#god damn it kennith
exchangersilverr · 2 years
Aww, don't like your sibling? How cruel. Mean, even. /teasing
Too many people in this damn house. I last saw it trying a Team Star base. It is severely underleveled. It's crying. /reference. Hostie said she was going to finish the dex eventually, buuuuttt.... Yeah, no.
If god is real, mine is a prankster, because I woke up to it being a few degrees above freezing this morning. Fast forward to Autumn here, too, please. Tired of it being hot, then cold.
- Kennith. :)
Noooo it has nothing to do with meeee--
Start telling your headmates to pay rent-- /j Yeeeeeah there's a Team Star base that's right near some of the earlier game stuff that isn't actually meant to be fought until a bit later but like I said before I very much did not play in order. I don't think I can finish the 'dex for a while but I'll try. Eventually.
I just want it to be cold! I want to be able to wear my warm and comfy clothes! I want to wear hoodies all the time. But that's not for a few months I guess.
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.........................oh boy
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
HMMM most of them id rather not talk about since theyre really personal/a lot of them arent really secrets since i have talked abt them but they can easily go unnoticed sooooo
im confessing to having a thing for gloves i guess??? specifically black cloth gloves (im not a fan of leather, feels Weird) so. ye. 
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?
All (in the end id probably be getting hugged tho haha im v awkward at hugging vs being hugged)
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
CARBINKS!!! anything that i deem cute is my favourite (ex. r/owlets, m/imikyus, bonus since theyre a dark/fairy >:3c!!, pum/pkaboo, etc) 
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
donald trump would be dead and obama can stay president for another 4 years until the world gains potential candidates that arent shitty
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
I Dont Think I Want To Talk About It. ill just link the post. (btw thats my dream journal blog, i should use it more)
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
i have multiple so hmm.....maybe the fact they put up with my gay bullshit
😘 talk about your crush or partner
gay. moving on.
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?
ya betch
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
-cuteness factor
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?
HMM im mainly scared of losing my friends and thatll take more than just mental training to move on, but uhh i DO have a mild fear of getting assaulted..........idk how to fix that bc its actually really bad paired up w paranoia
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
kuro kiryu. he can also easily make me cRY WHEN HES A FUCKING RANKING CARD.
💙 what annoys you about some people?
when they do stuff theyre not asked to do and complain like “oh my GOd [persons name] why cant you do this??? im so tired, i just wanna rest, but i HAVE to do this!!” like shut up no one asked you to do it, if youre so tired to rest first and then do it.
another irritating thing is people who use the term “special snowflake” unironically especially on kids who make edgy/mary sue ocs like shut up ugly let them grow up and regret their choices by themselves, dont teach them its okay to make fun of younger people for their edgy ocs
😤 do you get angry easily?
irritated??? ya, angry??? no
youd have to do some fucked shit to get me angry, but i do get irritated fast
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?
-education system
-change how the U.S. ignores the struggles of third world countries unless it profits them/benefits them
-solar energy  
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
kiss - wataru
befriend - rei
marry - natsume
kill - shu
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
SAN DIEGO!!! its got such a nice vibe, its never too hot there, NATURE!!! I LOVE THE SCENERY THERE EVEN IN THE CITY THERES TREES AND ITS SO NICE!! its just got such a nice vibe to it i havent felt anywhere else and its SO NICE!!
☕️ talk about your ideal day
ideal day, i get to be home alone, play both of AKATSUKI’s albums while talking and playing games with friends without worry ill be too loud to anyone else, i get good food, and i have a nice dream that i remember vividly
alternatively, visiting a bunch of greenhouses/nature filled areas would be Great
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
uhh im gonna go with ambivert/introvert leaning
💧 when was the last time you cried?
crying as in “i feel like Death”, literally a few hours ago because i remember the daikagura kuro.....
as in actually breaking down, yesterday was really bad grhgra
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
1. love letter of the brilliance of cherry blossoms
2. temptation magic
3. ryusei hanabi
4. hinakura to neji ama 
5. the living ghost is alive
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
HMMM this is actually hard for me to pick bc ive had multiple kins where i had powers fuc UHHH
its really hard for me to pick just one, so i guess ill just list off top 5 and why
1. teleportation - i could teleport to my friends cities, also i could prob trick people into thinking im running when im just teleporting inch by inch/foot by foot >:3c
2. deceiving ability like kano - ,,,it seems pretty neat
3. the ability to cheer people up - ,,, it seems pre
4. shapeshifting/transformation - theres absolutely no consequences to being able to make myself taller.........
5. weapon/item creation - i could just make headphones instead of buying them AND i can ensure theyll last
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
dont worry about how youre being treated now, itll get better
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
ahh, its hard for me to be jealous uhh
in one aspect, i guess te/tora since hes so energetic and hes paired so often with ku/ro...im pretty jealous
in another aspect, j/acksep/ticeye or th/omas san/ders. id love to be able to make a difference to others like how they do, not to mention id love to be as energetic as them
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
bravery definitely. im fairly kind, i have enough brain power (OOOOO AIEOU JOO-) to get by, im fine with how cute i am >;3c, wealth is good but over bravery which im very much lacking in, id rather be brave so i could do so many things id love to do......
🙊 what are you ashamed of?
in a joking manner: my kink for intimidating characters. @ me chill
in a serious matter: probably the fact im awful at trying to cheer people up and i feel awful fornot even trying anymore
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
i know english, im VERY limited in thai/lao/japanese, and i know next to nothing of spanish/german/french but i did take a few notes about them bc i was bored. i wanna learn thai/lao the most so i can connect with my culture more, but japanese would be nice since a lot of stuff i enjoy is japanese and i dont wanna hastle others to translate stuff for me haha
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
a universe where im energetic, not lazy, and motivated to continue on in life and make the world just a tad bit better. and i live with my friends in a nice house in san diego!!
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?
,,, i really dont know, and thats why im disappointed in myself
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
demon. theres so many types of demons i dont have to be malicious, plus i could blend in fairly well. theres no rly big downside except ill be frowned upon by other divines
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
someone: you hurt my boyfriend you take away his fp you pretty much fuck him over and you proceed to have gross/abusive kinks shut the fuck up ugly i hate you so much and i never even talked to you i never want to see you mention his url or name ever again youre so awful
something: school fucking sucks and i can bring up a lot of reasons for this. 1: some of the teachers hired are only hired to educate, so personality wise they could be oppressive towards their students. 2: while i do feel like having a core lesson plan is okay, FORCING kids into certain core subjects is bad and they end up not learning because they feel like they HAVE to be their best or else theyll fail, and thats awful. the grading system isnt completely awful, since it shows kids areas that need to be improved, but making it some life changing thing is just...bad...because at that point it goes from “well you need to improve in these areas, so why dont we offer you help so theyll be easier!!” to “GET BETTER AT THIS OR BE FOREVER UNEMPLOYED” and i hate it. i could rant about this.
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately
ive just been.....depressed bc of low swing my dude. a big issue would be my entire “i want to do good but i suck” thing, and yesterday i had a really bad dream as stated earlier and it made me extremely anxious for the entire day until i finally talked to my friend about it. theres also the fact i have school but theres no way i can finish it now
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
vet, now im like...im unsure... i wanna get into architech/floor planning/house designing and also be sort of like a youtube/internet idol??? if that makes sense......idk
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
ice cream is one of the only ones i can tolerate haha- i LOVE mochi ice cream but i cant get them fresh here since theres no east asian centric stores here (only southeast/hispanic fusion stores) so rip... ia lso like cheesecake a fair bit
🍑 what are you obsessed with?
kur/o kiryu. or e/nstars in general i guess
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed?
my breathing gets a bit faster, my chest starts vaguely aching and i get nauseous
😪 what are you sick of?
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
nope, not really. i do awful at horror games, im terrified of roller coasters, and the thought of jumping out of a plane makes me wanna decay
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
sh/u it/suki is Bad. the y/oi fandom is made up 80% of really bad fuj/oshi who later hopped onto an extremely controversial manhwa. hea/thens wasnt too bad of a song. i still like mi/necraft/happy tr/ee friends. i like rh/ythm games but dont like rh/ythm heaven. mc/a wasnt awful. ut/apri as an anime isnt too bad but definitely doesnt match up to the games quality in both art and story telling. id/olm@st/er is a tad bit over rated. ens/tars should be localized to ENG.
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person?
haha nope
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
draw/VERY rarely sew/read tarot, which is what im supposed to be doing anyways
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
uhhh it was either te/mptation magic or love letter of the brilliance of cherry blossoms
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
how i cant cheer people up or help people be more positive. ir aelly dont know how i can improve it my dude, but im thinking.
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
usually bunnies, but if im feelin crafty ill doodle an anime char
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams?
age mostly
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you?
INTP, and idk its just there
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
“the battle: ra*bits” MMMMMMMMM nito. dgmw i love mits/uru and i loved how energetic he was + i liked mitsuru too but ni/to introduced me to ku/ro in my canon and he was very supporting of me/tried his best to help me
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?
i dont really have a CELEBRITY celebrity fave but itd def be t/homas sanders internet wise
🐴 opinion on __?
“holds up kiibo”
a good boi. i trust him
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
ehh its actually really hard for me to become emotionally unless im deeply attached to something sooo not really
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
ghost girl, maximum ride, and cr*zy
i dont remember any quotes from the first and last books BUT “WE’RE LIKE FREAKIN BALLERINAS AND YOU ARE LIKE A FRIDGE WITH WINGS” will always be my fave
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
listen to music, isolate myself justtt a tad bit, and try to distract myself. it helps to a certain extent, but it wont save my ass
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?
k/uro ki
🌍 which country do you live in?
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
a fucking asshole
🐵 which quotes changed you?
“you think youre ugly but youre just not your type” -some tumblr post i cant find atm
💭 do you keep a diary?
i keep a dream journal, but i stopped keeping diaries because im wayyy too paranoid someones gonna snoop
💫 who inspires you?
HMMMM chi/aki morisawa, tho/mas sanders, and j/acksepticeye
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
ye, theres no proof that they DONT exist (although you could argue theres also no evidence that they DO exist), PLUS i have had some experiences with ghosts! also itd be fuckin....awkward if id idnt considering i wanna get into s/pirit work
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
ko/toko ut/sugi is the only way i could describe it. kinda gothic-punk??? i used to be into yum/ekawaii and fa/iry kei but i ended up falling out of them.
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
MMM ri/se of the gua/rdians was pretty good, zo/otopia was also good...the book of life was really good and i wanna watch it again now ahhh
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
idonthaveonemymemorypastsixmonthsisgoneandmychildhoodwasfilledwithmebeinginsulted UHH one time in 6th grade i dated a dude and he gave me a teddybear/candy for valentines day and it was really nice, i felt bad since i didnt get him anything and i feel bad for not even breaking up with him to his face
🐱 what’s your dream pet like?
bunny. thats all
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be?
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kitsunes-multiverse · 2 years
Never Alone Again
Chapter 12: The Painful Truth Comes Out
"Are you sure you wanna do this?"
Kitsune asked, as her and Chris strolled through the town. It had been about a week since his nightmare, and he's been rather antsy ever since. At the moment, they were on their way to the convenience store that Kennith and Stephanie hung out at. Apparently, the store's cashier, a young man named Greg, knew about the full history of the murder. The plan was for them to get the answers they've been curious about, yet hesitant to actually get.
"Yes, of course I am. If I don't get the answers now, I doubt I'll have the courage to get them later." Chris responded, before glancing at her. "Besides, aren't you curious as well? I know this has been bothering you, just as much as it's been bothering me.
The redhead hummed a little. He wasn't wrong- she was quite curious. "Hmm.. Well, yeah, I'm curious too... But what if it's... really bad? Like, what if it isn't what you wanna hear?" She questioned.
"I'll take my chances. Anyways, here we are." Chris responded, as him and Kitsune reached their destination.
It was a quaint little place. The whole front side of the building had a large window- aside from the doorframe. It gave them a perfect view of the front desk, where a college-aged guy was sitting- talking to Kennith and Stephanie. He had long caramel hair, and black framed glasses. He had a casual, lazy smile on his face as he talked to the teens. Kitsune had assumed that this was the Greg that Kennith had told her about.
"Right then, guess this is it.." Kitsune mumbled, before stepping inside- her ghostly roommate following her. The bell over the door rang out, alerting the other occupants.
"Oh, hey Kit! Nice to see ya again!" Kennith greeted, smiling as Stephanie gave a polite wave. Greg looked over at her.
"So you're Kit, huh? Nice to meetcha, dude. I'm Greg." He introduced himself, holding a fist up. Kitsune giggled, bumping it with her own.
"Likewise. Anyways, I came here out of... curiosity, I guess. Is it alright if I ask you something?" She asked.
"Sure thing, man. Fire away." Greg responded, leaning back in his chair.
"So... Kennith told me at some point that you know about the mansion that's a bit farther away. And like, its history. This true?" The redhead asked.
"Heh, damn right it is." Greg responded. "I guess I'm not surprised you're askin- you live there now, right? Makes sense for you to be curious. I sure as hell would be." He chuckled a bit.
"Anyways, I don't suppose ya wanna know what happened there?" He guessed.
"Hit the nail on the head." Kitsune nodded.
Greg paused, thinking for a moment. "Right then, let's see... God, it's been a minute since I had to tell this story." He stated, before collecting his thoughts.
"Right, so- there was this family- the Pierres. There were five people I think- Cedric, Aubriella, Christian, Belladonna, and Christopher." He started off. "They were like- really rich or somethin'. They dressed and acted like it. I only ever really encountered Belladonna and Christopher, to be honest... Though I can't say I liked my interactions with Christopher all that much."
Immediately upon hearing that last bit, Chris started to get anxious. What was that supposed to mean? Kitsune seemed a bit concerned, but pressed on. "Why's that? What was he like?" She asked.
"He was... honestly kinda manipulative. Like, he always seemed to know something about you that you never told anyone. It freaked me the fuck out. He always had a taunting tone to his voice... I won't lie, as messed up as it is, I'm glad he's gone." Greg responded.
Chris was already feeling rather mortified, now knowing how messed up he was. "I... I was like that...?" He questioned, even though Kitsune was the only one that could hear.
"Jesus Christ... So... Do you think that's why the killer got to them? Because he was so... bad?" Kitsune asked, keeping her shock under wraps. It was just so hard to believe that Christopher, the same ghost that had been nothing but kind to her, was the same guy who was just so awful to those around him.
Greg hissed a bit, sucking air in through his teeth. "That's, uh... That's the thing... The killer, well... Y'see, he's dead too. And we know that cuz, well..."
"Christopher's the one that killed em. And apparently, he also committed his friend- Lilith I think- to kill herself."
Kitsune's eyes widened a bit. "He what?!" She gasped. "Wha... Why?" She asked.
Greg only shrugged. "I couldn't tell ya. There's been theories that he secretly hated his family, but I guess we'll never know." He stated.
The young woman hummed, processing everything. That was... a lot to take in. It left a lot more questions than it did answers. The biggest one to her was- if all that is true, then why is the ghost of the killer so... sweet?
She glanced over to where he would be, trying to gauge his reaction. However, when she did so, she noticed he was gone. He must've ran off, she assumed. 'Ah, fuck...' She thought, turning to Greg.
"Thanks for the info, Greg. I'd love to gang out more, buuuut I gotta go feed my cat." The redhead lied.
"Alrighty then. Take care." Greg responded.
After bidding her friends goodbye, she calmly left the shop. As soon as she was out of view of the windows, she booked it. Past killer or not, she was still worried about Chris. It was clear that his current form and his alive form were practically two completely different people, so she'd feel bad if she didn't check on him. He must've been very distraught..
Finally reaching the house, Kitsune walked up the steps. She panted, completely out of breath. Her legs hurt, but she still wasn't done yet. She entered the house, noticing it to be rather silent.
She hummed a little, instantly feeling worried. "Chris?" She called, beginning to walk around. "Chris? Hey, where are you?" She hollered. Still no response.
It was only when she walked up the stairs did she finally hear something. Her heart snapped in half once she realized what it was. It was muffled sobbing, as though someone was burying their face into something to keep themselves quiet. The young woman frowned, feeling sympathy for the poor ghost.
Following the sound, she eventually made it to Chris's bedroom. The door was cracked open slightly, allowing her to peek inside. The sight was heartbreaking. Her ghostly friend was laying on his bed, burying his face into the pillow he was holding as he wept into it. Blue stains were becoming noticeable, presumably from his tears. His body shook and trembled with each hiccup that left his mouth.
"Chris..." Kitsune mumbled, walking over and sitting by him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it. "It's alright... I'm here..." She whispered.
At hearing her voice, Chris instantly sat up- burying into her shoulder. As if he wasn't broken down already, as soon as he made contact, he let out a distressed wail. He was horrified. He just couldn't understand how or why he did what he did.
"W-Why am I- why did I- I did something so horrible! What- why am I so-?!" He stammered.
"Hey, hey, shhhh..." Kitsune tried to soothe him, running her fingers through his hair. "I know you don't need to breathe, but deep breaths. It'll make you feel better." She instructed.
After getting Chris to control his -admittedly unneeded- breathing, he seemed to calm down significantly. Although a few hiccups and whines escaped him. Kitsune hummed softly, holding him close.
"...Kitsune...?" The spirit spoke up, prompting the redhead to look at him. "Yes, Chris?" She responded, speaking in a gentle voice.
"Why... Why don't you hate me? I-I did something terrible..." The ghost stuttered, gripping onto her sweater.
"Well... For one, seeing as how badly shaken up you are, I have a feeling you're just as shocked as I am... And two..." The redhead smiled a bit. "You're my friend. And friends are always there for each other- no matter what. I made a promise- I said I'd always be there for ya."
Chris was silent for a moment before burying into her shoulder. "Thank you so much... I don't deserve you- I never did..." He muttered.
Kitsune chuckled a bit, rubbing his back. "I've gotcha..." She stated.
Even though she had her answers regarding the murder, she still wasn't satisfied. There's no way in hell Chris could've decided to kill his family out of nowhere, right? There had to be more to it than just that.
And she was determined to find out as to what the hell it was.
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metamorphicrocky · 5 years
can you tell us more about eight year old little cato runaway and reunion in the lost spy?
today is your lucky day because I was already gonna write a fic about this, so hopefully this answers your questions
"Is that the key?"
Gary turns around to see Little Cato standing in the doorway, staring at the key from Serepentis in awe. He nods, so the boy immediately comes over to look at it more closely. He oohs excitedly, the pink light of the key shining in his eyes.
"Can I come next time?" Little Cato asks, looking up at Gary with pleading eyes.
"Maybe, Spidercat. We'll have to see," Gary says.
The kid's ears droop, and the excited swishing of his tail stops. Oh crap, that's not good. He needs to fix this.
"You know, I've got all this bottled up energy over getting one of these," Gary says, walking across the room and juggling the key in his hands. "And I don't know how to release it!"
"Chookity!" Mooncake chirps.
Gary turns towards his little buddy with a disgusted look on his face. "That is a different kind of energy! And not appropriate to say in front of children, we're gonna talk about this later."
He spins aimlessly into the center of the room, then gasps as an idea hits him. "I need music, ear fuel. I'm talking real hardcore stuff. I need...a hit of Loggins!"
Little Cato tilts his head to the side in confusion, scrunching his face up as he tries to think. "What's a Loggins?"
"Oh, Little Cato, you are missing out. When you hear it, you can't help but just explode!" Gary smiles as the kid gasps over his exclamation.
Gary's head whips towards Mooncake in horror, quickly covering Little Cato's ears. "Mooncake! Sensitive ears in the room, geez! And no, I mean dancing!"
Little Cato starts bouncing excitedly at that. "Maybe the ship has it!
"Nah, it's way too old," Gary complains.
All of a sudden, AVA interrupts, "Searching.... Are you referring to the Loggins, Kennith? Because I have his entire catalog."
Gary and Little Cato look to each other, and Gary smirks. And before he knows it, he's running and leaping and dancing to Footloose all across the ship. Mooncake is bouncing along, Little Cato tapping to the beat happily, and somewhere down the line Tribore jumps in. Now Gary is dancing with Nightfall, having the time of his life, laughing as his feet move effortlessly with the music.
A blaring siren shuts him down, and he barely has time to comprehend that AVA is saying something about collision imminent before he hears Little Cato shout, "I got this!"
Gary panics and sprints after the boy, reaching the bridge just in time to snatch him out of the pilot's seat before he can even touch the controls. He slides into the spot as he not so gently puts the boy down, quickly grabbing the handles to steer them out of danger, maneuvering the ship to avoid a collision.
When it appears that they're out of it, he takes a deep breath. "AVA, we good?"
"We have successfully cleared the mass of time shards. Good job," the AI says.
Gary slumps in his seat with relief, but he still has a death grip on the controls just in case there are any surprises. Then he notices that Little Cato is still standing in the same spot he tossed him in.
"I could have done it," the kid says, his ears drooping again.
Gary smiles tightly. "I know, Spidercat. I just have a little bit more experience than you, and that was pretty dangerous back there." He ruffles the kid's hair to lighten the mood and make it sound believable.
Little Cato's mood seems to bounce back up. "Can we dance again? More Loggins?"
Gary glances between the kid and the seemingly endless space before him. He shakes his head as he loosens his grip on the controls. Damn, he was really holding on tight.
"Maybe later. I'm gonna stay in here and try to find more dimensional keys."
Little Cato isn't deterred in the slightest. "Oh, I can help!"
"Um," Gary says, "Not right now. Maybe Ash wants to hangout?"
The kid shrinks into himself, his tail curling dejectedly. "Oh, okay," the kid says quietly, and then he walks out.
Gary sighs, carding a hand through his hair because of stress. He feels bad for making the kid find something else to do, but it's best this way. The less time he spends with Gary, the less likely he is to mess up horribly and get the kid hurt or killed. This is a good plan. Little Cato has plenty to keep himself entertained with, and he'll maybe play a game of cards with the kid later. Yeah, this is working. He just needs to stay away from the kid, make sure he's alive, and then it's good.
This won't backfire.
The man jolts awake to Nightfall shaking him. Oh, when did he fall asleep? And damn he can feel the crick in his neck from sleeping in this chair.
"Yeah? What's up?"
She looks frantic and worried, so Gary instantly is alert. "Little Cato ran away."
His face blanches, all of the breath leaving his body in a flash. His mouth is dry, none of this is real, and this is not happening right now. He had to have misheard.
"What?" he gasps.
Nightfall sets her mouth into a flat line. "He ran away."
"How did this happen?" Gary jumps up, feeling panic set in. "Did no one try to stop him?!"
HUE waddles over. "I tried to stop him. I reached out my hand and said, 'No, don't go!' But he just walked right past me. What good is a body if no one respects it?"
"Wow, you did all that?" Gary deadpans. "Okay, we're wasting time. We've gotta find him before something happens."
Nightfall nods, handing Gary's phone to him. "He searched for planets best for runaways on here and forgot to delete the search history. I'm assuming he went to this one."
She points at the recent searches, and he notices one name repeated several times. Okay, so that was easy. Now to just get there.
"Okay, we don't have time to lose, let's—"
"We are now arriving at Tralavi, keep up, Gary," AVA says.
"Oh." Gary claps his hands. "Look at you guys go. Okay, now we're gonna split up to look for him, and we are not leaving until we have him."
The moment the ship lands, Gary bolts out into the bustling streets around him and oh god. This planet is...so sketchy. He thinks that he sees a corpse in a ditch to his right, and he grimaces. Of all the planets, the kid had to pick the worst.
Nightfall stands next to him, an uncomfortable expression on her face. "This is not the most kid-friendly place I've been to."
"Even more reason why we have to hurry, come on!" Gary shouts, jumping into the busy fray, Nightfall, Mooncake, and KVN trailing after him.
He notices a non-terrifying man leaning against a wall and walks up to him, phone in hand with a picture of Little Cato displayed. "Excuse me, but have you seen my boy? Well, he's a boy I know. That I'm in charge of. He's my friend's, but now he's...mine." The man gives Gary a look, so Gary clears his throat awkwardly. "Seen him?"
"No, now get lost."
Gary shuffles away quickly, not in the mood to get beat up by someone today. He catches Nightfall's eye across the street, and she shakes her head. Nothing yet, but they just started. They'll find him.
They have to.
It's been almost three hours of searching. And nothing. Not a single person who's seen him. Most people won't even talk to him because he's human, and the ones that do just judge him for not being able to handle a Ventrexian kid.
"Where the hell could the kid have gone?!" He groans, scrubbing at his face in frustration.
Nightfall sighs next to him, staring at the massive crowd in the square. "He's eight, I don't know how he got so far."
"I found him!" KVN exclaims, flying over to Gary.
"What? You did? Where?"
KVN pulls out an orange from who knows where. "Right here!"
Gary is so fed up with all of this that he takes the orange and launches it as far as it will go.
The man collapses onto the edge of a fountain and stares down absentmindedly at the cobblestone ground with a heavy sigh. The longer he's been on this planet, the more things he finds that are not for kids to discover alone, let alone ever.
"Gary, how do you think you're going to get Little Cato to come back with us?" Nightfall asks.
He shrugs. "Well, he'll see all I did to find him, and come right back."
She rolls her eyes and sighs. "It's not going to be that easy."
"Well, for one, you haven't been really taking care of him," she says with a bite in her voice.
Gary's lost now, and his mouth curls up in confusion. "What?"
Nightfall raises an eyebrow. "Well, let's list it out. You've let the kid do some pretty dangerous things without thinking first, you leave him to his own devices a lot, and when he tries to be around you, you tend to push him away for some reason," she says bitterly, counting off on her fingers as she goes. "Anything else I need to add?"
Gary's mouth hangs open in surprise, and he struggles to find the right words, or any words.
"Little Cato probably thinks that you don't want him around."
His chest tightens at that. "Of course I want him around, that's why I'm looking for him."
"Does he know that though? You always tell him to go do something else rather than be around you. You haven't sent the best signals."
Gary buries his face in his hands, rubbing tiredly at his eyes. Does it really look like that? That he doesn't want the kid around? He just doesn't want him to get hurt when Gary messes up. He's never done this before, so he has no idea what he's doing! But, did he end up hurting the kid by trying not to hurt him?
Shit, this is so complicated.
He sighs deeply, running a hand through his hair in a stressful manner. "I'm doing the most I can," Gary moans.
Nightfall throws her hands up at that. "Really? Well, then we might as well give up."
Gary glares at her. "You know we can't do that."
"So how are you gonna fix this? Little Cato's dad is dead. You know better than anyone what you want after something like that happens," she says knowingly.
His eyes flit to the crowd again, hoping he sees a flash of orange. "A normal life," he whispers.
A nod. "If you want to make this up to him, you'll have to step up. So, what are you going to do, Gary?"
Gary clearly remembers the crushing loneliness he felt when he had no one after his dad died. He just wanted someone to be there, it didn't matter who. Obviously, he would have done anything to get his dad back, but it wasn't possible. And now, Little Cato is feeling the same. Gary can't knowingly put a kid his age through that pain.
He stands from the fountain with a renewed sense of purpose. His face hardens while he starts bustling about the square, grabbing the tallest crate he can find with an apology and a promise to give it back to the owner. He drags it into the middle of the square and hops on up. Gary scans the crowd, not being able to see what he's looking for. Well, he had another reason to come up here.
So, he clears his throat and shouts, "Hey!"
The square stops, heads turn towards the interruption on their day. Gary breathes deeply and whips out the picture of Little Cato.
"Has anyone seen this boy? He's a Ventrexian, eight years old, about this tall, very orange, and he has a small, bright blue mohawk."
The crowd just stares at him, some in open annoyance and others in slight curiosity.
"Why are you looking for him?"
"He's my boy," Gary starts, feeling the emotions he's been pushing off all day come to the surface. "He ran away, and I'm worried sick about him. I messed up, but I need to find him and make it right. Please, I'll do anything to get him back," he pleads.
Gary feels moisture building up in his eyes, probably from all the stress, as he stares out at the deathly silent swarm of people. All of a sudden, he hears crying from within the crowd, and then notices that most of the people are getting emotional over what he said. Okay, wow, that is new.
"Oh, what a dedicated guardian! I saw a boy like that not too long ago, wearing a yellow sweater?"
Gary's head whips toward the woman who spoke, nodding his head rapidly. "Yes! Where was he?
She points towards the shadiest streetway he's seen yet. "I'm not sure exactly where he was heading, but my best bet is the shop district. They always take whatever they can get their hands on."
"Okay, thank you all so much! Someone give this crate back to the fruit man!"
A chorus of best wishes follows his words as he leaps from his soapbox, immediately collecting his friends to venture into a place that looks like it could scar a child. They need to be quick.
Gary's need to find the kid makes him run faster and harder than he ever has before. Oh god, he's so worried. He hopes the kid isn't being taken advantage of somewhere. And if the kid is hurt or worse, he doesn't know what he'll do with himself.
"Little Cato!" he screams frantically into the crowd. "Spidercat, I'm here!"
He can hear Nightfall and KVN shouting his name as well, but the further they run, the more he fears something terrible has happened. No, don't start on that train or else Little Cato will never be found.
"Gary, let's split up to cover more ground. We meet back here in an hour if we don't find anything," Nightfall says. Gary nods, and the four of them break off to find the missing boy.
Gary turns down an alleyway, passing by an assortment of different shops. Is that one dedicated to selling skulls?
"Little Cato! It's Gary! Please, come here!"
No response. He continues walking past a store with a table outside, a small person in a hood tending to it. Gary is about to keep going when he catches a flash of orange under the hood, and he stops dead in his tracks.
"Little Cato."
The person turns towards him, and Gary has never felt more relieved than when he sees a fluffy orange face with wide, innocent eyes. He smiles almost unbelievably, a content laugh bursting forth from his chest.
"Little Cato, you have no idea how—!"
The kid takes off running, his hood flapping away. Oh no he doesn't. Gary bounds after him, pushing through the crowds in his way. The dreary surroundings and people make the Ventrexian's orange coat stand out, but the kid is quicker than Gary expected. But he's small, so of course he would be able to snake in between people.
Gary's losing him. He can barely catch a glimpse of his tail through all these people. Then he notices the street curving up ahead, plus a nearly empty alleyway. Perfect, he can cut him off.
The man takes a sharp turn, not slowing his pace, pushing himself beyond his limits because he will not let this kid suffer through what he did. Little Cato is going to have a normal life, and Gary will never let anything get in the way of it.
He leaps out of the alley back into the street, with a perfect amount of time to see Little Cato running towards him and not having enough time to stop and run the other direction. The boy notices him too late, which allows Gary to snatch him up as he runs past.
"No!" Little Cato screams, drawing the attention of everyone around them. He starts pounding his fists against Gary's chest where he's being held, his legs trying to kick at Gary.
"Little Cato, hey! Stop!" Gary exclaims, trying to have a strong grip on the squirming kid.
"No! Let me go! Let me go!"
"Stop hitting me, come on!"
"You stop!"
Gary suddenly gets hit in the face, rather hard he has to admit, and it's so surprising that he loosens his hold on Little Cato, giving him an opportunity to slip to the ground. The kid tries to run away again, but Gary holds onto one of his arms and crouches down to reach him better.
"No! Let me go!" Little Cato screams, pulling on his arm while hitting Gary to get away.
"Come on, Spidercat. Don't hit me," Gary says patiently.
The kid just continues to struggle, wanting to break free so badly. "Go away! You don't need to be here!"
He sounds so upset, and it absolutely crushes Gary. He takes his other arm and grabs the boy around the waist to drag him closer.
"Let go! Just go away!" Little Cato's voice cracks at the end, then he melts with one last hard tug of his arm. His shoulders begin to quake, so the tears come full force. He looks up at Gary, a completely heartbroken expression showing the poor kid's pain. "It's better this way," he hiccups.
"Why is it better?" Gary asks, moving both of his hands to hold the boy's small shoulders.
"Now you're not stuck with me."
He's been stabbed, right through the heart. Oh, Nightfall was so right; she always is. He really fucked up.
"What do you mean?" Gary says, trying his best to sound open and inviting.
Little Cato shoves a fist under his eye in an attempt to scrub away his tears. "I know you didn't want me. It's my fault that you're stuck with me, so if I go, you can be happy and save Quinn."
Gary stares at the boy who's now full on sobbing in complete silence, not knowing what to say. He can feel his own tears building up, and he doesn't even want to think about the people standing in a circle watching this happen.
"Hey, look at Gary. Please, little buddy," he pleads. Little Cato tentatively glances up with his big eyes, and Gary is just hit with the sudden feeling of needing to never let those eyes lose the spark in them, even if it means tearing apart the universe. "I'm gonna say some stuff, and you gotta listen to all of it, okay? It's really important.
"I messed up bad. You haven't done anything wrong, this is all on me. I shouldn't have pushed you away, but I was scared that I was gonna hurt you if you were near me. But now I know that isn't good, and I hurt you, Spidercat. I never meant to, but you think I hate you because of what I did. And I—," Gary chokes on his words, the tears threatening to spill, "I would never want you to go away, nor would I ever hate you, okay? You are the best thing to ever happen to me, but I didn't see that until I almost lost you. So I'm gonna make it up to you, how does that sound?"
Little Cato simply stares at him, tears slowly streaming down his cheeks as his chest heaves. He nods, lip wobbling in a way that just continues to push Gary to his limit.
"So, how do you feel if I adopt you?"
"Adopt?" Little Cato whispers.
Gary nods. "Do you know what that means?"
Little Cato hiccups, trying to wipe his tears away again. "You wanna be my dad?"
Gary smiles so warmly, staring at this kid in front of him. He truly would do anything for him, even if he wanted every single star in the sky. Gary would get them for him. He wonders if this is how his dad felt towards him.
"Of course I wanna be your dad. So, what do you say?"
The boy stays silent for a while, so Gary slowly releases him from his hold. He doesn't know what the kid is going to decide, and he's kind of panicking the longer this takes because what if the kid says no or—!
A small, warm mass collides with his chest, and tiny arms wrap around his torso. He looks down to see Little Cato's face smushed against him, a very pleased smile on his face as his tears continue to flow. Gary quickly wraps his arms around the kid's—his kid's—body, cradling him against his chest. Gary, crouching down, and Little Cato, trying to get as close to Gary as possible, both hold each other with an intense ferocity.
Gary buries his face into the top of his boy's head, and he rubs soothing circles into his back to calm his sobs that sound terribly painful. The Ventrexian is so small that Gary's arms practically engulf him, and it just reinforces Gary's strong desire to protect this kid from everything the world has to offer.
Little Cato continues to cry, yet Gary is in a very uncomfortable position, so he adjusts his hold on the kid and stands, placing him on his hip.
"I've got you, buddy, don't worry," he soothes, smiling when Little Cato nuzzles deeper into his neck.
Gary walks to the meeting point slowly so as to not jostle the kid in his arms, who's drifting off to sleep after what has been quite an emotionally draining day. He doesn't know how he didn't fall asleep sooner, but at least he can get some well-deserved rest.
When he reaches the spot, Nightfall, Mooncake, and KVN are all waiting. They all jump to attention over seeing Gary, and Gary watches as Nightfall's worried frown fades away into a relieved grin.
"Finally found the little rascal," Gary whispers, laughing a little.
"I'm glad," Nightfall says, gently placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. She smiles at Gary, a warm and loving thing. "You know, fatherhood suits you."
Gary gives the kid a little scratch behind the ear, smiling fondly when the kid hums in contentment.
"I was thinking the same thing."
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I totally forgot to take screenshots and the twitter images are a bit too low quality and badly cropped, but I’m actively working on the game again! In the past week or so I have drawn sprites for Edmund, Kennith, Oliver, Tim & Tom and my next ones are probably going to involve more side characters (Karl, Grover, Clifford, Marten, Raymond and Vasil). Thank god not every week is going to be filled with NPCs haha it’s just that on week 2 there is a lot of investigation stuff going on 
Drawing all these sprites is going to be an absolute hell but damn it I WILL draw all of the ones I absolutely need even if it kills me + it honestly makes me feel like everything in the game is a piece of cake lmao. 
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vampire-core · 7 years
Dear person that I'm jealous of
Send me one!! || aaaaa ty ty!!!! under the cut
Dear person that I’m jealous of,
Hey! Y’know, first thing first: I love you a lot. Platonically, of course, but a lot.
But god damn, sometimes I am intensely jealous. Like? We’re really similar, but different, too. We both have ADHD, but yours is acknowledged and diagnosed and people actually listen. Mine is ignored by everyone professional.
You have social anxiety and depression, too, but your depression isn’t as bad. You still manage to talk to people a lot, and you have a lot of friends.
You’re confident in yourself, you cry and express yourself easily, your therapist sounds really cool, you’re really pretty, and I’m just... uuuuggghhh. I love you, dude, but god I wish that were me.
Some things I’m not jealous of, of course, like your food restrictions, but I mean. That’s not what I’m talking about here.
- Kennith
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kicks leg up!!! hi so APPARENTLY that previous fuckin mystery mem didnt come from 🌈 OR 🚀 it came from a whole new canon so thats Fuckin Fun but anyways hello im kennith simmons and holy shit im just kinnin the entire fuckin communications cast at this rate god Damn it -🎀🔪
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scarletalliance · 7 years
A written descriptor of an average interaction of Commander Aleksandr Korolyov with his pyrotechnic expert, Archie “Mouse” Turner. This piece has been written fully by Blog Administrator Otto and can be read in full below!
Characters: Aleksandr Korolyov, Archie Turner, Kennith Wilder Rating: General Wordcount: 1316
There are times within the Mechanical Construction and Specialized Arms Division when Commander 142 is more than grateful for just how spacious the division’s main workspace is. They have a large warehouse adjacent to the Far East wing of the compound, bordering a practice field for jeeps, tanks, and their more personalized projects. The wall facing the field functions much like a garage door and during warm weather will almost always be seen up to make communication easier without the use of the division’s walkie-talkies. Today just happens to be one of those pleasantly warm days the division looks forward to.
Alik has found himself hunched over the latest blueprints delivered to him, body bent at the hips with a forearm against the table to support him. A pencil taps at his lips repeatedly while he scans over the plans, mouth finally parting just enough for the eraser of the pencil to find itself caught between his teeth for a brief bite down. He catches himself quickly and pulls the pencil away, exhaling softly. He sets his pencil down out of the way as Alik stands to his full height, hands planted on his lower back so he can bend for a brief stretch.
    Once he finds that he has straightened himself out comfortably, he dips a hand into his pants pocket to retrieve a strawberry flavored lollipop, unwrapping it with eyes unfocused. He’s running on auto-pilot, clearly not paying much attention to his physical actions. He’s lost in thought; carefully running through ideas and plans for the schematics he’s been assigned. The idea behind them is brilliant as always, the execution of the planning absolutely flawless. The work of a true god. The exhausted commander can only pray that his work even begins to meet the expectations of the mastermind behind the new plans.
    The entire space is filled with a deafening boom just as he bends back down to scribble a few notes in a small red-bound notebook, the walls shaking slightly. His head hangs, breath coming out in a soft huff. He should have expected that his peace would be interrupted. Of course he had to wrap himself up in his mind to the point of losing touch with the endeavors of those around him. Wild, high-pitched laughter rings out once the sound of the rumbling explosion dies out, both sounds seeming to originate from the testing field outside. Lovely.
    Those within the division are silent, eyes on either the field or Alik as the tall man stands erect again and strides towards the open door. He steps into the warm air, hand lifting to his mouth so he can remove the candy trapped between his jaws. Vibrant blue eyes lock onto a space off to the side that he knows is the source of the issue: The Demolitions Testing Range. Right in the middle of that small area, blackened by countless tests and patchy from the new terrain that gets piled in every so often to fill the gaping wounds left by the very man stationed by his newest work of art. The tall, lanky figure is hunched considerably, clutching the detonator against his chest and giggling to himself. When he looks up, light amber eyes that shine in both the sun and distant flame of the recent explosion meet those that are cold and distant.
“Where do I even begin, 125?” The deep, heavily accented voice rumbles out calmly despite the chill in his eyes, hip cocking off to the side as he twirls the lollipop stick between his thumb and forefinger. Sadly, his question is met by a louder crescendo of shrill laughter before he gets an appropriate response.
“Aw, hell. Sorry, bossman. What can I say? My dear baby was callin’ to me. Croonin’ at me. Beggin’ me t’ press all ‘er buttons just right.”
The excuse earns a soft scoff from the Commander, his head hanging slightly so his bangs sway as he shakes his head. His free hand lifts, palm flat and facing Mouse as Alik looks back up to his grin. “I would rather not hear of such,” he pauses briefly, running through the words in his head. “personal endeavors.” The pause and Alik’s emphasis earn another trill of pleased tittering, the man causing the familiar sound hunching more as he loses the small amount of sanity he sometimes manages to retain. The laughter earns a grimace and a tap of his foot against loose soil from the Commander.
Mouse jumps a bit, looking back to him with another wide grin. “C’mon, boss. You know I’ll always be seduced by ‘er sweet, sweet charm.” He lifts the detonator up to his face as he continues, lips sticking out a bit as he stares at it and speaks with a certain softness to his voice. “‘Sides, who could possibly say no to a figure like this?” Mouse is forced to watch in horror as a hand adorned in quite a few rings comes into his line of vision, resting atop the detonator and applying pressure to force Mouse’s hand lower. “Me. You should learn as well if you do not want to find your face shoved in corner again.”
The threat earns an affronted gasp, amber eyes going wide. “You wouldn’t dare.” The slow, icy smile that spreads across Alik’s lips makes Mouse lean back, eyes narrowed and his clutch on the detonator tightening. Alik speaks once more, tone calm and voice kept low. “Have I not many times in the past? Do you truly think you should question me when you are in such tight spot?” The reassurance that Alik delivers is accompanied by one of Mouse’s feet shifting back a bit to gain more distance between the two of them.
What the Aussie hadn’t thought to worry about is the fact that Alik has been working with him for far too many years. His muscles visibly tense when Mouse moves, preparing himself for the inevitable. Luckily, he doesn’t have to wait long. Mouse spins on the ball of one foot, knee bending to help boost him forward. The hard push off the ground sends him rocketing forward, voice ringing out over his shoulder. “No way am I goin’ back to that damned corner.”
Alik refuses to respond verbally right away, his own weight thrown forward barely a second after Mouse turned away from him. He lunges forward, hand colliding with the back of Mouse’s coat and gripping the fur lining around his neck. Mouse’s momentum becomes his downfall as the coat catches around his throat, causing a rather satisfying gag when he falls back toward Alik.The taller man meets Alik’s chest, the Russian’s hand not secured against Mouse’s collar grips at one lapel, holding Mouse in place easily. “You earned ten minutes in corner. Try to run and it becomes twenty.” The weight sagging into his front tells Alik that Mouse is pouting, but compliant. There’s no more struggle as Alike walks at Mouse’s side, guiding him to a corner of the main MC/SAD warehouse that’s been cleared out. Upon their arrival, Mouse steps up to the corner, forehead pressing to one wall.
Once he’s sure Mouse is in place, Alik calls out toward a nearby jeep where a familiar figure can be seen bent under the hood. “197!” The man jumps, standing swiftly and narrowly avoiding smashing the back of his head against the hood in his hurry to spin and face the Commander. “Keep eye on Mouse. Fifteen minutes.” Alik’s Second in Command gives a toothy grin and a salute, voice chipper in his response. “You got it, boss!” Kenny then delivers a light-hearted scowl towards his new prisoner, only earning a pout from Mouse.
Alik sighs as he turns to walk out of the warehouse, hand lifting to brush his bangs back. Just another fucking day in the Red Army.
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