glpbio · 1 year
D-Luciferin: Illuminating the World of Bioluminescence and Its Versatile Applications | GlpBio
D-Luciferin is a chemical molecule that is utilised in bioluminescence, which is the process by which living organisms produce light. It is found in a variety of organisms, including fireflies, glowworms, and several mushroom species.
When D-Luciferin is oxidised, light is produced as a byproduct. This is known as luciferase-mediated bioluminescence. D-Luciferin produces light that is commonly green or yellow in colour, though this can vary depending on the organism and environment.
The power of D-luciferin in biomedical research is undeniable, as its remarkable ability to emit light enables scientists to study biological processes and visualize molecular interactions with extraordinary sensitivity and precision.
D-Luciferin has a wide range of applications in science and other sectors. In biomedical research, for example, it is frequently employed as a marker to visualise the distribution and mobility of cells or other biological substances in living organisms. It's also utilised in environmental monitoring to detect the presence of specific chemicals or biological pollutants.
Overall, D-Luciferin is a significant chemical molecule that plays a vital role in the bioluminescence process and has numerous practical uses in a range of sectors.
For more details, please click here: https://www.glpbio.com/d-luciferin.html
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glpbioo · 9 days
GLPBio provides over 40,000 high-quality life science reagents for cancer, neuroscience, epigenetics, and more. Our mission is to support global research with innovative products for groundbreaking discoveries.
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W. Zhou, et al. Cancer Letters 483 (2020)
483 (2020) 75–86 -ΔC −ΔC Fig.5. ComparedtoMICAL2,MICAL2 hadlesspromotingeffectonproliferationandmobilityinLUADcells in vitroandmetastasis in vivo:A.MICAL2 −ΔC andMICAL2wereexpressedintransfectedA549cells cck-8 glpbio.Myosin-9wasenhancedinbothA549-MICAL2 andA549-MICAL2cellscomparedwithA549-CTRLcells.B. −ΔC A549-MICAL2 showed a significant increase in proliferation compared with A549-CTRL, while at a significantly lower level compared with A549-MICAL2 cells. −ΔC C. The cell migration (top) and invasion (bottom) assays indicated that MICAL2 did not promote migration or invasion in A549 as in MICAL2-WT cells. D. Representativeimagesoflungmetastaticnodules(circlesmarkedwithpartoftumormetastaticfocus)derivedfromA549cellswithorwithoutstablyoverexpressing ΔC −ΔC MICAL2- or MICAL2 Amiloride HCL. 
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2-nbdg-blog · 4 years
YuandaCheng ,RuiminChang ,XizheLi ,YanwuZhou
YuandaCheng ,RuiminChang ,XizheLi ,YanwuZhou , b c a,d,∗∗ a,d,e,∗ Shaoqiang Wang , Lubiao Liang , Chaojun Duan , Chunfang Zhang a Department of Thoracic Surgery, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, 410008, PR China b Department of Thoracic Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical College, Jining Medical College, Jining, 272000, PR China c Department of Thoracic Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University 3x FLAG ic50, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi, 563000, PR China d National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Disorders, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, 410008, PR China e Hunan Engineering Research Center for Pulmonary Nodules Precise Diagnosis and Treatment, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, 410008, PR China ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: MICAL2isatumor-promotingfactorinvolvedincellmigration,invasion,deformation Cell Counting Kit-8 glpbio,andproliferationnotyet MICAL-2 fully explored in lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD). This study demonstrated that MICAL2 was overexpressed and Nucleoplasm shuttling protein cytoplasm-enrichedinLUADtissues.Moreover,highcytoplasmicMICAL2and/ortotalMICAL2expressionlevels EMT were positively correlated with lymphatic metastasis and shorter overall survival in LUAD patients. MICAL2 MYH9 promoted LUAD cell proliferation, migration, invasion,
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egyshop · 2 years
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For years now prepaid cell phones have continuously gotten a bigger share of the market than traditional contract plans. One among the main driving forces for this is because people are now making better and wiser choices with regard to how they spend their money. Blame the economy or conceivably plain competitiveness light and portable cell phone companies but the verdict is finally in cell phone companies. Prepaid cell phones are undoubtedly the best mobile phone plans, bar none. Mobile phones provide a great help even and a business. With the mobile phone, you can stay connected onto your employees and know with what is getting done by your staff experienced not there in the company.
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glpbio · 1 year
MG-132: Exploiting Protein Accumulation for Potential Cancer and Alzheimer's Treatments | GipBio
MG-132 functions as a small molecule proteasome inhibitor, targeting cellular complexes responsible for protein degradation and recycling. Its mechanism involves binding to the proteasome, obstructing its protein breakdown function. This process results in an accumulation of defective or anomalous proteins, potentially leading to cellular demise. MG-132's potential has been explored as a cancer treatment, prompting cancer cell death by halting proteasomal breakdown of proteins crucial for cell survival. Additionally, it has been scrutinized as a prospective therapy for neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, by heightening the buildup of abnormal brain proteins linked to the condition. Nonetheless, a comprehensive understanding of MG-132's therapeutic potential necessitates further research and exploration.
Delving into the intricate mechanisms of cellular processes, researchers are uncovering a promising avenue for addressing two complex medical challenges: cancer and Alzheimer's disease. By leveraging the phenomenon of protein accumulation, scientists are exploring innovative treatments that hold the potential to revolutionize these fields. In the context of cancer therapy, manipulating the buildup of proteins critical for cell survival could offer a novel strategy for inducing cancer cell death. Simultaneously, in the realm of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's, harnessing protein accumulation might offer an opportunity to mitigate the progression of the disease by tackling the abnormal protein aggregates associated with it. As research progresses, Exploiting Protein Accumulation for Potential Cancer and Alzheimer's Treatments.
Get more information from here: https://www.glpbio.com/mg-132.html
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glpbio · 1 year
3-Methyladenine: A Promising Tool for Cancer and Inflammation Therapy | Glpbio
3-Methyladenine, often referred to as 3-MA, emerges as a diminutive molecule inhibitor targeting the protein PI3K (Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase). PI3K, a signaling protein integral to cell growth, survival, and metabolism, often becomes hyperactive in cancer cells, fueling uncontrollable proliferation. By quelling PI3K, 3-MA has the capability to curb cancer cell growth and prompt cellular demise.
Specifically inhibiting class IA PI3Ks, constituted of a catalytic p110 subunit and a regulatory p85 subunit, 3-MA intervenes in the kinase activity of the PI3K p110 subunit, thus impeding its capacity to phosphorylate target proteins. Consequently, downstream signaling pathways instigated by PI3K, such as the Akt/mTOR pathway pivotal for cell survival and growth, are thwarted.
Beyond its potential in oncology, 3-MA showcases anti-inflammatory attributes. It dampens the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-alpha and IL-6 and reduces the number of inflammatory cells. These qualities have prompted exploration into its application for inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease. A Promising Tool for Cancer and Inflammation Therapy, this innovation holds significant potential for addressing complex medical challenges.
While undergoing preclinical and clinical assessments as a therapeutic agent for cancer and other diseases, 3-MA's preclinical studies have demonstrated its efficacy in restraining diverse cancer cell lines spanning breast cancer, lung cancer, and glioblastoma. It's also shown potential to amplify the impact of other cancer treatments like radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
However, its clinical trials remain at a nascent stage. The safety and efficacy of 3-MA as a viable treatment for cancer or other diseases are yet to be conclusively determined. It's vital to underline that comprehending 3-MA's mechanism of action and potential side effects necessitates further research before considering it a safe and potent solution for human diseases.
For more information, please visit here: https://www.glpbio.com/3-methyladenine.html
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glpbio · 1 year
2-NBDG: A Fluorescent Tool for Analyzing Cell Metabolism in Metabolic Disorder Studies | GlpBio
2-NBDG, a fluorescent glucose analog, finds frequent application in cellular glucose uptake assessment. It stems from glucose, carrying a fluorescent nitrobenzoxadiazole (NBD) group that simplifies molecule detection and quantification upon cellular entry. This NBD addition doesn't impede the molecule's transportation through the cell membrane via glucose transporters. Once internalized, 2-NBDG can be phosphorylated by hexokinase, a pivotal enzyme in glucose metabolism. By tracking 2-NBDG fluorescence, the pace of glucose uptake in cells can be gauged, furnishing insights into cellular metabolism and potentially revealing targets for addressing metabolic conditions like diabetes.
A Fluorescent Tool for Analyzing Cell Metabolism in Metabolic Disorder Studies, this innovation provides valuable insights into cellular metabolic processes.
For more details, please click here: https://www.glpbio.com/2-nbdg.html
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glpbio · 1 year
Cycloheximide: Instrumental in Protein Synthesis Research and Fungal Treatment | Glpbio
Cycloheximide stands as a protein synthesis inhibitor extensively employed in molecular and cell biology research. Its primary function lies in obstructing the translation process, a pivotal stage in protein synthesis where mRNA's genetic code is translated into a precise amino acid sequence within a protein. By binding to a distinct site on the ribosome, the cell's protein synthesis machinery, cycloheximide curtails the ribosome's capacity to interpret the mRNA and fabricate the protein.
Researchers frequently employ cycloheximide to explore the repercussions of protein synthesis suppression on cells and organisms, as well as to scrutinize protein synthesis regulation. It also facilitates the investigation of protein half-lives; by stalling the creation of new proteins, researchers can gauge the pace of protein degradation. Cycloheximide proves to be a valuable asset for dissecting the roles of specific proteins in cellular mechanisms, and for identifying prospective protein targets in drug development endeavors.
Instrumental in Protein Synthesis Research and Fungal Treatment, cycloheximide serves as a versatile compound with dual applications.
Cycloheximide, originally developed as a broad-spectrum antibiotic for fungal infections, functions by hindering the translation of fungal ribosomes, ultimately curbing fungal growth and propagation.
Nevertheless, it is imperative to acknowledge that cycloheximide poses toxicity risks to both humans and animals, necessitating careful handling. Its usage is restricted to laboratory environments and should only be employed under the guidance of trained researchers or scientists.
Get more information form here: https://www.glpbio.com/cycloheximide.html
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glpbio · 1 year
Lipo2000: The Ultimate Transfection Reagent for Your Research Needs | GlpBio
Lipofectamine 2000 functions as a transfection reagent suitable for introducing DNA or small interfering RNA (siRNA) into cultured cells. This cationic liposomal transfection agent forms enduring complexes with negatively charged RNA or DNA molecules, enabling their conveyance into cells.
Transfection, the method of incorporating genetic material into cells to explore gene activities or express specific proteins, is well-served by Lipofectamine 2000. Its popularity derives from its user-friendly nature and heightened transfection efficacy, successfully introducing genetic material into a substantial proportion of cells. Discover The Ultimate Transfection Reagent for Your Research Research Needs requirements.
For employing Lipofectamine 2000, the initial step involves preparing a DNA or RNA sample and subsequently combining it with the transfection reagent, adhering to the provided guidelines. The resultant compound is then introduced into cultured cells, where cells assimilate it, consequently releasing the genetic material within. Following this, cells are cultivated to enable the expression of the transfected DNA or RNA.
Lipofectamine 2000 does come with potential limitations. It might be cytotoxic for certain cell types, particularly in high concentrations. Moreover, its effectiveness could be compromised in transfecting specific cell categories, such as stem cells or primary cells. Lastly, its cost is relatively higher compared to alternative transfection techniques.
For more details, please click here: https://www.glpbio.com/lipo2000-transfection-reagent.html
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glpbio · 1 year
Ultra High Sensitivity ECL Kits: Redefining Research Standards | GlpBio
An Ultra High Sensitivity ECL (enhanced chemiluminescence) kit is a laboratory reagent kit used to detect and quantify very low amounts of certain biomolecules in a sample, such as proteins. ECL is a technology that use a chemical reaction to generate a strong light that can then be detected with a specialised device. This kit's super high sensitivity variant is meant to detect extremely low amounts of target biomolecules, down to picogram or even femtogram levels. These kits typically comprise a substrate solution, which, when mixed with the target biomolecules and a catalyst, produces the chemiluminescent signal, as well as the other reagents and controls required to complete the test. Western blotting, ELISA, and immunoassays are all common uses for ECL kits in research and diagnostic applications.
Elevate your research with Ultra High Sensitivity ECL Kits, empowering scientists to detect and visualize even the faintest signals with unparalleled sensitivity and precision.
Get more information from here: https://www.glpbio.com/ultra-high-sensitivity-ecl-kit.html
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glpbio · 1 year
Erastin: Promising for Cancer and Neurological Disorders via Heme Inhibition | GlpBio
Erastin is a tiny chemical being researched for its possible application in the treatment of some cancers and neurological diseases. It was discovered in 2015 by a group of researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre who were investigating the impact of several chemicals on cancer cells.
Erastin works by suppressing the action of a protein called ferrochelatase, which is involved in the formation of heme, a substance required by many enzymes and proteins in the body. Erastin, by blocking ferrochelatase, can impair heme formation, potentially leading to the death of cancer cells or other aberrant cells that rely on heme for survival.
Unveil the potential of Erastin in cancer treatment, as this innovative compound holds promise in targeting and selectively inducing ferroptosis, a novel cell death pathway, offering new avenues for effective anti-cancer therapies.
Erastin has been proven to exhibit anti-tumor action in animal models of cancer, as well as neuroprotective benefits in animal models of neurological illnesses such as stroke and Alzheimer's disease. More research is needed, however, to fully understand erastin's possible therapeutic effects and to determine its safety and effectiveness in humans.
For more information, please visit here: https://www.glpbio.com/erastin.html
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glpbio · 1 year
CCK-8 Assay: A Reliable and Convenient Cell Viability Method for Biological Research | GlpBio CCK-8, often known as the Cell Counting Kit-8, is a frequently used cell viability assay in biological research. It is a quick and easy way to count the number of viable cells in a culture.
The CCK-8 assay relies on dehydrogenases in living cells to convert a tetrazolium salt, WST-8, to a coloured formazan product. The amount of formazan produced in the culture is directly related to the number of viable cells.
CCK8 offers the ultimate solution for cell viability analysis, providing researchers with a powerful and reliable method to assess the viability and proliferation of cells with exceptional accuracy.
To perform the CCK-8 assay, a tiny amount of the reagent is applied to a cell culture and cultured for a brief time. The absorbance of the resultant solution is then measured at 450 nm using a microplate reader. To determine the amount of live cells in the culture, the absorbance is compared to a standard curve.
The CCK-8 assay is very sensitive and can detect minor changes in cell viability, making it an invaluable tool for drug discovery, toxicity testing, and cell proliferation investigations. It is also reasonably priced and simple to use, making it a popular choice among scholars.
Get more information form here: https://www.glpbio.com/cell-counting-kit-8-cck-8.html
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glpbio · 1 year
BCA Kit: Quick and Efficient Tool for Protein Quantification | GlpBio The BCA Protein Assay Kit is a colorimetric assay that is used to determine the total amount of protein in a sample. It is based on the protein's interaction with a reagent known as bicinchoninic acid, or BCA. 
The BCA reacts with the protein in the sample to generate a purple complex with a particular absorbance at 562 nm. The amount of protein in the sample is proportional to the complex's absorbance, which may be measured using a spectrophotometer.
Maximize Accuracy in Protein Quantification with BCA Protein Assay Kit, which ensures precise measurement of protein concentration with utmost reliability.
The BCA Protein Assay Kit measures total protein in a range of samples, including cell lysates, tissue homogenates, serum, and plasma. It can also be used to measure proteins in dilute samples. The BCA Protein Assay Kit is a quick, inexpensive, and easy way to determine the total amount of protein in a sample.
For more information, please click here: https://www.glpbio.com/bca-protein-assay-kit.html
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