#go feral my dude
cursedvibes · 10 months
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I wish Yuuji's wound had healed like this so his teeth would always be exposed
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seldompathic · 9 months
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If bro smiles through tears in episode 1 of S3 I'm gonna fold like a lawn chair
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roadkill-creatures · 1 year
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Haha what the fuck
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feralcorpses · 3 months
This is why you don’t trust me with researching things 👍
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Sorry for putting those lilacs and poppi- *GUN SHOTS* -Some sort of ripoff unintelligible accent- “They been in the desert for long enough”
I don’t know why I added that last bit 💀
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lafamilledelioncourt · 2 months
They took that lanky boy out of the theater and said you are going to cut through souls with your eyes alone.
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📸 credit
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judgement-marshmallow · 11 months
btw I think
“q!Roier thinks q!Cellbit killing people is hot”
“q!Roier is equally as pissed off at the Feds as q!Cellbit and he wants to see them burn to the ground and will gladly help his husband in doing so. He’s lost so much at the hands of the Feds and he has every right in the world to be angry with them. He doesn’t see it as a red flag because he agrees with what he’s doing and will do the same.”
can co-exist
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melkyt · 5 months
Coming back to yet another version of this au, my favorite flavore, yes. Something about this Luffy running around natural disasters and burning buildings has me wild. And ofc Law as the workaholic never slowing down, and with one foot in the grave, until something convinces him to care about his own health. YUM, So, anyway, onto the plot haha
Rescue EMT!Luffy is always on call during night shifts at the hospital. He's 20 and has boundless energy.
Law, the son of the previous hospital admin, and in his last year of yet another med degree, works nights to pay off his debts. He has no family, and the few friends he has are miles away.
Law is functioning on at least ten coffees and at least 2 energy drinks, his last solid 8 hours of sleep was years ago. He doesn't even remember people can do that.
The hospital is usually empty, which is super boring for Luffy, and he is usually allowed to wander until Ace pages him that it is time to go. But Ace is out and much to his annoyance, he is on phones.
Law usually hangs around in the employee lobby during breaks, it has comfortable chairs and the best internet. He keeps his pager on the table if any patients need him, or there is an emergency. Despite his age, Law is the best Doctor they have on staff, trained in just about everything as he never slows down.
Ace tends to leave Law alone unless the other wants to talk about new theories in medicine and how they apply in the field. Law finds himself lacking in field medicine, so he always wants to know more.
Luffy has never in his life left anyone he finds interesting alone. Luffy starts interrogating Law about his tattoo's, and how come he is allowed to keep them? He thought the hospital had strict cause, Ace has to cover his up when he's on shift. Luffy has his own but his uniform covers it. Ace barely bothers to wear his uniform.
Law ignores his question, partially because he can't get a word in between Luffy's chattering. He barely manages to say his name, which is promptly shortened to Traffy. He gives up at that point, going back to his books, without much luck.
See, Luffy is not boring enough to tune out. The way he talks and the stories he tells are interesting. Law forgets his school work and listens, giving a piece of his mind here and there. It does not take him long to find the flow in Luffy's waterfall of words. The odd phone call barely distracts as he pauses to read out the hospital provided script with his own flare, before going back to rattling about whatever they stopped on.
This is the most Law has talked in years. It is almost a shame when his pager rings to call him back to work.
Luffy starts taking phones more often, much to the surprise of everyone, but he really just wants to talk to Traffy.
Night becomes more berable, and Law finds he needs less caffeine to stay awake, as he looks forward to the talks with Luffy, and that fuels him more than even he expects.
Luffy takes every chance to invite Traffy to go out on the town with his friends.
Law says no, he has to go to class right after work, so he needs those two hours of sleep, there is no time for clubbing or whatever Luffy plans to do (its boardgames, the strawhats 100% have boardgame nights)
Luffy says, "Okay, next time, Traffy!" Every time.
Law nods "Next time" That is how they part every night.
Until there is not a next time. Luffy doesn't show up for work one day. He said he would, even if it wasn't on phones, he'd stop by when he can, Luffy has never broken a promise to hang out. So when he doesn't show and neither does his older brother, Law is frantic with panic, but he doesn't even know Luffy's phone or his full name. For all their talk, he knows nothing about Luffy.
One day passes, then two, then a week. Nobody really knows anything about Luffy at the hospital either. They say he is a nice kid and fun to be around with all his energy, but thats it.
He is even more of a mess than usual when he finally finds out. Courtesy of a blonde that showed up in the hospital by climbing through the lobby window, which is on the fourth floor. The man had burn scars across half his body and said his name was Sabo
He informed Law that there was an explosion and that Luffy was trapped in rubble for a few days but he only just woke up and is asking for Law, he's in another hospital not far from here.
Law wastes not time, grabbing his coat and id, leaving everything else behind.
Sabo's car is a battered blue thing that complains at just being on the road, with every wild turn. Law holds on for dear life until they pull up to a tiny little whole in the wall that he would not call a hospital. Yet inside everything looks state of the art.
Even the hospital they work in, considered the best in the city, can't afford the machines Luffy is hooked up to.
Luffy jumps up in the bed as soon as he sees Traffy, almost pulling out his IV if not the firm hand stopping him. Ace is not as injured as Luffy but has clearly been through it.
"I'll leave you two, but you hurt my brother, and you'll be in a bed right next to him," Ace warns as he passes.
Law ignores him. He does not know what to say, at a loss for words. He thought he lost Luffy, and that scare, like many others in his life, reminds him of just how fragile they are as humans. He almost lost another person he cared about, without even voicing it.
So he does, looking down at the floor, not wanting to face any sign of rejection.
"I love you to Traffy!" Luffy's smile is bright, not any less vibrant even with the new scar across his cheek. He pulls Law closer.
Their lips brush, the kiss is soft and full of desire, as though they have both been waiting for this since they first met.
Law does not leave Luffy's side after that, not even when Ace or Sabo try to chase him out to make him get something to eat.
Luffy knows so many people and is never alone. Another blonde, a younger man who always flirts with the receptionist (Robin), starts bringing food to Law as well, without a word picking up on things he does not like.
For the first time in a long time, it feels as Law is part of a family again, and it is all thanks to that one chance encounter with Luffy.
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lemon-shortbread · 2 months
What if I give you big puppy eyes? What if I so politely lay down in your bed and let out the most PATHETIC whine to knock me up immediately? No one wants a puppy like me—not like you. You're too perfect, our pups will be the most perfect mixtures of us. I promise that if you breed me you'll never be disappointed! I'm a good puppy I promise August. You'll never have to worry about me doing something bad because I am very good at listening. Every second of the day I'll be by your side (if you want me to be) wearing a crop top so you'll have complete access to the belly. It's technically your fault that I've blown up to the point everyone keeps asking when I'm having the baby when I still have a few months left. I want to be your bred puppy and no one else's. I know I said to stop BUT ALSO THE BRAIN WORMS WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT THIS I'M SO SORRY
God you can’t just fuck with my head like this, hun. You know that’s not fair. 😭 When you’re laid there looking so absolutely pathetic and pretty like that how could I NOT give you everything you want? How could I NOT breed you as full as I possibly could when you’re just begging for it. Fuck if this was on purpose or not, I just have to give you as many pups as I can, god you’re gonna be so spoiled-
I see it, I know you’re a good puppy- my good puppy- and i’ll make sure you feel like it every day. The more you grow and change with our puppies, the more i’ll be inclined to just breed you over and over again. So many things that you do just aren’t fair, you shouldn’t be this perfect for being bred like this, but you said it yourself. You’re just such a good boy.
And you’re right, it’s absolutely my fault you’re absolutely gravid with our litter. That crop top and those handsome whines and begs of yours couldn’t make it any more obvious. Along with the marks ive left on you, you’re a monument to our insatiable need to keep you filled up.
I’ll make sure you’re my bred puppy, and i’ll make sure to treat you so well you won’t even think about wanting to be anyone else’s. ❤️❤️
youre fine dw dw just lemme know either way this is been fun
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2aceofspades · 1 year
Ace, I need you to know that every time you update your comic, im basically sitting here shaking the closest object going absolutely feral because aaaaaaaa emotions the drama the angst i love it too much for words so aaaaaAAAAAAA ~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
My dear dear dear morse anon...I hear ya
I guess I'm really embracing my villain era now...
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Eugh boy...
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Playing god is...~an experience~
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crumble-cookii · 5 months
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man i wish gay people were real
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alliekitaguchi · 1 year
the critical role cast is laughing. marisha is laughing. matthew is laughing. laura is laughing.
matthew just confirmed that vax has been punished every time he saves keyleth because he's breaking the rules. he's breaking the rules of the gods to save the love of his life, regardless of the consequences because she's his everything.
and they're LAUGHING--
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cuchufletapl · 1 year
It does fuck me up a little that in episode 147 of Hunter x Hunter not only do they change the ending back to Reason (a song about Gon and Killua's friendship from Gon's perspective), but they also edit the song differently than how they did for the GI arc, so that as we see Gon and Killua sadly turn away from each other and walk away, it starts slow and ever so sorrowful with these fucking lines
I’m right here, by your side, I’m the closest I can be
And I’m fine, I’m content with this arrangement for now
Please tell me gently the rest of your dreams
That you started telling me one day long ago.
Like what the fuck. What the hell dude. Why would the anime directors do this to me, specifically.
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codecicle · 10 months
tumblr is wild. my friends and genuine lifelong bonds I've made on here are making posts talking about how they appreciate and love me and my boyfriend (who I also met through tumblr) because us being sweet together on the dash makes them happy. then i go back to reblogging the clip of charlie slimecicle in the shower rubbing soap on his chest making his tits bounce and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way peak website peak performance this is amazing. 12/10 no notes
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crazyhappygirl · 7 months
JeffBarcode has such a soft, adorable bond but I can totally see Jeff pulling a Kim if someone was to hurt his little one.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
Getting yelled at because here I am, fingers fractured and all, still typing shit about Kel Dor, Plo Koon, Dorin, and Papa Koon (Plo Koon's dad) when I should be resting.
But I have been though >: I have like 1823912839812 messages to reply to, reblogs to tend to, shit to do. But you know, when the call of Koon or call of Dorin beckons, I have to answer.
Four more days till I get to visit the clinic for X-Rays and shit. But you know, in the meantime, have a cute, wholesome, old man supporting all your foolishness as long as you stay hydrated, not hurt people, and continue to be kind to everyone ♥
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Also, look at that slutty hand in the back that exudes such grace, it should be crowned itself ♥ I also see your knee, old man. Don't tempt me ♥
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eveningserenityyy · 1 year
I’ve come to the revelation that there is not nearly enough Lando Calrizzian (rizz. I said what I said) content in the universe and I’m offended on his behalf. where are you hiding him??
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