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sultanmahmuds-article · 10 months ago
成功企业所需的 29 个供应链指标和 KPI
如果您的供应链缺乏结构、愿景和效率或分散,您的商业增长将会受到影响。这就是为什么精确监控和优化供应链管理的相关 KPI 和指标至关重要。
供应链指标将帮助您为许多基本流程和活动设定可靠的基准。通过使用正确的 KPI,您可以使您的公司变得更加高效、更加智能,并最终获得更多利润。
这篇文章将涵盖重要的供应链 KPI,并提供有关您应该跟踪以改进物流流程的 29 个 KPI 的见解。我们还将向您展示如何借助现代KPI 软件来创建专业的供应链仪表板,从而最大限度地发挥这些供应链绩效指标的价值。
供应链指标或 KPI 是企业用来评估和优化各种供应链流程的效率和生产力的绩效指标。这些视觉信息可用于管理库存、销售、运输、供应商等。
对于您公司的供应、履行和交付工作的持续增长、演变、发展和成功,供应链绩效指标是您触手 国家明智的电话号码数据 可及的最宝贵的工具。通过收集、策划和分析关键供应链指标 (SCM),您将能够发现生态系统中的低效率问题,同时利用您当前的优势并制定目标,帮助您的供应链规模扩大并取得公司的成功。虽然您可以选择大量KPI 示例进行评估和优化,但我们重点关注一个列表,帮助您识别潜在瓶颈并确保可持续发展。
让我们回顾一下我们的供应链 KPI 示例列表,以正确理解这一定义。
请记住: 如今,24/7/365 访问信息至关重要。尖端的在线数据分析工具将为您提供这种级别的未开发的数据驱动访问,从而在此过程中增加您的商业前景。
我们的 29 个供应链指标示例
现在您已经熟悉了官方的供应链指标定义,我们将探讨供应链管理的 29 个关键绩效指标 (KPI) 列表,这将帮助您和您的组织走向光明和繁荣的未来。
1. 现金到现金的时间周期
这个无价的 SCM 将帮助您计算将资源转化为真正的现金流所需的时间。使用三个核心比率 - 库存天数 (DOI)、应付账款天数 (DOP) 和应收账款天数 (DOR) - 现金到现金时间周期 KPI 可视化公司付款之间所需的时间段向供应商提供现金以及从客户收到现金时。转换周期越短越好,这种宝贵的见解将帮助您采取正确的措施,以更少的资金运营您的公司。
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2. 运费单准确性
3. 完美订单率
对于许多行业的企业来说,这种特殊的见解是最重要的供应链 KPI 和指标之一。完美订单率衡量您无事故交付订单的能力,这最终将帮助您解决诸如不准确、损坏、延迟和库存损失等问题。完美订单率越高越好,因为该 KPI 直接影响您的客户保留率和忠诚度水平。
4. 应收账款周转天数 (DSO)
销售应收天数 (DSO) KPI 衡量您从客户那里收取或产生收入的速度。
从本质上讲,较低或健康的 DSO 数字意味着组织需要更少的天数来收回其应收账款。较高的 DSO 水平表明公司正在以赊销方式向客户销售产品,并且需要更长的时间才能收取有形收入,这可能会阻碍现金流并使利润最小化。通过经常计算,您将能够更快、更有效地收取收入,从长远来看,这将有助于提高您的利润。
当今最有用的供应链 KPI 之一侧重于物流 KPI,有助于了解在特定时间范围内整个库存的销售次数。它是高效生产规划、流程策略、履行能力以及成功营销和销售的令人难以置信的指标。通过计算您的准时发货率并将其与行业内的其他竞争对手进行比较,您可以创建清晰的管理报告实践,了解您的立场,并采取适当的行动来随着时间的推移进行改进。这将提高���牌权威并增加利润 - 因此这一点很重要。
6. 投资毛利率回报率(GMROI)
每家公司,无论服务、产品或行业如何,都致力于为其开展的每一项商业活动实现最佳投资回报 (ROI)。保持持续稳定的投资回报率是电子商务持续成功的基础。
GMROI 清晰地表示了库存平均投资的每一迪拉姆(或美元、英镑、欧元、₺)所获得的毛利润:通过将毛利润除以平均库存投资获得的计算结果。通过每月跟踪此 KPI,您将快速了解库存中的哪些项目表现不佳,哪些项目值得进行更多投资 - 就基于业务的信息而言,这是金粉。
7. 仓储费用
我们继续列出包含仓储成本的供应链管理 (SCM) 清单。成本分配以及库存时间和空间的管理对于建立健康的业务运营至关重要。虽然此类费用因仓库而异,但衡量该指标并定期审查以发现机会并减少不必要的成本非常重要。运营仓库设施包括各种成本,例如劳动力成本、仓库租金、水电费、设备支出、材料和信息处理系统,以及与供应、订购和存储货物相关的成本。
8. 供应链成本
然而,评估成本降低是否会产生任何意想不到的影响至关重要。例如,如果您的运输成本很高,并且您决定提高卡车的速度和重量,则可能会冒发生事故的风险,并可能对您的组织造成不利后果。您可能还记得,削减一个领域的管理费用可能会增加另一领域的管理费用,因此这部分的仔细分析至关重要。您可以进行基准测试或与竞争对手进行比较,以了解该 KPI 是否稳定、健康,或者您是否需要进行额外调整才能保持竞争力。 
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9. 供应链成本与销售额
我们的供应链 KPI 列表继续包含与销售相关的额外成本分析。该指标基本上将您的供应链成本计算为销售额的一部分,本质上,它会告诉您相对于整体的支出有多少。通过计算此类供应链指标,您将能够执行健康的支出分析并建立潜在节省的流程。优化物流意味着尽可能地降低成本,但正如我们所提到的,重要的是在有意义的地方削减成本,而不仅仅是为了减少数量。原因很简单:如果您削减了公司其他部门相应增加的成本,那么最终结果不会产生太大影响。
10. 准时��货
使用专业的KPI 工具创建的准时发货是您向客户、顾客或合作伙伴运送特定类型的订单可能需要多长时间的绝佳指标。通过此视觉效果,您可以设置相对于每种产品的基准运输时间,从而优化您的运输和交付流程,减少周转时间并提高客户满意度。
11. 交货时间
降低供应链 KPI 并更好地通知客户何时交付货物或产品是有意义的。说明交货将在 4-5 个工作日内到达比说明 1-5 天要好得多。而且,如果你准确、精确地指定时间,客户将会有更好的体验。您还可以提供特殊的送货服务来减少时间,并了解从长远来看您的客户满意度如何提高。您甚至可以将交付指标包含在业务绩效仪表板中并更密切地监控它。 
12. 退货原因
关键的供应链 KPI、库存速度或 IV,提供了预计在下一个时期或季度内消耗的库存百分比的直观快照。
IV 的计算方法是将期初库存除以下一期间的销售预测,它是一个指标,可帮助您优化库存水平,让您有更大的机会满足消费者需求,并防止您在过多的库存水平上浪费金钱。
15. 供应库存天数
17. 填充率
18. 按时完整交付 (OTIF)
就重要的供应链指标而言,OTIF 名列前茅,因为它可以让您全面了解在设定时间范围内的交付成功情况。按时足额交付客户的订单对于您业务的持续成功至关重要。 
根据正确的产品是否按照商定的质量标准交付、是否以正确的数量交付以及是否交付到商定的目的地等因素,该 KPI 将帮助您持续优化结果。如果您的平均 OTIF 率滞后,您可以使用此指标来查明起作用的因素,并做出战略决策来调整您的内部策略或与更可靠的供应商合作。
19. 每单位运费
数据驱动的供应链对于实现可持续改进至关重要,单位货运成本证明了这一概念。供应链管理最重要的 KPI 之一是单位运费,它量化了您运输产品的经济程度。
供应链指标仪表板中的这个特定指标将计算您的总体货运成本除以您已发货的单位数量。您可以使用与您公司相关的任何单位来评估此指标。任何低效的流程都会浪费您的时间、金钱和客户忠诚度。此 KPI 将帮助您避免此类困难。
20. 包装材料的使用
我们的供应链 KPI 清单中的下一个是包装材料的使用。低效的包装流程不仅会造成不必要的浪费,还会消耗您企业的预算。这种可扫描的视觉效果将帮助您自信地跟踪分拣和包装流程中每条生产线使用的包装材料的数量。
通过为您的包装使用情况设定目标或基准(在本例中为 300 克),您可以掌握包装使用情况,并将任何潜在问题消灭在萌芽状态。通过在包装策略失控之前重新评估它们,您可以节省资金,同时由于您新发现的可持续性而提高您的品牌声誉。
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22. 无损交付
对于企业来说,最重要的供应链绩效指标之一 是无损交付,这将使您准确了解有多少包裹完好无损地到达目的地。您可以查明问题所在(从麻烦的履行合作伙伴或交付提供商到糟糕的产品包装),并使用基于实时和历史趋势的见解将其消灭在萌芽状态。
23. 库存天数销售 (DSI)
在我们供应链管理的基本 KPI 清单中,下一个是库存天数或 DSI。这种精明的供应链KPI 仪表板洞察力将帮助您计算您的产品或库存在特定时间范围内的库存天数。
此信息很有价值,因为它使您能够确定您的销售和推销工作的有效性,以及您的库存购买流程与客户的需求或偏好相关的成功程度。如果您发现 DSI 上涨,您可以深入研究原因并制定策略,让您的股票迅速售罄。
24. 收益指数(TEI)
如果您希望牢牢掌握组织使用库存的情况,则可以考虑这种最具洞察力的供应链效率指标。周转收益指数 (TEI) 将毛利率和库存周转率结合起来,以磨练组织的库存管理方法。在这里,您将了解如何利用与持续利润相关的库存,如果您想创造长期增长,这一点至关重要。
根据经验,大多数跨行业企业将 TEI 基准设置为至少 150。
25. 准确记录订单
准确记录的订单 = [(订单总数 - 没有准确记录的订单)/订单总数] x 100
26. 手头几个月
库存月数=(当年平均库存/一年销售成本)x 12
27. 停留时间
28. 拖车利用率
该供应链效率指标强调优化卡车装载能力的重要性,以避免过度补偿、燃料成本和车队不必要的磨损。定期监控有助于最大限度地发挥拖车潜力,同时通过有效的规划最大限度地减少费用。例如,根据拖车利用率评估物流可以揭示潜在的成本节省,例如意识到在某些月份只需要 50% 的可用拖车,从而显着降低成本。
29. 运输费用
借助现代在线数据可视化工具,您只需点击几下即可创建令人惊叹的供应链管理仪表板,其中包含您所需的所有 KPI。 供应链管理中的每个 KPI 都紧密结合,描绘出一幅生动的图画,推动您的组织向前发展。现在,让我们回顾一些供应链仪表板示例以阐明这一点。
在下面的示例中,我们收集了针对库存指标(例如库存销售比)的见解,您可以将其与库存周转率结合起来,清楚地了解企业的​​财务稳定性。该特定工具的下一个 KPI 是库存持有成本,其次是库存准确性和缺货商品。此示例的目标是避免浪费金钱、留住客户并定义业务的稳定性。
2. 供应链成本仪表板
消费品是另一个依赖有效供应链管理的重要行业。尤其是在成本优化方面,财务分析对于盈利至关重要。全面的BI 仪表板可以帮助您自动化 KPI,并确保您专注于真正重要的事情:眼前的信息、视觉效果和见解。
在此供应链指标仪表板的顶部,您可以看到总净销售额、总成本和平均现金到现金周期的快速概览 - 所有重要的供应链管理指标都可以用来开始您的演示。左侧是按类别划分的成本,包括仓储、运输、库存持有成本、客户服务和库存管理。这些指标下方清晰地概述了供应链成本与销售额的关系。该 KPI 还按日历周进行细分,并与上一期间进行比较。对于所有这些指标,目标是监控它们,以便您可以执行更详细的支出分析并在需要时调整您的策略。
3. 仓库KPI仪表板
我们的动态仓库 KPI 仪表板旨在以完全易于理解的方式揭示关键趋势以及重要的实时信息。在这里,您可以监控您的准时运输成本,根据地区或国家分析总发货量,细分关键运营成本,并一目了然地查看您的完美订单率。
尽可能的适应能力对于供应链管理的成功至关重要。此供应链 KPI 仪表板中包含的见解使得几乎在任何情况下都可以更快地做出响应。
4. 首席运营官的供应链仪表板
首席运营官的供应链仪表板采用记分卡格式组织,可以鸟瞰四个关键领域的最基本运营指标:分销和运输、订单管理、库存和财务。每个区域都包含比较当前、之前和过去 10 周的基本数据,为 COO 提供做出明智决策所需的实时和历史数据。 
转向库存部分,数据显示与前一周相比表现不佳的 KPI,例如缺货率上升。并排查看这些指标可以强调这些数据的相互关联性以及一个领域如何影响另一个领域。例如,较高的缺货率可能是最近几周准时交货减少的罪魁祸首。
在订单管理部分,我们看到完美订单率和拣选准确性大多为正数,尽管订单履行可能会略有延迟。这些见解转化为财务部分,首席运营官可以在财务部分分析整个供应链流程的财务结果。尽管由于分销、运输和库存问题,本周的开工率增长了 4.8%,但毛利率依然强劲,表明这些问题并不严重。
出于多种原因,基于供应链的指标对于公司的核心履行和物流战略至关重要。事实上,研究表明,到 2027 年,供应链分析市场的价值预计将达到 168.2 亿美元。这是因为使用分析进行决策有助于企业提高运营、战略和战术效率。
以下是 KPI 跟踪在供应链管理中如此重要的主要好处和原因:
像这样的供应链管理 KPI 提供了对宝贵数据的统一访问,这种数据将改善沟通、帮助协作,并确保在每件产品顺利从仓库运送到最终接收者时经济地管理您的库存。
在信息时代,由于需要分析的来源、平台和接触点数量不断增加,履行流程可能变得过于复杂。当您管理繁忙的供应链时,在不断扩大的数据堆中涉水很快就变成了一场艰苦的斗争。但关键绩效指标 (KPI) 将使您能够专注于重要的见解。
供应链 KPI 绩效指标至关重要,因为它们将为您提供始终保持响应能力和适应性所需的所有洞察力。成功的供应链管理要求在任何情况下都具有 100% 的适应性。如果出现问题(当您谈论需要考虑多个阶段的供应链时,几乎总是会在某个时刻出现问题),您必须能够立即修复它。
随着客户需求的不断发展和业务格局的不断变化,确保您的供应链稳健将使您脱颖而出。以供应链为中心的指标将使您有信心和智慧,根据您周围的情况对流程进行有价值的战略改变,同时借助您可以一目了然地分析的有针对性的数据可视化,自信地做出即时决策。您越能始终如一地满足或超过消费者的满足期望,您的业务就会增长得越多 - 基于供应链的视觉效果将帮助您做到这一点。
我们的电话号码:+639851477071 您的 Whatsapp:https://wa.me/8801758300772 或电报:https://t.me/latestdbs 或 Skype:skype:lija.akter?chat
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infinitiresearch · 10 months ago
Quantzig Aids Food and Beverage Manufacturer: Enhancing Inventory Control
Originally published on Quantzig: Quantzig Assists F&B Manufacturer: Improving Inventory Management
Quantzig, a prominent analytics and advisory firm, plays a pivotal role in transforming Inventory Management Practices for food and beverage manufacturers. In the dynamic landscape of the food and beverage industry, efficient operational procedures are essential for success. Challenges such as managing excessive inventory levels, order accuracy, compliance with food safety regulations, and the complexity of supply chain management demand a sophisticated approach. Our expertise extends to implementing innovative solutions like Finale and lightning-fast inventory management systems to tackle these challenges head-on.
In an industry where perishable products and imported foods are prevalent, we utilize robust warehouse inventory software to ensure compliance with regulations such as the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The First In, First Out (FIFO) method is rigorously applied to preserve the quality of goods, while precise demand forecasting minimizes inventory levels and ensures timely availability.
Our team excels in fostering strong supplier relationships, improving delivery schedules, and implementing continuous improvement strategies. By monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and evaluating inventory turnover ratios like gross margin return on inventory investment (GMROI), we equip food and beverage businesses with valuable insights for data-driven decision-making. Regular inventory audits further enhance accuracy, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction.
With a focus on adaptability and staying abreast of industry best practices, regulatory changes, and emerging technologies, our experts provide a competitive edge. Their robust logistics support ensures efficient coordination with suppliers, facilitating company growth. In essence, our holistic approach enables food and beverage manufacturers to thrive in an ever-evolving market, establishing them as leaders in profitability and operational efficiency.
For more information please contact.
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shristisahu · 10 months ago
Revolutionizing the Retail Landscape with #RetailEvolution, #SmartForecasting, and #AISuccess
Originally Published on: QuantzigHow did retail demand forecasting optimize supply chains for five years? 
In the last five years, the retail industry has undergone a significant transformation, particularly in the realm of inventory stock level forecasting. This evolution has been driven by the need to address challenges related to volatility, subjectivity, and reliance on customer demand. Accurate demand forecasting has emerged as a critical factor influencing timely order fulfillment, playing a pivotal role in optimizing inventory budgeting, distribution, pricing strategies, and overall business growth.
Traditional Methods of Demand Forecasting:
Time Series Analysis: Utilizing historical data through AI-driven techniques has greatly improved accuracy in identifying patterns and trends over time. Machine learning algorithms contribute to refining demand planning processes, ensuring adaptability to evolving consumer preferences, and mitigating risks in modern supply chains.
Qualitative Forecasting: Integration of expert judgment and market research with AI-driven solutions has significantly enhanced forecasting accuracy. Machine learning algorithms analyze qualitative data, enabling businesses to tailor product assortments and promotional strategies based on dynamic consumer behaviors.
Causal Models: Establishing relationships between demand and influencing factors, coupled with AI-powered predictive models, has introduced nuanced analysis. Machine learning algorithms quantify the impact of various factors on future demand, helping businesses navigate supply chain complexities and respond effectively to dynamic consumer preferences.
Moving Averages: Even simple methods like moving averages have seen improvements through AI-driven enhancements. Calculating average demand over a specified time period is now done with increased precision as machine learning-based systems optimize moving averages, addressing constraints related to new product forecasts and adapting to modern methodologies.
AI Techniques in Retail Demand Forecasting:
Machine Learning Algorithms: Decision trees, neural networks, and ensemble methods are leading the way in refining demand planning processes. These algorithms empower businesses to anticipate future customer demand and manage supply chains more effectively.
Predictive Models for Future Demand Prediction: Integration of advanced analytics and machine learning techniques enables the analysis of rapidly changing consumer preferences, resulting in optimized inventory levels and enhanced efficiency in promotion and marketing campaign planning.
Custom AI-Powered System: Tailoring forecast systems to meet the unique needs of a business has become a crucial aspect of demand forecasting. This customization optimizes inventory management, product assortments, and promotional strategies, contributing to improved Gross Margin Return on Investment (GMROI).
Retail AI Systems for Inventory Optimization:
Utilizing AI techniques to analyze demand challenges and adapt to supply chain complexities has become instrumental in enhancing overall customer satisfaction and process optimization within retail operations.
The Importance of Demand Forecasting in Retail Big Data Analytics:
Strategic Inventory Management: Accurate demand forecasts play a pivotal role in guiding strategic inventory management, ensuring adequate stock levels while simultaneously reducing excess inventory and improving demand planning accuracy.
Enhanced Promotion and Marketing Campaign Planning: AI-driven predictive models that anticipate future customer demand facilitate the creation of targeted promotional strategies aligned with shifting consumer behaviors.
Optimizing Gross Margin Return on Investment (GMROI): Modern demand forecasting methodologies powered by AI have significantly contributed to optimizing GMROI. Accurate forecasts tailored to business needs have become crucial in overcoming the constraints associated with traditional methods.
Adaptation to Modern Methodologies: AI-powered forecast solutions have played a crucial role in facilitating the transition from traditional methods to more advanced approaches. This adaptability ensures that retailers stay ahead of the competition in a rapidly evolving landscape.
Impact Analysis of AI Solutions:
Quantzig's Ensemble Machine Learning solution has demonstrated impressive results, reducing lead time, operating costs, and unfulfilled orders. Simultaneously, it has increased profit margins and improved sales demand accuracy.
Key Outcomes:
Accurate demand projection is indispensable for ensuring customer product availability and minimizing inventory accumulation. The integration of machine learning-based demand forecasting has empowered retailers to evaluate the impact of various factors on demand, facilitating efficient inventory management and streamlined supply chain operations.
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calculatoracute · 1 year ago
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roadmaperp-software · 2 years ago
Gross Margin Return on Investment
Assume a textile retailer reaps a gross profit of Rs 42 crores, and the cost of goods sold (COGS) when the financial year ends is Rs 8 crores. Then, the textile shop's gross margin = (42-8) = 34 crores. The textile shop has an average inventory cost of 6 crores. Therefore, the textile has a GMROI = Gross Margin/average inventory cost (34/6) = 5.66 It means the textile retailer sells their goods for a markup value of Rs. 5.60 for every rupee invested in inventory.
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tranquilbusinesssolutions · 2 years ago
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The gross margin return on investment, or GMROI, How can the gross margin return on investment be increased? Find out here the top four suggestions for raising GMROI.
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lemme · 3 years ago
Michael Bierut on process
“What would happen, I wonder, if I actually told the truth about what happens in a design process? It might go something like this:
When I do a design project, I begin by listening carefully to you as you talk about your problem and read whatever background material I can find that relates to the issues you face. If you’re lucky, I have also accidentally acquired some firsthand experience with your situation. 
Somewhere along the way an idea for the design pops into my head from out of the blue. I can’t really explain that part; it’s like magic. Sometimes it even happens before you have a chance to tell me that much about your problem! 
Now, if it’s a good idea, I try to figure out some strategic justification for the solution so I can explain it to you without relying on good taste you may or may not have. Along the way, I may add some other ideas, either because you made me agree to do so at the outset, or because I’m not sure of the first idea. 
At any rate, in the earlier phases hopefully I will have gained your trust so that by this point you’re inclined to take my advice. I don’t have any clue how you’d go about proving that my advice is any good except that other people — at least the ones I’ve told you about — have taken my advice in the past and prospered. In other words, could you just sort of, you know...trust me?”
Discussions of creative process always make me think of this. And of Robert Duncan’s GMROI workflow diagram — 
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dippedanddripped · 4 years ago
In my 30+ years in retail, I’ve seen merchants weather a lot of storms, from the advent of e-commerce and the growing competition it brought with it, to the great recession that took us years to recover from. But this latest threat— the sudden and precipitous drop in business due to store closures amid the pandemic— represents a very different challenge and an opportunity. In a way, it serves as an enormous stress test on our businesses, showing us where we can strengthen our merchandising practices, and build stronger operations in the long run.
At the end of April, Blacks surveyed dozens of specialty store owners across the country and what we discovered was enlightening. Even though these merchants were going through an incredibly difficult time, they were also finding reserves of creativity and thoughtful introspection, propelling them forward. Some key goals they want to focus on now: rebuilding their cash reserves, putting more disciplined merchandising practices into place to be able to rebuild, buying closer to season, holding back more open-to-buy for in-season purchases, and committing to never being overbought.
When it comes to building cash reserves, our suggested strategy is twofold:
Step 1. An in-depth evaluation of where you are now, and an estimation of where you will be in twelve months, based on available information. For this, Blacks uses a proprietary process called “Clear View.” Once the evaluation is complete, you ask the question: “Does the outcome meet my cash reserve goals”? If the answer is yes, go to Step 2. If the answer is no, re-evaluate the inputs you used in the initial evaluation and rebuild the strategy.
Step 2. Do an analysis of your vendors, categories, and classes to see which are producing the highest returns. Then adjust your OTB to funnel money into the fastest-growing opportunities. During the rebuilding phase, it’s important to focus on quick sell-throughs, since increasing sell-through rates increases turn, which is the strongest influencing factor in gross margin return on investment (GMROI). GMROI is a leading indicator of cash reserve development. One of the processes Blacks uses is a formula that we call “ACID Analysis.” It looks at your purchase history to evaluate sell-through by class, so we can determine new opportunities to drive your inventory down and free up cash.
Of course, another part of building up cash reserves is controlling your expenses, whether it be discounts on rent, or cutting back on travel and payroll. Almost all the retailers we surveyed say they plan to scrutinize their expenses while looking for profit opportunities.
I realize we’re in stressful times and it can be hard for merchants to step back from day-to-day demands and commit to realigning their businesses, but I promise it will pay off. Specialty stores that were the most disciplined going into this crisis are having a far easier time getting through it because they have tighter control of their inventory and larger cash reserves.
As many survey respondents noted, the lesson here is that cash is king. So, let’s work on generating cash.
Steve Pruitt is the founder of Blacks Consulting. He can be reached at [email protected].
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amepos · 4 years ago
Best Qualities You Must Notice in Retail POS System
Retail POS System refers to the part of a store where consumers can pay for their purchases. The term is normally used to define systems that record financial transactions. This might be an electric cash register or an integrated computer system that records the data that includes a business transaction for the sale of goods or services.
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A POS System is the hardware and software utilized to record the financial transactions of a retail store. It is the ideal tool for a store owner to manage and evaluate her business. The POS system can be as simple as free software that runs on any PC where the key is the data that the POS system generates for you to run a profitable business.
Below are the qualities you must notice for in Best Retail POS Systems 2021
Sales Data
Your POS system must have the capacity to generate robust reporting for you on your sales results. It should do its daily, hourly and real-time reporting. It should permit you to look at year over year and day parts. It should forecast for you based on the recent sales trends.
Inventory Management
The major drain on your cash is inventory. A properly managed inventory system is paramount. The Best Retail Billing Software will calculate your inventory turnover, GMROI, sell-through rates, and fill-in orders. Your POS system should notify you when you need to reorder and flag inventory that is "dead" in your store and not moving. It should keep track of your markdowns and shrinkage as well.
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Customer Relationship and Experience
Knowing who your client is and what they like and do not like can save you well when you're selecting a POS system. Storage of customer data and purchase history helps to record the experience with the customer and serves as a huge plus for customer retention. When you plan for advertising, these statistics allow you to select the exact customers who would be interested in your sale.
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emazel · 3 years ago
Retail POS Systems in India
Features in a High Quality POS System (Point of Sale)Sales Data
Retail Point Of Sale
The retail industry has undergone modifications in its structure since COVID-19 became effective. Although global lockdown rules have seen online sales increase dramatically, retail companies are faced with the challenge of offering the best customer service. To be able to adapt to the unpredictable changes brought about by the pandemic all over the world and the subsequent outbreak businesses should use the right software to use POS to sell your products and take orders. Retailers can use tools that cover everything from administration of orders and inventory tracking, through the management of customers as well as payments processing to ensure faster transactions.
Point of sale (POS) refers to the place at a place in which customers are able to purchase products. The term is generally used to describe systems that record the financial transactions. It can be an electronic cash register, or an integrated system that holds the data necessary to facilitate the purchase for business or the purchase of products or goods.Here are some of the essential features you should look for in a top-quality POS system.
Your POS system must be able to produce complete reports on sales performance. It should offer daily, hourly, and in real-time reports. It should be able to look at year-over-year and daily elements. It should be able to forecast your sales trends.
Inventory Management
When it comes to selling cash becomes the most crucial thing. The largest expense in cash is the inventory. An efficient inventory management system is crucial. A high-end POS can analyze the turnover of your inventory and GMROI as well as fill-in and sell-through. Your POS system should inform you when it's time replenishing your stocks, and should flag those items that are "dead" in the store and isn't moving. It should also monitor the shrinkage and markdowns as well.
Customer Relationship and Experience
Understanding your customers' profile as well as what they like and don't like can aid you in selecting a POS. The saving of customer information and purchase information allows you to customize the user experience and can be a significant advantage for keeping customers. If you're planning on promoting with this information you can select the potential customers who might be interested in the offer. If, for instance, you're an outlet selling shoes, it's not worthwhile to send a flyer that offers 50 percent off sizes 14-16 (14-16) shoes to those who wear size 6.
Employee Management
One of the primary elements that are often ignored when looking for the ideal POS software is administration of employees. Are you able to identify the proper levels of personnel to help your sales? What's your plan for the week ahead , according to your sales forecast? Also, it should track the time of employees and sales performance and.
To gauge the performance of sales, take a look at the performance indicators of every employee. Key selling metrics such as percent of revenue on accessories, the amount of products that are sold for each ticket as well as the amount of dollars in sales per hour can help you assess the effectiveness of your employees.
Loyalty Programs
Customers are choosing stores who offer rewards to remain loyal to their stores and avoid retailers that do not offer incentives to reward loyalty. Your POS system must be able to track this for you, instead making use of punch cards that have been used for years. If you decide to make your customers carry a physical card, that is completely your choice, but you must have a way to track rewards for loyalty.
Gift Cards
Gift cards have become an essential part of today's retail market nowadays. Your POS system must be able handle and manage these cards efficiently. Each year, gift cards are sold out around Christmas. In actuality, the majority of people will tell their relatives they'd rather gift them a gift card instead of the actual present. It is easier for the person who is giving the gift to make sure that the recipient will receive something they would truly appreciate.
The ability for the program to generate custom reports for you gives it into a whole category of its own. Each system comes with pre-defined reports that can be run. However, because every retail establishment is different , make certain to choose a system which can customize the analysis. Choose the POS that will send you weekly reports, without the need to run these reports by hand. Alerts are another great feature. When you have reached your goal for sales on the day. This gives you and your employees the chance to celebrate with your employees, while also holding them accountable for their actions.
The Importance of POS Systems in Retail
The Point of Sale (POS) solution is one of the most crucial elements of the operational puzzle. The importance of POS options in the retail sector is far greater than managing the transaction at the cash registers you visit. Here's a look at 7 reasons why you need to think about the POS system for managing your retail business.
Enhance the checkout process
Provide other payment options
Discounts that benefit customers are profitable for both your customers.
Run loyalty programs
Eliminate human errors
Reduce your losses
Manage your employee
TOP 14 Retail POS System India
Marg Retail POS
Tally Shoper 9
Invoay Retail POS
Vend POS
MRL Posnet
Saral POS
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vietduvn · 3 years ago
Cách tính GMROI của một cửa hàng bán lẻ
Cách tính GMROI của một cửa hàng bán lẻ
Tỷ suất lợi nhuận gộp đầu tư hàng tồn kho (GMROI) là một công cụ để phân tích khả năng sinh lời của doanh nghiệp, trong những năm gần đây, phương pháp này ngày càng trở nên phổ biến như một cách để đo lường khả năng sinh lời của các doanh nghiệp bán lẻ. Khi bạn là một nhà bán lẻ, bạn sẽ dễ dàng nhập nhịp vào việc xem các số liệu bán hàng hàng đầu. Mọi người thường đo lường giá trị doanh nghiệp…
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davidrusselblr · 3 years ago
Top 6 Features to Look For In An Inventory Software in Pakistan
Erpisto #1 Inventory Software in Pakistan Many businesses have moved away from an inventory management system that only kept records and reported on inventory to a more strategic inventory requirement to plan, fill customer orders, improve profitability, and project and fulfill them. How can you choose the right solution for your business from all of the available options? What features should you look for?
Erpisto #1 Inventory Software in Pakistan
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Supply Chain is a critical component
Inventory is also known as merchandise or product. It refers to the finished goods and materials that a company holds in order to sell to customers in future. These materials and goods are only used for profit by the business. Inventory Software in Pakistan is often one of the most valuable assets in a company's books.
Inventory management systems allow you to purchase product, analyze sales trends, and determine on-hand inventory availability. You can also liquidate product for wholesalers, distributors, and manufacturing companies. Supply Chain Management is incomplete without inventory management.
The purchasing department is responsible to order new products and acquire the product from wholesalers and distributors. Merchants (buyers), or inventory control personnel, are responsible for purchasing and reordering inventory in retailers and ecommerce businesses.
Strategic choice: The inventory system
There are literally hundreds of available inventory management systems when you search online for them. You may find many different inventory systems that may not be suitable for your business if you do a general search. Software that is not needed can include software used to manufacture raw materials or work-in-process inventory, maintain WMS Inventory Software in Pakistan, forecasting and planning which require an inventory control system. Also standalone systems for websites and retail points of sale.
It is important to understand the history of the system and the number of users that are currently using it. This will help you choose the best system for your company. Does the software meet your needs for manufacturing, wholesale, distribution, and direct marketing? These industries have very different application designs and strengths.
Inventory control methods need to change as a business grows more online or retail-oriented. Instead of managing inventory through a "back office" application, which records on-hand and vendor orders sales, a customer-facing application will do so. An inventory control system that is customer-facing will provide information about SKU availability by location, delivery dates, and other relevant data to web sites, DCs, and retail shops to fulfill customer orders. Ensure that you ask key questions regarding inventory control when searching for a system and preparing a Request For Proposal.
Six key inventory management features
Based on 34 years of experience as a fulfillment and inventory management consultant in many different product categories, these are the six most important features you need to consider when choosing a system.
1. Improved inventory control and forecasting/projection
This should be on your top list, no matter how simple it may sound. What will this system do to manage and control Inventory Software in Pakistan? These are some key questions that will help you think about the major functions and features of this new system:
Is the SKU master file robust? This is a great place to begin the evaluation of systems. What data are available for each SKU?
Is the system able to project or forecast demand for a SKU? The system will calculate the required quantity of a product over a time period. It is crucial to determine when a product will be "stocked out" using selling plans, rates of sales, and project demand. This information is based on the vendor lead times and these rates of sales. Is the item's history available for multiple years?
The system will provide a view of all channels in your multichannel business such as wholesale and ecommerce. Is the system able to provide sales, customer demand, orders, and stock by channel for promotional products and events, such as catalogs, web promos, and clearance sales.
How efficient are the purchasing and analysis functions to place purchase orders? How do you support purchasing budgets? Is the system able to support retail sales, stock planning, and Open-To-Buy?
Start by defining your system's main requirements at a high level. These basic Inventory Software in Pakistan requirements will guide your Request for Proposal (RFP). The RFP should detail the functionality of the RFP at a low-level, including:
Track raw material and finished products for manufacturers
Track lot numbers, FDA, recall
Support for kitting and costing kits from labor and components
2. Abarcode
 It is a machine-readable, visual representation of data. It is basically electronic data entry via a scanner. The barcode data is usually tied to a number such as a lot number, SKU, customer shipment or purchase order. This data can be accessed once the barcode has been scanned. The user can then view it and take action.
WMS vendors may offer bar code functions, but Inventory Software in Pakistan apps must support their use.
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3. Improved and actionable inventory analysis
There are literally hundreds of thousands to thousands data elements in inventory management software. How do these "out-of-the-box" inventory management analysis fit with your way of managing inventory? What are the key metrics that management can use to measure inventory, such as inventory turnover by product/SKU or gross margin return on investment (GMROI)?
The second is how useful is the data. Due to the number of products and SKUs companies have, purchasing and merchandising departments need to find time for the necessary actions and keep their responsibilities in check. How actionable is the data dashboard? Is the system able to point the purchasing agent and inventory manager to the products they should be pursuing? Will the system alert you to potential stock outs, calculate recommended purchase orders and suggest candidates for liquidation? These management tools will be required if the system is not already developed.
What systems can be used to support the ad-hoc research of merchants and purchasing functions? These include data elements for primary or secondary vendors of a product, department and categorization; and the ability to place merchant-driven characteristics on product records in notes and data analysis.
4. Configurability
This allows for two systems to be configured simultaneously, allowing each company/business to have a unique "look and feel". This allows for more complete systems to be implemented across different industries and merchandise, without the need for customization.
Configurability is a feature that all systems possess to some extent. But what can it do for you? Here are some examples of configuration:
You can configure a product with different sizes and colors to show total product sales or stock on hand by style, base product, and SKU.
Role (group of users) and individual configuration table of users allow for the setting-up of data security functions within an organization to update or view data.
Flexibility to control different types of hardware and interfaces that are connected to the inventory management software.
Adoption of your detailed expense accounting system.
5.Integration and Interfaces
Are there any key interfaces or integrations that are required in order to get the most important functionalities of your project from one source (e.g. ERP, WMS)? What additional systems are required? How much is the implementation cost? Here are some considerations.
Relationship between primary and secondary data Two systems are often used in different environments: Inventory Management Systems (IMS) and Warehouse Management Systems(WMS). Both systems must be tightly connected to ensure that they are in synch both from a timing and data perspective. Many companies have found that the Inventory Management acts as the primary inventory management system. The WMS is the "secondary," which receives and controls data from the inventory management software. Some vendors offer both inventory management and WMS within one application.
Assist customers in selling or facing problems As we discussed, which retail, point-of-sale, and website integrations are necessary?
Other interfaces. These systems could include data analytics and planning systems, dimensional/weighing, and interfaces for UPC product code and data. Financial reporting requires interfacing with corporate accounting systems. Interfaces allow you to view data related to inventory costing methods, such as average cost and layered FIFO costs, and retail method.
6. Many companies find cloud-based or Software as a Service (SaaS), subscriptions to Inventory Software in Pakistan cheaper than traditional on-premise implementations. This is because they are based upon data storage usage and user count. Because they require less IT time, implementations can be completed in a shorter period of time. What is the best IT strategy for your company's needs?
Services we Offer:
Erpisto ERP
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Financial Management
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Budgeting and Financial Planning
Erpisto Sales Management
Inventory Management
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Erpisto POS (ChecPOS)
ChecPOS by Erpisto Overview
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traders-studio · 4 years ago
Retorno marginal bruto de la inversión (GMROI)
Retorno marginal bruto de la inversión (GMROI)
¿Qué es el rendimiento marginal bruto de la inversión (GMROI)? El retorno de la inversión del margen bruto (GMROI) es un índice de evaluación de la rentabilidad del inventario que analiza la capacidad de una empresa para convertir el inventario en efectivo por encima del costo del inventario. Se calcula dividiendo el margen bruto por el costo promedio de inventario y se usa a menudo en la…
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afrolesbikita · 4 years ago
6 must-have inventory control features
News and important tips on POS & POS Equipment.
“Reducing stock-outs and overstocks can lower your overall inventory costs by 10%.” – Zebra Retail Vision Study
As an inventory management software helps you cut down inventory holding costs for your business, having good inventory control features are the key points for a smooth inventory process. Wondering how you can determine what features are needed for your inventory control system?
We recommend these 6 features based on their popularity and prominence values for most businesses. We’ll analyze their benefits so you can answer the question by yourself. In addition, we’ll provide a system requirements checklist of each feature with technical keywords, which makes it easy for you to research more references and reach reputable software providers.
6 essential features of an inventory control solution
3 trends related to inventory control software to consider
6 essential features of an inventory control solution
1. Inventory management
Inventory management allows you to build and manage your business and eCommerce in multiple locations. This feature centralizes your most essential and basic warehouse functionality by tracking all inventory details like stock levels, stock history, and other product specifications in different locations at the same time.
Learn more details about inventory management with our guide for SMEs inventory management.
Break down data silos by synchronizing inventory data with all other inventory features in the business operation system. It means that all functional departments can use the same source of information, which guarantees collaboration among your team at a much higher level than they do with their individual systems. Fostering collaboration among members can in turn improve productivity.
Integrate with other software and pull data from other parts of the system, such as paperless invoicing and purchase orders
System requirements checklist:
Product category
Product measurement
Product history
Stock inquiries
Cycle counting
Collaborative inventory
Vendor or supplier management
2. Inventory tracking
Inventory tracking, or traceability, helps you monitor the status and movement of products and materials in the supply chain. When you need to find a product again, for example, inventory tracking helps you find the exact required item. Without inventory tracking, you’ll run the risk of having to search all items and waste your valuable time.
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Keep track of every movement of your inventory. Many inventory control solutions allow you to track your inventory by SKUs, serial numbers, RFID tags, and barcodes, etc. It audits and monitors inventory data from the time when the stock is first entered into your inventory.
Reduce labor movement in your warehouse to increase productivity and cut down costs. The inventory tracking feature of some Magento inventory control solutions is integrated with an optimized “Pick and Pack” process. When holding the product in hand, you can quickly scan the tracking tags on the product. From there, inventory tracking will let you know the location of your stock, then helps you optimize the pick and pack process by creating efficient suggestions for your employees to reach the stock location.
Eliminate manual and time-consuming jobs by applying automation to inventory tracking. Some inventory control systems automatically generate tracking numbers right when you create receipts or invoices, saving valuable time and effort.
Deliver better service levels and increase customer relationships by combining integration with both third-party logistics providers (3PLs) and email solutions. By doing this, you can share your customers the email or SMS about the shipped stock and estimated delivery time with a tracking link.
System requirements checklist:
Stock tracking
Advanced inventory tagging
Inventory tracking reports and audits
Inventory tracking solutions by SKUs, barcodes, serial numbers, and RFIDs
3. Inventory barcoding
Manually entering the SKU is an error-prone and time-consuming job. That is why barcoding inventory is a popular feature for inventory control.
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In the age of digital transformation, barcoding inventory helps you collect, store, and organize data quickly with more cohesion. Traditional data input methods often require tremendous effort and human resources to record such product details.
Track product prices and other stock specifications accurately
Eliminate common manual data and entry errors
Scan barcode easily and reduce training time, as barcoding inventory only takes you a few minutes to get used to
Records things faster with fewer employees
Get precise details of products
Automate business functions with other features of the inventory control system
Improve inventory accuracy, speeding up backend processes and stock replenishment with paperless documentation
Integrate with digital documentation and reporting features such as touchscreen signatures and paperless invoicing
System requirements checklist:
Barcode and tagging
Digital barcoding
4. Inventory report
Instead of collecting data from multiple sources and placing formulas manually on an Excel file, you should look for solutions that include inventory reports. They are a must-have tool when your business grows and scales up. It plays a key role in understanding your customers’ business practices and habits.
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But more than simply collecting data, inventory reports present information in a way that is easy to understand and practical for you to make decisions. Some inventory control solutions provide pre-built reports to provide essential metrics, while others allow you to customize reports to dig deeper into specific details for your business.
Provide automated reports about inventory trends and changes across the entire supply chain to optimize your inventory planning and meet demand
Offer easy-to-understand dashboards to visualize your data
System requirements checklist:
Report dashboard
Pre-built inventory reports
Share and customize reports
Report integration
Improved and actionable inventory analysis
Inventory key metrics, such as inventory turnover by product and SKU or gross margin return on investment (GMROI)
5. Inventory forecast
As its name suggests, inventory forecast helps you forecast future demand and sales. Inventory forecast can even tell you when demand may be higher than expected, like during certain holidays and peak time. Taking advantage of inventory forecast can reduce stock unavailability, which can lead to lost sales opportunities. This gives you a better and clearer assessment of when and how many stocks to buy.
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Reduce holding inventory cost and keep appropriate inventory level
Provide a better customer buying experience with no zero-stock situations
Offer a higher level of inventory control for sales forecasting, materials planning, and supplier management
Increase turnover rates
Maximize asset efficiency
Align sales and marketing efforts
System requirements checklist:
Inventory forecasting
Powerful future insights
6. Inventory alerts
Inventory alerts will automatically send you notifications about important stock events with critical information. One example is low stock alerts which help you reduce the daily time and money for continually tracking important inventory data several times in a day.
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Reduce stock waste
Optimize inventory levels
Improve visibility of stock data across multiple departments
Drive sales
Maintain operational control
System requirements checklist:
Low stock inventory alert
Shipment and supply chain delay alert
Flag potential stockouts
Recommended calculation for purchase orders
Suggestion for overstock liquidation
Alert notification via email and SMS messages
3 trends related to inventory control software to consider
In modern inventory control systems, we can see a clear trending movement to web services, application-based development, and APIs enabled third-party application integrations. You can do more than just control your inventory by applying the following inventory-related functions to your business.
1. Internet of things integrations
IoT integration helps you manage the inventory smartly by bringing automation in all kinds like digital labeling of GPS, Bluetooth, and RFID.
Automate tracking and reporting
Improve security against theft and loss
Keep a constant tab on assets, location, movement, and quantity
Keep inventory level optimized by real-time inventory visibility
Record details of the inventory automatically
2. Mobile support
The increasing trend of using mobile forces most inventory control software to turn into PWA websites or mobile applications. In that way, business people can monitor and manage data remotely without using a computer.
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They can even use voice commands with mobile devices to retrieve the report they want in a blink.
Give 24/7 real-time access
Boost productivity and reduce inter-department paperwork
Increase efficiency by real-time data
3. Machine learning and AI
Retail chatbots or virtual assistants empowered by AI is a trend you cannot miss. They make recommendations by:
Analyzing active shopping carts and customer history
Using machine learning algorithms with web-based services to predict inventory, which is difficult to monitor and predict manually
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Automate backorder fulfillment
Report critical sales data and inventory trends
Optimize online customer engagement metrics
Improve internal inventory control and prevent shortages
Improve forecasting with real-time data analysis
To make your inventory control checklist easy to use, before adding a feature, let’s ensure you understand why and how it can help your business., and it should be easy to use. When investing, you should prioritize technology that can integrate with other business processes such as POS systems to track sales and stock levels in real time across multiple channels of your business.
Explore Inventory Control Solution
The post 6 must-have inventory control features appeared first on World’s #1 POS for Magento.
This article was published on this site.
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scmjobs-blog · 4 years ago
How different is Retail Supply Chain? Can I directly apply?
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The terms, methods, processes, performance indicators are different from manufacturing SCM and working in B2C environment requires some additional knowledge.
 For example, GMROI. It is a financial ratio that assesses a buyer’s contribution to ROA is Gross Margin Return On Inventory investment (GMROI, typically pronounced “jim-roy”)
 It measures how many gross margin dollars are earned on every dollar of inventory investment made by the buyer. GMROI combines gross margin
  As a part of retail supply chain strategy, the various activities that retailers undertake to keep merchandise in stock:
 • Accurately forecast sales and needed inventory levels for each category and SKU.
 • Monitor sales to detect deviations from the forecast.
 • Transport the right amount of merchandise from the DCs to each store.
 • Make sure that accurate information is available that indicates where the merchandise is—in the vendor’s warehouse, the DC, the store, sold to customer, or in transit.
 • Place accurate, timely orders with vendors.
 • Replenish merchandise from DCs with the right quantities when the stores need it.
 • Ensure that buyers and marketing managers coordinate merchandise delivery with special sales and promotional materials.
 • Collect and process returned merchandise.
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sizekitap · 4 years ago
Yöneticiler için Finans, Kriz Yönetimi ve İş Stratejileri Eğitimi (Online) (Etkinlik)
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Yöneticiler için Güncel Finans, Kriz Yönetimi ve 2021 İş Stratejileri Eğitimi; Üst Düzey Yönetici, Şirket Sahibi, Ceo’lar, Yöneticiler, Tepe Yönetici Adayları ve Yatırımcılara yönelik  olarak düzenlenmektedir.
Yöneticilerin kriz ortamında iş hayatında karşılarına sıklıkla çıkan finansal konulara dair bilgilerin güncellenmesi ve şirket yönetiminin temel yapı taşlarından olan Finansal Yönetim Stratejilerinin ”En son global ve yerel gelişmelere ve Günümüz Finansal Krizine paralel olarak” en etkili ve pratik yollarının aktarılması amaçlamaktadır. 
Günümüzde üst kademe yöneticiler CFO, Finans ve Muhasebe Direktörü/Müdürü, Bankacılar, Yeminli Mali Müşavirler ve Basın Yayın  gibi kanallardan bilgi alsalar da alınan bilgiler bir bütünlük arz etmemekte ve genellikle mikro sorunların çözümüne yönelik olmaktadır. 
Bu WorkShop ile henüz sorunlar oluşmadan Finansal Strateji gözlüğü ile bütüne hakim olarak finansal gelişmelerin sizi yönetmesi değil sizin şirketinizi finansal dalgalara hazır olarak yönetmenizi sağlayacak kolay uygulanabilir pratik stratejilerin aktarılması  hedeflemektedir.
Ayrıca  Finansal dalgalanma ve Türkiye için kritik öneme haiz 2021 yılı  ve sonrası için muhtemel gelişmeler, olasılıklar ve alternatif finansal yönetim stratejileri aktarılacaktır.  Macro Retail Akademi ( www.MacroRetail.com )
  Eğitim İçeriği;
1. 2018-2020 Finansal Krizine Güncel Bakış ve Değerlendirme
2. Geçmiş Finansal Deneyimler, Göstergeler ve 2020 Krizi
Kriz ve Dalgalanmalar Öncesi ve Sonrası Makro Ekonomik Uyarılar
Piyasalardaki Alarm Sinyalleri
Geçmiş Finansal Kriz Deneyimleri ve Sonrası (1994,2001,2008, 2018)
3. Finansal Tabloları Anlama, Okuma ve Yönetme
Mali Tablolar (Bilanço, Gelir Tablosu, Nakit Akım, Fon Akım vs)
EBITDA, GMROI, GMROF, GMROL (Başarının 4 Sihirli Anahtarı)
4. Finansal Analiz ve Sonrası, İyileştirme ve Çözüm Pratikleri
Pratik Finansal Analiz
Oran Analizleri ve Değerlendirme Bilgileri
İşletmelerde Alarm Göstergeleri (Uygulamalı) ve Önlemler
5. Finansal Enstrümanlar ve Pratik Bilgiler
Para ve Döviz Piyasaları
Vadeli İşlemler (Opsiyon, Türev, Forex, Future)
Kredi Piyasaları ve Türleri (Kosgeb, Exim, İşletme, Mortgage vs)
Sermaye Piyasaları ve Türleri (BİST, Tahvil, Bono, Şirket Tahvili, Eurobond)
Altın Piyasası
Piyasalara Dair Pratik Bilgiler ve Yatırım Kararları
6. 2020 Finansal Krizi ve Sonrası Finansal Yönetim Stratejileri
Döviz Pozisyonları
İthalat ve İhracat Stratejileri
Satış Kanalları ve Stratejik Çözümler
Ürün Planlama ve Fiyatlama Stratejileri
Mergers and Aquisitions Planlamaları ve Fon Stratejileri 
Halka Arza Dönüş
Ödeme ve Tahsilat Sistemleri, Risk Yapılandırma Yöntemleri
Alternatif Stratejilerin de Alternatifleri ( C ve D Planları)
7. Güncel Örnekler ve Ucu Açık Soru Cevap
devamı burada => https://sizekitap.com/etkinlikler/yoneticiler-icin-finans-kriz-yonetimi-ve-is-stratejileri-egitimi-online-etkinlik-2/
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