART. Mitch and julia seem kiiiind if close? So hopefully she’ll tell him some shit and come back to me ab it - if I have to play the idol then,,,, I guess,,, I will,,, but I don’t want to. Like let me save it for when IM in trouble at least sksksk who knows,, maybe I AM in trouble and I’m just a crackhead 🤷🏻‍♀️
But ya that’s my rant I’ll be back soon laid ease mwah
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Okau so like woo! i won the first immunity of the season how bloody exciting! I honestly was confident going into the challenge however i didnt know whether or not i was going to win. I love the fact that i got shot 0 times so i literally could've gone asleep and potentially still won lol. But at this point my mission of staying low and go go go'ing has to be intact i cannot seem like a big threat in this game it doesnt get me far. So im telling everyone that im surprised and that it was really just based on luck and based on nothing so my target does not grow! So glad to have immunity in this game honestly first merge boot probably wasnt going to be BUT i know this round can get fucking messy so anything could've changed #StayLowAndGoGoGo
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okay this is a grr grr angry confessional. WHY IS EVERYONE BEING DUMB AND JUST BEING ATTACHED TO TRIBE LINES. Like I messaged Jones, Mo and Alex about it yesterday, and Jones my meme queen gave like a good response, but Mo particularly I was like... wut?
Like Mo is my org son from all the way back in Azores, so I always have his back... but like... when someone messages you about being uncomfortable with tribe lines and not wanting to stick to them, giving the HEAVIEST HINT POSSIBLE that I'm not attached to like Ian and Jason, your response should not be 'I'm just accepting my fate'... Like that is such a red flag to me, no player should just... be resigned to stuff? Like Mo PLEATHE.
In other other news, we love Jules still. Tom is being weird recently, I think he doesn't trust me anymore, so I think my dream at the moment is a F3 of Jules and Benj, Tom 4th and Julia 5th? Mitch terrifies me (and he knows I shot him, which caused even more distrust), Alex is super nice but is like... evidently not trusting of me, Mo is my son but I wanna SHAKE HIM, Jones is my fave I love her already, really like Caeleb too he is so nice.
I'm just frustrated, I feel like.. people aren't willing to do enough and its making me frustrated I just wanna scream. Like at this point, I expect to go midjury, like 9th, and I'm thinking who I'd vote. I would vote Jules, because they are always on the ball and their read is unmatched, I'd vote Ian because he has playing smart since round one, I'd vote Benj because he is one of the few that has his head screwed up about not blindly sticking to tribe lines.
Of the rest? I'd like to vote for Tom/Jones, but would probs need to see more gamey game from both. I could respect Mitch's story to get to the end, but don't necessarily see myself voting him. I could vote Julia or Jason. The one who is currently least likely to get my vote is probably Mo, I am just... frustrated with him. Like he could do SO GOOD, I just wanna give his head a proper wobble, like.... LISTEN TO ME. I am telling you I would flip just READ KSALDFA.
I ranked who I'd vote for in FTC if I was a juror so far and its currently:
Jules > Ian > Benj > Mitch > Julia > Tom > Jason > Jones > Alex C. > Caeleb > Mo
And the order in which I trust people is:
Jules/Benj > Julia > Tom > Ian > Jason > Caeleb > Jones > Mo > Alex C. > Mitch
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I have thoughts. I know its been a hot sec since I have sent one in but I have been just busyyy. So this one might be long and it'll have all my thoughts post-merge.
My first thought: Being reconnected with old tribemate (Jules and Tom). I love Jules. She's so kind and wonderful, might be hard to reach occasionally but when she messages its always full and heartfelt. I think that can go a long way in this game as she's fun to talk to and makes you feel like she's with you. So that also mean shes very dangerous of course. Tom is less so fun. He's kinda sarcastic kinda hard to read kinda edgy. He always acts like he's a little too busy for things. But he is fun and he has fed me a lot of information about Budva post swap, so thank him for that. BUT I'm like lowkey really annoyed with him. Losing that last challenge on purpose was dumb as hell. I know Evan is deceitful and hard to work with, but like hell keep that in your head and get him off as an easy vote right after merge. Because If they hadn't lost and instead we had gone to tribal (Durmitor), then we hopefully would've lost Mitch, secured the dynamic as 7 OG Durmitor vs. the 5 OG Budva, and it would have been much harder for Tom and Jules to chose the Budva members over the numbers. Obviously this works best for me and OG Durmitor but that just means that I don't know what Tom and Jules are thinking and overall that means I can't really trust them.
Second thought: That challenge was actually really fun. It put this merge into perspective and CLEARLY showed where people are at right now. The fact that OG Budva was so organized in their slaughter and got out Alex like hella fast and then me before we got out any of them was so showing. They are tight and they will remain to be tight. The fact that they were able to be so coordinated seems scary as well. AS it might mean that Tom or Jules or even Mitch or Benj is actually working with them to make sure we didn't win that immunity. Plus Tom won it and that is scary to me because I already was wary about trusting him in the first place. Putting thought one and two together makes me wary overall, because that means that together Tom and Jules and Mitch and Benj might be choosing to work with old Budva (I mean Tom and Jules don't have any inhibitions about voting out old tribemembers so) and old Durmitor might just be screwed.
Third thought: Annoyed that I was shot and destroyed second. I thought I was making a good impression with everyone. Maybe its not a good indication but also sad face.
Fourth thought: New tribe members! I love them all to an extent. Ali seems to be fun to talk to and likes chatting back and forth. But also he did say he was surprised I was out so early and since I know that Alex didn't shoot Julia then he was definitely shooting me. So I don't think I trust that all too much and he might be too sneaky. Jason seems nice. Not much to say our conversation has been pleasant but only so. The same with Ian tbh. They seem cool but thats it. Julia is fun and her background makes her seem like a total bad ass and a really cool lady, but she's been soooo hella dismissive of me. I don't like the way she's playing the game. I think she's putting on an act and playing a character to throw people off. I heard she was like sad or crying(?) that someone shot her and Tom confronted me about it. And sure I shot her but like hell thats the game. I'm 90 percent sure she was shooting me. I'm annoyed, and people seem to love her which just makes me think she's being dismissive to me because she thinks I won't be around too much longer and she doesn't have to put in the effort. And that's dumb, like if I do go I really hope this is the start of the Jury because I will have something spicy to say to her in the event she makes it to Final Tribal. Or maybe things will change and I will learn to really like her and stuff.
Fifth Thought: Game plan for tomorrow. My strategy going forward is simply to be not targeted tomorrow. That is truly the crux of it, because at this point I think I might get votes. I know that apparently I have a habit of getting votes in a new tribe (David and then Noah) so honestly I can see it happening, especially if they are worried about Alex having an idol and they got him out of the challenge first just to vote me. But if I can survive then I think I can go a little farther. The power struggle right now is 3 groups of 4 battling. There's the total Budva members, the total Durmitor members, and then the middle ground (Jules, Tom, Benj, and Mitch). I asked Tom who was more important the original tribes or the new ones and he said he wants it to be old but most likely will be new which basically means that he will vote with Budva. So in the event I survive with numbers I'll ride that until I need Alex (and his idol that I'm prettttty sure that he has but I can't be sure) out and will try to rally that we need him to be gone. If I survive but I'm not on the side of the numbers I wanna create a good bond with Ali and Jules as were all newbies and work that until we can start eating Budva from the inside. I'll see though DKSDSKDSK. I don't think it would be wise to concrete that before this first vote because their reasons for voting off JJ and Evan was apparently that they were making alliances with everyone. I don't want them to see me that way.
Sixth Thought: Okay another Idol Bridge BIG OOF. Those are hard as hell, and I am so confident that both tribe idols are gone which means there might be 3 idols out there pretty soon which is scary as hell. Durmitor Dominators are hoping to work together to get it and maybe we can actually use that together rather than having it hidden like this time. (Which I really think that Alex has it but whatev). If I'm idoled out imma be so sad but like also okay thats an okay way to go.
Have fun with this. Feel free to chop it up into mini confessionals or use it in its entirety. Up to you! Love ya hosts ur beautiful
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okay a gamey and a dumb update.
julia proper wants to flip on ian and jason which iconic... its truly time. I wasn't necessarily going to vote them out first, but if that's what is gonna happen, that is what's gonna happen.
in a memey update, JJ just got cast in another game and it reminded me of a JJ-ism I never confessed about. JJ was on call and showing me... a pet in a glass box, but i didn't know what the pet was or what it was supposed to be, because I couldn't see it. but he was like wow isn't it cute, so i fully called a stick which was the only thing i could see, cute. a STICK.
anyway so like.... back to game. i think the merge boot will be ian or jason which dun dun dun! its probs overdue and will happen, or it'll be me! we will see anyway
why am i drinking white wine with julia on call at 3am, we are truly the wine mum duo drinking our way till the end
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I think I'm in the middle of everything atm, which is a weird place for me to be. I'm not in the center, I'm not looking from the outside in, I'm not really a part of anything major or in any alliances and it's an odd feeling. I know I need to do something to secure myself in something but everything in this game just feels up in the air, it's odd. I don't know if it's just how Survivor is, but it's a very strange feeling not having a proper grasp on what's going on with EVERYONE. I have ideas but not a lot of real confirmation for much besides Jason/Ian, Mo/Jones, etc. Anyways. IDK WHAT ELSE TO SAY OKAY I'm boring AF this game
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Ok so for starters the immunity challenge ended after 2 hours of its posting adhgfjgs Tom won so big woo for him.
The Budva baes agreed to target Alex/Mo/Caeleb/Jones in this challenge and we got Mitch, Tom and Jules to work with us. Well kinda because the four (Me, Ali, Julia and Jason) of us were the ones who did most of the shooting to eliminate the Durmitor four and we just like went back and forth eliminating one another. I was the first to die in my group so big yikes!! I don't know if that's an omen idk but I do know that I was killed by grandma jones. So I killed grandma too oops!
Anyway, fast forward to today. I got an idol clue from the Hamburger but idk if this will help me get the idol hfjhsgf. So I shared it to Budva Baes and with Tom. Who knows we might get it idk.
In other news, on call Jules flipped because of an earthquake jgfjshgf
A tribe call happened that had almost everyone except Jones and Benj join which lasted about like 3-4 hours?? Anyway, me, julia, jules, jason, ali, mitch and alex played cards against humanity so that was fun!
After Alex and Jules left the call, the five of us who remained then proceeded to plan for the vote. As of now I think we're gonna throw our votes towards Caeleb because apparently he doesn't talk to them that much? I do talk with Caeleb but nothing game related so I guess I'm on board with that. We're not gonna target Alex rn because Julia mentioned that Alex might wanna work with budva people? or that maybe just a ploy, either way Julia and Mitch thinks Alex has the durmitor idol so that's something to be weary.
If I had my way I want to target Jones because during the call, Mitch and Julia expressed how they want her to stay and how they insta love her and to me that's kinda dangerous. But rn I don't think the numbers are their for me to go after Jones. Another hot topic on the call we had was Benj. I'm really becoming more weary of Benj because umm idk even tho we talk I feel like he's hiding something.
So far, the plan is for Julia to approach Jules about voting Caeleb. Jules is important for this vote because she's like in the middle rn and we need numbers. Also ghasgdd julia got a freaking auto-vote on herself for this incoming tribal council so we are screwed if they vote for Julia. Tom is also important but me and Jason have an alliance with him that Ali and Julia are not aware of so he's good hopefully.
Anyways as of now, the plan is Caeleb (which kinda sucks because I kinda like him) but who knows whats gonna happen. Just hope things go in my favor for this vote.
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Apparently I’m a secondary target for the vote, but I’m like oddly at peace? Maybe it’s because I’m super tired but being anxious is never fun so I’m relieved that I’m so calm.
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This tribal is so freakin messy. Literally everybody be crackheads and I am a freakin crackhead. I knew Mitch was gonna do me in again, I am sad that JJ blew up chances with Tom working with us, and I can't trust Jules because she's right in the middle. I think Benj is still with us. But gosh they'll vote me tonight and I wannnnna survive. If only I could like strongarm whoever has this freakin idol into playing it for me.
Anyways, I love Grandma's boys. They're all sweet and nice and wonderful and I want us to get this to work out. I hope Alex can work his magic, but also I hate that this has turned me into someone who is just riding the coattails at this point. Maybe I need to do some FREAKIN crackheadidness but hell we'll freakin see.
Jones has the IDOL OOOOOOOOOO. I think she might play it for me if things are looking bad. Literally my grandma is the most amazing I love her. Things be crazy and cracked here in Podgorica but the spice is nice.
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okay this confessional is a call out post, to basically the entire cast except for jules and benj. like its negative and mean, so I'm gonna scream, and then write some actually strategy and smart stuff KLDSAFAS.
Julia. I LOVE YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART, but. You have got us into such a pickle and are playing the middle too aggressively, dragging me kicking and screaming with you. Why would you make a Budva chat yesterday, to flip on it TODAY, that is such, SUCH a quick turn around
Alex. You are so sweet, and I really enjoyed the call yesterday, but you are already terrifying as an ally and are giving off JJ game vibes. This 'alliance' I'm in, of Jules/Julia/Me/Alex/Mo/Jones... terrifies me, WHY IS NOBODY TALKING. And then I love how Alex was like 'lets vote out someone from each side across two rounds' and then like... suggests Jason, a) one name b) one vote. And then it's like... he goes okay maybe Mitch the following round? Another OG Budva? I have to laugh, I have to LAUGH, this alliance is so fake askdlfaf. I love everyone in this alliance as people, but as allies I'm not feeling it.
Jones. You are a legend, and naming my plants was so fun, but you go so crickets its really scary, like it just looks SO sus. I wish you were more open gamey, I really wanna work with you grrrr.
Mo. Mo is my son, and I love him, but oh. my. god. is he frustrating to play with JLSAKDFAF. I have never played with someone who is so passive and who literally... does not say anything. Like on calls, he is so fun because he is the sweetest and a great guy, but his only comments and contributions have been 'I think I am going' and 'I have accepted my fate'. mo, MO, you can't be doing this and pulling these shenanigans, you are so likable just... give it a go and play the game HNNNGH.
okay that was mean and negative but I fully needed to scream. To clarify my situation, last night Julia made a chat of all the Budvas - Benj after the call, and we settled on voting Caeleb? But Julia wants to flip, and formed this group with Alex of them two, me, Jones, Jules & Mo. Like Julia, I get playing the middle, but this is playing. the. middle. I didn't want to be in such a middle position I hate this so much SKADLFASF.
It's really frustrating. I want Ian/Jason/Alex out because they all terrify me on a game level. But Julia has put us in the middle in a way that we are gonna have NO NUMBERS TO MAKE A MOVE UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Like I just wish she ASKED me before she made a group with Alex that I got dragged into.
I feel like me and Jules have to just... get in with Mitch. Its the only way. And Caeleb too I guess? Like I think the alliance I'm going to need is like... Me/Tom/Jules/Caeleb/Benj/Mitch... like that's a 6, and with Julia might be the numbers we need going forward.
I'm like... not gonna win this season I know it already. Jason is gonna be furious with me, as is Ian. And then I'm gonna have to flip BACK in two rounds. This is literally the exact game I've played before that hasn't worked.
Having said that, the main thing I did wrong before was that I didn't own my moves. So I need to own it, when I vote out Jason I need to talk to Ian and pull me in, so we can just... remove Alex. I just want everyone gone already askdlfa, its so so so tiring.
Here is what I want to happen now:
Ian > Alex > Jason > Mo > Jones > Mitch > Caeleb > Julia > Tom > F3: Me/Jules/Benj
but like... its just... im in such a bad mood about all this, its really... just enough.
Also for the funsies, if I was a juror, at FTC from most to least, this is who I'd vote for so far:
Jules > Benj > Mitch > Ian > Julia > Jason > Tom > Caeleb > Alex > Jones > Mo
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So this tribal is shaping up in our favor... hopefully. I think Jason's for sure going now at least. It should be a 9-3 vote if everyone's telling the truth... which would make it so easy to split the votes because I'm pretty sure Jason or Ian have the idol. The most we can hope for is make them think Caeleb is going home for sure.
Pray for me. I don't wanna be a merge boot. I feel like I have a lot more game to play.
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im about to save jason and fix all my problems.
i'm gonna push the vote onto ian, saying jason is very nervous and seems like he will play an idol, pushing the vote onto ian. Then I will tell Jason before/after (to be decided) the vote that I saved him, thereby securing his trust so that we can make a move on Alex next round.
I have NEVER played so aggressively, and tried to take control so much in the vote, but Julia put me in a crap situation. But I'm not gonna like... sit here and have it happen, I am here to play a good game, I said so in my application.
I think this is the way of ensuring minimal blood on my hands, and I've wanted Ian out since round two KLASDFA.
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Mitch told him? Like what the hell is happening???! I talked with Alex and he says he’s ok with Caeleb which is really weird??
Tom then goes online and tells me Alex has been going around telling people different names and he told Caeleb my name >.>
I am gonna get voted!! I can feel it ahsjdiff so much for my never voted out status :(((
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50 minutes till tribal and the plan is to vote out Jason but make Jason think it’s Ian or Caeleb? Unless I’m getting blindsided which in that case, well done. I’m really tired and I just want some Mac and cheese and a nap.
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why is the one time alex and jones pip up to squash my beautiful plan. like go back to being crickets at all signs of game talk thank you very much.
alternatively... tom and jules could come in clutch, flipping caeleb to vote out alex that works too.
i'm annoyed with jones/mo/alex they can go. like i've wanted jason and ian out as a duo for ninety-five years, but maybe i wanna keep them around.
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Jones is fuckinf PISSED
If Jason idols himself, I’m idoling Caeleb and I’m gonna gonna kill someone
If Jason idols Ian and we get Jason out I’m laughing my ass off
If Jason idols himself and I idol Caeleb and I’m SOMEHOW IDOLED OUT then fuck that shit I’ll literally kill someone
I just wanna tell these Budva in space jam then it’ll be ok
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me flipping my vote to make it a 5-4-3-1 sending Ian out... I'm either the second coming of Natalie Anderson or 11th place.
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The moment Mitch, Julia and Ali stopped responding to me and Jason I felt it. That we were being bamboozled and it looks like we did.
Tom and Jason were true to me and the end and I love them for that. Screw snake Julia because she really fucking played me like a fiddle lol and fuck Ali, mitch and benj hahahahahahahahaahahahahahHaha Because it really hurts! Alex is a scheming lying bitch and at least Mo half lied to me oof
At least my vacation is saved. I love the hosts, Drew, Seamus, Johnny and Asya for having me. I stan Nicole G forever. Bora Bora will always be my home. Goodbye tumblr survivor!
0 notes
survivormuxloe · 6 years
Episode #10: "This is why people hate the gays” - Michael
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Oh my fucking god did y’all see that tribal I was like butch it’s me I’m going like bye bye omg but NO it was simply a vote reveal and the idol WILL be mine
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So a few things to go over...
One, the plan to get rid of Felix was successful and bought me and Michael another day...HOWEVER, it would appear that I was not the first person to make it to the end of the bridge, which is a shame cuz I REALLY needed this idol, but it's okay.
Because Michael is still gonna be considered a bigger threat than me, and the most likely to go home if we both don't win immunity. That being said, I'm REALLY hoping I can pull this immunity off cuz it'd just be nice to not have to worry about it being me at tribal.
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i'm on highkey alert starting now.... this round (and honestly for the rest of the game) is prime time for blindsides and the waters are ripe for it... i really wouldn't be shocked if i'm targeted and have to play my idol hmph. i really really really just want to be able to use it successfully and i will feel content af with my game no matter what happens...
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my plan to take out jones is slowly unfolding, i worked on ryan earlier, and got him to see jones as a ringleader.. and he wants her out soon.. which is perfect for me hehe.. i just dropped some hints here and there that she has a lot of connections.. and now he's paranoid that she's gonna bring together a group of michael/david/mo/ahrre... which is perfect for me since i can use him to take her out... funny enough im not sure when i should take out ryan, he's definitely a threat going forward... but if i play my cards right i can take both of them out because i'm also painting ryan as a big target to some of the others hehe.. im trying not to overplay rn bc my ass is not on the line for votes currently, one misstep and I'm gone
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im so mad.. rn LMAOAOAOAO like. jones is overplaying as hell n i want michael gone SOOOOOO BAD but i gotta be fake af.. almsldndg
me n ryan r the best duo tho like.. i think ive convinced everyone thet we arent as together as they think umu
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So Felix went home. Which I knew about despite voting for Michael. I thought it was gonna be like 5-5 and tobi was considering to flip to avoid rocks. I didnt want Felix gone personally so I sent in a vote for Michael knowing it wouldnt change the outcome.
Jones is really overplaying wanting this next vote to be a split vote. Like no its 3-3-3 that way. THATS NOT SAFE. ITS ASKING for someone to flip. NO. Jones is going home this round or next round. Thats the T.
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extra shit.. me tobi rhys ryan are all mad susp of miss jones and i think im tryna convince all of them to stick wth her plans until f7 and us 4 can cut her ass out of the equation :) yayayaya im excited. girl deserves it after her overplaying last week as much as i love her
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Wiggling my way out of danger was a huge success, now i'm just hoping to lay low and not cause much drama and basically let the larger players; David, Rhys, Jones take one another out which will allow me to hopefully slip through the cracks and make it far.
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nvm idk how to feel ab my position anymore ignore all previous confessionals that i praise myself LMAOAOAOAOA
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It’s critical that I try my best to win immunities since my name and David’s is on the line and I’d rather he’d go than me. My best plan is to use Jones to my advantage she has a lot of sway with the other side and by playing off her need to be the leader and to have power to keep me in this game. Everybody wants power and everyone wants control and if Jones thinks that she has control over both sides of the tribe then she’s not gonna get suspicious and take me out.
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So I’m a little disheartened by the touchy subjects results. I won “the biggest goat” and “who doesn’t deserve to be here” and it sucks because these people are my friends and I guess most of them think this. But water off a ducks back, I’m going to smile and keep moving forward. I wanna win.
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Another day another update. So from were we left off Felix did end up going home good shit he didn't have an idol. He did play the vote reveal thing but I doubt that changed anything in the slightlest lel. That attempt from Scott to save face by also voting Felix is cute tho hehe.
Anyhow so after that we went to touchy subjects which tbh I was waiting because that would be an opening in my game. So Ryan and Rhys think I'm a goat which it's not suprising considering they're the ones I talk to the least. However most importantly Mo was picked as the goat by the most people.
Now this is a tough game and everyone is putting a lot of effort into it so imo it's not easy to point out a goat and Mo is understandably feeling down because he's as much into this game as everyone else. So I knew this was my opportunity to make a move because Mo will be wanting to prove himself to others so if I'm gonna try something this is my best oportunity to get his vote.
Now I grab Michael and David as well who are in a desperate spot and BAM we have the underground boys. So now the plan is simple. Tobi told me they want to split the votes between Mo and Michael in case Michael has an idol, so we get them to split then Mo and me flip and hopefully get someone.
That someone should be Ryan IMO because he's def a duo with rhys and even a stronger duo with Scott. So birds one stone. Plus he called me a goat so hey thre's that :)
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lmfao i'm getting dead silence from half the tribe and totally awkward conversation from Jones... definitely getting the vibe that i'm the target. I know Scott got tea from Tobi that Jones has concocted some scheme to split the vote on me and/or rhys or something to that extent? idek i need the full picture tomorrow but lol. should be a fun show no matter what happens
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Ok so Michael, David, Fabricio and I formed an alliance because were kind of on the outs. I know this is weird because I had rough pasts with all of them but I really like this alliance. Now, do I trust Michael? Absolutely fucking not, he already lowkey threw me under the bus after the alliance was made. By telling Jones I told him. So I want him gone soon.
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bih.. i aint in the mood today at all..
first of all last night touchy subjects. david wins lol x. i get most trusted n least trusted bc thats a thing ig. werk mama.
then to make matters worse... miss jones wants to split on either me or ryan incase michael idols ...
n now ive told tobi abou  t my idol n idk why im just feelin quirky n cool lol
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I have to laugh... this game gets wilder by the minute... my position right now is really fragile but its good if i play it right... right now i have a lot of influence over what happens hehe... like i swear to god i feel cocky but lets review some things. 1. Jones is wrapped around my finger... i've been playing this whole super supportive ally and she even gave us the name "kermit and miss piggy" for our duo (me being miss piggy obv) and i've been working hard on her.. i got her to realize michael was actually super manipulating and was using her for a lot of things.. which is funny because that's exactly what im doing to her... she even showed me some stuff he wrote to her and i was consistently telling her that im trying to protect her from being manipulated by him... i swear to god im evil HAHA and like i love her and all but she's a huge social threat and if i see a clear shot im gonna take her out 2. scott scott scott... we were sharing idol guesses a few days ago and he went ghost on me on the guesses... i had suspicions that he was close to getting/had the idol... AND HE LITERALLY TOLD ME HE HAD IT I WAS LIKE OMGGG like this made me SO relieved because that means that i don't have to worry about the merge idol popping up without me knowing, but after i leaked his idol in Saint Vincent i have NO idea why he told me again... like this obv makes me wanna take him out and do stuff but im not gonna leak it again... i think. But like im not here to play fiddle to him... im here to win and if i have to take him out later i will... but the thing is that i don't know when a good time to take him out is, if im in f6 with a bunch of goats, the target is gonna be on me... so i have to think more about what im gonna do about him 3. ryan... i haven't been working hard on him, but he did come up to me with a plan to get me, him, rhys, and scott to the f4 like omg thats pretty iconic but going to f4 with a challenge beast like ryan? i have to laugh... im not stupid... challenge beasts have been the bane of my org career and im not about to let it happen again here... i have a lot on my plate right now, and im playing hard, but what's lovely is that i dont think im a threat to anyone? at least in comparison to the scott/ryan/jones clusterfuck that im gonna try to orchestrate, im lowkey... i swear to god if i actually pull this shit off.... my mind... but then again i might just flop again like usual so who knows hehe
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now that ik my name has been thrown out im so nerv ALMFNHFg like i dnt wanna be blindsided 5-4 o.o but uhm i hope for the best n hopefully im smart enuff to play idol ?
i just want jones gone is that so much to ask
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idk How to make confessionals apparently Bc I KEEP FORGETTING AHHH Michael comes to me right after the Felix vote and says “hey David crossed the bridge the idol’s gone” and I’m like MOTHERFUCKER. I WAS THIS FUCKING CLOSE. And it obviously scared me because either of them could be lying and one of them could have the idol. And I OF COURSE PANICKED. The next day I went to try and cross the bridge (Bc I was on 90) and I ACTUALLY DID IT!!! but guess what,,,,, THERE WAS NOTHING!!!!! HORRAY!! Idk what I’d do with myself if I got an idol tbh,, that shits scary. But yeah knowing that the idol is gone AND THAT I heard it from Michael first is hella scary and that could mean 3 things - A) theyre felling the truth and it’s gone, B) Michael’s a liar and Has it, or C) David lied to Michael and David has the idol. So right now this information is fucking with my head. And it’s deeeefinitely going to in the next vote.
So David wins immunity and I’m not THAT bothered by it? Of course it just makes things harder for everyone else Bc the original plan was to split between Michael and David, BUT NOW WE CANT. Either way Michael has to go home. He has a really terrible way of getting into everyone’s head and it’s not good for anyone. Plus if he makes it to the end he has such a good chance at winning with an underdog story it’s not even funny ajddjkf. BUT Theres still the possibility that one of those two has an idol, and we really have to think wisely on who would go in case that happens. Tobi thinks Mo is the safer move, but I really don’t think there’s a point in getting rid of someone that everyone thinks of as a sheep. Plus I’d like to sit with him in the end soooooo yeah. My personal preference on who the “blindside target” would be is Ryan. I love him to DEATH and Sweyn to the end, but he’s a challenge threat, and we have to pick off Sweyn eventually if the Muppet alliance wants to be victorious. Michael and david are already on board with getting him out anyway Bc they think he and Rhys are “tight” lol. But right now the vote split should be 7-2 on Michael as far as I know, there’s a solid chance that Mo will get a vote and if he does I’ll actually DIE. Also /according to Michael/, he said that Mo came to him and told him was voting for Michael. AND LIKE THATS THE THING MICHAEL IS PLANTING SEEDS IN MY HEAD THAT MO ISnt some I can trust and that /scares me/ which is why he has to go. If the tribal goes right, Michael goes, if Michael plays an idol, Ryan goes. If it’s a tie between Ryan and Mo, Ryan goes.,,, hopefully.
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So, Touchy Subjects, Im almost irrelevant, atleast im honest.
Anyway, The vote plan is Michael. However Jones is scared of an idol. I dont really want to split a vote but Jones is persistant on it. Ive been talking with people and apprently the split vote is on Mo.
However I talk to Ahrre and he knows this information too? Im on the bottom of whatever this is. Like I NEVER hear stuff first. I NEVER feel like I acctually know whats going on.
So to be honest. I dont feel like im going to win. Atleast not on this path. So I need to take a peck at the leader. Jones. Mo and Ahrre are said to be in her pocket. This is bad for 2 reasons. Jones has more power, and they arent doing much thus will be dragged to the end. So removing power, and increasing my odds of getting to the end will be great.
So the split vote is set to be 5-2-2. However, I can safely tell Michael that its 2 on Mo. So Michael & David both vote Mo. This is 5-4. We just need 1 flip to make this happen. So that could either be me, changing my vote to Mo. Perhaps someone else could flip beside me. Fingers crossed.
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So it seems like once again I am getting voted and with the amount of idols and such out there it’s getting more and more scary being this bitch who’s constantly getting voted because at any point I’m either getting the majority or I’m getting idolled out. I’m just hoping and praying that everything goes well and I need to start winning immunity
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i like don't know what's happening fahsdfhas. i kinda snapped and messaged michael for some reason, i think to see if he was gonna vote me.. and i kinda told him/he asked and i confirmed that there's a split plan in motion and he told me him/david are voting Mo and i was like well if you don't want me out i don't want you out... and Scott tells me he heard throuoght the grapevine (from tobi who heard from ahrre who was told by michael fjasld) that Michael said it was RHYS that let him know??? i'm. so idk faksdjf but i'm floundering a bit tbh. there's like less than 3 hrs until tribal so i hope i figure out concretely whats gonna happen
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Alright so let's go through a couple of things.
I WON IMMUNITYYYY. Omg, it felt so good to get redemption after losing this same challenge in my first org. (I got the tiebreaker there too and was WAY off, LOL fuck me) And anyways, it feels good to not have to worry about it being me tonight and to have a spot in the final 8. Hopefully this shows people that I've BEEN here to friggin play.
So now as it stands for tribal tonight...myself, Michael, Mo and Ahrre are gonna vote Ryan out. The other side are planning to split their votes 3 for Michael and 2 for Mo cuz they think Ahrre and Mo are voting for Michael. If all goes well and no idols get played, then we're in for the biggest power shift this season has seen and I cannot wait to be a part of that shift, cuz it's FUCKING GO TIME BABY
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ugh the idol paranoia i'm having rn........ i can't if i go home w the idol im gonna hate myself n if i misplay the idol im gonna hate myself jlskhfd like this vote is so uncertain to me.. i could be overthinking but i just dk... so like i almost want to just be messy and get the other 5's votes on me and idol myself…
ok so messy ryan jumped out and acted on his idolinpocket paranoia flaksdhf. i talked to both mo and michael and threw jones under the bus pretty bluntly.. mo seemed to already knoow that jones created the split plan w him as the vote, and is just acting like he thinks he's going home so idk if thats genuine or not. michael on the other hand, seems genuinely thinking it was between him or mo and now wants to get ahrre and me to vote mo with him and david and rhys who already voted mo. fladfjas so i've realized i was highkey overthinking but. this is interesting
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Right so idek where I left off but I think it was right after the underground boys were formed. Anyhow so Jones was weary of ryan so she thought about voting him, thing is he only wanted him as a backup plan in case Michael played an idol because everyone and their mums want him dead at the end of the day I guess.
So I'm like ok let's get michael and david to vote ryan with us and then while one of us still votes michael to make it a 4-3-2, (without letting her know Mo was with us and that I would vote ryan anyways lel) but then she freaked out and so did everyone really and they suddenly didn't want to split anymore and everyone was voting Michael.
However I managed to convince Tobi (and by proxy the rest of sweyn cause let's face it tobi is on top of this game that's another guy I've got to get rid of) to split the vote anyways, so as it stands Tobi and Rhys are voting Mo and Ryan Scott and Jones are voting Michael. But the thing is that they think Mo and me are also voting Michael but in reality we're gonna vote Ryan so it SHOULD be 4 votes Ryan 3 Michael and 2 Mo.
Now my worry is that if Ryan plays an idol it all goes to shit but I'm trying my hardest to make sure he doesn't know. Anyhow let's see how this plays out.
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It doesn’t feel good to be facing elimination especially now that jones is voting me. Any slight deviation from the plan for anyone could lead to my elimination but I hope that now ryan is voting mo that I might just scrape by once again and with jones’ Transparent game she shouldn’t be Long behind Ryan.
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lmao so they (michael, david, ahrre, mo) tried to pull off a rly good move flipping their votes onto me. and if only rhys hadn't had to sleep early and didnt vote Mo, I'd be sitting pretty but they did that.... unfortunately for them, apparently Jones fucked up heavily and immediately voted Michael in the revote? did i hear that correctly? KLFSJLDFHS WIG. i kinda feel bad bc... i really should be leaving here but.... wig. I had done some campaigning to Mo before I found this out and think i was making some good groundwork to get him to keep me and he was at least oon the fence, so i might have had a shot even if jones were gonna vote me. but wig.. if she really did that, then that means me and scott have made the final 8 and we still have 2 idols in our pockets WHEW. big moves is coming ladies
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This is why people hate the gays smh. Please be ryan please be ryan please be ryan go home Ry ry
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ugh can't believe my best friend michael is leaving tonight ): LMSHNBG am i fuck..
legit im sooooo happy ryan is staying altho a little peeved as well tbh.. i coulda had 2 idols :flushed: but i wont complain.............
anyway. i still think jones is crazy n her idea of trying to get me to flip on ryan is absolutely absurd ALMJFNFG like bitch.. i know im on the bottom if i flip im not dumb why do u think i didnt vote mo like u told me to lAMNFHBFG IJS!!
i just gotta win immunity next week n im confirmed at least f5? hopefully? LAMNHFBFG like. i dont wanna. be tied on. and i wanna keep this idol for the l0ong haul. which is why i told ryan and tobi. oooop. LAMNJHBFG.
PROB NOT A GOOD IDEA TELLING TOBI but i rly do trust him this time around... he gives me legit all the tea n i do the same back :flushed:
lolll i lvoe having the worst jury management :))) love sticking to sides :)))) like i aint gunna clear that perception up by voting ryan suck my dick he trusts me and thats all i care about..
like. im gunna be hounded on for not flipping to a side who wants me out n thats so annoying!! i rly cant win aLMFHFG. these cunts can fuck off idc ill argue with every single one of them
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michael... he's a cockroach... he wont just DIE like there have been so many times where there was something stopping him from leaving... last round jones wanted felix so we obliged and now its this stupid tie revote kjflkjdf like this is exactly why i wanted him out earlier... getting numbers against him is gonna be hard and i really hope his ass leaves in the revote... he should anyway hehe.. i have a few options going forward and i feel like i could possibly do a lot but the question is do i want to be doing a lot??? if people start thinking that im a threat then shit LMAO but the thing is there are so many goats and pawns (mo, ahrre, david) that if you do anything significant, your threat level is obvious and like i want to take out some of the threats but im worried if i take out too many,,, the goats will become sentient and take my ass out... i just need to take this one vote at a time while planning for the future its simple :^)
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ITS BEEN A MESSY 24 HOURS AND HERES THE FUCKING TEA so the vote ended up being a tie. NOT THE ONE I PREDICTED. It ended up being a Michael/Ryan tie. AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER AJ EXPLAINS THE RULES MICHAEL BLOWS UP MY WHOLE FUCKING GAME (almost.) he says “Jones you orchestrated this vote follow through with it” AND IM???? LITERALLY??? Ryan was never a target of mine,,, never the main target I mean BUT NEVER A TARGET. David Mo and Michael all told me that Ryan was gunning for me though,, but that was AFTEr I revoted for Michael sooooooooo that’s the tea. But like,, Michael is,, kind of being an asshole. Very much so. I feel like he’s taking advantage of my emotions to try and manipulate me into Saving him, but I really wouldn’t mind if either him or Ryan went?? Preferably Michael obviously lol. He was never someone I wanted to take to the end anyway, so it’s better to get rid of him while we can lol. Also!!? That dumbass shit that Michael said on hangouts??? Rhys and Ryan made a whole ass 180 in our relationship Bc THEY THOUGHT I VOTED FOR RYAN BC OF WHAT MICHAEL SAID AKDJKDFNJF. Thank god I was actually able to work it out with them, but like,,, fuck that scared me. This is why Michael needs to go Bc he’s a loose cannon and will DESTROY MY GAME. OFF WITH HIS FUCKING HEAD
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i finally understand why no one respects Mo as a player lol, he really has no back bone of his own at all..
The vote ties 4-4-1, and Michael is sent home 4-3 after a revote.
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survivormoheli · 6 years
Episode Eleven - “I've never felt so popular” - Eric K
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This literally could NOT have been a more worse challenge for me. I did this in Lago De Atitlan and my ass gave up on it because I could never get the correct answer so I quit and or never submitted. Im literally cryinggggg this is like the worst. Mastermind was robbed of being the final 7 challenge tbh.
Eric K
The one day I actually don't spend my life in the lab and I'm away from my laptop and my phone's dying and everybody is messaging me! I've never felt so popular... But obviously the desperation to stay was real for Dani with a few missed Skype calls I noticed once I got my phone plugged in. I'm happy with y current position but the thought of me potentially being at the bottom of the totem pole in my alliance is definitely in my mind. Richie has approached me but I feel like that's out of desperation to stay in the game. I think I'm going to message people individually in my alliance to see what I can get out of it in terms of reassurance...
okay okay okay yay i’m safe and as stressful as this vote was it was really nice that my alliance was there for me and willing to go to rocks to keep me in the game! it really made my heart happy and i love them! 
The plan worked! Tara got him to trust her by telling him she wud take him to F3 with Eric and that she wud take me and Lynn out! And j got to Erica by baiting Dani into saying she wants to vote Tim out! And she also said the same thing about Eric so now I know inhale gim with me the entire game! Bc I also got quotes of Richie and Phoenix saying they wnat Eric out! Quotes are magical I’m leaneing so much about skype! And well witht I’m i was like you really wanan go to rocks for someone who wrote your name down and only Flipped in the last hour. Me and Tara go to him we r a great team!!
SO I completed the Immunity challenge in about 5 minutes and honestly I'm shook. I may not have it in the bag but I'm proud of myself for completing it nonetheless. I just wonder if Lynn and Blake's time advantage will allow them to snatch the win. I'm just not entirelyyyy confident that I have a good time but who knows. 
Phoenix McInroe
DANI!!!!! Nooooo :-(
tbh im scared to do this challenge bc ik i need to win it bc im definitely gettin votes tonight. BC i dont knwo iff eric is fully with me...
F3 will be me Lynn and Tara you are hearing this first here on Moheli Confessions thank yo have a good night.
If Tara or Lynn flip on me my heart is broken and they deserve to win this game
a lil aggravated at my closest alliance rn but ik i can’t let my annoyances ruin a good ass alliance but god i’m a little tired of working with him and it’s killing me slowly inside to continue 
Eric K
Hi I won! I'm honestly so surprised!! But yayyyy!!!
Eric K
I'm thinking of putting in Raffi and JG because I was iloj good terms with both of them before they got voted off. I know some of the members of my alliance may be in danger but I'm hoping they will make a decision that's best for me in the end. Fingers crossed!!
I AM SOO GLAD ERIC WON! maybe lol idk im suspicious of him bc like i hope he sees me more as a friend then a threat bc he cud easily turn on me ... just one more vote. then it wont matter what he does! me lynn and tara are planning to go all the way with this!
me n phoenix r gonna hang out irl tomorrow!!! i'm so excited!! we're gonna see love simon n eat ice cream. i think i'm getting voted out today tho...... so drama! hhopefully i don't bcos i rly wanna see love simon HAHAHA 
shoutout to ISAAC!!!! thank u for drafting me. u r the bomb dot com. ko te isaac ko te poma. thats some maori for u!! maori is the native language in nz i'm tryna use it more in my vocab. um anywayyy thank u isaac for drafting me i think i don't know u either but it'd b rly cool 2 chat! can u believe i got to f7?? i rly thought i was getting premerge but wowzas i' m here! i hope i get u lots of points and u win. ka pai! haere ra, e noho ra! 
With Raffy and JG voting this round things are going to get intensee. Im really relying on them voting Blake so Richie can live. Also Eric winning immunity and making him less goaty? Surprising. 
well...... last round i was so suspicious that things weren't going to go well and i was right which sucks... there was a big thing where dani wanted to take out tara and tim wanted to take out lynn so i was trying so hard to work on that situation to nail down the plan before doing anything else and then all of a sudden tim was like "i got the votes to get rid of lynn" and i was like....?????? and then he said  he had tara and i was like !?!?!?!!?!!!!!???? and i was trying to seem trusting of tim bc im still probably on thin ice from the raffy vote and he assured me that everything was in place but i should have done more and then the votes came in and it was a tie and i tried to get eric but he ignored me and i was like fuck bc i knew tim wouldnt risk rocks for dani so shes gone and now blake/lynn/tara are all still here and all i have now is tim and phoenix and me and phoenix havent talked since l i t e r a l l y day 3.... i knew i had dani and dani had phoenix but now shes gone its like.... fuck
i went to the group chat of me tim and phoenix and really reiterated that we need to stick together and i was like hey we havent been the best group but the only way we make it is if we're together....bc if theyre desperate and think its one of them i dont want them going around throwing me under the bus to save themselves this round!!!!  ive been working on building a personal relationship with eric and during the revote debacle i proposed a f3 deal with him but idk where that stands im hoping thats something that can save me bc hes #4 in blake/lynn/tara who are a strong group if i'm promising him f3 thats the better option for him.... god i hate this i just want to survive this vote bc 7th place sounds so much uglier than 6th place 
also i was reading the rules and it said there was no idols in this game but there were still rules on how to play an idol....... and all the rewards in this game have been super immediate like advantages for the current round or the following one but i remember there was one week where someone won reward and nothing came out of it..... and i thiiiiiiiink it was blake??? so im not sure but i wouldnt be surprised if he pulls something out tonight since its his first time being openly non-immune that he probably feels in jeopardy but id rather take the shot at him tonight and risk it than play it safe bc im probably going home anyway and if jg and raffy are voting from the jury they'll hopefully direct their anger at blake??????? which might make it so we dont even need eric?????? ugh who knows... i feel like if blake really felt in trouble tonight he would have come to me about this vote.... 
Based on Tara's answer she's gonna be solid with Blake and Lynn and ughhh that hurts but here is the tea: https://brandnewconfessionalblog.tumblr.com/post/172461067963 
I’m scared af about this tribal! Richie is smart he’s gonna try to get Eric to vote me out! Sooo nervous I hate not being immune this is worse than the open world. It’s getting so close to F3 and I just want to get there soo ba domg i hav worked sooo hard I voted ppl out I care about and I don’t want that all to Ben in vain! And I’m super excited about the F6 twist I want to know So bad! This is my last super scary vote! After this Ik me Lynn and Tara will stay together. This is the last time it won’t be a tie vote or majority I think unless some advantages come into play! 
0 notes
Episode 6 - Why Is My Name Always Thrown Around - Veronica
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 i thought i was finally gonna have all my faves together that was mean
[3/17/17, 11:06:24 PM] Steffen Bøhn: good [3/17/17, 11:06:29 PM] Steffen Bøhn: write a confessional
that was my confessional
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oh gosh omg if I make merge if I merge I cant loose my connections with Rob, Luke, and Ashton mostly Ashton and Rob screw you Steffen lol I mean I'm dead at regan going to exile and I'm actually in a very good spot on the new nevs tribe me and Amanda are fucking tight me and Ashton are tight me and Brian are tight me and Richie were tight on Nevs ike come on Veronica and me have no bond but I can like her
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the last time i wrote a confessional it was about to be our first tribal council after the first swap where amanda was about to be voted out and whew so much has happened since.... seconds after typing that confessional amanda signed on skype and told everyone she had irl family stuff going on (which my heart felt for her <3) but strategically i was like yes this is perfect to use as a last minute flip so with like 20 minutes until the vote everyone was convinced to vote out adrian and everything worked out great for me!!!!!! fast forward to the next immunity challenge and it was a music video lip sync immunity and we had 24 hours to do it and it was 90 minutes before the immunity was due and NO ONE had committed to any plans or filmed anything so i was like okay fuck it i'll just throw together the most ridiculous video of all time hopefully it will be so ridiculously bad that it will be iconic but um... the judges were haters y'all the judges were h a t e r s !!!!!! but whatever we lost i got sent to exile AGAIN and the tribe voted out zach which cool i never got to meet him lmao okay i come back from exile and we have a reward which we won!! i think that was the first time that i had won anything all season and we got to pick someone to go to exile and i chose ashley bc i was hoping that she would pick me to go with her bc we've been together everytime and we bond while we're there and a few minutes go by and fucking meredith gets sent to exile and i know i'm fucked!!! i've been okay with spending 90% of my time in this game on exile because i found the idol and if i'm the only one on exile then i dont have to worry about people getting clues and finding out the idol's already been found and i'm the only one thats been there so having someone but me go to exile was bad news because when she came back i was #exposed womp womp 
 connor messaged me saying "im just gonna ask you point blank do you have the idol" and then i was like what makes you say that and he said "well i got to where the idol should be and it isn't there and I may be wrong, but the only other person who has gone is you" so wtf do i say to that!? that means that meredith and connor are close enough that when she came back from exile she shared that with him and theres literally no way i could lie because it's so obvious and that would just make me seem so much sketchier so i was just like yeah i have it so even though i assumed that people assumed that i had the idol because of how much time i've spent on exile but now its a #fact and i hate it :) 
 ANYWAY!!! we find out its a double tribal connor wins individual immunity he says he wants to vote out patricia and im hesistant because i'm expecting a merge/swap/something and i'm still scared of the fact that i voted in the minority  on OGNevs in the shea boot and i think patricia voted with me so i didnt really want to get rid of her i would have preferred voting out amanda so she couldnt link back up with that group but i know connor and amanda talk because one time i told something to only amanda and then connor messaged me saying "i've heard....." and in my head i was like yeah bitch you heard that from me thru amandas mouth NOTED!! so i didnt want to be the one to throw out amandas name now that connor knows i had the idol bc i didnt want to give him any reason to put me on his radar even more and he could orchestrate a good blindside with the receipts of me admitting i have the idol.... so i dont fight and patricia leaves and GUESS WHAT??? A SWAP!!!! and guess what else!? you FROZEN hearted hosts put me on a tribe with no one i can really work with so thanks a lot mf haters i can't wait to die!!!!Submitted 
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I feel so bad, I technically betrayed Carson even though I technically told him I was voting for him? I handled it wrong, and I feel bad. 
 like I think I messed up when I said, yeah I'm fine with him voting Ashley, I just meant that I'm okay with him voting for her not that I'm voting for her too, I love carson and he's my frist friend, but he did betray me first in Kiribati! then regan blew up about brian and it was crazy. Now there's a swap and I think I might be good, I'm back with the glass alliance and Ashley but I have rhea here too who I love. I just hope we don't go to tribal cause who knows what connor is thinking and I don't want to vote for rhea either
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Confessional #8- This is the first time in this game that I don't feel 100% safe. The first two tribals I went to were an easy votes and I had immunity at one. Now I'm not sure what's going on. I don't even know two the people here which Is scary as well. My plan is to make sure me Brian and Nehe are strong and will stick together then I'll try and pull in Veronica to that group. Hopefully that will form a majority of four and we can get either Amanda or Richie out of here. it was great
amazing perfect i loved 3/17/17, 10:53:52 PM] Regan (India Host): uhm I'm not working with brian [3/17/17, 10:53:53 PM] Ashton: You're overreacting [3/17/17, 10:53:53 PM] twink brain ravioli: Mmm its basically just an anti-Brian thing!! [3/17/17, 10:53:57 PM] Regan (India Host): IM NEVER WORKING WITH BRIAN
my fave part
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 I've been sleep the entire day so ofc the fact tribal is near and I didn't talk a lot Scares me  It always will when you sleep this close to tribal But I trust Ashton and Brian and they have no reason to abandon me
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also can i just say whY IS IT IN ALL THESE SURVIVORS ITS ALWAYS ME OR SOME OTHER PEOPLE I LIKE ABOUT TO BE UP FOR BOOT LIKE WHY IS MY NAME ALWAYS THROWN AROUND IN THESE GAMES LIKE WHY CANT I LIVE FOR ONCE LIKE GOD DAMN I JUST WANT ONE TRIBAL WHERE MY NAME IS JUST NOT SAID AND I CAN LIVE I DONT FRIGGEN DO ANYTHING LIKE I JUST CHILL AND THEN EVENTUALLY SOMEONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO AND I DO IT BC IDK SURVIVOR I JUST DO IT TO MEET PEOPLE AND TRY TO GET SNAP STREAKS IM SO ????????????? i just need 2 go back to what im good at tbh and thats bb idk whats going on ever in survivors idk whats going on this game richie said he was gonna play his idol on me bc ppl were saying me and then i said ppl have been saying him and im just ???? i love lies and deception and being at the bottom >.< >.> <.< <.> ok rant over im ready to die if i do die at tribal
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