#go Tam!
snowshinobi · 2 years
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matching shirts for you and your bff
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nerdpoe · 1 year
Stop Having a Concussion and Get us Home!
Tim works as the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. Tim has a secretary, and then he has another one to help her because holy shit, the amount of crap Tam puts up with is insane and she needs an assistant of her own.
Tim's second secretary is one Danny Fenton.
Tim, Tam, and Danny are the last ones in Wayne Enterprises, as the building had to be evacuated due to Superman being mind-controlled and targeting major corporations.
Superman targets Wayne Enterprises.
Tim looks out the window as he his secretaries make their way towards the emergency exit, and there he is.
Floating there.
Staring at him.
Tim swears he can see his Uncle Clark sobbing as his eyes heat up.
Then Danny grabs him, yanks him into the stairwell, and just as the building starts to crumble around them, shoves both Tim and Tam into a glowing green portal.
Danny takes a blow to the head.
They land on a floating island, in a swirling vortex of green, and the one who got them there is unconscious on the ground with a nasty headwound.
Meanwhile, after the Justice League manages to snap Superman out of it, the man throws himself at Batmans feet and just...sobs.
They get the story in bits and pieces.
Tim was in the building, still. The burning, twisted wreckage of Wayne Enterprises.
And Clark can't hear his heartbeat anymore.
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didderd · 1 month
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Happy Tourette's Awareness Month!!!
(I know the happy TAM is a bit late. sorry about that.)
This marks the start of the TAM event!
During the last of TAM (until June 15th) me/my sona and the Tourette's sanses will be answering questions! Ask us about Tourette's/Tic Disorder stuff and/or ourselves. Some questions will be answered with drawings, but not all of them.
If you wanna send an ask, but don't know what to ask about, do some research on Tourette's! Maybe watch some videos on YouTube. (support Tourette's creators during Tourette's month!) And come back, prepared with your new knowledge! :3
The characters available for asks: Alex (my monstersona) TTT: Tic (Tourette's sans) Tac (fell Tourette's sans) Tou (swap Tourette's sans) Crispy crew: Rice (nightmare Tourette's sans) Crack (horror Tourette's sans) Snaps (killer Tourette's sans) Pop (dust Tourette's sans) Marsh (cross Tourette's sans)
Be respectful!
Don't ask anything shippy about two sanses!
That's about it. Thank you! And have fun! :3
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arson-09 · 3 months
Tamlin is actually such an underrated character in acotar. Because of feyres very biased narrative she forces readers to ignore the complexity of his character and man. its sad
Tamlin is a character who is genuinely GOOD at his core. He changed so much of the spring court for good, eliminating slavery within the spring lands and mortals having more protection. Hes a morally good character that made a few mistakes and is boiled down to just those mistakes. Locking feyre in the house and the magical/emotional blow up, which are both pretty decent fuck ups (i dont think siding with hybern fully counts as he was a double agent all along and tamlin was decently justified in thinking feyre was being kept against her will. lets be fr here) and even after he’s extremely fucked over by the nightcourt, his lands and court burned to shit, he still saves rhysand. Saves rhysand and tells feyre to be happy, even when he has every reason to NOT do that!
Hes a character that clearly holds himself to a higher standard. throughout acotar he puts lucien and feyres safety above his own, even sending feyre away when she was the only one who could save him. Even though what he did to her wasnt great its not completely irredeemable, rhysand did much worse things to feyre and other people but hes living his best life while Tamlin seems to find himself unworthy of being a person (acosf wheres hes been in beast form for roughly over two years) hes a perfectionist who now doesnt even think he deserves anyone because he accidentally hurt the people he loves most.
Sjm accidentally created a beautifully rich and morally righteous character who is so extremely fucked by the narrative. Which doesnt even work half the time as sjm cant seemingly commit to making him a full villain (seemingly by accident again she gave him quite a reasonable explanation to everything he did ‘wrong’ but still chooses to make him a punching bag)
If Tamlin was genuinely a morally evil character he wouldnt have NEARLY the amount of fans as he does. Hes a character that requires the minimum amount of media literacy and comprehension to understand and i LOVE him.
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kingkrakie · 8 days
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u don't get the vision like I do
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inkypyon · 11 months
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More of her!
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I think the song twins’ personalities when we first met them were defense mechanisms. They’re both realists at heart but Tam put on the front of being a pessimist to try and ground Linh’s hopes while Linh put on the front of being an optimist in an attempt to give her brother hope.
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astrababyy · 7 months
people who pretend amarantha would’ve actually stopped pillaging prythian, specifically the spring court, if tamlin “sucked it up” and gave himself over to her are so funny to me because like,,, she wouldn’t have stopped. rhysand gave himself over to her, and the night court was still freaking decimated lmao. the only part of the night court that wasn’t damaged was velaris, but the rest faced the brunt of amarantha’s reign of terror to protect that city. amarantha wouldn’t have stopped if tamlin submitted to her. she would’ve continued her reign of terror, and tamlin would’ve suffered even worse, all for nothing.
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trybard · 5 months
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she's my daughter now
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melusineisthebestest · 6 months
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Real talk, FGO needs more dragon women
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drama-llamaaa · 2 months
I wasn't online yesterday and I think it's safe to say that when I got back today I was extremely confused-
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venux777 · 2 months
spam reblogging all of these tam cams i’m having the time of my life
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all in keefe's pov... what if sophie isn't on the cover
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0xeyedaisy · 3 months
garbage disposal cough
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WAAA THIS IS SO GOOD!!! <3<3<3 Love love love how you drew them!!! :D
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dingostrash · 6 months
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First thing to pop into my head reading this.
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milo-igidk · 5 months
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