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interstellar0range826 5 months ago
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Broski, how could I forget the big Jupe?!
Well, here is the mighty Jupiter! And might is right; this guy is built like a house! (Boy do I hated drawing muscles ;n;) Jupiter is strong, vain, and just a liiiiiiitle dumb. He's also like twice the height of the other glowymen. Jupiter is so strong, its said that he used his strength to carve out the vast clearings in the deep dark. He used his strength to move massive boulders and walls of rock. Jupiter is so powerful that he was seen as a potential threat and sealed away, only summoned when his moon's truly need him. Oh! That reminds me, Jupiter loves his moons. He treats them like his children. (More on that in a future post)
Okay breaking character for a moment, this is the first glowyman where I had no idea what I wanted him to look like until I started drawing. The others - I had a clear idea of what they were gonna look like before I started drawing them but not Jupiter. That's why I drew him last. In the end, I'm happy with the result. He kinda looks like Zeus. Anyways, that's for listening to my nonsense. I hope you have a great night/day C:
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interstellar0range826 5 months ago
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Design wise this is probably my favorite! This here is Saturn. If ever there was a "look at me" planet I would be Saturn. Saturn's most obvious and striking feature is its water-ice ring system. I tired including the rings for each gas planet into their designs. For Saturn its her big floppy sun hat (which I love) The big Sapphire belt is because Saturn's north pole is shaped like a hexagon. Plus the gemstone just fits her aesthetic. Saturn is the kind of gal that KNOWS she's beautiful but she's classy too. Her makeup and jewels are done tastefully. I'm not a fashion expert but I think "chic" is the right word? Either way, she's pretty and classy.
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interstellar0range826 5 months ago
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Oh boy, this one is gonna be a doozy. So here is Uranus. If any planet deserves him or status ITS URANUS! This planet is just dumb! Uranus has an axial tilt of 97掳 so compared to the orbital plane of the planets, it looks like it's sideways. Uranus is the only planet named after a Greek God (the others are named after Roman Gods). The other planets have moons named after relevant characters in mythology BUT NOT THIS IDIOT! Uranus has moons named after chibi anime girls! (Okay, they aren't named after anime girls they're named after female Shakespear characters. But it was the 1700s so Shakespeare was the closest thing they had to anime) If it's not obvious, Uranus is my favorite planet 'u' Anyways, the actual character; as the twin brother of Neptune, I chose to make Uranus as different from her as possible because twins with opposite personalities is funny. Neptune is a brilliant scientist so Uranus is a sportsy himbo. Maybe not a complete himbo but definitely the nonobservant head in the clouds type. He doesn't remember his moon's names so he calls them by something vaguely close. Like, he might call Ariel Anna or something. Sure it's wrong but nobody has the heart to correct him. Also, Uranus's sport of choice are winter sports as Uranus is the coldest major planet in the solar system.
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interstellar0range826 5 months ago
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Here we have Neptune! She is the outermost of the major planets. She lives with her twin brother, Uranus in the outer edge of the deep dark. The Deep Dark is built like a massive crater, so it's outer edges are high cliffs and mountains covered in ice. Neptune spends her time studying the ice of the edges of the dep dark. It's dangerous out there so she lives a rather lonely life. Say for her brother. Neptune and Uranus are both considered ice giant planets because they are thought to have mantles of ice and methane. This Methane is also why Neptune is blue. Neptune also has a faint ring system, seen in her design as her dark gray petticoat under her lab coat. When voyager imaged Neptune, it found a massive storm called the great dark spot. This is represented by her dark gray bangs. Many years later, this storm has seemingly dissappeared.
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interstellar0range826 5 months ago
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2 posts in 1 day whaaaaaaaat?
Anyways, Here we have Mercury, littlest of the glowymen! Of the 8 major planets, mercury is the smallest and closest to the sun. Mercury is also very dense, being comprised of a high amount of heavy metals. For this, I made Mercury (the glowyman) a metal worker. Mining, welding, smithing - He does it all! Despite this, he is smol. The planet is covered in craters and scars and he isn't much different. Working with metal and stone all day leads to all kinds of soot stains and grease marks on his clothes. Mercury is the kind of guy who won't let his size hold him back. Just because he's small doesn't mean he can't hold his own in a fight! He's a little scrapper! He's a tough little guy and we love him 馃А
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interstellar0range826 5 months ago
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Next up for the glowymen, we have Mars! I took a good few creative liberties with his design. I made him an explorer as Mars is probably the most well explored planet (other than our own). As Mars is the only of the rocky planets we can comfortably land rovers on, we know much more about its surface. I gave Mars a mountain climber/hiker vibe as Mars has vast mountains and near endless deserts. Mars also doesn't have a true magnetic field due to a solid outer core thus ending the planet's dynamo action. For this, I gave Mars himself a broken compas. It's possible Mars once heald conditions for life and this fact, Terra Firma and Mars are quite close. The two go hiking together very often. Mars and Earth have much more in common that Earth's supposed twin, Venus. Mars is also the only other planet with a flag and freaking airport codes?! Yes! The international Civil aviation organization reserves landing region J for MARS!!! But enough of my bemusement, Mars is a cool place that I don't have the text space to gush about here.
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interstellar0range826 5 months ago
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Here we have the next of the glowy men - Earth! Though Earth himself prefers to call himself "Terra Firma". Terra Firma is a very outdoorsy fellow. Being the only known planet to host life, he loves plants, animals, even fungi ! Of all the glowy men, Terra Firma is the closest you get to cottage core 馃槀 Choosing to focus on the wildlife, Terra keeps to himself for the most part. With the exeption of Mars. Terra really REALLY likes Mars. The two go hiking all the time. Between you and me, He thinks Mars could support life 馃槈
When Terra Firma was young, he got into a fight with another glowyman named Theia. It was pretty gruesome. After the fight, Terra was blessed with meeting a new glowyman. (Glowymen are rare so a NEW glowyman is even rarer!) The new glowyman was just a child. She had nowhere to go. So, Terra Firma took her in. She became his prime directive. He fed her, he clothed her and he took care of her. He even named her - Terra Luna.
Luna (the actual moon) is tidally locked to the Earth. Because of this, Terra Luna (the glowyman) is emotionally attached to Terra Firma. She's never seen without him. She's very shy. When meeting someone new, she'll hide behind Terra Firma. He's her comfort person.
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interstellar0range826 5 months ago
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Venus, oooooo Venus.
So here we have second planet from the sun, Venus. Venus is considered the twin planet to Earth. Up until the early 70s, it was thought that Venus was a tropical paradise like an early Earth. It was thought under the venusian clouds there were humid oceans and vast archipelagos. (Maybe even dinosaurs ;u;) In 1970 we sent a rover to Venus only to discover its basically Hell. The surface temperature is twice that of a kitchen oven, the surface pressure is like being 1,000 meters under water, it rains freaking acid !!! The rover straight up melted! Venus is Hell therefor Venus herself should be a hellian. Venus is absolutely the ruffian of the glowymen. I like to think she greats people with noogies instead of hand shakes. She particularly likes picking on Mercury since he's small. (Partly the reason Mercury is covered in scrapes and bruises)
OoC: thought I posted this one already. I drew her before Jupiter. Still hate drawing muscles ;n;
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interstellar0range826 5 months ago
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Have yall read the lore post? Cool.
Here we have Pluto, oldest of the glowy men. With him is his lover Charon. In the solar system, Charon is the largest moon relative to its host object. It's about half Pluto's mass. The 2 objects are so close in mass they actually orbit a point inbetween the two.
For this, I made the two like obsessive lovers. Feeling incomplete without the other. They always have their arms wrapped around eachother. Thier hold world is in their pover. Without them, they are nothing. Also Pluto is meant to look like a mobster because Pluto was discovered in the 1930's.
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