#go watch pride 2014 immediately if you haven’t seen it she’ll be in your collection too
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charlottcharles · 29 days ago
she’s a sensitive tiny queer girl who is filled to the brim with Yearning™️, hardened and radicalized by the world around her. i’ve simply never been more represented in star wars.
Character Appreciation Friday - Vel Sartha
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Name: Vel Sartha Played by: Faye Marsay Appearances: Aldhani, The Axe Forgets, The Eye, Announcement, Narkina 5, Nobody's Listening!, Daughter of Ferrix, Rix Road
Happy Friday and happy VELENTINE'S DAY, gang!!! Look I'm not gonna act like this is a normal one because that would be very dishonest of me. This is the most important day of the year for me, and I'd really really really love if everyone would help out with spreading appreciation and love for my number one sad girl rebel.
Please let me know what you appreciate about dear Vel in a reblog, comment, or ask!
Next week: Brasso
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unloveable-unreachable · 6 years ago
You’re the One My Heart Wants- Alex Morgan x Reader
Word Count: 3,318
Warnings: Swearing
Author: Me
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A/N: Hey guys this is a first attempt at an Alex Morgan x Reader multi-chapter story. I hope you like it, and I’ll post chapters as much as I can. 
Chapter 1 
Headlines for the 2019 NWSL Season:
~~Marta leaves the NWSL after two seasons with the Pride, Orlando obtains star forward, Y/L/N, from Portland.~~
~~Portland Thorn fans grieve over the loss of their champion forward.~~
~~What will be the career for Y/F/N Y/L/N be like at Orlando Pride?~~
~~Orlando has high hopes for their new forward, Y/L/N, and hope this change is just what the club needs.~~
It’s weird, I’ll admit, having your name thrown all over the headlines for the upcoming season. I never imagined leaving Portland, especially this soon. I joined the club right out of my second year of college back in 2014, it was a perfect fit for me. I loved the team, and most of my best friends were on that team. Like Sonny and Lindsey. Don’t get me wrong, I have other friends on the team like Tobin, but only because I’m the only one who will go skateboarding with her (at least that’s what she says, but I know she loves me even if she won’t admit it). 
Being one of the players during the 2015 Women’s World Cup put me in the headlines, especially because I was only 21 and scored in two matches, so I was used to being in the headlines. If not for that then for the 2016 Olympics for sure, yeah that was a hard time for a lot of us. We’ve grown since then though, we put more work in than anyone else I know. We want every win more than the opponent every time we step out on the pitch. This World Cup is where we’ll prove ourselves.
Anyways, yeah leaving Portland was really hard for me. Having to pack up my whole life, along with my Corgi, Luna, and moving to the other side of the country was definitely a struggle, to say the least. One of the only good things about being traded to Orlando is that I get to see my moms. Let’s not confuse that with my actual mom, she’s a whole other story. My ‘moms’ are Ali Krieger and Ashlyn Harris. During my rookie season on the National Team, they took me under their wing, because Ali saw me distance myself from the others and she took it upon herself to take care of me which also means Ash gets drug into it, too. But she doesn’t hate it at all, I’m the kid they wish they could have raised themselves (let’s be honest here, they are the ones who raised me. They just don’t realize it yet). They’re the ones who helped me find my new house, and the ones who helped me (along with Uncle Kyle) move in.
“Yeah mom, I got all of my stuff moved in and unpacked already,” I say to my actual mother. “Okay, I was just making sure. Cause you know I won’t be there to check on you every day and I just want to make sure you have everything ready,” she said in a very uptight tone that I’ve always hated. “Have you met anyone yet? Are there any men you have your eye on?” I nearly broke my head rolling my eyes as hard as I do. Let’s be clear here, I’m gay. I’ve been gay since I was 13, but I can’t tell my family because they wouldn’t understand. Also because if I came out to them I would still be the disappointment of ‘their three girls’, except this time I would be completely disowned. Never to hear from anyone in my family ever again, not like I ever hear from them now but you get what I mean. It’s not something I’m quite ready to dish out yet. “No mom, no guys,” I say trying to end our conversation because I have training in an hour and I knew Ali was going to come pick me up. We say our goodbyes and I run out to meet Ali, who always gets excited to see me like she hasn’t seen me in years. It’s refreshing, to say the least.
Our 2019 season started with a loss to Portland. It was a bittersweet match for me to say the least. At the end of the match Tobin, Sonny, and Lindsey came and gave me hugs until I couldn’t breath. I missed them, and I know that Sonny missed my playlists in the locker room. Lindsey and Sonny practically beg to come stay at my house for a movie night, and of course, I give in without any help from Tobin. The next match was against North Carolina, who has my other best friend on the team, Sammy Mewis. We manage to lose that one too, I know the team is just getting used to me being there but there isn’t any connection between any of us it seems. Sammy also begs to stay at my house because she missed Luna and my movie collection.
Our next match is one of the ones I’ve been waiting for, because playing Utah was always a great match and because I get to see my number one best friend- Kelley O’Hara. When they get to the stadium, I immediately run up to Kelley and jump on her back causing her to fall over, filling the stadium with laughter. “I missed you, Smalls!” I yell at her as we lay on the pitch. “I missed you more, Biggie Smalls!” she shouts back. We have nicknames that we gave each other back in 2015 at the last World Cup. She’s “Smalls” because she’s 5’5” and I’m “Biggie Smalls” because I’m five inches taller than her and built more. She came up with them, and I just go along with it because she’s my best friend and I love her more than anything.
The match ends with Utah winning. We need to get out of this slump or it’s going to be a long season for us. Kelley catches up to me while I walk out of the locker room, “Hey Y/N! Do you wanna go out for drinks tonight?” she asks with a big ass grin on her face. How could I tell her no? “Of course, Kelley. Meet me at my house later and we’ll grab an Uber and stay out as late as you can,” I say back smiling at her. I have to run to catch up with Ali and Ash to get a ride home. “You played good today, moms,” I say as Ash slings her arm around my shoulders. Ali laughs at the mention of ‘moms’ because she knows it’s true but won’t admit it, at least not to me. “You played really well too, kiddo. They just need to get you the ball more, you really work your magic when you get a chance to get a touch on the ball,” Ash says as she ruffles my hair causing me to laugh, as we get in the car to head to our houses. When we pull up to my house, I hop out and say thanks for the ride like I always do. “Hey Y/N, don’t forget I’m coming to get you in the morning for our hike. Don’t sleep in or I’ll make your life hell,” Ali says trying to be all serious but ends up cracking a smile. “I won’t. Love you guys!” I shout from the front door. “Love you, kiddo!” Ash yells from the passenger window.
I hear a knock on the door a few hours later while I’m setting out Luna’s food, and then hear the front door open knowing it’s Kelley. When I look up from the dog food I’m caught a little off guard at the sight of Alex, not in a bad way but in a surprising way. She’s standing next to Kelley watching her play with Luna on the floor. “I can’t believe you haven’t brought Luna to see me more. She loves her Aunt Kelley, and obviously missed me,” Kelley says to me while cradling Luna like a baby. I let out a laugh and say, “We just got moved in like a month ago, and she enjoys her time with Logan. But I’ll be sure to bring her soon, she sure does miss your walks.” I catch Alex looking at the tattoos on my arms, and she sort of blushes at the sight of me catching her. “Hi, Alex,” I say trying to kill the awkwardness in the air. “Hi, Y/N,” she says back shyly. 
Alex and I have a teammate relationship that strictly stays on the pitch. We work really well together when we’re both on the field, but that hasn’t happened till the game tonight and we all know how that one ended. I normally keep to myself or I just stick to either Ash or Ali just because I know they’ll protect me if anything should happen. Alex and I don’t really interact outside the stadium, so tonight’s already starting out awkward. Thanks, Kelley...
Kelley finally sets Luna down asking if we’re ready for drinks, which of course we are. “Yes, please. I gotta buy you a round after your win tonight,” I say to Kelley who just gives me a cheesy grin and two thumbs up. Alex says the Uber should be here already, I tell them to head out while I lock everything up. I end up sitting in the back with Kelley since Alex knows where all the good bars are. 
When we finally reach the street we’ve been looking for, I notice Alex is just out in front of us not really sticking to the group that much. “How’s she doing? If you don’t mind me asking,” Kelley says to me quietly as we follow Alex. “Um, as far as I know, she’s okay. We don’t really talk that much outside of the pitch. Why do you ask?” I answer a little confused by her question. We hear Alex say something about a phone call and that we should go in and she’ll find us. We go in, find a booth and order our drinks. “Okay, so I was asking you because she’s been going through a lot lately and I didn’t know if that was affecting her while she played or whenever she was out of her house,” Kelley says and I look at her confused. She lets out a sigh, “The short story is that she and Servando split up because he didn’t support her life choices, and he told her that he could never love someone like her.” Kelley sips on her beer before continuing, “Their divorce was final right before the start of the season, that’s why she hasn’t been acting like herself lately. She just really needs friends here since I’m not around that much.” I take a long gulp of my drink while I process what she just told me. “Look, I’ll be her friend because she obviously needs someone to talk to. And I can look out for Alex for you and let you know what’s going on,” I say causing her to smile big. “See that’s what I need, both of my best friends being friends,” she says as she clinks our drinks.
By the time Alex finds us, Kelley and I are already four beers in and also several shots in. As she sits down next to Kelley, after ordering her drink, she’s caught in an ‘argument’ between me and Kelley. “I’m just saying you could’ve gotten the ball to the right more, your right foot is your weapon. Use it!” Kelley practically yells at me. “Oh yeah, O’Hara? What about those sloppy passes you were sending to Christen? I know you can do better than that,” I shoot back at her causing her to get all defensive and flustered by my statement. That manages to get a laugh out of Alex, which is great because I don’t think I’ve seen her smile since we left my house. When we all finish our round of drinks, I offer to buy the next round as Kelley jumps up to dance to whatever song is playing in the bar.
Apparently, I’m the only one who can hold their alcohol, because at the end of our night out I’m the one dragging both of them out of two different bars and forcing them into the Uber. “We’re going to Y/N’s house!” I hear Kelley yell from the backseat. I roll my eyes at her and give the poor man my address, and we finally get away from the bar scene for tonight at least. When we get to my place I grab Kelley’s phone from her to send a text to her teammates letting them know where she is and that she’ll be back at the hotel in the morning. And yet again, I have to drag them through my house to the back patio. “Can we pleaseee have more drinks?” they both asked at the same time causing them to laugh (and me as well). Since I know neither of them are leaving my house tonight I give in. I walk over to my bar and grab Kelley the case of beer I bought for tonight, and a bottle of wine for me and Alex to share. 
Kelley, the party animal, plays her music from my outdoor sound system. She jumps up and down to the music around the patio while Alex and I just laugh at our best friend. I sneak inside with Luna, while Alex and Kelley start belting out a 90s hit song that I can’t remember the name to. I blow up the air mattress in the living room before I forget, or before I’m too drunk to remember to. I leave Luna asleep on the air mattress whenever I slip back outside. I take my spot next to Alex who’s listening to Kelley tell a story about a match she played in back when she was at Stanford. I take the opportunity to steal one of Kelley’s (my) beers.
As Kelley laughs at the end of her story, I take full advantage of the situation by recording her for my Instagram story. The music changes, although Kelley doesn’t notice because of her laughing. I recognize the song and start humming to it and begin swaying in my seat to the music, as I’m doing that I notice Alex go to stand up from her spot next to me. She sets the wine bottle down on the table and turns to me. “Do you wanna dance?” Alex manages to ask through drunken slurs with her hand out. I, in turn, let out a drunken laugh and then I take her hand pulling her close as we start dancing side to side, singing to the song. Kelley disappeared at some point but I don’t notice because I’m focused on Alex. Alex starts laughing, but before I realize at what, I focus in on her eyes. They were absolutely mesmerizing, and the way her face looks as she laughs is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. And oh god her laugh, it could cure any sadness. Wait, why am I looking at Alex like this and why is she laughing? “Kelley!” I laugh out, “Go put Luna back to bed before I make you go to bed.” As Kelley hurries back inside, I notice me and Alex are still embraced, but we aren’t dancing anymore. I pull away first, as smoothly as I can in my drunken state. I reach for my drink and sit back down in my spot and finally feel the buzz from all the alcohol I’ve consumed tonight.
After what feels like forever, Kelley comes back out to the patio. Except this time she has on different clothes, my clothes of course. I laugh loudly when I see her, because like I said before I’m five inches taller than her so that makes my t-shirts look like dresses on her. She does a little twirl showing us her whole outfit before going back to drinking her beer. Our night goes on about the same as it started, Kelley is showing off her dance moves, Alex is relaxing more, and I’m just really enjoying their company. 
I look at the clock on the wall to see what time of night it was, knowing that Kelley has to be up in the morning to meet her team and that I have to be up for my hike with Ali and Ash around the same time Kelley has to leave. “Okay,” I slur out, “Kelley has to be up in the morning and Krashlyn will kill me if I’m not up when they get here in the morning.” Kelley and Alex laugh in agreement to the last part. I stand up from the couch, gulp down the last of my beer and snag the practically empty wine bottle from Alex’s grasp.
Like how the rest of the night has gone, except with way more alcohol in our systems, I have to drag both of them back inside my house. The house is filled with drunken giggles whenever I leave them on my couch while I head to the kitchen. I grab the headache meds and bottles of water for everyone before walking back to my drunk friends. “Someone can sleep on the air mattress with Luna and the other person, whoever it is, can sleep with me upstairs, or you can both sleep down here with Luna. I don’t really care either way,” I slur as I say my goodnights while I walk up the stairs to my room. I collapse on my bed when I finally reach my room, as I do my phone dings. I look and, of course, it’s my group message with Sonny, Sammy, and Lindsey. Sonny and Lindsey have been arguing about who misses me the most (of course I know it’s Sonny) and Sammy is talking about how Rose’s dog doesn’t like her as much as Luna does. I remind all three of them that I did just see them all last week and that I’ll see them for National Team training pretty soon. I finally tell them to go to bed, send them all (especially Sonny) my love, and I plug my phone back in.
I decide that I really don’t want my bed to smell like sweat, beer, wine and whatever else Kelley managed to get me to drink in the morning. So I get up and take a hot shower. When I come out of my bathroom I hear a knock on my door, expecting Kelley to ask for more blankets like always. When I open the door I’m welcomed by a very drunk and smiley Alex Morgan. “Coould I borrow some clothess?” she manages to get out between giggles. I just laugh and nod my head to her question. I have to help her walk to my bed because walking is not Drunk Alex’s forte. I sit her down, give her a small smirk and turn to grab clothes for her to wear. I hand her the clothes and help her carefully to the bathroom so she can change. “Call if you need any help,” I say and she just smiles as I close the door. It doesn’t take her too long to come back out of the bathroom. I look up at her as she thanks me and tells me goodnight again before heading back downstairs.
I finally get into bed after a very long day and an even longer night. I set my alarm and shut off my bedside table lamp before turning to my side with my body pillow. As I was just about to fall asleep, I hear a noise outside my door. Confused, I get up out of bed and open my door. And there she is, with her killer smile and stunning blue eyes.
“Can I sleep with you?”
To be Continued
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