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Guest Lecture --Sculpture and Combined Media
Ellen-Rose Wallace is an Irish visual artist working with moving image, sound installation and sculpture. She is currently GlogauAIR Berlin’s Online Artist In Residence, and has been selected as a member of the Douglas Hyde Student Forum 2023 and a graduate of LSAD.

Some images taken at Ellens lecture today in Clare st.
I admire the connections she has threaded throughout her work connecting the Irish land to Irish myth where she embodies the mystery of Liminality across time and landscape which is a constant changing reality or illusion. Ellens work is a line of inquiry I may develop within my own practice and time spent in TUS/LSAD.
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Funkturm, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Berlin, 2021
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CHRYSALIDE @_lucasngo 2021 . Si vous ne l’avez pas encore découvert lors de nos précédentes publications, nous vous invitons à prendre quelque minutes pour vous plonger dans le travail de Lucas. Aussi commençons par évoquer le sujet de cette série: la chrysalide. La chrysalide représente ce qui est perceptible à travers un voile. Le cocon devient le nouveau voile, l’intermédiaire entre le visible et l’invisible, l’intérieur et l’extérieur. Le corps se transforme en paysage, une forme hybride hésitant entre figuration ou abstraction. Il est question de ce qui est en cours et qui va émerger, l’ancienne peau cède sa place à la nouvelle. Avant ou après la mue cette carcasse pleine ou vide qui persiste lui permet d’explorer un nouveau lexique. -Dimension: 25x35cm - Médiums: Papier, Aquarelle - Réalisation: 2021, résidence d’artiste à GlogauAir ( Berlin ) - Signature: Au dos du dessin . #galeriedescuriosites #artistberlin #aquarelle #artcontemporain #glogauair #peinturecontemporaine #beauxarts (à Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CakQi3SI6JW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Business card for GlogauAir (Berlin)
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Business Cards for GlogauAir
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“SELFLAND (Sell empty language feed large aphorisms neatly down)”, video excerpt (0′25″) of full length video (5′02″).
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This is crawler, my new clutch. Completely designed on 3D. . . . . . . . #art #arte #clutch #roboticclutch #roboticart #bolsa #cyborg #supportartistpledge #fashion #cyborgue #3d #artist #gayartist #queer #queerartist #artistgallery #artist #francopalioff #design #clutches #artistsoninstagram #artsy #artistic #top #blue #queerart (at GlogauAIR) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRl9H3xniok/?utm_medium=tumblr
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H E L I O S T Ā S I O by Michael Reiley & Wild Anima

Our new ambient release, the two-track album H E L I O S T Ā S I O by Philadelphia’s Michael Reiley and Berlin’s Wild Anima is out today for the Winter solstice.
Bandcamp: https://sacredsearecords.bandcamp.com/album/h-e-l-i-o-s-t-s-i-o
Heliostāsio stands for the standing of the sun so called by ancient Greeks to describe the solstice. This ambient album is the outcome of an impromptu live jam session by sound artists’s Michael Reiley (Philadelphia) and Wild Anima (Berlin) recorded at Berlin’s Glogauair residency space in September 2018. Inspired by their own individual stays in Iceland the artists paint a multi-layered soundscape standing in between night and day and time and matter. Translating this infinite yet ephemeral moment found in the dance of the celestial bodies, where shadow and light slip softly in between the rhythms of nature and the cosmos. The spaces in between, dawn and dusk, solstices and equinoxes. Recurring patterns yet never the same. About the artists
Michael Reiley Composer and musician Michael Reiley (AKA Mikronesia) creates sonic expressions rooted in the traditions of soundscapes, therapeutic music and Deep Listening®. His work explores the relationship between present moment awareness, deep time and humanity’s personal connection through listening. For over two decades he has created recordings, concerts, scores for dance, film and gallery installations. Over the past four years, he has been traveling at artists residencies around the world gathering field recordings for the Echozoo project and teaching with his Deep Listening and Somatic based workshop Listening Bodies. He is currently a teacher at the Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. He is also studying to become a certified therapeutic musician with the Music for Healing and Transition Program, which serves the ill and dying with live music for healing, or life-to-death transitioning in hospice. His most recent project, Celestial Music Box, is an ambient music sleep system that generates soothing music for sleep and healing using the coordinates of the stars in the sky. Wild Anima Wild Anima (Alex Alexopoulos) is a Paris born Berlin based sound artist and live performer. In her approach she seeks to bind the emotional and spiritual processes as a means of healing, utilising the ecological framework. She has recently released a concept album Alkhemy that was partly developed in Iceland and is the result of an ongoing project that explores the field of ecology of emotions; ie. how our mental health reflects in the state of the environment, in relation to the electromagnetic fields generated by the heart. Through a wide array of experimental vernaculars Wild Anima creates a very sensual, visceral and avant/art sound.
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本間純「I saw a landscape」 Jun Homma 2020.6.26 (fri) - 7.22 (wed)
void+では3月27日(金)より延期しておりました『本間純 “I saw a landscape” 展』を6月26日(金)より開催いたします。日本での個展は5年ぶりとなり、昨年ベルリンでの滞在時に制作した国内未発表の作品群、及び、緊急事態宣言により開催が延期された約2ヶ月間を利用し製作した新作などを発表いたします。本間は目に見えない不可視的なものを題材に、写真、映像、彫刻など、様々なメディアを使い作品を制作してきました。そして、国内外のアーティストインレジデンスや様々な芸術際に参加し、精力的な活動をしてきましたが、2011年の震災以降、被災地を訪れ、変わり続ける風景のリサーチも定期的に行なっています。今回発表する作品群は、本間が訪れた土地の風景写真や古い絵葉書とアルミニウムを組み合わせたインスタレーションで構成されています。削り取られ磨かれた風景には、鑑賞者の姿や周りの環境が時空間を超え、見え隠れします。本間の作品はそこに写し出された風景を敢えて隠すことによって、不可視的なものに意識を向けさせ、この世界を再認識させることになるでしょう 。
▪️タイトル名:I saw a landscape
▪️期間:2020年6月26日(金)- 7月22日(水)14:00-18:00 *通常より時間を短縮して開催いたします。
▪️会場:void+ 東京都港区南青山3-16-14-1F
▪️お問合せ:[email protected]
*会期中、本展カタログ販売予定をしております。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*必ずマスク着用の上、受付にて手指の除菌をお願い致します。 *万が一関係者などから新型コロナウイルス感染症の発症があった場合に連絡を差し上げられるよう、ご連絡先の記入をお願い致します。 *発熱、頭痛、咳、倦怠感など体調のすぐれないお客様はご来廊をお控えいただくようお願い致します。 *展示室内の密集を避けるため、入場制限を行う場合がございます。
I saw a landscape (アイ・ソー・ア・ランドスケープ)
May. 2020. 本間純
本間純 ホンマジュン
1967年 東京に生まれる 1990年 多摩美術大学 立体デザイン科卒業 1990 ~ 1992年 多摩美術大学 彫刻科 研究生
<アーティスト イン レジデンス> 2019 国際アーティストインレジデンスプログラム/ 助成 文化庁新進芸術家海外派遣制度/
GlogauAIR / ベルリン・ドイツ 2018 国際アーティストインレジデンスプログラム/ 助成 ジャパンファンデーション/
Srishti Interm シュリシュティ インタラム/ バンガロール・インド 2012 国際アーティストインレジデンスプログラム– フライオーバー・ヨコハマニラ/
助成 ポーラ ファンデーション, ジャパンファンデーション / 98B コラボレイトリー/ マニラ・フィリピン
2019 侵食の風景 – GlogauAIR ショーケースギャラリー・ ベルリン、ドイツ 2018 浸蝕の肖像– Rangoll Metro Art Center・バンガロール/インド 2015 無名の国 – TRAUMARISU/SPACE 2010 breeze – 旅 - 横浜市庁舎 市民ホール 2009 「そして川は流れる」- 黄金町エリアマネージメントセンター/ 横浜市 2007 breeze – ギャラリーキャプション/ 岐阜県 2005 horizon – ギャラリー現/ 東京 2004 around – ラ. ガルリデ. ナカムラ/ 東京 2003 Midori – 新世代への視点・テンエレメンツ– ギャラリー現/ 東京 2001 chatterin – ギャラリー現/ 東京
2019 チェンナイフォトビエンナーレ - チェンナイ/ インド 2018 弟子屈極寒芸術祭 - 弟子屈町/ 北海道 2017 空気の正体 - 川口市立アートギャラリー・アトリア/ 埼玉 ヤングアート長岡– 長岡市街/ 新潟 2013 瀬戸内国際芸術祭 - 香川県、岡山県 2012 大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2 0 0 6 - 新潟県
Flyover YOKOHAMANILA - フィリピン、横浜
宜蘭パブリックアートプロジェクト - 宜蘭市/ 台湾 2010 雪アートプロジェクト/ まつだい農舞台 - 新潟県 2009 大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2006 - 新潟県
水都大阪2009 - 大阪 2008 AOBA + ART - 横浜( 出展+ディレクション) 黄金町バザール - 横浜 2006 大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2006 - 新潟県 2004 AMUSELANDA2004/ 北海道立近代美術館 2003 大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2003 - 新潟県 2001 青葉トリエンナーレ2001 - 横浜市/ 青葉区 2000 大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2000 - 新潟県 1996 Morphe ‘96 - 青山/ 東京 1992 Encounteringtheothers - カッセル、ハンミュンデン/ ドイツ
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Karl-Marx-Allee, Mitte, Berlin, 2021
#theinvisiblewall#ostberlin#glogauair#artistinresidence#virtualopenstudios#virtualresidency#onlineresidency#karl marx allee#mitte
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Residency opportunity in Berlin, Germany Deadline: May 31, 2019 Repost for @glogauair 🔊Deadline to apply for an art residency at GlogauAIR in Berlin is May 31 for residencies beginning January 2020. ✍️ Apply online and show us your artistic proposals and projects for the three or six month residency in Berlin, Germany ! 👉visit us online to apply: www.glogauair.net/apply . . . #glogauairberlin #glogauair #newartists #berlin #kreuzberg #neukolln #neukölln #kreuzkölln #art #artistinresidence #artistinresidenceprogram #artresidency #residencyprogram #air #residency #artistresidency #artistinresidence #berlin #deadline #opencall #opencallforartist #artproject #art #kunst #atelier #studio #artiststudio #airprogram #artistic (at Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxc8zqcBQGY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1y1e3ar069ao8
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The Sprawls by COVEN BERLIN @ Glogauair
Glogauerstr. 16, 10999 Berlin, Germany
March 24 - March 25
Madeleine White & Shelly Phillips perform in collaboration with COVEN BERLIN (a sex-positive transdisciplinary genderbender collective focused on feminism, love, gender, sexuality and art).
During the development process, the pair opened a discussion on gender by interviewing friends that identify as trans, non-binary, male & female.
Phillips produced the sound design developing the verbatim material and formulating a rich and intricate body of work, which also included Madeleine’s voice, and her own LIVE vocals in play.
Madeleine evolved her movement research in the Japanese traditional dance of Butoh under recent training with choreographer, Stefano Taiuti. Using these tools for performance, Madeleine devised an original score, moving in reaction to the sounds produced by Phillips.
In the frame of The Sprawls our work is about queer strategies as political tools to rebel against gender constrictions and body policing.
Clothing by #UY https://www.uy-studio.com/
Photo by Bina Carmel
Facebook ---> https://www.facebook.com/bina.carmel
Instagram---> lostmysoulinberlin
#COVENBERLIN TheSprawls ShellyPhillips sex-positive#transdisciplinary#genderbender feminism love gender sexuality art stefanotaiuti#Glogauair
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Re-design of GlogauAir Logo
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Still image for “SELFLAND (Sell empty language feed large aphorisms neatly down)”, video work (5′02″).
Produced during the Glogauair Artist Residency, Berlin.
This work is based on a spoken word piece that playfully explores a sociological and economic delusion in relation to the co-opting of time. This delusion is hidden by our current obsession with the digital reflection of our egotistic selves. The work aims to provoke reflection upon these global structures that are intensifying inequality and dissatisfaction, but addresses the subject matter through an unusual aesthetic of rhythmic audio and absurdist imagery.
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'Roots' is an ongoing research project about representing multi cultural identities through dance. Being of mixed origin, the importance of one's identity becomes one of the more frustrating themes to express. This project aims to explore the traditional dances/movements which exist in Katherine's ancestry, which includes Hong Kong Chinese, Scottish and Irish. By exploring and merging elements/rudiments of these styles of dance (classical Chinese 古典舞 and Celtic dance) within her choreography, she has pieced together a representation of her identity in motion.
This research project was made possible by Dis-tanz-solo funding program, sponsored by BKM, NEUSTART KULTUR and Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.
Premiered at GlogauAir on 30th September, 2022, as part of Alice Morishita and Kensuke Saito’s exhitibition PEOPLE, EVOLVE, TRANSFORM.
Upcoming performance on 24th March, 2023, as part of Lake Studio Berlin’s ‘Unfinished Fridays’.
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