Grian said fuck the Government
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
Just an observation
Been reading through a bunch of fics and comments and I just wanted to say something.
Please be kind to each other.
If you don’t like something someone else has written, don’t read/share/interact with it.  
Rule 1 (also the only one) is “Don’t be a dick” 
I’ll also take a message from Joe: Be the fandom you want to see in the world.
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
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ren, during doc’s stream, being a horny furry as usual
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
Hermitcraft Asks
🗣️ which hermit has the best voice?
#️⃣ fav season?
💖 fav hermit?
🏠 fav base?
😈 fav prank?
💜 fav alternate persona?
⛳ fav minigame?
💸 fav shop?
💭 any headcanons?
⚔️ fav weapon name?
🤝 fav alliance?
🎉 hermit you'd love to see return?
👾 what do you think is in Area 77?
☹️ hermit you don't watch but would like to?
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
Hey! I'm taking arts reqs for Hermits! Spend em in!
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
[Crumpled Wings and Bitter Omens] - Chapter 1
New people don’t randomly appear on the island. It isn’t a thing that happens - ever. Sure, when the world regenerates, new people sometimes appear, and old ones disappear, but it only happens when the hermits wake up to new surroundings and nothing in their pockets. Or, when they go through portals to their new, young world. However, when someone washes up on the shore of the main island with crumpled wings, torn clothes, and messy hair, the hermits aren’t sure who they are or what’s going on - especially when misfortune comes to everyone who this new person visits.
Chapter 1 is finished! I’ll be posting it to Ao3 in the next few days, but for now? Here you go!
Wordcount -  1527 words
People - Grian, Iskall85, Rendog, Mumbo Jumbo, Minesona
Rating - T
They awoke to someone gently nudging them, accompanied by soft, incomprehensible whispers and words they figured were directed to them. Slowly, their eyes blinked open - or, in the case of their cybernetic left eye, blink on. It took a long moment for them to realize that the fuzziness in their eyesight on their right side wasn’t from just disorientation, especially as they used their hand to push the plume of bright purple hair from in front of their eyes, and heard a soft,
“That’s a pretty nasty scar…” It was a male’s voice, slightly on the higher side, but clearly male, and carrying an accent. They didn’t quite know the accent.
Slowly, they looked up, surveying the few people that surrounded them. Vaguely, they could make out three forms. Two of these people stood a little ways away, quietly arguing, while a third knelt down to their level, his head tilted, brown hair wet with what they could only assume was seawater - after all, they could notice the taste of salt in their mouth, and could hear the sound of waves behind them.
The one thing that startled them about these three was how heavily armored all of them were, and it caused them to recoil when the first man reached out his hand. Immediately, he seemed to notice their fright, and drew back his hand. Quietly, he hushed them, slowly rising from his kneeling position.
“Ren, you said you have no idea how…” the man trailed off as he turned to face one of the others, who were quietly arguing. “Ren. You don’t have any idea how… They got here?” He gestured to them, causing them to tilt their head.
One of the men, who they figured was Ren, shook his head, replying with, “No, you were the first one who saw them. When I went mining…" He trailed off, shaking his head.
"... Alright." The first man shifted his weight back, softly frowning as he settled his hands on his hips. "Well, we should probably try to get the other hermits together, and… See if we can get them cleaned up!"
Turning back around, he started back towards them, slipping off his armor and replacing it with what seemed to be wings. Frowning, they said nothing, watching as the man extended his hand. 
"I'm Grian. Let's get you some food and healing potions so you can start regenerating, yeah?" he said, voice kind. Even with their blurry eyesight, they could make out a vague, but bright smile.
Hesitantly, they nodded, taking his hand and standing slowly. Looking around, they frowned a bit as they attempted to make sense of their surroundings. Even through the hazy fog that obscured part of their vision, they could make out trees, flowers, and grass that faded into sand around them. Slightly tightening their grip on Grian’s hand, they took a deep breath, but a movement from one of the other men caused their head to whip over to him.
“You know that we’ll have to carry them,” came the slightly deeper voice. That wasn’t Ren - that was the guy that Ren had been talking (arguing?) to. “Or, at least, one of us will, and another will have to get all the hermits together.”
“I’ll do it. If all else fails, we can have them live in my ship in a bottle, anyways,” Grian offered, shrugging. There was a pause, before he glanced over to the new person, watching for a moment as they stared quietly over the ocean.
They jumped when he settled his hand on their shoulder, and looked over at him. He smiled brightly, head tilting a bit. For a second, they opened their mouth a bit, before shaking their head and closing it again.
“... Come on, I’ll be careful, despite what Iskall must think. You ready to set off?” he asked, waiting until he got a nod from them, before moving to stand behind them. Hooking his arms under their armpits, it took him a few tries before he could take off.
He was, indeed, careful, taking it slow from him - he quickly realized that they would flinch and faintly whimper if they felt like the two of them would be going too fast. They also would squirm from the sound of fireworks going off too quickly in succession, so that slowed their pace.
It didn’t matter, though, as he carefully lead them through Mumbo’s base, into the ship in the bottle - thankfully he was mining, so it was safe for the duo to go through the tunnel that connects the two buildings.
“Well, what we’ll need to do… Is end up getting you a bed, for one,” they heard Grian mumble to himself as they quietly explored the small area. Whenever they would glance at him, he had his head shoved in another chest, still talking to himself, but the wood stifled his words, making it difficult for them to hear him.
However, this must be where they were staying - for a while, most likely. Knowing that, they took some time to themselves so they could acquaint themself with the area. It wasn’t a large area in any stretch of the idea, but they did enjoy how small it was, and how, when they looked through the glass that surrounded them, they could see the faint forms of fish swim by. Smiling softly, they tilted their head, a hand against the glass.
“Hey, uh… I’m gonna see if I can get you a bed, alright?” Grian asked, glancing over to them. He grinned when they nodded. “Alright, then I’ll see you in a little while!” He exited the bottle, leaving them alone.
They could faintly make out the sun setting through the water above them when they heard an unfamiliar voice cursing from inside the ship. Sitting up quickly, they looked towards the entrance, before clambering on top the best they could and hiding there.
Watching as a black haired head poked its way out of the ship, before a lanky body followed it, they shook a bit. Vaguely, they could see red splotches on the man’s dress shirt, and they couldn’t quite tell what it was - it could basically be anything, they figured. Dye, blood… Something else. Scanning over him, they could vaguely make out a suit jacket hanging off of his arm, but it didn’t seem like he was holding anything else. That allowed them to relax a little bit, and they sunk down to their knees as they watched the man quietly.
He settled down after a few minutes, taking a deep breath. This gave them the chance to slip down from their hiding spot in order to investigate this new person better. Unfortunately, the movement made the boards under their feet creak, and they tensed as the man quickly perked up, standing and looking around.
“Who are you?” he asked, gaze finally settling on them. With the silence that they offered, tension came, and this dark haired man shifted uncomfortably, swallowing hard. “I asked-” he cut himself off there, shaking his head. “I’m Mumbo, are you… Able to speak?”
They simply shrugged, looking over him. All they knew was that their throat felt harsh, dry - sorta like they’d swallowed a handful of sand. There was a chance that they did, in all honesty, but they pushed it out of their mind as they looked for something to write with and on. Heading into the ship, they pulled a sign from off the wall and scrubbed the writing off of it with their jacket sleeve. Scribbling something out on the sign, they set it down in front of Mumbo.
I dunno yet. They wrote simply, then frowned. For a second, they tried to say something, but it only escaped their mouth as a wheezing squeak - nothing more.
“Alright. You… Uh, you don’t need to try to speak just yet, but…” Mumbo hesitated, looking down as he frowned and attempted to think of a few yes/no questions for them to answer. “Did Grian bring you here..?” He watched as they nodded at that, and he smiled - it made sense. “Are you hungry?” Hesitantly, they shrugged, a frown twitching at the corners of their mouth. “Do you want me to get you food?” Quickly, they nodded, smiling brightly.
That was the first time they actually, truly smiled that day, and they felt a bit better. A small shudder of happiness went through their body as an involuntary light cooing sound rumbled from someplace in the base of their throat, and they clasped their hands together.
He chuckled lightly, before pausing. “One more question…” he started, causing them to look to him. “Can you.. See well, by any chance? I noticed you-” They cut him off with a quick shake of their head. “Alright… Then we’ll get you glasses or something to help. I’ll be back soon enough.”
With that, he started back into the ship and down, disappearing into the tunnel system that lead to his base. Once again, they were left alone, but this time, they settled down on the ground, quietly looking up at the sky through the glass of the bottle.
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
So was anyone gonna tell me that Cleo checked out the Hermitcraft Tumbr Tag or...?
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
Here’s the poll for my fanfic title! It’s gonna be running for a week, and… Keep in mind my summary!
Summary: People don’t randomly appear on the island. It isn’t a thing that happens - ever. Sure, when the world regenerates, new people sometimes appear, and old ones disappear, but it only happens when the hermits wake up to new surroundings and nothing in their pockets. Or, when they go through portals to their new, young world. However, when someone washes up on the shore of the main island with crumpled wings, torn clothes, and messy hair, the hermits aren’t sure who they are or what’s going on - especially when misfortune comes to everyone who this new person visits.
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
[Title Pending] (WIP)
A sneak peek of my Hermitcraft Fanfic! I decided to at least give you guys the first half of Chapter 1 before I properly post it! So, here you go! Enjoy so far!
People don’t randomly appear on the island. It isn’t a thing that happens - ever. Sure, when the world regenerates, new people sometimes appear, and old ones disappear, but it only happens when the hermits wake up to new surroundings and nothing in their pockets. Or, when they go through portals to their new, young world. However, when someone washes up on the shore of the main island with crumpled wings, torn clothes, and messy hair, the hermits aren’t sure who they are or what’s going on - especially when misfortune comes to everyone who this new person visits.
They awoke to someone gently nudging them, accompanied by soft, incomprehensible whispers and words they figured were directed to them. Slowly, their eyes blinked open - or, in the case of their cybernetic left eye, blink on. It took a long moment for them to realize that the fuzziness in their eyesight on their right side wasn’t from just disorientation, especially as they used their hand to push the plume of bright purple hair from in front of their eyes, and heard a soft,
“That’s a pretty nasty scar…” It was a male’s voice, slightly on the higher side, but clearly male, and carrying an accent. They didn’t quite know the accent.
Slowly, they looked up, surveying the few people that surrounded them. Vaguely, they could make out three forms. Two of these people stood a little ways away, quietly arguing, while a third knelt down to their level, his head tilted, brown hair wet with what they could only assume was seawater - after all, they could notice the taste of salt in their mouth, and could hear the sound of waves behind them.
The one thing that startled them about these three was how heavily armored all of them were, and it caused them to recoil when the first man reached out his hand. Immediately, he seemed to notice their fright, and drew back his hand. Quietly, he hushed them, slowly rising from his kneeling position.
“Ren, you said you have no idea how…” the man trailed off as he turned to face one of the others, who were quietly arguing. “Ren. You don’t have any idea how… They got here?” He gestured to them, causing them to tilt their head.
One of the men, who they figured was Ren, shook his head, replying with, “No, you were the first one who saw them. When I went mining…" He trailed off, shaking his head.
"... Alright." The first man shifted his weight back, softly frowning as he settled his hands on his hips. "Well, we should probably try to get the other hermits together, and… See if we can get them cleaned up!"
Turning back around, he started back towards them, slipping off his armor and replacing it with what seemed to be wings. Frowning, they said nothing, watching as the man extended his hand. 
"I'm Grian. Let's get you some food and healing potions so you can start regenerating, yeah?" he said, voice kind. Even with their blurry eyesight, they could make out a vague, but bright smile.
Hesitantly, they nodded, taking his hand and standing slowly. Looking around, they frowned a bit as they attempted to make sense of their surroundings. Even through the hazy fog that obscured part of their vision, they could make out trees, flowers, and grass that faded into sand around them. Slightly tightening their grip on Grian’s hand, they took a deep breath, but a movement from one of the other men caused their head to whip over to him.
“You know that we’ll have to carry them,” came the slightly deeper voice. That wasn’t Ren - that was the guy that Ren had been talking (arguing?) to. “Or, at least, one of us will, and another will have to get all the hermits together.”
“I’ll do it. If all else fails, we can have them live in my ship in a bottle, anyways,” Grian offered, shrugging. There was a pause, before he glanced over to the new person, watching for a moment as they stared quietly over the ocean.
They jumped when he settled his hand on their shoulder, and looked over at him. He smiled brightly, head tilting a bit. For a second, they opened their mouth a bit, before shaking their head and closing it again.
“... Come on, I’ll be careful, despite what Iskall must think. You ready to set off?” he asked, waiting until he got a nod from them, before moving to stand behind them. Hooking his arms under their armpits, it took him a few tries before he could take off.
He was, indeed, careful, taking it slow from him - he quickly realized that they would flinch and faintly whimper if they felt like the two of them would be going too fast. They also would squirm from the sound of fireworks going off too quickly in succession, so that slowed their pace.
It didn’t matter, though, as he carefully lead them through Mumbo’s base, into the ship in the bottle - thankfully he was mining, so it was safe for the duo to go through the tunnel that connects the two buildings.
“Well, what we’ll need to do… Is end up getting you a bed, for one,” they heard Grian mumble to himself as they quietly explored the small area. Whenever they would glance at him, he had his head shoved in another chest, still talking to himself, but the wood stifled his words, making it difficult for them to hear him.
However, this must be where they were staying - for a while, most likely. Knowing that, they took some time to themselves so they could acquaint themself with the area. It wasn’t a large area in any stretch of the idea, but they did enjoy how small it was, and how, when they looked through the glass that surrounded them, they could see the faint forms of fish swim by. Smiling softly, they tilted their head, a hand against the glass.
“Hey, uh… I’m gonna see if I can get you a bed, alright?” Grian asked, glancing over to them. He grinned when they nodded. “Alright, then I’ll see you in a little while!” He exited the bottle, leaving them alone.
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
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A new little build because I like birch wood and cozy lighting. ALSO, you can peek the Mini Villa on the other side of the hill in the second screenshot!
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
Quick mention that I have a ko-fi!
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
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Promo me? I’m a new Mineblr, I write, draw, all that, and do commissions.
You’ll see WIP builds eventually, as well as get to read my Hermitcraft fanfic that I’m writing! Not only that, but I’ll be starting up an askblog at some point! Mostly text based, but based on my Minesona.
Tags below. (there’s only a few)
@mumboisafk @mega-taiga @short-enderman
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
Hey if you want me to write stuff for you, I have a price chart! Anything more and we can discuss it
500 words - $5
1,000 words - $10
1,500 words - $15
2,000 words - $20
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
Here’s the poll for my fanfic title! It’s gonna be running for a week, and… Keep in mind my summary!
Summary: People don’t randomly appear on the island. It isn’t a thing that happens - ever. Sure, when the world regenerates, new people sometimes appear, and old ones disappear, but it only happens when the hermits wake up to new surroundings and nothing in their pockets. Or, when they go through portals to their new, young world. However, when someone washes up on the shore of the main island with crumpled wings, torn clothes, and messy hair, the hermits aren’t sure who they are or what’s going on - especially when misfortune comes to everyone who this new person visits.
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
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Doc comin out of the time machine like’
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
Hey if you want me to write stuff for you, I have a price chart! Anything more and we can discuss it
500 words - $5
1,000 words - $10
1,500 words - $15
2,000 words - $20
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
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bog witch build!
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vexsoviet-blog · 6 years ago
Here’s the poll for my fanfic title! It’s gonna be running for a week, and... Keep in mind my summary!
Summary: People don’t randomly appear on the island. It isn’t a thing that happens - ever. Sure, when the world regenerates, new people sometimes appear, and old ones disappear, but it only happens when the hermits wake up to new surroundings and nothing in their pockets. Or, when they go through portals to their new, young world. However, when someone washes up on the shore of the main island with crumpled wings, torn clothes, and messy hair, the hermits aren’t sure who they are or what’s going on - especially when misfortune comes to everyone who this new person visits.
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