#god i love making these i was made for making these
hinamie · 2 days
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trick or treat!
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nathansjosten · 3 days
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more Hannibal + textposts :^)
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mothercain · 2 days
Hello very much :)
I thought about making a video on this topic but I decided to just write it out in a post instead. Either way, I'd like to speak a bit more specifically about a drunk rant I made on a separate account the other day that was not as well put together as I'd like to stand as my viewpoints on the subject.
tl:dr, I just feel as though there's a lack of sincerity in the world these days. I speak from personal experience as an artist putting things out into the world, yes, but also as a human being interacting with other human beings on the regular, and I have had my sentiments echoed by many other friends of mine over the past year or so, both artists and non-artists alike. Most of this will be framed through the consumption of art, because that's my own personal passion in this life of mine, but also the way we interface with each other and process the world around us. Now, don't get me wrong, I love to laugh. I love a good joke, and I love lightheartedness as much as the next person. But I saw someone this morning put it very succinctly in response to my rant, something along the lines of "don't let the joke about it overtake the source material." It feels as though it's a common occurrence these days to take a pinch of something with a lot more weight to it, often a humorous bit, and then run with it. Everyone then gathers around the pinch to ooh and ahh and consume it as a whole. Context is immediately lost, the legacy of that body of work becomes its own caricature, and anyone discovering that body of work via said caricature may forgo a piece of art they would otherwise love because "there's nothing there". And don't think this is me griping at those making jokes at the expense of my art. I make jokes about my own art. But when the joke dies, yet continues to grow, and spread, and finds its way back to me both on the internet and off for months (or, God forbid, years) to come, I can't help but say to myself; what the fuck is happening. Artists have fled the public and all their outlets for personality and expression outside the medium because they feel ridiculed. It's not even just their art. Katya comes to mind, speaking on how she went on youtube live a few years back in literal tears talking about police brutality and the injustices marginalized communities were facing at the hands of the government. Meanwhile, the entire comment section "yass" and "mother"ed her in barrages, not paying attention to anything she had to say. I get asked about when I'm dropping Preacher's Daughter vinyl en masse in response to my Palestine fundraiser links. It's everywhere and it's inescapable. No one can be serious for even two seconds.
This may all sound obnoxious; so be it. I tie strings from this central problem to many other complaints I have heard repeated ad nauseam the past few years. For example; the death of subculture. Goth, punk, whatever, you name it. People who built an underground counterculture movement with a rich history based on a love of art, community, and otherwise misunderstood worldviews and experiences deemed foul or inappropriate. Now we see bits taken from it, the terms and the looks, without any of the meat, spread thin across society as a whole. Words mean nothing anymore. One can rest on history and say they were a part of it when in fact, they did nothing. No appreciation or understanding to be had for the love and passion that built it. No serious interaction with the culture's very real confines and boundaries, just mindless co-opting. This has just as much to do with late stage capitalism as it does with excessive humor in lieu of sincerity, but it's certainly both. Again, this may sound like a silly complaint, but I don't care. The collective ennui we're all experiencing has a very real reason, whether we're ready to acknowledge or not.
In a twisted thread, it's even tied to our lack of care to change the world around us. People cheer on the idea of communism, but who among us is ready to give up the convenience of society as it stands? Amazon prime, doordash, fresh fruit out of season as I saw someone mention in a similar post last week; the marvels of modern technology. Do we really think these things can last in a society that isn't actively destroying the planet? We talk about the idea of something all day long but have very little to do with the actuality of what we're talking about. And don't think I consider myself exempt from this problem. I couldn't even try to claim to be. It seems nearly silly to be complaining, then, about the way people consume the art around them these days as we creep towards what feels like the end of days. But as long as I still draw breath, I must complain.
I miss genuine passion. As an autistic individual, when I'm alone, sometimes I cannot contain myself with how things make me feel. The music I listen to, the video games I play, the books I read. I almost feel the need to run through the house and scream in everyone's face how I'm feeling. It feels good to love intensely. Now, I won't pretend like autistic people haven't been bullied for this since the dawn of time, but there is surely a noticeable lack of passion in everything these days. Everyone can feel it, everyone is talking about it. Everything now is "cringe", or "doing too much", or "not that serious". Actually, it is that serious. Insecurity in one's own deeper feelings may not be a new thing, but a culture that seems to promote this eschewing of them does seem to be a new evil. The tone of the internet has completely shifted. I spent most of my time here when I first discovered it a little over a decade ago on Zelda forums and other chat-based websites, talking about how much I loved whatever fandom I was in at the time and having genuine and memorable interactions with like-minded individuals who felt the same way I do. Now, you have two options; if you hate media, you rip it to shreds, and if you love it, you word-salad it to death and parrot a joke about it that someone else said. I'm not saying people don't still talk seriously in a heartfelt way about the things they love, but it does not seem to be the initial reaction anymore. Do I have a solution to this problem? Of course not. I'm a 26 year old girl posting on a tumblr blog. If I had a solution, this is not where I would be dropping it. But conversation is God to man, and I believe in the ability to change things from the inside out. We make the rules, and we can change them.
Before I go, I'd like to just clarify that I am very grateful for my career, grateful to anyone who has ever given me and my art the time of day, grateful to anyone who has ever come up to me and connected with me over my work, and grateful for a life where someone making too many jokes is the worst part of my day. I do not think I am better nor smarter than anyone on or off the internet. I am simply a girl with big feelings and I enjoy talking about them with other people with big feelings, and it makes me sad when something avoidable or unnecessary gets in the way of that.
All in all, I love to love, and I love all of you, I love my life, I love this record, and mi amore vo- i mean.... oh, whatever.
(Feel free to sound off in the comments and please be nice to each other)
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simpjaes · 3 days
Loser jake who's just so pussydrunk™️ that he overstimulates tf out of reader and reader tries to crawl away but he just pulls them back and begs them for one more he promises he will be good :(( (we love loser!jake in this household 🫶)
the one where jake, a super loser, accidentally gives the best and most painful head. warning: jake is SUCH a fucking loser fr, like he has fumbled every girl ever before this.
It's not even that he's a loser, it's just that you never knew someone so fucking awkward could eat this aggressively.
yet, there he is, rubbing his nose in it like a puppy being scolded. You could argue he's enjoying it more than you are if his moans are anything to go by. Only because he's already gotten you off twice this way, and has yet to stop and let you breath.
Your legs have grown so weak that you can't even close them in an attempt to squeeze his head away, and all that's left now is the energy left in your arms. You release his hair, where you were trying to pull him back but he, instead, endures the pain of you trying to make him stop.
He knows it feels good for you, he can tell by the way your clit swells and throbs in his mouth. He couldn't stop even if you begged, even if you kicked him square in the face. He'd find his way back and attach these slick lips right back to you, yearning, fucking pining for one more. Just one more.
And upon that release of his hair, you grip the rug under you, trying to pull yourself up and away from him. Stuttering, almost sobbing at the sensitivity of it all, but he just drags you back down. Hands on your hips preventing you from escaping the relentless assault.
Only when you finally give in, when he releases a guttural moan/growl right into your sopping cunt do you break for a third time. It hurts, god it hurts so bad, but at the same time you can't help but call out his name desperately. As if inviting him for a fourth, or even a fifth orgasm.
A mistake on your part, truthfully, because his tongue only goes stiffer at that, and now he's got three fingers fitting inside of you just to prolong the painful orgasm. So messy with it too, you can feel the slippery heat as he slides his tongue up and down, in and out of each fold and crevasse your pussy offers.
Only when the tears start falling and you go silent does Jake pull up to breathe a true and intentional full breath. He looks at you, pupils blown out wide and mouth slack.
"I did good?" He asks, anticipating some sort of praise, and all you can do in your half-dissociated state is laugh.
This motherfucker? The Jake Sim who managed to fumble girl after girl? The Jake Sim who made you pity him during this short project session of an assignment, admitting that since college started, he hadn't landed a single hookup? The same guy who dead ass asked if you wanted him to leave when you laid down on this floor and spread your legs for him? Enticing him, fucking seducing him to try his skills out on you? He's asking if he did good? Despite the pain, and ignoring the way you can't even sit yourself up to look at him clearly, all you can do is nod in a daze. "Where did you learn how to do all that?" You mumble incoherently. Jake simply shrugs. "Ionno, i watch a lot of porn I guess."
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birchtreecat · 3 days
so yall know that writing site where if you stop typing for more than a few seconds it deletes everything? yeah i decided in my sleepy ass state to write adarumi bc good god. the yuri is so doomed. anywho here it is. anything unpolished or not making sense I blame on the fact this was a 30 min frantic write <3 disclaimer of these characters are not mine but @vh-intern and @the-outlet-kohane-pharmacy !!! ____________________________________________
Rumi was a major in medicine. Ironic, considering where she was now, helping Moon with the pharmacy. She had gotten into medicine to help people- and she knew she had wanted to help someone- but who? Could she really be helping people, when these trial medications hurt so much?
Then Ada came along. Cheery, ever energetic Ada. She had started her own branch of the Vitamin Kohane pharmacies, technically making their businesses rivals. Yet, the moment Ada had walked in, Rumi fell. There wasn't even a pining phase- they met, they skipped being friends, and immediately swept eachother off. Ada had been the one consistent good thing, the one person Rumi wholly, fully trusted.
And now Ada was on the verge of death. Whoever hurt her still hadn't been discovered, but Rumi didn't care about that yet. She had just come back after weeks of being in this weird, coma induced state. Technically, Rumi shouldn't even be able to do this, overpower the screaming voices that took control of her body, her words. They say love conquers all, but she didn't think it was this strong. The thought made the sight of Ada barely breathing that much more painful. What twisted god, if they even existed, played with their lives like this?
The voices in Rumi's head wouldn't shut up. They were constantly yelling, bickering like children. Only one seemed to be even slightly friendly- and even then.. Rumi hated how loud the voices were. How they spoke of her as if she wasn't even there, how they made it so she couldn't remember anything. Yet the moment the news came, there was only one thing on her mind.
I need you to live.
I just got you back
I'm sorry
She had to hold herself back from sobbing even as her girlfriend seemed to try to communicate in her otherwise unresponsive state. The way the metallic clinks from her wound filled Rumi with a longing to make it all better, an urge to give anything if only just to see Ada alive one last time. She'd even go through hell and back, go through Moon pilling her again just to see Ada smile at her.
Truly, it was an oddly funny feeling of despair that overpowered everything else. The way she wanted to laugh at the fact that now both of them had faced death in the eyes. Would she have survived without the thought of Ada? The agonizing pain, followed by silence and tears as the voices barged into her head, shattering all serenity she'd come to know. The one thing that had kept Rumi going was Ada. How she couldn't bring herself to give up on her love. The way they held eachother every chance they got, the way she smelled and how her hugs were tight and soft and warm and felt like home. In another world, would they have died together? Would they find eachother again and again? Or would they only get this one chance, this one universe- that constantly seemed to push one of them twoards death at every turn. Had Rumi died in the backrooms of Moon's pharmacy, would she still feel this gaping hole of dread in her chest? The sense that it was all over, that there was nothing left for her but misery now? Would the voices still be crying and mocking her in her head? Or would she at least be free to welcome her girlfriend into the heavens with open arms, free from the voices that have tortured her for two weeks now?
Even as everyone left, Rumi stayed. She had control for now, and she was going to spend the entirety of it by Ada's side, just in case. She didn't trust the medicine of the Pharmacity anyways- if her experience was anything to go by.
As Rumi knelt by Ada's bedside, she didn't care if her knees would be sore after hours like this. She didn't care if she wound up getting sick from whatever was oozing from Ada's wound. All she cared about was making sure her girlfriend was alive- and that she'd know Rumi had been by her side for as long as she could have been. The same way Ada had left voicemail after voicemail checking up on Rumi, she'd now do the same for Ada. She didn't care how long it would take, they WILL survive this. Together. They had to.
Ada had to live.
What else would be worth it?
The silence of the room was getting overbearing. Rumi thought for a moment before tapping her dreams onto Ada's palm. The beach date they'd always yearned for, how she wouldn't be able to swim and Ada would probably convince her to get in the water anyways. The video games they had planned to play together, building and fighting side by side, story by story. Their apartment, filled with fairy lights and soft blankets among their studies. She felt her tears come, and this time she let them fall. Gods, what was she going to do without her? How would she bounce back without her sun?
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buckyalpine · 3 days
18+ Minors dni Enemies to lovers with some massage therapist Bucky. Breeding kinnk, aftercare, Bucky is a secret softie, all that.
Imagine Rival Biker Bucky x f reader. A smutty, slutty little concept while I add the finishing touches to another fic, just getting this out of my system first. I just love the idea of a sexy, bad boy Bucky getting his hands on the one girl who won't give him a second glance because she's too good for him and they're from opposite worlds. Since childhood. Now he's a biker. Covered in black ink. He works in an auto shop. Owns the bar that brings in chaos. He's smoke, whiskey and leather.
She, however, is soft, pretty, smart and does not have the time to entertain someone like him. She has her degree. Working on a second. She has a career. She does not associate with the likes of him, not as the police chiefs daughter. She'll be damned if she has to even breathe the same air, especially when his gang is the cause for half the problems in the town that her father has been trying to get rid of.
Now, imagine that hours of working on her notes and papers leave her with unbearable knots and kninks in her back. She doesn't want to take a break but the pain only gets worse as the week goes by. It doesn't take long for her to shoot her regular massage therapist a message to book the very first available appointment.
You unclasped your bra, folding and setting it off to the side while waiting for Wanda in the warmly lit room. You could have sworn she was a witch with the way she made pain disappear; she’d also become a good friend after your many visits.
The knock at the door interrupted you as you slid your shorts off, leaving you in your panties, not rushing to jump onto the table considering it was just Wanda anyway.
“Come in!” You smiled, making your way to the massage bed as the door clicked open- “Oh my God!!” You nearly shrieked seeing Bucky walk in, a shit eating from spreading across his face as you scrambled to grab the tiny towel to cover yourself though it was a futile attempt. “What the hell are you doing here?!”
"You have an appointment, don't you?" He quirked an eyebrow as if it was clear as day why he was there.
"Yeah, with Wanda, why are you here, did you get lost on the way to jail?" Your face scrunched in a mix of confusion and disgust ignoring the roll of his eyes while you snatched your shirt to better cover up.
"Well Wanda couldn't make it in but she sent me" He said with a shrug, sighing when he saw your less than impressed face, "Don't flatter yourself, I'm just training under her as part of my physiotherapy internship"
"I'm sorry, you're trying to tell me you of all people are learning how to give massages? Please"
"Physiotherapy" Bucky corrected, "You're not the only one who has a degree, princess" Bucky watched as you groaned realizing you hadn't put your bra on, opting to stuff it in your bag instead of putting it back on in front of him.
"You are NOT laying a finger on me-ow!" You hissed, feeling the knot in your back tug at the rest of your muscles.
"You're not gonna be able to do a whole lot with that much pain" Bucky smirked, only half joking. He wasn't wrong. The pain was worse than before and you needed this an you really didn't have the time to reschedule.
"Fine" You mumbled, turning away from him so you could take your shirt off again, glaring at him when you noticed he hadn't turned away. "Could you at least give me some privacy instead of lurking in the corner like a pervert"
"Whatever you want, princess" He bit his lip as he faced the wall, hearing your feet pad across the tile to lay down on the massage table.
"Alright" You huffed after covering your lower body with the towel, now laying face down, immediately second guessing yourself as he walked over.
"Let me know if anything's uncomfortable or if you want me to stop" His voice was no longer snarky; in fact he sounded professional. "Where do you feel the most tension?"
"Um-shoulders and-lower back" You mumbled out the last bit, he was going to massage you there anyway so there so no pointed hiding it. You tensed at the feeling of his oiled fingers starting to work at your muscles, he had no right to be that good. At all.
“Shit” you hissed trying to keep your voice down, ignoring the clench of your stomach feeling his rough fingers press down on the areas that were tight. Little did you know Bucky was struggling far more than you were.
It went against every bit of professionalism he had. Every moan you tried to silence went right to his cock, his hands making their way lower before trailing up again. Fuck, you sounded so pretty...
"Better stop making those sounds"
"Or what" You challenged back before you could even stop yourself.
"Your attitude is what needs fixing" Bucky growled, professionalism be damned, "fuck this"
You have no idea how you ended up here. It didn't matter though, not when there wasn't a single cohesive thought in your brain as you wailed letting Bucky absolutely rail you. Your back didn't feel an ounce of pain as he took you on all fours, pulling your hips to slam back against him, gripping your ass with enough strength to leave you sore.
"Feel better now huh baby, not trying to stay quiet anymore, are ya" He let out a low chuckle which melted into a groan feeling you tighten on his dick, "Such a good little princess like you letting me put my dick in you, dirty girl"
You hate to admit it but the clench of your cunt betrays how much you love this. It was so wrong. You had no business fucking someone like him and yet where you were letting his precum paint all over the inside of your walls.
"What would your daddy say princess, if he knew where you were right now, what you were doin'? Thinking you're studying when you're actually all pretty and naked, letting me rub that gorgeous body up and down, bet you'd let me put my cum in you too, huh? Bet your dad would love that, his perfect little girl all knocked up with some bikers baby"
You could have said no, stayed silence, just about anything but nope. You screamed feeling his fingers reach around the massage your clit, your orgasm wasting no time hurling towards you.
"MMMPHH I love the sound of that baby, could get used to hearing you sayin' my name, say it again princess, say my name with my cock in you, c'mon, that's it"
"Fuck-James-I-James" You were a mess and loving every bit of it, tears starting to flow down your cheeks, all the pent up stress you were feeling finally releasing. You felt your throat tighten, a sob escaping your lips as you let go, your arousal making a creamy mess on the dark curly hair on the base of his cock.
"God, you're milkin me, you want my cum that bad huh baby, want a little biker baby in that tummy of yours, I'll give it to you, give you so much I might even put twins in there-FUCKK"
"Shhhh" Bucky cooed, wrapping you up in a fluffy towel while cuddling up your limp body, wiping away any remnants of tears while you stayed floating in a subby, post sex haze. "I got you, you did so good princess" You only manage to let out a weak whimper, giving into his warm, thick arms that rock you.
"You alright angel?"
"Mph" you mumble against his chest and he reaches over for a glass of water that's nearby, bringing it up for you to take a sip. You're surprised at how sweet he's being, drinking up before snuggling into him again. Damn him for being so warm and comfy.
"Y'know, there might be a little Bucky in there" He whispers with a playful smirk in his voice, fingers tickling your lower belly, chuckling when you narrow your eyes at him.
"You wish" You sass back, ignoring the butterflies you feel.
"I do" He admits, biting his lip, his previous cocky demeanor replaced with a shy one, though he tries to mask it. Poorly. His cheeks are pinker than the time you threw paint on him for pulling your pigtails. When you were both 4. "I'd want Bucky jr. to have your brains though"
Imagine that incident sets off a very interesting chain of events. A confession of feelings. You both couldn't be happier, meanwhile your father is grumbling about how he knew this fuckin' day would come, God damn it.
"I never liked that boy" He struggles to keep a scowl on his face watching you giggle like you were 4 again, running to the door as soon as you hear the rumble of his bike.
"Shut up, you love him" Your mom chides, watching Bucky swoop you up for a loving kiss, heading you a bouquet of yellow flowers as he always does.
"I still don't like 'em" Your dad says while you roll your eyes, your arm linked with his as he walks you down the aisle.
"Is that why all the files you had to build a case against him all suddenly went missing?" You tease and your dad shugs.
"Wasn't me"
just an idea.
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eloriis · 2 days
OPPOSITE - charles leclerc
in which. . y/n l/n was everything charles leclerc wanted, until he didn’t — cl16 x singer! reader
notes : first post in sososososo long!! hope u guys like it and it does well 🤞🏼
and NO HATE towards alex! i ADORE her smm but i needed someone to match the description that sabrina gave in her song
type : smau ⋆ face claim : sabrina carpenter
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december 16, 2019
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomez and 15,547,396 others
y/nuser it’s so romantic in paris 🤍🖤
tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc all because of you mon amour 🌙
y/nuser je t'aime ☀️
francisca.cgomez BABE?? THE HAIR?? THE DRESS?? OMG IM DYING
user2 they just became public and they’re already making me feel single 😔
user4 they’re lowkey cute 🤭🤭
february 26, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, gracieabrams and 10,375,984 others
y/nuser when in doubt, turn the piano on <3
tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc je t'aime, ma lune 🌙 ( i love u, my moon )
y/nuser je t'aime plus, mon soleil ☀️ ( i love u more, my sun )
user1 the moon and sun duo is back ☹️
user3 the note :(
user4 did charles write that for her?
user5 i don’t think so, i’m pretty sure that’s her handwriting
user6 the second pic made me feel so single
gracieabrams ARE WE GETTING A NEW SONG??
y/nuser IDK ARE YOU??
user9 if they break up, i’m going to stop believing in love.
march 14, 2023
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liked by user1, user2 and 585,697 others
f1updates ferrari driver, charles leclerc caught with mystery woman who is not popstar y/n l/n!
charles and y/n have been in a relationship for almost 5 years. they made their relationship public on december 16 in 2019 after 10 months of dating. they seemed to be deeply in love with each other so what might have been the reason for charles to be caught with a different woman?
let us know your thoughts and feelings on this in the comment section below.
tagged: y/nuser, charles_leclerc
user1 what the fuck? charles what the actual fuck is wrong with you?
user2 i can’t believe the nerve of this man?? FIVE FUCKING YEARS?? down the drain just because he couldn’t keep it in his pants
user3 both charles and the girl are in the wrong because while y/n and this creature kept majority of their lives together private, they still posted about each other regularly so it’s not possible that the girl didn’t know that charles was taken
user4 the audacity of this man? his girlfriend is at the studio most likely writing a song for him and this man is out in the broad daylight cheating on her??
user5 studio?
user4 yeah, she was caught walking into a studio a while before this was posted
user5 fuck bro, that’s so sad
user6 everyday i wake up and wonder where the fuck do men get the audacity to do this shit and stay sane
user7 i’m actually speechless right now. all i can say is poor y/n, she looks so in love with him whenever they’re together and then this man pulls this shit
user8 we were about to get another song about y/ncharles :(
user9 i haven’t just lost faith in men, i’ve lost faith in love as well
march 14, 2023
ynssecretlife has removed sharleclair as a follower
ynssecretlife has unfollowed sharleclair
ynssecretlife has just posted a story! tap to view.
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seen by lanthedodo, liliesareme, georgewashingmachine and 98 others
view story replies:
lanthedodo y/n/n, i’m so so so sorry. i promise u NONE of us knew about this
lanthedodo we are all always here for you ❤️
liliesareme y/n bby:( i’m coming over rn
alexisalbono i’m so sorry, lily and are the otw
view more story replies.
y/nuser has deleted 30 posts from their account.
may 25, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, user39 and 674,694 others
alexandrasaintmleux in paris with amour ⭐️
tagged: charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc the star to my sun
liked by author
user1 this is very similar to the post made by y/n
user2 the nicknames. that hurts me :(
user2 the audacity of these two. ch*rles got bored of the moon so he moved onto another star. honestly fuck off dude.
user3 beautiful couple 😍 ( i giggled at this )
user4 girlie is trying wayyyy too hard to be like y/n…🤓
june 6, 2023
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liked by taylorswift, lilymhe and 21,854,297 others
y/nuser i’ve kept all of you guys starved for too long now </3
from my heart to yours, ‘opposite’ is now out 💌
taylorswift i’m so proud of you bby 💗
y/nuser tyy 🤍
lilymhe sobbing, breaking down, screaming, crying, on the floor, breaking dishes
y/nuser LILY BBY 😭😭
alex_albon she’s not even joking. there’s actually broken dishes on the floor and she’s about to flood the living room with her tears
lilymhe shut up. no one asked you 🥰❤️
maxverstappen1 you did so well with this song! proud of you y/n/n 💙
y/nuser tyy so much maxie 🫶🏼🫶🏼
liked by landonorris and francisca.cgomez
user3 you did so well y/n, we are all so proud of you for being strong and loving 🤍
liked by lilymhe, francisca.cgomez, iamrebbecad, kellypiquet and 157,286 others
y/nuser thank you so so much, i love all of you so much 🫶🏼
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f1amour · 19 hours
˖ ࣪ 𖥔 navigation. | requests — open | main masterlist (coming soon)
drivers included | max verstappen, charles leclerc, carlos sainz, lando norris, oscar piastri, daniel ricciardo, franco colapinto, lewis hamilton
description | drivers and their favorite kinks
content warnings | mature content ahead — 18+ only, minors do not interact
authors note | hope everyone enjoys reading this one! if you have any requests for drabbles or blurbs involving those i write for please send it in and i will try to get it out as soon as possible <3 *not spelled checked*
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— whether he praised you or you praised him; max verstappen was an absolute whore for praising
— both in public and behind closed doors he would take the praises only from you. being a three time world champion as many reminded him of his accomplishments he’d down play it. but you? oh he loved when you’d sing his praises
— “you did so great out there, maxie. no one does it like you.” praising him in public after a great race would look like that. behind closed doors was another story; “right there, max. fuck you’re doing so well keep going.” “only you know my body, no one compares”
— on the other hand max loved praising you and he was an absolute menace for it when he’d have you bent over the bed fucking you with his hands gripping your hair; “come on, baby. squeezing me so tight you love being handled like this, hmm?” “you’re doing so well for me, baby.” “such a good girl for me.”
— max loved taking his time with you but with his busy schedule especially on race weekends he couldn’t give you enough time. however, he always made the most of the 10-20 minutes you had together on any occasion.
— whether it be 10 minutes before he’s gotta go out for the national anthem or 15 minutes before he is due to attend the press conference he would grab you and take you in any room that had a lock. “fuck that’s it, you’re doing so good for me baby.” “gonna have you cum three times before i gotta be out there in ten minutes. you like that?”
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— the man has beautiful hair…how can he not have a hair pulling kink?
— carlos loved pulling your hair whether it was while you rode his cock or he was taking you from behind; he loved having his hands in your hair
— but it was when you pull his hair that really gets him going both intimately but whenever you’d be watching a movie or out with friends your hand would go to the nape of his neck and travel up to his hair giving it a soft tug
— between your legs carlos is eating you out both sloppily and hungrily, tongue against your aching core his fingers now at your entrance giving you extra pleasure when they’re stretching you out, “fuck. just like that carlos,” you tangle your fingers in his hair giving it a rough tug when he rubs his thumb on your clit
— every thrust his fingers would give your cunt and tongue giving your folds so much attention you’d tug his hair closer to your pussy if that was possible; “fuck, baby, do that again. harder.” “god, hermosa, gonna make me cum in my pants if you keep pulling my hair like that.” “right there, keep doing that princesa. wanna suffocate in your pussy.”
— his native language being spanish played a role in his love for dirty talking he loved the reaction he’d get out of you when you’d hear him speaking to you in spanish
— morning, noon, night; carlos fucked you any moment he had some free time which was rare but on those occasions he did he make sure to speak his dirty thoughts of you: and to you
— “fuck, my good girl, chokin’ on my cock” “that’s it, hermosa. let them all hear whose fucking your tight pussy…the only man who makes you cum.” “te ves tan perfecta para mí de rodillas llena de mí. mi bella princesa.”
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҉ ORAL !
— charles loved having you on your knees mouth stuffed with his cock. your lips showing his tip some extra love with a few kisses after finishing in your mouth and you’d take him once again pulling him in your mouth again for another round.
— what he loved the most though? spending hours in between your thighs giving you multiple orgasms until you are begging him to stop (very rare to want him to stop)
— despite seemingly carrying a calm demeanor around friends & family behind closed doors charles loved being rough with you in bed. especially after yet another week where ferrari fucks up his race he feels the best place to let out his stress and anger is on you. which you gladly took.
— rough and sloppy kisses you share entering his hotel room to his rough hands pushing you onto the bed and fucking you with his fingers until you’re squirting all over him and the bedsheets.
— your face pressed down on the mattress while he takes you from behind arching your back and yanking on your hair pulling you close to his chest he’d give you another rough thrush while whispering the most vulgar sentences to come out of his mouth.
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— sometimes being weeks apart from each other you wanted to feel as close as possible while catching up on what you’d miss. you’d get settled on his lap moaning at the feeling of him stretching you after being gone for so long. you’d get comfortable and you would both talk about what you had been up to the last few weeks
— streaming with max you’d make sure his camera was off before you climbed on his lap. he would be confused as to what you were doing but the moment you take his cock out of his briefs and sinking down on him he’d hold his moans in and grab your waist pulling you closer.
- turning his mic off he lets out a whine when you rock your hips against him, “fuck, baby, can’t do this right now i’m so close to winning.” you’d agree with him and tell him to finish the game you’ll just wait for him; still sitting on him with his cock deep inside you. safe to say he lost the game just to play again, enjoying the feeling of his cock resting inside you
— lando loved it when he’d be showering and you’d join him halfway through giving him some extra attention that he desperately wanted. he loved the intimacy about it when you’d help rinse of the shampoo in his hair or how he’d glide the body gel all over your body
— you loved it when it was a post race win or podium and he’d drag you to the small bathroom in his drivers room and shove you against the shower wall giving your pussy some extra love while you pull on his hair before he would have his cock shoved deep in your aching cunt, getting some loud moans out of you which he’d cover up with a kiss
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— being a formula 1 driver was a demanding job which required lewis to travel almost all year long and you couldn’t always go along with him due to your job. you missed him all the time when he was gone but especially on the days when you were extra needy were the worst
— that’s why he’d stay on the phone with you all day despite his busy schedule. he’d have one airpod in while having to be in a meeting not listening to the less important subjects so he’d listen to you and what you were doing for the day
— but then on days where your vibrator wasn’t enough you’d call or facetime your boyfriend begging him to help you through your orgasm, it also helped that he had the most soothing voice that constantly brought you to tears when he’d have your face shoved on the mattress, ass pressed against him as he fucked you
— “oh…’m so close, lew” you’d whimper through the facetime call, your phone propped against your nightstand while you grind your aching cunt against a pillow. desperately needing more release your reach to rub your clit when lewis’ voice fills the phone, “i didn’t say you could do that, did i?” he questions, he was due to be in the media pen in 10 minutes but he wouldn’t let you take the easy way out to cum before he left
— “please, baby, need to cum please,” you beg lewis as your movements speed up. “don’t use your hand. keep fucking youself on my pillow, i’ll be home in a few days and take such good care of you. that’s it baby, be a good girl and cum for me.” his encouragement is more than enough to have you squeezing your breasts and nipples as your release spills all over the pillow
— you weren’t sure if it was you or lewis who decided adding a mirror to the ceiling of your bedroom was the best option for your sex life but either way you were two happy people
— you enjoyed watching lewis fucking you his eyes meeting your through the mirror; he loved having you bounce on his cock watching the way you threw your head back moans filling the room. he loved it so much he requested his drivers room to have a mirror on the ceiling as well. after many warnings not to they finally gave in and gave him what he (and you) wanted
— his hand around your throat with two fingers deep inside your pussy he’d whisper dirty thoughts into your ear, “you look so pretty for me like this. wanna see you cum for me, sweet girl. that’s it you’re squeezing my fingers so good,” you’d bite your lip trying to suppress your moans in the small room knowing anyone walking by could easily hear you
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— again, being a formula one driver was a demanding sport. a demanding sport that kept your sex life with oscar very low many, many, many times. so when you had the chance to feel a little bit closer to your boyfriend you took the chance.
— whether against the wall of his drivers room with your clothed pussy rubbing against his race suit or in bed on his lap before ha has to catch a flight to the next race; you were both absolutely infatuated with each other and dry humping
— drivers room; oscar would be leaned up against the wall while your hips grind against his thigh, “osc,” you whine as he moves your panties to the side rubbing your clit while you con the to fuck yourself on him, “shh, be a good girl for me and stay quiet. then after the race i’ll stuff you full of my cock all night.” his words have you biting down on his shoulder as you cum all over his thigh
— he had discovered this one night while you both watched a movie, laying between his thighs your head pressed against his chest his hand trailed down to your shorts pulling them off with nothing else underneath he worked his fingers inside you. soon enough you had squirted all over his hand and bedsheets; a first for both of you
— that just started something inside oscar which was wanting to make you squirt any chance he got. you could be exhausted from work or a long flight but you’d let him have his way with you. at the end you’d be filling the room with sounds of pleasure as his fingers or cock fucked your tight cunt until he reached the exact spot that had you squirting all over him
— "so wet for me, and so fuckin' tight." "i can feel how close you are baby, gonna make a mess all over our sheets, hmm?" he praises you, his fingers curling deep inside you. his groans and your moans fill the room as you squirt all over his hand and sheets making a mess like he had said. pulling away from you he now plays between your thighs and smiles up at you, “time to clean this mess up.”
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— you’ve seen franco in interviews he was a talker so it wasn’t a surprised he was a talker behind closed doors as well. he had a filthy mouth on him when it came to you and he never stopped praising you
— “eso es amor, apretándome tan bien. let me hear your pretty moans.” “cum all over my cock, amor. fuck, fuck—look so perfect for me.” “gonna let me fuck you against the door? gonna make sir everyone hears what a filthy whore you are.” you’d think by now you’d get tired of his constant yapping (sometimes you did) but when he fucked you? you loved hearing his voice the entire time
҉ ORAL ! 
— the man was good with his tongue what more could you say? he was infatuated with having his tongue on your pussy for hours on end tasting how sweet you were. buried between your thighs as your hand stung on his hair, whines and moans escape your mouth begging him for more
— “franco, ‘m so close, right there,” you gasp feeling his tongue poking in your cunt as he devours you, “es todo princesa, déjalo ir por mí. mierda. sabes tan dulce.” you cum and he doesn’t let a drop escape his tongue as he licks you clean
— 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐎 ³ [retired]
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— the man had a tattooed thigh…how could you not want to ride it? it first started on a night out with friends enjoying the sunset at the beach when daniel placed you on his lap your hand traced circles on the tattoos that littered his thigh; one thing led to another and you snuck off to the car and he let your imaginations come to life
— at a club filled with loud music and dark lights you’d take advantage of the moment and grind yourself on his thigh enjoying the feeling, at home while he works on sending out some emails you’d keep him company with your core pressing against his thigh, anyplace and anywhere you were a menace for his thighs
— he loved it too, so much he’d started adding some more tattoos to his collection on his thighs which made you even more excited to ride him only to wait until he was healed to do so. you could ride his other thigh but something about fucking yourself on his tattooed thigh felt so so much more enthralling
— “you look so pretty like this, ridin' my thigh...makin' yourself cum.” “make yourself cum on my thigh right now, good girl. feels good, doesn't it?” his encouraging words bringing you to your third orgasm of the night just form riding his thigh, “come on, honey, gonna give me one more then i’ll fuck you for however long you want”
— daniel loved having videos or pictures of the activities you got up to in the bedroom with each other. he loved watching the videos while he was away from you weeks on end. however, he loved it more whenever you got the chance to film each other especially for fun not because he’ll be gone for a few weeks and needed someone to fill the void
— daniel comfortably laying down between your thighs lapping at you like there’s no tomorrow, “danny, feel so good…oh,” you whine trying to hold the camera that was pointed at him steadily but you were so close. “that’s it baby, cum all over me you taste so fucking sweet. could never get enough of this,” he says only getting a second to breathe before he’s diving back between your thighs to bring you to your second orgasm of the night
— you loved the risk of having an album on your phones that were filled of videos and pictures of the two of you or sometimes of just one of you. you’d created a small album curated for daniel filled of pictures of you in lingerie or fully nude; the videos were another story. filled with you fucking yourself with your fingers, vibrator, a pillow; you made sure daniel was fulfilled for the weeks he wouldn’t have you
— daniel made a small photo album for you as well more so filled of the two of you, he knew how much you loved rewatching the videos of you two fucking. you loved the way he propped the camera against the nightstand and had you riding his cock until you begged him to let you cum or the time he fucked you in his drivers room facing the mirror on his door his hands on your breasts squeezing them while you rode him back against his chest holding onto the camera shakily and almost dropping it when he’d thrust up into your cunt
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merakidoll · 20 hours
porn star toji .. whorellowen addition!
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here you were again, in such an awkward predicament that in your heart you couldn’t feel bad for. from the first collaboration with toji you didn’t realize how much everyone loved you two as a pair. so what was better than you and toji - you and toji halloween addition. you were naked as the day you were born, the lights making you dizzy but your eyesight directly focusing on the man above you. the jason mask was dirty, splats of fake blood and his rough voice. you could see his dark eyes, the hidden meaning behind them - and god you couldn’t feel bad.
he was fucking your pussy dumb. bottoming down inside of you while your mushy walls kept closing in on him. “o-oh goodness” your makeup was ruined, the same take going on for hours upon hours, toji being nuzzled in your with no orgasm happing, you both being pushed to the edge. “you like that slut?” his rough tone had your back arching, his large hands sliding the mask up to just go over his hair, just so you could see his face. “i asked a fuckin question” toji bit his lip groaning when a rope of pre cum came out and made a mess in you. your legs were shaky, mind foggy, trying to push at his stomach.
“t-too much i-icanttt” the room was tense everyone enjoying the show that was happening on the fake room in front of them - even his wife. “yes you can. you already doin it baby, like a good girl” the man’s words came from within, you were being such a good girl for him, despite that constant building up of an orgasm and it being taken away. the pads of his finger softly rubbed your skin, rising your shaky leg up and your feet positioned to be in front of his face. “t-toj-” you said softly a small whine, but was cut off with him shushing you, thrust going slow, deeper from how he turned your body slightly to push past where he was. “ya’there?” his words were whispered, as if it was only you and him in the room.
you nodded quickly so fast that you neck felt a little strained, he nodded with you. a smirk on his lips all up until he kissed your calf, tounge coming out of his mouth to move up, your pretty toes that was polished in a pink was his nest victim. his eyes focused on yours, his pace picking back up when a soft kiss was placed on your feet, tounge swirling around your big toe that has you creaming from pleasure, a cream circle being made around his grith, long, length. “o-oh nooo!” you cried pussy clenching trying to hold the orgasm, the embarrassment of everyone about to see you come undone - and that’s never happened.
“yes baby, f-fuck yes!” you threw your head back, his fat mushroom head nudging at your cervix a painful pleasure shooting through your body as you came. your eyes opened slightly; so low, and you made eye contact with no one other than the man who was fucking you wife. you couldn’t care staring her in the eyes when toji let an animalistic grunt out, and a feeling of your pussy being filled. you could hear a small “good fuckin pussy” just before your eyes shut, the pleasure being too much.
“and cut” they said once you both fell limp into the bed. silence filling the room, and everyone’s eyes watching the two pornstars cuddle in the bed with heavy breaths. everyone watched the thick cum fall from your agape hole. they passed small glances to the wife who had yet to say or do anything but look at you two. and she herself couldn’t deny the ache between her legs
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halsteadlover · 2 days
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐞
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*Pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Lando Norris x Female!Reader.
• Requested: no.
• Summary: Lando and his obsession with TikTok trends almost got him in trouble.
• Warnings: none, just few curse words I think lol.
• Word count: 776.
• A/N: I know, I know I’m just posting fics based on trends but this is the last one I promise 😭
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“Got it babe? On the count of three make an ugly face.” Lando stated after setting up his phone and press record. He was standing behind you, his girlfriend, his hands resting on your shoulders as you sat while putting on your makeup.
You looked at him skeptically through the phone’s camera, with a confused look on your face. He was trying to hold back his laughter, already imagining your reaction.
“It’s just a game,” he replied, leaving a kiss above your hair. “Okay on my three. One, two… Baby! I said on my three!”
You frowned, continuing to look at your boyfriend through the phone and he suppressed another laugh, knowing by your face you were already getting upset even though you hadn’t said a word about it yet.
“Babe come on you can do it. Again. One… Oh c’mon why do you keep doing it before my three?!” he exclaimed and you didn’t answer again but he immediately noticed how your expression shifted from confusion to sadness, your lips slightly curved downwards.
“What?” you sadly whispered as you turned your head towards him. “What do you mean? Am I ugly?”
Lando felt his heart break at the sight of your tear-filled eyes as you looked at him with that broken expression, almost making him kneel on the floor. “Oh no, no, no, no, my love, oh my god,” he babbled, immediately hugging you from behind and leaving numerous kisses at the top of your head.
He pulled away after a while and turned the chair so that you were face to face with him. He knelt down and cupped your face with his hands as his thumbs caressed your cheeks. “I’m so sorry baby, please forgive me. I just wanted to make a stupid trend, please don’t cry. You’re not ugly, you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on, you’re beautiful beyond belief please… I’m so sorry.”
He kissed your forehead, then your cheeks, your lips. “Please forgive me, oh baby I love you so much. I hate seeing you like this, I hate doing this to you. I swear to god I will never follow any stupid trends again… Fucking TikTok.”
“Can you cook my favorite dish tonight please?” you asked in a low voice.
“Of course baby, yes, whatever you want, I would buy you the moon if it made you happy. Please don’t cry, I’m so sorry.”
A bright smile appeared on your lips and you kissed him. “Thank you darling, I love you so much too.”
Lando let out a sigh relieved, even though you were just making fun of him. “You little… I thought I made you cry. Don’t ever do this to me again please, I though I was having a heart attack.”
You giggled and threw your arms around his neck, holding him tightly as he hugged you back, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his nose in your hair. “I’m sorry love, but you deserved it.”
He kissed your neck. “Yeah I do… God I’m never watching TikTok again in my life.”
You laughed and he pulled away from you, cupping your face with his hands again. “You sure you���re okay? You know it was just for a video right? You’re… To say you’re breathtakingly beautiful is an understatement and I’m not even kidding. There’s no word I could use that would even begin to describe how gorgeous I think you are. You’re so fucking perfect baby and I don’t want you to doubt that for even a second.”
“Hey, hey it’s okay love,” you stroked his hair, brushing it off his forehead and smiling gently. “I was just messing with you, I know it’s just a trend since I’ve seen it a million times. I’m on social media too you know.”
He nodded. “Yeah I know, I know, I just didn’t consider the fact I could hurt your feelings and seeing you with that sad expression broke my heart, even if it was just a joke, I want to make sure you know I’m totally crazy about you and you’re perfect, okay?”
You laughed again and nodded before kissing him. “I’m really okay, I promise baby.”
“Seriously, I worship the ground you walk on, I would lick any surface you sit on, that’s how desperate I’m for you.”
“Ew Lando! You’re disgusting!” You exclaimed, loudly chuckling and playfully shoving him away, making him burst out laughing.
“Okay you’re laughing so I guess it’s really fine, but don’t think I’m joking baby,” he retorted as he stood up and stopped the recording and you fake gagged. “But what do you think about the dinner I promised you now?”
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @halstead-severide-fan, @mrspeacem1nusone, @allivzs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes, @kmc1989, @klovesreading, @firetruckstuckley, @23victoria, @buckybarnessweetheart, @fanaticlove16, @ajordan2020, @multi-fandom-lover7667, @emryb, @waywardhunter95, @luftmenzch
Lando Norris tag list: @halsteadbrasil, @bwormie, @sprayberrythings, @mynameisangeloflife, @lunepoesie, @earlgreyflowers, @bubu40777168, @hiireadstuff, @lilithhs-world, @yujnrq, @bountychanti, @aurora-maria, @decafmickey, @hallo2308
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hoshifighting · 18 hours
sucking jihoon even after he cums because you're in your fertile period and somehow the way his leg starts to shake and his voice breaks makes you drip down your shorts.
overstimulating woozi on your fertile period
WARNINGS: smut, overstimulation (both), mentions of body fluids (spit, cum), dirty talk, fingering, oral (m. receiving), mentions of soft cock.
watching jihoon cum will always be one of the best views u have. you loved it, and he always knew. he was a little shy with the idea of ​​you looking at him like that. especially when your eyes never left his, the signs of your cheeks flushing were a sign that that time of the month had arrived. his cock pulsed inside your throat, and you felt the white cum coating your mouth, no pity in swallowing it.
“fuck— y/n, i—” jihoon’s voice broke halfway through, and it was so fucking sexy to hear him lose it like that. his leg had started to twitch, that tiny shake you knew meant he was hanging on by a thread. but you didn’t stop. didn’t even think about stopping, actually. it made you suck harder, hollowing out your cheeks and pressing your tongue flat against his shaft.
his cum was salty, thick on your tongue, but you don't give a pin. it wasn’t like you were letting up anytime soon. your body was basically screaming for him, your core soaking through your shorts, that annoying ache between your legs. it wasn’t just need. no, you were in that dangerous, desperate place that made you shameless, greedy for more. you didn’t care if he’d just cum, you didn’t care if your jaw was starting to burn, all you could think about was dragging him through another round.
“s-shit… y/n, s’too much…” jihoon let out this pathetic little whimper, hands fisting in the sheets, eyes squeezed shut like he was fighting it so hard. “god, are you serious?”
you smirked, pulling off him with a wet pop just to let your spit drip down his cock, a string of it sticking from your lips. “too much? baby, i haven’t even started.” you didn’t give him time to respond before you were back at it, sucking his tip so slow, teasing. his hips jerked up like it was instinctual, but his body was so done, you could tell. his legs were trembling, full-on shaking now.
you felt it every time he twitched, his cock jumping against your tongue, more sensitive than before. his breath hitched, all broken and uneven. the way his hand fell to your head, weakly trying to push you away but not really meaning it, only made you hungrier. you wanted to see him fall apart, wanted him to lose it so bad he couldn’t even fucking think.
you looked up, watching him through your lashes, his face flushed red, eyes squeezed shut, and his lips parted in a silent moan. the way he was so fucking pretty like that, all helpless and overstimulated, made you clench your thighs together.
you were dripping. literally. the wetness soaked through your shorts, sticking to your skin, and you could feel yourself pulsing with every whimper that left his mouth. shit, you needed him so bad you could cry. his hand tightens in your hair, and for a second, he tries to lift your head off his dick, but you’re not letting go. no way.
“holy shit, baby—ah! shitshitshit,” he’s stuttering now, his head falls back, and his chest rises and falls rapidly, your mouth wet and messy as you take him all the way in again, ignoring the way his legs are shaking so hard that the bed’s starting to creak under you both.
“you’re—” he gasps, voice wrecked, “you’re fucking insatiable.”
you pull off just long enough to look up at him, lips shiny with spit and cum. “’s your fault for making me like this,” you shoot back, eyes locking with his, challenging him to say something else.
he’s lost for words though, a strangled moan ripping out of him when you wrap your hand around the base of his cock and stroke him, lazily, milking him for more. you know he’s close again. you can feel it in the way his hips jump toward you, desperate and needy, his entire body begging nut even though he’s already spent.
and just like that, he cums again, this time the cum isn’t as thick, but it still fills your mouth enough to make you swallow hard. he’s sinking deeper into the mattress, completely fucking gone. eyes squeezed shut, legs twitching uncontrollably, his whole body limp like he’s got nothing left to give. it makes you laugh, a soft chuckle that slips out as you pull off him, letting his cock finally slip free. his thighs are still shaking, and you run your hand along them, feeling the tremors under your palm. “damn, baby,” you mutter, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “you’re fucking ruined.”
he breathes out a shaky laugh, too fucked out to respond properly, his eyes still half-closed. then his eyes flicker open, catching the way you’re shifting uncomfortably, pressing your thighs together like you can’t hold it back anymore. it takes him a second—brain still foggy—but then he notices it. the wet patch on your shorts, the dark spot spreading over the fabric, and the way you’re practically grinding down on nothing, trying to get some relief.
“hmm…” his voice is still rough, but he sounds more awake now, eyes widening as he takes it in. “are you… dripping?”
his words hit you like a punch, your body reacting before you can even think about it. your thighs clench together tighter, a flush of heat spreading across your face as you realize just how wet you are. it’s not just damp—it’s soaked, sticky and warm, and fuck, you’re dripping through your shorts, making a mess without even touching yourself.
“it’s your fault,” you shoot back, but your tone comes out way too shaky, exposing just how much you’re turned on. “you—” you pause, swallowing thickly as you shift again, feeling the slickness between your legs.
jihoon’s eyes darken, “fuck, babe,” he whispers, his hand reaching out, fingers tracing the edge of your shorts. “let me see.”
you hesitate for a second, but the throbbing between your legs is too much, and the way he’s looking at you, all needy—it makes you want him even more. so you push your shorts down, the fabric sticking to your skin from how soaked they are. jihoon groans as soon as he sees, his hand immediately slipping between your legs, fingers grazing over your swollen, dripping core.
“god, baby, you’re fucking soaked,” he coos, eyes locked on you as he runs his fingers through your wetness, coating them in your slick. his touch is faint, teasing, and it makes your hips buck toward him. “you want it that bad?”
“shut up,” you snap, but your voice betrays you, coming out more like a whimper than anything else. you’re aching, do-or-die, and every brush of his fingers is making you drip even more, the wet sounds stuffing the air.
jihoon grins, that smug look back on his face even though he’s scarcely holding himself together. “you’re so fucking cute when you’re this needy,” he whispers, his fingers sliding down to your entrance. “can’t get enough of me? hm?”
before you can snap back, his fingers slip inside, and you let out a choked gasp, your whole body jolting at the sudden stretch. you’re so wet that he slides in easily, makes your vision blur.
“ji…” you moan, your hips rocking against his hand, you’re so fucking turned on that you can barely think straight, the sensitiveness making you feel like only the intrusion of his fingers, could make you cum already. “don’t stop…”
he doesn’t, his fingers picking up the pace, curling deeper inside you while his palm presses against your clit, rubbing small circles that make your thighs tremble.
“you’re dripping all over me,” jihoon mutters, his voice strained as he watches you break. “so fucking messy, baby.”
“’s ‘cause of you…” you gasp, your fingers gripping the sheets as your hips grind down on his hand, chasing that high.
“damn right it is,” he whispers, his palm pressing harder against your clit, and your orgasm slams over you, you let out a loud moan, your vision going white for a moment as you ride out the high, your hips jerking against jihoon’s hand.
he doesn’t stop, even as your walls clench around his fingers, even as your body trembles uncontrollably. he keeps rubbing, working you through it, pushing you further until you’re practically sobbing from how good it feels.
“fuck, jihoon… s’too much…” you manage to choke out, but he just grins, slowing down just enough to keep you on the edge, but not enough to let you fully come down.
“you can give me one more, right?” he asks, all soft and sweet like he’s innocent or something. as if he’s not knuckles deep inside you, fingers curling right against that spot that makes your thighs twitch like you’ve got no control over them.
“jihoon…” you gasp, breathless, trying to pull away, but he just follows you, his other hand gripping your hip like you’re not going anywhere. “fuck, i can’t—”
“nah, baby, you can,” he says. “you’re already this wet.” he pulls his fingers out just a little, dragging them through your slickness before pushing back in, making sure you feel every inch of it. “feels good, huh?”
you nod, unable to form any words that aren’t just pure nonsense moans, ‘cause damn, the way he’s fucking you with his fingers right now has your brain short-circuiting. he’s got this smug-ass look on his face too. “holy shit, jihoon…” you manage to choke out, voice all shaky, and you’re clenching around his fingers like crazy. “you’re—fuck, you’re gonna make me cum again.”
“that’s the plan,” he shoots back, his grin widening. “gotta make sure you’re all taken care of, right?”
you snort, even though you’re one breath away from losing it completely. “you sound like a fuckin’ customer service rep.”
he raises an eyebrow at you, that cocky grin still on his face. “and you’re the customer, baby. gotta give you the premium package.” he curls his fingers again, and your back arches so hard you almost see stars.
“oh my god,” you whine, and honestly, you don’t even care about talking shit anymore, ‘cause the pressure’s building again, and fast. your body’s on fire, every nerve buzzing as your clit throbb on his palm, the slickness starting to drip from his hand too, and jihoon’s relentless, like he knows exactly how far to push you before you completely lose it.
“yeah, there it is,” he mutters, watching the way your body’s reacting to him, like he’s enjoying the show. “good girl, just like that.”
his fingers pump faster, you can feel yourself tipping over the edge, your whole body tensing. it’s fucking intense, and you’re moaning so loud now, not even trying to keep it together, ‘cause he’s got you wrapped around his fingers—literally.
“shit, i’m cumming—” you barely get the words out before your body locks up, thighs shaking, toes curling, and your orgasm crashes over you. it’s so fucking good, the kind that makes your mind go completely blank, like nothing else matters except his fingers inside you, working you through it.
you’re practically sobbing his name, grabbing onto his wrist, but he doesn’t stop—again, just slows down a little, letting you ride the high. your legs are trembling so hard, it feels like you’re about to fall apart on him, and you can’t stop the shaky, breathless laugh that spills out of you.
“hey, don’t laugh at me, okay? i’m still recovering from you trying to turn me into a puddle.” you shove at his arm weakly, still feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm pulsing through you. “my brain’s not functioning.”
yeah, like u didn't have sucked the soul out of him.
“if that’s what you’re like after just my fingers, i wonder what you’ll be like when i actually fuck you.”
your breath catches, and suddenly you’re back to being all wound up again, heat pooling low in your stomach. “oh, fuck you,” you mutter, already feeling yourself get worked up again.
“not yet,” he grins, looking at his cock not even twitching, soft, soft. “but soon.”
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katiascraft · 2 days
"I'll pay the price i guess" | OP81
Parings: Oscar Piastri x famous!singer!reader.
Summary: the world hates you are dating Oscar.
Now playing: "Slut!" by Taylor Swift.
Word count: +1,3k.
Warnings: mentions of slu*, b***h, etc. pure fluff. Not a native English speaker so there could be errors. Not proofread.
Author's note: I loved writing this one 🥹 the boy that you at Osc. Don’t forget to like or reblog! And follow me so we can be friends :3 (and drink mate together!)
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Flashes were leaving you kind of blind right now. You and Oscar were invited to the Cannes festival because one of your best friends from the industry, Zendaya, invited you and your boyfriend to live the experience and see the premier of The Joker 2 movie - you absolutely adored Lady Gaga. Obviously you were so excited to be here. It was the both of you first time at the festival.
Photographers screamed at you to get pictures and made you look at them. It was a thrilling experience. You were more comfortable than Oscar with this. You came into the spotlight when you were only 17 years old with your first song that went viral on musically (TikTok of the past).
For that reason you were used to scrutiny that the media put you under. Social media was cruel to you. Everyone had an opinion on you and who you dated or not.
Oscar and you met back in 2023 when he was a rookie in formula one. You met at a party thrown in Monaco when you were on vacation. One of your friends knew Lando so you basically met because of him.
When you met Oscar you just couldn’t help but become obsessed with his Australian accent and his smile. Oh god - his smile. You fell in love with him right there hearing him giggle. You were completely flattered and he found you so adorable.
The chemistry between you two was unmatched. The way you both knew what you were thinking just by a look. The way he knew what you needed when you needed it. The way he knew his tongue will make you crumble on the bed. The way he made you grab the sheets until your knuckles went white. He was the most handsome guy you’ve ever seen. The hottest. And the sweetest soul in this world. Or at least in your world. The way he made you laugh was the serotonin you always needed to feel the happiest. And oh he knew it. He knew it all. He knew everything about you and he loved being your weakness as much as he enjoyed being yours.
Because of you being used to the spot lite. You knew it was best if you kept your thing a secret. He was new into all of the media mess and you didn’t want to be part of that. You didn’t want people to tear him down the way they did to you. You wanted to protect him. So he agreed to maintain your relationship a secret. You felt bad though. You wanted to scream to the world that you were his. And that he was yours. But you couldn’t let people destroy what you have. even as much as it hurt you.
Having a secret was nerve racking to you. You didn’t know when or how people could find out about your romance. Its was very stressful. But you had the time of your lives. It turned out to be even fun. A little tempting. You two always joked around and pretended to be friends or you hid where cameras couldn’t catch you. Most times you couldn’t be with him at the races and he couldn’t assist to your concerts when you went on tour. And that was the hardest part. Not being able to enjoy what he loved the most with him and viceversa. That broke you a little.
After being dating for a year already - you committed a mistake. You went to charle’s birthday party in Monaco. And the pictures went up online. The secret was over and the internet went mad about it. Everybody was talking about you two. Most comments were negative. People hated you two were together and happy.
That’s when you had your first panic attack. You knew how mc claren fans were about Oscar. They were so protective. He was the lover boy. The single one. The one everybody wanted. And now he wasn’t. He was yours. And the world hated it.
They called you so many things. Slut was the nicest comment on your comment section. Media was dragging you. Now everybody hated you. Since those photos came out you were the most hated person on the internet.
You and Oscar had such a rough time. He couldn’t bear how people could be so mean to you. He was hurt as much as you were. People were saying he was too good for you. But he thought otherwise. You were too good even for this cruel world. You didn’t deserve any of that shit. He was mad. The races after the pictures went up he almost didn’t do media. He answered shortly and with a poker face. He didn’t want to be part of it. And it didn’t matter. The only things that matter were you and what he did in the car. There were no need for further questions. People started hating on him for that. They said you were the problem. You made him mean and boring. You stole his light. They weren’t letting you win.
And you couldn’t believe what they said. In a world of boys he was such a gentlemen. The most caring and loving and empathic man you’ve ever known. People are cruel, so cruel. Your heart was broken.
But that didn’t end you. You knew you were end game. You were meant to be with each other. There wasn’t other way in this life. It was him. He was the one. The love you felt for each other was immense. You could get through this.
And you did.
“You okay baby?” He put you out of your thoughts with his sweet raspy voice intensifying his grip on you. You smiled widely at him. He smiled back at you. And in that moment you remembered why you were end game. You didn’t care about what people said. The only thing that mattered was him and you. Only you two against the whole world.
And if that meant to be a slut then it would be worth it for once. You didn’t care anymore. You would be the bitch of the country for him. And you know he would love it. He would love to see that people were mad in the head hating on you knowing how amazing you were. And only he did know. The world was gonna be fucked. You two were crazy that’s right. And crazy for each other too. What a thing you came to the Joker 2 premier.
You looked deep into his eyes “I’m all alright my pretty boy” you said quirky and he couldn’t resist it. He kissed you in front of the hundreds of cameras there were. You smiled in his lips. You were flustered. Red. He was the boy of your dreams. You really wanted a family with that man. He was everything to you. Photographers lost their shit there. The flashes intensified. And you felt so happy to be so open. To be real there with him. To not hide anymore.
You would take all of the hate of the world on your shoulders and enjoy it if that ment you two were gonna be together forever.
He giggled in your lips pulling apart. That melted your heart. You grabbed your dress a little so you could walk and he offered his hand. You took it and intertwined your fingers walking a little more into the red carpet. Lando and his girlfriend were ahead next to you on the carpet and they looked at you with a huge a smile. They also knew everything.
You could feel Oscar feeling so happy and proud to have you by his side.
“End game baby” he said proudly posing for the camaras grabbing you by the waist.
You fixed your hair a little smiling and posing “end game my baby boy” you said lovely making him kiss your head.
I hope you liked it 💌 if you have any ideas my inbox is open so send me your requests!
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Hi! I love how unique your works are there’s nothing like them on here!
I was wondering if I could request an ot8 reacting y/n finding a stray black cat and begging to keep it and then spoiling the cat! I thought this was a super cute fluffy request
Thanks love! Don’t forget to drink water !
P.S do you have anons ?
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���𝕣𝕠𝕛𝕖𝕔𝕥 𝕔𝕒𝕥-𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕜
Warning: fluff
Summary: Request!
A/N: no i currently don't have anons but i'm open to it!
“Psst, Lix,” she whispered towards the blonde boy. He quickly looked over at her, confused, before she yanked him off the couch with a yelp.
“What are you doing?” he whispered back. “And why are we whispering?” he asked, still puzzled.
“Shhh, not too loud. Follow me, and I’ll explain.” She grabbed his hand and slowly pulled him along, making sure to avoid everyone else in the hallway.
“I don’t like this,” he grumbled quietly. They arrived at her room, and Felix mentally prepared himself for the worst.
“Come on,” she rolled her eyes playfully before opening her door just enough for them to slip through. When they were finally inside, Felix gasped.
“Oh. My. God.”
“SHHH!” Y/N giggled, trying to keep quiet.
“Chan and Lee Know are going to kill you,” he whispered back, quickly making his way to the bed, where a ball of black fur lay.
“It’s so cute!” Felix squealed, petting the cat. “Where did you even find him?”
“Yes, it’s a him, and I found him on the way back from class,” she smiled.
“Does anyone else know?”
“Nope, you’re the first. Please don’t tell anyone,” she begged.
“I won’t, but you’ll have to tell them sooner or later because Lee Know knows everything,” Felix warned her.
Felix knew the two oldest of the group had the best instincts in the house, so by the evening, when he was playing video games with Changbin and heard Lee Know yelp, he wasn’t surprised.
“Y/N! Get in here now!” Lee Know’s loud voice echoed through the house, and Felix stifled a giggle.
“What did she do now?” Changbin asked casually.
“Brought a stray cat home,” he laughed again, trying to get comfortable on Changbin’s lap.
“Damn, she’s gonna get it,” Changbin chuckled, not even surprised at his girlfriend’s antics.
“Told her not to hide it,” Felix said, glancing up the stairs, trying to hear the conversation.
When Y/N heard her name being called, she knew she was in trouble. Lee Know had three tones when he called them:
The “dinner is ready” tone.
The “hurry up, we have to go” tone.
The “you’re in big trouble” tone.
Right now, it was the third tone, and she knew she was in deep trouble.
“Coming!” she replied, getting off the stool and collecting her books from the library.
When she stepped into the corridor, she saw her door was slightly ajar and gasped. She was busted.
“I can make a run for it,” she whispered to herself, looking for an escape route.
“Don’t even think about it,” Lee Know’s head poked around the corner of the door. “Don’t you dare.”
She sighed, defeated, before slowly making her way to her room, where she found Lee Know pacing back and forth.
“Tell me why I come to drop off a basket of your laundry and find a creature sitting on your bed?” he demanded, clearly upset.
“I—I... okay, so basically—”
“And don’t you lie to me, Y/N Y/L/N,” he said, furrowing his brows.
“I was walking home, and he wouldn’t stop following me, so I decided to keep him,” she frowned.
“You didn’t think to ask us first?” he huffed. “He was probably following you because I made you tuna wraps for lunch today.” He huffed again, crossing his arms.
“Oh... but—”
“We can’t keep him. We have too much on our plate to take care of a cat, and knowing you, you’ll end up making me take care of him,” Lee Know said, returning to put her laundry away.
“But baby... pretty please? I’ll do anything,” she whined, walking over to cling to him.
“Let go of me before I stuff you with tissues,” he grumbled, but he didn’t push her away.
“Babe, baby, the love of my life,” she pouted, trying not to laugh at his miserable expression.
“I’ll give you head for the next three weeks,” she said, knowing she rarely gave head because it wasn’t her thing.
“Make it four, and it’s a yes,” he smirked.
“Fine, deal.” She sighed, getting off him. He grabbed the laundry basket with a satisfied smile.
“You better tell Chan, or else I will,” he said before walking out, proud of the head he would be getting.
“You’re lucky you’re so cute,” she whispered to the cat, who looked back at her, puzzled and confused.
The next day, everyone had a busy schedule—everyone except Chan, who had to work from home due to an upset tummy.
“I wonder where she put it,” he muttered to himself while going through cabinets.
“Could it be in her room?” he wondered before quickly making his way to Y/N's room, hoping to find his drive.
“I really need to get her her own drive; this can’t—” He stopped in his tracks when he fully entered her room. A small cat was casually strolling around, meowing.
“What the—” he exclaimed, confused. Why was there an animal living in her room, and how long had it been there? Had he been so busy that he didn’t even notice his girlfriend sneaking around behind his back?
“Hey there, little guy,” he crouched down and started petting the cat.
“Your mama is going to be in big trouble when she gets home, yes she is,” he said in a baby voice.
“You must be very hungry, huh? Come on, let’s go make you something to eat,” he cooed at the cat before slowly picking it up, forgetting all about his search for the drive.
“Lee Know’s going to love you, hm?” he chatted with the cat as they made their way downstairs to the kitchen.
“I wonder what she named you—probably Pebble or some silly name like that,” he laughed to himself before pouring a bowl of milk.
Satisfied, he watched as the cat happily started to drink the milk while he sent a quick text to Lee Know about the new addition.
“Your other parent is going to be home in a few hours, so you better behave because I have a lot of work to do,” he said before leaving and making his way to his office.
“I'm home!” Hyunjin was the first to arrive.
“Oh, hi there!” he said, startled when he found the random cat lounging on the couch. “Aren’t you the cutest?” he cooed, stroking the kitten.
“Hey, babe?! Do you know there’s a cat in the house? Did you get it?” Hyunjin called for Chan, who quickly made his way to the living room.
“Hey, my love,” Chan said, giving him a quick kiss before laughing at the sight of the cat trying to cuddle in Hyunjin’s lap.
“I found him in Y/N's room,” he chuckled.
“Not surprised,” Hyunjin sighed. “Remember when she tried to get you to buy her a chicken?” He laughed at the memory.
“Or the pig,” Chan added, shaking his head. “I swear this cat is the closest thing we can get to normal.”
“Yeah, I overheard her telling Han how she was going to convince you to buy her a horse,” Hyunjin said, laying his head on Chan's lap and continuing to coo at the kitten.
“Please don’t tell me you’re being serious,” Chan huffed. “She’ll be the death of me.”
When the boys finally got home and were properly introduced to the new addition, Lee Know had made sure to bring some cat food, and Felix had bought some cat supplies. It was confirmed that the cat would be staying for a while.
“I’m home!” Y/N called out as she entered the house and removed her shoes.
“In here!” Han called back. She made her way to the living room, excited to greet her boyfriends, but was quickly startled to find her cat sitting on Chan’s lap while I.N. and Seungmin were petting it.
Oh no.
“I can explain!” she said, quickly putting her hands up in defense.
“Yes, you can, and you will,” Chan replied. He didn’t look mad or angry, though.
Why didn’t he look angry?
“I was walking home, and he followed me. I tried to get him to leave me alone, but he wouldn’t,” she pouted.
“I’m not mad that we have a cat now; I’m just upset that you didn’t tell me, babe,” he said, handing the cat to Seungmin to hold.
“I know, I’m sorry, but I thought you wouldn’t let me keep him,” she replied.
“We can keep him. I think it’ll give you a chance to learn what it feels like to be responsible for another life,” he said, pulling her into his arms for a quick kiss.
“Just make sure you actually take care of him and don’t do this again,” he added with a light warning.
“Thank you! I won’t, you’re the best!” she squealed.
“Oh, and Y/N,” he said before leaving the room.
“I’m not getting you a horse,” he smirked, exiting before the argument could begin. She looked at Han, feeling betrayed.
“I didn’t tell him, I swear!” he said, holding his hands up in defense while laughing with the rest of the group.
“Snitch,” she rolled her eyes. “Come on, Pebble, let’s show you around the house.”
Don't forget to reblog and follow! <3
A/N: Thank you anon!
Taglist: @ihrtlix@bowsnbang@katsukis1wife@thegingerthatwaited@thicccurls
@xxeiraxx @paleangelsweets @klaydohart @eastleighsblog @ivrespace
@galaxy4489 @purplepursepaint @catlove83 @sillystormsstuff @iwuberic
@cocofia143 @royal-shinigami @virluna148 @galaxycatdrawz @memersanonymous
@skz-stay13 @seungminsbest @hogwartslife64 @sinfulfic @hyunnesblog
@maisyyyyyy @cluelessred3 @leezanetheofficial @cocofia143 @lemonn015
@kkamismom12 @mei0packet @igetcarriedawaywithyou @hyuneyeon @iris-iiridescent
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(open: i believe i've added everyone but if you don't see your @ please comment down below)
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peachdues · 2 days
work is hell rn. have a future look at some whoredom (and a slight little hint at some angst to come!)
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You shuffle toward him on your knees. “You mean like experiment?”
Sanemi’s smoldering gaze drops to your mouth. “Yeah.” His faint smile makes heat pool in your stomach, honeyed and rich. He leans toward you, the blanket around his hips dropping a little more to reveal his sharp v-line. “We can try anything you want, til you figure out what you like.”
He cups your jaw, his thumb gliding over your lower lip. “Not like I’m in any rush. I get to see ya naked regardless, so it’s a win for me.”
Your tongue darts out to moisten your lips and Sanemi’s eyes darken. “So if I said I wanted to try it in the shower —“
“Tch. Slippery, but can be fun.”
“Against a wall?”
“You can get more creative than that.”
“In the store?”
A grin. “Now we’re talking.”
Sanemi dips his head low, catching your lips in a soft kiss. Even when he breaks away, he lingers, mere centimeters separating your mouth from his, his palm cradling your cheek.
“Tell me all the things you want me to do to you,” he traces the slope of your nose with the tip of his, his breath warm as it fans across your face. “Or what you want to do to me.”
“I —“ your eyes dart to his lips and back, your lashes fluttering with the urge to recapture his kiss. “ I — I w-want —“
The hand cupping your face slides to the back of your head. Gentle fingers twist in your hair and Sanemi pulls your head back, exposing the column of your throat.
“Go on,” he murmurs between the slow, open-mouthed kisses he places down the side of your neck. “Tell me.”
One hand massages your breast as Sanemi’s tongue flicks out against the fluttering pulse point. God, the things he did to you felt so fucking good, and this was no exception.
Snapshots of the bodice rippers you’d spent countless hours pouring over flip through your mind, until their pages blur together. The sheer possession exhibited by the brooding love interests had always made your belly flip, a tantalizing blend of passion and raw desire.
And if there is one thing you’ve learned since you’d begun sleeping with Sanemi Shinazugawa, it’s that he knows how to be possessive.
Trembling fingers latch around the wrist of the hand palming your breast, and shakily, you bring it to your throat.
“I want you to — to hold me like this while you fuck me.” You align his fingers with the side of your neck, his thumb resting somewhere over the hollow of your throat. “Hard.”
Sanemi freezes.
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new trauma unlocked!!
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sgt-tombstone · 3 days
do you think the recruits make chuck norris type jokes about the 141?
lieutenant riley doesn't go hunting, because hunting implies the possibility of being unsuccessful. lieutenant riley goes killing.
one time sergeant mactavish threw a grenade and killed five enemies. and then it exploded.
sergeant garrick sleeps with a pillow under his gun.
captain price has a bear rug in his room. it's not dead, just scared like the rest of us.
oh my god, 100% yes
Everyone thinks it started with Ghost, but Price was the original hardcore spooky bastard (in a very Chuck Norris kind of way), especially after he got promoted to captain. All of the rookies who made those kind of jokes are gone now, though, so he hasn't heard a Norris joke in a while
Enter Simon Riley.
It starts out kinda small, just an exaggerated rumor every now and then (he wears a skull mask; no matter how terrifying he is, people are going to talk), but then someone brings back Ye Olde Chuck Norris Joke, just one, and the entire mess hall lights up
Everyone is SO CAREFUL not to let Ghost hear about it, especially not the rookie who originally brought it up. By the end of the week, every rookie on base is whispering them and giggling about it. They've gotten more and more outlandish, as jokes do, and because none of the 141 do themselves any favors, especially when they step off the plane from their most recent op covered head to toe in blood, guns little more than mangled pieces of metal, their gear nearly in tatters, but they're all smiling and laughing like they're out for a day at a theme park
Price loves it. It reminds him of his younger days, before he got strapped with so much desk duty, when he really struck fear in the hearts of friends and enemies alike. He's always been the monster in the dark for terrorists, but his years have softened him around allies. Hearing the rookies whisper wild jokes back and forth is incredibly nostalgic and very affirming for him
Gaz and Soap? They're in on it, 100%. They both heard about it almost immediately after it happened and all it took was a shared glance to decide to feed the flames. Whenever they have babysitting rookie training duty, they'll drop little tidbits of "lore", most of it fake but some of it true. They don't have to stretch the truth too much because they know the lunch break gossip the next day will have blown everything out of proportion anyway. Whenever they hear a rookie go, "well, I heard...", they'll always pipe up with, "that's not how it happened, here's what really happened..." and the rookies fall for it every time. They have a shared note where they keep their favorite jokes they hear around base
Ghost hates it. He's used to striking enough fear into the hearts of rookies that they stay approximately forty-seven feet away from him at all times because the very sight of him has them shaking in their boots, but as the jokes grew more bizarre, the fear has been replaced with amusement. It's an awed sort of amusement, but still. Every time he hears a rookie giggle behind his back, he can't help but feel a bit mocked. It's fine when he calls himself nothing but a tool in the army's hand, and he's gotten used to (and comfortable with) being seen as nothing more than a walking weapon, but there are enough true stories about him to garner fear and awe; he doesn't need people making up lies.
It all comes to a head when a rookie starts talking a little too loudly, probably unaware that Ghost is even in the room. It's something stupid, so stupid that it's not even funny, but then Soap butts into the conversation, and Ghost tenses. They meet each other's eyes and Soap keeps direct eye contact as he smirks and says, "In an average living room there are a thousand objects Ghost could use to kill you, including the room itself."
Which is, objectively, true. But there's a glint in Soap's eye, the sort of mischievousness that Ghost loves so much, and he realizes that Soap just gave him the perfect opportunity. Like bait in a perfectly hidden trap. Ghost steps close to the back of the unsuspecting rookie, surrounded by a gaggle of even more unsuspecting rookies, and leans down to whisper in his ear.
"And I'll use every last one of them on you if I ever hear another joke on base, Private."
God, he hopes he isn't a corporal.
Apparently he isn't because the man jumps almost two feet in the air, a choked-off scream escaping his lungs as he whips around to find Ghost standing far too close for comfort, staring him dead in the eyes.
"Me, sir?" He stutters out, and Ghost almost smiles at the fear in his voice. The other rookies shoot to their feet as well, already edging towards the exit but unwilling to take their eyes (or ears) off of the conversation.
"Yes, you," Ghost rumbles, deep and dangerous. "If I hear anyone make a Ghost joke, I will hunt you down and show you why they call me The Ghost."
The poor soldier stammers out an affirmative, or maybe an apology, but he and his friends are out the door before Ghost can really parse out the words, and then it's just him and Soap. Soap, who's grinning like a lottery winner, eyes ablaze.
"That was hot, sir."
"You're fucked up, MacTavish," Ghost grumbles, but he can't keep the smile off his face. Maybe he could have some fun with the 141 jokes after all...
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Summary: When Dean gives you a Halloween party explanation, he also gives you a gift: a pair of wings for his angel.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Angel! Reader
Warnings: +18! (light smut), fluff, naive reader, wing kink!!!, soft, teasing, reader has a praise kink, sub!dean
Word Count: 2917
A/N: English is not my first language.
🎃── Halloween Special One-Shot ──🎃
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“Can you help me with these pumpkins, sweetie?” While he was having a hard time making a beautiful decoration for Halloween Week, Dean asked with a chuckle. He had been asking for your help, but all you were doing was smiling as you enjoyed the view while watching him. Every time he scooped a pumpkin to give it a form, his muscles stretched out, giving his hands and arms an appealing look. 
You finally got off of the chair and said, “What are the pumpkins for?” as you looked deeply into the eyes of the pumpkin and the lights within. If you touched them, you could make them look brighter. 
“It is only aesthetic for the week of Halloween. They'll be put in the garden.” Dean kept cutting, attempting to make it clear that they are meant to seem frightening.
You laughed out loud despite being confused by the whole idea, “They don't look scary to me.” You couldn't help but feel happy since you would be spending your first Halloween together as a couple with Dean. You lit the newly cut pumpkin that Dean had just made. Your heart seemed to burst with happiness as he glanced at you with pride and affection.
“Nothing is scary for you, isn't it?” Dean immediately gave you a very gentle slap on your ass, making you jump. He shot you a look as you gave him a more powerful spanking through his pants on the ass. He appeared to be in pain.
“Someday, I should give your perty ass a more serious spanking. You really need to learn a lesson. I am telling you.”
You teased him, “I can make your pain go away,” as you hurried to hug him from behind in between laughs. You tuck your head behind his massive arms and wrap your arms around his abdomen. It was difficult for him to do his job while you were being naughty. You enjoyed touching as well as teasing him. It was uncomfortable to watch Dean occupied with anything other than you since he had been battling with pumpkins since the morning. You should have been doing different things. 
“How?” Dean arched an eyebrow and said, “Will you kiss my ass?”
“Do you want me to?” You asked confused since you couldn't tell most of the time if he was being serious or joking. It was not necessary to give him a real kiss to soothe his pain, but if that was his desire, you might fulfill it with joy. He had a lovely ass. 
“Oh God,” he shook his head and moaned. When you took Dean seriously, he couldn't stop chuckling. 
“Don't bring the Lord when we are talking such things, Dean,” you said. He had an excellent connection with words, but he needed to have made more use of them by praying. “Do you really want me to kiss your ass though?” 
Grinning, you met his gaze and held it there until he turned to face you. While he was quietly laughing and confusing you even more, Dean jumped when you held his ass behind his back, signaling that you were about to unzip him and plant a kiss there. 
“Hold on,” he laughed. “Of course, it wasn't what I meant. Plus, you don't have very tough hands.”
“Okay, you lost the chance. You were on the verge of crying there; don't lie to me.” With a murmur of disappointment, you released his ass. “Also, you should not challenge an angel. I could give you one slap and turn your tight ass scarlet.” Of course, you wouldn't do it. 
He grinned at you and released his abdomen, allowing you to see whether you could help him with his pumpkins. “I wouldn't dare,” he said. “Have some mercy, woman.”
“See?” you asked, holding out a little pumpkin that you had lit up and presenting it to Dean. “I'm not always useless. I can apply whatever color you like to make it shine.”
You asked, “What do people do on Halloween?” with curiosity. You had never heard of such a concept before, so you were excitedly awaiting his response, thinking that it would be something amusing for couples like you and Dean. 
“We dress up and pretend like we're somebody else or something.” Dean stared at the pumpkin you were holding proudly and attempted to explain, “You're free to wear anything you like, even if it's weird.” It seemed like you were showing off your power as you continued to brighten them. 
“It's only a concept, sweetie, and Halloween parties are actually really enjoyable. Trust me. Wearing masks that hide your face, making it impossible for others to recognize you, so that—” Dean abruptly stopped himself before trying to spark jealousy in you, remembering the last Hallowen part he had joined. 
“Hmm,” you said, setting the pumpkin on the table while acting understanding. “Give me an example.”
After taking a breath and placing his knife on the table, Dean turned to face you and wrapped his arms over your belly. Right away, your arms found his neck and pressed your body against his. He had neglected you due to the pointless special week and pumpkins. 
He put his fingers on your ass through your pajamas and said, “For example,” which made you thrilled. “Do you recall the film we saw the week before? Shrek. Fans of the film and its characters can dress up like them. In addition, a large number of people cosplay as angels and devils. They're wearing wings on their backs.”
Crossing your arms across your chest, you scowled. “Real angels don't wear fake wings.” Then you continued to embrace Dean while attempting to justify your explanation, saying things like, “Our wings are magnificent, and none of those people have seen a real angel in their lives.” 
You added, “Demon's wings are simply ugly, but it depends on their rank, of course,” with a chuckle, before Dean said a thing. “Some of their wings are big and very thick. Actually incredibly excellent.” It wasn't appropriate of you to vocally confess that you admired some of their wings, but you spoke before you thought it through. 
Dean grimaced as you gave him an ashamed look. “Thick and big, huh?” he said, obviously annoyed by your oversharing. 
“To be honest, they are hideous. I loathe them. Not my taste,” you hugged him closer and stressed each word in an attempt to shift the topic. You did your best to lift his mood again by playing with the buttons on his shirt. “Since you're my boyfriend, I just like you the way you are. I take it that my wings are enough for the two of us.”
He gave you a quick kiss on the nose and said, “That's my girl,” which stunned you. It was dirty things you needed, not Halloween stuff. You sighed with anticipation as your mind was flooded with filthy images, and you continued to fiddle with the buttons of Dean's shirt, hoping he wouldn't be decorating pumpkins any longer. 
Dean remarked, “Just because you're being a nice angel,” and he briefly kissed you on the lips. “Now close your eyes.”
Dean said, “Just close them,” and waited for you to obey him. You closed your eyes eagerly while your mind raced with dirty ideas, wanting Dean to take action soon.
He continued to tell you not to open your eyes as you heard him go one step further. After a while, you became a bit upset and raised your voice, vowing not to. It was like he was trying to get under your skin on purpose.
You were about to get angry when you heard Dean was returning. You couldn't help but feel excited. Your body was prepared for everything.
Dean said, “All right, you can open your eyes now.”
You were perplexed to see two artificial little wings on his hands, but you didn't want to ruin his joy. Asking, “What's that?” you gently touched the white feather on it. 
“I assumed we could go to a Halloween party together. It must be fun and interesting for you to cosplay as an angel. See those plumes.” With excitement, Dean gave an explanation. 
You joyfully grabbed the wings from him and examined the feather on it on your own since he appeared to be thrilled. You didn't want to offend Dean, even if the wings were all fake and your wings were more beautiful than those small ones. After all, it was a gift, and he couldn't create real ones for you. He was extremely considerate, in fact. 
With a wide smile on your face and your pulse pounding with delight at the thought that he had truly planned to take you to a party and even bought you something, you gave him a firm embrace and left him breathless with a long kiss. 
“It's really beautiful. Thank you,” you said, giving him a timid grin that made you happy to see as he exhaled deeply in relief. 
“Don't mention it, babe.” 
You sat on the couch and played with the feather. Dean followed you. You continued to grasp his lovely present as he drew you closer into his arms and placed your head on his chest. You could see he was proud of himself, even if he didn't say it, since he knew he thought well of gifting such a thing. 
You lifted your head to see his response and said, “But don't you think my wings are prettier?” To avoid his becoming used to it, you had just once displayed yours. It was something he had to earn. Well, that was a lie. If he wanted to see it, you would show them straight immediately.
“Yours are wonderful, of course. They're larger,” said Dean. He was aware that your wings were far greater than the ones he had given you.
With pride and happiness in your heart, you gently placed the wings on the coach before turning to face Dean. “And?”
Dean gave you a wide grin as he licked his lips and said, “I didn't know angels had a praise kink,” as you swiftly got on top of him.
“And?” you asked. When he complimented you on your wings and everything else, you absolutely loved it. 
Dean put his arms around your abdomen and rolled his eyes, trapping you in his grasp. You could break free at any time, but you enjoyed his behavior when it was this way: passionate and possessive. 
He then added, “And,” which made you gasp in anticipation. Dean's lips curled as you slightly moved on his lap. His body underneath you seemed prepared for whatever it was you had planned to offer him. 
He was mostly dominating when you had sex, but you knew he was satisfied when you were in control, above him, and at your mercy. It was beyond words to watch him enjoy himself beneath you and know that it was you who was making him feel that way. Dean signaled for you to move by slipping his hands to your hips. You felt him becoming hard under you too, as he peered through your top at your stiffened nipples. You had been waiting for this time since the morning, and at last you were going to do something better.
You urged, “Come on, tell me,” as you began to rub yourself his cock. You could still feel his hardness beneath you, but it would be nicer if he wasn't wearing his sweatpants. Dean reached to put his hands on your tits, but you swiftly stopped him and put them back on your hips. 
He was obviously disappointed not to touch you because he needed it, as seen by his clenched jaw. But he needed a lesson. 
When your hips on his cock began to move quickly, he groaned, “I'm at a loss for words.” He smiled and pulled you by your back to his body so your nipples touched his chest. “If you come closer a little...” This time, you didn't resist him. 
“Like this?” you inquired, abruptly stopping on top of him to make him a little go crazy.
Dean awaited your next move. You dropped your top and exposed your tits to his sight just as he was ready to urge you for more. He always found joy in looking at you with that kind of intensity, as though he wanted to touch every inch of your body. He obviously wanted to. Repositioning your hands on his shoulders, you lifted his chin and met his eyes. He was aching under you, but you'd take what you wanted as well.
“Your wings are,” Dean said playfully. “Softer, nicer, more beautiful, perfect, lovely.” He would have laughed at you, seeing how happy you become with every compliment, if he weren't suffering under you. 
His attractive face was seized by your hands on his chest, and you gave him a frantic kiss. When you grabbed his hands and indicated for him to gently stroke your back, where your wings ought to be, Dean was smling on your lips. You became wetter on him the more he stroked your spine. You couldn't stop groaning into his lips because your back and spine were arching with such ecstasy. When Dean began pressing his fingers there, his smile vanished, seeing you getting pleasure.
Just by stroking your back, he was going to ruin you. 
You were ready to experience pleasure together when you made the decision to reveal your wings to him again because it was Halloween. You paused to let him catch his breath. “You're a very generous angel today, aren't you?” he said after really feeling your wings between both of his hands. Dean groaned as he took a little back to better see your gigantic wings. 
You said, “Just because you're generous too,” and allowed him to touch you because he seemed to like it. 
“Is there anything you want me not to do?” Since you weren't displaying your wings very much and you let Dean touch you on a regular basis, he didn't know what exactly to do. Since your relationship was new, this was your chance to move forward. You trusted him with your life. Your spine tingled with excitement as you realized that both of your bodies were covered with your wings, and he was in awe. 
With joy, you closed your eyes as his fingertips found every inch on your wings. This is something you ought to have allowed him to do from the very beginning. You leant back in pleasure and let out a loud moan as soon as he touched a sensitive spot. Without knowing if he hurt you or not, Dean's hands stopped right away. 
“Don't stop!” Pushing him to continue, you took his hand and placed it in the same location. “Press your fingers a little harder.”
“You're a horny angel, aren't you?” Dean moaned as you began to roll your hips on his hard cock, skillfully caressing the sensitive area, as if he knew just what to do. Each move you made had your tits bouncing. He needed to take care of your wings before he could touch and lick your tits, as you could sense, or else you would lose your mind soon.
“Just for you,” you said with approval as you met his green eyes directly. Your cheeks were flushed with delight. “More.”
"Damn right. Good girl,” he praised once more, making your heart melt with bliss and desire. “Come on, you're almost there.”
Dean encouraged you to move on him quicker by applying more pressure on your hips on his cock with your hips as your moans became louder. He didn't close his eyes while you were experiencing such incredible pleasure that your wings were moving wildly. It was getting hotter by the way he was staring at you, almost as if he were worshipping you. You wanted him to love you as much as you loved him, to cherish and adore you. 
You screamed out “Dean!” as your orgasm hit powerfully. Your spine arched with the intensity of the moment, your legs and even your wings trembling wildly. You knew your underwear had been ruined and your walls were squeezing around nothingness. 
He began to spill into his boxers with a muffled sigh when  your climax triggered his as well. It was both fascinating and existing to see him ruin his sweatpants with his seed.
When you both came to your senses, Dean kissed your forehead, stroked your wings tenderly, and drew you even nearer. You asked, “What now?” as Dean adjusted your top.
As he was still gasping for air, Dean grinned at you since you were so enthusiastic and prepared to go all the way. He didn't move, although he felt somewhat hot under your wings. 
He moved your body a bit closer to him and stated, “I need to take a shower, obviously.” He felt like a teenager knowing he just came in his boxers, but it was satisfying. 
“Do angels wash their wings?” abruptly asked Dean. 
His silly question made you laugh so hard you couldn't stop. You waited for his response after answering, “If you want to know the answer, we can shower together.” Under the water, you could feel each other far more strongly and deeply. 
Dean licked his lips and grinned at you, saying, “Well, I can't wait to find out the answer then. Just for scientfic reasons.”
It's a silly little one-shot, but let me know what you think please. Hehehe. You can check my MASTERLIST for more.
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