#god i’m also dying over that arm of his right there
disaster-writer · 2 days
Poison (Part 1)
Pairing: Alpha!Bokuto Koutarou x Beta!Reader
Summary: You loved love, but it wasn’t made for you… but maybe a certain Alpha could change your mind
Word Count: 5.8k
A/N: MSBY Black Jackals time period
AU: Omegaverse
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“I don’t care about your presentation. It shouldn’t matter whether or not you’re a Beta and I’m an Alpha— I love you for you and not because of my biology—“
”Fucking liar,” you grumbled glaring holes into your tv, “You only love her cause it’s in the fucking script,” you grumbled once more, shoving the Valentine’s chocolate you had bought for yourself into your mouth.
”Hmmm… and you say this is your favorite movie because….?”
Your eyes snapped to your laptop, wide open and displaying your younger sister.
Truthfully you were sure every single person in the world would find you to be quite the pathetic display right now. In the midst of February, crying about fake love stories while stuffing your face with heart shaped chocolates, and talking to your sister that had to make time out of her busy school schedule just to hang out with you over FaceTime. Not to mention your hair was a wreck and you looked like you had been awake for days.
But at the age of 24 you stopped caring about the optics long ago… plus no one was ever here to pity you anyway.
”Because it’s a beautiful fucking love story about a Beta finding true love,” another chocolate down the hatch.
”Isn’t the actress an Omega in real life?” She snorted.
”Yeah and you can tell no Betas worked on this film cause they got so much shit wrong. Like how would she be able to tell he was pissed off in that one scene by his scent? We can’t smell that shit,” you ranted, throwing a piece of chocolate at the tv. Out of the corner of your eye you could see your cat walking up and sniffing the chocolate before batting it away. “They also make her too submissive.”
She hummed absentmindedly, filling in one of the answers in her homework, ”Well what do you expect? You guys only make up like, what— 2 percent of the population?”
”Maybe if you Omegas and Alphas didn’t fuck like bunnies, we wouldn’t be dying out.”
”Hey!” Your sister yelped, looking up from her homework, “Mom told you not to say stuff like that anymore!”
You grumbled something to yourself, sinking further down against the foot of your bed and into the carpet, “Sorry.”
“God I can’t wait for February to be over,” she muttered going back to her homework.
”At least I don’t bother you with this year round now. If I’m destined to die alone I can take one month out of the year to be insufferable.”
”Oh sis, you need some serious help.”
”That’s what the chocolates are for,” you say through a mouthful, “Ah! Don’t eat that Mochi!”
From your sister’s perspective she sees you suddenly leap out of frame giving her a view of the dance pole you had installed in your room— a secret you made sure both your sisters would take to the grave just so your parents wouldn’t find out. And just behind that she could faintly make out the shelves upon shelves of anime figurines you collected in the dim light of your room that was only illuminated by the TV and your laptop. You returned seconds later with a cat in your arms.
She sweat dropped. She loves you with her entire heart but holy shit, you were becoming the stereotypical sad cat lady day by day.
”Tell me again why you can’t just go out with one of the million volleyball players you manage? Or what about the other guys on the other teams? I thought you said most of them don’t have mates?” She asked, putting her pencil down and finally giving you her undivided attention. “I’ve seen some of the pictures of the guys on your team too, they’re all hot.”
You groaned, throwing your head back against the foot of your bed, ”There’s so much wrong with that question I don’t even know where to start.”
”Enlighten me then,” she deadpanned.
”Okay, one, they’re like the most stereotypical Alphas you’ll ever meet— like the Alphas of Alphas, which means a Beta is probably the last person they’d ever date. Two, most of them are unmated for good reason, they’re professional athletes, they don’t have time for that. And three, they’re my co-workers, it’s not professional!” You exclaimed, throwing a fist in the air and causing Mochi to meow and squirm out of your hold.
She narrowed her eyes at your dramatics. “Is that all?” She asked sarcastically.
”There’s probably more— ah shit the movie’s over,” you said, noticing the credits beginning to roll.
”Thank God,” your little omega sister muttered, “It’s time for you to go to bed anyway.”
”Sleep is for the weak,” you grumbled, a pocky stick hanging out the corner of your mouth while searching for a new movie.
”Huh-uh sure it is. It’s 2am and don’t you have to get up at 6?”
”5. I’m going on a run to burn off all the chocolate.”
”You could just not eat it.”
She rolled her eyes, “Anyway, Ne-Chan is going to your place tomorrow right?”
”Oh yeah, that’s right,” you muttered, forgetting about your older sister’s stay.
”Thank God, she can help you through tomorrows episode instead of me.”
She started closing her textbook, ”Ok I’m gonna—“
”Y’know tomorrow will be the first time I’m seeing any of you in like a year.”
”That’s cause you never visit.”
”Well you guys could come visit me too y’know?” You scoffed, picking at your cuticle.
”Nuh uh don’t pull that, we’re all here and you’re the one that wanted to run off and isolate herself after you started making bank as a manager.”
”Yeah whatever,” you grumbled.
”I’m gonna go to bed now,” she hummed, “And you should too.”
You only grunted in response.
”Love ya, talk to you later,” she waved.
”Love you—“ she hung up, “…too,” you ended with a sigh.
You took a second, staring at the blank screen and remembering just how lonely you felt now that you were by yourself before going back to scrolling through the movies once again.
* * * *
You jolted awake to the sound of your alarm that following morning.
You turned over, registered that it was 5am, turned off the alarm, and turned back around.
What were you thinking? A 5am run? The sun wasn’t even up yet. You weren’t like the weirdos you managed on the team. You’d much rather stick to your usual workout routine.
You fell back asleep.
You would actually wake up two hours later at 7am to go to work. The guys had a 8 am practice but you couldn’t spend the practice time with them anyway as you’d be locked away in your office all day. After their last tournament they had an influx of sponsors come in and now you had your hands absolutely full with that.
However, now with the sunlight filtering in through your curtains, you forced yourself awake and to get ready for the day.
You sat up, your bed head looking worse than it did when you fell asleep. Quickly glancing around the room with bleary eyes you saw the mess you had made. Wrappers, boxes, used tissues scattered everywhere, with your tv still on.
You sighed before forcing yourself to your feet, stirring your sleeping cat on your bed. You quickly gathered the garbage together and threw it out followed by turning off the tv. 
You passed by your calendar, February 8th, only six more days until Valentine’s Day.
Your shoulders slumped as you dragged your feet over to your closet.
Truly you weren’t this desperate and pathetic all the time, it’s just this month that always seemed to get to you. 
Old habits die hard, you supposed.
Ever since you were a child you dreamed about growing up and getting married, you dreamed about falling in love and experiencing the type of love that completely electrified you and made your head dizzy, you dreamt about being held by a man that was completely crazy about you.
Maybe it was a bit naïve, but it’s what you always wanted.
But then you had to go and present as a Beta. 
You were the only Beta born to a completely traditional family. Your father was an alpha, your mother an omega, your two older brothers were both alphas, your older sister was an omega, and your younger sister was also an omega.
Turns out your great grandmother was a fucking Beta and that’s where the gene came from.
You also had no issue with being a Beta, the problem lied with the fact that Betas were so rare nowadays they were impossible to find, and other Betas would have been your dating pool. But now you were stuck feeling undesirable by both Alphas and Omegas who only wanted to mate with each other.
You slammed your closet open, a bit rougher than you intended and pulled out a pair of black slacks, a white button up, and your blazer. 
It wasn’t your typical dress attire everyday but your schedule was full of zoom meetings today with both sponsors and magazines. Any other day you would have been assisting the team during practice and dressed in one of your track suits.
You quickly stripped and dressed yourself for the day.
Now it also wasn’t as if you didn’t try within the field of love. You fought tooth and nail to experience any kind of romantic relationship but a girl could only take her confessions being rejected by Alpha after Omega after Alpha so many times. Not to mention being ditched on blind dates. For you the cumulative number that was your breaking point was thirty times. 
You loved love.
But it wasn’t made for you. 
After dressing, using the bathroom, brushing your teeth, and putting on your makeup and putting your hair in a tight bun, you headed to the kitchen to brew a cup of coffee in a to go cup before heading out the door to start your day.
The game plan for the day was to greet the team before hiding away in your office for the rest of the day. You’d meet with the CEO of Bouncing Ball on zoom followed by another sponsor you couldn’t remember but you were pretty sure it was some energy drink company. Then you’d start getting the schedule in order for the match against the Adler’s later this week. Following that you’d meet with two Sports magazines back to back to set up some interviews— speaking of interviews you also—
“Fuck,” you hissed on the train ride softly, immediately going through your bag for your agenda. The passenger next to you threw you an annoyed glance but you paid them no mind. “The press conference.”
You quickly wrote down in your agenda, that contained both your work and personal life schedules on one calendar, a reminder about that press conference that’s coming up. Then you quickly put it in your phone calendar as well.
Interviews and press conferences were a nightmare for you, between Hinata, Atsumu, and Bokuto you had your hands completely full with making sure they were in the right place at the right time because somehow they never were unless you had them all on tight leashes. 
Yeah maybe you didn’t have someone to love or love you back the way you wanted but you did have your career. And as much as they liked to drive you up a wall you did enjoy your job and your coworkers. On top of that you were still able to make a pretty decent life for yourself as you were completely independent and self sufficient, in fact you were able to send checks to help support your family now. Your apartment was basically an expensive suite that always looked immaculate due to the fact you were even able to afford a maid.
The train stopped and you got off. Now with some caffeine in your system there was more of a pep in your step. You knew that once you stepped a foot into the building you’d momentarily forget all your woes and instead act like the professional that you were as you threw yourself into your work. Your sister would be coming over later in the day and you had your Pilates class that night so you certainly had a full day ahead.
You headed straight for the gymnasium, stalking past your own office as you put a smile on your face.
Pushing the door open you headed straight towards the bench where Coach Samson and Meian were currently talking. You waved to Atsumu, Hinata, and Sakusa who were currently starting their warm ups, you assumed the rest to still be in the locker room.
You could immediately hear the squeaking of their sneakers on the flooring, the smell of salon-pas invading your nose. The ceiling was so much higher than the one of your old high school and the lights much brighter as well. 
”Good morning Samson-san, Meian-san,” you nodded towards them with a smile.
Samson returned your warm smile with one of his own, “Good morning (Y/N), you seem cheerful as always,”
”What’s not to be cheerful about?” You shrugged, “Anyways I went over your schedule yesterday, looks like you’ve got a full day of practice huh?”
”Yeah,” Meian answered, “It’s the Adlers, some of the guys are getting worked up about the upcoming match so we figured more practice wouldn’t hurt. God knows they’re gonna over practice anyway.”
”That is true,” you snorted.
”And you?” Samson asked, “You’re all dressed up again, stuck in more meetings?”
”That I am. Got some meetings with one of our sponsors and some new ones. Then I need to set up interviews with VolleyballWorld Mag and Sports Monthly— oh and we have that press conference on the 25th coming up but I’ll give you more details when that gets closer.”
Meian whistled lowly, “I’m glad I only have to do the playing, I’d lose my mind if I had your job.”
”Oh it’s not that difficult—“
”I thought we talked about not selling yourself short (Y/N),” Samson interrupted, “You’re the only manager I’ve dealt with that hasn’t lost a single sponsorship for this team. Not only that but you handle these knuckle headed Alphas so well I think they’d fall apart without you.”
You laughed at his comment and grinned, “I do appreciate the sentiment so thank you,” you nodded, “Now I only wanted to stop by and say hello, I have to prepare for the meetings now so I’ll head out. I’ll be in my office all day if you need anything.” You began turning around, waving at the two, “Good luck with practice today—“
Your shoulders immediately tensed, your eyes widening, “Oh fuck—“
Suddenly you had the air knocked out of you as you were quite literally swept off your feet by a much larger force, now being rocked side to side in the Alphas embrace as he squeezed you against his chest.
”Bokuto-san,” you managed to wheeze out, “I thought we discussed this?”
You could instantly feel him deflate, “We did…”
”And what did we say?”
”No hugging Miss Manager.”
”And why?”
”Because it’s unprofessional.”
You waited a beat for him to react but he didn’t, “That means put me down Bokuto-san.”
A second later you were back on your feet.
You huffed, straightening out your blazer and ignoring the dejected look on Bokuto’s face. After working with him for so long it was quite easy at this point. You patted his arm.
”Thank you. Always a pleasure Bokuto-san, good luck with practice—“
”You’re not staying!?” He suddenly exclaimed.
“You do realize her job isn’t just handing out towels and water bottles right?” Meian asked.
”Yeah but… Beta-chan hasn’t been to practice in ages!”
”That’s because you guys keep doing so well. The more sponsors you get the busier I become. Now you really should get to practice, it’s almost 9 now.” You said, checking your watch, “And don’t worry, I’ll be attending practice again before you know it.”
You were just about to turn and leave before Bokuto stopped you again.
“Wait! I have something for you!”
You watched in slight annoyance as Bokuto ran off to his bag and shuffled through it. Seconds later he was pulling out a black fabric and a Tupperware and then running back to you.
At this point the entirety of the team was watching whatever shit Bokuto was onto now.
”I found your jacket!” He pushed the fabric towards you.
”Oh?” You accepted it, quite surprised, “I dunno how you found one of my things again but thank you… actually I dunno how I keep losing it,” you muttered under your breath.
”And this is for you!” He exclaimed once again, handing you the container in his hand.
”Huh… Another bento?” You asked peculiarly as you looked through the container before you sighed, “I thought we talked about this as well Bokuto-san? You can’t be giving me gifts all the time it’s not—”
”Professional! I know! But I didn’t make them for you this time! I made it for me and these are left overs!”
You sweat dropped at his explanation, “Bokuto-san that’s the same thing. I can’t accept this.” Suddenly Bokuto deflated, like he always did when you declined his gifts.
You then glanced behind him at Meian who just nodded his head towards Bokuto.
You sighed.
”Alright fine,” instantly he perked up, as you took the container, “But I’m telling you you can’t keep doing this. Now go practice, I’ll try to stop by later if I can.”
With that you were spinning around on your heel, heading out of the gymnasium with your sweater and the Tupperware in hand.
Behind you Bokuto stood proudly with his hands on his hips as if he accomplished something just now.
The rest of the team stared at the scene with quite exhausted faces. This kind of show was so typical now, it came as no surprise.
“How many days does that make now?” Atsumu scoffed, leaning back into his stretch once again.
“Fuck if I know anymore,” Sakusa grumbled back.
“At least he’s in a good mood!” Hinata chirped as Bokuto ran at full speed towards them.
”Did’ya see that!? She accepted my gift!—“
”Bokuto!” Samson suddenly snapped, “Stop talking and start stretching!”
”Right!” He held a thumbs up at his coach, causing the older man to roll his eyes, before joining his teammates on the ground to stretch as well.
”She also hesitated before accepting it and told ya to stop again,” Atsumu said.
”Yeah but I think I’m making progress,” Bokuto grinned happily, “She’ll be my mate in no time!”
”It’s been nearly a year Bokuto,” Sakusa muttered.
”And how was that any different from what usually happens anyway?” Inunaki called out to them after overhearing the conversation.
”Because! That makes the 52nd time she’s accepted one of my gifts and only the 49th time she’s rejected it! And she didn’t give me penalties for hugging her this time.”
”Only?” Sakusa sweat dropped, honestly he envied how blissfully stupid Bokuto could be at times.
”If she hasn’t done anythin’ about ya courtin’ her then she doesn’t know yer courtin’ her!” Atsumu snapped in frustration, “Ignore yer stupid instincts for once and ask her out already!” Clearly he was the most annoyed with watching this show drag on for this long already. Yeah, maybe it was funny in the beginning but now Bokuto’s stupid Alpha behavior and your own obliviousness as a Beta was becoming painful to watch.
”Maybe Bokuto’s right!” Hinata butted in, “She seems to be a lot more accepting of his hugs now!”
”That’s cause she’s used to it,” Inunaki snickered. “Also whatever happened to the idea that Bokuto is also probably not her type?”
”Whaddya mean not her type? I’m everyone’s type!”
”Yeah I’m sure she likes you for your modesty,” Sakusa muttered sarcastically under his breath.
”Why wouldn’t I be her type?” Bokuto asked, seriously looking like he was trying to rack his brain for the answer.
”Well because, she’s so…” Inunaki trailed off, “Professional. And you’re…”
”You don’t think I’m professional enough for (Y/N)-chan?”
As if on cue, everyone snorted as if he just told a joke.
”You too Hinata?”
”I mean… (Y/N)-chan she’s… very…”
”Any day now,” Sakusa grumbled.
”Serious! That’s the word! She’s very serious about her job while you’re a lot more fun!”
Bokuto frowned as if he was offended, “You don’t think (Y/N)-chan is fun?”
”And you do?” Inunaki asked surprised. “None of us know anything about her. She doesn’t even go to the celebratory dinners or team bondings— we’ve never even seen her in her casual clothes.”
“That’s a good point,” Atsumu agreed, “She’s not on any social media either and she only ever talks to any of us when it has to do with volleyball— she’s like a fuckin’ NPC. Ya know nothin’ about the Beta, how’d she even manage to get ya wrapped around her finger like this?”
Bokuto stared at the gym floor and had that look in his eyes that his teammates knew too well at this point, “You’re wrong about her—“ he looked up at his teammates, “There’s more than that to Miss Manager! I know it— it’s like in her scent! And when I find out you’ll all see you were wrong!”
”So dramatic,” Sakusa said, “You keep saying this shit but she still doesn’t even know you’re interested in her.”
”Yeah, cause he won’t just fuckin’ ask her out!” Atsumu exclaimed.
”You say that now but just wait until she realizes what I did with her jacket!”
Atsumu looked at Bokuto in horror, “The fuck did ya do with her jacket?”
“I washed it with my laundry, scented it, and slept with it in my bed for a week!” He exclaimed proudly, Atsumu’s innuendo completely going over his head, “Now she’s bound to know I’ve been scenting her!”
The others, even Hinata, stared at Bokuto dumbfounded as they watched him close his eyes with a stupid grin on his face, clearly visualizing what he thought would be the moment you realized he scented you.
”I don’t know how many more times we have to say this to you,” Sakusa said, “But Beta noses don’t work that way. If anything she’s just gonna think her jacket smells like a man, I doubt she’s familiar with your specific scent at all considering she’s always around us when she does see you.”
Bokuto deflated.
”Ya know what will get her to finally notice ya?” Atsumu asked.
Bokuto perked up again.
”If ya just asked her out already!”
* * * *
You stalked into your office, the door slamming shut behind you.
You dropped the container Bokuto gave you onto your desk, placed the coffee cup down, draped your jacket behind your chair, dropped your bag onto the ground, and finally you sank into your seat with a sigh.
A smell wafted around your nose and you immediately knew it was your jacket as you sunk deeper into your seat.
It smelled like a fucking man.
”Seriously? Was it rolling around in the locker room or something?” You grumbled to yourself.
You still had an hour before your meeting with the CEO for Bouncing Ball. 
Now you could go over some notes and brush up on anything you’ve might’ve forgotten but Kenma Kozume was probably the most laid back sponsor you’ve ever dealt with and you knew your extensive knowledge about his company and all your business dealings wasn’t as impressive as it was to most other CEO’s.
And also, you didn’t want to study anyway.
You glared daggers at the container which held the lunch Bokuto made. You already made your own lunch for the day so maybe you’d give to your sister when you got home.
You glared harder at the container. “Left overs my ass,” you grumbled. There looked to be three servings of food in there.
You didn’t know why Bokuto was so persistent when it came to giving you food but if he was this generous with you then you knew he was going to make some lucky Omega out there very happy. 
“Lucky bitch,” you muttered just thinking about this metaphorical Omega. “… I wonder what Mochi is doing now?”
Before you knew it ten o’clock had rolled around and you found yourself entering the waiting room for your meeting with Kenma.
And just as you had expected, you weren’t accepted until a half hour later.
”Sorry I’m late,” Kenma muttered, clearly looking at whatever was on his computer screen than the zoom meeting. “I lost track of my stream.”
”No worries,” you hummed, “I was able to get some other work done in the meantime.”
”I’m gonna keep this brief,” more words that didn’t surprise you, “I wanted to talk to you about giving MSBY more money.”
You blinked in shock, back straightening up as you processed his words, “You want to give more, but you already give—“
”I know how much,” he hummed, “But I want to give more.”
”Oh well— thank you. Let me just grab my books and I’ll adjust a few things,” you said, immediately reaching for one of your binders that was placed neatly in your bottom drawer. “How much do you—“
Your jaw fell open briefly, but you quickly regained your composure, “Alright well— that’s- that’s great news. Amazing even. That’ll help pay for the repairs in the gym and then some. Thank you Kenma.”
”You’re welcome,” he hummed absentmindedly, “Tell Shouyou I said ‘Hi,’”
”Of course, as always,” you nodded, “Should I tell Bokuto you said hi as well?”
You could see a slight smirk on Kenma’s lips, “No.”
“Very well,” you snickered. Kenma didn’t seem like the type but you had come to realize he liked fucking with people sometimes.
”Feel free to tell Samson you negotiated for this deal.”
”I would if I could but everyone knows you don’t give anything to anyone unless you want to.”
He shrugged, “I suppose.”
”So was that the only matter you wanted to discuss for today?”
”Yeah. You have that meeting down with my advertisement team for the fifteenth right?”
You glanced down at your large desk calendar which as opposed to your agenda in your bag and your phone calendar only had your work schedule. 
“Yup, right here. Will you be in attendance?”
”No, I trust you when it comes to dealing with them.”
You snickered once more, “Isn’t that supposed to be the other way around?”
Kenma glared sourly at his screen, “You would think but some of those guys are becoming more and more incompetent with each day.”
”Well then I’ll be looking forward to that meeting,” you joked, “But if that’s all, I’ll leave you be. And good luck with tonight’s stream.”
”Thanks. Don’t lead Bokuto on too much today—“
He hung up.
”Fucking CEO’s,” you muttered under your breath.
* * * *
The day had progressed quite smoothly. You had managed to get everything with the sponsors clarified and confirmed. You scheduled all the interviews that needed scheduling and on top of that you were even able to smooth over some of the details concerning the press conference at the end of the month.
Practice had ended hours ago now, you knew because Bokuto tried sticking his nose in your business as usual before Meian forced him to go home so you could work.
But now you were finally finished and packing up for the day. You shoved everything you needed into your bag, even your blazer since you’d much rather wear your jacket in this weather. You inspected it further and it had looked clean, it just very obviously smelled like the volleyball players. You’d just throw it in the wash when you did laundry later that week. 
You then shoved the bento in your bag as well before taking off for the night.
Your sister was already at your place. She had texted you around noon and had let herself in with the key you hid outside for her.
So really, you should have expected the impact when you were suddenly pinned to the ground the moment you stepped into your apartment.
”(Y/N)!!!” Your older sister had screeched above your face as your bag and its contents went flying across the room. The door was still wide open, letting the sunlight and cold air filter in over the two of you.
”You bitch!” You yelped back, before quickly flipping the two of you over so you had her pinned instead. She struggled under you but you had always been stronger than her. “You’re too old to still be greeting me like this!”
”I’m 26! Stop acting like I’m on my death bed!” She yelped, still struggling.
“Why haven’t you visited sooner! It’s been a year you whore!”
”Why haven’t you visited us back home! Sending checks every month to mom and dad doesn’t count as visiting!”
You glared at her. 
Her hair was longer now and she of course still looked as beautiful as ever.
You loved her dearly but growing up in her shadow, the most popular and beautiful Omega girl in your high school with a scent that had literally pushed multiple Alphas into ruts and even made one pass out once… well it was difficult.
You remember a cruel joke about you back in high school about how your sister was the one that got confessed to by all the Alphas and how you were always the one that had to do the confessing.
But you haven’t internalized this at all.
Of course not.
Her hair fanned out behind her, her skin was bright and glowy, her canines which were sharper than most (and also made her look like a cute little kitten according to most Alphas) poked out from behind her giant smile.
But her face suddenly screwed up in surprise as all the joy disappeared from her features which were now overshadowed by a seriousness you weren’t used to seeing her wear.
”You smell like Alpha.”
You blinked at her owlishly. “Yeah I was at work all day dummy.”
”No, no.” She suddenly sat up, pushing you back to sit up as well. She leaned in and took a deep whiff of your jacket, “You like, reek of Alpha.”
”I kinda lost this jacket a week ago and I’m convinced it was rolling around in the gym,” you offered as some explanation to the smell.
”No you idiot,” she flicked your forehead, making you wince, “You smell like one singular Alpha— are you hiding something from me?” She suddenly accused.
You scoffed, a sudden heat crawling up your neck and face as you stood up abruptly, shut the door, and kicked your heels off.
”I have no idea what the hell you’re insinuating,” you grumbled, walking over to your bag and shoving everything back in, besides the bento which you left out to put in the kitchen.
Throwing your bag on your couch, you stalked into the kitchen with your sister hot on your heels causing her skirt to sway behind her.
”Are you seeing someone?”
You stopped short, and abruptly spun on your heel to face her to which she almost crashed into you. “That’s— that’s a completely r-ridiculous question!” You spluttered, face now on fire. “And if I was, you know I’d never keep it to myself!”
Your sister tapped her chin and looked up in thought, contemplating your statement, “Hmmm… that is true…. But I’m telling you little sis, you seriously stink of Alpha right now. Like so much it’s kind of ridiculous.”
”And I’m telling you it’s just cause it got lost in the gym—“
”Oh please, I’m not buying that. You know my sense of smell is much sharper than yours so you should just listen to me.”
You clenched your jaw and ignored your thundering heartbeat resonating in your ears, “Like… so… what exactly does it smell like then?” You tried to question nonchalantly, crossing your arms and busying your fingers with a strand of hair. The thought that some Alpha scented you, that someone was interested in you was flustering you in a way no romance movie ever could.
She grinned knowingly, “Well whoever it is, they’re strong as hell— I must say that that’s probably one of the strongest scents I’ve smelled, like Ushiwaka levels strong—“
“I told you to never say that name again,” you suddenly snapped to which she just waved off. 
“Will you please get over that, you’re twenty fucking four now.” You clenched your jaw and pursed your lips, silently seething at your sister. “Anyways, whoever it is must have a big personality too, like I feel like his scent is giving your jacket more presence than both of ours put together— oooh what’s that!” She suddenly pointed at the bento box.
She always did have the attention span of a flee… especially when it came to food.
You looked down at the meal, “Oh, someone at work gave it to me today. You can have it if you want.” You then turned and opened your refrigerator to put it away.
”Hold up,” she grabbed your shoulder and forced you to face her again, “Someone at work? As in one of the million Alphas you work with?”
“Why do you and little sis both think I work with a million Alphas?” You rolled your eyes.
”Answer the question.”
”Yeah. It was one of them. So what? He said they were leftovers.”
”(Y/N),” she said your name seriously.
”That Alpha that gave you that. He’s courting you.”
You were pretty sure you stopped breathing at those words. You could practically hear the fax machine noises as you tried to comprehend the meaning of that statement.
”Bokuto-san… courting?” No. “Stop being stupid,” you hissed, slamming the refrigerator shut and stomping past her now.
He was just overly friendly with everyone. And someone like Bokuto with his big and shining personality, the kind of Alpha that made Omegas swoon when even getting a hint of whatever scent he had that your Beta nose couldn’t pick up (you’ve even witnessed it). Someone that strong and powerful would want an Omega. You’ve even heard from his teammates that he purely ran on instinct— why would his instinct tell him to court a Beta.
”I don’t know who this Bokuto is but I’m telling you he’s courting you.”
”He isn’t,” you hissed with finality. Your sister immediately straightened up. It was an underhanded trick but you realized long ago that Omegas would even listen to Betas with the right tone. “Drop the subject because you’re starting to piss me off. Alphas like him don’t like people like me alright? Now I’m going to get changed, we’re gonna watch movies together, and then I’m gonna drag your ass to take my Pilates class with me. Understood?”
There was a sour look on her face but she nodded, “… yeah, alright.” You walked upstairs, ignoring her when you overheard her muttering, “I don’t see why I need to take your dumb class with you though…”
* * * *
Part 2… Coming soon
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frnkiebby · 1 month
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i. love. him.~🎃
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simpforrooster · 11 months
nothing but a gentleman.
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x F!Reader
summary: jake is obsessed with you. you eat it up. you’re obsessed with his obsession. but also with him.
t/w: soft!jake, some cursing
"Get out of here, Bagman. You're giving me a headache."
The blonde aviator grabs at his chest. "God, I love it when you're mean to me." Those green eyes sparkle with mischief under the lights of the Hard Deck.
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin has been pining after you for months.
& you have been loving every second of it. Miramar's resident playboy has only had eyes for you. You haven't seen him spare a glance at any of the other ladies in the bar.
Believe me, they've been looking at him.
"Y/n, how long are you going to keep my boy at arm's length?" Coyote asks from the other side of the pool table. Jake saddles up next to him and feeds you the saddest pout he can muster.
"Yeah, y/n, how long?" Jake asks.
Your intention wasn't to drag this hard-to-get play out for so long. Truthfully, it's becoming hard not to give in to those strong arms. To not lean in when he invades your personal space, feeding you a smart ass comment.
Your shoulder comes up to your ear and falls back down. "Hard to say, Bagman."
"Let's play for it," he tells you. Jake saunters over to you, and leans against the pool table. Crossing his arms over his fit chest, he situates his mouth just outside your ear. "If I win, you've gotta give me a kiss, darlin'."
The way his hot breath falls across your ear causes goosebumps to appear down your arms. Jake notices, and a blonde brow raises.
"What are you? Twelve?" you antagonize.
"Oh, honey. I'm willing to try anything at this point."
"Rack 'em. Honey." You lightly shove him back, your hands reacting to the small second they were on his chest.
"If I win, you give it up," you send the man a sad look.
"Give what up?" he asks.
"All this pining'." Your hand gestures wildly around in the air.
For a moment, despair crosses over that handsome face. He recovers quickly. "Oh, I'm not worried."
Jake lets you break. Two stripes fall into the pocket. Jake comes up behind you before your next shot. His hand slides across your waist and he pulls you into his side.
Right as you pull back, Jake leans down. "Don't scratch."
The cueball follows your striped ball into the pocket.
"Damn," he murmurs. It takes a full 45 seconds to get your heart rate under control.
The jig is up once Jake get in control of the pool table. Not only is he the dagger squad's best dart player, he's got the best pool table on lock, too. There is no way he's going to take it easy on you.
Naturally, he doesn't.
"One more and Hangman gets a kiss," he smirks. He doesn't take his eyes off your as he pulls back and send the cue ball sailing.
The eight ball falls into it's intended pocket effortlessly. Followed right by the cue ball.
Shock falls across all your faces. Jake has never lost a game of pool. Ever.
Jake sets the cue stick down, and rounds the table. Standing toe-to-toe with you, he feeds you a delicious smirk.
"Darlin', I ain't gonna make you kiss me if you don't want to. Furthermore, I only want your kiss if its of your own volition." He tucks a strand of stray hair behind your ear.
Your eyes lock with his and the world stops. What a fucking gentleman.
Fisting the front of his shirt, you yank him down to your mouth. Jake relaxes into the kiss immediately and allows his hands to slide around your waist.
Jake takes control, changing the direction and deepening the kiss. Your hands move from his shirt to the nap of his neck, fingers knotting in his hair. His hair that’s gotten just a bit long.
Jake pulls back just a hair, his lips a breath away from yours. “Damn,” he mumbles, again.
“My own volition, huh?”
“I’m nothing if not a gentleman,” he winks. “A gentleman who is dying to kiss you again.”
You guide his lips back to yours.
“Kiss me, Hangman.”
master list.
a/n: been a little while since i wrote for ole jakey. i hope y'all like it!
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
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Synopsis: A new lieutenant comes to your base—a hot one. Ghost isn’t happy.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,334
I haven’t thought of a title, so I’m replacing it with a picture of Ghost’s expression that perfectly captures the fic’s concept. Let me know if you think of one.
Platonic fluff, duh.
Warning: Lots of swearing ahead of you, British slang as well. Told you, he’s not happy.
UPDATE: there’s a Part 2 now. Things get messy.
Want more?
The rumour mill went into overdrive as soon as the ‘new guy’ arrived at the military base that morning. A former special ops legend with impressive credentials; what’s not to love?
But it wasn’t just his military skills that had everyone talking; it was also his appearance. Rumours of his Adonis-like looks had spread throughout the base, and everyone was dying to catch a glimpse of him. Even the mess hall was dominated by talk of his stunning looks.
What did you think of him? Well, you prefer to take such things with a grain of salt and not put too much stock in them. After all, beauty is a matter of personal preference, and no single definition applies to everyone. So you wanted to evaluate things for yourself.
Okay, fine. Yes, the rumours were true—the guy is exactly as they described him.
The new lieutenant stands tall and proud in front of the line you’ve all formed, his wavy hair coiffed into a deep side part with a thick fringe swooping over one eye. His chiselled jawline is accentuated by a short, perfectly groomed beard, and he gives everyone a brilliant smile as if he’s auditioning for a toothpaste commercial. His voice is booming and almost comically enthusiastic as if he were trying to engage a class of children. He gives orders by pointing at soldiers with gun fingers and winking, causing some of you to stifle giggles.
“All right, soldiers, pay attention!” he says, clapping his hands like a cheerleader. “Today’s tasks are routine: cleaning, organizing, equipment repair, and inventory taking. And, hey, if we pull this off, I’ll buy everyone a round at the local pub! How does that sound?”
Some of the soldiers exchange skeptical glances, wondering if this guy is for real.
But Ghost? Oh. My. God.
Ghost’s agitation becomes too hard to hide as the new lieutenant speaks. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, moving frantically as if eager to be anywhere but here. His eyes keep rolling back as though they’re searching for some leftover patience in the depths of his skull. You keep staring at his crossed arms. They’re so stiff that his muscles must ache from the effort. It’s as if he’s trying to keep them in place, so he doesn’t unleash them and back-slap the hot lieutenant’s pretty face. That, or he’ll let out a primal scream any second now.
“Y/N,” he turns to face you, and you stand at attention, “you’re on border patrol with me today-”
“Y/N is staying with me at the office today,” Ghost opposes him. “There’s a lot of paperwork that needs to be done.”
“Can’t you get someone else to fill out the paperwork?” the man asks, shooting Ghost a wink and a grin.
“Can’t you get someone else to help you with border patrol?” Ghost winks back at him and turns to face you. “Y/N, on your feet, c’mon,” he says, walking towards the building.
You exchange glances with the new lieutenant and shrug. This is too awkward.
“WHENEVER YOU’RE READY, SOLDIER,” Ghost commands, and you dash towards him, brushing past the new lieutenant, who also happens to smell amazing. Of course, he does.
“What the fuck is wrong with you today, Lt.?” You whisper as you run behind him, “where’s the camaraderie we discussed during yesterday’s briefing?”
Ghost shoots you a glare over his shoulder. “Just trying to keep my paperwork safe,” he mutters.
“What’ll happen to the damn paperw-” you proceed to ask, but then evaluate his words; you’re the paperwork.
At the office…
He’s reticent as he sits on his desk—not like he’s a social butterfly any other day, but today, he seems angry. Almost hostile. His eyebrows are tied together, his restless leg syndrome is back, and he takes too many cigarette breaks compared to what you’re used to. He answers your questions with one-word statements when—and if—he acknowledges your presence. Yesses and nos are all you’ve been getting since you entered the office, with the occasional “tsk” he might utter while he looks at his papers.
“Pass me the stapler.” He commands.
“Magic word, Ghost.”
“Pass me the fucking stapler, please.”
You slide the stapler over to his desk. “You’re rude today, Mr Riley.” You comment, turning your focus back to the laptop’s screen.
He doesn’t reply in the form of words. Instead, his feelings manifest themselves by aggressively stapling the papers together.
“Perhaps you’d like me to ask for the stapler by winking at you?” He finally mutters under his breath.
“Like the guy that came in today?” You scoff.
Oh, you have his full, undivided attention now. He turns his chair towards you and leans his weight on his thighs as if you’re about to tell the most exciting story.
“What do you think of him?” He asks.
You flick your wrist dismissively. “I don’t know him well enough to form an opinion. I prefer to reserve judgment until I get to know someone.” You give him a pointed look, hoping to convey your message without having to spell it out for him.
“He’s a fucking bellend, I’ll tell you that much.” He mumbles in response. Guess the message got lost in transit.
“Come on, man!” You shout and punch your fist on the table, “it’s obvious that he’s got you rattled.”
“He’s not rattling me!” Ghost protests, but his defensive tone betrays him.
“Sure, he’s not,” you reply sarcastically, “that’s why you’ve been chain-smoking and stapling papers like you’re trying to murder them.”
Ghost lets out a deep sigh and rubs his temples.
“Is it his looks?” you ask.
“No, it’s not his looks,” Ghost rolls his eyes, “I’m much better looking than him, that’s for sure.”
“Are you...I don’t know, intimidated, maybe?” You shrug, “because you’re worried he might take your place as the top dog around here?”
He looks at you incredulously. “What are you talking about? I’m not worried about that.”
“Sure, you’re not,” you smirk. “That’s why you’ve been acting like a total jerk all day.”
He looks up and sighs. The poor man looks like he desperately needs an ego boost. Beneath Ghost’s tough facade there’s Simon, after all. And Simon is a human being with the same insecurities and worries as everyone else.
“In any case,” you say, trying to comfort him, “nobody takes such douchebags seriously in the army. And I get it; the guy’s trying to make a good impression and all, but, my God, he needs to chill with all the...” you start winking and pointing gun fingers left and right.
He’s so happy he lets out a sharp chuckle. “He’s a fucking nobhead, isn’t he?” He asks, “trying to take charge and acting like he knows everything.”
“Indeed,” you reassure him, “and that cologne, I almost fainted as I passed him; how could you stand beside him for so long?”
“Don’t ask.” He shakes his head.
You reach over and give his arm a squeeze. “Don’t worry about it, Ghost. You’re the most respected operator here,” you say, giving him a small smile, “just do me a favour and give the guy a chance; he has so much to learn from you.”
He nods. “I wanted to neck slap him so hard,” he mumbles, “knock his pretty white teeth out.”
“Which are fake, by the way.”
“Are they?” He asks, shocked.
“100%.” You reply with conviction as if you are the guy’s dentist.
“I knew it.” He yells, slaps his hand on his thigh, and turns his chair back to his desk.
You look at him from the corner of your eye. He seems much more relaxed now. Hopefully, he takes your advice to heart and proceeds with the same resilience and leadership he does on the battlefield. Or, maybe, you temporarily diffused a potential conflict, and the captain will have to get involved pretty soon. Who knows. At least he feels confident in himself now, and the guy’s teeth will live to see another day.
Part 2 ->
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fanon-canon-idfk · 5 months
aftercare (if ur uncomfortable with the genre pls skip)
where like after masc reader is just too fkin tired to put le boxeres back on so he just sits there tired asf and chuuya is like dude we just finished out it back on 🧍 and ofc dazais gonna be goofy asf like “ooo look at mr show off over hereeeee”
imagine the use of “pretty boy” to m! reader ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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It was yet another day at work in the agency alongside your boyfriend, Dazai
Who was also texting your other boyfriend, Chuuya.
Meanwhile, you were focusing on finishing your work as your phone buzzed in sync with giggles from Dazai sitting in the desk beside you.
The moment you finished your paperwork you looked over to his grinning face with a lifted brow before pulling your phone out and reading your notifications:
Chu Chu 10:47 PM
What are you guys doing?
Osa 10:49 PM
Dying of boredom 💔
Chu Chu 10:49
So you’re doing nothing
Osa 10:50
Chuuya expects so little of me! I’m working very hard!!
Chu Chu 10:50
Whatever I’m going back to work
Ah so that’s why Dazai was giggling.
Such a shame though, he seems so bored again now without anything to do. (bc he refuses to do his work)
So, as the good boyfriend you are, you picked up your phone and started typing.
You 10:52
Don’t be a bully Chu
Chu Chu 10:53
Tf you mean bully???
You 10:53
Poor Osamu is crying now!!!
Right on cue, you hear Dazai giggling again with his phone in his hands. He looks up at you with a giant grin, mischief already riddling his complexion.
Dazai wheels his chair right beside yours and whispers something in your ear, causing you to nod and chuckle to yourself.
Dazai put on a sad face, a pout with some puppy eyes, (Literally this emoji 🥺) and you took a photo of him with your phone.
You 10:55
[Sent an image]
Chu Chu 10:55
Oh stfu
Osa 10:55
Chu Chu 10:55
I’m going back to work.
You 10:56
Osa 10:56
Chu Chu 10:56
Osa 10:57
You 10:57
Chu Chu 10:58
He loves you guys <3
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Chuuya and Dazai had gone off to shower together after the 3 of you had an… intimate moment. You however, decided to shower after them because you were fucking exhausted.
Having two guys in bed with you is a lotta work, who knew.
You stayed laying down on the mattress, an arm over your face as your eyes started growing heavy. Ultimately, you fell asleep for a short nap.
In, what for you felt like a few minutes, Chuuya and Dazai had exited the bathroom with a new set of outfits on.
The second they laid their eyes on you Chuuya spoke up, “Oh what the fuck? You can’t even just put on your boxers??”
You woke up at the sound of his voice, situating yourself to rest on your elbows lazily as you looked back at them both. “Yup. Too much work..” you sighed.
Dazai chuckled, “Oh no, please, do keep yourself as comfortable possible~.” He smirked, eyeing your bare body admiringly.
“Ok- you, go fuckin shower,” he ordered, pointing at you sternly before turning around to Dazai.
“And you- stop fucking looking! I’m not going another round just because you can’t relax!” He shoves his hands over Dazai’s eyes, pushing him and himself out of the bathroom doorway for you to go in.
You sighed tiredly, begrudgingly getting up and grabbing yourself some clothing from the dresser. You groggily walked into the bathroom, leaving Chuuya and Dazai alone.
As you closed the door behind you, Chuuya removed his hands from Dazai’s face, revealing a pouting expression.
“What?” Chuuya questioned,
Dazai just responded simply, “Cockblocker.”
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You were all sitting on the couch watching a movie, yourself sitting in the middle. Dazai had his head resting on your shoulder while Chuuya was locking hands with you.
It was late at night so it was normal for you to be tired, but you didn’t feel like falling asleep in the slightest quite yet, the movie holding your attention a bit too well.
That was until you felt Dazai place a soft peck on your jawline, and you just instantly internally melted.
Your eyes started growing heavy like it was magic, you suddenly didn’t have the strength to even keep your head up! You laid your head atop of Dazai’s, his soft locks not doing you any favors.
You were at war with your eyelids, fighting to keep them open so you could keep watching the movie with your boyfriends.
Chuuya then looked over to you, noticing your battle to stay awake. “Are you falling asleep?” He chuckled, you replied stubbornly “No..”
He just laughed again, sliding his hand around your head and pulling you in to use his lap as a pillow. “It’s ok, pretty boy,” he smiled softly “just get your rest, we can always watch the movie again.”
Dazai watched the scene play out between you two, deciding to join in as he laid down as well. He rested his head onto your chest as he laid on top of you.
“Get your rest, handsome,” he teased, his words accompanied by another soft kiss, this time to your neck.
With that, you accepted your fate. Within just a few seconds, you were out like a light.
“Night sleeping beauty.” Chuuya whispered softly, lulling you further into sleep with a hand in your hair.
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Fate, maybe? || Tom Blyth x actress!reader
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Summary: after being each other’s celebrity crush and ending up dating, you both find out that you get the roles you have been auditioning for, as each other’s love interest. Sort’ve a part 2 to ‘And they meet’ go read it!!
Warnings: fem!reader
Wc: 1,192
A/n: yk I had to jump on to this when I found out that Olivia Cooke is gonna be the lead female actor for the new movie Tom is starring in (idk if it’s fully confirmed)
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Tangled in each other’s embrace, the movie tangled playing in your living room as you both u mugs of coffee, the sudden ringing of your phone interrupted the moment.
Turning over your phone screen, your agent Lisa's name illuminates the display. Tom looks down at you, concern etched on his face. "Everything okay?" he inquires, and you hum in response, "Just my agent. I'll be back," you say, lifting the phone and rising, already yearning for the comfort of Tom's embrace left behind.
“Hello?” You say, closing the door behind you for some privacy. “Y/n I have great news!” You held your breathe, wondering what it could be. “You got the lead female for that movie you auditioned for a couple months back!” She excitedly squeals.
You lightly furrow your eyebrows, a brief pause betraying the effort to recall the specific movie amidst several recent auditions. Sensing your momentary confusion, Lisa interjects, "Sorry, I should've been more specific," and her chuckle follows, "A Farewell to Arms, remember?"
Your eyes sparkled with delight at the mere mention of the movie. "Oh my god, really?" you exclaimed, your hands instinctively covering your mouth in sheer excitement. "Yes! Congratulations, Y/n! You're going to do amazing in it! I'll email you more details," Lisa conveyed, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.
“Thank you! I’ll wait for it,” You stare at yourself in the mirror with a huge smile. When you hand up the phone you start silently squealing, jumping up and down in excitement. You had read the novel and absolutely loved it so when you found out they were making a film adaptation of it, you jumped at the opportunity.
Meanwhile, downstairs in the living room, Tom also received a call from his agent. “Hello?” Tom places the phone to his ear. “Tom! Good morning!” Amanda’s voice rings through the phone. A smile makes it to his lips, “Morning Amanda,” He chuckles.
“I have some news for you! Are you alone right now?” She asks as Tom looks over his shoulder and to the stairs you had just gone up. “Yeah, yeah I’m alone” He says, turning back around.
“You know that audition you did a couple months ago for the movie, a farewell to arms?” Amanda’s voice was one of excitement, “Yeah?” He gulped, “Tom, you did it! You got the lead male role!” The words hung in the air, sinking into Tom’s consciousness.
A grin stretched across his face. Trying to contain his excitement, he thanked his agent and ended the call just as you walk down the stairs, a smile on your face.
"You seem happy," Tom offered his signature smile, and you chuckled in response. "Very," you chimed in a sing-song voice, approaching Tom, who remained seated on the couch. Your arms gracefully wrapped around his neck, and you showered kisses along the side of his face.
You wanted to tell Tom about the role you just got but knew you weren’t allowed to until they officially released the news. So for now, you had to keep a secret from your boyfriend. Same went for Tom, he was dying to tell you about the role he just landed but, he had to wait.
You scrambled around the house in search of your scarf. “Babe! Have you seen my scarf?” You call out as Tom rushes to find his shoes. “The black one?” He calls back, tying his shoes. “Yeah!” “They’re on the counter here!” He picks up your scarf just as you come down the stairs.
You gratefully smile at him as he wraps it around your neck, “There, gorgeous,” His hands rest on your shoulder for a bit as he studies you. You lean in to press a gentle kiss on his lips.
“I gotta go, my drivers here,” You sigh as you sling your bag across your shoulder. “I think my driver will be here soon, have a good day today,” He grins, tucking his keys in his pockets.
The two of you were going to be out for the whole day. You were off to do a chemistry test with whoever the lead male was, and Tom was doing the exact same, but for whoever the lead female was. Little did the two of you know that you’d be seeing each other very soon.
You give him a final peck as you go on your tippy toes before leaving the house, getting into the car and driving off. The whole car ride there you were slightly nervous. Your head was swimming with thoughts about who would the male lead be.
Would we get along? Will we have chemistry? What if we don’t? Your thoughts came to a stop when the car came to a halt infront of a building. “Have a good day, Y/n. Hope everything goes well!” Trevor, your driver smiles at you. “Thanks Trevor, I hope so too,” You chuckle opening the car door and stepping out.
You were a couple minutes early but they let you wait inside. Your leg was slightly bouncing as you watch the clock on the wall. The male lead would be here any minute now.
Suddenly, the door opened where a young woman peeked her head out of, “Y/n Y/l/n?” “Yes?” You stand up, grabbing your things. The woman’s eyes look around the room, “Oh, he hasn’t arrived yet. That’s okay, you can start getting ready for chemistry test,” She smiles sweetly at you as you nod, following her.
She hands you a piece of paper with lines from a scene for the movie. As you scanned the words, a voice resonates from outside, "I'm so sorry I'm late! Traffic was horrible," a masculine voice apologizes, prompting you to lift your head toward the door.
It began to open and you swore your heart nearly stopped beating. “Tom?” Your jaw drops open as he freezes. “Y/n?” “What are you doing here?” You both say in sync as you burst out into laughter. Your eyes then move to the young woman who was grinning from to ear.
"I'm here for a chemistry test..." you trail off, and he responds, "Me too." The realization dawns on both of you, and smiles effortlessly spread across your faces. "So, this was the new project you're working on?" Tom chuckles, moving closer as you nod. "Oh my god, what a coincidence," you shake your head in disbelief.
"Who knew we'd be starring in the same movie together as lovers," he chuckled. "Crazy, right?" You smiled at him, and he kissed your cheek. The chemistry test kicked off seamlessly, a testament to the natural connection between you two. Being together made it a breeze, and the rapport you shared translated effortlessly into the scene, setting the tone for an easy journey while fillings
"The casting directors had already chosen you well before they found out that you two were dating," the young woman chuckled, skillfully removing the camera from its stand. A shared smile passed between you and Tom, a subtle acknowledgment of the serendipity that brought you together on and off the screen.
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ghost-bxrd · 8 days
Saw the Phoenix!Jason possibility mentioned... Thought of a more hilarious/traumatizing version.
Phoenix Tim. Dick's Baby Bird.
As in, if he dies, he'll just come back to life in a few minutes, all former injuries healed.
Tim being Tim, he's gonna use the resurrection ability to skip having to stay in bed and recuperate, giving the Batfam multiple panic attacks.
They are still trying to talk him out of it when Hood turns up...
The Titans Tower attack happens.
As in canon, Tim loses the initial round and flee to another room, injured.
Well. His hand is broken, he can't fight a crime lord with a broken arm. Plus, come on, that's gonna be a major hazzle, Dick and Bruce will fuzz over him for a month!
He knows how to fix this, right?
Jason, following him in dramatic slow motion, is just in time to see Tim shoot/stab himself dead.
The revival takes a few minutes... And Jason has absolutely no idea about the Phoenix Part.
Fun times : )
Counter offer, they’re both phoenixes but none of them knew that about Jason because he was always terrified of dying! (No clue how the Ethiopia part works but hear me out on further angst first!)
and when he comes back to confront Tim he obviously doesn’t know just how good he was replaced.
And then Tim stabs himself and Jason just blanks, all his rage forgotten because he just wanted to beat the kid up a little. He never wanted him to die.
So we have Jason frantically trying to staunch the blood flow, trying and failing to shift enough to grab even a single feather that might save the kid (*gestures because phoenix magic*), asking Tim again and again “Why would you do that!?” without waiting for an answer because the kid is bleeding out.
And Tim is just so confused because… isn’t this what Hood wanted? Why is he panicking? And also, shit, he should have stabbed somewhere else because this hurts like a bitch.
And then Jason can’t breathe because he thinks he’s the cause a teenager felt scared enough to commit suicide rather than face him, and he can’t get the bleeding to stop, and being a phoenix is useless if he can’t even shift to save him. But- but he can give the kid some comfort in his last moments. He can do that much.
And Tim totally thinks his brain is going bye-bye when Hood takes off the helmet and it’s Jason Todd cradling and crying over him, apologizing over and over and— oh no, ohhhh no, Tim screwed up big time. This is bad. He needs to let Jason know it will be okay. That Tim will be okay. That it was a mistake!
But Jason isn’t listening and Tim is doomed to die for a couple minutes and good gods does he hope Jason will stick around until he wakes back up because if Tim gets this one chance to give the Batfam their happy ending only to have it slip through his fingers because he chose to ignore Batman’s “Do NOT kill yourself over every minor inconvenience!”, he’s going to… he doesn’t even know.
Please, gods, please let Jason stick around…
(Honestly this works even without Jason being a phoenix but look I’m attached to the image of Jason deliberately walking into explosions after the whole Ethiopia thing and making everyone have several hundred flashbacks)
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princessbrunette · 6 months
just thinking about some more…obsessive obx boys each having a nightmare about the reader either dying or leaving them, their worst fears come to life…only to wake up and find reader snug as a bug in their arms, smiling in her sleep
how do you think each of them would react?
- 🪸
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
john b is canonically prone to nightmares, so i can see him reacting in a similar way. he’d probably wake with a jolt, instantly looking down to see you fast asleep as he pants, catching his breath. he’d ease you out of his arms, laying you down to comfortably rest so that he can sit up, obsessively running his hands through his sweaty hair trying not to hyperventilate as he thinks about keeping you safe. any sort of danger you’ve ever been in has been because of him, and he knows if anything awful ever happens to you — it’ll also be because of him.
he’s bordering on panic attack when suddenly he feels your hand on his arm, making him jolt once more. you sit up, eyes barely open with a frown.
“hey? wh’samatter john b?” you ask, leaning your cheek on his shoulder rubbing his back.
“just… just a bad dream.” he turns to look at you in the moonlight, taking in all your beauty and it calms him.
“s’not real, it’s okay. lay back down.” you whisper and he finds himself doing what you say, soothed enough to dull his overthinking just for a little while.
jj would awake with a start from his bad dream but instantly be hit with relief, squeezing you tight in his arms and pressing kisses to the top of your head, a little tearful. “jesus… thank god.” he whispers to himself and you stir, using your minute amount of energy to press yourself closer to him, subconsciously telling him how safe he makes you feel.
rafe would have a more drastic reaction, sitting up instantly sucking in ragged breaths with glassy, wide eyes, rolling you over and pulling you to sit up in his arms. you mewl, being woken up from a deep sleep and try and snuggle against him but he shakes you awake.
“hey, hey look at me for a second. wake up.” he speaks and your eyes flutter open, sensing urgency.
“rafe, what’s going on?” you sound so weak, so helpless. it does nothing to reassure him.
“you— you gotta—” he sighs angrily not even knowing what to say. “i’m gonna protect you from anything and anyone okay? if anyone and i mean anyone bothers you, you tell me. that’s — that’s non negotiable from now on, right? you tell me, n’i’ll kill ‘em. okay? say okay.”
“okay, rafe… y’scaring me…” you whine, waking up a little more and he shakes his head.
“there isn’t anything to be scared of, kid. just — i can’t lose you alright? not after everything.”
you sigh, recognising it’s just rafe being rafe and relax, hand coming up to stroke his hair, scratching his scalp.
“nothin’s gonna happen to me rafe. lay down, please.”
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
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fruitsoxs · 8 months
this is long so i'm putting some under read more
BUT- Thinking about Astarion with a generally good tav/reader. I’m thinking it’s sort of an enemies to lovers type deal, where the two of you start off the adventure by bickering constantly over what to do. You always want to do the right thing, and it absolutely infuriates Astarion. He pushes back whenever he can, because your little rag tag group has other matters that are much more important than saving children, or rescuing girls from some hag. But of course, he’s always outvoted. You are easily annoyed by his constant complaining whenever you want to do something good, and so of course the two of you are almost always at each other's throats.
“Oh I’m sorry that I actually have a heart.” “You should be- we have other matters to attend to. Like, well I don't know, the thing inside our heads!”
However, there are moments where Astarion comes to learn that he genuinely likes your kind heart. When you easily forgive him for…hiding what he truly is. Or how you lie when a hunter is out and about. There are moments where you tend to his wounds in complete silence, gently wrapping a bandage around his arm. And when he says a quiet thank you, you simply nod and move on. 
He’d never say this out loud, and of course continues to act as if you are nothing but a nuisance, but he starts to appreciate you little by little. You are not just some naïve adventurer who will drop dead if someone were to ask. You are the strongest person he knows, someone he could depend on if needed. He watches you fuss over the group, solving everyone’s problems. He sees how much work you put into making everyone comfortable, and how little you ask for in return. And while he thinks you’re a little stupid for it, he also recognizes that most of his disdain comes from the fact that he wishes he had someone like you to save him when he was at his lowest. If good people like you exist, then why did nobody come to his aid? 
So maybe he gets less snippy. He doesn’t roll his eyes every time you put the mission on hold to do favors for others. Maybe he starts to fall for you little by little.
And maybe it all becomes clear to him when you get hurt.
It was supposed to be an easy little mission. A peaceful meeting that you were sure you could talk your way out of (it always surprised him how easily you could lie your way out of fights). And of course, Astarion and you just had to get in a little spat beforehand, so he stays at the campsite while you’re off bringing peace to the world. He doesn’t expect to see the others come rushing into camp, dragging your weak body along. He doesn’t expect to see you so pale, fighting for your very life-
He rushes to your side, demanding to know what happened. Something went wrong, and somehow you ended up stabbed with a poisoned dagger in the midst of a fight. He feels his insides churn when they lay you down on a bed roll, and he watches as you give him a weak smile.
“Hey fangs.” you manage to get out, entering a coughing fit shortly after. Your smile almost fades when you notice how scared Astarion looks. It isn’t like him to be so worried. You don’t like seeing him like that so you whisper. “It’s gonna be okay-” And gods does it infuriate Astarion that you’re still trying to help others, help him, when you’re basically dying by his side. So he snaps a bit.
“And how do you know that?” He bites at you, pain and anger in his voice. You flinch a bit, letting a silence take over for a second. You slowly reach out to grab his shaking hand, your grip so weak. “Just trust me.”
He sits by your side, barking orders at everyone else- demanding someone heal you. He’s a bit of a prick as Shadowheart kneels down to tend to your wounds. He seems so angry, but everyone can see the way he’s clinging to your hand. Everyone knows what’s going on. And after you’re healed, and left to recover, he stays by your side. 
When the rest of the camp is asleep, he gently pushes your hair out of your face while looking you over. He’s just now realized how hard he’s fallen. While you’re protecting everyone else someone has to protect you. He may as well be that person.
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ghostkennedy · 1 year
Every Version of You
A reverse harem with three variants of Leon Kennedy and feminine reader.
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An average day, nothing noteworthy. Until someone intercepts you and your partner a week before you’re gearing up to head out for an assignment. Now there’s nothing average about today, nothing is normal anymore. You’ll never understand. Is it time travel? Is his soul broken apart and now manifesting different versions of himself? All you know is that an older version of Leon is here, insisting he had to come back to save your life with the help of a trusted few. And for some reason his younger self from when you two first met and survived Racoon City together is also here. When your Leon is swept away on a mission to rescue the president’s daughter from a cult in Spain, you’re left to try and prevent your coming death with his past and future self. When he returns, how do you confront everything that has come to the surface with the other two? Will you be able to prevent your ultimate demise? It’s going to take every version of him in order to save yourself.
~ Masterlist ~ Next Part ~
SONGS: Always - Bon Jovi and Work Song - Hozier
CONTENT WARNINGS FOR PART ONE: drunkenness, pining, repressed romantic feelings, death, depression, anxiety, tension, kidnapping, violence, drugging, water submersion, self-depreciation, thoughts of dying, desire to die, heartache, angst, hurt with no comfort
“I can’t sing a love song, like the way it’s meant to be.” You belt out the lyrics to the last song you remember playing in the bar before the alcohol completely took over. Despite your words slurring, you did your best to mimic the sultry rock tone of Bon Jovi.
“God, you’re so drunk,” Leon laughs as he tries to keep you up right as you make your way down the dark, city streets. 
The only other patrons on this road are other drunks. All of the businesses beyond the bar are closed up and dark. You can still hear the music from the bar thumping in the distance.The late night air is chilly, but you’re too obliterated to take much notice of the goosebumps littering your exposed skin.
“Nooooooo,” you whine at Leon. “You’re supposed to sing the next part. This is a duet, Leon, come on!”
He stares down at you with an amused look on his face. “I’m not doing a Bon Jovi duet with you at 3 am in the middle of the street.”
You pout at him, stopping in your tracks in defiance. He tries to continue pulling you along, but you hold the heels of your feet firmly in place on the cobblestone. The rough texture of the restored downtown district usually pissed you off. You were always tripping over yourself on the uneven terrain, but tonight it’s helping ground you in place. You subconsciously apologize to the ground for all the times you’ve cursed it.
“I can’t sing a love song, like the way it’s meant to be.” You sing the same lyric as earlier loudly, your tone absolutely atrocious. 
Leon sighs before finally giving in, replying with the next line. “Well, I guess I’m not good anymore, but baby, that’s just me.”
You squeal joyfully at his rock ballad impression before clinging to his arm again, allowing him to continue guiding you down the road.
You’re practically screaming at this point, “And I will love you, baby, always. And I’ll be there forever and a day, always.” 
Leon knows he’s lost the battle. Your drunken mind knows no ration, so he sings along with you quietly. He fights the smile threatening to overtake his face, not wanting to encourage you further.
But it’s too late. When he gave in during your small fit, that was all the motivation you needed to give the city street the performance of your life. 
As you continued singing, your hazy mind couldn’t keep track of the lyrics. Leon just shakes his head as you get the words completely wrong. 
He stuffs the warm feeling in his chest down, locking it away as he always does. He doesn’t like how endearing he finds you. The way you carry yourself so carefreely. You’re boldly and unapologetically yourself. It’s everything Leon wishes he could be. He never allows himself to think any deeper on the feelings inside of him. Nothing good ever comes from him expressing the intricacies of the branches growing and entwining deeply in his chest. 
You’ve got your claws deeply embedded into his person. He has killed for you before, many times, and he will do it again without a second thought. You’re his best friend, his partner, his twin flame, but he refuses to vocalize what you mean to him. 
The world is a shitshow filled with unspeakable horrors and ill intent. Boldly caring for anything makes you vulnerable. If you have nothing, then there isn’t anything for the world to steal from you. His life is already overly complicated. He’s merely a prop for the US government. Nothing but a tool, or more accurately a weapon. He’s the weapon they use against bioweapons. A machine that serves its intended purpose and is expected to maintain itself as it sits idly by before it’s needed again.
He finds comfort in this fact somehow. An object doesn’t need to feel or process emotions. It enables him to push down his trauma and function day to day without breaking apart at the seams. If he detaches himself from the physical world enough, going through the motions is a piece of cake. Maybe he’s not living, maybe he’s merely existing, but when he’s with you… he feels everything. He wants to stay in the secureness of being numb, safe and sound within his own walls.
He shouldn’t have agreed to hit up the bar with you tonight. But after being briefed on your next assignment, you needed to be plastered to cope with the new horrors you’d be dealing with. And the truth was Leon cared about you extensively, so he could get through tonight. He’ll drop your drunk ass off at home and then seclude himself from you until it’s time to go on your assignment together. 
“Oh fuck,” you holler as you trip over your own feet, exposed knees crashing into the ground beneath you. You hiss at the stinging of new scrapes on your skin. 
Leon crouches down and attempts to help you up, but you’re super unsteady as your legs shake underneath you. 
“We need to get your drunk ass home before you completely self-destruct.”
You giggle up at him before your eyes connect with his. Your mind goes completely blank as you soften beneath his gaze. This is what it means to get lost in someone’s eyes, it must be. The alcohol running through your system is making it hard to ignore all the pesky feelings you’re able to brush off–to stuff deep down when you’re sober.
What if he leaned down and kissed you right now? What if he finally closed the gap between the two of you? What if he completed those broken pieces of yourself and made you whole again? Finally giving into six long years worth of tension? Your eyes fall down to his plump, wet lips before rising back up to meet his stare. You subconsciously lick your lips in anticipation. Your heart feels like it’s in your throat as the pace of your breathing picks up. Your entire body feels like it’s on fire and you want nothing more than to extinguish the flames, but in the back of your mind you know you want to ignite them further.
Neither one of you break the stare down raging between you two somewhere in the middle of this forgotten street. You could be literally anywhere and it wouldn’t make a goddamn difference. Wouldn’t change a fucking thing. But you know that’s just the loneliness and liquor talking. He’s your Leon, it’s not like that. He’s not like that. You’re not like that. Right?
You’re so lost in one another that you don’t notice the sounds and shifting air around you until it’s too late. While you were lost in your own bubble, you left yourself vulnerable and exposed to the world around you. And it seems the world took advantage of that fact.
Suddenly arms are wrapped around your cowering frame. A hand comes up and covers your mouth, muffling the startled scream tumbling from your throat.
Leon darts forward to pull the person off of you when two men you don’t recognize grab either of his arms and pull him back away from you. His elbows are flying into their sides, his nails digging into their skin. His knees and legs kicking out as he fights to break from their holds on him.
“Don’t make me do this, Leon,” a deep voice speaks to him, but it doesn’t change anything. Leon keeps fighting against them. The man lets out a heavy sigh before swinging his free arm and punching Leon hard in the face, his body instantly going limp at the impact.
You realize you’re crying and whimpering as you shake in the man’s arms. His tight grip on you hasn’t faltered for even a second. You’re powerless, a helpless feeling taking over your entire being. You have no fight in you tonight. You’re too drunk and you immediately regret allowing yourself to be in such a state.
“I’m so sorry.” The man holding you removes his hand from your mouth, but before you can say anything, there’s a stabbing pain in the side of your throat. Your eyes shoot in the direction of his arm, seeing him pulling a now empty syringe away from you. You’ve been drugged. You want to panic, but a fuzzy feeling seeps its way into your muscles and bones. Before you’ve even processed the sudden turn of events, darkness wraps around you like a blanket.
You have no choice but to allow yourself to fall into it.
Waking up feels like you’re trapped underwater. The world is so far away, the only sound surrounding you being your own heart beat thrumming in your ears and the movement of the water flowing around you. Your limbs feel limp, your body weightless. The only thing you can do is allow yourself to sink into it, to embrace the sensations.
But then you begin to open your eyes.
Everything is out of focus, distorted as if looking through someone else’s glasses. You have to force yourself to blink, taking all of your energy to lift your heavy eyelids. 
You can’t help it. You let them fall shut again. Even with your eyes closed, it feels like the world is spinning around you, but at least the ache behind your eyelids stops.
You almost give yourself back over to sleep. Almost. 
You feel hands gripping your arms, shaking you. You assume the person is trying to wake you up and you try to force yourself up, but your blood feels thick in your veins. That under water feeling growing inside your body as well. The feeling is almost peaceful so you cling to it.
The memories start to trickle into your brain that feels like it’s vibrating inside of your skull.
You shoot your eyes open and look down, attempting to focus your eyes as you force yourself to blink rapidly. You feel so fucking high and there’s nothing you can do other then beg yourself to please come down. Even as your eyes start to focus, your brain feels trapped behind a barrier and you still can’t get any appendage attached to this useless body to just move.
This isn’t working. You close your eyes again, instead focusing on your breathing. In, hold, then out. In, hold, then out. Rinse, lather, repeat. You can feel your lungs expanding and retracting over and over in your chest; the feeling has your anxiety rising.
But it’s finally working. Somehow, some way, the anxiety is awakening your nerves and pushing the drugged out feeling away. 
It probably takes twenty or thirty minutes to come back to yourself enough to comprehend what’s happening around you, but it finally does. And what you see has you feeling even more high.
You’re laying on some dingy, old couch. The room around you is dark and dank. It’s somewhere between a basement and a dungeon. The more you look around, the more you think it’s more dungeon leaning. 
You slowly manage to sit yourself up, using every ounce of strength you have to achieve it. You take more deep breaths before pushing yourself up, barely managing to steady yourself as you stand and your knees threaten to give out beneath you. More deep breaths and your head stops spinning, allowing you to open your eyes again. 
The room is small;  just the couch, a lamp, and a door. 
A few shaky paces forward and you’re at the door. Up close, you can see that the old door isn’t closed all the way. Placing one hand on the door frame for balance, you reach forward with the other slowly pushing the door open. And what you see has your head reeling more than the drugs.
This room is much larger than the previous one, the high ceilings nearly three times higher than the previous. Two men stand at a control panel surrounding a large tank of… water? It looks like bubbly, murky, thickened water. Another man stands away from the others, looking lost and out of place in a shadowy corner of the room.
But those are the least concerning elements. What has you screaming out in shock is the man up on the metal platform above the tank holding an unconscious Leon in his arms. It looks like he’s moments from dropping Leon into the mysterious vat of liquid and it has panic overtaking your system.
Every man in the room's attention darts to you at your sudden outburst.
“Oh good, you’re awake,” a man with a thick accent speaks from the control panel.
“What are you doing to him? What the fuck is going on?” You wheeze out. The room grows silent except for your heavy breathing and the weird humming noises coming from inside the tank.
Adrenaline takes over, your survival instincts kicking in as you rush towards the tank, ready to do anything to get Leon away from this death trap.
You throw yourself at the ladder attached to the platform above the tank, ready to do whatever it takes to save him. But large muscular arms wrap around you, trapping your arms at your side.
You kick and scream, anything to break free of his grasp, but to no avail. He’s so much larger than you. Even without the drugs lingering in your system, you’re still not sure you’d stand a chance against him. You’re the damsel in distress, nothing but a sitting duck waiting for your hero to come rescue you.
But the ever dependable hero is in immediate danger, mere feet above his ultimate demise. 
“You ready?” The accented man speaks to the man above the tank.
“Whenever you are.” A gruff voice responds from above. 
The accented man starts counting backwards from ten as the other man starts to move Leon towards the edge, ready to toss him in like nothing but a rag doll.
You’re screaming, pleading, begging them to stop. You’re in hysterics and all of the men ignore you. No one even bothers to spare you a second glance.
You’re completely helpless. You can’t save him. You’ve failed him as you always do. You know if it was you in his position, he’d have saved you effortlessly. He’d never allow you to die like this. He’d never allow you to die at all, but you can’t return that simple fucking favor. 
Please let me be next. Throw me in after him. I could never live knowing I allowed him to die as if he was nothing. He’s everything. If I can’t save him, take me with him. I’ll follow him even in death. What’s a world without Leon Kennedy? I don’t want to know, please don’t make me know.
Your heart shatters as you watch Leon’s limp body fall into the vat of liquid. The man at the control panel flips a giant lever and the liquid glows. The light from the tank is blinding as the man holding you releases you to cover his own eyes. 
You’ve always been a coward and you refuse to be as your best friend dies in front of you. You force your eyes to stay open through the excruciating pain burning in them. 
But then as quickly as it appeared, the light disappears. The man on the platform has collapsed, unconscious above the tank. And weirdly enough, the man lingering in the shadows has collapsed as well. 
You can’t stop the tears as they fall down your face, a sob breaking through your lips as the realization sets in. The tank is empty. Leon is no longer inside.
Did they fucking incinerate him?
You fall to your knees as you shake, your entire body crumbling as the situation truly sets in.
I’m so sorry, Leon. I’m sorry for being such a useless piece of fucking shit. Wherever you are, reach through to me and smite me dead with you. Drag me to the other side with you. Don’t make me stay in a world where you don’t exist. 
I’ll never let you down again. I’ll remind you every day how much you fucking mean to me. You can’t be gone. Please don’t be gone. There’s no me without you. 
You’ve always been larger than this world, Leon, but it’s nothing without you. The world was never worthy of you, and neither was I. But don’t fucking leave me. There’s so many things I haven’t said, too many things I haven’t said. And I’ll forever hate myself for it. 
If your heart isn’t beating, then mine doesn’t deserve to beat either. I’ll rip the fucking thing from my chest to follow you wherever you are now. It beats for you and I think it always has, since the day I fucking met you. 
If not this life then I’ll be yours in the next. I won’t be stupid anymore, I fucking swear it Leon.
I love you Leon Scott Kennedy. I fucking love you. 
And the afterlife can’t fucking have you. I know you and I know that you can look God in the face and fight, kicking and screaming, your way back to me. It’s not your time. All the time in the world would never be enough time to spend with you.
So you bring your ass straight back here and I’ll fall to my knees, devote my life to you. I’ll pray to you if it’s what you ask of me. You are my purpose and there is no meaning to this bullshit life without you in it.
I never got the chance to properly and loudly love you. Never got the chance to show you I love you. You left this world not knowing how much you were loved. And none of it is right. I’ll burn this world down for you, Leon. I don’t care if you want me to or not. This place will not go on without you. I promise, my love. 
If you don’t come back to this world, there will be no world for any mother fucker to ever come back to. No one is more worthy than you and I’ll never allow them to feel as if they are. As if any mortal soul could ever begin to compare.
You’re supposed to stay with me to the end. This can’t be the end. Is this the end? I refuse to accept this ending. I’ll rewrite the whole fucking book until it’s structured around nothing but your happy ending, Leon.
Leon. Not my Leon. I’ve lost you before you were even mine to lose. You left without knowing I’m yours.
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drexee · 1 month
And finally, Mikey!!!
Bayverse!Mikey x gn!Reader
Warnings: fluff, spelling maybe?
Raph | Leo | Donnie
Mikey Sleep HCs
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Michelangelo used to have a twin bed, actually! It really didn’t bother him! He would just face plant into the mattress and knock out
fun fact: that was the same bed he’d had since he was little! Yes, the bunk.
But it wasn’t until you came along that he thought maaaaaybe he should get a bigger bed😭
He’s rolled off the side one too many times when you slept in the same bed together 🥲
Now he has a queen sized bed! Very plush, you sink right in
He has a comfortable and large blanket, it’s tattered at the edges but, “It’s well loved! It adds character ;)”
Mikey has a LOT of pillows on his bed. And one (1) body pillow he did not nab from Donnie’s room
Also has clothes on his bed, clothes he’s been meaning to fold and put away, but he just… never got around to it
Honestly, when you first walked in, you didn’t even know he had a bed
But it’s there, trust
He’ll knock some off and boom! A bed!
He. Snores. LOUD.
like, hONK shooo HOONNK mimimimi 😪
If it weren’t for those thick cement walls, you’d be able to hear him clear across the lair!
But it mellows out the deeper he goes into sleep
Now, about the sleeping positions
He has no favorite!
if you’re in bed with him, he’s happy 🥹
Sometimes Michelangelo will have you wrapped up in his arms, other times he’ll be laying on his back (propped with a few pillows) and have you up against his side
It depends on how he’s feeling that night
But you always wake up with at least one of his limbs draped over you
If it’s been a long day, he’ll lay his head on your chest and listen to your heart beat
It gives him a chance to rest his eyes and his very busy brain for a bit, allowing himself to just focus on you and clear out everything else
Your fingers would draw lazy circles on the back of his head, and across his neck, over his carapace, down his shoulders and lightly scratch his jaw
Maybe even kiss his forehead too?
He’s Swooning, oh my god
He loves it
Mikey will be chirping and churring so much he’s practically vibrating
He’d also be drawing pictures with his hands over your skin, tracing your shape and committing it to his memory
He’d see the goosebumps that follow his fingers and he would go back and trace over them, slower
Mikey loves loves LOVES your voice, so he’ll ask you to talk to him while he’s cuddled up with you
Pillow talk is a big thing for him, from various topics to deep conversations to cracked out stories that have you both gasping and dying with laughter
And honestly the raw emotions that come out in the dead of night? When it’s just you and him bundled up together sharing every random thought that comes to mind until one of you drifts to sleep?
That’s what he lives for
It’s intimate in a way that nothing else could ever replicate
In the mornings, he will lay onto top of you
Like, he will CRUSH you. Lovingly. 😌
He wants to be close to you!! And soak up all your sunshine!!!
and he’s not above peppering every inch of you with as many kisses as he can
You have to literally shove him off of you to get him to stop😭
Even then, Mikey will grab your arm (or whatever you used you get him away) and start kissing that
And once you’re properly awake, he’ll have you two head over to the kitchen to have some breakfast together
Voila!! That’s all four! Sorry these took a bit! I have like, a full time job and I’m in school, and honestly only get these ideas when I’m right about to fall asleep 😭
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed! Til next time!
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verinarin · 7 months
HC about Dr ratio with a short lyney reader! (Can be fem or gn or male!! Ur choice)
Can u uh do smut if ur ok with it???
U can Decline this request if ur not comfortable, i understand!
Aaa I’m not going to decline since I need more Dr. Ratio brainrot >:)
Note that I can’t really think about like mini HC so I’m going to give you bite sized fics <3
18+ Cuffs, Fingering (gn reader!)
Dr. Ratio is a man of science, he’s rational so the idea of magic seems interesting to him. He knew these magic tricks of yours has logical explanation behind it so he would like to inspect it first hand
So from time to time he likes to watch you practice and give his own personal input, like today for example !
He came to visit you in your workshop, you were perfecting a new trick and you wouldn’t mind the criticism Ratio might have, it has always helped you improve your tricks
“If you angle the sword this way it’ll definitely let the audience figure out the secret behind it,” he whispers beside his your ear as he leans down, his face so close to your neck while his arms caged your frame against the coffin like construct of your upcoming magic trick
“Ahh it seems that I accidentally made the master magician turned red,” he chuckles before pressing a kiss on your cheek
It’s a normal thing to have him drop by your workshop when he’s free, but he texted you that sadly he can’t come today due to an urgent meeting
It’s fine of course!, to be honest this new trick of yours is kind of complicated and you need someone to supervise you but Ratio isn’t here so might as well take it as a chance to test your skill !
It’s just an easy escape act, just uncuffing yourself with a pin but the kick is your hands are cuffed to your back whilst your body is strapped down into a desk that is also locked
So it’s a double lock situation, first the cuff and then the harness that locks your waist onto the tall desk, to give a helpless illusion, since you are quite short you’re going to look like you’re floating !
Everything was going smoothly until you accidentally dropped the pin you were going go use to uncuff yourself, ahh this is so embarrassing !
You knew that your sister would probably search for you after sometime since you always come home right on time, thank god that is only your sister that’s going to see you at this embarrassing state
You start to relax your muscles let you start to daydream waiting for your sister to come, after almost half an hour heard the door opens ah thank god she noticed you early on, your body is starting to go stiff !
“Ahh siss !, help me out over here I accidentally dropped the pin and now I can’t uncuff myself,” you whine as you swing your legs, ah you don’t want to see your sister face right now
You never heard a reply from her, just the sound of ominous steps getting closer and closer “Ah how embarrassing,”
Oh no….it’s Dr.Ratio
You felt his big hand resting on the harness that straps you down towards the desk, he rest his hand there as he leans towards your ears “It seems you need to practice more,”
“Dr. Ratio please don’t tease me, I’m dying from embarrassment here !,” you whine as you struggle to get myself
“How can’t I where you’re so adorably stupid,” he chuckles as he crouched to get the pin but he puts in on his pocket instead
“Why are you here anyways, you told me you couldn’t come,”
“I just finished my meeting quickly to meet a certain someone and it looks like I’m came in like a rather sticky situation huh ?,” he smirks as he caress your wrist
“Yup and you sir could be my saviour !,” you try to act like you’re perfectly fine, you’re not of course
He just chuckles at your frail attempt at being unbothered about the whole situation “What would I get in return as a token of your appreciation ?,”
“Anything you want?,” you reply, getting too uncomfortable at the suspense
He hold you waist as he presses his clothed erection against you, “Can it be you ?,” he whispers as he leans down beside your ear
“Y-yes just get me out of here,” you whine as you grind against him
“Well I want upfront payment first so….”
Oh god he’s going to do it while you’re restrained isn’t he-
With a swift move he slid your pants until your ankle, he crouches before your nether region, his fingers trace your clothed hole making it wet from mere friction, you reply with a whine and a pout he considers too cute
“Yes yes won’t tease anymore,” he huffs before dragging your underwear down and stick his finger at your wet hole
“So tight…” he whispers as he thrust it slowly
“Nghnnn,” you could only hold back your moans hoping it wouldn’t get attention from the outside
“You’re going to let me fuck you like this right?,” he stood up, his hand curving itself inside you while his other hand pulled your cuffed wrist
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vin-taege · 3 months
Can I request a chishiya fluff? can you do reader taking caring of sick chishiya? we see chishiya taking care of reader but never a reader taking care of chishiya so i wanted to see! Thank you if you do!!
Summary: Who knew the worst patient on earth would be a doctor? Alternatively, the one where Chishiya is being stubborn and whiny because he ALLEGEDLY never gets sick.
Genre: fluff, normal!au, slight ooc chishiya
Pairing: reader x chishiya
Words: 1k
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“___… ___… where’s my briefcase?”
You could hear him groaning from your room, undoubtedly prying himself up on the dresser again in the attempt to prove that he is totally not sick. With a fond sigh, you set the hot soup down on the tray, which also had a cup of warm tea and migraine medication.
Maneuvering past your boyfriend’s hunched-over form, you set the tray down on the bedside table before walking over to him and lightly taking his hands into yours. His polo shirt was buttoned asymmetrically, his hair tangled and tied into a messy bun. His eyes were half-closed from the headache and he sniffled every few seconds, but he was trying his best to stand up straight and look normal. Before you could open your mouth, he cut you off.
“I’m not sick. I never get sick.” His voice came out small and groggy, like shrapnel shredded his throat.
“Yes honey, sure you don’t,” you gave him a patient smile. Begrudgingly, he followed you back to the bed, never once letting go of your hand. You tucked him back in, suppressing a chuckle upon seeing a permanent grimace on his face, his arms crossed tightly against his chest. “I need you to finish the soup so your stomach is full enough for the meds.”
“I know that. I’m a doctor, ___, for fuck’s sake. I’m not sick,” he rolled his eyes, turning his face away from the spoon you held up. Hesitantly, his eyes darted back to meet yours. Upon seeing the pout on your face, he let out a long sigh, followed by a painful groan. He held his head in his hands, leaning over before he fully fell back into the headboard. “You hid my briefcase, I know you did.”
“Chishiya, I didn’t do anything to your briefcase. Maybe it’s God’s way of telling you to rest and drink your medicine,” you punctured the sentence with a light jab of the spoon.
He huffed before finally accepting your offer. “There is no god.”
“But there is a flu and right now your head sounds like it’s about to pop off. Don’t get all philosophical with me, doctor. If you be any more difficult, I’ll have to strap you to this bed,” you teased half-heartedly.
In all honesty, you were worried. Chishiya was right in saying that he never gets sick—which is exactly why it’s such a big deal when he does. When his immune system finally crashes down because of all the late nights and missed meals, it fully implodes. You were well aware of his tendency to be cocky and stubborn—though never towards you—but being sick definitely amplifies it. Why else would he be in an unpressed polo shirt looking for a briefcase all the while his skull felt like it was getting jackhammered?
Halfway through the bowl, you set the spoon down and pressed the back of your hand on his forehead. You gently swiped at the beads of sweat, frowning at how hot his skin had become. He had his eyes fully shut, barely containing a whimper.
“___, I’m dying.”
A laugh escaped your lips before you knew it. He opened his eyes slightly only to squint at you. “You’re laughing. I feel like I’m dying and you’re laughing.”
“You are not dying. You’re in the care of Dr. ___!”
“Which is exactly why I’m dying.”
“Hey!” you squeezed his arm lightly. To your relief, he was well enough to let out a small laugh. After that, he thankfully allowed you to keep feeding him without much resistance. When he finished all the soup, you gave his cheek a small poke.
“You’re starting to become the patients you hate the most,” you teased.
“I was born into the world to annoy you, actually,” he grinned, peering up at you with his honeyed eyes.
“You’re thankful you have a smart mouth and a cute ass,” you stuck your tongue out at him. Picking up the meds, you showed him the label to get his confirmation—which he gave to you with a worldless nod, his lips turning into a smirk.
“You love my mouth.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively. Your own cheeks burned, bringing a hand up to smack his arm lightly. He groaned again, this time more exaggeratedly. “That’s medical malpractice!”
“I’ll cheer you up once I get the sponge bath running,” you purr into his ear. His eyes lit up despite the pain in his head.
“Will you actually—”
“No, you’re sick. I’ll give you a special treat once you get better and only if you’ll be a nice patient for me.” You pressed the pill into his lips, letting it slip inside his mouth gently. Taking the glass of water, you carefully tilted it towards him and waited for him to finish drinking.
“Yes ma’am,” he beamed. You mirrored his smile, pressing a hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat. He covered it with his own, fingers automatically weaving with yours. 
“Rest, okay? I mean it. Go take a nap and I’ll wake you up when the bath’s ready” You leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead. Feigning innocence, he turned his cheek towards you as well. With a playful eye roll, you pressed a kiss against it as well.
He rolled over, burying his head in the pillows and duvet. “I love you,” he murmured into the sheets. You almost didn’t catch it on the way to the bathroom.
“I love you too,” you called out to him. You opened the cabinet under the sink first before taking out his suitcase. Snickering to yourself a little, you tucked it back in. Right now, your main focus was to get the water temperature right. Beyond the water running, you could hear Chishiya’s snoring muffled by the duvet. Who knew he could be so dramatic?
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corroded-hellfire · 9 months
I’m dying for an AYW fic regarding the proposal and or wedding!!
A proposal you say?
@munson-blurbs and I are very proud to present to you the proposal of these two love birds. And how else would Eddie do it but with music? We hope you enjoy 💜
Words: 2.8k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Eddie had hoped that this would be the most perfect day you’d ever had in your life. Well, it was off to a shit start. Both you and Eddie were supposed to be attending a Billy Joel concert that night; something that you’ve been over the moon excited about for months now. Eddie was also excited, but it was for different reasons than seeing We Didn’t Start the Fire being performed live. He had come up with an elaborate plan to take you to dinner, the concert, and then just as it seemed as if the excitement of the evening had come to an end, he was going to propose. 
Unfortunately, Lucas had put the kibosh on that when he phoned and told Eddie that the outdoor venue where the concert was being held said the show was a no-go due to inclement weather. Lucas works AV at the venue so was able to get the word out to you before the general ticket holders were notified. Eddie hated seeing the disappointed look on your face. He tried to comfort you, giving you sweet kisses and wrapping you up in his arms, all the while trying to figure out how he could salvage this proposal. The makeup date for the concert would likely be many months out and Eddie was damned if he was going to wait that long to ask you to marry him. 
It had been a plan for you to go out with Nancy early afternoon to get your nails done together. “So they look good at the concert!” Nancy had said to you. “So when we take pictures of her ringed finger and when people keep wanting to look at her hand, she won’t be irked that her nails don’t look nice,” is the real reasoning Eddie gave to your friend. When you debate on whether or not you should even go out with Nancy still, Eddie urges you to.
“It’ll still be nice to have a girls’ day with Nancy,” he told you. “Go out, have fun. Get pampered.” So I can figure out what the hell I’m gonna do.
As soon as Eddie watches your car pull away from his spot at the apartment window, he’s pacing the living room and running his hands over his hair.
“Shit, shit, shit.”
“Oooh,” Luke says as he comes down the hall. “Another quarter in the swear jar!”
Eddie turns to his youngest son and realizes he can use the boys to his advantage here. What would be needed to make a romantic evening here at home? Candles? There were plenty in the hall closet. Rose petals? Yes, they had been purchased for your anniversary last year. Eddie had his guitar; he could stage a mini concert for you. Yes, he could pull this off. He would need help from his mini-me’s for that, though.
“Alright, boys,” Eddie says, loud enough that Ryan peeks out of his room to see what his dad wants. “I’m gonna need your help with something big.”
“A monster truck?” Luke asks. Ryan rolls his eyes at his little brother as he comes to join them in the living room.
“Uh, no,” Eddie says. “Guys…I’m proposing.” 
“Like, you’re finally gonna ask her to marry you?” Ryan asks, a sparkle gleaming in his eye at the question.
“Yep,” Eddie confirms. “Or, I was, but now the concert is canceled—wait, what do you mean ‘finally’?”
Ryan shrugs. “You asked us a million years ago if we’d be okay with you and her getting married.”
“Hold on,” Luke pipes up, putting his palms out to pause the discussion. “They’re not married?”
“Christ on a cracker.” Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger and gives it a tiny massage. He’s so frazzled he can’t even tell if Luke is just trying to mess with him right now or not. “No, we’re not married. But I’d like to marry her, and I was hoping you two could help me decorate so this can still be special.”
With that, Eddie and the boys get to work to transform the apartment into a romantic oasis before you get home from your nail appointment. Thank God for Nancy Harrington.
Eddie strategically places candles throughout the bedroom, giving Luke strict orders not to light them. At this rate, the kid shouldn’t be allowed near an open flame until he’s forty. Instead, Eddie puts his sons in charge of sprinkling a trail of rose petals from the front door to the room. Ryan’s mastered the art of “sprinkling,” but Luke’s contribution looks more like small piles. 
Oh, well. It’s the thought that counts. 
It’s Ryan’s idea to make paper hearts and Scotch tape them around the apartment; ever his shadow, Luke joins him. 
Eddie has his acoustic guitar laying on the bed, tuned and ready to go. He puts the ring box in his pants pocket and rechecks it approximately every thirty seconds to make sure it’s still there, as though it could slip through the fabric and into an alternate dimension. 
He rushes to the door when he hears the buzzer ring, tucking his shirt into his pants, not sure if that’s how he wants it or not. When Wayne’s voice comes over the intercom, he breathes a sigh of relief. 
“Boys! Grandpa Wayne is here!” he calls out, grinning when he hears their thunderous footsteps. 
“Daddy,” Luke says, holding out a fun size piece of candy, “give this to her. Girls like chocolate. It’s romantic.” 
Eddie tries not to chuckle as he inspects the melted Twix bar. “I’m sure she’ll love it. And I’ll make sure she knows it’s from you.” Like it could be from anyone else, he thinks amusedly. He tucks it safely into his pocket as he heads over to open the front door. 
As soon as Wayne steps foot into the apartment, he’s bombarded by two excited children. 
“Grandpa, Grandpa!” Ryan chants as Luke clings to the older man’s side.
“What is it, pal?” Wayne asks.
“Daddy’s gonna propose!”
Wayne was already aware of this fact, and that he was taking the boys for the night for this very reason, but he acts surprised for his grandkids’ sake.
“Wow! That’s real excitin’, isn’t it?” Wayne asks.
“Yes!” Luke replies.
Eddie’s uncle chuckles and ruffles both boys’ hair before taking a step closer to the soon-to-be-engaged man. “I’m real happy for ya, kid. She’s a good one.”
“Thanks, Wayne.” He claps a hand on the man’s shoulder. 
The front doorknob jiggles and all four Munson men turn towards it in complete synchronicity. Eddie quickly presses a kiss to each of his sons’ heads and whispers for them to behave tonight before he ducks into the master bedroom. 
Just in time, as you step through the door not a second later. Your eyes land on the trio in front of you and you give them a smile.
“Hey, Wayne! How’re you?”
“I get to spend time with my favorite guys,” Wayne says, resting a hand on each boys’ shoulder, “so no complaints here.”
“We’re staying at Grandpa’s so Daddy can—” Luke starts, but is quickly hushed by Wayne leading him quickly towards the front door. 
“Okay, time to go! C’mon you little knuckleheads. See ya later, hun.”
“Bye Wayne. Bye boys! Love you!”
There are muffled calls of “bye” and “love you too” but it sounds like Wayne is speed walking them out of there. You chuckle to yourself and drop your bag down on the counter. No sign of your boyfriend in the living room or kitchen. Brow pinching together in confusion, you sigh and rest your hands on your hips. 
“Eds? The boys left; you can stop hiding now,” you tease, frowning when you still don’t see him. “Eddie?”
“‘M in here, babe,” he calls from the bedroom. There’s a waver in his voice and it has you moving even faster towards him. 
He’s sitting on the end of your shared bed in black jeans and a maroon button-down shirt, untucked. His acoustic guitar rests on his lap as he strums idly. You barely have time to take in candles and hurricane of rose petals before he says, “Figured I’d bring the concert to us.”
The opening chords of Billy Joel’s “Just the Way You Are” reach your ears and it instantly has you getting choked up. Hot tears press at the back of your eyes as you remember dancing in the kitchen to this with Eddie before Ryan’s birthday party all those years ago. 
Under your breath, you begin to sing along. It is a concert after all, but you want to keep your voice low enough that all you can hear is still Eddie’s. You lean back against your dresser behind you, looking deep into Eddie’s eyes as he serenades you. There don’t have to be words spoken, you know he understands what you’re saying with just your eyes. I promise I will always love you just as you are. 
The next song in your personal concert is “You May Be Right.” Eddie gets into it, head rocking as he sings out the lyrics, even inflecting his voice on the word “lunatic.” It’s silly and sweet and everything you love about Eddie personified in this moment between the two of you. 
“She’s Always a Woman” is the next song on the set list. This one has the tears that were behind your eyes now making their way forward. The moisture gathers at your lash line as you watch your boyfriend with absolute adoration. Once the song is finished, Eddie gives you a wink.
“Last song and then I’m gonna kiss you, I promise.”
Uptown girl
She’s been livin’ in her uptown world
I bet she never had a backstreet guy
I better her mama never told her why
You had no doubt that Eddie would finish with this song. Your song. How it started from teasing and joking to now being the song that makes the two of you look at each other as if there’s nobody else in the world for those few minutes. 
Once he finishes the song, Eddie gently sets the guitar down and you rush into his arms. Your tears drip onto the maroon polyester of his shirt as you bury your face in his shoulder. Eddie rubs his hand softly up and down your back and presses a kiss to the top of your head. With a small sniffle, you look up at Eddie with wide, watery eyes.
“This is the sweetest thing ever, Eddie. I can’t believe you did this for me. I’ve been so bummed all day that the concert’s been postponed and I—”
The rest of the sentence gets silenced as Eddie presses his lips against yours. It’s partly because he wants to stop your rambling—and he wants to kiss you all the time in general—but also because the nerves are getting the better of him as every second ticks by. He has to ask you or he’s going to combust on the spot. 
With one large hand cupping your cheek and the other wrapped around your waist, Eddie slowly and subtly moves further away from the bed, so he’ll be able to get down on one knee when the time comes 
“I’d do anything for you, my love. You know that,” he whispers against your lips. 
Eddie tries to recall the speech he had prepared in his mind, only to have nervous sweat begin to break out along his hairline. It only takes a few moments before you notice, because you always notice what’s going on with Eddie. The concerned look that mars your features suddenly has all of the tension releasing from Eddie’s body. The nerves are gone without a trace, replaced by warmth and love for the beautiful, amazing woman standing in front of him. How could he have been nervous about this to begin with? It’s you. You are the love of his life and, though he still can’t comprehend why or how, he’s the love of your life, too. 
“Uptown Girl has kind of followed us on our journey, hasn’t it? From you playing your Billy Joel tapes when you were babysitting the boys and I’d come home and pretend to be all annoyed by it. But then one time I remember really listening to the lyrics and having this epiphany. You’re uptown girl, I’m the downtown man. Uptown Girl, you know I can’t afford to buy her pearls. But maybe someday when my ship comes in she’ll understand what kind of guy I’ve been and then I’ll win. I’ve always wanted to give you the world. I always wanted you to see me, silently dying for your attention on the inside. Because when you walked through the front door that first day…baby, you’ve never for a moment left my mind since then. I went from thinking you were this unattainable fantasy that I would have to be content with to admire at a distance to…this. The life we’ve built, the love we’ve shared. Princess, I wanted to give you everything but instead you gave that to me. I have everything I could ever want or need when you’re here in my arms. I still can’t believe how unbelievably lucky I am to call you mine. Every day I wake up and thank God when I see you laying next to me, all huddled up in the blankets. It feels right. More so than anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. I’ve always told you that you’re my forever, baby. And I meant it.”
Slowly, Eddie lowers himself to one knee and the realization of what’s happening hits you with a sharp gasp. Is this really happening? you think. Or am I dreaming again? The beads of water that had been quelled for the most part start flowing again, leaving tracks down your cheeks. Eddie reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black velvet box. He takes one more deep breath before lifting the lid and revealing a shining silver ring with a princess cut diamond sitting atop it. Because he calls me princess, you realize. 
“My love. My princess, my angel, my sweet, sweet girl. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Stunned isn’t a look Eddie has ever seen on you before. It feels like an eternity that you just stare at him, saying nothing. In reality, it’s probably less than ten seconds, but Eddie’s mind is currently working in slow motion. Finally, you nod your head and time is back to normal in Eddie’s world. The teary laugh you give him as you keep nodding has a smile forming on his face that he’s sure will be there for a while.
“Of course I’ll marry you, Eddie.”
At hearing the words come from your mouth, his smile grows into a grin that’s enough to light up an electric grid. He plucks the ring from its satin cushion in the box and slowly slides it up your finger. As he stands, he’s expecting you to admire the ring, inspect it and be giddy about the jewelry. But the moment he’s steady on his feet, you’re grabbing Eddie’s face between your hands and planting a fierce kiss on his lips.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” you mumble against his mouth before pressing another kiss after kiss there.
“Can't believe you want to be my wife,” Eddie says in amazement as you finally part.
“I’ve wanted that from the moment I laid eyes on you. I never knew my schoolgirl crush would become my husband.”
Eddie leans in to kiss you again, smiling against your lips. “I’m so fucking happy that you’re gonna be my wife.” He pulls your body close against his and buries his face in your hair.
“Is there something in your pocket?”
“Huh?” He digs into the denim to pull out a half-melted Twix bar. “Oh, right. A gift from your future stepsons.”
At the word “stepsons,” an entirely different wave of emotions crashes over you. A different kind of love envelops your body and it might just be the warmest and fuzziest feeling you’ve ever felt. 
“Holy shit. I’m going to be their stepmother.”
Eddie isn’t sure if you're happy or scared about it by your tone, but then you well up with tears again and a grin rivaling his own lights up your face. 
“I’m gonna be their stepmom!”
Eddie chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“They are so lucky to have you. We all are. Now, uh,” the tips of his ears turn pink, and he clears his throat, “you mentioned a schoolgirl crush?” One hand snakes around your waist and lowers to grab your ass. “I’d like to hear more about that.”
“Whatever you say, fiancé.”
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flynnriderishot · 6 months
Can you do a fic where the reader and her best friend gets into a car accident and the best friend dies and matt conforts her at the hospital or smt🫡 I love your ficcs!
you got me - m.s
tw: mentions of car accident, death, survivors guilt. let me know if i missed any.
a/n: i wasn’t gonna post this cause i planned on deleting this account but i figured why not 🤷🏾‍♀️
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you laid in the hospital bed, unmoving as you stared at the ceiling above you.
the lights were headache inducing but you couldn’t bring yourself to look away.
your body ached but you couldn’t help but think your heart hurt more.
she was gone.
all because some idiot couldn’t stop himself from driving while intoxicated.
all because some idiot didn’t think of the lives he’d be risking if he got on the road with even a hint of alcohol in his system.
and the worst thing? he was alive.
alive and well. or, as well as someone with a broken arm and leg could be.
you could hear him screaming just a few rooms over. pleading that they didn’t arrest him, swearing on his life that he didn’t mean any harm.
whether he meant it or not, harm was made.
and your best friend was dead.
you guessed the only good thing is that you felt like you were dying too.
it sucked to think that way, you knew that.
but you didn’t know how you’d get through life without her. she was everything to you. you almost never left each other’s sides if you could help it.
and now you couldn’t.
it wasn’t like you didn’t have people there for you to help you get through this, you did.
in fact, one of them was sat in a chair next to you, eyes closed, hand gripping yours as soft snore’s escaped his lips.
you knew he wouldn’t be asleep right now if he knew you were awake.
nick and chris were in the cafeteria in search for something to fill your stomach. they knew you wouldn’t eat anything but they also knew you needed a bit of silence to let your thoughts consume you for a minute.
now you wished they hadn’t.
you sniffled as you remember your shrill screams as you begged the ambulance to help her. begged them to care for her before they even attempted to pull you out of the vehicle.
unfortunately, despite how quiet it was, your sniffles had the person next to you moving around.
it was only a few seconds before he opened his eyes, hand squeezing yours to reassure himself that you were still there before he finally looked up at your tear stained face.
“oh, baby.”
matt quickly sat up, careful not to move too much in fear that he would hurt you in some way.
you shut your eyes in hopes that the tears would stop but to no avail.
“i miss her so much, matt.”
“i know. i know you do, baby. i’m so sorry.” he had moved so he was sat on the edge of the bed, hand tightly gripping yours as it seemed to be the only part of your body that wasn’t bruised up.
“i’m so sorry.”
you lifted your free hand to wipe your tears, unintentionally being a little rough with your movements.
matt’s heart clench as he watched the love of his life break down.
selfishly, he was glad it wasn’t you that died in the accident. he didn’t know if he could live with himself knowing you didn’t survive.
his warm hand came up to wipe your tears for you, being a lot more gentle than you were.
“i’m here for you, okay? and i know that isn’t the same as y/bsf/n being there, and i don’t want to try and replace her cause god knows i can’t…”
he noticed a small smile slip before it quickly fell.
“but i am here, okay? you got me. you’ve got nick and chris too. i’m never leaving you.”
your teary eyes met his, “can i have a hug?”
his face fell, “yn, you’re hurt—“
“please, matt.”
it didn’t take much convincing as he slowly lowered himself into your arms, his lips meeting the crown of your head, a soft whispered filling the room,
“god, i love you so much.”
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januaryembrs · 4 months
HOT UNDER THE HELMET | Poe Dameron x Mechanic!Reader
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Request: Hi, would you mind writing for Poe Dameron where Poe accidentally injures the reader (whose a mechanic), which is how they meet for the first time. And would you mind using the dialogue prompt “Oh, oh my god! It was an accident! I’m so sorry!”? 
Description: Poe finds out the hard way the best mechanic in the resistance is also most beautiful woman he’s ever seen; too bad you’re so hot headed. 
word count: 1.5k
trigger warnings: sexism, fire, women in stem facing problems even in space (because ofcourse they do).
main masterlist
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As much as you would love to admit times of war made people more benevolent towards each other, you’d be dead wrong. Not only had you been one of the only females in the resistance who knew her way around a wrench, but as it also turned out, not even the risk of dying could pull a males head out of his arse. 
You heard snickering before you saw them. The other three mechanics in your squadron crowded around a starfighter, laughing to themselves as they watched you tinker with a leaky engine, your body strewn across a lying board as you worked above yourself, your tools against your foot. 
Rolling out from underneath the ship, you paid them no mind as you searched for a screwdriver small enough to fit the flathead you needed removing. Scanning your work area, that you were proud to say you kept much neater than the blaster brained males you shared a space with, your brow furrowed when you saw your equipment nowhere to be seen. 
“Looking for something?” You heard Zagg, one of the males, say, and you felt a rage boil up inside you at the smug look on their faces as you regarded them with a sweaty, pissed off expression. 
“Where’d you boneheads put it?” You snapped, hauling yourself to your feet as you approached them hotly, your scowl only growing as they burst out laughing, “Real mature. The galaxy is going to bantha fodder, and you guys are hiding my tools,”
“You know, if you need help from someone who knows what they’re doing, you could just ask,” The tallest of the trio, Bran, goaded you, a smarmy smile on his face as he watched your cheeks puff with exhaustion, whirling around to charge up to him, no matter if you did have to turn your neck upwards to confront the pig of a male. 
“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size, instead of going after little girls who make you look like rookies,” You hissed, eying up the other two who seemed to exchange a sneer, “Leia chose me herself, handpicked me from the academy. You three nerf herders got through on sheer size alone, and it’s obvious you feel the need to compensate everywhere else possible,” 
You sauntered away, back towards the rear of the workshop where spare apparatus was kept, banging around the drawers with a foul mood, muttering about how useless the opposite sex was in times of crisis. 
As if he had heard the call of a siren, Poe strolled into the hangar, fully suited with his helmet under his arm, an all too cheery smile on his face for the belly of the beast he was unknowingly heading straight for. 
Catching the eye of one of the mechanics, a freakishly tall man that seemed to be chatting to the other two as they stood around an X-wing with a huge hole ripped into the body of it, he watched the worker drop his bitter face and regard him with raised eyebrows when he saw the chirpy pilot approach.
“General,” He nodded respectfully, though there was not a single trace of regard on his face. “You’ve come for your ship?”
“Leia said you had your best guy on it?” He said, almost missing the way the three of them nodded hesitantly, “She said it should be ready today,”
“Right this way, General Dameron,” The shorter, beefy one said, leading him away to a pristine looking starfighter, by far in the best shape he could see it being without it being brand new. He thought he caught a snigger behind him as the mechanic, whose oiled badge read as Kripply, took him over to the ship, “Why don’t you give her a whirl? As you said, we had our very best on the case,” 
Poe looked at him with an odd mix of a smile and wariness as he couldn’t miss the devilish excitement the man looked at him with. Had he sat in paint again, he wondered. Finn had had a field day walking him around the entire compound with two white ass cheek marks on his suit, he wouldn’t put it past his co-pilot to try his luck again seeing as Poe had been the one to win at cards last night and had not so graciously rubbed his credits in the man’s face. 
“Sure, let’s give this baby a whirl,” He said after a moment, his hair falling all over the place as he shoved his helmet over his thick, sable locks. 
Maybe he had a case of bedhead, he wondered. Afterall, he’d not exactly been sober as he’d stumbled back to his room last night, his winnings buying him round after round of smuggled Corellian Whiskey. 
He hopped up onto the wing, yanking himself into the cockpit that had been cleaned thoroughly, and he didn’t know why he ever doubted his repair team if this was the condition they left their vehicles in. The engine hummed to life as he flicked the tiny lever, and he couldn’t help but appreciate the oddly floral smell inside the small flight deck, and he wondered if they had gone so far as to spray freshener in there. 
You had found a spare tightener that would fit the screw, the last thing that needed fastening up before the engine should be good to run, Leia’s general would be by any second now. 
Rolling back under the vehicle, you tuned out the way Zagg cackled over the sound of an engine springing to life, you assumed their own, focusing on the tiny panel you had yet to cover the machinery with to protect the pilot from any stray blaster fire cutting the engine. 
But no sooner had you settled on your back beneath the jet, your hand reaching up for the metal sheet, you heard the familiar rumble of oil being fired through the motor, the drums whirling as the ignition started and a short blast of heat hit you in the face. 
You blanched as you knew that meant, knew what would come shooting out any second now. Heat always got kicked out of the engine first, the left over energy dishcharged out of the bottom grate. Because then came the fire as it sprung to life.
Your hand came up before you could think through what you were doing, the hard work you were unravelling in the interest of keeping your face intact, your brain from turning to crispy mush, as you yanked the oil pipe from where you’d connected it to the drum, the thick black liquid pouring over your entire body as you stumbled from out beneath the plane, just incase your plan hadn’t worked. 
You heard the engine cut, the sound of the cockpit sliding open as someone cursed from above, and you were filled with a new wave of rage as two feet jumped from the wing above you, turning to the three men who watched with entertained chuckles. 
“What happened, I thought you said-” Poe had started chewing out the males who didn’t seem to care all too much about the fact the jet had broken down, when he felt two hands shove him from behind, and he spun on his heel with annoyance. 
His face dropped entirely when he saw you, covered head to toe in a thick, gunky oil, your nostrils flaring as you glared at him with a heat he had yet to see from a woman before.
Usually women were so receptive to his charming good looks. Not this one it seemed. 
“What the kriff was that, man,”  You yelled, shoving his chest again with your slimy hands, and he quickly put it together what had been the problem. 
“What that me?” His brows flew into his hair line as you looked at him like he’d just learned there were stars in the sky, “Oh, maker! It was an accident! I’m so sorry!”  
“Oh he’s sorry. Thank goodness he’s sorry,” You threw your arms up, wiping the oil away from your eyes with slippy hands, and Poe had no idea what to say for the best. 
Though, he supposed telling you you were by far the prettiest woman he’d seen in moons was not the correct thing to go for, despite the fact it was the first thing he’d thought. 
“I’m a decorated pilot, I would never intentionally-” He spluttered, but you had already turned away, heading towards a small work bench where a bunch of old, dirty rags lay, supposedly for hands only. 
“You can decorate my ass, general. You’re waiting another week for that plane,” You seethed, barely regarding him over your shoulder. 
And he stood there, speechless, because what was he supposed to say. No one had ever spoken down to him like that, not since he’d grown into his good looks and had women falling at his feet to be near him. Certainly not since he’d become leader. 
You huffed past him, as he was rooted to the spot, jaw hung slack as you left the workshop, cursing him out clearly to yourself, and it was only then that he turned to the other three males who had watched him get his ass served to him with another round of sniggers. “Who in the maker was she?”
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