mod scra7ch is coming 7o vidi7 me im so exci7ed im so so exci7e d im gonna explode someone is goibg 7o visi7 me!!! ad i can see ano7her person from my moirail for 7he firs7 7ime ever!!!
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250 posts!
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wha7s yoru ciulle like? and whay ou mean 7hey don7 have a lo7 of egnergy?
[They’re really funny!] [Snarky and usually sarcastic…] [But sweet and creative!]
[When we were just pupas, it contracted void rot.] [We’d been friends our whole lives, so it was devastating.] [And then…]
[I don’t know what they did, but they got on the wrong side of a purple.] [An adult visiting the caverns.] [I don’t know why.] [They chuckled the poor thing so severely it damaged both their pan and their psiionics.]
[…] [As soon as I was old enough to know how, I found them and we ran away together.] [I became their legal culler a sweep or two after.] [Sometimes it’s scary…] [Watching the person I love wailing and crying over things that aren’t there.] [Throwing things using power they had been storing for so long, and then passing out for nights.] [Sparking and fizzing and almost setting fire to the hive just due to the static electricity in the room.]
[I wish culling was easy sometimes, but I wouldn’t trade Bachil for the world.] [I love them so much.]
[Ah, there I go, rambling.] [I get easily excited about them!] [I have a nigh photographic memory of our lives together…] [Though not anything outside of that, hah.]
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wowowowowowow! you le7 your cullede have 8ugs? i wish i could have 8ugs in my cullers hive... 7ah7s so cuool :3
[Of course!] [It helped me get over my fear, and gave them something to do.] [Due to their…] [… limitations…] [They naturally have very little energy of their own.] [So it’s nice to see them motivated.]
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i wouldg name my goldfish goldeen like 7eh fidus[awn :) an d i am kinda heavuy for a 6 sweeps old 8u7 im working one i7
wha7 s upur favori7e kind of 8ug?
[That’s so cute!]
[I didn’t have a favorite bug for a while back…] [I actually used to be afraid of them!] [I squealed whenever I saw one!] [But then my cullee found a stickbug and begged for me to let them keep it…] [How could I say no?]
[Stick bugs are 100% my favorite insect.]
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yeah!!!! i was gonna 7ell uou i likme mis7er admiral a lo7, he was really kind and pa7ein7 wi7h me and he ,e7 me 8e on 7he 8log and i ahve friend s8ecause of him!!! :3 hes realy nice even 7hough some7imes he 7eases me and says hes gonna pu7 me in ajar and keep me in his office 8u7 he doesn7 mean i7 plus he would give me ogldfish if he did which would 8e nice. i ea7 a lo7 na7urally im really greddy and id ge7 7oo fa7 if i lived in his ocffice 7hough, so i7s for 7eh 8es7 i don7 :(
[But you could get cheesies.] [Which sounds pretty fun.] [I'm sure you wouldn't get fat if you got a proper enclosure!] [Like a little wheel to run on...] [But you're a growing boy, not a pet!]
[What would you name your goldfish?]
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hi sorry mo dfeferi i7s mod ze8ruh i acciden7aly logged myself ou7 of 7eh 8log and i can7 ge7 8ack on un7ol mod shark ge7s on and pu7s me 8ack in sorry :(
[Eep!!!] [I'm so sorry!!!] [Do you want to keep talking?]
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hey this is mod star here formally inviting you to the save koscan gc sending the link to your private dms holy shit thank you for letting us know
thank you.
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Thank you. He's been getting hurt and I can't stand by and watch it happen.
Moderator Zebruh is NOT ok!!! His culler/Moirail has to be way way older than him. You have to be an adult to be a culler. He's six. They've been dating since before he was FOUR. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help him!!! I can pay you guys!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! - Hadnim
okay actually this is serious shit im not even going to quirk or use the stupid sprites i dont have an expression that shows how distressed i am reading this message.
i will ask him about this in private and if this information is true i will take appropriate action, this is serious as shit and im not taking it lightly no matter who it's from or why. if this is true information we will be doing what needs to be done, and i know we have connections on beforus and means of getting there to handle that in person if needed
thank you for the message genuinely. ive temporarily removed his access to the blog so he wont see any messages that will freak him out or possibly give his culler/moirail/alleged abuser/other party any heads up or time to formulate a retort
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oh goodness! im really sorry to hear that. im glad you have someone to take care of you after such a nasty injury.
do you like mister admiral?
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my moirail is gonna 8e up soon and im really freaked ou7 a8ou7 wha7 hes gonna say when he finds ou7 i go7 on a in7erne7 8log
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hey. there's the rule to be nice to you, you know. you've got pan damage. don't be hard on yourself.
there shouldnt be any excuses to hit a cullee. even if he's sick. even if you're being a "brat". and im really sorry that he's sick and i wont talk about what makes him mad anymore.
... when did you guys start dating?
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my moirail is gonna 8e up soon and im really freaked ou7 a8ou7 wha7 hes gonna say when he finds ou7 i go7 on a in7erne7 8log
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[Mutants can do anything so jot that down!!!]
[But that’s not a moirail thing OR a culler thing!] [It doesn’t matter how hard his day is!] [It’s his job to take care of you, not punish you!]
[I’m materails with my cullee.] [Having quadrants with the one who takes care of you can be difficult.] [But at the end of the day, his responsibility is to make sure YOU feel safe and okay.] [But you’re scared.] [You should never have to be afraid of your culler or what they’ll do.] [Even if you messed something up, that’s not an excuse.]
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my moirail is gonna 8e up soon and im really freaked ou7 a8ou7 wha7 hes gonna say when he finds ou7 i go7 on a in7erne7 8log
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[B.] [Basement?] [That’s… not healthy…] [Why would your moirail do that?]
[Do you need help?] [I heard Mod Shark over there could…] [Uh.]
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[I can’t put this lightly, I’m sorry!] [I think you should kill him!] [Putting someone in a basement is NOT moirail behavior!]
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my moirail is gonna 8e up soon and im really freaked ou7 a8ou7 wha7 hes gonna say when he finds ou7 i go7 on a in7erne7 8log
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Woah pardner I said top not domtop
Soooo Mod Equius tops confirmed?
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oh yeah im on top (monkey's paw curls one finger in)
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Thank yOu. But I wOuldn’t be fit tO take care Of sOmeOne else when I struggle tO take care Of myself.
Mod Scratch, Would You Ever Be A Culler? Why Or Why Not?
... NO, I wOuldn't be.
I deeply enjOy the idea Of making sure sOmeOne is kept safe and feeling secure and caring fOr their wellbeing, truly.
But I dOn't think I'm mentally sOund enOugh tO dO sO.
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im sory am i NOT meant to freak out online. i don’t think freaking out in real life woulge help any more
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OOh, suuree. Caan’t goo eeaasy oon yyoouu thoouugh. II’d saay psiiooniic aand seeaadweelleer iis aa faaiir maatch.
ok based mod shark
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Of course I'm based. You don't get to such a high-ranking position without having a love for the greatest game.
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