James Baldwin is one of my favorites. He was a storyteller who got to the heart of a matter, and shared it all with you. Long before I was born he was thinking of how his work, intentions, and actions would affect my generation. He is one of the reasons I love words and people who’s voices sound like melted chocolate. In one of the last things Baldwin wrote he spoke about his duty as a writer to be a witness . As I think about his role as a witness, I think about the necessary trust given to him by those he witnessed. They trusted he would validate and affirm their stories. He, in turn, protected them from the evil fate of the single story. Folks he witnessed for had him to stand on when the world tried to erased them and their experiences.
We all deserve a Baldwin in our lives. We are entitled to having someone bare witness for us, to love us. The way we make room for them is to master vulnerability, and emotionalism. Although unfair sometimes we have to keep our emotions close to the vest in order for our witness to sit closest to the “stage”. Our Baldwin’s have to be able to hear a clear and vulnerable story. That validation feeds us, strengthens our bones, and illuminates what sometimes is lost within us.
January 16th 2021
“ I deserve a witness and I’ll be a witness. I will protect myself and those within my reach from being a victim of the single story.” 
#james baldwin#health fitness#motivation#words#story#storytelling#vulnerability#validation#emotional#emotionalism#emotional intimacy#freedom#talking#trust#theme: protectiveness#protection#quotes
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I’m a social worker by trade, I’m paid to help others untangle their lives. We are born helpers, but social work 101 teaches us to compartmentalize our personal lives from clients..... Unfortunately it’s not easy to turn off “social worker mode” in our personal lives. Lately I’ve been thinking about how I’m emotional with those I love, but vulnerability isn’t something I’ve mastered. I’ve never been in a place where I felt 100% confident in being vulnerable.... My life prior to becoming a social worker played a hugh part. I wasn’t cultivated to trust myself and believe I could pick quality people to be in relationship with..... because I didn’t trust myself and others I wasn’t able to be vulnerable. I’ve been working on being responsible and accountable for my emotions in therapy, and it’s been tough. I’ve only known to either stuff my feelings down, or become completely unglued on others. Recently, I went through a pretty hard break up. I was on the phone talking to a friend and I started to cry. After I finished struggling to tell her the story she said “ I’ve never seen you like this”...... I thought “WHAT?!” I’m ALWAYS sharing, teaching, and talking to my friends about their stuff.... then it hit me... outside of therapy who am I vulnerable and open with? Who do I trust unadulterated with my feelings? The answer: No one, not even me. Problem is, none of us can make it alone. We are built for each other. So, the work of trusting myself and others begins. The work of believing that I deserve nonjudgmental support and love is my task. #blackwomenloading
January 15th 2021
“ I am highly capable of choosing quality people to surround me on my journey through life. I am a quality person and worthy of ALL the good shit life has to offer! I owe it to me to be vulnerable.”❤️ 
#motivation#quotes#words#tumblarians#student#vulnerable#vulnerability#freedom#loveyourself#self love#self care#accountability
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Pictured above is ALL my shit waiting on me to deal with it. ☝🏾😩
As a black woman I wasn’t always in spaces that cultivated me digging deep and dealing with my stuff. As is the story for most of us. I was taught to stuff things down and keep it moving, but frankly...... It was killing me! 😵 In the past four years I’ve been divorced, moved back home with my father, lost some friends, gained a few, fell in love, lost that relationship, and I’ve been trying to mend my children from all the stress and trauma we’ve endured. My body has been busy.... traveling, running, dating, eating, kicking it, etc, but my soul has been crying out! I’ve been in therapy consistently for a year now and things are finally starting to move (shit is getting real) because I’m being honest with myself and my therapist. I just wanna live a better more full life. Today I started a 30 juicing cleanse coupled with the work I’ve been doing in therapy..... Mind+Body+Soul👈🏾 I want them all aligned and healthy.
January 14 2021
“Despite my human errors I’m a fucking celestial being on earth✨. I am in full accountability mode! I am seeking my highest self at all times!”-Me
#fitness#health fitness#motivation#student#anthropology#black women#blackpeoplegrow#blacklivesmatter#gods#tumblarians#freedom#inner peace#peacewithin#affirmations#words
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