#go at it with passion! (IC)
redwylde · 6 days
Forcing my two ultimate faves to interact by thinking about how Silver would definitely be interested in biology and the natural sciences because many original ecosystems wouldn't have been able to survive in a world dominated by fire.
In the future he was very interested in history and had to rely on books to learn about anything that came before, but whilst visiting the past he explores and follows field guides in his free time because now he can experience it all for real. Enter Knuckles, who is the most qualified person he knows to teach Silver all about the unique biomes of the world.
At first it just starts out as Silver visiting Angel Island every so often to ask questions and compare notes in his field guide with what Knuckles has seen, which Knuckles enjoys. An excuse to talk about his adventures with a genuinely interested party and they end up bonding really quickly over it. Until Knuckles gets tired of talking about books (and not all of them are correct) so he says fuck it, you can't learn everything from a book and starts taking Silver on forays into the world and shows him everything he dreams to see - ruins reclaimed by nature, entire ecosystems existing on a single type of tree, underwater worlds hidden by algae and sediment.
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heartless-curr · 5 months
kind of a dumb headcanon BUT i think whenever lance actually has some spare time (arceus knows he rarely has any of that) whenever he's not out and about with one of his Various Kids (kanto trio and johto quartet), i think he likes to knit. Specifically so that he can make stuff for the baby dratini in the dragon's den for the winter + stuff like hats and scarves for his own pokemon team. clair does the nearly the Exact Same Thing (crotcheting instead though), however, unlike lance, who would likely be calm about it being discovered (especially since silver would be the most likely to discover it since dad lance is real in my heart), clair would just Drop Kick the discoverer into oblivion (also likely silver. this time because it's funny)
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yuzu-all-the-way · 6 months
I love figure skating
I'm not sure what sport the ISU is currently associated with, but it's not figure skating
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msrobinnewmanrp · 7 months
Robin was currently stationed at her marine base in the New World. Her boss thankfully hadn't been too upset that Robin had come back without arresting anyone, because of Moria's reputation as a Warlord. It made Robin's next part of the plan all the easier. Making sure that no one was watching, Robin picked up the receiver of her Den Den Mushi. It was a private line that only went to one place- the Den Den Mushi currently in Perona's possession. @twopieceworld
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Currently haunted by my SamxBucky Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus AU. Sam as headstrong princess Annika and Bucky as sardonic blacksmith Aidan. Both getting on the wrong foot by their first encounter. Bucky nearly walking out until Sam says he made a mistake, wanting a second chance. To save his family and the kingdom's people that's been turned to stone. Then Bucky turning around after hearing how those words hit hard. Seeing the guilt in Sam's eyes, finding an unexpected kindred soul in him. Craving for a way to amend the mistakes he's made too. (This gifset as reference.) Joining him on his journey to build a Wand of Light, gathered by a measure of courage, a ring of love, and a gem of ice.
And when they part ways, Sam gets nearly killed from a pile of snow toppling down on him. Bucky shows up and digs him out of it, holding him close whispering 'I never should have left you'. And Bucky pleading for Sam to wake up. When Sam does, he's got the smile of relief and joy at the sight of Bucky, who's overwhelmed by the sheer fact that he's conscious again.
Yet also when they infiltrate Wenlock's fortress, Sam tells Bucky to follow his lead, who replies 'Maybe I can handle it'. Bc he thinks Bucky has never ice skated before. And then, Bucky shows off some moves and Sam goes 'Hmm, I guess he can'. Ala this scene.
This barbie movie can fit them so well, and it's haunting me so bad. 🫠🫠🫠
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stewieonxbox360 · 1 month
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penofdamocles · 1 day
Cupcakes are great and versatile and all but there's /so/ much you can do with cookies. Cake is cake is cake and you can have it in 1 shape (decorations excluded), 1 texture, various flavors, that's it. There are so many regional and interdimensional types of cookie it's amazing and making up my own recipes is much more of a creative experience, since I'm figuring each batch out from properly scratch instead of always using my default cake base. I can follow my whims on what kind of prep I want to do more freely and if I /really/ want to do some frosting decorations there's no real restrictions on that either. It's great. I'm having a blast.
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derekslouaylor · 2 years
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for the love of all that is holy have you people lost your minds????
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visceralv · 6 months
The Yuri on Ice kiss to this day... You just had to be there I'm so sorry
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agonizedembrace · 1 year
slides up to evelynn, an arm around her waist. something that she always does without a second thought. it’s nice to be able to hold her love. a wonderful reminder that her partner’s right here, with her. “hey, babe.” she leans up to plant a kiss on her cheek. “looking good.” only then does akali’s hand move lower to grab her girlfriend’s behind, squeezing.
such a motion, initiailly, that hardly elicts a reaction out of evelynn; subconciously does she lean closer to her girlfriend, gaze remaining settled on the cellphone in her hand. she all but purrs her response, light off her tongue and affectionate all the same, "darling--" a quick pause, for it is now that her attention fully diverts from whatever text she's sending robin.
sue her. perhaps she wore the tight miniskirt on purpose for the offchance akali would visit.
"thank you," a delightful hum, leaning even closer into her lover with a certain hunger growing in her gaze. she barely restrains her desires with a bite to her look, making the mistake of giving akali a glance over. absolutely tasteful. "careful. do anything else and i might just have to ravish you."
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naitfall · 6 months
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@worldhell asked:
❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ . - farlan c:
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He couldn’t help but wonder: what was Farlan staring at, wearing such an expression? What was that he saw and where could their perceptions differ? Both curious and unwilling to find out, his nature once again proving to be impossible to decipher. Unwilling, for he believed it was better if he couldn’t see himself clearly — if he didn’t know where his heart found shelter (in his hands, Farlan’s hands). If he didn’t know he was still weak, and could break at any moment, as easy as it was to lose him.
Maybe their hearts weren’t meant to align. A sacrifice he’d make, for his sake. Levi would turn his attention elsewhere, in the opposite direction of Farlan, avoiding his gaze, quite blatantly at that. Resisting to be held captive, give in to hope, the most destructive of human emotions. He needed to be free, to ensure a future for them both. He’d fight against him, the hardest of battles, he’d march forward, to a pace he couldn’t match, clear up the road ahead of all monsters. Didn’t Farlan realize the reason he kept trying to escape him? Or was he more interested in winning this game? A game he had won long ago.
A battle whose outcome had already been decided, where Levi was the loser. Yet he’d refuse to accept his defeat, stubborn as he’s always been, pretending those eyes hadn’t an effect on him. Eyes carrying light, even when having only known darkness. Truth was, Levi wouldn’t have minded to never get to the surface, for he had his own source of light. A light he’d protect at all cost. He couldn’t keep up his act for long, his attention back at him, met with a sight he couldn’t possibly any longer pretend to ignore. He could still be holding such warmth in his eyes. How unfortunate for Farlan, to be met with absolute coldness. Levi couldn’t be any other way, he couldn’t change the way he carried himself — couldn't soften his edges.
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Maybe, he should try a different approach. ❝ What is it? ❞ Shamelessly confronted, despite knowing the answer to his question.
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distopea · 1 year
"I swore you alligence to you for this mission, Lady Sybille."
And while the night had fallen upon them, and the days spent as her knight had passed by, Esekiel remained loyal to the words he had given to her. He would defend her in altercations, tend to those who sought to cause harm and be of assistance whenever needed, even if it was a double edged sword. Did he offer his presence for the night solely for her, or partially himself?
Did he, like everyone else, long for a warm body?
On his feet, he towered over her, a hand raising to meet with the side of her cheek. There was still somewhat of a distance between them, enough for him to take in her appearance ( she didn't resemble Her, this face was different, and yet... ). " Ask me to lay with you, and I will gratefully do so ; I will hold you no differently, I will serve as the knight that was entrusted with your safety."
Gently, his large hand covered her cheek, another rising up by the side of her thigh, brushing upwards. Hooked to his fingers, tagging along, was whatever fabric that covered her body; what did she look like beneath it all, the role she partook in as his commander? And what would she feel like where she to drape her arms around his neck, legs around his waist?
"Lady Sybille," Esekiel stated again, this time bringing their bodies closer. Her warmth caused heart to race, hands to grow uneasy, tempted to pick her up and have her in this very place. But he chose not to indulge in such animalistic urges, it wouldn't be right of him (yet). "My sword and body is yours, say the word and I will make sure you are left satisfied."
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Despite it all… His words were true. She was more than cruel and childish, pushing boundaries and biting, her temper definitely impetuous, but mostly because she had always wanted to prove something. She was eager to show how much no one could ever stay by her side, her greed and pettiness unmatching this eternal loneliness. No one was strong enough to endure the vagaries of the Duchess, and yet, Esekiel had not failed his mission yet. It was both entertaining and vividly bothersome. 
She looked at him, devoting himself one more time to her cause, and that after another of her tantrums. She could mock him, insult him, he wasn’t leaving her side, and that remarkably stupid stamina began to crumble those walls. She eyed him like a vicious little cat, her claws ready yet to slice another scratch deep inside his flesh, as he seemed so unbothered and resisting her endless torments. 
“How very kind and pleasant of you to remind yourself of your place, Esekiel. Perhaps I should have named you parrot, so you would fit the description. Always eager to repeat yourself and the vows you have proclaimed. I know perfectly who you serve, knight. But you're truly getting ahead of yourself tonight. Scandalous and filthy rat.” She said bitterly, yet, when he approached her, she almost quivered. 
The contact of his skin with her cheeks electrified her entire body. Her pettiness wanted to bite again, but Sybille loved the attention and definitely adored his courting. It was despicable to believe that a girl of her rank could lie with a ruffian like him, moreover, when he was the one begging to lie with her… But the temptation was definitely too intense. Her brown eyes softened, but her features betrayed her lustful intentions. She had always thought he had a great body… She had imagined more than once how he would feel between her parted legs. Her father would be scandalized… And the kingdom? Well, she wasn’t living to be sacralized either. She wasn’t her perfect sister after all. 
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“Surely, I have no doubt you can use every sword in your possession, can't you, Esekiel?” Sybille asked, giving no resistance when she was so easily pulled against him. He seemed eager; she was thrilled. She slowly slid her finger onto his armored forearm, gently heading down, until she took a step backward. “You know how much I will take you at your word. You promised not to leave until I’m satisfied, and I intend to face a man of his word.”
Gently, Sybille began to pull on the laces of her corset, offering her back to Esekiel with an elegant spin. “Come now… Show me how much you’re devoted to me or leave the kingdom like a beggar tomorrow.” She invited, her eyes giving no interpretation to what she wanted right now. 
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corbinite · 1 year
Disclaimer: not a physicist, I just like to listen to physicist
ok so everybody who has any interest in physics with 52 minutes to spare go watch acollierastro's video "string theory lied to us and now science communication is hard" because it has some excellent insight into (one facet of) why science communication is so difficult now and why so many people distrust science and equate it with magical thinking, but also I have my own little tidbit to add to the equation and it's about the observer effect, which is where observing a phenomenon changes its outcome
Unlike acollierastro's video, this isn't about a hypothesis that doesn't follow the scientific method, because the observer effect is a real thing that we can test and demonstrate unlike string theory. Rather my problem is with how the observer effect is taught to lay people. And when I say how it is taught to lay people I mean on *every* level. If you are not a practicing physicist and you don't actively search out information on this subject, you definitely have completely the wrong idea of what the observer effect is. Hell, even if you do search out information you probably have that same wrong idea
See the way we're all taught about the observer effect in highschool and on, frankly, social media, is that if you are studying the behavior of matter on the subatomic level, it will act completely differently depending on whether you are "watching" it happen or not
and that sounds like magical thinking
So you ask your professor what that means because the bit about the observer effect in your AP Chem textbook really only has that one line, and maybe a blurb about how it was discovered which doesn't offer much insight to a highschooler. But the teacher doesn't really have anything else for you, they just say "yes it's true, watching subatomic particles changes how they behave!" and you just kind of have to accept that that's the answer
So a lot of people go through highschool and their adult life hearing this and they go one of two ways. Either they think "that's ridiculous, that sounds like Toy Story, physics is just a bunch of humans coming up with ideas and seeing what sticks and apparently what sticks is just whatever is the most attention grabbing" (physics is not about ideas it's about math all the way down), OR, they think "wow, the human mind really is incredible, our brains can literally change reality, can you imagine what we could achieve if we used 100% of our brains instead of 10%? We're in a simulation, reality is divine geometry, the particles know we're watching" it goes on. And it just doesn't get corrected
And you end up with two camps of people who either reject or think that they embrace science, but either way they think that physics is a bunch of people coming up with ideas to explain the world when it's not, that's how mythology works, physics is math. Einstein didn't predict relativity by thinking hard about it and having the right ideas, he predicted it through math, the math came first. Physicists aren't just a bunch of people making things up to stay relevant, nor are they a bunch of gnostics recieving divine inspiration from above. They're goddamn mathemeticians and experimentalists. They do math, see what the math predicts, then set up a plan for how to test that math (see acolierastro's video for a more thorough explanation of what makes a theory of physics a theory of physics)
And this ties into a lot of other cases of poorly explained concepts in science that have people asking "but how do they know that? Scientists are just making things up/the universe is magic" but the observer effect is probably the most likely to push people into magical thinking (others are the fact that we know about earth's internal structure because we can use sonar to measure it, we know about the big bang and the accelerating expansion of the universe because we can use the speed of light and the doppler effect to measure not only how celestial bodies are moving right now but how they were moving in the past and track that through time, and we can observe that distant galaxies are moving in ways that would indicate that they contain more matter than we can observe and that yet unknown phenomenon has been dubbed dark matter which is an admittedly overly mysterious name)
Anyway I should probably circle back to the observer effect, so let's ask what it means to observe something. Well, on our macro scale, observing something usually means seeing it. But in order to see something, light has to hit it, cause a momentary disturbance in the energy of the thing's electrons, eject back out from the object, and go into our eyes. Observing could also mean to hear something, but in order to hear it it has to bump into air molecules or other matter and send rippling physical vibrations out. We could smell it! But to smell something, volatile particles have to leave that thing (slightly reducing its mass), enter your nose, and slot into your olfactory receptors. You could touch it! That one's self explanatory. What do all of these things have in common? That object you are observing has to interact with the world around it in order for you to observe it. Whether it is interacting with light, the air, or your actual fingers, the object you are observing has to effect and be effected by the outside world around it. If something is completely inert, and not currently interacting at all with light or other matter or gravity or electromagnetism or etc, you cannot observe it. So how do we observe particles at the scale necessary to demonstrate the observer effect? With lasers
With lasers
We shoot lasers at it
That certainly does something to the thing we're observing
And that doesn't have to be the only way to observe matter at subatomic scales. But there is not any way to observe matter without interacting with it, either directly or indirectly. It isn't that our consciousness effects the outcome, it isn't about us. When physicists say that observing something changes its behavior, we are not always the observer, the observer could also be a nearby atom which "observes" the particle in question by creating interactions between them. Nothing to do with conscousness
The observer effect, very roughly, means that while a particle or system is not interacting with anything, it behaves probabilistically, but when interacting with its environment, that probability solidifies into an outcome. If And to be clear: that's still wild! It doesn't mean that there's a magical universal consciousness, and it doesn't mean that "particles break the laws of physics when we aren't looking at them", especially because we do already have extremely robust and experimentally testable models for how unobserved systems behave, so it's not breaking the laws of physics, it's confirming them!
So yeah, all this to say, modern science is not a competition for who can come up with the best ideas or who can be blessed with the most enlightened perspective. If something cannot be observed measured or tested then it is not a scientific theory or even a hypothesis it is just a thought. And thoughts are great! But thoughts are not physics. And we need better science education that does a better job at simplifying complex topics nondestructively
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msrobinnewmanrp · 1 year
It had been a while since Robin had last been in the Garden- being a prosecutor didn’t exactly leave a lot of free time. But she finally found the free time, and used the key that Palutena gave her to enter. 
Once Robin was in the Garden, she decided to walk around and explore. Her first direction was the beach- Robin’s tan body full exposed, and her cock already stiff. 
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oc-lootcrate · 1 year
The hospital bed that Ari lay in was just as uncomfortable for him as ever, his body aching from his lack of movement thanks to his actively decaying lungs. He'd thought he would be used to the feeling by now, having used his clan's jutsu in battle before, but no matter how many times he did, without the proper training he'd needed growing up that he wasn't able to get, the damage done to his lungs would get him right back in the hospital once again with the feeling that his lungs were shriveling up.
With the number of times that Ari has ended up in this exact position, knowing that Tsunade was the one that patched him up 95% of the time, he could already see her expression as she walked into the room, seeing just exactly who it was she was dealing with and then realizing just what exactly had happened for him to have gotten in here. Not to mention, didn't she say something about this the last time that he was in here for this exact same reason?
❝If I see you in here because you can't fight someone without having to use that jutsu of yours, you won't have to worry about your lungs being the thing to take you out.❞
She had paused, taking away her stethoscope from his chest after listening and gathering what info she had already known, considering this was slowly becoming a more regular occurrence.
❝I'll take you out myself.❞
As Ari lay there in the bed, now sweating bullets at the memory, he considered getting up and opening the window to his room and making his great escape before there was even a chance to encounter the woman, ready to live out the rest of his days, no matter how small the number, in the comfort of his home. Just as he went to sit up after talking himself into it, the door to his hospital room creaked open, and Ari slowly turned to see the one person who he didn't want to see.
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❝I'M SORRY!❞ His body jolted at the sound of her voice, trapping him on the bed from the pain that wracked his body. ❝IT WASN'T ON PURPOSE, I SWEAR! I ONLY DID IT AS A LAST RESORT! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, I'M TOO YOUNG!❞
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evadingreallife · 1 year
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