mooonsacolyte · 2 years
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my silly little gay people being criminals
(art comm by kovacseemma)
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daletraeng · 5 months
Check out the lyrics for the song “Glory And Gore” by Lorde
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ardentglory · 7 years
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me when my friends are getting the love and attention that they deserve.
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scoutcode-blog · 7 years
draven: what are you?
teemo: a yordle
draven: i know but like... what are you?
teemo, a little louder cuz clearly draven is an old man losing his hearing: a yordle
draven: okay but like. what are you?
teemo, with a megaphone: a yordle
draven, yelling: I KNOW BUT WHAT ARE YOU
teemo: (◕ܫ◕✿) m͏͜u̢͘r̸̵̛de̷̢r̴̀o͢u͜͝s
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strategion · 7 years
gloryandgoring replied to your post: i just had a gay thought™
the coat isnt his, rather it belonged to marcus and it’s jericho’s only thing to remember him by and constant reminder of his sacrifice and why he must succeed.
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prideofnoxus · 7 years
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4thdevil · 7 years
#s 45-50 if that's okay!
what’s their dream job / profession? do they have one?
his dream profession was to be a performer, much like his mother was. see, his mother was a famous singer, she traveled and performed in many nations and was loved wherever she went. jhin saw the love people had for his mother, the way they lit up the moment they realize that it was her, the way they expressed absolute delight and happiness. jhin, one day, wanted to be able to evoke that kind of emotion from people. 
to be someone that can be both inspiring and have a place in a world he loved. the performing arts. it’s why he endured so much under his mother’s ruthless tutelage, she’s where he’s learned all that he knows in the arts.
if they could control one thing in the world, what would it be?
if jhin could control one thing ? even he’s unsure of that simple notion, sure, he sees all the wrong in the world, he’s one of the many things wrong with the world and he acknowledges it. he knows it, but would he change it ? through his works, yes, but to what extent would he go ? 
now that i think about it some more, i think the one thing he’d want to control is the way his life turned out. while he doesn’t holds regrets on following through with all he’s done, he does wish for a chance to have one do-over. maybe for a certain someone from his past.
do they like tv shows or movies? or neither?
( this is a more modern au ) jhin isn’t really the one to sit down and watch something if it doesn’t capture his interest. i’ve actually spoken abt something like this with @propugnatori and we came to the conclusion that no matter what it is, jhin would put himself through hell if his s/o wants to watch something he has no interest in, with him.
so personally for him, he’s a neither. but in main verse, he likes to watch performances, he’s a devoted enthusiast as we all know, it’s something he enjoys a great deal.
do they have social media? do they like it or hate it? obsess over it?
( modern ) jhin knows of the HASSLES when it comes to social media and does he use it ? hell no, he doesn’t mind it at all, but he just doesn’t bother with it bc of how ridiculous people can be nowadays. he’s got better and more progressive things to do with his time.
do they have a creative outlet? if so, what is it?
he paints ! in his free time he paints whatever comes to mind or he’ll sketch something, he needs to have his hands doing something or else he just feels unproductive. and that’s the last thing he needs, really. so when it comes down to it, jhin indulges in paintings. most of the paintings in his home(s) are of his creations, and it’s far from what people would think he’d paint. he paints very beautiful and whimsical pieces, some of landscapes he’s put to memory to paintings of unknown people. 
where do they see themselves in 2 / 5 / 10 years?
jhin’s answer ? dead. really, he doesn’t see himself with much of a future and he’s not afraid of saying that to someone if they asked him this question, that is if he remains in the field of his current profession. jhin actually doesn’t know where he’d be in the future, and while he loves the mystery of it, he doesn’t think much of it.
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ask-kayle · 7 years
gloryandgoring replied to your post: Darius or Draven ?
“You want to kiss me that badly?”
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fury-of-darkin · 7 years
@gloryandgoring Enters the Fray
“Tonight was an impressive performance...” Aatrox stepped out of the shadows into the empty arena. “You truly do make executions a spectacle to watch, Draven. Still, there is room for improvement in your performances... Wouldn’t you agree?”
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sandsandsorrows · 7 years
@gloryandgoring replied to your post:
   Are you saying Hecarim is unworthy of sinday? VOLKAGE IS WORTHY TOO. AAAA    
Hecarim needs to be in a relationship to even remember that sex is a thing and I struggle to get interactions on him, much less a ship.
Volkage is awkward, very very bi and much too busy for his own good. He’s the kind who gets crushes left and light (like I don’t have a Darius to plot with, but if they have met before Marko broke all ties with Noxus he would have the most awkward lingering crush on Darius that you can imagine) but doesn’t really act on them because no time/politics/body issues.
Well, not so much body issues as whoever made his prosthetics haven’t considered that he’s supposed to use his hands as, you know, hands and not just as weaponry.
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godshadowed · 7 years
@gloryandgoring replied to your post: Why aren’t there more OCs out there that are...
TBH I think it’s because it’s hard to get OCs going in this community unless you frequent it with other canon blogs or you really have an OC with a super amazing design and backstory. At least that’s how I see it.
But that’s what I’m saying! Having your OC connected to a canon organization in order to get them involved with other canon characters and OCs makes it realistic and easier. 
But from what I see a lot of OCs just want to be their own independent thing which is fine! But I think it makes things easier to have characters involved in already established organizations. The Order of Shadows, the Kinkou, the Piltovan Police Force, the Black Rose--things like that. It puts a character in a place where it makes sense for them to interact with certain characters and therefore makes it easier to form connections. Especially if you want to talk pre-established relationships through those organizations. 
My biggest issue with interacting with OCs on Kayn has been that they’re often independent from everything and Kayn would have no knowledge of them because of that. It’s harder to form connections like that. 
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ardentglory · 7 years
development meme | ( with or without fries??)
what was the best thing in your character’s life?  
for the seventh? 
though he would never truly admit to it, it would have to be the decision to send him to earth. when he was in heaven, he knew nothing of ambition, nothing of the self and nothing of personal desire. he’d been merely a slave to purpose, and though he always doubted his ideals in the back of his mind, he never truly knew of another way of being. for all he knew, that was the only rule of life. to obey, to protect, to destroy. and that was it.
 oh, but when he came to earth, things did change quite a bit. these beings were filthy, indeed. but they had something that the angels did not. and that was free will. the more that michael studied the humans, the more he began to apply his findings to himself. where he had not found answers to his questions in heaven, he found them on earth. in beings that were so insignificant compared to the angels--- and yet in this way, superior. 
in being among humans on earth, he has learned of free will. 
and, of course, this makes him different from the other angels. if he is the only one with free will, he can easily seize the power away from the council of seraphim and take it for himself. after all, he does have the soul of a god.
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scoutcode-blog · 7 years
scoutcode: [laughs in yordle @ draven]
gloryandgoring: [laughs in draven]
scoutcode: jgfdhgkjfg cue the draven mix and teemix overlapping on a scene like the tunnel scene in the original willy wonka
gloryandgoring: asfdkj LORD
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strategion · 7 years
gloryandgoring replied to your post: pelts with heavy gold coins of various sizes and...
  “ why have i not had you executed yet?”
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futures-hero · 7 years
gloryandgoring replied to your post: “Which is colder: the weather outside, or...
Your sense of style.
"You're absolutely right. I am THE coolest motherfucker on the block."
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4thdevil · 7 years
gloryandgoring replied to your post:
i’d rather be the one to take that armor off  i mean what :^)
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