#go me thoifh
spitinsideme · 7 months
read a really good ragapom fanfiction https://archiveofourown.org/works/53688844/chapters/135907246 and it was very goos so o drew a part of it whixh i really liked (fanfiction made by @gravitycavity go chexk it our its nice)
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bisluthq · 10 months
Hi auntie nat! My boyfriend is the loveliest man in the world. I had a shit day today and he was so lovely. Tonight thoifh, he is going to drive an hour to grab dinner with an old friend who happens to be a girl. She him and another guy were in a friend group but the other guy didn’t make plans bc he’s on a bender lol. Even so I felt a little nervy bc when i facetimed him he had showered and shaved and was talking about nice bars/places to eat near the area she’s from. BC I had a shit day he said that he would be thinking of me the entire time bht godhhh is a little toxic part of me worried abt him driving an hour looking cleaned up to take a girl out to dinner LMAO. What do you think?
my general advice on shit like this is if it’s an old friend why tf would you worry? If they’d wanted to, they would have because they’re old friends. Him showering is irrelevant lol like he’s going to dinner - would you rather he go out looking bad lol? I also just generally think jealousy isn’t that helpful an emotion because if people want to cheat they just… will… but also it’s extremely not rational and it’s okay to be upset about stuff you know is silly like him going out to dinner with an old friend. I do think he could’ve offered for you to join, since it’s so far away and you’ve had a shitty day, but they also are probably looking forward to the catchup and also need to discuss the bender friend and might not want to do that with you there.
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spitinsideme · 6 months
eating you and ur art i love you
yippee !!!!! love you too anon in my asks who wnats to eat me, ill season myaelf for you dont you worry ill be sure to taste amazing so you can enjoy me just as much as you enjly my art ❤️❤️ appreciate you very much you can eat my art all you want
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spitinsideme · 8 months
Any news from writer anon or southern lesbian anon?
Also what’s your favorite video game if you play any? And how tall are you?
i do play dome video games ! im nt very good at them thoifh im shit at anything that involves fighting or shooting or actual skills i love a goof gMr where i do nothing, like dragon city ! best gamr rver im on level 45 💪💪 and honestly ? most games i have i just got because the ckver looked colourful or i hesrd soemthing funny about it and was lime oh sillh i have to get that !!
i have five video games, borderlands 3 (u got this game becauxe of taht mad moxxi ask a while ago, shes from borderlands 3 and GOD SHESOSUFKCING HKT AND SHE APPARENLTY HAS A DOUTHERN ACCRNT ??? LIKE FUCK MEER UP THE ASS PLEADE !!!) but its a shooting game and i have been losing .. a lot of times .. and when i win its nkt even luck or skill i think the game jjsy feels bad and pities me but the women in thks game are HOT !!! i also have cyberpunk 2007 (i got this game bwcaude i once saw a yoitube short about hwo the dick and tits are customisable and you can like make them big or small and i thought that was hilarious so i got it) but i am actually so bad at the game, whenever i play it i dont even do the main thing i have to do i go explore and drive anf i dont remrvrrt yhe commands and so i once ACCIDENTALLY took out my gun and everyone started FIGHTING ME ???? AND I WAS SCARSD SO I TRIED TO RUN AWAY BUT I ENDED UP SHOOTING THEM 💔💔 I FEPT BAD FOR SOME REASON AND MORE POEPLE CAME TO TRY AND MURDER ME AND IT WSS ALL ACCIDNETAL !!! but thwy have a strip srx club thing and so i tried to have lesbian sex but i ended up TAKING OUT MY GUN AGAIN AND THE STRIPPER SEX PERSON KILLED ME ???? CANT EVEN GET FUCKED !! i also have resident evil village (i want to get chased and murxered by lady dimitrescu but rverytime i play i get so happy taht i jst want too save thr moemnt i get to be chased by lady dimitrescu for a perfwct day), watch dog legions i also play !! (got this game becade the guy in the covet had a mask so i thought this game would be .. about .. masks ? and i lime masks so i thoight that was cool), and then i have biomutant !! (got this game becahse rat creature thing and i like rats)
and, the last time i checked at least, i am 155cm !!!
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spitinsideme · 6 months
Not sure if you already answered this but where are you from?
i dont think so ! but ive said im british before so youknow cant exactly be british and not be from britain !! im from england thoifh 👍 born and raised woo !!!! go england !!!!! or whatever the fuck all i do know is that a lot of women from america love british accents so one day i nred to go to amrrica, go to a lesbian bar and just like speak and hope gjat a southern women bears me not pronpuonce my ts and goes GOD I NEDD TO FUCK HER !!! going to say something sterotupicql like bo'le o' wa'er and a woman will laugh and go "its chewsday innit" and kiss me on the lips passiomately
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spitinsideme · 8 months
THEYVE ALL SENT DONR WORRY !!!! I JUST HAVENT GOFTEN TO REPLYING TO THEM BUT YES SHS LOOKS VEEY HOT AND SEXY OLDER WOMEJ ARE ALWAYS HOR AND SEXY .... but she is a cyboeg ... and shw has a gun for an arm .. i lkve older women but i also enjoy skin to skin contact .... shes hot thoifh so id still ler her fuck me 💪
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spitinsideme · 5 months
haven't watched either of those shows but i voted for the lesbians, don't die!!!
THANK YOU I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU !!!!! tbey are my favpiore lrsboan ship lkke actually also yellowjacley spoilers when laura lee died i actually cried for like a week everytjing reminded me of her like i actually couldnt so anything withoi going god .. tjat reemknds me of laura lee ... i miss her so much ... like i have never gotten this attcbed to a characyer in my life actyally i dont care aboit any fictional characters i have never had any strong feelings for them as much as i have for laura lee rven noe none of you understand .. everytime i remeber shes dead i cry for her becaude she will nrve rbe loved for who she is and she will nrve rbe appreciated eben thoifh she dacrificed herself for people she conskdrred friends and yet no one considers her a friend an djust .. god .. its too sad i cannot do it ...
ANYWAYS YES THANK YOU MIGA !!!! I LKBE LESBIANS SOMUXH !!!! they have to win actyally becaude if they dont i honestly think ill scream and cry and probably die for a week or two ill dig a hole for myself and live in there until i feel better .. appreciatr everyone who voted for them ...
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