#god i wish i could organize my thoughts about them hh
Y'all why isn't there a video essay about Min Ryan and The Queer Reading of infinity train book 4 i feel like this is something that should exist like
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ashpentagram · 2 years
Lately I’ve had a lot of mixed feelings about Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel, and overall the fandom.
Like. My thoughts aren’t necessarily the greatest, and a lot of y’all are trying my patience in aspects of body diversity and moral implications and general behavior of characters. Maybe I’ll make a stupid-long post neatly organizing my thoughts on it all.
In short though, I really don’t want what I make to be compared to canon. I don’t care if what I do is different. I don’t care what canon has to say about anything I make and anything I represent in my AUs and in my stories. If I cared, it’d just be a rigid self-insert story with no plot and no life to it.
I don’t like canon, to be blunt. I think it’s in poor taste, I think the way people interpret the characters is downright abysmal in majority cases, and I’m so sick of the infighting. I’m sick of the fetishization of gay men, and the overall lack of care I’ve viewed firsthand in all of this.
Yeah the animation is nice. Yeah there’s some good character designs. Yeah there’s a lot of very skilled people working on these shows and I want to support them and be proud of what they are making.
But I could sit here for hours picking apart all of the writing choices that have been made exclusively within canon, and how each of these choices have been abandoned for some weird fantasy of a “will-they won’t-they” that has long since overstayed it’s very brief and hesitant welcome.
I’m not even bashing on Viv, or really anything the crew has done. At face value, if you turn off your brain and you enjoy it for what it claims to be at face value, Helluva Boss is fine. It’s an ok show. It’s pretty, unique, and you’ve got silly uncensored (for the most part) fuck words in it.
But once you peel back the initial layer, you’re stuck peeling this god damn thing for hours connecting dots that say “this show is not thought out” and “what even is the point”
Like… pertaining to leaks and QnAs and general shit like that, why answer with “I don’t know” in any capacity? Am I supposed to take the fact that you’re telling me you don’t know something about your own creation and be more satisfied with that answer over “I can’t answer that due to spoilers”? Do you want people to think you’re bsing your way through a series that is much bigger than you probably intended it to get? I just don’t see the logic in some of the choices or the answers made.
And I will say, I’m heavily biased towards my own creations I’ve built as AUs of HH/HB, but I’ve always shoved those creations aside when looking at HB for what it is. I’ve tried so hard trying ti figure out the canon of the shows and with every episode it feels like it’s fuck all, “we want overarching plot but we also want it episodic but we also want tension but that tension can’t actually matter too much because this is episodic and we already decided we wanted to do somn different next episode”
Like? Ok. Whatever. At this rate it’s just so hard to give any sort of opinion other than “the series makes me tired with how hard it tries to make sense yet consistently shoots itself in the foot and then laughs about it not making sense”.
I had this in my drafts last night because just trying to think of a plausible reason to care about this show other than feeling obligated to care is so exhausting it makes me sad that something I’ve loved for so long has turned so abysmally rancid because I dared think about it in a critical manner outside of “silly demons are pretty and the animation is something different and indie”. It’s so exhausting that the first time I felt inescapable giddiness with the series was episode one, went through four episodes of wariness and confusion after that, and then felt happy when Stolas did something remotely interesting with his summoning in episode six, only for that to be stamped to dust by episode 7, and then of course, infamous episode 9. It’s been one hell of a ride, that’s for sure, and one I really wish was over by now unless it’s got some sort of ace up its sleeve that’ll briefly ignite the passion I once had for it.
I don’t hate the show. I don’t hate Viv. I don’t “hate” anything about this. I’m just really tired ig.
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gosickoonmymode · 4 years
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18+ Bloodhound x reader!!!
Summary: Run rabbit run rabbit run run run.
Details and story under the cut WEW
You've been running for a while now, unsure how long exactly, but you know it's only a matter of time before Bloodhound is on you. You're wondering why they haven't caught up already, they always find you quickly when you get separated during the games. Are they waiting for a certain amount of time? Are they on the way? Are they already right behind you, reveling in watching you from the shadows? Your heart is going a mile a minute, you want to be caught, but you want to put up a fight as well.
Some Details: Continuation of my last story, it’s gonna get SAUCY! Bloodhound and reader are gender neutral, dom stuff, primal dom stuff??? rope stuff?!?! BH has a lil something for ya but you decide what that is (strap-on or organic). Reach arounds apparently apply to everyone so ya know. Also like, BH is 6 feet or something so I wrote this for the person to be shorter than that but kept it ambiguous-ish. Sorry if you’re tall.
It's so surreal how just earlier today the two of you were good friends, and now you're being hunted in a forest by them. And you love it. You slow to a careful walk, gently tread over a log trying not to disturb anything. You softly step down and take a seat using it for cover. You have no idea where they could be, if they'll pounce while you sit. Still, you need to rest for a minute. You're beginning to feel that exhaustion from earlier, the physical toll the games had on you is creeping up.
After a couple minutes of slowing your breathing you peak out over the log, you check all surrounding areas but see nothing. Of course, that doesn't mean no one is there. You slowly rise to your feet and listen, you can only hear the sounds of the night critters. You remember how Bloodhound made no noise at all when they walked toward you in the living room, so they'll certainly make little to none out here. You do one more look over before running off again. Maybe 10 minutes pass, you can hardly run anymore but you keep trekking on clumsily. Suddenly, you get pulled backward by your wrist.
You're spun around by the force, Hound grabs your free hand and shoves you hard against a nearby tree. They press their body against yours, you’re so tired you can’t really bring yourself to push back. Now you know why they waited so long, they wanted you worn down. They force your arms together, hold both wrists with one hand and slide the rope from their shoulder. You manage to get one arm free and use your leftover strength to push against them, but Hound hardly flinches. They plant their feet firmly on the ground, put their forearm across your chest, and shove you back against the tree with more weight than before. They bring their face centimetres from yours, “Do not get cute with me,” they say through gritted teeth.
Both your arms are free, you push on them to the best of your ability but you’re wiped out. Bloodhound sighs in frustration as they grab your wrists, one again placing them in one hand in an attempt to stop you from struggling. You twist slightly only to get jerked forward, “Þú ert bráð mín,” they glare at you, “you do what I tell you, understand?” You sit still, heeding their words. Bloodhound picks up the rope up from the ground, it must have fallen when you tried to escape. They release one wrist and tie the rope around the other that’s still gripped tight in their rugged, scarred hand. Hound then grabs you by the back of your hair, “stay put,” they command. You nod in silence, they seem suspicious of your obedience, but curious over what you might do. They let you go, step to the side, and the moment there’s an opening you yank the rope from their grip. You take one step to run in the opposite direction of them before they slam you into your initial spot by pushing back on your shoulder. Their one hand pressing on your shoulder is stronger than your entire body at the moment. Their eyes are gleaming in the moonlight, their brow is furrowed, they almost look like they’re going in for the kill.
Hound steps toward you, removes their hand from your shoulder and grips your neck just hard enough to make you pleasantly dizzy, “Didn’t you hear me?” they growl. Their lips hover just by your ear, “Stay. Put,” they release you and continue where they left off. Your mind is swimming, the want for them to have their way with you is too strong to fight now, you’ve never heard them speak in this voice and you want to obey. Once they come back around, they tie your other hand. After adjusting it so you can’t pull your arms forward, but are comfortable in your position, they stand directly in front of you. You’re squirming in anticipation, you want them to touch you, to fuck you, but they just stand and observe for a while. You look at their face, they look so satisfied watching your subtle hip movements.
Just when you’re about to beg for it they move in and kiss you with ferocity. They bring their mouth to your neck and suck on it. Meanwhile they’re undoing the buttons of your pajama top. After the last button is undone, they return to kissing you, their tongue wrapping around yours. Their hands go from your chest, to your waist, to your ass. They pull you into them, squeezing your ass hard, you can feel their cock pressing up against you through their pants. Hound stops making out with you and moves down to your waist. They pull your pants off leaving your underwear behind, you breathe in deep while they stare.
They let out a soft laugh, "I see you're ready for me," they look up at you, "tell me..." They pull off your underwear and stand up, "...is this the kind of thing you thought of in the shower?" Bloodhound puts their hand on your crotch and rubs gently, “...hmm?” You don’t answer, you’re hardly paying attention to their words, you just feel your body aching for more. They notice your desperation and remove their hand. "You've been awfully disobedient, perhaps I should make you wait longer," they taunt.
You look at them with a pleading expression and shake your head, "I’m sorry. I’ll obey, I’ll do whatever you want. Just, please..."
They look at you sternly, "Please what?"
You look down and swallow hard, "please...fuck me.." you reply in a small voice.
They grab your chin and make you face them, "look me in the eyes and speak clearly. Please, what?" they demand.
You look them dead in the eyes, "please fuck me," you say decisively.
Bloodhound grabs your shoulders and pushes you to your knees, moves their sweats out of the way, and taps your face, "get it wet." You lick your lips and open your mouth without hesitation. They face fuck you briefly, making sure they’re good and slick. They pull you back up to your feet, lift your leg, and push them-self into you with ease. They don't build up, they're thrusting hard, your eyes well up in pleasure. They nibble on your ear, breathing heavily as they pound into you at a steady pace.
"B-Bloodhound...Ah!" You moan, loud. They lift your other leg and hold you up, driving you down onto them deeper. You're losing your mind, "Mmmnn, hah..fffuck! Hound!" Bloodhound is huffing and groaning, it’s so much hotter than you imagined. They bite and suck on your neck, thrusting faster. Your legs are aching but you want to keep going. Hound stops suddenly and puts you down, you look at them confused. They take out a knife, cut the rope, and put the knife away. They spin you around, “Ass up,” they push you and you drop yourself to the ground, the side of your face in the leaves and dirt.
You feel wonderfully exposed with your ass in the air, knowing they can see everything. They get on their knees and enter you with the same energy as a moment ago. One hand is squeezing your butt and the other is giving you a reach around, your body is completely engulfed with ecstasy. You're not holding back your voice even slightly, you love every second of this. Hound slaps your ass hard and you cry out, they lift you upright and grab your neck.
Their speed increases, both inside and out, their grip on your neck tightens enough to make you dizzy again. You can't hold it, "Hound, I'm..."
They slow their movement dramatically, remove their hand from your crotch, and grab your chin with the one on your neck, "you will not until I say you can," they growl. You feel like crying, you want it so bad. Bloodhound gives an occasional hard thrust or two, enough to keep you right on the cusp of climax but not enough to go all the way. They take their hand off your chin, remove your shirt completely, and shove you back to the ground. You can feel their eyes scanning your naked flesh, it makes you shiver.
Bloodhound slides their hands from your upper back to your ass. They grip and rub it as they very slowly slide in and out of you. The tension is becoming too great, you feel you might explode. "Do you wish to climax?" they ask in a calm, dominating voice.
"yes...” you plead.
They push into you hard giving you a jolt, "how bad do you want it?"
"More than anything," you say breathy and desperate.
Their hand finds its way back to your crotch, "beg, bráð mitt," they say quietly, no longer humping you.
You move your hips to stimulate yourself against them, "please, please fuck me more. I want it. I-I need it. Fuck me Blóðhundur...hh..have mercy-" you get cut off by them going at you more fierce than before, their hand working the front of you like no other. They’re gripping your ass so hard you know it’ll leave a mark. You're screaming with pleasure, they moan and grunt as they push inside you as deep as they can go. Your body is going completely wild, "Oh god I'm cumming! Ah! Fuck! Bloodhound!" they don't slow down even as you loudly orgasm, each of their thrusts prolonging your joyous release.
Bloodhound lets out a hard exhale, they thrust deep as they tremble, reaching climax as well. The two of you remain in position for a moment, catching your breath, before Hound pulls out and stands up. You stay on the ground for a moment more, you're so tired you can hardly move. Bloodhound helps you stand and hands you a rag from their pocket, they’ve already tucked their dick back into their sweats. You clean up and they take it back, folding it before putting it away, “Have to wash all of this anyway,” they mumble to them-self. They shake out your clothes and help you get dressed, your legs feel like noodles. They guide you to sit against a tree, "Are you okay to walk?" they ask as they untie your wrists.
You sit with your eyes closed, feeling your legs quiver, "um....dunno.."
They tie the halved rope back together and wrap it around their bicep, "don't worry about it." Hound picks you up bridal style and begins the walk back home.
You find it silly that you’re blushing like mad over being carried, after what the two of you just did. Suddenly you notice the dust and dirt all over you, "aww man I'm gonna need another shower," you whine, brushing the twigs and leaves out of your hair.
Bloodhound laughs, "I'll need one as well. We can take one together when we get back. I’ll wash you so you may rest." They tenderly kiss the top of your head, “From now on I’ll be caring for you, elskan mín.”
You blush more and rest your head against them. “Thanks Hound," you smile peacefully. It really is a beautiful night.
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if-i-ever-was · 5 years
Al and Lo ❤
Where do I even begin with heartbreak hotel? I fell in love with this story from the very first chapter and I’ve not stopped falling since. Every chapter was so perfectly crafted, with so much minute and thoughtful detail, writing almost every minute of every day, yet you still managed to keep the story moving. I cant tell you how beautifully written it all was, and I know how much effort you put into it so thank you first of all. It’s such an original concept, and I feel only you could pull it off. To make it believable that two people, two soulmates even, could fall in love within a weekend. Somehow you did it, these two idiots met in a weird twist of fate and now get to spend the rest of their time getting to know each other in the real world. I wish I could visit this hotel after catching my cheating boyfriend and meet the love of my life ??? Can I just be Lola?
Anyway. I’ll start with Lola (it almost feels wrong to refer to her simply as Lola, I feel like her name from now on will always be ‘Lola love’, that idiot). What a woman. The luckiest woman in the world getting to spend an entire weekend (and soon after the rest of her life) with Alexander Turner. He’s also the luckiest man alive, being with her. She’s so lovely and i’ve loved getting a glimpse into her character. I cant help but think shes a near perfect match for Alex. I’m so excited to see their relationship outside of the hotel. I dont know how much you’re actually planning to write but believe me I’ll be begging for so many moments to be made into one shots! I cant get enough of these two. I’m expecting rides into the sunset on Alex’s new moped, photography sessions, drinking cheap champagne, marriage and lots of cute babies.
And I also cannot get over the fact that they have so much chemistry and such a deep connection after such a short space of time. “When you know, you know” definitely rings true with this pair 🥰 But it doesnt seem unrealistic with them, it felt so organic and it was a beautiful thing to read. Look at me acting as if this is all real, but I genuinely felt fully involved in this story. When Alex said his favourite records were places he liked to go and visit for a while, that’s how I felt with this story. And I’ll be re-visiting time and time again!
Quick notes on that last chapter too as I feel like I’ve just been gushing over the story as a whole haha. Alex is such an idiot, counting down and running away. I was genuinely expecting him to stay gone, but I’m so glad that he went back for her. I was in tears the entire time. I’m too emotionally involved. And I’ve written too much (also as you know I’m currently crying over the Mexico video so I’m extra emotional tight now) so I’ll end it here, a rambling un-proofread mess as usual.
Thank you for blessing us with this story. I love you so much ❤❤❤
Girl, first of all, thank you for taking the time to write me this review, it honestly means everything to me that you feel so involved and in love with them as you do and took so much time to put into words how you feel about the finale. You’re so kind saying I crafted each chapter well, there were a few I consider a bit meh, but it was definitely a challenge. Thank you for saying all the lovely things about it being believable because that was my biggest struggle. I love what you said about getting to know each other in the real world, it really does come across as some kind of dream doesn’t it? They have so much ahead of them and that’s what I love most, that nothing is planned out or sorted, all they know is that they trust this connection and know how special it is. God, I need this hotel experience, she is so fucking lucky hahahah! 
I’m so happy you like her, I was so worried about the direction I wanted to take her in at first but now she feels like a best friend I’ve know forever, which is crazy haha. Thank you for being so lovely about their chemistry and saying they’re a good couple. I have lots of little ideas for them, I enjoy writing them a lot! Organic and beautiful is exactly what I was hoping for haha! When Alex said his favourite records were places he liked to go and visit for a while, that’s how I felt with this story. And I’ll be re-visiting time and time again! That’s totally how I feel about it too, HH in my mind is like this place with TBHC vibes and Al and Lo’s adventures and I love that you see something like that in my writing.
He is an idiot, but he knows he made a mistake ultimately and then had to run back again and profess his feelings. I love that you’re emotionally involved and it’s such an honour lol that you cried at my writing. The Mexico video deffo didn’t help (just think in my timeline, Lo was with him when that was filmed hahah). Thank you for taking the time again, sticking with this story, supporting me. Love you so much. 💞💞💞💞💞
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