#glasto 2019
darlingofdots · 1 year
I am also a non-Brit so do not accuse me of being English but I think non-Brits significantly underestimate the popularity and impact of Mr Brightside on British culture
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dreamings-free · 3 months
So Oli pitched at tent, I doubt Louis did lol. Also there is no one around him so he's probably in the VIP area
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haha yeah they’re not sleeping in that tent. they are all staying at the same private camping site off the festival grounds as they have since.. glasto 2019 I think. my guess is they set up this tent inside the festival camping area as a kinda supply/storage tent so they won’t have to go all the way back to camp for more booze or an extra sweater. genius really I’m seriously thinking about doing this next week when I’m going Roskilde festival lol. anyway it might be some special camping area but curiously from the pics we’ve seen so far it doesn’t look like louis or the others have any special vip bracelets just the standard one. also I’m curious if that tent actually got to stay there because I know at Roskilde you’re not allowed to camp under the powerlines - which is probably why it’s so empty there 😂
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aeolianblues · 5 months
Thinking about Fontaines D.C. again. They’re quite different from any other band of the 2020s that I can think of, somehow they’re simultaneously both completely of this decade in their themes, context and sound, and still have something almost old-fashioned, maybe even timeless about them.
Like they’ve got that sound, depth and emotional complexity that makes people believe there’s something more to them, they’re no flash in the pan, they aren’t chasing any trends or whatever. And still, their post punk sound was so placeably 2018-2022 that you’d listen to it and you have to say yep, these lads came up in the wake of bands like IDLES at the same time as bands like Shame, very 2019.
And you never think, ‘oh I wonder what happened to them, I haven’t heard from them in a while,’ despite the fact that they are basically not active at all on social media. They have the band IG and each member too, but half of them last posted in like 2022 once. They aren’t doing any ‘trends’ or challenges or too many behind the scenes stuff— nothing. It feels almost like a classic band, like someone from the 90s or for the last time, the 00s.
And yet they feel modern, maybe it’s just that they speak to pretty modern fears and anxieties. I don’t know. But then, they’re also still doing the band grind. They’re not famous for anything except their music. No gimmicks, no collabs, they’ve never had a viral hit. People buy their whole albums because nothing they do misses. They sell more on vinyl than some of artists who are much bigger than them and monopolise the record pressing plants (coughs and dies).
Their best known songs are widely known because of fantastic televised festival performances in 2019 and 2022 (Boys In The Better Land, R+L 2019, R+L 2022 when they had that 18 y/o fan join them on guitar; Big Shot with the strings and piano and I Love You, Glasto 2022). Nothing about that is modern, and yet here they are. I couldn’t really see them coming up in another age, not because of the music but the context and themes.
I know, some of their songs sound like they could’ve been observational poems by Keats, Yeats, modern ones like MacGowan. Grian has said he’s still drawn to nature poetry despite being a city boy, but you listen to something like Oh Such A Spring and tell me he couldn’t write an ode to a landscape. Songs like I Love You, the album Skinty Fia in it’s whole. I personally nearly cried hearing it the first time, because as much as musicians have often written about being misfits, about not fitting in, it wasn’t very often that you’d hear someone explicitly framing that from the theme of an immigrant, of someone away from home, neither any longer a part of their home place but noticeably a stranger in the new. About having his Irishness almost heightened by not being in Ireland anymore. All of that. Oddly for the times, and very relevant. Songs like Bloomsday as well. Going back home and realising why you left in the first place. In some ways, Fontaines could only be a band of the now. And yet, there’s been something so traditional about their ascent.
Got big off the back of solid songwriting, they come off as clear-eyed romantics, still with a bit of the mystery and distance afforded to a rockstar of the past, yet not rockstars because they’re such ordinary people. The everyday poets, with a bit of mysticism about them. Amongst many of the bands that have got big in the last four years, they’re the only ones who are still truly independent, all the rest are on Island (UMG subsidiary). They have, if anything, gone more independent now: they’ve moved from Partisan to XL Recordings, both independent labels, and XL is part of the Beggars Group, perhaps one of the largest to still remain completely independent. At this stage in their career: chart topping albums, huge physical sales, a Grammy nomination, Irish Choice Prize nom and a BRIT win, surely if they wanted to, they could easily get on any of the majors. They could bypass the subs and go directly to like, Warner. They’d definitely get signed if they wanted. They’ve chosen to remain independent, admirably.
In some way, it adds to the appeal of the band. There’s a bit of the old band charm to them. I want to be careful not to over-romanticise or turn to folklore a group of very real human beings who have indicated at times that they are perhaps not very comfortable being put up on a pedestal (they are right), and I respect and honour that notion. But there’s certainly something special about this band. And perhaps Starburster has only reignited my admiration for this band, man they’re good.
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catb-fics · 1 year
Hello! I’m back again, I hope you’re doing well! I don’t visit Tumblr much.
I agree with the hourglass bit, it reminds me of that video someone made of an hour long version of the sigh. 😂
I’m not familiar with all the live sets. I do love to watch T in the Park 2016, Lolla 2017, and of course Reading 2021. I’m not the biggest fan of guys with longer hair but honestly, Van’s rocked every hairstyle he’s had (and I’m counting the coconut head era lol). What are your faves?
Also I just listened to that video of Lou and Bondy introducing their new song and omg! He sounds entirely different, his voice is soo much lighter. I reckon it’s from cleansing the toxicity that he’s mentioned in the past. I love knife-edge, asleep at the feels doesn’t quite resonate with me but that’s okay! I’m so glad that he’s back to putting out music he’s proud of and enjoying the process again! - 😅 anon
Hello 😅 anon, I’m really good thank you, I hope you’re doing well! Yeah it’s pretty quiet around here these days.
Omg don’t remind me of that Hourglass video 😅
T in the Park 2016 and Lolla 2017 are two of my faves to watch too, I don’t watch Reading 2021 as much now as I tend to notice the tension between the boys too much and it takes away from me enjoying the set. I love Van’s long hair though I think he looks amazing with it 🥰
A particular fave of mine to watch is TRNSMT 2019 as I think they were at their peak here. I also adore watching Glasto 2015 as it was one of their first big sets and you can tell how much they’re loving it. They have so much energy! Lolla Chicago 2018 is amazing too. Tbh I love them all ha ha. I have a post with links to all their sets if you’ve not seen them as not all of them are on YouTube. I’ll link it below…
Yes I think you’re right about Bondy, I’ve been trying to put my finger on why he sounds different. Aww I hope he’s really happy doing his own thing now. I’m loving his new sound and Asleep at the Feels has grown on me hugely now and it’s my fave personally. Really looking forward to see what they put out next.
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imagine-that-100 · 1 year
Just an opinion but i feel like fans spread way to many rumors and think they have the right to judge people they only see on instagram. If we like the band and the music, i dont see why we would have to assume things about their partner’s personalities based on what people say on social media.
A very valid opinion to have. I guess in a way were all guilty of it, even with those in the bands because we just guess their personalities as well as we don’t actually know them. I would say on Instagram someone like Arielle for example, her personality shines through in her vids and stuff, however hyperbolic some of them are. Alexa sorta the same, she’s a fashion girlie can see the glimpses of her humour in what she’s like, especially in that one where she’s dressed up in one of the latest vids she’s posted.
Think the issue is with Amanda is that what we’ve all seen of her is that she’s in her 30s and is acting like a teenager with her first ever boyfriend (I won’t bring up what she did to that new fan who accidentally tagged her in a bre edit when she didn’t know Matt wasn’t with her anymore, but that proves a point in itself) . My issue with pauline is that she’s trying too hard to appear a certain way, I’ve only based my opinions on her with what I’ve seen on her Instagram and she just seems boring, which I think is what everyone else has seen too and is a reason why people don’t like her. And that is taking the whole cheating thing out of the equation entirely. For example, when Katie posted the video of pauline dancing and smiling at Glasto the other day, I thought it was nice because we were getting a glimpse of what she’s actually like. Not what she’s appearing to be on insta. If I saw more of that I would probably like her more.
Take Taylor even, since following her since the end of 2019 I haven’t had an issue with her. I think she’s quite cool, I love the cowboy vibes and I love that her fave film seems to be the same as mine. What I’ve been told about her in the past have shocked me, yes. But until I see screenshot proof of it, imma take things with a pinch of salt like I hope most people do when they hear rumours.
At the end of the day, me sharing my opinions on them isn’t going to change anyone else’s opinions in the long run. And everyone is more than welcome to disagree with them. Life would be boring otherwise. Let’s take for example the varying different opinions on Matty at the moment, I love him but manyyyy people out there don’t. And that’s fine, more chance of me getting a ticket to the next gig 😂 I wouldn’t personally say I’m spreading rumours, I’m just forming an opinion from their instas and sharing it to see it anyone else has the same thoughts. Turns out they do but if you don’t that’s more than fine💜
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newmusickarl · 2 years
Top 50 Albums of 2022
4. Skinty Fia by Fontaines D.C.
Considering their cult-like status and massive global following, it can be quite easy to forget that Fontaines D.C. only founded in 2017. Where a lot of artists after a highly successful debut will sit and stew over their follow-up for years on end before releasing another album, in just five short years the Irish post-punk quintet have already found themselves on record number three.
In that time, they have set a very high bar for themselves too – from their instant classic, Mercury Prize-nominated debut Dogrel to their darker, brilliantly moody sophomore record A Hero’s Death, they’ve already delivered two of the finest albums of the last few years. Both those records landed inside my Top 20 in 2019 and 2020 respectively, but now their incredible third album, Skinty Fia, has earned them their highest spot to date on my annual year-end countdown.
The brilliant teaser tracks for Skinty Fia released earlier in the year heavily suggested Fontaines were about to unleash their best album to date with this latest opus. Now after playing it constantly throughout the year, I am certain that it more than holds up to the extremely high standard set by its two predecessors and that it is for me personally, my favourite of their records so far.
Whilst they may have lost some of the raw punk energy that made Dogrel so captivating, their confidence in what they’re creating has grown and it is coming through loud and clear in the music. The musicianship is more accomplished, the songs more dynamic and Chatten’s poetic storytelling is as entrancing as ever.
In ár gCroíthe go deo sets the tone perfectly – a sermon-like six-minute opener that draws on known modern tales of Irish people living in England and highlighting some of the xenophobia they have faced. With the album largely inspired by the band’s own experiences since moving to London, it is a central theme that runs right through the record. 
Big Shot is more classic Fontaines, with the band pondering their newfound fame with genius lyrics like “I travelled to space and found the moon too small.” As great as the original album recording is, the live arrangement of this song is even better, as you can see from the beautiful string-tinged Glasto performance above. How Cold Love Is then features the perfect contrast between a sweet, romantic guitar melody and Grian’s drawling, tired vocals, sonically encapsulating the song’s lyrical subject matter perfectly.
When Jackie Down The Line was released earlier this year it immediately became one of my favourite tracks within their catalogue, and since then only one thing has changed – it is now one of my favourite songs of the whole year too. With a signature jangly guitar melody and an infectious refrain of “I will wear you down in time, I will hurt you, I’ll desert you, I am Jackie down the line” along with the odd “do do do, la la la”, I still think it’s brilliant. The meandering grungy riffs of Bloomsday then make way for other single Roman Holiday, which has a strong, very noticeable Oasis feel to it, both in terms of the Noel Gallagher-esque guitars and Chatten’s own Liam impersonation (which isn't a bad thing).
The Couple Across The Way then sees Grian describing an argumentative couple whilst reflecting on his own relationship. With the track featuring a simple accordion backing for a more Irish trad style feel to it, it divided fans upon release but I have personally always loved it. The accompanying music video is well worth seeking out too, as it really brings the song to life. It arrives at just the right time in the tracklist too, acting as almost a palette cleanser that sets up the final three tracks in quite emphatic fashion. Once the accordion fades and the title track’s brilliantly glitchy synths and thumping drums kick in, you’re suddenly transported into a different zone, and it makes for an utterly exhilarating crossover. With heavy Joy Division vibes, the title track is simply pulsating and another big album highlight.
If that wasn't good enough, subsequent track I Love You then arrives to blow nearly everything else out of the water. Hugely atmospheric, it steadily builds to Grian Chatten’s passionate vocal cries in the song’s outro, with more stunningly poetic lyrics:
“And I loved you like a penny loves the pocket of a priest, And I’ll love you ‘til the grass around my gravestone is deceased, And I’m heading for the cokeys, I will tell 'em 'bout it all, About the gall of Fine Gael and the fail of Fianna Fáil, And now the flowers read like broadsheets, every young man wants to die, Say it to the man who profits, and the bastard walks by, And the bastard walks by, and the bastard walks by, Say it to him fifty times and still the bastard won’t cry, Would I Lie?”
After that jaw-dropping moment, Nabokov then arrives to close the record out perfectly, with some dreamy, spiralling shoegaze riffs that eventually fade the album to black.
Whilst the debate surrounding which Fontaines record is the best will no doubt rage on, and everyone will likely have their own favourite of the three too, there are still some universal conclusions that can be drawn about Skinty Fia. The main one being that this is another hugely impressive and brilliantly crafted work, from one of the finest bands operating anywhere on the planet right now. A worthy addition to their increasingly remarkable discography and without a doubt, one of the year’s very best albums.
Best tracks: Jackie Down The Line, I Love You, In ár gCroíthe go deo
Listen here
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alarrytale · 3 months
And i've seen so many refer to Louis' accent as more mancunian than donny. Last one i saw was a dude commenting on it after the Glasto interview. Eta: Found it!
Unfortunately I think it's all part & parcel of Louis' hero worship of Liam Gallagher and wanting to be like him which began in 2019, but Liam himself does not use his accent when he sings and Oasis songs would not be as popular as they are if he had.
I just think Louis has a weak management and is badly advised. Harry grew up closest to Manchester but he'd never dream of singing in a Mancunian accent and his team would tell him why it would seem pretentious if he tried, and he'd listen.
Zayn has a very strong Bradford accent that hasn't changed a millimetre since XF days but he sings in a very neutral voice. Niall occasionally lets an Irish flourish through but rarely.
So Louis is out on his own with this and could make the decision to stop for lt3.
Bastille had world wide hits and they didn’t hide their accent in their music and I can mention multiple other hits with accents
Hi, anons!
Louis could stop it if he wanted to, but as i've said i don't think he will. I think it's a step towards being seen and accepted as indie. In regards to other artist being successful with an accent, it's not neccessarily the accent that makes them successful, it just hasn't stopped them from being successful. They don't have a large international fanbase like Louis does though. But they do have hit songs, which Louis doesn’t. The question is if Louis can afford to sing with an accent if he doesn’t have hit songs and needs to cater to an international fanbase.
I think we won't ever agree on this, because fandom is so divided. We'll have to wait and see what he does when lt3 rolls around. We can't do anything about it either way.
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quoteoftheweekblog · 1 year
‘But sometimes, girls just want to have fun* The poetry inside of me is warm like a gun’ (Grant and Nowles, 2023).
* Cyndi Lauper in Hazard.
Grant, E. (AKA Lana Del Rey), and Nowels, R. (2023 [2019]) in AZLyrics 'Bartender’. Available at: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/lanadelrey/bartender.html (Accessed 25 June 2023).
Hazard, R. (2023 [1983]) in AZLyrics ‘Girls just want to have fun’. Available at: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/cyndilauper/girlsjustwanttohavefun.html (Accessed 25 June 2023).
‘Baby, remember, I’m not drinking wine But that Cherry Coke you serve is fine’ (Grant and Nowles, 2023).
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QUOTE OF THE WEEK 2011 - 2023
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We seem to have manifested the worm and now he's crawling out of the woodwork—with an old but new picture of Taron... Looking like Sebastian Stan? Also, asking for a friend, how does this dude always seem to post the most unflattering pics of our man? We swear he is pretty, your honour 😂
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niallynwa · 5 years
Is he okay djkdkska twitter.)com/geo_maynard/status/1145306125149102081?s=20
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actualhumansunshine · 5 years
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niallhoran IG story | 27.08
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hlupdate · 5 years
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Louis with friends at Glastonbury Festival (x) - 28/06/19
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This is not a refugee camp, this is the Glastonbury festival 2019.
This is what happens when the eco-loons [those who are constantly preaching to us about climate change] get together. 
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enjolrasgirl · 5 years
Lewis Capaldi Imagine
Fake texts imagine:
Lewis and reader are not quite in a relationship but it seems like this is about the change when she is able to go to see him at Glastonbury.
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Teaser for this imagine! Would anyone be interested in a full version?
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nosweetdreamm · 5 years
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glasto 2019 (x)
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