#god I love how pathetic yuma is
pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
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Yuma Month: Day 24: Mirror
A mysterious and fateful first encounter…?
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Azusa Ecstasy [05]
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ー The scene starts in the dungeon of the Sakamaki Castle
Kanato: Fufu, look at your pathetic display.
I cannot believe the eldest son of the Mukami Family has come to willingly offer himself to me.
Ruki: ...
Kanato: ...However, this is not enough to satisfy me. Where are your other siblings?
Ruki: ...
Kanato: Hey, Ruki. How about you tell me already?
Ruki: My brothers have nothing to do with this. ...I bear full responsibility. 
Kanato: ...You’re sounding like a broken record now.
Stop making fun of me already!
Ruki: ...
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Kanato: ...God! This is pissing me off!!
Reiji: Calm down, Kanato. We are in the middle of our meal. 
Besides, from what I can tell, I do not believe Ruki will speak, no matter how much you verbally attack him. 
I believe you will have to think of a different approach. 
Kanato: What do you suggest I do then!?
I’m going through a lot of trouble being pressured by the other Clans as well, remember!? 
Reiji: ...Well, I suppose we have no other choice but to rely on our last resort.
Ayato: Our last resort? What is that? 
Reiji: We shall let the world know that we will execute Ruki.
Those four brothers are connected by a peculiar bond. 
While they may be hiding themselves now because Ruki told them so...
If they catch word of their brother being executed, it should lure them out naturally, no? 
Ayato: ...Gotcha.
Reiji: Well, our families do have somewhat of a past together. 
So I could always think of a different way if this idea doesn’t appeal to you...
Kanato: I love the sound of that. Off with his head!
I wouldn’t want the other Clans to talk badly about me for letting those guys run free. 
I do not want to be the victim of this ridiculous farce any longer. 
Reiji: ...I see.
I suppose this is the right decision to make, considering the future of the Vampire Clan. 
Well then, I shall get everything ready at once. To ensure that the word gets spread in both the Demon and the human world...
A few days have passed,
since we started living at Rotigenberg.
Yuuri-san delivered the news to us,
that Ruki-kun had been captured by the Sakamaki Family,
and would be executed. 
ー The scene shifts to the open fields at Rotigenberg
Kino: ...I didn’t think that guy would go and offer his own head. What is he thinking? 
Yui: ...Ugh...
( So Ruki-kun went to the Sakamaki Castle after our last conversation. )
( If I had managed to stop him, he would... )
Azusa: It’s my fault that this happened to Ruki, isn’t it...?
Yui: It’s not. It’s not your fault, Azusa-kun.
Azusa: But...
Yui: Hey, you guys...Don’t you think we should go and save Ruki-kun after all?
Yuma: But Ruki let himself get captured, knowin’ damn well that this was the fate which awaited him, no?
Then isn’t it what he wanted?
Kou: Yeah...You’re right.
→ Perhaps they are right
Yui: ...
( They might be right. )
( Ruki-kun is prepared to give up his own life to save his three brothers. )
...But I still think this is wrong...
You aren’t actually happy to know that your own lives will be saved by Ruki-kun being executed, right...?
→ Are you sure...? (❦)
Yui: Are you sure...?
I know it could possibly save you guys but...Ruki-kun will die at this rate. 
Kou: ...
Yuma: ...
Yui: ( I know that Kou-kun and Yuma-kun aren’t saying how they really feel. )
( They just have a hard time being honest with themselves. )
( Ruki-kun as well...Perhaps none of this would have happened if he had been more willing to talk to his brothers. )
Azusa: ...Let’s go rescue him, all together.
Yui: Azusa-kun...
Azusa: If Ruki were to die...What point is there in our lives still...? 
The four of us are a family...and Ruki-kun is our beloved big brother...
Kou: ...Sorry. I was being a little stubborn. 
Yuma: ...Me too. We’re lost without Ruki, aren’t we?
Azusa: Yeah...He’s the one person I don’t want to see suffer...
Let’s go save him together.
Kino: ーー And stop right there.
Azusa: Oh...
Yui: K-Kino-kun...?
Kino: My bad for stopping you while you’re having a family moment, but I won’t let you do that.
Hey, Azusa, do you realize? You’re the Church’ loyal dog now.
Azusa: ...
ーー The Church’ loyal dog (協会の犬). 
As he spoke those words,
Kino-kun’s gaze went towards the emblem (刻印),
engraved on Azusa-kun’s left arm. 
The people from the Church,
deeply loathe all Demons. 
As long as that emblem is on him,
he shall not be allowed to go save his brother. 
I believe that Kino-kun,
was trying to warn Azusa-kun of such. 
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johnnyraine · 6 months
Top Shows I Watched in 2023 (not of)
7. Loki (Season 2) - 6.5/10
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I don't have much to say about Loki other than I loved the final episode, Natalie Holt deserves some kind of award for her music and it makes me cry.
6. One Piece (Live Action) - 6.5/10
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As everyone has already said, this should not have worked. I didn't have much faith in it, but I chose to watch it anyway. And I'm glad I did.
Though there were moments of stiff acting and/or line delivery, I still like it overall.
Though I still liked Roger's anime death more than here.
5. My Beautiful Man/Utsukushii kare (Season 2) - 7/10
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I don't remember much considering I watched this months ago. But I do recall wanting and waiting for this for a WHILE. I was not disappointed and Utsukushii Kare stands as my favorite BL series. Minato's Laundromat would've been on the list, but it failed me, Utsukushii Kare hasn't. So yeah.
4. Jack O' Frost (2023) - 6/10
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I have issues with the whole "an MC has amnesia" plot and considering this has happened 3 times in the same year is crazy to me.
But do recall I Fucking LOVE the music! OOOOHHHH, Shit! I love it. As soon as "Winter Days" started playing during episode 2 or 3, I immediately started looking for the soundtrack.
I also have yet another celebrity crush in Kyoya Honda.
3. Taira no Kiyomori - 8/10
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This is unfair given the fact I started this last year and left for a month, making me finish this in January or February. But I still finished in 2023, so it counts!
As per my previous review, I was fucking bored with the first 6 to 9 episodes. After them, however, I loved this show. I love the music, I love the characters, and I like some of the comedy. There are so many great moments that I absolutely love.
Despite knowing how it ended, historically, I was still upset at the characters' deaths.
2. More Than Words (2022) - 6/10
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I heard this was a Japanese BL, my favorite type of BL, and I guess. But as others have said, it's mostly about the relationship between Makio and Mieko. Though perhaps not for the second part of the story...
Anyway, I loved this show. It fucked me up, but I did stay up all night till 12 or 1 am to finish it, and I couldn't stop thinking about it for a month. So yeah, despite the score, I am putting it up here.
1. Kamakura dono no 13 nin/13 Lords of the Shogun - 7/10
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The main man himself, the man who wrote my favorite Taiga Drama, SANADA MARU! No wonder I was fucking addicted to this show. For first time in A WHILE I watched and finished this entire show in a week.
I was drawn into this show by the fucking neck. I just was.
I remember seeing You Oizumi as Minamoto no Yoritomo and thinking, "Nah." I couldn't get behind him, I simply didn't see it at first. Then he died and literally episodes later, I was missing this man.
All my favorite characters died. ALL! And since I don't know much about the Heian nor Kamakura period, I was taken out. Fucking Kazusa, dead; Minamoto no Yoshinaka, I knew this was so it's my fault, but dead; fucking Wada Yoshimori, I fucking loved him, and I didn't know it! DEAD!
They killed my pathetic twink, Minamoto no Sanetomo. And he was gay! FUCK! I was heavily upset.
And the fact that it ends with Yoshitoko's death via his sister not giving him his medicine and watching him die! Gods dammmmmnnn!
Kōki Mitani you heavenly fucker! Ah!
I also love the music, one of my favorites Taiga drama themes.
Now, that wasn't all I watched, but simply all I felt should be on the list. I refuse to put ten shows up here if I don't care enough for them.
Here's to another year.
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Since we’re on the topic of characters from other series meeting each other. Do you have any characters that you think would be good friends with each other?
From the OG, GX, 5ds, and Zexal, do you think any of those dorks would look at someone from a different series and be like wow you’re ✨amazing✨ and yoink them like you’re my friend now <3
Could be friend duos or friend groups.
*looks up my from big college AU cauldron where I've been steadily progressively dumping yugioh characters from every series I like into a big soup* OH HELL YEAH
off the top of my head, let's see:
it's a ship but my absolute I Need to Talk About This Every Chance I Get pick for this question is Syrus and Mana. Like, a modern AU modern day Mana. weird kid 4 weird kid friendship BIG. I think he could be her pathetic bf that she'll blow this whole place up over if you don't cheer and clap for him!!! people dont know this one but I do!!!
Also along those lines I think Mahad and Zane could be. maybe not Close Friends but I think they could be measured and respected acquaintances. I think in a modern setting they could stand at the back of a warehouse rave together.
I think Syrus and Anna Kaboom could....hm I don't think be BESTIES, per say, but I think they'd have a dynamic for sure. Similar intensive interests. They're gonna get into a really heated conversation about trains. Anna's one of Sy's mechanic shop coworkers in my college AU
GOD TRISTAN AND YUSEI i know they have the same dub VA so thats just a bonus but oh my god. guy who stand around in pleasant silence and occasionally get into a Socratic discussion about motorcycles.
ive touched on this before but I think Yuma and Jaden could be really good friends--I think especially post canon Jaden, he could really use someone full of bondless enthusiasm for how dueling brings people together like Yuma, I think that'd help keep his head clear. Also I think Astral and Yubel should be friends their conversations about dueling go for hours while Jay and Yuma play mario kart.
OK ALSO HERE'S MY BIG BRAIN ONE i've been thinking a lot lately about playing with a timeline/AU where 5D's is only like 30 years or so after GX (that might just be canon? idfk it's a very. nebulous timeline with these things fhgsdfgsf) very specifically so a postcanon teenage Luna can come into contact with 40something year old Chazz and they can have a dynamic. A.) it's funny, B.) Luna really deserves to be able to talk with someone else who can consistently see duel spirits and I feel like Jaden or Jesse's too easy a first pick. CHAZZ is a wildcard. If anyone could love the Ojamas for how delightfully uggo they are I think it could be Luna. There's a lot more to this idea but just. the constant of the friendship. I like it.
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kanamori-kamper-moved · 9 months
your babygirl!! (for the gimme a character thing)
Ask game
How I feel about this character
I adore him, unironically. A lot of people hate him solely because he’s a bad person, and to me that’s narrow-minded thinking. He’s fun BECAUSE he’s bad. He’s fun BECAUSE he’s a horrible person who hurts other people and doesn’t care for their feelings.
He’s pathetic, a disaster, and unironic mess. He’s like 50, trapped in the body of a toddler, constantly slapfighting with kids because he’s petty and can’t keep ANYONE out of his relationship drama with a certain homophobic rat. I’ll get into the relationship/ship stuff in the next section, if you’re curious.
I also like his design a lot.. the right side of his face is this beautiful mosaic and FOR SOME GOD FORSAKEN REASON HIS EYELINER IS AMAZING??? Also most people think his voice is annoying but there’s a cute charm to it… nobody can tell you sound like a girl if you make it annoying on purpose!!!! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
A lot of my thoughts about him I can’t put into words because it’s all just “HAKASKISKAKAKSJSKSOSKSKSJS MMMM BABYGIRL OLD MAN YAOI” And TV static, so I hope this’ll suffice!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Should be obvious. I ship him and Kazuma (Fathershipping), and him and Dr Faker (Deceitshipping/scientistshipping). Technically nothing I like about the two are canon but FUCK YOU their both amazing
The way I think of Fathershipping is all cute and fluffy and “omg kazuma.. but you have a wife!! But.. I still love you..”, sometimes it’s unrequited and sometimes it’s just doomed. Byron’s just a horrible shy, gay mess when it comes to Kazuma. Like ITS SO TELLING how he was willing to literally DIE for him during episode 55, and the fact that in the Sam episode there were only TWO TENTS?? Yeah, they fucked
But as for scientistshipping, it’s just horrible toxic yaoi. You know the Cantarella scene from Utena (assuming your there)? Yeah, that’s them. I wish they had more non-toxic interactions, it would have been sweet to see them reconcile beyond their gay little shoujo bubble apology
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Him and his kids! And probably him and Yuma, I’ll go more into it in the last section.
My unpopular opinion about this character
He never had a wife. He’s a transmasc (or agender, depends on how I feel) gay man, his kids are test tube babies. He’d sooner die than willingly put his lips let alone *bits* near a woman
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I wish things with Vetrix were explored more beyond “haha look at the evil freak!!”, I wish he wasn’t demonized for wanting revenge when he literally got deformed and has PTSD from being in Barian World for 5 years straight.
I like Zexal, but (somewhat yugioh as a whole) has an issue with portraying people as either black and white villains or good guys, and people who aren’t pretty bishounen tend to get the shortest end of the stick at times. Like, there’s a REASON why his kids get more screentime than him. It’s because he isn’t conventionally attractive. Vetrix is not a black and white villain, he contains multitudes.
You have to factor in that he was was put in a foreign alien world for half a decade by a person who he thought was a FRIEND, thought his only other friend DIED, was away from his kids (two of whom were taken away and put in an orphanage), got deformed so badly literally no one recognizes him, and more. People who try to act as if characters like KAITO are better than him are so fucking insane because he’s not. I watched his duel with him today and Vetrix had a line about them being the same. They’ve both hurt and killed people as a means to an end. Hes truly not a bad person and people need to realize that 😭😭😭
There’s also the issue with his kids. I wish he got more scenes with them after his arc, I wish we got to see him work to be better especially after all he did, to deal with the ramifications of it all. It feels like his relationship with his kids were just haphazardly tacked on and stapled together, held together by a few peices of duct tape that the writers saw and just sent on its way. It would have been interesting to see if his kiss (ESPECIALLY Quattro) did not forgive him, especially after the shit he said and did.
The same for faker, these kids have no reason to forgive their father after the actual VILE acts they’ve committed towards them.
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Original title: 光が差す
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 8 Mukami Kou
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Kou walks outside.
[00:10] “...God. I can’t believe Ruki-kun just completely ruined my perfectly thought-out plan...Besides, Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun aren’t free from any blame either. I can’t believe Ruki-kun actually managed to outwit Azusa-kun...That’s just pathetic! I know it’s not easy to hold Ruki-kun back but still...I had faith that the two of them together would pull it off somehow. ーー Aah!! God!! Everything pisses me off!”
You approach him.
[00:41] “What do you want, M-neko-chan? I’d advise staying away from me right now. I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”
You note that he never showed up for dinner.
“Hah! Hilarious! It’s honestly no big deal for a Vampire to skip a meal or two...Or rather, why are you worried about me? Makes no sense, does it?”
You explain by saying that he is important to you.
“Listen...Were you even listening to a single word I did? If you did, you wouldn’t be concerned about me right now.”
You look away.
[01:15] “...Tsk. What’s with that reaction?I can’t believe you…Then, should I remind this dumb kitty once more? I’m talking about the fact that I’M responsible for fucking up your heart. Remember it now? ...The heart is basically a pump sending blood all across the body, right? However, it can’t function properly if there’s not enough blood provided to it. ...I’m the one who made it unable to beat normally. Do you understand?”
You remain quiet. 
“…Oi. Say something. I’m sure you’ve got plenty to say, rather than just sitting there staring at me, no?”
You frown.
[02:00] “Tskー! Oh come on, just pour out your heart already! You can blame me all you want! ‘I’m going to die young all because of you! Give me back my life!’ ー If you do that, don’t you think it’ll make you feel a little better?”
You shake your head.
 “…Haah? Excuse me? Are you still playing the nice girl? There’s really no point in keeping up appearances…You’re going to die soon after all.”
You try and explain.
[02:32] “…! You really are out of your mind…Oh well, fine. In other words, you want to die, don’t you? You just can’t wait to drop dead, huh!? …Sure. I’ll grant that desire of yours then!”
Kou pins you down.
“I’ll suck your blood as you wish…Plenty of it, to the point where your heart might just stop beating right here, right now!”
Kou bites you. 
[03:14] “Mm...Mmh...How’s that? Are you starting to feel faint? Dizzy, perhaps? ...Oi, say something!”
 You tell him that you’re glad.
“...!! ...Haah? What are you saying? Or rather, why are you smiling!?”
You explain.
“Love? ...This is? Piercing my fangs through your skin and sucking your blood is love to you!? Hah…! You’re just providing lip serviーー”
[04:00] “...!! ...Ah. For real…? You’ve got me...You actually...think of my fangs as love...I can’t believe it...I mean, these fangs aren’t all that great…! If anything...It’s the exact opposite…”
You ask him what he means.
“...!! Haah, haah…I’m sure I’ve told you this story before but...Will you listen to me talk about my past?”
You nod.
[04:50] “...When I stayed at the orphanage, a bunch of aristocrats and other prestigious people secretly bought me. For a large sum of money. They tormented me solely for their own entertainment. Using whips or knives to cover my entire body in cuts and bruises. Apparently they got a real kick out of seeing a pretty boy suffer. That’s fucked up, isn’t it? They didn’t care whether I could no longer stand or passed out on the ground. The more pain they inflicted upon me, the happier it made them. 
[05:32] ...What I did to you is no different. I’ve hurt you many times with these fangs before. Even when you clearly protested, I would force myself upon you...That’s a past I can never erase, no matter what. Just like my own past can’t be undone either.”
You shake your head.
“...It’s not wrong, is it!? On top of that, it ended up shortening your lifespan...I was able to survive by becoming a Vampire, but youーー! What I did was absolutely disgusting...It makes me gag.”
You explain yourself. 
[06:20] “...Haah!? What are you saying!? You’re making less and less sense to me. In other words...you think that being killed by me is the best way to go? ...Hah! What a ridiculous way to try and comfort me! There’s just no way you could be happy with this outcome!”
You stick with your resolve.
“Hold up...Have you actually lost your mind? I know I call you M-neko-chan but you don’t have to take your masochism to such extremes….” 
You look him right into the eyes.
[06:51] “Ah-aah...You’re actually serious. I can tell by the look on your face, even without using the powers of my eye. ...Then give me a proper explanation. What do you mean with ‘I’d be happy if you were the reason for my death’? 
You start to elaborate. 
“Hah...You believe the two of us are connected just because I suck your blood? You really are quite naive. ...Well, I’ll admit that it’s not the most common way for two people to connect, so I guess you could call it special in that regard.”
You agree.
[07:40] “Or rather, blood-sucking isn’t a thing amongst normal couples.”
You once again tell him it provides a connection between the two of you.
“ーー But if blood-sucking is all you need to establish a connection, then those Sakamaki’s or even Ruki-kun and the others could do the same!”
You shake your head and insist that it has to be him.
“...Ah. Right. You’re right...You genuinely loved me - everything included - and not some other Vampire…”
You confirm his statement.
[08:26] “...!! ...Hah. Say? M-neko-chan? I know this question might seem a little late but listen...Were you happy to spend time with me?”
You nod and smile. 
“Even though I would suck your blood left and right?”
You nod again.
“What I did...wasn’t a mistake? I didn’t make you suffer by sucking your blood…?”
You tell him you are happy with how your life played out.
“Really…? You’re happy even though your life will be cut short?”
You nod once more.
[09:22] “Kuh...You really are unbelievable...I was once a human as well, so I know what having a limited lifespan is like. Even back when every day was a living nightmare, I still desperately struggled to stay alive. So I thought that no matter how much I apologized, I could never make up for shortening your life. 
[09:55] ーー Yet, you smile and say you’re happy. A bright smile like a cloudless sky. ...You got to be with me, so you’re glad, huh? Haha...A clear, blue sky resides within you. That blue sky I always yearned for, but could never quite reach. ...I finally understand how you feel. As well as how special and blessed the two of us are. 
...Say, M-neko-chan? Will you give me a chance to redeem myself?” 
You tilt your head to the side.
[10:54] “I mean, I went rampant all by myself, didn’t I? Even though you should have had it much rougher than anyone else. I just feel like a miserable fool now. I don’t want to be this pathetic guy...
You insist that he isn’t pathetic. 
“I want to be a Mukami Kou you can be proud of. I want to walk with pride as the man you love...So from here on out, I will grant your desires instead. All of them, until the day you take your final breath. I promise...Or rather, let me make that vow. For my sake as well.”
You nod.
[11:47] “Exactly. For the both of us. ...Haah~ With all the pressure lifted off my shoulders, I suddenly feel hungry.”
You offer to go have dinner inside.
“Eh? Don’t tell me...All three of you waited for me!? Even though it’s long past dinner time by now!?”
You nod.
[12:15] “...I have to make up with Ruki-kun and the others as well.”
You tell him he can do that now.
“Yeah, good idea. Let’s go then.”
The two of you walk back towards the manor.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅱ Vol.6 Yuma VS Azusa [TRACK 2]
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Original title: 欠ける月を見ながら
Source: Diabolik Lovers VERSUS II Vol. 6 Yuma VS Azusa [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki & Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: I have no words. I swear the last few minutes of this track are just Rejet having way too much fun. You cannot convince me that they wrote that without knowing that it could EASILY be taken the wrong way. I mean, the whole situation isn’t exactly ‘innocent’ either way but it sounds even more dirty than it is. I’m not gonna try and hide either ーー my mind went straight to the gutter as soon as Yuma suggested she uses her hands instead of her mouth. If you’re curious what I’m talking about, you’ll have to read the translation. ;)
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 ll Track 6
Track 2: While Gazing at the Chipped Moon
Yuma: For a basement, it’s brighter in here than I thought. Is there a window on the ceiling or somethin’? 
You follow suit.
Yuma: Ah? What’s wrong? ...Ahー Ya pissin’ yer pants? ...I don’t mind. Come here.
Yuma hugs you close.
Yuma: Just stay close to me, ‘kay? ...Take a look! Right above ya! There’s a big hole to look through! ...Aah, seems like this basement is right underneath the garden. 
You look up.
Yuma: They’re a bunch of dried up branches layin’ ‘round the edges of the garden. I had no idea this kinda room was underneath it. I’m surprised. 
Yuma: ...Well, I guess it helps brighten up this place a lil’ without any lights ‘round, so I don’t see a problem with it. 
Something catches his attention.
Yuma: ...Oh? 
You ask what is wrong.
Yuma: No, it’s just...Ya can see the moon through that hole, right? Take a closer look. It’s slowly bein’ chipped away at. ...What was it called again? A lunar eclipse? Ya don’t see that every day. It’s my first time seein’ one.
You agree.
Yuma: You too? Hm...I see. Well, I guess we got lucky. It’s a rare sight after all. Too bad it’s from inside this creepy room.
You tilt your head to the side.
Yuma: This room just screams ‘creepy’, no? Ya still haven’t noticed? What kind of room this is, I mean. Take a good look around.
You look around.
Yuma: There’s a bunch of strange devices, right? Ya better don’t try and act like ya don’t know what these are. 
You reluctantly answer.
Yuma: Exactly...Hehehe...Seems like this was the pentalty room. In other words, the items lined up here and there are what you’d call torture devices
*Cling cling*
Yuma: Take a look at these handcuffs. It’s still got blood on there. Means these bad boys got used at some point. Seems like the previous owner of this manor was a shitbag who loved pickin’ on the weak. 
Yuma: There’s freaks like that crawlin’ ‘round the surface of this earth, ya see...They either get a kick out of tormentin’ others, or enjoy gettin’ teased themselves. ...Ah, right. Ya love that sorta stuff as well, no? Hehehe...
You quickly deny.
*Cling cling*
Yuma: Now that we discovered this hidden gem, it’d be a shame not to use the room to its fullest potential, right? ーー To start things off. 
Yuma: I’ll put these handcuffs on ya like this. Hehe...
You protest.
Yuma: How does it feel to get robbed of yer freedom?
You beg him to take them off again. 
Yuma: Ah...Lemme think. If ya want me to remove them that badly, don’t ya think ya should adjust yer attitude a lil’? 
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Come on...Tell me what to do. Woah there, don’t look away. I’ve taken away yer freedom, so ya better keep yer eyes on me. 
Yuma: Exactly. Hehe...Nice expression. Bet ya didn’t think I’d do this, right? ...For some reason, I’m in a weird mood right now. Could that moon be to blame? I feel restless...in a different way from usual. I don’t really get it, but it has taken control over me, and I can’t help but have this strong cravin’ for...you. Mmh...”
Yuma kisses you passionately.
Yuma: I want to make you cry, make you submit to me...and have you admit the most obscene things. Mmh...
Yuma: Hm? ...Hah. Judgin’ by yer face, ya just felt yer heart skip a beat, didn’t ya? Bet ya don’t find this all too bad, huh? Fine by me. I’ll do as ya wish. Come on, brace yerself. 
Yuma: What do ya want? Should I just leave some kisses here and there? Like this...Mmh...
You flinch.
Yuma: Or do ya prefer the pain? Ya want these fangs, don’t ya? Haha...Don’t try and hide it. I know that you’re yearnin’ for them. However, I won’t give them to ya ーー not this easily at least. That’d be borin’ as hell, right? We’ve got this convenient room to our disposal after all...
*Cling cling*
Yuma: Makes ya wanna try and push yer boundaries a lil’, no? Hehe...Let’s leave the main course for last and enjoy some stuff we usually never get to do. Nn...
Yuma: This is a whip, right? No doubt in mind that guy used this to torment those poor little lambs. ...Didn’t I tell ya earlier, there’s people who need that sorta kick. Perhaps I’m one of them as well? When I picture your expression as you fight back the pain...It sends shivers down my spine.
Yuma: Ahn? I’m not actin’ like myself? Ya think so? Hah. Then this room and the moon might be messin’ with my head. I shouldn’t be interested in lil’ games enjoyed by those disgustin’ noblemen. If anythin’, they used to make me gag...So I wonder why I’m havin’ so much fun right now? ...Could this be my true colors showin’...?
Yuma: Heh. This bad boy makes quite the sound. ...Wait, what am I doin’? ...Aah, my bad. I felt a lil’ dizzy just now...There really is somethin’ wrong with me, huh? Ugh...
Yuma: I...
You seem worried. 
Yuma: Hah. ...Haha. Just kidding~ 
You get upset.
Yuma: Ah? I was jokin’ just now. I wanted to see what kind of face you’d make, and just couldn’t help myself.
You protest.
Yuma: It looked convincin’? Don’t be fuckin’ kiddin’ me. I’m not the type of dude who would torment the weak, geez. Ya can’t even tell the difference between the truth and an act? Ya really are an idiot.
*Cling cling*
Yuma: There we go...Oi, lift yer hands a lil’ higher. I’m gonna remove the handcuffs.
You obey.
Yuma: Ahー The hole’s over here, right? ...’Kay. ...Huh?
*Cling cling*
Yuma: Ahn? ...That’s odd...I’m pretty sure this key...Ugh...Ah!
Yuma: Ah...Fuck! It broke!
You make a fuss.
Yuma: Ah, hold on! Do ya really need to get that upset!? ...Hey! Don’t hit me!
*Thud thud*
Yuma: ...Calm down!! I can just chop off yer wrists and problem solvーー
You continue protesting.
 Yuma: ...I’m just kiddin’! Geez...I’m sure we’ll find a solution if we head upstairs. ...God, yer wrists are bleedin’. It’s ‘cause ya kept on movin’ ‘round. Does it hurt?
You nod.
Yuma: Guess I have no other choice. I’ll apply first aid.
Yuma licks the wound.
Yuma: There. Lil’ better now? ...Let’s say we’re even now, ‘kay?
You puff out your cheeks.
Yuma: Don’t hold it ‘gainst me. I was just curious how it’d feel to step out of my comfort zone for once. Don’t ya ever get that itch to try somethin’ new as well? ...More importantly, drinkin’ yer blood made me thirsty.
Yuma: After all, you’re like a delicious treat. Just a lil’ taste isn’t enough to satisfy us. ...Ah, yer blood really is nice. ...Say? Won’t ya let me feed off ya now that you’re stuck like this anyway? Ya don’t mind, do ya?
You hesitate. 
Yuma:  Ahー What a pain.I’ll take that silence as a yes. I’m not the most patient fella ‘round.
Yuma: Now behave. I won’t hurt ya. 
Yuma bites you.
Yuma: Mmh...Delicious...I can’t stop...
Yuma: ...Gimme more...I’ll suck from this hand next. Mmh...
Yuma: Mmh...Nn...
Yuma: ...Haahー This is bad...I really went to town on ya, huh...Did it hurt? Or maybe it feels good? 
You whimper softly.
Yuma: Hehe...I wonder if it’s ‘cause ya had yer blood sucked while being handcuffed, but ya look as if ya enjoyed it way more than usual.
You seem embarrassed.
Yuma: No need to be ashamed. ...It’s too late for that. I’ve been showin’ ya my pathetic side as well, no? When I see yer blood...or get a wiff of it...I get so turned on, I lose sight of myself. However...
Yuma: That blood of yers...
He sniffs it.
Yuma: Hmmー How strange, it doesn’t smell as strong as usually...Now that ya mention it, I feel as if it tastes different as well? The fuck’s goin’ on? ...Oi, Sow. Stop spacin’ out and look at me, come on!
He forces your face his way.
Yuma: ...Do ya notice anythin’ off ‘bout me?
You shake your head.
Yuma: Right? But ya know, something’s not right. ...Oi, inspect my body. I’m sure there’s somethin’ wrong with it.
You seem baffled.
Yuma: This time I’m serious. I’m not just teasin’ ya. Come on, hurry up.
You protest.
Yuma: Ahn? Ya can’t use yer hands? ...Well, I guess that’s true. But even without yer hands, you’ve got somethin’ else that’ll work just fine as a replacement, right?
You tilt your head to the side.
Yuma: Whatcha so confused ‘bout? I’m obviously talkin’ ‘bout that mouth of yers.
You seem surprised.
Yuma: Check my body thoroughly with those lips. ーー Oh come on, didn’t I tell you just now? I’m bein’ serious. 100% sincere. So, where ya wanna start? With my neck, perhaps?
Yuma: Yeah, just start from there and take it nice and slow...What’s wrong? Are ya holdin’ back? ...Ya can be a little more rough, ya know?
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Ah...Your lips are so soft...Nn...It’s almost like someone is trailing a feather across a skin...Ah...
You sigh.
Yuma: Hah? Ya won’t be able to tell this way? You’re always so quick to decide without givin’ it a try, huh? How dull. Come on, get on with it already.
Yuma: Nn...Yeah, just like that...See? Ya can do it after all...Or are ya growin’ desperate now? Hahaha...Ya suddenly...picked up the pace...Nn...It tickles. Is this you’re way of takin’ revenge? ...Oh well, whatever.
You continue trailing your lips across his skin.
Yuma: Yeah, just keep goin’ like that...Nn...Carefully slide your lips across...Hah...Nn...Feels good...
You ask if he’s doing this to tease you again.
Yuma: Hahaha...Guess I’m busted, huh?
Yuma: ...Ow!! Did ya really need to hit me!? I was just havin’ some fun! For one, we wouldn’t need doctors if we could simply find out what’s wrong with someone’s body this way.
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Diabolik Twitter ー Laito Sakamaki [2017 Compilation]
--> This post includes all tweets posted on the official Rejet Twitter account for Laito Sakamaki (@DiaLoverLaitoS) in 2017.
Shuu l Reiji l Ayato l Kanato l Subaru l Ruki l Kou l Yuma l Azusa l Carla l Shin l Kino
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January 4, 2017
> Bitch-chan, Happy New Year’s! ♪
> When I passed by the Shrine yesterday, it was rather crowded, I was shocked!
--> In Japan, it is common to go on ‘hatsumōde’, which is the first visit to a Shinto Shrine of the New Year. While Japanese people aren’t generally religious, both Shintoism and Buddhism do have their own role in society. A ‘jinja’ (神社) or ‘shrine’ is always related to Shintoism, while ‘otera’ (お寺) or ‘temples’ are Buddhist.
> Hatsumōde...Or something?
> Must be rough to have to go out of your way to go greet God even though it’s this cold~
January 20, 2017
> Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun are heading out together? That’s new.
> Maybe I should ask them to let me join in as well, juuust kidding~ ♪
January 23, 2017
> “Nii-san” has kind of a forbidden ring to it, I like it! ❤️
> I want to be called ‘Laito-nii-san’ sometime as well
> Hey, Bitch-chan, will you call me that?
February 13, 2017
> I’ve discovered a picture from Ayato-kun’s jacket laying on the floor ❤️
> Looks like it was taken at Princess Land. This person in the back, is that...Carla?
> My・oh・my ❤️
> Seems like things will get interesting if I show this to the Founder’s younger brother
February 14, 2017
> I passed by Kanato-kun earlier, and he seemed to be on cloud nine
> He was carrying an amazing load of chocolate, I wonder where he got all of that~?
> He didn’t even notice I called out for him
> I’m feeling hurt, so won’t you comfort my poor soul? Bitch-chan~ ♪
February 16, 2017
> Oh dear? Somehow there’s this tense atmosphere in the air
> All of my brothers have these troublesome personalities after all
> They should enjoy life a little more,  trying to get a kick out of everything~
--> He uses the word プレイ or ‘play’ here, which usually refers to a kink/sexual fantasy. I think Laito is the only one who can view any situation as sexual though. xD
> Whatever. I’ll go and have some fun before I get involved in this mess~ ♪
February 22, 2017
> Nfu~ A back alley where someone could pass by any moment sure makes things exciting, huh? ♪
> I want to hear more of Bitch-chan’s voice~ ❤️
> Cry out in a nice voice
> No need to hold back, you can be a little more daring. Feel it, be greedy, okay?
> Hey...What are you acting so innocent for?
> Giving me nothing but those lackluster reactions, I’m kind of disappointed, you knowー
> I’m telling you, you don’t need any worthless logic or stupid morals
> There, there? You’re an obedient and good girl, right? ❤️
> I ・ love ・ you
March 3, 2017
> Huh~? What’s thiiiis~?
> Seems like you’re doing something interesting
> Didn’t you actually want to say something like ー ‘Your virginity is mine ❤️’ ? 
RT @DialoverSubaruS: Listen up. You belong to me. I won’t give you to anyone else.
> No waaaay, I was just joking~ (@Subaru)
> When it comes to love confessions, Laito-kun has to give his two cents, right?
> Hey, Bitch-chan. Do you know just how much I love you?
> If you don’t...I’ll thoroughly teach you, so come see me right away  ♪
> Come on~ You too, Ayato-kun, share your love confession!
> Kanato-kun, chocolate, the kitchen shelf
> Are you fine with me exposing you? You’ll be in a loooot of trouble, you know? (@Ayato)
March 14, 2017
> Homemade cookies that have the ‘sadistify’ drug mixed in with it, huh?
This is related to Kanato’s tweets on the same day, where he mentions getting his hands on this shady drug that turns someone into a sadist. He mixed it into cookie batter and wants to feed it to everyone.
> Sounds fun, I’ll have a bite too!  ♪
> Hey, Bitch-chan. Won’t you show me just how pathetic and pitiful you look...When you’re being devoured and sought after by other men,
> Nfu~ You hate this? Perfect, I get so incredibly turned on...When I see your uncomfortable expression
> Heeh, the effects wear off rather quickly. What a shame.
> This is a rare opportunity, so I have to make sure Reiji, Shuu and Subaru eat some as well~ ❤️
> Seems like things will get interesting  ♪
March 30, 2017
> Say, Bitch-chan. you just fell head over heels for me all over again, did you not?
> Nfu~ To think I can pull off formal wear perfectly as well...Way to go, me!
> Being this beautiful should be a crime! ❤️
April 17, 2017
> While running away from Reiji, I spotted Subaru-kun with black hair! ❤️
> There was an octopus sitting on his head so...That black hair is probably octopus ink?
> Dyeing it black with octopus ink...How original~ ♪
 > Could it be, is he aiming to become a tidy-looking black haired character?
April 26, 2017
> Ayato-kun just showed me his answer sheet but...For some reason, he got 10.000 points on a test on a hundred
> It’s so obvious he just added a few extra zero’s! ❤️
> He must have been very frustrated to lose to me
> He’s supposed to be the older brother, but honestly, he’s such a fool~ ♪
May 23, 2017
> Eeehー? Really?
> Today, if you write a sweeeeet tweet talking lovingly about someone or something you like and add this ⟶ #LoveLetterDay ...You get whatever you wrote about?
> Guess I won’t know until I try ♪
> I love how you’re sweet, colorful...and fragile. ❤️ Makes me want to destroy you more and more. #LoveLetterDay
> What I’m talking about? Nfu~ When you say sweet and colorful...It has to be macarons, right? ♪
June 16, 2017
> There was a wedding over at the Church. They’ve been happening often as of late
> A bride’s wedding dress actually turns me on quite a bit. ❤️
> Walking down the aisle, vowing ones love and then the honey moon...Nfu~ The thought of having your purity corrupted is quite nice, don’t you think?
July 14, 2017
> I really went through hell
> I don’t ever want to study again...
> Currently looking for someone who will soothe my tired, poor soul~ ❤️
--> The way he formats the tweet, it actually looks as if he put up an advertisement, looking to hire someone for the job. xD
August 17, 2017
> I’ve been hearing music ever since this morning
> Lately they’ve started doing outdoor festivals as well?
> I’ll go take a look later ♪
August 23, 2017
> Huh?
> That long hair, Carla..? He’s cooling off by the water fountain, what a rare sight
> There’s a small dog with him as well, did he even own one?
> Hey, when did you see that? (@Subaru)
> Huh? Then the person in front of me isn’t Carla?
> They looked totally alike...Hmm...
> Carla, are you the one I saw at the park with a dog, wearing short sleeves while taking a dip into the water?
> The moon’s beautiful tonight
> On these kind of nights, I just want to forget about everything in the world, and suck you dry to my heart’s content
> Nfu~ ❤️ Did you imagine something dirty, perhaps?
> You’re even giving off such a nice smell...You really are a slut, huh?
> Haah...I’m disappointed 
> Don’t you think it’s fine as long as we enjoy the present?
> Feel my love through the pleasure and pain I give you
> Suffer more? To the point where that lovable face of yours twists in pain, becoming unsighty. 
> Let us dance an everlasting Waltz underneath the moonlight
> We’ll continue it in bed, of course ♪
> Rest assured? In bed, I’ll hurt you as much as you’d like, Princess ❤️
> I’m inviting you to a stimulating night
> Tonight, let’s enjoy the most obscene yet pleasurable dream together
September 6, 2017
> Hmー? Are you making fun of us, perhaps?
RT @DialoverReijiS: . As for my siblings, I can’t even praise them as lip service. I wish they would take me, their older brother, as an example and learn.
> Becoming an older brother like Reiji, huh...
> That means we get to act as if the whole place belongs to use like Reiji usually does, right?
> I’ll have to let Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun know this right away
November 16, 2017
> Ehー, that seems like a hassle so I’ll pass (@Ayato)
> Ah, even if you forget your headband, it’ll be okay so rest assured
> I’ll give you one...A bright red scarf around your neck ♪
December 25, 2017
> Santa is the symbol of Christmas...but reindeer aren’t bad either
> Don’t you think its antlers have a nice shape?
> Nfu~ The reindeer that visited us today alongside a weird Santa had antlers you would probably like, Bitch-chan
> Girls would love cute ones made out of felt, right?
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