ciooutlookmagazine · 2 days
The 6 Biggest Challenges HR Faces in a Post-COVID World
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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes upon the workplace that were previously unimaginable. In reaction to this new normal, changes in the workplace are led by HR departments among other changes undertaken by companies.
Challenges are multifaceted and complex, hence requiring great innovation in coming up with solutions that are both forward-thinking and workable.
Here are six significant challenges that HR professionals should find their way through in this post-COVID world.
Remote Work and Hybrid Models Perhaps one of the deeper changes the pandemic has brought about is the seismic shift in remote work. As per a survey by McKinsey, nearly 60% of employees are able to work at least part-time from home. While that comes with tremendous benefits to work-life balance, it’s an enormous challenge to HR.
It’s hard to manage team cohesiveness and company culture if workers are dispersed at different places. HR has to come up with alternative ways of creating teamwork and ensure that the home-based employees also feel part of the working place and valued. This can be through virtual activities in the teams or through technology, where communication occurs. Also, HR has to define remote work policies, which create uniformity and clarity.
Employee Well-being and Mental Health The COVID-19 pandemic took its toll on mental health, with studies showing that the rate of anxiety and depression has increased during this period. In fact, a World Health Organization report indicated that the rate of mental health issues has increased by 25 percent globally, a figure reported in the first year into the pandemic.
Therefore, HR departments are now facing unprecedented challenges in employees’ well-being. It is concerned not just about the availability of mental health services but also an open and supportive work environment where employees feel at ease in talking about their mental health needs. Wellness programs, flexible hours, and healthy work-life balance have to be developed.
Talent Acquisition and Retention With the businesses coming out of the pandemic, attracting and retaining talent has indeed become much more difficult. Employees are reassessing their career paths for better work conditions and flexibility. According to LinkedIn, 54% of workers reportedly quit their jobs for better opportunities.
HR departments will need a strategic rethinking of the recruitment process to attract this new mindset of the workforce.
This will be more to do with company culture, opportunities for growth, and competitive packages. Another way in which good talent could be retained is through continuous engagement, such as regular feedback, with some kind of career advancement.
Read More: https://ciooutlookmagazine.com/the-6-biggest-challenges-hr-faces-in-a-post-covid-world/
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Advanced Revenue Strategies for the Modern Market – The Profit Playbook
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In the current business environment, everybody is in a compromise position whereby they need to keep on changing strategies to sustainable business. This entails not only improving the existing streams of revenues but also coming up with innovations for new streams and ensuring that they tally with current users. This is why it has never been more important for survival to diversify.
Let’s look at some of the most significant strategies known to produce repeatable and sustainable profits!
Diversification of Revenue Streams
Organizations should follow the best practice of spreading the risks and practicing long-term revenue management. Concentrating on a particular product or service line is always risky business since consumers’ preferences may shift drastically. To overcome such risks diversifying with related services or products, app add-ons, consulting services or subscription models may help to level up income and find several ways to develop.
It can be useful for businesses to evaluate the current state of their resources, their capabilities and market requirements so that they can find out about the emerging niches suitable for diversification strategies.
Subscription and Membership Models
Freemium and other subscription-based revenue models have been particularly popular in the recent years that allow for a steady and recurrent cash flow. Recurring customers: This makes it easier to foresee customers’ needs because most of them can access products through memberships or subscriptions. In terms of content creation or as a service provider, subscription services enable businesses to focus on their constant customers who are willing to pay our money periodically.
Value-Based Pricing
It is possible to point that leaving the idea of cost-plus pricing in favor for value-based pricing is somewhat beneficial. Businesses can opt for the price skimming strategy where companies set offering prices at a level that is above the cost of production and charge consumers a high price. Also, they can price their offerings with an aim at achieving the maximum value of the offerings as perceived by customers. This approach is effective only after effective analysis of customer needs, their preferences, and their ability to pay.
Read More: https://mirrorworldmagazine.com/advanced-revenue-strategies-for-the-modern-market-the-profit-playbook/
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ciolook · 17 days
Why Virtual Accounting Services Are Revolutionizing Business
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theciotimess · 3 months
Giles Pruett: An Educational Leader
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globalpublicist24 · 9 months
Kristy Guo: A Joyful Change Maker
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Building Businesses, Building a Nation: Highlighting the Philanthropic and Social Responsibility Initiatives of Indian Business Leaders
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Indian business leaders are driving economic growth and prosperity and embodying the spirit of corporate citizenship and social responsibility. Through their philanthropic endeavors and social responsibility initiatives, these leaders are making a profound and lasting impact on society, building a nation that is more inclusive, equitable, and resilient.
As they continue to leverage their influence and resources for the greater good, Indian business leaders are setting a powerful example of leadership and service, inspiring others to join them in the journey towards a brighter, more prosperous future for all.
Education and Skill Development
Indian business leaders are deeply committed to advancing education and skill development initiatives to empower individuals and drive socio-economic progress. Through scholarships, vocational training programs, and partnerships with educational institutions, these leaders are expanding access to quality education and equipping youth with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in today’s competitive world.
Healthcare and Wellness
Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right, and Indian business leaders are working tirelessly to improve healthcare infrastructure and services across the country. From funding medical research and building hospitals to organizing health camps and vaccination drives, these leaders are addressing critical healthcare challenges and promoting wellness initiatives that benefit communities nationwide.
Environmental Conservation and Sustainability
Recognizing the urgent need to protect the environment and mitigate climate change, Indian business leaders are championing environmental conservation and sustainability initiatives. Through investments in renewable energy, waste management projects, and reforestation efforts, these leaders are reducing carbon footprints, conserving natural resources, and promoting sustainable practices that safeguard the planet for future generations.
Community Development and Disaster Relief
In times of crisis and adversity, Indian business leaders demonstrate compassion and solidarity by providing critical support and assistance to affected communities. Whether it’s responding to natural disasters, humanitarian emergencies, or socio-economic challenges, these leaders mobilize resources, coordinate relief efforts, and offer hope and assistance to those in need, reaffirming their commitment to the welfare of all citizens.
Crisis Response and Humanitarian Aid
Indian business leaders demonstrate agility and compassion in times of crisis, providing rapid response and humanitarian aid to communities affected by natural disasters, pandemics, or other emergencies. They mobilize resources, coordinate relief efforts, and collaborate with government agencies and non-profit organizations to ensure timely assistance and support for those in need.
Advocacy for Policy Reform and Social Change
Indian business leaders use their influence and expertise to advocate for policy reform and social change on issues of national importance, such as education reform, healthcare access, environmental protection, and social justice. They engage with policymakers, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to drive meaningful change and create a more equitable and inclusive society.
Read More: https://businessmanmag.com/building-businesses-building-a-nation-highlighting-the-philanthropic-and-social-responsibility-initiatives-of-indian-business-leaders/
Source: https://businessmanmag.com/
BuildingBusinesses #BuildingaNation #IndianBusinessLeaders #GlobalBusinessmagazine #BusinessmanMagazine #BestBusinessMagazineforEntrepreneurs #ExpertBusinessArticles
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mirrorreview · 5 years
The 20 Innovative Companies to Watch Out for, 2019
1. AlliedWallet
2. Anychart
3. DeskMoz
4. Enterprise Solutions Inc.
5. Hoylu
6. IgnisTec
7. knowRX
8. Neuroelectrics
9. Optimizt Technologies
10. ProEst
11. Seceon
12. Sedicii
13. Small Robot Company
14. Spicetree Design Agency
15. The Chargeback Company
Mirror Review is a platform for Global Online Business Magazine focuses on the stories behind the success of dynamic entrepreneurs, an inspiring journey of founders, etc
Mirror Review is a news & magazine company focuses on stories behind the successful entreprenurs in different industries.
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ciooutlookmagazine · 3 days
Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Generation X in the Workplace Anymore
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In this current fast-changing work environment, everyone should recognize that every age group is essential in the workplace. The most forgotten generation, however, is Generation X, the generation born between 1965 and 1980. This generation is crucial in molding today’s workforce and cannot be ignored any further.
The Unique Position of Generation X
For this reason, Generation X is sometimes known as the “sandwich generation.” It is sandwiched between two much larger generations: the Boomers and the Millennials. This gives them a unique perspective regarding the nature of work and life and useful perspectives to an organization.
Currently, in 2023, they make up about 25% of the total workforce of the United States, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. As such, experience and the skills that they can offer are invaluable assets that can drive companies toward success.
One of the greatest advantages of having Generation X workers is the richness of experience. Many members of this generation spend decades mastering and perfecting their skills across nearly every industry known today. They have experienced the advances in technology and changes in the workplace; thus, they remain flexible and resourceful.
For instance, a Deloitte survey indicates that 70% of Generation X employees express confidence in their ability to adapt. That adaptability is really imperative in the pace of business today. Organizations need to evolve and change continuously to stay in competition.
Building a Gap Between the Generations
Generation X is indeed the middle ground that can be connected with Baby Boomers and Millennials. They have the ability to communicate effectively in both extremes, understand what each group values, and drive their work ethics. This makes it easy for Generation X to bridge conflicts between different groups regarding their age while working for an organization.
Companies can capitalize on the current generations to create an environment at the workplace involving different inter-generational aspects and respecting their ideas. Such an environment at the workplace is not only something of pride for its employees but is also a source of innovation and creativity in teams.
Read More: https://ciooutlookmagazine.com/why-you-cant-afford-to-ignore-generation-x-in-the-workplace-anymore/
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ciolook · 25 days
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