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motblot · 5 months ago
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vin "it's in my name" gnette
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separocean-anxiety · 7 months ago
Trying to lay out the chapters for my Beyond the Sea AU guides (which will be published here and on Wattpad). Allow me to brainstorm:
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thewildwaffle · 6 years ago
Cuddly but Dangerous
There was a story I read that helped to inspire this. It was about “human therapy” and the spas and clinics that started popping up after humanity joined the galactic community. Based off a story from @starr-fall-knight-rise​ called Oxytocin. Check it out, it’s great!
“And you’re sure you used enough tranquilizers?” Gnet prodded the massive alien form cautiously with the butt of his blaster.
“Listen, we hit that thing with at least three shots between all of us, it’s down and it’s going to stay down for a looooong time,” Wrun hardly looked up as she helped the others pack up and stow the hunting equipment. Many hands make light work, and soon all five of them stood surrounding and admiring their quarry - a human.
It was rare to see humans out this far from their home solar system, unless of course they were part of a crew or expedition. But they’d found one on its own. They’d picked up on their ships signal, tracing it back to this planet, studied it's movements and finally, today, they had struck. As the human phrase goes, they'd struck gold.
Humans had been introduced to the Galactic community several standard solar orbits ago, and while they'd become part of the Galactic Alliance, there were still many planets full of races clamoring for access to them. Human-mania was a real thing. Everything about them was in high demand - their music, stories, technology, toys, artifacts, anything! Including humans themselves.
Was what they were doing illegal? Well, Gnet figured that depended on who you asked. And if you asked him, it was only illegal if they got caught.
“Hey Gnet! Take my picture with them?” Fent, the youngest on their crew, tossed him a field comm kit. It was equipped with a camera, among many other useful tools. Gnett caught it and huffed his displeasure. Fent had crouched down next to the human and was trying to move its long arms. “Do you think you can get a shot of me where I look like they're holding me? That would be hilarious!”
“No,” Gnet cut them off, passing back the comm kit, “Absolutely not. The last thing we need is evidence getting out and getting us all in trouble.” Fent looked like they might object, but Gnett stopped them, “I don’t care how cute they are, no. Now help load up.”
“Has anyone checked out the human’s ship yet? I’m sure there’s got to be a few somethings there that will be worth its weight in kwint credits!” the largest in their group, Semp eyed the small ship, barely visible in the distance.
Gnet tossed his head in excitement, “If not, there’s got to at least be plenty of supplies for it. That might help boost prices. Or perhaps some earth media or info stashed on the computers?”
Oh yes, they’d certainly struck gold today.
The ship had indeed been full of goodies. The ship itself, however, was basically only good for scrap at this point. How the human they’d caught been able to land that thing on that planet in one piece was a mystery to everyone.
Humans accomplishing near-impossible, incredibly dangerous feats? Yeah, sounds like their MO.
Gnet wandered the halls of their ship. He eyed each smuggler’s compartment as he went by them. The most precious/most illegal contraband items were stored amongst them. His wandering eventually led him to the suite where the human was being kept.
The lights in the room were dimmed and the platform the human was resting on was cushioned with blankets and anything soft they could find on the ship. They’d done their research. Between all that and the tranquilizers, the human likely would sleep until after the delivery. Gnet smiled smugly. It’d been so easy. And here they’d heard so many stories and reports of how tough humans were, how resourceful. Bah, he though, more like tall tales! Still, it was widely accepted among the galactic community that the earthlings were adorable. Cute in spite of their alleged ferociousness. He had to admit, it was pretty cute, asleep on its side, sides rising and falling slowly with each breath.
Over the past few years, there’d been claims of calming effects humans could have on a rather wide range of species. Cuddling. Human therapy, they called it. Granted, the calming effect wasn’t universal among humans. Some could be incredibly irritable or irritating. Nonetheless, there had been a rise in demand for hiring humans in upscale “therapeutic spas” around the galaxy.
Gnet stepped closer to the sleeping human. He poked its arm gently. Nothing. No, of course not. It would probably be out for another standard solar cycle or two at least. Still, this was a dumb idea. He knew it.  he was gentle and slow as he carefully lifted the top arm of the human. It was heavy. The arm alone from shoulder to fingertips was almost as long as he was tall. He managed to lift the arm enough for him to clear enough room to snuggle into the space between the arms. With his back to the human’s chest, he kept his arms ready and available to move the top arm again quickly if need be.
Soon, however, he felt himself loosen up. Ever so slowly, he wriggled down enough to be able to use the human’s lower arm as a pillow. By the void! Those quacks at the therapeutic spas were on to something! It felt like all the tension he didn’t even realize he’d been holding in his body was melting away. The warmth the human was radiating was starting to pull him into a sleepy haze.
Frewan, he though. As much as he hated the idea of moving, he couldn’t fall asleep here and now. The others would wonder where he’d gone off to and come looking. It took a while for his mind to convince his body to move. Eventually, he decided that after this whole job was done, he’d use part of his earnings to go visit one of those spas - get the full package! The best his money could buy!
With that helping to finally convince himself, he slowly started to lift the human’s arm again to get up. Before he’d moved it more than half a mirte, the human’s position shifted slightly. The arm he’d been lifting pressed back down firmly, the other arm underneath him coming up and around him. He was trapped! He pushed against the arms, but they didn’t budge. He tried wriggling out, but the arms only seemed to hold him tighter. Tighter? What in tronkus was going on?!
“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop squirming.” The voice murmured quietly next to his ear. It was awake!? By all things bright and shining, how was it awake!?!?! The seeming impossibility of it all almost made him forget the fact that he was now being held tightly in the arms of a powerful alien that had every right to be ticked.
He stopped trying to break free. Maybe it could be reasoned with? Maybe he could distract it long enough from killing him that the rest of his crew would notice his absence and come find him? Worth a shot.
“How are you even awake? We shot you with three doses of hydrag serum.” Frewan. That’s definitely the wrong thing to say to start off with in this situation. It just came out. He was panicking.
“Those darts? Yeah, those wore off while you all were setting up my little room here. The bed looked so soft, I thought I’d stay for a while, get a good nap in.” The human squeezed Gnet tighter and he could feel the human arching their back and stretching as they slowly started sitting up.
“Gotta admit, I’m not loving the idea of our current destination though. I’ve got better stuff to do than muck around in the black markets of Tenbos 5. Tell you what though,” the human stood up off the makeshift bed. They took a few steps to balance themselves properly, Ghet still being held firmly in their arms, the ground seemed so far away from here. “Since I’m feeling so generous after my nice little nap, I’ll drop you and your little friends off there before I go back to doing what I was doing before our little meetup, huh? I think I’ll be able to get everything done much faster now that I’ve got a ship that doesn’t belong in a junkyard.”
What had they done?
They’d brought a monster on board. That’s what they had done.
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moonstone-comic · 6 years ago
Zinn-gnette #3
A group of children gathered around Zinn as they played a bouncy song, prompting the kids to dance. After a few more upbeat songs, the parents of the children had to drag them away, insisting that it was bedtime. One kid, however, stayed behind, apparently having no parent to take him home. He walked up to Zinn with a hopeful look in his eyes.
“Excuse me, you’re a bard, right?” The kid asked.
“Indeed I am, little man.”
“So, do you tell stories too? Or do you just play music?”
“I know some good stories, but usually people only give me money for the songs.”
“Well I don’t have any money, but will you tell me a story? And not one with a dumb happy ending! My moms always tell me boring stories.”
“Sure, okay, I have one in mind. This is a story I heard from an old woman in Knoëlend, so it’s gotta be true, right? Listen carefully.”
Zinn put on their best storyteller voice and started, “Long ago, on the coast of Knoëlend, there lived a young maiden. She had gotten lost and separated from her family when a small tabaxi family took her in. Though she had now lived among the tabaxi for most of her life, the young maiden was lonely and couldn’t help but feel out of place. At night, she would sneak away to the beach and stare at the sky, trying to remember her life with her old family.
“One night, the maiden was looking out into the sea when she heard someone singing a beautiful and mournful song. Squinting in the darkness, she searched for the source. Atop a rock was a mermaid singing to the stars. The maiden stared at her, mesmerized by her song. The mermaid finished singing and noticed the maiden, catching her gaze. They looked intently at each other until the mermaid jumped back into the sea. With a giddy feeling in her heart, the maiden returned home.
“The next night, she walked down to the beach, hoping to see the mermaid again. To her delight, the mermaid was waiting for her near the shore. As they spoke, the maiden told the mermaid her tale of woe. The mermaid had the gleam of an idea in her eye. She told the maiden that she knew where her parents were, and she would be able to reunite them. The maiden was overjoyed, but the mermaid had one condition. The maiden could only see her parents if she left her tabaxi family and followed the mermaid into the sea. Reluctant to abandon her adoptive family, but desperate to fulfill her dream, the maiden told the mermaid that she would return the following night with an answer.
“Throughout the next day, the maiden was lost in her thoughts, struggling to make a decision. But by nightfall, she had made up her mind and went to meet the mermaid. She stepped into the water and followed the mermaid beckoning her into the waves. Slipping under the surface, she held her breath and swam farther away from shore. The longer she went without air, the harder it was for her to stay conscious.
“Her vision blurred, but she could see her companion more clearly. She was not a mermaid at all, but in fact a siren. As she realized the truth, the maiden’s eyes closed, and her soul ascended into the astral plane. Once again able to breathe, she opened her eyes and saw the parents that she had lost so long ago.”
The kid looked at Zinn with a puzzled expression. “So, she died?”
“I mean, yeah, it sounds like it.”
“That’s dumb! Why didn’t she tell her tabaxi family where she was going? Why didn’t she ask the mermaid what her plan was? This lady was not very smart!”
“Maybe, but didn’t she get what she wanted in the end?”
“She died!!! Also my moms say the astral plane isn’t even real, so that story can’t be true. I thought bards were supposed to be good at telling stories.” With that, the kid turned around and walked down the street.
“Damn, you can’t please ‘em all.” Zinn went back to strumming their lute and sang what they imagined a siren would sing.
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designme2011 · 3 years ago
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•👄 Torrentismo ad Erve Spiaggette di sassolini e piccole pozze d’acqua cristallina ai piedi del monte Resegone. “Passa tranquillamente tra il rumore e la fretta, ma ricorda quanta pace può esserci nel silenzio delle montagne“. • • • #brianza #brianzafelix #igersbrianza #igersinposa #inlombardia #lecco #erve #discovermilano #bellamilano #nature #naturelovers #storytelling #daquisivedemilano #pozzedierve #pozzediervelecco #sorgenti #cascate #torrenti #gallavesa #sentieri #resegone #gnett #travelblogger #ig_travel #travelme #fuoriporta #citygrammers #portiamomesagnenelmondo #spiaggelombarde #estate2022 (presso Pozze di Erve) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgJH53Ls86S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bchukerman · 3 years ago
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“We the People” - At The Box Show July 16 - Aug 20, 2022 - 150 artists. 150 identical boxes. (They were identical when they were distributed, anyway.) Not so much any more. - Here are some more Vignettes. They’re cropped tight, but the juxtapositions are … well … they’re juxtapositions. Or vignettes. Or something. - - Juxtaposition jux·ta·po·si·tion /ˌjəkstəpəˈziSH(ə)n/ - noun - the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. - - #Vignettes vi•gnettes /vin'yets/ - plural noun - a brief evocative description - - Something some·thing /ˈsəmˌTHiNG/ - pronoun - a thing that is unspecified or unknown - Barry Chukerman & Susan Bishop Chukerman ©2022 - A collaboration. - #gro #galleryrouteone #galleryrouteoneboxshow #theboxshow #theboxshowgalleryrouteone #workinprogress #thelastfouryears #thenextfouryears #forever #COVID #Abortion #Weapons #Drugs #Smallstuff #Trash #baddecisions #womensrights #climatechange #constitutionalrights #someoftheabove #alloftheabove #noneoftheabove #somethingelse #imadethis #istilldontknowwhy #becauseicaniguess #thelistisincomplete #implosion #dollarstoredinosaurs - For @galleryrouteone https://instagr.am/p/CfvPdV9LsmP/
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Thank you, everyone, for subscribing to Gnette's Creative Hands. This channel has now gained friends who are wonderfully sincere, supportive and caring. I am happy to announce that the channel reached 100 plus subscribers on YouTube. This accomplishment is a journey that we all share. Thank you so much for subscribing and I appreciate all of you.
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sellitmarket · 7 years ago
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[중고] Lulu Casta gnette 15,000원 https://ift.tt/2MmmkUT
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moonstone-comic · 6 years ago
Zinn-gnette #2
“Fine folks of Almirea,” Zinn announced to the few people still on the street. “This will be my last song of the evening, so please enjoy, and don’t forget to tip!” As the two suns set, Zinn strummed their lute to the tune of an old elvish folksong, singing along in their rich voice. The tips that day had been slow to say the least, and even during what is usually their most popular song, no one paid Zinn any attention or money. They ended their set and packed up their instruments before heading to the inn. At least they could afford a room for the night, though dinner was out of the question.
The Stargaze Inn sat on the edge of the city where travelers often stopped to rest. Zinn paid for their room and walked upstairs feeling a bit worn out. They’d been in plenty of worse situations, but they were looking forward to having a much-needed meal. Zinn rooted around in their bag for a sack of almonds and munched on their snack. Honestly, Zinn was disappointed in Almirea so far. They had heard of the vibrant community the city had to offer, but in the three days they’d already spent there, Zinn only found boredom. Once the almonds were gone, Zinn decided to take a walk, hoping to find some of the Almirean culture they’d been expecting.
Outside the inn, the main road branched into a few side streets, and Zinn chose one they hadn’t yet explored. The cobblestone street was lined with buildings that fit next to each other like warped puzzle pieces; each structure had different sizes, shapes, and colors, but it worked for the aesthetic of the neighborhood. Zinn assumed it was mostly a residential area until they approached a small store front. The shop was closed, but Zinn peered in the windows to see a bakery with a few round tables and chairs and a large glass case, now empty but presumably filled with pastries and cakes during the day. Zinn pressed their forehead against the window and closed their eyes, thinking they could smell a freshly baked pie. Their stomach grumbled.
“Hey, you!”
Zinn turned around and saw a halfling boy gesturing to them across the street. They walked over cautiously.
“Aren’t you that musician who was playing on the street earlier today?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I really liked your music, but my mom told me not to give you any money because, well, she thinks street musicians are untrustworthy. But I think you’re super good! So, yeah, I’m glad I got to tell you that.” The boy looked nervous, like he didn’t know what else to say.
“Oh, well, thanks bud.”
“OH WAIT! Stay right here, I’ll be right back!” The boy ran off, leaving Zinn standing awkwardly outside as he ran into his house. Zinn thought about leaving, but the kid came back within a minute.
“Here!” He said, out of breath. The boy handed Zinn some kind of puff pastry with chocolate. “Just don’t tell my mom if you come back around here. She doesn’t like us giving out free food, but…”
“Thank you,” Zinn said with actual sincerity this time. “Your family own that bakery?”
“Yeah, it’s been our family business since my great-great… uh, my great… um, for a long time. Mom says it’ll be mine someday, but to be honest, I’d rather do something else. Like, be a musician maybe, like you!”
Zinn smiled and said, “I know what that’s like. If your mom cares about you, though, I’m sure she’ll eventually see where you’re coming from.”
“Or, you could play music for fun. Your job doesn’t always have to be the place you find joy in life.” Zinn opened their bag and looked around, finally pulling out a kalimba. “Here, for the pastry. It’s only fair.”
“Oh, I can’t take this! I don’t even know how to play it!”
“It’s alright, I have a few of these. And you gotta start somewhere if you want to learn how to make music.”
The boy took the kalimba, staring at it with a smile he couldn’t help. “Wow, thank you! And hey, if you ever stop by the bakery, I’ll give you something on the house! Uh, only if my mom’s not there though.”
“Deal,” Zinn said with a laugh.
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moonstone-comic · 6 years ago
Zinn-gnette #1
Zinn looked out at the waves, lost in their thoughts as the sea sprayed their unblinking face. They were about halfway through the boat ride to mainland Asurla, and they didn’t feel like sleeping. Now that their brother was settled down in married life, Zinn felt a bit aimless. Without their best friend to join them, were their travels going to be as fulfilling? All Zinn wanted out of life was to play music and see the world, and they never put much thought into living outside moment-to-moment. But their brother wasn’t with them anymore; he had a wife and a house and maybe even kids someday. That was a strange thought, imagining Birch as a dad. The same person who cliff-dived completely naked into Bluejay Lake in the middle of the night, only to find himself landed in a small habitat of leeches and attracting some passersby with his screams. He could have children in the near future. Meanwhile, what was Zinn doing with their life?
So far, the plan was to carry on like there was no plan. That is to say, wander from town to town playing music to make enough money to live just like they’ve been doing their whole life, except now they didn’t have Birch as a partner. It’s not that they were lonely, but they weren’t used to being alone. Or maybe Zinn was lonely, and they just didn’t want to admit it. Either way, Zinn wasn’t sure where they wanted to go next. In the morning, they’d arrive in a small port town, and from there they’d pick a direction and start walking. Choosing between the lovely countryside of Karreny and the exciting urbanity of Icarium was a decision that could wait a night.
Though they looked to the water, Zinn was too caught up in their own head to notice the churning of the waves not far from the boat. With the cool night air and star-studded sky, all seemed peaceful and still. Not until a crew member shouted in alarm did Zinn see the tentacles rising from the dark sea. With a swooping motion, a tentacle pushed a ream of water towards the boat, creating a massive wave. Zinn darted their attention to the ship’s crew to find out the proper reaction to a sea monster attack, hoping someone knew how to get to safety. Unfortunately, screaming and running appeared to be the protocol.
Alright, cool, Zinn thought. In about ten seconds we’re going to be crushed by this big-ass wave, and we’ll all either die by drowning or be eaten by a kraken. Birch won’t even get to take my instruments to remember me because they’ll be lost at sea, just like my body. Cool cool cool. I’m gonna take out my drums, so if I become a ghost at least I’ll get to play ghost music.
Before Zinn could reach for their bag of holding, water crashed into them, pushing them to the ship’s floor and leaving a taste of salt in their mouth. The wave wasn’t as powerful as they had assumed. Confused, Zinn peered over the boat’s side to see the kraken getting farther away. Whipping their head back, Zinn looked to the steering wheel, where the captain stood determined to sail as far as possible from the sea monster. Zinn sighed with relief. They weren’t going to die tonight. Probably. As they stood back up, Zinn heard the captain yell at his crew members for causing a panic and order them to return to their stations. The boat was gaining distance, but the kraken was still throwing a tantrum and making gigantic waves, causing the boat to bump up and down. Zinn decided to sit before they got sick.
They gazed back out to sea, unable to tear their eyes from the monster. It swirled and thrashed, obviously upset at something, but not following the ship. Zinn realized they must not be its target, so the boat would make it to safety after all. Still staring in the distance, Zinn noticed a humanoid figure emerge from the water near the giant creature and climb onto its… back? Its head? Regardless of monster anatomy, the figure climbed onto the kraken, and they appeared to soothe it. The figure pet the sea monster, and after it had calmed down, they seemed to give it a hug. Tentacles wrapped around the figure in a reciprocal show of affection, and they both submerged back into the sea. With the monster out of sight, the waves slowed and eventually returned to a normal rhythm. Zinn stayed sitting on the deck and allowed the sea to lull them to sleep.
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bchukerman · 3 years ago
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“We the People” - At The Box Show July 16 - Aug 20, 2022 - 150 artists. 150 identical boxes. (They were identical when they were distributed, anyway.) Not so much any more. - Here are some more Vignettes. They’re cropped tight, but the juxtapositions are … well … they’re juxtapositions. Or vignettes. Or something. - - Juxtaposition jux·ta·po·si·tion /ˌjəkstəpəˈziSH(ə)n/ - noun - the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. - - #Vignettes vi•gnettes /vin'yets/ - plural noun - a brief evocative description - - Something some·thing /ˈsəmˌTHiNG/ - pronoun - a thing that is unspecified or unknown - Barry Chukerman & Susan Bishop Chukerman ©2022 - A collaboration. - #gro #galleryrouteone #galleryrouteoneboxshow #theboxshow #theboxshowgalleryrouteone #workinprogress #thelastfouryears #thenextfouryears #forever #COVID #Abortion #Weapons #Drugs #Smallstuff #Trash #baddecisions #womensrights #climatechange #constitutionalrights #someoftheabove #alloftheabove #noneoftheabove #somethingelse #imadethis #istilldontknowwhy #becauseicaniguess #thelistisincomplete #implosion #dollarstoredinosaurs - For @galleryrouteone — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/pbJ7ERc
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bchukerman · 3 years ago
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We dropped this piece off today at Gallery Route One in Point Reyes Station. “We the People” - Here are some more Vignettes. - #Vignettes vi•gnettes /vin'yets/ plural noun a brief evocative description - Barry Chukerman & Susan Bishop Chukerman ©2022 - A collaboration. - #gro #galleryrouteone #galleryrouteoneboxshow #theboxshow #theboxshowgalleryrouteone #workinprogress #thelastfouryears #thenextfouryears #forever #COVID #Abortion #Weapons #Drugs #Smallstuff #Trash #baddecisions #womensrights #climatechange #constitutionalrights #someoftheabove #alloftheabove #noneoftheabove #somethingelse #imadethis #istilldontknowwhy #becauseicaniguess #thelistisincomplete #implosion #dollarstoredinosaurs - For @galleryrouteone — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/8SBH5Ad
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bchukerman · 3 years ago
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We dropped this piece off today at Gallery Route One in Point Reyes Station. “We the People” - Here are a few other Vignettes. - #Vignettes vi•gnettes /vin'yets/ plural noun a brief evocative description - Barry Chukerman & Susan Bishop Chukerman ©2022 - A collaboration. - #gro #galleryrouteone #galleryrouteoneboxshow #theboxshow #theboxshowgalleryrouteone #workinprogress #thelastfouryears #thenextfouryears #forever #COVID #Abortion #Weapons #Drugs #Smallstuff #Trash #baddecisions #womensrights #climatechange #constitutionalrights #someoftheabove #alloftheabove #noneoftheabove #somethingelse #imadethis #istilldontknowwhy #becauseicaniguess #thelistisincomplete #implosion #dollarstoredinosaurs - For @galleryrouteone — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/QqyitUo
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bchukerman · 3 years ago
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We dropped this piece off today at Gallery Route One in Point Reyes Station. “We the People” - Here are some Vignettes. - #Vignettes vi•gnettes /vin'yets/ plural noun a brief evocative description - Barry Chukerman & Susan Bishop Chukerman ©2022 - A collaboration. - #gro #galleryrouteone #galleryrouteoneboxshow #theboxshow #theboxshowgalleryrouteone #workinprogress #thelastfouryears #thenextfouryears #forever #COVID #Abortion #Weapons #Drugs #Smallstuff #Trash #baddecisions #womensrights #climatechange #constitutionalrights #someoftheabove #alloftheabove #noneoftheabove #somethingelse #imadethis #istilldontknowwhy #becauseicaniguess #thelistisincomplete #implosion #dollarstoredinosaurs - For @galleryrouteone — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/ZFGkMxT
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bchukerman · 3 years ago
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We dropped this piece off today at Gallery Route One in Point Reyes Station. “We the People” - Here are a few other Vignettes. - #Vignettes vi•gnettes /vin'yets/ plural noun a brief evocative description - Barry Chukerman & Susan Bishop Chukerman ©2022 - A collaboration. - #gro #galleryrouteone #galleryrouteoneboxshow #theboxshow #theboxshowgalleryrouteone #workinprogress #thelastfouryears #thenextfouryears #forever #COVID #Abortion #Weapons #Drugs #Smallstuff #Trash #baddecisions #womensrights #climatechange #constitutionalrights #someoftheabove #alloftheabove #noneoftheabove #somethingelse #imadethis #istilldontknowwhy #becauseicaniguess #thelistisincomplete #implosion #dollarstoredinosaurs - For @galleryrouteone https://instagr.am/p/CflOZ5_OJiD/
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bchukerman · 3 years ago
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We dropped this piece off today at Gallery Route One in Point Reyes Station. “We the People” - Here are some more Vignettes. - #Vignettes vi•gnettes /vin'yets/ plural noun a brief evocative description - Barry Chukerman & Susan Bishop Chukerman ©2022 - A collaboration. - #gro #galleryrouteone #galleryrouteoneboxshow #theboxshow #theboxshowgalleryrouteone #workinprogress #thelastfouryears #thenextfouryears #forever #COVID #Abortion #Weapons #Drugs #Smallstuff #Trash #baddecisions #womensrights #climatechange #constitutionalrights #someoftheabove #alloftheabove #noneoftheabove #somethingelse #imadethis #istilldontknowwhy #becauseicaniguess #thelistisincomplete #implosion #dollarstoredinosaurs - For @galleryrouteone https://instagr.am/p/CflOEpIOwdd/
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