guruguruhyena · 1 year
+++ ɛ𝓧Ƥ𝔢ʀɨ𝔪έ𝓃ƬǟԼ 𝓓ƛƳ
✧ 10 ed. ✧ 5.55 ꜩ / 0.00386 ETH 4:36 ♪
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shock-micro · 7 months
have i been transported to an alternate universe in the past week or something why am i seeing the most a a ? A? !???? ! takes being reblogged by people i respect it's not just confusing it's completely shutting down my processes because h ? ?? ow >? it defies all reasoN?? ? "yes thins S< SUCK so lE<T'S MAMAKE IT WORSE W_W_HY DON'T WE>?" >?? ? ? ? : ? ??
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projectcoolkid · 5 months
She is here y'all🕷️
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Her name is Yunomii Hamada and she's a spider-woman from Earth-2077!
In a world full of technology, most population has moved their minds to the digital realm primising a perfect life..this has made it easier for crime and dangers (yakuza, villans, accidents and etc) to increase in Motherboard city (yeah, that's her New York).
Yuki, a 19 year old girl that was part of that perfect life, has been the resposible when duty calls since 14, when a radioactive cyber-spider bit her when she was chillin' in her room..since it was radioactive, it caused a burn mark on her face permanently (she got bit on the face hell nawh💀
Basically her canon event: four later after the bite and started her hero life in the digital realm, there was a fatal virus that caused Captain Homura, Yuu's mother, to die in her job. Since then Yunomii had been bearing with her loss and the sense of guilt that she couldn't save everyone, everyone and the only loved one she had.
After that she decided for the first time..going back to the real realm to heal the wound and save Motherboard's people from crime (A.K.A: Glitches). Jumping from the digital to real realities everyday. (out of the digital realm her conciense is transferred to a mechanic body, making her an android.
Apart of that, she kinda just got forced in the Spider Society cause they needed people for coding and stuff, so she basically works like Margo and Lyla when they're not there.
Her relationship with Miles was none, since she was busy when she got called to get him (girl is on nobody's side). She had been conviving more with Miguel since that is her job (wich she's probably about to quit), still they're like rivals because her reality is on the same level to Miguel's in tech, so they argue to be the one that's right (plot twist: they kinda become friends and don't know how that happened)
Her personality matches her appearance. colorful and a whole new experience to be around when on the inside is.. Well, a machine, a machine that has emotions that she can't control. She's energetic in her duty and takes her newfound powers as like.. Some type of upgrade in her system.
I think that's all for now and I'll go and do some doodles to introduce her into the Spiderverse! YIPEE!
(She is highly inspired in cyberpun, the retro futuristic animes like evangelion, Miko Kubota from Gliitch Techs and other characters)
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opeothalmologist · 5 months
I Figured Out Who My Fear Entity Patron Is! (with internet quizzes)
This post contains spoilers for MAG 111 (in Season 3), as well as references to characters in Season 4.
Statement of a certain 'opeothalmologist,' regarding the mystery of a possible marking by an... entity.
Statement found on a blogpost on tumblr.com by the subject, April 26, 2024. Recorded by ●●●●●, member of the Magnus Institute, London.
What if you were marked by one of the fears? How, and by which entity?
I did. Everyone who listens to TMA probably has at some point. So I took a few quizzes and saw what I got.
1: Which Magnus Archives Entity Would You Align With?
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on uquiz, made by kat49
Result: The Eye
My thoughts: Interesting. A thing this and most of the other quizzes do is ask about choices such as preferences (especially hobbies and aesthetics) or worldviews. Cool. And The Eye does fit me and my own fears well.
2: Which entity would be your patron? (The Magnus Archives)
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on uquiz, made by gliitch
Result: The Desolation
My thoughts: The Desolation could fit me. But would I want to serve it for a long period of time? ...No. But a fun quiz nonetheless.
3: Which Magnus Archives Entity are You?
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on quotev, made by Mazebent
Result: The Web
My thoughts: The Web, alongside The Dark and The Vast (neither of which I got, spoiler alert) was one of my top entities to be an avatar for, so I'm happy I got it. A wonderful (and very long, 91 questions) quiz.
4: Which Entity Has Marked You?
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on uquiz, made by kitmoone
Result: The Lonely
My thoughts: Sounds like a painful marking to go through, and serving the same path as Peter Lukas is a big no for me. Still, this quiz had a unique approach with images rather than text choices. Cool.
5: Which TMA Entity Would You Serve?
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on quotev, made by Waterlily (2023)
Result: The Spiral
My thoughts: The description literally is Congratulations! Or perhaps condolences... Are you a real estate agent, by chance?. Love the writing. Maybe I'll stay away from doors, or Helens, or Michaels, for now...
6: Which TMA fear entity should you serve?
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on quotev, made by Jace (2020)
Result: The Web
My thoughts: Huh. Maybe I will become an avatar of The Web sometime, I thought. Then another repeat came:
7: Which TMA fear entity should you serve?
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on quotev, made by BrittishAnarchy (2023)
Result: The Eye
Note: This quiz contains a major spoiler about Elias Bouchard. Take care! (and bring that eye man my worst wishes. I was spoiled of that plot twist myself, long ago lol)
My thoughts: Two repeats. Well, if I do end up as an avatar of The Eye, I can compete with Elias and learn new information immediately. Sounds good! (With a lot of caveats—but still good!)
Thank you for reading this journey through the TMA world with me! If you like Gerry Keay posts and occasional TMA thoughts, consider following (completely optional)!
Statement ends. The statement giver was easy to follow up with, as her Tumblr blog is still active. She did not say anything about the strange images from 4 through 6, or of the green- and red-highlighted words…
Only that she was “lucky she lives in a world where the 'fear entities' do not exist.”
Then why is this a statement in the archive?
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kittydragondraws · 11 months
tadc thoughs
spoilers under cut
wow no introduction aww Aww I love their banter Jax… Maybe my theory was right censors:] i love that tbh I love zooble's voice Jax is so sweet, he'slike sans, can't open his mouth Pomni goin insane awwwww gangle, JAX YOU JERK hey early 2000's kids you feel at home now huh so there's more void, hah well that's not terrifying at all what da hell luna BUUUBLE TALKS AAAAUUUUGH HE'S SO CUTE AAAUUUUGH HE'S LIKE THAT CAUSE HE'S CUTE Jax: dies aka glitches caine is nuts lol aww he's kinda nice love how her eyes become scribbles when she's confudes xddcc lol i like it where did it… go me with my dog lol zooble is so swag lol this is kinda cute, watch this statement age like milk lol bubble is so cute, me and subconscious frfr "humanoid", UUUUHHHHMMMM…. same frfr whatdahell jax is so horrible um, whooooo…. coughmo? pinwheel eyes hah gangle is so sweet lol he sounds like a mix of n and angel dust you've been standing next to her for like thirsty seconds crybaby lol i quite like rag rag yes, you become kinger lol terrer owners be like anime face that's not terrifying at all i love micheal kovach good god dude, bro's so unbothered E Y E S whoa this is terrifying kinda silly still NOOOO RAGATHA!!!!! terrifying watch caine fix em all and this mean nothing lol neither do i king, neither do i no, no you're not I've seen this clip too many times so jump in the gliitch demon hole lol huuuuuh there's some like, two headed snake beast like this right perfectlycut screams lol please tell me she'll be okay… please… PLEASE! the face pieces lol this scene is probably so cursed behing the scenes awwww she's so sweet, and i thought i wouldn't like her who's pom-pom's va? so do your friends lol huuuuh, that didn't need to exist oh look this schtckums again jax is so cute twitter be like aww she's a little cute rude, look ina mirror bitch you got no FINGERS ZOOBLE IS BEST GIRL!!!! watch her clip through the mirror, or not barrel of monks well that's not terrifying at all :3 don't do it girl huh, it's giving DOORS, or ROOMS welp : colorful, have you looked in a mirror aren't you gloink? huh glitch beast fight lol conveniently placed escalators HE'S SO AWFUL I LOVE HIM will… zooble get her head back it's all repeating rooms girl uuuuuummmmmm C&A? it's the void girl whait what's happening? where are we going oh my god maneqquien world :) someoe call that number please she seen some horror abstracted, it's giving inside out so they don't get fixed????? how many humans have been there oh good she's back caine is best boi bubble you CAN cook lol poly foods lol at lest they get something, this is weirdly nice im gonna say it, i'd actually wanna live in the dc OOOOH COOL CREDITS kinger is thad lol you can't escape uzi or n hah lizzie freeman, sounds familiar i love the lil chibis neat ort
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eternalglitch · 10 months
I'm good!! Studying for my exam this weekend and playing ISAT. As it gets colder the rats all fall asleep in a pile on my chest every night and Thorin has started being a menace by insisting on biting my chin whenever I am lulled into a false sense of peace from the rat pile.
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edtwtbutnot · 2 years
hii my naam3 iiz trii0. my pr0n0unz aare zh33/th33y/h33/iit/gliitch/liizp/t3n0r/buzz/d3wz
niic3 to m33t y0u!!
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ranboo5 · 2 years
What happened
Big runner might've cheated a bunch of stuff it's technically Alleged but it's pretty open and shut because aside from a) a confiermwed splice in one run and b) Weird Stats one of the foremost glitch hunters in th community checked all generatable chests and some of the chests the runner got are impossible to get as in Not Part Of The 2^48 Possible Generatable Chests so either the guy who admitted to splicing a run and has weird run stats is lying about cheating or this guy who is a respected gliitch/SSG hunter etc is either wrong or lying
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morethansoundszine · 2 months
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GLIITCH : Nouveau projet post punk/ rock froid pour vos oreilles brulantes "Gliitch" c'est un mot qui me rappelle les moments les plus "délires" (Bruit de modem qui bug en boucle) de l'époque ou le métal extrême commençait à vraiment se mélanger à de la musique électronique assez relevée (Whourkr, les débuts d'Igorrr)… C'est maintenant aussi un nouveau projet bordelais qui propose ici un deux titres, dans un autre style musical. Le premier morceau "Dark dancer" est tout à faire sympathique dans le style lancinant & assez sombre, entre post punk et rock froid à tendance noise. Une louche de guitare flottante à la Sonic Youth, un nuage de lait grisâtre à la Joy Division, et peut être du Nirvana (Bleach) quand ça monte... Continuez de danser, les robots vous regardent. Le deuxième titre "Rock on!" débute sur une sorte de rock indé plus classique lorgnant quand même vers les premiers Helmet (En moins math) et aussi Nirvana, puis on revient dans des sonorités plus noise flottantes (Niveau cordes de guitares). Je préfère un peu la suite que le début du morceau, mais ça va, le début crunch pas mal, puis durant la deuxième partie on ressent un certain malaise dans l'atmosphère... Les robots sont restés attentifs. Ces deux titres feront une jolie carte de visite, pour ceux aimant le rock froid, plutôt sombre, sans être glacial. GLIHI_HIPS https://morethansoundszine.blogspot.com/2024/08/gliitch-dark-dancer-rock-on-2-titres.html
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feralradicalbastards · 4 months
maybee iim gliitching but it still saays its the samee waay -🍍
Weird, I changed it, but it didn't load ig lol. Hopefully it works now
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knightkins · 2 years
Hey4!. Could II g3t a Soniic.exe sselfcare / fashiion kiit,. wiith 4ccesoriies and maybe a j4acket or tw0,. wiith th3mes of gliitches / viiruses / etc,/ my s0urce,. and cre3pypasta in gener4l?. Our priic3 range iis $25 USD for acc3soriies and up to $70 USD for a jack3t.. And could you t4g as fiictive as well as kiin?. Ty iin advanc3!!. -S0niic.exe {💽} (My nam3 iis purposl3y wriitten as 'S0niic.exe' just so you know..)
(Apologies Sonic, but I couldnt find motivation to complete this request :()
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kinstimstuck · 2 years
hey can ii reque2t a 2ollux captor 2tiimboard wiith red and blue 2tuff, gliitch/diigiital ae2thetiic2, maybe honey related 2tuff two? Thank2
:33 < fur sure! Coming right up!
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nicoles-ghost · 2 years
tagged by: stole this from @gliitched-realiity
tagging: anyone who wants to steal this!
APHRODITE. laughter-loving, sweet smiles, dressed in silk and satin, flower in their hair, sees the world as a runway, unapologetically sexual, the sea washing their ankles, in love with love, stirrer of passion, cunning concealed by painted lips, secret daggers, doves, revolution in their kiss, delighting in the waves, flirtatious winks, strolling along the beach, staring wistfully from a balcony, this is how to be a heartbreaker, wants to be adored, gets turned on by danger.
APOLLO. glitz and glamour, art galleries, turning the volume up, being made of gold, neatly-organized music sheets, notebooks filled with poetry, bathing in the sunlight, the powerful urge to create, collecting vinyl records, beautiful cover of Wonderwall, playing multiple instruments, tasting like sunshine, healing touch, speaking in prophecies, smile mingled with wrath, shunning lies, sporting shades, hanging out at music festivals with their friends, sleeps naked, arrow to the heart, paint brushes, probably has a Tinder account.
ARES. armed for battle, wants to raise a dog with their significant other, soft spot for children, gives piggyback rides, scarred body, blood on their hands and face, willing to fight the world for the ones they love, fights against injustice, warm hugs, well-worn combat boots, boxing gloves, bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles, fist raised in protest, ignites revolutions, fear is a prison, more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think, exhausted, damaged goods, force to be reckoned with, red roses, curses under their breath.
ARTEMIS. keen sense of a hunter, freckles like constellations on their skin, disheveled braid, moonlight peeking through the shadows, the calm of the forest at night, lying on the grass and staring at the stars, mother doe and her fawn, protecting their kin, the moon shimmering on a still lake, quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree, running with wolves, bonding while circled around a campfire, not being much of a people person, arrow hitting a target, popping egos, patience on 3%, touches heaven and returns howling.
ATHENA. unreadable face, quiet museums, owl perched on their finger, armor that intimidates, eye for architecture, plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses, studied the blade while everyone else was busy , big fan of logic, loves brain teasers, ancient buildings, sweaters in neutrals and cool colors, hair done up, can kill you with their brain, heads to the library often to research, sharpened pencils, abs that can cut steel, stoic statues, pottery classes.
DEMETER. soil-covered hands, smile that can bloom flowers, skin loved by the sun, being the mom-friend, can lift you and your friends, flowers kept in the pockets of overalls, takes pride in their beautiful garden, speaks to their plants, leaves rustling in the wind, stalks of wheat, picking fruit, greenhouses, heart as strong as a mountain, values simplicity, daisies dotted across a collarbone, curls crowned with flowers, folded pile of sweaters in warm hues, pulling out fresh-baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
DIONYSUS. drunk shitposter, on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve finished your second, seductive smirks, untamed curls, rich fabrics on dark skin, sleek-furred panthers, theater masks, stage productions, receiving a standing ovation, rose caught between their teeth, being the baby of the bunch, wild parties that last from sundown to sunup, creeping vines, inspiring loyalty, grand opera houses, masquerade balls, rolls of film, shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor, pouring champagne into flutes, lives for the applause.
HEPHAESTUS. the calloused hands of someone who knows labor, sweaty brow, flame burning in their eyes, inventive mind, broad shoulders, steampunk goggles, nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes, ashes, striking a match, blueprints for future projects, fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades, wrestles with bitterness, work boots have seen better years, wrinkled plaid shirts, iron melted in blazing fire, huge jackets, crafting masterpieces, greased-stained overalls, fascination with robotics, pain is fuel, stack of weaponry, even their muscles have muscles.
HERA. resting bitch face, dressed to the nines, cows grazing on a pasture, cool rain, loving and hating fiercely, hand clutching a string of pearls, large chandelier with glittering crystals, plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims, romance to realism, pictures of the sky while flying on a plane, downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix, like their selfie or you’re grounded, knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man, dark eyes that penetrate your soul, marble and gold.
HERMES. devil-may-care smile, always up-to-date on the latest technology, will steal your french fries, does it for the vine, shitposter, puts googly eyes on everything, meme hoarder, long drives on the highway, ma and pop diners, spontaneous road trips, folded maps, fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop, shooting hoops on the basketball court, chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations, goes jogging in the morning, mixes redbull with coffee, menace on april fool’s, hoodies and sneakers.
POSEIDON. storm with skin, colorful coral reefs, waves crashing against the shore, stroking the soft fur of a cat, their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop, tousled locks, clothes smeared with paint, owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more, leather jackets, fondness for diy projects, handwriting that flows across the page, nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin, velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams, mood as ever-changing as the sea, the roar of a motorcycle, compass with a spinning arrow.
ZEUS. thunder in their heart, running on coffee, flash of lightning, natural charisma, eloquence, badass in a nice suit, force of nature, nightmare-filled nights, proud arm around their lover’s waist, high-rise buildings, planes soaring through a cloudless sky, technician on the piano, maintains order, strong handshake, juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease, expensive watch.
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“Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth”
- Lucy Parsons
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kritterscribbles · 2 years
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Have more Jazz sketches ft. A singular Blues heehoo
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vnclvns-blog · 6 years
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