#glinty growls
glint-fang · 3 years
Crookedjaw & Mapleshade "GHOST STORIES DUB"
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glintygrowls · 5 years
uhhh my last day of being 20 yrs old. . . . .
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katahnisharma · 5 years
the press tour [9] | t.h.
Word Count: 5.4 K
Warnings: lmaoo I cannot write choreography
Summary: You’re a new, inexperienced actress plucked from the obscurity of everyday life to play the lead in the reboot of a famous British Jane Austen novel, and Tom Holland just so happens to be playing your love interest.
A/N: Here it is, the Lip Sync Chapter, sorry it took so long! I may be taking a break next week because school is starting, but we’ll see. Also Tumblr apparently won’t let me link things so if you’re looking for my masterlist, playlist, taglist (closed), or writing challenge it’s in my bio ♡
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“Y/N! Come on, get up!” Someone threw a pillow and it landed on your head. You startled awake, groaning when the curtains were pulled back. Bailey was standing by your bed, ripping the covers from your body. You winced at the contact with the cool air, and nearly screamed when you realized there were multiple people standing in your bedroom.
“Oh my god! Why are there people in my room?” You squeaked, drawing the covers up to your chest self consciously. You were wearing clothes, but you suddenly felt very naked. Bailey sighed, sitting down next to you.
“Y/N, it’s Lip Sync Battle day. D-day remember?” She said, and then it dawned on you. Today was the day. Your eyes widened, as you remembered the million things you needed to do.
“Crap, I was supposed to get up early to get ready. What time is it, where are my clothes?” You sat up frantically, ignoring Bailey’s eyes rolling at you. The group of people were situated around the foot of your bed, assessing you and whispering to each other.
“That’s what they’re here for. They’re going to help you get ready, do your makeup and everything.” Bailey said, and one of the women came forward with your first outfit. It was a sparkly rainbow jumpsuit, with a pair of butterfly heels. You had been very careful to pick a pair of shoes that looked good but were also comfortable since you were going to be dancing for a while.
“Shall we start, ma’am?” The woman asked, signalling to her team to start unpacking their equipment. You nodded silently, not sure what else to say. The crew kicked into high gear, rushing around with cases of makeup and hair products. One woman brought out a short blonde wig and handed it to you. Bailey got up and patted your shoulder.
“I’ll wait outside. You’ve got three hours.”
Tom hadn’t slept a wink all night. He was preoccupied with thoughts of you. Everytime he tried to sleep, Tom began to dream of you. He’d wake up and then you were gone, as though it was a mirage. It was driving him mad.
“All good in here?” Harrison called, sticking his head into the room. Tom was putting on his flannel and his brown tassel jacket. Sure he looked ridiculous, but that was the point. Harrison wandered in and took a long look at Tom.
“Wow, that’s some outfit.” He snickered, feeling one of the tassels. Tom rolled his eyes, not in the mood to snap back. He was tired and upset from the events of yesterday. David almost couldn’t get him to stop crying, it was like once he started the waterworks wouldn’t stop. He felt so idiotic, sitting there pining for you when he was the one who had screwed it all up in the first place. And now there were pictures of Adrian in jewelry stores, and it made him nervous. Maybe he was buying a ring to propose, it wouldn’t be unheard of. Tom wanted to throw something at the wall, anything to relieve the pain.
All he wanted was you. But he couldn’t have you, and it was his own fault.
“Fuck off.” Tom growled, pushing past him. Harrison frowned, watching Tom disappear into the bathroom and come back with a cowboy hat. If it had been under different circumstances, Harrison would have laughed. But after seeing the way Tom was, he decided against it.
“Mate, what’s wrong?” He asked while Tom stared at himself in the mirror. Tom closed his eyes, trying to calm down. But then he saw you and he blinked them open. God, he just couldn’t escape you.
“Nothing. It’s fine,” Tom whispered, wiping away a stray tear. Harrison came to stand behind him, turning Tom around. His eyes were red and Harrison could see the bags under his eyes. He looked like hell, and Harrison knew why.
“When are you just going to ask her?” Harrison asked, and Tom stormed past him. He stuffed his phone in his pocket, ignoring Harrison completely.
“Can we just leave, we’re going to be late?” Tom said, grabbing his bag. Samual was waiting outside with the car, and he was a stickler for punctuality. But Harrison knew his best friend was going through something, and he was going to find out what.
“For God’s sake Tom, just tell her what you saw. Tell her how you feel, before Adrian decides to take the next step!” Harrison pleaded, and Tom whirled around. He was seeing red, not for his friend, but for himself. Harrison was right, it was all on him to fix this. But he didn’t know how.
“I can’t, Haz! What am I going to say? I was looking at your phone and I never told you? Or how about this whole thing with Zendaya is fake, a publicity stunt so that I can get over you? And look how that’s worked out, because I’m still in love with you and you’re dating someone else? It’s over! I had my chance and I blew it, she’ll never forgive me!” Tom shouted, chucking his bag at the wall. Harrison sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“Y/N deserves an explanation, whatever it is. You take her on a date, act cold, and then rebound with Zendaya? God knows what she must have thought, and I know she’s still upset because I’ve seen the tweets. You need to tell her something, I don’t care what it is. She’s my friend too.” Harrison finished, not really sure where all that had come from. He loved Tom, but he loved you too. It hurt him to see his best friends like this, when they should have all been together.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll talk to her today, after the show.” Tom said, and that was all he was going to say. Harrison followed him out of the house, trying to match his pace. But Tom was fast, wanting for the first time to get away from Harrison and his questions.
Because he was right. And that really bothered him.
“Well, I think you’re ready.” One of the makeup artists handed you a mirror, and you gasped.
Thank God Bailey had called them in, because there was no way you’d ever have been able to replicate anything close to this. Your skin was flawless, dusted with a light shade of pink glitter on your cheeks. Your eyelids were done in a blend of pink, scarlet, and orange, like a painted sunset. Thivya, the woman who did the majority of your makeup, had swatched your lips in a glinty soft pink, blended in with a bit of purple.
“Wow, it’s incredible! Thank you so much!” You squealed, tilting the mirror at different angles. With the sparkly jumpsuit and your butterfly heels, you definitely looked the part. For the first time in days, you began to feel much more confident. This was yours to win, you could feel it.
“All good in here?” Bailey asked, waltzing in with her clipboard. She stopped dead in her tracks, a whistle leaving her lips. You spun around, the sequins catching the light. The crew clapped a little, and Bailey took a video for your instagram.
“Ready to go?”
“Yeah, let’s go nail this thing!”
The stage was set, the lights were on, and you were sweating in your dressing room backstage. You had your crew with you, Bailey, Adrian, your mother whom you hadn’t seen in weeks, and it was the only thing keeping you sane. There were hundreds of people screaming your name not a hundred meters from you, and your nerves were kicking in.
“Hey, you’re going to do amazing.” Adrian said, taking your hand while you paced the room. You smiled at him, grateful for the support. You knew he had a project he was filming, and him coming to see you meant a lot. Your mother liked him too, which was obviously a plus. Bailey was talking to someone on the phone, waving her hands around like she was frazzled.
Which she was, but she’d never tell you that.
“Thanks, I’m just so nervous. I’ve never danced in front of so many people, not to mention the millions watching at home. And Tom was incredible last time, I don’t know how I’m going to compete with him.” You said, picking at your dress. Even now, you had no idea what songs he’d picked and it was making you frustrated. You had no idea what you were going up against.
“So? Tom may have won last time but there’s no guarantee he’ll do it again. You’ve been practicing for weeks, don’t sell yourself short.” Adrian replied, getting you to finally stop moving. Fidgeting was your defense mechanism, but you knew that if you wanted to do well you’d need to calm down. Your mother nodded, drinking her cup of coffee silently.
“He’s right, honey. You need to calm down, it’s going to be fine.” She said, putting the cup down. She crossed the room and came to stand in front of you. With a sigh, you melted into her arms, hugging her tightly. She still smelled like lavender, that perfume she’d worn since you were a kid.
“Y/N? Showtime, babe.” Bailey called, opening the door for you. Adrian gave you a hug, your mother joining in as you followed your assistant out the door and to the stage.
“Damn, that’s some outfit.” Zendaya laughed, dodging a water bottle Tom threw in her direction. Harrison chuckled too, stealing Tom’s cowboy hat and trying it on. As he had expected, the hat looked ridiculous on him too. Tom groaned, regretting asking his best friend and fake girlfriend to be his support group.
“Stop, you’re hurting my feelings.” He grumbled, taking the hat back and smoothing down his hair. Zendaya rolled her eyes, scrolling through her instagram as Harrison helped Tom with last minute adjustments. The actress looked up, a wicked smile on her face.
“Well, at least Lil Nas X will notice you this time. I mean, how could he not?” She giggled, taking a video for her story. Tom laughed, whirling around to flash a smile at the camera. Harrison was about to protest, saying that Lil Nas X was way too cool for Tom, when the door opened.
“Tom? You’re on in two minutes.” Samual said, poking his head in.
“Shit, how do I look?” Tom asked, feeling his old nerves return. He shouldn’t be this anxious, but he had no idea what you had planned. Sure, Tom had won the battle before, but everyone loves an underdog.
And you were a really pretty one.
“Stupid, but that was already a given.” Zendaya said, and Tom flipped her off. Harrison took a look and felt confident that Tom looked as good as he was going to.
“You’re fine, just go out there and do your best. And don’t forget to talk to Y/N after, I mean it. “ Harrison said, straightening the hat a little. Tom nodded, smoothing down his tan leather jacket. Zendaya looked up from her phone, suddenly interested in the conversation.
“What are you going to say?” she asked, looking confused.
“I’m going to apologize for everything, it wasn’t fair to her. I won’t tell her about this obviously, but she deserves an explanation.” Tom said, and Zendaya agreed. She liked you and knowing that the whole thing hurt you made her upset. You didn’t deserve that, nobody did.
“Good, I want us all to be friends. Y/N is sweet and good and I like her wayyyy more than you.” Zendaya said, returning back to her phone. Tom sighed, giving Harrison a pointed look.
“Everyone does apparently.”
You stood behind the curtain, your palms so sweaty you were glad you didn’t have to pole dance. Bailey stood next to you, talking to the coordinator to make sure everything was set up. You saw LL Cool J somewhere, but you were too nervous to say anything. Chrissy Teigen had already introduced herself, and after you had found your voice you introduced yourself too. She had apparently been following the press tour and thought you were adorable.
Which must count for something, since it’s Chrissy Teigen.
“You good?” Bailey asked, breaking you out of your reverie. You smiled and nodded, lying through your teeth. She smiled and waved over LL Cool J, who gave you an enthusiastic hug.
“How you doing, kid?” He asked, shaking your hand firmly. You told him you were excited to do this, which was only partially a lie. He wished you luck, and before you knew it he was gone and through the curtain. There was a partial silence, before you heard him tell the crowd to get ready for you and Tom.
“Hey.” You turned and realized Tom was standing next to you, wearing the most ridiculous outfit you’d ever seen. He looked at you and internally screamed. You looked so gorgeous, and all he wanted to do was fall on his knees and beg forgiveness. Momentarily you forgot to be mad at him and burst out laughing. He groaned as you fell on the floor, trying to cover your mouth.
“Oh. My. God. You look so stupid!” You giggled, wiping tears from your eyes. Tom smirked, trying not to laugh with you. You stood up, biting your lip to keep from making any more noise. Bailey was eyeing the two of you suspiciously, hoping you wouldn’t kill each other before the battle started.
“Shut up, it’s part of my dance. I’m supposed to be Lil Nas X.” He said, watching your jaw drop. If he was Lil Nas X, did that mean…….
“Wait, YOUR SONG IS OLD TOWN ROAD?!” You asked, and Tom went red. You almost had a heart attack, realizing that you had to go up against Tom dancing to Old Town Road. This whole thing could end up being a bloodbath.
“Yep, my trainer said it would be a good idea since it’s so popular. What are you supposed to be, a unicorn?” Tom asked, looking you up and down. You blushed, realizing that the jumpsuit was a little shorter than you thought.
“No, I’m Taylor Swift. I’m doing You Need To Calm Down.” You said, checking to make sure your heels hadn’t loosened. Tom silently cursed himself, Taylor Swift was always a crowd favorite. He was suddenly wondering if he might lose his title this time.
“What’s wrong, afraid to lose in front of your adoring fans?” You teased, watching Tom shake his head. You felt more confident now, and you were ready to be cocky. Tom snorted at your remark, forming a comeback.
“No, but I’d get as many people to comfort you when you do. Even the other guy, the one before Adrian.” Tom said, happy to get you squirming. You quirked an eyebrow, wondering what Tom meant.
“What do you mean other-?” The curtain opened before you could finish, and LL Cool J and Chrissy Teigen stood there motioning you forward. You plastered on a smile, walking out with Tom to center stage.
“Tom Holland and Y/N Y/L/N everyone!” The crowd cheered as Tom bowed and you curtsied. There were flashing lights everywhere, cameras taking photos of the two of you. It was almost too much, but then you remembered what you came here to do.
Bury this guy.
“So, who’d like to go first?” Chrissy asked, looking at the two of you. The crowd was silent, watching you and Tom. Tom smirked, gesturing to you.
“Ladies first.” He said, grinning as you rolled your eyes. LL Cool J handed you the microphone, and you cocked your head to the side. The crowd was hooting, but you weren’t going to let him get away so easily.
“Please, let’s see what you got. Unless you’re afraid I’ll upstage you?” You said, laughing when the crowd went wild. People were whistling and oohing, and Tom couldn’t help but chuckle. You looked so cute when you were being competitive.
“Fine, I’ll go first. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He said, brushing past you and making goosebumps rise on your skin. You shivered and walked off to the side with LL Cool J and Chrissy, taking a stand while Tom got ready. Zendaya was behind you and you waved, which she returned. The place went dark and your breath hitched, not sure what Tom would do.
Then the backing track began to play, and the crowd went nuts.
There was Tom, dressed in his cowboy outfit and holding a lasso. You stifled a laugh, when the lights behind him burst on revealing his backup dancers dressed as horses. You could hear Harrison die behind you, and Adrian cheered next to you.
What a clown.
The crowd cheered as Tom tilted his hat, cracked the lasso, and sprung into his routine. It was insane, watching him dance. It was both amazing and the cringiest thing you’d ever seen. The audience was lapping it up, even you were enjoying it. The way he moved was hypnotic, and you caught yourself staring at his butt in chaps a few too many times.
What are you doing? Get a grip!
Your face flushed, realizing Adrian was standing next to you and holding your hand. Tom kept looking over at you two, his face falling slightly when he noticed how close you were. He was trying so hard to nail the routine, but he was getting distracted by you. One of the background dancers lifted him up and helped him crowd surf, throwing his hat into the crowd at a screaming fan. When he got back on the stage, Tom decided to do something on the spur of the moment.
He waltzed up to you, pulled you by the waist and brought you close to him. His eyes pierced through your own, and he looked down at your lips. For a moment, you both just stood there breathing softly, and then Tom smirked and was gone leaving you breathless. Adrian fumed behind you, but he put on a good show for the camera.
You on the other hand just stood there, like a deer in the headlights. The music was still playing, but it was like you couldn’t hear anything. You took a step back and locked eyes with Tom again, who grinned at you.
Did he plan this?
Tom strutted around the stage, eating up the audience’s reaction. But best of all, he got a rise out of you and he loved it. The look on your face, one of pure neediness made him feel cocky. Tom doubted Adrian could do that to you. And it made him feel something wicked.
With a swivel, Tom turned around and dropped to the floor, whipping his head back and forth to the music. He knew that he was doing well because the crowd was screaming, even more so than when he did “Umbrella”. With a final move Tom finished and took a bow. One look at you confirmed how nervous you were. Adrian noticed and put his arm around you protectively, glaring at Tom. He shouldn’t have been happy about it, but it was funny how much Adrian despised him. You blushed and looked away as Tom came over, stopping a foot in front of you. The cheers stopped and the room went silent, waiting for Tom to speak.
“Let’s see what you got.” Tom smirked, taking a bow and brushing past you slightly. The contact made goosebumps rise, and you tried to keep your focus. But it was so hard to do that when Tom was inches away from you, his gaze burning through your back. It suddenly became very hot, and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks again.
“Are you ready, Y/N?” LL Cool J asked and Adrian kissed your cheek. Before it would have made you smile, but it felt cold and strange. You nodded, waving to the crowd as you walked to the center of the stage, striking your beginning pose. The lights dimmed and the crowd’s noise lulled, and you began to sway back and forth.
3, 2, 1, Let’s go bitch!
The lights flashed on and you strutted to the front in sync with your backup dancers. The crowd went wild, screaming your name as you claimed your confidence again. It must have been the practices, because your routine was flawless and you’d never felt better. With a whip of your hair, you were off.
Swaying your hips, you ran a hand down your leg and whipped your head back up. Your backup dancers picked you up and spun you around, giving you a bit of air time as you landed on your feet perfectly. Your heels clicked across the floor and you pumped your hand in the air, drawing your hand across your waist and then moving it to snap as your legs spread. The ceiling opened and a flurry of bank notes fell from the sky. You caught one and tucked it into your top.
The audience screamed.
Tom nearly died at the sight, especially when you seemed to lock eyes with him for a moment. Biting your lip, you ran a hand through your hair as you grabbed onto a pair of hoops hanging from the ceiling. Steadying yourself, you spun around, and crossed your ankles. You dropped one hand and let it graze your leg. The music had you shaking your body almost unconsciously, it was like it was ingrained in you. A burst of colored powder covered the stage and you danced through it over to Tom, who was biting his lip pretty hard.
Who’s going to lose now?
You locked eyes with him and smirked, noticing him squirm. With a laugh you pushed him backward, turned around and flipped him off. Tom gasped as the crowd went nuts, and you looked over your shoulder, giving him a wink. Adrian howled his head off and Zendaya burst out laughing, watching Tom go red in the face. LL Cool J and Chrissy were eating it up, getting the camera to keep their focus on Tom. You walked back over to the dancers and jumped around, leaping onto the swing and flying over the audience. Your legs dangled and you spun through the air throwing dollar bills. It was just like that scene from The Greatest Showman, and it was as fun as it looked on screen too.
When you swung back onto the stage, the lights went out. With a smile, you brought out the lighter in your pocket and flicked it on, the light illuminating your face. You winked, blew it out, and the room burst into cheers as flurries of confetti rained down. Your team was going crazy, hugging each other and running out to hug you too.
Finally, it was over.
You could barely walk as you stumbled over to LL Cool J and Chrissy, who jokingly bowed to you. Tom was behind them, grinning at you which you chose to ignore. Adrian rushed out and kissed you, holding your face in his hands. You smiled into it, and the audience cheered your name. The kiss broke and you realized Tom was rolling his eyes at you. You stuck your tongue out at him and Chrissy came over with the belt in her hands, LL Cool J behind her.
“Quiet please!” The room went deadly silent, and you held your breath. Tom was a little nervous too, not expecting your dance to be that good. You didn’t even need Taylor Swift to make an appearance, it was just that good. He was mentally shaking his head, he shouldn’t have underestimated you.
But who knew you had that in you?
“This one was wild, I have to say. But we have a winner, and it’s not what we were expecting.” Chrissy said, looking at LL Cool J. You bounced up and down on your heels as the crowd leaned in, waiting for the winner.
“Y/N!” Chrissy yelled, and the room erupted. You clasped a hand over your mouth, completely speechless. Chrissy put the belt on you, which weighed a ton, and you smiled at the crowd. You couldn’t believe it, you’d beaten Tom Holland at his own game.Tom shook his head, but he couldn’t help smiling. You were good, and he’d admit he’d been beaten by someone superior.
“Sorry, Tom. But I guess you just lost your throne!” LL Cool J laughed, slapping him on the back. Tom chuckled, watching you shake hands with a young fan in the front. His heart swelled a little when you smiled and gave them one of your rings, but he tried to tamp his feelings down.
“Yeah, but I don’t mind. Y/N was better, she deserves it. But next time, I won’t let her win so easily.” He teased, elbowing you in the side. You gave the crowd a look and punched his arm, which made Tom pretend to be hurt as he rubbed his arm. Zendaya came out and hugged you, saying she loved your performance. You thanked her and looked around for Adrian, who was waving at you from the box.
“Anything you’d like to say, Y/N?” Chrissy asked and you took the microphone hesitantly. Everyone waited for you to speak, and you sucked in a breath. You looked over at Bailey, who was smiling at you proudly. Adrian was next to her, wearing the same smile and you suddenly knew what to say. And then there was your mom, beaming at you along with them.
“I just wanna thank my amazing team, they’re the reason I did so well, and my mom and boyfriend for making it out here. Bailey, I love you and I’d be lost without you. And also Shruti, my dance instructor who basically killed me at practices, but it paid off! Also, thanks to my fans who are always supporting me, I love you all!” You blew an air kiss and handed the microphone back to Chrissy.
“Well, thanks for voting everyone, and go see Emma in theaters soon! That’s all for Lip Sync!” Chrissy said, and everyone waved to the cameras. Finally the cameras cut off and the stage crew was ushering everyone backstage. You rejoined Bailey, Adrian, and your Mom, slipping off your heels and going barefoot. The crew congratulated you, some asking to take pictures which you happily obliged.
You were about to head back into your room to change when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and came face to face with Tom again, all alone in the hallway.
“Can we talk?” He asked, running a hand through his slightly sweaty hair. It shouldn’t have been that hot, but you started to wonder what his hair felt like on your skin. You shook your head, upset that you’d let yourself think of Tom that way when you had an amazing boyfriend waiting for you.
Whatever the two of you had was over, for good. He’d made that clear.
But God, why did he have to be so goddamn attractive all the time?
“Um, sure.” You said, telling everyone to wait for you. Tom let you walk next to him, sitting down in a chair by the door to your room. You sat down next to him, smoothing down your jumpsuit nervously. No one was around to hear whatever he was going to tell you, and that made it worse. You could feel your resolve crumbling, and part of you wondered if you should be out here with Tom alone.
“So….you wanted to talk?” You asked, playing with your rings. Tom looked over at you and you swore he was shaking, but maybe it was your eyes playing tricks. But he did look nervous, and that made you feel a little better. You weren’t the only one unsure about this.
“I just wanted to say…” Tom started, but he felt the words catch in his throat. He’d prepared what he was going to say for days now, practicing with Harrison so he wouldn’t trip up. But when it actually came to it, Tom found he just couldn’t do it. You were making him so nervous, he didn’t think he’d be able to finish what he wanted to say.
He wanted to tell you he was sorry, for everything. For the way it ended, and for how quickly he “moved on” with Zendaya. He wanted to apologize for teasing you and being so rude, and making everything between you so awkward. That’s what he wanted to say, that’s what Tom had thought about for weeks. That and you, Tom had never stopped thinking about you.
But as soon as you sat next to him, your hair falling over your shoulders and your eyes on him, Tom just couldn’t do it. There was something about you that was both alluring and intimidated, and for the first time in his life, Tom was scared.
So when he opened his mouth, he said something else entirely.
“Zendaya wants us to go on a double date. You and Adrian and the two of us. She says we should all hang out more, do you want to go out this Friday?” Tom blurted out, immediately panicking when the words left his mouth. You looked stunned and confused, searching his face for signs of a joke. When Tom just stared back at you, looking visibly uncomfortable, you opened your mouth to respond.
“We’d love to.” A voice said from behind you, and you turned to see Adrian standing behind you. His jaw was clenched, boring holes into Tom’s head. You laughed awkardly, watching Tom smile nervously. You had to do something quick, otherwise the situation would become a tinder box.
“Yeah, tell Zendaya that’d be nice.” You said, standing up and taking Adrian’s hand. Tom frowned slightly, hating the way Adrian caressed your hand with your thumb. But he’d pushed you away, and what did he expect? Of course someone would move in for the kill. Adrian glowed triumphantly, slinging an arm over your shoulder. Tom nodded, focusing his gaze on you instead.
“Great, I’ll, uh, tell her.” Tom mumbled, watching you and Adrian go back into your room. For a moment, he just stood there, his head in his hands as he realized what he’d just done. He grabbed a pillow and threw it at the wall, silently cursing himself for being so stupid.
He’d practiced the damn speech with Harrison ten times, and now he’d just asked you to go on a double date? How did he even do that? Tom had the urge to scream, but the walls were so thin you’d hear and he didn’t want to give that smug bastard the satisfaction. Tom skulked back to his room, trying to figure out what to tell everyone.
“Tom! There you are! What was up with that thing you did during the dance, I don’t remember seeing that at rehearsals.” Harrison joked, but he stopped when he saw Tom’s face fall. Zendaya looked up, concerned because Tom was now pacing the room. She touched his back and Tom flinched.
“Hey, what’s wrong? If it’s about that move you pulled, it’s okay nobody’s saying anything.” Zendaya said, showing Tom her Twitter. “They think it was funny, that’s all.”
“It’s not that, I just did something really stupid.” Tom said, collapsing onto the couch. Harrison stood next to Zendaya, the two of them exchanging glances. Harrison was the first to speak, thinking it must be about the talk.
“Is it about Y/N? What did she say when you told her?” He asked, probing for information. Tom groaned, getting up again and standing by the counter. God, he just wanted to melt into the floor right now.
“I didn’t get to because I choked. But that’s not the worst part.” He muttered, and Zendaya took over. She sat down on the counter next to Tom, quirking an eyebrow when he turned away from her.
“Tom, what did you do?” She whispered, and Tom took a deep breath. Harrison sat down, preparing for what Tom was about to say. “Tom, what happened?”
“I just asked Y/N on a double date.” Zendaya inhaled sharply and Harrison cursed, Tom slowly turning back around to face them. “The two of them, together on Friday.”
“And she said yes.”
TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be taken off!): @tommyparkerr @grandmascottlang @toms-order @darling-parker @spiderboythomas @cutiehollands @peeterparkr @jupiterparker @inlovewithmob-tom @veronicas-littleworld @da5haexowin @sergeantbxrnxs @hazsterfield @itsholyholland @underoosstark @stormyholland  @let-me-luve-you @smexylemony @roses-and-sweaters @musicgirl234 @its-livelovelife @steve-thotgers @tiny-friggin-human @lovelyh0lland @blueberry-butterscotch @keylla-dunspeh @lucille-lovely @yeahbutmarvel @lokiislowkeyhot @spideymood @yoharryyouawizard @tomhollanders2013 @celestialparker @letthembehappymcu @jnej @spiderman-n @positiveparker @winterssoldierrs @heycreehere @galaxy-parker @sdrecsfics @doimakeitthroughthenight @wronglanemendes @brokensimpson @naikia @spnsoap @ninetypoundsofasthma @quitetommy @voltronshepard @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @annathesillyfriend @tiredfeels @scarlet-spiderr @hedwigthelegend @renesniajazza @bibliophile-grasshopp @tomhollandswhoremain @yeeterbenjaminparker @juliabuenooo @paradoxparker @pokeloisfk @machomango13 @parkerstylesperalta @mcuspidey @nobledoritoman @cosmicdaya @hey-its-grey @toms-gf @cutesparker @whypeterparkerwhy @sunshinehollandd @sunshineandparker @starksparker @hollandroos @blissfulparker @xxtomxo @pastelpeter @nobledoritoman @nnatasha @parkerpuffwrites @hollandsosterfield @hillsnholland @peterplanet @hopespym @peterstrainingwheels @parrkerspeters @stuckonspidey @jacobsbatalon @prkerspeter @aw-hawkeye @spideypeach @spxderbarnes @stealth-spiderr @uglypastels @darlingtholland @spideyflicker @thollandss @blissfulparker @maryjparkers @curlytoms @marvelous-maddi @trustfundparker @clockblobber @asmilinghopelessromantic @i-don’t-wanna-go-mr-stark @marvel-language @zaynjawy @sholla4-314 @beautyandflannel @lemondropirwin @angelbabymed @captnsmarvels @in-the-corner-coffee-please @peterbparkcr @william-stanley @greenarrowhead @squishyhyunjin @bibliophile-grasshopp @juliabuenooo @pokeloisfk @machomango13 @starz-23 @spoopy-spooderman @whatevsholland @aestheticstom @tomzfrog @ppunderoos @spiderkat1248 @embrace-themagic @v-valz-n @dancingoncrackedhearts @imspiderparker96 @mlt2000 @cordiebirdy @headsup-itsmostlypeter @sspideytom @yellow-inlove @kisses-holland @hardestbattles-strongestsoldiers  @infamousmany @omgbstudies @theefactorygirl @aelinashryvver @sarah-moss2015 @keepmeholland @fandomdarlings @yourwonderbelle @rexorangecouny @deni-gonzalez @mylifeasafangirlforever @random-writer06 @stretchkingblog97 @sweetlyth @notethereal @pachuh @fandoms-stuff @petesrparker @yavinmoon @sweet-baby-cakes @noswagswag @l-melancholy-breeze-l @peteunderoos @jubaydahk @jackiehollanderr @yadekms @starkslovebot @practicallylivesonline @i-tried21 @stasye @unorganizedasf @1-800-back-off @tomshufflepuff @beequeen8020 @mejustbeingme @fanboy-tom @mimaligrl @theimpossiblehologramtree @diamonddia-mond @qrangr @parkeroffline @peterpumpkinparker @peters-vlogs @rosieredcheeks @tiny-friggin-human @delicately-important-trash @zabdisamor @peterbrokenparker @the-lost-fairy-tale @everestluke @gigilame @youllbemineandillbeyours @cherryblossomcharlotte @paintingbellarke @teawithbucky @miraclesoflove @let-me-luve-you @tomhaz @multi-worlds @clara-licht @ppkrtingle @laurxn-robinson @a-court-of-dreams-and-hopes @theirmidgardian @screamstillscreaming @ddaeing @ineedalittlehappiness @briiiiseyda @sincerelymlg @officiallygeek @maybemona @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @lowkey-holland @particularsof @saturn-aka-six
The Press Tour Taglist:  @notes-from-my-journal @mcuspidey @cosmicdaya @musicandbokkslovingweirdo @softspiderling @kaylzjordan @puffedgill @loki-in-hogwarts @mutuallynotmutual @psycho-mocha @evolutionofkatep @ciannemar83 @eridanuswave @sltwins @grandfunnyemopainter @kidensdouble88 @bonitajuanita @kthemarsian @ollieologys @avngrsinitiative @hannah-olivia @dans2k19 @saysomethingspiderman @strang-ersclub @ad-iuficium @fairytaleparker @neverlandparker @shawnssongs @xoluvx @violet-lilyy @itsjstz @sincerelygmg @dickgraysonnsworld @a-phan-of-youtube @webshoot3r @ihopeyousteponarosepetal @martinafigoli !
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l0vegl0wsinthedark · 6 years
( these are so fun to read! Love them!) my questions for the boys is " what is a instant turn on for both of you?
Harry:*instantly* Fighting.
Draco:*flatly* Harry. Naked.
Harry:*challengingly* Fighting while we’re naked.
Draco:*deadpan* He means arguing, not wrestling.
Harry:*scoffs* I mean anything that makes your face get all blotchy and your eyes goglinty and stormy. Anything that’s got you making that little growly noise inyour throat. I’m pretty sure you’ve done that when we’ve wrestled. Naked.
Draco:*trying to hide his grin* That’s just sex! And you growl too!
Harry:*laughs* I never said I didn’t! They’re asking what turns both of us on; thatdoes. *thoughtful* And also, rimming. I really only have to think about goingdown on him and opening his up with my tongue to get… *reddens; crosses hislegs* Well, um.
Draco:*crossing his legs as well; fervently* Definitely rimming. And cock sucking. *as Harry stares in shock* I’m obsessed withhis cock, I could give him head forever.
Harry: *breathbursting out of him; lowly* Prove it, Malfoy…
Draco:*turning to him; boldly* You know I’ve never had trouble proving myself, Potter. Go inside and fish out that fine specimen of a cock.
Harry:*stands; flatly* We need a break from questions. *curtly, to Draco* For everysecond behind me you are, you’ll get five swats. *hobbles off quickly*
Draco:*scrambling to race him* Promises promises, Potter!
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bishiglomper · 4 years
Ahh! Scary dream!
I dreamt that it was after bedtime. I was the only one up. (I dont know exactly who all was there but I think grandma and the niece definitely were) And I needed to build a project out of bamboo. Like, structures. I started out working with little pieces.
We watch a lot of NCIS lately and the thing I was building was for a party/rave and we needed to bottleneck a crowd into a certain area or whatever and that's why I needed to build it-- but anyway.
For some reason it was really fuckin' dim. Like I had the main ceiling light on but it was barely lit. I didn't think much of it except that, working in what was probably the equivalent of candlelight sucked ass. I stopped after one set of little things.
The light is gradually failing. I go and try to switch on more lights but they're out.
I go and climb on and sit at the end of grandma's bed. I'm cross-legged, facing away from the end. I think I was there to whine about my project and the light.
So I'm talking to her in the dark and I feel someone climb behind me and kinda lean their body forward against my back with their hands on my shoulders. I don't react, thinking it's my niece. But I realize the body leaning against me is not soft teenage girl but more bony adult woman. I turn my head. And it looks like a Japanese horror thing. A very thin woman with a white face as though it was face paint with gaunt features and black smudgey dark circles under their eyes. They looked at me and smiled and the vibe was like a cross between Coraline and Kubo and the two strings.
I freak tf out but suddenly they're gone. But I somehow realize what's going on. We've been invaded by a creature like... a boggart? In my dream its a creature that lives in darkness, that sucks up light from its surroundings. And it can possess living creatures. It's got to, to enter any sort of light. It was kiiiind of evil? The vibe was reminded me of the movie Practical Magic. How Angelo was kind of invading. His vibe. 😅
Anyway. So I think it's almost dawn; there's a little bit of light. The overhead lights have failed so it's still dark save the blue pre-dawn glow.
I start preparing. I went around the house gathering every LED light I could find. I grabbed a bottle of febreeze. Dream logic was that spraying the thing that had a certain chemical would make it more sensitive. Like dowsing it in menthol before spraying it with a hose.
The niece is following me around as I explain what's going on. I'm treating it like a bat or something got in. Lol
So we turn on all the LED shit, lighting up every corner of the infested room. At first it seems all well and good. We cleaned up!
But then I realize we essentially just cleaned up the bat poop and now there's a bat that's fled somewhere in the house.
I end up in the dining room sitting in the middle of the floor and our young pug wanders in (we do not have any dogs IRL. But it wasn't odd in dream world)
I see that his eyes are shiny like when you can see the silver reflectiveness of a cat's eyes. This is tell-tale sign of the creature.
I grab at the seemingly unassuming pup but it dodges me. I'm sitting in the middle of the floor and it circles around me threateningly.
Somehow I feel that it doesn't want to possess me even though that's a risk if he bites me. I think I manage to grab it's scruff and I kind of shake it. (I'm glad it wasn't real life, I would feel so bad) I need to somehow expell/kill it without killing the host.
Next thing I know, it's gone from the pug. I can tell because the eyes are normal. Put him down. It's fine. But now our little German shepard/corgi puppy is posessed! (Lol what?) It's even smaller than the pug. It's more vicious too, growling and snapping. I have a harder time attempting to scruff it. I do manage to get it.
I shake it around too but it's not budging. It's snapping at my face. I snap back at it. I accidentally? bit it's tongue. It suddenly froze, there was a pop and a puff of silvery black smoke erupted from it. I killed it! My puppy was back to normal. But with a hole in the side of its tongue (😢)
And then my dream world entered video game cut-scene mode. Around me the environment suddenly darkened and the niece and I were in what seemed like a courtyard at night, lit up by fluorescent street lights. A Boss round had activated.
I looked at the niece and said "Absolutely do NOT move. Don't touch it."
Walking calmly toward us was the creature in Goulish Onna form, dressed as a samurai. (Very Kubo and the two strings baddy vibe) I say samurai but it was mostly just a white kimono thing with red and yellow decorations... Like the straps for the sword.
We're technically invisible to it right now. This is a baddy that's way too high of a level for us to touch. It would OHKO us. Like slow motion cut-scene, made to be untouchable kind of baddy. It stalked toward us slowly, drawing it's sword.
Then my niece touched it. She tried to kill it. Thinking if she hit it enough times, fast enough...
It didn't react, as though it hadn't been touched. But it's focus was actually on us now. I gently pushed the niece off to the side so it's attention was on me. I had to deactivate this before it initiated it's attack. It was still trying to creep closer first.
I tried to get us out of the courtyard. We were surrounded by a short concrete wall and the pillared ends were behind him. The entrance.
I didn't make it though.. It grabbed my wrist and the cut-scene activated. My vision started to fade out like tunnel vision as it swung it's very sharp, glinty katana.
I woke up pretty much when "GAME OVER" would appear....
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glint-fang · 4 years
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glint-fang · 3 years
raya & the last dragon spoilers no context:
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glint-fang · 4 years
sir, here’s your ord—
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glint-fang · 4 years
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feeling relieved we’ve almost made it thru 2020 but staying on guard cuz she’s still got a solid 4 weeks left
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glint-fang · 5 years
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I went into downtown disney springs today PURELY to (locate the ganachery &) buy this kuzco journal ✌️
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glint-fang · 4 years
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🕷 hanging out with a spider!
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glint-fang · 5 years
crookedstar to mapleshade
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glint-fang · 5 years
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i’m sorry riolu,, ,
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glint-fang · 5 years
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it took me THAT long to go back and finish PSMD
✨👏 congrats to you two for [finally] saving the world! 🦎🔥
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glint-fang · 5 years
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tfw you're so occupied w/ Guests that you don't notice your Coordinator checking out your location from Backstage—lookin’ like THIS ⤴
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glint-fang · 5 years
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Glimmer had such hilarious and adorable expressions this episode 😭💖 (S2 Ep 3)
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