basmathgirl · 7 years
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Aesthetic Phone Pics
basmathgirl aesthetic, I was tagged by @lostlastsforever756.  Thank you! Sorry about the delay in doing this - it’s taken me 5 days to even get the chance to view the photos I sent myself. 
Rules: create your own aesthetic of your interests only using images saved on your device. No browsing and finding images!!
Tagging : @blackbetsi, @nightwatched, @storamogul, @a-trichster-life, @glitteryspaceman, @horseonthespaceship, @mylove2kimdrc, @mollyoy, @love-and-equality and @sleepingisthebestpartofmyday
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love-in-mind-palace · 8 years
glitteryspaceman replied to your post “Carlock is one of the craziest things our fandom has created.”
What the fuck is carlock is it Car x Sherlock 'cause if so god help us
@glitteryspaceman lmao no it is Sherlock and John both as cars. xD
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lostlastsforever756 · 7 years
Pass the happy along! When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and then send it to the last 10 people in your activity!
Aw thanks!
Okay 5 things that make me happy (in no particular order)
1. Gillian Anderson
2. Chorus (like the people i meet and such)
3. Singing (the actual act. It’s magical, it also cures most of my physical body pains)
4. Reading a really good book
5. Catherine Tate
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chrispineofficial · 8 years
glitteryspaceman reblogged your post: thetwelfthpanda: James T. Kirk is gonna have...
what does this say
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scavengered · 8 years
glitteryspaceman reblogged your post:o h my goddddd I SAW CATHERINE TATE AND WE MADE...
akjgsdkjasdjkagsd    I FELT SO BLESSED THAT DAY !! 
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amazingphilssmile · 8 years
Azra Skylar
oooo cool!!!azure blue, deep purple, crinkly paper, and freshly printed newspaper (paper and newspapers smell nice????) 
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glitteryspaceman replied to your post “glitteryspaceman: loryisunabletosupinate: ...”
And with (not talking to a specific person) I really mean that(like really I don't even mean it sarcastically). I've already got multiple hate messages from someone saying that I'm dumb and stupid even though I really did not mean the post to be like *that*.
i’d care more if you wouldn’t carry on the way you have and also like... you clearly couldn’t wait to be right over me, it just you ended up being wrong, so forgive my lack of a big amount of sympathy here
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20 questions tag :)
Tagged by @rainbow-loliza, thank you :))
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better
Zodiac Sign: Leo Height: 1.8m Orientation: bi/pansexual Favourite Game: spin the bottle Favourite Fruit(s): mango Favourite Season: spring Favourite Book(s): Harry Potter Favourite Flower(s): dandelions Favourite Animal(s): cute furry anything Favourite Beverage: cream frappucino Average hours of sleep: depends, if im allowed to sleep in… Favourite Fictional Characters: rn Wonder Woman  Number of Blankets You Sleep with: 1 Dream Trip: somewhere warm OTP: everything gay :)) Number of Followers: 369
sorry, I know those aren’t 20 and all… I’m just so tired is all.
Tagging @glitteryspaceman @snugglebitch @urfavoritelocalfuckboy @katyalec494 @macgueurle @obliviouswonder @jenn--jenn @pittacuslore4 @gayformyowngood @avei13 @morrisonsduckling @adorablespaceace @s-a-v-an-na-h @niet-zo-onschuldig @terepisbitch @softcand
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basmathgirl · 8 years
I was tagged by the adorably fabulous @lostlastsforever756 to do this. Thank you!
1. What kind of tattoo would you get? (if you have one, what is it?) To be honest, I have never fancied having a tattoo – expose my body to someone? No thank you – or actually seen a design I wouldn’t mind. Until recently, when I saw something and thought it wasn’t too bad. Shame I can’t remember what it was for the life of me. Ho hum.
2. Favourite hair colour you’ve ever had? A couple of years ago I had some ginger highlights put into my hair and I really loved the result which is ironic because I was fairly ginger as a child and absolutely hated the fact that I was.
3. What was your summer 2016 song? “You Don’t Know Love” by Ollie Murs.
4. Favourite artist today? Do you mean musical artist or painting type artist? If it’s the former, then it is a toss-up between Adele and James Blunt. If it is the latter, then David Shepherd for a living artist, and William Turner for a dead one.
5. What book did you read half way and then go “Nope, I’m done with this”? This has happened several times, I’m afraid. The first time was for The Red Badge Of Courage; a school set book. Boring! I tried to force myself to speed-read it and failed. Fortunately everybody else felt the same way so it was replaced with a book filled with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Bliss! More recently, I was sorely tempted to chuck the second book of the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy (Fifty Shades Darker) clean across the room because I was so annoyed at the feeble ‘heroine’, Anastasia Rose Steel. There were times I wished she had read and remembered at least one other book than Tess of the D’Urbervilles during her English degree; but it was not to be as she whinged endlessly about spending tons of money he could easily afford or actually eating once in a while. When a possible assassin turned up I was willing them to succeed and put us out of our misery. Shame they didn’t. I had to remind myself that I’d been challenged to read the whole lot and that I’d already bought the third book, so I continued whilst griping to anyone that would listen. We did have fun playing ‘spot the Audi’ though… And last week I abandoned a book when a romantic novel suddenly veered into public humiliation, bondage and orgy territory. Not my cup of tea. Nope nope nope.
6. Favourite pyjamas? I have two favourite pairs of pyjamas: the fuzzy M&S pyjamas my sister bought me with Tatty Teddy on them; and my Shaun the Sheep pyjamas that have a top with a hood.
7. Who is your most favourite woman EVER? (you know, cuz it’s women’s history month, I’m curious) Ooooh, this is tricky, picking only one. Erm. I am going to choose Queen Boadicea (or Boudicca, depending on what spelling you prefer) of the Iceni, who duffed up the invading Romans here and had a whole section of the Colchester Castle Museum dedicated to her. On  a much more personal level, Catherine Tate has brought more joy into my life (both directly and indirectly) then she could ever be aware of. Through her, I have met and talked to some absolutely fabulous people.
8. What does your shampoo smell like? I have to use a specialist shampoo because I have to try and waylay the effects of psoriasis, so it smells like coal tar. Now I quite like the smell but other people don’t so I use a coconut scented conditioner at the same time.
9. Life goals? I have general life goals like facing each day as it comes and enjoying every second without future regrets that I could have done it or behaved better. Studying some more would be wonderful (I had planned to ultimately do a combined maths & computing degree, and do some follow up courses to my psychology degree in Autism), as would doing some artwork. You know, wield a paintbrush about again. And I have all my crafting gear to bring home and set up when I eventually get the chance. As for the biggest life goal I have ever had – the desire to be a ‘normal’ size – I think it is time to release that one into the wild; let it go and be free to stop pestering me. It just ain’t going to happen. Fortunately I’m of an age now that it doesn’t matter. It isn’t expected of me to be stick thin but be instead a cuddly grandmother figure; something miles more easy to aspire to.  
10. Have you ever considered starting a YouTube channel? What would it be? No, I never have. I have no idea what I could vlog about.
11. What are you currently listening to right now? My biggest problem is that I thought my new car would have a CD player. It doesn’t. It won’t even let me listen to music saved on an SD card; so I’m back to listening to whatever is on the radio rather than something I had personally chosen, when the car is my main place to listen to music. I mainly listen to either Radio X (Johnny Vaughan is my favourite DJ) or BBC Radio 2 (where Steve Wright is my favourite).
I tag: @glitteryspaceman, @gingerandscottish, @cookie-moi, @mulberrytreelover, @noblegirl91, @nannyogg123, @acciogryffindordudes, @spirit-ella, @eefjesmiles, @cannibalilly, and @alaska-riversong
My 11 questions to you are:
1. Would you ever go on a ghost walk?
2. How popular is your home town/city in the rest of the country?
3. What is the best compliment you’ve ever had?
4. Who are your main celebrity crushes?
5. How do you feel about shopping for clothes?
6. Which outfit is your favourite one to wear?
7. Is there any particular genre in fanfiction that turns you off or squicks you out?
8. What foods from your childhood do you miss the most?
9. Who makes you laugh?
10. How would you describe your hairstyle?
11. Are you any good with a camera? Why do you think that is?
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I was tagged by the wonderful @darlakoala to do the handwriting tag!
And I am tagging the following people to participate if they wish to... @not-today-baybay @glitteryspaceman @ahoymultiships @dagabitch @cloud9-mare @ineffableinternet @arguingsadist @awkwardhomeschooler @iimann @rockabillyactress
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pilotbillytheskull · 7 years
Short Hiatus
Quick breaking of the 4th wall here. As I am sure you have noticed, the posts have been coming rather sparsely lately. I wanted to finish up the Blind Banker before this announcement, but life got in the way.
This blog will be on hiatus until the 11th of April
(I am off on vacation and won’t have time to update at all)
Since the 4th wall is already shattered, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the support you have shown me this far! Nothing makes me happier, than seeing you liking, reblogging and commenting on my posts.
A special shout out @consultingphysician for keeping me entertained with asks, @theheartandthebrain for the amazing tags, @glitteryspaceman and @irrationalmurderer for the nice chats and @thepersonalblogofsh for reblogging the shit out of my posts. And everyone else who keeps reading and liking and reblogging and so on. I really appreciate it and follow you along in my notifications!
Have a good week and see you on the 11th.
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lostlastsforever756 · 7 years
What are your favorite bands/artists?
I really love Lifehouse, Faith Hill, Aselin Debison, and Carrie Underwood. I think those are my top favorite artists, I’ve been listening to them for so long, and I get excited whenever anything new from them comes out.
Thank you for the ask :)
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snapeswitch · 8 years
Hey I can't find your Catherine Tate + button up shirts = rip me post anymore (Idk if it was on cathtates or here ) So could you please send me a link to it or something? Like if it's possible ,,you don't have to do it obviously.
oddly a lot of my old posts aren’t showing up /: among many other bugs, honestly @ tumblr. please fix yourself. i did manage to find it, though. i’ll reblog it to cath-tates & here because the link it’s copying takes you to a page that says “this post doesn’t exist.” l o r d help me
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glitteryspaceman replied to your post “glitteryspaceman: loryisunabletosupinate: ...”
I've made a horrible mistake which I'm not going to deny -you can bash me all you want if you want to (not talking to a specific person) - but really idc.
idc either why you still talking to me?
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mightychar · 8 years
Super Long Tag Challenge
aRules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Thanks you for the tag @tree-of-blue-squirrel, you are so lovely.
1. Coke or Pepsi:  I don’t really drink soda, but I guess coke.
2. Disney or Dreamworks: Pixar??
3. Coffee or Tea: Tea, black tea, green tea, fruit tea, all the teas! 
4. Books or Movies: Books. I do love going to the cinema tho.
5. Windows or Mac: Windows.
6. DC or Marvel: Marvel,  along with Wonder Woman and Supergirl. 
7. Xbox or Playstation: Playstation.
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: um?
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Early Rise, I love watching the sunrise. 
10. Cards or Chess: Cards.
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate, on chocolate, with chocolate.
12. Vans or Converse: Vans. I love my skate shoes.
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: what?
14. Fluff or Angst: Angst. There’s something wrong with me. 
15. Beach or Forest: Beach, I grew up on an island with no forests, so I might be biased.
16. Dogs or Cats: Dogs, especially German Shepards.
17. Clear Skies or Rain: Clear Skies and the sun is out and I feel alive.
18. Cooking or Eating Out: Cooking, including baking. 
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Whenever I do spicy food, it’s still mild to everybody else.  
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: I do like the festive season. 
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too cold, because my legs are always hot (by eczema not sexiness) 
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Cure cancer. 
23. Animation or Live Action: Animation is much more magical.
24. Paragon or Renegade: ?
25. Baths or Showers: I take a bath once a week with salts and bath milk and candles and I love it.
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Team Iron Man
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Im more inclined to Sci-Fi, but honestly i like both
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they: “So it goes.”-Kurt Vonnegut. “He is very dreamy, but he is not the sun. You are.” -Grey’s Anatomy.  “Who is you, Chiron?” -Moonlight. “Love is not an emotion. Love is a promise.” -Doctor Who. 
29. YouTube or Netflix: Netflix.
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter. (I love Percy as well though)
31. When You Feel Accomplished: When I finish something truly demanding.
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Old Star Trek, New Star Wars
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Depends on the genre.
34. Handwriting or Typing: Depends, I generally handwrite, but its awful
35. Velvet or Satin: Satin
36. Video Games or Movies: Movies
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? Own a dragon
38. Sunrise or sunset: Sunrise. 
39. What’s your favourite song? atm its: A Better Way - Andy Hull
40. Horror Movies yes or no: Maybe once a year.
41. Long hair or short hair:  Long.
42. Opera or Theatre: Theatre
43. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first? Hogwarts
44: If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? Steak.
45: Older guys or young guys? Older
46: If you could erase any show from TV history, what would it be? Iron Fist? Im salty af with the low quality of the fighting scenes, and well, the obvious casting fiasco.
47: Singing or dancing? I’m a disaster in both, so why not both ej?
48: Instagram or Twitter? Insta! 
49: What quote or saying do people spout but is complete BS?
With proper time management, you’ll do anything.
50: If there was a time period that you would gladly time travel to to live or visit, what would it be? In the future. A millenia or two. 
51: Have you ever been to a concert? The Maltese Isle of MTV, which is pretty lame considering. 
52. What do you think meaning of universe is? To live a happy  and peaceful life. Whenever I question this, I listen to Saturn-Sleeping at Last.
My question: 53: Sports or Martial Arts?
@carryonmycobaltangel, @amo-not-ammo, @potterwholocklin, @chloemac86, @chrstlle, @winchestersraven, @claracipriano, @getalifeino, @piercetheemoromance, @disinterested-zombie, @desyhp1994, @nineteenghouls, @tanookidays, @atsa-esa, @jilldayn, @glam-alien, @glitteryspaceman,
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basmathgirl · 8 years
Ye olde questions thingum
I have been tagged by the fabulous @toonces-le-cat. Thank you so much, love! I’ll try and write different answers this time around. :D
Rules - copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in your own. when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person that tagged you…most importantly, have fun.
a / age – getting towards being a bit Heinzie b / biggest fear – the next four months or so aren’t going to do the trick c / current time – 9.18pm d / drink you had last – tea (as if that question usually needs asking…!) f / favourite song – bird song [what happened to part e) btw?] g / ghosts are real? – if they don’t then I’m living in my own version of the Truman Show h / home/area/country – the deepest, darkest part of the county of Essex in the UK. Honestly, getting a decent phone signal here is a herculean task. i / in love with – writing Tatennant stories j / jealous of – erm…. Don’t think that I genuinely am k / kink – writing smut, I suppose l / last time you cried? – just now, thinking about my answer to b) m / middle name - math (did you see what I did there??) n / number of siblings – 2 o / one wish – to always be able to find a parking space p / person you last called/texted - my sister q / questions you’re always asked – “How do you know that?” r / reasons to smile – the robin in my garden s / song last sang – “Way Back Into Love” from the film “Music & Lyrics” t/ time you woke up – 6.50am u / underwear colour – black today, just to be different v / vacation destination – no idea yet, if at all w / worst habit – overthinking x / xrays you have had – chest, pelvis and head y / your favourite food – decent crusty bread z / zodiac sign – Virgo
I tag: @whovianfloozy, @dr-10-rainwaters, @lostlastsforever756, @being-crazy-is-cool, @vayleen, @glitteryspaceman, @ladyjess1126, @tarjaholic, @thedoctorsunnameddaughter, and @joi-in-the-tardis
And anyone else who might fancy a go…
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